HRA Agenda 01-10-1996AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 11, 1995 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Ben Smith, Everette Ellison, Tom St. Hilaire, and Brad Barger. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUEST: Rick and Bob Murray, Residential Development, Inc. Brad Larson, Metcalf & Larson. Gene Burdock, Region District Postal Representative. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 7, 1994 AND DECEMBER 15, 1994 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND RECORD THE DISCLOSURE AND ABSTENTION STATEMENTS FROM THE TWO AFFECTED HRA COMMISSIONERS. 4. CONSIDERATION TO READOPT THE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT APPROVAL FOR USE OF TIF FOR THE SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT AND THE APPROVAL FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR RE -IMBURSEMENT OF FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SENIOR HOUSING MARKET ANALYSIS. 5. CONSIDERATION TO READOPT THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PRC TO o PREPARE THE TIF PLAN RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-•19, A HOUSING DISTRICT. 6. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE PLAN RELATING TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, MODIFYING THE PLANS RELATING TO TIF DISTRICTS NO. 1-1 THROUGH 1-18, AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE PLAN RELATING TO TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-10. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE FIRST DRAFT OF THE PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA A14D THE MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING ALLIANCE, INC. 8. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE A NOTE IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,500 FROM THE HRA TO THE MONTICELLO SENIOR HOUSING ALLIANCE, INC. 9. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE CHANCES TO THE PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. 10. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW A REQUEST FROM BRAD LARSON. Continued Page 1 il. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE ISSUANCE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR ROY AND TODD SCHULZ DBA POLYCAST SPECIALTIES, INC. a) H -Window Company b) Custom Canopy, Inc. 12. OTHER BUSINESS. a) IDC BRAINSTORM WORKSHOP, Thursday, January 19, 1995. b) December PRG and Holmes & Graven billings. 13. ADJOURNMENT. C Page 2 MINUTES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, December 6, 1995 - 7:00 p.m., City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson AI Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire. and Everette Ellison. MEMBER ABSENT: Roger Carlson. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill and 011ie Koropchak. GUESTS: Steve Bubul, HRA Attorney Rich Carlson CALL TO ORDER_ Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 4. 19S NnVFMRFR I 199S. HRA MIM rPES Brad Barger made a motion to approve the October 4. 1995. HRA minutes. Seconded by Everette Ellison and with no corrections or additions, the October minutes were approved as written. Al Larson made a motion to approve the November 1, 1995. HRA minutes. Seconded by Brad Barger and with no corrections or additions, the November minutes were approved as written. CONSIDERATION TO CONTRACT WITH PUBLICOR_P_ INC. FOR SERVICES_ RELATING 1'0 TIF. Through a general consensus of the HRA members, preparation for establishment and modification of TIF related issues will be contracted through Publicorp. Inc. Having experienced some problems with Public Resource Group, Inc. (PRG) in the area of TIF Plan modification and creation, the HRA had previously interviewed Mark Ruff and two others from Publicorp. Mark prepared the financial impact analysis for the Katanarek and Olson properties. They appear knowledgeable in the area of TIF and recent changes adopted by Legislation, and have a good working relationship with Attorney Bubul. With the proposed riverfront/downtown redevelopment project under consideration, the HRA felt it was a good time to switch companies. PRG will continue to prepare financial packages (lues and sources) and SBA. CMIF, and State loan applications. One HRA member felt PRG had served the HRA well and was happy with their performance. Page I HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 6.1995 FIT T � YY; M • • Y. ; • Based upon Attorney Bubul's review of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Plan, the plan lacked authorization. Authorization to acquire properties within the boundaries of the Project No. 1 but without the creation of a TIF District. Additionally, the Plan (budget) did not clearly identify the TIF Penalty and amount or method for reimbursement. Therefore, the preparation for condemnation of the Katxmarek property has been delayed by a month or two. Properties for possible acquisition, acquisition costs, and consulting fees will be identified within the modification of the the Plan. The HRA will adopt the resolution for modification on January 10 and the public hearing and adoption by the City Council is schuduled for January 22. Thereafter will the condemnation process begin. Attorney Bubul informed members that modification of the plan would broaden the HRA's criteria for redevelopment. Additionally, he informed members of the two approaches for condemnation. Quick -take approach is a 90 -day process which locks the HRA into a condemnation price established by the commission. The settlement approach is a six-month or longer process which allows the HRA the option to backout. Estimated attorney fees above acquisition is approximately S20,000- $25,000. HRA members anticipate "money" is not the issue with Katanarek. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE RELATING TO THE DOWNTOWN/RIVERFRONT REVITALIZATION PRESENTATION BY THERESA WASHBURN AND THE CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS THE POTENTIAL OF THE HRA LOAN TO FUND ONE-YEAR CONSULTING EU& Since the presentation of Theresa Washburn on November 16, the coalition group met on November 28. Based on the time being right and upon hearing positive comments, the coalition decided to move forward. Direction was given to continue utilizing the consulting services of Theresa Washburn, to establish a second meeting date in January with the consultant, for the HRA to research the potential of a loan for the consultant's fees. and to research the availability of an intem from SCSU or other qualified individuals for possible employment as a project manager. All individuals in attendance at the November 16 meeting were to receive an update relating to the move forward decision, and surveyed for the area of volunteer service Page 2 HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1995 of their desire and to suggest others who may be interested in the revitalization project. The cost to date for Theresa's November 16 visit was $1,078.75. Bills from the Monticello Times for advertisement and distribution of fliers have not been received. Attorney Bubul informed HRA members that the authority can hire a consultant for a public purpose project located within the redevelopment project boundaries. Consultant fees qualify as part of the available 10% administration cost from all TIF Districts. Wolfsteller estimated the TIF Surplus at approximately $200.000. Koropchak contacted the Cities of Pine Island and Waseca. Both communities had utilized Theresa as a consultant. Both revitalization projects were tied to existing structures (community reinvestments) and were funded by various public and private dollars. Both coummumities agreed that Theresa's strengths were motivation, energy, and an aggressive approach. "An outsider with a leadership ability to lay things out from an objective viewpoint, non-political." The volunteer levels were high, then fall, and rose again to a median constant. Everette Ellison made a motion for the HRA to lend a not -to -exceed amount of $10,000to a borrower (undetermined organization) for Theresa Washburn's one-year consultant fee, this to encourage the continuation of the riverfrom/downtown revitalization project. The loan has a one-year payback, is interest-free and unsecured. The HRA will not hire the consultant, the interest-free loan is a loan to the consultant's employer. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The one-year consulting proposal includes five periodic workshops with unlimited telephone consulting service for a total of $7,600 plus accommodations. Secondly, the HRA considered the purchase of the "J" Corporation warehouse facility behind the vacated Johnson Department Store. It was understood a private individual offered 535,(K)(Ifor the facility with an EMV of $22,600. The cold storage facility obstructs the view of the river reported O'Neill. With the potential of a revitalization project which is outlined in the proposed comprehensive plan update. an opportune time may exist for purchase and demolition. This to add value to the downtown or riverfront redevelopment project, a good investment. St. Hilaire objected to the City purchase of downtown property when a private individual is a willing buyer or perhaps the coalition would be interested as a buyer. If an economic benefit exists, developers would be here. Riverfront/downtown redevelopment has not been defined as an HRA goal not does a plan exist for a riverfront/downto%tt redevelopment project said St. Hilaire, Chairperson Larson informed members of his repeated concern by citizens relating to the declining status Page 3 HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 6.1995 of the downtown area. People are interested in their community and Larson felt in the past a greater emphasis was placed on housing and industrial development than the downtown redevelopment. A community needs a mix of all three. The January visioning workshop with Theresa will begin to establish the goals and objectives for the revitalization project. O'Neill stated one objective of an HRA is redevelopment. St. Hilaire agreed, redevelopment with revenues, not with expenditures. It appears the focus of staff is to spend rather than create revenues. O'Neill said the Comprehensive Plan Update identifies the downtown as a problem area. Theresa being a follow-through to address the identified problem area. Brad Barger agreed that the HRA not expend dollars for redevelopment prior to adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Update and establishment of goals by the coalition group. O'Neill said the purchase price of the Johnson warehouse may go ttp. Ellison felt the Johnson property would be part of a redevelopment plan now or later and felt the HRA should purchase the warehouse and lease it out. St. Hilaire felt without a plan, any revitalizationtredevelopment becomes a piece -meal project. (Amended 1-10-96: Deletion.) Barger suggested Johnson be encouraged to lease out the building for one-year, O'Neill responded that was not an option. Although the HRA was concerned with the declining status of the downtown area, the HRA recommended a shon-term rental of the Johnson warehouse and recommended the Council consider hiring an individual to focus on redevelopment of the riverfront/downtown. Additionally. Larson reiterated the comment by Bill Demeules: Standard Iron looked at communities with a vital downtown. !. • � Y. . • 1 at • y •. l l• a .is]: l . • u p�Y Without a plan for riverfront/downtown redevelopment, Brad Barger made a motion to table any action for purchase on this property. Everette Ellison seconded the motion. Further discussion revealed the HRA felt the property was not worth $163.500. The motion passed unanimously. Rich Carlson said time was of the essence from the prospective of the seller and stated market prices are typically 20.25% greater than the tax value. This property's marketing price is $190,000. This property has 330 A of river frontage and a typical Page 4 HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1995 of the downtown area. People are interested in their community and Larson felt in the past a greater emphasis was placed on housing and industrial development than the downtown redevelopment. A community needs a mix of all three. The January visioning workshop with Theresa will begin to establish the goals and objectives for the revitalization project. O'Neill stated one objective of an HRA is redevelopment. St. Hilaire agreed, redevelopment with revenues, not with expenditures. It appears the focus of staff is to spend rather than create revenues. O'Neill said the Comprehensive Plan Update identifies the downtown as a problem area. Theresa being a follow-through to address the identified problem area. Brad Barger agreed that the HRA not expend dollars for redevelopment prior to adoption of the Comprehensive Plan Update and establishment of goals by the coalition group. O'Neill said the purchase price of the Johnson warehouse may go up. Ellison felt the Johnson property would be part of a redevelopment plan now or later and felt the HRA should purchase the warehouse and lease it out. St. Hilaire felt without a plan, any revitalization/redevelopment becomes a piece -meal project. Larson suggested the Kjellberg building be a future agenda item for consideration. Barger suggested Johnson be encouraged to lease out the building for one-year, O'Neill responded that was not an option. Although the HRA was concerned with the declining status of the downtown area, the HRA recommended a short-term rental of the Johnson warehouse and recommended the Council consider hiring an individual to focus on redevelopment of the riverfront/downtown. Additionally. Larson reiterated the comment by Bill Demeules: Standard Iron looked at communities with a vital downtown. IMM •. .• r.1:62,111113 • ti • .s t• rr. • - r • . • .r Without a plan for riverfront/downtown redevelopment, Brad Barger made a motion to table any action for purchase on this property. Everette Ellison seconded the motion. Further discussion revealed the HRA felt the property was not worth 5163,500. The motion passed unanimously. Rich Carlson said time was of the essence from the prospective of the seller and stated market prices are typically 20-25 % greater than the tax value. This property's marketing price is S180.000. This property has 310 It of river frontage and a typical Page 4 HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1995 river lot has 100 ft of river frontage. St. Hilaire felt the property was worth between $50,000 to $55,000 minus demolition. Ellison felt the property was worth $129,000. O'Neill repeated results from the focus group meetings and the need for the Parks. Planning, and HRA to focus on the downtown, river, and blight. St. Hilaire questioned if we had the money, it appears taxes are increasing by 20%. We do not need more parks, we need revenues. Ellison supported some intangibles with good planning and felt the extension of the Bridge Park to the west was good. O'Neill grated with city growth comes recreational growth. Barger suggested purchase of the non -buildable three easterly lots. St. Hilaire repeated the need for a plan. Chairperson Larson suggested the HRA consider hiring a planner who specializes in riverfront/dowmown redevelopment for preparation of a plan and study. Attorney Bubul informed members this expenditure qualified as a use of TIF Funds. The completed plan/study would need approval of the Planning Commission and would be an implementation of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Al Larson made a motion to (Amended 1-10-96: to begin the interviewing process of consultants) with expertise in the area of riverfront/downtown redevelopment for preparation of a plan and study. The specialized planner is independent of Steve Grinman. The plan/study is an implementation of the Comprehensive Plan Update and Theresa Washburn's efforts; is to focus on traffic, road, and pedestrian circulations; and to include but not limited to design/architect and a market feasibility analysis. (Amended I-10-96: The plan/study to determine the northerly/southerly boundaries and the easterly/westerly boundaries of the proposed project area for redevelopment.) Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Attorney Bubul and the Leaque of Minnesota Cities will supply references. The planner must have the ability to give motivating presentations. Estimated cost, less than $50AI0. Koropchak is to review this motion with Theresa Washburn. CONSIDERATION TO RATIFY THE EXECUTION OF THE SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA AND FIRSTAR BANK AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA_ AND VECTOR TOOL. Kompchak informed HRA members that since the original approval of the Subordination Agreement, the lender requested two changes. Upon the advise of the HRA Attorney and in order to avoid termination of the project, the Chair and Director agreed to the request. Changes: First, the HRA terminates its right of reversion relating to default of the mortgage; however, the mortgagee agrees to use Page 5 HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1995 river lot has 100 ft of river frontage. St. Hilaire felt the property was worth between $50,000 to 555,000 minus demolition. Ellison felt the property was worth $129,000. O'Neill repeated results from the focus group meetings and the need for the Paries, Planning, and HRA to focus on the downtown, river, and blight. St. Hilaire questioned if we had the money, it appears taxes are increasing by 20 %. We do not need more parks, we need revenues. Ellison supported some intangibles with good planning and felt the extension of the Bridge Part to the west was good. O'Neill stated with city growth comes recreational growth. Barger suggested purchase of the non -buildable three easterly lots. St. Hilaire repeated the need for a plan. Chairperson Larson suggested the HRA consider hiring a planner who specializes in riverfront/downtown redevelopment for preparation of a plan and study. Attorney Bubul informed members this expenditure qualified as a use of TIF Funds. The completed plan/study would need approval of the Planning Commission and would be an implementation of the Comprehensive Plan Update. All Larson made a motion authorizing the HRA to hire a planner with expertise in the area of riverfront/downtown redevelopment for preparation of a plan and study. The specialized planner is independent of Steve Grittman. The plan/study is an implementation of the Comprehensive Plan Update and Thema Washburn's efforts; is to focus on traffic, road, and pedestrian circulations; and to include but not limited to design/architect and a market feasibility analysis. Plan/study defined within the northerly/southerly boundaries of the Mississippi River/I-94 and the easterly/westerly boundaries of approximately the Senior High/Pinewood Elementary. Brad Barger seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Attorney Bubul and the Leaque of Minnesota Cities will supply references. The planner must have the ability to give motivating presentations. Estimated cost, less than $50,000. Koropchak is to review this motion with Theresa Washburn. Koropchak informed HRA members that since the original approval of the Subordination Agreement, the lender requested two changes. Upon the advise of the HRA Attorney and in order to avoid termination of the project, the Chair and Director agreed to the request. Changes: First, the HRA terminates its right of reversion relating to default of the mortgage. however, the mortgagee agrees to use Page 5 HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1995 reasonable efforts to provide the HRA with a copy of the notice of default. Secondly, the HRA terminates its first right of refusal relating to foreclosure: however, the mortgagee will consult with the HRA and make good faith efforts to cooperate with the HRA is locating and selling the property to a third party. Next, the HRA Chair and Director executed a License Agreement on November 9, 1995, between the HRA and Vector Tool which allowed the company to begin construction prior to land conveyance and the closing. The closing was held November 21, 1995. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion ratifying the execution of the Subordination Agreement of November 21, 1995, between the HRA and Firstar Bank and the execution of the License Agreement of November 9, 1995, between the HRA and Vector Tool & Manufacturing, Inc. Everette Ellison seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF THE TIF PAY -AS -YOU - 00 REIMBURSEMENTS FOR MAREPS FARM SERVICE AND CUSTOM CANOPY, INC Tom St. Hiliare made a motion authorizing the 1995 reimbursement payment of S2,500to Russ and Sharon Martie upon receipt of the $2,735.74from the county. The motion also approved execution of the Certificate of Completion and authorized the 1995 reimbursement payment of $7,426.59to Stephen and Joan Birkeland, Jr. upon the City receiving S2,426.59for HACA Penalty less S1,065.96of the available tax increment ($12,618,86). Brad Barg -r seconded the motion. Per an inspection by the building official on December 5, 1995, Custom Canopy had completed the requirements of the December 7,1994, HRA motion. However, the building official noted that the company is now in violation of the outdoor storage ordinance as vehicles are parked outside the screen -fenced area. Reimbursement payment to Birkeland is for 1995 only, 1996 reimbursement is subject to compliance of the noted outdoor storage violation. Birkeland should be advised of the HRA requirement for 1996 reimbursement. With no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Attorney Bubul noted upon default of a contract, the developer receives a Notice of Default with 30 days to cure. Page 6 HRA MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1995 AI Larson made a motion authorizing reimbursement payment of $10,000 beginning February 1996 to the Ii -Window Company subject to receipt of evidence for completion of the site improvements as required. Parking, lighting, and fencing have been completed as it relates to the expansion. Planting of bushes and installation of curbing will be completed in the spring 1996. Cold weather prohibited completion this fall. Tom St. Hilaire seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. in Kr. tr . r IGNIM (Oil :INT/ A. e Y OWS 1.0)"ll"ItIm Eel. 0 Ili I WN III INCIIII to] With the HRA's interest to increase the tax base and create new jobs, Tom St. Hilaire made a motion that the HRA would welcome the opportunity to consider additional TIF assistance for a proposed Fay -Mar expansion upon the company's compliance of the city ordinance relating to out -door storage and upon resolving the problem with Schluender Construction Company. Al Larson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Larson advised HRA members of the EDA recommendation relating to consolidation of the HRA and EDA. The EDA recommended to the Council that the existing two -organizational commission structure remain and that the Council consider waiving the residency requirement for commissioners. Commission members must have a vested interest in the community. Everette Ellison made a motion of recommendation to the City Council endorsing the re -appointment of Roger Carlson for a five-year HRA term, expiration date of December, 2000, and re -instating the four remaining HRA members as follows: Tom St. Hilaire December 1996 Everette Ellison December 1997 Al Larson December 1998 Brad Barger December 1999 Roger Carlson December 2000 Page 7 HRA WNITPES DECEMBER 6, 1995 Al Larson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. ur. : 1. . a) By a consensus of the HRA members, the October and November bills from Publicorp, PRG, and Kennedy & Graven were ok'd. b) Other business - None. The HRA meeting 4oumed at 9:30 p.m. 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director Page 9 HRA AGENDA A- JANUARY 10, 1996 Enclosed as supporting data is a copy of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I with highlighted areas of the proposed modifications. Please note the properties identified by the HRA for future consideration to acquire and the proposed budget associated with those acquisition-. The existing Project No. I did not allow the HRA to acquire parcels outside created TIF Districts located within the boundaries of Project No. I. After the City Council adopts the resolution for modification on January 22, 1996, the HRA will adopt a resolution to proceed with condemnation of the Katzmarek property. For this purpose. Attorney Bubul and Publicorp have combined the budget for the land acquisition and planning studies of each of the districts into a single budget which is suffice for this modification. llowever, they recommend that the IIRA and City update the cash flow for each district to determine their potential surpluses and to outline what are eligible expenditures for each district given its type and the year in which it was established. The HRA should then modify the budget again to protect from any legislative changes and to apportion the master budget to each district. B. Altemative actions. I. A motion to adopt the resolution modifying Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1; modifying TI District Nos. 1-1 through 1.18; and approving the Central Monticello Redevelopemnt Plan and TIF Plans relating thereto. 2. A motion to deny adoption of the enclosed resolution. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Staff recommendation Staff recommends alternative action no. I for continuation of the process to acquire the Kaumarek parcel and for ILture consideration to acquire other blighted properties. Page I NRA AGENDA JANUARY 10, 1996 Copies of the TIF process schedule, excerpts of the Plan for modification, and resolution for adoption. Page 2 DEC 28 195 06:35PM DLERS & PSSOCIRTES P. 3,9 MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOFMENT AUTHORITY AND THE MONTICELLO CTCV COUNCIL MODIFICATION OF CENTRAL MON710ELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE TAX INCREME14T FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7,1,1-9,1-10,1-11, I-12,1-13, 1-14,1-13,1-16,1-17,1-18, and 1-19 rSdRdYL9 City Council calls for a public hearing to modify Redevdopmeut Project No. U 1 and modify Tax louv Brit Financing Districts Nos. 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6,1.7,1.8, 1-9, 1-10, !•11, 1.12, I-13, I -I4,1-15, 1-16, 1-17, 1-18. and 1-19 December 21, 1995 Plain forwarded to School District and County Board (at least 30 days prior to public hearing). Planning Commission finds Plan to be in compliance with the Comprehensive plan. Jaiaury 5, 1996 Send public hearing notice and map to local paper. January 11, 1996 Date of publication of having notice and [trap (at team 10 days but not more Um 30 days prior to hearing). January 10, 1996 HRA approves the Plans. January 22, 1996 City Council holds public batwing on the modification of Redevelopment Project No. 1 and Tu I=== District Financing Districts Nos. 1-1, 1.2, 1-18, and 1-19 and puscs resolutions approving tba Plait. February. 1996 EYderv?ublicorp certifies Plans to county and cute. DEC 21 '95 11:47AM EKDZS 8 ASSOCIATES p.4/9 MODIFICATIONS TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISMCT NOS. 1-1,1-2.1-7, 14, 1-5, IA l -t0,1 -I1,1-12,1-13, 1-14,1-13, I-16, 1-17,1-18, . _- .- . Modifketioos gpavo : January 22, 1996 City of Momic" mwmom MootkeUo Homing and Redavebpment Authority DEC 21 '95 11:47PM &LERS & ASSOCIATES P. MODIFICATIONS TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NOS. 1.2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1.8. 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1-12, 1-13, 1-14, I•I5, 1.16, 1.17, 1-18, and 1-19 Section 2.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1, Section 3.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 2, Section 4.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 3, Section 5.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 4, Section 6.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 5, Section 7.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 6, Section 8.12 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 7, Section 9.14 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 8. Section 10.17 of the Tax Inurement Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 9, Section 11.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 10, Section 12.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 11, Section 13.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 12, Section 14.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 13. Section 15.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 14, Section 16.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 15, Section 17.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 16, Section 18.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 17, Section 19.17 of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 18, and Section 20.17 of the Tex Increment Financing Plan for Tax I nerement Financing District No. 19, arc hereby amended to included he following reference: (AS AMENDED JANUARY 22, 1996) Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness: An estimated total amount of bonded indebtedness for all tax increment financing districts is expected to be increased by no more than %w. nm in original principal amount plus interest costs. The bonded indebtedness may take tho form of a general obligation tax increment bond, limited revenue note, or other obligation of the HRA and/or City. DEC 21 '95 11:4741 EFLERS & ASSOCIATES P.6/9 PID Number. 155-015-022-020 PID Number: 155-015-022-040 Also described as Those parts of Lots 2, 3, 4, 10, 1 I, 12. Block 22 and Block 21 lying southeasterly of the center line of said Lot 2 extended nortaewrdy to the shoreline of the Mississippi River and lying northwesterly of the northeasterly extension of the southeasterly line of said Lot 10. Also that part of Lot 5 of Auditors Subdivision No. One according to the recorded map thereof lying westerly of the southwesterly extension of the southeasterly line of Lot 4, Block 22, LOWER MONTICELLO according to the recorded plat thereof extended southwesterly to the southwest line of said Lot 5 except that part lying southeasterly of a line parallel with and 12.5 feet northerly of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly extension of the southeasterly line of Lot 5 of said Block 22 with the southeasterly extension of the southwest line of said Block 22, thence southwesterly at a deflection angle of 132 degrees 46 minutes from the said southeasterly extension of the southwest line of Block 22, a distance of 139.5 fat more or less to said southwest line of Lot 5 of Auditor's Subdivision No. One and said line there terminating. Also that part of Broadway Street of LOWER MONTICELLO according to the recorded plat thereof lying southeasterly of the southwesterly extension of the anter line of Lot 2, Block 22 of said LOWER MONTICELLO and northeasterly of the northwesterly extension of the southwest line of Lot 5 of the Auditor's Subdivision No. Ono according to the recorded map thereof. (AS MODDUD JANUARY 22,19%) The HRAiweAAso ems acquiro the folloct wing parcels as described by address and parcel number. 1400 West Broadway 155-500.033101 225 Front Street 155-010.064010 525 East Broadway ISS -01S-003060 109 West Broadway 153-010.052131 109 Walnut 155410-052130 Each of these parcels is currently Inside the boundarks of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I but outside of the boundaries of no axistiall tax increment flaancin; district. However, at a future time one or more of ilia parcels may be included in a tai Increment flnaneing district. The HRA or City may acquire property listed In this subsection of the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the Housing and Redevelopment Act. Including sequbiton of real or personal property or any interest therein by gilts, grant. purchase, exchange, base, transfer, bequest. devise or otherwise, and by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, in the manner provided by Mioncsom Sutumes, Chapter 117. Subsection 1.9. Public Improvements and Facilities Within Redevelopment Proiect No. 1. Publicly 1.16 DEC 21 '95 11:48AM ERDZ'5 8 ASSOCIATES P.7/9 Tax Tncrement Financina District No. 1.18 i (As adopted November 28. 1994) 1. Soil Correction. Tax increment Firuneing District No_ 1-19 (As adopted February 27,1995) 1. Demolition. 2. Site improvements. 3. Public improvements(sweat, sewer, water). 4. Site preparation. S. Parkmg/laodscaping (AS MODMED, JANUARY 32,19%) For property acquired witbia the Redevelopment Project but outside of the boundaries of a current tas ineremeat Anaaelog district, the following costs may be incurred: 1. Demolition.. ^ ' 2. Lend Acquisition 3. Relocation Subsection 1.10. Estimated Public Loju and C.mneeive Data. The estimated costs of the public improvements to be made within Rodevelopme t Project No. 1 and financed by tax inasments derived primarily from Tu lnaemew Financing Districts within Redevelopment Project No. l area follows: Tax Increment Finmeinv District No. 1.1 (As adopted November 29, 1988) The estimate of public costs associated witb this project, and to be recovered by tax in cut financing aro as follows: Lad Acquisition $58,600.00 Special Assessments 14,901.47 Subtotal $73.301.67 IU Oakwood Tax laerasom Financial District No. I.I will be established with respect to the can 190 feet of Lot 7, Block 3. Oakwood Industrial Pak, whib dee above figures reflect ants for all of Lot 7. Based on that division of Wnd, the following figures apply to this project. Land Acquisition $29.300.00 Special Assessments 7 4= Subtotal $36.750.83 Interest (8%) 14.400.00 1-21 DEC 21 '95 11:48W EH -ERS 8 ASSOCIATES P.8/9 (AS MODIFIED JANUARY 22, 1996) The budgets for the estimated politic costs for Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1,1-2,1-3, 14, 1-5,1.6, 1-79 1-g, 1-9,1-10,1-11, 1-12,1-13, 1-14, 1-15, 1.16, I-17, 1-19, and 1-19 are hereby modified as follows: For various land acquisition activities and redevelopment and revitalization studies in the Redevelopment Project the current expected costs include: Land Acquisition 5500,000.00 Demotition/lWocation 200,000.00 Contingency 200.000.00 Subtotal $900,000.00 Administration ".00000 Total Subject to restrictions as applicable to each individual to Increment fitsanciog district pursuant to Mbmesota Statutues, Section 469.174 to 469.176 (including timludons as to the type of development that may be assisted and geogrephk boundaries within which increment may be spent), tax increment from &try existing and future tax ineremeat financing district may be used to pay for public costs. This budget is In addition to existing public cost budgets for each tax increment financing district. Interest on any bonds or other obligations incurred are also to be paid from increment in addition to the Una items listed In the budget above. Subsection 1.11. Land Use. All new and/or existing development on land identified on Exhibits 1•C through I -F as "property to be acquired" or "possible acquisition" will be subject to the following uses and requirements: Uses Permitted in Designated Areas. IL Industrial --All permitted, accessory and conditional uses as specified in Chapters 15 and 16, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, relating to 1.1 (Light Industry) and 1.2 (Heavy Industry) zones. Planned Unit Developments, where applicable, will be considered. b. HousinMsidcmiat -All permitted, accessory and conditional uses as specified in Chapter a and 10, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, relating to R•3 (Medium Density Residential) and R -B (Residential -Business) zones. Planned Unit Developments, where feasible, will be encouraged. Downtown/Commereial—All permitted. accetwry, and conditional uses in accordance with the provisions governing all "B" zones and including R -B, providing however that any commercial development in an R -B zone shill be coordinated with the goals and objectives of the liousing Plan. Planned Unit Developments, especially in the B-3 zono (Highway Business), will be encouraged. 2. Additional Provisions. a. Scrsrnjnt--Becauso the overall appearance of a community contributes to the ability to 1.32 DEC 21 '95 11:48MD4_ERS 8 ASSOCIATES P.9/9 9. PurMWa to the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect inere sod Project costa, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Pim for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified April 12, 1993) 10. Pursuant to the adoption of rho Modified Reda elopmeat Plan for Redevelopment Project No. I, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increased Project costs as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified September 27,1993) 11. Pursueot to the adoption of the Modified Redarlopment Plea for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increood Project cm% as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan, for Roilmlopmetn Project No. 1. (As modified March 14, 1994) 12. Pursuant to the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopman Projea No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect increased Project costs, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified August 1. 1994) 13. Pursuant to die adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect incimtted Project costs, as given in Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified Novema 29.1994) 14. Pursuant to tho edoptioo of die Modified Redevelopment Phm for Redevelopment Prc jest No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflm increased PmJect costs and enlarged geogrshie area, as given in Subsection I.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As modified February 27, 1995) IS. Pmum to the adoption of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby modified to reflect inessed Project cost as given In Subsection 1.10 of the Modified Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1. (As UN111 isd Jasavy 12.1996) 16. Puauast to the adopd= of the Modi8 d R .' ..., Plha W i1, ' • — Paojeet No. 1. the Radlwebpment Pias Is busby modified to ref3sit lac MW Project coati, u &M In Subsection 1.10 of the ModlOed Rcdesgopinto Phu for Radevelopment Project No, 1. 1-37 DEC 28 195 06:35PM EFLERS 8 ASSOCIATES HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO., RESOLUTION MODVMG CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. l; MODIFMG TAX 1N1(RIBUN T DISTRICT NOS 1-1,1.2,1J. IJ,1.5,1 ,1-7,1-8,1-9,1-10,1-11,1-12,1-13,1-1b 1-L% 1-16, 1-17, and 1-18; AND APPROVING THE CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVEIAPM M PLAN AND TAX INMEMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS. the City Council (the"CoumeiP") of the City of Monticello (the "City") has Proposed to modify the Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan") for Central Monticello Redevelop rim Project No. l (the "Redmlopmeat Project No. 1") and modify the Tax Increment Financing Pians for the TalncrementDistrictNos. 1-1,1-2,1.3,1.4, 1 -S, 1 -C 1-7,1-8,1-9, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12, 1.13.1-14, 1-15, 1. 16, -13,1-14,1-15,1- 16, 1-17, and 1-18 (the "the Tax Ineremem Distriw"� all pursuant to and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive, as amended; sod WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticall (the "Authority) has investigated the f = and have caused to be papered s modified Redevelopment Plea for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and modified Tan Increment Finaocing Plan for the Tau Increment Districts (� "Plans"X and MIEREAS, Proposed dsvehhpmem as described in the Plans in the opinion of the Authority, would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through Private investment within the reasonable form, le htum and, therefor, the use of to inurement 5numing is domed nccassrl , and WMEPEAS, the Authority and city have perfumed all actions required by law to be Performed prior to the moditleation of Redevelopment Pmjeet No. 1 and the modification of the Tan Increment DisotM including, but not limited to, notification of Wright County and School District No. 8!2 having taxing jurisdiction over the property included in the Tax Inurement Distrien, a review by the City Planning Commission of the proposed PLro, and the scheduled holding of a Public hewing upon published notice as required by law. BE R RESOLVED by the Board ofCommisaimms ofthe Housing and Redevelopment Authority In and for the City of Monticello, as follows: 1. The Plans are hereby approved and adopted and shall be placed on tale in the office of the Executive Director. 2. Subject to die approval of the Pians by the City Council, the Authwiys advisor and legal counsel a e autorimcl and dire cted to proceed with the implement+tlom of Tho Plans and for this purpose to negotiate, draft; F; - - and present to this Board for its consideration all huthor plans, resohnim DEC 2B '95 06:35PM M -LMS S ASSOCIATES P. 5/9 documents end contracts necessary fu this pmposu. 3. Upon approval of the Pleas by the City Ca mci4 the bwcu ive Director is mftdmd to toew std a copy of the Plam to the Wright Canty Auditor ad the Minnesota Deparsmtmt of Rave= pmmmt to bdimesots Somme 169.176. subdivision t Approved by me Bora of commissioners oft o Monticello Homing and Rehmlopmw Authonay this 10th day c0anuaay,19K ATrM. M%VAPMTAVAQMn=T1M0Dt9AAPPQOVBJZS HRA AGENDA JANUARY 10, 1996 1 yl 11111 1 11.111 okvj l :l :1 71 Based on the December 6,1995, motion, the HRA authorized the hiring of a planner who specializes in the area of riverfront/downtown redevelopment. With recommendations from Theresa Washburn, Attorney Bubul, and the l.eaque of Minnesota Cities; Jeff O'Neill has contacted various cities for copies of request for proposals (RFP). The modified RFP for Monticello's purpose may be included as supporting data or will be presented at the HRA meeting for your review. Theresa had no objections to the hiring a planner; however, suggested the hiring selection follow the visioning workshop of Saturday, January 20,1996.'his does not appear to be a problem as after mailing of the RFP, 2-3 weeks for return, and the interviewing process; we will be beyond the 20th of January. Other coalition group members may participate in the interviewing process; however, the HRA is the voting body for hiring the specialized planner. Scheduled meeting dates for HRA members: Thursday, January 18, 1996, 5:00 p.m. Review Comprehensive Plan Update (City Council and Planning Commission), City Hall Saturday, January 20, 1996, 9:00 a.m. Visioning Workshop - District Board Room. Wednesday, January 24, 1996, 6:30 p.m. Joint meeting for members of the Planning and Parts Commission and IIRA. Wednesday, February 7, 1996, next scheduled HRA meeting. Page I The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), City of Monticello (City), and the Downtown/Riverfront District Coalition (DRDC) are requesting proposals from qualified firma for the development of a design, traffic, market, and financial plan for redevelopment or revitalization of the traditional dowthown and nearby riverfront area. The final plan must stem from commu6ity ivoRvement and reflect, to the extent possible, the desires of the public. A coczlQi ' ' - process is as important as the product. i The parties are seeking qualified consulting firms, preparing revitalization studies and developing.`sti of study recommendations. 4 z The submission deadline for proposals is 4 p.i to the address specified below. The project is montlta of the award of the contract. The M& intent of selected other cii a plan b CITY OF MOD ATTN: JEFF 250 EAST BR( PO BOX 1147' input: LL //\ AY 6 76362 / for y 26 1996, to be submitted be c�dmpleted within sia i sufficient funds to pay for this project. It is the MA enter into a contract for services with the Pladning Commission, Parks Commission, DRDC, tens at large will contribute toward development of support will be provided by the City. basic components. They include: sign of the downtown/riverfront area (study area) and other areas defined by the study as affecting the vitality of the study area. 2. A market analysis of the study area. 3. Analysis of cost/benefit of incorporating development of a community center into the overall plan for the study area. DOWNTOWINA P: t/M Page I 4. Specific recommendations for financing and implementing the plan. PROJECT COMPONENTS 1. Physicaldesign of h c ,dy area. This plan should assess and analyze the historic and existing conditions of the study area as well as a design for future improvements. This section should include but not be limited to: a. A land use plan for the study area and f land use�djacent areas identified by the firm as affect�ngr vitahtp,ofe, study area. b. Existing public amenities and infrasiructure re tion improvements (including public pai!lting and.access to area s is to also include traffic impacts and recommendations fo _. ' transportation system changes bo&in an"ut of the study area. C. Existing Parcel, easement, pathway,and,rD coiY6 gurations and recommendations for replat"* ,to improve6Rmmeri6ial viability and to improve utilization of the riv6rfmnt an asset / d. Historical significance Pan e. Existing uses of h ecific11ecommendations for buildings to be removed., p�e� ! f. Development of design ten opprivate and public structures, cludi�tuldii gs, facades and signage. g. \endations f r.enforcement of design criteria. h.rldpt on,,O ululd include designs and preliminary estimates of r o�uthe plan is in conflict or harmony with the nsive plan for the City. The pati should include the following: a. Identification of existing and future economic opportunities and threats to the traditional downtown area. b. An analysis of the existing and potential public, commercial, residential, and industrial, recreationnl/tourism users in the area. DowxTOWN.RFP. vase Page 2 3. 4 C. Potential for methods to encourage restoration or impro maintenance of housing stock within the pfejectarea. d. Specific recommendations regarding recruitment of commercial and recreational users to the study area. e. Plans for reuse of existing vacant or underutilized buildings. into the overall plan for redevelopment. a. Determine if a community center is a redevelopment plan for the study are desires of the community. b. Determine the optimum community c civic/community uses necessary to su goals and meet community desires/ a. Financing: 1. A discussion of 2. Recommendatio 3. A financial f si b. n Implemental n,bf the amic'fitetors and t an and me tgf� area development parties for financing. tion portion of the plan should focus on the of i�ty and all recommendations identified in the plain ation pP organizations that would be primarily ac�project. This portion of the plan should be a step action plan that identifies future actions and The plan Jbhould be divided into phases with recommended start and finish tes and methods of accountability for each phase. It is im t to have quantifiable measures to indicate the success of phase of the plan. The consultant must identify theso methods of _ untability in the plan. The plan shall be a blueprint for the steps and projects that need implementation for a systematic revitalization of the traditional downtown area. DOWNTOWN.RFA nares Page 3 FINAL PRODUCT The consultant shall prepare and submit 50 copies of the final plan and shall schedule a final presentation to the community at a public meeting, which shall include professional visual aids summarizing the findings and recommendations. THE CITY Monticello is a city of 6,000 people located on the Mississippi River and.103, Interstate 94 approximately 30 miles northwest of the Minnea#olis/SPaul Metro area. The population within a radius of 5 miles is approximaf V.,1CO00. Founded in the 1850'x, Monticello was incorporated,in 1856.. 2 the city has experienced significant m ty xp gni growth which has accelerated since 1992: population is currently growing at a rate of about 4% peryeear. `� Vii" In 1995, the City began the process of u pdating the compreheiisi plan for the city. The draft of the plan identified downtown and riverfront redevelopment as a priority for the community. Subsequentto`tlie identiacatio"t this community issue, a team is emerging to address' develo�ii ent issues✓ibllowing are team members, activities to date, and the Tole each plays. The Planning Commission andit'y Couacil, through development of the comprehensive plan, have identified d'owntown/riverfront redevelopment as an important issue. There.ie-wcommunity coAn esus that action needs to be taken to utilize the riJerfront setting to enhance tk{"ability of the downtown area. The City Ceuncil had ro4i ad- staENupport for the activities of the HRA and the activitiesofthe D -W 7 The HRA has�f llowed up on comprehensive planning efforts by conducting awell- attended`eommumn ty wor6hop focusing on the downtown area with the guidance of consul(artt Theresa Washburn. The workshop spawned the recent establishment of the.9RDC. The HRA's providing support to the DRDC by loaning funds sufficient to4&e Washburn to bbip organize and develop the DRDC organization and provide additional input in.tye planning process. The firm selected will use information �btai edvia a v+nary workshop conducted on January 20, 1995, by Washburn. 'bite H igrmarked funds sufficient to finance the redevelopment plan activitiesp�posed in this document and will be involved in funding appropriate re$ovelop ent activity as identified in the plan. The DRDC is a private, non-profit organization with functions similar to a "Mainstreet" organization. The DRDC duties include development of downtown promotions, business financing, fund-raising programs, and design. DOWNTOW�7.RFP: I/M Pago 4 Your proposal should include the following: 1. Information demonstrating your understanding and perspective regarding the goals of the project, assumptions underlying the project, and problems you anticipate in completing the project. 2. A proposed approach to the project. The approachshallyour firm intends to communicate with the Umbirrs and howlu p se to involve local business people, property ownersrand other' ns. 3. Specialized experience in the type of work required. P names and telephone numbers of clients we may, 1 about• ae ,. / �.: 4. Resumes for professional staff members �}tov�fl be assigned to y ject with synopses of their particular responsibilities this project. b. An estimated schedule for completing the p Iro ect with a phic illustration of major tasks. 6. A schedule of fees including a notrto'•ezceed fee-for� project. SELECTION PRnCIPSS A selection committee made,, 9g a and m9mbers of the City Council, Planning Commission, and D C will rav�iew alLproposals and will invite a limited number of firma to Mond?eU for a personal fesentation and interview. Final Q� selection e ma" the ,Cost of preparing proposals and being involved�in penal prate to ps will be borne entirely by your firm. Ten copies of your prop should be en)�mitte�by 4 p.m., February 15, 1996, to the following address: \\ p, A�F MONTICELLO fN: JEFF O NEILL X50 EAST BROADWAY PO BOX 1147 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 DOWNTOWNAM 1AM Page 5 HRA AGENDA JANUARY 10, 1996 CS A. Enclosed is a copy of the 1993 HRA Goals. 1 was unable to locate goals for 1994 and 1995, which we may not have done. You will note items I and 3 have been completed or are in the process of completion. With the proposed redevelopment of the riverfront/downtown you may wish to include this in your 1996 goals. Additionally, some thought may be given to exploring other Minnesota Housing Finance Agency programs for funding rehab of older homes or apartments. C Page I 1993 ERA GOALS 1. To serve as a Pacilator and to investigate the need for senior housing, .+��lveivo of a maakei study *+A �+L^ ' ^�" ^n. A. Market rate and subsidized assisted -living. B. Market rate quality independent -living. 2. To encourage and assist in the development of two industrial projects of quality. 3. To research the pros and cons for consideration to consolidate the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Economic Development Authority. 6. To serve as a governmental unit which utilizes Tax Increment Financing while accountable to the local taxpayers. S. Others. t HRA AGENDA 1 JANUARY 14, 1996 a) HRA bilis for approval. Page I 1lo MNS15rSWBox548 Monticello (612)285.3131 Fax (612)295-3080 8 8 O 1"W rlDldl II GI I.I- H L 1 U Ix 114: P T 11LINTIrLU_0 Pill 62 T O O 'INVOICE NO. PAGE DATE •. Iq I 10 I'I'I I•I'I II rl' lI. III • . i I MoMlcelo II a E. Ftkw scam. ea two CFmDIT TE'Wi9• BMW" r arm to ra aM a t. mono MIA a of AMOUNT DUE Wtaalb, MN 553M bwdm Cath r maty aro dwp. a 15% 11811 bow Pwcwmp. i I• r , (. mmeg (912)295.1191 Raft, w,tmhftndUX. Ye1mwdOWartwwa Monticello Timeo 116 East River Street, Box 548 Montke0o, MN 55362 (612) 295.3131 Fax (612) 295-3080 V s O (3I'I Y UI' PIF-N'T J CBL.L LI H L I O P.U. UI Ik 1 1 97 ° T rlOPll'ICEI_LU PIN T 0 0 MOtCE NO. PAGE . DATE mo1(icelo I I a E. RNa strew. Box 648 CAM TEMM. 021mm 6*Aon Om WI M' d Or tmnOr I -I Pr �, I . rA15m Ynom dw A eueiy 6+ Nup d CIS x 118x Amutl rrfmap� �rt1rR10t.Mµd (612)W5.313I RM). �0I TYntun dept. r AOrged on M Pal UA SWOLM AMOUNT DUE Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 January 5, 1996 MC10D-03 REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 12rMM CJM Dmftbg - TIF Plans and DoMffW e 12/22/85 CJM Drafting - TIF Pians and Documents Total Due This Month: Pravlous Balance: 128819& Payment - thank you Total Balance Due: f EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBUCORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 5$402 1.75 183.75 1.50 157.50 3.25 $341.25 $210.00 (5210.00) $341.25 Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 January 5, 1996 MC10404 TIF BUDGET MODIFICATION (1186) 12/11/95 MTR Dlsansbns wlih OMe end Steve S. on tax Increment rtgdi ieatbtq Amount 26.25 12/19/95 MTR Work on doomwds for budget ngd@fcation 183.75 12/20/95 MTR Work on dodmreras for budget nndUkation W tax haemeru dwAft 603.75 12/21/95 MTR Work on plans for budget modicetbm 341.25 12/26/95 MTR Work on resolutions for modfcatbn 131.25 12/28195 MTR m==ate S. Bulxd oommvta Into resolutions 78.75 Total Due This Month: $1,365.00 Total Balance Due: EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBUCORP INC. 2930 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 53402 $1,365.00 Monticello EDX \� Q PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 December 7, 1995 MC70D-03 REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Taal BaWm Due: PLEASE REMIT TO: ? EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 ia�amwca eavv Amount 5210.00 $210.00 KENNEDY at GRAVEN aurtead 200 Swath Stith Saar, Sala 470 Kmwapo&, MN S5402 1612) 377-93W CLIENT SUMMARY December 14, 1995 Monticello HRA City Hall 250 East Broadway PO Box 83A Monticello, MN 55362 Through November 30,1995 MN 195-00004: Katzrnarek Acquistion S 62.50 Services Rendered: S 62.50 Disbursements: S 0.00 Balance Due: E 62.50 Happy Holidays! From Bookkeeping `d 1 ded m ump p4rrfd d Iw ? ere%weewntd"aderrd aq rl0erinop, �d at sorer. a KENNEDY 8t GRAVEN 200 South Umb Soar, Sulo 470 j 7 YMhwmpok MN 55402 i (612)337-9300 December 14, 1995 Monticello HRA City Hall 250 East Broadway PO Box 83A Monticello, NIN 55362 MN 195-00004: KatEmarek Acquistion Invoice H 6939 Through November 30, 1995 For All Legal Services As Follows: 11/01/95 SJB Review redevelopment plan re acquisitions; phone 0.50 62.50 call with O. Koropchuk re some Total Services: 62.50 Total Services And Disbursements: S 62.50 KENNEDY 8t GRAVEN Charared 200 South Shah SoM Supe 470 r "' 14 mwaPoas, MN 55402 �- - (612) 337.9300 December 14, 1995 City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN190-00041: Redevelopment - General Invoice # 6936 Through November 30, 1995 For All Legal Services As Follows: 11/01/95 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchuk re various TIF 0.50 62.00 issues 11/14/95 SJB Phone call with PRG re TIF plan; review same; 0.75 93.00 I call with O. Koropchal 86/95 DJG Memo to S Bubul re chamber of commerce loan 2.30 230.00 1187/95 SJB Review loan to Chamber of Commerce; intraoffice 0.50 62.00 conference with D. Greensw * ec Total Services: S 447.00 Attorney Summary Daniel J Greensweig 2.308 100.001hr 230.00 Stephen Bubul 1.75 a 124.001hr 217.00 1 ddW UNWPVj* G1 tW eW 1rw atym a a �letlrtne Total Services And Disbursements: $ 447.00 Happy Holidays! From Bookkeeping