HRA Agenda 07-12-1995MIA -A ; ^ Ca 0 AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, July 12, 1995 - 7.00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Vire-Chairperson Brad Barger, Everette Ellison, Tom St. Hilaire, and Roger Carlson. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUEST: City Planner Steve Grittman, Northwest Associates. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JUNE 5, 1995. HRA MINtITES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE/REDEVELOPMENT DISCUSSION BY STEVE GRITTMAN. 4. CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT THE DECLARATION OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST SUBMITTED BY COMMISSIONER BRAD BARGER. 5. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES: a) Jim Harwood b) Gary Singer C) Brad Larson 5. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Approval of Bills. b) Example of Publlcorp response relating to TIP inquiry. C) Other. 7. ADJOURNMENT. HRA AGENDA JULY 12, 1995 Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Update/Redevelopment discussion by Steve Grittman. A. Reference and Backaround: At the recommendation of Chairperson Larson, Jeff O'Neill, and Koropchak, Mr. Grittman was invited to the HRA meeting to urdgte the commissioners on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan. The update covers the period since the joint - commissions meeting through the neighborhood meetings to present. It is important that the HRA stay in -tune .ind participate in the discussions for development or upgrading of the plan. The HRA is the city's redevelopment entity and ono of its financing toole. Please make every attempt to attend the meeting. Tho HRA needs to establish and prioritize its short and long-term goals. Page 1 HRA AGENDA �1 JULY 12, 1995 b. Consideration to accept the Declaration of Potential Conflict of Interest submitted by Commissioner Brad Barger. A. Reference and Background: Brad Barger is one of two partners of Vector Tool & Manufacturing, Inc. and serves as an HRA commissioner; therefore, he submits the enclosed Declaration of Potential Conflict of Interest. Mr. Barger and his partner, Jim Harwood, are interested in the purchase of the HRA lot: Lot 5, Block 3, OIP. This declaration is similiar to thr_ declaration used by Commissioners Al Larson and Brad Barger relating to the Senior Housing project. The HRA Is request to make a motion accepting the Declaration of Potential Conflict from Mr. Barger for entry into the HRA minutes. Mr. Barger Is not to discuss the project with other HRA commissioners, meaning at no time. Mr. Harwood, his partner, will be our contact. B. Alternative Actions; 1. A motion to accept the Declaration of Potential Conflir;t of interest, from HRA Commissioner Brad Barger. 2. A motion denying acceptance of ..he declaration. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Recommendation to Alternative Action No. 1. D. Sunnortina Data; Copy of the executed declaration. 1 i Page I HRA AGENDA V .JULY 1 2 , 1995 5, consideration of Project Updates: a) Jim Harwood - Copy of the letter to Mr. Harwood with potentlal options for land purchase. Mr. Harwood Indicates the partnership is most interested in the HRA lot, financed without the use of TIP. Attorney Rubiil wil i prepare a purchase agreement and note hased on a negotiated land price. Land write-down tied to a number of jobs created or a payroll range over a negotiated time: j:arIod. One concern Mr. Harwood raised is the availability of skilled workers in the area. Tho partnership Is continuing to prepare development costs prior to meeting with the financial consultant. b) Gary Singer - City staff met with the two partners of this wholesale dealer of plumbing, wells, and septic supplies. The company proposes to construct a 20,000 sq ft warehouse/office with future plans for c. showroom. The company has contacted Charlie Pfeffrr for approximately 2.6 acres of i-1 property along Fallon Avenue. The 17 -year old company has three other locations in Hopkins, Egan, and Blaine which comhined is over 10,000 eq ft. The company rmploya 70 fall -time personnel and the Monticello location would empiny 5-6 a within 2 years. Interested In TIF or finnnnial assistance, enclosed is rhe response from Pub]lcorp which was received In a timely manner. As indicatcd by a ni•w provision to the TIP law, the HRA is unable to confairl"r TIF because an Economic Dist0 ct created on land which has a green acre claosification muot be for manufnr,t.uring use. The company continues to negatiate with Charlle and As interested In other assistance (GMEP). C.) Brad Larson - I did rontart.. Brad regarding his lotter to the poor office owner and tenant. Jack Hutrhinson, lural postmaster, passed thr letter on to the ownrr. Brad had a telephone call from the owner's, businonn manager requesting previous written corrspondents rnlatinU to the noncerns of the joint -utilized driveway. Brad indicated there was none. The father (owner) passed away and thn business manager to representing the onn. Brad anked If the City would rnnoider a temporary drive-wny with aaco•ns to Linn Street for postal use. Paur. 1 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 VECTOR TOOL & MANUFACTURING Fax: (6l2) 295 4404 James C. Harwood June 9, 1995 City of Monticello ASSUMPTIONS: Construction of a 15,000 eq ft tip -up panel offico/manufacturing facility. Estimated Market Value of Building - $375,000 30-40 jobs within three years, high-tech company Average wage: $12.00 ph Construction 1995 1995 Tax Rate - 113.028% LAND: HRA - Lot 5, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park Zoned I-2 6.4 Acros Building setback, Front and roar 50 feet, sides 30 feet. Along the westerly boundary of Lot S is an additional 40 foot utility easemont. Purchase Price - $96,000 or $15,000 per acre. Preliminary projections indicate with the use of Tax Increment Finance (TIP), the land write-down would be approximately $55,000. Without the use of TIP, the HRA could consider an agreement in the form of a note or loan whereby the HRA would agree to write-down the land cost by $56,000. Example: Victor Tool & Mfg would agree to crcate 32 full-time jobs ($1,780 per job) within two or thruo years. If at the end of the two or throe years Victor Tool created only 28 of the 32 jobs, a provision within the agreement would require Victor Tool to repay the HRA the dlfferunce of $7,000 plus the ayrood upon terms. It is my undorotandIng , SBA would cone ider the $56,000 as equity as the note or loan would have no principal or Interest payments. Romumber those are only preliminary projections. If you are Interested in a cloaror understanding of the no TIF program, I suggest we moot with the City's financial conoultant. It would be boot if tho estimated project costo were availablo such so land, construction, and M&E coots and availability of oqulty. ASSUMPTIONS: Same as above. LAND: City Lots S and 6, Block 1, Oakwood Industrial Park, Second Addition. Zoned I-2 3.26 Acres Building setbacks the same as above, no additional utility easement. Purchase Price - $66,500 or $19,788 per acre. TIF assistance would be in the neigborhood of $50,000. In order to utilize TIB, the HRA must have written evidence that the business is considering an out -state location and the project would not proceed without the use of TIF. TIF is subject to approval by the HRA and City Council in accordance with the Minnesota Statutes. Also, non -TIF write-down is subject to HRA approval. It was my pleasure to meet you on Wednesday. I look forward to exploring the best financial package for Vector Tool & Manufacturing and to see a new facility for Vector Tool & Manufacturing constructed within the City of Monticello. If you should have other Questions, please feel free to contact me at 295-2711. Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO 011ie Koropchak Economic Development Director HRA Lot Building: 15,000 sq ft @ $25.00 per sq ft Land: 87,120 sq ft @ $.40 per aq ft 191,664 sq ft 9 $.25 per eq ft TOTAL ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE $100,000 $357,764 .0300 .0460 $ 3,000 $16,457.14 New Capacity Value $19,457 1995 Tax Rate 1.13028 ANNUAL TAXES $L8 -rem $ -A 1. 4011 . $375,000 $ 34,9"'Q4r $ 47,916 $457,764 Lenny, remember this is not tax increment? Are my preliminary projections of TIF assistance within reason? I 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mrs. Barbara Schwientak Executive Director Monticello -Big Lake Community Huepitrtl 1013 Hart Boulevard P.O. Box 480 Monticello, MN 85362 July 6, 1995 Doar Barb: On behalf of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), I wish to express our appreciation of your role in the organizational and planning stages for the development of the multi-oonlor housing project. Your assertive leadership role wag both instruments] and key to making Mississippi Shored become a reality. The joint -community project Is an asset to the City of Monticello no it provides an additional housing alternative for area oonlor residents. Alan, many thanks to the Board of Dlroctoro of Monticollo•BJg Lnko Community Hogpital and the CounclJmembero of the City of Monticello for their participation and support Jot the development of Mississippi Shoroe. Again, our appreciation to you, Barb. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO A] Larson HRA Chairperson V AL/ok