HRA Agenda 09-07-1994AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, September 7, 1994 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Ben Smith, Everette Ellison, Tom St. Hilaire, and Brad Barger. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUESTS: Rick Murray and Bob Murray, Residential Development, Inc. Jim Casserly, Developer's Attorney. Steve Bubul, HRA Attorney. Lenny Kirscht or Deb Gustafson, Public Resource Group, Inc. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 3. 1994 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF THE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT AND USE OF TIF (SOILS CONDITION DISTRICT) TO ASSIST WITH THE SOIL CORRECTION EXPENDITURES ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PROJECT. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES: a) Senior -Congregate Housing Committee. b) Custom Canopy, Inc. 5. OTHER BUSINESS. a) Monthly billinge from PRO and Holmes & Graven. 6. ADJOURNMENT. z MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, August 3, 1994 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Ben Smith, Everette Ellison, Tom St. Hilaire, and Brad Barger. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. GUESTS: Developers Rick Murray and Bob Murray and Attorney Jim Casserly. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JULY 6. 1994 HRA MINUTES. Ben Smith made a motion to approve the July 6, 1994 HRA minutes as written. Brad Barger second the motion and with no additions or corrections, the motion passed unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARING FOA AND CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION FOR THE ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF RAW LANDS RELATING TO TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-17. Chairperson Larson opened the public hearing for comments or opposition to the HRA's acquiring and disposing of raw lands relating to TIF District No. 1-17 (Fay -Mar Metal Fabricators, Inc.) The public hearing notice appeared in the local newspaper satisfying Statutory requirements. The project is proceeding on schedule. The HRA will acquire the property from Monticello Industrial, Inc. through an assignment of interest to the purchase agreement and will dispose of the property via a quit claim deed to Ronald S. Musich. The land title will be conveyed upon compliance and execution of the Private Redevelopment Contract., TIF Plan approval, and SBA authorization/Bank closing. With no public comments or opposition, the public hearing was closed. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to adopt the resolution authorizing the acquisition and disposition of raw lands relating to TIF District No. 1-17. Brad Barger second the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Page 1 HRA MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1994 CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT THE PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND RONALD S. MUSICH AS PREPARED BY HOLMES & GRAVEN AND TO AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF SAID DOCUMENT. Koropchak informed the HRA that the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Ronald S. Musich had the traditional terms and conditions of other approved contracts. The land write-down assistance of $50,000 will be paid upon conveyence of title. Construction to begin no later than October 20 with minimum improvements completed by December 31, 1994. One major difference to the contract is site improvements are to be completed one-year from date of building permit Issuance. County Assessor Doug Gruber has executed the Assessment Agreement which agrees to a minimum estimated market value of $400,000. Brad Barger made a motion to accept the Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Ronald S. Munich as prepared by Holmes b Graven and authorized HRA execution of the said document. Everette Ellison second the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS THE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT AND USE OF TIF (SOILS CONDITION DISTRICT) TO ASSIST WITH THE SOIL CORRECTION EXPENDITURES ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PROJECT. Koropchak informed members that the HRA was being asked to consider the use of Tax Increment Financing to assist with soil corrections (Soils Condition District) necessary for development of residential property. The HRA is not being asked to make any formal approvals but only to indicate a willingness to proceed with interest. Developers Rick Murray and Bob Murray of Residential Development, Inc. Chanhassen, MN, are requesting the consideration of a pay-as-you-go TIF assistance. The developers have a purchase agreement on the 74.7 -acre Krautbauer property. The current plan shows a completed - phased project of 87 Bingle -homes, 47 twin -homes, 2 commercial facilities. 7 -acre park, and ponds. Projected base value of single -home is $95,000 and twin -home Is $80,000. Initially and prior to the HRA meeting, preliminary studies of the 20 -year topographic maps indicated the need for TIF assistance in the neighborhood of $175,000 for correction of the mined gravel -pit. The mined gravel -pit is located within the approximate 35 -acre township parcel. Of the total 74.7 - Page 2 HRA MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1994 acre parcel, approximately 39.7 acres are located within the city limits and 35 acres are located in the township. The township parcel would constitute the need for annexation and modification of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project boundaries. The first issue is to determine the extent of the soil deficiencies, area requiring remedial action, and physical preparation costs, in order to meet the Statutory definition of a Soils Condition District. It is upon the recommendation of HRA Attorney Steve Bubul that the developer provide the HRA with soil condition findings as determined by engineer and survey expertise in order to determine Statutory compliance. Jim Casserly, attorney for the developers, presented a Geotechnical Evaluation Report prepared by Braun Intertec Corporation. He summarized the report stating, "In addition to necessary gravel -pit remedial action, the report indicates evidence of soil deficiencies within the entire 74.7 parcel." Based on the preliminary information received by Attorney Bubul prior to the HRA meeting, he foresees the informational findings sufficient for the establishment of the Soils Condition District. With the findings of the Geotechnical Evalution Report, project costs have already escalated. After receipt of the findings of the updated survey and the County Road 75 Access Study, the developers may consider other options. Options being to develop the entire area with TIF assistance, to develop only the area which makes feasible sense without use of TIF, or to not develop at this time. Valuation of twin - homes now range between 880,000 to 9120,000 and the base value of a single -home along the bluff is approximately $99,000. The preliminary grading cost of $250,000 was determined using a figure of 81.00 per yard. Jeff O'Neill reported on the Planning Commission preliminary eub-division approval based on the design plan only and contingent upon: 1) Favorable report of the County Road 75 Access Study as initiated and paid for by the developers, 2) Grading and drainage plane to accommodate a feasible development, 3) Reduction of roadway from 38 ft to 32 ft with the construction of sidewalks, 4) Development of a seven -acre park development, 5 -acres flat and 2 -acres eloped, 5) Preservation of trees, and 6) Development of three ponds. Chairperson Larson felt the property had a leaser land value and suggested re -negotiating with the landowner because the Page 3 HRA MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1994 landowner had reaped the revenues from the mined gravel -pit. Attorney Casserly understood a public entity must be concerned not to enrich a landowner; however, felt the real question was "Should the public invest to encourage an end -product?" HRA members agreed that the development coat were high and felt the gravel -pit depth was even greater. Tom St. Hilaire was open-ended without knowledge of numbers. The developers would like a decision of interest or no interest in TIP assistance as soon -as -possible. Jeff O'Neill reported the Planning Commission had not discussed the development of only one-half the property. He foresees development of one-half the property as feasible without the use of TIP or a wait approach until the market value of land increases to the point the property can develop later. Chairperson Larson reiterated that the market should dictate development in a free -enterprise system. Tom St. Hilaire said some costs do exist and wondered if this was an opportunity to remove the gravel -pit. The HRA reviewed the TIP policy considerations and determined Items 1, Z, 4, and S as yea, Items 3, 7, and 8 as no, and did not determine the fate of Item 7: The project shall facilitate the "clean-up" of environmentally unsound property. Ben Smith made a motion to adopt a resolution in order to advance the process for development of the property and pending receipt of further information would the HRA agree to make a decision. The motion died due to a lack of a second. Chairperson Larson recommended the item be tabled for two weeks allowing time for additional information. Tom St. Hilaire expressed a great interest in the project and the HRA agreed to Chairperson Larson's recommendation. Mr. O'Noill asked if the developers would guarantee a certain value of home. 8. CONSIDERATION TO. AFgOIjiT Ti10 HR .A j.?VELERS TO THE SENIOR - CONGREGATE HOUSING COMMITTEE AND A PROJECT UPPAZ9.L. In addition to Koropchak agenda background, Chairperson Larson added the start-up board would be on rotating terms. Tom St. Hilaire expressed hie oupport of the concept only if the project was privately owned or a non-profit organization ouch Page 4 HRA MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1996 as the Guardian Angels of Elk River. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to appoint Al Larson and Brad Barger as RRA representatives to the Senior -Congregate Housing Committee. Ben Smith second the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 7. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES. The HRA accepted the written project updates. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. Again, Tom St. Hilaire reiterated the previous HRA motion: The HRA authorizes no further payment to Public Resource Group from the TIF District No. 1-7 or the HRA General Account for the H -Window Company expansion. HRA members agreed. 9. ADJOURMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director Page 5 J HRA AGENDA SEPTEMBER 7. 1994 3. Consideration of continued discussion of the preliminary concept and use of TIP (Soils Condition Districtf to assist with the soil correction expenditures associated with the development of a proposed residential project. Reference and Backqround: In order to allow the HRA time to read the enclosed information, I submit information available at this time. Project changes and additional Information will be provided at the HRA meeting. As you may recall per the HRA minutes, this agenda item was tabled in order to obtain additional information regarding project revenues and expenditures. The proposed residential development site is 71 -acres of the Krautbauer property lying southeast of East County Road 39. The proposed purchase price Is $343,000 or $4,830 per acre. Approximately 39 -acres lies within the city limits and 35 -acres lies in the township. The 7 -acre mined gravel -pit lies within the township. The development would consist of single-family homes, twin -homes, 2 commercial sites, 7 -acre park, and ponds. On the preliminary observatinn of the Geotechnical Evaluation Report as prepared by the Braun Intertec Corporation, the report noted findings to support the establishment of a Soila Condition District. The developers are requesting a preliminary concept approval for the use of TIP to assist with the soil correction expenditures for development of a residential project. Originally, fill material costs were baoed upon the 197010 topo maps. Upon completion of a recent field survey, the required amount of fill material has increased. The survey Indicated the gravel -pit floor was mined an additional 24 -feet vertically and banks steepened to elopes of up to 1.5 feet to 1.0 feet, horizontally to vertically. See Exhibit A. (Sathre- Bergquiet, Inc. letter). In order to assist the HRA, city otaff inquired of the grading coots asoociated with the residential developments of Oak Ridge and Cardinal Hills (Phase IV, only). Coate wore aparoximatoly 8250,000 for 80 loto or $3,125 per lot and approximately $120,000 for 60 lots or $2,400 per lot, reopectively. Exhibit B is a copy of three scenarios for the propnsod V development and TIP options ao prepared by Attorney Jim Page 1 HRA AGENDA SEPTEMBER 7. 1994 Casserly for the Developers Rick and Bob Murray. Option I, slope correction at a road grade of 7%, up -front TIP assistance. Project costs of $470,000 for 134 lots or $3,507 per lot. Option II, corrected slope ratio of 3:1, pay-as-you- go TIP assistance. Project costs of $170,000 for 131 lots or $1,298 per lot. According to City Engineer Bret Weiss of OSM, the city typically prefers a corrected slope ratio of 4:1; however, the 3:1 slope in the proposed park area is to constitute the slide hill. Attorney Casserly and the developers will highlight the enclosed options, detail of project costs, and display project maps at the HRA meeting. Additionally, city staff obtained (Exhibit C) a copy of the Reclamation Plan associated with the January 1990 Buffalo Bituminous request for two Conditional Use Permits. One to allow expansion of the mining operation on the property owned by Robert and Betty Krautbauer and second, to place a temporary hot -mix plant in the existing gravel -pit. It appears that the proposed reclamation contours were not completed as noted through the recent field survey. A copy of 14_, Exhibit C was given to Rick Murray on September 1. In summary, the developers has been asked to demonstrate and quantify the need for TIP assistance. B. Alternative Actions: 1. A motion to approval the preliminary concept for use of TIP (Soils Condition District) to assist with the development of a residential project. 2. A motion to deny approval of the preliminary conceptual use of TIP (Boils Condition District) to assist the development of a residential project. 3. A motion to table the item. C. Staff recommendation: With the anticipation of additional information, otaff makes no recommendation at this time. D. Suvoortina Data: Exhibits A. B, and C. r Page 2 August 12, 1994 SATHRE-BERGAUIST, INC. 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA. MN 55391 (612) 476.0000 FAX 4764io4 Mr. Rick 0. Murray RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. 15 Choctaw Grcle Chanhassen, MN 55317 Subject Krautbauer Property Dear Rick: Lest week, you requested that we prepare a topographic survey of the mined portion of the Kreutbauer property. The purpose of the survey was to enable us to accurately calculate the additional fill needed to restore the area to estate In which future development Is reasonable, when compared to a typical, non -mined site. We have completed the field surveying, prepared a topographic map of the mined area and have completed the volume calculations which analyze the mining that was done from the 1970's, when the Gty's topographic map was prepared, until the present. We have determined that 338,600 cubic yards of Ind material Is necessary to return the slip to the state that It was in when the ortginel topographic map was made. The material left In the large weal contral pile was deducted from the quantt y needed. We have also roconfl►med that an oddltlonal 92,031 cubic yards of fdl material are needed to roslopo the mined area, based upon the 1970's tope map. The total quantity of fln material needed Is the sum of the two numbers above, or 430,531 cubic yards. In our letter to you of August 3, 1994, same subject. we had estimated the above quantities as being 150,000 cublo yards and 100,000 cubic yards respectively: for the sum of 250,000 cubic yards. We had significantly underestimated the amount of additional material needed to restore for the last 20 years mining act". The mine floor was lowered through the years, but more sigi lcantly up to 24 feet of material has mined vertically around the edges of the 1970's ptL The pit was expanded in size and the banks wore steepened In the past 20 years. The new sunray shows slopes of up to 1.5 feet to 1.0 feet horizontally to vertically. This to basically as steep as 8 sandy 612-334-33E32 CRSSERLY MOLZRHN 270 PO2 AUG 19'94 11:5 . . _ -. .-=. P . 03 material will atend due to We Internal angle of friction. This slope steepness Is a highly erodable and potential hazardous one. We recommend a permeneM slope of 3.0 feet to 1.0 teat, or Metter, be created. Please let me know M you need addlUonal Bats, or have any questions. Sincerely, SATH BEROQUIST, IN . Rtchartl W. Saliva P.E. RWS/rs v Camerly Molzahn & Associates, Inc. 215 South 11th Street, Suite 300 • Minneapotis • Minnesota 55403 Office (612) 342-2277 • Fax (612) 334-3382 M E M O R A N D U M TO: NONTICELLO HOUSING b REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FROM: Mary E. Molzahn James R. Casserly RE: Options for Redevelopment of Krautbauer Property DATE: August 25, 1994 INTRODUCTION Enclosed please find three scenarios for the proposed redevelopment of Lho Krautbauer Property by Residential Development Inc. (the "Redeveloper"). The general assumptions which Options I and II share are listed below and are followed by a brief discussion of each Option. Also enclosed is a chart comparing Options 1, II and III. Options I and II assume the following: 1. The creation of a Soils Condition TIF District with a duration of twelve years total, or eight tax increment years, and which terminates in 2005. 2. An original market value and original tax capacity for the proposed TIF District of $409,900 and $2,099, respectively. 3. An inflation rate of 1.00% effective in the year 2003. 4. Admin/Program expenses based on 25.009 of the tax increment generated to assist the City with potential losses in LGA/HACA. 5. A present value rate of 8.508; the present value amount generated by this rate represents the approximate principal amount of either a bond issue or a revenue note. 17 6. The pay 1994 tax rate of 112.873%. OPTION I Option I corrects unusual soil conditions and addresses the problem of the gravel pit by correcting the slopes to maintain a road grade of 78. Roads would be constructed across the gravel pit with homes, park, trail and holding pond constructed in and around the pit. The previous land use will still be apparent, but the site will be extensively modified. Option I assumes the construction of 87 single family homes, 94 town home units and 2 commercial sites to be completed in years 1996 through 1999. Upon completion, this Option will have an estimated market value of $19,652,400, an estimated tax capacity of $285,850 and, based on the 1994 tax rate, projected property taxes of approximately $322,648. The total amount of tax increment generated approximates $1,512,396 and converts into a present value of $780,761. Option I expenses are estimated to be $470,000. The amount of fill needed for this Option is in excess of 440,000 cubic yards. Because of the substantial expenses involved in Option I, the Redeveloper cannot afford to carry these amounts. Under Option I it is necessary for the City to pay for the costs as they are incurred. The City can either issue debt or may be able to borrow from its fund balances to provide the necessary funding. OPTION II Option II also corrects unusual soil conditions throughout this site and makes more modest modifications to the gravel pit. The pit slopes will be corrected to a ratio of 3:1. A holding pond, homes, park and trail will be located within the pit with road access to them. Roadways will not traverse the pit as with Option I. Option II assumes the construction of 83 single family homes, 96 town home units and 2 commercial sites also completed in years 1996 through 1999. Upon completion this Option will have an estimated market value of $19,312,400, an estimated tax capacity of $280,490, and projected property taxes of approximately $316,598. The total amount of tax increment generated approximates $1,491,263 and converts into a present value of $770,746. Option II expenses, which include modifying the slopes and providing drainage, will require in excess of an estimated 150,000 cubic yards with costs estimated at 1170,000. The contours of the gravel pit and its previous use will be readily apparent, but Option II will correct a potentially � dangerous situation and provide almost as much density as Option I. Because Option II is less expensive, the Redeveloper is able �1 to pay for the tax increment eligible expenses and then be reimbursed over time through a Revenue Note as increased taxes are paid. OPTION III Option III assumes that the City portion of the site is developed and the Township portion remains in its present condition with no improvements being made to the gravel pit. Option III assumes the construction of 47 single family homes, 32 town home units and no commercial sites to be completed in years 1996 through 1998. Upon completion this Option will have an estimated market value of $8,140,000, an estimated tax capacity of $105,920, and projected property taxes of approximately $119,555. Since a Tax Increment District is not created, no Tax Increment will be available. This last option seems the least desirable since it is unlikely that the gravel pit will ever be corrected. CONCLUSION Residential Development Inc. is presenting the Authority with an opportunity to correct a safety hazard and a blighting condition, and add over $19.0 million of market valuation to the City's tax base. The Authority can assist by establishing a Tax Increment District which would require approximately three (3) to five and one-half (5-1/2) years of taxes. If the Authority does not wish to assist, the City portion of this site will be developed and ultimately the western half of the Township portion. The gravel pit will most likely never be developed as the coat of correcting the pit will become prohibitive as fill has to be imported from off-site. The solutions suggested are reasonable, and certainly Options I and II can be immediately implemented. On behalf of our client, we wish to thank you for the substantial time and effort you have already provided in trying to work out solutions. we all look forward to a successful project. 7 4 OPTION I OIIGINk MARKET VALUE 209,900 ORIGINAL TAX CAPACITY 2.099 ESTIMATED MARW VALUE 19,652.400 ESTIMATED TAX CAPACITY 1.001 3.002 285,650 RDI/CITY OF MONTICELLO 2.001 4.603 TOTAL E!'iMATED TAXES F' ED HONTICELLO HOUSING PROJECT TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY UNITS 87 TOTAL TOW HOMES WITS 94 8.503 PV RATE ORIGINAL ESTIMATED COMM M ESTIMATED ADMIN/ AVAILA9LE PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS TAX TAX TAX TAX PROGRAM TAIL DATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY INCREMENT EXPENSES INCREMENT SEMI -AMINAL CUMULATIVE 12 / 1996 2,099 2.099 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/ 1995 2,099 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 / 1995 2,099 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/ 1996 2,099 2.099 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 / 1996 2,099 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/ 1997 2,099 11,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 / 1997 2,099 11,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 / 1998 2,099 127,890 9,661 5,652 1,363 6,089 3,056 3.056 12 / 1998 2,099 127,890 9,661 5,652 1,363 6,089 2,931 5.987 6 / 1999 2,099 217,170 125.791 70,992 17,748 53,244 36,609 62,596 12 / 1999 2,099 217,170 125,791 70,992 17,748 53,266 35,117 77,712 6 / 2000 2,099 285,850 215,071 121,379 30.345 91,036 57,593 135,305 12 / 2000 2.099 285.85D 215.071 121,379 30,345 91,036 55,265 190,550 6 / 2001 2,099 265,850 283,751 160,139 60,035 120,105 69.915 260.465 12 / 2001 2,099 265,850 283.751 160,139 60,035 120,105 57,065 327,530 6 / 2002 2,099 288,709 283,751 160,139 60.035 120,105 64,331 391,860 12 / 2002 2,099 288,709 263,751 160,139 40,035 120,105 61,708 453,568 6 / 2003 2,099 291,596 286,610 161,753 40,438 121,314 59,789 513.357 12 / 2003 2.099 291,595 286,610 161,753 40,438 121,314 57,351 570,709 _f, / 2004 2,099 294,512 289,497 163,382 40,645 122.535 55,567 626,276 2004 2,099 294,512 289,497 163,382 40,845 122,536 53,302 679,578 �/ 2005 2,099 297,457 292,413 165.028 41,257 123.771 51,644 731,222 12 / 2005 2,099 297,457 292,413 165,028 41,257 123,771 49,539 780,761 --------------------------------------------------------------------------"'---- 2,016,529 504,132 1,512,396 ----------__----------"'- 780,761 780,761 OIIGINk MARKET VALUE 209,900 ORIGINAL TAX CAPACITY 2.099 ESTIMATED MARW VALUE 19,652.400 ESTIMATED TAX CAPACITY 1.001 3.002 285,650 2.001 4.603 TOTAL E!'iMATED TAXES 322.616 TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY UNITS 87 TOTAL TOW HOMES WITS 94 TOTAL COMMERCIAL SITES 2 I NSGI PREPARED BY CASSERLY KLZAHN • ASSDCIAIE3. INC. 24 -Aug -94 OPTION I CONT'D ROI/CITY OF 1ONTICELL0 1 1 Y1N6TRlICTION START - RESIDENTIAL t COMPLETION 4 SINGLE FAMILY @ 95,000 380,000 8 TON HOMES @ 80.000 640.000 1.020.000 1997 VALUATION 4 SINGLE FAMILY @ 1,180 4,720 8 TON HOMES @ 880 7,040 11,760 1998 TAXES PAYABLE 13,274 1995 CONSTRUCTION START - RESIDENTIAL 1997 COMPLETION 24 SINGLE FAMILY @ 110,000 2.640.000 38 TON HOES 0 85.000 3.230.000 5.870.000 1998 VALUATION 24 SINGLE FAMILY @ 1,480 35.520 38 TOWN HOBS @ 980 37.240 72.760 1999 TAXES PAYABLE 82.126 1996 ODNSTTt11CTION START - RESIDENTIAL 1998 COMPLETION 30 SINGLE FAMILY @ 120,000 3.600.000 36 TON MOM 0 90,000 3.240.000 6.840.000 1999 VALUATION 30 SINGLE FAMILY @ 1.680 50.400 35 TON NOIES @ 1.080 38.880 89.280 200Q TAXES PAYABLE 100,773 19➢f'CONSTRIICTIOM START - RESIDENTIAL 1999 COMPLETION 29 SINGLE FAMILY @ 130,000 3,770,000 12 TON HOES 0 95,000 1,140,000 4,910.000 2000 VALUATION 29 SINGLE FAMILY @ 1,880 54,520 12 TON HOMES @ 1.180 14.160 68.6130 2001 TAXES PAYABLE 77,521 1996 ODNSTRUCTICN START - 009ERCIAL 1997 COMPLETION LAND SLOG TOTAL LOT 1 89,000 354,400 "3.400 LOT 2 125,000 444.000 569,000 1,012,400 19913 VALUATION LOT 1 18,796 LOT 2 24,674 43,370 1999 TAXES PAYABLE 4B.9S3 INFLATION 6/2003 1.005 ADMIN/PROGRAM EXPENSES 25.001 PV RATE 12/1994 8.505 PAY 1994 TAX RATE 1.12873 V 11561 PREPARED BY CASSERLY IQ2A1N A ASSOCIATES. INC. 24 -Aug -94 OPTION II CONT'D RDI/CITY OF MONTICELLO MNSTRWTION START - RESIDENTIAL 1 - COPLETION 4 SINGLE FAMILY ® 95,000 38D,000 8 TON LADES 80, OD0 610.000 1,020,000 1997 VALUATION 4 SINGLE FAMILY 8 1,187 4,720 8 TON IDES 890 7,040 11,760 1998 TAXES PAYABLE 13,274 1995 CONSTRUCTION START - RESIDENTIAL 1997 COMPLETION 24 SINGLE FAMILY 8 110,000 2,640,000 38 TON IDES 85.000 3,23D,OD0 5.870,000 1998 VALUATION 24 SINGLE FAMILY 8 1,487 35,520 38 TON HOES 980 37.240 72.760 1999 TAXES PAYABLE 82.126 1996 CONSTRUCTION START - RESIDENTIAL 1998 COMPLETION 30 SINGLE FAMILY 8 120.000 3.600.000 38 TON NOES 90.000 3.420.00D 7,020,000 1999 VALUATION 30 SINGLE FAMILY 0 1.680 50.400 38 TON HOMES 1.080 . 41.040 91'"0 200X( TAXES PAYABLE 103,211 19 bOMSTRUCTION START - RESIDENTIAL 1999 COMPLETION 25 SINGLE FAMILY 0 130,000 3,250,000 12 TON (IDES 95.000 • 1,140,000 4,390,000 2000 VALUAT ION 25 SINGLE FAMILY 9 1,880 47,000 12 TON HOES 1,160 14,160 61,160 2001 TAXES PAYABLE 69,033 1996 CONSTRUCTION START - COMMERCIAL 1997 COMPLETION LAND BLDG TOTAL LOT 1 89,000 354,400 "3,100 LOT 2 125,000 4",000 569,000 1,012,400 1998 VALUATION NAT 1 18,796 LOT 2 24,574 43,370 1999 TAXES PAYABLE 48,953 INFLATION 8/203 1.002 ADMIN/PROGRAM EXPENSES 25.00S PY RATE 12/1991 8.Sn PAY 1994 TAX RATE 1.12873 V HSG1 PREPARED BY CASSERLY M0LLANM A ASSOCIATES, INC. 24 -Aug -94 OPTION II RDI/CITY OF MOiTICELLO SED MONTICELLO HOUSING PRDJECT 8.502 PV RATE ORIGINAL ESTIMATED CAPTURED ESTIMATED ADMIN/ AVAILABLE PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS TAX TAX TAX TAX PROGRAM TAX DATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY INCREMENT EXPEM6ES IMCREMW SEIU-ANNUAL CUMULATIVE 12 / 1994 2.099 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/ 1995 2,099 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 / 1995 2,099 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/ 1996 2,099 2, 099 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 / 1996 2,099 2,099 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/ 1997 2,099 11,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 / 1997 2.099 11,760 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 / 1998 2.099 127,890 9,661 5,452 1,363 4,089 3,056 3,056 12 / 1998 2,099 121,890 9.651 5.452 1,363 4,089 2,931 5,987 6 / 1999 2,099 219,330 125.791 70.992 17,748 53,244 36,609 42.5% 12 / 1999 2,099 219,330 125,791 70,992 17,748 53,244 35,117 77,712 6 / 2000 2,099 280,490 217,231 122,5% 30,649 91,948 58,171 135,883 12 / 2000 2.099 220.490 217,231 122,598 30.649 91,948 55.800 191,683 6 / 2001 2,099 280,490 278,391 157,114 39,279 117,636 68,594 260,277 12 / 2001 2,099 28D.490 278,391 157,114 39,279 117,836 65,798 326.075 6 / 2002 2.099 283,295 278,391 157,114 39,279 117,836 63,116 389.191 12 / 2002 2,099 283,295 278,391 157,114 39,279 117,836 60,542 449,733 6 / 2003 2,099 286,128 281,195 158,697 39,674 119.023 58,659 508.393 12 / 2003 2,099 286,128 281,196 158,697 39,674 119,023 56.268 564,661 6 / 2004 2.099 288.990 284.029 160,296 40,074 120,222 54,518 619,179 2004 2.099 288,990 284.029 160,296 40,074 120,222 52,295 671,474 / 2005 2.099 291,879 286,891 161,911 40,478 121,433 50,669 722.143 12 / 2005 2,099 291,879 288,891 161,911 40,478 121,433 48,603 770,746 ------- »_. ------- ------------------------ ---- »------------------------- 1,988,351 497,088 ---'---_..__ 1,491,263 ------ -_-.- 770,746 770,746 ORIGINAL MARKET VALUE 209.900 ORIGINAL TAX CAPACITY 2,099 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE 19,312,400 ESTIMATED TAX CAPACITY 1.002 3.002 280.490 2.002 4.602 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAXES 316.598 TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY UNITS 83 TOTAL TON MOWS WITS 96 TOTAL COMMERCIAL BITES 2 V Aml PREPARED 8Y CASSERLY NOLZAW 6 ASSOCIATES. INC. 24-A.0-94 OPTION III RDI/CITY OF MONTICELLO Iuu� ATED MARKET VALUE 1.002 3.004 8,140,000 ESTIMATED TAX CAPACITY 2.004 4.60i 105,920 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAKES 119,555 TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY UWITS 47 TOTAL TOM IDES UMTS 32 TOTAL COlERCIAL SITES 0 1994 CONSTRUCTION START - RESIDENTIAL 1996 COPLET ION 4 SINGLE FAMILY 0 95,000 380,000 0 TDM TOES 0 80,000 0 380,000 1997 VALUATION 4 SINGLE FAMILY 0 1,180 4.720 0 TDM NOES 0 S80 • 0 4,720 1998 TARES PAYABLE 5,328 1995 CONSTRUCTION START - RESIDENTIAL 1997 COMPLETION 24 SINGLE FAMILY 0 110,000 2,640,000 B TOM TOES 0 85,000 680.000 3.320.000 1998 VALUATION 24 SINGLE FAMILY 0 1,480 35.520 8 TOM HOES 0 980 7,810 43.360 1999 TAXES PAYABLE 48,962 1996 CONSTRUCTION STMT - RESIDENTIAL 1, XMETION 19 SINGLE FAMILY 0 120,000 2,280,000 24 TOWN LADES 0 90.000 2.160.000 4.440.000 1999 VALUATION 19 SINGLE FAMILY 0 1,680 31,920 24 TOM TOES 0 1,080 • 25,920 57,840 2000 TAXES PAYABLE 65,286 1997 CONSTRUCTION STMT - RESIDENTIAL 1999 COMPLETION 0 SINGLE FAMILY 0 130,000 0 0 TOM HOMES 0 95.000 0 0 2000 VALUATION 0 SINGLE FAMILY 0 1,880 • 0 0 TON HOES 0 1.180 0 0 2001 TAXES PAYABLE 0 1996 CONSTRUCTION STMT - COMMERCIAL 1997 COMPLETION LAND SLOG TOTAL 0 LOT 1 0 0 0 0 LOT 2 0 0 0 0 1998 VALUATION 0 LOT 1 0 0 LOT 2 0 0 1999 TARES PAYABLE 0 P�,994 TAX RATE 1.12873 NSGI PREPARED BY CASSERLY MOLLAN A ASSOCIATES. INC. 304430.94 RDI/CITY OF MONTICELLO ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE ESTIMATED ANNUAL TAXES ESTIMATED TAX INCREMENT ADMIN/PROGRAM EXPENSES AVAILABLE TAX INCREMENT AVAILABLE FOR PROJECT EXPENSES ESTIMATED PROJECT EXPENSES TAX INCREMENT YEARS REQUIRED FORM OF ASSISTANCE COMPARISON OF OPTIONS OPTION I OPTION II OPTION III 19,652,400 19,312,400 8,140,000 322,648 316,5981 119,555 2,016,529 1,988,351 *** 504,132 497,088 *** 1,512,397 1,491,263 *** 780,761 770,746 ttt 470,000 170,000 *** 5.5 3.0 *** t tt ttt * Upfront - the City issues a Tax Increment General Obligation Bond, or borrows from existing fund balances, to pay eligible expenses as they are incurred. ** Over time - the City issues a Tax Increment Revenue Note to reimburse the Redeveloper for eligible expenses out of taxes as they are actually received. *** No Tax Increment Financing District is created. 7 . COMP1 PREPARED BY CASSERLY MOLEAHN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. 30 -Aug -94 PLA:%:VLVG AND Zo .'`%�i.\ ;; TOI I SALKOWSKI..\: NEN15TRA—.OP. I:'ri;.. C••u r.:'. !.pro r: r:..u. r ':,i.,. `r::fir; ., ;r: July 12, 1988 Mr. Robert Krautbauer 424 Riverview Drive Monticello, MN 55362 . RE: Buffalo Bituminous proposed bituminous plant placement Dear Mr. Krautbauer: The Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board discussed, but took no action, on the proposal by Buffalo Bituminous at their July 6 meeting. The matter was continued to the meeting at 8:00 p.m., August 3, 1988 at the Monticello Township Hall. Of great concern to the Board is the fact that parts of the property have been used for improper dumping and that no j reclamation plans exist for the property. It is likely that i the Board will not approve placement of the plant unless you have prepared and submitted a detailed plan for cleaning up the dumpsites, and gravel pit reclamation plans as required by Section 727 of the Wright County Zoning Ordinance. (attached) Please pursue these matters as soon as possible, as staff in this office must receive these plans by July 27 in order to review them and report to the Board by August 3. Sincere 'y, r ^ Tom a 1 k o w a k i Planning 6 Zoning Administrator TS:sa cc: M.O.A.A. Board members G. M4Alpine (Buffalo Bit.) J. 0 Neil City of Monti 4 MONEd. TICO ORDEiL: A171 MATION HOARD y The regular monthly meeting of the Monticello Orderly Annexation Hoard was held at the Monticello Township Hall on County Road 117 at 8:00 p.m. on August 3, 1988, notice of such meeting having been posted on the bulletin board for ten days prior to said meeting. Presents Denn, Fhgatrom, Grimsmo. Abrent: Administrator Salkowski. Meeting called to order at 8100 p.m. by Chairmen Denn. First item is the minutes of the July o, Lytle meeting. Motion to approve the minutes as presented by Grim op seconded by Engstrom and carried. Item II is the request from Buffalo Bituminous for a conditional use permit to place a temporary hot mix plant in existing gravel pit (Krautbauer Gravel Pit); part of SSS of M04 lying N of Interstate A, Section 18, Township 121. Applicant not present. Salkowski told U1 Neil that ueorge McAlpine would De here tonight. board memoers agreed to pass this item to later on in the agenda. Item III is a public hearing for a conditional use permit for the City of Monticello for an essential nu'lic service structure (standpipe reservoir) and subdivision for said use in S 500 ft.of E 435.5 ft. of SE% of SL3j (Kenneth Schultz farm) Section 13, Township 121. Jeff O'Neil, Assistant Administrator for the City of Monticello, present to explain this request. The water line to service this reservoir will go under county road 118. The only question was whether or notthe city should own the access to this 5 acre parcel rather 'han have a perpetual easement across Mr. Schultz' property. The county ordinance .quires owned accesses on all building sites. See Salkowski'e concern on this in his ,utaff report. The reservoir will have an 600,000 gal, capacity and will be slightly below the level of the Monte Club facility; it will not encroach on their view. Denn was concerned about a land locked parcel and thought the access should be owned by the City. Grimsmo said the 5 acres is approximately 2 square blocks and there 13 ample room for servicing and none of the area will over be developed. He asked if the communication towers have owned access. Dene replied they do not own the land they are located on eo it is a different situation. The concern is allowing the reservoir without an owned access strip when all other Duildinge in Lha county are required to have owned access. urimsmo stated he did not :mow if the city could go back and acquire the 33 ft. strip x 4uO ft, or 5W ft. O'Neil thought this wan a unique situation and would not be setting a precedent for a municipality to nave a permanent easement rather than an owned strip. He was not aura if Mr. Schultz has a clear right to sell this piece. Denn said the legal work on a deed on an owned access strip versus a permanent easement should not make much differ- ence. He asked who would oe responsible for the taxes if not owned vy the City. Grimmoo stated the reservoir would be about 05 ft. above ground level. Mary Lou Payk spoke in opposition to the reservoir as it would wreck the beauty of the hill and nobody will want to live by it. Motion by Engstrom, seconded by Grimnmo, eThat we continue this request for a standpipe reservoir for a month to give the city an opportunity to see if they can acquire title to the easement a•rtp". O'Neil stated the city is planning a referendum for the 13th of September and the City will be doing their planning based on the assurance that the conditional use permit will be granted. What if the City can't negotiate a reasonable ice for the strip he said. Grimamo stated he has not heard anything in the discussion 'that this board would refuse the permit but he believes the City should make every effort to meet the guidelines required of private individuals and the City will bring the inform. ation back to this Board on September 7th. O'Neil asked if the Board would consider having Monticello Orderly Annexation Board - page 2 the motion read contingent on the City acquiring this piece of property. Grimsmo stated J it will accomplish the same thing but it will give the City a little more assurance that instead of being delayed it could be contingent on the City acquiring actual fee owner- ship and he asked for consiaeration of such an amendment to the motion on the floor. Engstrom withdrew his motion; Grimsmo withdrew his second. A new motion offered by Engstrom, seconded by Grimsmo, "That the request for a conditional use permit for the City of Monticello for a standpipe reservoir on the Monte Club hill on a 5 acre parcel purchased from the aenneth Schultz farm in Section 13 be approved contingent of the City of Monticello acquiring the land for a 33 foot owned access stip to County road 118 instead of a permanent access strip." Motion carried unanimously. ----Back to Item II. Many people present on this request including Gary Anderson, City of Monticello Building Inspector; Jeff Nelson, Kevin Tracy, Diane Anderson, Colleen Nelson, Robert Krautbauer and George McAlpine. McAlpine stated they are proposing placing the hot mix plant in the Robert Krautbauer pit. He had a site plan he presented and Krautbauer presented a reclamation plan. The permit request is from Sept. l to Nov. 15 of 1988 for the County road 39 project. The location of the plant will meet all the setback requirements from the residences; there are soave trees that will be a natural barrier and it will be in the low part of the existing pit. Grimsmo wanted to know if MDOT would be taking material from this pit for the research road proposed in t,ae east portion of our county. McAtpzne said this is supposed to oe let for bid in 19YU and he had no idea where the material would came from. McAlpine stated Buffalo Bituminous has only drill tested the portion of the pit that they will be O removing material from. He further stated that the County, in this project, set this pit as the material source and the County has set up a reclamation plan as part of the contract that Buffalo Bituminous has to follow.�iimamo said he would like to ask Q Krautbauer if all the demolition and other waste materials on site will be buried in a manner approved of by the County Environmental Health Officer. Krautbauer stated he has never allowed dumping but people menage to get into the property and do dump without his permission. Orimsmo asked where the material already mined went and Krautbauer stated it was used on the freeway and no other places and was never a gravel pit prior to the freeway use. O'Neil stated he reviewed the reclamation plan with Salkwski and Gary Anderson and it appeared satisfactory. There will be a very mild elope which meets the standards for reclamation (a 1 to h slope)i the final elope will be lees than that. Hie concern is the long term enforcement of the reclamation plan at the time the land is totally mined out; city staff and people in the area are concerned. Donn stated it would be the responsibility of this Board through the Zoning Administrator.L:0'Neil was asked if the reclamation plan Eoi-ei;Wd-tNe—W-t—irW--pIY of just this area where Buffalo Bituminous will be mining and he replied_just the_gw%ion where they will be mining; the reclamation plan basically shows what the pit will look like after all the mining is done and the second phase is what it will look like after the Buffalo Bituminous portion in done(Foage 1 Is overall and page 2 is Buffalo Bituminous portion McAlpine stated hie aampany has an with Krautbauer to bury all debris when' they are done. O'Neil stated Buffalo Bituminous Is wi u ing to survey the area where the debris is to be buried so the City will be awn.ro of the area in the future for planning. Gary Anderson addressed the Board and presented a petition from the neighbors. (petition made part of these minutes). He said he respreeented some of his neighbors both in the City and in the Township and to acting as a neighbor not a city staff person. He asked why was this pit chosen and not another pit out away from the city and the residents. There are many single family residents in the immediate area; he described the area the petition encompasses. The petition requests denial of the conditional use permit to Monticello Orderly Annexation Hoard - page 3 (kt1 Buffalo Bituminous; no reasons for requested denial given on the petition nor any concerns they have relating to the plant. Anderson stated one concern is the debris that has accumulated over the years and when it will be cleaned up and why the plant can't be located elsewhere instead of in an area of so many homes. Be said that prev- iously McAlpine had stated to the city staff that it would take appro:lnately 10 to 14 days to lay the blacktop. Why does the permit need to cover 21a months? The noise is another concern of the petitioners and the working hours from 7 to 7 and the emissions from the plant. They are also concerned about a possible fire because of the dry conditions this year. Also they want to know about total reclamation; when will it happen; not just reclamation of this portion used by Buffalo Bituminous. What enforce- ment can be counted on to avoid having debris pile up in there again? Nixing could continue long into the future; what provisions will be made for final cleanup and to avoid continual requests for conditional use permits for temporary hot mix plants. Jeff Nelson was very concerned about the fire hazard; he lives in Sandberg Peat. He wants to know about the second wear coat to be bid and placed next year and if that means another request next year. He also wants to see a final reclamation plan in place. Donn stated it could be years before all the material is removed; this is a private enterprise. McAlpine stated he could see no possible concern for a fire hazard. The water turns to steam in the heating process. Water in entering the stack at all times. They have a P,C.A. permit and are an approved plant. The permit request is to Nov. 15; the last possible time of the year to work bituminous. Should the company encounter a prolonged 3 rainy spell to delay laying the mix it is possible they would let the plant set over winter and would have to ask for an extension of time. They should be done in October. The contract calla for the county to buy the material for this project from Krautbauer. His company has no agreements to purchas-e ma�erial from Krautbauer. Kevin Tracy is concerned about the amen. She drives the freeway and there is consider• able odor from a plant as you near Osseo. Dene asked McAlpine if he knew of the new state law that went into effect August let relating to odors. McAlpine replied that they have received no information on any change in requirements frca either the P.C.A. or their own trade group. In reply to a query from Gary Anderson about using another pit for material McAlpine stated that in the Lerma of the contract the only pit the material for this project could come from was the Krautbauer pit; no others. Grimsmo asked how many loada would be hauled. McAlpine replied the bid calla for 25,000 tons of material and Buffalo Bituminous trucks haul approximately 14 tuna a load. Diane Anderson asked if only this pit was considered. Donn stated that whenever a conditional use permit for a hot mix plant comes before the County Planning and Zoning Board there are always people in the area that object. The coat of road construction is a concern to everyone and locating the source near the need is a major consideration. Colleen Nelson asked what is the purpose of having a public hearing if you Board members have already made up your minds. Is there any guarantee of this being the only permit or will we again have other plants and have to put up with the noise, odor and trucks. Krautbauer stated he owns the property and has the right to sell gravel. He has suggested the city could buy tre property is they so wished. McAlpine stated his y company has the right to do business if they meet the qualifications of the zoning ordinance and meet the requirements. Grimsmo stated he didn't think the city was interested in buying a gravel pit located in Monticello Township. The pit is already there. This project for County 39 cane Monticello Orderly Annexation Board - page 4 -40 for material to be removed from this pit. We can't please everybody. Buffalo Bitum- inous has met the requirements. It is a temporary situation. Motion by Engstrom, seconded by Grimsmo, "That we grant a conditional use permit for Buffalo Bituminous to place a temporary hot mix plant in Krautbauer's gravel pit in Section 18 as regulated in Section 604.4 and 727 of the Wright County Zoning Ordinance with the following conditions; (1) permit for the bituminous plant shall expire on Nov. 15, 1988; (2) all demolition and other waste materials existing in the pit and materials created by this project will be buried in a manner approved of by the County Environmental Health Officer by Nov. 30, 1988; (3) no further dumping of any demolition, waste, trash or other materials shall take place on the property unless specific approval is obtained from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Monticello Orderly Annexation Board; (4) all current and future activities shall ,comply with performance standards for mining in the Wright County Zoning Ordinance and the reglamation plans submitted and (5) that a survey be prepared indicating where in the pit the material is to be buried." Motion carried unanimously. Engstrom stated it was his intent that the permit start Sept let as that was what Buffalo Bituminous requested but McAlpine stated that maybe it wouldn't start until Sept. 15th. Item IV is final plat approval for The Ponderosa. Mark Woolston present on this item. Denn stated the road isn't completed. Woolston will place $45,000 in escrow for completion of the road. This item could be contingent on approval of the plat. Woolston said his biggest problem is the sale of the Byron Hoglund house; he is facing (� closing date on the sale of this house. Discussion an lack of most necessary signatures before final approval. Motion by Grimamo, seconded by Engstrom, *That the final plat for The Ponderoaa on County road 39 by Markus Land k 011 Co. be approved with all the d conditions of the preliminary plat being met and the following signatures on the final plat be obtained from (1) the Oanty Engineer; (2) the QzM Treasurer; (3) the County Auditor; (4) the County Recorder; (5) Chairman of the O.A.A. Board; (6) park dedication fees shall be cash as determined by the Planning and Zoning Administrator; (7) funds be placed in escrow for completion of the road in the amount of $45,000 for protection of the Townahip." Motion carried unanimously. Woolston wanted to know where the escrow monies were to be deposited and was told the Wright County State Bank. Item V. Rjellberg Park West problem reviewed by Jeff O'Neil. Donn asked how difficult it would be to have the state fire marshall give some Input and possibly exert some pressure on the violations on occupancy. Engstrom thought the only thing to do is to get legal counsel. O'Neil mentioned Hayes. Grimsmo asked regarding Weingarden. It would have a big impact if we could back up any legal pursuit with evidence of the state fire marshall having chocked nut the occupancy. Grimamo said to be sure people are occupying these quarters. Donn said people were living there on June 29, 1988 when the county building Inspector was out there. O'Neil said he would contact Selkowskl and have him contact the state fire marshall and keep up to date on the status of the residents. Consensus of the Board that if necessary Salkaweki to contact weiagarden after occupancy is reconfirmed and the state fire marehall Is contacted. Item VI - Land Use Plan. O'Neil stated not much accomplished this past month and thought was that both Salkowaki and himself should be present. Grimsmo asked that something definite be on the September agenda on this item. He has announced that he will not file for reelection. No new business the meeting adjourned on motion by Engstrom, seconded by Grimm and carried. COUNTY OF WRIGHT CONDITIONAL USE PROCEEDINGS APPLICANT: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. PROPERTY OWNER: Robert G. & Betty A. Krautbauer Petitions for a Conditional Use Permit to place a temporary hot -mix plant in existing gravel pit as regulated in Section 604.4 & 727. of the Wright County Zoning Ordinance. The above entitled matter came on to be heard before the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board on 3rd day of August 1989 , on a petition for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the Wright County Zoning Ordinance, for the following described property: South Half of Northwest Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter all lying north of railroad, except for tract described in Book 222 of Deeds, page 302, all in Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. (Monticello Twp IT IS ORDERED that a conditional use permit be approved upon the following conditions: Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board granted a Conditional Use Permit for Buffalo Bituminous to place a temporary hot mix plant in Krautbauer's gravel pit in Section 18 as regulated in Section 604.4 and 727 of the Wright County Zoning Ordinance with the following conditions: 1) permit for the bituminous plantshall expire on :November 15, 1988; 2) all demolition and other waste materials existing in the pit and materials created by this project will be buried in a manner approved of by the County Environmental Health Officer by November 30, 1988; 3) no further dumping of any demolition, waste, trash or other materials tthhshall take place on STATS pOT MINK SOTA) specific approval is obtainWRIG�mC8WTy* MICE N ) as. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) OF PLANNING AND ZONING I, Tom Salkowski, Zoning Adminstrator for the County of Wright, with and in for said County, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy and Order granting a conditional use with the original record thereof preserved in my office, and have found the same to be a correct and true transcript of the whole thereof. A copy of this Order has been forwarded to the applicant. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed y hand at Buff a o, Mi nesota, in the County of Wright on the -7 day of 1970 Receipt a 30929 W ght Coubty Z'C�nind Administrator Return to P & Z WCR *Conditions continued: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board; 4) all current and future activities shall comply with performance standards for mining in the Wright County Zoning Ordinance and the reclamation plans submitted and 5) that a survey be prepared indicating where in the pit the material is to be buried. 04P 467846 frf ='ICC iF C'CH f Y ;�::,p.t i�'iI'C^.S i',•. n':Ie: SAI' ANJ/"a :cCfP�7F7 nv 90 AN -9 PM93j3 MISC.t1A(H�C1A`IA`NT�TQ.CO�.}"ECpnF 61 6 ' DEPUTY *GA R STATE OF MINNESOTA MONTICELLO ORDERLY ANNEXATION AREA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CONDITIONAL USE PROCEEDINGS PPLICANT: 11IN1UMA DEPARTVM OF TRANSPORTATION/ROSM 103AUi'BAUER W Petitions to extend the Conditional Use Permit issued on December 6, 1289 to June 30, 1994 to continue the land alteration and stockpiling as regulated in Section 604.4 and 72T of—the Wright County Zoning Ordinance. ORDER GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The above entitled matter came on to be heard before the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board this 1st of July. 1992, on a petition for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the Wright County Zoning Ordinance, for the following described property: South self of North ut Quarter and the eorumt Quarte of the SouUmst Quarter all lying north of railroad, eceot cart lyinq northeasterly of the northeast right of Cay of County Niglnay 75 the lying mathreaterly of the southruterly nght of way of Interstate 94, eaceot tract deacnhad in Boot 222 of CHOI. Nge 102 1e the Office of the eight County Recorder, Section 18. Toiinhic 121. Range 14. Mot County. Nilineeata. lite Parcel 1211-000-I122UI IT IS ORDERED that a Conditional Use Permit be granted upon the following conditions or reasons: Board gruted a coediticael no pe►ait for a tao-yur eitaneron to stoetstle eateriv at tee tnuthawr orourty, `-1 SPATE OF MINNESOTA) WRIGHT COUNTY OFFICE ) sa. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) OF PLANNING AND ZONING I, Tom Salkowski, Zoning Administrator for the County of Wright, with and in for said County, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy and Order granting a Conditional Use Permit with the original record thereof preserved in my office, and have found the same to be a correct and true transcript of the whole thereof. A CODY of this Order has been forwarded to the applicant. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto quPscribed my and at uffalo. Minnesota, in the County of Wright on the day of 199?. !' Vieviotit Couaty Z6 ng AIlnietrator eyttw" tet wr4"t County PlaTine a Zoning iY:.tl 520941 Off.%:4Of.CO. W_I'1T`YRECORO NRCI.RTiCl1UNTY,MINNES €A SLED TOkFILED M FS •4 pM 11= 14 y KAMTT0.COSECOM BY. Mm . DEPUTT NIP 9 STATE OF MINNESOTA MONTICELLO ORDERLY ANNEXATION AREA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CONDITIONAL USE PROCEEDINGS APPLICANT: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. PROPERTY OWNER: Rob_:t Krautbauer and Betty A. Krautbaue_ Petitions for a Conditional Use Permit to allow expansion of the mining operation as regulate din Section 505.2, 60-727 of the Wrignt County Zoning Ordinance. (expansion to include land alteration for stockpile storage area.) The above entitled matter came on to be heard before the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area Board on 6th day of December 19 89, on a petition for a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the Wright County Zoning Ordinance, for the following described property: South Half of Northwest Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter all lying north of railroad, except part lying northeasterly of the northeast right of way of County Highway 75 and lying southwesterly of the southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94, except tract described in "Book 222 of Deeds, page 302 in the Office of the Wright County Recorder, Section 1L, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota. (Monticello Township) IT IS ORDERED that a conditional use permit be approved upon the following conditions: 1. Approval is for a stockpile site only, and mining on the property is to remain strictly limited to the terms of the permit issued and plans approved on August 3, 1988. 2. All topsoil stripped from the site must be saved for reclamation of the stockpile site. 3. Dust control must be applied as necessary during future operations. 4. Highway access must be approved by the County Engineer. 5. This permit shall expire, and reclamation must be complete by June 1, 1992. STATE OF MINNESOTA) WRIGHT COUNTY OFFICE ) as. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) OF PLANNING AND ZONING I. Tom Salkowaki, Zoning Adminatrator for the County of Wright, with and in for said County, do hereby certify, that I have compared the foregoing copy and Order granting a conditional use with the original record thereof preserved in my office, and have found the same to be a correct and true transcript of the whole thereof. A copy of this Order has been forwarded to the applicant. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed hand at Buffalo, Minnesota, in the 18Cou ty of Wright on the day of tight C ty slag Administrator ljeoelpt s 33899 Return to P 6 Z 467847 an Y.IhncS'. is oxFL 90 JAN —9 PH MA R C A v 3: 03 MISS an co..nra 97.,pq 62 I Lco. &l Z P U T Y ftR J E C TON or ! yl Ru t /I •I• �- O.nor.. a18nnp ao~l NOTl: M.ION w •Oboes al ee.lke M pM10100 • •prepo000 10110nMnM1 CMIWe "I., 4,41806111 RDTE: 0t1011np ey11pe0 OIO Ilan M pylon wrvl/ pa� MORR /URD { I I /0100 MIRO S olf Ie001 Hae along 100 1988610 .wye Ont H0 NN1nInWl OIH x.10 IM00a a1 7/le/IWt The Monticello Senior Housing Alliance met August 9, 1994 at 7:00 p.m in the Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital Board Room In attendance were Shirley Anderson, 011ie Koropdmk, Helm Weidenbncli, Don Biske, Al Larson, Clirn Herbst, and Barb Sehwientdc Brad Barger was absent. Al Larson was elected Acting Chainean by consemus. On site visits to Sernor Housing Developments were scheduled as follows: Ao¢nst 15 - Leave City Hall Parking Lot at 10:45 am I1*00& m : Lake Ridge Manor % Ebenezer Cove= Home 310 Lake Blvd. Buff do, MN 55313 Ma. Judy Hama, Director of Social Services/Assisted Living Mr. John Rau, Interim Adawr 8/1/94 (612)682-1434 This is a 254)ed "ered caro living faality attached to the 604)ed nundng &mhty with shared services and a:aff It is situated on a hill overlooking Buffilo Lake which provides infortndity and tranquillity to the residents Leave City Hall Parking Lot at 1:45 p.n. 2100„p,m,: Manitou Place 4615 Second Avemm White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Tani Meyer (612) 4264054 egrnst 31 - Leave City Hall Parking Lot at 9:00 am 9145. gym• County Manor 520 Fust Sonet Northeast Sartell, MN 56377 Gail (612) 253-8450 I;00 p.m: Parltview, Court Glenwood, MN Pat rhasto (612) 634.3234 Fadag lake in downtown Glenwood, ommeaed to nurdng hone. Assisted living FVJM In smaller commwdty. August 31 - (Com'd): 3:30 o.m.: Pleasant View - 100 Barduson Stmt Appleton. MN 56208 Sheila (612) 289-1163 Sent. I - Leave City Hall Parking Lot at 9:00 am. 10:30 Lm.: Lutheran Home of the Cannon Valley 900 Cannon Valley Drive Northfield, MN 55057 Mrs. Emelda Rasmussen (507) 645-9511 This recently completed 26 -unit congregate and 20 -um assisted living fita7ity with a mul i -purpose chapel, activities, and administration building. This is a similar project to the proposed Mo=Wdlo-Big Lake fiucility. 100 9.m : Eagle Ridge Place 12600 Eagle Ridge Drive Burnsville, MN (612)882-0223 Near intersection of Neollet Ave. and Burnsville Partway. Dakota County Congegate Housing project, sinn7sr to that being discussed in Monticello. All members are encouraged to join on these site visits if possible. Please call Barb Schwientck at 295-2945, Ext. 211. if you "not be able to attend. A roster of all',, members is attached. The next meeting is scheduled for September 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the Monticello -Big Lake Community Bub Schwieatek Senior Housing Alliance Members W Al Larson Barbara Schwientek P.O. Box 367 1013 Hart Blvd. Monticello, MN 55362 P.O. Box 480 (W) 295-2552 (H) 295-2999 Monticello, MN 55362 Fax: 2954540 (W) 295-2945, Ext. 211 Fax 2954593 011ie Korgwhak Donald Biske 130 Jerry Liefert Drive 3097 -145th St. NW Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 (W) 295-2711 (1) 878-2636 Fax: 2954404 Helen Weidenbach Clint Herbst 9044 LaBeaux Ave. 9801 GUlard Ave. NE Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello. MN 55362 (H) 441-1354 (H) 295.4983 Shirley Anderson Brad Barger 306 E. Broadway 301 CheL�ea Road Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello, MN 55362 (ii) 295-2040 (W) 295.5635 '7 V August 15, 1994 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Stephen P. Birkeland, Jr. and Joan M. Birkeland Custom Canopy, Inc. 219 Dundas Road Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Birkeland, Jr.: The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) thanks you for your investment into the City of Monticello. It is our hope that Custom Canopy and your industrial neighbors take pride in their investment by helping to maintain an aesthetical and Quality industrial park; therebye, protecting one's investment. As per the HRA letter dated March 8, 1994, the HRA extended the time for completion of the non screen -fenced area and gate to July 1, 1994. with the non -completion of the non screen -fenced area and gate, the HRA did not approve the Certificate of Completion. It is with regret, we must inform you that the HRA has determined the Birkeland's in default of the Private Redevelopment Contract. Therefore, the Birkelands shall receive no annual TIF payment from the HRA. 14 Page 1 Stephen and Joan Birkeland, Jr. August 15, 1994 If you have any questions, we'd be happy to sit down and discuss the matter with you. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA l� Al ason HRA C^hairperson (nv 0 `^' 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Director cc: Pat Dwyer, Bank of Elk River Jeff O'Neill, Zoning Administrator Gary Anderson, Building Official TIF District No. 1-15 File Page 2 PUBLIC RtEznURCE GROUP, INC. It Marketing, Development & Finance Specialists August 16, 1994 Ms. 011ie Koropchak City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Bot 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 STA . �a JNsfBOUenrneat or i� tSlstrra•tvo. i -t7 f'or Fa -- . -' initial project structuring with business; preparation of TIF data; deunnination of project future values and preliminary TIF financial analysis; review aed conftnnation of TIF plan; distribution of documents to County and School Districts; ' and certification of district. '[TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ONM OVER 60 OVER $3,850.00 TERMS: NET DUE L'PON RECEIPT, 1.33% PER MONTH SERVICE CHARGE ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS 4205 Lancaster Lane North* Suite 1100 4 Minneapolis. Minnesota 5501 0 (612) 550.7979 0 (612) 550.9221 Fax H0LME8 & GRAWN ceA$TsasD m reeb.r c..., rr.ro.s, Kb—W. Tdwb—eivearare August 19, 1994 INVOICE s 46850 t'� MN190:41 ITF CITY OF MONTICELLO Redeve10, lopment — General P 0 80% 1147 1hz0 MONTICELLO MN 55362-9.45 For All Legal Services From July 7, 1994 Thru July 31, 1994 As Follows: 07/07:94 SJB Phone call with 0. Koropchak re soils 0.20 24.:0 TIF Question 07/12/94 SJB Phone call with 0. Koropchak re TIF 0.20 24 �U projects 07/29/94 SJB Phone call with L. Kirchst: review 0.75 9C. 00 soils diskrict memo: research same 'ota. Services: $138.00 Name Hours Rate Amount Stephen J Oubul 1. 15 120. 00 138.00 Total Services And Disbursements: S138. 130 1 dedmw eMm per," of WW ft aWW^ deka a dsT$p . and osmd aro dW ro pen Mfrs Wenhwd4 :� d CtsYsern John 0 Dean HOLMES & GRAVEN cH4ersacD asrew—T Crw, Wh—PWI4ler.0 em Tdwh .ae/W4= August 19. 1991 ENWICE s 46852 MN190:45 CITY OF MONTICELLO Fay — Mar TIF Project P 0 BOX 1147 t;% `r MONTICELLO MN 95362-9.145 ` For All Legal Services From June 2B. 1994 Thru July 31. 1994 As Follows: 07/12/94 SJB Phone call with 0. horopchak re 0.20 24.+)0 contract 07/13/94 SJB Review contract on TIF pian ens TIF 0.90 60.00 numbers 07/14/94 SJB Phone call with U. Koropchar 0.30 36.00 _ Total Services: 61820 00 Name Hours hate Amount Stephen J Bubul 1. CO 120.00 120.00 For All Disbursements As Follows. Long Distance Phone B. 71 Total Disbursements: $6.71 Total Services And Disbursements. $12E.71 1 I dwfwo. ~ pmWy at I" 1 aw comas. dalm or do um end oena Wd ow ro pen as John 0 Dean HOLMES & GRAVEN tassrsaw August 19, 1994 iNvO10E N s68S1 MN -9n-44 CITY OF MONTICELLO r T1F tl1—lc — Scnulz� P 0 BOX 114- MONTICELLO MN 99362-92,15 For All Legal Services From June 29, 1994 Thru July 31. 1994 As Follaws. 07/19/94 SJB Organize fire: send closing accuments to HRA 0. 50 6J 00 Total Services Name Hours Rate Amount Stephen J Subul 0. 50 120.00 60.00 For All Disbursements As Fallows. 06/29/94 Parking expense 6.00 Postage 0.98 Total Dixbursements Total Services And Disbursements I I dsabe. endw pooft el lar 'tls eaoaan, dabs or do ww 9snd oared ft no psn a clat,nro John B Dean 6 -0. 00 so. 96 $66.08 612-334-3362 CASSERLY MOLZRHN itDI/CITY OF 4ONfICEL10 v [ ...................Carla I...................I ADMIN ADMIN L.GkAWA LQkO ACA Sou ANWK CUALATIVE sou AA46NL OIVIATIVE DATE 6ALMIM &YANG[ DALMIQ 84A10E 12 / 1999 0 0 0 0 6/ 1995 0 0 0 0 12 / 199s 0 0 0 0 6/ 19% 0 0 0 0 12 / 1996 0 0 0 0 6/ 1997 0 0 O 0 12 / 1997 0 O 0 0 6 / 1998 1,363 1,363 1,932 1,932 12 / 1998 1.363 2.726 1,932 3,864 6 / 1999 17.746 20,474 25.158 29,023 12 / 1999 17,748 38,222 25,158 54,181 6 / 2000 30.345 68,567 43.014 97,195 12 / 2000 30,345 98,912 43,016 140,210 6 / 2001 40,035 139.947 56,750 196.960 12 / 2001 40,035 176,981 56,750 253,710 6 / 2002 40,03S 219,016 56,750 310.460 12 / 2002 40,035 259.051 56,750 367,211 6 / 2003 40.438 299/ 489 57.322 4241 S33 12 / 2003 40,438 379.927 67,322 401,835 6 / IOW 40.645 380.773 57,699 539.764 12 u 40.645 421,618 57,899 597,653 6 T UOS 41,267 462,876 58,483 655,136 U / 2045 41,157 504,132 MAW 714,410 -_-----�-_504,132 504, 132M� 714,619 714,619 U 302 PO4 SEP 07.94 15:50 [...................OaTm 11..................I ADMIN ADMIN LCAAWCA IGAAW.A Sou AWS AL CAUATIVE SE341 AA64ML 0,36A.ATM BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE BILLA4m DATE 0 0 0 O 12 / 1994 0 0 0 0 6/ 1995 0 6 0 0 12 / 1995 0 0 0 0 6/19% 0 O 0 0 12 / 1996 0 0 0 0 6/ 1997 0 0 0 0 12 / 1997 1,363 1,763 1,932 1,932 6 / 1996 1.363 2.726 1,932 3,964 12 / 1998 17,748 20,474 25,158 29,023 6 / 1999 17,748 38,222 25,158 54,181 12 / 1999 30.649 66.872 43.446 97.627 6 / 20M 30.649 99.521 43,446 141,074 12 / 2000 39,279 138,800 55,678 196,752 6 / 2001 39,279 178.078 55,678 252,430 12 / 2001 39,279 217,357 $5,678 308,108 6 / 2002 39,279 256.636 65,678 363,'.' 12 / 2002 39,674 296,310 56,239 420,026 6 / 2003 39,674 US. 944 66.239 476,265 12 / 2003 40.074 376.059 56,606 531,071 6 / 2004 40,074 416.132 WON 669,677 la / 2004 40.676 456.610 67,378 647,265 6 / 2005 40,470 497, GM 57,378 767,633 12 / 2005 4971%,:: 497,068 704,633 704,617 N541 WEPANEO h CA33ERLT 4CLIAMN 6 ASSOCIATES. INC. 30-A.y-94 612-334-3382 CASSERLY moo-zRHN 302 P02 SEP 07'94 1S:49 Casserly Molzahn & Associates, Inc. ue 216 South 11th Street. Subs 300 • Mhneepo0e • Wyea to 55409 Ofte (812) 342,2277 • Fax (812) 3943382 TO: Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: James R. Casserly Mary E. Molaahn DATE: September 7, 1994 RE: Impact of Local Government Aid Reduction for the RDI Rousing Project In our memo of August 25, 1994 regarding options for the redevelopment of the Krautbauer property, we described two options for using tax increment. Several years ago the Legislature imposed new restrictions on the establishment of tax increment districts. One of those restrictions is a penalty to the municipality which creates the tax increment district. This penalty is in the form of reducing the municipality'& Local Government Aid or Homestead and Agricultural Aid (referred to in this memo simply as LGA). The amount of the LGA reduction is a function of the duration of the tax increment district and the amount of tax increment generated. The attached chart shows the LGA reduction impacts for Options I and II. For purposes of this memo Option II only will be analysed. The LOA impact is calculated from the captured tax capacity. The actual impact is represented by the column titled LGA/HACA SEMI ANNUAL BALANCE. from the tax increment received by the City in the first half of 1998, the LOA reduction represented by that period would be 81,932. For the entire year it would be 83,864. In 1999 there in substantially more value and the LOA reduction for the entire year would exceed 850,000. The LGA/HACA CUMULATIVE BALANCE column in simply the accumulation of the semi annual balances. In the chart a line is drawn for the period ending 12/2000. Based on our previous analysis, three tax increment years represent assistance to the redeveloper of ovor 8190,000. Option II of the August 25, 1994 memo suggested a maximum assistance to the redovoloper of !170,000. 4 612-334-3362 CASSERLY MOLZAHN 302 P03 SEP 07.94 15:50 It is possible to offset the LGA reduction by using the tax increment funds from the same tax increment district for program and administrative expenses (titled simply ADMIN in our chart). The admin to 25• of the tax increment being generated and is retained on a semi annual basis. The column titled ADMIN SEMI ANNUAL BALANCE reflects those semi annual amounts. The column adjacent to it titled ADMIN CUMULATIVE BALANCE is simply the accumulation of each semi annual balance. For the time period ending 12/2000 the ADMIN CUMULATIVE BALANCE amount is $99,52S. As indicated above, the LGA/HACA CUMULATIVE BALANCE amount is $141,074. The net loss to the City is the difference between those two amounts which would be between $41,000 and $42,000. However, the City would recover more than that amount in the first year after the tax increment district is decertified. The projected taxes on build -out exceed $316,000 and 1Sf of that amount, if that is the City's portion of the property taxes, is in excess of $47,000. In short, the City will more than recover its losses within a year. SEP 07 '94 11:31AM 0 P.2/3 RNER MILL 0794 Morake0o. Minnesota Rem Devalopnrertl. Uro. 11 v Prepared By: Sad" - Bergqulat, Inc. Eat Will Deaaiptiort unit MY Price Anmuet SITE GRADING - Required To Restore Grovel Pit Area Clear and Grub L.S. 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 Erosbn Control L.F. 2,000 2.50 5,000.00 Fig Required For E xistim Pit Area C.Y. 90,000 1.05 94,500.00 Reslope Grovel Pit Walls C.Y. 15,000 1.00 15,000.00 Respread Topsoil C.Y. 10.000 0.50 5,000.00 Restoration Aores 15 750.00 111250.00 TOTAL: 132,760.00 SEP 07 '94 11:319" 0 RIVER MILL Monmccio, Mwoods RasideMM 0; . „ Inc- +4C' nc.+1.' Prepared By: Sathre - Bergquist, Inc. SITE GRADING -Entire Site Clear and Grub Erosion Control Rodc Errtranoe Berm Submit Re:)read Topsoil Reeknow rl V P. 3/3 UL -7771" Est Lwt Lw oh► Price Arnourd LS. 1 20.000.00 20.000.00 L.F. 3,500 2.50 6.750.00 EACH 3 1,500.00 4,500.00 C.Y. 230,000 1.05 241,500.00 C.Y. 30,000 1.50 45,000.00 C.Y. 45,000 0.50 22,500.00 Apes 65 750.00 48,750.00 TOTAL: 391.000.00 sz tfie owe