HRA Agenda 04-02-1997AGENDA l MONTICELI.O HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, April 2,1997 - 7:00 p aL City Han MEMBERS: Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Steve Andrews, Darren Lahr, Bob Murray, and Dan Frie. COUNCIL LIAISON: Roger Carbon. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, JeffO'NeM and 011ie Koropchak. I . CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MARCH 5, 1997 HRA MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS. 4. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT HRA OFFICERS AND APPOINT HRA REPRESENTATIVES. 5. CONSIDERATION TO AMENDTHE AMENDED AND RESTATED PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENTCONTRACf BETWEEN THE HRA AND RONALD S. MUSICK 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE APPRAISALS FOR 219 FRONT STREET AND 3 WALNUT STREET FOR POTENTIAL PURCHASE. 7. CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT UPDATES. 9. OTHER BUSINESS: a) Approval of hips. b) Other. 9. ADJOURNMENT. c MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 5,1997 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, Steve Andrews, and Darr in Lahr. MEMBER ABSENT: Dan Frie COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Roger Carlson (tardy) GUESTS PRESENT: Mark Ruff, Ehlers and Associates Steve Bubul, Kennedy & Graven Bob Murray, HRA commissioner -elect Bill Grasset, Domino's Pisa Via Chairperson Barger called the HRA mating to order at 7:00 p.m. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to approve the February 5 and February 19. 1997 HRA minutes. Seconded by Steve Andrews and with no corrections and additions, the HRA minutes were approved as written. Maris Ruff informed the HRA members that modification or establishment of a TIF District gives the HRA the legal authority to collect the tax increment within the geographic boundary of that district. Additionally, beginning in 1990, the Legislators placed a penalty on new TIF District created. The penalty to the city amounts to approximately 35% of the tax increment of a district. In 1995, Legislators passed a bill which allows for an alternative. a city or HRA can make a local contribution match. By making the local match of 5% or 10% of the tax increment, the city is exempt from the penalty. HRA members discussed the pcmhy/local match, the "but for"test, and the findings for the "blight" criteria requirement as substantiated by the Chief Building Oflicial. HRA MINUTES v MARCH 5. 1997 HRA members agreed to approve the modification of the plan for TEF District No. 1-17 if the developer submined evidence satisfying the "but foil' test. Approximately $23.000 of additional annual tax capacity will be captu,ed from the 20.000 sq ft manufacturing expansion proposed by Fay -Mar. The company projects an increase of 20 new employees at an average wage of $8.50 ph. Commissioner Andrews feh the average wage -level of the new employees was not good enough to warrant additional TIF assistance. Others felt the proposed wages met the "liveable" wage standard. Members agreed the wage -level issue should be considered with the re -assessment of the TIF Policies. The HRA members agreed to transfer the annual HACA Penalty from the TIF Surplus Fund to the city. The estimated penalty is an annual increase of up to $14,000 due to the expansion. It appears the additional increment is sufficient to assist the developer with an additional $60,000 for site improvement costs. The $60.000 pay-as-you-go method at 7°/u would be payable after retiring the original HRA debt of $50,000. However, no level of TIF assistance was approved by the HRA. Although the city, not the HRA, approves the findings satisfying the "blight criteria" requirement for establishment of a redevelopment district, HRA reviewed the findings by the Building Official for establishment of TIF District No. 1.22. HRA members noted the valuation of the 12 permits issued within the proposed redevelopment district totaled only $59.500 since June 1995. In good faith judgernent, the HRA found the findings by the Chief Building Official to satisfy the "blight" criteria requirements. The "but for" test applies to the whole district, not by parcels. HRA members felt the "but for" test was obvious due to the findings by the Building Official. Given the size of the district, did the HRA feel comfortable? St. Hilaire felt the proposed geographic boundaries for District No. 1-22 should be enlarged. Mark Ruff informed members the boundary was determined after an area survey by he and Koropchalc. consideration of the study area of Hoisington Redevelopment/Riverfront Plan, likelihood of potential development or redevelopment within the next five years, and the ability to share increment within the district for redevelopment. Proposed redevelopment activity within the district is the riverfront, Walnut, Broadway. and Mag redevelopments. The local contribution match of 5% for a redevelopment district can be made from the City or HRA general fund. The local match is 5% of the annual tax increment. Because the HRA general fund is supplemented predominantly through a small levy approved by the Cay Council and because the catch cannot be made ftom TIF surplus dollar, the HRA requested the Council consider contributing the 5% local match. HRA MINUTES MARCH 5. 1997 Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to adopt the resolution modifying the plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1; modifying the plan for TIF District No. 1-17. and establishing TIF District No. 1-22 and adopting the plan relating thereto. Modification of the plan for TIF District No. 1-17 was subject to submittal of evidence satisfying the "but for" test. Darrin Lahr seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed 3-1. Yeas: St. Hilaire, Lahr, and Barger. Nays: Andrews. Absent: Dan Frie. Andrews opposed modification of the TIF District No. 1-17 because of the projected wage -level of the new jobs, he did not oppose the establishment of District No. 1-22. 4. Consideration to determine level of assistance for modification of the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and Ronald S_ Musich. Tabled. 5. Consideration to review for endorsement a fee increase for Fliers and Associates. Marls Ruff addressed the HRA concern of the 12.5% increase in the hourly rate from $105 to 5120. Ehlers' increase from $90 to S105 was seven years ago and Ehlers began wonting with the Monticello HRA about one and one-half years ago. Ehlers prefers and generally works without a contract. Because of the level of activity in Monticello and the regent date of Monticello as a new client, Ehlers retracted the immediate request for a fee increase and will resubmit the request in one to two years. F. Consideration to discuss the future redevelopment of the Cohen and Fluth parcels. Bill Grasset Domino's Pizza, informed HRA members of his purchase option with Vic Cohen to purchase the site after demolition of the burned structure. Gressel secured the option because he wants his bus'nrcss to stay downtown. Currently. he Mases from Dr. Carty and the 5 -year lease is up for renewal in July, 1997. The purchase option serves as an alterative. H RA members asked if he could provide a service of selling pizza by individual pieces in a small indoor/outdoor restaurant atmosphere. Grasses responded Domino's contract is no restaurant business, only tarty -out and delivery. The company's concern is parking requirements for restaurants. Members asked if Grassel could approach company headquarters with a special request on behalf of the HRA and MCP? Gressel was unfamiliar with the use of TIF and was uncertain if he would own or lease a newly constructed facility. HRA members suggested he meet with a lender to determine his ability to own or lease. Members encouraged Grassel's busmess to stay downtown and the HRA was open to further discuss a possible swap of the Cohen and HRA HRA MINUTES MARCH 5, 1997 Broadway parcels or perhaps other assistance after W Grassel has met with a leader. The potential project supports the redevelopment concept of the downtown/rivetfront tidy. Given a willing seller and the 218 Front Street property unoccupied and somewhat deteriorated. HRA members were interested in exploring the acquisition of the parcel for future redevelopment. The 1996 Tax Boole EMV for the parcel and structure is $65,900; however. Carlson felt the property would appraise at less than the EMV. Additionally. Carlson informed members the corner property to the immediate east of 218 Front Street is also unoccupied. The contact person would be Larry Schlief. Steve Andrews made a motion authorizing an appraisal of the 218 From Street property and an appraisal of the toner property to the immediate east of 218 Front Street. Tom St. Hilaire semnded the motion. Deb Otten and Larry Sddief to be contacted prior to appraisal for right to enter property. With no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 8. Consideration to atmrove modification of the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and T.J. Martin- Inc. Brad Barger made a motion to amend the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and T.J. Martin. Inc. The amendment as follows: Disbursement of the land acquisition costs ($29,098) at 301/o completion of the minimum improvement upon receipt of evidence and signed by its duly authorized representative and she improvement costs ($8,802) disbursed upon completion and evidence of payment. Construction commencement date amended from April 1. 1997 to May 1, 1997 and completion date amended from September I, 1997 to October I, 1997. Steve Andrews seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Other Business - a) Brad Barger made a motion to approve the HRA monthly bills. Danin Lahr seconded the motion and with no 14rther discussion, the motion passed unanimously. HRA hC NLrrES MARCH 5, 1997 10. A6UXMCOL. The HRA meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Olde Koropchak, Executive Dveetor i s HRA AGENDA APRIL 2. 1997 4. Consid A. P HRA Officers Enclosed is a copy of the HRA Bylaws of April 6, 1971. The officers of the HRA are the Chairperson. Vice-Chainperson. and Secretary/treasurer. Prior to AI Larson's resignation. the officers were as follows: AI Larson, Chairperson; Brad Barger. Vice - Chairperson. and Rick Wolfsteller, Secretary/Treasurer. Koropchak serves at the Executive Director. The duties of the officers are written within the Bylaws. The HRA should elect a chairperson and vice -chairperson and it is assumed Mr. Wolfsteller will remain as secretary/treasurer. It is my recommendation the HRA consider Brad Barger as the chairperson since he previously served as vice -chair and has served as an NRA commissioner the longest time (most experienced.) No recommendation for vice - chair is given. HRA Appointments "lite HRA appoints one representative to a commission and non-profit organization and two representatives to a second non-profit organization. The commission is the Economic Development Authority (EDA). The function of the EDA is to consider approval of Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) loans. It is a seven -member commission which meets four times a year or upon a called special meeting. Previously, Al Larson was the appointed representative. The HRA should appoint a new representative to the EDA. One non-profit organization is the Monticello Community Partners (MCP) and the HRA appointee would serve as a member of the Board of Directors.. The function of the MCP is to revitalize the downtown and riverfront area and the Board of Directors oversees the activities of the Promotions, Economic Restructuring, and Design Committees and is the Fundraising Committee. Currently, the Board of Directors meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Previously. Al Larson was the appointed representative. If the HRA does not appoint a representative (tom its membership, the MCP Board of Directors can select the appointee per their bylaws. The HRA should appoint a new representative to the MCP Board of Directors. The second non-profit organization is the Monticello Senior Alliance. The original intent of the alliance was to build, own, and manage Mississippi Shores. However, shoe of HRA AGENDA APRIL 2, 1997 capital, the Alliance now serves as an advisory board to Presbyterian Homes which owns, operates, and manages Mississippi Shores. The original representatives were Al Larson and Brad Barger. Upon discovering a conflict of interest, the two HRA members resigned and the HRA appointed Ben Smith and Steve Johnson as their representatives. 1 is my understanding Mississippi Shores has a waiting list of 29 persons; therefore, Presbyterian Homes and the Monticello Senior Alliance are considering the construction of a second wing. Construction perhaps in 1998. Unless Ben and Steve are unwilling to continue to serve, it is my recommendation to leave as is. Additionally, you may want to consider amending the bylaws to correct the time of the HRA meetings, discuss arcual meeting of Apra 6 which has not been held, or any other language. C� i V, vvmk�"l Please consider a motion to elect officers and a motion to appoint HRA representatives. M HRA AGENDA APRIL 2, 1997 7i,i1' a .17.1l,il,' Pl r 1'TT � ' 1, 1 -' H - J. 11,=11 , 11� y '.i .il li •�� �.1' �'I� ' 1l 1 At the HRA meeting in March, the HRA tabled any action on this item because the motion to modify the plan for TIF District No. 1-17 was subject to receipt of evidence for the "but for" test. Having received a letter of evidence for the "but for" test, Kennedy & Graven was authorized to amend the contract. The level of TIF assistance suggested by the Executive Director was $50,000 NPV for site improvement costs. The pay-as-you-go method to commence as follows: 1. Available tax increment (10%) 2. Retire HRA $50.000 debt for original upfront land acquisition costs 3. Pay-as-you-go payment of $50.1100 NPV for site improvement costs associated with the expansion. Upon receipt of evidence of completion and payment of the site improvements. Annual HACA Penalty from TIF Surplus. Constriction commencement date. June 1, 1997, and construction completion date. December 1, 1997, for the minimum improvements of the expansion (20,(X)0 sq ft manufacturing space). Twemy new jobs at an average wage of at leas( $8.50 ph. You will recall. Marts Ruff anticipated the captured tax increment from the expansion would be sufficient to assist the company with the full $62,(XX) estimated site improvement costs. ��7. — _: 'f 1 1 A motion to amend the amended and restated Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Ronald S. Musich dated December 15. 1994 as noted above. A motion to amend the amended and restated Private Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Ronald S. Musich dated December 15. 1994 as other than noted above. HRA AGENDA APRIL 2, 1997 3. A motion to deny emeodmg the amended and restated Contract. 4. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is Ahernative No. 1. Staff recommends TIF assistance in lieu of the recent enactment of the storm sewer fee. D. SupRorilp&DAI& Copy of the letter of evidence for the "but for" test, copy of site improvement costs, and portions of the amended contract if available. 7 pet Fay - Mar Tube & Metal Fabricators, Inc. 011ie Koropcbak City Of Monticello City Hall 250 E Broadway Mon icdlo, MN 55362 011ie: Fay -Mar is reeking assmance under the TIF program to allow us to expand our current facility in Monticello to better save our custorners arai keep up with our exciting growth. Without this futtdimS we would be forced to look elsewhere for an affordable expansion site, outside Monticello and pa5'saps Wright county. �-Jrdy with TIF can we continue with our plans to expand here in Monticello. 4S' 1 E. Te Operations Manager C cc: Ron Musich 307 Chelan Road 9 Mondock MWnewm SM • Office 612.2934777 9 Fax 612.2934743 dll`1`!I 1.1: t10 b1;04171 Ib � J wC 1lJ'11 .e'1U � tio. M rMlt Ot / ------- -- - Proposal JOHN C. W EICHT AND ASSOCIATES LLP GENERAL CONTRACTORS r`WA) P.O. Boa 76B. Elk River. Minnesota 53330 SUlLOtNGS Telephone 16121441.4112 • Fax: 16121 441.5176 A54- — � Sf % 77 �r 111-419 77 I0 7 sxA led. I cin, TWF / zwcn e{ I UelOC.11pM i+ie.vTiCZ-01 MO �Ge _/�11✓ �1 f. wo r�weet s�A�.r ,eKMcerm wee wMwwn �. �.r 70XIAC W 0,0f IV IAl —., A) Jr <'�v.+rdr _. s �' ��� """a popoor mw as rr..o.w to w -. .e . Ce—w M4.0 -e AA'D1CA/� L7 U 3� - — ��rre{lIAIIC! of Proposal _ teeeteele..e..e.On �- MO tO�oeiM. to "%Ifc" GM weeewb. etCealeA 'ft- we eeled4ed 17 ��. C?yk �t D1`011004? thereby to tuinlsn material and tabor — complete m accordance w;th above specilwalions. tot the sum of. dooms u l De1w�wM U or era A elloee M Hwy . euYee.eeo b ee M pKAM4 .we b be • w.eMlee M . -Mew a .0 b VM404 P&AM M MrMw w ew.Mew eew eb....eK1C.e.11 w.h." ea ao D. nw~ �.w ,w b -a- ween w4 � bsw M M. �e e ttiee e.w N me ew eeew•.Y Y eveiww.. w -ow" . wa-w r.fte w ..b�. wl. err —*o cww b e.A ...ewle..ee ~ .� .ere.es """a popoor mw as rr..o.w to w -. .e . Ce—w M4.0 -e iewOra.e A us a na eaeo40 wsM _. dare 1T - — ��rre{lIAIIC! of Proposal _ teeeteele..e..e.On MO tO�oeiM. to "%Ifc" GM weeewb. etCealeA 'ft- we eeled4ed flerelorAl b ao ew .bre n Md Pw M** •� to rn10s a sul.we dbue bs4 a Aocepantl• ao„n,n �r HRA AGENDA APRIL 2,1997 �n. ,rf� i tails. .0 r•. t. n t=.y :.I,. q i u=.y Following the March HRA meeting, Deb Otten and Larry Scbbcf were contacted by the Executive Director and were informed of the intent of the HRA The Director requested the right to enter the properties for an appraisal. Both parties granted the request and John Farrell was authorized to complete the appraisals. See letter enclosed. I anticipated the delivery of the appraisals on Friday, March 28. If they arrive prior to delivery of the agenda, a copy will be enclosed. 1 will attempt to have an update of the TIF Surplus Fund, as the up-flom monies to purchase the properties would come from the surplus fund. It has been brought to my attention that perhaps the HRA will be contacted about another property in the same area. Pahaps an option could be sufficient on that parcel. Please review the appraisals for discussion of potential purchase. Tbhgs to consider: Purchase price, relocation costs, Phase I Environment Study, earnest money, title insurance, taxes and assessments, closing date, etc, N i CITY OF MONTICELLO PRO FOR" ANUYSIS SUM OF ALL TIF DISTRICT! CASH SURPLUS (DEFICIT)a0I 1111 .1 .1 •I•,wr a1•.nl w» a•JU n,•» al,w1 I,»�m I.Ir,rN ,III- IW]II ,w 1N .-Al, 1,11e,aY 1!1111, REYEWES IFY En0.0 PROLCI IW] I= IHt IBI t•L9 ]>b0 ?wl 4103 zm m SUa 7900 7wl L101 AO\ 1M00Yly Pu••a1 I11Qj1yLALp!S U P. P e L P P P P Y r P P P Y 1.w..k.rr��Wa•a1.1•U IIO,w1 L01- W,M1 4),W •s].•w IRON alert tu.la lN.Iw W,IN a•O,rN fa1,W )N•M flrW fN,•a IM)» /01w ) alp LD rcw[wrnl lum •uL nc[aa aai. IJJ o 0 0 0 0 0 IR[sl Ncclla �wLu [•wnu¢\JM vulmin, IwI a Ir. mtJP wev1 r •:/ •Ao• mm nwi n,ur o a o � �. e � o � � � ar41 w;r a u cw at I �0 • � •ea cw usEs\r Ht • awpn ))•• wJm o 0 0 0 o e 0 • e o o • 0 o e e e o -.."Is rns I root w.w«I• »na a o e o 0 0 o a 0 0 Ia Una RY4%LrF 0 »I AI • o 0 0 »morerlrvrvr ,•riai—�Iv—Trtw"Ino-w—{la'.—in»s—ss{ri—elcrN ln�•i—{tw—Ir+w—rtr.u—HrtN—sartlf—ra3.i 1. OpNPilfY,rrrn Ir)IdL a 8 6 II [RrCTIVE NCda CIO IN -IN Hl-1/fHJ-OHwf-JR1N-.HW-IU)H-INIU-1N:lN-fY/H F11?N-fI/W-fIJ1N'HIIN-/NNf-1N]•i EXPENSES (FV En01E1 Lin Ir!• all Ino sm NA ml All IwJ AH = Ep =I 191)1 tan IMIO�•In Ye0•ti•L RIDLCI 11 P P P Y P P. Y P P P P. 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Shores 0 5,015 5,015 4,514 802 exempt exempt TIF District No. 1.20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIF District No. 1.21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4Q7�ti85 453852 428.881_318.111 13� 74� Values H School NACA Penalty is39,497 net Bow Issue passes: 482L928 o1 offsetting payments. 01:51, 1204186 Prepared by EhWmPMk- Inc. - Esdmates 1161W to Change nA~tIcW%'4IST0RY2.WK4 r 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Mr. John C. Farrell P.O. Box 176 6001 Lone Oak Road Rockford, MN 55373 Dear Mr. Farrell: March 10. 1997 �o �lto'�1.�c7 .10 o &�A This letter is a confirmation of our telephone conversation of March 7. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) in and for the City of Monticello authorizes the appraisal of the following two residential properties. Each appraisal is at an approximate cost of $300.00 c �g7o'1� 218 Front Street. Monticello. MN - PIDN155-010-054070. Contact DeWe Otten to gaiy� 3o D entrance into the structure. Home: 295-5897. usmess:95-1322. t S 0b °P 3 Walnut Street, Monticello. MN - PIN 155-010.054060. Contact Larry Schleif to entrance into the structure. Horne: 295.3770. S'1 oD E 8L.000 C)402 $3°amuT Since the properties are vacant. the individuals listed -above w contacted and bo receptive ive to an appraisal by the HRA. They anticipate a telephone call in regards to the forthcoming appraisal. It would be most timely if the appraisals were completed and received prior to the next HRA meeting of April 2. 1997. This would allow the HRA time to review for discussion and consider subsequent action. Should you have any questions, please call me at 295-2711. Sincerely, 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Director cc: HRA File OJjior of PubUa Wort. QW Oo1f Cower Rd, MoatictUo. AIN SW82 • PAoee: (612)294.4170 • Fax: (6/2) 2854170, err. r aPa'�a 9r ttP March 28, 1997 JOHN C. FAMLL ca.un.e aea..i ems— L10— "OM, P.O. BOX 176.8001 LONE OAR RD. ROCKFORO. NN SM TOM MOME 012) 47748n Ms. 011ie Koropchak Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway, Monticello MN 55362 Re: Property Appraisal for City of Monticello Dear Ms. Koropchak, In accordance with your request on 22 March 1997 I personally inspected the real property indicated below and prepared the attached Summary Appraisal Report. 218 Front Street Monticello MM. 86367 The purpose of the appraisal was to estimate the Market Value of the subject property in fee simple, with no regard for liens or encumbrances as of the date of the inspection. The value estimate is determined by the Direct Sales Comparison method using 3 comparable sales of residential properties from the market area. The three comparables are adjusted to reflect amenities differences from which the final value is derived. In my opinion the Market Value of the property, as of 22 March 1997 is $89,300. It hes been a pleasure to assist you, if I can be of further service to you in the future, please 1 et me know. Sincerely, L hn C Farrell 1 0 fy�OPEPTr 1OCATO AT' lie fOW CKv 64 µAn -ft Maw° 662p2 250 & mow". A5 Of t2 ms o 1697 8Y: f Z I c�., 1 aa..•..r 300970310B e...l.r aUNIFORM RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT 14. II. O'C.ONNOR Yr.... 218 front Street rY ll0 t1, r.iw. n. 55362 t n.."R...• lu[ 7 exc�, elv 33' end ell of tvG B. Block 5! c..+. wLot .r...'....— ni .....IR.t ep—.......�.. 1�77 m.l..w cr... ow.Mi I, i. O'Con_ne_r ,,w, .r...N..e ....a... N.,. ..o e..w... NO W 1 C.n..n n.l 1003 .+....• IAoo[eieal IM... lu 2�_N+.� 91 .r..c.... Yu.. 75n Z. Broedray. Monticello M 55362 rrnl _ n 176 R- 1 ford. 14i SSi7i le[..• u.ww.r e.Yow11...w Iti.pr l..Al l.o,r.y I...w. I.rr x l.W W d..lu. P -100% r.... 50 wl• 80 ..u.a ..,.. Iw,a. �.r. n..r., o...... ..II 60 101, 1 M' e.a .« b.rir r...rlrr r aN ryerr« r. nw lowrwrr h -., IY.«rrrep bw.r.w .r <rv.cl...r. The neighborhood Is bounded on Lhe amLh by County Rd 75 . .Ir .r... •.I...I.� r..rw ....�a r a r... e.�m�. rlr« r Ir ..r r.rr, N... r...e�...l.,, w .«..o ..,. average �^I L1 n� of reel eeutg. 1111111 M.wrtlw b ha rn .rr.rrl r Ir ...+..,I.v. n cu.N.r Irr Il.nw I..ir1' •mr.n Oo.1• uYr UM o....ls$X 140 X 99 X 160 Ilr.wrn. "..r lasso sari —km Q.« [mJ eo.ae .....R w.arrrlwmr..,ore. R-1 SI! mw. .H4£LABflu1Pr rwl ar,olls. U... Ldr �..,..r.�w n.rlr..1 �..1 rvr w....o .,�. e .q.r • eul r. w rp....e n.... Ayow- II1111111 lw. .aw oaw.ly..w.rm rns tlrs eww...r.s.v.�0I4)nm to eros Ir11R•. ti_�Qp fuaedl�^•+ 91aC6L� n«... Y.rw. BiCuelnoue '• OmlereLe Y..w lw...l.. NBP w.. li7 inn. r.. IWb...l.e«rW.rr Uvr (jjJ1b 6odialaVeogr I l w nw. 11/79 aw^M� 1I111WXX�W'J1111 IW. Wrne 11..w.rw 270541-00058 c..lrrl...oo..'.«.....r..rN...l.,..l...n.a.lu......rr.m...... tir. ror�.s.+�.�,.v ..r.o ....r.l There r lkw.Ie..rre. el.e IYr.. 11 Bln Nnlnr. In.a Wi .:,.rrK. ♦I..lw1 i1oUnle V •aw l.rlllt NM YNr.AWh Sbul Fnlr.l 1.5 St Nonn W� •b �I M1y.'...IM... Y"— W.r.. tTLbletNog n...w.. None Senn 1...' .e.. n... 31 -------- mw.1Rr...rIlatho..lr..w None i1I11 . 1 � Ir•V 1•n. 1 V1M. 1 Ir. I. w.F lrl Ns IY. IUYm..I IYM I ...rrY 1 `IM1�w 1 Y..W .I Cl' It —e- 1.757 nIw1)tr'7:!N.^,V •... a..., Il...,r.'l.r.� lr.t1W .IIl1rN Iu1M .1 .K Ar N1.0 1M 01 nIU.UI IT2v— HilLma.� ,-- O..n nrar YLIYl=d u.a.0 nrr...r. R1..Ir Irtl. 1..1.re I[lbnrrlenn- ...rtlg= MW pan"l- arl.,Hmrl rr... w.r ler — cw I Bee the etuchn-addegdwtt-for exoendi cgemintn. u..r.mr..r..r.....wl.cll r,lu rll.rrN,IW.y.rr.l,l.uv .lawar, wl lww..lr..�.w..wl .n.h. r . n Ilr .n.r'r..clar.t.lr.a.1 o.vwN Tbnre are ro edyerma condiLlpnn, Theca ere no–OCaetYe�o� vre•m.e«n.l UNIFORM RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT 3009703108 RI.. 0•CONNOR ESTIMATED SITE VALUE ........ . ....... . ... -1 18.000 C...r.• m Cep wEvo.* Iver w, .•a<. nl c.....M., ESTIMATED REP ODWTIDN C057 NEW OE a.VROVEMENiS: .M r✓.r, q.rr. Im. er..,rr. r. b l.n, vw r nr.ry 1.757 ea TI 0s 58.25 -1 102.345 .rrl..rww r:el....r •, .1..e".r.l Date for Baseman 840 h rt 06 13.20 11.088 Lhe Coat Aooroech Swift Handbook, from the Marshall end 240 641,04 14 3.360 derived fres en,lyeie The 1 nd vetue 1e of recent Sales imr E..Mr�.rr ..... ...... •1 116.793 of single fdSly prgperties in Wright In. ^mtr ITI•nbnrl [^'^r County. Remeining life of the subject De.o,re. 44_381 •1 44.381 property le estimated [o be 20 years. d..e Vrr a •.ver...•........ ......... ..1 72.412 •A., Vrr. m• rare......1.......... . .... vusmmm __ 1, can A L_ Rounded - f 27 41X, iTpl .IRROf CQWARAMA MO., 11 80.2 CO AAAVIA W.3 218 Front Street 11/3 812 W. River St 6 St W 313 River St W 11 lu -Honticw En ee...r. le elA..l lbeoASARAEA4 1413 �ptiollp ntleello 1/4 Monticello �•^�• 1 Appraisal mile )ftat mile AMth 1 '8.000 1 R4yggIl block I, j�•Op0 iR.q.er TUE. A.•. 1 .DOSE B1.OP DI 1 70.89 DI 1 43-;ia0 o...-ae. inspection Kdt, stingSeEvice KAILL .istingService HultlListingService V.a�.re aa• .. ercl m Quhax- 8171ksas M ADAer.aM• 01—W qw 01—IgM m M—I OI-_ I.. wA..r. aecwngM •4 Ar.l•�+ er. a,rra.lp ConventionlFHA FHA cel<«w. f17rk tMzketR,. or.m erv,r O/jQ/96 I••rrr 1.10126196 I 5 Avenge_ .Aye_ 1•rarrwn�a..p. 1?Elg�plele IFee Sligl, m• 14R5n wr -1, 8d♦ - ♦ - D.•a. r ApwlRarnbler-A a,r. r u...... 11.5 Story -A 2 sr A. A 35 - Averetq 1 - ( 1-500 . caviare To. A -R, C- 1 r A7.e.• ar.ar s.. er. Ia..e em 6 3 11.5p 5r ;j 1 1 8001 I 000 �_I- 3 I 2 -700 bm. I" M M. EI Op, II _ 1.185 Sp Il �` Sy 11Sm ee......al.wra 840 SP 962 SP -600 837 SF 1034 SF -1,000 Rr.. ar.. ar• .00 FSn1Ah ,�lwaru.. NO Finlnh wvArAw wwwti••� f�!!YP^ l..,ar 711Vr n.r Jamar.. Gam^ 9YC[Pp^ Gnp,QhP^ P4 Amag. R.a•a.wr 1 L4Chld W" 7 AYML ^ e 2.000 IiKn, Tar. T -b. None Hone None None 1..7a.c.m..I: •• rea,.eNone NoneNlgnw I I I w. A4 JLXJ. -11 1 X, 1,_ 1 1.000 uarlr arr iR. G740.13,4 C723. 69\ Ct 19.20► 1 c.�.....Ar.. L..rr.• r•.r.� I.. r.. •...:. s.rr, .. ae �prr.r .. I 1 trio neleo cot�erinon 1 76.000 "EM &UNIUK T COMPAAA644O , cUEVARAKINO t 1 COMPAAA4t/w0 t I N/A I Nrnro known lHon o known I Now lulanl A.r...rwe..•..�..rr.rr..rwr..rr...r.l......,.r w.. rw.A...�r .w• rwr Thn subinct orooarty le nut1lnted toz_00la to the Aoozelenr•�IlpgWl<.QgO,r 4NICATED VALUE 2V 4ALE4 C01E.AN11110IE A/4AOACM ... .. .. ... .. .. .... . .... CrM M A•rr rrYl l.lrrM r4.r RUE 1 Ar. war. N/A . t N/A. war • ..r � rr r..., rr.r....a••. r ..rAr.. A.r r.�rw.n r r•.wwlr. A. rw r r.•.wra frwr,a m Aw—IIi g'pe_pppreln 1 loon not connlder 11 nn or nnc�lanrencen to th tlt1� — _xWcDso_aanumud_tc.ClLLcnc_cDd..slro r . /lrr ,w.aewol The final value oninlon In hnned on thlLddjuaLcdj=LgL date ltom Lhn —area with thnve nt n value entLente. Th. Cont __{Ipproech_nuE/uortn thn_Direcc Sn cn CaErmerinon tinding, - lti .1•I... r l.r w..r r 1 .rr rr rr •..r er mr w a,wl. . Ar •ar.1 r a.• rlwl, AwA.I m..A.w s.rrr r e. E.la••Ir. . .w•..r r •..w ,ter..... r ...ww .+. rw....Ir w rr . a.rl.Tr I.rr IIr l w Aar... IIr r...my IIIIIIa1W11IM1a1W1YAly, Aap1AA0,q nN aY N1ORAII IIYT�TIA WIN" As 22 Marc111YY/ anAcw w 7N n a AuwcTgA Aan T.A nnc7,11 an a Tw At;x TDs 1 nylgp CnrtlfladwRoel Prope/rt/y�Appreicer Cortll .11 y- —. r.f..Mr• (h w,(+1r.rrrrl/ __ elr�� To r..l.-..�.....+.I.�."�...�LI®i"1...r"r.,1e..�.. .v, .......... ��i. ... F•s. r � rlr Ate. w I rrw wlPw I w a.w. rrr. M rY rw � •171 M •rw. IM. N wYw I w rr rr I •iyn w wYw rww w w M N rY I rrw 3009707108 vr.+.. s..vr. UNIFORM RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT t".. MOM r7rr I ON&" 11• r C01r►1N AW e0. • COIMIURf r10. • 218 Front Street re•.•. 821 RlverSt N Mpnticello w•.wr•r•.eKr ^ 1/1 mile SoutMeet •r• w+c. r AcurmLaw,T. u JIDn r -000 6 64.SO_0I • 01 • 01 o....•,e InspOction Wlt11ietingService v.etr.w. •w�.. 90CPF VYV •.pMl••llr• Q•CPoFlgM OrOVIgM •Mrwrwl a[DCTgM ♦M ly�u•wl nEetlllgM •N Mewl •✓t•M rMrip Lietinq c...wiw� gil• 0nmar•rtw. I.••r a7 rrlr• I I Avereoe-l�yer� r...w••rrtr •w1•• rq>Lgypple -pea sr®le I o• r SP I •w. B r vifpr. I o.•w r r.�...w n I I MjjAUaGL— 2n itff -1500 crrd• new. ow. I 1 lw �• III rrr I er I ea. II M I1 500r I I rut• a a n fi eI 1111 II a rr.l �•rwrr• 840 SP 728 SF 600 ft— er•r 0.r No Fint,h ND FW,h rlu•..I ua• 11 n 1 u.•. cwir+..� - al�.rcw..Attached --ZjWn tir., None NOW r.�seei, w. r rw. mrl 1fl.l-• i_W0 I I•I 1 -Ir 11•I 1-I• •�r.•.• •r w•e. ;112.341 r CwOrrr N� 1.7 1. 4ww• r W (i•IrYr. Ys.i�• a wMe IrMY• wwplMr r Y.• ..•Wrrr, ••• 1 F•s. r � rlr Ate. w I rrw wlPw I w a.w. rrr. M rY rw � •171 M •rw. IM. N wYw I w rr rr I •iyn w wYw rww w w M N rY I rrw @—.1c- 218 Front Street C. Nontktao c..M. Wdaht e,r. MM. zP c— 68762 ,..e..,ai..r Cnw of fMOMlpeo COMMMM ON THE RIOHBORHOOD The neighborhood is in the original plat of Monticello which to completely single family residential. A public park is located across the street. Monticello is a stable community offering all of the usual consumer shopping opportunities plus professional and service oriented offices. Schools in the area are considered :veto ga with a full range of sports and other extra curricular activities. Growth in the community and in the outlying Townships is steady with the new subdivisions reporting good activity. Overall the area tends to keep pace with other communities in the area with new home construction, business development and employment. Interstate 1-94 to located along the southern edge of the city with two exits available. The NSP nuclear plant Is located about 4 miles to the northwest of the subject property. COMMENTS 01 I= :ITR This site is a level parcel of lend which Includes all of Lot 0 and 33' of Lot 7. There to good curb appeal and access from Front Street onto a paved driveway. The site is served by public newer or water cervices. There are no apparent easements or encroachments to affect the value of the site. The site to right at the edge of the flood plain according to the latest FEMA map. COIDMITS 01 THE IMPROV6IZITS The residence to an average quality expansion rambler with dormer. The exterior stucco is in good condition. The room sizes are average, floor plan is typical for the design. The upper level rooms include e 2 good site bedrooms and a bath. There to storage under the eaven on the north aide of the house. Quality to typical for homes in this neighborhood, value range and size. The basement level is unfinished. No value to the appliances because of age. COMMZM OE THE SALES COMPARISON Two of thenomperebla seise are in the Demo neighborhood and one to in a competing neighborhood. Adjustments to the comps include $9000 for the larger alto in Comp 1, 84 of male price for river view difference in all 3 comps, $20 PSF for above grade finish, $9 PSP for basement area differences. The balance of the adjustments are from the historical sales data from the area. There to a 4th comparable shown which to a listing for sale. This provides additional support for the estimated value of the oub ect. The adjusted oaleo ere averaged to arrive at an eat mat of value for the o.bjoct property. ADDITIONAL COIOmTH The real estate market to in a balanced condition with no extraordinary or creative financing needed. The propertyy ie owner occupied, therefore the Income Approach to Value is not used An this report. My compensation to not contingent on the reporting of o predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM 218 F,wl Sunt on M..tkeft cw.ly W,kft ern. MN. — X—1 Cift W Of M*400 I *-- -1 ."'7Y z. c 55362 FRONT OF SUBJECT PROPERTY REAR Or SUBJECT PROPERTY STREET SCENE COMPARABLE SALES PHOTO ADDENDUM A—, 21 B Front Street c.,� Monticallo c-- Wright su,. MN. L•,wFi-- Chv of Monticello 1.— 55382 COMPARABLE SALE et 812 W. River St MonlKelle Sale Date: 8130195 SalePrma- 6713.000 COMPARABLE SAIF e2 413 6 SI W M-wo,llo Sale Data 101ZB,96 Sole Prrce 1104 1000 COMPARABLE SAI I e3 313 nrve, St W ManKeao Sale Date 1117919', Sale PrKe 67b.000 ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM aeM.«1eon.1 Aaaww 218 Fnmt SUM 9ur M2a90Dl C— WdFll acne aIr CMOIEW OFFERINO OF A 2 STORY REMODELED OLD NOUS M y� e� grey � u�e1 e�.1 enwl PTMA• 1Yn Y 1n 11011 �1 Mfe SINGLE FAMILY 1.5 STORY rare o'con00r N Benew/(7Mu U ♦, a 71�1rmr 218 Front Street E og Onrb 81 ap 0.6 C Monticello Nriaht MN. 55762 T L.W. Citv of Monticello w L 1J e1T11 c A 1D. r Y O I I a�1N I eeorodi wu U �� L---+16+6r6r00000duu ll' 17 T A -L' - 1fM eE ME N O D UVNO 20. ROOM 70 L 1 PUF, O 20, a- 0 R e P L A N BODE IM - 15mb" AREA CALCULATIONS SUMMARY LIVING AREA CALCULATIONS A Area Hom of Am Sue Tout Rreeld 2m BNhsae76 R p11nm.e� 10n.m E 10or.m f0.30.03r 11.00 t=.m sau �.m�e r1sm.m A 660.0000MAD11. r MOD m M.m W.00 •u.m 1 6.00 -76.00 C -+0.00 r 6.00 -WOW A 10-M 1 1,.00 no -00 L 11.00 1 1D.m s10.m C /.m 1 70.00 110.00 U L A T O N 8 TOTAL WABLE (rMMM) 1757 1757 �---, MpP �•- cd• CA u+• Zoo fEE Sr A4E t MISSISSIPPI w �Air w 10 LOCATION MAP Add— 218 Fmm sum an POW kGoo c— WdGht aw. MN. ae ua SUR U.4wnx. pn Of domiaoo SL8 Jac �.,, T `sem. U � MONTICELLO ME ton r I Ab N low." ov 1 1. I EPART"hy OF -ou,4,ma V T tL t 4 j 300970310B hi ea. 0' OQ0O1 OEFINI160111 OF MARKET VALUE: The most probable plce wltich a popery OwM Nine m e comgetawe rd open mrkat oder ail Conddmos ret--ne to a trot tale. the buyer sum weer. each actep pidentiv. knowledgeably am lownetp the pipe s not affected bV undue stawlus. Impkmt m the deffwtlon n the Cc—,rwtwn of a tab as of a apecthed date and IM pnagrp of title from seam to Wear utlen Co Vg— whereby: 111 buM and seer re tyWWV nlotmated; 121 both panda we well idttrmed w well advoM. end each acting in what M c—iders hs own brat +Menest: (3) a reasonable tone is Glowed to, e.0o t— m the open market; UI payment is meds m terms of cash m U.S. do0ars w m terms of f—cusl —flemmos compera0le thtototo: and 181 th prove repealmts the nwmaf cwsdratmn Iw the popm" we unaffected by apace w Matwe fin—V w Wes cpmes10wa' granted by anyae assomated wrath IM sale. 'AdILMmarde to the comparable noel be nada la aper, w peatlw Ilntrcep w sales carcetrom. No adjustments Ne ne --v 1w these Cutts wrtsch are nwrroly paid by taflre n a —At of us&— w W m e Mk. area; thea Costs we reeddy Idatrtilrsafe since ttse COCK Pays these Costa in wlleaV ee sales IlaroeCiwro. SpeCW w w my fmrcirV adfualmmts Can be made to IW comparable poasriV by Clemente, to fkwmkp tams dlamd by • Ihd party oftlim ill lender that s rel aaesdy kadved m the propeny w tratrsactwn. Ant adµatmam shJd not be COD"ad m a mechW.Cr door for dollar coat of the Iktenckp or Gw1C6frOn, bin the does amara of pry allpla ,,eel detld approeimate the mvitsl's rzmtM to the I—mg w corecesswns based m the eMailm's Mdpemem. STATEMENT OF LIMITINO CONDITIONS AND APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION CONTLNGENT AND UMITUIO COMMONS: The appsaa's ccill—Imn tut appems m the npnanaf ,prat is swpct to th lelbwkp carrMlioru: 1. The appatsr will rot be reMoronde Iw matters of a MOM al— that aft«t erthr the popery being apprised w toe title w it. The appralaer asumes that the We is flood and nti rkft m. end. dwrofwa, was not render dray ow.wts about the tole. The proWty Is appraised on the bests at g bokp oda respomlde o-nershp, 2. Th ew*— has provded a sketch In the aW. W report to ah- app i—ta dmterarons of the aWovemams and IM sketch is M,hded prey to nest toe teedar d the regal m vtslasdp the ploperty ale uMrosttrdap the apprsaa'a delatmvafrm of Its gra. 3. Th appa, a has hammed tm avaeade Imed maps tat are florid id by the Federal Emwflency 1lragmrwte Ayncy Its, Who data araaCesl std has noted m the aMatsal repwl wh Mhr the subject rte is located m an dmhled Specal Food Matrd Ares. 0aeauae IM apprser n not a sunasw, he m sM makes no (wrameee, eepelaad w argued, middalp IM diette—tion. 4. The aperaaa was ret pre Inirno" co appeN m Cool because to as the made w apita1W of IM prepe" N punto., witless apncile: sr Va rants to do w hew Man endo bafaeland. 5. The eppr10set has evaested the value of the Ind m the Coal apptoach al its hphosl ane bon those rd IM etm, ares es V them caordvWy vaka. These separate vakWinm of the WW rd urtpmamente nand int he used m co titaclen wrath ar14 Wet appalul tom aro —W it that, re ale used. 0. TM appal- had Md m the sWaisal upon wry advaee cwd,l r (etch es. needed ledae.. depotwtwn. IM gnawed of hWrdow wastes, lost saestatces, plc I obearvad deep the'spectra of the subject prgwty w That he w sM became Gare of dwap the —,,as —Ch -orad 1n petwteap the aW-1. Irene off.— stated m IM atprsal n".0, IM appaer has m kr-v* pe of try Neden w oapproem cnMllwm ei IM pdpaty w adverse en —".1—1,1mte le rhdep the pesrore of haard— wages. Inure u0stancol, Glc I that wnMd nude Ow wor-ly emos w lees vahuMe, and has astwnad that tleee ata m a h —6t— std mOm m gwrarlen w wrrames, sepessed or krrphsd, ragrdurfl the cc nd tem of IM ptoWtV. The apprrsor wtn rel M reap—tele fm N14 such emdtkaa that do @mat w lig N14 en if—eV as I111mO that might be ragw1m to dacevat wfelhn such candlteas oral. Dec -so IM aMmm a not an eapM m the Idle at aevwanwltat (Woods, its appose IMM mel mt to Corodered as rt emaonmetal aebesmMtl 01 th foolerlV. T. TM appear oetaavd IM vrlose m, nleltatn, and opuvwe Itot was e.pnaad let IM appaler repwi Iron sowces toe he w ale corordwa to be nakapla and believes Itainl to be e1d rd —act. IN apposaa don W'gauns lespunrwklV Iw Ifo acewecy of such Motes that ware forested W eller pone, 0. The aWasaw win ml INumse the canards of the OWMW nasal evicept as provded fw m the Uvfwm Starorda of Prole—ow ApprW Pact". 0, The appatses two Meed he w fen appraaf regal and vsiusi m —eclt . fw rat SM." that na Whose l to satlafaclwt, C—PIa mn, trews, w aftrnmN m Ile ask"llen t I CWNMllm at the mtpro mWft was M IeMwelW m • wwkmat". nweer 10. TM apOr/aN naval povde ha w ham pct wrlliarl mmaam Mwe the eMrkMed %W.I d m Its sppalW logon Can d WOuts the appaaat Won Wtcktdap Conchrelore Goad the pdppty vahr. IM aperrar'a drolly SM pdns10mul dedpnatlpe. led Wparcna to arty prefassrwW apprrW wgara/rera w the Ilan Wth whch Ifle apprrsle Is naocwtell to 0"" atter than tla bmewo; the rntelifnn d its roa;Calaere SW asupa, /hats m.migay muter; cord"tams, o dfft pw awe" wy10aaallde; am state de fadsrlev append Imarcwl hsR1f atm, m 1014 ovdanmlond, BPMV. of aalMnrdYtV of Lha orated Stam w ane state w the Dlure,t of Cokoeba; except toe the lerldNRkem teas 10slrlboe the popajV deaCrptkm sescim of tra teporl met, m data "41-1W N fetes"all IaVAMIJ wdhmA Isvkp o ON— We al>Or~'. prat wmten co eam. Thr alprrsr's —five conmA rd aptroval eMret also be Cage arse Mtpa tee appai W can be com"ed 114 arryma m Lha PUtim "IsM h IN"". Wilk r W Iters. revue, Wes, m otoo tnedla. Tnadda' Mad Fain 130 693 Pay 1 of a Fara Mr Forte 10010 693 rat r...r,wsr. tae.. ee... ar.wr..a.v ea starer 3009707108 O'OONNOR APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: The APP -ser cnul,es and apace that: t. 1 love researched the Subject markst wea and love Selected a muanhrm of Ihee recent Wes of popen— must Pmlm and prosmCte to the subpct property la consdnalorn in the saes corrnpwaon arulysis std lave made a Ocilla, adlustnent wt— appropnat. to reflect the nnuttat reactor to Ih.. ceras of tgnlcam von al n It a sendmant item in o cienpwable popwty it superw to, a more la,wahle than, the wEpcl potiedy. 1 have made . nepelwe adjustment to reduce IM aalwted Saes pate of the canpmable and. rl • sipafntant Ile— in a comparable pop" is vinv to. a fest levoabe than the tuNect pope ty. 1 two made a poatnve adaalmerit to incnease the aminted am. pee of the comparable. I. 1 lave taken into tpnrdnatom the facia, that hne an npaCl on value in my development of the catenate of nnta km rahre in the appraisal repon. I lava ret knoWsVly anitenee airy Sipaficinn nformalim Imm the SMS" repot and I behin e, to the beat of my LrewlpdQe. that SO statements and.dormtert in the appaaw report we live and comytl. 3. 1 rated. in Aro apprI aal report. only my own pario al, unbiased. std profess" arulym, opinions. std corChrimf, whiCr we wEpct orsy a the conin s, wd l nithp conditions speeded in this loran. a. 1 late no present or pospectwe nlneft in the property, that is the stASKI of INS repot, and I have no present a prOOKMe pwsensl intwaat IN hof with MwKt to the lana qu nts in the uarnsatim, 1 did rot bate. eehw pw4lay or cMplafely. my analyah amen the fatvrtats of market value n rhe appaW ml ont or, the ac.. CON.. rahpiar, fee. handeap, fans" status, a rat di al .9m of either the poapeclfve owmera or .. p—. of the subject property p .1 the pstdnt owners, w owgiarnts of the pnolm el in the riCMW of the sublect property. B. 1 tate no wasent or Contemplated futuo imeteat In the itlbpCI popelty. and nwthe, my Natant IN future ertploynent not n y Cpmensalnorn fa Perlia I Ins appalYl if cont Wert On the appased value Of flat pOpwry. 6. 1 w4 net iNquied to repot • padwwmirod rwue it, daacten m value that I— th. Cause of the clreld a any reatad party, the amain of Ihe i aka. estimate. the attormern of a IpWflc reww. a the occumrpe of a subsequent went in orcar to We ate my Cmtpenulion ardlo, employment for parlomtlrq the apprwW. 16d not bate the appa sal reponl On a regteated minimum vahanon, a apepld v"lion, a the reed to amove • specdrt Mn~ fain. 7. I phoned Val apparW in codorrvly with the Undon Sandra! of Rofessoral Appnasal RKirte put wee adnMed and Prom les id by the Appaaw Sla dards Buwd OI The Appw W Foudanwl and that ware In plats w of tae effective dale of tla. M.W. wrath the e.Crol—.1 the depaftu, M -Wen Of Ahem Standards, attach Odes not apply. I acknowledge mat an, estimate of a ncasaable taro fm npowaa in the opOn narks rS a cardnonn in Ihe defaatron of mwkel value Orad the ewmate 1 doneldped is consutent With the mnwkatep time noted in the ndphDdnhdod Morn of INS repOni, unless I awe Othenwnse stated in the rvw du tion aWm. B. 1 tuva pwswady uupi Cted the mate, and eatpon neat nl he .affect pnpnrly and the ectmlp of all pmporles Wild as Compsnables in the aWow) lepat. I further candy that I terve noted any apparent a krnown adman cortdlinns in the 4EItt1 ntpOvemenis. In the sielecl site, a on arty Site wulw, the nmnadiate vcnty of the atnblecI popeety o1 wtvch 1 am aware and have made adlualinem. fun these sdvmm e—ditions in my siWya,s at the po0erly vaka to tine a.iwl that l had metal fvdonca to Sudeten Ihem. I lava also commented about Aha atlal of the adrwu condlrons on the mark nabaty of the sublet) propany. e. 1 pmamaOy papered as ewrtuaba and Otnraa about the nub Hula IMI Sime Sat tenth in Ihe .pparW lapel. n 1 naad on Sig nrlrwn pwa.soral astralalta hem wry Mmdual a .tlrvduate n the pmlamw,t. of the apprama o Ihe pmlenatv6l of IM appteaal nelfot. 1 Nva named suth vndlveuellal and drsetosee Ile sprue Islas pedunmeel by them n Ihe—mr.dralon Snolndn of this amau sl mpol. 1 caddy that any inewldual an owned is quNkled to pwlorm IM talk, 1 tarn mol auhafued anyone to make a charge to any nitm in the nff"l: Ihe etre. it a, u,luhefn7ed lunge a made to the appasal ,root, 1 std lake IN, fin,, luddy Ip it, Thio appraisal report has been prepared for the City of Monticello. The Appraiser aseumeo no obligation, liability or accountability to any third party. It this report is Placed in the hands of any third party by the City of Monticello, the city Shell make ouch third party aware of all the assumptions and limiting conditions of thin assignment. The conclusion of value should not be relied on by anyone but the City of Monticello. SUPRVUMV APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: If • uparrttar Seesaw sW" the appwW mporl. he cmhheS and Kaes that: 1 duaCtly stpnnosa Ihe atWarror side pepped Ihe appnwW Iepoll. have ,-..Id Ihe app." nhpon, ape with Ila Satemem. and I—Aidtau of the appatea. Spree to W bound by the Seesaw', cwubtaena nmbaad 4 "rough I abora, amid stn talmV full InpomM4ry for the appaW and the,ppwW report. ADORESS OF PROPERTY APPRAISED: APPRAISER: SUPERV180RY APPIIUSERwwv it rpunadl: 6gratue: Bpnstur Hamr: rr�t) Names: 7 Date 1 7 Data sow Slat. Cwllfrutlan a: elm Cmldw.f_ I: .atm Lrcenaa a -4m le Of State Lrcaaa e: eat. Mi. Statr Eayullon Dat. of Cw10"lion a Lcww:_JLAMg p7 Caplalprn bale of CIm11la:aion a lrcannY' ® Dd ❑ all Not Saeed Roppty rreade Yac hemi al0 893 n........arwar PW 7 Of I ram. Yak, ram 100048 6 03 r�...wwrat.. cocci �PR4I� JOHN C. FARRELL tJoase 04000219 P.O. BOX Ifs, 0001 LONE OAR RD. ROCKFORD, MN 00371 TELEPHONE (512) 6774M March 27, 1997 No. 011ie Koropchak Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Monticello 250 L. Broadway, Monticello MN 55362 Be: Property Appraisal for City of Monticello Dear Me. Koropchak, In accordance with your request on 24 March 1997 I personally inspected the real property indicated below and prepared the attached Summary Appraisal Report. 3 Walnut Street Monticello MR. 55362 The purpose of the appraisal was to estimate the Market Value of the subject property in fee simple, with no regard for liens or encumbrances as of the date of the inspection. The value estimate is determined by the Direct Sales Comparison method using 3 comparable sales of residential properties from the market area. The three comparables are adjusted to reflect amenities differences from which the final value is derived. In my opinion the Market Value of the property, as of 24 March 1997 is $86,000. It has been a pleasure to assist you, if I can be of further service to you in the future, please let me know. Sincerely, A 0' /� CQ hn C Farrell t L PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 2 W WO Semi M. " - , MN. 65282 FOR: Clip of mwtkt 200 !. wonow. umt uft MW 66262 A8 OF: 24 m wd 1997 BY: � .M,n C krn0 1 r c.mw,l..,wr.r 300970310 \��•� UNIFORM RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT ff.M. sLj01,17 \raw.3 k%jpyt-,Etr ( .114wtleello b.. MN, n, raw 55362 r k 54 —,Wright •.ww. f..r,r. 155 010 054 060 la r.. 1996 a 1. 1..«. 696 ee.cr A.......w. • 1 2 a•naw awe o.� I I.n•r. 1 Hlo cwrw,n+,,..o.nn• er,l Hui .N/A v rue V Ir.m..,.ee > worn ■... uw e.,ww. Mn. I c—,,.q 1003 \.I.. et• • I or.., -2A HaIr Q] —t- .r ..nww .a w.. rl.....r<e.a..r.. le r •.a a .r.nA/A I..a.,,n.,. City of Mon„iGSUP M>w. 250 B. Broadway. Monticello MN 55362 wl aeew. F�� Isar,., u•.. •age« w•r a.aaaa,.a \+,d• bl.fr I,..w,\ ww.n,wr w s lar w a.rq. e„M v ow. n+I rf ms u.r Jse ' .mdl I�w.i la"w 8 .�=®u'• oH.a,r. wrr gar ar. o.,« 1004 50 (80 wb,•tir ,.publ Dw.rrrr.l, fb,Y wl.Irw. 0,...•., Mgawll wd•"«rI- 1Cwwrcrconversion Y.Yanf ww ,•✓♦J�. Jf,we• o.. f.� .•,I B0 4011 1 Mew: a... N tlr nag awfv Ulor, a tl.. «yralr/ w r •ar..rr Ifaw. w.ra.l..eeew.r.w.am.r,.rw.: The nelahborhaod In hounded on the south by County Rd 75 sn e..alw« r w. w•a., «r.r.tii w.•+..H.�,. w w r.,»...r�..rr m b. lr.l ws.nr .r......«,uewl...r .+.+w o.. .. ws,. «sae « ow,wr.w wlwlr. w..r. w a. ,+par,m.a. ws.blwe a a.....r.a a .r.. ra ,•nR•o e.,e...r,r. r... eyereae ee111— gf ravel /1.1•a farrow 1.fllD.nw.rarl--wm.!•.W{r,,4trw«nl.ola,l+,b,«O.,«i ..waren.gM �r« ulb h�..w..l.,e,r.wrw a u+. n n. warel •i.l«, Mw.•.r• err,u,a. a ..a• a w w a. were •,•►a o.wa.--T"aLt""._'L• ofn..rw 99 X 132 X 99 X 14^ 1,." level at, grade a...« 1]464 SaPt r«,.. Ir®r« ❑Ir au. �fwl ao..w,.e,..r..s..,+,n}l...r a••nl•Iri.- uw. B�AOSXIjC +•,w awrf.c• IAJ�.a,1f_,��1�.a,«.r+.•.�. Ip.aH...a wl rvr re .e�+r nom. �4Q1NIie AyCpQe uww www oar. on.r. \grw.tir 1 waw we.n ,w..,ya Lforme to eros 1 00w.r 81�k .... n,....n r.,.. Cleve 5 Gravel ar c. . ;,.te ••a.w lw.ww.1#7P^ wr. 'fu•.r IN" IfM ferar n«e llwr ..« LJr« ire �a••a'w IMn•� rte'• SedludVelpr 00 11 u.+ C WII— 11/79 prw4w I.r, NV'1,M W l.. c.ww.Ir.Thor, re a I.r. r r brr.W,,V� Iaw — I.1I w,rfM«•.,wrqM /n«rwlIelle.•«n1 na i Q uww,la,-ur. n•THM o—I\ow ND\r•..w A b.•..wwf .wwW..T. fWQI..•erl�ray Y len wIIwdr,., njX wrunl Ira l—ur.r IM ; I,� Irr�awe. I /r•v, I uw, � 1.215 yam• I 51y ..r 1 �J � 28 Iw•Iw,l w.. raw wtn_ugw.w., ,Vf. 54]n.H.Jt•l•.1F"771r.. M.. w11 HIr. W1M.wK.rs, H.11aq .IIIH\IalfP •IIIC \W wlff [.a flnallk IYw. f _ 1•pcmM.prr. ,la. IYyla.bll�� II•. Wr Els- lug \.p.Aa. p«. w.,b None a.Y /a•.. InMwwe rial/, 1•.I,.•r nM pr Dr:f Mae, MrM \.f lfr Y14y1= I.-- o«..ww ow.0 fsrn3 Swann g.rrH 2 \a• w—c—I—Irr lar. NOen wa r o...IftW Pdn6l-Aaw., Nonef\ne.w Irrr A- done c.+.a C•.,.•rn w•r�A,r IwweM nr..w a.ww..lraw« IMwr.w\,arw.. aw, w I Bae the ettechtld nddwndum far "Ondl-ammntn. Lb �pplleecen do not contrutn vAllun to the prooe_fty bwceuee of IJae. c.aw. ra...•....r.l, ..w.Hr„,awrr. •..a,r r•.r.w .... ,..r• •.r. r.r.w.lr n•,.wrv.\r.. w PhYIl� \.raw .r....rr cwf•r« la•a «� M •a fwar ,•. W War .rar,,nm r4w,..«, u 10...+ w w. •.r.....w•. w,lr .f•, . w ,r. •.�.•a.rra'�.,.•..,�Iw.a iis n..r�.,«Ya,. ibarn�lelr�ninooe�kcnaomfttoxic renrttn d i'ee NSP eu 1 r 7'�,7A�411 lacetldwtnulWL N�LL'.�C17Tu�2..-.L •,. �..�w,..r�w ... ■or.r•r.n•w. A(jQ/96 �Iw`v0" �1 �1•rlrtlR.• a+rP pieFide 11 300970310 vrw'1w'...1w. UNIFORM RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT ra. N. SCHLIEF ESTIMATED SITE VALVE ... . ..... ....... - • 20,000 rwmw•.. a r•w Arymrr' 1r'A. w, wuc. w ar .uw•w., (STIMATED REPR00(1Cn4)01 COST NEE•OF BAmOVEAQNTS: r•.rw, wwr. Mc'.w:W1b. r ra —n. VA r fmr'A, " o..r. 1,543..11.01 55_25 -• 85.251 .rw,w.e.w.rw•rwarc .l•.'m. n.w..YI: Data for Basement S40..,, O. 13_20 - 7,128 the Cost Anoroach EgIrj,— 4,128 and Shift Nendbook. froo the Narahell The land value ie ow.pac— 624 -q-06 la - 11.232 derived from analysis of recent seise rwr[wr.w.r c.w lr. ..... . . ..• 107.719 Df einale fe.:Sly�gonertien Ir rr,•.rw [w.•'r County, Beme(nin0 in Mriaht life the Iruc.s•rl 0.o. — 43,096 .• 43,096 prnoerty In estimated Of e�j to be 20 years. o.>r'w.• vr'. r rv++.w+..................... • 64 -j54 3 rr e... ee. I f I •A•w• vru. a r• nw.•..++........... ........ • 2.OUJ Rounded, . e p6 e.w. cwr'1 no• {ULRR COISAAAnB IID, 1 CoM/MAt. N0. l COMOARAie NO. B 3 Walnut Street 812 M. River St jll3 6 Sb W 313 River St M �+° Mmtf�vU In 4011U2e11n Itn IIZILLr..I 1n -1,500 1034 SP -2,500 Ir•• 1 1 +8.000 •Ono mr.,om.•U.. A,v 1 0201 01,ORol It 70,8901 • 7q•0(10 • 4313ROI or. rAw Inspection Nultil.istingService lilt iListingService MlltiListingService Unw. BLLOECIt Y4U bA1rT rflr• 0[MCIbe1gN •HA4,rb.w. erAllgN •HANwviw,w I •Hly R�e 10. - e✓..r1•.rcNle COnve7l.. im PHA I FM ■or.r•r.n•w. A(jQ/96 �Iw`v0" �1 �1•rlrtlR.• a+rP pieFide 11 1 Simpl, /9S Airw^" I -I. ♦ - ♦ - JaJr• ■ Vrw ■n..�.r A.w.n I.S S�Ly-A. Rerrhler-A I.5 Shy -A 2 Story -A no At61ra1� �M 14 a 600 SO vra ¢(�, •M... dr e.••I - i rn. rwr s1,� rr. rr rte. ewr rr e... ee. I f I e.w. cwr'1 9 , 2 -1,500 a•r lrv'B A... 1,5.1t .. n 44 .. r..I.,.. I'i 7nn 1 73_2 -.I' - I. g44• e....rw • 1..'r 540 SP 962 SF -2,100 837 SP -1,500 1034 SP -2,500 rwr brw mr 1C Finial, rvmsw ur• ,Aver o rap" I Unw. ftxa e 'rrrra:wrtp I rOM/None CFMA/ltna 1,wf.IrI1ww GM/None 4vere Ow•►s:www t 2 Detached I Attacbed 3,000 Ncn � 5.000 None I _OQQ �.. w.1w. s1.. 2-Enclro[ch None 3,000 None 3,000 None 3,000 IIp.[•1•', rt. None NDnw e(ppw '%Dn r.r.. ra, �•. None Nonw Hp.'w (,Opo Nw. Aq ear' `7(�• 11- • A. - 1 . - 1 -5-500 -W.e s.... ws. Cr 44 311 0125.601GIAO.13\ .'ra+w.er W: 10.77\ • B6 400 72 )2"1• 102.500, N: 7.33\ 1 69,540 r�..'.r•er,.rw.'.�.'...w'�e.«rn w'r..�.rr.'.w..r'r.'.r..'.I The euhioc orooerty heo ner 0lresa• eovAAAnB11o.1 corAAMelew E COwVAAAtB ND s N/A mans known None known wm kl7o•m ...•..rww•.+��+•'e...r�....•rrr.w...•rr...rwwrwa.r•.. �..rrr r�r..rr rr SOMAtM VALID h BALED COWAVAM A•IwMCM . .. ....... .... . ... . .. ... ... ... ....1 86.177 OAf:N r Awrril frr.• Y•ww Mr • OLA f1r rwrr r w••1 rrtl r r wrr' rrrrw .'rrOw. w wrrNs W .r,.�twr.r a rrt,a• •.' rw r rrorwrr cser.r A wrr ThcL-m arainal doer not_connider_1ian0_oc.oncu�lrw.,ra •o ehw c1Lie I.r1...w.-1ha_iIMI-value-MInion in hnn(d oa_Lh •rti w.•.�aa.rwrwrwsrr.rw wrww. w•r.•.,1•r rr.rr'r w.�...,' W.•'r r,. rsr'rs rr.•srrw.' +.r.rww wr rw.N.r.w.rrrr.r rrr•rrr"r.r rwr•rrr sl.�..wrw r.Iw.'1o•B ar..r 'owl n•rAn rle YrlT vuul.uetr•Bs.aas Esu werrerr rrM•erle coo T1r IBIa1. ►es 24 Nerch T947—r r Cart-lr[•i1eed Gmnwa lcReal Pr lparty wn uer ls(snwMf 1 .O00 A{>praloer _ •rl�. r•r i � '-7Y'w��GC-f r,r.w•.. f rwuDn ur. r so�1 err Qn w r.. plI •1..r rrw+w.wwlr Ir.25 MOXCh 12P7 rr• N.ww Irwr IMN fwlmrw..'-f-_- Pr. (Irr•,fMwr.'ew• PM S9Lii��i�f'�ur>ru1O nam •rlalRtr COMPANaRa NO, 4 "WAIAM e0. • 1 CM"M" a Na e N/A aring •r.wrr .. r w ..» mow.• r r r•w . rw r r res rwr w r.r. r w w.r. r.rw. •r r.r.r w w .. r r r r wr 300970310 V—e•.ew. U JFORM RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT Eviiy, PRIMF rTO1 I @UMKCT CG4V4eAel400.4 C0WAROAU NO.• �w 4 3 Welm: Street 824 River St W »• .lo Mpnticel- e•wrrr r• 4rgw1 1/4 mile ttrr mr• 0 J%,Vlmiesl3 4 Sa n 14 14 4 -PO 0 4 oc5 01 r 01 4 01 or...ee Inspection lnrltilietingService v.mw,m ew•�.. A�.r VW44pN4rWrrt aWMge 0rOrl4AgM •M4*✓••r+ OrerAlrge •M Www• O[CrYlrge •N 44rrr.r w>rwR.o Listing c.ka.•r•r fh lv o..a 4rY1•w mF 07 •wwe. 4 r«rnw4»err•r pee S le Pee Slept. 44• 13464 SP 10890 SR' •+• River view River vier D•mgn rr 4w.r 1.5 Story -A 2 Story-A -era.•.ar Aver,=-Avarene M 44 vra 20 Effect. -2.400 rase w4... a.e. rrr e... 4Y• rrr er.. re. rrr e•.r ew. rwr Mr Orr err• tr.4 8 1 2 1 1 6 1 3 3 -4,0001 I I I I 0— Lhvr 4m 1.-438-11 1.456 h. K 1.700 4..'r• 14 'r 1 540 SP 728 SP -900 rr.•r er•. a.r• I1pPlnie Np Pinlah rrs+r.r u�rr AvereRts-AveregR rr.weq+r am/None Gnckfilma rr.4. rrrrr 4r.. -0 �� Avereoe �•��^^ Detached 2 AttachM 2-Enc1Poreh None 3,000 r•srvwrr, w•. fes... 11, r.w. rar. w•. Mgp9 jAj,� r1w.a 4r e� Ot 12.771 r twrorrr• Wt 4 p 4 f rw• r a✓w Cr•rw» lw�w nr .41••r wwrr'• sw4�, r ur •+V�•w»•. w• 1: nam •rlalRtr COMPANaRa NO, 4 "WAIAM e0. • 1 CM"M" a Na e N/A aring •r.wrr .. r w ..» mow.• r r r•w . rw r r res rwr w r.r. r w w.r. r.rw. •r r.r.r w w .. r r r r wr 0 -- mw Ase— 3 Wabwn SUM Qtr Amanoceso ca,mtr Wdam av„ MM. r.e caw. 68382 ,.,w.,—r Cin of AAotttltent, COMMENTS am THE EIIOHBOSHOOD The neighborhood is in the original plat of Monticello which Is completely single family residential. A public perk Is located across the street. Monticello is a stable cormmnity offering all of the usual consumer shopping opportunities plus professional and service oriented offices. Schools in the area are considered evaragge with a full range of sports and other extra curricular activities. Growth in the community and In the outlying Townships is steady with the new subdivisions reporting good activity. overall the area tends to keep pace with other communities in the area with new home construction, business development and employment. Interstate 1-91 is located along the southern edge of the city with two exits available. The NSP nuclear plant is located about a miles to the northwest of the subject property. COHNSV S an THE SITE Thio site Is a level parcel of lend utilizing all of the corner lot and 33' of the next inside lot. There is good curb appeal and access from Walnut Street onto a gravel driveway. The site to served by public sewer or water services. There are no apparent easements or encroachments to effect the value of the site. The site is right at the edge of the flood plain according to the latest PEMA map. CONKENTS on THE IIOIIOVEaRHTE The residence is average quality construction with a gravel driveway out to the street. The exterior maeonite to in poor condition. The room sizes are average, floor plan is typical for the design. The upper level rooms Include a good size bedroom and a smaller room without a closet which 10 Insufficient in site to be categorized as a bedroom and to more of a don. Quality is over syo for homes in this neighborhood, value range and also. Condition to average minus. The partial basement level to unfinished. There Is dry rot In the sill plate observed along the south wall. No value to the appliances beceuoe of age. COMMSTS ON THE BADS COMPARISON Two of the comparable sales are in the same neighborhood one block south and one is In a competing neighborhood. Adjustments to the compo include $5000 for the larger site In Comp 1, 5% of sale price for river view difference in all 3 compo, $20 PSP for above gqrade fin leh, $5 PSP for basement area differences. The condltlon edjustmonto addressee the dry rot in the basement and the exterior aiding. The balance of the adjustments are from historical sales data from the area. The comparable 1 to e listing of a 2 story with a view of the river. Tho ed noted sales are averaged to arrive at an estimate of value �or the subject property. ADDITION" COIOUNTS The reel estate market to to a balanced condition with no extraordinary or creative financing needed. The propertyy In owner occupied, therefore the Income Approach to Value is not used in this report. My compensation Is not contingent on the reporting of o predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cauoe of the client, the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. Q7 SINGLE FAMILY 1.5 STORY r06uo echlief s U 3 Walnut Street E 0)r oww4 8—no as C Monticello Wricht MN. 55362 T Citv of Monticello L „. �. A V O drnr 9snaow r 0 a s a BICIOS�dray D &KrH NClOE[d,5, x0011 PF04�`�'!k�1 oONCN R __ 000' � 'rro O LIP an eEorloor a N >,. [nor0 1r � 0181 u. Room P L 979 A exrav N eGLE' 1 Wh . m W AREA CALCULATIONS SUMMARY LIVING AREA CALCULATIONS A Ann N9m9 d An9 84. Tote19 amakdown ew�aom9 e9101 IIn1 Ilr 181..10 1214.10 U.So 1 11.00 a:.fo A mu 1..n.J r1r Us w 1[9.00 M m [ 10.00 060.00 rn [nelrM rera 18e.0) 4.00 1 17.0 •m.00 Crmt-IIs brM t 112.0) 117.0) •11.00 [ 81.00 •[r.0) A -u.0) 1 n.00 L .[a.0) r.0) [ u.0) 177.00 C 00.10 [ 16 .0) 109.00 U L A T O N 8 7 TOTAL LIVABLE (rwrx" 1543 1543 SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM A—. J Watmi Suw c- Monticello c.,,m. Wtiaht su,. MN. t.,m.,. b—I Citr of MWtXeflo ,4' Ir• at .' .1 n,. — 55382 ERON I Of SUBJECT PROPERTY REAR Of SURJICI PROPEHIV 511411 1 SCI M COMPARABLE SALES PHOTO ADDENDUM •ea.... 3 Wetnut Street cm. Morltkato cam, W,k'ht sin. MN. —r — Che o1 MWOiCe90 as C.e. 55382 COMPARABLE SALE at 812 W. River St Monticello See Daw 9130/98 Sale Price. $79.000 CUMPARABI I SAI F 82 413 8 St W Mml1ce0o Sate Owe 1012HIDO Sale Pic• e84.000 COMPARABIL $At 1 a3 313 Porn 81 W Monlceuo sato Um 11/29,96 Hale Wca I/1'.000 1. ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPH ADDENDUM e,..o..„ Addm UI wmhW A—.- ex., � n C. w� Ltw� �Udl1. mGa 64.762 ..�.a., CNLgubamos- �rrw�rrwurti�w��..�.r.uw cnowr CURRENT OFFER= OF A 2 STORY REMODELED OLD NOME PLAT MAP Baa-. 7 Wabwt Street cd, Monticello cin WrIOM s'.. MN. zo co 65362 V t..e..Kw. Gtr of Monticello SEC. I 1 , T. 121, R. SCALE - I INCH a 200 FEET MISSISSIppI LocanoN MAF �4 cw cw.„" 4a o1 Mm*". aw on. mus BBJd2 ti�YMM�1br'1iti�♦I�YD Ybw[��� •b M�11! `— [F! I TRM r UItEMlI 11611 uS01AfCt IIIEIA�y � � u { TL000 INSURANCE RATE MAP I 1 CITY OFMONTICELLO:� w MINNESOTA a1."TCOUNT1 lONlt PAUL ►1UTEo1 f ossumitt-PANtt $Blot# l 210511 coos t �' lortrtEA, un 1�� • � ��'� � �Kr� / \ U, OEfaA {yfM{Of NOVEI � —• i ~ •�, /Y NO UNOAN OEVEIOFNENE U �al••1�w ••yEa •cyn.m.o�IroM� ( J 1 0 fl 4 i 300970310 rr Ma SCHLIEF DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: IN, mon wnWbin pace -Ch n Mn tv -d bl,,V n1 1 cmrlp 11— ale rdnn markrt v an coed—I, rrplanie 1, It lav two. It, been and Geller, racb mull, oeoM,ily, knowlydpeebly pee .nnp tM ate n mt nl lnciM by vId— 11-0 , Imdtrt m IN, d.Imltee, I, Pe, c,maunmeMXr nl It s .. of a apecdrM date and IM w .V of DIM Iron seer, In boy , vele, c.ndimna w"raby II I bW end Gree we lymanv m.nv.ted: 121 bale perms to well rnlnmM m well MvetM, and race acllrq e,", M mento, M, n n MG, tele_:. IJI It ubin Imre n 0It, r rr e r n e rmme nurkrt. 1.1 novnrmr re, nude m lean, nl cee err U 5 lWM,3 P ere Imms of IXWtuI murgemMlG camppraplr lllCrelU; Bred 151 IM Pn:e repesMis tM nwmel cwndeulrore fm Ibe w.pmv Gob —111 led by specul or crdalrve Ilnertlrq w .k. cameasrmn' g,nnM by w vor aasocuted wets IM 41, ' Adlu.lmm I. to IM comperedef must M made Inr apemal o cr rv. I—, -v pr s.ks cPtes,+xn No ad.nlmnrl, ,e r of 4ry fm IMee wits wlrcb .re -10y pall by wk.s as . ,!toll pf -W ­a, Mw .e mnket are.; Illrse s .re rexldy denlrlude Gate IM Mlle, 011 IMfo cost, m Y 111 .a 41n • Spncew d ar IFI -1— "..,V ademl—t• C.,I M -W, In IM pangereMe wrrpnl, b, compllrlfmf to Ixumr,q inn, offmM by a,Md port, mSn .1-1 lerrdn IMt ie ,tel already m NM n Ile p,gerly m nanaae:ivlr Arty .dpntmmrt ahold onl M� ukJe1M an • rtrncru,.[w d.aac IP MMr cos, of IM I_.,v P cmtr,fen, bel IM dons, amoen of tory edlusimnA V.otd epprosmnle VoI market's Ie_I., In IM fuun:aq n cp,rr,tmrn balm on IM epparam'. P,19 11 STATEMENT OF LIMITING CONDITIONS AND APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION CONTINGENT AND LIWIND CONDITIONS: TM aUl.+u.r'f e,wblx.al Inas appears n tM =rasw repel n I.N.c1 to tM Ip► wnq cOMnYats'. 1 TM aW.— wee ml tel re.onubse 1. -It— of . Mp.l N 1"1 .Ilett e,ftl IM P_Iv bele 0 apwarsed or IM mM to e, TM wpw.n, .s.eAM1 IMt IM elle If goad nod m Ioelable we, IM foee. wdI rel rendm my 000n s .M�l 1M lelk. TM pope•, n appw.d nn Ito haat. of rt prep vele, rew—W, own', Glia 7 TM appwsn Ms "p old a skelcn m IM app,.rul repel to new ep Afe Amenwmf of Il ellprovemren, erM IM akelcn .1+:haled P.y I..fufi IM,twine III IM ,egad In vn 1b V IM poperll old vedf—fudmg IM aVW8u '. ,Mtmm+enm of els fele 3 Ile, aW.— Mc n Dolled tM avul.bte fkvod mole Itbl .re ge v d by IM redler.l Emmgn Marugeml+n Agmt.Y In nth data ,nv.eal and lis noted.. IM appal., repel wW- IM slLlm:t alto I. I_c min edeod_ Sarna,,mod Na.,d Area. Beceus. IM tedpr.e.e, o, nal a .uveyn. M te aM mnke\ m puGrwnnna. mpnsfM ce rmp,.m, org.,&v d.. M,nrm+ulum .IM ­­wA ml ane Itflebry n .ppew m cool pec — M v aM -M .n . W-11 of Ire P —1, err me.—e, .1k., .P—W .rr.rgnner.. In do to Mve Mme nude b.l—luodl b T. Itt,,e n les eslem.tM tM 4M It, I"e land m IM Cpsl epPl»cn .I II\ hpM.f erd OCat tell wed p erlPnr oleo. at IMx cmtlebWnrY v.he IMM aepnrnln lxi nt n of Ile tared I'd mpovenmrels mull ml M It d ,1 cnVutta+e wlul my nIM aW.—I Nd me .—Jot If Ibex ere w .,d 6 IM 9171.rut Doth n iM app.nw rept) arty advm4 —WI -11 11-1. a,, r od rrpam, Mprrculere, Ile P efrme .0 n.Isrdrms w..lef, font fW.IAIYns, etc I .bsmvM dulrq IM nape Ire, nl Ite .Wlrel Pnle,rty n Ilei len ry Gln Mr'nme .wee nl Aea+q IM rr.m.l --I, .—N. m perIw W IM .ppw.l th..• nl Mrwe\e stalN ile Ile nperpnnl ,,pert, IM .plunr.m le\ rn koo v nl alley leddnn w unpppme ixenxxn n IM Mvterlr wNn.n rrrvum.nmel.l revd't I+Cheep Ile, m.s I, al Pe.ell+me rtr.'rrIetY0lrn:\r, vaeAnr nIMfM1 nvprr1r1lMpMke, . re.erlednr ny pert ter IM leIero/xwd lnml HnrwnPmrrnfow Ie/wtls, IIe p{eyur,;ae1 4.1.11 rlepw+ol odmual,n.l ekmlllrl nIlIeorn., I.. .s nd i . am .le rnekrs 1.u.- e-We." u e-We.dwr.g.rdnq IMP1,e, I.,evIMemwwrwla ml be rpr.nble Ifo .1 1, n.1"wa airygetgbe mumIn dunwun re IM .f w em.l .a.ssnenrl .1 Ile popnrly / 1,e, meeanm 'al pr, enlPmalem, ennrules, wd cge—ei tlel 111,— mwn..e0 m IM appnW rMvx, Into wur • Ilul Ir. oe .M conaen ala be ,enable .rd b.k.vns II— In n M Irue aM c ", 1 re, Ippw.m doer rel It— ufpnnnlwnr IP ue w.1v 1 of .111 Mm. 0.1 ww, h.o+arid b, a1Nn pwun. B Ion ytxn.rr *,I:eel MfCM.. IM!omen. of IM a ,p rept., .feral .. W.e J IP rr Ile, U,.lmm SlaMwd. rr, Rolaaf.+ul App.e4Rarl.. g Ile NY.win n1. bs.M la oe M apwwapl noel ne r.kul+m env hn+e, n an .pp0 ul Incl n niter 1 1 411.lafnnr fnlpMl.ar, rel " ce III— m, ne IM .f.enepl.al 1141 CnryMrlmn pl IM rnrpnvnne,N• wA be pnnaome Ire . wnkmnkke nyrvw 10 Ile spews" rent pnrd. "1 or ftn Paa wrelime cnnmel Mlnn IM Mredmkkroel .ryvel+d al Ile .ppnW 11",Can d.00od. IM .W.p 1 rep I Iln:ludlrp dnlrhr.nan .Mut IM ptrpm,r ,Wl Ite allp et'. el...", ue w ..... .W M.W.1 ., and .1e. e. lorry ve.1 1.pueuaw ng.n/.ixX. I. Ile .c 1—.0 wlb the .pp.rfn es • K.nIMI to.nvwar Wbw tIW11M Ivamwm, IM ,rW lgagee n 1. 1—— .rd -0,., IM —Ig.W MVn, r nnfullwl., p.Ir..a.el .IMM.w Pgao./alxrrea, wry tut. ,, IMnw,Y .Iaanrnl Ivwa'el +eslllm..e a am drp.rinw+n, -9— n nalru.e, 61Y .1 lfe U.Ied tilers w .try ..... P 1M 0r.Irn1 of Cldr..t ..... epl IN.I IM lndlnlCM+N nuv drnelLulp Ila p.pmlY den r.lrimrr It, Ian I I Ire 1,", r+.y In d.t. cnNlnrr , r—,.V .rtveel,l wAMul ,er.q In WAwe Ire .I —te"'. pw wnllen Lament the .ap.e.w'a well_ 1;— Md apt• 1 mulct w4 Ise ,Flood bet'...Ile .punaw can rr cwrr.v.d" It,— In IM prbk, Il.pgb Mvmllwq, p jbW.,,ot + , rew., ..M., w .,I- rrwlu 1 rrxMee Mar l Pm. 30 603 P.D. I,,lg Iw..M.nlnm10040 093 300970310 Se. Sin. SCHI.IEF APPRAISER'S CERTIFICATION: IN App.r.n cnOnes end.pem IN,: 1. 1 Nvn resea,c Nd Ilse'.bm' "erne, .— no have .eleclerl a "rat wn n1 llvco "eel sale! of Aoml- o— I—W end ponma . In me aubl— W—W lA comettaUn n IN ale! cnnpmrson arahos and Nt— made a dont, fdrystmnnl when app nne to retwi the mrtkel ,eaclon to lose -1— of trp+Irunl vnaton. II a ignlrcn't nem m IS om—ble pope,ly rs supero, In, M now. Iavaable 1Nan, IN .WIec, pr.WI,. I Nvn ,rade It reyatne adlusrmen, 1. ,educe the adlusteel Yks In— of the cnmpat role ate, rf a sv.fi-nI nrm nr a cnmpataole pn a ty re nfno, to. M 1— faraabh than 11, foblec, M-1 , I nave mede r pnvine adluslment to +creole Ire adtnlyd Sales Ac. oI IN comperoble, 2 1 Ns—taken No Cons,deraN o IM fe % IMI Nave an m,—I on vslue m my derebpmem of Inc eal— of make, wake m Ile appuYl Iepo,l 1 nae a ml kno—NIV wn Need airy apnlrvere mlmmanno ham 1N aManiat tenni ane I bebevr. to the Ns, of my k—Wge. that all Statements ate ,of—1 n In me .opa-I report are true ate co,—. 7. 1 Slated. n INS aw.rY1 tenon• only m1 own pnauNl, —led. and Aales I a,ah6f, oomaos, end conctu,tans. WI/ch are S bpact oath to the Coma germ and wnb,q Con,111— apecrlred n INS form. a. 1 lave no pelt" or pospentwe .nncft m tine pnooe ty mot a the eubtect of INS -I. and I Nve no prefem A pospect we pnaenal mlacSt or plat wnh respect to me parlrcipanl! n IM nernact— I old not bale• wife, pattaay a C. oetely. my amlys,s "lo, IN,e+trm/te of market at In IN a a,u reowt on Ile race, color, hand—o. lamrlal .lalvs. M r 1-1 Aron, of mm- lie analxclne —,w,S or ocrspants of IN .,MWS AopntY A o1 Ifo Ae— Owren. or oc Waols of IN, Wooer— m Mer -IV of the aubiort nopwly S. 1 have no Aesenl A comnnplated fugue oleres( In IN' nsubpo Anoeny, and nhlten my c rent m IUUe enno"em a mlo, pn nl Nor c.moeoss— lo, INS appy Yn l conlreem or, ate aunsIzed value of IN,, pepnnY. 8 I w rot ,enured to reptol a Merle a mined value ne da—n n talon Ila, farms IM — el IM cbmn or aro, tMalad pllrtY. line ImfMn of Ile vake estnonle, INall.nnenl of a 1pecrlic anuli, o,Ile —wen ca OI a .Ubaeeumn eve" n n ndto :/terve my conpensatan and/A empem oymlot patlorm.rp IN amr, at I de roe. t bIN, aopuYl repo,l on • requested na nown rahalen, a SM11. wklalrm. A the reed to apor"•e It 1pet.l. —1p.9e ban. 7 1 IxrlAnsed p.s .-..I o,'-f-mh• '"m In' Untr.m Stereards of Psolrs.oral Am, ..I Pnn,— that were .roped ate pA ult erred by 1N Anpn nut Sn,end. Bond of IN AopnYl Fowndi, r, end ttal waw n Aacn es of Ile atlecnYe ate of IN. ewuaat, wen Ina .1R1 n.cepI— nl ate M'onlo,e Aovr.+n of Irmo st.r.Iae., wncn toe+ nnI 1Y ZI eckroreMv Ilul anne.le el . e Mbk, Imo IA e.pmUe n Ile Opo mantel -1 cM,Mlen rat IN dnlnnno nl valet ate 1Mr.lonale I darekerdr. ern wrtn Inn nu"e" Una noted n me r,orplWurl.,od .ncirA' of IN! repAl, Uams I Nave nllervn. at.,. rat IM recptaatrpn Zl B I Mvw pn.m.11y +npnrtrq ted ntenp are mato, Mea. of IM 1 AWI o,—I1 .N' the meter of as poannn. lowd a omparabM..r Ile .ppnYl wpr.l. 1 f--Cnpflr INS 1 lure mind Mry me M tenor,,, adrnr. rnndnn n me .ubfecl nnpmnnen,l.. on Ile nawcl .r MY ! wn Nn on nv nlo. v on' of 11n awn" Aoomly,•n .1.1h 1 am a /N1 Nve m.ar adluflmr.'Ia Ia IN. advl:�rae eMW1— n my annhan of IN molal,, value to IN a.lenl thin, I Node—Sr' ',wt,e n to n4 p., Ilam I Nin .I. commenna abad nor elle,' .1 IN rift!'. clver,mn. on IN maranhrlrly o, IN .ub,-, popnh B 1 ISA.rrally pepatre at caclu.rA,. .le :¢rano tole,, ,le oral natal. 1NI w .1 IAin r, !1e apAnW raper, II 1 reted nn .prulrCanl luolra.aval a jinn Itmn am + lN+ o, +enrdwb rr, Ile pomnne of lo IN alenr.nl n ate prro,,.—red' of IN .W- rrprwl'1 meat N,. maned ..In u ti -11.1 Me dr.bne rte .pm:dn' —S, —loomed by It— +r pat In—. 1—nn .m;nnr .f INS eM.—I moon 1 —.1V man try . _d— w ,wend n oculi, ml 1. pe,l— IN test• I,uvn ret .mlrvuAl nryne to —eS'Mann to .; rino rrr ,N wl, ,rp1NielAn, rl n1 into,Nrued ctwer ra „adv to IN nM.., rrp.l, 1 we I.Sn ro mumnsINbty Ip 7111 6 appraloal report has been prepared for the City of Munticello. The Appraloer ao6umeo no obligation, liability or accountability to any third party. If thIa report In placed In thin handle of any third party by the City 01 Monticello, the city aheII wke ouch third party aware of ell the no—rwl lnup and Iintitln—WILIone of thin eoolgnmont.. The conr,luolon of value should not be celled on by anyone but the City of Illmt icol lo. SUPE IVISORY APPRAISER'S CERTIFICA110M: It . ewewm.Y nwanno s,p'MI pe annoy, wpon, In u ae rnnfre. .1e .war. 1.1 1 dn-tll . Ina/ INS sopatsa tee pnpure It. appnW tenor,. N.. 1 --ed IN appu.at wpwl, ton- ..to ,N al o—nl. and cncknrwn of IN als .Sm..Wee to M buae or IN auornvr•. rerlrlw:.I.+a..otanre a I1rr.49h / atto-, re .m ,.Sip hM re.p.iubrmy Int Ile .o;,,—w ad Ile appnYl rnpA, ADDRESS OF PROPERTY APPRAISED: ] Melnut StrP6t. 1Poot1ca11Q—M-Un2 APPRAISER: SUPERVISORY APPRAISER twos rf rpund) `4 — —PsueJ N.nm l wme stns 25_lfofch1491—— suu r—W.— a _ __ 6t/tr Cnrld+.l,ru, i n Stet. 1.,— 1 "(1219 p state tr.'n. Sale _121 sun — I alw.nn 0.1.0 ren.N,.t a iK Y . jl Au6_4Z ewer �, on>w ai cabt�utbn d i'��r,:� ® std 0 M Not krspecl Ropnty 1 redder M.c rum 439 693 P.pn 2 of 2 rata- Men f art, 100.0 003 HRA AGENDA APRIL 2,1997 TJ. Martin, Inc. Prairie West Second Addition Redevelopment of Monticello Mall National Guard Training Center/Community Center Domino's Pizza L I I� MONTICELLO TIMES, INC. : 118 EAST RIVER STREET BOX 548 MONTICELLO. MN 55382 (612)295-3131 FAX (812)295-3080 INVOICE CITY OF MONTICELLO P.O. BOX 1147 MONTICELLO, MN 55382 $280.44 $0.00 CREDIT TERMS: Balance Is due on the lest day of the month following the Invoice date. A mcnthy finance charge of 1.5% (18% annual rete) Is changed on all pest due accounts. Monticello HRA PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362-9245 March 17, 1997 MC1l11Y22 _DISTRICT 01-22 AND 01-17 Hours Amount 214197 MM Review 1.17 TIF plan 1.00 105.00 2 pian 1.00 105.00 2/5191 DJF Fiscal hnp0aatbn Lettem and TIF Ptam 3.50 367.50 2114197 MTR Review TI dlsMCt 4.00 420.00 2121197 DJF Public Hearhg Notice, Planning Carurdssbn Resolution, HRA 3.50 367.50 ResoMbn 2127197 MTR Review plans end ditm qua ffWbm 1.50 157.50 DJF Parcel Quaffical is 4.50 472.50 2129197 MTR Letter on overview of districts 1.00 105.00 Total Due This Mordh: 20.00 $2,100.00 Toted Balance Due: 52,100.00 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 L_ EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 Rpm Monticello HRA T' PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55382-9245 March 17, 1997 MC700.01 GENERAL 2/3197 MTR Meeftng on State Auditor reponse Hours 3.25 Amount 341.25 MTR Mileage Expense 63.14 2/9!97 MTR Letter on State Auditor draR4g 1.50 157.50 2/10197 MTR State auditor letter 1.00 105.00 2112/97 MTR Discussion with Steve B on letter to OSA 0.25 26.25 2114/97 MTR Mlleage Expense 28.98 2/19/97 MTR Discussion quallOcatiom for district 0.50 52.50 Total Due This Morph: 6.50 $774.62 Previous Balance: $971.25 2/27197- Payment - thank you ($971.25) Total Balance Due: $774.62 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES, INCJPUBLICORP INC. 2950 NORWEST CENTER 90 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 KENNEDY a GRAVEN Charmed 200 SMdr Somr saeK SWM 470 ro M*0036 ra Sm 1612) 337-9300 R March 7, 1997 City of Monticello 011ie K.oropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN190-00062: Fay -Mar Expansion Invoice # 14738 Through February 28, 1997 For All Legal Services As Follows: 02/24/97 S!B Review HRA background material; phorw call with 0.30 40.20 0. Kompchak re same Total Services: Attorney Summery Stephen J. Bubul 0.30@ 134,00/hr Total Services And Disbursements: 1 d0m ruse« PWQ* W bre lar to 0=01L dL" « W085LAPammumnom 1 pmkL NK taw d E 40.20 40.20 E 40.20 KENNEDY 8[ GRAVEN CLamed 200 South Shut Strom Sala 470 M MU 55402 (612)337.9300 S - March 7, 1997 City of Monticello 011ie Koropchalt: City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MN 190-00061: Downtown Redevelopment TIF District Invoice # 14272 Through February 28, 1997 For All Legal Services As Follows: 02/20/97 SJB Review TIF documents; memo to Ehlers re same 0.50 67.00 Total Services: f 67.00 For All Disbursements As Follows: 02/21/97 Fax 3.00 Total Disbursements: $ 3.00 Total Services And Disbursements: $ 70.00 I d*CW& wy pwaft d tow C tltb —vt CWM a A �1 nd- d a 0, ro Al ma d KENNEDY 8[ GRAVEN 0WtffW 20D scum shah sma Surhe 470 Mm po% MM ss402 (612)337-93W I March 7,1997 City of Monticello 011ie Koropchak City Hall P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 MNI90-00041: Redevelopment -General Invoice # 14737 Through February 28, 1997 For All Legal Services As Follows. 02/12/97 SIB Phone call with 0. Koropchak re various TIF 1.00 134.00 matters; review response to state auditor letter; research plan budget question 02/13/97 SIB Review auditor letter, phone call with 0. 0.60 80.40 Koropchak re same 02/24/97 SIB Phone call with 0. Koropchak re various TIF 0.70 93.80 redevelopment matters Total Services: S 308.20 Total Services And Disbursements: $ 308.20 1def MWdWprug01hn so d* dmordrums am to ANN t3brraand �PRAI� 9+aoe�P� APPRAISAL DATE JOHN C. FARRELL CWM@d Bawd App mbw PAL BOX +10. SM LONE OAK RD. ROCKFORD, M 5W3 Tuv"ONH mm 4TY48 Y DESCRIPTIDN 22 March 1997 RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT FEE OWNER: Michael I. O'Connor PROPERTY ADDRESS: 218 Front Street Monticello MN. 55362 City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway, Monticello MN 55362 L 7 $300 9�oci%% APPRAISAL DATE INVOICE JOHN Q FARRELL a dose Gema Apvld.« Lloa M010l19 VA. sox Ile. am LOW OAK ee. RMFORQ m" San TELl9Rola onm 47/44129 DESCRIPTION 24 March 1997 RESIDENTIAL APPRAISAL REPORT FEE OWNER: Allen 6 Helen Schlief PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3 Walnut Street Monticello MN. 55362 City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway, Monticello MN 55362 N APPRAISAL FEE $300 rncP- ®© Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 9 Q o 7300 Metro Blvd. #525 ®� Minneapolis, MN 55439 Ms. 011ie Koropchak .r -Cl 1 1 _C1 Monticello HRA n P O Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 NVOICE March 6, 1997 Project #96-21 Attention: 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director For Professional Planning Services Authorized for preparation of a Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan from January 1 through February 28, 1997 as follows: • Completion of billing for Tasks 1 through 4, plus related current subconsultant fees. BILLING Principal 35.00 hrs ® $78/hr $2,730.00 Principal Travel 8.00 hrs ® $401hr 320.00 Professional 24.00hrs ® $48/h. 1,152.00 Expenses: courier 17.55 repro/copies/prints 1.28 18.83 S E H Inc. (copy attached) 22.87 S M S Q Architects (copy attached) 786.00 TOTAL February 28 Billing $3,877.70 HOISINGTON ROEGLER GROUP ATTN:MICHAEL SCHROEDER VICE PRESIDENT 7300 METRO BLVD. SUITE 525 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55439 For: MONTICELLO DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION PLAN Professional Services ------------------------------------------------------------- INVOICE o A 3= VAD" CENTERORNE 190 SEM CENTER. Sl. PALL. ANSiIm 611190 -MM SW325-2E5 j \IL ARGtlnCCTI.IE &C.7EDVVG EMR:pNMEMH MANSPORTA FOY January 31, 1997 Amount Invoice No. 38703 0.2 Project No. AHOISI9601.00 HOISINGTON ROEGLER GROUP ATTN:MICHAEL SCHROEDER VICE PRESIDENT 7300 METRO BLVD. SUITE 525 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55439 For: MONTICELLO DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION PLAN Professional Services ------------------------------------------------------------- for the period ending December 31, 1996 Professional Personnel Hours Amount PROJECT MANAGER 0.2 22.87 Total Labor ------------ 22.87 TOTAL NOW DUE 8 PAYABLE..... $ 22.87 Cumulative Billings Current Prior Pds To -date Labor 22.87 2,967.49 2,990.36 Expenses 158.13 158.13 Totals 22.87 3,125.62 3,148.49 SNQRTEUTorr ,Qiwawhsav ac ABTIIEAFOL11 AN ST aow• LN CHM*M FALL4 W "060990µ M MAE COLL&TY, W !MAILO1Fpq rVEWOYER INVOICE January 23, 1997 Invoice Number 4 Project 1895.00 Hoisington Roegler Group, Inc. 7300Metro Blvd., Suite 325 Edina, MN 55439 For: Professional Services Ibaiia�ll0 Project Professional Services: December 1, 1996 through December 31, 1996 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL Bourg Rate Amount Principal Edwina, Steven B. 5.0 65.00 425.00 Total Labor 5.0 425.00 425.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE 425.00 OUTSTANDING INVOICES No. 00003 11/26/96 361.00 Totals 361.00 361.00 TOTAL 11011 on 786.00 BILLINGS TO DATE Current Prior Total Hourly Pee 425.00 2,762.50 3,187.50 Expenses 113.55 113.55 Totals 425.00 2,876.05 3,301.05 8 M 6 O ArcAtneu 1205 South Water Suaat I Bos 300 1 Na1MMId M mi wft 55057 15074454461 1 FAX 507845.7682 �© Hoisington Koegler Croup Inc. 7300 Metro Blvd. #525 ®� Minneapolis, MN 55439 Y LE l Ms. 011ie Koropchak / d_ Monticello HRA P Box 1147 v Monticello. MN 55362-9245 ct INVOICE March 6, 1997 Project 097-14 (Additional Services) Attention: 011ie Koropchak, Executive Director For Additional Planning Services Authorized to prepare concept plans for family center/training center in the Civic/institutional Cort: of the downtown area from January l through February 28, 1997 as follows: ► Preparation of concept plan and development of program for Family Centerfrraining Center. ► Attendance at meeting with City Staff, National Guard, school representatives and MC representatives on 1-28 (4 hours) and 2.25-97 (3.5 hours)!--) t'•ookr 1'.0 — Attendance at meeting with ECPE group on 1.31-97 (3 hours). Principal Principal (plan preparation) Principal (meeting attendance) Principal Travel Expenses: TOTAL February 28 Billing BILLING 0.25 hrs 0 $1 10/hr $ 27.50 14.25 hrs 0 $80/hr 1,140.00 1030 hrs 0 S80fir 840.00 3.00 hrs 0 $40/hr ur. �L- 120.00 1-0 milparking� 31.00 52,158.50 612-635-3160 NOISINGTON 1c0EGLER - Creariv� tole,wes for 4ed flaeLee W pure 5 February 19% Ms. 011ie Kotopchak City of Monticello 250 East Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 RE. Proposal for Family C= WArmory Dear Ms. Koropr- a i524 P02 FEB 05 977 1141 Hoisinr Koegler Crtwtp Inc. Is One of the central themes of the evolving downtown and riverfront revitalization plan would have to be the creation of significant activity generators in the downtown area. The activities that draw people to downtown will be the ours that support existing businesses as well as attract new ones. In mer communities these facilities have included private sector enterprisea (such as a significant new retail enterprise, an eaterraiomeatt retail center or a hotel) and components of the public sector (such as a city hall, post offux, museum or community cent"). When we look at downtowns, it is the activiSy of people that mos brings them to life. When. neo o uo�tyfor a facility cant has the potential of drawtrh; people to downtown Monticello arises, I thinit it will be critical for the comtmmity to study it carefully. There will not likely be an enterprise that could have As significant an effect as those ideas that have been discussed for the Civic/Institutional Cote of Montic ello's downtown puna parttcu: arly those ideas that 2m so vital to the idea of Monticello as a community. With the Family Cer.-er. people would be novided with a place to come together in due heart of their community, and where the focus is on the sociaVfatnily life of Monticello. It could be a place of Clearly constant ne rvity, and with the u -.es that have been discussed to date it could be a place where nearly every Monticello citizen would have a reason to come. It is hard to predict the hill effects, but comp wisons to similar nearby facilites would indicate that thin kind of facility has the potential of attracting over 100.000 vuita per year. For creating spin-off activity for downtown businesses, this a .,old be a powerful font in the community's efforts at revitalizing its downtown. I believe it merits careful consideration. Based on what we know of the effort required to further develop the Family Center/Armory concept, we have developed a scope of work that diould provide the City with the information it needs to deertninea ood direction. Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. would provide concept diagrams of o Family Center facility Illustrating the space needs defined by pottmtial participating groups (the Army. ECFE, Special Education. Adult Basic Education and others). Alternatives could be developed where clear direction is not evident. but at a concept level a simple plan demcinstrar:ng the general allocation of space will likely be sufficient (slaular to the first concept diagram tie created). Our intent will not be tocreate on resembling a final Ian: rather. we will direct our efforts to e study that will determine i such a facility can suit tie netts of the various pat triers, and to assist the City in assessing its feasibility and its relation to the downtown plan. The preparation of the necessary dtegratm, basedMiato be provided by the SCFE group, can be accomplished for a f that .n ill note tis difficult o pmdict the number of meetings tat will be needed tLerefom 1o allow for meeting attendance on an hourly basis. Expenses (mlizage and drawing reproduction) would be reimbursed at cost. Iwo eleea RNWWd stir $25. M m gdi- Minem $5179 (au)ILIS o P"(612)Q7.5tao 612-835-3160 HE) ISItlaTW KOESLER ' 524 P03 FEB 05 '7? 11:02 Ms. Onb Kaopchat S FekMy 1997 P4p2 I have d=ssed this ism with Eblers and Associates to gain an understanding of the role they might play in assessing specific funding opsit: for the Family (:eater As a resourtz. they will be vahub to your efforts in undetstoding tk fbU �=' of the City's potential with the Army and other grcnrPs that might play a role is this project Their efforts wand be 'ted to exploring ling options and amending one meeting to present their findings; these tub could be completed fora fee not to exceed $100h.O0. A summary of the fee (not-to-excecd amounts) would be: Preparation of concept diagtw for Family Ceara (RK(}i) S1600.00 options ( A and saoeiaus) $1SBGU u Meeting xtendance Expenses reimbursed at cast We rw4pise the need for this wort to be expedited and ore ready to begin at your direction. We will not proceed with finther explontiat of a cowW diagram, howeva. undl we have received all information from the SCFE grasp. It !s my understanding that they will be invited to the next mcaitlg with the Army and may have their space meds defined at that time. Please cal,' me if you have any questions. Sincerely. Hoiaingtru Focgkz Group Inc. Nlichael 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monricello, MN 553629245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Dr. John Erlandson 2323 Eastwood Circle Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Dr. Erlandson: On February 19, the commissionen of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) reviewed the resumes of the three remaining candidates interviewed on February 5, 1997. Knowing that all three candidates were welt -qualified to serve as a commissioner, the selection was not easy. Following discussion, the commissioner selected and recommended the name of Dan Frie to the City Council for appointment because of his knowledge and experience in real estate. The City Council appointed Mr. Frie to the HRA on February 24, 1997. The HRA appreciates your willingness to volunteer to serve on a local governmental commission and we will keep your resume on file for Rd= reference. 1 apologize for the delay of this letter of notification. Again, thank you. Sincerely. 0 IL�, KN u t39e,9z., 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Director cc: HRA File Of m of Pubfte Worb, 909 OoIJGbum Rd., Mont(cdlo. MN SMU • Phou.16191 Y9MI70 • lea: !91912MI70, =L 1 March 10. 1997 MONvfICEL o 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Merro: (612) 333-5739 Fax- (612) 2954404 Mr. Tom Perrault 631 West Broadway P.O. Box 1032 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Tom: On February 19, the commissioners of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) reviewed the resumes of the three remaining candidates interviewed on February 5, 1997. Knowing that all three candidates were well-qualified to serve as a commissioner, the selection was not easy. Following discussion. the commissioners selected and recommended the name of Dan Frie to the City Council for appointment because of his knowledge and experience in real estate. The City Council appointed Mr. Frie to the HRA on February 24,1997. The HRA appreciates your willingness to volunteer to serve on s local governmental commission and we will keep your resume on file for fiuure refertoce. I apologize for the delay of this letter of notification. Again, thank you. Sincerely, 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Director cc: HRA File Offl . otPublic worb, r08 oat/aow« 8d, Manucdto, MN WW • Ronv (alit) pus a 70 • ran: (6)2)99&3)70. @x r