HRA Agenda 02-19-1997 SpecialAGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Special Meeting Wednesday, February 19,1997 - 7:00 pm. City Hall MEMBERS: Vice Chairperson Brad Berger, Tom St. Hilaire, Steve Andrews, and Darrin Lahr. COUNCIL LIAISON: Roger Carlson STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. CONSIDERATION TO SELECT A REPLACEMENT FOR AL LARSON FROM THE CANDIDATES INTERVIEWED ON FEBRUARY 5 FOR A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPOINTMENT. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ADD OR DELETE AND RANK THE 1997 HRA PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET. 4. OTHER BUSINESS. 5. ADJOURNMENT. C HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY 19,1997 wl)1 � \ � li ! II Il,ylll � 1 1 li 1 h 1 I Illy[ A Enclosed is a copy of the letter of resignation from Commissioner Al Larson to the City Mayor. The letter dated February 7, 1997, was read at the City Council meeting of February 10, 1997. Mayor Fair expressed he would talk to Al to see if he would reconsider and remain on the HRA until December 1997. In my conversation with Mayor Fair, Al reiterated his resignation allowed an opportunity for qualified, young individuals to become involved in city government. Additionally he feels overly extended. He is not upset with any organization or individual and will continue to support the HRA, EDA, and MCP objectives. I have enclosed the resumes of the three remaining candidates: Dan Frie, Dr. John Erlandson, and Tom Perrault for consideration as a replacement for AI Larson. The term of the vacated seat expires in December, 1999. Although I have not had time to complete the HRA minutes of February S, enclosed is a recap ofthe voting: Snmmissioffit Eim Second Lahr Murray Frie Andrews Murray Erian clwn Boger Murray Fric St. Hilaire Murray Erlandson [arson Murray Fria B. ReC9IDmend9Npn; Recomm ndation is for the HRA to select Dan Frie to fill the vacated HRA seat and recomrwd City Council consider the appointment on February 24. Expiration date of term December 1998. Recornnndation is because Mr. Frie received the second most votes on February S. HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY 5. 1997 .IC •. 1 4 . I ' M .i • I Hoisington Additional Services As you recall. in May of 1996, the HRA entered into a Contract with the Hoisington Koegicr Group, Inc. for preparation of the Monticello Downtown and Riverfrom Revitalization Plan. The HRA agreed to pay the consultant an amount not -to -exceed $90.650 for their professional planting services. The scope of service and tasks of the work plan were defined by the MCP and the work completion and satisfaction is monitored by the MCP. As the work plan nears completion and the final workshop presentation is anticipated in about a month, the activity level has excelled within the defined downtowNriverfront redevelopment area. Within the scope of the bridge concept, Michael Schroeder identified the two anchors as the river and the mall and identified a civic area along the Burlington tracks and West 5 Street. With the potential to develop a partnership with the military service for construction of a community/training center, Michael developed conceptual plans for redevelopment of the identified civic area. Additionally, he took the lead role in a recent presentation to representatives of the military service, MCP, HRA, City Mayor, and school administration. The military service is committed to a Monticello location. Two site locations are under consideration: The new high school site and the 500 block area along West 5 Street. Local public officials and representatives present at the presentation, clearly identified the site selection process as a cooperative effort between the school and the city. The overall goal for the community is to identify uses for the proposed shared facility and to assist in the provision of the lard and/or shared facility. The conceptual plans prepared by Schroeder will be available at the HRA meeting. It is my understanding, the development of these conceptual plans is beyond the scope of services identified in the original Contract. Prior to Mr. Schroeder continuing to provide services not identified at the Contract, the IIRA is asked to review the proposal for payment of additional services on a case-by-case basis. 116 proposal will be submitted at the HRA meeting. A motion approving the Hoisington proposal for payment of additional services beyond the Contract between the Monticello HRA and the Iloisington Koegler Group. Inc. dated May 2. 1996. HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY 5, 1997 A motion approving the Hoisington proposal with a shared payment between the HRA and the City of Montkeflo for the additional services. A motion to deny approving the Hoisington proposal for payment for additional services and requesting the City to consider the proposal Although at this time the proposal is not avaulable for review, it is suggested the HRA consider the fact that the HRA has the ability to recover its cost as part of the budget for the proposed TIF District No. 1-22. As will the budget include expenditure of the original contract. D. SuFRgBjpY Data None. To be submitted at meeting, M HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY 5, 1997 3. ConsentAgenda, a) Consideration to approve monthly HRA bills: Kennedy & Graven, Ehlers, Hoisington Koegler Group, and Braun trnertec. February 7.1997 Mayor William Fav Citv of Monticello P.O. Box 1 147 Monticello. MN 55362 Dear Mayor Fav: After careful thought and consideration. 1 submit this letter of resignation as commissioner of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and the Economic Development Authority (EDA). I have served as a commissioner of the HRA since February. 1987, and have served as its Chairperson since January, 1989. [have been a commissioner of the EDA since April, 1990. During the last interview process for the vacated HRA seat, the HRA received four resumes from outstanding residents willing to serve and interested in the growth and planning of the City of Monticello. I've committed ten -years to community service and with the excellent and younger candidates willing to serve. I believe its the right time to step-down. I've enjoyed being a public servant and I'm proud of the projects accomplished by the HRA and EDA. The HRA endorsed and provided financial assistance to the following projects: Mississippi Shores, a 49 -unit senior housing project; Broadway Square, removal of blight to encourage redevelopment: River Mills, removal of gravel pit to encourage development. Prairie West, removal of blight to encourage redevelopment; and nine industrial development projects to increase the tax and job base of the City of Monticello. Additionally, the HRA Ihnded the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan under study by the Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. The EDA has provided gap -financing to industrial businesses through the approval of nine loans for a total disbursement of' 5610.500. Mayor Fair February 7, 1997 Page 2 Again, I'm proud to have been a part of the growth of Monticello. This letter of resignation is effective immediately allowing the HRA the opportunity to select my replacement from one of the three remaining candidates intereviewed by the HRA on February 5, 1997. Many thanks to the City Council and residents of Monticello for the opportunity to serve as a commissioner. Sincerely, Al n cc: City Council members HRA Commissioners EDA Chairperson Ron Hoglund and Commissioners ✓ MCP Chairperson Bob Bowen and Boardmembers 01.30/97 17:17 WRIGHT SHERBLFtE REPLTY - 6122954404 NU. 551 f 11 Daniel R Frio 214 ,Ferry L~ 0M9 fllon6cello, UN 55302 612-2955990 (►4 012-275-3507 (H) Date of" 10656 Utahme Resident of Monticello EDUCATION Monticello High School 1975 Mordioello, MN 8t. Mary's t)nlvwft Sen Antonio, TX St. Cloud State unhershy 1980 St. Cloud, MN B.AJPOIWwl Science and Economics University Of Arizona 1982 M.AlPolitiral Soence EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES Chauman of 6L Cloud State BWdant Activities CarmUoae 1979 Internship ' Senator Dave Durenberger 1900-01 Washington, O.0 OCCUPATION RealtonfOamar: WrighlSherbumo Realty Inc 200 West Smadstay Monlicallo, MN SM82 PERTINENT FXPERIENCE9 Curzont President of Monticello County Club Commissloner: State of MN Land Acquisition Appeals Resume of THOMAS B. PERRAULT 631 W. Broadway / P. O. Boz 1032 / Monticello, MN 55362 Home (612) 295.2448 / Work (612) 784.8897 CAREER To be employed in an entry level customer service/sales position with the opportunity to OBJECTIVE advance into management. EDUCATION Fall 1988 Graduate -level statistical analysis courses, Continuing Education and Extension. Winter 1987 University of Minnesota-Mpls. Sept. 1981 Agronomy, Soil Science and Agricultural Eeonornies major, University of Minnesota -St. Paul. to July 1985 Graduated with Bachelor of Science degree, July 1985. Involved in many student organizations. Sept. 1978 St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN. to Feb. 1981 Completed most general education requirements. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Nov. 1996 Retail Sales Prefs88ionaVream Lead for MCI Telecommunications Corporatiar - etail/Mass to present Markets Division-C.ommunication Center in Fridley. (This division of MCI resulted from a buyout of the Ce9star division from National Auto Center.) Conduct sales and activation of MCI One Long Distance Communication packages, cellular phones, pagers, two-way radios and accessories. As Team Lead, responsibilities include train- ing new employees, scheduling, weekly paperwork, and inventory. August 1995 Sam's Communication Center Sales ReprosentativeiTeam Lead for Cettstar, a division to Nov. 1996 of Natiorml Auto Centers, Inc., Carrolpon/Dallas, Texas. Conducted sales and activation of ce8utor phones, pagers, two-way radios, and accessories. Pronated to Team Lead for Fridley and While Bear Lake locations effective May 1. Team Lead responsibilities included training now employees, scheduling, and weekly paperwork. Jan. 1995 Counclimember (2 year term). City of Monticello. MN. to Dec. 19% Council representative to Economic Development Authority, Irdusirial Development Committee and Sewer Sludge Disposal Subcommittee. Doc. 1985 Warohouse Manager at Martie's Farm Service, Monticello, MN. to Aug. 1995 Deliverod orders, assistod customers, maintained warehouse, and ordered shipments. Dec. 1994 to Driver (Temporary) for WVS Marketing, Des Moines, Iowa. Jan. 1995, Sept. 1995, Delivered Hometown Supersaver Cards In Buffalo, MN. Helped increase sales when 1 and July 1996 rocommondod expanding market to Montroso (Doc. 1994 to Jan. 1995). Delivered cards in Monticello (Sept. 1995 and July 1998). Volurteor (Jaycee) liaison to essfst in the development of the Momicello-Sig Lake card since 1992. Oct. 1994 to June 1995 Disc Jockey at Lucky's Lounge (Joyner Lanes), Monticello, MN. Dec. 1988 Coordinated musk for patrons' satisfaction and announced upeoming events. to Sept. 1991 (Substitutod Sept. 1991 to Sept. 1994.) COMMUNITY Monticello Jaycees - President 1992.1993 and 1994.1995, Board Member since 1990 NVOLVEMENT Church of St. Henry - Choir, Ensembles, ate. Monticello City Council Candidate - 1990, 1994 and 1996; Active in Political Orgartizations REFERENCES Available upon request. Thomas B. Perrault 631 West Broadway P.O. Box 1032 r Monticello, MN 55362 January 27, 1997 Housing and Redevelopment Authority c/o hos. 011ie Ncropchak city of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, Ma 55362 Dear HRA members and M1. Roropchak: The vacancy on the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority came to my attention from your ad in the January 23, 1997 issue of the Monticello Times. ,I wish to be considered for the vacancy. Two years of experience as a Monticello city ax=ilmmber along \ with being a council representative to the E=mit Development Authority and the Industrial Develcpnent Committee has given me some background on the issues facing Monticello. I am also in- volved in the Monticello Oom a pity Fartners(Ixaonic Restructuring Sub-Oommittee) and long-time Monticello Jaycees Board mmber. Onclosed is a recent resume. If you have any questions, please call me at 295-2446(home) or 784-8897(work). Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Thoma B. Perrault [hclosure JOHN C. ERLANDSON, D.D.S Al 23=3 Eastwood Circle, Monticello, MN 55362 295-0357 (Home) 295-5400 (work) OBJECTIVE 'c se;:ve on a committee for community involvement within the City 0f Monticello, Minnesota. EDUCATION University of Minnesota, School o'_ Dentistry, 1980-1984, Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Surgery. University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts (1977-1978) and Col'.ege of Biological Sciences (1978-1980). SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE ?rofessional: Southside Dental Clinic, 201 Sandberg Road, Minneapolis, MN. Approximately nine years (1983 to present) of private practice as a sole proprietor/owner of a general practice dental :linic. D::`.ensive e::perience in all phases o`- dentistry. Extensive :perirnce in owner operator of small business. Experience ir.=ludes supervision of three full time employees. Clini:al Instructor, St. Cloud Vocational Technical Institute, ?rnfec.:ional Affiliations: American Dental Association Minnesota Dental Association .Minneapolis District Dental Society Seattle Study Club Naval Reserves: Currently Commander of Naval Dental Clinic, Great Lakes, Illinois, 1996 to present. Naval Reserve Affiliation, 1980 to present. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Monticello Rotary, Vocational Services Director, 1994 to present Youth Coach o"- Metro Basketball and Monticello Basoba:I Esso:'�"_gin, 1992-1995. FebrM 11, 1997 MONfICELLO 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fax: (612) 295-4404 Dear HRA Candidates: We wish to thank you for your interest to serve as a commissioner of the HRA. The HRA selected an individual from the four candidates intereviewed on February 5, 1997, and the City Council on February 10, 1997, appointed Bob Murray to fill the seat vacated by Tom St. Hilaire. Al Larson, HRA Commissioner and Chairperson for ten -years, submitted a letter of resignation to the City Mayor and Council the same evening. At this point, it is the intent of the HRA to select a replacement for Al from the remaining three candidates interviewed by the HRA on February 5. The selection will take place at the next HRA meeting of March 5, 1997; the cr, will the name of the individual be recommended to the City Council for appointment. Again, thank you for your interest to serve on the HRA and we appreciate your patience. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call nit at 295-2711. Sincerely, 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Director cc: HRA File Ofike ojPubUe warb. 909 oolNCoum eta. Monticello, MN AM62 4 Pho w: (819)29MI70 • far: (619)995.3170.ext. 1 250 East Broadway P. O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362.9245 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333.5739 Fix: (612) 295.4404 Mr. Bob Murray 500 Riverview Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Bob: Congratulations! On February 10, 1997, the City Council appointed you to the IIRA scat soon to be vacated by Commissioner Tom St. Hilaire. The effective date of your tern begins April 1, 1997; however, I will mail or deliver you a copy of the March 5 I IRA agenda and encourage you to attend as an unofficial member. The expiration date of your term is Ikccmbcr, 211111. HRA Commissioner Al Larson resigned from the HRA effective February 7, 1997. Aller ten years on the IIRA and with the excellent candidates that were interviewed on February 5 by the HRA members, he felt the opportunity was right to step-down. The current IIRA members will hold o special meeting to select a candidate from the three remaining candidates uuerview,d mt February 5 for a recommendation to the City Council on February 24. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Again, congratulations. Sincerely, C) U-.;, 011ie Koropchak HRA Executive Director cc: IIRA File ✓ OJjloe O Publie works, a0 cwCourn Rd., Uattlnllo, MN SW62 - PMw: !91412Y5 -J170 • Fou (619)2e3J1 i0, ri I. 1 HRA AGENDA FEBRUARY 19, 1997 You will recall at the HRA meeting of February 5, the HRA members elected to discuss and rank or add/delete iterrts to the HRA worksheet at the March 5 HRA meeting. However and thereafter, City Council set a workshop relating to this matter for Saturday, March 15. Cay Administration feels uncomfortable with the time alloted between March 5 and March IS to cornplete the preparation of the prioritization worksheet for the workshop. The meeting of March 15 is a public meeting, therefore, you can attend. 1 believe it starts at 8:00 a.m and runs to about noon. Place to be announced. Again, enclosed an: two worksheets. One prepared by Administration and one prepared in the Office of Economic Development. The worksheets are to be combined and will be used by the City Council for prioritization of projects which support the objectives of the Cove Plan. The worksheet will also assist the Council in determining if the cunvat staff level is sufficient to carry out the prioritized projects in addition to projects driven by new development as well as the retention of current projects. Tom St. Hila re's prioritized worksheet was submitted. Please give consideration to the worksheets for discussion. Each member, please rank and add or delete items of the HRA. PLEASE BRING TO MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19. The EDA added one item to the list which does not appear as yet. wkl997.wk4: 01/30/97 Page 1 1997 PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET Planning/Building(Economic Development Depts. A e Development driven or mandated by State—projects that require attention. B - Project recently identified as needed - in budget C - New project idea Please note that day -today workload is not included in this listing. Gen Budges Dent Cateaory Amt. A/B(C Project Descrlipttaa i Admin Admin B (Remodel and/or boom planning fnr relncannn of city hall. Admin Finance Budget review process - assemble budget data & give to Council. Admin Finance Direct City itaff to survey other communities - fees. Admin Finance NA C (Prepare capital improvement plan (city wider Admin Finance NA C Research tlnaneial impact of transition &nm NSP to non -NSP tax base. Admin Finance NA A Resolve storm "war trunk fee orogtram. Admin Finance NA C Revisit and/or revise fee structure associated with development—all fees. I Admin Pemnnnel NA C IConsider mormnR EDA(HRA. Admin Pensnnnal C (Continuing education plan—Council. commissions. & staff. Admin Pernnnnm NA C IDeflne prover level of MCP support frum City btaff. I Admin Personnel NA C (Evaluate perfnrmanee appraisal system. Admin Personnel 82A.000 B IStatl suoport - park adminibtranon and maintenance. Admin Pemunnel B IStaffbupport - planning & building dept. Admin Personnel IStatfeupourt--additional clerical stafTsupportneeded. I Admin Pub inti) NA C tsembla data fur internet applicannrn. I Admin Pub int) C Install voico mail. Admin IPub relations NA C IDevelup cusuomor service feedback survey shwt. I Admin Pub relations NA C IDevelop pnunties for service delivery. Admin Pub relatums NA A IUevolop service level measures in accordance with State of WN requirements. Admin Racirds (Add specitic record categories to retention schedule. Admin Records Begin racnrds destruction at oubhe wnrks. Admin Records Combine basement administrative records Into one system tall side-tabi. Admin Records Continue inventory oflan"ment records. Admin Records Create and implement records management plan. Admin Records Create economic develooment tiling system. Admin Records Ilnvvntory records at oublic works. Admin Records IRecorda destruction fnr I707 (city halls. Admin Records (Reduce amt of record storage navded—micrnilche process. Admin Record+ IRworgamt• HRA and EDA records. Admin Records (Research data privacy act—distribute info. to clencal support staff. I Admin I Records (Review all racnrds fbim OS%I )3A boxes �-copy those nodded --111• copies. Building I Admin 811.000 B Devvilopplan t)reomputentan)mofbuddinapermits. Buildmq Admin NA C IEnhanco a❑mmorcialAndustrial big permit inl) design standards/process. Buildmq Admin A (Cam compliance with ADA guidelines. wkl997.wk4: 01/30/97 Page 1 Building Admin NA B Improve zoning omde enforcement - perhaps hire intern. I Building Admin NA A Maintain building permit moratorium in thecore area Building Admin NA C Standardize address system. i Building Housing NA C Develop and implement rental housing code and licensing program. I Building Pr fact NA A High School budding construction project. Computer NA C IOrRanize intemet development - process for updating data. Computer NA C Ipodate 5-vear plan for computer application development. Computer Admin $7,000 B (Explore GIS options - develop o 5-year plan - budget item in 1996 - not done Earn Dev NA C IAssemble data for intemet applications. I Eon Dev C Dev. proactive mrktg network - elected officials, realtors, builders, indust land owners. Egon Dev C Update information brochures. HRA Resolve wst office access problems. I HRA Econ Dev NA B Develoo TIF application guidelines. I HRA Econ Dev A ILake Tim] TIF pmlect monitoring- I HRA Housing C IDan Reed - home relocation. IHRA Hnusing A IPrainp West 11 TIF pngect monitoring. I HRA Housing NA B IScattered hnusing site program. HRA MCP C Armnry development downtown or at high school i HRA MCP C Land acauisition activities to carry nut downtown river front redevelooment. I HRA MCP C BN ROW in core city area. Reflne rules for using 5th St ROW. HRA MCP C �Purch Rrlocate Ferrallgas. HRA MCP C Relocate JM oil and Riverside Oil HRA MCP C ISinre front redesipNrevolving Inan fund. Parks Admin NA C I&semble data for internet application. Parks Dev 812,000 B IFrvewav Park - concession area. i Parks Dev S15,000 B Ilmplement shade tree olonting program. Parks Dev $2.000 B IMeaduw Oak Park basketball Parks DevfMCP 620.000 B Bridge Park imorovementn. Parks Maint NA C Adjust mowing practices - introduce native grasses where appropriate. Parks Maint $10,000 B IPlayground equipment maintenance. Parks Moint NA B (Snowmobile ordinance amendments. Parks Pathway NA B !Apply for tSTEA Hinds for funding of oedestnon overpass at County Rd 118. I Parks Pathway $60,000 B IConatrunta. o]ong CSAH 118 connecting School Blvd to CSAH 75. Parks Pathwov $60.000 B IConstrucnon along river - Mississippi Dr. to Ellison Pork. Parks Pathwpy $30,000 B IConstructmn Amo Middle School to Meadow Oak. Parks Pathway Ilnvestipte rv.opemng pathway for winter use. Parks Pathwav TIF B Ovsissippi Shores foot bridge. Parks Pathwav $2,500 B Miettissiom Park/NSP/DNR Pathwev - Park and Prairie davelnpment. j Pork. Plan B ILoeation of CitylLions Club park development. Parks Plan C IPlavirround eauipmant - addition of handicap accessible equipment, i Park. Trot NA B tirdinanro update and implementation. Planning Admin NA C ITrP# Assemble data for intemet applieanens. Planning Admin NA B Gust recosvry - increase planning fees and commitment to recovering cats, i I Planninu Admin C Downmwninver*nntrudevelimmentefforts. Planninu Admin NA C Improve follow-up on individual cases. Plnnning Admin NA C IParkinR along CR 75 pens from Pinewood School. Planning Admin NA C !Participate in regional planning initiatives. wk1997.wk4: 01/30/97 Page 2 I Planning Admen NA C IP'mpare Annual Planning Report. I Planning Admin NA C Ranch style somal service center cooperative effort - Donne MuellerfBnhanon sludge sic Planning Annex NA B Amendments to City/Township Urbanization Agreement 4t map. Planning Annex NA B Amendments to MOAA guidelines/boundaries. Planning Annex NA A Art Hill - 40-acre residential development Planning Annex NA A (John l.+vrsson - 10-acre residennal project. Planning Annex NA A IOmn Thnmwn - 80-acre residential project. Planning Annex NA A Resurrectmn Church -site mviewrannexariardrezoning process. Planning Annex NA B Submit mmp plan to MOAA far final notification. Planning Ord NA B Adjust business campus - change name - reduce 30% requirement. Planning Ord NA B Development oflow density housing standards? > 12.000 square 15"Out? Planning Ord NA B Outside storage - Reirs. limiting outside storage as a% of orincnpal use. I Planning Ord NA C Pule building regulations. Planning Ord NA B Screening fence standards - improve definition of minimum standards. I Planning Ord NA C Subdivision design standards - examine for possible amendments. i Planning Ord NA A Telecommunicanon tower ordinance amendments. I Pi no nR Ord NA B IVanance procedure. Planning Ord NA C 17�ming decisions on strip retail .uuth of fir"way. Planning Ord/MCP C (Act on future MCP initiatives. Planning Ord/MCP NA B JAnalyze multi-family - possible zoning ordinance amendments to map. I IPlanning Ord/MCP NA B (Commercial zoning districts - proper mix of uses identified? Planning Ord/MCP NA C (Ordinance amendment - architectural standards. Planning Ord./MCP NA C Ordinance amendment - hoasino. Planning Ord/MCP NA C Ordinance amendment - signage. Planning Ord/MCP NA B PZM distncvdnwntown dasignation - possible amendments olnng River St. Planning Plat NA A out Briar Oakes Estate 11 improvement project Planning Plat NA A IZNd se nut Klein Farms Estates. Planning Plat NA A Close out Meadow Oak 4th improvement project. Planning Plat NA A (Close out Rivvr Mill Project. Planning Plat NA A Finalize Monticello Business Center Plat. Planning Plat NA A Hospital plat uodats and record. Planning Plat NA C R+plat Meadow Oak lou into Eastwood Knnll development. Planning Project NA A Dave Peterson Monticello Ford expansion - Pokes. CUP. i Planning Project Dundas Road/Ffithwev25realignment. Planning Project NA A Gould Bms. expansion - Process CUP. Planning Project NA A Gnm.mo/Petenon Funeral Home - Prueess CUP. Planning Project NA A High School building environmental assessment and CUP process. Planning Project $100,000 C Hwy 2NChalsea Rd improvements and all associated land tranRaetinns. Planning Project NA A Nvilb+rg Ea+l sanitary "war connection - complete the pmlect. PlanningProleet NA C Kiellbvra Weat Ran. sewer connection • development agreement.Planning Prnlact NA A Klein Fnrmo 111 • Plat approval and Public improvement process. Planning Prryoct C Mall rrdevahopm+nt. Planning Project C Open up aces%% to Unn Street for post office. Planning Project NA A Rutf Auto Planned Unit Deveiooment - Cnmplate the pntjoet. Planning Project NA A ISt. Henry % - determine min. for 7th St. - CUP and public imp. process. Planning Street% NA B (Determine deign fnr CSAH 71 - steps to take to manage traffic. PW Build and robocate dog pnund. , wk1997.wk4: 01/30/97 Page 3 PW Downtown Develno cnmprehensive maint. orogram & anonties for srreetscape landscaping. PW Downtown Inspection and repair of downtown lighting system. PW Ord Draft new rate structure and ordinance for sanitary sewer user charge. \ PW Ord Revise on-site sewage treatment ordinance rassist Building Official). PW Parking Plan, develop plans & specs for parking lot overlays in downtown parking lots. PW Parks Clean up Battle Rapids Park. PW Parka Clean up Otter Creek Park. PW Parks Establish comprehensive park maintenance program. PW Parks Establish summer recreation program and use system for city facilities. PW Parks Park improvement pinlects as per Parka Commission. PW Pathway Bridge over storm sewer at Mississippi Shores pathway. PW Pathway Develop summer pathway maintenance program to conform with MNIDOT aids. I+� I PW Planning Develop capital improvement program forS•10years. PW Policy Draft new snowplowinWsnow removal policy. PW Purchasing Joint venture with Butfoln & Elk Rivrr for bituminous cold planer attachment. PW Purchasing Purchase and install lube rack at PW shnp. PW Purchasing 'Specifications, bids, and purchase now air compressor fnr street deot. PW Purchasing Specification, bids. & purchase 4 it 4 vehicle for Construction Inspector. PW Purchasing 'Specifications. bids. & ourchass now paint striper. PW Purchasing Speciflcatiens, bids. & purchase small loader and trailer for *arks dept PW Recycling Roviw rarvcling program with Superior Services. PW Refuse Develuo contract with Elk River Landfill. PW Refuse Integrate 30•Rallon garbage cart into newsletter & garbage pickup system. PW RR Railroad crossing upgrade at West Co. Rd. 39 and Walnut. PW Site Complete fencing. lighting, and screening at PW facility. PW Site Regmde and restnro West Co. Rd. 39 ditch at PW facility. PW Site Specifications & obtain quotes fnr roof repair to OtAre of Public Works. PW Streets Draft comprehensive sign maintenance and replacement program. PW Streets Obtain NSP funding for cnnversmn of traffic lights to LED. PW Streets Plan, space, bids or quotas on pavement replacement on some 773 intersections. PW Streets S+alcoat program • 1998. PW Water Dept Block repair to pump house 01. PW Water Dept Complete fencing ot'800,000 gallon obove.gratind water tank. PW Water Dept Complete water tnwer painting pmiect. PW Water Dept Drain undergmund reservoir, clean, & inspact. PW Water Dept Leak detection testing of various water mains. PW Water Dept Spocificatinns, bids, and refurbish wall 02. PW Wwrp Clean up steel & litter from Lindberg & Kruw properties at WW7P. PW WWTP Tree planting, buildinq fluor, and entry mods on binsolids site. PW W wrp Wastewater treatment faciliry esoonsion. wk1997.wk4: 01/30/97 Page 4 FIRST DRAFT 1997 PRIORITIZATION WORKSHEET OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HRA Develop a program and guidelines for a volunteer acquisition program for single residential homes HRA Develop a program and guidelines for a loan to encourage significant home remodeling HRA Develop a marketing program which markets City's housing and industrial programs HRA/COUNCIL Re -assess Local IV Policies HRA/EDA Potential to merge commissions Compare commission powers with local goals HRA Establish TIF Redevelopment District for redevelopment of the downtown/riverfront study area HRA Relocation of IM Oil. Riverside Oil, and Ferreflgas HRA Purchase of BN ROW in core city area (Refine rules for using Sth St ROW) HRA Other redevelopnxnt activities such as Cohen's building, mall, and hotel HRA Potential assistance in relocation of of businesses in the Chelsea/Highway ?S Realignment area NRA Finalize - Lake Tool, Prairie West. Fay -Mar HRA Prepare TIF Maps for GIS. EDA Create file system. i EDA Establish commerciallretail revolving loan program for real property rehabilitation Develop policy guidelines which encourage owners to meet the Standard Building and American Disability Act Codes and to increase the tax base MA Establish a reserve fimd for development/acquisition of industrial land HRA/EDA Support staff - economic development BmIding Finalize the preparation of building permit and site review process for commerciallmdustrial development ADM Finalize the commercial/industrial method for payment of the Storm Sewer Trunk Fee EDA Develop a home page for site location on Internet and e-mail accessibility. EDA Develop a pro -active market plan for industrial recruitment. "Ready for Business" EDA/Plmning Rename Business Campus to tndustrial Campus and consideration of a reduction of the 300/a green space requirement. Jmuary 8. 1997 By Economic Devclopmem Director �ov TTI; c)t+? �. Gtvnl3G l o•�-�. 0 SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS for Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority Seat 6:00 pm. Wednesday, February 5, 1997 - City Hall 6:00 p.m Dan Frie 6:15 p.m Dr. John Erlandson 6:30 p.m Tom Perrault 6:45 p.m Bob Murray Enclosed is a resume submitted by each candidate and the list of HRA questions for interviewing. 01i31ii97 17:17 WRIGHT SHERLMNE RERLiY » 61229544434 N.1. 551 LAM DanW R Frio 214 Jerry LJ~ D" IlfonbcdO, AW 53702 612-2954990 (1010) 612-2853667 (H) Date of" 10-656 Ufetime ResMM of Mamceao EDUCATION Monfitelb High School 1975 MorMoello, MN eL Mary's University Sen AMordo, TX bL Cloud Stift UnWeni y 1980 St. Cloud, MN BAJPolltiral Science and Economim Untvoralty Of Arizona 1982 M.AIPoNttlral Science EDUCATIONAL EX PERIENCES Chairman of SL Ctaud 911te Student Ac#VMU Coiniffi ee 1979 i Inu mship Senator Dave DtuenlieMar 198"1 Washington. O.0 OCCUPATION RealtoMmer: WrIOM-Sherburne Roady Inc 200 West 8foadway Monticello, MN SSM PERTINENT EXPERIENCeS Cumml Pnuideht of Monticello Court" Club Commiastorw: t;tate of AIN Land Aopula8ion A eob Resume of THOMAS 0. PERRAULT 631 W. Broadway / P. O. Box 1032 / Monticello, MN 55362 Home (612) 295.2446 I Work (612) 784-8897 CAREER To be employed in an entry level customer service/sales position with the opportunity to OBJECTIVE advance into management. EDUCATION Fell 1986 Graduate -level statistical analysis courses. Continuing Education and Extension. Winter 1987 University of Minnesota-Mpis. Sept. 1981 Agronomy. Sod Science and Agricultural Economics major, University of Minnesota -St. Paul. to July 1985 Graduated with Bachelor of Science degree, July 1985. Involved in many student organizations. Sept. 1978 St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN. to Feb. 1981 Completed most general education requirements. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Nov. 1996 Retail Sales ProfessionaVream Land for MCI Telecommunications Corporatior"etadlMam to present Markets Division -Communication Center in Ridley. (This division of MCI resulted from a buyout of the Cellster division from National Auto Center.) Conduct sales and activation of MCI One Long Distance Communication packages, cellular phones, pagers, two-way radios and accessories. As Team Lead, responsibilities include train- ing new employees, scheduling, weekly paperwork, and inventory. August 1995 Sam's Communkstlon Center Sales Representative/ream Lead for Cellstar, a division to Nov. 1996 of National Auto Centers, Inc., CarrolhoNDadas, Texas. Conducted sales and activation of cellular Phones, pagers, two-way radios, and accessories. Promoted to Team Lead for Ridley and White Bear Lake locations effective May 1. Team Load respons(biliges included training new employees, scheduling, and weekly paperwork. Jan. 1995 Counclimember (2 year term). City of Monticello, MN. to Dec.1998 Council represontatNe to Economic Development Authority, Industrial Development Committee and Sewer Sludge Disposal Subcommittee. Doc. 1985 Warehouse Manager at Margo's Farm Service, Monticello, MN. to Aug. 1995 Delivered orders, assisted customers, maintained warehouse, and ordered shipments. Dec. 1994 to Driver (Temporary) for WVS Marketing, Des Moines, Iowa. Jan. 1995, Sept. 1995, Delivered Hometown Supersaver Cards in Buffalo, MN. Helpod increase sales when I and July 1996 recommended expanding market to Montrose (Dec. 1994 to Jan. 1995). Delivered cards in Monticello (Sept. 1995 and July 1988). Volurteer (Jaycee) liaison to assist in the development of the Monticello -Big Lake card since 1992. Oct. 1994 to June 1995 Disc Jockey at Lucky's Lounge (Joyner Lanes), Monticello, MN. Dec. 1988 Coordinated music for patrorW satisfaction and announced upcoming events. to Sept. 1991 (Substituted Saps. 1991 to Sept. 1994.) COMMUNITY Monticello Jaycees - Presidert 1992.1993 and 1994.1995, Board Member sinco 1990 4VOLVEMENT Church of St. Henry - Choir, Ensembles, etc. Monticello City Council Candidate - 1990, 1994 and 1996: Active in Political Organization REFERENCES Available upon roquost. Poromas B. Perrault 631 West Broadway P.O. Bac 1032 Monticello, MSP 55362 January 27, 1997 Housing and Redevelopment Authority c/o Ms. 011ie F=opchak City of Monticello 250 Fast Broadway P.O. Boot 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear HBA members and Ms. Koropchak: The vacancy on the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority came to my attention from your ad in the January 23, 1997 issue of the Monticello Times. I wish to be considered for the vacancy. TVo years of experience as a Monticello City muncilmember along with being a cotwil representative to the Economic Development Authority and the Industrial Development Oar mmittee has given me sore background on the issues facing Monticello. I am also in- volved in the Monticello Community Partnars (o=xmdc Restructuring SLb-Committee) and long-time Monticello Jaycees Board n , 1— . Ehelosed is a rooent resume. If you have any questions, plee►se call me at 295-2446(hame) or 784-8897(work). Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 7tx mss B. Perrault Enclosure JOHN C. ERLANDSON, D.D.S �.l 2323 Eastwood Circle, Monticello, MN 55362 295-0357 (Home) 295-5400 (Work) OBJECTIVE To serve on a committee for community involvement within the City of Monticello, Minnesota. EDUCATION University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry, 1980-1984, Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Dental Surgery. University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts (1977-1978) and College of Biological Sciences (1978-1980). SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE Professional: Southside Dental Clinic, 201 Sandberg Road, Minneapolis, MN. Approximately nine years (1988 to present) of private practice as a :ole proprietor/owner of a general practice dental clinic. Ext,,nsive experience in all phases of dentistry. Extensive exL)eri-nr,, in owner/operator of small business. Experience iu.-lu3es supervision of three full time employees. clinical Inotructor, St. Cloud Vocational Technical Institute, 1^11-:994. Affiliations: American Dental Association Minnesota Dental Association Mirnnenpolis District Dental Society r,oattle Study Club Naval Rooerves: Cutrently Commander of Naval Dental Clinic, Great Lakes, Illinois, 1996 to present. Naval Reserve Affiliation, 1980 to present. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Monticello Rotary, Vocational Services Director, 1994 to present Yruth Coach of Metro Basketball and Monticello Baseball 1n:'ur'.:t irn, 1091-1990. RESUME' OF ROBERT E. MURRAY 500 Rive"iew Drive • Mmiticello, MN 55362 • 7elephonr: (612) 295•0561 OBJECTIVE To expand the (lptxirtimities for service. utilizing the broad range of experience developed mer the pact fifty years. EDUCATION COLUMBIA COLLEGE, LONGVIEW, WASHINGTON Associate of Arts in Mechanicallaginerring, 1948 Lettered in I miltall, Baseball, heated artwork for yeartxxlks. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, SEATTLE, WASHING fON Did not amrphve due to illness, Aft*anlcal Enllneering, 19.50 A mmi-Cl, extra curricular work ctmsisted of 10 hoilrs gainful etnplfwanent, t (tays tier werk to finatice sch(xpling EXPERIENCE WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. DEV1101"MEN'I' C ENITIM. LONGVIEW, WASIL /uniar lirnginter, 1950.1955 Created pr(x'ess e(inipment Ila imlifing allirregltlar shalles fron w7xxf fit set And lolr ITT(kit Ili l Ig cad(ire(1 �Pfe51A Algf . WeVl•rhnctiser pales it ed aIle. prix'essrs. UNIVF,RSYPY OF CALIFORNIA Xf LOS ALAMOS, 1.0S ALAMOS, NEW MINICO liluipmcnt l.krignn/Enginter, 19.55 Unsigned handling and prweisryuiimlenl I(u at(atde weaixuu dlvrl(gnnem Imigram, BORING AIRPLANE COMPANY, SEAT LE. WASIIING'1'ON Training 13nginerr, 195011.1%) Ik•vehlied training pnigtaim,1wriwednres Aad i1t fres lin flight crewtrainbig Was (an flight craw stalls ALASKA AIRLINES, INC,, SI A'ITIA's, WASHINGTON Din-mw,fTraining, IQh0-I%I Created and caufuoted Moll crew trainingpm)ganu Mnnhrr 14 lite Alr Tronstxpn Asuxiatl(nt'frnhlf ng C(anndnro, reslwmslhle to nlypstlnte newly Imum algal ed Iraining repilatllnta will lite FAA(m Ilrhalf 4 the industry, 111Q. ALurant o the preident, 19V19•I966 Aahldnlstered a'1'ecludent AWmaince pars Want under c(altra(t with lite Republic (d Guinea, West Africa in conjunction with their airline, Air Guinea. 1963.64. Gmducted budget studies resulting, III S2(M),(MM) annual savings in ntaimenance (vertinle costs. 1964. Recovered payment fent the Rein/blic of Korea for an aircraft confiscated front 14xean National Airlines with underlying debt due Alaska Airlines. 1965 NATIONAL AVIATION ACADEMY, ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA Funder and President, 1966.19459 Created a professional pilot training pr(NTwo and facility placing o over IM ah initio pilot trainees Kith 35 airlines• milli zero washo ws. Created the first inteWated professional pilot training program approved by the FAA. R.F.MURRAY & ASSOCIATES, RFAI:rORR, CLFARWATER, F7.ORIDA Fmmnder & Prindpal; Member, Farm and Land Hn*rn, Real Esture Elrlianlen arul Crrtlfied Business Broken. IWO-1977 C nnte•rcial real estate sales. C nstructed over 4W public housing units in Gnu FLriela cities under Section 23 as agent for I housing Associates, hit-. Columbus Ohio. Secured land. Ileiptiated construction Contracts, and prem-nied bid proposals to MUD. 1969-1972. R.E.MURRAY & ASSOCIA7'k,S, RFAIJORS, MINNFA IOLIS, MINNFSl1'I'A Fiunder and Principal, 197.5.1980 (L1 part, aunsrrcnt midi the+7umtlin o f FGrida (ffim) Co mmnercial and residential sales, ins defamed rsChanlrs Approved by ill(- Mate of Minne\ala to leach for rre(lil, all entry Ievel r( -al eslate subjects• planning and zolling. sylufication, e>,challong, and fano and land brokerage. akerage. Was aplpinted interim president of Anwrieao Real Beale 1Cho ls. Blo nifiglon. Minnesota in a suveesshd fiscal recovery attenou, 1919. A+ president of Murco Builders, Inc., built residential housing in the western suburbs 1977.19701. Sold the companies to Ilreslde Realty. 1979 AIR CARIBE INTERNNI'IONAI-, INC., SAN JUAN, PUIiR'FO RICO 15under and Israidrnt, 19H0. 1988 Cllp•raod wheduled air waive lla•tween tion Intl, Puerto Rico and tilt- eastern Caribbean Islands. A fnuuhdent,hustilr takeover in 1018H resulted in a 10012 judgentent under RICO twing handed '(rill hl (nor favor in Ilu• all Him n of SI.'i62,1MM I. TI IF COMPANY PIANS, INC, SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO. I',undrrand President. 19X9. 1994 Provided Interisland transportathn servires to t aj(n corppr alio s with eariblwan fatilitles and/or Inlermis. Retired frown flying, relot-wed to the U.S In 10013 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, INC, C:IIANIIASSEN, MINNI:%(YI'A Pmjnt(AY4dlnabr, I"'N.Present Curnmtly involved in eight Twin (Niles residential developutents, including River Mill in Monticello and Pus Knoll in Itansey SKILLS • Negotiator • Public Speaker • Educator • Airline Transport Pilot, I I,(MI) plus hours • Hobbies and Activities include: • Ihnting • Rshing • Woodworking PERSONAL • Married in 1949 to Vemie to Mitchell. The nnarriage produced 5 children. • Active in voluteer work • Rotarian since 1983, initially in the Roseau. Domninica club, now in the Monticello. Minnesota club. • Fortner Director of the Caribbean lintel Association representing Domdnica, 1983.1984. • Panelist in the Miami Conference on the Caribbean, 1983. • Excellent health. • In 1975, sailed the Atlantic front St. Ati tstine, ncrida to Tena (At -era), Ghana with three of our four axis as crew. The 23 day, 5MM1 nautical Hit - journey was part of a contract to deliver fishing trawlers to the Agricultural Developnnrnl Hank otf Ghana. OURrTTnwS FOR HRA CANDIDATE INTERVIEW / NAME OF HRA CANDIDATE 1. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSOPHY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PRIVATE BUSINESS EXPANSION AND RELOCATION EFFORTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? 2. WHAT IS YOUR PHILOSCOPY WITH REGARDS TO GOVERNMENTAL ASSISTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS? WHAT IS THE PROPER LEVEL? 3. EXPLAIN WHAT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE YOU MIGHT HAVE WITH AN HRA OR WITH TIM USE OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF)? WHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THE HRA AND CITY OF MONTICELLO? 4. WHAT ARE SOME SPECIFIC IDEAS ON HOW MONTICELLO SHOULD DEVELOP AS IT RELATES TO AN HRA OR TIF: a) Housing b) Redevelopment c) Industrial S. VIOUSLY YOU RECEIVED A COPY OF THE LOCAL TIP POLICIES . RM9bQi9= PRCJECT PLAN OBJB; FOR IMPROVIN 6. HOW READILY AVAILABLE ARE YOU FOR SERVING ON THE HRA? 7. OTHER QUESTIONS? QUESTIONS THE CANDIDATE MAY HAVE OF THE HRA COMMISSION, COUNCIL OR STAFF.