Parks Commission Agenda Packet 03-25-2010AGENDA
March 25, 2010 — 8:00 a.m.
"To enhance community pride through developing and
maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality."
1. Call to Order.
Park Commission Agenda: 03/25/2010
2. Approve Minutes of February 25, 2010 Special Parks Commission Meeting.
3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
4. Citizens requests and comments.
5. Hillside Cemetery stone replacement.
6. Park Reservation Policy (non -profits).
7. Request for Alcohol Permit for wedding at Ellison Park.
8. 2010 Park Projects.
9. Request by Monticello EDA for Parks Commission member to volunteer.
10. Next meeting scheduled for May 20, 2010.
11. Adjourn.