Parks Commission Agenda Packet 07-25-2013AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION MEETING July 25, 2013 - 8:00 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality. " 1. Call to Order. Park Commission Agenda: 07/25/2013 2. Approve Minutes of May 23, 2012 Parks Commission Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens requests and comments. Addition of a ADA swing at Rolling Woods Park. 5. Joint meeting at Monte Club Hill with City Council 8-12-13 at 5 p.m. 6. Update on book booth at West Bridge Park. 7. Review and discussion of replacing River Mill playground structure. 8. Review Brew Fest site plan. 9. Discussion of Park and Pathway budget improvements scheduled for 2014. 10. Next meeting scheduled September 26, 2013. 11. Adjourn. 1 Telephone: 952-3f 1 -3504 Fax: 952-36 1 -3549 Toll Free: 800-747-1452 VV VV VV. a a 4 5'A " . ". "" , ""'" v "... E-mail: playscapes@earthlink.net Quotation Project: City of Monticello / Meadow Oak Park Contact: Tom Pawelk Ship To: 505 Walnut Ave Monticello, MN 55362 Email: Shipping Contact Name: Phone: 763-250-8651 Fax: 763-295-4404 Bill To: Date: 7/15/2013 Qty Design/Item # Description Price each Total 1 ZZCH3556 360 degree Spiral Slide (Free Standing) $ 6,107.00 $ 6,107.00 Color: Green / Beige Coop Discount $ (1,038.19) Subtotal $ 5,068.81 Freight $ 749.00 Tax Exempt # * Please provide certificate Sales Tax $ 399.97 Total $ 6,217.78 NOTE: The Freight above is estimated and subject to change due to the rising Fuel costs. NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, prices shown are material only. They DO NOT include: assembly, installation, border, safety surfacing, drain tile, geotextile fabric, removal of existing equipment, site preparation, excavation or site restoration, unloading of equipment, disposal of packaging material, storage of equipment, additional insurance and bonding would be extra, unless otherwise stated above. If playground equipment or materials are stored off site, customer is responsible for transporting equipment to job site. Prices firm for 30 days, subject to review thereafter. Our terms are net 30. A finance charge of 1.5% will be imposed on the outstanding balance unpaid for more than 30 days after the shipment of materials. Equipment shall be invoiced seperately from other services and shall be payable in advance of those services and project completion. Retainage not accepted. Once customer has signed quotation, your order cannot be changed or canceled.Please allow 3to4 weeks for delivery after receipt of order. Standard manufacturing design, specification, and construction apply unless noted otherwise. Customer is responsible for the identification of all underground utilities. Area must be accessible to Bobcat and other equipment necessary for installation or additional fees will be charged. Freight quote is based on customer unloading equipment and checking in all equipment for any missing parts. If product is refused by customer upon delivery for any reason (unless damaged), without prior authorization. from Midwest Playscapes, Inc., the customer agrees to pay 20% restocking, fee plus, freight charges. Price does nWincluddeevading wages, unless otherwise noted. If we can be of Other Assistance, pleasefeelfree to contact us. Signed:� Accepted Bruce Pudwill Date: Printed Name: AN 5 Telephone: 952-36 1 -3504 Fax: 9 5 2 - 3 6 1 - 3 5 4 9 Toll Free: 8 0 0 - 7 4 7 - 1 4 5 2 VV VW VV ONE48%.0 VV %. ,a P'N'%A 7 %, one E-mail: playscapes@earthlink.net _3 BIBB Quotation Project: City of Monticello Contact: Tom Pawelk Ship To: 505 Walnut Ave Monticello, MN 55362 Email: Shipping Contact Name: Phone: 763-250-8651 Fax: 763-295-4404 Bill To: Date: 7/15/2013 Qty Design/Item # Description Price each Total Accessible Swing Seat $ 700.00 $ 700.00 Height: Color: Coop Discount $ (119.00) Subtotal $ 581.00 Freight $ 92.00 Tax Exempt # Please provide certificate Sales Tax $ 46.27 Total $ 719.27 NOTE: The Freight above is estimated and subject to change due to the rising Fuel costs. NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, prices shown are material only. They DO NOT include: assembly, installation, border, safety surfacing, drain tile, geotextile fabric, removal of existing equipment, site preparation, excavation or site restoration, unloading of equipment, disposal of packaging material, storage of equipment, additional insurance and bonding would be extra, unless otherwise stated above. If playground equipment or materials are stored off site, customer is responsible for transporting equipment to job site. Prices firm for 30 days, subject to review thereafter. Our terms are net 30. Afinance charge of 1.5% will be imposed on the outstanding balance unpaid for more than 30 days after the shipment of materials. Equipment shall be invoiced sep eratelyfrom other services and shall be payable in advance of those services and project completion. Retainage not accepted. Once customer has signed quotation, your order cannot be changed or canceled.Please allow 3to4 weeks for delivery after receipt of order. Standard manufacturing design, specification, and construction apply unless noted otherwise. Customer is responsible for the identification of all underground utilities. Area must be accessible to Bobcat and other equipment necessary for installation or additional fees will be charged. Freight quote is based on customer unloading equipment and checking in all equipment for any missing parts. If product is refused by customer upon delivery for any reason (unless damaged), without prior authorization from Midwest Playscapes, Inc., the customer agrees to pay 20% restocking fee plus freight charges. Price does not include prevailing,es, unless otherwise noted. If we can be of Other Assistance, please feel free to contact us. Signed: ted ze Accep Bruce Pudwill Date: Printed Name: Project: City of Monticello Contact: Tom Pawelk Ship To: 505 Walnut Ave Monticello, MN 55362 Email: Shipping Contact Name: Phone: 763-250-8651 Fax: 763-295-4404 Bill To: Date: 7/15/2013 Qty Design/Item # Description Price each Total 4 Swing Mats 223.00 $ 892.00 4'x 6'x 2" Coop Discount (151.64) Subtotal $ 740.36 Freight $ 250.00 Tax Exempt # Please provide certificate Sales Tax $ 68.09 Tota 1 1,058.45 NOTE: The Freight above is estimated and subject to change due to the rising Fuel costs. NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, prices shown are material only. They DO NOT include: assembly, installation, border, safety surfacing, drain tile, geotextile fabric, removal of existing equipment, site preparation, excavation or site restoration, unloading of equipment, disposal of packaging material, storage of equipment, additional insurance and bonding would be extra, unless otherwise stated above. If playground equipment or materials are stored off site, customer is responsible for transporting equipment to job site. Prices firm for 30 days, subject to review thereafter. Our terms are net 30. Afinance charge of 1.5% will be imposed on the outstanding balance unpaid for more than 30 days after the shipment of materials. Equipment shall be invoiced seperately from other services and shall be payable in advance of those services and project completion. Retainage not accepted. Once customer has signed quotation, your order cannot be changed or canceled.Please allow 3to4 weeks for delivery after receipt of order. Standard manufacturing design, specification, and construction apply unless noted otherwise. Customer is responsible for the identification of all underground utilities. Area must be accessible to Bobcat and other equipment necessary for installation or additional fees will be charged. Freight quote is based on customer unloading equipment and checking in all equipment for any missing parts. If product is refused by customer upon delivery for any reason (unless damaged), without prior authorization. from Midwest Playscapes, Inc., the customer agrees to pay 20% restocking. fee plus. freight charges. Price does not includ ailing wages unless otherwise noted. If we can be of Other Assistance, please feel free to contact us. 001 Accepted Signed: Bruce Pudwill Date: Printed Name: River Mill Park Design Number: MW071013-1 - Bill Of Material Ref. No. Part No. Description Quantity 5 7 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Friday, July 12, 2013 Page 1 of 1 www.PlayworldSystems.com Posts 1 ZZPM0026 5in OD X 132in STEEL POST W/ RIVETED CAP 2 ZZPM0046 5in OD X 156in STEEL POST W/ RIVETED CAP 3 ZZPM0066 5in OD X 180in STEEL POST W/ RIVETED CAP Decks & Kick Plates 4 ZZPM0616 SQUARE COATED DECK ASSEMBLY 5 ZZPM5679 CORNER DECK ACCESS ADA Items 6 ZZPM2007 TRANSFER STATION w/TALL GUARDRAIL (36in DECK) 7 ZZUN2019 APPROACH STEP FOR TRANSFER STATION Slides 8 ZZPM2736 ONE PIECE 360 DEGREE PLASTIC SPIRAL SLIDE 9 ZZPM2808 12in STEP-UP BRACKET 10 ZZPM3127 GLIDE SLIDE (36in DECK) Activity Panels 11 ZZPM4646 STOREFRONT PANEL 12 ZZUN4280 TELESCOPE (PIPE WALL MOUNT FOR 4in RUNG CENTERS) 13 ZZUN4300 STEERING WHEEL (PIPE WALL MOUNT) Crawl Tubes 14 ZZPM5638 FUNNEL ADVENTURE TUBE 1ft RISE Barriers 15 ZZPM4090 CENTERLINE PIPE WALL BARRIER Climbers 16 ZZPM6827 THE WILDWOOD CLIMBER (60in DK) 17 ZZPM8256 48in PLAYWOOD CLIMBER Bridges 18 ZZPM5677 PLAYWEB NET BRIDGE (MEDIUM) 19 ZZPM7080 6ft CATWALK Roofs & Arches 20 ZZPM9828 CARNIVAL ROOF - SMALL PERF (SQUARE) 21 ZZPM9856 CARNIVAL ROOF SQUARE CAP Stairs and Ladders 22 ZZPM9168 12in ACCESSIBLE STEPPED PLATFORM (DECK TO DECK) Additional Tool & Maintenance Kits 23 ZZPMGUID PLAYMAKER GUIDELINES 24 ZZUN9910 SURFACING WARNING LABEL KIT 25 ZZUN9930 PIPE SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE KIT W/ AEROSOL 26 ZZUN9990 TOOL AND ADDITIONAL PARTS KIT W/AEROSOL 5 7 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Friday, July 12, 2013 Page 1 of 1 www.PlayworldSystems.com River Mill Park Design Number: MW071013-1 - Compliance and Technical Data Reference Document: ASTM F1487 Friday, July 12, 2013 Page 1 of 3 Pre- Post - Unit Total Ref. CO2e ASTM Weight No. Part No. Qty. Description Status (lbs) 1 ZZXX0022 1 PLAYWEB - IN GROUND MOUNT KIT Certified 21.39 2 ZZXX0224 1 ACCESSIBLE SWING SEAT w/SILVER SHIELD Certified 29.92 266 1 CHAIN TO 8ft TOP RAIL 0.00 1 3 ZZXX0260 2 BELT SEAT W/SILVER SHIELD CHAIN FOR 8ft Certified 17.60 83 1 TOP RAIL 0.00 1 4 ZZXX0265 1 INFANT SEAT W/SILVER SHIELD FOR 8ft Certified 11.31 316 0 TOP RAIL 0.13 0 5 ZZXX0295 1 8ft SINGLE POST SWING ASSEMBLY Certified 264.58 6 ZZXX0296 1 8ft SINGLE POST SWING ADD -A- BAY Certified 174.09 7 ZZXX0421 1 ACCESSIBLE E -Z DIGGER Certified 47.95 8 ZZXX1410 2 6ft PERMANENT BENCH (COATED PLANKS & N/A 170.98 546 0 FRAME) 0.52 0 9 ZZPM0026 5 5in OD X 132in STEEL POST W/ RIVETED Certified 371.05 418 0 CAP 0.00 0 10 ZZPM0046 7 5in OD X 156in STEEL POST W/ RIVETED Certified 613.97 70 1 CAP 0.04 0 11 ZZPM0066 4 5in OD X 180in STEEL POST W/ RIVETED Certified 403.24 109 0 CAP 0.00 0 12 ZZPM0616 4 SQUARE COATED DECK ASSEMBLY Certified 361.44 13 ZZPM5679 1 CORNER DECK ACCESS N/A 111.73 14 ZZPM2007 1 TRANSFER STATION w/TALL GUARDRAIL Certified 155.24 (36in DECK) 15 ZZUN2019 1 APPROACH STEP FOR TRANSFER STATION Certified 35.83 16 ZZPM2736 1 ONE PIECE 360 DEGREE PLASTIC SPIRAL Certified 897.09 SLIDE 17 ZZPM2808 1 12in STEP-UP BRACKET Certified 16.60 18 ZZPM3127 1 GLIDE SLIDE (36in DECK) Certified 111.54 19 ZZPM4646 1 STOREFRONT PANEL Certified 44.80 20 ZZUN4280 1 TELESCOPE (PIPE WALL MOUNT FOR 4in Certified 12.33 RUNG CENTERS) Friday, July 12, 2013 Page 1 of 3 Pre- Post - Consumer CO2e Active Recycled Content Footprint Install Concrete Play (lbs) (kgs) Users Hours (Yds3) Events 37 0 1.50 0.20 0 266 1 0.50 0.00 1 101 2 0.50 0.00 2 83 1 0.25 0.00 1 438 0 2.00 0.26 0 316 0 1.00 0.13 0 341 1 2.00 0.10 1 428 0 3.00 0.32 0 511 0 5.00 0.60 0 835 0 7.00 0.91 0 546 0 4.00 0.52 0 851 16 4.00 0.00 0 418 0 0.00 0.00 0 322 2 2.00 0.09 0 70 1 1.00 0.04 0 1,590 3 6.00 0.16 1 109 0 1.00 0.00 0 396 2 2.00 0.03 1 273 2 1.00 0.00 1 58 1 0.50 0.00 1 www.PlayworldSystems.com River Mill Park Design Number: MW071013-1 - Compliance and Technical Data Reference Document: ASTM F1487 Ref. No. Part No. 21 ZZUN4300 22 ZZPM5638 23 ZZPM4090 24 ZZPM6827 25 ZZPM8256 26 ZZXX0040 27 ZZPM5677 28 ZZPM7080 29 ZZPM9828 30 ZZPM9856 31 ZZPM9168 32 ZZPMGUID 33 ZZUN9910 34 ZZUN9930 35 ZZUN9990 Friday, July 12, 2013 Qty. Description 1 STEERING WHEEL (PIPE WALL MOUNT) 1 FUNNEL ADVENTURE TUBE 1ft RISE 3 CENTERLINE PIPE WALL BARRIER 1 THE WILDWOOD CLIMBER (60in DK) 1 48in PLAYWOOD CLIMBER 1 MEDIUM PLAYWEB FOR ROPE BRIDGE 1 PLAYWEB NET BRIDGE (MEDIUM) 1 6ft CATWALK 2 CARNIVAL ROOF - SMALL PERF (SQUARE) 2 CARNIVAL ROOF SQUARE CAP 1 12in ACCESSIBLE STEPPED PLATFORM (DECK TO DECK) 1 PLAYMAKER GUIDELINES 1 SURFACING WARNING LABEL KIT 1 PIPE SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE KIT W/ AEROSOL 1 TOOL AND ADDITIONAL PARTS KIT W/AEROSOL Page 2 of 3 www.PlayworldSystems.com Pre- Post - Unit Total Consumer CO2e Active ASTM Weight Recycled Content Footprint Install Concrete Play Status (Ibs) (lbs) (kgs) Users Hours (Yds3) Events Certified 5.39 26 1 0.25 0.00 1 Certified 173.28 1,106 4 3.00 0.00 1 Certified 111.66 269 0 1.50 0.00 0 Certified 187.90 899 6 2.50 0.09 1 Certified 95.18 139 2 2.00 0.06 1 Certified 856.76 14,522 20 15.00 0.00 1 Certified 98.67 1,223 3 3.00 0.00 1 Certified 253.68 509 3 2.50 0.00 1 Certified 266.52 999 0 4.00 0.00 0 Certified 12.22 43 0 0.50 0.00 0 Certified 94.46 329 1 1.50 0.00 0 N/A 0.00 1 0 0.25 0.00 0 Certified 0.05 1 0 0.25 0.00 0 N/A 13.07 86 0 0.25 0.00 0 N/A 3.46 71 0 0.25 0.00 0 Totals: 6,044.98 761 1,640 28,210 72 81.00 3.51 16 2,720.24 Kg 342 Kg 738 Kg 28 Metric Tons 2.67 m3 Page 2 of 3 www.PlayworldSystems.com River Mill Park Design Number: MW071013-1 - Compliance and Technical Data Reference Document: ASTM F1487 Ref. No. Part No �; ASTM F1487 Qty. Description Unit Total ASTM Weight Status (lbs) Pre- Post - Consumer Recycled Content (Ibs) CO2e Active Footprint Install Concrete Play (kgs) Users Hours (Yds3) Events The lay -out for this custom playscape, design number MW071013-1, has been configured to meet the requirements of the ASTM F1487 standard. In addition, each of the above components listed as "Certified" have been tested and are IPEMA certified. Components listed as "Not Applicable" do not fall within the scope of the ASTM F1487 standard and have not been tested. IPEMA certification can be verified on the IPEMA website, www.ipema.org. In the interest of playground safety, IPEMA provides a Third Party Certification Service which validates compliance. �; 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design The lay -out was also designed to meet the 2010 Standards published 15 -Sep -2010, by the Department of Justice when installed over a properly maintained surfacing material that is in compliance with ASTM F1951 "Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment" as well as ASTM F1292, "Impact Attenuation of Surfacing Materials Within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment", appropriate for the fall height of the structure. �; Installation Times Installation times are based on one experienced installer. A crew of three experienced individuals can perform the installation within the given time, each member working 1/3 of the given hours. [Eg. Installation Time = 30 hours. For a crew of three, each member will work 10 hours on the installation for a total of 30 hours on the project.] �; Carbon Footprint The CO2e (carbon footprint given in Kilograms and Metric Tons) listed above is a measure of the environmental impact this play structure represents from harvesting raw materials to the time it leaves our shipping dock. Playworld Systems nurtures a total corporate culture that is focused on eliminating carbon producing processes and products, reducing our use of precious raw materials, reusing materials whenever possible and recycling materials at every opportunity. Playworld Systems elected to adopt the Publicly Available Specification; PAS 2050 as published by the British Standards Institute and sponsored by Defra and the Carbon Trust. The PAS 2050 has gained international acceptance as a specification that measures the greenhouse gas emissions in services and goods throughout their entire life cycle. �; Pre -Consumer Recycle Content A measurement, in pounds, that qualifies the amount of material that was captured as waste and diverted from landfill during an initial manufacturing process and is being redirected to a separate manufacturing process to become a different product. E.g. 100% of our Aluminum Tubing is made from captured waste material during the manufacturing process of extruded Aluminum products such as rods, flat bars and H -channels. �; Post -Consumer Recycle Content A measurement, in pounds, that qualifies the amount of material that was once another product that has completed its lifecycle and has been diverted from a landfill as a solid waste through recycling and is now being used in a Playworld Systems' product. E.g. **20% to 40% of the steel in our steel tubing and sheet steel have been diverted from landfills. Automobiles are scrapped and recyclable steel is purchased by the steel mill that produces our raw product. * The amount of Post -Consumer recycled steel fluctuates daily based on the availability of the recycled steel. RLD SYSTEMS' Friday, July 12, 2013 Page 3 of 3 www.PlayworldSystems.com SINGLE POST SWING, (2) BELT, (1) TOT AND (1) ADA SEAT NEW CONCRETE WALK (BY OTHERS)' i NEW 4' WIDE CONCRETE WALK TO RIVER MILL DR. (BY OTHERS) KOMPAN SUPERNOVA #GXY916 3473 SF OF WOOD CARPET -- SAFETY SURFACING I I , � I I � TRANSFER �------' j STATION i I PLAYWEB j CARNIVAL PLAYWOOD PLAYWEB NET BRIDGE l . j ROOF WI ° qpA CLIMBER DECK STEEL PANELS STAIR ENTRANCE eeee^ eeee°° s- -----_ 2Y v0000 MEDIUM I GLIDE _°°°° SLIDE 36" °°°48" e�€ aa° ag& `aa° ° t iM PLAYWEB --- yea ee i PIPE WALL PIPE WALL 12" RISE WI WHEEL EXISTING CONCRETE_Z/ PAD W/ SHADE *Playground Supervision Required ADVENTURE TUNNEL i "" °°°° o of e N40 i SPIRAL L e 722 °a° , °60" °. °=°o EXISTING CONCRETE PAD W/ SHADE (2) ECOARMOR BENCHES WITH BACKS #ZZXX1410 ADA SAND DIGGER KOMPAN ROTATING SAND TABLE #M57170P iWILDWOOD i ve'° CLIMBER PIPE WALL (TELESCOPE i • i (DECK), TOREFRONT (GROUND) 438 SF OF SAND SURFACING 55 LF OF CONCRETE CURB (BY OTHERS) KOMPAN COUPE DELUXE CAR #MSC541400P � o w LU co D U Z — o W Q U G7 U) 7W O ^J U) I.LL I - LU C) CD w co M LO LO Z m cn ca A 0o LU LU KOMPAN U) DAISY SPRING LU W z Q RIDER #M12870P `S M C d o Z W O w � � H ~ 0 C:) Q J 0 5' 10' d 1t i RIVER MILL PARK Monticello, :Nv 4-1�11111_ *M,A % I The world needs play: pvc" E nee pledge _ . 1 :: is 'F .1.t.JC`ryy��J:�: T.y •I: �+�'' - - _ _ x � s � ''r.S�. }�r �Y' u L r YY� • . rown am I ON ..}r . .7� - it •.. �. _ !� �•:al.. j: _ - �y�. may. >i i �V- pr z d. RIVER MILL PARK Monticello, MN PLAWJM% OWFWMM�Mft MAM. The world needs play: 'pv nee pledge ge ,or 0 gm zz low Y IIESOT PLAASCAPES, 4� 0 OQ O 00 ,O O .O 0 100•O O o QO O 8 0 00 0 O of `r FLAG wo , O I I POSSIBLE \ o� I "WEATHER" is TENT LOCATION \o of /o v\ — O L \o o� Lov\ c Lu I \ TICKETS I S-2 O S 1CQ U LION �I\�\ / I / HOSPITALITY& FROSTBITE DIO/OR\PRIIZES MEMBERSHIP a u:o---PATH S S MISSISSIF eF �� EER 9/ / \ POSSIBLE \ \ \ "WEATHER" \ D\ TENT LOCATION 1\ VI HOME - MIDWEST BREWING BREWERS IJJ CLUB PATH WEST BRIDGE PARK EAST BRIDGE PARK