Parks Commission Agenda Packet 03-04-2013 SpecialAGENDA PARKS COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING March 4th, 2013 - 8:00 A.M. "To enhance communitypride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." 1. Call to Order. Park Commission Agenda: 3/4/2013 2. Approve Minutes of January 24, 2013 Parks Commission Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens requests and comments. 5. Consideration of accepting Gene Emanuel's resignation from Parks Commission. 6. Recommendation of removing Beth Bigelow from Parks Commission in accordance with City Ordnance Chapter 6, Section 2-6-5. 7. Recommendation to appoint Alan Heidemann to fill the vacancy from Gene Emmanuel, completing his Parks Commission term until 12/2015. 8. Recommendation to appoint Jack Gregor to fill the vacancy from Beth Bigelow, completing her Parks Commission term until 12/2013. 9. Scheduling park tour date with new members. 10. Adjourn. 1