Parks Commission Minutes 01-26-2017PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 26, 2017 MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY JANUARY 26, 2017 - 9:15 A.M. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality. " Members Present: Larry Nolan, Nancy McCaffrey, Jack Gregor, Tim Stalpes, Bill Fair Members Absent: Brian Stoll Staff Present: Tom Pawelk, Beth Green, Ann Mosack, Angela Schumann, Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve Minutes of Regular Parks Commission Meeting December 1, 2016. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 1, 2016 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Splash Pad. B. BCOL Farm Lease. C. Live Wright, Regional Active Living Group. D. Music in the Parks. TIM STALPES MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDED ITEMS. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 4. Citizens requests and comments. A resident suggested reducing the speed limit on CSAH 75 by the dog park and Tom Pawelk is going to look into it. Pawelk said that there have been issues at the sliding hill with kids sliding under the fence, so Park staff added more straw bales to the hill. Page 1 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 26, 2017 5. Introduction of new Parks Commission Council Liaison Bill Fair. Tom Pawelk introduced Bill Fair as the new council liaison to the Parks Commission. Fair served on the council and as a mayor in the 90's. He has lived in Monticello since 1976 and has been involved in a lot of park projects and is currently a volunteer with the East Bridge Gardeners. Fair is also a member of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council as one of the City Council representatives. 6. Election of Parks Commission member to sit on downtown small area studv. Pawelk explained that a Parks Commission rep is being asked to sit in on the downtown small area study discussions. Angela Schumann explained about the embracing downtown plan and how the plan recognizes downtown as a suburban shopping center. There have been some property owners making investments in the downtown area. She noted that the small area study is not a full-scale replacement of the embracing downtown plan. The focus is to look at land use and what the expectations are. The group believes the downtown is really the intersection of the community and Schumann said it is really critical to have a great cross section of representation on the steering committee. It is a 10 -member group and the study is on the way. The steering committee will meet on February 9th at 4pm, and the meetings will wrap up by May with a total of around five meetings. Larry Nolan volunteered to serve on the committee as the Parks Commission representative. 7. Review and recommendation of downtown flower planters color, size and shape. Tom Pawelk asked the commission to choose flower planters for the downtown medians. Pawelk reviewed the location of the planters, noting that the width of the median is 10' and that there is irrigation within the median. The median is on East Broadway at the intersection of TH 25 near Walgreen's. There is room for three planters. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO PURCHASE PLANTERS FOR THE DOWNTOWN MEDIAN SIMILAR TO THE PLANTER STYLE IN THE ROUNDABOUT ON CSAH 18, TO BE 4' DIAMETER IN A SAND COLOR AND EXPOSED AGGREGATE. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 8. Parks Commission discussion and motion to approve vathwav and sidewalk future and existing connection map. Tom Pawelk presented the map highlighting the existing pathway and sidewalk connections as well as the future connections needed. After approval, the next step will be to work on a prioritization, phasing and funding plan to make the connections. Angela Schumann explained that City staff is trying to close the loops and put in every missing link out there. Jacob Thunander is working on criteria to figure out how to prioritize the sections, whether they connect to schools, connect to points of interest, etc. That will help Page 2 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 26, 2017 staff sift out the higher ranking immediate needs and the other connections that can move to the long-range plan. Schumann said staff is planning to have an event at the MCC for public input. Staff will break up the map into four different quadrants it will be laminated so they residents can put stickers on the map, explain concerns they have, if they want more lighting, etc. Pawelk is asking Parks Commission to approve the base map going into public comment. After public comment has been received, the map will be brought back to the commission for discussion. TIM STALPES MOVED TO APPROVE THE PATHWAY AND SIDEWALK FUTURE AND EXISTING CONNECTION MAP AS PRESENTED BY STAFF. MOTION SECONDED BY NANCY MCCAFFREY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 9. Update on facilitv use request for park reservations. Pawelk said that he is working on the facility use request which will be implemented for the 2017 season. This request will be completed by all users for field reservations and park reservations. Pawelk is figuring out the tentative rates for Bertram. The policy will be brought to the next Parks Commission Meeting for review. 10. Discussion of 20171ar2e park proiects. Large park projects planned for 2017 include: • Ellison Park: Blocks will start once the temps are over 50 degrees. Tentative goal to have shelter up by Riverfest. • In July will break ground at Rolling Woods Park. • Staff will do touch-up maintenance at the fields at Bertram in the spring. • Staff will begin working with the DirtWirx Crew on mountain bike trail development at Montiview in the spring. 11. General Park Updates: A. Ellison Park Shelter: below ground work is complete for the new pavilion. The remaining work will be finished up in the spring with the goal to have the shelter open by Riverfest. Due to their large donation, the Monticello Lion's will be given naming rights to the shelter. Pawelk also noted that the Ellison family has expressed interest in giving a donation to Ellison Park. B. MCC Maintenance: Staff is trying to help out and get the facility up to par with getting things cleaned up (behind the scenes stuff). Pawelk said that there is talented Park staff to help out at the MCC rather than a contractor being called in so the city will be able to save money. C. Skating Rink Attendance: Pawelk said there was phenomenal attendance at the rinks this season with 100+ skaters on the weeknights until the warmer weather hit. The rinks are closed right now but hope to open up next week. Page 3 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 26, 2017 D. BCOL Field Layout: Pawelk presented a map showing the tentative layout for the fields in the 20 -acre interim improvement greenspace area at Bertram. Fields will consist of soccer and lacrosse. This has been sent to the school district and the associations and they love it. Fields will be ready in May. E. Montiview Park: The first trail has been marked at Montiview and Pawelk shared a map showing the trail configuration. Trail construction will begin in the spring. 13. Discussion of added items: A. Splash Pad: The Monticello Lions want to make a donation to the city to put a splash pad in at Pioneer Park. Staff is looking at systems and looking at different styles and designs. Will be meeting with the designers to see what is available for the amount of money the Lions want to spend. Will also be looking at options to recycle the water. B. BCOL Farm Lease: Pawelk said he has developed a farm agreement for the 27 acres on the biosolid farm and the remainder of the undeveloped land at the athletic complex area to maintain vegetation on the ground to eliminate erosion, weed invasion, etc. This is a no fee agreement as it is a maintenance agreement for the land and with grant funds used to purchase the property, no fees can be charged. The agreement will go to the Advisory Council for approval next week. This will be a year to year agreement. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT THE FARMER FOR THE UNDEVELOPED LAND AT THE CITY BIOSOLID FARM AND IN THE FUTURE ATHLETIC AREA AT BERTRAM. MOTION SECONDED BY TIM STALPES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. C. Live Wright, Regional Active Living Group: Angela Schumann said that staff wants to provide the Parks Commission with the information that comes out of the Regional Active Transportation Plan. This is a joint effort between SHIP (statewide health improvement which is funded by tobacco taxes), Healthy Communities, and Live Wright. Jacob Thunander reviewed the public comments received which include: • Need increased connectivity between existing pedestrian & bicycle facilities. • Concerns about inadequate pedestrian & bicycle facilities. • Preference for greater separation from motor vehicle traffic. • Navigating intersections & roadways are a concern for all. • Desire for connections to businesses and natural resources. Schumann noted that something to keep in mind about parks are the long term financial benefits for the community which is a good way to bolster the work Page 4 of 5 PARKS COMMISSION MINUTES I JAN 26, 2017 that the Parks Commission does. Schumann said that Wright County's coordinator said that she is happy to come to a meeting and explain more about their project. The commission agreed that would be a good idea. D. Bill Fair suggested the idea of putting together entertainment and music in the park. He said that staff could put together a proposal for this and make a presentation during annual budget preparations. 14. Next regular meeting scheduled for March 23, 2017. The next regular Parks Commission Meeting is scheduled for March 23, 2017, at 9:15 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. 15. Motion to adiourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m. RECORDED BY: teeth &rccn DATE APPROVED: 03-23-17 ATTEST: 71, Page 5 of 5