FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 02-15-2011MINUTES
Tuesday, February 15, 2011— 6 p.m.
FiberNet Customer Service Office
Present: Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Dennis Sullivan, Jon Morphew, Don
Patten (non-voting), Jeff O'Neill (non-voting)
Absent: None
1. Call to Order
Chairman Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda (at end)
3. Consideration of Approval of Meeting Minutes — December 14, 2010
4. Construction Update — General Manager
• Drop update: Don Patten reported that they have over 2600 drops with 1200+
customers. The remaining 1300 are being contacted with about 300 under
contract now. Clint Herbst mentioned that Doug Dawson suggested that they try
to install a minimum of new customers each month and maintain for at least next
ten months to keep up with the business plan. Glen Posusta asked why less than
half of the current customers signed up for all three services. Dennis Sullivan
pointed out that there are a lot of people that use cell phones and may not take
phone service. Wayne Mayer suggested that the sales contact make sure to tell
the customers about the advantages of all three services. Glen Posusta stated that
he understood the phone service is the most profitable so it would be nice to see
more emphasis on this.
• Install update: Waiting period has been greatly reduced since adding three
seasonal service techs; two of them are doing simple installs on their own.
• Installation Techs hired (see above)
• Wa. n�yer attending training in Iowa: Wayne has been hired on consultant
basis and will be assisting with commercial installs and troubleshooting. Don
Patten stated that he feels Wayne is a good addition for the business customers
with his knowledge. Wayne will need training on the phone system so that he can
better address customer needs. Some discussion ensued regarding the training
and getting approval from Council at the Feb 28th meeting. It was recommended
that they consider sending two people for training in Des Moines and directed
Don Patten to provide information on the training for the agenda packet.
FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — February 15, 2011
• Apartment installation update: In the last six weeks, added 24 units for services.
Recently, technicians have completed buildings with 60 units and 32 units and are
now starting a new apartment building.
• Video On Demand update: Website will be updated to use full names of services
instead of acronyms. Are getting customers signed up for Video on Demand
(VOD) and Pay per View (PPV) without outright advertising yet.
• Review protocol for Commercial Installations
o Doug Lyseng — scout in advance
o Necessary experts mobilized for install
o Resource references provided to business to assist business in making
adjustment for networking necessary to use FiberNet
FiberNet is establishing a process for commercial installs that would utilize FNM
consultants to help troubleshoot once they get the hookup to the business. FNM
will meet with business staff to determine whether they have the capability to
perform the necessary networking. FNM has found that the IT staff at the
customer site is not always qualified to handle the level of expertise needed.
5. Marketing Program Update
• Majirs providing_ consulting and creative assistance: A contract was entered into
February 14 with Majirs Advertising from Monticello. Customer Care Consultant
Alyssa Weldon will handle some inhouse duties and coordinate marketing with
Majirs owner, Michele Hertwig. Advisory Board would like to have owner come
to some of the board meetings to give an update without additional charge under
contract. They suggested providing quarterly updates.
• Web Site Development and Review: In discussions with Majirs Advertising, a
recommendation was made to upgrade the FNM website, which would require
redesigning at additional cost. Jeff recommended bringing this back to the next
meeting with additional information. Jon Morphew stated that he felt the website
is okay but needs more content. Wayne Mayer gave an example of how a
previous company had dealt with website design and maintenance without having
to pay for a full redesign. Board members are asked to look at the current website
and bring back suggestions.
6. Operations/Financing Report - General Manager
• Doug Dawson Report Summary: Jeff O'Neill handed out copies of the report and
provided an update for board members on status of business plan.
• Financial Reporting Enhancements: Jeff O'Neill noted that Doug Dawson
strongly recommended that reporting procedures be developed to move
information to the proper persons and to the Advisory Board. Staff will follow up
on reporting standards with HBC in a video conference this week.
FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — February 15, 2011
7. Customer Feedback Report
• Web service desk is quiet: Jeff O'Neill mentioned that he has been monitoring
comments from the website and comments are either requests for certain services
or positive feedback. If they do get any negative comments, they follow up right
away. Customers are requesting certain TV channels and FNM is still working on
getting TRU and AMC.
• Router problem update: Jeff O'Neill asked whether there were still complaints
about routers. Don noted that they have built a script now that automatically
reboots all routers over night. They are testing several other routers to see if they
might be a possible replacement for the current ones in use.
• Glen Posusta commented on the problems with "freeze frames" that he still
notices. Don Patten explained that there are several different causes of that;
usually is generated from the channel and not directly a problem of FNM. FNM
continues working on resolving those issues. Jon Morphew mentioned that his
TV problem has been corrected (could not get same channel to display on all of
his TVs at the same time).
8. Municipal User Group Meeting Proposed
• Jeff O'Neill mentioned that Doug Dawson is working on forming a municipal
user group to share information. This is in early stages yet and hoping Monticello
can be part of that.
9. MACTA Report
• Open House for Cities proposed to be held in Monticello in the summer
• Legislation— Statewide Franchising not likely in 2011
• FCC — rules regarding right of way — Telcoms requesting removal of "barriers"
Jeff reported on updates received through MACTA on the above topics. Jeff is serving
on the board of MACTA. Short discussion took place on role that Monticello can
potentially play in helping out other public entities. Wayne Mayer asked about the status
on statewide franchising and role of the League of MN Cities (LMC). Jeff O'Neill
explained that with the takeover of Qwest by CenturyTel, Qwest is not focusing on
legislation for statewide franchising at this time; therefore the LMC is working on other
broadband priorities. Jeff O'Neill discussed some issues concerning right of way
10. Community Based Programming Update
Sherburne Wright Cable Commission (SWCCZ
• Wrestling - Monticello vs Saint Michael - 12/16: MSN does not broadcast at
quality acceptable for video channels. Accordingly, this was not broadcast on
FiberNet or Charter.
• Big Lake, Buffalo — did air
• Basketball
31 FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — February 15, 2011
• Friends of Bertram Lake Regional Park: Snow Sculpture Event from February
12th was taped and will be shown on Channel 12
Jeff O'Neill commented on the videotaping done by Mark Davis of SWCC and the
advantages to the City, community and FiberNet for local programming.
11. Prairie Center Building - Conference Development
• Development of a studio and/or video conference center has been identified as a
goal for 2011. Jeff will be preparing a list of goals related to FiberNet for review
by Council in the near future.
Added Items:
• Clint Herbst asked if the agenda, minutes and other information can be prepared in a
packet and delivered ahead of time to the board. Jeff O'Neill will work with Cathy
Shuman to put that in place.
• Dennis Sullivan brought up some information that he found on devices that can be used
in conjunction with the internet and FiberNet. The device requires high speed internet
(not DSL), and it provides a lot of additional programming. He would like to demonstrate
this for the Board in the near future.
12. Adjourn
Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman 6494)
Approved: March 15, 2011
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41 FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — February 15, 2011