FiberNet Advisory Board Agenda Packet 10-14-2014AGENDA FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Tuesday, October 14, 2014 — 6 p.m. Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Members: Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Jon Morphew, Dennis Sullivan Others: Jeff O'Neill, Rachel Leonard, Dan Olsen 1. Call to Order 2. Additions to Agenda 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes 4. Board Member Interview 5. Annandale RFP Update 6. Network update. • C7 to E7 Migration • IOG Ring • EnventisNerizon 7. 2015 Budget Discussion 8. 2015 Strategic Planning Discussion 9. Next Meeting — Tuesday, November 18, 2014 (moved a week due to holiday) 10. Adjourn