City Council Agenda Packet 06-23-2004 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 28, 2004 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Brucc Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson. Glen Posusta. Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of the June 14.2004 regular Council meeting. B. Approve minutes of the June 21, 2004 special Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and terminations for the Liquor Store, Streets and Parks. B. Consideration of final plat and development agreement Sunset Ponds Phase 11. C. REMOVED FROM AGENDA D. Consideration of a request for conditional use permit allowing for drive-up retail sales; motor fuel dispensing; light automobile service, including tires and batteries; open and outdoor sales; convenience foods; joint parking and drives; sign plan; and a request for a preliminary plat for a commercial development in a B-3 district. Applicant: Wal-Mart. E. Consideration of accepting feasibility report for Meadow Oak Sewer Bypass Project No. 2003-02e. F. Consideration of a request for a preliminary plat and conditional use permit for a planned unit development for an 11 unit townhouse project in the CCD District. - Landmark Square n. 6 Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on consideration of request to vacate a portion of a drainage and utility easement running along the rear portion of Lot 9, Block 10, Groveland Second Addition. 8. Review of2003 Audit Report 9. REMOVED FROM AGENDA 10. Consideration of purchase agreement with Muller Theater group tl)r sale ofland. I \genda Monticello City Council June 28, 2004 Page 2 11. Consideration to review and accept feasibility study for Block 35 Alley and Plaza Improvements, authorize design and preparation of plans and specs, authorizing going out for bids and calling for a public hearing. 12. Approve payment of bills for June. 13. Adjourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 14,2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and deelared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of Mav 24. 2004 regular Council meetine. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MA Y 24, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine items to the agenda. Bruce Thielen added to the agenda scheduling of a workshop on the ice arena financing. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADD AGENDA ITEMS #9 AND #12 TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED ADDING ITEM #9 BUT DID NOT SECOND ITEM #12. ROGER CARLSON AMENDED I-IIS MOTION TO ONLY ADD AGENDA ITEM #9 'ro THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. Bruce Thielen asked about agenda item #5C and whether it should be tabled. .Jeff O'Neill indicated staff would like to contact the developer about his plans to proceed. 4. Citizen comments. oetitions. requests and comolaints. Janice Holthaus, a township resident living on Cahill Avenue. questioned the comments made by Robbie Smith in his letter in thc newspaper. She requested clarification if sewer and water was extended to their property when would they have to hook up to it. Statl indicated circumstances of the utility extension would determine when fees are paid. If the property is not in the City and a developer extends the utilities pass the property in order to serve his development, there would be no charges as the cost would be picked up by the developer. If the property owner was in the city limits and the improvements were petitioned for the benefitting property owners would be assessed. Shannon Bye, a township resident, expressed her concerns about the proposed Wal-Mart store .,'"'"\ {\ '"_ H Council Minutes - 6/14/04 and the impact the store would have on the community and the businesses operating in the community. She urged the Council to consider it carefully and noted all the conditions the Planning Commission had placed on their approval of the proposal. 5. Consent aeenda. A. Consideration of ratify new hires and departures for the MCC, I,iquor Store and Parks. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of resolution extending the term of the cable franchise held by Charter Communications. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution agreeing to extend the terms of the cable franchise with Charter Communications for another six months until December 3 I, 2004. C. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a development stage planned unit development and a request for a preliminary plat for a residential development in the CCD District. Applicant: Landmark Square. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary plat and planned unit development based on a tinding that the project meets the City's intent as expressed in the concept plan approval and subject to the following conditions: 1. The driveway extending to the east property line must terminate in a curb line at least five feet from the property line. 2. A hydrant is to be located near the east garage building that has protection from trallic. This should be accomplished by placing the hydrant in a curbed island. 3_ Steps should be taken to ensure that no parking occurs in the driveway for Units 3 and 4. 4. The applicants should add landscaping elements along the west (Locust Street) foundation area, add shrubs and perennial plantings bctween Units 4 and 5, add tree grates to the trees behind the garages fell' lJnits 5-11; increase the size of the trees behind Units 5-11 to 3.5" caliper and provide a lighting plan per City requirements. 5_ The applicants should complete streetscape improvements to Phase L including addition of street trees, addition of handicap sidewalk ramps and sidewalk sections to meet ADA requirements and decorative street lighting in accordance with the City's street improvement plans. The City Building Oftkial can provide additional direction with this item. 6. The applicants should remove the garage in the Phase I parking lot. 7. Public Works and engineering issues are addressed by the appropriate staff D. REMOVED FROM AGENDA E. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a concept stage commercial development and a request to rezone from 1-1 and 1-2 (Light and I--Ieavy Industrial) to B-4 (Regional Business) Applicant: Ryan Companies, U.S. Inc. Recommendation: 2 d~ Council Minutes - 6/14/04 I) Move to approve the rezoning from industrial to B-4 (Regional Business) based on the finding that the proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2) Move to approve the concept stage planned unit development Cor Ryan Companies based on a finding that with the required infrastructure improvements, the use would be consistent with the land use recommendations for this site. This action should be limited to general site planning comments and subject to more detailed analysis upon presentation of development stage PUD plans. Ord. Amd. #408 F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a concept and development stage planned unit development in a B- 3 District to allow for the interim use of an existing facility for open and outdoor sales. Applicant: Jacob Holdings of Monticello/ Denny Hecker. Recommendation: Move to approve the concept stage PUD allowing the interim use; however, the use is subject to the submission of interim use development plans including information relating to items noted below with the plans being subject to review and approval by the City Planner and submission of an appropriate surety: A. Time frame lor the interim use. Planning Commission and staff suggest allowing the interim use for a period of 30 months, with the option of requesting a renewal for an additional 30 months subject to review by the City Planner. 8. Amount and type of security to be posted to ensure removal of non-conformities at the termination of the interim use and to assure completion of interim improvements such as landscaping and paving. C. Drainage concerns as currently drawn - the site is proposed to drain the new paving area onto open space north of the buildings. D. Provide detlnition of the use of unpaved areas E. Site lighting F. Organization of customer and employee parking and acceptable areas for vehicle display. G. Utility service issues to be identified by Public Works and Engineering staff. 1-1. Potential signage size and location and enforcement provisions for illegal temporary signage. G. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a multi-tenant building directory sign as allowed by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: John Komarek. Recommendation: Move to approve a conditional use permit for the erection of a monument style building directory sign for 118 West 6th Street as described by the applicant subject to the following conditions: I. The owner of the building shall apply for a sign permit and pay all associated fees. 2. No tenant shall be allowed more than one sign on each side of the proposed monument sign. 3. No individual business sign board/placard shall exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total allowable sign area on the monument sign. 3 )~ Council Minutes - 6/14/04 4. In the event that one tenant of the building does not utilize the full allotment of allowable area, the excess may not be granted, traded, sold or in any other way transferred to another tenant for the purpose of allowing a sign larger than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total allowable area for signs. 5. Any sign that is shared by or is a combination of two or more tenants shall be considered as separate signs for square footage allowance and shall meet the requirements thereof. 6. All signs shall be consistent in design, material, shape and method of illumination. 7. Final sign plan design shall be reviewed and approved by the Monticello Design Advisory Team prior to issuance of a sign/building permit. H. REMOVED FROM AGENDA I. Consideration of ordering public hearing for vacation of a portion of a drainage and utility easement along the rear of Lot 9, Block 10, Groveland 2nd Addition. Recommendation: Move to order a public hearing for the vacation of a portion of the drainage and utility easement to the rear of the lot on Lot 9, Block 10, Groveland 2nd Addition for June 28, 2004 at 7 p.m. J. Consideration of adopting a resolution issuing a negative declaration of need for Environmental Impact Statement relating to development of a 200,000 sq. 1'1. retail store. (Item #9) Recommendation: Adopt a resolution issuing a negative declaration of need for an Environmental Impact Statement relating to development of a 200,000 sq. ft. retail store. ROGER CARLSON MOVED '1'0 APPROVE 'rHE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE TABLING OF ITEM 5C TO THE NEXT MEETING AND THE ADDITION OF ITEM #9 TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM #5J. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a~enda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of authorizing sale of G.O. Tax Increment Bonds. Mark Rutlfrom Ehlers and Associates came before the Council on the sale ofG.O. Tax Increment Bonds. I-Ie noted that the City issued temporary bonds in 2001 that were 100% paid for by TIF revenues from TIF District 1-22. This was done in anticipation of a number projects that have been realized. The bonding also preserved some rights for the City to use funds from other TIF districts for projects. These were three year temporary bonds with a balloon payment due July 1, 2004. The City is looking at refinancing the temporary bonds and is proposing a bond issue in the amount of $945,000 which is less than originally anticipated since some projects did not materialize. Mark Ruff also pointed out that the City's bond rating from Moody's improved to A-2 and he 4 dP\ Council Minutes - 6/14/04 congratu1atcd the City on their prudent financial management. He presented a plaque to the Mayor recognizing this improved rating. Mark RutT reported that five bids were received on the proposed $945,000 taxable G.O. 'rax Increment Bonds with Cronin & Company being the low bidder olTering a true interest rate of 5.1839IYo. The City Council was being asked to approve a resolution on awarding the bond sale to Cronin & Company and Mark Ruff noted a correction that August 1, 2010 was the first date the City could call the G.O. tax increment bonds. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $945,000 IN REFUNDING BONDS AND TO APPROVE THE PLEDGE AGREEMENT FROM THE HRA. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 8. Consideration of recommendation by the Monticello Library Board on selection of architect for library expansion. City Administrator, Rick WolfsteIler stated that members of the Library Board were present to discuss their recommendation for architect for the library expansion. Tom Parker, Sandra Foster, Dawn Grossinger and Jacque Gordon of the Library Board were present. Tom Parker informed the Council that an RFP for architectural services had been prepared and sent out to ni ne firms with five firms responding. Out of the live firms responding, three firms were selected for interviews. In addition members of the Library Board had toured recently constructed and/or remodeled libraries to view the work done by the firms and to get ideas of what could be done with the library building. A number of factors were taken into consideration in considering the architectural firm. The expansion of the library is more than just walling in around the existing canopy. The Library Board felt the expansion should create an inviting site conducive for library uses. 'rhe expansion should also consider the long term plan for the library. In addition the Library Board was looking for someone who could work within the budget for the project. Based on these considerations, the Library Board was recommending the firm of Kodet Architectural Group for the library expansion. Mr. Ed Kodet from the firm was present to answer any questions from the Councilor staff. Mayor Thielen noted that he had some experience with the Kodet Architectural Group as they had done a public works facility for the City of Coon Rapids and that project came in well below budget. Mayor Thielen stated while the percentage charged by the firms varied, the extra cost in architectural fees is saved if the project comes in within budget. Glen Posusta stated his concern that 8.46% fee proposed by Kodet was almost double the fee proposed by another architectural firm that had done work for the City. Glen Posusta also questioned whether the Kodet firm felt comfortable with the City's budget amount for the 5 d~ Council Minutes - 6/14/04 expansion. Ed Kodet indicated that he felt the 3,000 sq. ft. expansion could be accomplished within the budget amount. He added that the plan was to make good use of the existing space as well as designing the expansion area. Bruce Thielen pointed out that if staying within budget was a concern, the Library Board should look at bidding alternates as a way of controlling costs. Roger Carlson asked about the long term plan for the library. Ed Kodet stated that as part of the planning process they would look at a master plan so that what is done in this phase will fit into all future phases. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE TIlE SELECTION OF KODET ARCHITECTURAL GROUP L,T'D AS RECOMMENDED I3Y THE LIBRARY I30ARD AS THE ARCHITECT FOR THE PROPOSED LIBRARY EXPANSION, ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Parker expressed his thanks to Fred Patchin preparing the RFP that was sent out to the architectural firms. He indicated that it is the plan of the Library Board to be back before the Council at the end of July with an update on the planned expansion. 9. Consideration of a resolution for a Neeative Declaration of Need for an EIS for the Wal- Mart site. Added to the consent agenda as item #5J with the recommendation to approve the resolution for a negative deelaration of need for an EIS for the Well-Mart site. 10. Consideration of recommendation of Parks Commission to adopt a Tobacco Free policy for City parks. Representatives from the Monticello TATU group (Teens against Tobacco Use) made a presentation to the City Council in support of the proposed policy to prohibit tobacco use in city parks, playgrounds and trails. The group noted the negative health and environmental impacts of smoking. The group encouraged the Council to support the tobacco free policy. Since Monticello initiated D-Day they felt support of tobacco free policy was a way carryon with the message. They also felt it would be appropriate for Monticello to be the first community in Wright County to adopt the policy because of their active stance with the health issues relating to smoking. Glen Posusta stated that while he thought the etTorts of the T AIU group were commendable, there was something anti-American about trying to restrict the personal habits of an individual. He stated that he despises the fact that smokers think the world is their ash tray but he didn't believe a policy that would not be enforced and did not carry any penalty would be conducive in making people stop smoking. He felt the signs and the policy just added to bureaucracy. 6 (~ i2\ Council Minutes - 6/14/04 Bruce Thielen stated that he had worked with TA TU group in Coon Rapids. He felt that at some point the City has to attempt to demonstrate what is a health live style. Since it is voluntary policy you wi II not get a 100% compliance but any change is beneficial. Robbie Smith noted that as council liaison to the Parks Commission, he was at the meeting where the Parks Commission discussed at length the policy. The Parks Commission had expressed many of the same concerns such enforcement of the policy. He added that if the City adopts the policy and the community finds it is not working, the Council can look at the policy again and make changes or abandon it. There was some discussion on the City's present policy about not smoking in city buildings or vehicles. Roger Carlson also had concerns about the policy infringing on the rights ofthe individual and asked that if the ordinance is adopted it be considered for a probationary period. Bruce Thielen suggested having in place until the January 1, 2005 at which time it would be evaluated. Glen Posusta also noted the contradiction in having exemptions to the tobacco free policy. Robbie Smith stated that while that may be the case it would be better to start with a policy with exemptions than not do anything at all. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADOPT THE TOBACCO FREE POLICY AS PROPOSED WITII THE POLICY TO BE REVIEWED AFTER JANUARY 1,2005. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED -fHE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 11. Consideration of a proposal to merge Heartland Express with River Rider. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill provided background information on this item. City staff was asking Council direction on pursuing a merger of Monticello Heartland Express with River Rider. Jeff O'Neill stated that over time government regulations has created a burden in administering the program. The requirements are at the level that it would require a part-time staff person to administer the program. The requirements imposed on a system with one bus are the same for a system with ten busses. The regulations make it questionable whether a small system can operate economically. Should the City merge with River Rider the funds the City receives for transportation would go to the River Rider budget. Sue Siemers from the state is supportive of the proposal and an informational meeting has been scheduled for June 24, 2004. Jeff O'Neill felt there would some operational differences between the two system that users need to be informed about. Bruce Thielen stated it was very important that the residents who utilize the system be made aware of the proposal and suggested that a letter be sent to residents of Mississippi Shores and other senior housing informing them of the meeting. Robbie Smith and Bruce Thielen both felt they would be more comfortable authorizing staff 7 c;>-~ Counci I Minutes - 6/14104 to hold a public meeting on the proposed merger and negotiate with River Rider rather than adopt a resolution supporting the merger. Roger Carlson stated since he does not use the Heartland Express he would like to have more information on the two systems so that he could evaluate the proposal. Glen Posusta suggcsted tabling this until the next meeting. The consensus of the Council was to have staff proceed with the informational meeting at this point. 12. TH 25/School Boulevard Signal - Request for authorization to pre-order. At a previous meeting the Council authorized moving forward with the signal justification report for the signal at TH 25/School Boulevard. Although the warrants are currently being met thc signal justification rcport is a rcquirement of MnDOT. Because of the development of the Muller Theater project, the City would like to get the signal in place as soon as possible. Development on the other side of the road would require use of the signal as well. To facilitate the installation of the sign, the City Engineer was requesting authorization to pre-order the LED traffic signal heads and the mast anTIs. 'rhe Council discussed the cost of the signal and how it would be funded. It is anticipated that MnDOT will fund a portion of the cost and the City's share would be assessed to the abutting property owners. Glen Posusta felt since the Wal-Mart site would be generating the lion's share of traffic they should be picking up a larger portion of the cost. Bret Weiss indicated that the signal cost for this intersection and the possible future signal at the intersection of Cedar Street and School Boulevard would be covered in the development agreement with Wal-Mart. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO AUTHORIZE WSB TO WORK WITll MNDOT TO PRE- ORDER THE NECESSAR Y TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT INCLUDING MAST ARMS AND LED HEADS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of award of bid for Area 2 Core Street Reconstruction, Citv Proiect No. 2004-06C. City Engineer, Bret Weiss provided background information on the bid results for the project. Two bids wcre received with Buffalo Bituminous submitting the low bid of $946,306.50. It was noted this was construction cost only and indirect costs of 28% would make the total project cost about $1,250,000. The engineer recommended award of the bid. There was some discussion on Sandberg Road and how that should be handled. Bret Weiss stated a letter had been sent to MnDOT requesting a right-in, right out on Sandberg Road. The City Engineer did not feel MnDOT would be agreeable to that but they have not yet heard back from MnDOT. TfMnDOT does not allow the right-in, right-out access, construction of a cul-de-sac would be one option. It was noted that the City does not own any additional right-of-way in the area so any option that would require right-or-way would mean that the 8 (~ h Council Minutes - 6/14/04 City would have to consider condemnation or purchase of additional land. Bruce Thielen suggested awarding the contract and authorize the City Engineer to study the options tllf Sandberg Road and come back with a change order to cover the work for Sandberg Road. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO A WARD THE AREA 2 CORE STREEf RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT WITII THE SANDBERG ROAD PORTION OF THE PROJECT CONTINGENT UPON THE RESPONSE RECEIVED FROM MNDOT AND '1'0 BRING THAT PORTION OF 'THE PROJECT BACK AS A CHANGE ORDER. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 14. Approve payment of bills for June. Glen Posusta had questions relating to bills relating to engineering services for Cedar Street and annexation, services supplied by Carefree Lawn and work on the patio for the Mississippi Room. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT OF BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MUrION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Added Item: Bruce Thielen suggested setting time aside prior to the next meeting to discuss the funding for the ice arena as there are still some issues relating to that. Rick W olf<;teller suggest setting a special meeting for June 21, 2004 at 5 :00 to cover the ice arena and any possible agreement on the annexation. Lauric Dennis from the Monticello Times noted this was the last meeting she would be attending as she will be moving to Boston. She stated she learned a lot about government during her time covering the meetings and introduced her replacement 15. Adjourn. ROBBIE SMlTH MOVED TO ADJOURN AI' 8:40 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 9 17A MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 21, 2004 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 5: 15 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving: joint resolution for orderly annexation. Mayor Thielen stated that the Council had met in closed session to review and discuss the joint annexation resolution. Mayor Thielen asked if the Council had any additional comments on the resolution. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TlfE JOINT ANNEXA lION RESOLUTION WITH MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION WITH THE COMMENT 'fHA l' THE JOINT ANNEXATION RESOLUTION IS BENEFICIAL TO ALL PARTIES. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bruce Thielen commented that the orderly annexation is a planning tool which is what the City wanted from the beginning. He added that the representatives from the City and Township met on a number of occasions to come up with this proposal which the township will be voting on later this evening. Robbie Smith expressed his thanks to Bruce Thielen and Brian Stumpf and the township officials for all the time they spent in coming up with an agreement. Glen Posusta added that he felt it was better that the two entities could reach an agreement than to have an outside party such as an administrative judge make the determination. Bruce Thielen emphasized that all annexations will be driven by the property owner. Mayor Thielen introduced Chris Hood, legal counsel for the City on the annexation, and asked that he summarize the provisions of the joint resolution. Chris Hood stated property in the orderly annexation area is designated for annexation but would not be annexed unless certain conditions are met: 1. There must be a petition by the property owner requesting annexation; 2. The propeliy must be contiguous to the current city boundary 3. Annexation can occur if directed because the Pollution Control Agency requires sewer and water be extended to an area. 4. The City initiates an MSA road project or drainage project with annexation limited to the extent of the project. Another provision of the joint resolution is the establishment of a five member Joint Planning Board consisting of two representatives from the City, two representatives from the Township I (),l,j and a mutually agreed upon representative from the Wright County Commissioners. The Joint Plimning Board would be responsible for land use authority in the OAA area and any decision of the Joint Planning Board would be by majority vote with the exception of rezoning whieh would require a four-fjfths majority. Another provision states that when 75% of the township is annexed, the two entities would then merge. There is also a provision for tax reimbursement to the township for any annexed area. In addition the City must provide sewer and water within three years of annexation for residential property and within five years of annexation for commercial and industrial property The joint resolution allows for joint planning and protects the township hom leapfrog development. If the City does not provide utilities in the specified time frame, the township has an option to initiate a detachment action. A resident questioned what a detachment action entailed and Chris Hood eXplained the procedure. The City agrees that no annexation will take place outside the orderly annexation area during the term of the agreement. Chris Hood pointed out there are five sections designated in the orderly annexation area. If75% of the land within a section is annexed then that section boundary can be extended outward. Chris Hood stated that under the orderly annexation resolution, the annexation process will be more streamlined. Bruce Thielen asked that Chris Hood explain how the present process compares with the process when there is an orderly annexation agreement. Chris Hood stated presently annexation is done by ordinance which allows annexation of 60 acres at a time. The property owner petitions the City. The City prepares an ordinance, notifies affected property and conducts a public hearing on the ordinance. The procedure under an orderly annexation agreement is simplified and more cost effective. The term of the proposed annexation agreement is 15 years unless mutually terminated or the two entities merge. .lefT Young, a township resident, stated that he hoped the resolution was a good one but that if the agreement does change. they wi II again protest at the I iquor store. He asked if the agreement was similar to that of Wyoming Township. Because the Wyoming case is still in negotiation, Chris Hood would not comment on the specifics of the agreement. He noted although there were some similarities in the agreements there were also differences and a final document in the Wyoming Township annexation has not been agreed to. .lefT Young noted that three Councilmembers were up for re-election and that their group would be closely following the election. Kevin Christianson questioned whether the agreement could be terminated by just one party or by legal action. He was informed that termination of the agreement would have to be by agreement of both parties. Bruce Thielen recessed the meeting at this time. The Council moved to another room to discuss the financing for the ice arena and Chris Hood remained to field questions from the residents present concerning annexation. Bruce Thielen reconvened the meeting at 5:50 p.m. Tom Fredricks. Steve Hammer, Mary Barger and Rick Blomberg from the Monticello Youth llockey Association were present as were representatives from the Monticello School District. 2 d-B Steve Hammer and Tom Fredricks reviewed the financial statements submitted regarding the ice arena. Mr. Hammer noted based on quotes they had received in January they had anticipated that they could build the facility for approxirnately $2.2 million which was close to their original goal. Since that time steel prices have almost doubled and there were additional expenses such as the elevator and a separate sewer connection and now the group tinds them self short almost $283,000 in funds. The MYHA stated their belief about the benefits the ice facility would bring to the City noting that at the present time people are going to S1. Cloud or Buffalo for their ice time. With a facility in Monticello these people would be coming to Monticello and conducting activities such as shopping etc. in Monticello so there would be a trickle down effect for the businesses in the City. Steve Hammer stated that there has been a great deal of local support for the ice arena including donations of materials, labor etc. What the MYHA was asking of the City was to increase their commitment from $40,000 a year to $75,000 a year for ten years. Bruce Thielen stated there arc statutes that require the City to receive something of value in exchange for their contribution. The City was to initially to receive 266 hours of ice time for their $40,000 contribution. The question was if the City committed to $75,000 was there any additional ice time that could be given for the increased donation. The MYHA indicated there was not. The group then discussed other possible options such as a loan to the M YHA, purchase and donation of equipment or extend the ice time out for 20 years instead of ten. Rick Wolfsteller questioned whether any excess revenues after expenses could be utilized to reduce the $75,000 amount needed annually. The MYHA indicated that any excess revenues would be going into reserves for equipment replacemcnt, etc. Glen Posusta questioned if ice time rates could be increased to generate some of the $283,000 needed since it appears that ice time is in demand. l-Ie suggested that the group could charge different rates for peak time and non-peak times. Tom Fredricks cautioned that increasing the prices may end up causing people to quit skating. Mayor Thielen asked for comments from the representatives of the school district. Mike Benedetto indicted that the school district had approved the project based on three conditions which included I) State department approval; 2) approval ofthe drawings and 3) funding to secure the loan needed. Two of the three conditions have been met. He noted that time is a problem as the later it gets into the season the less revenue will be generated The school district has said they will not go to the taxpayers for additional funding. He noted that residents would question an increase commitment to this project when teachers were being laid off and class sizes were increasing. Bruce Thielen asked for the Council's opinion. Brian Stumpf asked what could the City do and could the MYlIA extend the hours out for more years. Again the various options were discussed such as the City buying the ice making equipment and donating it to the school or making a donation in exchange for advertising for the MCC. The consensus was that the preferred solution was to make the $75,000 commitment for 10 years with the ice time running over a period of 20 years. The question was whether the City could legally prepay for the ice time. 3 d-b Bruce Thielen recessed the meeting f()r a brief time so that the City Administrator could contact the City Attorney regarding this issue. Upon reconvening, Rick Wolfsteller reported that the City Attorney believed the City could prepay the ice time. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO INCREASE "ITIE CITY'S FUNDING COMMITMENT TO THE ICE ARENA FROM $40,000 A YEAR TO $75,000 A YEAR FOR 10 YEARS WITH 'fHE INCREASE FUNDING TO BE USED TO PAY OFF THE LOAN WITII "['HE CITY RECEIVING ICE TIME OVER A PERIOD OF 20 YEARS IN EXCHANGE FOR THE FUNDING COMMITMENT. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY WITH ADDITIONAl COMMENTS. Roger Carlson stated he was discouraged that the City was almost doubling its funding commitment. Robbie Smith concurred and felt that the MYHA need to keep on with its fund raising activities. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:30 P.M. GLEN POSUS"fA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 4 90 Council Agenda - 6/28/04 5A. Consideration of apvrovinl! new hires and departures for MCC. Liquor Store. Streets and Parks. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC , Liquor Store, Streets and Parks Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part- time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Witschen, Pamela cashier/stock help Liquor 6/9/2004 part-time Calhoun, Amy cashier/stock help Liquor 5/24/2004 part-time Thune, Darin seasonal Parks 5/28/2004 temporary Beckman, Nick seasonal Parks 6/7/2004 temporary Rogers, Cameron seasonal Streets 6/7/2004 temporary TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Hedlund, Jason voluntary MCC 5/30/2004 part-time McAlpine, Amanda voluntary MGC 5/31/2004 part-time Schinkel, Carl voluntary Water & Sewer 1/2/2004 temporary employee councillist.xls: 6/15/2004 5+\ Council Agenda - 6/28/04 58. Consideration of final plat and development agreement Sunset Ponds Phase II. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider granting approval to the second phase of the Sunset Ponds residential subdivision which supports 101 housing units. As you recall, this project was approved for construction in June 2003 with the first phase consisting of 176 housing units in the final plat. Site grading and construction of utilities are nearly complete for the first phase. The developer is requesting to move forward on final platting and public improvement construction on the 2nd and final phase of the project. Attached is a spreadsheet outlining the finance plan supporting this project. You will note that the trunk fees supporting this project amount to $226, 662 a portion of which to be used to help construct the Meadow Oaks sanitary sewer bypass. The final plat appears to be consistent with the preliminary plat and associated development stage PUD therefore staff is recommending approval of the plat as proposed. Engineering plans for the project have been approved. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approval final plat of the Sunset Ponds 2nd addition subject to completion and execution of the development agreement. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat as requested. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:. Staff recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of tinal plat (Available at meeting) Copy of project finance plan. Sunset Ponds 2nd Addition MW Johnson - R2-A and 14-Jun-03 Area Charges and Assessments Total Acres for project Tot~1 units for project r:ras for phase L1nits for phase 93.84 277 18.84 gross, 16.2 Net 101 (Need breakout 01 Single lamlly to townhome urJlts) Net Acreage or Acres Gross Credits Assessment Unit Charqe Cost For Phase Park Dedication Provided $0 Pathway" $238 per unit 238 $24,038 $24,038 Sanitary Sewer $2,142 18.84 $40,355 $40,355 Meadow Oaks Bypass $1.872 18,84 $35,268 $33,912 Share of Haug and 95th $0 Watermain $1,685 1884 $31,745 $31,745 Storm Sewer (net acres) $5,902 16.2 $95,612 $95,612 Total amount to Assess $225,662 Rp.quirer1'lunts satisfied with 151 phase Waiting for 'lUmb~r trom wsa Per lot Assessment $2,234 CITY FEESIDEPOSIT CALCULA TIONS City Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Flat rate Soil Testing legal and Planning Engineering and Inspection 2,00% of construction cost 1.00% of construction cost 2.00% of construction cost 7.00% of construction cost $13,574 Flal rate. no reconc:ili:=Jlion at project COr'nplellOI1 $6,787 COnsultRnt::; fees rBconciled at project completion $13,574 ConsullClllls lees reconciled <.'11 project cQmpletion $47,510 RE;!Goncilad <:II project cornplellon $81 ,446Ip"d at 1,,'lIallun 01 p,oJect Total City Fees CONSTRUCTION COSTS (Used for calculating City fees) Sanitary Sewer $161,759 Watermain $143,818 ." Sewer $66,093 I >, Driveways and SidewalkS $307,048 I Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) $678,718 Cost ENGINEF.R'S ESTIMATES lot Cornersll ran Monuments Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating lOC $300 $30,300 $709,018 be reduced but held until proiect Gomplele Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 9000% $797,645 ADDITIONAL LETTER OF CREDIT - Mise Landscaping/other Grading portion (18.84 acres '$3,000) !Ili?i1J Additioi1~II4.Qc: Sb 0 ~I I . ~ ~ a: [:,. ~ ~ >- '" c I; C!i ~ rY :::; I '" lI. U 0 0 ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~l;; ~ lI. if o~ is 0 lI.", ~ U n: >- \l! ffi<5 ~ . ~ J C!i '<( ~~ '" lil ~ ~ I ~ I ::; IE ~~ ::;\ '" f'i ~<> <> ! '" 13 >-'" ~ ~Uj Ql . j!; q ~~ ~~ @ '" ~ frl ~ U'5 ~ fu G ~ ~q ~ 1-'" UJ ~ g,~ i:!: <( ~ ,. n: / ). '" ~ I:l: :'j tJ~ tIl '<(lI. ~ '" li:'<( fiJ ClO ,. 0 ~:in: ~ e;~ !t!>- C!i ~ I ~C!i Uj t it,. 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I \ in ) 1 ] ..... 1 I ) I "- ." --. -.... - , " ./ .C ..,- ~"'v " - \ ." \) . ./ --."-"'--, , - . '~--~-"l-" /' . \ , ", ,~ \>~\ ". ~1. -~ . \t") 0'. -~--'.- -- ~ -:.<"ZZ,> . \ \ \ /' I .... 1 ... '-' ) a :, 1 ~~ tJ'" ~~ ~ '(~ . "m.. ~. m~ ~tJ ,) 1 !j" I ilii..~ '-' I~ '" 11.. : ~~ \ t l '\ \, J " ".I' .. ) '- Council Agenda - 6/28/04 5D. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing for drive-up retail sales: motor fuel dispensine: lieht automobile service, including: tires and batteries: open and outdoor sales: convenience foods: joint parking and drives: SilW plan and a request for a preliminary plat for a commercial development in a B-3 District. Ap~licant: Wal-Mart A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the Planning Commission meeting on June 1,2004 the Planning Commission reviewed the application and recommended approval with conditions noted in the attached draft ofthe meeting minutes. On Tuesday, June 15th, City Staff and Council Liaison Posusta met with site designers to review the conditions required by the Planning Commission for the purpose of providing direction in preparing plan documents for City Council review on June 28,2004. A revised set of plans have been provided which address conditions noted in pages 6 - 9 of the attached draft of the Planning Commission meeting minutes. Two of the conditions, one relating to site access and the other relating to architectural design generated discussion and further study. With regards to site access, traffic engineers were concerned that the number of access points proposed on School Boulevard would result in a reduction of traffic capacity on School Boulevard and create safety hazards. This problem was resolved with the commitment from affected property owners to install and fund a raised median on School Boulevard which will control turning movements in a fashion that preserves School Boulevard traffic capacity. The solution includes an agreement with Sean Weinand to "lock - in" in access points on the north side of School Boulevard that match access points on the south side. With regards to architectural detail, on June 15,2004 Posusta and Staff met with the architect to develop a reasonable set of architectural enhancements that would result in a design that complements the commercial buildings constructed in the area recently. In addition, City staff and Wal-mart architects reviewed the "side view" of the building from School Boulevard where the setback is relatively close. The group agreed that the School Boulevard presentation of the building was important and plan amendments were discussed accordingly. In response to this input and discussion, Wal-mart architects prepared an amended elevation which represents an improvement over the initial submittal but in our view did not entirely capture the expectations established at the meeting on June 15. In response, Steve Grittman has provided additional comments which have been provided to Wal-mart for further review. Subsequently on Thursday, June 24th Darcy Winter informed me that Wal-Mart would make the final changes to the architectural design as requested. Council Agenda - 6/28/04 With regards to the balance of the conditions noted in the Planning Commission Minutes from June 1, 2004. All of the conditions have been met to the satisfaction of City StatI with the submittal of the most recent plans. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision I: Preliminary Plat for the Monticello Business Center 3,J Addition I. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for Monticello Business Center 3rd Addition based on a finding that the land use pattern is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plat subject to conditions noted by the Planning Commission on 6/01/04 (all conditions except final review of site plan engineering have been met with the submittal ofthe most recent plan set - it will be required that the final engineering plans be competed at time of building permit). Under this alternative the project will move toward final plat approval which will require establishment of a development agreement governing terms associated with public improvements needed to support the project such as installation of raised medians, construction turn, lanes, sidewalks and installation of street lighting. 2. Motion to recommend denial of approval of the preliminary plat. Decision 2 Conditional Use Permits for Drive-Through Retail Sales; Motor Fuel Dispensing; Minor Auto Service; Open/Outdoor Sales; Convenience Food; Joint Parking and Drive Aisles; Common Sign Plan. I. Motion to recommend approval of the CU P requests based on the finding that they are consistent with the criteria for CUP approval as described in the ordinance subject to conditions identified by the Planning Commission at the meeting of June 1,2004 (approved engineering plans and final architectural standards arc the only conditions that have not been met with the latest submittal). However a commitment has been made to adjust architectural detail as requested including adding landscaped island delineators. Approval includes the condition that the architectural plan for the structure include enhancements as requested by the City Planner as noted in the attached rendering. 2. Motion to deny approval of CUP requests. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Decision I and 2 subject to the conditions as noted. Council Agenda - 6/28/04 D. SUPPORTING DATA: StafI report to the Planning Commission for the meeting oU une 1, 2004 Meeting Minutes from the Planning Commission meeting of .Iun 1 1, 2004 Most recent update to plan set. Building elevation and suggested sketched modifications. Planning Commission Minutes 06/0 l/04 7. Public lIearing: - Consideration of a reClUest for a conditional use permit allowing for drive-up retail sales: motor fuel dispensing; light automobile service, including tires and batteries; open and outdoor sales: convenience foods; ioint parking and drives; sign plan: and a request for preliminary plat for a commercial development in a B-3 district. Applicant: Wal-Mart Grittman presented the staff report for the request. The applicants, Ocello LLC., in cooperation with Wal-Mart, are requesting conditional use permit and preliminary plat rev' and approval for a 203,091 square foot commercial retail building to be ~.~ca e em lot 1 block I of the Monticello Business Center yd addition plat. The 1l'r~posed Wal-Mart application includes conditional use permit approval for the fa ing; motor fuel dispensing, tirc and battery service, open and outdoor sales, con~.ce food service, joint parking and drive aisles, and common signage. Grittman::..:~:: icated that staff felt that the conditional use permits fit the site without a PlJD desig n. subject si is located southcast of the Cedar Street and School Boulevard intersection. The site is approximately 32 acres in area and is zoned B-4, Regional Business District. Commercial retail is an allowed use within the B-4 district. ..dttman state that the proposed plat consists of two parcels. Lot 1 of Block 1 is a :27.3 acre parcel of which will include the proposed Wal-Mart building. The second parcel is a 5 acre outlot located to the east of Lot I of Block 1. Grittman noted that the proposed site is oriented to Cedar St. and Highway 25, with three access points on School and three on Cedar. Grittman state that the preliminary plat includes a concept for Outlot ^ of what appears to be an oUice use to the north and townhome units to the south of the outlot. The purpose of the illustration is to demonstrate potential use of the remnant parcel. It should be noted that two issues would alTect this aspect of the potential subdivision, though the concept is not part of the approval of the preliminary plat. The proposed uses would be part of a separate application process. StalThas met with Wal-Mart reps to work on resolving some of the staff conditions and recommendations. Grittman summarized some of the resolutions from the conditions of Exhibit Z for both the conditional use permits and the prel iminary plat. For the preliminary plat portion, the applicants will provide revised plans illustrating the proposed sidewalks on Cedar St. and School Blvd. Applicants have also agreed to provide an escrow for future sidewalks and lighting projects based on future alignments. Those projects will not be constructed until final alignments have been prepared. A discussion of timing for escrow is being worked out with staff. Grittman recommended an alternative paving surface rather than asphalt for the front s\) Planning Commission Minutes 06/01/04 entrance area. He stated that the applicant is not in favor of an alternative surface. The applicant is agreeable to east side landscaping and elevation improvements in order to improve School Boulevard site lines. Grittman noted that landscape plans were very well done and detailed. A significant amount of landscaping was provided. The plans require Xcd Energy's review, which applicant has agreed to. Applicant is willing to comply with the other recommendations of staff relating to the pIa . eluding providing a photometric plan for the gas station canopy approved by .. ,arid appropriate garbage screening. an stated that in regard to access points, the Outlot A access point causes issues relat tQ traffic and safety concerns. Chuck Rickart, traffic engineer for WSB, addressth issue. The applicants have expressed willingness to work with staff to resolve ac . ss~:"es, whether through medians or other alternatives approved by staft~ Grittma<~tated that grading and utility plans are subject to the approval of the 'ity Engineer, who has provided comments. Details on those issues will also be outlined and resolved in the development of construction plans. -., ittman reviewed the conditions for approval of the CUPs. Grittman recommended an in- and out-bound access lane should be provided at the drive through pharmacy for safety and now reasons. Applicants have indicated a willingness to work with staff to accomplish this. The recommendations on canopy design requirements and canopy signageare also agreeable to the applicants. There is some noise concern due to truck traffic should the City approves residential use adjacent to the property, there is concern over noise and lighting in that area. Grittman stated that will have to be considered in future approvals for development on Outlot A. Grittman relayed that the applicants believe that buffer landscaping (which exceeds the requirements for high density commercial/residential) will mitigate this. Applicants would like the Commission to accept the buller as submitted. Grittman stated that the applicants have agreed to provide a seasonal sales plan. StafJ has recommended that the Cedar Street center aisle island extend deeper into parking area, due to concern from backing traffic. Grittman's primary concern is entering trank. This acecss will be a heavily used entrance. Grittman stated that the current design could create traffic back-ups onto Cedar. Grittman noted that thc Commission's packet included alternate examples of architecture for Wal-Mart stores. Grittman stated that there arc a number of ways to improve the look of the building, included brick accents and other minor additions. Applicants have stated they are also amenable to design improvement suggestions as well. 2 ~ f\ Planning Commission Minutes 06/0 I /04 Finally, staff recommended tree plantings between the building and parking areas. C)-rittman explained that the applicants are suggesting planters, which staff feel are an acceptable enhancement. Those improvements should be shown on the plan. It is staff s recommendation to approve the request for preliminary plat and conditional use permits, with conditions as noted and with deference to the plan approval by the City Engineer on access, utility and storm water considerations. Chair Frie called the public hearing to order. 11;;'''' 11'11'111'\ arcy Winter, D.E. Winter Associates, commercial real estate broker and Wal-Mart e esentative, addressed the Commission. Winter introduced Aaron Thompson and orris of Olssen & Associates, civil engineers for the Wal-Mart project and emrick of Boice Radl Rhea Architects, project architect. a~.I~he would agree with Grittman's comments as stated. Winter y"will continue to work with staff between now and Council to es as outlined. Winter indicated that the north face (elevation facing School Blvd.) and entry areas illJ~Vinter noted that the garden center's location on this side will help improve the K of the building. Winter explained that the elevation proposed had been eveloped specifically for Monticello. The project architect looked at the community in determining architectural detail. They are open to discussion on other improvements recommended by staff. Winter recognized that the outstanding issue is the access points to Wal-Mart, Outlot A and Autumn Ridge areas. The applicants will work with staff to corne to an acceptable conclusion on this issue. However, Winter indicated they are seeking approval in order to move the project forward. Chuck Rickart, WSB Engineering, responded to the access concerns. Rickart stated that the primary issue is that there a total of four access points into School Boulevard are shown on the plan. Three of these points are less than 250' apart. The concern is the turning traffic and future accesses from the north side. Increasing traffic and turning movements become a huge safety issue due to 15,000 vehicles per day projected to travel School Boulevard. Rickart's recommendation is to eliminate the Outlot A access completely, and space the other access points fairly evenly apart. Frie inquired about Exhibit Z, which requests that the number of access points on both Cedar and School be reduced from three to two. Rickart stated that reference was related only to the three access points from the Wal-Mart site, specifically. Winter explained to the Commission that the east access point to School Boulevard from the Wal-Mart site is to be used solely for truck access. Wal-Mart prefers that a separate entrance is provided for truck traffic, keeping public traffic separate. Winter 3 ~ r--.... Planning Commission Minutes 06/0 l/04 indicated that the tranie conflicts would he less due to limited truck access. Winter stated that the other potential use fc)r the access is the Tire and Lube Express. However, in Winter's experience, the north entrance will be the most used for those customers. Wal-Mart representatives and staff have discussed median as a control measure. Frie asked if truck traffic comes in off-peak hours. Winter stated that it does. Frie also inquired what the project timeframe is. Winter indicated they are moving toward opening 9-12 months from governmental approval. She noted that they are completing EA W work, which will be addressed at Council. Wal-Mart would like to n ground late summer, early fall. f-re3J;tgg no further comments, Chair Frie closed the public hearing. Hilgart as ..d Grittman what the recommended alternative paving surface would be. Grittman s . d tl~~re are a number of options including concrete. . He stated that it is stafr s positi"ithat is more evident and attractive. Also, cars tend to slow for those of surfaces. Winter replied that Wal-Mart is very safety conscious and would have a concern about concrete. They feel the bituminous that they use is suitable and there is a potential liability with any other surface. ragsten inquired which example reflected the elevation for the Monticello proposal. Winter provided the elevation illustration. Dragsten also inquired who controls the Outlot A. Grittman stated that Shawn Weinand, Ocello, Inc., still owns the property. Dragsten inquired whether Autumn Ridge, as indicated on the plans, is already constructed. Shawn Weinand, Ocello, Inc., answered that the entrance stubbed in from Autumn Ridge to the residential area shown on the plat is currently there. Weinand indicated that it doesn't work for Outlot A to share an entrance point with Wal-Mart. Weinand clarified that Autumn Ridge as shown has been constructed. Weinand stated that Wal-Mart did not want to purchase Outlot A. Dragsten stated that the elimination of the Outlot A access could impact the usahility of that parcel. Frie indicated that due to the concern and need for further study on the access items and the need for revision in other plan areas, revised plans should be submitted. Frie asked staff if those issues could be resolved and plans submitted prior to Council. Grittman stated that as many issues that can be resolved, will be. It is common that not all recommended alterations are portrayed, in trying to accommodate developer's schedule. Some details can be worked out in developing construction plans. However, Grittman noted that any issues where stail and applicant disagree, will be resolved before going to Council. Frie inquired whethcr that also applied to grading, drainage and utility issues. Grittman stated that the City Engincer has reviewed the plans and has made comments as part of an onging process. 4 Planning Commission Minutes 06/01/04 Frie asked Winter about the proposed hours of operation. Winter indicated that they would seek to be open 24 hours and she didn't see anything in code to prohibit this. Patch indicated that was correct. Frie inquired how thc escrow f()r the sidewalk would be determined. Grittman replied that the enginccrs had done an initial estimate. The final estimated costs still need to be determined. Winter noted that they have asked for them. Winter also stated that they have request that the condition requiring escrow be revised to require the security at time of building permit rather than at final plat. Frie wondered if staff was Com~Rr~able having a set amount for escrow on record. Grittman stated that number , ".j d~'t be provided without input from the City Administrator and Engineer. n questioned whether the turn-around for truck traHic shown hclps prevent rom using an alternate route through the site. Winter stated that it does; store manage e firm on that point. Additionally, there is directional signage at all truck access pom ,The are also comfortable signing other locations. Spartz inquir whether measures had been taken for leakage purposes in regard to having a storm water pond locating near the gas station. Jered Morris, project engineer, stated that no specific environmental design had been put in place ~sifically for leakage. Morris stated that significant leakage is unlikely. Winter ded that Murphy Oil, who will be operating that station, will have to answer that question during review of drainage plans. Spartz requested the feedback from the applicant on staff's recommendation to extending parking delineators at the Cedar Street center entrance. Winter proposed extending only the in-bound island ten spaces, as that was the area of concern. Grittman stated that is satisfactory. Frie clarified that instead of the requested islands resulting in a loss of 22 spaces, the revised design would result in a loss of 10 spaces. Spartz also expressed concern about the future proposal for Outlot A. Spartz stated that the proposed residential use may conflict with a 24 hour operation and that off- peak truck shipments could be a conflict. Patch indicated that the 50 foot butfer standards with the significant landscaping requirement, which the applicants exceed, could heIp ease the connict. Patch stated that the trailer walls are also screened with masonry walls f(Jr a visual and noise barrier. Posusta questioned why Wal-Mart would be responsible for extension of Cedar Street. Grittman clarified that Wal-Mart is responsible for the extension only to the south portion of property. The alignment for the street has not been finalized yet. Posusta inquired what other measure could be taken to improve aesthetics on the School Boulevard elevation. Winter stated that they would change entry features, adding more detail similar to front entrances. They are also open to adding paint detail. Michael Semrick, project architect, replied that there would also be a significant amount of landscaping present on that side. Posusta indicated that he 5 r- C".. Planning Commission Minutes 06/01/04 would like the store elevation to be more similar to lnver Grove Heights example provided. Winter stated it isn't a "cookie cutter" design and is willing to work with City on elevation. Posusta also noted the concern about noise issues for the existing Autumn Ridge development. Winter responded that the development is 360 feet from the Wal~mart property. Additionally, the property is and was zoned for commercial use. Winter stated that a minimal number of trucks, estimated at only I O~ 12 per day, combined with landscaping and wall screening will mitigate the noise. Weinand also noted the exi g berm along the Autumn Ridge development. 'F~~"f inquired if the lnvcr Grove store was a SuperCenter. Winter indicated it was not. Fri~"asked about truck traffic concern in that example. Winter stated they had not heard negative comments. that he believed that right and left turn lanes with islands were needed on School B ~,vard. O'Neill indicated that median is an option being considered by and the applicant, in conjunction with limiting truck traffic to one entrance. Posusta indicated that it is important that the access point and resulting traffic issues be addressed. susta questioned whether once the population of the City rcaches 10,000, Wal~Mart ould be able to sell liquor. Winter stated that they believe that option is governed by state law. O'Neill stated that he believes there is also some measure of local control, due to the City being given the authority under legislation to issue permits for off~sale liquor sales. MOTION BY HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINAR Y PLAT FOR MONTICELL,O BUSINESS CENTER 3RO ADDITION, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE LAND USE PATTERN IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS AS NOTED BY STAFF; RECOMMENDING REMOVAL OF LETTER D: a. The applicant is to submit revised plans showing the sidewalk along Cedar Street to be five feet in width and both of the sidewalk along Cedar Street and the sidewalk along School Boulevard I foot off of the property line. b. The sidewalk along School Boulevard is to be extended to the cast, the length of the plat. c. An escrow for future street, sidewalk, lighting, and utility ex tension along Cedar Street the length of the plat is to be suhmitted to the City prior to building permit approval. 6 - ,........ Planning Commission Minutes 06/01/04 d. An alternative paving surface shall be used in front of the Wal- Mart main entrance in the areas shown in the May 18th set of plans as painted crosswalk. (ITEM REMOVED BY MOTION.) e. Color, detail or additional landscape screening is to be added to the rear and School Boulevard fayade. f. Xcel Energy must review all landscaping within the overhead powerline easement. The landscape plan must be revised as necessary. g. The photometric plan is to be revised to show any lighting within the canopy area. Lighting within the canopy area shall consist of canister spotlights with no portion of the light source or future extending below the face of the canopy. 1. The site plan is to be revised to identify a trash enclosure constructed of similar building material as the principal structure, screened from view of neighboring properties, with adequate access for garbage trucks. An interior or attached trash room is the preferred design. I. The site plan is to be revised to reduce the number of access points onto School Boulevard and Cedar Street from the site from three to two. k. The submitted grading plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 1. Utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. m. Additional comments from City Staff. MOTION SECONDED BY DRAGSTEN, WHO REQUESTED THAT THE MOTION BE AMENDED TO INDICATE THAT LETTER J IS TO BE REVISED TO INCLUDE THE ADDITION OF DELINEAfED TURN LANES IF THREE ACCESS POINTS TO SCHOOL BOULEVARD ARE TO BE ALLOWED. MOTION AMENDED BY HILGART. 7 Planning Commission Minutes 06/01/04 O'Neill clarified that Cedar Street would retain three access points from the site. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY DRAGTSEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF 'llIE REQUEST FOR CUP ALLOWING DRIVE THROUGH RETAIL SALES; MOTOR FUEL DISPENSING; MINOR AUTO SERVICE; OPEN/OUTDOOR SALES; CONVENIENCE FOOD; JOINT PARKING AND DRIVE AISLES; COMMON SIGN PLAN, BASED ON THE FINDING THAT IT IS ISTENT WITI! THE CRITERIA FOR CUP APPROVAL AS , CRIBED IN THE ORDINANCE, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN Z AS OUTLINED BY STAFF: The entrance to the drive-through pharmacy is to be revised to show both an in- and out-bound lane. b. The applicant must submit detailed plans of the canopy. c. The architectural design and color of the canopy must be similar to that of the principal building. d. The face of the canopy must not be illuminated and shall not include extensive color banding that contrasts with the building color. e. Lighting from the canopy area must not exceed I foot candle as measured from the centerline of an adjacent street. r. No outdoor storage is allowed for this use. g. Adequate provisions must be made to control noise generated by uses on the east side of the building. h. The applicant must identify any additional locations planned to be utilized lor outdoor sales. 1. The southern island partition located off of the main entrance ofT of Cedar Street is to be extended to the east allowing for adequate stacking area and visual appeal to the entrance, eliminating a total of 10 parking stalls. J. The appl icant must submit plans for any signage to be located on the canopy over the motor fuel expensing area. 8 r- r--. Planning Commission Minutes 06/01/04 k. Compliance with recommendations of the City Engineer, City statT and Council memher Posusta, noting the items relating to enhancement of architectural design. MOTION SECONDED BY IULGART. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 9 _ r-.. .., ) 1 1 -- I ....... 1 .r ..? '" N W " L '" 0: N CI ~ ex: J: <( g:l > ~ w"'''' ....I "'6 ::> ~ Vl o ~~ ;/' m ~~ ....I 0 O l:;~ n:'" o ~t; I ~,..: C,) 60 (j') t;; ~ I- ~l:; <( ;~ 0", I- ~6 w j!:u W c..O ex: o~ I- n:U (j') ~ ~ ",0 ,,::Ii a: Oc.. <( tho CI ;:51: LLJ j!: U C,) ~ I 1J II J 1) I) II ./ ~f) _-.1 -11 :> I _.-.1 II ~ is z o ~ 0: o "- '" . . Z o ~ ~ 0:::: o u... 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C C N ....~ ~Ul ~ffi z ~ <( ~i z. ~ ill ~ wZ 8~ 1i:~ ZUl it U<( <( .... .... ~Z U.... 0(') U Z z ..J <(uJ >-W ~ W w g j'!; w ~!;( ~!;( 5~ Ul u U (') u. <( U U zw 5 GJ0 z.... 5>~ !n"- b<( /0<( ..J g~ <(Ul ..J"- b'" LL :i~ u~ oLL ~t:: ~Q ~S .' ci bel -Ul ~~ ... ' / w<( -.... ~'" ~.... :Jw ::;:~ "'. oLL .... II ~ -I Council Agenda - 6/28/04 5E. Accept the Feasibility Report and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications for the Meadow Oaks Lift Station and Forcemain Improvements and CSAH 39 Lift Station Improvements (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2003-02C) (City/WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached please find a copy of the Feasibility Report addressing improvements associated with the Meadow Oaks Lift: Station and Forcemain Improvements and CSAH 39 Lift Station Improvements. This project is being completed in accordance with the Maplewood Development sanitary sewer study. That study addressed improvements necessary to continue to develop property south of CSAH 18 and in the northeast corner of the City. The developers of these properties have been contributing an additional $1 ,800/acrc to pay for the improvements. In addition. the Meadow Oaks lift station is approaching the end of the service life fiJr the existing pumps in that station. Prior to replacing the pumps at the station. it is necessary to evaluate the maximum potential development that may occur in the lift station service area to ensure that the new pumps have adequate capability to handle the increase in flows from a larger servIce area. A study was also completed in 2003 evaluating the City's sanitary sewer capability for increased sanitary sewer flows in the northeast service area. That study identified that the CSAH 39 lift station had capacity for sewer flows from the Sunset Ponds Development but upgrades would be needed to this station as development continues to expand the northeast service area. Currently both of these lift stations discharge to the sani tmy sewer lateral in Mississippi Drive. The Mississippi Drive sanitary sewer is shallow and backups in that line under current flow conditions could result in flooding of houses along that street. With the potential growth in both the northeast and southeast service areas. it becomes necessary to redirect the discharge from the Meadow Oaks lift station and potentially the CSAI I 39 lift station to ease the anticipated capacity problem in that sewer line. The improvements as proposed in the report are trunk system improvements and are not considered assessable. In this case, a public hearing is not required for the project to be constructed. Funding tor the project would be from City Utility Funds, through special funding provided by benefiting developments. A presentation on this project with an explanation of the overall program will be provided at the meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept Feasibility Report and order preparation of plans and specifications for the entire project as proposed. /,': IL/(/1J.11gI1110/"dpl"f)(.'\A( ,'j';NI MS1(1(J280-l-A4/.'ad( )1It" )uhf.!'jiSlalifm, d()(' Council Agenda - 6/28/04 2. Accept Feasibility Report and do not order preparation of plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Continued expansion of the City in the northeast and southeast service area has required an analysis of the City's capability to provide sanitary sewer service to these areas. In order to provide that service, upgrades to these two lift stations are critical for that future growth. The pumps and electrical control system at the Meadow Oaks lift station are in need of replacement. The CSAH 39 lift station is anticipated to have new pumps installed within the next 1-2 years. The improvements to these two stations account for future growth conditions. This insures that money spent to upgrade the pumps will not be wasted and the lift station will not have to be reconstmcted again within the next 15 years. [t is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the City Council authorize the preparation of the plans and specifi.cations for the improvements as proposed. Initiating the project at this time will allow completion of all street and utility work in the Meadow Oaks area this year as well as reduce the risk of sewer backups on Mississippi Drive. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report (": In<)( '( fA lJ-;.-1 I/)....j IVN--I. ( ilU )\U)( '..II,S -I \ 1 'L'lIIf!1(I(,]80.;.,,/genda 11~:m.d(JL City Council Agenda - 6/14/04 SF. Consideration of a request for a Preliminarv Plat and Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for an 11 unit townhouse proiect in the CGD District. Applicant . (NAC) A. Reference and Back~round. At the Planning Commission meeting on June 1, 2004 the Commission recommended approval of this request subject to conditions which for the most part have been satisfied with the submittal of the latest plan set. The applicants are seeking Development Stage PUD approval and a Preliminary Plat for the second phase of the Landmark Square project. This phase consists of 11 residential units that would replace existing single family homes, and complete the parking lot construction that is intended to lessen the congestion on the Phase I site. Please note that Opal Stokes was not able to attend the public hearing but was present at the previous Council meeting and wished to comment on the parking situation. Council may wish to remove this item from the consent agenda to address her comments. The applicants have made a number of amendments to the original concept plan, based on discussions with staff. These include the following: a. Modification of entrance driveway from Locust Street to increase width and improve circulation. b. Modification of the central parking area to add green space, and increase drive aisle widths. c. Relocation of the buildings to avoid encroachment of stairways onto public right of way. d. Removal of non-conforming obstructions in the first phase parking lot. e. Redesign of Units 1 and 2 to increase building separation and accommodate vehicular circulation and utility access. There are still a few issues that need to be dealt with on the current submission. First, the driveway extending to the east property line does not show a curb termination. The Planning Commission approved the application with the condition that this element be added to the site plan. In this area also, a hydrant is to be located that has protection from traffic. This should be accomplished by placing the hydrant in a curbed island. A final site plan should be prepared that reflects these additions. The building plans have been revised to improve the garage exposure on Units 3 and 4. Steps should be taken to ensure that no parking occurs in this driveway, City Council Agenda - 6/14/04 since a vehicle would be parking on the public right of way, and would hang into the street if parked in this location. Staff had discussed shifting the buildings somewhat, however, this change would not help the situation. Notice to the occupants of these units and active enforcement will likely be necessary to keep the sidewalk clear. A landscaping plan has been prepared that shows the general landscape treatment of the property. Along the street side, the plan shows foundation plantings and a small patch of lawn. No plantings are shown along the Locust Street side. This addition should be made to the plans. The plan also shows trees plantings in the parking area delineating the separation between driveways for Units 5-11. These trees will need to be protected by a tree grate, and should be a positive addition to this space. Staff will need to examine the spacing to ensure that adequate circulation is possible, and that the trees will not be damaged. In accordance with the Zoning regulations, a percentage of trees in any subdivision is required to be planted at a 3.5 inch caliper size. The parking area trees should meet this standard to minimize damage in the event of a collision. The patio space between the units and garages is shown to include shrubs and perennials, together with a patio and sidewalk. Planning staff believes that this design is preferable to any attempts to grow and maintain lawn in this area. Finally, no specific planting is shown between buildings 4 and 5 - a narrow space containing a sidewalk and just a couple of feet of open space is shown. This area should be planted with small shrubs and perennials as well. The limited space and low amounts of direct sunlight would not permit a successful lawn area. There are other utility and engineering issues that will need to be addressed by the appropriate staff as a part of the City's consideration of this project. One of the conditions of the City's approval of Phase I was the removal of the garage in the parking lot. The plans submitted with the revised landscaping indicate no garage, replaced by public parking. However, in discussions with the applicant, there has been a suggestion that the garage is not to be removed. The existence of this garage causes significant impairment to parking supply and circulation in the area. Staff's suggestion is that if the garage is not be removed as originally represented and approved, Units 1 and 2 are removed and replaced with parking to make up for the loss caused by the garage. Once the garage is removed and parking is added in that location, Units 1 and 2 may be added back into the plan. Finally, the applicant should be required to complete streetscape improvements that were a part of the Phase 1 part of the project. These include the addition of street tree plantings and decorative street lighting, and replacement of sidewalk sections to accommodate handicap ramp access from driveway areas. City Council Agenda - 6/14/04 Specifically, a handicap ramp needs to be added near the entrance to the Crostini's Restaurant entrance, and a sidewalk and ramps need to be added in front of the "Carriage House" residential units. As you may know, the HRA was not able to provide TIF support because the developer did not complete plans or provide sureties as needed. However, the developer has requested that the project move forward on a planning basis which would allow the project to proceed in the event the financial viability of the project improves. Included with the agenda is a letter from the HRA relating to the TIF financing. B. Alternative Actions. Decision 1: Preliminary Plat and Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Landmark Square II. 1. Motion to approve the plat and PUD, based on a finding that the project meets the City's intent as expressed in the concept plan approval. Proposed conditions are attached as Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the plat and PUD for Landmark Square II, based on a finding that the project is inconsistent with the City's redevelopment plans for the area. C. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends approval, but only with the conditions noted in Exhibit Z D. Supportinq Data City Council Agenda - 6/14/04 Exhibit Z - Conditions of Development Stage PUD and Preliminary Plat approval for Landmark Square II 1. The driveway extending to the east property line must terminate in a curb line at least five feet from the property line. 2. A hydrant is to be located near the east garage building that has protection from traffic. This should be accomplished by placing the hydrant in a curbed island. 3. Steps should be taken to ensure that no parking occurs in the driveway for Units 3 and 4. 4. The applicants should add landscaping elements along the west (Locust Street) foundation area; add shrubs and perennial plantings between units 4 and 5; add tree grates to the trees behind the garages for units 5-11; increase the size of the trees behind units 5-11 to 3.5" caliper; provide a lighting plan per City requirements. 5. The applicants should complete streetscape improvements to Phase I, including addition of street trees, addition of handicap sidewalk ramps and sidewalk sections to meet ADA requirements, and decorative street lighting in accordance with the City's street improvement plans. The City Building Official can provide additional direction with this item. 6. The applicants should remove the garage in the Phase I parking lot, or replace Units and 1 and 2 with additional public parking. 7. Public works and engineering issues are addressed by the appropriate staff. ,..... ...... June 14, 2004 MONTICELLO Mr. Barry Fluth Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. 204 Locust Street - Suite 209 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Contract for Private Development by and between Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello Dear Barry: This letter will confirm that on June 11, 2004 you notified me that you decided not to execute the Contract for Private Development by and between Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) in and for the City of Monticello for Landmark Square II, and that you do not intend to go forward under that contract. You indicated that your decision not enter into the Contract was due to timing and monetary reasons. The HRA executed the fifth and final draft of the said Contract on May 5, 2004. The said Contract defined the terms and conditions to be met by the developer prior to disbursement of the approved up-front $352,500 tax increment assistance. The dead-line disbursement date for TIF District No. 1-22 expenditures is June 30, 2004. This date is mandated by the five-year activity rule within the Minnesota Statutory regulating Tax Increment Financing. On June 30, 2001, the City on behalf of the HRA sold Temporary Bonds for TIF District No. 1-22 and extended the five-year activity rule from June 30, 2002, to June 30, 2004. During the 2003 Legislative session, the HRA lobbied to introduce a Bill to extend the five-year rule from June 30, 2004, to June 30, 2006. This proposed Bill would have allowed additional time to complete redevelopment projects within the Downtown or TIF 1-22 District. However, the HRA with the endorsement of the City and Chamber of Commerce was unsuccessful at getting the proposed Bill introduced at the House Committee of the House of Representatives. Therefore, the City on behalf of the HRA on June 14, 2004, must authorize awarding the sale of Bonds to pay at maturity (July 1,2004) the outstanding principal of and accrued interest on the Temporary Bonds. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 The HRA is open to review and work with Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. on future redevelopment projects. The creation of a new TIF District is an option providing the requirements for establishment of a new district can be satisfied and the proposed project meets the redevelopment test. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO C)Q6 \<G'\O ((i)~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director 1. Mayor Bruce Thielen Administrator Wolfsteller HRA Attorney Steve Bubul HRA Chair Bill Fair TIF District 1-22 Landmark Square Phase II File . oW ~ f,...;(I)o 1 0 ~ .~ ~ G ~~ · G _65 P ~ ~:U · 0 z sa ifl! 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'l.J !l.l ......, v) -0 I.... h) U1 ~ Hm. . . ~- ~ Q) Q) E-i ~h ,~ ~ . ~ .r-< ..c:: u ~~ -Iii ..- H-+-> -, 'Ua:l ot:::r;;J ~~~! ~'III jj "j - H E--< Ii! ~~ . 0 .......... ~ftt ~!w~i . en ~ ~ :Ii!! iJ It u ~~ h ~ 'Iiil~ i !i; ..'" . . . . - ------: , . , . , , :::.:::: .- Vl l") ~ ~ ~~: t;:/~ .- g~z ~ .;J ~ w~_o ApU1 ~~Vlfi: ~O"~ 9. ~ ~ Vl...J I I ~ Ulp.. w 0 . . . . .. , . . -~,-~"~'--'~-~'~~ --- ~/ ~ W w a:: ~ if) I~ if) ~ U o .-l t;:: <0 .- <n -.t- o i~ ~li! \I/o; . ~ n~ ~ ! ~ ~ .......,. f J 110'--0' + 110'.... ('i' il,! .'.'.1.."'.'''',1 ;, ,I !I: ... "'...:cl .-.- ffi!:.---., I' Council Agenda - 6/28/04 . 7. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At their June 14th meeting, the City Council set a public hearing for June 28th to consider vacating a portion ofthe drainage and utility casement that runs along the rear of Lot 9, Block 10, Groveland 2nd Addition as shown on the attached map. The purpose for considering the casement vacation was to allow the property owner sufficient room to build a retaining wall. It has been determined by the City Engineer and Public Works Director that vacating a portion of this easement would not affect the ponding area. It should also be noted that the ordinance has been amended to require 30' of usable back yard space. As a result of this amendment this type of request should not come up in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Council could authorize vacating that portion of the drainage and utility easement across Lot 9, Block 10, Groveland 2nd Addition as described in the attached resolution. 2. Move not to vacate a portion of the drainage and utility casement across Lot 9, Block 10, Groveland 2nd Addition. .. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and the Public Works Director that a portion of the drainage and utility easement be vacated as shown on the attached drawing. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Drawing Resolution . . -- . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2004-044 RESOLlJTION VACATING A PORTION OF THE DRAINAGE AND lJTILITY EASEMENT OVER LOTS 9, BLOCK 10, GROVELAND 2ND ADDITION WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of a drainage and utility easement was held on June 28, 2004 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall. and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA; that the portion of the drainage and utility easement legally described below is hereby vacated: That part of Lot 9, Block 10, Groveland 2nd Addition according to the recorded plat thereoC Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 9, distant 12.00 feet northeasterly of the most southerly corner of said Lot 9, as measured along said Southeasterly line; thence northeasterly, along said southeasterly line, 13.00 feet; thence northwesterly to a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 9, distant 56.00 feet northeasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 9, as measured along said northwesterly line; thence southeasterly to the point of beginning. Except that part which lies within the northwesterly 6.00 feet and the southeasterly 6.00 feet of said Lot 9. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 28th day of June, 2004. ATTEST: Bruce Thielen, Mayor --,... .. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator -, Og'or ' 0 rr'gv 0 ' r - -""T" ,- - - - --.. '- - - - , ~ cf ~ '.Pf'. ...l,; Z I \ · , , , . , , ?-., '~~. '? . ,.s "v-,ll "'(;,j1 I' l'ColLl ~~-~ \ I wU \'9 / ... r'" ': ~\' ~ (/) Z <r I ... , ~-s. ' -S.s 0 W _ ~~ ~ ~ (LO ~ -+-... "O-,g ~ ~ W I 0..0:: I ~ ~ o ,,0-,1: _,~ 0 IX) , , , I , J.,. 'en "q-.rl 0 II ~S6' .,: L'~ ~( . 0' --('.1-----.---- Og'or ' ~~'9v ~, __ g9'lg- -, ~ ' rr'9t ~, --f =--= L"P-::- ..'1-,0;- - ~~ .-:-S-; "z~ . 'P ~ ~ ~. /-0 _ _ _"'-: "-- \!!J ,0-,<: .O-,B\ "'<G \ -, \ "'~ . \ I o o . ---0 CO \ ~.g . \ t' , 'cb ~ " .,A ~ ~ ~ , ~ . , ....::;"" ~/8 8>~, ~...~ v ~ V,,& #1'" ?~ I ~ 1\-1"""""'\_1 ^ -Ll \t V,./ VI \ 1 ~\S'~ ..s .J' ~ l<;' d'f'. f' ~--o6 'Z91 - ~ .. ~ '0$. ~.s~ 'v q...-.x C9 -:l~.l--~, t- '. .r~1 g J Q 61 ; ~, ~ ~I ~ >- ~ .~, ~ ' ~I : ~I U" 0- ~ ;21 ~ ~I ZI _ 3)~O~ tOI '0. .{"-! b ~a' / "- !!}',' ~ qy, . , t"'\ ' C?' .J'C ""0 1-0 ~, r v.-a o~ ~.. ~ - ~ f. ...~' ~". \ c.o . o OC> I aj' I- 0, ---J -00' --O'gg-- ~ ;:: . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/04 8. Review of 2003 Annual Audit Report. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Rick Borden and Mr. Tim Simon of Larsen Allen, the City's auditing firm, will be present at the Council meeting to provide an overview of the 2003 annual audit. A draft copy of the audit report will not be available until Monday night and will be distributed to Councilmembers at that time. Our auditors are hopeful that we will be able to review the basic report with the Council Monday night and still meet the deadline for submission of the report to the State Auditor by July I st. As we have noted previously, this audit report format is different than the audits of previous years and under GASH 34, the report has different summary comparisons and also now includes valuations of all of our City assets that we have accumulated over the past 20-25 years. During this conversion process, staff has put in a lot of time and effort to record these items and it still appears that a few adjustments need to be made in the fInal document before submitting to the State Auditor. That is why Councilmembers may only receive a draft copy Monday night, but the items that still need to be completed will not reflect on any of the basic financial information of the report. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After presentation by auditor, Council should accept the report and authorize submittal to the State Auditor's office. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of staff that the audit report for 2003 be accepted as presented, with the understanding that some additional fixed asset modifications will be included in the final report before submittal to the state. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Draft copy of audit report will be submitted to the Council Monday night. . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/04) 10. Consideration of purchase agreement with Muller Theater eroup for sale of land. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff has continued to work with Mike Muller and his contractor, Amcon Construction in the development of a multi-screen theater complex on the property known as the Remmele site. During the site development process, the site dimensions have changed a little bit, resulting in the proposed sale of 10.87 acres for the theater complcx compared to 10.2 acres initially. In reviewing the site plan, it appeared that it would be beneficial to both the theater and the remaining property the City would have between the theater and future School Boulcvard to develop a shared service drive behind the theater complex that can be used by the theater for deliveries and also used by future buyers of our remaining property. This helped minimize the amount ofJand that Mr. Muller had to purchase and should also be a benefit to the City in marketing some of the remaining property. Muller Theaters is on an extremely tight time schedule and would like to begin site grading as early as next week, thus a purchase agreement should be approved before any grading operations are commenced. Now that the actual site has been determined, a purchase price for the 10.87 acre site would total $835,263. The purchaser would also be assuming some existing assessments for the frontage road improvements leading to the site and also for future traffic signal costs at School Boulevard intersection. In addition to the basic terms of the purchase agreement, there are a number of conditions and contingencies that are attached to the purchase agreement as outlined: 'frunk Charges SAC/W AC Charges Requirement to relocate commuter parking lot Establishment of private drive cross easements Sign Easement for developing a pylon sign on commuter parking lot site Option to purchase property under the power line for a separate access to the west of the theater onto School Boulevard As you may also note, there are a number of other conditions that the buyer is noting in the purchase agreement related to a parking variance along with approval of various utility and site plan submittals. Some of these items have not yet been reviewed by staff or City Engineer and issues relating to Planning Commission or City Council approval fiJr variances and PUD approvals are not being guaranteed by approval of this purchase agreement. The buyer recognizes that these are conditions noted in the purchase agreement that they feel are necessary to complete the purchase but are items that need to fiJlIow proper channels for approval. In order to keep the project on schedule, the City would receive a grading restoration deposit in advance of closing on this sale to allow the theater to begin grading excavation work by the end of the month. The buyer recognizes that it is their risk in starting grading before actually completing the purchase, but they are willing to take that risk at this point. . . . Council Agenda - 6/28/04 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could approve the basic terms and conditions of the purchase agreement as outlined. contingent upon approval various utility plans. grading plans and other site plans by consultants and contingent upon Planning Commission review of appropriate variances or planned unit development proposals. 2. Do not approve purchase agreement terms at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This purchase agreement contains the basic terms and conditions that the Council previously approved in regards to the sale of this property, and has been modified to reflect the actual acreage being sold. Staff and consultants have worked hard with Mr. Muller and his contractor in developing a site a plan that works well for them and also should be suitable for development of the property surrounding this site by the City in the future. It is recommenced that the Council approve the basic terms and conditions subject to any contingencies noted above regarding final review of various plan submittals by appropriate parties. Ifany additional changes or modifications are made to the agreement, Council will be advised of these proposed changes on Monday night. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed purchase agreement. . . . V ACANT LAND PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS VACANT LAND PURCHASE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made on the _ day of June, 2004, by and between CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation, whose Tax J.D. Number is 41-6005385 ("Seller") and MULLER PROPERrlES OF MONTICELLO, LLC a/k/a MULLER FAMILY THEATRES OF MONTICELLO, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company ("Buyer"). 1. OFFER! ACCEPT ANCE. Buyer offers to purchase and Seller agrees to sell real property labeled "Monticello Theatre" and graphically depicted on attached Exhibit "A" and legally described on the attached Exhibit "8" (the "Property"). 2. PERSONAL PROPERTY AND FIXTURES INCLUDED IN SALE. The following items of personal property and fixtures owned by Seller and currently located on the Property are included in the sale: NONE. 3. PRICE AND TERMS. The price for the Property ("Purchase Price") is based upon the square footage of various areas as follows: Building site outside power line casement Power line easement area Additional parcel south of building site Totals 4.87 acres (it) $2.50 SF - $530,343 4.0 acres (Zi; $1.00 SF - $174,240 2.0 acres (q} $1.50SF - $130,680 10.87 acres $835,263 The total Purchase Prices is $835,263.00. Buyer shall deposit earnest money of $10,000.00, by check, payable to Seller, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the balance at closing. 4. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE. At closing, Seller shall execute, acknowledge and deliver: A. A Limited Warranty Deed ("Deed") for the property legally described on the attached Exhibit "8" conveying marketable title of record, subject to (1) Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations; and (2) Exceptions to title which constitute encumbrances, restrictions, or easements which have been disclosed to Buyer and accepted by Buyer in this Purchase Agreement as identified on the attached Exhibit "C". 5. REAL ESTATE TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. A. Prior Years' Delinquent Real Estate Taxes and Delinquent Special Assessments. There are no delinquent real estate taxes payable in years prior to the year of Closing on delinquent installments of special assessments certified for collection with real cstatc taxes payable in years prior to thc ycar of Closing. H. Real Estate Taxcs Payable in the Year of Closing. Rcal estate taxes payable in thc year of Closing shall be prorated between Scllcr and Buyer on a calendar ycar 112483 \D . . . basis to the Date of Closing and Buyer shall assume installments not paid at Closing. C. Deferred Real Estate Taxes. Seller shall pay on Date of Closing or provide for payment of any deferred real estate taxes (including "Green Acres" taxes under Minn. Stat. 9 273.111) payment of which is required as a result of the Closing of this sale and the recording of the Deed and the Contract. D. Assessments. 'fhe following assessments shall be assumed and paid by the buyer: Frontage Road/Hwy 25 project - $149.00/lineal foot Kjellbcrg Scwcr Extension - $3,370/acre School BlvdlHwy 25 Signal ~ flat fee $129,481 $ 43,154 $ 30,000 $202,635 TOTAL E. Pcnding Spccial Assessments, Deferred Special Asscssments or Other Levied Special Assessments. There are no othcr pending special assessments as of the date of this agreement. F. Taxes and Special Assessments in the Years Following Closing. Buyer shall pay real estate taxes payable in the years following Closing and thereafter and special assessments payable therewith, the payment of which is not otherwise provided herein for the Property. 6. DAMAGES TO PROPERTY. If the Property is substantially damaged before Closing, this Agreement shall terminate. If the Property is damaged materially but less than substantially prior to Closing, Buyer may rescind this Agreement by notice to Seller within 21 days after Seller notifies Buyer of such damage, during which 21-day period Buyer may inspect the Property. 7. SELLER'S BOUNDARY LINE, RESTRICTIONS AND LIEN WARRANTIES. Seller warrants that buildings on adjoining real property, if any, are entirely outside of the boundary lines of the Property. Seller warrants that there has been no labor or material furnished to the Property for which payment either has not been made or will be made in the ordinary course of business. Seller warrants that to its knowledge there are no present violations of any restrictions relating to the use or improvement of the Property. Seller warrants that the Property is not subject to a lien for Medical Assistance or other public assistance. These warranties shall survive the delivery of the Deed and Contract. 8. CONDITION OF PROPERTY. A. Seller shall remove all debris and all personal property not included in this sale from the Property before possession date. Seller has not received any notice Irom any governmental authority as to the existence of any Dutch elm disease, oak wilt, or other disease of any trecs on the Property. Seller has no knowledge that the Property has any conditions that are protected by fedcral or state law such as 1124X3 \D . American Indian burial grounds, other human burial grounds, ceremonial earthworks, historical structures or materials, or archeological sites. B. Seller knows of no hazardous substances or petroleum products having been placed, stored, or released from or on the Property by any person in violation of any law, nor of any above ground storage tanks or underground storage tanks having been located on the Property at any time. . Notwithstanding Buyer's environmental investigations of the Property, Seller warrants and represents to Buyer that to Seller's knowledge there have been no acts or occurrences upon the Property that have caused or could cause hazardous substances or petroleum products to be released or discharged into the subsoil or ground water of the Property or other property in the area. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that to Seller's knowledge the Property is free of hazardous substances and is not subject to any "superfund" type liens or claims by governmental regulatory agencies or third parties arising from the release or threatened release of hazardous substances in, on, or about the Property. Seller shall indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from any and all claims, causes of action, damages, losses, or costs (including lawyer's fees) relating to hazardous substances or petroleum products in the subsoil or ground water of the Property which arise from or are caused by acts or occurrences upon the Property prior to Buyer taking possession. These warranties and indemnifications shall survive the delivery of the Deed and Contract for a period of one year. c. Seller knows of no wetlands, flood plain, or shoreland on or affecting the Property, except as shown on plans delivered to Buyer. D. Seller's warranties and representations contained in this Section 8 shall survive the delivery of the Deed and Contract, provided that any notice of a defect or claim of breach of warranty must be in writing, and must be given by Buyer to Seller within one year of the actual Date of Closing or be deemed waived. E. Buyer shall have the right to have inspections of the Property conducted prior to closing. Seller docs not plan to have the Property inspected. Other than the representations made in this Section, the property is being sold "AS IS" with no express or implied representations or warranties by Seller as to physical conditions or fitness for any particular purpose. 9. POSSESSION. Seller shall deliver possession of the Property not later than the actual Date of Closing; Seller shall permit Buyer to take possession of the Property prior to the Date of Closing fiJr the purpose of grading the Property as provided in paragraph 21 C hereinbelow. 1 O. EXAMINATION OF TITLE. To demonstrate that Seller's title is good and marketable of record, within a reasonable time after acceptance of this Purchase Agreement, Seller shall furnish Buyer with a Commitment for an Owner's Policy of Title Insurance including proper . searches covering bankruptcies and state and federal judgments, federal court judgment liens in 112483 \0 . favor of the U.S., liens, and levied and pending special assessments. Buyer shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of the Commitment for Title Insurance to provide Seller with written objections. Buyer shall be deemed to have waived any title ohjections not made within the ten (10) day period above, except that this shall not operate as a waiver of Seller's covenant to deliver a statutory Deed and Contract. If Buyer obtains title insurance, Buyer is not waiving the right to obtain a good and marketable title of record from Seller. Title shall be conveyed subject to the Permitted Encumbrances listed on attached Exhibit "C". 11. TITLE CORRECTIONS AND TITLE REMEDIES. Seller shall have 120 days from receipt of Buyer's written title ohjectionsto make title marketable. Upon receipt of Buyer's title objections, Scller shall, within ten (10) business days, notify Buyer of Seller's intention to make title marketable within the I20-day period. Liens or encumbrances for liquidated amounts that can be released by payment or escrow from proceeds of closing shall not delay the closing. Cure of the defects by Seller shall he reasonable, diligent and prompt. Pending correction of title, all payments required herein and the Closing shall be postponed. A. If notice is given and Seller makes title marketable, then upon presentation to Buyer and proposed lender of documentation establishing that title has been made marketahle, and if not objected to in the same time and manner as the original title objections, the closing shall take place within ten (10) business days or on the scheduled Closing Date, whichever is later. B. If notice is given and Seller proceeds in good faith to make title marketable but the 120 day period expires without title being made marketable, Buyer may declare this Agreement void by notice to Seller, neither party shall he liable for damages hereunder to the other, and all Earnest Money shall he refunded to Buyer. . C. If Seller does not give notice of intention to make title marketable, or if notice is given but the 120 day period expires without title being made marketable due to Seller's failure to proceed in good faith, Buyer's exclusive remedy is rescission of this Agreement by notice as provided herein, in which case all Earnest Money paid shall be refunded to Buyer. D. If title is marketahle, or is made marketable as provided herein, and Buyer defaults in any of the agreements herein, Seller's exclusive remedy is to cancel this Agreement as provided by statute and retain all payments made hereunder as liquidated damages. E. If title is marketable, or is made marketable as provided herein, and Seller defaults in any of the agreements herein, Buyer's exclusive remedy is rescission of this Agreement by notice as provided herein, in which case all Earnest Money paid shall be refunded to Buyer. 12. NOTICES. Any notice or election required or given or served by any party on the other . under this Agreement shall be deemed given or served in accordance with the provisions of this 112483 10 . . . Agreement if the notice or election is delivered personally, or if mailed in a sealed wrapper by United States certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid property addressed as set forth below, or if sent by recognized overnight courier, as follows: If to Seller: CITY OF MONTICElLO 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Riek Wolfsteller, City Administrator With a Copy to: Matt Brokl Campbell Knutson, P A 1380 Corporate Center Curve #317 Eagan, MN 55121 If to Buyer: Muller Family Theatres of Monticello, LLC 4940 54th Street NW Maple Lake, MN 55358 Attn: Michael Muller With a COpy to: Patrick J. Neaton Neaton, Puklich & Klassen 601 Carlson Parkway, Suite 620 Minnetonka, MN 55305 Each mailed notice or communication shall be deemed to have been given to, or served upon, the party to whom addressed on the date the same is served, or is deposited in the United States mail, certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or is delivered to a recognized overnight courier, properly addressed in the manner provided above. 13. MINNESO,/'A LAW. This contract is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 14. WELL DISCLOSURE. Seller certifies that Seller does not know of any wells on the property. IS. DISCLOSURE OF INDIVIDUAL ON-SITE SEWAGE 'rREA TMENl" SYSTEM. Seller certifies that Seller does not know of any individual (m-site sewage treatment systems on the property. 16. SELLER'S AFFIDAVIT. At closing, each Seller shall supplement the warranties and representations in this Agreement by executing and delivering a Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blank [Form No. 116-M, 117-M, or 118-MJ Affidavit of Seller. Seller's AITidavit shall include Seller's representation that no encumbrances have been placed on the property since the date of this Purchase Agreement. 17. BUYER'S CONTINGENCIES. Buyer's obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon Buyer's satisfaction with each of the following: 1124X3 \0 . . . A. Environmental Assessment. This Agreement is contingent upon Buyer obtaining if desired, at Buyer's expense, a Phase I Environmental Assessment (the "Phase I") of the Property, sutTieient to meet the diligence requirements of federal and state law, eertified to Buyer as of a current date (no earlier than the date of this Agreement) evidencing conditions satisfactory to Buyer. Additionally, Seller agrees to provide all wctland and environmental studies, including any Phase I reports, in hand to the City at no cost. If the Phase I reveals environmental eonditions which are in violation of the law, Seller may elect either of the following options: (a) remedy the environmental conditions prior to closing; or (b) cancel this Agreement as provided by statute in which case Seller shall refund all Earnest Money paid by Buyer. Seller has provided to Buyer the Wetland Report. B. Survey. Buyer shall obtain at Buyer's expense such surveyor surveys of the Property as Buyer deems necessary for Buyer's purposes; Buyer shall provide Seller with a eopy of any surveys of the Property that are prepared for or by Buyer. Seller shall provide Buyer with a copy of any surveys of the Property that are prepared for or by Seller. 18. CLOSING. The scheduled Date of Closing is July 14, 2004. Closing shall occur at the oniee of Commercial Partners Title Company, or at some other mutually agreeable loeation. 19. CLOSING COSTS. The costs of closing, if not detennined by other provisions of this Agreement, shall be paid as follows: Seller's Costs: Seller shall pay the following at closing: A. Document preparation costs, recording fees, and deed taxes for documents necessary to establish good and marketable title in Seller. B. Document preparation costs for Seller's Deed, Contract, Certificate of Real Estate Value, Seller's affidavit, Well Disclosure Certificate (if required), and any other documents necessary to transfer good and marketable title by Seller's deeds. C. Deed tax on Seller's deed and the Agricultural Preservation deed tax charged under MINN. STAT. S 40A.152. D. One-half of the closer's fee. Buyer's Costs: Buyer shall pay the following at closing: A. Document filing fee for a Well Disclosure Certificate, if applicable. H. Reeording fee for Deed, Contract or other instrument of conveyance where Buyer is the grantee. C. One-half of the closer's fee. 20. RESTRICTION ON ASSIGNMENT. Neither party may sell, assign, or convey, or enter into an agreement to sell, assign or convey that party's rights in this Purchase Agreement without 112483 ID . the express written consent of the other party. Unless the express written consent is obtained, this agreement is not binding upon the assigns of Seller and Buyer. Neither party shall unreasonably refuse to consent to a proposed assignment of this Agreement by the other party. 21. ADDITIONAL TERMS. A. Trunk Charges. Buyer shall pay Seller normal trunk charges for sewer, water and storm sewer for the Property in an amount not to exceed the following: 1. Sewer - $2,142 per acre = $23,284 11. Water - $1,685 per acre = $18,316 111. Storm Sewer - $6,869 per acre = $74,666 B. SAC and WAC Charges. Buyer shall pay Seller a WAC charge for the Property prior to water connection, in the amount of $4,651; Buyer shall pay Seller SAC charges for the Property prior to sewer connection, in an amount equal to $54.92 per auditorium scat in the theatre to be constructed thereon (this $54.92 per seat charge is based upon Seller's SAC unit charge of$3,515 -;- 64 seats per SAC unit charge). . C. Pre-Closing Grading. Seller hereby agrees to allow Buyer to enter upon and grade the Property in accordance with Buyer's "Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan" dated June 4, 2004 (C 1), Plaintiff's "Utility Plan" dated June 4,2004 (C2), and Buyer's grading permit submitted to Seller on June 4, 2004. Buyer agrees that all pre-closing grading shall be done in accordance with the aforesaid plans and at Buyer's sole cost and expense. Buyer hereby agrees to hold Seller harmless from, and indemnify Seller for, any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with Buyer's grading of the Property. Buyer shall provide Seller with a grading restoration deposit equal to $3,000 per acre of the Property to the graded as and for security to be held by Seller until the grading is completed in conformance with the above stated plans. D. Relocation of Commuter Parking Lot. Buyer shall be responsible, at its own cost and expense, to relocate Seller's "Existing Commuter Parking Lot" from the area of the Property where it is presently located (as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto) to the adjacent area depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto as "New Commuter Parking Lot." This relocation shall include grading, Class 5 gravel base, and asphalt paving in accordance with Seller's plans and specifications therefor entitled "_,"" .. dated _"__ ,2004. After Seller accepts the grading and paving of this relocated commuter parking lot, Buyer shall have no further obligation to repair or maintain the new commuter parking lot. " . 112483 \0 . . . 112483 E. Private Drive Cross Easements. Buyer and Seller hereby agree to grant each other permanent cross easements, each 15 feet in width, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a shared private drive behind Buyer's theatre building, as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto (the total width of this private driveway easement shall be 30 feet, with the eenterline of the private drive being located as nearly as possible on the boundary line separating the Property being purchased by Buyer hereunder from the adjacent property being retained by Seller). Buyer shall be responsible for the actual construction of this private drive, in accordance with the plans and specifications developed therefor by Buyer's engineer in cooperation with Seller's engineer, and shall be solely responsible for the cost and expense of constructing this private drive. Seller shall be responsible for constructing any storm sewer along or adjacent to this private drive that is necessary in connection with the development of the Property and/or Seller's adjacent property, and Seller shall be solely responsible for the cost and expense of constructing such storm sewer (and shall not assess the Property for any cost or expense incurred in connection with the installation and construction of such storm sewer). The parties acknowledge that Buyer may install a water line under or along this private drive, at Buyer's sole cost and expense; in the event that Seller, or Seller's successors in interest to Seller's land adjacent to the private drive, desire to hook into Buyer's water line, Seller, or Seller's successors in interest, shall negotiate and pay a hook-up charge to Buyer. From and after the sale by Seller of the first lot adjacent to this private drive, Seller (or Seller's successors in interest to Seller's portion of the private drive) and Buyer shall equally share the cost of all snowplowing and maintenance (as determined by Buyer to be reasonable and necessary) (once the City has sold one lot) on the private drive. This cross easement agreement shall be executed by both Buyer and Seller at the Closing. F. Cross Parking Easements. Buyer and Seller hereby agree to grant each other permanent cross easements for parking on Seller's "New Commuter Parking Lot" as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto, and on Buyer's parking lot as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto; Buyer and Seller shall each be responsible for all necessary maintenance and snowplowing on their respective parking lots. This cross parking easement agreement shall be executed by both Buyer and Seller at the Closing. G. Sign Easement. Seller hereby agrees to grant Buyer a permanent easement for Buyer to erect, repair and maintain, at Buyer's sole cost and expense, a two-sided, lighted steel and rock faced integral colored block pylon sign in the location shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and to the dimensions shown on Exhibit A attached hereto; this easement by Seller in favor of Buyer shall include an casement from the Property being purchased hereunder by Buyer, across the unpaved portion of Seller's "New Commuter Parking Lot" to the location of the pylon sign for the purpose of Buyer installing, repairing and maintaining, at Buyer's sole cost and expense, an )0 . . . 1124S3 underground electrical line and 1 inch underground conduit from Buyer's planned theatre building to the pylon sign for the purpose of providing electricity to the sign and controlling the electronic reader board on the sign; this easement by Seller in favor of Buyer shall also include an easement across and over Seller's "New Commuter Parking Lot" for the purpose of Buyer having access to the pylon sign. Buyer hercby agrees that Seller shall have the right and option to place its own "Commuter Park & Ride" sign on Buyer's pylon sign, in the location depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto, at Scller's sole cost and expense. This sign easement shall be executed by Seller and delivered to Buyer at Closing. H. Contingencies. This Purchase Agreement and Buyer's obligations hereunder are contingent upon Seller granting Buyer's variance request for parking datcd June 8, 2004 to permit a 4 seat to 1 automobile parking requiremcnt for Buyer's planned theatre on the Property, rather than a 5 seat to 1 automobile parking space ratio as the applicable parking requirement. This Purchase Agreemcnt and Buyer's obligations hereunder is also contingent upon Seller granting Buyer's PUD Application for the site pylon sign dated May 6, 2004. 1. Platting Process. The parties hereby acknowledge that Seller is in the process of platting the Property and adjacent property owned by Seller as a single plat with the Wright County Recorder; the parties hereto agree that the 8.87 acre parcel that is planned for the theatre building and parking lot as depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto will be platted as a single lot, and that the adjacent "2 Acre additional parcel" portion of the Property being purchased by the Buyer hereunder, as depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto, shall be platted as a separate lot. The parties further agree that all costs and expenses associated with the platting of the Property and Seller's adjacent property shall be paid and borne by Seller; Buyer hereby agrees to cooperate with Seller in the platting process and will exeeute such documents as are reasonably necessary to accomplish the platting process, provided that the cost of the platting process is paid for and borne by Seller. .I. Option to Purchase Private Drive Extension. Seller hereby agrees to grant Buyer an option to purchase a 15 foot wide strip of land extending from the southwesterly end of the private drive that is the subject of paragraph 21(D) hereinabove to the cdge of the extension of School Boulevard, at such time as School Boulevard is laid out and constructed southwesterly of the theatre building to be constructed on thc Property; this 15 foot wide strip of land shall be locatcd within the power line easement, and the purchase price for this land shall be $1.00 per square foot. Contemporaneously with Buyer's purchase of this option land from Seller, Buyer and Seller, or Seller's successor in interest, shall enter into an additional cross easement agreement for the joint construction of an extended private drive (approximately 30 feet in width) over the aforesaid option land area and the 15 feet of land }O . . . 112483 immediately adjacent thereto, trom the end of the presently contemplated private drive southwesterly of the theatre building to be constructed on the Property to the edge of the extended School Boulevard, so that the private drive will extend from the Service Drive all the way to the extended School Boulevard; the terms and conditions of this cross easement shall be identical to the terms and conditions of the cross casement provided for in paragraph 21 (D) hereinabove. Buyer shall be responsible for the actual construction of this private drive, in accordance with plans and specifications developed therefor by Buyer's engineer in cooperation with Seller's engineer, at Buyer's sole cost and expense; at such time as Seller sells the property adjacent to this private drive extension to a third party for development purposes, the third party purchaser thereof shall be obligated to reimburse Buyer for (me-half of the actual cost incurred by Buyer in constructing this private drive extension, with such cost to include grading, Class 5 gravel base, paving, design and engineering, and permit fees. Contemporaneously with Buyer's purchase of the aforesaid option land from Seller, Seller shall also transfer and convey to Buyer the adjacent 140 feet of land under the power line, at no additional cost to Buyer, which additional land shall be subject to a permanent easement in favor of Seller for the construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of a storm water retention pond thereon. Seller shall execute and deliver this option to Buyer at the Closing. K. Buver's Plans. Seller hereby acknowledges receipt of the following plans, specifications and documents from Buyer with respect to Buyer's intended construction of a 14 screen movie theatre and related facilities on the Property and adjacent areas of land owned by Seller: 1. Grading Permit (submitted June 4, 2004); 2. Grading, drainagc & erosion control plan (C1) dated June 4, 2004; 3. Utility plan (C2) dated June 4, 2004; 4. Site plan (PI) dated June 14,2004; 5. Overall floor plan (A 1.1) dated June 14,2004; 6. Exterior elevations plan (A5.1) dated June 14,2004; 7. Landscape plan (L1 ) dated June 16, 2004; Seller hereby accepts the above listed plans and specifications and requests from Buyer, and consents to the planned construction of the improvements on the Property and adjacent areas as set forth therein in accordance with said plans and specifications. L. Survival. Except as specifically hereinabove provided, the respective obligations, prom i ses and agreements of the parties as set forth in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing of the sale of the Property by Seller to Buyer, and shall continue to inure to the benefit of the respective obligee. to . . . 22. TIME IS OF TI IE ESSENCE. Time IS of the essence for all provIsions of this Agreement. [remainder of page intentionally left blank] 112483 \D . . . SELLER: SIGNATURE PAGE TO VACANT LAND PURCl-rASE AGREEMENT CITY OF MONTICELLO By: By: 11241:13 Bruce Thielen, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator BUYER: MULLER PROPER'rIBS OF MONTICELLO, LLC By:__ ,._._."_~"__ Michael Muller, Chief Manager 10 . . . EXHIBIT A GRAPHICAL DEPICTION OF PROPERTY 112483 \0 . . . EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Real property situated in Wright County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: 1 1 24li3 tV . . . EXHIBIT C EXCEPTIONS TO TITLE Exceptions to title which constitutc encumbranccs, restrictions, or easemcnts which have been discloser to Buyer and acceptcd by Buycr in this Purchase Agreement include: 112483 )0 . . . 11. City Council Agenda - 06/28/04 Consideration to review and accept Feasibilitv Studv for Block 35 Alley and Plaza Improvements. authorize dcsil!n and preparation of bids and specs, authorize to 20 out for bids. and call for a public hearing. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background. WSB, Inc. will present the Feasibility Study for Block 35 Alley and Plaza Improvements to the City Council. The EDA and the property owners of Block 35 have been working for approximately 2 years to arrive at a cohesive plan which meets the goals and objectives of all involved parties. The goals and objectives for Block 35 are 1. Create a customer friendly parking and plaza-like rear entrance. 2. Consistent and eye-focus cosmetic facade design. 3. Roof and alley drainage improvements. 4. Relocate and consolidate trash into enclosed and detached containers. 5. Ratio of public to private investment. On the May 10, 2004, the City Council accepted the site improvement concept for Block 35 and authorized WSB & Associates, Inc. to prepare a Feasibility Study. The EDA and the property owners reviewed the Feasibility Study on June 15. Three options were reviewed with costs ranging from $265,000 to $307,000. With the EDA budget 01'$145,000, the group suggested alternatives to reduce the costs and asked WSB, Inc. to revise the study accordingly. On June 22, the EDA and property owners reviewed the revised Feasbility Study with three options ranging between $195,000 to $229,000. Approximately $25,000 of those costs would be paid by the private sector. Secondly, in the latest conversation with the EDA Attorney, it is suggested the Maintenance Agreement issue of security be handled within the Contract for Private Development or through the adoption of an Ordinance establishing a Special Service District (Statute 428A). For the City to construct the plaza and parking areas located on private property, the Attorney suggests a temporary construction easement. lIe felt we could justify the private drainage pipe construction as a 429 Project defining it as an extension of the public improvements (connect to storm sewer and catch basin). This would allow the property owners the option to be assessed for the drainage pipe connection. In either case of a 428A Project or 429 Project, a public hearing is necessary. The type of project will be determined at a later date. . City Council Agenda - 06/28/04 '('he EDA approved the following recommendation of June 22, 2004: Authorize design and preparation of bids and specs for Block 35 Alley and Plaza Improvements consisting of a bituminous pavement alley and parking area and plain four inch concrete plaza with an alternate bid for exposed aggregate concrete plaza, authorize to go out for bids and specs, and to call for a public hearing date. The motion was contingent upon the property owners petitioning for establishment of a Service District. It was suggested to design and authorize bids and spec for the Block 35 Municipal Parking Lot as a companion as a means to receive a more favorable bid. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to accept the Feasibility Study, authorize WSB, Inc. to design and prepare bids and specs fcu Block 35 Alley and Plaza Improvements consisting of a bituminous pavement alley and parking area and plain four inch concrete plaza with an alternate bid for exposed aggregate concrete plaza, authorize to go out lor bids, and to call for a public hearing date of July 26, 2004. . 2. A motion to deny acceptance of the Feasibility Study. 3. A motion to table any action. 4. A motion to remove this agenda item as the petition from the property owners lor establishment of a Service District was not received. c. Recommendation: The City Administrator, Public Works Director, and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. I provided the City having received a petition horn the property owners to establish a Special Service District. The EDA, City, and property owners have worked hard to develop this partnership ffild acknowledge the effc)rts of property owner Al Loch. The goal is to complete the construction of the alley/plaza/city parking lot in 2004. D. Supportine Data: WSB, Inc. will present the Feasibility Study to the Council. . 2 . . 0'" "'''' "'.0; "'''' U'" H'" H:> :00 OU :<: 0 0. "'''' (f) 0 '" 0. ;>;0 U t:~ UOJ'" HO 00 0."" "'''' U 0"' "'''' Ul 0'" OJ'" <:'" -cl 0 '" '" 0 0 H OJ N "'''' c-< "- '" .q '" '" N >, "- OJ '" '" u '" ",Ol (f) 0. Ul :<: (f) c-< U c-< 'tl -cl '" C;z Ol "- .0; p;; 'H 0 H OJ I!J '" ..,'" c-< '" ,~ ~ " H '" 'tl ffi N H I!J "- '" .r: :!: H '" u :Ii: Z N '" OJ 0 '" "- H U ~ '" 0 '" 0 en _U :<: Ul '" U I!J "'''' 0 .0; .cl .... "'''' '" H '" 0.0 '" .. N .0; "- 0 .0;", '" Q .0; "U . ;>;U1 .. 0 <Il .0; .. 0 "' .. "'''' -cl 0\ 0 .... '-' N -cl H '" U '-' I!J H OJ g; e .,. u .. ~~ .-< 0 " .. OJ 0 ~ 0 H "' 00 (f) '" N '-'Ol UN 0 .., '" Ul U"- -l-> ~ N <: tr .0;", H 5 '" H.q'":l N 0 H '" 0 Ol"- 0. 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