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City Council Agenda Packet 10-23-2017
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 23, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING/WORKSHOP Academy Room — 5 p.m. 5 p.m. Fallon Avenue Overpass Project - CLOSED Meeting — Property Purchase: 511 Washington Street /PID 155- 015-042010; PID 155-050-000020; PID 155-050- 001010; 707 7th Street East/PID 155-050-002010; 213 Chelsea Road/PID 155-066-001010; 301 Chelsea Road/PID 155-075-001010; 9766 Fallon Avenue/PID 155-131-001010 5:15 p.m. Fallon Avenue Design Review 6 p.m. Bertram Athletic Fields — Phasing Elements, Timing, Financing Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from October 9, 2017 • Regular Meeting Minutes from October 9, 2017 C. Consideration of Adding Items to Agenda D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcement • Fall Leaf Pick Up (October 28) • Fall Events • Veterans Day Hours F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • MOAA • I-94 Coalition G. Department Updates • Update on Pool Construction (Ann Mosack) • Wright County Sheriff Quarterly Update • FiberNet/Arvig Quarterly Update 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale of surplus FiberNet equipment to Relay Networks for $4,200 D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-77 accepting a donation from the Fire Relief Association General Fund to Fire Department in the amount of $8,985 for purchase of new ATV E. Consideration of approving an application for a charitable gambling permit for fundraising activity to be conducted by the Chamber of Commerce for the annual banquet on December 1, 2017 at the Monticello Community Center F. Consideration of approving adjustments to the Monticello Community Center part-time pay schedule to meet minimum wage requirements G. Consideration of approving a new outside cleaning service to clean city building for $75,756 annually H. Consideration of approving a Cash Management and Investment Policy I. Consideration of approving the annual Snowplowing and Ice Removal Policy for 2017-2018 Snow Season J. Consideration of accepting Wright Hennepin Services request to terminate eight street light service maintenance contracts K. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for Micro- Brewery/Taproom in CCD (Central Community District), Ordinance 683 for Amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 5.2 and 5.3 to allow outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries (and similar uses), Summary Ordinance 683A, and Conditional Use Permit for outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries. Applicant: Zach Barthel/Sina Nyland, Nordic Brewery L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-80 authorizing Condemnation of land for the Fallon Avenue Overpass project, City Project No. 16C006 M. Consideration of approving a Preliminary and Final plat and Development Agreement for Otter Creek Crossings 51h Addition, a portion of Outlot D of Otter Creek Crossing; PID: 155-171-000040. Applicant: Chadwick, John/John Chadwick Farms, LLC N. Consideration of approving an amendment TO Assessment Agreement with John Chadwick Farm, LLC, for a portion of Outlot D, Otter Creek Crossing, to be platted as Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings A. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-78 approving assessments for the 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Project, City Project No. 16C003, for Hart Boulevard and Sandberg Road B. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-79 approving an assessment roll for delinquent utility billing accounts to be certified to the County Auditor for 2018 payable tax year 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of approving Ordinance 684 and Summary Ordinance 684A for an amendment to Monticello Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 13 — Telecommunications Towers and Antennas and related Sections as related to Small Cell and Wireless Telecommunication standards. Applicant: City of Monticello B. Consideration of establishing a negotiations team supporting contract discussion with Veolia 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORSHOP MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 23, 2017 — 5 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5 p.m. Fallon Avenue Overpass Project — CLOSED MEETING Discussion on Property purchase: 511 Washington Street/PID 155-015-042010; PID 155-050-000020; PID 155-050-001010; 707 7' Street East/PID 155-050- 002010; 213 Chelsea Road/PID 155-066-001010; 301 Chelsea Road/PID 155- 075-001010; 9766 Fallon Avenue/PID 155-131-001010 3. 5:15 p.m. Fallon Avenue Design Review 4. 6 p.m. Bertram Athletic Fields — Phasing Elements, Timing, and Financing 5. Adjournment FALCON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF Montice-lo MISSISSIPPI BRONZE PAINTED RAILINGS (Color # 30051) RANDOM ASHLAR FORMLINER MEDALLION TO MATCH RAILING WSB LIGHT 1-94 Driving East Elevation 1-94 Driving West Elevation 1i 2'x3'Art Pane .Axonom, r.' �AM II I I INIIIIIIIII�II 111111 �{! Fallon Avenue Pedestrian Elevation 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541-4800 1 wsbeng.com Project # 02596-400 October 19, 2017 SMOOTH CONCRETE LIGHT BUFF (Color #33522) SMOOTH CONCRETE IRON ORE (Color #20100) Light "� IIII IIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII I L11 I-------- noon I i - iM BARRIER WALL WITH ORNAMENTAL JOINTING FALCON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS A I "o MISSISSIPPI BRONZE PAINTED RAILINGS (Color # 30051) RANDOM ASHLAR FORMLINER 1 1 - il__l: ... 1.1 o Monlotice- STAINLESS STEEL MEDALLION �r- 1-94 Driving East Elevation -.. 'Aarmy wsor 1-94 Driving West Elevation 2'x 3'ART PANEL 13 0 - ffil-111 -milli • Fallon Avenue Pedestrian Elevation WSB LIGHT 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541-4800 1 wsbeng.com Project # 02596-400 October 19, 2017 SMOOTH CONCRETE LIGHT BUFF (Color #33522) SMOOTH CONCRETE IRON ORE (Color #20100) 7 Light BARRIER WALL WITH ORNAMENTAL JOINTING FALCON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS TY Montice-o AW"2L\,. V-1 Cross Section View 20' HEIGHT WSB 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541-4800 1 wsbeng.com Project # 02596-400 October 19, 2017 Fallon Avenue Overpass Project Update City Council Workshop October 23, 2017 A Monticello WSs Bridge Aesthetics FALLON AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS l;�t,llo • Railing Locations • Medallion --���_I-�,�IIVIVIIii11IVIi�VBIIVII = • Railing Style 0 1-94 Driving East Elevation • Artwork Insert on i Pilaster 1-94 Driving West Elevation Light Fallon Avenue Pedestrian Elevation A IA,fCQ [:ITY pF Monticello 'i A WSB Cross Section View [:ITY pF Monticello 'i so as Roundabout — Splitter Island Treatment • Roundabout naturalistic central island • Splitter islands options 1. Landscaped 2. Concrete (colored or standard) 3. Temporary planters 4. Combination • Maintenance considerations A W.SR I, Landscaped Splitter Island Examples .. . 7 - y ------------- ---- ----- - -- --------- --------- ----------- ------ - --------- r •���qJ Moffp-lftq�ft�kl �t,.7 Private Utility Relocations • Multiple utility meetings • Charter Communications has already relocated • Fibernet relocations minor for above -ground structures only, lines to remain underground in street • Others need right of way to be acquired before relocating A W.SR A Monticello Construction Staging Stage 1 • Bridge and Chelsea Road area Stage 2 • Th Street and Washington Avenue area • Full Closures — Maintain local access • Detours on City collector streets and County Roads Project Cost Segment/Item Roadway 5% Contingency 22% Indirect Cost (engineering, legal, admin, bond fees) Subtotal Roadway/Bridge Right of Way Total Project Cost A W.SR Current Estimate $3,500,000 $2,000,000 $275,000 $1,300,000 $7,025,000 $112601000 $8,400,500 [:ITY []i Monticello Anticipated Project Schedule • Submit Draft Plans to MnDOT (60%) ................. November 10,2017 • Submit Draft Plans to MnDOT (90%) .................. December 15,2017 • Submit Final Plans to MnDOT.................................January 10, 2018 • Right of Way Acquired .................................................February, 2018 • City Approval Plans and Specs ..............................February 26, 2018 • Final Plan Approval MnDOT........................................March 5, 2018 • Open Bids/Begin Construction .........................................April, 2018 • Public Open House.............................................................April, 2018 • Substantial Completion (open to traffic) ................November, 2018 • Final Completion (landscaping).........................................June, 2019 1 T []i Monticello W.SR Traffic Projections Fallon Avenue Traffic Volume Summary (Average Daily Traffic) Existing Opening Day Projected Roadway Segment (2016) 2018 2038 � I So of Chelsea Rd 21100 31700 7,300 Fallon Avenue Chelsea Rd to 7th St NA 51000 111000 E of Fallon Ave 51200 61600 11,500 7th Street W of Fallon Ave 51900 71600 15,000 Washington Ave No of 7th St 11850 31300 81300 E of Fallon Ave 31800 51300 7,500 Chelsea Road W of Fallon Ave 31200 51500 61100 [:ITpF MO iil eno ETR" C H A I N O F LAKES REGIONAL PARK 3ertram Cain of _a <es Regiona Ate etic 'ar< DEVELOPMENT & FUNDING UPDATE Discussion Status Proposed Phase #1 Improvement Plan Financing Progress on Planning & Development Feasibility Report and Concept Master Plan Prepared Concept plan based on Needs Assessment and community feedback Phasing plan prepared based on Needs Assessment Feasibility considerations detailed Preliminary cost projections prepared Feasibility Report adopted November, 2016 Land conversion for 27 AC of bio -solids completed Interim improvements completed 2016, active play in 2017 Proposed Phase 1 BASE COST ITEMS GRADING 11TILITIES [MINIMIJM� GRAVEL PARKING GRAVEL TRAIL SEEDINfi & RESTORATION ATHLETIC FIELDS WITH IRRIGATION AND FENCING ADD-ON ITEMS UTILITY ENHANCE MENTS BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT & CURB AND GUTTER BITUMINGUSTRAIL LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENTS BATTING CAGES (2) ELECTRONIC SCOREBOARDS PLAYER BENCH SHADE STRUCTURES ATHLETIC FIELD LIGHTING CCNCESSION BUILDINGS (21 W/RESTROCMS PLAY CONTAINER 11) & EQUIPMENT MISCELLANECUSSITE AMENITIES �I CONCESSIONS 11 RESTROOM BUILDING 'ti -- YJr yr I' i 4 PREMIUM IIIPREMIUM I ', SINGLE II -if SINGLE LILWURP-0 LTI-PURPOsi GREEN GREEN TURN LAfVEj STORAGE �i ATHLE' IC �IELVS (SOCCEgIFdOTBALLI -SHED F I OVERFLOW ' �f I PARKIN, nimwuuwuuwuwn li i i it II LACROSSE} li i i it II MIJLTII II PIJgPOSE iI ATHL+IC IEL05 it I II (SOCCE9I FgOTBALL I I I! _41RO$SE} ;I li i i it li i i it li MULTI!PU4FDSF ,I I! ATHLE[FIC FIELDS it I; (SOCCER; I FCIOTBALL I ;I li LA�'RO$5E} it li i i it CE%EMDNIALI--� III384 I' BASEBALL FIELD IIo LCRGP-0FF BATTING GAGES CONCESSIONS 1 r RESTROOM BILpI1�IG _. — YOUTH 17i f SHELTER AREA POND I CEREMON 0 AREA I AWARD ACE r Fv q n _ I 540 7 R--- SHED-icej-� _ Ii MUlTIiPU4F0$E it II PURPOSE it x li I ATHLE' IC �IELVS (SOCCEgIFdOTBALLI ,I li ATHLE=T1C it 11 It 11 FIELD l i i LAC�R051 } i (SOCCER/ --1 t l i FOOTBALL. D Q li i i it II LACROSSE} r22' TH ALD J III It PLAY AREA gab' 3oV SOFTBAL FIELD � LEGEND 1 BASE IMPROVEMENTS SOFTBALL l- SOFTBALL FIELD FIELD I I I I DROP- f Ii i i iI I li i i it = I; MULTI PIARPQSE TEN TEN = I1 ATHLETIq FIHLDS COUI (SgCCERI I FdOTBALL 1 l l I II LkCROSO) i it li � L it ' —•CONCESSIONS RESTROOMS I WARMING HOUSE GENERAL SKATING R_•HOCKEY RINK ENTRANCE I EXIT CESSIONS 1 FROOM BUILDING C PICNIC SHELTER AREA *AILS i Proposed Phasing Plan Intended phasing from north to south Stakeholder feedback on priorities Maintains plan direction in terms of less -intense uses adjacent to passive park area and other desired plan characteristics Meets conversion development requirements Flexibility in field space development in future based on need Defined edge and uses on bio -solids area complete and known; lessens potential conflict with future uses Irrigation on bio -solids to be managed by buyer in land sale based on their required design Revised Proposed Phase #1 Improvements • Revision based on: • Play and demand • Field conditions • Need for parking, irrigation and stormwater management • Construction 2018-2020 • Mass grading • Soccer to final • Utilities • Gravel Parking & Trail • Well • Irrigation lines • Irrigation for soccer • Ponding • Clay Liner • Seeding • Restoration YOVTH as kVA Fq%V I(OUTH ' ' �145E�AI,.LF'IEIfl �J1!#i,R�4 Y�IDtKOUL :�,I. ru �.� � i*� qua +j �RiF•PU/4SE _ :.,ir r< GALLFEW EKMA C E MUM" SKETI-PUMPOW GMUN,an+rw� • � �w"�r'"' �' � �., oma. �.�. WMNa.wsr� Mw ED% aOUSLE MLXTrlMi CIS : ,mENuulENAH�u Uj � • �� w+11►� riMplR.s] . . LU - ply � - #..o.l.,.en F+•�••q . �. r ,,.TUTPASIM*� VA ffiv ►y . S#iGIE 3�MOCiIE W1EH4 '�� 4�#EM S�LI"CY Ln • 7� iii '!.'�liy ...V� F##warii . 4 � ce iy 1�7�LL YOVTH as kVA Fq%V I(OUTH ' ' �145E�AI,.LF'IEIfl �J1!#i,R�4 Y�IDtKOUL :�,I. ru �.� � i*� qua +j �RiF•PU/4SE _ :.,ir r< GALLFEW EKMA C E MUM" SKETI-PUMPOW GMUN,an+rw� • � �w"�r'"' �' � �., oma. �.�. WMNa.wsr� Mw ED% aOUSLE MLXTrlMi CIS : ,mENuulENAH�u Uj � • �� w+11►� riMplR.s] . . LU - ply � - #..o.l.,.en F+•�••q . �. r ,,.TUTPASIM*� VA ffiv ►y Financing Costs divided into tiers: Base: Includes fields, parking, storm -water management, ADA -required facilities, electrical conduit, irrigation lines and wells Amenity levels: Includes concession buildings, lighting, playgrounds, scoreboards, more advanced wayfinding and landscaping, trail connections (may include paving) Flexibility - Complete another phase of development, or upgrade selected amenities Estimated phased build -out based on current budgeting: Liquor Store proceeds Phase #1: $2.5 million to be constructed in 2019 (uses 2017, 2018 and 2019 funding sources) Can be pushed up in time if Council elects to levy additional funds beyond that identified Does not include Briarwood Subsequent phases: $700,000 base/year Incremental field improvements Can be carried over year-to-year to create larger project Funding Partnership Bertram Chain of Lakes Partnership Task Force BCOLAC, Football, Soccer, Baseball, CentraCare Policy Framework Support G ra nts Managing Expectations for Phase #1 Full Build -Out Proposed that the City will fund base infrastructure and base -field development Irrigation, field grading and prep, utilities, pavement, curb and gutter, signage Funding through partnerships is likely to support amenity additions or their acceleration Benches, canopy, scoreboards, sports lighting Decision Considerations & Next Steps Funding Commitment for Phase #1 $700,000 from liquor store proceeds for 2017, 2018 and 2019; totals $2.1M $400,000 from capital fund Land Alteration Permit — Wright County & MOAA Preparation of plans and specifications for bid in 2018 Questions? MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 9, 2017 — 5 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Shibani Bisson, Rachel Leonard, Tom Moores, Tom Pawelk, Mat Stang, Sarah Rathlisberger, Tracy Ergen, Matt Theisen, and Jim Thares Others: Chuck Keyes and Peg Becker, Veolia; 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. WWTP Superintendent Interview City Council conducted an interview for WWTP Superintendent. 3. Veolia Presentation Peg Becker, VP of Operations — Veolia, and Chuck Keyes, WWTP Manager — Veolia, were present to address the City Council. They expressed their desire to continue operating the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Ms. Becker noted that as a nationwide company, they are able to provide exceptional service. It was noted that their latest proposal included a $30,000 reduction from their original proposal. 4. WWTP Management Discussion Discussion ensued among City Council and staff in regard to management of the WWTP. Matt Thiesen, Water and Sewer Superintendent, commented that he is confident that the city can run their own plant. He added that if a WWTP Superintendent is hired, he would like to see the Water and WWTP employees be cross -trained for both facilities. The Mayor expressed concern in having the city take over. He recommended that a Public Works Director should be in place first to add input and provide management. Also mentioned was the apprehension that there may not be adequately trained staff to operate the facility. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, addressed the city council and commented on increases in charges Veolia had incurred from 2012-2014. He noted the cost savings the city would recognize by operating the facility. Councilmembers reiterated concerns related to the city operating the facility. They don't feel that the savings is significant enough to justify a change at this time. They would like to review the issue further. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — October 9, 2017 Councilmember Fair moved to direct staff to negotiate a contract (baseline amount) with Veolia for 2-3 years that includes stipulation of cross training of city staff with the understanding that the discussion of WWTP should include the input of the future Public Works Director. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Councilmember Davidson voted against. He feels that a WWTP Superintendent hired by the city could operate the facility and train the staff. 5. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — October 9, 2017 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 9, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None. 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All City Councilmembers were present. B. Avvroval of Meeting Minutes P Special Meeting Minutes from Sept tuber 25, 2017 , Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the special meeting minutes for September 25, 2017. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. lkk� Regular Meering Minutes from September 25 201 41 Councilmembei' Gabler moved approval of the regular meeting minutes for September 25, 2017. Councilmember Fair secfnded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. M C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None. D. Citizen Comments None. , E. Public Service Announcements Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, stated the following announcements: Riverside Cemetery Clean Up begins the week of October 23. Items should be removed before clean up begins. Anything that is removed by the city will be stored at Public Works for two weeks. Hi -Way Liquors is hosting a wine tasting and costume party on Friday, October 27 from 7-9 p.m. at the MCC. Fall Leaf Pick -Up is Saturday, October 28. City Council Minutes — October 9, 2017 Page 1 1 6 - Fall family events which include Monticello Chamber/MCC hosting a downtown trick -or -treat event on Thursday, October 26 from 4 — 6:30 p.m. and color -me -fall event at BCOL on Saturday, October 28 from 10 a.m. — 2 p.m. sponsored by Wright County Parks, MCC, Friends of Bertram and YMCA Camp Monitou. F. Council Liaison Uudates • Parks Commission — Councilmember Fair noted that the commission reviewed the Lions Club proposal for a splash pad at Pioneer Park and voted to accept the proposal. This still needs further negotiation with the city. The commission also discussed improvements at Featherstone Park and basketball court improvements at Sunset Ponds. • IEDC — Mayor Stumpf stated that the group discussed: an interested microbrewery; a DEED prospect project (eligible for funding) which would consist of a 100 square foot building and provide for 80 jobs; a downtown party; and a potential concept for the Rand property. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler comm nted that the commission held public hearings on: request for preliminary and final plat for Otter Creek 5th Addition; microbrewery CUP and text amendment; and Small Cell Wireless. The commission also discussed forming a group to study the B3 and B4 zoning districts. • BCOL — Mayor Stumpf noted that a grant eceived, in the amount of $54,000, to fund an expansion of the mountain bil<p trail. The board also discussed plans for the campground, golf carts, invasive species and the beach house — which will be completed by winter. 4L G. DeQ,4rtment Updates • Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, provided updates on the following: 1. Ellison House — Mr. O'Neill commented on the procedure that is going to be implemented in the disposing of items in the house. Tom Pawelk and Jennifer Schreiber are coordinating this. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, announced the applicant for Carlisle Village (item discussed at the September 25 meeting) has withdrawn their application. 2. Consent Attend **r Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $707,465.36. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for the MCC and Liquor Store and the terminations for the MCC and Liquor Store. City Council Minutes — October 9, 2017 Page 2 1 6 C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: Approved as presented. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-73 accepting a donation for the Fire Department from Buffalo Wild Wings in the amount of $98.02. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2017-73 accepting a donation from Buffalo Wild Wings in the amount of $98.02. E. Consideration of appointing representatives Christopher Church and Joe Hammer to the Industrial Economic Development Committee (IEDC). Recommendation: Approved the appointments of Christopher Church and Joe Hammer to the Industrial Economic Development Committee. F. Consideration of approving an application for a charitable gambling permit for fundraising activity to be conducted by the American Legion Riders Post 560 on December 9, 2017 at the Monticello American Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street. Recommendation: Approved the charitable,#ambling permit for the American Legion Po 560 for activity on December 9, 2017 at the Monticello American LegionIPI 304 Elm Street. G. Consideration of approving caterers/liquor providers for the Monticello Community enter for 2018-2019. Recommendation: Approved the caterers oviders for the Monticello Commhnity Center for 2018- 2019. 4 H. Consideration of approving a request on an extension of final plat approval for Spaeth. Recommendation: Approved a 9 -month extension for required recording of the approved final plat of Spaeth Industrial Park with the final plat to be recorded on or before July 9, 2018. IL I. Consideration of approving Memo of Understanding with Wright County and authorizing final design arilreparation of plans and specifications for turn lane improvements at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39 at an estimated cost of $35,000. Recommendation: Approved the Memo of Understanding with Wright County and authorizing final design and preparation of plans and specifications for turn lane improvements at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39 at an estimated cost of $35,000. J. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-74 authorizing submittal of Local Road Improvement Program grant application for intersection improvements at Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2017-74 authorizing submittal of Local Road Improvement Program grant application for intersection improvements at Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39. City Council Minutes — October 9, 2017 Page 3 1 6 K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-75 accepting public improvements for the Mills Fleet Farm site. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2017-75 accepting public improvements for the Mills Fleet Farm site. L. Consideration of approving purchase of playground equipment ($49,606.28) and shelter ($12,160.50) for Featherstone Park from Webber Recreation with construction costs ($8,500) for a total cost of $70,266.78 and approving a 2017 transfer of $80,000 from the Closed Bond Fund to the Park & Pathway Fund for stated costs and anticipated sidewalk improvement. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of playground equipment ($49,606.28) and shelter ($12,160.50) for Featherstone Park from Webber Recreation with construction costs ($8,500) for a total of $70,266.78 and approved the 2017 transfer of $80,000 from the Closed Bond Fund to the Park & Pathway Fund for state costs and anticipated side lk improvements. M. Consideration of approving Pa partment purchase of Kioti NX60103 tractor for $45,452 from A & C Farm ice through the Central Equipment Fund. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of the 2018 Kioti NX60103 4x4 tractor with cab, loader, and snow blower for the Parks Deparvnent for $45,452 through the CentrIl Equipment Fund. 2A. Consideration of items remov ro Consent Anda for discussion. 3. Public Hearing_V� A. PUBLIC HEARI — Consideration of ado Resolution 2017-76 approving assessments for the 17 Street Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Proiect. City Proiect No. 16C003 fo Gillard Avenue, 95th Street, Haua Avenue, 90th Street and Mississippi Drivdq 1 Shibani Bisson, WSB/City Engineer, gave a presentation on the 2017 street project for Gillard Avenue, 95th Street, Haug Avenue, 901h Street, and Mississippi Drive. Ms. Bisson began by acknowledging the project and the fact that it has been irregular and delayed. There have been issues with the contractor which have delayed the project and it has been an inconvenience both for staff and the residents. The project is not complete, but substantially complete. Ms. Bisson rWiewed the project location; before and after pictures; remaining work; project costs and funding; assessments; and payment terms. The project won't be finalized until next year when the sod is established and the punch list items are complete. Ms. Bisson noted the assessment rates which were set at $4,600 residential rate and 100% frontage along property line for undeveloped property. The City Clerk received two objections to the assessment — from 200 Mississippi Drive and 212 Mississippi Drive. The assessment, if levied to property tax, is for 10 years at 4.5% interest, or the assessment can be paid in full without interest until November 27, 2017. Ms. Bisson addressed the assessments City Council Minutes — October 9, 2017 Page 4 1 6 and the objections and noted that the assessments are not related to the liquidated damages. She acknowledged that this project has been an inconvenience to the property owners and that the contractor will not be issued final payment until all of the work and punch lists are complete. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. The following individual spoke: Shannon and Stephen Symalla, 212 Mississippi Drive. Ms. Symalla spoke in opposition to the assessment. The work has taken much longer than noted and has been a great inconvenience. In her opinion, since the city is acquiring liquidated damages from the contractor, they should be distributed to residents for their inconvenience. The property owner's don't want to be assessed for a project that isn't complete nor will be complete until next year. They feel that the assessments should be levied after completion since the contractor is so unreliable. There is also the concern that their property won't be restored t riginal state. Mayor Stumpf responded tilt it is common for the final items of a project be completed the following year. Ms. Bisson noted that the liquidated damages are collected to cover costs that are being accumulated with the additional work. She also noted that the project will be completed and the contractor won't receive final payment 1 completion. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. Discussio sued. Councilmember Gabler requested that the Council receive info*0tractor. ion of residents' concerns with the project and how &was addressed with the Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, added that because the city sold bonds, they are required to assess the assessable portion in a timely fashion. The only item that can be challenged would be the aunt of the assessment, which is only a third of the project's cost. Councilmember Hil moved to adopt Resolution 2017-76 approving the assessments for the 2 reet Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Project, City Project No. C003, for Gillard Avenue, 95th Street, Haug Avenue, 90th Street and Mississippi Drive. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Auenda or A. Consideration of authoriziniz and appointment a City Council member to serve on the Downtown Zoning Ordinance Work Group. Angela Schumann gave a brief overview. There was minimal discussion. Councilmember Gabler moved to nominate Councilmembers Davidson and Fair to serve on the Downtown Zoning Ordinance Work Group. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes — October 9, 2017 Page 5 1 6 B. Consideration of authorizinc Michels Comoration to install FiberNet Facilities at the Featherstone 3rd Addition Development in the amount un to $48,437.93. Jeff O'Neill presented a brief overview of the item. Councilmember Fair moved to authorize Michels Corporation to install FiberNet Facilities at the Featherstone 3rd Addition Development in the amount of $48,437.93. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Adiournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. M Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Att City Council Minutes — October 9, 2017 Page 6 1 6 MONTICELLO CITY LAW ENFORCEMENT QUARTERLY REVIEW Investigations Division(CID) CSC (Criminal Sexual Conduct) acted rat victims of Identity Theft and scams (internet and the surrounding area the most frequent throughout Monticello Cases Assigned from August 2& September Juvenile Complaints, Thett, Social Media and Haras common rases reported in the schools this quarter. Investigations Investigations (continued) 78 grams of Methamphetamine seized 10.5 prams of Heroin seized QUESTIONS? Residential & Business Subscribers Service Q4-2015 Q2-2016 Q4-2016 Q1-20171 Q2-20171 Q3-20171 Phone Only 32 28 28 27 24 23 Internet Only 664 717 829 880 915 934 Television Only 74 73 72 69 66 I 58 Phone & Internet 164 I 156 145 156 I I 164 I 164 Phone & Television 44 I 42 I 39 35 34 I I 33 Internet & Television 318 280 I I 279 I 255 I 252 I I 239 Triple Play 278 254 I I 253 I 230 I 215 I I 213 Total Subscribers I 1574 1550 I I 1,645 I I 1,652 I I 1,670 I I 1,664 Total Phone I 518 I I 480 465 I 448 I I 437 I 433 Total Internet I 1424 I I 1407 I I 1,506 I I 1,521 I I 1,546 I I 1,550 Total Television I 714 I 649 643 I I 589 567 I 543 July 1st 2016 Arvig's 1st Day Business Subscribers Service Q4-2015 Q2-2016 Q4-2016 Q1 -2017 Q2-20171 Q3-20171 Phone Only 10 10 13 12 10 9 Internet Only 37 31 35 35 35 36 Television Only 1 2 2 1 1 1 Phone &Internet 70 66 60 64 67 67 Phone&Television 1 1 - - 1 1 Internet & Television 3 4 4 3 3 3 Triple Play 15 I 15 19 I 17 16 17 Total Subscribers 137 I 129 133 I 132 133 I I 134 Total Phone 96 I 92 I 92 I 93 I 94 I I 94 I Totallnternet 125 116 I 118 I 119 I 121 I I 123 Total Television 20 22 I 25 I 21 I 21 I I 22 I Residential Subscribers Service Q4-2015 Q2-2016 Q4-2016 Q1-20171 IQ2-2017 Q3-20171 Phone Only 22 18 15 15 14 14 Internet Only 627 686 794 84S 880 898 Television Only 73 71 70 68 65 57 Phone &Internet 94 90 85 92 97 97 Phone & Television 43 41 39 35 33 32 Internet & Television 315 276 275 252 I 249 236 Triple Play 263 239 234 213 I 199 I 196 Total Subscribers I 1437 1421 1,512 1,520 I 1,537 I 1,530 Total Phone I 422 I 388 373 355 I 343 I 339 Total Internet I 1299 I 1291 1,388 1,402 I 1,425 I 1,427 Total Television I 694 I 627 618 568 I 546 I 521 Entity: Entity: FiberNet Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject; Monthly Netting Statement Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 8/01/2017-8/30/2017 Netting Period: 9/01/2017 - 9/30/2017 FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 7/01/2017-7131/2017 Revenues Subscriber Billings 141,885.00 Total Revenues: 141,885.00 Expenses Subscriber Fee (60,945.67) Management Fee (12,875.00) Fixed Fee (58,350.00) Total Expenses: (132,170.67) Net Income $ 9,714.33 Revenues: Subscriber Billings 139,554.00 Total Revenues: 139,554.00 Expenses Subscriber Free (60,552.48) Management Fee (12,875.00) Fixed Fee (58.350.00) Total Expenses: (131,777.48) Net Income $ 7,776.52 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Netting Statement Netting Period: 3rd Quarter 2017 Total Revenues: Subscriber Billings 421,626.00 Total Revenues: 421,626.00 Expenses: Subscriber Fee (181.017.01) Management Fee 38.625.00) Fixed Fee 175.050.00) Total Expenses: (394,692.01) Net income $ 26,933.99 Revenues: Subscriber Billings 140,187.00 Total Revenues: 140,187.00 Expenses Subscriber Fee (59,518.86) Management Fee (12,875.00) Fixed Fee (58,350.00) Total Expenses: (130,743.86) Net Income $ 9,443.14 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Netting Statement Netting Period: YTD 2017 Total Revenues: Subscriber Billin 1,274,580.00 Total Revenues: 1,274,580.00 Expenses: Subscriber Fee (562,948.38) Management Fe (115,875.00) Fixed Fee (525,150.00) Total Expenses: 1,203,973.38 Net Income $ 70,606.62 HE/CO Equipment Drops CPE Equipment Mediaroom (MMR) Transition Mapcom - Plant Records Total Capital Expense Report; Budget versus Spend Q3 2017 YTD - Q2 17,933 26,877 52,790 10,045 107,644 107,644 Budget 27,650 44,750 55,000 37,500 $ 164,900 95,000 259,900 Variance 9,717 17,873 2,210 27,455 57,256 95,000 (107,644) Financial Projections PRELIMINARY January - September 2017 FIBERnet oen.e.m nr arvig. Prelim Budget Jan -Sept 2017 Jan -Sept 2017 Variance Projected Revenue: $1,274,580 $1,310,989 ($36,409) Expenses Subscriber COGS 562,948 $609,863 ($46,915) Fixed Cost 525,150 $498,913 $26,237 Cash flow from Operations $186,482 $202,213 ($15,731) Management Fee: Fixed 115,875 $115,875 $0 Adjusted EBITDA $70,607 $86,338 ($15,731) Management Fee: Incentive - 50% 22,804 33,794 Capital Expense: (107,644) (194,924) 87,280 City Cash Flow (37,037) (142,381) 105,344 Marketing FiberNet Update — Q3 • FiberNet had success with the Gig Price For Life promo — so much in fact it changed the message from one of our competitors. • Surveyed the FiberNet Gig customers learned: o Streaming is the primary use - 86.67% 0 3-4 hour average use of internet per day - 46.67% o Number of children - none and two were even - 33.33% o Number of devices in the home ... 10 or more - 40% 0 8 said the service was extremely simple • FiberNet has been inserting, monthly, into the City of Monticello invoices. • FiberNet has been inserting, monthly, into the Chamber newsletter. • Ran Customer Rights Bill Messages on the 9/22 invoices. • Sent notice to all residential phone customers in September to inform them of how their directory listing will print in the 2018 Monticello directory (165 customers) • Online form fills: o July: 13 o August: 18 o September: 15 o October (to -date): 9 • Facebook I&mrd-1:1-167Ti, Business - Display —I"�-":aI -,W17TW$p,RF7'T.LA7-....I 0.22 ... Ti7fTi'7�f1]'!A7•l!i�Y_T.RT_ :RLi June 1 16 294 1,652 2,607 4,259 36 -1 1 _ 2 314 ?7 391 4 July 7 32 297 1.569 2,573 4.142 _ 14 144 6 16 3 -83 .34 -117 -22 August 0 21 299 1,598 2,099 3,697 105 4 -7 -11 2 29 474 -445 91 • Google Adwords August Business - Display 15,491 34 0.22 15,491 34 - 0.22 Business - Search 155 1 0.65 155 1 0.65 Juty GloPnceFort de -nnmaa 30613 105 0.34 -5,816 29 0.13 Ge1PriceForL4e-Search 144 1 069 -222 -14 -3.41 June Business - Usolav 1177 3 025 -9,261 4 0.18 Business - Search 1 0 0 87 -2 -2.27 Residenhai- Disolav 299 0 0 .14,271 -8 -0.05 Resioentiai- Search 30 0 0 .623 -19 -2.91 G*PnceForLde- Daoiav 36429 76 0.21 36,429 76 0.21 QmPnceForLde -SearU 366 15 41 366 15 4.1 4mr- A—W .0--oldsmL- ,-.Opwoll I 14 hk SN- City Council Agenda: 10/23/2017 2A. Consideration of avvrovin2 pavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $782,342.13. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson T Printed: 10/13/2017 - 9:OOAM Batch: 00201.10.2017 - 201.10.2017 US Bank/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 1 10/1/2017 October 2017 1,744.43 10/15/2017 101-00000-217066 Check Total: 1,744.43 Vendor: 4732 MONEY MOVERS, INC. Check Sequence: 2 103924 Money Movers - Fitness Rewards - Sept 2017 66.75 10/15/2017 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 66.75 Vendor: 1426 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 3 UB Aug 2017 5002 - 1510 Hart Blvd sprinkler 84.69 10/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Aug 2017 5003 - 1460 Hart Blvd sprinkler 62.94 10/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Aug 2017 5005 - 822 Hart Blvd sprinkler 140.97 10/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Aug 2017 5026 - Ellison Park 365.83 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 5248- Bridge Park E. sprinkler 233.20 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 5249- Bridge Park W. sprinkler 116.12 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 5250 - Bridge Park W. 107 River St. W. 49.79 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 5569- Freeway Park 2331 Mdw. Oak Ave sprink 778.80 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 5637- Meadow Oak Dog Park 5.45 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 7224- WWTP 2,182.75 10/15/2017 602-49480-438200 UB Aug 2017 7441- 200 W. Broadway sprinkler 16.21 10/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Aug 2017 7885- Help Center 22.67 10/15/2017 217-41990-438200 UB Aug 2017 8086 - 4th St. Warming House 13.66 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 8114- Hi -Way Liquor 267.13 10/15/2017 609-49754-438200 UB Aug 2017 8117 - MCC 1,177.10 10/15/2017 226-45126-438200 UB Aug 2017 8119- Fire Station 144.23 10/15/2017 101-42200-438200 UB Aug 2017 8120- Bldg Inspc. Garage 13.66 10/15/2017 101-41940-438200 UB Aug 2017 8177 - Library 357.26 10/15/2017 101-45501-438200 UB Aug 2017 8394 - Riverside Cemetery sprinkler 12.72 10/15/2017 651-49010-438200 UB Aug 2017 8488 - Hillcrest Park sprinkler 205.06 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 8528 - Monti NSP Softball Field 552.03 10/15/2017 101-45203-438200 UB Aug 2017 8533 - Chelsea Rd. Lift Station 103.45 10/15/2017 602-49490-438200 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number UB Aug 2017 8621 - Fenning Round a bout 44.27 10/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Aug 2017 8622 - Pioneer Park bathroom 22.53 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 8631- Animal Shelter 114.98 10/15/2017 101-42700-438200 UB Aug 2017 8674 - Reservoir 2017 Chelsea Rd. 131.59 10/15/2017 601-49440-438200 UB Aug 2017 8903 - PW Shop/Clerical 228.02 10/15/2017 101-43127-438200 UB Aug 2017 8904 - PW Vehical Storage 12.48 10/15/2017 101-43127-438200 UB Aug 2017 8905 - PW Office 234.11 10/15/2017 101-43127-438200 UB Aug 2017 10063- Front St. Park sprinkler 21.29 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 10128- 118 6th St. W 17.24 10/15/2017 101-41941-438200 UB Aug 2017 10267 - Community Garden 8.76 10/15/2017 226-45127-438200 UB Aug 2017 13953 - SPR Hwy25/SE Brdwy- 100 E Brdwy 22.89 10/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Aug 2017 14476 - Ellison House 13.66 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Aug 2017 14522 - Hillside Cemetery 103.57 10/15/2017 101-45201-438200 Check Total: 7,881.11 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 4 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- #103 (4) O -Ring 1.84 10/15/2017 101-43120-422100 10/06/2017 Auto Value - #103 - (16) O -Ring Bx=10/1 2.76 10/15/2017 101-43120-422100 10/06/2017 Monti Napa -Impact Socket 6.52 10/15/2017 101-43120-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- (10) Fuel line hose 9.20 10/15/2017 602-49490-422100 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- #139 - Switch 16.26 10/15/2017 101-43120-422100 10/06/2017 Streicher's - (4) door wedges - Fire 20.00 10/15/2017 101-42200-421990 10/06/2017 Cub - resale - (30) limes; (12) lemons 21.00 10/15/2017 609-49750-425500 10/06/2017 Fleet Farm - (18) Antifreeze 35.82 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Fleet Farm - (18) Antifreeze 35.82 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Home Depot - ZPARKS-RWOODS- (8) concretf 51.04 10/15/2017 229-45202-453010 10/06/2017 Runnings - (6) Paper towels; ratchet strap (4)pk; 87.87 10/15/2017 101-42200-421990 10/06/2017 Fleet Farm - boots- Mike R. 90.00 10/15/2017 101-43120-420650 10/06/2017 G & K - mat serv- #6043852306; #6043857978 111.42 10/15/2017 609-49754-431990 10/06/2017 General Rental - tracked trencher; trailer -Cedar 115.45 10/15/2017 101-43120-441500 10/06/2017 Runnings -boots BR 2016/2017- 1/2 90.00 10/15/2017 601-49440-421110 10/06/2017 Runnings -boots BR 2016/2017- 1/2 90.00 10/15/2017 602-49490-421110 10/06/2017 Dacotah Paper- (10) safety eyeware 23.90 10/15/2017 101-45201-420650 10/06/2017 Dacotah Paper- (2) cs toilet tissue; (6) cs pap.twl 238.86 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Titan Machine - #103- cs. switch; cs. filter rece. , 272.13 10/15/2017 101-43120-422100 10/06/2017 Sherwin Whns - (30) 5 gal. white 309.00 10/15/2017 101-45203-421990 10/06/2017 Dakota Supply Group- Cedar St- 500 ft. PVC pil 332.50 10/15/2017 101-43120-422400 10/06/2017 Arctic Glacier -resale - #1956724411; 1956724; 491.87 10/15/2017 609-49750-425500 10/06/2017 Streicher's - Port. LED Scene Light 600.00 10/15/2017 101-42200-421990 10/06/2017 True Brands - resale - bottle openers; shakers; gl; 686.02 10/15/2017 609-49750-425400 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Family Locker Room; Shower Ci 110.72 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Family Locker Room Shower Lin 117.31 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 Reference ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Returned Shower Liner -13.48 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 NBP - Enverlopes, Folders 14.58 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 NBP - Napkins & Forks 108.78 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Grady's - Key Rings 5.80 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 Grady's - Hose Clamps for Water Filter in Conce 4.97 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Laptop Bag 19.99 10/15/2017 101-41110-443990 10/06/2017 Monti Printing - Planning Commissioner Name 1 15.95 10/15/2017 101-41910-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Chamber - Sept Lunch (RL) 15.00 10/15/2017 101-41310-443990 10/06/2017 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 9.651 gals @ $2 24.12 10/15/2017 217-41990-421200 10/06/2017 USPS - Priority Mail Pkg to St.Paul W/Insurancf 8.99 10/15/2017 217-41990-432200 10/06/2017 Randy's - Shredding Services (DMV) 17.66 10/15/2017 217-41990-431990 10/06/2017 Randy's - Shredding Services (CH) 17.66 10/15/2017 101-41310-431990 10/06/2017 MN GFOA - Advanced Gov't Acctg Class (JC) 30.00 10/15/2017 101-41520-433100 10/06/2017 Hafele - Keys for Lockers 207.41 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 Mayflower - Party Supplies: Balloons, Placemat; 255.26 10/15/2017 226-45127-421460 10/06/2017 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (1) 37.00 10/15/2017 226-45122-431990 10/06/2017 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (1) 23.00 10/15/2017 101-41310-431990 10/06/2017 NIHCA (Nat'l Independent Health Club Assoc) - 399.00 10/15/2017 226-45122-443300 10/06/2017 First Net Learning - Online Safety Training (75) 1,425.00 10/15/2017 101-41800-431960 10/06/2017 MN Dept Labor - Inspection Training (RH & DC 170.00 10/15/2017 101-42400-433100 10/06/2017 Monti Chamber - Sept Lunch (TH) 15.00 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 Domino's Pizza - EDA Meeting 9/13/17 25.40 10/15/2017 213-46301-443990 10/06/2017 Sams Club - Unleaded Fuel 18.155 gals @ $2.36 43.01 10/15/2017 226-45126-421200 10/06/2017 NBP - Soap 23.89 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Low Voltage Cord for Phone 1.34 10/15/2017 101-45501-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Water Line for New Refrigerator 25.20 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Wright Co - 16C006 - Property Tax Due PID 15` 2.27 10/15/2017 400-43300-459018 10/06/2017 Wright Co - 16C006 - Property Tax Due PID 15` 2.27 10/15/2017 400-43300-459018 10/06/2017 Wright Co - 16C006 - Property Tax Due PID 15` 2.27 10/15/2017 400-43300-459018 10/06/2017 Paula Paulson - Full Drape for Mississippi 425.00 10/15/2017 226-45123-431990 10/06/2017 Ausco - T -Shirts Mens Hockey Champions 78.75 10/15/2017 226-45127-421740 10/06/2017 Amazon - Calculator 94.16 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Microsoft Surface Pro 4 and & Bag (J 780.11 10/15/2017 101-41310-424100 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (2) 15oz spray paint 10.54 10/15/2017 601-49440-422220 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (2) mailbox w/ flag; vinyl number 39.92 10/15/2017 101-43120-421990 10/06/2017 Fastenal - (24) 17oz green paint 57.37 10/15/2017 602-49490-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot -ZPARKS-RWOODS- (20) 601b ce 62.00 10/15/2017 229-45202-453010 10/06/2017 G & K - mat serv- #6043840959; #6043846622 108.75 10/15/2017 609-49754-431990 10/06/2017 Ausco - (20) t -shirts 160.00 10/15/2017 101-42200-421120 10/06/2017 Streicher's - Academy Uniforms for New Firefig 329.90 10/15/2017 101-42200-421120 10/06/2017 Verizon - July 11 - August 10 25.02 10/15/2017 101-43115-432100 10/06/2017 Grady's - Propane for Picnic on Patio 19.99 10/15/2017 226-45126-421990 10/06/2017 Grady's - Screws (10), Hex Nuts (10) for Mississ 2.10 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/06/2017 Walmart - Basket 6.88 10/15/2017 226-45123-421460 10/06/2017 Walmart - Cupcakes 26.56 10/15/2017 226-45127-421460 10/06/2017 Sherwin Williams - Paint & Supplies 47.85 10/15/2017 217-41990-440100 10/06/2017 Monti Community Ed - Pool Rental During MC( 143.00 10/15/2017 226-45124-443990 10/06/2017 Cub - Gift Card for Safety Bingo Prize 30.00 10/15/2017 101-41800-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (4) insert coupling bt. 1.40 10/15/2017 101-43130-421990 10/06/2017 Fastenal - (2) marker; (16) sm. parts 3.30 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- impact socket 6.52 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 Runnings - (6) insert elbow 7.74 10/15/2017 101-43120-421990 10/06/2017 (3) Foam- big gap 8.97 10/15/2017 101-43120-421990 10/06/2017 Dakota Supply Group- all weather pcv cmnt clea 10.48 10/15/2017 101-43130-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Napa -repair kit; (2) fittings 15.98 10/15/2017 602-49490-422100 10/06/2017 Cub - resale - (30) limes 23.70 10/15/2017 609-49750-425500 10/06/2017 Runnings - (2) valve gate; (3) bibb valve; (6) ins 53.43 10/15/2017 101-43120-422400 10/06/2017 Monti Napa -(8) Oil Dry- Chelsea/Fallon oil spill 72.08 10/15/2017 101-43120-421990 10/06/2017 Dakota Supply Group- 40 FT pvc pipe 20'- Carl 75.16 10/15/2017 101-43130-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- (36) 5W30 Napa Quart 107.64 10/15/2017 101-43127-421300 10/06/2017 Runnings -wheelbarrow 149.99 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Fastenal - 14" Turbo Rim Prem. Blade- Carlisle' 205.79 10/15/2017 101-43130-421990 10/06/2017 Dakota Supply Group- Cedar/7- parts for tappin€ 217.52 10/15/2017 601-49440-421990 10/06/2017 Painters Gear- (2) Pressure transducer - inv #429 246.12 10/15/2017 601-49440-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- asst. filters - Shop supplies 252.57 10/15/2017 101-43127-422120 10/06/2017 Dyna- doz. PN -105 Penetrant; (100) cable ties;) 321.49 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 Dakota Supply Grp- (4) PVC DWV comb 4; (6) 742.01 10/15/2017 101-43130-421990 10/06/2017 Grady's - 14oz cyl. propane 3.99 10/15/2017 601-49440-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - 5pk 6" foam; 2pk scotchblue; 2pk 22.50 10/15/2017 602-49490-422100 10/06/2017 USPS - Water samples 22.84 10/15/2017 601-49440-432200 10/06/2017 Home Depot - 51b gold screws; (2) 2x4-96' primp 19.38 10/15/2017 101-43130-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- #111- Serpentine Belt 42.11 10/15/2017 101-43120-422110 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (3) 1 l screws; (10) 2x4-12' Stud 74.73 10/15/2017 101-43130-421990 10/06/2017 Fastenal -shop (- 2) 18"x125 Gold150 626.42 10/15/2017 101-43127-422100 10/06/2017 Farm Rite- (6) ea. threaded pocket; counter pock 850.25 10/15/2017 101-43120-422100 10/06/2017 Aramark - uniforms Aug. 2017 - Parks 204.48 10/15/2017 101-45201-441700 10/06/2017 Aramark - uniforms Aug. 2017 - Sewer 114.06 10/15/2017 602-49490-441700 10/06/2017 Aramark - uniforms Aug. 2017 - Water 114.06 10/15/2017 601-49440-441700 10/06/2017 Aramark - uniforms Aug. 2017 - Streets 291.68 10/15/2017 101-43120-441700 10/06/2017 Aramark - shop towels Aug. 2017 - Shop 407.85 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 WHCE - 7/16-8/15/2017 maintc. contracts 1,964.05 10/15/2017 101-43160-431900 10/06/2017 Verizon - July 21 - August 20 140.04 10/15/2017 101-42200-432100 10/06/2017 Verizon - July 21 - August 20 26.02 10/15/2017 101-43120-432100 10/06/2017 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sept 3 50.74 10/15/2017 101-42400-432100 10/06/2017 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sept 3 31.29 10/15/2017 226-45122-432100 10/06/2017 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sept 3 29.23 10/15/2017 101-43120-432100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/06/2017 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sept 3 46.02 10/15/2017 601-49440-432100 10/06/2017 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sept 3 46.01 10/15/2017 602-49490-432100 10/06/2017 G & K - mat serv- #6043857976 15.60 10/15/2017 217-41990-431990 10/06/2017 G & K - Uniforms, Towels, Mops (3 invoices) 133.10 10/15/2017 226-45126-431990 10/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Locker Room Supl 1,299.36 10/15/2017 226-45126-421990 10/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - BathroomSupplies 36.19 10/15/2017 101-41941-421990 10/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 41.32 10/15/2017 101-45501-421990 10/06/2017 Stellis Health - Immunizations (5 1) 161.00 10/15/2017 101-42200-431990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Coffee 59.98 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Grady's - Screws for Hanging Bins (12) 2.28 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Low Voltage Box 1.34 10/15/2017 226-45126-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Door Stops (2) 4.56 10/15/2017 226-45126-421990 10/06/2017 Grady's - Bolt, Nut, Drill Bit for Weight Bar 7.88 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 8.262 gals @ $2 19.41 10/15/2017 217-41990-421200 10/06/2017 GFOA - Distinguished Budget Application 330.00 10/15/2017 101-41520-431990 10/06/2017 GTS - 2017 Land Use Training & Education Pro 140.00 10/15/2017 101-41910-433100 10/06/2017 NBP - Pens, Envelopes, Kleenex 31.24 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 NBP - Pens, Calculator Ribbons, Stapler, Paper, 109.95 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Grady's - Spray Paint, Tape Measure 14.58 10/15/2017 101-42400-421990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Coffee, Brochure Holder, Cups, Mints 150.83 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 9.461 gals @ $2 22.22 10/15/2017 217-41990-421200 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Shower Curtain Rod 14.48 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 Horizon CPO Seminars - CPO Course 11/7 & 11 276.50 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 Fastenal - (8) small part 0.35 10/15/2017 602-49490-422100 10/06/2017 Grady's - galy. elbow; galv. nipple 5.58 10/15/2017 601-49440-421990 10/06/2017 Fleet Farm - PR Gauge 18.99 10/15/2017 601-49440-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - ZPARKS-RWOODS- (2) 16"x48 27.94 10/15/2017 229-45202-453010 10/06/2017 Grainger - pressure gauge 160psi 47.41 10/15/2017 601-49440-422700 10/06/2017 Dakota Supply Group- curb box; stationary rod 56.13 10/15/2017 601-49440-422700 10/06/2017 Sherwin Wlms - (2) CS stripewoven; (2) angle s 76.97 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (25) 601b concrete mix 77.50 10/15/2017 101-45201-421990 10/06/2017 Cub - resale - (150) limes; (14) lemons 83.86 10/15/2017 609-49750-425500 10/06/2017 Sherwin Wlms - (15) 5 gal. white paint 155.67 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Arctic Glacier - resale - #1954725406; #195672( 425.56 10/15/2017 609-49750-425500 10/06/2017 Locators & Supplies- (3) Stop for Ped. signs 842.78 10/15/2017 101-43120-422600 10/06/2017 Home Depot - 5pk elec. tape; grounding connec 26.16 10/15/2017 101-42200-422110 10/06/2017 DISH - Oct. 2017 service 64.16 10/15/2017 609-49754-432500 10/06/2017 Dakota Supply Group- V ball curb stop; sawhor; 120.37 10/15/2017 601-49440-422700 10/06/2017 Cabela's - Utility #1 - Pro Series battery charger 128.72 10/15/2017 101-42200-422110 10/06/2017 Safety Kleen- 10G parts washer service- solvent 192.01 10/15/2017 101-43127-431990 10/06/2017 WHCE - Sunset Ponds Lift Sta- 7/1-8/1/17- (29C 54.17 10/15/2017 602-49490-438100 10/06/2017 WHCE - DMV 19.95 10/15/2017 217-41990-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - 2171 W. River St- Parks 36.45 10/15/2017 101-45201-431900 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/06/2017 WHCE - 5980 Jason Ave NE - Water 19.95 10/15/2017 601-49440-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - MCC 27.95 10/15/2017 226-45126-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - 207 Chelsea Rd- Water 32.95 10/15/2017 601-49440-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - 209 Cedar St - Water 29.95 10/15/2017 601-49440-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - 132 E Broadway - Water 29.95 10/15/2017 601-49440-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - 107 River St W - Parks 19.95 10/15/2017 101-45201-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - Hi -Way Liquor - Oct 2017 21.32 10/15/2017 609-49754-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - MCC - Oct 2017 19.95 10/15/2017 226-45126-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - 200 Dundas - Water- Oct 2017 29.95 10/15/2017 601-49440-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - 2909 Golf Course Rd- Oct 2017 19.95 10/15/2017 101-43110-431900 10/06/2017 WHCE - General Street Lighting 1,334.00 10/15/2017 101-43160-438100 10/06/2017 WHCE - 1645 & 1675 CR 39 36.41 10/15/2017 602-49490-438100 10/06/2017 Grady's - Ulitity #1- grounding plug 5.49 10/15/2017 101-42200-422110 10/06/2017 Grady's - galy. elbow; galv. nipple 5.58 10/15/2017 601-49440-422100 10/06/2017 Grady's - bush hex; teflon jut. tape 5.98 10/15/2017 601-49440-422100 10/06/2017 Grady's -adhesive clip 8.59 10/15/2017 601-49440-421990 10/06/2017 G & K - mat serv- #6043863690; #6043869350 107.42 10/15/2017 609-49754-431990 10/06/2017 Grainger -pump repair kit 158.62 10/15/2017 601-49440-422100 10/06/2017 Grainger -(6) pressure gauge- 0 to 160 psi 208.38 10/15/2017 601-49440-422300 10/06/2017 Grady's - F elbow- Ballfld Irrigation fix -up 2.79 10/15/2017 101-45203-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Galy. Tee; Galv. Busing; Gay. Ni 6.08 10/15/2017 601-49440-422700 10/06/2017 Office Max - (2) reams paper 10.69 10/15/2017 609-49754-421990 10/06/2017 Grady's - Ellison house water pump chuckmastei 13.99 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Monti Napa -#105- U joint 14.06 10/15/2017 101-43120-422110 10/06/2017 Runnings - (4) C Clamp 14.36 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- #223- air filter 23.92 10/15/2017 101-43127-422120 10/06/2017 Runnings - (4) blades for chip saws; cbl connect 49.15 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 Fastenal - (50) 1/2 x3 LDT 52.68 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (2) Hustky organizer; (3) 19" tool 56.85 10/15/2017 101-45201-422510 10/06/2017 Fleet Farm -hose; pushbroom; squeegee; nozzle 84.97 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (4) 100' orange safety fence 99.48 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Runnings - recip. saw; cut off tool; drill/driver 284.97 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 Runnings - (2) 2pk 20v battery 299.98 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- #110- (3) battery 361.80 10/15/2017 101-43120-422110 10/06/2017 Holiday - Open House Fire 10-30/17 - donuts 10.50 10/15/2017 101-42200-443990 10/06/2017 Streicher's - (20) mourning bands 15.00 10/15/2017 101-42200-421120 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (6) 2x4 12' Primed 34.56 10/15/2017 101-43120-422400 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (3) Gorilla Duct Tape; Gor. Toug 45.18 10/15/2017 101-43120-421990 10/06/2017 Northern Tool- pressure regulator kit 47.86 10/15/2017 101-45201-422100 10/06/2017 Martie's - 25" Tuff Turf 49.00 10/15/2017 101-43120-422500 10/06/2017 Nighthawk - Oct. 2017 - Alarm system monitori 49.95 10/15/2017 101-42200-431900 10/06/2017 PayPal- MN FAII Expo- 10/4/17 50.00 10/15/2017 601-49440-433100 10/06/2017 PayPal- MN FAII Expo- 10/4/17 50.00 10/15/2017 602-49490-433100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/06/2017 Runnings - tamper; rake 16 tine; rake 14 tine 74.97 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Cabela's - boots - Roger H. 90.00 10/15/2017 101-43120-420650 10/06/2017 Gen. Rental- Mini Skidloader; 41' bucket 91.95 10/15/2017 101-43120-441500 10/06/2017 Dyna- shop sup.- (30) ea.asst. grease fitting; (10) 93.64 10/15/2017 101-43127-421990 10/06/2017 Fastenal - (2) SDS 3/8"x18" OAL; (200) butt cot 95.91 10/15/2017 601-49440-422701 10/06/2017 Home Depot - (14) hvy. duty duct tape; roof felt 140.67 10/15/2017 101-43120-421990 10/06/2017 Live Laugh Bloom- flowers Jeff K. funeral 160.31 10/15/2017 101-42200-443990 10/06/2017 General Rental - screed conc. powered -Cedar St 176.89 10/15/2017 101-43120-441500 10/06/2017 Kwik Trip- Open House Fie - 9/30/17 - (76) pk.c 304.00 10/15/2017 101-42200-443990 10/06/2017 AST Sports - (24) polos- to be credited nxt mo. I 504.00 10/15/2017 609-49754-421110 10/06/2017 Delegard Tool- 58G Diesel Carrytank; batt. load 862.88 10/15/2017 101-45201-424100 10/06/2017 Grady's - 7/16" Drill Bit, Rod Thread 9-32x36 S1 19.48 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 Monti Printing - Driveway Requirement Stamp 37.00 10/15/2017 101-42400-421990 10/06/2017 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 9.177 gals @ $2 21.56 10/15/2017 217-41990-421200 10/06/2017 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 9.590 gals @ $2 22.53 10/15/2017 217-41990-421200 10/06/2017 Walmart - Batteries, Cork Board, Toolset 51.41 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Walmart - Shelf Liner 11.28 10/15/2017 226-45122-421990 10/06/2017 Walmart - Socks to Sell/Romp & Stomp 17.68 10/15/2017 226-45125-425411 10/06/2017 Amazon - File Folders (6 boxes) 99.48 10/15/2017 226-45122-421990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Hand Soap, Expandable Letter Files (t 80.64 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 Amazon - 9V Batteries (8 pk) 9.99 10/15/2017 226-45122-421990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Stability Balls for Fitness Area (6) 121.92 10/15/2017 226-45127-421720 10/06/2017 Amazon - Walkie Talkies for Communication 204.24 10/15/2017 226-45122-421990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - CO Detector for Library 29.88 10/15/2017 101-45501-443990 10/06/2017 Home Depot - Magnets for Crafts/Games 5.98 10/15/2017 226-45127-421981 10/06/2017 Office Max - Signs Laminated for Pool Closing 1 47.76 10/15/2017 226-45124-421990 10/06/2017 Sams Club - Apples, Protein Bars for Concessioi 76.70 10/15/2017 226-45125-425410 10/06/2017 ArrowWood Resort - Hotel MNGFOA Conf 9/2, 247.24 10/15/2017 101-41520-433100 10/06/2017 ArrowWood Resort - Hotel MNGFOA Conf 9/2, 247.24 10/15/2017 101-41520-433100 10/06/2017 Wall Street Journal - Monthly Subscription (WO 36.99 10/15/2017 101-41520-443300 10/06/2017 Condon & Skelly - Antique Fire Truck Insurance 96.00 10/15/2017 101-42200-436300 10/06/2017 MN DNR - Permit Fee for Storm Sewer Repair ( 150.00 10/15/2017 101-43130-440990 10/06/2017 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (2) 48.00 10/15/2017 609-49754-431990 10/06/2017 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (3) 69.00 10/15/2017 226-45122-431990 10/06/2017 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (1) 37.00 10/15/2017 217-41990-431990 10/06/2017 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (1) 37.00 10/15/2017 101-43120-431990 10/06/2017 Banners.com - Wag & Walk Festival Banner 47.99 10/15/2017 101-45201-443990 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 38,694.10 10/15/2017 101-43230-438400 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 - Recycling 12,864.40 10/15/2017 101-43230-438400 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 35.80 10/15/2017 101-43127-438400 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 47.74 10/15/2017 101-45201-438400 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 23.87 10/15/2017 101-45201-438400 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 113.38 10/15/2017 602-49480-438400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 208.87 10/15/2017 226-45126-438400 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 23.87 10/15/2017 609-49754-438400 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 23.87 10/15/2017 101-45201-438400 10/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - August 2017 11.93 10/15/2017 101-45501-431990 10/06/2017 MyPlumbingTraining.com - Training 9/21 & 9/2 250.00 10/15/2017 101-42400-433100 10/06/2017 Hampton Inn - Hotel for Training 9/21 & 9/22 (F 341.51 10/15/2017 101-42400-433100 10/06/2017 3M Health Services - Online Respirator Exam 29.00 10/15/2017 101-41800-431990 10/06/2017 GoDaddy.Com - 3 Year SSL Certificate 167.97 10/15/2017 702-00000-443990 10/06/2017 GoDaddy.Com - Domain Renewal (2 yrs) 30.34 10/15/2017 226-45122-430900 10/06/2017 Airport Shuttle - Shuttle to Airport 9/25/17 (AK 44.00 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 Walmart Check Printing - Checks for DMV 23.04 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 Paula Paulson - Full Drape for Mississippi Roon 425.00 10/15/2017 226-45123-431990 10/06/2017 Red Eye Grill - Meal @ Conference (AM) 12.00 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 Constant Contact - Monthly Email Service 65.00 10/15/2017 226-45122-430900 10/06/2017 Mankato City Center Hotel - MNAPA Conferenc 95.35 10/15/2017 101-41910-433100 10/06/2017 Sprint Aquatics - Goggles (225) & Swim Caps ( 1,713.35 10/15/2017 226-45125-425411 10/06/2017 Bin 5700 - Meal Conference (AM) 16.58 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 Subway - Meal at Conference (AM) 10.24 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 Fleet Farm - Utility Pump 47.89 10/15/2017 226-45126-422990 10/06/2017 Tayho Tavern - Meal @ Conference (AM) 12.68 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 Tayho Tavern - Excess Tip AM Reimbursed 0.35 10/15/2017 226-00000-115030 10/06/2017 Hilton - Excess Tip AM Reimbursed 1.03 10/15/2017 226-00000-115030 10/06/2017 Hilton - Meal @ Conference (AM) 38.09 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 Mulate's - Excess Tip AM Reimbursed 0.18 10/15/2017 226-00000-115030 10/06/2017 Mulate's - Meal @ Conference (AM) 21.64 10/15/2017 226-45122-433100 10/06/2017 American Red Cross -Life Guard Review (2), W 112.00 10/15/2017 226-45124-433100 10/06/2017 American Red Cross -Life Guarding (10) 350.00 10/15/2017 226-45124-433100 10/06/2017 American Red Cross -Life Guarding Review (2) 70.00 10/15/2017 226-45124-433100 10/06/2017 U of M - Erosion & Stormwater Cert 12/5 & 12/1 215.00 10/15/2017 101-43111-433100 10/06/2017 A Catered Event - IEDC Industry of Year Breakf 416.81 10/15/2017 213-46301-443990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Chair Mat (BG) 64.99 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Laserjet Printer 199.00 10/15/2017 702-00000-421990 10/06/2017 NBP - Paper, Tape, 103.55 10/15/2017 226-45122-421990 10/06/2017 Amazon - File Folders (6 pkgs), Laminated Tape 124.47 10/15/2017 226-45122-421990 10/06/2017 Amazon - Expandable Letter Files (7) 75.53 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 MN State Colleges - Concrete Field 1 Class 12/1 600.00 10/15/2017 101-43111-433100 10/06/2017 MN State Colleges - Grading & Base 2 Class 2/' 575.00 10/15/2017 101-43111-433100 10/06/2017 MN State Colleges - Concrete Filed 2 Class 3/12 575.00 10/15/2017 101-43111-433100 10/06/2017 MN State Colleges - Aggregate Prod Class 11/2S 575.00 10/15/2017 101-43111-433100 10/06/2017 MN State Colleges - Bituminous Street Class 1/2 575.00 10/15/2017 101-43111-433100 10/06/2017 MN State Colleges - Grading & Base 1 Class 1/' 575.00 10/15/2017 101-43111-433100 10/06/2017 Cambria Suites - Hotel Washington DC 9/13/171 319.46 10/15/2017 101-41110-433100 10/06/2017 Runnings -boot covers for concrete work 29.99 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- motor tun; (6) Moly M;gal anitfrz; 65.89 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Fastenal - (2) 475ct. towels 110.05 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Runnings - (2) 4'x6' flag; (4) bolt snap 122.74 10/15/2017 101-45201-421650 10/06/2017 Titan Machine - #104 - pedal assy. 264.01 10/15/2017 101-43120-422100 10/06/2017 Fastenal - #104 - (12) 8MM -1.25008.8 HCS Z 1.98 10/15/2017 101-43120-422100 10/06/2017 Fastenal - (2) lag shield; (2) Zinc Hex; (2) 1/2 SE 3.31 10/15/2017 101-42200-421990 10/06/2017 Walmart - (14) tablecloths for Wine Tasting 10/2 14.58 10/15/2017 609-49754-425550 10/06/2017 Monti Napa- #230 (2) light for Tool Cat 16.00 10/15/2017 101-45201-422100 10/06/2017 Streicher's -pants; belt 25.99 10/15/2017 101-42200-421120 10/06/2017 Royal Tire - flat repair; rotate; spin balance - Par 99.36 10/15/2017 101-45201-440440 10/06/2017 Sherwin Williams - Inv. #1827-3; 8109-6- Paint- 361.67 10/15/2017 101-45203-421990 10/06/2017 Live Laugh Bloom- flowers Jeff K. funeral 100.00 10/15/2017 101-41310-443990 10/06/2017 A Catered Event - IEDC Industry of Year Breakf 909.91 10/15/2017 213-46301-443990 10/06/2017 Gov't Social Media - 1 Yr Membership 185.00 10/15/2017 101-41310-443300 10/06/2017 Office Max - Badges 60.59 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Office Max - Sales Tax Refunded in Cash 4.17 10/15/2017 101-00000-115030 10/06/2017 Amazon - Office Chair 64.99 10/15/2017 217-41990-421990 10/06/2017 Fed Ex - Pkg to NRG Energy 40.00 10/15/2017 101-41110-443990 10/06/2017 Arctic Glacier - resale - #1956727108 206.29 10/15/2017 609-49750-425500 10/06/2017 NBP -cs. paper; cs. suckers; cs disinfec. wipes; e 235.03 10/15/2017 609-49754-421990 10/06/2017 Microsoft Store - 2016 Office Bundle 149.99 10/15/2017 101-41310-421990 10/06/2017 Microsoft Store -Sales Tax Charged on Office Bi 11.06 10/15/2017 101-00000-115030 10/06/2017 Holiday - (1) gal. diesel @ $2.639 2.64 10/15/2017 101-42200-421200 10/06/2017 Runnings - 42 gal trash bags 20ct - Fire 12.71 10/15/2017 101-42200-421990 10/06/2017 Grady's - muriatic acid; trigger sprayer- cement t 19.57 10/15/2017 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 94,680.51 Vendor: 2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 5 00008444666 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - September 2017 17.33 10/15/2017 656-00000-202099 00008444666 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - September 2017 59.82 10/15/2017 601-49440-443980 00008444666 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - September 2017 59.81 10/15/2017 602-49490-443980 Check Total: 136.96 Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 104,509.76 Reference ACH Enabled: True The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. 5 Date: 10/23/17 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2017 - 9:00 AM) Page 9 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 10/18/2017 - 4:15PM Batch: 00203.10.2017 - 203.10.2017 AP Invoice No Description Vendor: 2407 ALL ELEMENTS 4922 Enabled: Leaks in Lobby Area Ceiling. 2 Holes Repaired 5,150.00 10/24/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1021 AME RED E MIX INC 115522 10/24/2017 (25) CY 6 Bag; (25) GRP Color; etc Sc. Blvd/Ce 115547 (28) CY 6 Bag; (28) GRP Color; etc Sc. Blvd/Cc 10,909.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4507 CITY OF ANNANDALE WCAT 2017 WCAT dues 2017 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Check Total: Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3211646 resale- beer 3212536 3,190.55 resale - beer 3213387 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 4502 ARVIG 10/8/2017 128.00 IT Services - Oct 2017 269217 Sept. 2017 -Graybar (6) Optical Comm.: 20 prt. 30.75 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 60943400 73.50 resale - liquor 60943400 freight 61049100 232.25 resale - wine 61049100 resale - liquor Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 1 172.75 10/24/2017 217-41990-431990 172.75 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 1 Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 5,150.00 10/24/2017 101-43120-422410 5,759.00 10/24/2017 101-43120-422410 10,909.00 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 3,190.55 10/24/2017 101-45178-431990 3,190.55 Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 128.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 30.75 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 73.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 232.25 Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 2,931.00 10/24/2017 702-00000-431990 7,030.62 10/24/2017 656-49877-421800 9,961.62 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 537.35 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 13.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 192.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 950.42 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 61049100 freight 16.92 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 96504500 resale - liquor credit inv # 96479200 -168.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 96580100 resale - condiments 55.59 10/24/2017 609-49750-425500 96580100 freight 0.26 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,598.04 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 7 5495 resale - coffee 87.36 10/24/2017 226-45125-425410 66638 resale - soda pop 137.25 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 66638 resale juice 52.80 10/24/2017 609-49750-425500 66639 resale -beer 949.65 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 67045 resale -credit for outdated product -19.27 10/24/2017 226-45125-425410 67046 resale - pop, water 309.50 10/24/2017 226-45125-425410 69799 resale - soda pop 68.75 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 69799 resale -juice 16.40 10/24/2017 609-49750-425500 69800 resale - beer 2,113.30 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 70386 resale - pop, tonic water 75.25 10/24/2017 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 3,790.99 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 8 1080700350 resale - wine 128.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 1080700350 resale - liquor 4,439.77 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 1080700350 resale - wine n/a 36.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 1080700350 freight 56.93 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 1080700351 resale - beer 55.40 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 1080703851 resale - wine 656.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 1080703851 resale - liquor 786.35 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 1080703851 freight 42.09 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 1080703852 resale - beer 83.10 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 6,283.64 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 9 2348-000G 182 EDA Legal -Sept 2017 160.00 10/24/2017 213-46301-430400 2348-000G 182 16C006 - Fallon Overpass - Sept 2017 80.00 10/24/2017 400-43300-459018 2348-000G 182 17D003 - Featherstone 3rd Addition- Sept 2017 240.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 182 17D004 Autumn Ridge Vilas- Sept 2017 80.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 182 201733 - Nordic Brewing CUP - Sept 2017 32.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 182 201736 - Chadwich Plat - Sept 2017 320.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 182 General Legal- Sept 2017 2,296.00 10/24/2017 101-41610-430400 2348-144G 4 201717 - Spaeth Industrial Park - Sept 2017 389.20 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2348-145G 3 17D004 - Autumn Ridge Villas - Sept 2017 767.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-146G 2 201726 - Featherstone 3rd Addition - Sept 2017 27.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-150G 1 201736 - Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition - Se 321.80 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 4,713.00 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 2007658 resale - beer 9,508.45 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 2007658 resale - beer n/a 28.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 2015044 resale - beer 11,165.60 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 2015044 resale - beer n/a 151.25 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 354-236 resale - beer credit -38.58 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 20,814.72 Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 375-129 resale - beer 90.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 764875 resale - beer 182.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 272.00 Vendor: 1101 CENTERLINE FRAME & AUTO BODY Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 2115 Squad 5- replace grille; moulding 948.78 10/24/2017 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 948.78 Vendor: 4315 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 10/1/2017 Digital Receiver 7.91 10/24/2017 101-41110-431990 Check Total: 7.91 Vendor: 1120 CONCRETE PRODUCTS NEW LONDON Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 67048 ZPARKS-ELLPRK - credit (14) Londonstone R, -80.90 10/24/2017 229-45202-453010 67537 ZPARKS-RWOOD- (3) 3oz Typar Hvy Dty; sod 487.80 10/24/2017 229-45202-453010 Check Total: 406.90 Vendor: 3831 RAELYNN COOK Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 10/9/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - Annual Payroll Conte 65.27 10/24/2017 101-41520-433100 Check Total: 65.27 Vendor: 2080 CRYSTEEL TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True F40655 #229 - LED red clearance light 79.50 10/24/2017 101-45201-422100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 79.50 Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 1306455 resale - beer 1306455 resale - beer n/a 1306482 resale - beer 1306486 resale - beer 1306529 resale - beer 1306541 resale - beer 160685 resale - beer 160685 resale - beer n/a 160904 resale - beer 160911 resale - beer credit 160949 resale - beer 161415 resale - beer 953.85 Check Total: Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 535525 16C003 - Assessment PH 2017 Street Reconstru 537629 Ordinance 682A Ad# 741685 537630 Ordinance 681 Ad# 741690 MT1869 Two Year Subscription Renewal for City Hall 107.30 Check Total: Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC 10/16/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log 9/28/17 & 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 4114 STEPHANIE ELLINGSON 10/16/2017 Farmers Market Token Colleciton Log - 9/28/17 290.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1170 FASTENAL COMPANY 104316 (40) 40# Floor Dry Check Total: Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 0263599 (40) meter ecdr. usg. inside Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 79.50 Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 17,459.62 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 26.05 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 1,641.45 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 224.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 2,232.90 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 953.85 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 17,172.57 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 110.40 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 107.30 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 -144.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 56.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 290.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 40,130.14 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 259.98 10/24/2017 400-43300-459016 110.76 10/24/2017 101-41310-435100 129.22 10/24/2017 101-41310-435100 74.00 10/24/2017 101-41310-443300 573.96 Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 451.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 451.00 Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 48.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 48.00 Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 272.00 10/24/2017 101-42200-421990 272.00 Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 5,200.00 10/24/2017 601-49440-422701 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Check Total Vendor: 2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH 10/8/2017 City Hall Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 MCC Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Ballfield Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 DMV Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Hi Way Liquor Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Fire Hall Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Public Works Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Parks Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Prairie Center Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Sheriff Phone - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 City Hall Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 MCC Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Ballfield Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 DMV Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Hi Way Liquor Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Fire Hall Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Animal Shelter Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Public Works Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 Sheriff Internet - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 City Hall Cable - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 City Hall Data Hosting - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 City Hall Service Contract - Oct 2017 10/8/2017 MCC Cable - Oct 2017 Check Total: Vendor: 4821 FIRE CATT, LLC MN -6135 Fire hose testing (7,850) ft. Check Total: Vendor: 4825 FREEDOM ROADS OPERATIONS COMPAN` 10/5/2017 201711 - Escrow Refund Check Total: Vendor: 1828 GAME TIME PJI-0070997 Hillcrest - Zero Gravity swing Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5,200.00 3,999.73 Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 2,276.50 10/24/2017 101-42200-431990 2,276.50 Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 4,267.30 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 4,267.30 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 461.36 10/24/2017 101-45201-421650 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 5 Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 667.02 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 497.99 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 19.50 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 279.93 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 337.11 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 203.47 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 221.76 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 113.94 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 14.22 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 69.80 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 124.95 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 90.00 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 10.00 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 41.95 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 41.95 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 41.95 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 29.95 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 69.95 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 41.95 10/24/2017 702-00000-432300 12.95 10/24/2017 101-41310-431990 500.00 10/24/2017 702-00000-431900 250.00 10/24/2017 702-00000-431900 319.39 10/24/2017 226-45127-432500 3,999.73 Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 2,276.50 10/24/2017 101-42200-431990 2,276.50 Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 4,267.30 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 4,267.30 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 461.36 10/24/2017 101-45201-421650 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 461.36 Check Total: Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER 10/16/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/28/17, Check Total: Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD 10/17/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/28/17, 226-00000-220100 Check Total: Vendor: 4791 GERALD HANSON OSL005232 Remiburse for Key Pins for Lockers Check Total: Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC 4158320 (11) CY 150# Chlorine; (430) gal. Hydro. Acid; True Check Total: Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC 923454 resale - beer 98.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4492 LEANNE HOLKER 10/10/2017 Reimburse for Flag Football League Equipment Check Total: Vendor: 3749 DANIEL PAUL HUNZ 10/16/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/28/17 226-45126-421990 Check Total: Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC 3228 (1) grave - Davis 7/1/17 Check Total: Vendor: 4824 JIM LEUER CONSTRUCTION 10/17/2017 Escrow Refund - 5885 Deer St/Hillside #17-349 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 461.36 Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 179.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 179.00 Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 98.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 98.00 Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 87.40 10/24/2017 226-45126-421990 87.40 Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 9,824.81 10/24/2017 601-49440-421600 9,824.81 Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 512.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 512.50 Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 138.91 10/24/2017 226-45127-421740 138.91 Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 13.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 13.00 Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: True 450.00 10/24/2017 651-49010-431150 450.00 Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 2,000.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 Page 6 Invoice No Description Check Total Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 2733910 resale - beer 2733910 resale - beer n/a 2733934 resale - beer 2733934 freight 10/24/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 2018 JOHNS WELDING LLC 3014 (8) Park bench Frame 3015 (30) Picnic Table Frame 6' Check Total: Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 5835202 resale - beer 5835202 freight 5835733 resale - liquor 5835733 freight 5835734 freight 5835734 resale - mix 5835734 resale - wine 5835735 resale - beer 5837078 resale - liquor 5837078 freight 5837079 freight 5837079 resale - wine 5839579 resale - liquor 5839579 freight 5839580 freight 5839580 resale - wine 5841146 resale -liquor 5841146 freight 5841147 freight 5841147 resale - wine 5841148 resale - beer 5842370 resale - liquor 5842370 freight 5842371 freight 5842371 resale - wine Amount Payment Date Acct Number 2,000.00 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 7 Check Sequence: 36 2,391.25 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 62.20 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 1,781.02 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 3.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 4,237.47 Check Sequence: 37 880.00 10/24/2017 101-45203-421990 3,408.00 10/24/2017 101-45203-421990 4,288.00 Check Sequence: 38 6,276.37 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 88.66 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 3,467.74 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 71.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 41.83 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 32.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 1,527.06 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 43.98 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 2,954.31 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 37.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 46.20 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 1,871.20 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 1,208.33 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 16.39 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 7.45 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 263.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 3,560.01 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 47.68 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 44.70 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 1,376.46 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 358.74 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 1,679.58 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 15.42 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 37.25 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2,135.95 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5842371 resale - mix 46.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 5844869 resale - liquor 331.44 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 5844869 freight 4.47 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 646394 resale - wine credit inv. #5769526 -26.30 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 646395 resale - liquor credit inv. #5822970 -10.17 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 646396 resale - wine credit inv. #5824466 -4.67 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 646938 resale - wine credit inv. #5837078 -180.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 646938 freight credit inv. #5837078 -1.49 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 646939 freight credit inv. #5835733 -1.49 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 646939 resale - liquor inv. #5835733 -120.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 27,246.60 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False MN190-00101 General EDA Matters thru 9/30/17 285.00 10/24/2017 213-46301-430400 MN325-00034 Services for 220 W Broadway thru 9/30/17 76.00 10/24/2017 213-46301-430400 MN325-00035 Services for 103 Pine St thru 9/30/17 152.00 10/24/2017 213-46301-430400 Check Total: 513.00 Vendor: 4826 KINGHORN COMPANIES Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 10/6/2017 201711 - Escrow Refund 2,711.20 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,711.20 Vendor: 4820 L & L UNDERGROUND Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False Permit Refund Refund Water Use Permit Dep. $500-41.53 used 500.00 10/24/2017 601-00000-220111 Permit Refund Refund Water Use Permit Dep. $500-41.53 used -38.86 10/24/2017 601-49440-371100 Permit Refund Refund Water Use Permit Dep. $500-41.53 used -2.67 10/24/2017 601-00000-208100 Check Total: 458.47 Vendor: 2328 LOCH JEWELERS Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 10/3/2017 Trophies Engraved 38.00 10/24/2017 213-46301-443990 Check Total: 38.00 Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 10/16/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/28/17 52.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 52.00 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True 2724 resale - beer 315.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 315.00 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True 246010 resale - cigarettes 1,324.46 10/24/2017 609-49750-425500 246010 resale - tobacco; soda pop; bottle wraps; etc 321.27 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,645.73 Vendor: 1386 M -R SIGN CO INC Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 197633 (4) STOP; (4) Speed Limit 915.62 10/24/2017 101-43120-422600 Check Total: 915.62 Vendor: 4216 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False P48780 #217 - latch; (2) guide; (3) chain lube 93.19 10/24/2017 101-45201-422100 Check Total: 93.19 Vendor: 2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 17038 Utlitiy 6- (2) filter screen replacements 39.00 10/24/2017 101-42200-422110 Check Total: 39.00 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: True October 2017 Monthly Allocation - Oct 2017 4,880.00 10/24/2017 101-45175-444310 Check Total: 4,880.00 Vendor: 2323 MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False P0252839 G.O. Bonds Series 2017A 14,000.00 10/24/2017 400-43300-462030 Check Total: 14,000.00 Vendor: 1382 MOON MOTOR SALES INC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 1025360 order Polaris Ranger 570F 2017 - Fire ReliefAssoc/W 9,985.00 10/24/2017 101-42200-424100 Check Total: 9,985.00 Vendor: 1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 1143262 (2) deck v -belt; (2) atomic blade serv. pack 348.98 10/24/2017 101-45201-422100 1143262-1 (2) single fan nozzle 21.76 10/24/2017 101-45201-422100 Check Total: 370.74 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 5076 TIF Management TIF 1-20 298.96 10/24/2017 213-46520-431990 5076 TIF Management TIF 1-22 298.96 10/24/2017 213-46522-431990 5076 TIF Management TIF 1-19 298.95 10/24/2017 213-46519-431990 5076 TIF Management TIF 1-24 298.96 10/24/2017 213-46524-431990 5076 TIF Management TIF 1-29 298.96 10/24/2017 213-46529-431990 5076 TIF Management TIF 1-30 298.96 10/24/2017 213-46530-431990 Check Total: 1,793.75 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 23202 Sept 2017 - Tech Assistance - City Projects 3,935.33 10/24/2017 101-41910-431990 23203 201712 - Carlisle Paxmar PUD Amendment - Se 570.50 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 23203 201722 - Affordable Storage PUD - Sept 2017 537.90 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 23203 201728 - Rustech Brew CUP - Sept 2017 65.20 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 23203 201732 - SPO Townhouse PUD - Sept 2017 260.80 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 23203 201736 - Chadwick Ryan Plat - Sept 2017 1,325.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 23203 201701 - Denn Property Development - Sept 201 228.20 10/24/2017 101-41910-431990 23203 201733 - Nordic Brewing Outdoor Seating - Sep 1,532.20 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 23204 Sept 2017 - Tech Assistance - Meetings 300.00 10/24/2017 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 8,755.13 Vendor: 4472 NOVAK FLECK INC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 10/5/2017 Escrow Refund - 4447 87th St/Featherston #17-, 2,000.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 4368 OFFICE DEPOT INC Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 970445861001 (2) mouse pad; AA 20pk battery; copy paper 64.26 10/24/2017 101-43110-421990 Check Total: 64.26 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 13017 (3) AC Fines mix 192.00 10/24/2017 101-43120-422400 Check Total: 192.00 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 8607121 freight 17.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 8607121 resale - wine 1,078.16 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 1,095.66 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 59 2238959 resale - liquor 2,139.75 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 2238959 freight 46.19 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2239508 freight 48.04 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2239508 resale - liquor 3,014.08 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 2239509 resale - mix 84.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425500 2239509 freight 1.49 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2240445 freight 8.94 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2240445 resale - liquor 670.10 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 2240446 resale - wine 2,425.40 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 2240446 freight 61.10 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2240446 resale - wine n/a 53.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 2242240 resale - liquor 467.65 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 2242240 freight 4.47 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2242241 freight 2.98 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2242241 resale - wine 192.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 2243248 resale - liquor 2,718.36 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 2243248 freight 32.88 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2243249 freight 1.49 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2243249 resale - wine 56.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 2244141 resale - liquor 1,630.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 2244141 freight 23.84 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2244142 freight 14.90 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 2244142 resale - wine 494.40 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 2246046 resale - liquor 4,239.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 2246046 freight 46.19 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 275900 resale - wine credit inv. #2235626 -42.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 276414 resale - wine credit inv. #2240446 -192.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 276414 freight credit inv. #2240446 -2.98 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 18,239.77 Vendor: 4564 POLE PAINTING PLUS, INC Check Sequence: 60 1042 steetight painting cc aprvd. 6/2017 33,800.00 10/24/2017 101-43160-440990 Check Total: 33,800.00 Vendor: 3574 PREFERRED TITLE INC Check Sequence: 61 FileNo 06037-17 Closing on Property @ 220 W Broadway 34,400.00 10/24/2017 213-46301-451020 FileNo 06037-17 Fees - Closing on Property @ 220 W Broadway 1,033.71 10/24/2017 213-46301-451020 Check Total: 35,433.71 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 11 Invoice No Description Vendor: 4565 R HOMES 10/10/2017 Escrow Refund - 9161 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 10/18/2017 Escrow Refund - 9121 Golden Pond Ln/Sunset F Check Total Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON 8-21-17 fuel for mini excavator - Water Dept. 8-30 & 9-12-17 fuel for small engine - Streets 8-30 & 9-12-17 battery loader - Streets 9-22-17 Parks #231 fuel - Parks False Check Total: Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC A30615 Lock repairs on Meeting Room doors- Fire Check Total: Vendor: 4660 SAFE -FAST, INC 189730/877 (17) Jackets- Streets 189730/877 (17) Jackets- Parks 189730/877 (17) Jackets- Water 189730/877 (17) Jackets- Sewer Check Total: Vendor: 1474 PATRICIAA SALZWEDEL Oct 2nd Semi Monthly Contract Payment False Check Total: Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA 10/16/2017 Fannes Market Token Collection Log - 10/5/17 Check Total: Vendor: 2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC W5808852 9/29/17 - Event Security Check Total: Vendor: 4474 SITE ONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 82862990 (30) XERI 6 Outlet Emitter Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 2,000.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 2,000.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 4,000.00 Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 33.56 10/24/2017 601-49440-421200 6.08 10/24/2017 101-43120-421200 120.00 10/24/2017 101-43120-422100 10.05 10/24/2017 101-45201-421200 169.69 Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 521.60 10/24/2017 101-42200-440100 521.60 Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 259.60 10/24/2017 101-43120-420650 163.75 10/24/2017 101-45201-420650 69.90 10/24/2017 601-49440-420650 69.90 10/24/2017 602-49490-420650 563.15 Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 1,593.75 10/24/2017 101-42700-431200 1,593.75 Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 41.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 41.00 Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 140.00 10/24/2017 226-45123-431992 140.00 Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 142.84 10/24/2017 101-43120-422500 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 142.84 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 1598271 resale - liquor 1,297.18 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 1598271 freight 15.52 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 1601088 resale - liquor 4,301.78 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 1601088 freight 40.96 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 1601089 freight 27.30 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 1601089 resale - wine 1,448.54 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 7,131.28 Vendor: 4513 AARON STAEHNKE Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 10/16/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/5/17 44.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 44.00 Vendor: 1927 STEELE'S COLLISION LLC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 11826 repair to fr. bumper; license panel- damaged duri 1,350.53 10/24/2017 601-49440-431990 Check Total: 1,350.53 Vendor: 3594 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT, LLC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 2958511 asst. bags; paper plates; paper twls 399.42 10/24/2017 609-49754-421990 2958511 case- souffle lids 26.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 425.92 Vendor: 4823 TAPCO Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False i579836 (4) mailbox support syst. 837.00 10/24/2017 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 837.00 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 763-271-3257 TDS 95.19 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 763-295-2005 TDS 19.13 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 763-295-3714 TDS 337.80 10/24/2017 702-00000-432100 Check Total: 452.12 Vendor: 4459 JAMES THARES Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 10/12/2017 Mileage Reimbursement Sept/Oct (126 miles) 67.41 10/24/2017 213-46301-433100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 67.41 32.64 32.64 727.80 727.80 180.00 180.00 6,925.00 6,925.00 857.08 857.07 1,714.15 61,548.00 61,548.00 377.50 -14.50 227.50 -33.25 557.25 301.50 144.00 Check Sequence: 77 10/24/2017 101-41910-433100 Check Sequence: 78 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Sequence: 79 10/24/2017 226-45127-421981 Check Sequence: 80 10/24/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Sequence: 81 10/24/2017 601-49440-432200 10/24/2017 602-49490-432200 Check Sequence: 82 10/24/2017 602-49480-430800 Check Sequence: 83 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Sequence: 84 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 14 Check Total: Vendor: 4536 JACOB THUNANDER 10/12/17 Mileage Reimbursement (61 miles) R.A.L.A.G P Check Total: Vendor: 4782 TKO WINES, INC 6406 resale - wine Check Total: Vendor: 3910 TRAILBLAZER JOINT POWERS BOARD 10/4/2017 Friendship Island Transportation June, July, Aug Check Total: Vendor: 1537 UHL COMPANY INC 997 Replaced Compressors for Stage 1 & 2 Cooling i Check Total: Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE 10/10/2017 PI 42 - UB Sept Billing (3,784 pcs) (1/2) 10/10/2017 PI 42 - UB Sept Billing (3,784 pcs) (1/2) Check Total: Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L: 10/15/2017 Nov 2017 WWTP Operations & Maintenance Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 2036031 resale - soda pop 721090 resale - soda pop credit 736559 resale - soda pop 736560 resale - soda pop credit Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 0190697 resale - liquor 0190697 resale - wine Amount Payment Date Acct Number 67.41 32.64 32.64 727.80 727.80 180.00 180.00 6,925.00 6,925.00 857.08 857.07 1,714.15 61,548.00 61,548.00 377.50 -14.50 227.50 -33.25 557.25 301.50 144.00 Check Sequence: 77 10/24/2017 101-41910-433100 Check Sequence: 78 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Sequence: 79 10/24/2017 226-45127-421981 Check Sequence: 80 10/24/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Sequence: 81 10/24/2017 601-49440-432200 10/24/2017 602-49490-432200 Check Sequence: 82 10/24/2017 602-49480-430800 Check Sequence: 83 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Sequence: 84 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 0190697 freight 12.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 0190814 freight 2.50 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 0190814 resale - liquor 99.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 559.50 Vendor: 4697 VISU-SEWER, INC. Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 28878 Sectional Sewer Lining 8" x 6' 5,238.30 10/24/2017 602-49490-431990 28878 Sec.Sewer Lining- billed to TDS 3,919.95 10/24/2017 602-00000-115030 Check Total: 9,158.25 Vendor: 4514 LY LEE VUE Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True 10/16/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 9/28/17 250.00 10/24/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 250.00 Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 6444 Water Testing Sept. 2017 256.00 10/24/2017 601-49440-422740 Check Total: 256.00 Vendor: 4220 WEBBER RECREATIONAL DESIGN, INC Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 752 ZPARKS-RWOODS- Shelter 12,160.50 10/24/2017 229-45202-453010 Check Total: 12,160.50 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 8417 Labor - MCC Pool Area Lighting Retrofit 2,000.00 10/24/2017 226-45126-431990 8417 Materials - MCC Pool Area Lighting Retrofit 15,043.00 10/24/2017 226-45126-431990 8432 Labor - Installed New Fan in Pool Area 114.00 10/24/2017 226-45126-440440 8432 Materials - Fan Kit for New Fan in Pool Area 115.92 10/24/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Total: 17,272.92 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 7152174 resale - wine 500.00 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 7152174 freight 7.45 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 7153166 resale - wine 1,316.20 10/24/2017 609-49750-425300 7153166 resale - mix 19.75 10/24/2017 609-49750-425400 7153166 freight 22.84 10/24/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,866.24 Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number License 2018 2018 Tobacco License Renewal 150.00 10/24/2017 609-49754-443990 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 92 201700000087 201726 - Featherstone 3rd - Rezoning, Developn 138.00 10/24/2017 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 138.00 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 93 01494-950 36 14C002 - Digester Construct Admin - August 2 56,278.50 10/24/2017 602-00000-165010 01494-950 36 14C002 - Phosphorus Construct Admin - Augw 1,093.00 10/24/2017 602-00000-165010 01627-680 19 16D002 - Mills Fleet Farm Plan Review - Augu 995.25 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-010 32 General Engineering Services Phase 5 - August. 2,660.00 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-010 32 General Engineering Services Phase 5 - August, 2,660.00 10/24/2017 601-49440-430300 02596-010 32 General Engineering Services Phase 5 - August, 2,660.00 10/24/2017 602-49490-430300 02596-010 32 General Engineering Services Phase 6 - August, 170.00 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-030 23 Maps - August 2017 2,159.00 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-100 27 15C001 - 2016 Street Reconstruction Project - A 635.00 10/24/2017 400-43300-459011 02596-160 20 15C004 - 7th Street/Th 25 Intersection Improver 7,821.00 10/24/2017 400-43300-459014 02596-220 11 2017-07 - Monticello Middle School Expansion 1,172.50 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-250 10 ZMISHS - School District PUD Plan Review - A 368.75 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-2609 16C002 - Spirit Hills Trail Improvements - Augr 1,087.75 10/24/2017 229-45202-453910 02596-2808 201638 - IRT Plan Review - August 2017 1,336.00 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-2907 Monticello Business Center Drainage Study - A 3,989.00 10/24/2017 263-49200-431990 02596-340 11 2016-2017 Market Matching - August 2017 700.00 10/24/2017 213-46301-431990 02596-3508 17D001 - Camping World Plan Review- August 436.50 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-3508 17D001 - Camping World Plan Review- August 432.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 02596-360 11 16C003 - 2017 Street Improvements - August 2C 57,602.25 10/24/2017 400-43300-459016 02596-3906 201706 - Monticello Specialty Clinic- August 2C 1,145.00 10/24/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-4008 16C006 - Fallon Ave Improvements - August 20 76,855.75 10/24/2017 400-43300-459018 E010438-000 2 17C001 - Chelsea Road Utility & Street Imrpove 4,540.50 10/24/2017 400-43300-430300 R010148-000 4 201716 - Red Rooster Properties Plan Review- F 76.00 10/24/2017 101-41910-430300 R010149-000 4 201720 - Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition Replat- At 610.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 R010151-000 2 201726 - Featherstone 3rd Addition - August 201 1,864.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 R010276-000 3 201722 - Affordable Self Storage/KP Properties 264.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 R010444-000 2 EHOUSE - 707BRW - Asbestos & Reg Material 534.50 10/24/2017 400-43300-431990 R010454-000 2 17C002 - 7th Street & Cedar Street Improvemen 5,305.75 10/24/2017 400-43300-430300 R010648-000 1 201732 - SPO Townhomes PUD Plan Review - E 228.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 R010663-000 1 201712 - Carlisle Village 6th Addition - August : 152.00 10/24/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 235,832.00 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 16 Invoice No Description Vendor: 1589 ZIEGLER CAT A1251002 Rental 9/13-10/10/17- Sm. Track Caterpillar - Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 94 3,430.00 10/24/2017 101-43120-441500 3,430.00 677,832.37 94 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/23/17 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf Reference ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/18/2017 - 4:15 PM) Page 17 City Council Agenda 10/23/17 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Kirsten Olson Voluntary MCC 9/29/17 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2017.xlsx: 10/17/2017 Class Class NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Jeffrey Roiger Custodian MCC 10/13/2017 FT Rebecca Scherber Childcare MCC 10/20/2017 PT Christina Peters Deputy Registrar Clerk DMV 10/23/2017 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Kirsten Olson Voluntary MCC 9/29/17 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2017.xlsx: 10/17/2017 Class Class City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 2C. Consideration to approve sale of surplus FiberNet equipment to Relav Networks for $4,200 (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On September 5, 2017, Arvig provided the city with a list of unused inventory and equipment. On September 11, the council declared all the items on the list as surplus property. Arvig made various proposal to dispose of the property. Staff research some of the items on eBay, but models were difficult to compare prices usually included "or best offer". Staff contacted one eBay seller of like equipment and asked for a quote on the entire lot. The attached offer was the firms third. Mark Birkholz has indicated the offer is fair considering the age of the equipment. The original costs of the items, including a metaswitch, is significant but not known. Al. Budget Impact: None beyond the $4,200. A2. Staff Impact: Minimal B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the sale of surplus FiberNet equipment to Relay Networks for $4,200. 2. Motion to deny the sale of surplus FiberNet equipment to Relay Networks for $4,200. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Surplus Equipment List B. Emails from Relay Networks and Arvig Surplus FiberNet Equipment as Prepared by Arvig Make Model Desc qty Extreme X350 -24t 24 port switch 2 Extreme X460 -24t 24 port switch 1 Extreme X150 -24t 24 port 10/100 switch 2 Extreme X150 -48t 48 port 10/100 switch 2 Cisco Catalyst 1900 series switch 1 3com superstackll 24 port dual speed hub 1 Cisco 4507r-3 Core layer 3 switch 2 Cisco 7200 VXR Core Router 1 Cisco ASA 5510 Firewall 1 Cisco 1841 switch 1 Motorola D9850 Program Receiver IRD 20 Motorola DSR4410 IRD 7 Motorola DSR6100 IRD 2 Motorola DSR4520x IRD 1 Wegener Unity 4600 IRD 3 Superflex DVB -s and DVB -s2 Video receiver 2 Cisco D9824 IRD 2 Scientific Atlantic D9828 IRD 1 Cisco D9854 IRD 2 Cisco D9858 IRD 2 Cisco D9858-1 IRD 1 Verimatrix VACS Encryption server 1 Video propulsion Floodgate IP to RF 1 Vecima Concierge CG12M2+ IP to Quam 1 IBM PPV and media Servers 3 Quintech Active L -band splitters Sat L band splitters 15 DPS Telcom Net Guardian Alarm collector 1 Calix E5-400 SFP card in E5 1 Adtran Total Access750 3 Adtran HFANM Adatran Fan Chassis 1 Adtran O PT16100 1 Commscope DI-M2CU1 PANEL 84 POS SPLIT FRONT 2 Commscope DI-A2CU1 56 Position 2 CXR Tiempo 6400 bits clock 1 Dell Poweredge T620 Desktop Server 1 Metaswitch UX4410 MVS/SAS/VPN/INS 1 Metaswitch VP2510 IS 1 Metaswitch UC9022 N -Series Server 1 Metaswitch Unknown Fax Gateway 1 Metaswitch UX4410 EAS DSS Deployment 1 Cisco Unknown SBC (Cisco ASR 1006) 1 Metaswitch Unknown SCON 1 Metaswitch Unknown SCON 1 Wayne Oberg From: Mark Birkholz Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 1:43 PM To: Wayne Oberg; Jeff O'Neill Subject: Un -Used Inventory at FiberNet Attachments: Un -Used Inventory at FiberNet - Owned by City 9.5.17.xlsx Gentlemen - Attached is a current list of Un -Used Inventory that should be sold. I would like it out of the HE / CO building, with these units every day they sit they lose value. Call me if you want to discuss or meet about this, to me here are the options: 1) City staff sells these units. 2) Arvig's Inventory department could sell them on the open market. Issue is we would only have one offer and we would need 40% commission on them. 3) Put a value on the works and see if Arvig will buy entire lot at 50%. I do want this before you as there is some value to some of these items, you can google them. Please advise of direction. Mark Mark Birkholz Director - Southern Markets Arvig Wayne Oberg From: Mark Birkholz < Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 4:57 PM To: Wayne Oberg Cc: Jeff O'Neill Subject: Re: metaswitch Planned obsolescence. Newer bigger redundancies of current models. On Oct 3, 2017, at 4:37 PM, Wayne Oberg <Wavne.Obere@ci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: Other than tech, why is the meta junk? From: Mark Birkholz [mailto. Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 4:00 PM To: Wayne Oberg <Wavne.OberR@ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Jeff O'Neill <Jeff.Oneill@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Re: FW: metaswitch That will kill this deal, they will offer you about 1,500, give or take $500 without the Meta. Mark On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 3:46 PM, Wayne Oberg <Wavne.Oberg@ci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: Mark, I think the $3k was for all the equipment. Then raised to $4k for all the equipment. I want to counter with $4k for everything except the server and metaswitch. Does this seem reasonable. Thank you! Wayne From: Mark Birkholz [mailk, Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 2:02 PM To: Wayne Oberg <Wavne.OberR@ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Jeff O'Neill <Jeff.Oneill@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Re: FW: metaswitch Hi Wayne - If I understand correctly you have been offered 3k for the Meta switch items, and you've been offered is 4k for everything in the CO. If you can back out the META from the 4k offer, that would be great, but I would guess they'll back out too.... Mark I On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Wayne Oberg <Wavne.OberR@ci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: E ; Mark, I+ I have another bid ($1k higher) from Relay's on the headend equipment. I think it would be reasonable to counter with accepting the $4k for all items except the poweredge server and metaswitch. I have somewhat priced the items on ebay. Many have a stated price or best offer. What I are your thoughts? jl j Thank you! Wayne jl From: Bryan Bergschnieder [mailto: Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017 2:19 PM To: Wayne Oberg <Wavne.OberR@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: metaswitch Good afternoon Wayne, I hope your weekend went well. I did end up hearing back from a client over the weekend who may be able to use a handful of the units in the facility, we can add an additional $1K to the offer for the equipment so we would be at $4K, if that helps let me know and we can work out a date to come pick everything up. Thanks again — 2 Wayne Oberg From: Bryan Bergschnieder Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 11:13 AM To: Wayne Oberg Subject: RE: metaswitch Good morning Wayne, I hope your weekend went well. I reached out to a few clients since our chat last week and unfortunately we don't have a lot of extra room to move on the offer. We would be looking at $4200 for the available gear, if you get the green light next week just let me know. Thanks again for the opportunity. Bryan From: Wayne Oberg [mailto:Wayne.Oberg@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 3:58 PM To: Bryan Bergschnieder Subject: RE: metaswitch Thankyou! From: Bryan Bergschnieder [mailto: Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 3-7577M To: Wayne Oberg <Wavne.OberR(@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: metaswitch Thanks for the update Wayne — I greatly appreciate it. We may have a little room on the offer, I'm just waiting to hear back from a customer who recently inquired about one of the units. If they decide to pull the trigger I'll let you know right away what we can bump it up to (likely will be a few hundred dollars so not a major change unfortunately).. Thanks again — Bryan From: Wayne Oberg [mailto:Wavne.OberaCc�ci.monticello.mn.us1 Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 3:48 PM To: Bryan Bergschnieder Subject: RE: metaswitch Bryan, I am not totally sure how we are going to dispose of the equipment. I was taken aback a bit by the fact that it wasn't worth much, but that goes with the type of equipment. I will keep you informed as we move forward. Thank you! Wayne City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 2D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-77 accepting a donation from the Fire Relief Association General Fund to the Fire Department in the amount of $8,985 for the purchase of a new ATV (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is being asked to approve a donation from the Fire Relief General Fund in the amount of $8,985 for the Fire Department purchase of a new ATV. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donation/sponsorship will pay for expenses of the run or movie programming. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff participates in the events. Our sponsors will be recognized in all our advertisement and banners. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the Resolution approving the contribution and authorize use of funds. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2017-77 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2017-77 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Fire Relief Association General Fund Cash $8,985 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT Fire Relief Association General Fund Monticello Fire Department Purchase of ATV Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 23rd day of October, 2017. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 2E. Consideration of aimrovine an application for a temporary charitable gambling, permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce for their Annual Banquet on December 1. 2017 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Chamber has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on Friday, December 1, 2017 in conjunction with their Annual Banquet at the Monticello Community Center. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce at the Community Center on December 1, 2017. 2. Do not approve the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and is not aware of any reason why this application should not be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for Exempt Gambling Permit — Monticello Chamber of Commerce MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar yea r. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to your county by calling 651-539-1900. 9/17 Page 1 of 2 Application Fee (non-refundable) Applications are processed in the order received. If the application is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization L1 l t� i s Gambling f -DID Name: ` /�.I V C emit Number: I �% Minnesota Tax ID _ II,, Federal Employer D Number, if any: u 1 �"l� I Number FEIN), if any: Mailing Address: P v ?)oy I 'D City: - �e,I, State: Zip:5530-County:w li Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO):Ahuro P�Ajt i Daytime Phone: (011, 00 Em i (Permit will be em iled to this email address.) NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): = Fraternal = Religious Veterans Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 F-1 IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. F-1 IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling, and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Physical Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): \ � u.A \� Check one:' City: _�je, , v Zip: County: VV1 /l ® F1Township: Zip: County: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing):D 1 C � Check each type of gambling activity that your lization will conduct: = Bingo = Paddlewheels = Pull -Tabs = Tipboards (_000Pi Raffle (total value of raffle prizes awarded for the calendar year, including this raffle: $ ! Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov/gcb and click on Distributors under List of Licensees, or call 651-539-1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 9/17 Page 2 of 2 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after (60 days for a 1st class city). 30 days. FIThe application is denied. Dhe application is denied. Print City Name: Signature of City Personnel: Title: Date: The city or county must sign before submitting application to the Gambling Control Board. Print County Name: Signature of County Personnel: Title: • Date: TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349.213.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to the Board within 30 days of the event date. 1 l Chief Executive Officer's Signature: Uw / IPA 1 Date: I D (Si nature us'/e C O s signature; designee may not sign) Print Name: JACkOU Y REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days, or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and • all gambling conducted on one day. application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-19b0. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 2F. Consideration of approving adjustments to the MCC part-time pav schedule to meet minimum wage requirements. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider approving adjustments to the Monticello Community Center's (MCC) part-time pay schedule to meet minimum wage requirements. Effective January 1, 2018 the minimum wage requirement will increase from $9.50 to $9.65 per hour for adults and from $7.75 to $7.87 per hour for minors. The MCC currently has a minor starting wage and an adult starting wage for their part- time staff. To accommodate the minimum wage increase, the MCC's pay schedule was adjusted on a graduated basis for grades 1-6. The starting wages for grades 7-11 were left unchanged. For comparison purposes the attached document includes the current salary schedule and proposed schedule. Implementation: Employees who are currently making less than the minimum wage will have their rate increased to the new minimums and anyone currently making above the minimum wage will receive a pay adjustment at their next performance review. The following are important to note: • Beginning in 2018 and each year moving forward the minimum wage will be adjusted for cost of living (COLA) each year. • The MCC part-time pay schedules have not typically been included as part of the annual market wage adjustment or COLA. The effective date of the new pay scale will be December 23rd to match the City's payroll schedule. Al. Budget Impact: The minimum wage adjustment is a budgeted item for 2018. The impact on the MCC's budget over the next 12 months is approximately $1,950. B1. Staff Workload Impact: Their will be a short-term increase in staff workload to adjust the pay rates of 25 affected employees. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve adjustments to the MCC pay schedule moving employees to appropriate levels as outline above. 2. Motion to approve alternative action. City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel Committee reviewed the proposed recommendations and recommend Alternative 1 approving adjustments to the MCC salary schedules. SUPPORTING DATA: • Proposed Pay Schedule 2 CURRENT WITH POSITION UPDATES MCC Combined Minor and Adult Payscale Denotes starting adult wage UPDATED FOR MINIMUM WAGE ADJUSTMENT MCC Combined Minor and Adult Payscale Grade 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 51 5.5 6 6.5 2% 7.5 8 8.5 9 Positions Grade 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 51 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 Positions 17% M1 $ 7.75 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 9.21 $ 9.50 I $ 9.69 $ 9.88 $ 10.08 $ 10.28 $ 10.49 $ 10.70 $ 10.91 $ 11.13 Slide Attendant 17% M2 $ 7.75 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 9.21 $ 9.55 I $ 9.74 $ 9.94 $ 10.13 $ 10.34 $ 10.54 $ 10.75 $ 10.97 $ 11.19 Childcare Attendant 17% M3 $ 7.75 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 9.21 $ 9.65 I $ 9.84 $ 10.04 $ 10.24 $ 10.45 $ 10.65 $ 10.87 $ 11.08 $ 11.31 Climbing Wall, Program Asst., Sp. Event Att. 17% M4 $ 7.75 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 9.21 $ 9.75 $ 9.95 $ 10.14 $ 10.35 $ 10.55 $ 10.76 $ 10.98 $ 11.20 $ 11.42 Ice Arena Attendant, BF Concession Attendant 17% M5 $ 8.76 $ 8.94 $ 9.16 $ 9.38 $ 9.62 $ 9.85 I $ 10.05 $ 10.25 $ 10.45 $ 10.66 $ 10.88 $ 11.09 $ 11.31 $ 11.54 Guest Service, Prog. Lead, WSI Aid, Event Decorator 17% M6 $ 9.27 $ 9.46 $ 9.69 I $ 9.95 $ 10.15 $ 10.35 $ 10.56 $ 10.77 $ 10.99 $ 11.21 $ 11.43 $ 11.66 Adm. Asst. 17% M7 $ 9.79 $ 9.99 $ 10.24 I $ 10.44 $ 10.65 $ 10.87 $ 11.08 $ 11.31 $ 11.53 $ 11.76 $ 12.26 I Building Att., FM Cashier, BF Concession Server, WSI Aide, Lifeguard 15% M8 $ 10.00 $ 10.20 $ 10.46 I $ 10.67 $ 10.88 $ 11.10 $ 11.32 $ 11.55 $ 11.78 $ 12.02 Program Instructor 15% M9 $ 12.36 1 $ 12.61 $ 12.92 $ 13.24 $ 13.58 $ 13.90 $ 14.25 $ 14.60 $ 14.82 WSI 19% M101 $ 12.51 1 $ 12.76 $ 13.09 $ 13.40 $ 13.74 $ 14.08 $ 14.47 $ 14.78 $ 15.00 League Manager, Facility Lead, Fitness Sp, Program Sp 19% M11 $ 20.00 I $ 20.40 $ 20.91 $ 21.42 $ 21.96 Group Fitness Instructor 10% Denotes starting adult wage UPDATED FOR MINIMUM WAGE ADJUSTMENT MCC Combined Minor and Adult Payscale Grade 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 51 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 Positions M1 $ 7.87 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 9.21 $ 9.65 I $ 9.84 $ 10.04 $ 10.24 $ 10.45 $ 10.65 $ 10.87 $ 11.08 $ 11.31 Slide Attendant 17% M2 $ 7.87 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 9.21 $ 9.70 $ 9.89 $ 10.09 $ 10.29 $ 10.50 $ 10.71 $ 10.92 $ 11.14 $ 11.37 Childcare Attendant 17% M3 $ 7.87 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 9.21 $ 9.75 I $ 9.95 $ 10.14 $ 10.35 $ 10.55 $ 10.76 $ 10.98 $ 11.20 $ 11.42 Climbing Wall, Program Asst., Sp. Event Att. 17% M4 $ 7.87 $ 7.95 $ 8.14 $ 8.35 $ 8.55 $ 8.77 $ 8.98 $ 9.21 $ 9.85 $ 10.05 $ 10.25 $ 10.45 $ 10.66 $ 10.88 $ 11.09 $ 11.31 $ 11.54 Ice Arena Attendant, OF Concession Attendant 17% M5 $ 8.76 $ 8.94 $ 9.16 $ 9.38 $ 9.62 $ 9.85 $ 10.05 $ 10.25 $ 10.45 $ 10.66 $ 10.88 $ 11.09 $ 11.31 $ 11.54 $ 11.77 Guest Service, Prog. Lead, WSI Aid, Event Decorator 17% M6 $ 9.27 $ 9.46 $ 9.69 $ 9.95 $ 10.15 I $ 10.35 $ 10.56 $ 10.77 $ 10.99 $ 11.21 $ 11.43 $ 11.66 $ 11.89 Adm. Asst. 17% M7 $ 9.79 $ 9.99 $ 10.24 $ 10.44 $ 10.65 $ 10.87 $ 11.08 $ 11.31 $ 11.53 $ 11.76 $ 12.00 Building Att., FM Cashier, BF Concession server, WSI Aide, Lifeguard 17% M8 $ 10.00 $ 10.20 $ 10.46 I $ 10.67 $ 10.88 $ 11.10 $ 11.32 $ 11.55 $ 11.78 $ 12.02 $ 12.26 I Program Instructor 17% M9 $ 12.36 I $ 12.61 $ 12.92 $ 13.24 $ 13.58 $ 13.90 $ 14.25 $ 14.60 $ 14.82 Wsl 19% M101 $ 12.51 1 $ 12.76 $ 13.09 $ 13.40 $ 13.74 $ 14.08 $ 14.47 $ 14.78 $ 15.00 League Manager, Facility Lead, Fitness Sp, Program Sp 19% M11 $ 20.00 $ 20.44 $ 20.95 $ 21.47 $ 22.01 Group Fitness Instructor 10% Denotes starting adult wage 2G. City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 Consideration to auurove a new outside cleaning service to clean Citv buildings for $75,756 annually. (AM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We are asking that the City Council approve a new outside commercial cleaning service to clean the following City buildings: Community Center, Library, City Hall, Senior Center, Prairie Center, and Head End. The previous selected cleaning company gave us a 30 day notice, so we are asking the City Council approve the lowest bidder of the remaining cleaning companies. The Community Center currently manages a full-time Custodian and two full-time Maintenance Technicians to clean and maintain the above listed facilities. Before the previous cleaning service we also employed additional part-time custodians at an average annual cost of $79,500. If we were to utilize the new commercial cleaning service we could still see a savings of $26,700 per year on our cleaning and maintenance staffing costs. The lowest bidder, ServiceMaster offers a 60 day written notice to cancel at any time. Our goal with utilizing a cleaning service is to decrease costs while increasing services and efficiencies. The quotes were received as follows: Quotes for Commercial Cleaning Services COMPANY DESCRIPTION Mid City Cleaning Commercial cleaning services for Community Center, Library, City Hall, Senior Center, Prairie Center, and Head End Building Commercial cleaning services for Community Center, Library, City Hall, Senior Center, Prairie Center, and Head End Building TOTAL QUOTE $5,756.00 annually $219,384.00 annually Al. Budget Impact: By utilizing the cleaning service the City would save $26,700 annually on its custodial costs. A2. Staff Workload Impact: We would eliminate our part-time custodial staff, therefore we would reduce the staff management hours for the Facilities Maintenance Supervisor to schedule, hire, and supervise part-time staff. City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the new commercial cleaning service for $75,756 annually by the lowest bidders as highlighted in green as identified in the previous table. 2. Motion to deny the commercial cleaning service. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of the new outside commercial cleaning service. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Cleaning Contracts/Estimates B. Estimated Costs Spreadsheet 2 Servicrosm -Crean June 2, 2017 City of Monticello Jerry Hanson 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Mn. 55362 Dear Mr. Hanson: Servicemsm Restore Sere£ee esrea ,. Thank you for this opportunity to submit a janitorial cleaning proposal for your Monticello facilities (6) in Monticello, Minnesota. ServiceMaster would provide the following quotes per building/per department for your review: • Senior Center cleaned 2 x per week. • City Hall cleaned 2 x per week. • Head End cleaned 2 x per week. • Prairie West Building 2 x per week. • Library building 6 x per week • Community Center common areas & gym 2 x per week 7 x per week Monthly cost is $290.00 plus tax Monthly cost is $580.00 plus tax Monthly cost is $490.00 plus tax Monthly cost is $433.00 plus tax Monthly cost is $1430.00 plus tax Monthly cost is $3090.00 plus tax ServiceMaster would provide cleaning for all 6 sites... We would not be interested in splitting them up and providing only five or less facilities. The pricing would change (increase significantly per building) and would not be ideal for erviceMaster to provide service profitably. ( Let me know if we are within your budget to continue the dialog for SM to provide service.) Expendable Items such as hand soap, toilet paper, paper towels garbage liners would be provided by City of Monticello. The Auto scrubber would also be provided by City of Monticello. ServiceMaster would provide back ground checks and training and supervision for ServiceMaster employee at each building. We at ServiceMaster look forward to partnering with you to provide a professional cleaning for your facilities in the Monticello area. ServiceMaster Professional Services Toll Free: 800-245-4622 13355 10th Av. N. Ste, 102 Fax: 763-444-1479 Plymouth, MN 55441 www.svmps.com Ann Mosack From: Sent: To: Subject: More info from Mid City Jerry Hanson Tuesday, June 20, 2017 8:14 AM Ann Mosack FW: Propsal From: Chad Weiers [mailto:chad@midcitycleaning.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 7:22 AM To: Jerry Hanson<jerry.hanson@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Re: Propsal Based on or walk through I feel you need three full time employees and three part time employees. Sorry I'm downtown working on this sick time ordinance requirements for all downtown employers. I'll send the proposal when I get back to the office. Thankyou Chad Weiers Mid City Cleaning Chad midcitvcleanine.com On Jun 20, 2017, at 7:05 AM, Jerry Hanson <ierry.hansonCcDci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: Hi, Chad So how many full time and part time employees are we talking about? Can you email me the proposal? Thanks From: Chad Weiers [mailto:chadPmidcitvcleaninR.coml y 1101c'. eo X 3 = 417-e5Z(6.00 Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 6:57 AM To: Jerry Hanson <ierry.hanson(a)ci.monticello.mn.us> X Ps 7 c)0 Subject: Re: Propsal Hi Jerry W 001, ?—C( -L PM For every full time emplyee your monthly cost would be $4196.00 per a month plus sales tax . For every WNIV% part time employee working four hours your cost would be $ 1898.00 per a month plus sales tax. I'm sorry I was not able to drop off the proposal in person. We can mail it if you want. Thank you Chad Weiers Mid City Cleaning 8000 University Ave NE 1 , Maintenance and Custodial Staffing Costs I Part-time Custodians/Maintenance Full-time Custodian (Grade 4) Full-time Maintenance Tech (Grade 9-Stepp/Step 1) Tull -time Maintenance Tech (Grade 9 -Step 3) Contract Cleaning Service Totals Current Costs (612017) $ -79,5 00.00 $ 56rODO.00 471000.00 78,1400O.00 $ 68YO00.00 68,000.00 $ 281r500.100 Note: Added 15K insurance and 15.15% for FICA/Medicare/PERA, Proposed' Costs 471000.00 64f!000.00 68,000.00 75?756.00 254,756.00 City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 2H. Consideration of apurovin2 cash management and investment volicv (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The current 2008 council approved investment policy is in need of refinement. For example, some state laws referred to in the policy have been repealed, including one that was repealed prior to adoption of the 2008 policy. Investment of city funds are governed by Minnesota statutes. The city's policy can be more restrictive than those laws but not less. In order of importance, the city makes investments in line with three objectives: safety, liquidity, and yield. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Impact: Clarity B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the cash management and investment policy. 2. Motion to approve the cash management and investment policy with policy with the following modifications: 3. Motion to deny the cash management and investment policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2008 Investment Policy B. Proposed 2017 Cash Management & Investment Policy January 14, 2008 Investment Policy City of Monticello, MN INVESTMENT POLICY 1. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to set forth the investment objectives and parameters for the management of public funds of the City of Monticello, MN. This investment policy is designed to: safeguard funds on behalf of the City; meeting the daily operating cash flow demands and assure the availability of capital funds when needed; conforming to all applicable federal, state and/or local statutes governing the investment of public funds; and to invest public funds in a manner which maximizes return. 2. Standards of Care A. Prudence — The standard of prudence to be used shall be the "prudent person" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing an overall portfolio. Individuals acting in accordance with written procedures and this investment policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and the liquidity and the sale of securities are carried out in accordance with the terms of this policy. The "prudent person" standard states that, "Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived." B. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest — Employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with the proper execution and management of the investment program, or that could impair their ability to make impartial decisions. Employees shall disclose any material interests in financial institutions with which they conduct business. They shall further disclose any personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the investment portfolio. Employees shall refrain from undertaking personal investment transactions with the same individual with whom business is conducted on behalf of the City. C. Delegation of Authority — Authority to manage the investment portfolio is granted to the City's Finance Director and/or Senior Accountant, who shall act in accordance with established procedures and internal controls for the operation of the investment portfolio consistent with this investment policy. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy. The Finance Director shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of control. January 14, 2008 Investment Policy 3. Investment Objectives The City will invest idle funds based on the following objectives: A. Safety — The primary objective is the preservation of capital and the safeguarding of public funds by mitigating credit and interest rate risk. a. Credit Risk — The City of Monticello will minimize credit risk, which is the risk of loss due to the failure of the security issuer or backer. b. Interest Rate Risk — The City of Monticello will minimize interest rate risk, which is the risk that the market value of securities in the portfolio will fall due to changes in the market interest rates. B. Term — Investments will be scheduled to cover all expenditures. Investments for cash flow will not be longer than one year. All excess funds may be invested for longer than one year. C. Liquidity — The portfolio shall remain liquid to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated. This is accomplished by structuring the portfolio so that securities mature concurrent with cash needs to meet anticipated demands. Furthermore, since all possible cash demands cannot be anticipated, the portfolio should consist largely of securities with active secondary or resale markets. Alternatively, a portion of the portfolio may be placed in money market mutual funds or government investment pools which offer same-day liquidity for short-term funds. D. Yield — The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the investment risk constraints and liquidity needs. Return on investment is of secondary importance compared to the safety and liquidity objectives. The core of investments are limited to relatively low risk securities in anticipation of earning a fair return relative to the risk being assumed. Securities shall generally be held until maturity. 4. Pooling of Funds The City of Monticello will consolidate (pool) cash and reserve balances from all funds, except for those legally restricted by statutes, to maximize investment earnings and to increase efficiencies with regard to investment pricing, safekeeping and administration. 5. Authorized Investments The City of Monticello will invest only in securities authorized by Minnesota Statute 475.66. Governmental bonds, notes, bills, mortgages and other securities, which are direct obligations or are guaranteed or insured issues of the United States, its agencies, its instrumentalities, or organizations created by an act of Congress, excluding mortgage-backed securities defined as "high risk" (as defined below) or in PA January 14, 2008 Investment Policy certificates of deposit secured by letters of credit issued by Federal Home Loan Banks. High risk mortgage-backed securities are as follows: A) interest — only or principal — only mortgage-backed securities, B) any mortgage derivative security that: a) has an expected average life grater than ten years, b) has an expected average life that: i) will extend by more than four years as the result of an immediate and sustained parallel shift in the yield curve of plus 300 basis points: or ii) will shorten by more than six years as the result of an immediate and sustained parallel shift in the yield curve of minus 300 basis points: or C) will have an estimated change in price of more than 17 percent as the result of an immediate and sustained parallel shift in the yield curve of plus or minus 300 basis points. 2. Obligations of the United States or its agencies under a repurchase agreement if the margin agreement under the repurchase agreement is 101 percent and with any of the following institutions: A) a bank qualified as depository of public funds, B) any national or state bank in the United States which is a member of the Federal Reserve System and whose combined capital and surplus equals or exceeds $10,000,000, C) a primary reporting dealer in the United States government securities to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, D) a securities broker/dealer having its principal executive office in Minnesota, licensed pursuant to Chapter 80A, or an affiliate of it, regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and maintaining a combined capital and surplus of $40,000,000 or more, exclusive of subordinated debt. 3. State and local government obligation as follows: A) an obligation of the State of Minnesota or any of its municipalities, B) obligation of other state and local governments: a) that have taxing power, and b) are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service. C) general obligations of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency that are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service. D) general obligations of housing finance agencies of other states, provided: a) they include a moral obligation of the state, and b) they are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service, E) general revenue obligation of any agency or authority of the State of Minnesota other than those found in C or D above (Housing Finance Agency) that are rated "AA" or better by a national bond rating service. 4. Certificates of deposit at state and federally chartered banks and savings and loan associations. All investments made under this subsection shall be limited to the amount of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the manner set forth in January 14, 2008 Investment Policy Minnesota statute 118.005. The certificate of deposit should be in the form of a discounted security maturing in the amount not to exceed the insurance coverage or in the amount so that at any time the face amount together with any accrued interest does not exceed the insurance coverage. 5. Banker's Acceptances of United States Corporation or their Canadian subsidiaries that are rated "A1" by Moody's Investors Service and/or P1 by Standard and Poor's Corporation and matures in 270 days or less. Banker's Acceptances can only be purchased if the yield is greater than the United States Treasury obligations or Federal Agency issues. 6. Commercial Paper issued by United States corporations or their Canadian subsidiaries that are rated "A1" by Moody's Investors Service and/or "P1" by Standard and Poor's Corporation and matures in 270 days or less. 7. Money Market Funds consisting of United States Treasury Obligations and/or Federal Agency Issues. 8. The City of Monticello will not purchase securities that are considered highly sensitive. A highly sensitive investment is a debt instrument with contract terms that make the investment's fair value highly sensitive to interest rate changes. Examples include range notes and index amortizing notes, step-up notes and bonds, variable- rate investments with coupon multipliers, and coupons that vary inversely with a benchmark index. 9. The City of Monticello will not purchase securities that could expose the City to foreign currency risk. 6. Safekeeping and Custody The City of Monticello will minimize deposit Custodial Credit Risk, which is the risk of loss of failure of the depository bank, by obtaining collateral or bond for all uninsured amounts on deposit, and by obtaining necessary documentation to show compliance with state law and a perfected security interest under federal law. Investments may be held in safekeeping with: 1. Any Federal Reserve Bank, 2. Any bank authorized under the laws of the United States or any state to exercise corporate trust powers, including but not limited to the bank from which the investment is purchased, 3. A primary reporting dealer in the United States government securities to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or 4. A securities broker-dealer having its principal executive office in Minnesota, Licensed pursuant to Chapter 80A, or an affiliate of it, regulated by the securities and exchange commission and maintaining a combined capital and surplus of $40,000,000 or more, exclusive of subordinated debt. 2 January 14, 2008 Investment Policy The City's ownership of all securities in which the fund is invested should be evidenced by written acknowledgments identifying the securities by: A. The names of issuers, B. The maturity dates, C. The interest rates, D. Any CUSIP, serial numbers or other distinguishing marks. The City shall not invest in securities that are both uninsured and not registered in the name of the City and are held by either: A. The counterparty or B. The counterparty's trust department or agent, but not in the name of the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello will eliminate investment Custodial Credit Risk by permitting brokers that obtain investments for the City to hold them only to the extent there is SIPC and excess SIPC coverage available. Securities purchased that exceed available SIPC coverage shall be transferred to the City of Monticello's custodian. The Finance Director shall establish a system of internal controls, which shall be reviewed with the independent auditor of the City of Monticello. The controls shall be designed to prevent the loss of public funds arising from fraud, employee error, and misrepresentation by third parties, unanticipated changes in financial markets, or imprudent actions by employees and officers of the City. 7. Concentration of Credit Risk No more than 5% of the overall portfolio may be invested in the securities of a single issuer, except for the securities of the U.S. Government and its agencies or an external investment pool. 8. Investment Depositories and Authorized Dealers Annually, the City Council will designate depositories, security dealers and financial institutions authorized to provide banking and investment services to the City. Prior to completing an initial transaction each year with a broker/dealer, the City shall provide to the broker/dealer a copy of the City's Investment Policy and a copy of the Notification to Broker and Certification by Broker as required by Minnesota Statute 118A.04. The broker/dealer must sign and return the Notification to Broker and Certification by Broker and agree to handle the City's account in accordance with the City's Investment Policy and provide a copy of their broker's insurance coverage for their firm. 9. Investment Earnings Interest earnings will be credited to the source of the invested funds at the end of each quarter based on the average cash balances during the quarter. The City's General Fund will receive 3.5% of investment earnings as an administrative fee for staff's time to administer the City's investments. This fee shall be subtracted from interest earning before allocating interest each quarter. Market value adjustments and interest accruals will be allocated at the end of the fiscal 5 January 14, 2008 Investment Policy year based on the average cash balances during the fiscal year. Only the interest accrual will be charged the administrative fee before allocating to the investing Funds. 10. Reporting and Review A listing of the City's investment portfolio shall be included in the financial report to the City Council at the end of each fiscal quarter. The list should include date of purchase and maturity, type of investment, firm invested at, yield, and interest rate. 11. Exemption Any investment currently held that does not meet the guidelines of this policy shall be exempted from the requirement of this policy. Upon maturity, if funds are re -invested the new securities must conform to this policy. 12. Review and Approval The investment policy shall be formally approved and adopted by the City Council and any future changes to the policy must be approved by the City Council. The City Council shall review the investment policy annually. This Investment Policy is effective January 14. 2008 and supersedes all previous City Investment Policies. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 14th day of January, 2008. Attest: Mayor City Administrator CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORIZED INSTITUTION Acknowledges it has read, understands and agrees to comply with the Investment Policy of the City of Monticello, MN. Lo Title: Date: Co STATEMENT OF CASH MANAGEMENT & INVESTMENT POLICY ADOPTED OCTOBER 23, 2017 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy statement is to set forth the investment and operational policies for the management of the public funds held by the city of Monticello. This policy statement has been adopted by, and can only be amended by, the Mayor & Council. The policies contained herein are designed to ensure the prudent management of public funds, the availability of those funds when needed, an investment return competitive with those of comparable funds and financial market indexes, and compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the investment of public funds. A copy of this policy statement will be provided to all investment dealers and investment managers doing business with the city of Monticello and to other interested parties upon request. Receipt of this policy, including confirmation that persons dealing directly with the city of Monticello's accounts have reviewed it, will be required prior to any organization providing investment services to the city of Monticello. SCOPE This policy applies to all activities with regards to managing and investing the financial assets of the city of Monticello. This policy pertains to the financial assets of all funds including the General Fund, special revenue funds, capital project funds, debt service funds, enterprise funds, and internal service funds. The covered funds are defined in the city's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Except for cash in certain restricted and special funds, the city of Monticello consolidates all cash balances from all funds into one central set of accounts. Each fund's participation in this cash pool is denoted by its equity -in -pooled -cash account. Investment income is allocated to the various funds based upon the average monthly balance of each fund's account. Use of this pooling -of -funds method of accounting allows the city of Monticello to manage its cash more efficiently and to maximize its investment earnings. OBJECTIVES The primary objectives, in priority order, of city of Monticello's investment activities shall be safety, liquidity, and yield: 1. Safety: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. The objective will be to mitigate credit risk and interest rate risk. The city of Monticello will minimize credit risk by: • Limiting investments to the safest types of securities; • Pre -qualifying the financial institutions, brokers/dealers, intermediaries, and advisers with which the city of Monticello will do business; and • Diversifying the investment portfolio so that potential losses on individual securities will be minimized. The city of Monticello will attempt to minimize interest rate risk by: • Structuring the investment portfolio so that securities invested from operating funds mature to meet cash requirements for ongoing operations, thereby minimizing the need to sell securities on the open market prior to maturity; and • Investing operating funds primarily in shorter -term maturities, money market funds, or similar investment pools. 2. Liquidity: The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated. This will be accomplished by structuring the portfolio so that securities mature concurrent with cash needs to meet anticipated demands (static liquidity). In addition, since all possible cash demands cannot be anticipated, the portfolio shall consist largely of securities with active secondary or resale markets (dynamic liquidity). 3. Yield: The city of Monticello's investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with Monticello's investment risk constraints and the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio. Return on investment is of least importance compared to the safety and liquidity objectives described above. The core of investments is limited to relatively low risk securities in anticipation of earning a fair return relative to the risk being assumed. Securities shall not be sold prior to maturity with the following exceptions: • a declining credit security may be sold early to minimize the loss of principal; • a security may be sold to maximize gain, when appropriate; • a security swap may be appropriate to improve the quality, yield, or target duration in the portfolio; or • a security may be sold based upon liquidity demands of the portfolio. AUTHORITY Management responsibility for the investment program and for ensuring compliance with this policy is hereby delegated to the finance director and is derived from Minnesota statutes and Mayor & Council actions. The finance director shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of procedures and internal controls for the operation of the investment program consistent with this policy. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the finance director. All participants in the investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. No officer or designee may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and supporting procedures. The finance director shall establish written statements of investment policy procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with this policy. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority for persons responsible for investment and cash management transactions. The finance director is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the city of Monticello are protected from loss, theft, or misuse. The internal control structure shall be designed to provide reasonable assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived and that the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. The internal controls shall address the following points at a minimum: control of collusion, separation of transaction authority from accounting and recordkeeping, custodial safekeeping, avoidance of physical delivery securities, clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members, written confirmation of transactions for investments and wire transfers, dual authorizations of wire transfers, staff training, and review, maintenance and monitoring of security procedures both manual and automated. The city may engage the services of one or more external investment managers to assist in the management of the city's investment portfolio in a manner consistent with the city's objectives. Such external managers may be granted discretion to purchase and sell investment securities in accordance with this Investment Policy. Such managers must be registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. ETHICS & CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The finance director and other employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal financial activity that could conflict with the proper execution and management of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. The finance director and other employees involved in the investment process shall disclose to the Mayor & Council any material financial interests in financial institutions with which they conduct business. They shall further disclose any personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the city's portfolio. The finance director and other employees involved in the investment process shall subordinate their personal investment transactions to those of the city of Monticello shall refrain from undertaking personal investment transactions with the same individual with whom business is conducted on behalf of the city. PRUDENCE The general investment policies of the city of Monticello will be guided by the "prudent person" standard. Those with investment responsibility for public funds are fiduciaries and, as such, shall exercise the judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. The standard of prudence shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. Investment officers, acting in accordance with this investment policy and exercising due diligence, shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes, provided significant deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. Investment officers acting in good faith are not personally liable for investment or deposit losses. AUTHORIZED FINANCIAL DEALERS AND INSTITUTIONS The finance director will maintain a list of financial institutions and depositories authorized to provide investment services. In addition, a list will also be maintained of approved security brokers/dealers that maintain an office within the State of Minnesota. These may include "primary" dealers or regional dealers that qualify under Security and Exchange Commission's Uniform Net Capital Rule (Rule 15C3-1). All financial institutions and brokers/dealers that wish to become qualified bidders for investment transactions must supply the following: • a copy of the latest audited financial statements demonstrating compliance with state and federal capital adequacy guidelines, • proof of state registration, • evidence of adequate insurance coverage, • certification of having read, understood, and agree to comply with Monticello's Cash Management and Investment Policy, • proof of National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) or Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) certification (brokers/dealers only), and • completed broker/dealer questionnaire (brokers/dealers only). An annual review of the financial condition and registration of qualified financial institutions and broker/dealers may be conducted by the finance director. Financial institutions, which serve as depositories of city funds, shall comply with all prevailing provisions of Minnesota statutes and shall meet the established criteria for overall financial strength, adequate capitalization, appropriate liquidity, and proper collateralization to reasonably ensure the safety and availability of such deposits. To monitor and assess the overall financial strength of current and potential depositories, the city will utilize third -party rating agencies. AUTHORIZED AND SUITABLE INVESTMENTS Authorized investments for municipalities in Minnesota are stipulated in Minnesota State Statutes. Although the following lists of authorized and prohibited investments for the city of Monticello is slightly more restrictive than what is allowed under state law, it is in full compliance with Minnesota State Statutes. The finance director is authorized to invest in the following: Demand deposits, of commercial banks, saving and loan associations, and federal savings banks authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota and authorized as 4 described above, and to the extent that the deposit is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or collateralized as required in Minnesota State Statutes. • Time deposits and certificates of deposit of commercial banks, saving and loan associations, and federal savings banks authorized to do business in the United States or its territories to the extent that the investment is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or collateralized as required in Minnesota State Statutes. • Governmental bonds, notes, bills, mortgages, and other securities, which were direct obligations or are guaranteed or insured issues of the United States, its agencies, its instrumentalities, or organizations created by an act of Congress, excluding mortgage- backed securities • State and local government obligation as follows: o an obligation of the State of Minnesota or any of its municipalities, 0 obligation of other state and local governments that have taxing power, and are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service. o general obligations of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency that are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service. o general obligations of housing finance agencies of other states, provided that they include a moral obligation of the state, and they are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service, o general revenue obligation of any agency or authority of the State of Minnesota other than those found already mentioned above that are rated "AK or better by a national bond rating service. • Repurchase agreements whose underlying purchased securities consist of U.S. government obligations, U.S. government agency obligations, or U.S. government instrumentality (including government sponsored enterprises) obligations. Adoption of a master repurchase agreement by the Mayor and Council is required before the finance director is authorized to enter into a repurchase agreement. • Banker's Acceptances of United States Corporation or their Canadian subsidiaries that are rated "Al" by Moody's Investors Service and/or P1 by Standard and Poor's Corporation and matures in 270 days or less. Banker's Acceptances can only be purchased if the yield is greater than the United States Treasury obligations or Federal Agency issues. • Guaranteed investment contracts if issued and guaranteed by a United States commercial bank or a United States insurance company. The credit quality of the issuer and guarantor shall be rated in the highest category by the major national rating services. The contract shall provide the governmental entity a non -penalized right of withdrawal of the investment if the credit quality of the investment is downgraded. • Commercial Paper issued by United States corporations or their Canadian subsidiaries that are rated "Al" by Moody's Investors Service and/or "P1" by Standard and Poor's Corporation and matures in 270 days or less. • Money market funds consisting of United States Treasury Obligations and/or Federal Agency Issues. PROHIBITED INVESTMENTS The finance director is currently prohibited from investing in securities that are considered highly sensitive, including the following: 0 Purchases on margins or short sales. • Derivative securities that are, in effect, a leveraged bet on future movements of interest rates or some price index. • Mortgage-backed securities due to their complexity and prepayment rate uncertainty. • Reverse repurchase agreements (lending securities with an agreement to buy them back after a stated period of time). COLLATERALIZATION The provisions of Minnesota State Statutes require that banks and savings and loan institutions collateralize all deposits of public funds. The city also requires collateralization of time deposits and repurchase agreements. Banks and savings and loan associations are authorized to use any of the investments as specified by Minnesota State Statutes as collateral. In order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of security for all funds, the collateralization level will be 110% of the market value of principle and accrued interest. Collateral will always be held by a third party. A clearly marked evidence of ownership (safekeeping receipt) will be supplied to the city and retained. SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY Pledged collateral consisting of instruments of the United States Government, U.S. government agencies, and U. S. government sponsored enterprises will be safe kept at a Federal Reserve Bank Branch. Other acceptable collateral that cannot be held by the Federal Reserve shall be held by a non-affiliated, independent, third -party safekeeping institution with whom the city has a current custodial agreement. A clearly marked evidence of ownership (safekeeping receipt) will be supplied to the city and retained. The right of collateral substitution upon prior notification and acceptance by the city is granted. All securities transactions, including collateral for repurchase agreements shall be conducted on a delivery -versus -payment (DVP) basis to ensure that securities are deposited in the city's safekeeping institution prior to the release of funds. DIVERSIFICATION Diversification of investments reduces overall portfolio risks while attaining market average rates of return. The city of Monticello will diversify its investments by security type, sector (excluding U.S. Treasury securities), maturity, and institution. With the exception of U.S. government securities, U.S. government agency securities, U.S. government sponsored enterprise securities, certificates of deposit, collateralized bank money market accounts, and authorized local government investment pools, no more than 25% of the city of Monticello's total investment portfolio will be invested in a single security type. To provide assurance that the city will be able to continue financial operations without interruption and dependent upon interest rates, satisfaction with services, and practicality, the city of Monticello may utilize more than one financial institution as its depository. MAXIMUM MATURITIES To the extent possible, the city of Monticello will attempt to match its investments with anticipated cash flow requirements. Unless matched to a specific cash flow, the city will not directly invest from operating funds in securities maturing more than five (5) years from the date of purchase. However, the city of Monticello may collateralize its repurchase agreements using longer -dated investments not to exceed fifteen (15) years to maturity. Reserve funds and other funds with longer-term investment horizons may be invested in securities exceeding five (5) years if the maturity of such investments is made to coincide as nearly as practicable with the expected use of funds. No investment shall have a maturity exceeding twenty (20) years from the time of purchase. The intent to invest securities with longer maturities shall be approved by the finance director. Because of the inherent difficulties in accurately forecasting cash flow requirements, a portion of the portfolio shall be continuously invested in readily available funds such as demand accounts, local government investment pools, money market funds, or overnight repurchase agreements to ensure that appropriate liquidity is maintained to meet ongoing obligations. The city will not actively buy and sell investments, but realizes the risk of not seeking higher market returns for longer maturities outweighs occasional liquidity demands exceeding cash and money market investments. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The investment portfolio will be managed in accordance with the parameters specified within this policy. The portfolio should obtain a market average rate of return during a market/economic environment of stable interest rates. The finance director will establish a series of appropriate benchmarks which portfolio performance shall be compared on a regular basis. The benchmarks shall be reflective of the actual securities being purchased and risks undertaken and the benchmarks shall have a similar weighted average maturity and credit profile as the portfolio. REPORTING The finance director will maintain investment reports that provide a clear picture of the status of the current investment portfolio. The report shall include a management summary that will allow the city of Monticello to ascertain whether investment activities during the reporting period have conformed to the investment policy. Information contained within the reports shall include the following: • A listing of the individual securities held at the end of the reporting period by authorized investment category. • Term and maturity date of all investments listed. • Par value and current market value of all investments listed. • Yield to maturity or worse call of portfolio investments. • Percentage of portfolio represented by each investment category. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Any investment currently held that does not meet the guidelines of this policy shall be exempted from the requirements of this policy. At maturity or liquidation, such monies shall be reinvested only as provided by this policy. This Statement of Cash Management and Investment Policy shall be adopted by motion/resolution of the city's Mayor & Council. The finance director and city administrator will review this policy annually. Any modifications made to this policy must be approved by resolution of the Mayor and Council. STATEMENT OF CASH MANAGEMENT & INVESTMENT POLICY ADOPTED OCTOBER 23, 2017 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy statement is to set forth the investment and operational policies for the management of the public funds held by the city of Monticello. This policy statement has been adopted by, and can only be amended by, the Mayor & Council. The policies contained herein are designed to ensure the prudent management of public funds, the availability of those funds when needed, an investment return competitive with those of comparable funds and financial market indexes, and compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations governing the investment of public funds. A copy of this policy statement will be provided to all investment dealers and investment managers doing business with the city of Monticello and to other interested parties upon request. Receipt of this policy, including confirmation that persons dealing directly with the city of Monticello's accounts have reviewed it, will be required prior to any organization providing investment services to the city of Monticello. SCOPE This policy applies to all activities with regards to managing and investing the financial assets of the city of Monticello. This policy pertains to the financial assets of all funds including the General Fund, special revenue funds, capital project funds, debt service funds, enterprise funds, and internal service funds. The covered funds are defined in the city's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Except for cash in certain restricted and special funds, the city of Monticello consolidates all cash balances from all funds into one central set of accounts. Each fund's participation in this cash pool is denoted by its equity -in -pooled -cash account. Investment income is allocated to the various funds based upon the average monthly balance of each fund's account. Use of this pooling -of -funds method of accounting allows the city of Monticello to manage its cash more efficiently and to maximize its investment earnings. OBJECTIVES The primary objectives, in priority order, of city of Monticello's investment activities shall be safety, liquidity, and yield: 1. Safety: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. The objective will be to mitigate credit risk and interest rate risk. The city of Monticello will minimize credit risk by: • Limiting investments to the safest types of securities; • Pre -qualifying the financial institutions, brokers/dealers, intermediaries, and advisers with which the city of Monticello will do business; and • Diversifying the investment portfolio so that potential losses on individual securities will be minimized. The city of Monticello will attempt to minimize interest rate risk by: • Structuring the investment portfolio so that securities invested from operating funds mature to meet cash requirements for ongoing operations, thereby minimizing the need to sell securities on the open market prior to maturity; and • Investing operating funds primarily in shorter -term maturities, money market funds, or similar investment pools. 2. Liquidity: The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated. This will be accomplished by structuring the portfolio so that securities mature concurrent with cash needs to meet anticipated demands (static liquidity). In addition, since all possible cash demands cannot be anticipated, the portfolio shall consist largely of securities with active secondary or resale markets (dynamic liquidity). 3. Yield: The city of Monticello's investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with Monticello's investment risk constraints and the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio. Return on investment is of least importance compared to the safety and liquidity objectives described above. The core of investments is limited to relatively low risk securities in anticipation of earning a fair return relative to the risk being assumed. Securities shall not be sold prior to maturity with the following exceptions: • a declining credit security may be sold early to minimize the loss of principal; • a security may be sold to maximize gain, when appropriate; • a security swap may be appropriate to improve the quality, yield, or target duration in the portfolio; or • a security may be sold based upon liquidity demands of the portfolio. AUTHORITY Management responsibility for the investment program and for ensuring compliance with this policy is hereby delegated to the finance director and is derived from Minnesota statutes and Mayor & Council actions. The finance director shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of procedures and internal controls for the operation of the investment program consistent with this policy. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the finance director. All participants in the investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the public trust. No officer or designee may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and supporting procedures. The finance director shall establish written statements of investment policy procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with this policy. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority for persons responsible for investment and cash management transactions. The finance director is responsible for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the city of Monticello are protected from loss, theft, or misuse. The internal control structure shall be designed to provide reasonable assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived and that the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. The internal controls shall address the following points at a minimum: control of collusion, separation of transaction authority from accounting and recordkeeping, custodial safekeeping, avoidance of physical delivery securities, clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members, written confirmation of transactions for investments and wire transfers, dual authorizations of wire transfers, staff training, and review, maintenance and monitoring of security procedures both manual and automated. The city may engage the services of one or more external investment managers to assist in the management of the city's investment portfolio in a manner consistent with the city's objectives. Such external managers may be granted discretion to purchase and sell investment securities in accordance with this Investment Policy. Such managers must be registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. ETHICS & CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The finance director and other employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal financial activity that could conflict with the proper execution and management of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. The finance director and other employees involved in the investment process shall disclose to the Mayor & Council any material financial interests in financial institutions with which they conduct business. They shall further disclose any personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the city's portfolio. The finance director and other employees involved in the investment process shall subordinate their personal investment transactions to those of the city of Monticello shall refrain from undertaking personal investment transactions with the same individual with whom business is conducted on behalf of the city. PRUDENCE The general investment policies of the city of Monticello will be guided by the "prudent person" standard. Those with investment responsibility for public funds are fiduciaries and, as such, shall exercise the judgment and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. The standard of prudence shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. Investment officers, acting in accordance with this investment policy and exercising due diligence, shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes, provided significant deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. Investment officers acting in good faith are not personally liable for investment or deposit losses. AUTHORIZED FINANCIAL DEALERS AND INSTITUTIONS The finance director shall designate and maintain a list of financial institutions and depositories authorized to provide investment services. In addition, a list will also be maintained of approved security brokers/dealers that maintain an office within the State of Minnesota. These may include "primary" dealers or regional dealers that qualify under Security and Exchange Commission's Uniform Net Capital Rule (Rule 15C3-1). The Mayor & Council shall designate the financial institution for the city's operating account. All financial institutions and brokers/dealers that wish to become qualified bidders for investment transactions must supply the following: • a copy of the latest audited financial statements demonstrating compliance with state and federal capital adequacy guidelines, • proof of state registration, • evidence of adequate insurance coverage, • certification of having read, understood, and agree to comply with Monticello's Cash Management and Investment Policy, • proof of National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) or Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) certification (brokers/dealers only), and • completed broker/dealer questionnaire (brokers/dealers only). An annual review of the financial condition and registration of qualified financial institutions and broker/dealers may be conducted by the finance director. Financial institutions, which serve as depositories of city funds, shall comply with all prevailing provisions of Minnesota statutes and shall meet the established criteria for overall financial strength, adequate capitalization, appropriate liquidity, and proper collateralization to reasonably ensure the safety and availability of such deposits. To monitor and assess the overall financial strength of current and potential depositories, the city will utilize third -party rating agencies. AUTHORIZED AND SUITABLE INVESTMENTS Authorized investments for municipalities in Minnesota are stipulated in Minnesota State Statutes. Although the following lists of authorized and prohibited investments for the city of Monticello is slightly more restrictive than what is allowed under state law, it is in full compliance with Minnesota State Statutes. The finance director is authorized to invest in the following: • Demand deposits, of commercial banks, saving and loan associations, and federal savings banks authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota and authorized as 0 described above, and to the extent that the deposit is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or collateralized as required in Minnesota State Statutes. • Time deposits and certificates of deposit of commercial banks, saving and loan associations, and federal savings banks authorized to do business in the United States or its territories to the extent that the investment is fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or collateralized as required in Minnesota State Statutes. • Governmental bonds, notes, bills, mortgages, and other securities, which were direct obligations or are guaranteed or insured issues of the United States, its agencies, its instrumentalities, or organizations created by an act of Congress, excluding mortgage- backed securities • State and local government obligation as follows: o an obligation of the State of Minnesota or any of its municipalities, 0 obligation of other state and local governments that have taxing power, and are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service. o general obligations of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency that are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service. o general obligations of housing finance agencies of other states, provided that they include a moral obligation of the state, and they are rated "A" or better by a national bond rating service, o general revenue obligation of any agency or authority of the State of Minnesota other than those found already mentioned above that are rated "AK or better by a national bond rating service. • Repurchase agreements whose underlying purchased securities consist of U.S. government obligations, U.S. government agency obligations, or U.S. government instrumentality (including government sponsored enterprises) obligations. Adoption of a master repurchase agreement by the Mayor and Council is required before the finance director is authorized to enter into a repurchase agreement. • Banker's Acceptances of United States Corporation or their Canadian subsidiaries that are rated "Al" by Moody's Investors Service and/or P1 by Standard and Poor's Corporation and matures in 270 days or less. Banker's Acceptances can only be purchased if the yield is greater than the United States Treasury obligations or Federal Agency issues. • Guaranteed investment contracts if issued and guaranteed by a United States commercial bank or a United States insurance company. The credit quality of the issuer and guarantor shall be rated in the highest category by the major national rating services. The contract shall provide the governmental entity a non -penalized right of withdrawal of the investment if the credit quality of the investment is downgraded. • Commercial Paper issued by United States corporations or their Canadian subsidiaries that are rated "Al" by Moody's Investors Service and/or "P1" by Standard and Poor's Corporation and matures in 270 days or less. • Money market funds consisting of United States Treasury Obligations and/or Federal Agency Issues. PROHIBITED INVESTMENTS The finance director is currently prohibited from investing in securities that are considered highly sensitive, including the following: 0 Purchases on margins or short sales. • Derivative securities that are, in effect, a leveraged bet on future movements of interest rates or some price index. • Mortgage-backed securities due to their complexity and prepayment rate uncertainty. • Reverse repurchase agreements (lending securities with an agreement to buy them back after a stated period of time). COLLATERALIZATION The provisions of Minnesota State Statutes require that banks and savings and loan institutions collateralize all deposits of public funds. The city also requires collateralization of time deposits and repurchase agreements. Banks and savings and loan associations are authorized to use any of the investments as specified by Minnesota State Statutes as collateral. In order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of security for all funds, the collateralization level will be 110% of the market value of principle and accrued interest. Collateral will always be held by a third party. A clearly marked evidence of ownership (safekeeping receipt) will be supplied to the city and retained. SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY Pledged collateral consisting of instruments of the United States Government, U.S. government agencies, and U. S. government sponsored enterprises will be safe kept at a Federal Reserve Bank Branch. Other acceptable collateral that cannot be held by the Federal Reserve shall be held by a non-affiliated, independent, third -party safekeeping institution with whom the city has a current custodial agreement. A clearly marked evidence of ownership (safekeeping receipt) will be supplied to the city and retained. The right of collateral substitution upon prior notification and acceptance by the city is granted. All securities transactions, including collateral for repurchase agreements shall be conducted on a delivery -versus -payment (DVP) basis to ensure that securities are deposited in the city's safekeeping institution prior to the release of funds. DIVERSIFICATION Diversification of investments reduces overall portfolio risks while attaining market average rates of return. The city of Monticello will diversify its investments by security type, sector (excluding U.S. Treasury securities), maturity, and institution. With the exception of U.S. government securities, U.S. government agency securities, U.S. government sponsored enterprise securities, certificates of deposit, collateralized bank money market accounts, and authorized local government investment pools, no more than 25% of the city of Monticello's total investment portfolio will be invested in a single security type. To provide assurance that the city will be able to continue financial operations without interruption and dependent upon interest rates, satisfaction with services, and practicality, the city of Monticello may utilize more than one financial institution as its depository. MAXIMUM MATURITIES To the extent possible, the city of Monticello will attempt to match its investments with anticipated cash flow requirements. Unless matched to a specific cash flow, the city will not directly invest from operating funds in securities maturing more than five (5) years from the date of purchase. However, the city of Monticello may collateralize its repurchase agreements using longer -dated investments not to exceed fifteen (15) years to maturity. Reserve funds and other funds with longer-term investment horizons may be invested in securities exceeding five (5) years if the maturity of such investments is made to coincide as nearly as practicable with the expected use of funds. No investment shall have a maturity exceeding twenty (20) years from the time of purchase. The intent to invest securities with longer maturities shall be approved by the finance director. Because of the inherent difficulties in accurately forecasting cash flow requirements, a portion of the portfolio shall be continuously invested in readily available funds such as demand accounts, local government investment pools, money market funds, or overnight repurchase agreements to ensure that appropriate liquidity is maintained to meet ongoing obligations. The city will not actively buy and sell investments, but realizes the risk of not seeking higher market returns for longer maturities outweighs occasional liquidity demands exceeding cash and money market investments. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The investment portfolio will be managed in accordance with the parameters specified within this policy. The portfolio should obtain a market average rate of return during a market/economic environment of stable interest rates. The finance director will establish a series of appropriate benchmarks which portfolio performance shall be compared on a regular basis. The benchmarks shall be reflective of the actual securities being purchased and risks undertaken and the benchmarks shall have a similar weighted average maturity and credit profile as the portfolio. REPORTING The finance director will maintain investment reports that provide a clear picture of the status of the current investment portfolio. The report shall include a management summary that will allow the city of Monticello to ascertain whether investment activities during the reporting period have conformed to the investment policy. Information contained within the reports shall include the following: • A listing of the individual securities held at the end of the reporting period by authorized investment category. • Term and maturity date of all investments listed. • Par value and current market value of all investments listed. • Yield to maturity or worse call of portfolio investments. • Percentage of portfolio represented by each investment category. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS Any investment currently held that does not meet the guidelines of this policy shall be exempted from the requirements of this policy. At maturity or liquidation, such monies shall be reinvested only as provided by this policy. This Statement of Cash Management and Investment Policy shall be adopted by motion/resolution of the city's Mayor & Council. The finance director and city administrator will review this policy annually. Any modifications made to this policy must be approved by resolution of the Mayor and Council. STATEMENT OF CASH MANAGEMENT & INVESTMENT POLICY GLOSSARY Accrued Interest — The accumulated interest due on a bond as of the last interest payment made by the issuer. Agency — A debt security issued by a federal or federally sponsored agency. Federal agencies are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. Federally sponsored agencies are backed by each particular agency with a market perception that there is an implicit government guarantee. An example of a federal agency is the Government National Mortgage Association. An example of a federally sponsored agency is the Federal National Mortgage Association. Asked Price — The price at which securities are offered. When you are buying securities, you ask for an offer. Basis Point — A unit of measurement used in the valuation of fixed-income securities equal to 1/100 of 1 percent yield. Bid Price — The price offered by a buyer of securities. When you are selling securities, you ask for a bid. Book Value — The value at which a security is carried on the inventory lists or other financial records of an investor. The book value may differ significantly from the security's current value in the market. Broker — A broker brings buyers and sellers together for a commission Callable Bond — A bond issue in which all or part of its outstanding principal amount may be redeemed before maturity by the issuer under specified conditions. Call Price — The price at which an issuer may redeem a bond prior to maturity. The price is usually at a slight premium to the bond's original issue price to compensate the holder for loss of income and ownership. Certificate of Deposit (CD) — A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a certificate. Large denomination CD's are typically negotiable instruments. Collateralization — The process by which a borrower pledges securities, property, or other assets for the purpose of securing the repayment of a loan and/or security. Commercial Paper — An unsecured short-term promissory note issued by corporations, with maturities ranging from 2 to 270 days. Convexity — A measure of a bond's price sensitivity to changing interest rates. A high convexity indicates greater sensitivity of a bond's price to interest rate changes. Coupon Rate — The annual rate of interest received by an investor from the issuer of certain types of fixed-income securities. Credit Quality — The measurement of financial strength of a bond issuer. Generally, the higher the credit quality of a bond issuer, the lower the interest rate paid by the issuer because the risk of default is lower. Credit Risk — The risk to an investor that an issuer will default in the payment of interest and/or principal on a security. Current Yield (Return) — A yield calculation determined by dividing the annual interest received on a security by the current market price of that security. Dealer — A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling for his/her own account. Debenture — A bond secured only by the general credit of the issuer. Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) — A type of securities transaction in which the purchaser pays for the securities when they are delivered either to the purchaser or to the purchaser's custodian. Derivative Security — Financial instrument derived from, or whose value depends upon, one or more underlying assets or indexes of asset values. Discount — The amount by which the par value of a security exceeds the price paid for the security. Discount Securities — Non-interest-bearing money market instruments that are issued at a discount and redeemed at maturity for full face value. U.S. Treasury Bills are discount securities. Diversification — A process of investing assets among a range of security types by sector, maturity, and quality rating. Federal Credit Agencies — Agencies of the Federal Government set up to supply credit to various classes of institutions and individuals, such as small businesses, students, farmers, farm cooperatives, and exporters. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) — A federal agency that insures bank deposits up to $250,000 per deposit. Federal Funds — Funds placed in Federal Reserve banks by depository institutions in excess of current reserve requirements. These depository institutions may lend federal funds to each other overnight or on a longer basis. They may also transfer funds among each other on a same-day basis through the Federal Reserve banking system. Federal funds are considered to be immediately available funds. Federal Funds Rate — Interest rate charged by one institution lending federal funds to the other. Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB) — Government sponsored wholesale banks (currently, 12 regional banks), which lend funds and provide correspondent banking services to member commercial banks, thrift institutions, credit unions, and insurance companies. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or "Freddie Mac") — FHLMC, a U.S. government-sponsored enterprise (GSE), is a stockholder -owned corporation authorized to make loans and loan guarantees. The FHLMC was created in 1970 to expand the secondary market for mortgages. Along with other GSEs, Freddie Mac buys mortgages on the secondary market, pools them, and sells them as mortgage-backed securities to investors on the open market. Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or "Fannie Mae") — FNMA, a U.S. government sponsored enterprise (GSE), is a shareholder -owned corporation authorized to make loans and loan guarantees. It is not backed or funded by the U.S. government, nor do the securities it issues benefit from any explicit government guarantee or protection. Federal Reserve System — The central bank of the United States created by Congress and consisting of a seven -member Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., 12 regional banks, and about 5,700 commercial banks that are members of the system. Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA or "Ginnie Mae") — A federal agency that guarantees securities issued by mortgage bankers, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and other institutions. Security holders are protected by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. GNMA securities are backed by the FHA, VA, or FmHA mortgages. Government Securities — An obligation of the U.S. government, backed by the full faith and credit of the government. These securities are regarded as the highest quality of investment securities available in the U.S. securities market. Government Sponsored Enterprises - Government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) are a group of financial services corporations created by the United States Congress. Their function is to enhance the flow of credit to targeted sectors of the economy and to make those segments of the capital market more efficient and transparent. The desired effect of the GSEs is to enhance the availability and reduce the cost of credit to the targeted borrowing sectors: agriculture; home finance; and education. Some of the GSEs, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, are privately owned but publicly chartered; others, such as the Federal Home Loan Banks, are owned by the corporations that use their services. Their lenders grant them favorable interest rates, and the buyers of their securities offer them high prices, as the implicit involvement of the Federal government gives them a sense of financial security. In fact, GSE securities carry no explicit government guarantee. Interest Rate Risk — The risk associated with declines or rises in interest rates, which cause an investment in a fixed-income security to increase or decrease in value. 10 Internal Controls — Control structure designed to ensure that assets are protected from loss, theft, or misuse. The internal control structure is designed to provide reasonable assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that 1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived and 2) the valuation of costs and benefits require estimates and judgments by management. Investment Company Act of 1940 — Federal legislation which sets the standards by which investment companies, such as mutual funds, are regulated in the areas of advertising, promotion, performance reporting requirements, and securities valuations. Investment -Grade Obligations — Investments suitable for purchase by institutional investors under the prudent person rule. Investment-grade is restricted to obligations rated BBB or higher. Letters of Credit — A Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) letter of credit is a triple -A -rated instrument where the FHLB promises to pay a third -party beneficiary (in this case, the city) in the event of default by the maker (in this case, the member bank). For banks, LOC are an efficient, low-cost option allowing for the retention of securities for liquidity and other purposes. Liquidity — A liquid asset is one that can be converted easily and quickly into cash without a substantial loss in value. Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) — The aggregate of all funds from political subdivisions that are combined in a pool for investment and reinvestment. Market Risk — The risk that the value of a security will rise or decline as a result of changes in market conditions. Market Value — The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or sold. Master Repurchase Agreement — A written contract covering all future transactions between the parties to repurchase, and reverse repurchase, agreements that establishes each party's rights and obligations in the transactions. Maturity — The date upon which the principal or stated value of an investment becomes due and payable. Money Market — The market in which short-term debt instruments (bills, commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, etc.) are issued and traded. Mutual Fund — An investment company that pools money and invests in a variety of securities, including fixed-income securities and money market instruments. Mutual funds are regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940 and must abide by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosure guidelines. No Load Fund — A mutual fund that does not levy a sales charge on the purchase of its shares. Offer — The price asked by a seller of securities. When you are buying securities, you ask for an offer. Par — Face value or principal value of a security. Portfolio — A collection of securities held by an investor. Premium — The amount by which the price paid for a security exceeds the security's par value. Primary Dealer —A group of government security dealers who submit daily reports of market activity, positions, and monthly financial statements to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and are subject to its informal oversight. Prime Rate — A preferred interest rate charged by commercial banks to their most creditworthy customers. Many interest rates are keyed to this rate. Prudent Person Rule — An investment standard outlining the fiduciary responsibilities of public funds investors relating to investment practices. Rate of Return — The yield obtainable on a security based on its purchase price or market value. Reinvestment Risk — The risk that a fixed-income investor will be unable to reinvest income proceeds from a security holding the same rate of return currently generated by that holding. Repurchase Agreement — An agreement of one party to sell securities at a specified price to a second party and a simultaneous agreement of the first party to repurchase the securities at a specified price or at a specified later date. Reverse Repurchase Agreement — An agreement of one party to purchase securities at a specified price from a second party and a simultaneous agreement by the first party to resell the securities at a specified price to the second party on demand or at a specified date. Safekeeping — A service to customers rendered by bank for a fee whereby securities and valuables of all types and descriptions are held in the bank's vaults for protection. Secondary Market — A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding issues following the initial distribution. Securities and Exchange Commission — An agency created by Congress to protect investors in securities transactions by administering securities legislation. Serial Bond — a bond issue with various maturity dates scheduled at regular intervals until the entire issue is retired. Term Bond — Bonds comprising a large part or all of a particular issue which come due in a single maturity. Total Return — The sum of all investment income plus changes in the capital value of the portfolio. 12 Treasury Bills — Short-term U.S. Government non-interest-bearing debt securities with maturities of not longer than one year and issued in minimum denominations of $10,000. Treasury Bonds — Long-term coupon -bearing U.S. Government debt securities with maturities of ten years or longer and issued in minimum denominations of $1,000. Treasury Notes — Intermediate-term U.S. Government debt securities with maturities of one to ten years and issued in denominations ranging from $1,000 to $1 million or more. Uniform Net Capital Rule — SEC Rule 15C3-1 outlining capital requirements for broker/dealers. Volatility — The degree of fluctuation in the price and valuation of securities. Weighted Average Maturity — The average maturity of all the securities that comprise a portfolio. Yield —The current rate of return on an investment security generally expressed as a percentage of the security's current price. Yield Curve — A graphic representation that depicts the relationship at a given point in time between yields and maturity for bonds that are identical in every way except maturity. Yield -to -Call — The rate of return an investor earns from a bond assuming the bond is redeemed (called) prior to its normal maturity date. Yield -to -Maturity — The rate of return yielded by a debt security held to maturity when both interest payments and the investor's potential capital gain or loss is included in the calculation of return. Zero Coupon Securities — Securities that are issued at a discount and make no periodic interest payments. The rate of return consists of a gradual accretion of the principal of the security and is payable at par upon maturity. 13 _,,:aM 4�ffl STATEMENT OF CASH MANAGEMENT & INVESTMENT POLICY CERTIFICATION OF HAVING READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND AGREEMENT TO COMPLY The City of Monticello's Cash Management and Investment Policy states, "...All financial institutions and brokers/dealers that wish to become qualified bidders for investment transactions must supply a copy of the latest audited financial statements, proof of National Association of Securities Dealers certification, proof of state registration, and certification of having read, understood, and agreeing to compliance with the city of Monticello's Cash Management and Investment Policy. An annual review of the financial condition and registration of qualified financial institutions and broker/dealers may be conducted by the finance director..." Please review the attached policy, sign the statement below, and return this page to City of Monticello, Finance Director, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. certify that I have read, understood, and agree to comply with the city of Monticello's Cash Management & Investment Policy and will only allow the city's investment officers to conduct transactions that strictly conform to this policy. Signature Title Date (May be substituted by form NOTIFICATION TO BROKER AND CERTIFICATION BY BROKER or other forms pursuant to Minnesota state statute.) 14 City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 2I. Consideration of approving the annual Snowplowing and Ice Removal Policv for the 2017-2018 snow season. (TM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Each year in early in October, after Public Works staff has had an opportunity to check their snowplow routes, new construction and changes, staff meets to review and make improvements to the Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy where needed. These improvements or changes are outlined and clearly marked in red in the draft document and brought forward to the City Council for review and adoption. This document then becomes the framework for snowplowing and removal operations throughout the city. Each department within Public Works then develops their own plans for accomplishing the goals set out in the policy. The policy lays out priorities and timing for all facets of snowplowing/removal throughout the community. The priorities set out in the policy are to be achieved by the Public Works Department under reasonable conditions and budget, assuming that at least one piece of major equipment and one operator are not available. In nearly all cases, staff is able to meet the goals set out in the policy in less time than stated. Proposed changes to the policy for the 2017-18 season are as follows: Proposed Changes to Secondary Sidewalks: 1. Remove Meadow Oak Ave (Shawn Weinand property) which is now plowed by IRET. Proposed Changes to Secondary Pathways: 1. Add East Broadway (from Highland Way to Hart Blvd). Al. Budget Impact: The proposed changes to the policy this year will have minor impact on the Public Works Budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Public Works is adequately staffed to handle the workload for the winter season with the proposed changes to the policy but the time required to complete the process may be increased. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the 2017 - 2018 Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy with proposed changes as outlined in this report. 2. Motion to deny adopting the 2017 - 2018 Snow Plowing & Ice Removal Policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving the modifications and adopting the 2017-18 Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy as outlined in alternative #1. City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Snow Plowing & Ice Removal Policy (proposed changes highlighted in red) B. Snow Plow Route Map C. Primary/Secondary Plow Route Map D. Primary/Secondary Sidewalk/Pathway Maintenance Map E. Snowmobile Route Map 2 \� CITY OF � Monticello Snowplowing Ice Removal Policy 2017-2018 Amended by City Council October 23, 2017 [The City of Monticello will provide snow and ice control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. This policy indicates the minimum levels of service that can be expected and the city will strive to achieve better results whenever possible.] CITY OF MONTICELLO SNOWPLOWING/REMOVAL POLICY Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................4 2. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY.................................................................................................................................4 3. AMENDMENTS TO POLICY....................................................................................................................................4 4. EQUIPMENT................................................................................................................................................................4 5. WORK SCHEDULE....................................................................................................................................................5 6. MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE..........................................................................................................................5 7. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES...............................................................................................................................7 PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES..............................................................................................................7 SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES........................................................................................................8 8. METHOD OF PLOWING SNOW..............................................................................................................................8 9. HAULING OF SNOW.................................................................................................................................................9 10. WEATHER CONDITIONS.........................................................................................................................................9 11. DISPATCHING OF EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................................ 9 12. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS.......................................................................................................................................... 9 PLOWING TO BEGIN BY 4 A.M...............................................................................................................................9 PLOWED BY 8 A.M. (ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS)......................................................................................10 PLOWED WITH PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE.................................................................................10 PLOWED WITHIN 12 HOURS FOLLOWING SNOW FALL EVENT...................................................................10 13. CITY SIDEWALKS.........................................................................................................................................................10 8.1.1: MAINTENANCE BY OWNER: .................................................................................................................... 11 8.1.11: TIME OF REMOVAL, ICE AND SNOW: .................................................................................................... I I 14. CITY MAINTAINED SIDEWALKS ............... PRIMARY SIDEWALKS .................................. SECONDARY SIDEWALKS ............................ Sidewalks Cleared With City Assistance:.... 15. CITY MAINTAINED PATHWAYS ........................ PRIMARY PATHWAYS ................................... SECONDARY PATHWAYS ............................. .....................11 .......................................................................11 .......................................................................13 ........................................................................14 ........................................................................14 ............................................................................... 14 ...............................................................................15 16. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS................................................................................................................16 4THSTREET PARK....................................................................................................................................................16 WESTBRIDGE PARK...............................................................................................................................................16 17. DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTIES............................................................................................................17 18. PLOWING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY..................................................................................................................17 19. REVIEW OF POLICY...............................................................................................................................................17 20. WINTER PARKING REGULATIONS...................................................................................................................17 TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2: .......................................................................................................................... 17 Parkingand stopping: .................................................................................................................................... 17 TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8: ......................................................................................................................... 18 Parking in regard to snowplowing and/or removal: ...................................................................................... 18 21. WINTER SIDEWALK PATHWAY/SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS.............................................................18 TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2: ......................................................................................................................... 18 Restrictions: .................................................................................................................................................. 18 CITY OF MONTICELLO SNOWPLOWING/REMOVAL POLICY Amended by the City Council October 27, 2014 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Monticello assumes basic responsibility for the control of snow and ice on city streets and city owned public parking lots. Reasonable snow and ice control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The city will provide such control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The city will utilize city employees, city equipment and/or private contractors when necessary to provide this service. 2. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Through its adoption, the City Council of Monticello is responsible for the policy established herein. Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent or his designee under the direction of the City Administrator. The chain of command is the City Administrator and Street Superintendent, in that order. Decisions as to time, method and materials used on snowplowing/removal operations will be made by the Street Superintendent under the direction of the City Administrator, and any amendments are to be in accordance with amendment section of this policy. The Parks Department will supplement the efforts of the Street Department with primary responsibilities in parking lots, sidewalks, pathways and skating rinks. This work will be carried out by the Park Superintendent or his designee under the direction of the City Administrator. (Amended by city Council 0111012005) (Amended by City Council 10/2612009) 3. AMENDMENTS TO POLICY Any amendments to this policy require council approval. Whenever possible and practical, amendments should be brought up at council meetings and should be a matter of public record. However, to allow for emergencies or other extenuating circumstances, when time does not permit council approval or action, the City Administrator or Street Superintendent is hereby authorized to amend any portion of this policy he sees fit. If practical, the City Administrator shall be notified and shall approve of any such amendment. Any such amendment made due to a particular emergency shall be brought to the attention of the council if the amendment is to be a permanent one. (Amended by City Council 1012612009) 4. EQUIPMENT The city shall acquire, maintain, repair and replace equipment on a timely basis as the city's established budget shall allow. To provide for utilization of equipment in a cost effective manner, the city may use regular city trucks, motor graders, front-end loaders, snow blowers and any other regular equipment as may be useful for control of snow and ice. Equipment that can be used only for snow and ice control shall be acquired and utilized only if deemed absolutely essential. Whenever existing snow removal heavy equipment is believed to be broken down for an excess of eight hours during a declared snow event and that piece of equipment is essential to snowplowing/removal operations, the Street Superintendent or his designee may rent equipment. The City Administrator shall be notified of this decision immediately. A written report to include equipment down, reason for renting, estimated rental period, rental company, rental machine identification, rental rate, and estimate of total cost shall be submitted within 48 hours. (Amended by City Council 1012612009) When the Street Superintendent determines that the policv levels of service cannot be provided by city forces, he shall report to the Citv Administrator the following information: A. Additional time required to provide desired levels of service using just city forces. B. Additional equipment and/or personnel support required to achieve desired levels of service. C. Estimated number of hours equipment and/or personnel will be required. The Street Superintendent will then take the following action: A. Determine availability of contractor equipment. B. Estimate cost of contracted service required. C. Determine availability of funds to meet estimated costs. D. Based on information supplied, the City Administrator shall determine whether to contract for additional service or equipment, or accept reduced levels of service. If contracted service or eauipment is secured, the Street Superintendent shall provide the Citv Administrator with a report containing the following information: A. Purpose of contracting snowplowing/removal. B. Estimated time and cost of contracted services. C. Time and date contract began. In the absence of the City Administrator, the Street Superintendent shall have full authority under this section and shall communicate any decisions or actions resulting in extraordinary expenditures to the City Administrator's designee. 5. WORK SCHEDULE Scheduling of employees is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent or his designee under the direction of the City Administrator. When conditions allow, work schedules shall be arranged to keep overtime at a minimum, with overtime scheduling being approved by the Street Superintendent. The Street Superintendent shall notify the City Administrator of any unusual amount of overtime to be performed and the reasons. (Amended by City Council 10/26/2009) 6. MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE The following are minimum levels of service that can be expected. The city will strive to achieve better results if possible. Snow and/or ice control may be terminated at any time the Street Superintendent or his designee determine that rising or falling temperatures, visibility and/or the rate of accumulation make the control unsafe, ineffective or unnecessary. Should a subsequent storm occur within the minimum times for service, then such subsequent storm shall become the storm referred to in this policy. A. Snow removal and/or sanding operations shall begin when snow accumulation reaches 2" or when ice or snow pack occur on designated primary snow emergencv streets, and shall continue periodically throughout the duration of the storm. It is the intention of the City to keep these routes open to traffic, if possible, during a storm; however, it is not the intent to keep them snow or ice free. B. All designated secondary snow emergency streets shall be open to traffic (two lanes) within eight (8) hours after the snow storm subsides. C. All remaining non -emergency through streets shall be open to 2 -lane traffic within twelve (12) hours after the snowstorm subsides. Parking lot snow may be piled for removal and removed after snow is hauled from the Broadway median and all streets are widened curb to curb where possible. The snowplowing operations in the commuter parking lots shall be started by 4 a.m. whenever weather conditions allow. D. All public streets such as dead ends and cul-de-sacs shall be open to traffic within sixteen (16) hours after a snowstorm subsides. E. Downtown Broadway, from 150 feet east of Linn Street to 150 feet east of Cedar Street shall be plowed to the center median. The Street Superintendent or his designee may elect to plow downtown streets during evening or early morning hours to avoid traffic and parked vehicles. Other downtown streets will be plowed outward. City owned parking lots and alleys in blocks 34, 35 and 52 are plowed by 8 a.m. after a 2" accumulation of snow (see Section 12). (Amended by City Council 01/10/2005) F. Downtown snow hauling including the half block of Walnut south of Broadway, if necessary, shall begin by the next morning after all streets have been plowed and the crews are rested. Hauling shall not be conducted Friday evening or Saturday evening unless abnormal conditions warrant same. (Amended by City Council 01/10/2005) G. Salt and sand operations shall provide bare pavement on driving lanes when conditions allow for all primary snow emergency routes, skid resistance at school crossings, stop signs and isolated icy areas. Salt and sand operations on all other streets will be determined by the Street Superintendent or his designee. H. Snow depth at the corners of intersections shall be reduced to 36" or less following other necessary snowplowing and removal operations. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall have the authority to determine the scheduling and priority of this function. I. Certain county highways within the city are maintained by the city and fall under county maintenance agreements. 7. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES 6TH STREET FROM THE FIRE HALL TO TH 25: INCLUDING FIRE HALL PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAYS 7TH STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO CSAH 18 BROADWAY FROM WILLOW STREET TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE CSAH 39 WEST FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING TO CSAH 75 WEST PRAIRIE ROAD FROM KEVIN LONGLEY DR TO CSAH 75 WEST FENNING AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 85TH STREET (DUE TO TOPOGRAPHY) GILLARD AVENUE FROM CSAH 39 EAST TO 95TH STREET (DUE TO TOPOGRAPHY) HART BOULEVARD FROM MISSISSIPPI SHORES TO WWTP TO CSAH 75 EAST RIVER STREET EAST FROM WASHINGTON TO THE NURSING HOME WASHINGTON STREET FROM BROADWAY TO EAST RIVER STREET WASHINGTON STREET FROM EAST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET F.-• ►I.:• j AT CSAH 18 & MEADOW OAK AVENUE SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM TH 25 TO CSAH 18 WALNUT STREET FROM WEST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET DUNDAS ROAD FROM TH 25 EAST TO FALLON AVENUE (Amended by City Council 1112712006, 1111312007, 1012612009, 1012412011, 1012812013, SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES 3RD STREET FROM CHESTNUT ST TO WASHINGTON ST 6TH STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO THE FIRE HALL ELM STREET FROM CSAH 39 WEST TO 6TH STREET WEST CEDAR STREET FROM RIVER STREET TO 7TH STREET CHELSEA ROAD FROM CSAH 18 TO CR 39 WEST DEEGAN AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BLVD TO COMMUTER PARKING LOT OAKWOOD DRIVE EAST FROM T.H. 25 TO INCLUDE THE CUL-DE-SAC OTTER CREEK ROAD FROM CSAH 75 TO RIVER STREET WEST RIVER STREET EAST FROM TH 25 TO CEDAR STREET (INCLUDING BLOCK OF WALGREEN'S) RIVER STREET WEST FROM THE XCEL/CITY BALLFIELDS TO TH 25 SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM TH 25 TO REDFORD LANE EDMONSON AVENUE FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO 85TH STREET NE FALLON AVENUE FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO 85TH STREET NE CEDAR STREET FROM OAKWOOD DRIVE TO END 71H STREET WEST FROM WALNUT STREET TO CSAH 39 W ELM STREET FROM WEST 6TH STREET TO WEST 7TH STREET 85th STREET FROM FALLON AVE TO TH 25 (Imended by City C—ncil 1211212005. 1111312007, 12.0812008, 1012612009, 1 012 512 01 0, 1012412011, 10/28/2013, 1012612015, 1012412016) 8. METHOD OF PLOWING SNOW Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize traffic obstructions. With the exception of that section of Broadway previously mentioned, the snow will be plowed from the center of the street outward. The City will plow the roundabout at CSAH 18 and Meadow Oak Avenue from the outside to the center. The County will plow to the outside. The plowing activities are shared. For narrow streets or other streets when conditions require, the Street Superintendent or his designee may choose to plow from one side to the other. Snow shall be plowed and pushed from left to right and discharged on the edge of the street or on adjacent right-of-way without regard for sidewalks and/or driveways. The City shall not be responsible for plowing snow from any private driveways or sidewalks. (Amended by City Council 1112712006) 9. HAULING OF SNOW Where space does not allow for snow to be pushed or piled outside the driving lanes, the city will remove the snow by hauling. Timing of such hauling shall be at the discretion of the Street Superintendent or his designee. Snow will be windrowed along the south curb on Chelsea Road between Highway 25 and Sandberg Road and hauled when the windrow reaches 2 feet in height to reduce snow pushed on to the sidewalk. (Amended by City Council 1211212005) 10. WEATHER CONDITIONS Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of employees or equipment, and operations are effective. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, limited visibility and rapid accumulation of snow and/or ice. 11. DISPATCHING OF EQUIPMENT Dispatching of equipment shall be determined by the Street Superintendent or his designee for streets and parking lots. Dispatching of equipment for sidewalk and pathways shall be determined by the Park Superintendent or his designee. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall monitor weather conditions and forecasts to aid in dispatch decisions. Plowing and/or sanding operations may occur during the assigned work shift or on a specific situation call out. If the specific situation is on a primary snow emergency route, the response shall be as soon as possible if workers and equipment are available and it is more than four hours until a work shift is to begin. Once a work shift has ended, the Street Superintendent or his designee has the discretion of responding immediately to other specific situations or waiting, in the case of non -emergencies, until a new work shift begins. For emergency vehicles responding to emergency situations (fire, medical, police) within the city, necessary workers and equipment will be dispatched as soon as possible. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall keep the City Administrator informed of start, progress and end of full scale plowing operations. 12. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS PLOWING TO BEGIN BY 4 A.M. COMMUTER PARKING LOT INCLUDING SCHOOL BLVD FROM TH 25 WEST TO DEEGAN AVE AND DEEGAN AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BLVD TO COMMUTER PARKING LOT COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOTS WEST AND SOUTH LOTS (Amended by City Council 11/2712006) PLOWED BY 8 A.M. (ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS) BLOCK 34 119 EAST 3RD STREET (DMV) BLOCK 35 WALNUT & 3RD STREET PARKING LOT (Lot is signed for 24-hour parking to aid in timely snow removal and other seasonal maintenance) BLOCK 52 WALNUT STREET NORTH OF WEST BROADWAY CITY HALL PARKING LOT DEPUTY REGISTRAR/MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING LOT HI -WAY LIQUOR PARKING LOT MONTICELLO FIBERNET HEAD END BUILDING PARKING LOT PRAIRIE WEST BUILDING MONTICELLO FIBERNET RETAIL SITE - 6T" STREET (Amended In Cal, Cmmcil 11,27,2006, 11//3/2007, 10126/2009, 1012412011, 1012212012, PLOWED WITH PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE FIRE HALL PARKING LOT PLOWED WITHIN 12 HOURS FOLLOWING SNOWFALL EVENT 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) ANIMAL SHELTER PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) CEDAR STREET PARKING LOT (OVERFLOW PARKING — EAST BRIDGE SLIDING HILL) EAST BRIDGE AND WEST BRIDGE PARK PARKING LOTS PUBLIC LIBRARY PARKING LOT PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND OFFICE PARKING LOTS INCLUDING THE AREA AROUND THE FUEL PUMPS (plowed by the Sewer/Water Department) TERRITORIAL ROAD -- DRIVEWAY INTO THE RAND MANSION PARKSIDE PARKING LOT AT OAK RIDGE DRIVE (plowed by Parks Department) (Amended bi Cio Council 11/27/2006, 10/26/2009, 10/24/2011, 70/24/2076) 13. CITY SIDEWALKS All sidewalks within the City limits shall be maintained by the property owner unless otherwise stated in this policy. Property owners must follow City Ordinance Title 8, Section 8-1-1 and 8-1-11. 8.1.1: MAINTENANCE BY OWNER: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated 1953, Chapter 429, as amended by Laws 1955, Chapter 811, the primary responsibility for keeping and maintaining the public sidewalk of the city in front of each parcel of land abutting thereon clean and in such state of repair as not to be dangerous to public travel is hereby imposed upon the owner of each such abutting parcel of land. 8.1.11: TIME OF REMOVAL, ICE AND SNOW: The owner or occupant of every building or tract of land within the city fronting upon any street having a sidewalk abutting upon such premises shall clear such sidewalk of snow within forty-eight (48) hours following the termination of any snowfall of two (2) inches or more or control the formation of ice from any cause. If such snow is not removed or ice is not controlled by the owner or occupant within the time specified herein, the same shall be removed or controlled under the direction of the Public Works Director and the City shall be reimbursed for the expense of such removal by the property owner within 30 days per the current City Fee Schedule. If payment is not received within 30 days the costs shall be levied against the property owner as a special assessment and collected as in the case of other special assessments. Amended by City Council 10128/2013) 14. CITY MAINTAINED SIDEWALKS Sidewalks shall be cleared to a minimum of 5' wide within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation of I/2" or more on sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be blown clear and/or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. Sidewalks coordinated with the school district each year will be attempted to be cleared by the start of school. (Amended by City Council 1012812013) PRIMARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE *3rd STREET WEST SOUTH SIDE OF 3RD STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO MAPLE STREET BROADWAY EAST SOUTH SIDE BETWEEN TH 25 & CEDAR STREET *BROADWAY EAST SOUTH SIDE FROM PALM STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET PALM STREET FROM EAST BROADWAY TO MID -BLOCK (WEST SIDE) *BROADWAY EAST ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM 731 E BROADWAY TO PALM ST TO WASHINGTON ST WITH THE EXCEPTION OF DENNY'S SERVICE AT 743 E BROADWAY BROADWAY EAST 201 EAST BROADWAY (OLD CEDAR STREET GARDEN CENTER SITE) THESE ARE PRIORITY SIDEWALKS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT EACH YEAR AND THE CITY WILL MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO CLEAR THE SIDEWALKS BY THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. IN TURN, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL NOTIFY THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT IMMEDIATELY OF SCHOOL CLOSINGS. PRIMARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE *BROADWAY WEST SOUTH SIDE FROM 906 BROADWAY TO BROADWAY KWIK STOP *BROADWAY WEST ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM CHESTNUT STREET TO LINN STREET WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH AT 494 WEST BROADWAY *CARDINAL HILLS PARK SIDEWALK RUNNING THROUGH PARK FROM MARTIN DRIVE TO SCHOOL BLVD *OTTER CREEK ROAD AND WEST RIVER STREET FROM CSAH 75 TO COMPOST SITE *WASHINGTON STREET EAST SIDE FROM RR CROSSING TO 7T" STREET 3RD STREET EAST DEPUTY REGISTRAR/PARKING LOT NORTH SIDE FROM 216 PINE STREET TO CEDAR STREET 3RD STREET WEST NORTH SIDE FROM 211 PINE ST TO WALNUT STREET BROADWAY WEST NORTH SIDE AT 111 WEST BROADWAY CEDAR STREET FROM BROADWAY TO RIVER STREET (EAST SIDE) COMMUNITY CENTER WEST SIDE OF WALNUT STREET FROM RR CROSSING TO 6T" STREET AND NORTH SIDE OF 6T" STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO FIRE HALL ELM STREET WEST SIDE FROM GOLF COURSE ROAD TO BROADWAY HI -WAY LIQUOR WEST SIDE T.H. 25 FROM 5T" TO 6T" AND NORTH SIDE 6T" FROM TH 25 TO INCLUDE SECOND DRIVEWAY INTO PKG LOT, ALSO INCLUDING SIDEWALK ON THE N. SIDE OF THE BUILDING INFORMATION CENTER SW CORNER ON TH 25 & CSAH 75 TO ALLEY INCLUDING PRIME AMERICA LIBRARY SOUTH SIDE 6T" STREET FROM WALNUT TO LOCUST WEST SIDE WALNUT FROM 6T" TO LIBRARY DRIVEWAY T.H. 25 T.H. 25 T.H. 25 7T" ST WEST SIDE FROM MISSISSIPPI BRIDGE TO BROADWAY FROM EAST BROADWAY TO ALLEY EAST SIDE, FROM 6T" ST TO 7T" ST NORTH SIDE, FROM TH 25 TO CEDAR ST PRIMARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE WALNUT STREET EAST SIDE PARKING LOT, ALLEY TO 3RD STREET, FROM WELLS FARGO DRIVEWAY TO RR TRACKS WASHINGTON STREET WEST SIDE FROM BROADWAY TO 4TH STREET (Amended by City Council 1112712006, 1111312007, 1210812008, 1012612009, 1012512010, 1012412011, 1012212012, 1012812013, 1012712014, 1012412016) SECONDARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE COMMUTER PARKING LOT BUS SHELTER AND SIDEWALK WEST/EAST BRIDGE PARK BITUMINOUS PATHWAY FROM THE SLIDING HILL TO WALNUT STREET T.H. 25 EAST SIDE, FROM EAST RIVER ST TO MISSISSIPPI RIVER BRIDGE GROVELAND (CITY OWNED PROPERTY) A PORTION OF HAYWARD CT 150' WEST OF PARK PLACE DR A PORTION 220' NORTH OF SUMMIT CT BETWEEN WINDEMERE CT & SUMMIT CT A PORTION EAST OF 90TH ST ON S SIDE OF PARK PLACE DR FROM 3554 REDFORD LN TO SCHOOL BLVD GROVELAND PARK SAVANNAH & INNSBROOK ALONG PARK MEADOW OAK AVENUE ADJOINING FREEWAY FIELDS AND FROM IRET TO CSAH 18 necnnnininnK AVENUE DELL] L SILE\^/ni n1 QNIG MEADOW GAK AVENUE (SHNA/Ni WEIN AND PROPERTY-) MINNESOTA STREET EAST SIDE FROM 7TH STREET TO A POINT 125' NORTH PRAIRIE ROAD FROM CSAH 75 TO HEDMAN LANE RIVER STREET WEST STEPS AT SOUTH SIDE OF RIVER STREET ON WALNUT STREET 7TH STREET WEST FROM MINNESOTA STREET TO CROSSWALK TH 25 WEST SIDE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO KJELLBERG'S PARK ENTRANCE CEDAR STREET WEST SIDE FROM 7TH STREET TO 3RD STREET AND EAST SIDE AT RR CROSSING FAIRHILL LANE SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF HUNTERS CROSSING PARK INNSBROOK DRIVE EAST SIDE FROM PARK PLACE DRIVE TO CHELSEA ROAD (Amended by City Council 1012812013, 1012612015, 1012412016) Sidewalks Cleared With City Assistance: 1.) South side of Broadway from the Broadway Kwik Stop to and including the Peterson Grimsmo Chapel at 250 East Broadway, and the North side of West and East Broadway from Linn Street to Palm Street including Trinity Lutheran Church at 449 West Broadway. Also the north side of East Broadway in front of 731 and 743 East Broadway near Washington Street. (Amended by City Council 1012412011) 2.) Sidewalks on the east and west sides of Highway 25 from River Street to Oakwood Drive: The city will assist Mn/DOT when they request, by providing one (1) operator or one (1) driver and a 12 -cubic yard dump truck to help remove snow from sidewalks put there by Mn/DOT plows. 15. CITY MAINTAINED PATHWAYS PRIMARY PATHWAYS CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6' * 7TH STREET EAST NORTH SIDE FROM CEDAR STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET * FALLON AVENUE WEST SIDE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 87TH STREET NE *FARMSTEAD AVENUE FROM 9144 FARMSTEAD AVE TO PIONEER PARK PARKING LOT *SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM EDMONSON AVE TO CR 18 INCLUDING THE PATHWAY THROUGH THE NORTH END OF PIONEER PK 2001 ISETEA PATHWAY SYSTEM INCLUDING 1-94 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FROM CSAH 75, SOUTH TO SCHOOL BLVD 7TH STREET EAST WASHINGTON STREET TO WEST SIDE OF ENTRANCE TO ST. HENRY'S CHURCH CSAH 75 FROM WEST RIVER STREET TO PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY CSAH 75 FROM MONTI MIDDLE SCHOOL AT THE HOSPITAL SIGNAL LIGHTS TO MEADOW OAK AVE SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM EDMONSON AVE TO T.H. 25 TH 25 FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO OAKWOOD DRIVE (Amended by City Council 1112712006, 1111312007, 1012612009, 1012412011, 1012212012, 1012812013, 1012612015) THESE ARE PRIORITY PATHWAYS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT EACH YEAR AND THE CITY WILL MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO CLEAR THE PATHWAYS BY THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. IN TURN, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL NOTIFY THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT IMMEDIATELY OF SCHOOL CLOSINGS. SECONDARY PATHWAYS CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6' BROADWAY WEST GREAT RIVER TRAIL HEAD (FROM WEST RIVER STREET THRU TUNNEL UNDERPASS) CHELSEA ROAD SOUTH SIDE FROM SANDBERG TO CSAH 39 WEST CHELSEA ROAD NORTH SIDE FROM FALLON AVENUE TO CSAH 18 CSAH 18 FROM OAK RIDGE CIRCLE TO OAKVIEW COURT CSAH 18 SOUTH SIDE FROM FENNING AVE TO TROY MARQUETTE DRIVE CSAH 18 SOUTH SIDE FROM WILDWOOD BOULEVARD TO GATEWATER DRIVE EDMONSON AVENUE WEST SIDE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO ORCHARD CIRCLE, AND ORCHARD CIRCLE TO 89TH STREET IN FEATHERSTONE FENNING AVENUE EAST SIDE FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE GOING SOUTH TO CSAH 18 GILLARD AVENUE WEST SIDE FROM RIVER FOREST DRIVE TO 95TH STREET GILLARD AVENUE WEST TO RIVER FOREST DRIVE MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE (SOUTH OF RAILROAD TRACKS) MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE GOING SOUTH TO EASTWOOD CIRCLE SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM TH 25 TO REDFORD LANE SLIDING HILL PATHWAY FROM MILL RUN ROAD TO RIVER FOREST DRIVE SWAN PARK PATHWAY TH 25 EAST SIDE FROM KJELLBERG'S TO SCHOOL BOULEVARD SCHOOL BLVD SOUTH SIDE FROM ANIMAL HOSPITAL EAST TO EDMONSON CSAH 18 FROM FENNING AVE TO EASTWOOD CIR & EASTWOOD LN EASTWOOD LANE THRU MEADOW OAK PARK TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE WEST 7TH STREET NORTH SIDE FROM MINNESOTA STREET TO ELM STREET SUNSET PONDS BETWEEN 6738 94TH STREET NE & 6773 GINGHAM COURT SECONDARY PATHWAYS CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6' MEADOW OAK BETWEEN 1000 MEADOW OAK DRIVE & 9161 OAK RIDGE DRIVE 90TH STREET EAST SIDE FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO PARK PLACE DRIVE RIVER MILL PARK FROM MILL TRAIL LANE INTO PARK (BOTTOM OF THE SLIDING HILL) BROADWAY EAST FROM HIGHLAND WAY TO HART BLVD (Amended by City Council 1012812013,1012612015, 1012412016) The Pathways shall be cleared to a min. width of 6' within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation of %2" or more on the pathway. Work on the pathways immediately adjacent to major highways or thorough fairs will not begin until the adjacent roadway is plowed and widened. Pathways shall be blown clear and/or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. It is expected that the bituminous surface shall be visible in many areas along the pathway. Pathways designated for snow removal which are used for student pedestrian travel to and from the schools shall be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snow event provided any immediate adjacent major roadway is cleared and widened first. (Amended by City Council 01/1012005) 16. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS 4TH STREET PARK (2) HOCKEY RINKS (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK WEST BRIDGE PARK (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK (Amended by City Council 1112712006, 1111312007) Within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with an accumulation of more than 1" of snow, all three rinks shall be plowed or blown clear and then broomed. All snow shall be removed from within the hockey rink area and no accumulations of snow should be left around the inside of the boards. Care should be used not to throw or pile snow on walkways. For any event between one-tenth of an inch to an inch of snow, all three rinks shall be broomed within 36 hours after the end of the snow event. Again, accumulation or ridges of snow around the inside of the hockey boards must be removed. (Amended by City Council 12112/2005) 17. DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTIES Only those mailboxes or other personal properties which are installed properly and allowed by city ordinance to be on the boulevard and are damaged by actual contact with city equipment, will be considered for compensation at city expense. Compensation for mailboxes and posts shall be for materials only with a maximum allowable reimbursement of $150 per single family residential mailbox and a maximum allowable reimbursement of $200 per cluster mailboxes. Damage to trees, shrubbery and other landscaping will not be considered for compensation unless located beyond the boulevard or private property. The city will re -seed plow disturbed areas of the boulevard in the summer months when staffing and workload permits. (Amended by City Council 1012612009) Damage to personal vehicles will be considered only if they are legally parked and only if physically contacted by equipment. 18. PLOWING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY Unless there is direct benefit to city operations or unless emergency vehicles need access, there shall be no plowing of private property with city equipment. 19. REVIEW OF POLICY The city will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. This policy will be reviewed periodically. Any review will consider comments or complaints received since the last review. 20. WINTER PARKING REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorously enforce portions of the parking ordinances beginning November 15 through April 15, as follows: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2; Parking and stopping: Except for the City of Monticello or Wright County on its own right of ways, no person shall utilize any portion of any local public right of way, including the traveled street, boulevard or public parking lot for the storage or parking of any object or material which is not a licensed, operable motor vehicle, passenger vehicle or motorcycle as defined by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subd. 3, 3a and 4, except as may be explicitly permitted on a temporary period of time by the City Council or its designated representative. Properly licensed, operator motor vehicles, passenger vehicles and motorcycles may be parked in the public street where permitted but not on the boulevard portion of the public right of way subject to the further requirements of local parking regulations and applicable Minnesota Statutes. A trailer of any type properly licensed or not is not considered a motor vehicle or part thereof when disconnected from its tow vehicle. It shall be unlawful for the owner and/or driver of a motor vehicle to stop, stand, or park the said vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or traffic control devices: On any street or roadway between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and six o'clock (6:00) a.m. from November 15 through April 15, except physicians on emergency calls. TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8: Parking in regard to snowplowing and/or removal: After a snowfall, all streets in the city of Monticello shall be cleared of all motor vehicles and parts thereof for the purposes of snowplowing and/or removal until all streets are plowed. Any motor vehicle or parts thereof left on any street or boulevard in the city of Monticello in such a way as to impede the performance of the city and/or state snowplow shall be dealt with under the Penalty Code No. 1-4-1 (a fine of up to $300 and/or imprisonment in a city or county jail for a period not to exceed 90 days). 21. WINTER SIDEWALK PATHWAY/SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorously enforce portions of the city ordinance in regard to use of the sidewalks/pathways by snowmobiles, ATV'S and other motorized vehicles. TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2: Restrictions: It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile: On any sidewalks or pathways in the city of Monticello provided for pedestrian and/or bicycle travel. TOWNSHIP ROAD y RIVER STREET �`� �; . ' _ . �, 1q HILLCR - i aJ 9 ILLCRESTLL I �t9}- IN PRAIRIE V `8Y U ROAD - 3 HILLTOP, DRIVE W -• 3 i ajlA Y LIEFE T DRIVE`\\fie e\ Lra k o hor A,� :- N/ 44- I � y NAMPhUR � GOLF COURSE ROAD COUNTY STATE HIGHWAY S9 l - - E4 E CE SANDTRAP STREET �' 6A,- _ S/2 STREET FIRST - ' - tv�� ww TTN STR LAKE T z 4 O y h r'41r: woo • CAL MUD yff� p NO Bq . 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Q1 -- A _PARK VE Z� < `"VALDI�DOD N OA N MEDOW y 5T �7r�_ p RLwi f_ c CT i fQ YnLi) OD �q� > eTh z JIG- I i C •tnLq 4- LTEjyC1 0 F CO[iiRT i m �In °__-_� r� r•� � _ N J - z ,� C � a � � � y �.��EgyF �L� < ll a I. S61 e„ R� w w STREET DhKSTR _ ma� Q�U11 S - \ N.E 859h STREET BADGE STREET DArR N.E. HSth TREET j Q�Q• �1•, 1 i " TR STRUT EES=! 85TH CORPORATE LIMITS / �47 84TH T 1 SIRE ND STREET a .TOWNSHIP ROAD y RIVER STREET �`� �; . ' _ . �, 1q HILLCR - i aJ 9 ILLCRESTLL I �t9}- IN PRAIRIE V `8Y U ROAD - 3 HILLTOP, DRIVE W -• 3 i ajlA Y LIEFE T DRIVE`\fie e\ Tra k o hor A,0 :- N/ � y KAMPA � GOLF COURSE ROAD COUNTY STATE HIGHWAY S9 l ` CITY OF P - " F4 ES CE SANDTRAP- _ R.CIR. U, A/2 on ice -__o STREET " B H:. S/2 STREET FIRST - - ��� w 7TH SIR _ -'•-�:.z STREETS LAKE T ZN 4 O j IFF woo MND yff� p NO Bq euR4MGTp14 `fie _ - - LAKE 1 O � P"kL,E Q" - .40_ v Trh sjRE _ ti BLw. HL - yti �..YS S1 a d w M.IASP N n K M N CN , SAVANNAH 0 P`�" YANDEMTTiE C �'1 CHEL5EA ROAD �N)�-RS`T .� y`P CT. �R M1L1 QRI'TE a �P NPN o0( ( 9jE 7ty STR �S i z RIVER LANE i P v y - A9P flR- C`lh0 oC- u E£7 �PRvq RIDG-OSPREY a zQ CIR_ u Ngr M�(( r ©` cT. BALp P EAGLE A4- G QP DUNDAS ¢ ROAU n NO 4R' rc CT a u w W o 94 Th�`A,S LANE N HAYWARD CT z mr GOLDEN n jA> ,�-" n L z � '-' EAGLE F 95TH 5T W z w z w LANE STpNER1DGE F O; DAYW CT E I I EAGLE RIDGE LANE LANE o" In$ Wr•IS£ ¢ 4 4 NE CND L7lo i DAK i U) S g ytiq Og ycy 4:• 1 �oS\f i No �1�� `�.'•'. v/�T h LIJ 4 _ s v .L- LAN 92ND PEB9LEBR �- ETNERRERRY a a MARDN ave• FALCON DR! CO ppHADY ao SJRK CiR T, N b �f\ nLw p Zau n Y) J 4bCAK YENN I�J q ,n l 1 T6 N -- 1•ILAD c au O yr Z� Its - PIRIT HILLS RD AKm �-, ou Np Cf S�S1 I'I (;p n U F VQ 1 KING SUMMIT PT RD BR n Q OAKLEAF `� rcj zu a COURT Lia IIIN�103 rye n EASF OAK DRIVE RIVE- n r a ry LO� BI s CT. � 1 DRIVE -- MEADOW VE`-VALC%�GOD N 0 OAK BLVD'-- c CT YnLi) C •tnLq h LTEjyCT o FCO[iiRT'nSt m i m �In °__-_� r� r•� � _ N J - z ,� C � a � � � y �.��EgyF �L� i1 a I. BAKKEB61 ST STREET p Q�U11 - \ N.E B5th STREET BADGE STREEY DAIIGER N.E. BSth STREET j Q�Q• �1•, 1 i " TREES=! S85 TREET CORPORATE LIMITS / B4TII T 1 STRE M STRNDEET a ISI, I 0 1,250 2,500 Feet `A Sidewalk and Pathway Map Snow and Ice Maintenance 2017-2018 „ CITY OF ..�`. A 4.,�,+; �,�'� LV1V11L1t,1,,11V LEGEND: Primary Sidewalk -,� Secondary Sidewalk Primary Pathway 3 BRaowv�\ Secondary Pathway o= �' a RIVER RIDGE LN 7 ME i ZHU ■ r 'Ugil' _ H I H17 _--J— --_—_— 4___ ` y E umant Path: J:%gistici y%MONT%MapslBase AD W HILLTOP DRIVE, \ 7A. S F z ,; z J Rly� � E EFERT DRIVE w 14 cT f k SNF oa calf COURSE ROAD f A SANOTRAP STREET DA P� Td 6' 1/2 STREET ' 3 2: rAq Hc*WAr 94 Mdo THauA w-i N ENN CT %�{ WINDEMERE C N wtV CHELSEA ROAD �H 3{ MILL CT. SAVA Arlo = h u STgE.Fr t - P RIVER LANE -A o RI OSPREI a ALJ L_,1� DUMASa ROAD �� Ap W4y- R ©y CT13 u NO flR. EAGLE z CT HAYWARD C7 '�' _i Fi U - 0 G GED LANE �"'ECIEO N 0 i -EAGUE {V HA) ARD C7 A a o = W z w LANE STONERIOCE w ?- STEAGLE RIDGE LANE LAK —. SCHOOL 13LVO •��:\ j j S7 to - ®. < _ - A y�Hl - i — ]t \`A vl COUNTRY r N '- '-�4 � � r1 aA 4 . NE U;OLDENLN P I���l ~ Seq., Qi1F•r0 Pu, j R�IfSr`��' }'�, �Z .� - — Li m z pi, y g.. o a 4, rn LO N ED 1PEBBLERROOKj r 0 .Y NAR TIN �nx -� E3DERBERRY 92N6 . I� 0 Ca �+ YEN P iVE ?ac�iler DPo n Cp 0 K< T. ND' x Rb CIR a } c 1 N F ON AYE �¢ r m RIT HILLS RD _ o~i �� 'Yp CT 9i I - ISUmmiT PT RD B n 1 u c�a A x a MG m �, EWA OAKL COURT 47 c s E cr. i rwnKI VE EAST DAIS DRIVE fp .�a r--_ DRIVE `\ - ■■ DuAAKDOw HE T z C YALU FI ` p tJj.Cl d 5 -' �e FAIRHIL � W P I WAY j^�r- COURT DEER" ST. F Z� = 5fi1 w C RW Ian x BAKKEN T w o Q STREET N D� D p. w RA iSTREET / d T1 ``,, STREET z N.E. 85th STREET ) PQ' MI fT I 85r1i mom.• STRf£T SAR Q STR L, Q I P L 1 jt 6 2ND V. STREET s >n p City Council Agenda 10/23/2017 2J. Consideration of accepting Wright Hennepin Services request to terminate eight street light service maintenance contracts (JO/WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you know, Xcel Energy maintains the majority of street lights in Monticello. These lights are owned and maintained by Xcel. The city pays an electric usage and unit charge for this service. The city owns eight street light segments that are maintained by Wright Hennepin Services via a service contract. Staff has been informed that Wright Hennepin Services has made a corporate decision to get out of the business of installing and maintaining street lighting systems. In conjunction with winding down the street lighting business, Wright Hennepin Services is asking to be released from obligations under our current contracts. Wright Hennepin has explained they are moving away from maintaining its existing systems despite a level of profitability on the maintenance contract side. It has also been noted that the other municipalities that have been asked to release Wright Hennepin Services from contracts have done so. The Streets Superintendent, Finance Director, and City Administrator have reviewed the terms associated with the 8 systems currently under contract and have concluded that it would be to the city's advantage to accept the request for termination. Four of the 8 contracts apply to maintenance of LED systems that have been recently installed which are inexpensive to maintain. The city would be money ahead to accept responsibility for maintaining these LED systems because the maintenance expense would likely be less than the cost of the maintenance contract. There are four remaining high-pressure sodium lighting systems and one was re-lamped in 2017. The other three remaining systems contain 36 total lights, Wright Hennepin Services is willing to provide $3,600 in lieu of relighting with high pressure sodium lights which would otherwise be required under the contract. The city can use these funds to purchase and install LED lights instead of high pressure sodium and thus drive down maintenance cost even further. Please note that necessary maintenance will be completed either by staff or on a time and materials basis by vendors. It has been projected that this expense will be less than what the city will otherwise be spending on the maintenance contracts proposed for termination. The Street Superintendent is in the process of obtaining quotes for installing LED lights serving the four high sodium pressure systems. This expense is likely to have a fairly quick payback and can be funded via the electric franchise fee. More information on this follow-up project will be presented in November. City Council Agenda 10/23/2017 Al. Budget Impact: It has been projected that the overall maintenance expense for the eight systems will be reduced as a result of the termination of maintenance contracts with Wright Hennepin Services. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Incidental administrative demands associated with managing maintenance of the systems. As reliable and low maintenance LED systems are installed, maintenance demands should diminish. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to accept Wright Hennepin Services request to terminate eight street light service maintenance contracts 2. Motion to deny Wright Hennepin Services request to terminate eight street light service maintenance contracts. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1 D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Lighting service contract documents. B. Summary of letter of request from Wright Hennepin Services. LIGHTING SERVICE CONTRACT TERMINATION THIS LIGHTING SERVICE CONTRACT TERMINATION (this "Termination") is made as of November 1, 2017, by and between Wright -Hennepin Response ("Contractor") and City of Monticello ("Customer"). Contractor and Customer are sometimes each referred to as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties" herein. RECITALS A. Contractor and Customer entered into one or more Lighting Maintenance Service Contracts dated the following date(s): June 1, 2005; January 1, 2007; January 1, 2008; and May 15, 2007 (the "Service Contract(s)") relating to certain lighting maintenance, repair, replacement, and other services specified in such agreements (collectively the "Services"). A copy of the Service Contract(s) is/are attached hereto as Exhibit A. B. Contractor is winding -up its business operations which formerly delivered the Services, and desires to secure an agreement from Customer that the Service Contract(s) is/are terminated. C. The Parties desire to document their agreement to terminate the Service Contract(s) and release each other from any further performance as of and after November 1, 2017 (the "Termination Date"). AGREEMENT In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated into and made a substantive part of this Termination. 2. Termination of Service Contract(s). The Service Contract(s) shall be deemed, by mutual written agreement of the Parties, to hereby be terminated, null and void, and of no further force or effect, effective as of the Termination Date. Any final financial arrangements or Services to be provided by Contractor and the costs, if any, to be paid by Customer are described 1 in the attached Schedule 2. The Parties agree to perform the arrangements described in Schedule 2, if any. 3. Effect of Termination. From and after the Termination Date, each of the Parties shall not be required to make any payments or performance under the Service Contract(s), and each Party is released by the other Party from all contractual requirements under the Service Contract(s). 4. Successors and Assigns. This Termination shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the Parties and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 5. Entire Termination. This Termination sets forth the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the termination of the Service Contract(s), and no subsequent agreement, amendment, change or addition to this Termination shall be binding on any Party unless reduced to writing and signed by the Parties. 6. Severabilitv. If any provision in this Termination is deemed invalid, then the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect and will be construed as if the invalid provision had not been a part of this Termination. 7. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Termination may be executed in one or more counterparts, which when combined shall have the same force and effect as an original containing the signatures of all Parties. This Termination may be signed and delivered by facsimile transmittal or other electronic communication of a signed document. Facsimile or electronic copies shall be enforceable. 8. Authoritv. Each person signing this Termination on behalf of a limited liability company, corporation, municipal entity, or other legal entity, represents and warrants that he or she has all requisite right, power, and authority to do so and to bind such Party or entity to each and all of the terms hereof. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signature page follows.] 2 [Signature Page to Maintenance Service Contract Termination] Dated this day of , 2017. Dated this day of , 2017. CONTRACTOR: Wright -Hennepin Response By: Name: Title: CUSTOMER: City of Monticello By: Name: Title: EXHIBIT A SERVICE CONTRACT(S) [See Attached] Em SCHEDULE2 Contractor and Customer agree to the following final financial arrangements or final Services and costs to the Customer, if any, to be performed as part of the Contract(s) Termination. If there is nothing filled in (and initialed) on the following form, there are no final arrangements. Contractor will provide Customer a check in the amount of $3600 for future maintenance, payable upon full execution of the Termination. Accepted and Agreed: Customer Initials: Contractor Initials: LIGHTING SERVICE CONTRACT TERMINATION THIS LIGHTING SERVICE CONTRACT TERMINATION (this "Termination") is made as of November 1, 2017, by and between WH Services ("Contractor") and City of Monticello ("Customer"). Contractor and Customer are sometimes each referred to as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties" herein. RECITALS A. Contractor and Customer entered into one or more Lighting Maintenance Service Contracts dated the following date(s): June 9, 2010; October 1, 2011; July 22, 2013; and May 26, 2015 (the "Service Contract(s)") relating to certain lighting maintenance, repair, replacement, and other services specified in such agreements (collectively the "Services"). A copy of the Service Contract(s) is/are attached hereto as Exhibit A. B. Contractor is winding -up its business operations which formerly delivered the Services, and desires to secure an agreement from Customer that the Service Contract(s) is/are terminated. C. The Parties desire to document their agreement to terminate the Service Contract(s) and release each other from any further performance as of and after November 1, 2017 (the "Termination Date"). AGREEMENT In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated into and made a substantive part of this Termination. 2. Termination of Service Contract(s). The Service Contract(s) shall be deemed, by mutual written agreement of the Parties, to hereby be terminated, null and void, and of no further force or effect, effective as of the Termination Date. Any final financial arrangements or Services to be provided by Contractor and the costs, if any, to be paid by Customer are described 1 in the attached Schedule 2. The Parties agree to perform the arrangements described in Schedule 2, if any. 3. Effect of Termination. From and after the Termination Date, each of the Parties shall not be required to make any payments or performance under the Service Contract(s), and each Party is released by the other Party from all contractual requirements under the Service Contract(s). 4. Successors and Assigns. This Termination shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on the Parties and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 5. Entire Termination. This Termination sets forth the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the termination of the Service Contract(s), and no subsequent agreement, amendment, change or addition to this Termination shall be binding on any Party unless reduced to writing and signed by the Parties. 6. Severabilitv. If any provision in this Termination is deemed invalid, then the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect and will be construed as if the invalid provision had not been a part of this Termination. 7. Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. This Termination may be executed in one or more counterparts, which when combined shall have the same force and effect as an original containing the signatures of all Parties. This Termination may be signed and delivered by facsimile transmittal or other electronic communication of a signed document. Facsimile or electronic copies shall be enforceable. 8. Authoritv. Each person signing this Termination on behalf of a limited liability company, corporation, municipal entity, or other legal entity, represents and warrants that he or she has all requisite right, power, and authority to do so and to bind such Party or entity to each and all of the terms hereof. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signature page follows.] 2 [Signature Page to Maintenance Service Contract Termination] Dated this day of , 2017. Dated this day of , 2017. CONTRACTOR: WH Services By: Name: Title: CUSTOMER: City of Monticello By: Name: Title: EXHIBIT A SERVICE CONTRACT(S) [See Attached] Em SCHEDULE2 Contractor and Customer agree to the following final financial arrangements or final Services and costs to the Customer, if any, to be performed as part of the Contract(s) Termination. If there is nothing filled in (and initialed) on the following form, there are no final arrangements. Accepted and Agreed: Customer Initials: Contractor Initials: W HSERV/CES LCZM��� I appreciate you getting back to me on in regards to WH Services notification of winding down our Street Lighting business. During our discussion, you asked me to summarize the contracts with the City of Monticello and provide a recommendation, 1. 13 LED lights on West 7I" St - Elm to CR 39 Ile o $110.50/month o $4,420 to fulfill this contract 2. 34 LED lights on East 7 Ih St - Pathway between Union Crossing and Cedar Street o $357.75/month o contract has expired so is billing on a month to month basis 3. 12 LED lights on 7th St and adjacent pathway * $119,75/month * $3,353 to fulfill this contract 4. 37 LED lights on School Blvd - Edmonson to Fenning Ave o $372/month o contract has expired so is billing on a month to month basis 5. 51 lights on Deegan Avenue; School Blvd Edmonson to Hwy 25; School Blvd - Deegan to Redford o $609.40/month o $25,594.80 to fulfill this contract o Relamped in 2017 6. 18 lights on Chelsea Road East o $180/month o $11,520 to fulfill this contract 7. 9 lights on 7 Ih St and Highland (e 5 CT& o $90/month o $5,310 to fulfill this contract 8, 9 lights on Cedar St - Dundas to Chelsea o $124.65/month o $8,850.15 to fulfill this contract Cost per month for all contracts is $1,964.05. To fulfill the term of the contracts the cost is $69,047.95. Re -tamping for all the high-pressure sodium lights costs about $4,350 every 5 years, LED lighting has very little ongoing maintenance( -Per the contracts WH Services would need to fulfill one more re -lamp of 18 lights located at Chelsea Road East at a cost of $900, 9 lights located at 7 Ih St and Highland at a cost of $450 and 9 lights located at Cedar St - Dundas to Chelsea at a cost of $450 n 0 (7653) 477-3000 r (800) 943-2667 6 (763) 477-3054 - I I wwvj.whe.orq 0 info( whe.org 196800 Electric Drive, RO, Box SO, Rockford, IAN 55373-0330 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 2K. Consideration to approve a request for Conditional Use Permit for Micro- Brewery/Taproom in CCD (Central Communitv District), Ordinance No. 683 for Amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 5.2 and 5.3 to allow outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries (and similar uses), Summary Ordinance 683A and Conditional Use Permit for outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries. Applicant: Zach Barthel/Sina Nvland, Nordic Brewerv. (NAC) Property: PID 155-500114201/155-029001040 Address: 530 Cedar Street Planning Case Number: 2017-033 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit to open a brewery/taproom facility in the CCD Amendment to the zoning ordinance to accommodate an accessory outdoor seating area Conditional Use Permit for accessory outdoor seating area Deadline for Decision: November 7th, 2017 Land Use Designation: Places to Shop Zoning Designation: CCD — F3(Transition) The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses, transportation options, and public activities in the downtown Monticello area, and particularly to implement the goals, objectives, and specific directives of the Comprehensive Plan, and in particular, the Embracing Downtown Monticello report and its Design Guidelines Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Shopping Center Multi Family Residential Mixed Residential Multi Family Residential Commercial Retail City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 Project Description: The applicant is seeking to establish a production brewery and taproom facility in a portion of an existing multi -tenant commercial building. The space to be utilized for the facility has been a series of different commercial enterprises over the years, including a bar and restaurant. The remainder of the building is occupied by a variety of commercial tenants, including retail and professional services. The proposed space consists of 10,000 square feet, and would include brewery space, office and support space, the taproom seating area, future kitchen, and a special event space of approximately 2,000 square feet. The applicant would provide access to the outdoor seating via a rear hallway leading to exterior doors on the east side of the building. In addition to the brewery/taproom itself, the applicant is seeking approval to accommodate an outdoor seating area on the east side of the building. This area includes a significant amount of additional parking that was first constructed to support the previous restaurant tenant, including an outdoor seating area in the same location as that now proposed. An amendment to the ordinance is necessary to allow accessory outdoor seating in the CCD, as when the City updated its CCD zoning, outdoor seating was not specifically carried into the new code, even though it exists, or has existed, in other CCD locations (including the proposed location previously). The proposed amendment would require a conditional use permit review for the accessory use when adjacent to residential uses. Therefore, the applicant is seeking a conditional use permit for the accessory use outdoor seating, as the building in which the taproom is located and the outdoor seating area are both within 300' feet of the residential property to the south. As a note, the proposed amendment also extends the accessory outdoor seating allowance for all restaurants, bars, taprooms and micro -distilleries as a further means of clarifying the ordinance for such uses in all commercial districts. ANALYSIS Conditional Use Permit. Specific Zoning Requirements. The zoning ordinance lists the following specific standards for these uses (with staff comments included): (24) Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room shall be allowed by conditional use permit in the CCD, B-3 and B-4 Districts, provided that: 2 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 (a) The owner of the brewery qualifies for and receives a brewer license and a malt liquor wholesale license from the State of Minnesota, according to Minn. Statutes Section 340A.301. This will be a requirement of the applicant's liquor license. (b) The Brewery or Micro -Distillery includes an accessory brewer's taproom or cocktail room for the on -sale of products produced on-site, and such room shall require the applicable license from the City of Monticello, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. Approximately 3,000 square feet of the 10,000 square foot facility would be devoted to taproom seating and bar/service area. (c) On-site sale of beer in the form of growlers shall require a Brewery License for Off -Sale of Malt Liquor, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. Off -sale hours of sale must conform to hours of sale for retail off -sale licensees in the City of Monticello. This will be a requirement of the applicant's liquor license. (d) Total production of malt liquor may not exceed 10,000 barrels annually. Of the 10,000 barrel production limit, onsite taproom retail sales shall not exceed 3,500 barrels annually, 500 barrels of which may be sold off -sale as growlers. The brewer shall annually submit production reports with the request to renew a brewer taproom or off -sale malt liquor license. The applicants propose a capacity of 600 barrels per year. (e) A micro -distillery may be issued a license for off -sale of distilled spirits. Not applicable to this application. (f) Total production of liquor may not exceed 40,000 proof gallons annually. Not applicable to this application. (g) The brewery or micro -distillery facility provides adequate space for off-street loading and unloading of all trucks greater than twenty-two (22) feet in length. In the absence of off-street loading, the City may impose limits on deliveries or shipments using the public right of ways, including regulating the number of trucks per day and the hours that deliveries are permitted. The applicants should indicate how deliveries, along with future shipping of packaged products, will be made. No loading docks serve the building. Deliveries could be accommodated from the rear without interfering with tenant parking. (h) Loading docks shall be located and designed so they are not visible from adjoining public streets or adjoining residential zoning. No loading docks are proposed. (i) No outdoor storage is permitted on the site, with the exception that waste handling (refuse and/or recycling) may occur in an enclosure that is fully screened from adjoining streets and residential zoning. The plan does not show exterior waste handling, which is expected to be addressed indoors. 0) No odors from the business may be perceptible beyond the property line. This type of facility is not expected to produce eternal odors. (k) The business must be housed in a building that utilizes building design similar to, or compatible with, common commercial architecture, and shall avoid 3 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 large wall expanses which contribute to an industrial environment. The building is an existing facility in downtown Monticello. The applicants do not propose to make changes to the exterior, with the exception of business signage. (1) The brewer must demonstrate the capacity for producing, processing and storing malt liquor on the commercial site through the provision of a building floor plan illustrating production, bottling, and storage areas. The application materials include a detailed floor plan. No bottling facilities are shown. The applicants indicate that they would like to distribute packaged products in the future. The applicants should identify the process and requirements of the packaging and storage/shipping activities. (m)All exterior lighting shall be compliant with Chapter 4.4 of the Monticello. The applicant is not proposing new exterior lighting, which exists as apart of the current building. Many of these requirements apply to new construction, or to issues that may come up in an industrial setting. The applicant's plans and narrative indicate the ability and/or intent to comply with each of the requirements, with the notations above that additional detail is necessary regarding deliveries, packaging and shipping, and confirmation that no exterior storage of waste products is planned. The proposed floor plan shows a layout that provides the following spaces: Space: Parking Demand: Taproom/Seating: 2,235 s.f. 1 space per 40 s.f. Office: 633 s.f. 1 space per 250 s.f. Bar/Service: 757 s.f. 1 space per 80 s.f. Brewery Area: 895 s.f. 1 space per 350 s.f. Future Kitchen: 486 s.f. 1 space per 80 s.f. Event Space: 2,003 s.f. 1 space per 40 s.f. Parking demand for the facility would be calculated as shown above, with a total requirement of 125 parking spaces at full capacity (including the event space, which would require 50 spaces). The applicants indicate that the property includes 174 parking spaces. The other tenants in the building, occupying a total of approximately 14,800 square feet, are most commonly daytime users, although the pizza restaurant would have competing hours. In the CCD, a parking ratio of one space per 350 square feet applies to common retail and service uses, resulting in a parking demand for the other tenants in the building of 43 parking spaces. The applicant proposes hours that would be, eventually, Monday through Friday, 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.; 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday; and 11 a.m. to 6 pm Sunday. There should be more than adequate parking between the front and rear parking lots to accommodate the demand. M City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 Zoning Text Amendment. The current version of the CCD zoning does not make specific provision for outdoor seating areas for breweries, although the commercial use section of the ordinance has a provision for accessory use outdoor seating areas for principal use restaurants. To address this, the applicants have applied for an amendment to specifically accommodate the outdoor seating use. The following proposed amendments would add an outdoor seating provision with a series of requirements that would apply to any restaurant, brewery taproom, or brewpub in any district where allowed by code, subject to specific provisions as follows: Section 5.3 (27) Outdoor Seating —Accessory to Restaurant, Restaurant/Bards, Production Brewery with Taproom, Micro -distillery with Cocktail Room, and/or Brewpubs (a) For all restaurants, restaurant/bars, production brewery with taproom, micro -distillery with cocktail room, andlor brewpubs, if the establishment (building) or outdoor seating area is located within 300 feet of a residential zoning district, the following standards shall apply: (i) The use shall require authorization through a conditional use permit. (ii) Primary access from local residential streets shall be prohibited. (b) Restaurants, restaurant/bars, production brewery with taproom, micro - distillery with cocktail room, andlor brewpubs having outdoor seating (including, but not limited to, seating for dining or listening to live or recorded acoustic or amplified entertainment outside of the building) shall comply with the following standards: (i) The outdoor portions of the restaurant shall not operate after 10:00 P.M. unless a Special Event Permit for such events has been approved by the City Council. Such a permit supercede the provisions of City Code 6-1-10(B). (ii) No noise or music shall be generated in any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property after 9:00 p.m. (iii) The outdoor seating area shall not obstruct the movement of pedestrians along sidewalks or through areas intended for public use. (iv) Outdoor seating shall be fenced and enclosed to control access to the area, with service only from the inside of the facility. (v) No outdoor seating area shall be located within one hundred feet (1009 of any property containing single family, two family, or townhouse residential units. (vi) Any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property shall be fenced and fully screened from view of said residential property. (vii) All lighting shall be hooded and light glare or reflection shall not be visible from adjoining residential property. 5 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 The clause above would allow such facilities, subject to these provisions, as permitted uses when more than 300 feet from residential property, and would add a separate Conditional Use Permit requirement for the outdoor seating if closer than this dimension. The clause prohibits the use when within 100 feet of low to mid -density residential properties. The Nordic facility would comply with these requirements based on the site plan materials provided and subject to the conditions outlined above. Nordic has proposed a seating area in the rear of the building, as well as a small area in the front of the building. The rear seating area would require compliance with the standards above, while the front seating area would fall under the zoning ordinance provisions for Outdoor Sidewalk Sales & Display. Staff is not aware of any existing facility that would be in jeopardy of violation or non -conformity with this amendment. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed this item on October 3rd, 2017 during their regular meeting, holding a hearing on the three requests. Applicant Zach Barthel was present to address the Commission. The Planning Commission sought confirmation on the location of the proposed facility within the building. The applicant clarified that the brewery and taproom is intended to be located in the internal corner space of the building. Mr. Barthel confirmed that he had no issues with the conditions stated in the report. The Commission inquired as to the exact locations of the outdoor seating areas, which staff illustrated per the site plan. It was clarified that the screening and fencing conditions assigned apply to the proposed outdoor seating area at the rear of the taproom location. No other public was present to provide comment on the requests. After discussion, the Planning Commission motioned 5-0 to recommend approval of each of the requests for Conditional Use Permit for Micro-Brewery/Taproom in CCD (Central Community District), Text Amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 5.2 and 5.3 to allow accessory outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries (and similar uses) and Conditional Use Permit for outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS no City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of the requests, Alternative 1 for Decisions 1, 2 and 3 below. Decision 1. Conditional Use Permit for Production Brewery with Taproom in the CCD 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a proposed Production Brewery with Taproom, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z, and based on findings in Resolution No. PC 2017-29. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for a proposed Production Brewery with Taproom, based on findings to be stated by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action subject to submission of additional information. Decision 2. Zoning Text Amendment to accommodate Outdoor Seating as an accessory use to Production Brewery with Taprooms and similar uses. 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance No.683 the proposed zoning text amendment, based on findings in Resolution PC 2017-30. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Ordinance No. 683, based on findings to be stated by the City Council. Motion to table action on the ordinance, subject to submission of additional information. Decision 3. Conditional Use Permit Outdoor Seating for Production Brewery with Taproom in the CCD 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a proposed accessory outdoor seating for a Production Brewery with Taproom within 300 feet of residential property, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z, and based on findings in adopt Resolution No. PC 2017-031. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for a proposed accessory outdoor seating for a Production Brewery with Taproom based on findings to be stated by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action subject to submission of additional information. Decision 4: Summary Ordinance 1. Motion to adopt Summary Ordinance No. 683A for publication. 7 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 4. Motion to deny adoption of Summary Ordinance No. 683A, based on findings identified at the public hearing. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION With regard to Decision 1, Staff recommends approval of the CUP for production brewery with taproom. As discussed f, the applicant does, or is able to, meet each of the requirements for this Conditional Use Permit, and the location is appropriate and sufficiently developed to support a use of this intensity. There are a few specific details that the applicant will need to verify as a part of this approval, including a requirement for all indoor trash handling, a description of the loading and unloading for the use that does not interfere with other building tenants, and a description of the proposed packaging process, including shipping requirements of the site (truck size, location, etc.). The applicant will need to verify completion of all required licensing, and provide signage details compliant with City sign ordinance requirements at the time of their request for a sign permit. With regard to Decision 2, staff further recommends approval of the ordinance amendment. With the details proposed, outdoor seating for these types of uses — some of which would not otherwise be able to accommodate outdoor seating — would be allowed in a reasonable manner that should not impact nearby residential uses. Finally, staff recommends approval of Decision 3, the Conditional Use Permit for outdoor seating for this facility. The applicants indicate that this use would be a "future" addition to the site. The proposed location is able to meet the requirements of the proposed ordinance, and the applicants will need to demonstrate compliance with complete plans for staff review prior to installation and use of the seating area. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2017-029 B. Resolution PC -2017-030 C. Resolution PC -2017-031 D. Ordinance, No. 683 and Summary Ordinance 683A E. Aerial Image, Subject Site F. Applicant Narrative and Site Plans G. Applicant Ordinance Information H. Aerial Site Plan Rendering Z. Conditions of Approval City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 EXHIBIT Z NORDIC BREW HOUSE & TAPROOM Conditional Use Permit for Production Brewery with Taproom and Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Use Outdoor Seating 542 Cedar Street 1. The applicant completes all federal, state and local licensing applications necessary as specified in the City Code and Zoning Ordinance for the production brewery and taproom. 2. The applicant sells only the products of the brewery produced on-site. 3. Deliveries are only by passenger vehicle or light truck, and do not utilize the public right-of-way. 4. The outdoor portions of the brewery taproom shall not operate after 10:00 P.M. unless a Special Event Permit for such events has been approved by the City Council. Such a permit supersedes the provisions of City Code 6-1- 10(B). 5. No noise or music shall be generated in any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property after 9:00 p.m. 6. The outdoor seating area shall not obstruct the movement of pedestrians along sidewalks or through areas intended for public use. 7. Outdoor seating for the rear seating area shall be fenced and enclosed to control access to the area, with service only from the inside of the facility. 8. Outdoor seating areas shall be subject to all applicable licensing requirements as necessary relating to the brewery and taproom use. 9. No outdoor seating area shall be located within one hundred feet (100') of any property containing single family, two family, or townhouse residential units. 10. Any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property shall be fenced and fully screened from view of said residential property. 11. All lighting shall be hooded and light glare or reflection shall not be visible from adjoining residential property. 12. The addition of brewery capacity beyond the current size (600 barrels per year) would require an amendment to the CUP. E City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 13. The addition of packaging facilities for wholesale distribution would require an amendment to the CUP. 14. Compliance with the requirements of the City Engineer as relating to the project. 15. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. 10 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-029 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A BREWERY/TAPROOM FOR NORDIC BREWING ADDRESS: 530 CEDAR STREET (INSERT LEGAL) WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to occupy a portion of the subject property to operate a brewery/taproom facility; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned CCD (F-3), which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Shop" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 3rd, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD, Central Community Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The brewery/taproom meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-029 5. Parking is found to be adequate based on the available off-street parking on the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for Brewery/Taproom, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. The applicant completes all federal, state and local licensing applications necessary as specified in the City Code and Zoning Ordinance for the production brewery and taproom. 2. The applicant sells only the products of the brewery produced on-site. 3. Deliveries are only by passenger vehicle or light truck, and do not utilize the public right-of-way. 4. The outdoor portions of the brewery taproom shall not operate after 10:00 P.M. unless a Special Event Pen -nit for such events has been approved by the City Council. Such a permit supersedes the provisions of City Code 6-1- 10(B). 5. No noise or music shall be generated in any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property after 9:00 p.m. 6. The outdoor seating area shall not obstruct the movement of pedestrians along sidewalks or through areas intended for public use. 7. Outdoor seating shall be fenced and enclosed to control access to the area, with service only from the inside of the facility. 8. Outdoor seating area shall be subject to all applicable licensing requirements as necessary relating to the brewery and taproom use. 9. No outdoor seating area shall be located within one hundred feet (100') of any property containing single family, two family, or townhouse residential units. 10. Any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property shall be fenced and fully screened from view of said residential property. 11. All lighting shall be hooded and light glare or reflection shall not be visible from adjoining residential property. 12. The addition of brewery capacity beyond the current size (600 barrels per year) would require an amendment to the CUP. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-029 13. The addition of packaging facilities for wholesale distribution would require an amendment to the CUP, or the applicant shall provide details showing how the packaging will work within the terms of the proposed CUP as a part of the public hearing. 14. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's recommendations as related to the proj ect. 15. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this Yd day of October, 2017 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: PLANNING COMMIS Chair Angela Schumann C ity Development Director 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-030 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING OUTDOOR SEATING AS AN ACCESSORY USE TO RESTAURANTS, BARS, PRODUCTION BREWERY TAPROOMS, MICRO -DISTILLERIES, COCKTAIL ROOMS, AND BREW PUBS WHEREAS, the City finds that outdoor seating accessory to dining and drinking establishments is an important part of such facilities; and WHEREAS, facilitation of such uses has the potential to support and enhance the City's economic development efforts; and WHEREAS, the current city ordinances do not make adequate provision for such uses; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 3rd, 2017 on the application and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. Changes to the ordinance are necessary to accommodate the proposed land uses. 2. Accommodating the proposed uses is consistent with the City's economic development goals for new business, tourism and recreation activities. 3. The proposed amendments comprise a reasonable opportunity for these uses to locate in appropriate districts in the City. 4. The proposed amendments provide reasonable regulation of the potential impacts of such uses on surrounding land. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance. ADOPTED this Yd day of October, 2017, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-030 ATTEST: Angela MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-031 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A OUTDOOR SEATING ACCESSORY TO A BREWERY/TAPROOM FOR NORDIC BREWING ADDRESS: 530 CEDAR STREET (INSERT LEGAL) WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to occupy a portion of the subject property to operate a brewery/taproom facility; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned CCD (F-3), which allows such principal use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the applicant has concurrently requested an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance to accommodate outdoor seating as an accessory use by Conditional Use Permit to such principal use; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Shop" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 3rd, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD, Central Community Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-031 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The brewery/taproom meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. 5. Parking is found to be adequate based on the available off-street parking on the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for Brewery/Taproom, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. The applicant completes all federal, state and local licensing applications necessary as specified in the City Code and Zoning Ordinance for the production brewery and taproom. 2. The applicant sells only the products of the brewery produced on-site. 3. Deliveries are only by passenger vehicle or light truck, and do not utilize the public right-of-way. 4. The outdoor portions of the brewery taproom shall not operate after 10:00 P.M. unless a Special Event Permit for such events has been approved by the City Council. Such a pen -nit supersedes the provisions of City Code 6-1- 10(B). 5. No noise or music shall be generated in any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property after 9:00 p.m. 6. The outdoor seating area shall not obstruct the movement of pedestrians along sidewalks or through areas intended for public use. 7. Outdoor seating shall be fenced and enclosed to control access to the area, with service only from the inside of the facility. 8. Outdoor seating area shall be subject to all applicable licensing requirements as necessary relating to the brewery and taproom use. 9. No outdoor seating area shall be located within one hundred feet (100') of any property containing single family, two family, or townhouse residential units. 10. Any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property shall be fenced and fully screened from view of said residential property. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-031 11. All lighting shall be hooded and light glare or reflection shall not be visible from adjoining residential property. 12. The addition of brewery capacity beyond the current size (600 barrels per year) would require an amendment to the CUP. 13. The addition of packaging facilities for wholesale distribution would require an amendment to the CUP, or the applicant shall provide details showing how the packaging will work within the terms of the proposed CUP as a part of the public hearing. 14. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's recommendations as related to the project. 15. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 3rd day of October, 2017 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: MONTICELLO PLANNING CO levelopment Director ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 5.3, ACCESSORY OUTDOOR SEATING AREAS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS. Section 1. Chapter 5, Section 5.3(C), Table 5-4, Accessory Uses by District is hereby amended to add the following as a permitted or conditional use in the B-2, B-3, B-4 and CCD Districts.: Outdoor Seating — Accessory to restaurant, bar, production brewery with taproom, micro - distillery with cocktail room, and/or brewpubs Section 2. Chapter 5, Section 5.3(27) is hereby amended to read as the follows: Section 5.3 (27) Outdoor Seating — Accessory to Restaurant, bar, production brewery with taproom, micro -distillery with cocktail room, and/or brewpubs (a) For all restaurants, restaurantibars, production brewery with taproom, micro - distillery with cocktail room, and/or brewpubs, if the establishment (building) or outdoor seating area is located within 300 feet of a residential zoning district, the following standards shall apply: (i) The use shall require authorization through a conditional use permit. (ii) Primary access from local residential streets shall be prohibited. (b) Restaurants, restaurant/bars, production brewery with taproom, micro - distillery with cocktail room, and/or brewpubs having outdoor seating (including, but not limited to, seating for dining or listening to live or recorded acoustic or amplified entertainment outside of the building) shall comply with the following standards: (i) The outdoor portions of the facility shall not operate after 10:00 P.M. unless a Special Event Permit for such event has been approved by the City Council. Such a permit supersedes the provisions of City Code 6-1- 10(B). (ii) No noise or music shall be generated in any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property after 9:00 p.m. (iii) The outdoor seating area shall not obstruct the movement of pedestrians along sidewalks or through areas intended for public use. (iv) Outdoor seating shall be fenced and enclosed to control access to the area, with service only from the inside of the facility. (v) No outdoor seating area shall be located within one hundred feet (100') of any property containing single family, two family, or townhouse residential units. (vi) Any outdoor seating area adjacent to residential property shall be fenced and fully screened from view of said residential property. (vii) All lighting shall be hooded and light glare or reflection shall not be visible from adjoining residential property. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations and diagrams that result from such amendments, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 683A CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING CODE, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 5.3, ACCESSORY OUTDOOR SEATING AREAS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on October 23, 2017, Ordinance No. 683 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 683, the following Summary Ordinance No. 683A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council amends Title 10 of the Monticello Zoning Code. The general purpose of the ordinance amendment is for a text amendment to allow outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -distilleries by amending the following sections of Chapter 5: Section 5.3(C) Outdoor Seating Section 5.3(27) Outdoor Seating A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City's regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City's website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 23rd day of October, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: F � Ste- _ Narrative for Conditional Use Permit Application The Nordic Introduction This narrative is to provide information related to conditional use permit application for brewery. Summary The Nordic is a new brewery with a authentic European atmosphere in the craft beer industry. Our goal is to provide a fun social environment where the community can come together around a quality pint, while contributing to the economic growth of the Monticello community. The brewery will have a main taproom for daily customers and larger room for events. We intend to open a 3 barrel brewery with a tasting room located on 530 Cedar Street in the city of Monticello, MN. The location is 10,000 square feet. Operations include the manufacturing of malt liquor, daily operations, and direct sales through the taproom. Guest seating will be approximately 40 people in the main room and 70 more in the event room. The event room will only be open for special events and we would like to eventually add more seating to accommodate up to 100. Direct sales will utilize the Minnesota Taproom and Growler license, which will be applied for through the City of Monticello. Hours of Operation Monday 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM - YEAR TWO Tuesday 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM - YEAR TWO Wednesday 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM - YEAR ONE Thursday 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM - YEAR ONE Friday 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM - YEAR ONE Saturday 11:00 PM to 10:00 PM - YEAR ONE Sunday 11:00 PM to 6:00 PM - YEAR ONE Number of Employees 2 employees and 1 brewer will be working during the first year of business and additional employees will be hired as the business grows. Water Needs Below are the approximate water needs for the brewery. The Nordic Production: For the first year the brew house will require 55,800 gallons of water. The second year will require 83,700 gallons of water. The max amount of water possibly needed is 111,600 gallons a year at max production. The Nordic Cleanina: A Clean -in-place (CIP) system will be onsite at the brewery. CIP is used for reducing the amount of labor needed for cleaning and sanitizing operations. The main advantage of CIP systems is they recirculate and allow the reuse of chemicals and rinse water, thereby reducing consumption by as much as 50%. CIP systems remove human contact with cleaning and sanitizing agents, therefore reduces the risk of harmful exposure. The system also helps reduce common error in manual cleaning. Spent grain, spent yeast, and trub will be stored in a separate container and disposed of outside the waste water system. Bathrooms: The brewery has 2 women and 2 mens bathrooms. Each bathroom has 3 stalls and 2 sinks available. Bar Sink: The brewery will have one Bar Sink for cleaning glassware. Number of Parking Spaces The parking lot is currently shared with 5 other businesses which include Dark Horse Vapery, Pizza Factory, Uptown Eye Care, Gym, and Hair Obsession Salon. 85 parking spaces are available in the front of the building and 85 parking spaces are available in the back of the building. 4 handicap parking spaces are also available for the businesses occupying the building. Total parking spaces- 174 Outdoor Storage None 4. 95 sqft 88soft. C 3057sqft 160 Feet 10 Incl,1 2016 sqft 907 sqft '55 Feet 8Inch 1 360 sqft tt Gi 113s ff sl t 258 sgV2 sqft 262 sqft 155 Feet 5Inch 253 sqft Current Layout Below is the current layout of 530 Cedar Street before changes have been made Anticipated Brewery Layout Future Changes to Layout ENTERANCE 60 Feet 101nch SOUND BOOTH 2003sgft STAG 2235 sgft GRAND HALLONLY OPEN ON BUSY NIGHTSAND TAP ROOM AREA/SEATING 24FeetOlnch SEATING AREA /BAjR;90 ILIZED TO WORK WITH CURRENT WALL STRUCTURES 757 sqft C0LE JJWW BATHROOM SCOsq sqf oFEICE a N N A � T T m sgft U URE KITCHE z 95 sgft' j) ATHROOM! 88 sQ 360 sgft BREWERY AREA 512 sgft COOLER 137sgft s s4sgf' -77 OFFICE E ;�SPA(* 72 sgft 273 sgft t TILITY ARE k REAR Al I WdV ,55 Feet S Inch, Rear Door, Eventually outdoor patio potentially S ENTS 22ss fft 123 sgft OFFICE 24 Fee[81nch . DOUBLE REAR DOORS FOR UNLOADING AND CUSTOM '?eI Main Enterance e 41 SEATS 2235sgft MAIN TAP ROOM 95 soft PECIAULEVENTSE.6 70 SEATS, l iOPE TO EXPAt Sound Boot Grand Ifali Dili o 24 Feet 0 I nc G SERVING BAR �" `1 s t 2 so A f � 90 sqf� L 512 sqft 137 soft 1,,2Tf t f OFFICE Utility roof t L;Ef h ft 3 sgft —70 sgft I I bathrooms Rcar nn her ��a. SS Feet5lnch � dO�r�n�� 88 soft Re Door. Eventually outdoor pato po entiaily t ft Contractors will be hired for the highlighted brewery area walls. We designed our layout to work with the existing structural walls. Highlighted Area Shows Front of Brewery - 10,000 Square Feet a 4 Highlighted Area Shows Back of Brewery Entrance #1 and #2 Entrance #3 and #4 Signage New signage will replace the Faith Family Life Center .W►- _ M10 4�000 P7 yam 1lp Drainage and Water Lines 9 9" in �e 9' 7' 3. Pluming Noss e' Panels m v 3 0 or U�alns o 7' .5" 10' 9.51� 10' 1 n N N 2'%P' McDM1 Tub m a SS' 0 JA ' S. �� i 11 53p ceow street Floor p(an 5cs te: (' . f5. Production Layout 3BBL x 50 weeks x 1 batch/week = 150BBL annually @ 240 pints/BBL = 36,000 Total pints annually 3BBL x 50 weeks x 2 batch/week = 30OBBL annually @ 240 pints/BBL = 72,000 Total pints annually (projected 1 st year) 3BBL x 50 weeks x 3 batch/week = 450BBL annually @ 240 pints/BBL = 108,000 Total pints annually (projected 2nd year) 3BBL x 50 weeks x 4 batch/week = 60OBBL annually @ 240 pints/BBL = 144,000 Total pints annually (max production) The previous owner of our 3BBL brewing system said that he used 6 gallons of water per 1 gallon of beer made. That ratio was for complete operations of his brewery/taproom, not just brewing process. This includes brewing, cleaning, packaging, and all taproom functions (cleaning of draft lines and glassware, service, etc) *1 BBL = 31 gal *558 gallons water per batch Using our 3BBL system and brewing 50 weeks out of the year, here is a rundown of potential water usage. 1 st year - 2 batch/week = 30OBBL annually = 9,300 gal/beer (Water = 55,800 gal/year - 4,650 gal/month) 2nd year - 3 batch/week = 450BBL annually = 13,950 gal/beer (Water = 83,700 gal/year - 6,975 gal/month) Max Production - 4 batch/week = 60OBBL annually = 18,600 gal/beer (Water = 111,600 gal/year - 9,300 gal/month) Ariel View of Building and Surrounding Area Green Highlighted Area- Brewery Blue Highlighted Area- Available Parking Current Businesses and Square Footage in Building 2057 sgft PIZZA FACTORY F', 10 7,01 sgft 1'1 )�qft 1446 scif �7??aftg1 977 sq1t 1446 sgft SALON 50NALTRAINER v' VACANT MASSA 197 Feet 11 Inch � 9443 sgft PROPOSED SPACE 17 �S 180 Feet 7 Inch 80 Feet 71 nch WILL BE VACA T DARK HORSE VAPERY 5782 sgft T 5782 sgft WE OCCUPY 2 SPACES HERE 101 Feet 11 Inch; UPTOWN EYECARE 4584 sgft .�� Future Goals: - Include an outdoor seating area in the front and back of the brewery. This will not take from any of the listed parking spaces. - Future packaging and distribution of our products. - We have a full kitchen in the space and would like to launch a unique eating/dinning experience for Monticello. However this is a future goal and we understand that there will be other licensing involved. This is not part of our initial set up. We would like to include these on the conditional use permit if at all possible without hindering our taproom start up time. Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 5.2, Subsection (F) (24) Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries with Accessory Taproom or Cocktail Room shall be allowed by conditional use permit in the CCD, B-3 and B-4 Districts, provided that: (a) The owner of the brewery qualifies for and receives a brewer license and a malt liquor wholesale license from the State of Minnesota, according to Minn. Statutes Section 340A. 301. We have an application in process to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax (TTB). b) The Brewery or Micro -Distillery includes an accessory brewer's taproom or cocktail room for the on -sale of products produced on-site, and such room shall require the applicable license from the City of Monticello, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. We will apply for the brewers taproom license. (c) On-site sale of beer in the form of growlers shall require a Brewery License for Off -Sale of Malt Liquor, according to City Code Section 3-1-13. Off -sale hours of sale must conform to hours of sale for retail off -sale licensees in the City of Monticello. We will apply for the Off Sale License and will conform to the hours of sale for retail off sale. (d) Total production of malt liquor may not exceed 10,000 barrels annually. Of the 10,000 barrel production limit, onsite taproom retail sales shall not exceed 3,500 barrels annually, 500 barrels of which may be sold off -sale as growlers. The brewer shall annually submit production reports with the request to renew a brewer taproom or off -sale malt liquor license. We will not exceed 10,000 barrels annually. (e) A micro -distillery may be issued a license for off -sale of distilled spirits. The license may allow the sale of one 375 milliliter bottle per customer per day of product manufactured on-site, subject to the following requirements: N/A (i) Off -sale hours of sale must conform to hours of sale for retail off -sale licensees in the City of Monticello. (ii) CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.2 Use -Specific Standards Subsection (F) Regulations for Commercial Uses (23) Places of Public Assembly Section 5.2 Use -Specific Standards Subsection (F) Regulations for Commercial Uses (25) (ii) No brand may be sold at the micro -distillery unless it is also available for distribution by wholesalers. (f) Total production of liquor may not exceed 40,000 proof gallons annually. Of the 40,000 proof gallon production limit, onsite cocktail retail sales shall not exceed 3,500 proof gallons annually, 500 proof gallons of which may be sold off -sale in 375 milliliter bottles. The distiller shall annually submit production reports with the request to renew a cocktail room or off -sale liquor license. N/A (g) The brewery or micro -distillery facility provides adequate space for off-street loading and unloading of all trucks greater than twenty-two (22) feet in length. In the absence of off-street loading, the City may impose limits on deliveries or shipments using the public right of ways, including regulating the number of trucks per day and the hours that deliveries are permitted. We will comply. (h) Loading docks shall be located and designed so they are not visible from adjoining public streets or adjoining residential zoning. We do not have loading docks. (i) No outdoor storage is permitted on the site, with the exception that waste handling (refuse and/or recycling) may occur in an enclosure that is fully screened from adjoining streets and residential zoning. We do not have outdoor storage. (j) No odors from the business may be perceptible beyond the property line. No odors will be beyond the property line. (k) The business must be housed in a building that utilizes building design similar to, or compatible with, common commercial architecture, and shall avoid large wall expanses which contribute to an industrial environment. We will comply. (1) The brewer must demonstrate the capacity for producing, processing and storing malt liquor on the commercial site through the provision of a building floor plan illustrating production, bottling, and storage areas. We will comply. (m) All exterior lighting shall be compliant with Chapter 4.4 of the Monticello Zoning Code. We will comply. Section 5.3, Subsection (D) (32) (32) Taprooms Taprooms shall be conditionally permitted as accessory uses only to Production Brewery as a principal use and subject to those conditions found in Chapter 5, Section 2 for Production Brewery. We will comply. We have read the Monticello Zoning Ordinance and will comply to all of the above regulations. — Zach Barthel and Sina Nyland Outdoor Seating Narrative Along with the CUP we would like to amend the TXT in the current ordinance tola low outdoor seating at our future facility. In the back of the building we laid out a quick concept. The space would be 22ft coming out from the back wall and stretch 50ft in length. We can fence this area in as well. We would also like to pursue possibly putting a bistro type seating area in the front by our entrance. There is plenty of open walk space and we believe it would look nice and inviting showing some life in the front our strip mall. This would be 2 5x5 sections roughly with a little table and a couple of chairs. '4i cr t ty � ��.y y ? ,� �' ,,i�,,�i�li���1�1`41�i4���f1��►1����.,' tt 1 m -- -- - 116 clw 2L. City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-80 authorizing condemnation of land as related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Proiect Citv Proiect No. 16CO06 (SB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the August 28, 2017 Council meeting, the Council authorized WSB to make the presentation of offers, by negotiation, to property owners in order to acquire the property areas based on the completed market value appraisals needed for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project. Since that time, the offers have been presented and discussions have taken place with the property owners and/or their representatives. In order to keep the project moving forward for construction in 2018, staff is requesting Council to adopt a resolution authorizing the initiation of condemnation proceedings for property needed for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project. The condemnation process allows for a 90 day "Quick Take" timeline for the City to take ownership of the property. The "Quick Take" process has been used by the City to acquire land for transportation projects in the past. Specifically, land acquired in conjunction with development of the I- 94 interchange at Fenning Avenue was acquired in this fashion. See enclosed Eminent Domain and Condemnation Summary for more information on the process. Condemnation proceedings would apply for the following properties: Parcel 1: PID 155-015-042010 Parcel 2: PID 155-050-000020 Parcel 3: PID 155-050-001010 Parcel 4: PID 155-050-002010 Parcel 5: PID 155-066-001010 Parcel 7: PID 155-075-001010 Parcel 8: PID 155-131-001010 Address: 511 Washington Street Address: Unassigned Address: Unassigned Address: 707 7th Street East Address: 213 Chelsea Road Address: 301 Chelsea Road Address: 9766 Fallon Avenue Parcel 6: 218 Chelsea Road has executed all permanent and temporary documents, therefore is not included in the property list above. Property owners have been notified already that the City Council will be considering this action. WSB will continue to negotiate with the property owners during the 90 day process. Al. Budget Impact: Right of way services for this work was previously authorized by Council on January 9, 2017. Additional fees will be incurred by the City attorney for these proceedings. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal time to coordinate with City attorney. City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-80 authorizing condemnation of land as related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project City Project No. 16C006. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2017-80 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1 in order to keep the project moving forward for construction in 2018. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2017-80 B. Parcel map C. Eminent Domain and Condemnation Summary 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-80 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF LAND FALLON AVENUE OVERPASS PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO. 16CO06 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello does hereby determine that it is necessary and for a public use and purpose to acquire fee title and/or permanent and temporary easements over the property legally described on the attached Exhibit "A", subject to engineering modifications, if any, for purposes in connection with the Fallon Avenue Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, City staff and consultants have and will continue to work with the property owners to acquire the necessary property; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that construction timing makes it necessary to acquire the necessary title to and possession of the property as soon as possible in order for the project to proceed in an efficient, cost effective and expeditious manner. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: 1. That the City Attorney is authorized to commence eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117 to acquire the necessary fee title and/or permanent and temporary easements over the properties identified on the attached Exhibit "A", subject to engineering modifications, if needed. 2. That the City Attorney is authorized to acquire the necessary property interests pursuant to the "quick take" provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 117.042. 3. That the Mayor and the City Administrator are authorized to execute all documents necessary, in the opinion of the City Attorney, to effect the acquisition of the necessary property interests. 4. The City has obtained appraisals of the property being acquired. The Council has approved the appraisals and authorizes the City staff and consultants to continue negotiations with the property owners relating to the acquisition of the necessary property interests. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 23rd day of October, 2017. 194773v1 Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 194773v1 CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 2017-79 duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on October 23, 2017, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Notary Public: Date: (STAMP) 194773v1 EXHIBIT "A" Parcel I A permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies easterly and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Block 42, thence on an assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 23 minutes 46 seconds East, along the east line of said Block 42, a distance of 29.32 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 69 degrees 16 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 33.37 feet; thence North 64 degrees 17 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 63.85 feet; thence South 25 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet to the south line of said Block 42, and said line there terminating. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies easterly and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Block 42, thence on an assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 23 minutes 46 seconds East, along the east line of said Block 42, a distance of 38.88 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 78 degrees 51 minutes 04 seconds West a distance of 44.50 feet; thence North 64 degrees 17 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 57.19 feet; thence South 25 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 12.00 feet to the south line of said Block 42, and said line there terminating. EXCEPT That part designated for a permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies easterly and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Block 42, thence on an assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 23 minutes 46 seconds East, along the east line of said Block 42, a distance of 29.32 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 69 degrees 16 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 33.37 feet; thence North 64 degrees 17 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 63.85 feet; thence South 25 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 5.00 feet to the south line of said Block 42, and said line there terminating. Said temporary easement to commence on February 15, 2018 and expire February 28, 2020. 194773v1 Parcel 2 A permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies easterly, southerly and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Outlot A, thence on an assumed bearing of South 64 degrees 19 minutes 34 seconds East, along the north line of said Outlot A, a distance of 258.33 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 40 degrees 22 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 24.19 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 46.28 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 72.00 feet and a central angle of 36 degrees 49 minutes 42 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 56.52 feet along a reverse curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 86.00 feet and a central angle of 37 degrees 39 minutes 17 seconds; thence South 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, not tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 73.47 feet; thence South 58 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 47.50 feet to the east line of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. A permanent easement for drainage and utility purposes over, under, and across the west 50.00 feet of the east 97.50 feet of the above described property. EXCEPT That part which lies within the drainage and utility easement as dedicated in Construction 5 Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota and per Document No. 395543. AND ALSO EXCEPT That part designated for a permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies easterly, southerly and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Outlot A, thence on an assumed bearing of South 64 degrees 19 minutes 34 seconds East, along the north line of said Outlot A, a distance of 258.33 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 40 degrees 22 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 24.19 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 46.28 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 72.00 feet and a central angle of 36 degrees 49 minutes 42 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 56.52 feet along a reverse curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 86.00 feet and a central angle of 37 degrees 39 minutes 17 seconds; thence South 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, not tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 73.47 feet; thence South 58 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 47.50 feet to the east line of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies easterly and northerly of the following described line: 194773v1 Commencing at the northwest corner of said Outlot A, thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 03 minutes 07 seconds East, along the west line of said Outlot A, a distance of 13.32 feet; thence South 64 degrees 19 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 262.32 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 25 degrees 16 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 51.80 feet to the west line of the east 97.50 feet of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. EXCEPT That part which lies within the drainage and utility easement as dedicated in Construction 5 Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota and per Document No. 395543. AND ALSO EXCEPT That part designated for a permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies easterly, southerly and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Outlot A, thence on an assumed bearing of South 64 degrees 19 minutes 34 seconds East, along the north line of said Outlot A, a distance of 258.33 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 40 degrees 22 minutes 34 seconds East a distance of 24.19 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 46.28 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 72.00 feet and a central angle of 36 degrees 49 minutes 42 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 56.52 feet along a reverse curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 86.00 feet and a central angle of 37 degrees 39 minutes 17 seconds; thence South 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, not tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 73.47 feet; thence South 58 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 47.50 feet to the east line of said Outlot A, and said line there terminating. Said temporary easement to commence on February 15, 2018 and expire February 28, 2020. Parcel 3 A permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies northerly and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, along the westerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 186.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 70 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 29.34 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 101.79 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 132.00 feet and a central angle of 44 degrees 11 minutes 03 seconds to the easterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. 194773v1 A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies westerly, northerly and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 80 degrees 25 minutes 27 seconds East, along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of 39.73 feet; thence North 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 58.44 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 58 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 7.00 feet; thence North 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 83.02 feet; thence South 58 degrees 36 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 98.76 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. EXCEPT That part which lies within the drainage and utility easement as dedicated in Construction 5 Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota and per Document No. 395543. AND ALSO EXCEPT That part designated for a permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies northerly and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, along the westerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 186.69 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 70 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 29.34 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 101.79 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 132.00 feet and a central angle of 44 degrees 11 minutes 03 seconds to the easterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. Said temporary easement to commence on February 15, 2018 and expire February 28, 2020. Parcel 4 A permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most westerly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 28.59 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 03 degrees 37 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 40.95 feet; to the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. AND A permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies southerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most southerly corner of said Lot 1, thence easterly a distance of 15.85 feet, along the southeasterly line of said Lot 1, being a curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 120.00 194773v1 feet, a central angle of 7 degrees 34 minutes 11 seconds, and a chord which bears North 81 degrees 29 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 15.84 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 24 degrees 04 minutes 11 seconds West, not tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 81.77 feet; thence northwesterly a distance of 15.25 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 241.00 feet and a central angle of 03 degrees 37 minutes 32 seconds to the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies westerly and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most westerly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 41.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 34.95 feet; thence South 61 degrees 41 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 67.06 feet; thence South 13 degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 63.22 feet; thence South 24 degrees 00 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 103.80 feet; to the southeasterly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. EXCEPT That part which lies within the drainage and utility easement as dedicated in Construction 5 Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota and per Document No. 395543. AND A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies northerly and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most westerly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 31 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 215.15 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 58 degrees 46 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 61.94 feet; thence South 31 degrees 13 minutes 23 seconds West a distance of 26.32 feet; thence South 58 degrees 46 minutes 37 seconds East a distance of 48.73 feet to the east line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. EXCEPT That part which lies within the drainage and utility easement as dedicated in Construction 5 Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota and per Document No. 395543. Said temporary easements to commence on February 15, 2018 and expire February 28, 2020. 194773v1 Parcel 5 A permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies southerly and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of South 25 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds West, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 426.48 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 64 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 6.45 feet; thence southwesterly a distance of 29.46 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 66.00 feet, a central angle of 25 degrees 34 minutes 23 seconds, and a chord which bears South 40 degrees 38 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 29.21 feet; thence southwesterly a distance of 24.62 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 43.00 feet and a central angle of 32 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds; thence westerly a distance of 73.76 feet along a tangential curve concave to the north having a radius of 326.00 feet and a central angle of 12 degrees 57 minutes 47 seconds to the southerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies easterly, northerly and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 64 degrees 53 minutes 26 seconds West, along the northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 62.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 25 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 203.62 feet; thence South 64 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds East a distance of 35.00 feet; thence South 25 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 259.12 feet; thence North 88 degrees 28 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 81.89 feet; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 4.93 feet to the southerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. EXCEPT That part which lies within the drainage and utility easement as dedicated in Remmele Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota and per Document No. 476133. AND ALSO EXCEPT That part designated for a permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies southerly and easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of South 25 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds West, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 426.48 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 64 degrees 57 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 6.45 feet; thence southwesterly a distance of 29.46 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 66.00 feet, a central angle of 25 degrees 34 minutes 23 seconds, and a chord which bears South 40 degrees 38 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 29.21 feet; thence southwesterly a distance of 24.62 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northwest having 194773v1 a radius of 43.00 feet and a central angle of 32 degrees 48 minutes 26 seconds; thence westerly a distance of 73.76 feet along a tangential curve concave to the north having a radius of 326.00 feet and a central angle of 12 degrees 57 minutes 47 seconds to the southerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. Said temporary easement to commence on February 15, 2018 and expire February 28, 2020. Parcel 7 A permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies westerly and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 25 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds East, along the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 151.20 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly a distance of 129.52 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the east having a radius of 425.00 feet, a central angle of 17 degrees 27 minutes 42 seconds, and a chord which bears South 08 degrees 18 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 129.02 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 24.56 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 42.00 feet and a central angle of 33 degrees 30 minutes 09 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 47.02 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 65.00 feet and a central angle of 41 degrees 27 minutes 01 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 92.24 feet along a reverse curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 341.00 feet and a central angle of 15 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 56.08 feet along a reverse curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 759.00 feet and a central angle of 04 degrees 14 minutes 01 seconds; thence South 25 degrees 04 minutes 55 seconds West, not tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 3.02 feet to the south line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies southerly, westerly and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 25 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds East, along the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 208.79 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 53 degrees 50 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 76.68 feet; thence South 04 degrees 02 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 139.31 feet; thence South 25 degrees 04 minutes 55 seconds West a distance of 64.04 feet to the south line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. EXCEPT That part which lies within the drainage and utility easement as dedicated in Barger Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota and per Document No. 513990. AND ALSO EXCEPT 194773v1 That part designated for a permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies westerly and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 25 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds East, along the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 151.20 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly a distance of 129.52 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the east having a radius of 425.00 feet, a central angle of 17 degrees 27 minutes 42 seconds, and a chord which bears South 08 degrees 18 minutes 34 seconds West a distance of 129.02 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 24.56 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 42.00 feet and a central angle of 33 degrees 30 minutes 09 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 47.02 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 65.00 feet and a central angle of 41 degrees 27 minutes 01 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 92.24 feet along a reverse curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 341.00 feet and a central angle of 15 degrees 29 minutes 53 seconds; thence southeasterly a distance of 56.08 feet along a reverse curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 759.00 feet and a central angle of 04 degrees 14 minutes 01 seconds; thence South 25 degrees 04 minutes 55 seconds West, not tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 3.02 feet to the south line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. Said temporary easement to commence on February 15, 2018 and expire February 28, 2020. Parcel 8 A permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East, along the east line of said Lot 1, a distance of 5.58 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 64 degrees 55 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 223.03 feet; thence northwesterly a distance of 97.42 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 231.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 09 minutes 52 seconds; thence southwesterly a distance of 40.28 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 48.00 feet and a central angle of 48 degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds; thence southwesterly a distance of 11.66 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 71.00 feet and a central angle of 09 degrees 24 minutes 33 seconds to the westerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of North 64 degrees 55 minutes 05 seconds West, along the north line of said Lot 1, a distance of 183.59 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 80 degrees 01 minutes 11 seconds West a distance of 132.09 feet; thence South 50 degrees 37 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 68.64 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. 194773v1 EXCEPT That part which lies within the drainage and utility easement as dedicated in Monticello Commerce Center Fifth Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota and per Document No. 747799. AND ALSO EXCEPT That part designated for a permanent easement for roadway purposes over, under, and across that part of the above described property which lies northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 1, thence on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East, along the east line of said Lot 1, a distance of 5.58 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 64 degrees 55 minutes 02 seconds West a distance of 223.03 feet; thence northwesterly a distance of 97.42 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 231.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 09 minutes 52 seconds; thence southwesterly a distance of 40.28 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 48.00 feet and a central angle of 48 degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds; thence southwesterly a distance of 11.66 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 71.00 feet and a central angle of 09 degrees 24 minutes 33 seconds to the westerly line of said Lot 1, and said line there terminating. Said temporary easement to commence on February 15, 2018 and expire February 28, 2020. 194773v1 08/10/2017 CP 16CO06 40 F ? }� �• r a «�*� . -r -# t w _ F 'F i A 4t __ ,� 40 ' r R tId, / i 5 11 �\\ WASHINGTON / I 2 • / , M 700 7TH ST 3 A' 3 714 7TH ST � F i AP 14 • .� ..iF i' 49 � f Y I . 9766 FALLON AVENUE - 8 dw ow ' . r +I Ar 1p pm 49 r k: y� i r r 1 + 4 � 5 � 0 100 ft 200 ft N Fallon Avenue Improvements City of Monticello, Minnesota I Eminent Domain and Condemnation Summary Eminent Domain is the right of local, state or federal government to take private property for a public use or purpose in exchange for just compensation. Condemnation is filed through the court system to enact that right. Condemnation is a necessary tool to keep public projects moving ahead so they can be completed in a timely manner. Timeline for the Fallon Avenue Project: • Final Offer was delivered and received by the owners via Certified Mail on September 19, 2017. • There must be a minimum of 30 days for the Owners to review the offer prior to filing condemnation. • Resolution to Authorize the Use of Condemnation to be presented to City Council at October 23rd, 2017 meeting. • If the Resolution is passed, a condemnation petition could be filed. • A "90 -Day Quick Take Notice" is sent to the landowner upon filing for condemnation. • Additional Court activities take place in the 20-70 days following the Quick Take Notice. • Title and Possession occurs 90 days after filing, provided the court approves the petition and the city pays the property owners the approved appraised value for the property or deposits it with the court. • Additional condemnation procedures and negotiations occur through the courts after Title and Possession to address value. Throughout the 90 day process prior to Quick Take, WSB Staff will continue to negotiate with the Landowner and/or their attorney. 194771v1 FEDERAL -AID PROJECT RIGHT-OF-WAY DELIVERY Minimum Timeline Under Eminent Domain - "QUICK TAKE" I DECEMBER I JANUARY I FEBRUARY I MARCH I APRIL I MAY I 4---- 30 Days -------- P. 4 ---------------- 90 Days Minimum per M.S.117.042 --------------► 1-2 Weeks I Of 3 Week Legal Notice "Public Purpose" I order Titles continued "Finding of Necessity" I & Abstracts updated z U 7 -p 1J n Pay Certified Value(s) Petition & to Owner(s) OR F� CD Deposit Funds w/Court m File "Petition" with Appointment of I Court Administrator Close -Out Parcels nO O N with County Recorder fu -0 O Title & Possession date & 1st Meeting Date I �yz 3 o CD CDW arranges for m ' En om "Hearing On Petition" W order updated appraisals . nm Q o O N En d'r`y Obi 0 �. O 1 D n (D 0 C fD w y n fD fD vol. o -; ao - 3 a v. CD 0 s 3 O O A O= O 0 O O v y o y ° N N m m m m __s iii' Q m ID m (D _ (QD 4-----------------------60 Day Minimum ------------------------ ► M.S. 117.036 4--30 Day Minimum -4-I 49 CFR 2 102 4-- 20 Day Minimum --► 4 ---Time Varies ---► 4--- Time Varies ---► . (fl M.S. 117.055 I Request attorney to District Court Proceeding I !I start Eminent Domain Possible Prep. & Publish Of 3 Week Legal Notice "Public Purpose" I order Titles continued "Finding of Necessity" I & Abstracts updated !I Serve "Notice" to Owners Pay Certified Value(s) Petition & to Owner(s) OR Iprepare Notice of Lis Pendens File Proof Deposit Funds w/Court Of Service w/Court File "Petition" with Appointment of I Court Administrator Close -Out Parcels Commissioners and "Lis Pendens" Record acquired parcels; with County Recorder Make payments by Establish Pay Rates Title & Possession date & 1st Meeting Date I Maintain Negotiations Court Administrator With Eminent Domain arranges for Parcel Owners "Hearing On Petition" order updated appraisals (date, time, place & judge) as needed for testimony 6 Weeks (±) To C. 0. State Aid By April 15th STIP Approval PDR Approval Approved PLANS Approved #1 R/W Certificate JUNE, JULY, .. . ADVERTISE To C. 0. State Aid By JUNE 1St Engineer's Estimate Special Provisions Utility Certificates Req'd Project Permits 270 Days (±) from ORDER date --- Do - 270 days is the current standard in the "Order" (more time may be granted by the judge) Individual property viewings by court appointed Commissioners Individual Parcel Hearings conducted by court appointed Commissioners M.S. 117.115 - 10 days to notify owners of award 40 days to Appeal Award (possibly years to final disposition) City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 2M. Consideration of a request to approve a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Agreement for Otter Creek Crossings 511 Addition, a portion of Outlot D of Otter Creek Crossing; PID: 155-171-000040. Applicant: Chadwick, John/John Chadwick Farms, LLC. (NAC/AS) Property: Legal: Outlot D of Otter Creek Crossing, see plat for full legal PID: 155171000040 Planning Case Number: REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Preliminary and Final Plat approval. Deadline for Decision: January 24, 2018 Land Use Designation: Places to Shop Zoning Designation: B-3, Regional Business District The purpose of the "B-3" (highway business) district is to provide for limited commercial and service activities and provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Freeway Bonus Sign District Current Site Use: The site is currently vacant. Surrounding Land Use: The site is located northwest of the Groveland residential development, and is zoned B-3 commercial. The site is bordered to the east by interstate 94. It is bordered to the southwest by Chelsea Road West, to the northwest by agricultural land, and to the southeast by Moon Motorsports. Project Description: The applicant proposes to split the current outlot parcel, which is a portion of Outlet D of Otter Creek Crossings (there is currently no address for this site) into three lots. The southeast corner of the existing property is to be split into proposed Lot 1, a new 5 acre City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 parcel, proposed Lot 2 is to be a 5 acre parcel, and the remaining proposed Lot 3 will be a 9.32 acre parcel. The applicant is proposing both the preliminary and final plat of the site, with the knowledge that a more in-depth review will need to be conducted for each parcel at the time the future applicant submits any required CUP and/or site and building plan applications with more detailed plans. The property was original preliminary platted at the time of the Otter Creek Crossing industrial development. However, since the property was left as outlots beyond the date allowed by the subdivision ordinance, a new Preliminary Plat is necessary, along with the required Final Plat, is necessary to ready the property for development proposals. The property in question was recently the subject of a rezoning request which rezoned the property from B-4, Regional Business to B-3, Highway Business. The purpose of the rezoning, and now the proposed plat, is in anticipation of an application for development of Lots 1 and 2 of the proposed plat as an automobile dealership. That process will occur subsequent to subdivision approval and would require an application for conditional use permit. Preliminary and Final Plat Review. Lots. There is no minimum or maximum required lot area within the B-3 Highway Business District. Minimum lot width is 100 feet, which all lots exceed. Name of Subdivision. The subdivision name, Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition, is included on the submitted final plat. Location. The plat drawings contain location by section, township, range, county and state, including descriptive boundaries which are mathematically close as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. Monuments. The location of monuments meets the requirements of the Final Plat standards in the Subdivision Ordinance. The proposed plat will also need to be submitted to MnDOT for review. Location of Other Features. The submitted final plat meets the requirements to show the location of lots, street, public highways, alleys, parks, and other features with accurate dimensions. Lots and Blocks. All lots and blocks are numbered clearly including: proposed Lot 1, 2, and 3, as well as the surrounding properties as required. Dedicated Roads. There are no new dedicated roads shown. The subdivision gains its access frontage from Chelsea Road, and does not anticipate a need for additional dedicated roadway as it is developed. The applicant must submit a 2 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 more sufficiently detailed building, site and civil plans as a part of the subsequent CUP and/or site plan application, as applicable to each lot. Easements. The location, width, and intended use of all easements in the parcel are shown. There is a drainage and utility easement lining the perimeter of the parcel, four new drainage and utility easements lining the proposed lot lines, consistent with the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. An additional drainage easement is identified in proposed Lot 3. The City Engineer is working with the applicants to verify the proper alignment of that easement based on the drainage patterns on the property. All perimeter easements meet the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. Dedication Statement. The submitted final plat contains the necessary statement dedicating all proposed drainage easements. As noted above, there are four drainage and utility easements being proposed lining the lot lines of proposed lots. Erosion and Sediment Control. Preliminary plat requirements necessitate the need for erosion and sediment control plans for construction on the site. The applicant is applying in phases, and will have to attach the plan with the CUP application. Drainage. The City Engineer will provide recommendations on proposed grading and existing stormwater movement within the subject property as a part of final approval, as well as at the time the applicant files development applications for each parcel. Wetlands. The site does not contain wetlands. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan will be reviewed as part of the site plan review process. Open Space and Landscaping. The applicant will have to provide a landscaping plan during the development plan phase as part of the site plan review process. Areas of existing tree cover are to be identified on the site plans. Development Agreement The draft development agreement for the proposed Otter Creek 5th Addition recognizes that the subdivision is proposed to create lots for future development, with the individual lots to be developed by others and subject to required land use application and development -related escrows and fees. The specifics of each development are to be enumerated and secured for each lot by development agreement. The proposed development agreement does note the prior pre -development agreement and assessment agreements applicable to the property. The preliminary development 3 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 agreement provides for the stormwater management for the parcels to be managed via regional facilities at Otter Creek business park, and for the trunk storm water fees to be locked in at a set rate per the prior agreement and contract for deed with the City. A separate item on this agenda corresponds to the previously levied assessments for the subject parcel proposed for subdivision. The development agreement requires the apportionment of the assessment to the new lots per the proposed amended assessment agreement. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed the request for preliminary plat and held a hearing on the request on October 3rd, 2017. The applicant's representative, Wayne Elam, was present to address the Commission. Mr. Elam noted that the purpose of the platting process is to subdivide the outlot into lots and block for the future sale of the two proposed 5 acre parcels. He noted that future applications for land use approvals for those parcels would be forthcoming. No other public was present to address the Commission on the item. Commission Fyle inquired if the applicant owned more land near Highway 39. Planner Grittman stated that there is an outlot west of the land, but is owned by a different party. It was noted that this parcel was recently rezoned to B-3. After the hearing and discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the plat 5-0. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 below as it relates to the review of the preliminary plat. Decision 1: Adopting Resolution No. 2017-81 recommending approval of the preliminary and final plat for Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition. Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-81 for approval of the preliminary and final plat and development contract for Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition, contingent on compliance with those conditions specified in Exhibit Z and based on findings in said resolution. 2. Motion denying Resolution 2017-81 for the preliminary and final plat and development contract for Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition, based upon findings to be made by the City Council. 0 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the plat based on the finding that the design of the subdivided lots will adhere to Subdivision Ordinance standards for a final plat, but subject to those conditions in Exhibit Z. Staff further recommends approval of the development agreement for the proposed plat. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2017-81 B. Resolution PC -2017-032 C. Aerial Site Image D. Applicant Narrative E. Certificate of Survey, Preliminary Plat F. Final Plat G. Development Contract, draft Exhibit Z Preliminary and Final Plat of Otter Creek Crossing 5' Addition A portion of Outlot D, Otter Creek Crossing PID 155171000040 1. Plat approval is contingent on review and comments of MnDOT. 2. Development approvals subject to subsequent zoning and site plan review. 3. Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the plat. 4. Compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer, including those relating to the proposed drainage easement and site stormwater management. 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.2017-81 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR OUTLOT D OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5TH ADDITION WHEREAS, John Chadwick Farms, LLC has requested approval of the preliminary and final plat for Outlot D of Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat said property into three parcels which are currently accessed by Chelsea Road; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for commercial uses under the label "Places to Shop" in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the preliminary and final plat application and documents pursuant to the regulations of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 3rd, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council reviewed the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Monticello City Council reviewed the preliminary and final plat on October 23rd, 2017; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to commercial uses. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a commercial area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: that the final plat of Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition, with drainage and utility easements as required, is hereby approved contingent upon meeting all conditions of the subdivision ordinance; and the following conditions: 1. Plat approval is contingent on review and comments of MnDOT. 2. Development approvals subject to subsequent zoning and site plan review. 3. Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the plat. 4. Compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer's report, including those relating to the proposed drainage easement and site stormwater management. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract, Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition" with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. ADOPTED this 23rd day of October 2017, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-032 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINAY AND FINAL PLAT FOR OUTLOT D OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5TH ADDITION WHEREAS, John Chadwick Farms, LLC has requested approval of the final plat for Outlot D of Otter Creek Crossing 51 Addition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the preliminary and final plat application and documents pursuant to the regulations of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 3rd, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an appropriate means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by putting the existing and proposed improvements and parcels to commercial uses. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as a commercial area. 3. The improvements will have expected impacts on public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment, and traffic which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for the Otter Creek 5thAddition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Plat approval is contigent on review and comments of MnDOT. 2. Development approvals subject to subsequent zoning and site plan review. 3. Applicant shall enter into a development agreement for the plat. 4. Compliance with the recommendations of the City Engineer's report, including those relating to the proposed drainage easement and site stonrmwater management. ADOPTED this 3rd day of October 2017, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION IM Brad FyI4 Chair ATTEST: Angela Schu o unity Development Director 2 Chadwick, John - Request for Preliminary and Final Plat for Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition Lengthy Legal -See City Hall 1 155-171-000040 Created by: City of Monticello 1 4 155171000030 155223000020.,_ ur 2 • m . 155033 2� 155033900010 - ;, :155223001 D1 ;� , } ' ,•. , V, 155238001010 rr �?•-----_.-:_m 213100110201ere 5 155171000940 4 ' " �1555001�04200 155500104100 �i�' - Yy 155194600040 y' •• 1`55'so01 030'.; F* •, '.1,55226000020' :1171001010' 1.55194000020 15.5171000050 • - _ ,�' - 1 ��?� • � ,. � � � - i � �. . � � 155243001010 rIL 155185000010 ` �� r •_ " N i i} a -�� �.. �' 385 ft J �. 21310104301 �# moi fly, Moak J0 * COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLATIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com PROJECT NARRATIVE September 25, 2017 RE: Preliminary and Final Plat Property: XXXX Chelsea Road West, Monticello, MN Otter Creek Crossing, 19.32 acres, Outlot D PID #155-171-000040 Owner / Applicant: John Chadwick Farms, LLC. 4477 Manitou Road Excelsior, MN 55331-9448 The applicant is requesting a preliminary and final plat. The property is 19.32 acres. The applicant is proposing to divide the property into 3 lots. Lot 1, Block 1 is 5 acres. Lot 2, Block 1 is 5 acres. Lot 3, Block 1 is 9.32 acres. Lot 1 and Lot 2 will be sold to Ryan Buffalo Land Company, LLC. Ryan Automotive Group intends on constructing a Chrysler dealership on Lot 1, Block 1 in 2018. They have plans for Lot 2, Block 1 however that those plans have not been finalized. Any requirements regarding development and construction will be handled by Ryan Automotive Group when they submit their development plans and CUP application. The Property has recently been rezoned to B-3 to allow for Auto Sales and Service. The owner / applicant is completing the platting process and will be selling the lots which will be developed by another party. ER OF THE THWFST ,-NOR NOUTHWEST 1�4NOF SECTION i SO 1 R• 25 (FOUND 1i WRIGHT COUNTY MONUMENT) I �0� �\\ . #15233 "I I \ I \ I \ \ \ CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY \ PRELIMINARY PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING STH ADDITION \\ � FOR I\ \ \\ \\ \\\ \\\ \\\ 93 \�9`36'� \ JOHN CHADWICK sem\ \\\\\\ \\\\ \ IQ \\ \ Ros \ \ \\\ \\ 935.7 ' . \\ ti 6. Rosdo, I \ sr 9 !y a .4, \ \ \ \ 1R 2J s7 A � 'N 000 119 r � \ \ \ \ \ � \ \ II / \ \\D \ \ \ `�p� \ \ \ �\ \ \ \ \ \ 936 <) i\ I X934.1 i 935.0 , �p Fo\ X834.3/%\ ° \ \9 GE �SEMENT AS IS T �`L \D X57. \ PERMANENT DRA9 0587 (DOCU WITH DOC, _2p FOOT WIDE UMENT NO.RECORDED T LOCATION) \ \\ "cp { / o D / X 934.3 935 \ \ \� �' DESCRIBED INpHICAL EXHIBIT A DIFFERENT \ \ \ \ \ \ 934.4X D67 \\AMBIGUOUS _SGN EASEMENTIN 4. NO. 940587 Aeq-k 3 /� 934.5 �. -935 \ , 936 \ \ cj1 Ir0° \ ,v9,y'SB07y� ISS\/, �P C3 JK p�� ,/ �( ,� \ `� c1`Oc� \\\\ 2 /PS /\ � \ " 19. 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INTERVAL - FROM MN DNR LIDAR D4 EXISTING PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 6365.0) That part of Outlot D, Otter Creek Crossing, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southeasterly of a line parallel with and distant 1689.64 feet northwesterly of, as measured at right angles to, the southeasterly line of said Outlot D. EXISTING ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: B-4 0 100 200 300 III" I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND Q DENOTES CAST-IRON MONUMENT FOUND _ DENOTES RESTRICTED ACCESS TO 1-94 R.O.W. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. _ Date 09/22/17 Trace C. McCoy License No. 44531 7Z"a,yW 7A Ar r/ X708 1 ST AVENUE NE, # 1 BUFFALO, MN 55313 PH. 763.682.1781 WWW.MEYERROHLIN.COM DRAWN BY BOOK 387 SHEET AAN PAGE 77 1 REVISIONS DATE 09/22117 1 OF FILE NO. SHEETS 17360 OTTER GREEK GROSSING 5TH ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That John Chadwick Farms, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: That part of Outlot D, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southeasterly of a line parallel with and distant 1689.64 feet northwesterly of, as measured at right angles to, the southeasterly line of said Outlot D. (Torrens Property) Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5TH ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said John Chadwick Farms, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 by John Chadwick Farms, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. Signed: John Chadwick Farms, LLC (Printed Name) , (Title) Notary Public, (Signature) CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of review and approve this plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5TH ADDITION. 20 , the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5TH ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor City Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR of I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 20 Wright County Surveyor (Name Printed) County, Minnesota My Commission Expires I Trace C. McCoy, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT day of , 20 Trace C. McCoy, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 44531 The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by Trace C. McCoy, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 44531 (Signature) (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires 0 11 -AND SERV toes WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this 20 Wright County Auditor WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 20 Wright County Treasurer REGISTRAR OF TITLES, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Certificate Number Deputy on the land hereinbefore described have been paid this I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles for record on this day of .M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. PRELIMINARY CITY SUBMITTAL 09I25I17 , Sleeve , as Document No. Deputy 20 , at Wright County Registrar of Titles day of day of o'clock N:\Land Projects\17360 - Otter Creek Crossing 5th plat\dwg\Plat\17360 Plat Sheet l.dwg SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS uEETS • O• ` OTT R CR K CRO ING STH ADDITION VICINITY MAP 2�968.i I \ \ SECTION 10, T. 121, R. 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MN I \ 0 1000 2000 3000 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET I \ \ 1 INCH = 1000 FEET I \ \ n � 9 \) \ ��R°• C.S.A.H. NO. 39 PRELIMINARY CITY SUBMITTAL \ to a-� ,<, \ O 9I2 S 117 ori000 I 9• 6 /A V \ \ Oo I'� % ,' �'���`' ` . \ . mss. •� �.?� � N. �: � �_ ., \ y9 490 9,99 i \ i / C EASEMEN � (NAGE .,, . ,�`L ,X� PERMANENT DRNo. g40587 EXHIBIT ' �• �_ FOOT WIDE DOCUMEN APHICAL \ \ a \ — %;�j O� O . , -AS DESCRIBED (AMBIGUOUS g40587 SHOWS o ` 5�,� �R ORDEDT W TA DIFFERENT LOCATION) EASEMENT IN .\A / OF THENOR LINE _ —SOUTHWEST 1/4101' R. 25 \ __ \ / I J /\ SECTION 10, i` � 6 i ' \ sra T \ \ / 03 c? 9\\ \ \ �� g8.50'0011 E \� < v �6'8g �\ a O•• �`� o OF THE S \ s l ,q �8 ,NORTHCORNER SECTION / �� _--2239 Z� —, \ / ' Rte`. F �qi �iS-R��a . rZ� �� �4�� y`9 07 - WEST \ �- ��� 6' 1 p &•. / OUTHWEST 5 FOUND . ,p \ ^�, \F, O,c'OFcc` �`Ssop �9 stp ?Aa SO T 121, R Y MONUMENT) / \ L\�`9,9 mac,'' �' �' \ ` , \ — "1-7- a\est i WRIGHT COUNT ` � \ —DRAINAGE SEMEN/ \\ /tic Al9T • \ \ ) \ � � L— t, / \ � ` 19 \ 6 / UTILITY EA `\ sem,• o� \ \ � \j� —DRAINAGE .-DRAI AGEgAEMEN BEARING ORIENTATION: \ \� �, //' UTILITY THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST / / �\ \ 6, 1/4 OF SECTION 10, T. 121, R. 25 IS / <�� 5�\\�• ASSUMED TO BEARS 88°50'00" E. • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND O DENOTES IRON MONUMENTS SET, MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 44531 Qi DENOTES CAST-IRON MONUMENT FOUND I c �,,vroi 0,`'� \ 08 DENOTES RESTRICTED ACCESS 0 100 200 300 .f �Sr ,' \ (PLAT) DENOTES BEARING OR DISTANCE ACCORDING GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET I �'� y`��'' � o AW TO THE PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING 1 INCH = 100 FEET �� \ N:\Land Projects\17360 - Otter Creek Crossing 5th plat\dwg\Plat\17360 Plat Sheet 2.dwg c 1, IP9Y a oN���NTFi�'gyN \a O 94 5224 \a\ Y LINE OF 0- -- 00 T�OTAD,rER OTTER CREEK ` CROSSING �CO- N, AGE AND UTILITY THE PLAT -----DRAIN T SHOWN ON EASEMEN CREEK CROSSING OF OTTER / i 58 (\) �NNS��O \ I SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEET! DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION October 18, 2017 Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello Community Development Director 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 RE: C.S. 8680; R.P. 192.700 (1 94) Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition Wright County, Minnesota Dear Ms. Schumann: District 3 7694 Industrial Park Road Baxter, MN 56425 The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has reviewed the above -referenced plat in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 505.03, Plats and Surveys. MnDOT would like to offer the following comments/recommendations: There does not appear to be discrepancies or encroachments affecting the state right of way requiring action at this time. 2. There shall be no net increase in storm water runoff to the Interstate 94 right of way from said property. Computations of all storm water directed toward the right of way shall be provided to MnDOT. Contact Mark Renn, District 3 Permits Supervisor, at 320/223-6522 for additional information. 3. Since the property abuts MnDOT right of way, a permit is required to perform any work in the right of way. Contact the above-mentioned District 3 Permits Supervisor for additional information. If you have any further questions or comments, please call me at 218/828-5780. Sincerely, -7'z Jon Mason Senior Planner min ecc: MnDOT District 3 Entrance Group Abe Niemela, L.S., Meyer-Rohlin Land Services An equal opportunity employer (reserved for recording information) DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5TH ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT ("Contract") dated , 20 , by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and JOHN CHADWICK FARMS, LLC, a Minnesota limited Liability company (the "Owner") 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Owner has asked the City to approve a plat for OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5THADDmoN (referred to in this Contract as the "plat" and the "Development") consisting of approximately 19.32 acres in a B-3 Highway Business District and will be developed into three commercial lots. The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described as: That part of Outlot D, OTTER CREEK CROSSING, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southeasterly of a line parallel with and distant 1689.64 feet northwesterly of, as measured at right angles to, the southeasterly line of said Outlot D. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on the condition that the Owner enter into this Contract; furnish any security required by it; comply with the 1944630 recommendations listed in Resolution #2017-OXX, dated October 23rd, 2017, and records the plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 100 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. The City and Owner acknowledge that Owner will not be performing any development work or constructing improvements upon the plat. The City and Owner further acknowledge that a portion of the Development is currently under contract for sale to a third -party developer (the contract purchaser, together with any other developer, the "Developer"), and that the Developer intends to own, operate, and improve such portion pursuant to the terms of a development agreement the Developer will negotiate with the City (together with any other development agreement between a developer and the City, the "Development Agreement"). Within the plat or land to be platted, except as set forth in the Development Agreement, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: a) this Contract and a Development Agreement for any given lot have been fully executed by all parties and filed with the City Clerk, b) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office or Registrar of Titles' Office, and c) the City has issued a letter that all required plans have been reviewed and approved, and that all conditions as set forth in the Development Agreement(s) have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. Subsequent development of the lots within the plat will be subject to individual land use approvals, Conditional Use Permits or Planned Unit Development approvals, and Development Contracts, including but not limited to the Development Agreement. 5. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or 2 1944630 federal law or agreed to in writing by the City, the Owner, and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan. 6. IRON MONUMENTS. The placement of all iron monuments is required and shall meet the requirements of the final plat standards. A security of $1500.00 to guarantee placement of monuments is required to be paid at the time of final plat approval. 7. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Site grading or construction on any of the three platted lots shall be performed in the manner provided in the Development Agreement or as otherwise approved by the City. The erosion control plans shall be implemented in the manner provided in the Development Agreement, or as otherwise inspected and approved by the City. 8. RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRUNK AREA CHARGES. Trunk area charges are applicable to each lot to be platted within the Development. Trunk area charges for each lot for watermain and sanitary sewer shall be enumerated in the Development Agreement or such individual development contracts for each lot, and shall be payable at the prevailing rate and paid at the time of building permit for each individual lot, and shall be the responsibility of the Developer pursuant to the Development Agreement, or each individual lot developer as the case may be. Storm water trunk area charges shall be as set forth in the Pre -Development Agreement dated September 29, 2004 and recorded January 10, 2006 as Document No. A993909, and as amended. Applicable storm water trunk area charges shall be enumerated in the Development Agreement or individual development contract for each individual lot, shall be paid at the time of building permit for each individual lot and shall be the responsibility of the Developer or such other developer of an individual lot. 9. RESPONSIBILITY FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The Development is subject to a previously levied special assessment and agreement for the extension of Chelsea Road West, from 90th 3 1944630 Street to CSAH 39, recorded December 23, 2004 as Document No. A940580 and amended by Amendment to Assessment Agreement recorded February 17, 2011 as Document No. T28215 (the Assessment Agreement and all past and future amendments, the "Assessment Agreement"). The Developer shall provide the City with a schedule of apportionment for the levied special assessments by lot and block to be subsequently platted as set forth in the Development Agreement. Concurrently with this Contract and contingent upon City Council approval of the reapportionment of the special assessments between the parcels herein created, the Owner and the City shall enter into and file with the Registrar of Titles an Amended Assessment Agreement providing for the apportionment of assessments by lot and block. 10. LICENSE. Owner hereby grants City, its agents, employees, and officers a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections required of City in as provided in this Contract. 11. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work, and construction required by this contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice of action 12. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to subsequent plat development: A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the City Engineer's report for each development site. B. Special assessments payable pursuant to the Second Amendment to Assessment Agreement shall be paid in the manner set forth in the Second Amendment to Assessment Agreement. The obligations of the Second Amendment to Assessment Agreement run with the land. C. The platted lots shall gain its access via Chelsea Road, or as otherwise provided in the Development Agreement. 4 1944630 D. The Development is subject to the terms and conditions of a Pre -Development Agreement dated September 29, 2004 and recorded January 10, 2006 as Document No. A993909. E. The development will require, for each lot, the application and approval of a conditional use permit or planned unit development and/or detailed site, civil and building plan applications. While the Owner does not intend to develop the plat, the Owner nonetheless acknowledges that a more in- depth review will need to be conducted by the City for each lot at the time future applications for land development are submitted. The City shall review the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and drainage calculations as part of the subsequent site plan review process. F. The Developer shall obtain the City's approval on proposed grading and existing stormwater movement at the time the Developer applies for development on each lot as part of the City's site plan review process. G. The Developer shall provide for review and approval by the City a landscaping plan for each lot, to include and identify existing tree cover, as part of the City's site plan review process H. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. 13. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Owner and the City agree that to the best of their knowledge the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Owner or Developer does comply. Upon the City's written demand and reasonable instruction, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance with such reasonable City instruction. 1944630 B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City or Owner under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and shall be recorded against the title to the property. The Owner covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Owner is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted except the equitable interests of Developer pursuant to the aforementioned 6 1944630 purchase contract; and that the Owner will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. H. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. I. The Owner may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council, which permission shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Owner may assign this Contract to a principal of Owner or another entity in which the Owner is a principal, or to the Developer without obtaining City Council permission therefor. The Owner's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Owner sells part or parts of the platted land, until all conditions of assignment are met. J. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls, the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 14. NOTICES. Required notices to the Owner shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Owner, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Owner by certified mail at the following 7 1944630 address: John Chadwick Farms, LLC, 4477 Manitou Road, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signatures on the following pages. 1944630 CITY OF MONTICELLO Lo (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 201_, by Brian Stumpf and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 9 1944630 OWNER: JOHN CHADWICK FARMS, LLC LOW STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) John Chadwick, Its: Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 201, by John Chadwick, the Manager of John Chadwick Farms, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on its behalf. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 10 194463v3 11 194463v3 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 2N. Consideration of a request to approve an Amendment to Assessment Agreement for with John Chadwick Farm, LLC for a portion of Oulot D. Otter Creek Crossing, to be platted as Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition. (AS/WO) Property: Legal: Outlot D of Otter Creek Crossing, see plat for full legal PID: 155171000040 REFERENCE & BACKGROUND John Chadwick Farms, LLC has submitted an application to subdivide the current outlot parcel, which is a portion of Outlet D of Otter Creek Crossings, into three lots. There is an existing assessment levied against the outlot parcel for street and utility improvements made to Chelsea Road, which serve to support future development of the proposed lots. The assessment agreement was dated 2004, with the assessments levied to the property in 2005. As part of the platting process, the assessments will be re- apportioned to the newly subdivided parcels. The original assessment for the Chelsea Road improvements was assigned to the joint property owners of Outlots C and D of Otter Creek Crossing. Since the time of the original assessment, the two outlots were split in equal share in 2008 based on acreage between the two original property owners. The assessment was re -apportioned equally based on the acreage to each of the two resulting oulot parcels. Following that re -apportionment, in 2009, John Chadwick petitioned the Council to amend the assessment assigned to parcel 155171000040. The amendment to assessment was approved and an amendment to assessment agreement filed. The amended assessment agreement allowed for a new 15 year term at 5.5% interest. Since the time of that amended assessment agreement, Mr. Chadwick has worked with Wright County to hold his parcel in Green Acre status, deferring payment of the balance of the assessment for his parcel until the development of the parcel requires removal from that status. Council will note that the City has no authority in Green Acres designation. At this time, the Council is asked to consider a second amendment to assessment agreement for that portion of Outlot D to be platted as Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition. The terms of the new agreement are as follows: 1. Includes payment of the remaining principal amount of the assessment ($770,467), spread to each lot on a proportionate share by acreage. 2. Interest on the assessment is proposed at 5.5% per annum. City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 3. Interest on the principal amount accruing during the deferral period will be assessed, spread based on a proportionate share to each lot by acreage, with the initial total acreage used as the allocation basis. 4. Payment of the principal, interest and accrued interest as noted above will be spread over a new tern year term, through 2027 (year 10).and payable in equal installment amounts. The annual installment is due to the county along with property taxes in two semi-annual payments. 5. Assessment deemed adopted on the date of signature by all parties. Pending filing of the plat prior to November 30th, 2017, the assessments will be assessed payable beginning in 2018. If the plat is filed in 2018, the assessment will begin in payable 2019 and the ten year term will run through 2028. The term of the assessment exceeds the life of the bonds, which has its last payment in 2023. Assessments may be pre -paid in full or every year prior to Novemberl st. Otherwise, the annual installment must be paid to the County with the semi-annual tax payment. Staff's understanding is that the two five acre parcels will be considered developed with the assessments payable beginning with 2018 taxes payable (again, pending timing of the plat recording). It is further staff's understanding that Mr. Chadwick may seek to defer through Green Acres status the assessment on the remaining 9+ acre parcel. Again, the City does not have authority over this designation. The assessment will remain of record and interest will accrue on the deferral. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the Amended Assessment Agreement for the land to be platted as Otter Creek 5th Addition. 2. Motion to deny the Amended Assessment Agreement for the land to be platted as Otter Creek 5th Addition. 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amended assessment agreement. The previously levied assessment should be apportioned to the lots based on the acreage of subdivision and, based on the terms of the proposed assessment agreement, the City will earn interest 2 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 over the new term of the assessment. This includes interest on the deferral through Green Acres status. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Amended Assessment Agreement, Draft 3 SECOND AMENDMENT TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT ("Amendment") is made this day of , 2017, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and JOHN CHADWICK FARMS, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Owner"). RECITALS A. Owner is the fee owner of certain real property situated in Wright County, Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto ("Property") B. City and Owner have previously entered into an Assessment Agreement ("Original Agreement") recorded as Wright County Recorder document number 940580 and an Amendment to Assessment Agreement ("First Amendment") filed as Wright County Register of Titles document number T28215 (collectively the Original Agreement and First Amendment hereinafter referred to as "Agreements"), involving the Owner's Property and City Project No. 2002-01C (Chelsea Road West extension, 90th Street to CSAH 39) (hereinafter "Project"). 194614v1 C. In the Agreements, City and Owner established the amount that the Property was to be assessed for the Project, and the subsequent reapportionment of that assessment upon land subdivision. D. The special assessments are related to the infrastructure and improvements associated with Chelsea Road from 90th Street to CSAH 39, through Otter Creek Crossing. E. Owner has applied to plat and subdivide the Property and as part of that application has now petitioned the City, and the City Council has approved, the further reapportionment of the special assessments, pursuant to authority granted the City by Minn. Stat. § 429.071, upon a finding that such reassessment or reapportionment of assessment for the Property will not materially impair collection of the remaining balance of unpaid special assessments, conditioned on the execution of this Amendment to the Agreements. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are incorporated herein as if fully set forth below, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants and obligations herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: Special Benefit. Owner acknowledges that the Property received a special benefit from the Project. 2. Assessment Amount. The Property was assessed a total of $1,191,613.30 for the Project pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.011, et. seq. 3. Pavment to Date. Owner has made payments on the special assessments, and seeks to reapportion the remaining amount of the assessment levied against the Property over ten (10) years at 5.5% interest, in accordance with the payment scheduled attached hereto as Exhibit B. Final assessment by Wright County of these amounts and payment schedule may result in a slight variation from the payment schedule. 2 194614v1 4. Assessment Adopted. The assessment is deemed adopted on the date this Amendment is signed by the parties. 5. Survival of Other Provisions ofAzreements. Aside from the reapportionment of assessments and the modification of the term and interest rates shown on the attached schedule, all other provisions of the Agreements survive and shall be given full force and effect. 6. Waiver. Owner hereby waives unconditionally all procedural and substantive objections to the assessment in the amounts set forth herein, including, but not limited to, any rights of Owner to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessment does not constitute a special benefit or that the amount of the assessment exceeds the special benefit to the Property. The Owner further waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.081 or other laws. 7. Recordinz. This Amendment will be recorded against the Property and will run with the land and bind Owner's successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed this day of , 201 [Remainder of page intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow.] 194614v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) m STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,201 —, by Brian Stumpf and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public 2 194614v1 OWNER: JOHN CHADWICK FARMS, LLC John Chadwick, Its: Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,201 —, by John Chadwick, the Manager of John Chadwick Farms, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on its behalf. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 5 194614v1 EXHIBIT A TO AMENDMENT TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 5�h Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 0 194614v1 Lot 3 9.08 47.59% $ 151,247 $ 366,658 $ 517,905 EXHIBIT B TO AMENDMENT TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Lot 1 5 26.21% $ 83,286 $ 201,904 $ 285,190 Lot 2 5 26.21% $ 83,286 $ 201,904 $ 285,190 Total 19.08 $ 317,818 $ 770,467 $ 1,088,285 As to Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossinu 5t" Addition: Interest Rate 5.50% Assessment Amount $285,190.00 Term in Years 10 Annual Payment $37,835.52 Accumulated Interest Unpaid Principal Total Year Pavment Principal Interest Balance 0 $285,190.00 1 $37,835.52 $22,150.07 $15,685.45 $263,039.93 2 $37,835.52 $23,368.32 $14,467.20 $239,671.61 3 $37,835.52 $24,653.58 $13,181.94 $215,018.03 4 $37,835.52 $26,009.53 $11,825.99 $189,008.50 5 $37,835.52 $27,440.05 $10,395.47 $161,568.45 6 $37,835.52 $28,949.26 $8,886.26 $132,619.19 7 $37,835.52 $30,541.46 $7,294.06 $102,077.73 8 $37,835.52 $32,221.24 $5,614.28 $69,856.49 9 $37,835.52 $33,993.41 $3,842.11 $35,863.08 10 $37,835.52 $35,863.08 $1,972.44 $0.00 $378,355.20 $285,190.00 $93,165.20 7 194614v1 As to Lot 3, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossine Stn Addition: Interest Rate 5.50% Assessment Amount $517,905.00 Term in Years 10 Annual Payment $68,709.30 Year Pavment Principal Interest Balance 0 $517,905.00 1 $68,709.30 $40,224.52 $28,484.78 $477,680.48 2 $68,709.30 $42,436.87 $26,272.43 $435,243.61 3 $68,709.30 $44,770.90 $23,938.40 $390,472.71 4 $68,709.30 $47,233.30 $21,476.00 $343,239.41 5 $68,709.30 $49,831.13 $18,878.17 $293,408.28 6 $68,709.30 $52,571.84 $16,137.46 $240,836.44 7 $68,709.30 $55,463.30 $13,246.00 $185,373.14 8 $68,709.30 $58,513.78 $10,195.52 $126,859.36 9 $68,709.30 $61,732.04 $6,977.26 $65,127.32 10 $68,709.30 $65,127.32 $3,581.98 $0.00 $687,093.00 $517,905.00 M 194614v1 $169,188.00 City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 3A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-78 approving assessments for the 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utilitv Improvement Proiect, Citv Proiect No. 16C003, for Hart Boulevard and Sandberg Road (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the September 25, 2017 meeting, the City Council declared costs to be assessed, ordered preparation of assessment roll, and called for the assessment hearing for October 23, 2017 for a portion of the 2017 Street and Utility Project for Sandberg Road and Hart Boulevard. This portion of the project included the following general street improvements as authorized by Council at the public hearing on February 27, 2017 and which are now substantially complete. Sandberg Road: • Reclaim pavement, add aggregate base and pave roadway to existing width • Remove and replace deteriorated curb and gutter Hart Boulevard West- between hospital and CSAH 75 Mill and overlay easterly segment from WWTP driveway entrance to CSAH 75 Install new 12 -inch watermain pipe and reclaim and pave roadway segment between hospital property and WWTP driveway entrance Hart Boulevard East- between CSAH 75 and CSAH 39 • Reclaim and pave rural segment • Mill and overlay urban segment A public hearing was held for the project on February 27, 2017 prior to final design, bidding, and construction of the project. A preliminary assessment roll was presented at the public hearing for the project in accordance with Minnesota Statute 429. Now that construction is substantially complete and an estimate of final costs can be provided, a final assessment roll is being presented at this time for consideration. It should be noted that publication and mailing of notices informing property owners of the assessment hearing and amount was provided to satisfy the requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. Wright County requires that assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2017 for collection with 2018 property taxes. By conducting the assessment hearing on October 23, adequate time for certifying the assessment is provided and it also allows time for the 30 -day appeal period should any property owner object to their assessment prior to certification to Wright County. Non-residential properties are proposed to be assessed at the actual front -foot street reconstruction rate based on their current use. This applies to properties along Hart City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 Boulevard and Sandberg Road. These rates are based on assessing 100% of the per foot actual cost for the each project area, which is consistent with past practice. The mill and overlay areas along the urban section of Hart Boulevard (where is parallels CSAH 75) are proposed to be assessed by the front foot rate with assessing 50% of the project cost. Only 50% of the project is proposed to be assessed due to the fact that there are properties fronting only one side of the roadway There are a few non-residential properties throughout the project that staff and the City attorney would recommend be assessed as follows: • The assessments for the Macarlund Plaza townhomes located on a private drive but with access from Hart Boulevard (East) are proposed to be distributed equally and individually per unit based on the frontage on Hart Boulevard. The proposed assessment per unit is $305. There are 30 units. • The current residential property use (#52) along Hart Boulevard (East) is proposed to be assessed 50% of the mill and overlay cost at a rate at $1,400 per unit based on a standard 80 -foot wide lot. If the use of the property changes in the future, the assessment will be re-evaluated at that time based on a 30 -year pavement life. The current residential property uses (#9/10 and #11- Bondhus properties) along Hart Boulevard (West) are proposed to be assessed 50% of the mill and overlay cost at a rate of $1,400. Due to the watermain upsizing, the roadway needs to be reconstructed. If the watermain did not need to be upsized, this section of roadway would only be in need of a mill and overlay improvement. The Bondhus property is proposed to be assessed at the mill and overlay rate of $1,440 per dwelling unit, instead of the single family residential reconstruction rate of $4,600. In addition, one of the Bondhus properties (PID 155011000052) consists of a duplex, therefore, two units will be assessed totaling $2,880. This is consistent with the City's policy and past practice. If the use of the property changes in the future, the assessment will be re-evaluated at that time based on a 30 -year pavement life. At the public hearing, there was discussion on the pavement improvements to the 90 -foot end of Sandberg Road that was replaced when the access to TH 25 was removed in 1999. Sandberg Road was originally constructed in 1978. Although the pavement appears to be in better condition than the rest of Sandberg Road, it is proposed to replace this segment of pavement and add aggregate base as needed, as this is more cost effective and will provide a uniform roadway section. The intent of the roadway improvement project is to provide a uniform roadway section for maintenance and to preserve the integrity of the entire 450 -feet of roadway section as a whole. Therefore, the assessment to two properties with frontage on the 90 -foot end of Sandberg Road are proposed to be assessed at the same front foot rate as the rest of the project. 2 City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 The assessment is proposed at a 10 -year term at a 4.5% interest rate based on the 2017A series bond sale that was approved by Council on September 25, 2017. The true interest cost of the negotiated bond sale was 2.40%. City ordinance provides for a minimum (not maximum) interest rate of at least 1.5% above the bond interest rate rounded up to the nearest quarter percent. Bond issues have an average coupon rate, true interest cost rate, and all in cost rate. All three indicate the minimum interest rate the council can choose is 4.0%. The council can choose any interest rate above that in quarter percent intervals. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated final project costs for the entire project totals $1,889,706. The total proposed assessment totals $220,210.00 for properties adjacent to Hart Boulevard and Sandberg Road. Below is a summary of the estimated final construction costs: This project is proposed to be funded using the 2017A issuance of street reconstruction and improvement bonds that was approved by the Council on September 25, 2017. Capital improvement funds, utility funds, and special assessments to benefitting properties will be used for debt service payments. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload are routine for this process and include the required mailings and notices to the benefitting properties. 3 �I Assessments City Funds TOTAL 1 Sandberg Road $94,427 - $94,427 Hart Boulevard West $4,320 $142,723 $147,043 Hart Boulevard - $143,330 $143,330 Watermain Hart Boulevard East $121,463 $25,158 $146,621 Hart Boulevard Trail - $15,518 $15,518 Mississippi Drive $161,000 $205,018 $366,018 Gillard Avenue $82,800 $563,434 $646,234 95th Street - $139,784 $139,784 Haug Avenue $45,276 $90,309 $135,585 90th Street $27,300 $37,846 $65,146 TOTAL $536,586 $1,363,120 $1,899,706 This project is proposed to be funded using the 2017A issuance of street reconstruction and improvement bonds that was approved by the Council on September 25, 2017. Capital improvement funds, utility funds, and special assessments to benefitting properties will be used for debt service payments. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload are routine for this process and include the required mailings and notices to the benefitting properties. 3 City Council Agenda: 10/23/17 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-78 approving assessments for the 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Project, City Project No. 16C003, for Sandberg Road and Hart Boulevard. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2017-78 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2017-78 B. Final Assessment Roll and Maps 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2017-78 ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL CERTIFYING 2017 STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR 2018 PAYABLE TAX YEAR, CITY PROJECT NO. 16CO03 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Project, City Project 16C003, for Hart Boulevard and Sandberg Road, for the reconstruction of street including curb and gutter, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water supply systems; signage; and other appurtenance work; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: Such proposed assessment, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of the installments to be payable in the tax year of the first Monday in January, 2018, and shall bear interest at the rate of 4.5% (percent). To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from October 23, 2017 (date of the assessment adoption) until December 31, 2018. To each subsequent year's installment, interest for entire year shall be added on the unpaid balance. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time up to the end of day November 27, 2017, pay the whole of the assessment on such property to the city, with no interest. In any subsequent year, the owner may pay to the city the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with the exception of the amount assessed on the current taxes. Such payment shall be made by November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. 5. The right to partially prepay the assessment is not available. ADOPTED B Y the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Final Assessment Roll - Sandberg Road 2017 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT__ 143 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA -- CITY PROJECT NO. 16CO03 15,628.47 1 0.37 I 102 _ PR_OPERTY -- IONNO. ..._-__—_ No IDE_ NTIFICATIONNO. PROPERTY OWNER -_----_— PROPERTY MAILING (PID) _L I ADDRESS Mau ID (PID (Owner Name I Prooerty Address 1 155027002030 JDJ PROPERTIES LLC 213 SANDBERG RD, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 2 155027002040 JDJ PROPERTIES LLC 213 SANDBERG R0, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 3 155027002041 JDJ PROPERTIES LLC 213 SANDBERG RD, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 4 155500142203 KMRE LLC 1401 FALLON AVE NE, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 5 155500142209 KMRE LLC 1401 FALLON AVE NE, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 6 155027001040 LAAN PROPERTIES LLC 10943 HOLLISTER AVE NW, MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 7 155027001041 CHIHOS EQUITIES LLC 3915 74TH ST, CLEAR LAKE, MN 55319 8 155027001031 CHINOS EQUITIES LLC 13915 74TH ST, CLEAR LAKE, MN 55319 Note #5 has access from Sandberg Road as well as Marvin Road, but does not have frontage on Sandberg Road therefore, the parcel k $ 28,196.82 RESIDENTIAL NON I I 0.71 143 I $ I 109.29 I $ 15,628.47 1 0.37 I 102 $ 109.29 $ 11,147.58 1 I 1 0.35 128 1$ 109.291 $ 13,989.12 I 1 1 1 0.93 100 1$ 109.29 1 $ 10,929.00 I I 0 $ I $ I I 1 0.44 2581 $ 109.291 $ 28,196.82 I 1 1 1 0.52 113 I$ 109.291 $ 12,349.77 I 1 1 1 0.09 20 1$ 10929 1 $ 2,185.80 to beta d Ir TOTAL 3.41 864 $ 94,426.56 u%VV L1-1-11111JIUVCI I IC11LJ-R"-LVIIb ILRt1U1I _L 2(Y7 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT -- -�— CIN OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA________ ---- CITY PROJECT NO_L -9-03 - _ _ ___ __ 1 _ -----` -----� PROPERTY _ PROPERTY:::: _No _ IDENTIFICATION NO. _ PROPERTY OWNER (PID( I�Aao ID :DID IOwner Name __ ____ PROPERTY MAILING - ADDRESS 'Arooarty Address ---- Data 10/18/2017 RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL _ STREET STREET NON RES PROPOSED ASSESSABLE RATE _ TOTAL _ Acres _ _ FF RATE TOTAL ASSESSMENT UNITS FRONT FOOT I 1 9 155015022050 BONDHUS,MARYK IR PROPERTYTR 30 155011000200 BONDHUS,MARY K IR PROPERTYTR 1 31155011000052 BONDHUS,MARY K IR PROPERTY TR 12 155500124300 CIT/ OF MONTICELLO 13 155011000181 CITYOF MONTICELLO 17336 ALADDIN AVE NW, BUFFALO, MN 55313 7336 ALADDIN AVE NW, BUFFALO, MN 55313 17336 ALADDIN AVE NW, BUFFALO, MN 55313 505 WALNUT ST STE 1, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 505 WALNUT ST STE 1, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0 I $ - 1,06 I p $ - $ - 1 1 1 $ 1,440.00 $ 1,440.001 0.56 1 29 1 $ $ 1,440.00 1 2 1 $ 1,440,00 $ 2,880.00 1 4.84 1 419 1 $ $ 2,880.00 1 1 4.05 1 276 $ 36.00 1 $ - 1 1 0.94 1 57 1 $ 36.00 $ - ----------- --- __.._ -_ TOTAL 11.45 781 $ 4,320.00 Final Assessment Roll - Hart Boulevard (West) Street Improvements - Mill and Overlay I I 2017 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT COUNTY, MINNESOTA _ I —--- - ---- CITY PROJECT NO i6C003 Noj.TCNI7-TF (OCA TON NO. --� _—� -- -- --._— PROPERTY OWNER (PID) Map ID ' PID Owner Name 13 155011000181 CM OF MONTICELLO 141 1550110001801 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROPERTY MAILING ADDRESS �roparty Address (SOS WALNUT ST STE 1, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1505 WALNUT ST STE I, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 i —_ -- - Date 17 RESIDENTIAL NONRESIDENTIAL T0TAL8J20 STREET STREET I 1 NON RES PROPOSED__—_ ASSESSABLE RATE _TOTAL Acres FF RATE _TOTAL _ ASSESSMENT_ fl UNITS FRONT FOOT 1 1 � 2.93 � 178 $ 36.00 $ 1 1 5.64 1 147 I $ 36.O0 $ - _—__ I __.- _ � TOTAL 8.571 325 $ - I I I K:\02596-360\Admin\)ocs\Assessments\Final Assessments\Final Assessment Roll Hart -Sandberg 102317 Final Assessment Roll - Hurt Boulevard (East) - Mill and Overlay i - � I 2017 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT I i I I I Data 10/18/2017 I I I I I I I i RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL _ _STREET I II NON RES PROPOSED RATE I TOTAL I Acres FF RATE111 TOTAL ASSESSMENT _ I FRONTFOOT Map ID i0w Name (Property Address I 1 1 RESIDENTIAL NON PESIDENTIAL iPID 52 1550110000101 HOGLUND,STEVEN G & THOMAS E 1501 BROADWAY E, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 80 $18.00 $ 1,440.00 3.16 I 54 STREET STREET $1,440.00 531 1550370010101 KEAN OF MONTICELLO INC PO BOX 564, MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358 1 1.92 2791 $ 36.00 $10,044.00 $10,044.00 551 1550370010301 DAHLHEIMER,DEBORAH C REV TRUST PO BOX 254, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.39 1001 $ 36.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 561 1550370010401 MOE, STEPHEN 7078 NEN AVE NW, ANNANDALE, MN 55302 19020 1 0.51 1061 $ 36.00 $3,816.00 $3,816.00 581 1550370010601 MARDOT PROPERTIES LLC W TOPEKA DR, PEORIA, AZ 85382 I 0.22 1261 $ 36.00 $4,536.00 $4,536.00 I 1.29 164 $ 61.00 TOTAL 621 66500 1 57 1 $23,436.00 I I I I Final Assessment Roll - Hart Boulevard (East)_ Reconstruction I I Data 10/18/2017 2017 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT _ I CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 16CD03 II - K;\02596-3601AdminlDocs\Assessments\Final Assessments\Final Assessment Roll Hart -Sandberg 102317 RESIDENTIAL NON PESIDENTIAL TOTAL PROPERTY STREET STREET NON RES PROPOSED _ Na IDENTIFICATION NO. _ PROPERTY OWNER _ PROPERTY MAILING ASSESSABLE RATE TOTAL Acres FF RATE I TOTAL I ASSESSMENT (PID) ADDRESS _ UNITS FRONT FOOT Map ID PID 1 O -r Name Property Address _ 54 155037001020 RIVERVIEW PROP PARTNERSHIP PO BOX 6124, ST CLOUD, MN 56302 I 1.29 164 $ 61.00 $10,004.00 $10,004.00 57 155037001050 MARDOT PROPERTIES LLC 9020 W TOPEKA DR, PEORIA, AZ 85382 1 0.48 120 $ 61.00 $7,320.00 $7,320.00 58 155037001060 MARDOT PROPERTIES LLC 9020 W TOPEKA DR, PEORIA, AZ 85382 1 0.31 176 $ 61.00 $10,736.00 $10,736.00 59 155084001010 LIBERTY SAVINGS BANK 1117TH AVE S, ST CLOUD, MN 56302 1 1.44 250 $ 61.00 $15,250.00 $15,250.00 60 155231001010 VHM HOLDINGS LLC 14497TH ST NW, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 1.77 551 $ 61.00 $33,611.00 $33,611.00 61 155014003190 HEIKES,DARYL C 2000 VICTORY MEMORIAL DR, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55412 1 0.45 196 $ 61.00 $11,956.00 $11,956.00 62 155037007060 WHITE,STEVEN 1440140TH ST, NEW RICHMOND, WI 54017 1 0.14 5 $ 6100 $305.00 $305.00 63 155037007050 MARX,REBECCA L 149 RIVERVIEW DR #29, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 64 155037007040 BERGQUIST,CATHERINE B 149 RIVERVIEW DR #28, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 6S 155037007030 TACK,IOHN 149 RIVERVIEW DR#27, MONTICELLO, MN55362 1 I 014 5 $ 61.00 1 $305.00 $305.00 66 155037007020 SWARM,USA R 149 RIVERVIEW DR #26, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 S 61.00 1 $305.00 $305.00 67 155037007010 BECKER,KENTG 149 RIVERVIEW DR #25, MONTICELLO, N 55362 M I 1 0.14 5 $ 61.001 $305.00 $30500 68 155037008060 ERICKSON,SHERYL 149 RIVERVIEW DR #24, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 $61.00 $305.00 $305.00 69 155037008050 JAKUBIEC,JUDTTH A 149 RIVERVIEW DR #23, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 70 1550370080401SENOR,ANITA 1473088TH ST NE, OTSEGO, MN 55330 1 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 71 155037008030 HOWE,DEBORAH B 149 RIVERVIEW DR #21, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $30500 72 155037008020 FROMELTJR,HERBERTA 149 RIVERVIEW DR #20, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 73 155037008010 TREMBLEY,BERNARD P & MARY E 149 RIVERVIEW DR #19, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 014 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 74 155037009060 LINK,PHYLLIS 149 RIVERVIEW DR #18, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 75 155037009050 HELTEMES,ROSE M 149 RIVERVIEW DR #17, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 76 155037009040 MAAS,NANCY S 149 RIVERVIEW DR #16, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 _ _ 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 77 155037009030 PERSON,JANET L 149 RIVERVIEW OR #15, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 I 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 78 155037009020 HILTNER,DOLORES C 149 RIVERVIEW DR #14, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 1 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 79 155037OD9010 HUBER,LEROY V & KAY L 149 RIVERVIEW OR #13, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 80 155037010060 SEMELSBERGER,VIRGINIA C 149 RIVERVIEW DR #12, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 81 155037010050 BERGERSON,KEITH & MARI 1 PO BOX 1293, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 82 155037010040 DAN FRIE REAL ESTATE INC 314 JERRY LIEFERT DR, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 83 155037010030 ULJA,DEAN M 149 RIVERVIEW DR 119, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 84 155037010020 EVJEN,STEVEN 149 RIVERVIEW DR #8, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 85 155037010010 BROWER,LARRYD 1667 HALFWAY CROSSING, ROYALTON, MN 56373 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 86 155037011060 KELLY,IOSEPH P 149 RIVERVIEW DR #6, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 87 155037011050 MURRAY,AMYJ REV TRUST 9004 BEAMING Cr, LAS VEGAS, NV 89149 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 88 155037011040 MINDIS,SHIRLEYJ 149 RIVERVIEW DR #4, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 89 155037011030 ROHLAND,LINDA M 149 RIVERVIEW DR #3, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 90 155037011020 PETERSON,MARYANN A 149 RIVERVIEW DR #2, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0.14 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 91 155037011010 ALBOLD FAMILY REVOCABLE LIV TR 149 RIVERVIEW DR #1, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 014 5 $ 61.00 $305.00 $305.00 TOTAL 10.041 1,607._00 i $98,027.00 I I K;\02596-3601AdminlDocs\Assessments\Final Assessments\Final Assessment Roll Hart -Sandberg 102317 iC� ci rvoF Monticello Sandberg Road 2017 Street Improvement Project N City of Monticello, MN City Project Number: 16CO03 0 200 Feet 1 inch = 200 feet wsB Hart Boulevard CITY2017 Street Improvement Project Mo it�ello City of Monticello, MN N o 3 i Feet iYYJB City Project Number: 16CO03 1 inch = 350 feet 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utility Improvements City Project 16C003 Assessment Hearing Hart Boulevard, Sandberg Road October 23, 2017 on ticello AGENDA: Project Location Before and After Pictures Remaining Work Project Costs/Funding Assessments Payment Terms N REno MAO ■0r it P- � I j I 'I ficeflo Mon Pre and Post -Construction Hart Boulevard West � I j I 'I ficeflo Mon Pre and Post -Construction Hart Boulevard West near WWTP � I j I 'I ficeflo Mon Pre and Post -Construction T Palo Hart Boulevard East � I j I 'I ficeflo Mon Pre and Post -Construction Hart Boulevard East Mon� ticello Pre and Post -Construction Sandberg Road 0 � I j I I Mcefloon � Pre and Post -Construction Sandberg Road Pre -Construction - -7 PIP 2w.r Sandberg Road f �x On iceHo Remaining Work 2017: • Project is substantially complete with final lift of pavement on streets and restoration complete • Hart Boulevard West o cleanup • Hart Boulevard East o Striping, cleanup • Sandberg Road o Striping (10/24), cleanup • Ongoing erosion and sediment control until project complete and turf is established nticello Remaining Work 2018: • Ongoing erosion and sediment control until project complete and turf is established • Punchlist items i Mont ce Ho Hart Boulevard West Hart Saulevard ! 2:17 $trgPl 1TG'Q+'�ibl�l h7r,'.�r..:l V Nbb AROd1E3Cid0 cny or Moibmllo, MN ° City Pr*d Numhw, 16=3 Bondhus properties (#9/10, 11) assessed based on current use at single family rate for mill and overlay #9/10 @ 1 dwelling unit = $1,440 #11@ 2 dwelling units = $2,880 If properties redevelop to more intense use, additional assessments will apply at the time of redevelopment Assessments based on actual costs Remaining costs are City funded Hart Boulevard West - Street Improvements Hart Boulevard West WatPrmain Assessments I City Fungi I TOTAL $147,043 $143,330 TOTAL I $4,320 I $286,053 1 $290,373 i Mont ce Ho Hart Boulevard East 48777 SLrML Im%Dv&r n! ProJeC! w Md1C111COy of Mgrlixlia. MN' CMyPMJWNumV ber 19C3 1�Fe[i Mill and Overlav Section Assessments total =100% of actual cost based on front foot rate for commercial properties Hoglund property (#52) assessed based on current use at single family rate of $1,440 per dwelling. If property redevelops to more intense use, additional assessments will apply at the time of redevelopment Reconstruction Section Assessment method based on front foot rate for apartments, townhomes, commercial lots. Assessment total = 100% of project cost based on actual costs. ` Montice O Hart Blvd East Assessment Rates: Residential Town Home Mill & Overlay Multi -family & Non-residential Reconstruction Multi -family & Non-residential $305/Unit 30 $1,440/Unit 1 6 $36/FF $61/FF 1,E Hart Blvd East $1211463 $25,158 $146,621 � I j I 'I Mon ficeflo Sandberg Road 9andb*Fg Road 'I- ,1077 It IMgroraman[f'r; A f V rY R ICJ N 4M r. 16CM a aoa�WM Assessment method based on front foot rate of each property with direct access to Sandberg Road Assessment total =100% of project cost based on actual costs Est. Front Foot Rate = $109/front foot Total Estimated Cost = $94,427 Assessments I City Funds I TOTAL amort WouIevar- Watermain 1143,330 Hart Boulevard Trail Mississippi Drive Gillard Avenue 077$15,518 $161,0007 $82,800$563,434 $366,018 $646,234 1 95th Street I $139,784 Haug Avenue $45,276 $90,309 $135,585 90th Street $27,300 $65,146 In TOTAL $536,586 $1,363,120 $1,899,706 l'i I H Mont ce Assessment Payment Methods: Payment Terms :10 years @ 4.5%interest starting in 2018 Option 1 • Pre -pay full assessment amount without interest to the City by November 27, 2017 Option 2 • Pay assessment with property taxes over a 10 -year period at 4.5% interest starting in 2018 o First installment interest accrues from October 23, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018 • Pay remaining balance by November 15 in any subsequent year • No partial payments allowed I r, . 1 1. 1') il'i I H one �r Assessment Process: • Assessment process follows Minnesota Statute Chapter 429 - Public Improvements • Notice of objection must be presented in writing and signed by the property owner prior to or at the hearing on October 23, 2017 • Serve notice of appeal to Mayor or City Clerk within 30 days after adoption of assessments • File notice of appeal with Wright County District Court within 10 days after serving notice to City • After the assessment roll is adopted and before assessments are certified to the County (by November 30), the City will mail out updated notices to affected property owners with the new assessment amounts and interest rate. on ticello Council Action Alternatives: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution #2017-78 approving assessments for the 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Project, City Project No.16C003, for Hart Boulevard and Sandberg Road. 2. Motion to deny Resolution #2017-78 at this time. Council Agenda: 10/23/17 3B. Public Hearing - Consideration of adoutin2 Resolution 2017-79 auurovin2 assessment roll for delinquent utilities to be certified for 2018 Pavable tax vear (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. The Council previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $75 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. It should be noted that the amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list do not include the additional $75 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. This fee will be added after the assessment roll is approved by Council. The delinquent utility amount being certified now total about $36,000 more than the amount certified last year for the same time period. The monthly compounding of late charges affected the average, while the number of delinquent accounts dropped by nearly 50 (14%). The late charges likely provided motivation for some to pay their bills when due. This is the sixth year of the one assessment roll format. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. The interest on the assessments will generate an estimated $10,500 in 2018. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid through November 27' without the additional interest but would include the $75 processing fee. The $75 processing charge will generate an estimated $21,600 in 2018. The one -roll format eliminates the overlap of accounts between the two -roll format, which complicated the calculations for the total number of (different) accounts and the average delinquent account balance. The data represent the last six months of the prior year and the first six months of the current year. The following table and graph provide a historical perspective for the assessed delinquent utility accounts: Deliquent Utilities Year Amount Accounts 2007 $ 166,744.69 2008 151,827.43 2009 148,316.73 2010 142,463.70 2011 147,177.11 2012 142,253.36 366 2013 144,426.86 350 2014 144,933.59 344 2015 140,274.20 326 2016 139,512.83 336 2017 175,104.86 288 SiNdUDD S17r'm 517466 %riv 6 51 St5�U6 S154fW � 41+5.006 $1au_{04 S1as.ao6 S1a6am $12! o= Council Agenda: 10/23/17 aeiinquent UtiIily Accounts keceivabie $65 7067 2009 M9 7Q16 7011 WU MU ZM4 7615 7016 2M7 A.1 Budget Impact: Delinquent utility assessments provide for the collection of revenue budgeted in the current year but not collected until a future year. In the end, utility charges are collected by quarterly bill payment or assessment. A.2 Staff Workload - The process for collecting delinquent utility amounts is time consuming with preparing and mailing delinquent notices; preparing and mailing notices of the public assessment hearing as well as other clerical work in preparing the amounts for certification. The most time-consuming step of the process is verifying the delinquent account data against Wright County property tax records. The $75 fee that is added to the delinquent accounts helps defray the cost of staff time and publication expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-79 approving the assessment roll for the delinquent utilities as presented. 2. Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-79 with adjustments to the assessment roll as directed by Council and based upon input during the public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $75 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2017-79 B. Listing of delinquent utility bills to be certified C. Delinquent Utility Assessment Analysis 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-79 ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFYING ASSESSMENTS TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR THE 2018 PAYABLE TAX YEAR WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota: Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted for the amount shown plus an additional $75 processing fee; and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessments shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable in the tax year of the first Monday in January 2018, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of October 23, 2017 until December 31, 2018. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time up to and including November 27, 2017, pay the whole of the assessment, with no interest, on such property to the City Clerk. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax list of the county. Such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator ATTACHMENT "A" Listing of Delinquent Utility Billing Accounts CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 2017-79 duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on October 23, 2017, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Notary Public: Date: (STAMP) DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLING 2016-2017 2018 Payable Taxes PID # First Name Last Name/Company Name Amt Due 155037008010 BETH TREMBLEY 57.56 155014003020 TOM & KRISTI MCEACHERN 172.43 155086007060 JAYRED & LORI KITTELSON 366.27 155109004030 MELODY LANG 467.01 155109001010 JOHNNY GREEN 123.98 155111002050 NICOLE JOHNSON 842.16 155040001020 MICHAEL PELARSKI 708.28 155061002080 MARTIN HACKENMUELLER 136.67 155086002150 JESSE & JENNY MIDAS 181.44 155107002010 CHRISTOPHER DOTSON 1,064.92 155086005080 LOIS MARSH 708.91 155086005050 TIMOTHY EVANS 922.67 155114001060 JAMES WITZMANN 78.88 155114002060 YURIY & GALINA MIKITYUK 163.07 155010057050 STEVEN & DEBORAH MERKLE 386.10 155126002050 CHAD & EMILY CARLSON 439.02 155126002030 SHAWN & AMY BECKER 410.92 155126001130 GREG & HEIDI ANDERSON 67.25 155114003020 TRACEY & TIFFANY MORGAN 228.48 155010044061 NIGEL SCHUETTE 327.51 155010067130 MARK MICHAELIS 871.53 155089002010 JOEL & ERIKA JOHNSON 164.09 155089003030 ANTHONY & STACIE WOODS 110.14 155044003060 MIKE & DEBBIE PRODAHL 287.38 155044003100 STEVEN & SANDRA POPLIN 58.07 155045001010 JEFFREY RICHARD 256.21 155045002110 KEVIN & MELISSA KACHMAREK 765.33 155045006010 KEVIN & KENDA LANG 719.95 155121002040 TIMOTHY & CHRISTINE BRADLEY 675.65 155059003070 WAYNE & ALYCE WITRY 697.58 155059002100 RONALD & SYLVIA DESSELLIER 64.65 155097002090 TED & HEIDI LARSON 1,462.42 155146010030 MARTY KJELLBERG 988.87 155080003060 DAVID & VIVIAN WALSTON 186.91 155080003020 MARK & AMY ERICKSON 1,141.72 155080006160 MICHAEL & NATALIE NELSON 1,103.02 155088006010 KENNETH & JESSICA WATTS 1,141.14 155103003170 COREY & CASSANDRA BENSON 2,057.64 155103003090 PATRICIA REISCHL 537.33 155103003070 JODY FELIX-JENSEN 457.41 155103001060 155103002020 155082001010 155073005080 155082003040 155088007010 155088003050 155082004050 155082004040 155082004020 155078003110 155078003140 155088002020 155078002160 155093001170 155133001150 155133001260 155090002170 155096002060 155090004010 155096001120 155090005010 155090006010 155096003020 155102001030 155105002030 155102002110 155102002010 155124003180 155130001040 155130001050 155116001040 155123001020 155123002150 155116002090 155122004050 155123005020 155134002010 155134002050 155134002080 155134001070 155134001080 155156003020 155156003050 JAMES & ANN SEAN PATRICK & JEANNE MANUEL STEVEN & JENNIFER RONALD & CHRISTINA LORI CHERYL BILL HARRY & DIONA JASON & DEANNA RICHARD & BRENDA MATTHEW & MARLO MARK & PAMELA BRENT & INGRID JODI KIM DION & JULIE EDGAR TIMOTHY JEFFREY & LINDA DEAN & NICKOLE KYLE & MICHELLE BRENT & TAMMY MICHAEL & KIMBERLY CYNTHIA BRETT & CARMEN ENRIQUE DALE & ALEA KEVIN YAJAIRA JOHN KEVEN RICK ANDREW & LISA JESUS & CHRISTINE MICHAEL ARTHUR & ROSEANNE ANTHONY & KIMBERLY PAMELA JARED & ANGELA LORI DAVID & GINA JEREMY CRONEN JOHNSON WINSOR NAVARRETE WALSH HEITZ ROUSHAR ESTATE LABAR MICKLE GRIMLEY FORSTER KULHANEK ANDERSON NEUMANN AGRE WUOLLET VICKERMAN ENGENE BOOS OCHIENG RUCH GOODWIN ROBERTS BLOMBERG BELLAND WATTERS TROY MAKI MUNOZ STANGER FIETEK VALDEZ BRETT JR KASTER EVANS SAWATZKE CASTILLO MURPHY DURAN BARTZ STEFFES HARTFIEL SEBECK BROWN FOSS 380.27 395.10 644.22 681.72 1,296.40 1,163.65 800.55 1,820.76 473.57 1,274.17 176.70 298.80 294.21 1,027.10 881.22 553.45 122.27 914.70 913.54 708.65 748.19 218.56 207.25 1,247.13 1,148.70 291.65 1,070.28 1,670.38 745.53 453.86 158.94 303.25 544.26 756.03 645.53 2,411.48 1,044.18 325.64 242.38 1,561.58 104.57 421.60 382.29 128.36 155167002110 THOMAS & MERCEDES TURNER 1,292.65 155160011080 ANGELA PETERSON 535.34 155183001080 LISA INGERSOLL 1,332.59 155125001100 CHRISTOPHER HANSON 512.50 155125004010 NATHANIEL & VICTORIA WEAH 265.10 155125007140 MATTHEW GMACH 241.48 155125006030 RYAN & DAYNA BITZ 768.62 155132004030 RAFAEL ZUNIGA 270.05 155132005050 JARED & APRIL VEDDERS 1,053.53 155132006030 D'ARCY HOLM 753.53 155132006070 DANIEL & ANGELA WOLKERSTORFER 1,468.74 155132010050 GARY & TINA HANGSLEBEN 1,628.61 155132010080 ROCHELLE CAVNESS 959.49 155132001020 MICHAEL & KRISTIE FITZPATRICK 1,095.41 155132002020 KYLE & CHRISTINA OEN 1,708.91 155132003150 BRADLEY BURAU 931.29 155132003220 JEFFREY & KAREN CHRISTOPHERSON 526.16 155132003330 KEVIN & JEAN RUNDGREN 579.71 155154002010 CALVIN FREUDENRICH 225.20 155142002190 RUSSELL & JULIE NOGA 211.50 155142005080 BRENDA WHITTAKER 1,057.32 155118001010 CHAD & ELIZABETH COOPER 1,175.07 155151006180 TIMOTHY & KRISTEN SWAIN 953.07 155154006050 SHANNON SORENSEN 105.53 155155004040 DUSTIN & ELIZABETH KRUCHTEN 907.96 155010052131 BIFF'S GARAGE 212.52 155163005010 SHAWN LIPITT 1,074.67 155163005040 GINA ARCHER 994.13 155199001140 MICHAEL & KELLI MCGILL 90.50 155020005111 ROBERT & EMILY MAYBERRY 169.52 155010042100 MOLLY KRIENKE 923.11 155040003110 KENDALL SCHUMANN 590.48 155135002010 MELISSA UNGLAUB 1,029.01 155159002120 KEITH & DAWN COX 1,091.43 155159006010 ANDREW & STEPHANIE DUSZYNSKI 1,197.63 155159007020 JASON KELLY 948.48 155033002070 JEREMY RICKSON 236.19 155159008380 CRYSTAL DAHN 678.22 155160010060 KRISTA LEE 1,116.58 155086001170 CARRIE HEIL 598.93 155033001340 DEBRA MEYER 770.71 155151006010 BRENT HEDQUIST 1,584.46 155151005140 DANIEL & EVANGELINE KNIGHT 291.65 155151005070 MARK HAFFEMAN 643.75 155015035060 STEVEN & JENNIFER VANDYKE 1,246.17 155010011030 BONNIE MILLER 582.32 155145001020 NALENGE & WEHOANU WAGBALA 876.02 155145001050 LINDSEY KING (WALTERS) 571.36 155021002170 TRACY & BRENDA FOSS 603.07 155020003010 KIMBERLY LEGRO 765.04 155048001040 JASON & LINDA HINZ 1,158.54 155013001130 CORREY PETERS 1,916.32 155500142401 L & W ASSOCIATES 224.62 155048001130 RANDY & ALLISON BAKKEN 2,043.16 155031003030 MARGARET DRAHOTA 415.34 155035001140 TERESITA KOJETIN 1,027.47 155031001070 JAMES CELLETTE 1,165.74 155030001050 MICHAEL & BRENDA WRONA 440.16 155046001040 JEANINE HOGLUND 114.35 155033001230 ELIZABETH JOHNSON 570.70 155033001080 BENJAMIN KOLLES 557.18 155033001050 TIMOTHY BENSON 788.43 155033004050 DONNA & MICHAEL WEINZETL 992.98 155119001100 RICK FORSGREN 227.60 155013002061 JOE GRUBBA 272.90 155155004070 KATHERINE HERNANDEZ 1,066.78 155140001070 RYAN & BRITTANY KOLLES 225.83 155010053070 SEVEN K -P PROPERTIES 1,318.37 155134004020 THOMAS & ILLEANA TURNER SR 803.36 155121005080 ANGELA SCHULTZ 848.50 155080006150 MARK COADY 755.13 155134002070 DUSTIN WATERHOUSE 107.99 155182010040 SCOTT ADRIAN 300.65 155168001200 JEFFREY ANDRIST 408.88 155078004030 ADAM & AMANDA HARTUNG 52.49 155159008090 BONNIE SWEARINGEN 95.96 155111002060 AMBER & GREG HENDEL 817.97 155010040020 GAYLE POEPPING 139.51 155024001030 JASON & MICHELLE RISLUND 511.53 155182011030 STEVE & MARCIA KNASE 821.75 155182002010 RONALD & JACLYN DVORAK 568.49 155159002090 JAMIE CLINE 427.21 155155004020 HEATHER GERADS 227.26 155015011060 BREANNA CARLSON 588.08 155015002011 ANDI TISCHNER 798.57 155057002040 NICHOLAS KEPHART 213.00 155015013020 REGGIE THOMPSON 846.96 155090002090 THERESA PARTHUM 2.011.48 155082004080 GRETCHEN SINGH 275.61 155123001050 KARI WISE 1,118.92 155159008320 RYAN & KELLY EBERLING 93.10 155147007060 ERIC HARMS 156.09 155173003080 THOMAS & DANIELLE LAPLANT III 1,087.18 155088002080 JAMES DITTFACH 463.93 155182012010 RANDY & MARTHA BRANDT 809.50 155121001030 JAELA VAN 1,069.65 155086001140 ROSALINDA MENDEZ 557.00 155112001020 CRAIG PICKEN 148.28 155142004060 BRITT & TAMI EMANUEL 1,244.03 155040004050 JEREMY& LEE MOSHIER 58.76 155086007080 GREGORY JENNINGS 1,029.04 155019007040 DEBRA ACKERMAN 162.90 155010049150 NATHAN & AMY HERFINDAHL 606.97 155173003190 MELISSA SWANSON 278.36 155124003120 PHIL & CLAIRE EKSTROM 117.14 155082003150 ANDREW STEVENS 841.55 155010027040 STEVE BROWN 2,071.15 155102001090 DORENE LARSON 88.83 155142001040 JESSE SEIB 545.68 155086001070 HEATHER YENDER 164.19 155035004020 JACOB TORKELSON 310.44 155078002120 AMY BOETTCHER 300.10 155151004280 SYTHA & SENGMANY INTHISANE 593.81 155123003110 SUSAN SKOOG 825.64 155159007180 JASMINE CASTILLO 904.10 155142001110 LORI HENNAN 603.79 155021002040 LORIE MOSSBERG 785.63 155700006120 LENA POTVIN 526.61 155168001160 RYAN & SARAH MORRELL 545.60 155102001120 MARK & SARAH COADY 747.03 155082002100 YANIK JOHNSON 463.48 155124001010 BRAD & CATHERINE TRAEGER 137.50 155035006010 DANIELLE TIREVOLD 557.79 155180002150 MATTHEW & KRISTEN POHLKAMP 894.36 155035004110 ALICIA ROELIKE 528.84 155015032060 LANICE COLEPALMER 212.94 155134003010 KEITH BAILEY 76.27 155086002090 TESA BROWN 1,309.83 155010033090 PATRICIA SCHULER ESTATE 206.30 155024001110 BRIDGET BROOKS 100.51 155078004080 MICHAEL CLAIRE 265.98 155080002070 MICHAEL & LINDA SNYDER 201.66 155159005080 ERIKA GOMEZ 699.60 155016000020 CHRISTOPHER HOLTZ 675.69 155069003010 LUCAS & RACHEL NELSON 847.55 155082005020 ROSS YINGLING 310.93 155107002100 ETHAN AMBROZIAK 72.02 155151004030 KRIS SKOMSOYVOG 1,060.97 155155003150 SARAH DAHN 1,853.50 155015012030 EARL & SUSAN MISNER 2,248.97 155159007030 DARYL & KAREN SCHOMBER 347.46 155159007670 RYAN BEGGS 404.81 155154007010 PHILIP JOHNSON 286.69 155130002060 AARON MANUELL 1,160.26 155078002110 ANGELA BERG 727.67 155180004010 ANTHONY & HEATHER JOHNSON 229.38 155033002140 MATTHEW MULHOLLAM 297.44 155103001070 JEFFREY MCGEE 124.45 155105005080 JOSEPH HUTTON 79.74 155010038090 OWEN THURSTON 499.16 155147003030 SAMUEL BARDER 230.73 155177001010 JOSHUA HJELM 324.25 155010056040 MELANIE JOHNSON 53.66 155177002030 ALISON SCHULLER 631.31 155080007070 JENNIFER NIEMANN 884.82 155010039130 DANIEL & STEPHANIE DUNCAN 210.71 155133001190 DANIELLE SMITH 1,029.92 155057002060 SEAN LAWRENCE 508.23 155086005070 ANTHONY HERMES 61.80 155071001020 ANDREW PEARSON 410.82 155159008030 ROSS JORDAN 370.82 155159008260 KAYLIE VOSS 218.35 155167001080 JENNA NELSON 889.08 155160002040 DONOVAN ISHAM 64.35 155045005020 BURHAAN QAASIM 617.54 155010071030 ANGELA BERNARD 132.67 155015014090 DUSTIN & HEATHER ANDERSON 697.73 155147006040 CHERI FAUE 439.36 155090001070 DEBRA BRAY -GRAVES 216.31 155026002060 GREGORY TIREVOLD 261.60 155149001020 RANDY & SARA SCHWARTZ 903.68 155111003040 PRESTON & AMBER CRUSER 283.21 155159008050 MELISSA PACHECO 194.92 155086005190 JOHN SCHWARTZ 888.85 155086002020 NICHOLAS FRANKS 685.62 155182011010 GWEN KING 112.96 155147003050 ELIZABETH TADYCH 334.08 155159007420 AMANDA OLDING 195.87 155086001060 RICK & LORI BIGELOW 114.93 155116007010 KIM REED 109.41 155235003020 CARRIE DOTEN 160.19 155073002020 SCOTT PFEISTER 314.05 155033001290 JASON & SARAH THOMPSON 95.77 155173005480 BEN & ANGELLA HOGLUND 72.10 155111001010 MATTHEW & JESSICA POFF 204.61 155119001100 MELISSA ZINKEN 295.49 155059002020 SHAWN & TONYA TIERNEY 110.99 155070001100 MARC PEGUES 609.60 155102002040 BENJAMIN & SHANNEN RUDOLPH 579.35 155179004030 LINDSEY WELCH 501.53 155159007470 RACHEL BOUCHARD 104.79 155159008080 WHITNEY TURNER 149.51 155010016080 SHELDON SIEG 119.97 155073006080 RICKIE & JUANITA VAUGHN 738.61 155159008280 JESSY BERGER 177.72 155163004020 MARK JOHNSON 151.38 155153001090 AMBER RASMUSSEN 554.47 155180004040 MATTHEW & JESSICA NORTON 1,414.12 155125005190 ALEX JOSSART 209.43 155180002030 JAMES & JESSICA DUNHAM 616.37 155151005160 MARGARITA CONTRERAS 369.34 155172002100 BRIAN MINKS 545.86 155156002020 ANDREW & MORGAN MANNING 239.51 155235004050 JASON CASPERSON 110.36 175,104.86 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Delinquent Utility Accounts rn M rn rn m rn rn rn rn m o rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn m O N M V u'1 lD I� 00 rn O O i t/? O O O O O O O O O A c -I N M �t Ln lO r� 00 rn t/} V} V} V} V} V} V} L? L? 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 ■ 2017 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 ■ 2017 Delinquent Utility Amounts $80,000 $70,000 - $60,000 - $50,000 - $40,000 - $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn o rn O L1 a-i N M V7 l0 00 rn O O O O O O O O O O AO Iq V1� N V} M V} � V7 l0 V} V} L? 1, 4^ 00 4^ rn Ln 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Delinquent Utility Accounts rn M rn rn m rn rn rn rn m o rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn m O N M V u'1 lD I� 00 rn O O i t/? O O O O O O O O O A c -I N M �t Ln lO r� 00 rn t/} V} V} V} V} V} V} L? L? 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 ■ 2017 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 ■ 2017 City of Monticello Delinquent Utility Assessment Analysis (Tiers) Range 2017 2016 Amount 2015 Low High 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 $ - $ 99.99 $ 1,381.76 $ 3,140.98 $ 2,195.52 $ 2,670.84 $ 2,331.07 $ 2,939.72 100.00 199.99 5,623.20 11,011.64 12,452.83 11,543.58 14,193.87 12,852.74 200.00 299.99 10,294.13 12,220.20 10,504.74 10,874.87 12,399.98 13,382.93 300.00 399.99 6,148.55 12,064.74 11,381.93 11,144.05 13,665.78 13,731.06 400.00 499.99 7,496.54 13,257.97 12,214.15 13,268.08 12,014.28 14,466.09 500.00 599.99 15,472.59 13,622.88 15,884.06 14,784.07 18,610.42 18,833.89 600.00 699.99 11,713.96 14,790.63 15,514.55 20,883.98 15,613.94 19,441.71 700.00 799.99 14,259.84 15,748.73 11,870.75 15,539.78 10,611.55 11,169.20 800.00 899.99 15,291.37 8,392.55 11,863.17 10,067.12 8,393.00 5,941.02 900.00 999.99 13,158.07 5,813.11 3,787.41 6,626.90 9,600.96 7,643.39 1,000.00 3,500.00 74,264.85 29,449.40 32,605.09 27,530.32 26,992.01 21,851.61 $ 175,104.86 $ 139,512.83 $ 140,274.20 $ 144,933.59 $ 144,426.86 $ 142,253.36 City of Monticello Delinquent Utility Analysis Summary (Statistics) Statistical 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Amount $ 175,104.86 $ 139,512.83 $ 140,274.20 $ 144,933.59 $ 144,426.86 $ 142,253.36 Count 288 336 326 344 350 366 Low $ 52.49 $ 50.41 $ 50.94 $ 50.00 $ 53.54 $ 50.08 High $ 2,411.48 $ 2,422.77 $ 3,394.98 $ 2,065.59 $ 2,484.27 $ 2,646.44 Average $ 610.68 $ 415.22 $ 430.29 $ 421.32 $ 412.65 $ 388.67 Medium $ 537.33 $ 310.51 $ 309.78 $ 349.06 $ 306.87 $ 297.83 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 4A. Consideration to approve Ordinance No 684 and Summary Ordinance 684A for an Amendment to Monticello Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 13 — Telecommunication Towers and Antennas and related Sections as related to Small Cell and Wireless Telecommunication standards. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. (NAC) Property: Legal: NA Address: NA Planning Case Number: 2017-034 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for "small-cell" wireless communications facilities, pursuant to recent changes in state law. Deadline for Decision: December 31, 2017 Project Description: During the recent legislative session, the state adopted new regulations permitting certain wireless data providers to locate facilities (poles, antennae, and related technical support equipment) within the public right of way, subject to specific requirements. These changes were made to require accommodation of "small cell" facilities, rather than the "large cell" facilities that have been prominent in the development of the cellular telecommunications industry. Much of the regulation of these facilities will be adopted as a part of a Right of Way ordinance within the general City Code — that ordinance is being addressed by the City Council. Certain aspects of these facilities implicate zoning restrictions, particularly where they may be located within residential or historic areas. As such, these companion zoning amendments are proposed, concurrent with the separate adoption of the Right of Way ordinance. ANALYSIS Section 4.13 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulates various types of wireless communications facilities in the City, applying to (generally) the use of private lands for these facilities. Recently, the telecommunications industry has been promoting the need to locate certain types of facilities ("small cell") within public right of way, similar to other utility installations such as electrical or telephone. Most cities City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 resisted the unrestricted use of public right of way for this additional use, for both aesthetic and right of way management reasons. Concern over the unregulated proliferation of new poles in the right of way was a part of the aesthetic issue. Placement, management, and potential interference with other existing utilities, as well as street lighting, traffic control signage, and other related issues, raised a greater concern. The state legislature eventually passed new legislation that required cities to allow these installations in the public right of way, subject to a few limitations. Most of those limitations are built into the Right of Way ordinance, mentioned above, as a part of the general City Code. A few, however, relate to zoning ordinance regulation, and as such, this separate zoning amendment is being considered. The two aspects of the legislation that most directly impact zoning are as follows: (1) The City may require a Conditional Use Permit when such a facility is proposed in right of way that is within a residential zone or an historical district; and (2), the City may limit the height of the support structures (poles), but may not establish a maximum height limit of less than 50 feet. Other than the residential and historic areas, the City must consider the "small cell" installation a permitted use in the right of way, subject to certain provisions that allow for lease, permit, and rent requirements. The proposed amendment is structured to address only those requirements specific to the zoning aspects of the legislation noted above (residential district CUP and height). For all other aspects, the City's Right of Way ordinance will provide the regulatory requirements. It should be noted that "small-cell" facilities may choose to locate on private property under the current zoning regulations addressing "large cell" facilities. The proposed changes to Section 4.13 are highlighted below: Section 4.13 (E) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae and Antenna Support Structures Wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures, for the purposes of this ordinance, shall mean any equipment necessary to provide or support all types of wireless electronic communications, including, but not necessarily limited to, wireless "cellular" telephone, radio, and internet transmission and reception communications between mobile communications providers and users, including public safety communications. "Small cell" wireless antennae and antenna support structures, defined exclusivelv as those facilities that are fifty (50) feet or less in height and located within the public right of wav subiect to the Citv's Right of Wav N City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 ordinance, are generally excepted from these provisions. Such facilities are subiect to the provisions of Section 4.13 (E)(3). (1) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae (a) Co -location of antennae for personal wireless services shall be a conditional use in all zoning districts on any existing conforming antenna support structure. (2) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae Support Structures (a) Except as otherwise allowed by Section 4.13(E)(2)(b) below, support structures for personal wireless service antennae shall be allowed as an accessory use only by conditional use permit, subject to the following provisions: (i) Antenna support structures for personal wireless services shall be no greater in height than the maximum height requirements of the zoning district in which the antenna support structure is located, unless otherwise allowed within this section. (ii) Antenna support structures for personal wireless services "A -O" zoning district, all residential zoning districts and the "B-1" zoning district shall be required to be attached to, or mounted upon, the principal building, and shall match said building in color and other design features so as to minimize visibility. (iii) Antenna support structures for personal wireless services in the `B-2", `B-3" and `B-4" zoning district shall be limited in height to seventy five (75) feet as measured from the natural grade at the location of the structure. (iv) Antenna support structures for personal wireless services in the "I", Industrial districts shall be limited in height to one hundred fifty (150) feet as measured from the natural grade at the location of the structure. (v) Any antenna support structure shall be designed to accommodate the colocation of other antenna arrays. (vi) Any freestanding antenna support structure shall be of monopole design. (vii) All freestanding antenna support structures for personal wireless services shall be painted a galvanized light -grey color. 3 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 (b) Support structures for personal wireless service antenna may be allowed as an accessory use by Conditional Use Permit on residentially zoned lots occupied by public uses, subject to the following provisions: (i) The site upon which the antenna support structure is located is occupied by a principal structure. (ii) In no case shall an antenna support structure exceed one hundred ninety nine (199) feet as measured from natural grade at the location of the structure. (iii) Any antenna support structure shall be designed to accommodate the colocation of other antenna arrays. (iv) Any freestanding antenna support structure shall be of monopole design. (v) All freestanding antenna support structures for personal wireless services shall be finished with a galvanized light -grey color. (vi) The provisions of Section 4.13(F) of this Chapter are satisfied (3) "Small Cell" Wireless Facilities. (a) "Small cell" wireless service antennae and antenna support structures shall require a Conditional Use Permit when located in the right of wav adiacent to anv residentially zoned parcel. PUD (Planned Unit Development) zoned proiect which includes residential dwellings, or other residential use, or anv historic district. The CUP shall be reviewed pursuant to the provisions of Section Z4(A) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, and anv other relevant restrictions. No Conditional Use Permit shall be granted for anv such facilitv that creates a substantial burden on the adioining residential area or the public right of wav in which it is located. (b) No "small cell" support structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height above the finished grade of the ground on which the structure is located. (c) Notwithstanding subp. (b), the Citv may approve "small cell" facilities taller than fifty (50) feet by Conditional Use Permit in rights of wav adiacent to non-residential property when the Citv finds that such approval will have specific and substantial public benefits, including, but not limited to, reduction in the overall L! City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 number or visual impacts of such facilities in the public right of wa -- (d) Small cell facilities proposed to be co -located on existing support structures, such as parking lot light poles, may be allowed as permitted uses provided no portion of the existing support structure or proposed antenna will exceed the allowable height for such structures in the subiect zoning district and that the property is not a residentially zoned parcel. PUD (Planned Unit Development) zoned proiect which includes residential dwellings, or other residential use, or anv historic district, (e) Anv small cell wireless service antennae or new antenna support structures located outside of the public right of wav, such as on private property, regardless of ownership, and which would exceed the allowable height for the support structure in the subiect zoning district shall require a Conditional Use Permit and be subiect to all other general requirements of Section 4.13, including this section, as well as anv other applicable zoning or city code restrictions. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed this item on October 3rd, 2017 during their regular meeting, holding a hearing on the proposed amendment. No public was present to provide comment on the requests. Planning Commission's discussion focused on the limited ability to regulate small cell facilities in the right of way and noted that the ordinance proposed allows the for the review of small cell structures proposed in right of way adjacent to residential properties. The Commission also requested clarification on the regulation of small cell facilities versus larger wireless communication support structures. The Commission also noted that the small facilities are limited in terms of the dimensional area they are allowed to occupy. Staff did recommend an additional clarifier to the proposed ordinance language in section 3(d) above, allowing small cell co -location on private property structures as a permitted use, noting that the allowance is only for non-residential parcels. After discussion, the Planning Commission motioned 5-0 to recommend approval of the proposed amendment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 5 City Council Agenda — 10/23/2017 Decision 1: Ordinance Amendment 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 684 approving an amendment relating to Small Cell wireless facilities, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-033. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Ordinance No. 684, based on findings identified at the public hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to submission of additional information. Decision 2: Summary Ordinance 1. Motion to adopt Summary Ordinance No. 684A approving an amendment relating to Small Cell wireless facilities, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017- 033. 4. Motion to deny adoption of Summary Ordinance No. 684A, based on findings identified at the public hearing. Motion to table action on the resolution, subject to submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the amendment, Alternative 1. Without the additional ordinance language, the installation of such facilities could go unregulated, resulting in a series of potential conflicts with traffic safety and other utility requirements in the public right of way. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2017-033 B. Ordinance No. 684, Draft, Summary Ordinance 684A C. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts a. Chapter 4, Section 13 b. Accessory Use Table, Chapter 5, Section.3 D. City Council Staff Report and Right of Way Ordinance (digital only): httn://www. ci.monticello.mn.us/vertical/sites/%7B46185197-6086-4078- ADDC-OF3918715C4C%7D/uploads/4A AMA Ord ROW Policv.ndf C CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2017-033 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.13(E), OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADDING REGULATIONS FOR "SMALL CELL" WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance regulates wireless telecommunications facilities on private property; and WHEREAS, the City Code has been amended to accommodate limited "small cell" telecommunications facilities in the public right of way; and WHEREAS, certain small cell facilities are affected by applicable Zoning Ordinance provisions, both on private property and in the public right of way; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello finds that limiting and defining such "small cell" facilities is consistent with both State law and local intent; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 3rd, 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed amendment is necessary to comply with State law, and to manage the City's right of way. 2. The proposed amendment is necessary to accommodate colocation of small cell antennae on private property, consistent with the City's regulation of wireless communications. 3. The proposed amendment will encourage colocation and preservation of scarce public right of way resources. 4. The amendment further allows the City to ensure that existing utilities in the public right of way are adequately protected. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: That the City Council should approve the amendment to the zoning ordinance amending Chapter 4, Section 4.13(E) regulating the installation, maintenance, and other aspects of "small cell" wireless telecommunications facilities. ADOPTED this 3'd day of October, 2017, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Angela S, MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: Arad Fyle, Clair b' j ,elopment Director 2 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.13, FOR "SMALL CELL" WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS. Section 1. Chapter 4, Section 4.13 (E) is hereby amended to add the following: Section 4.13 (E) (E) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae and Antenna Support Structures Wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures, for the purposes of this ordinance, shall mean any equipment necessary to provide or support all types of wireless electronic communications, including, but not necessarily limited to, wireless "cellular" telephone, radio, and internet transmission and reception communications between mobile communications providers and users, including public safety communications. "Small cell" wireless antennae and antenna support structures, defined exclusivelv as those facilities that are ON (50) feet or less in height and located within the public right of wav subiect to the Citv's Right of Wav ordinance, are generally excepted from these provisions. Such facilities are subiect to the provisions of Section 4.13 E 3. (3) "Small Cell" Wireless Facilities. (a) "Small cell" wireless service antennae and antenna support structures shall require a Conditional Use Permit when located in the right of way adjacent to any residentially zoned parcel, PUD (Planned Unit Development) zoned project which includes residential dwellings, or other residential use, or any historic district. The CUP shall be reviewed pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.4(A) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, and any other relevant restrictions. No Conditional Use Permit shall be granted for any such facility that creates a substantial burden on the adjoining residential area or the public right of way in which it is located. (b) No "small cell" support structure shall exceed fifty (50) feet in height above the finished grade of the ground on which the structure is located. (c) Notwithstanding subp. (b), the City may approve "small cell" facilities taller than fifty (50) feet by Conditional Use Permit in rights of way adjacent to non-residential property when the City finds that such approval will have specific and substantial public benefits, including, but not limited to, reduction in the overall number or visual impacts of such facilities in the public right of way. (d) Small cell facilities proposed to be co -located on existing support structures on private property, such as parking lot light poles, may be allowed as permitted uses provided no portion of the existing support structure or proposed antenna will exceed the allowable height for such structures in the subject zoning district and that the property is not a residentially zoned parcel, PUD (Planned Unit Development) zoned project which includes residential dwellings, or other residential use, or any historic district, (e) Any small cell wireless service antennae or new antenna support structures located outside of the public right of way, such as on private property, regardless of ownership, and which would exceed the allowable height for the support structure in the subject zoning district shall require a Conditional Use Permit and be subject to all other general requirements of Section 4.13, including this section, as well as any other applicable zoning or city code restrictions. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations and diagrams that result from such amendments, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 684A CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING CODE, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.13 FOR "SMALL CELL" WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on October 23, 2017, Ordinance No. 684 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 684, the following Summary Ordinance No. 684A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council amends Title 10 of the Monticello Zoning Code. The general purpose of the ordinance amendment is an amendment to the following section: Section 4.13(E) Telecommunications Towers and Antennas A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City's regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City's website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 23rd day of October, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (A) Purpose (iii) Identify problem areas where shadow flicker will interfere with existing or future residences and roadways and describe proposed mitigation measures, including, but not limited to, a change in siting of the WECS, a change in the operation of the WECS, or grading or landscaping mitigation measures. (i) Decommissioning Plan; and (j) Description of potential impacts on nearby WECS and wind resources on adjacent properties. 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas (A) Purpose The City of Monticello acknowledges the legal right of telecommunication providers to locate within the City, and the need to accommodate the communication needs of residents and businesses. However, the City wishes to implement its legal authority to adopt zoning requirements which are nondiscriminatory, not intended to prohibit telecommunications service, and not based on health effects of radio frequency emissions. In order to establish uniform, nondiscriminatory regulations that protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the City, these regulations are intended to: (1) Minimize adverse visual effects of towers through careful design, landscaping, and siting standards. (2) Avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from tower failure and weather related occurrences through structural standards and setback requirements; (3) Maximize the use of existing and approved towers and buildings to accommodate new telecommunication antennas in order to reduce the number of towers needed to serve the community; (4) Utilize business, industrial and public land, buildings and structures for telecommunications whenever possible and/or appropriate; (5) Provide for the appropriate location and development of towers and antennas to accommodate the communication needs of the residents and businesses within the City of Monticello; City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 307 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (B) Private Amateur Radio (B) Private Amateur Radio Private Amateur Radio, for the purposes of this Ordinance, shall mean equipment, including antennae, antennae support structures, and other related material, necessary to conduct Ham and Short Wave Radio reception and transmissions, only for use by those persons properly licensed by the Federal Communications Commission for such reception and transmissions, and who are in full compliance with all licensing requirements. (1) One (1) antenna and associated antenna support structure shall be a permitted accessory use in all zoning districts, provided that: (a) The owner/operator has current versions of all required licenses to operate said equipment. (b) All equipment shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, and pursuant to valid building and electrical permits, and any other applicable permit requirements. (c) Subject to CUP provisions in Section 4.13(B)(1)(d) of this chapter, no antenna or antenna support structure shall exceed the allowable height limits of the applicable zoning district in which it is located, plus twenty (20) feet. (d) By Conditional Use Permit, the height provisions of Section 4.13(B)(1)(c) of this chapter may be exceeded, up to a maximum height of seventy (70) feet, upon a showing that the additional height is necessary for proper function of the equipment due to interference from terrain, vegetation, or adjoining buildings. Any such additional height shall require a setback from all property lines of no less than one-half (1/2) foot for every one (1) foot above the limits established in Section 4.13(B)(1)(c). (e) Except as allowed by Section 4.13(B)(1)(f) of this chapter, no freestanding antenna or antenna support structure shall be located within any required yard other than the rear yard of any parcel. (f) An antenna and its support structure may be located within the buildable area of a lot if mounted directly to the principal structure. Page 308 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (D) Commercial Transmission/Reception Antennae and Antenna Support Structures (2) Any private amateur radio antenna or antenna support structure which is no longer in use, or for which the owner of property no longer has valid licenses, or which has fallen into disrepair to the extent that it can no longer serve its intended purpose, or which constitutes a hazard or nuisance, shall be considered a violation of the zoning ordinance, and shall be removed. (C) Private Receiving Antennae and Antenna Support Structures Private Receiving Antennae and Antenna Support Structures, for the purposes of this ordinance, shall mean television and other electronic reception antennae for private use. (1) Private antennae less than three (3) meters in width and related support structures shall be a permitted accessory use in all zoning districts, provided that: (a) No antenna or antenna support structure shall exceed the allowable height limits of the applicable zoning district in which it is located, plus twenty (20) feet. (b) No freestanding antenna or antenna support structure shall be located within any required yard other than the rear yard of any parcel. (c) An antenna and its support structure may be located within the buildable area of a lot if mounted directly to the principal structure. (2) Any private antenna or antenna support structure which is no longer in use, or which has fallen into disrepair to the extent that it can no longer serve its intended purpose, or which constitutes a hazard or nuisance, shall be considered a violation of the zoning ordinance, and shall be removed. (D) Commercial Transmission/Reception Antennae and Antenna Support Structures Commercial Transmission and Reception Antennae and Antenna Support Structures, for the purposes of this ordinance, shall mean commercial and industrial communications equipment accessory to business operations of one meter in width or greater, but not personal wireless telecommunications service equipment. (1) Commercial transmission/reception antennae and antenna support structures shall be allowed as accessory uses only by Conditional Use Permit following the provisions of Section 2.4(D) of the zoning ordinance, and shall comply with the following additional requirements: (a) Antennae and antenna support structures for commercial transmission/reception shall not occupy the front yard of any parcel. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 309 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (E) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae and Antenna Support Structures (b) Antennae and antenna support structures allowed under this section shall be fully screened from adjoining residentially zoned parcels. (c) Antennae and antenna support structures allowed under this section shall be fully screened from adjoining public right of way. (d) Antennae and antenna support structures allowed under this section shall be fully screened from adjoining commercially -zoned property, that is, any parcel with a `B" zoning designation. (e) Antennae and antenna support structures allowed under this section shall meet all other zoning conditions related to the location of mechanical equipment, whether ground or roof -top mounted. (E) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae and Antenna Suuport Structures Wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures, for the purposes of this ordinance, shall mean any equipment necessary to provide or support all types of wireless electronic communications, including, but not necessarily limited to, wireless "cellular" telephone, radio, and internet transmission and reception communications between mobile communications providers and users, including public safety communications. (1) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae (a) Co -location of antennae for personal wireless services shall be a conditional use in all zoning districts on any existing conforming antenna support structure. (2) Wireless Telecommunications Service Antennae Support Structures (a) Except as otherwise allowed by Section 4.13(E)(2)(b) below, support structures for personal wireless service antennae shall be allowed as an accessory use only by conditional use permit, subject to the following provisions: (i) Antenna support structures for personal wireless services shall be no greater in height than the maximum height requirements of the zoning district in which the antenna support structure is located, unless otherwise allowed within this section. Page 310 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (F) General provisions for wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures. (ii) Antenna support structures for personal wireless services "A -O" zoning district, all residential zoning districts and the `B-1" zoning district shall be required to be attached to, or mounted upon, the principal building, and shall match said building in color and other design features so as to minimize visibility. (iii) Antenna support structures for personal wireless services in the `B-2", "B-3" and `134" zoning district shall be limited in height to seventy five (75) feet as measured from the natural grade at the location of the structure. (iv) Antenna support structures for personal wireless services in the "P', Industrial districts shall be limited in height to one hundred fifty (150) feet as measured from the natural grade at the location of the structure. (v) Any antenna support structure shall be designed to accommodate the co - location of other antenna arrays. (vi) Any freestanding antenna support structure shall be of monopole design. (vii) All freestanding antenna support structures for personal wireless services shall be painted a galvanized light -grey color. (b) Support structures for personal wireless service antenna may be allowed as an accessory use by Conditional Use Permit on residentially zoned lots occupied by public uses, subject to the following provisions: (i) The site upon which the antenna support structure is located is occupied by a principal structure. (ii) In no case shall an antenna support structure exceed one hundred ninety nine (199) feet as measured from natural grade at the location of the structure. (iii) Any antenna support structure shall be designed to accommodate the colocation of other antenna arrays. (iv) Any freestanding antenna support structure shall be of monopole design. (v) All freestanding antenna support structures for personal wireless services shall be finished with a galvanized light -grey color. (vi) The provisions of Section 4.13(F) of this Chapter are satisfied. (F) General provisions for wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures. (1) No new freestanding antenna support structure shall be located within one (1) mile of any existing freestanding antenna support structure. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 31 1 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (F) General provisions for wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures. (2) No new freestanding antenna support structure shall be approved when there exists a co -location opportunity within one-half (1/2) mile of the proposed structure location. (3) Prerequisite A proposal for a new telecommunications tower shall not be approved unless it can be documented by the applicant to the satisfaction of the City that the telecommunications equipment planned for the proposed tower cannot be accommodated on an existing or approved tower or structure within a one (1) mile radius of the proposed tower—transcending all municipal boundaries—due to one or more of the following reasons: (a) The planned equipment would exceed the structural capacity of an existing or approved tower or building, as documented by a licensed professional engineer, and any existing or approved tower or structure cannot be reinforced, modified, or replaced to accommodate planned or equivalent equipment at a reasonable cost. (b) The planned equipment would cause interference with other existing or planned equipment at the tower or structure. (e) Existing or approved towers and structures within a one (1) mile radius cannot accommodate the planned equipment at a height necessary for reasonable function. (d) The applicant has demonstrated that location of the antennas, as proposed is necessary to provide adequate coverage and capacity to areas which cannot be adequately served by locating the antennas in a less restrictive district or an existing structure. Information provided as part of the capacity analysis, that is a trade secret, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13.37, shall be classified as non-public data. (e) Other unforeseen reasons that make it unfeasible to locate the telecommunications equipment upon an existing or approved tower or building. (4) Siting Provisions (a) Antennae shall be located on existing buildings and structures whenever possible. Page 312 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (F) General provisions for wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures. (b) No part of any antenna or antenna support structure, nor any appurtenances to such structure or antenna, shall extend over any public right of way or property line, nor be located within an public utility or drainage easement. (c) Antenna support structures shall be designed to replicate materials and colors of similar structures in the area, such as lighting or utility poles. (5) Setbacks (a) In all zoning districts, the antenna support structure and any appurtenant structures shall comply with the minimum setback requirements of the district in which the proposed structure is to be located, or the distance determined as the fall zone of the structure by a licensed professional engineer, whichever is greater. (b) In all Zoning Districts, no freestanding antenna support structure shall be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of an existing residence, or the proposed home location on an approved Preliminary Plat. (c) All antenna support structures shall be located in the rear yard of parcel whenever practical. (6) Design and Construction (a) No advertising or identification of any kind intended to be visible from the ground or other structures is permitted, except applicable warning and equipment information signage required by the manufacturer or by federal, state, or local authorities. (b) All antennae, antenna support structures, and accessory structures shall be in compliance with all City and State Building Codes, as applicable, and shall obtain all necessary permits. (c) Structure design, mounting and installation of the antenna and antenna support structure shall be in compliance with the manufacture's specifications, and installation plans shall be approved and certified by a licensed professional engineer. (d) Antenna support structures and antennae shall be grounded for protection against a direct strike by lightning and shall comply, as to electrical wiring and connections, with all applicable provisions of all State codes. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 313 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (F) General provisions for wireless telecommunications service antennae and antenna support structures. (e) All transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within a structure or cabinet whenever possible, and shall adhere to the following: (i) If a new tower accessory building is necessary to house such equipment, it shall be architecturally designed to blend in with the surrounding environment, and shall be screened from view by landscaping as deemed necessary by the City Council. (ii) Accessory equipment associated with a rooftop antenna, satellite dishes, or wall antenna shall be located within the building, cabinet, or within a roof or ground enclosure which is constructed of materials and color scheme compatible with the principal building. (iii) All transmitting, receiving and switching equipment shall be housed within a structure or cabinet. Such structure shall be architecturally designed to blend in with the surrounding environment, and shall be screened from view by landscaping consistent with the screening and landscaping requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (iv) Antenna support structures located within 1000' feet of the FiberNet Monticello Co -Location Building shall be required to locate all transmitting, receiving and switching equipment within the FiberNet Monticello Co -Location. (7) Lights and Attachments (a) No antenna or antenna support structure shall have lights, reflectors or other illuminating devices of any kind, unless required by a Federal or State regulatory authority. (b) Lights attached to antenna support structures may be approved by the City Council as a part of a Conditional Use Permit when such lights are used to illuminate a parking lot or other use on the ground, provided such lights meet the exterior lighting requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (8) Site Landscaping (a) The site on which an antenna or antenna support structure is located shall be landscaped to control dust, weeds, drainage, and to improve aesthetics of the property. (9) Non -Interference (a) No antenna installation shall transmit signals in a way that causes interference with any other electronic device. Page 314 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (G) Application process and submittal requirements for wireless telecommunications service antenna support structures (G) Application process and submittal requirements for wireless telecommunications service antenna support structures (1) Submittal Requirements. All applications for a Conditional Use Permit for any antenna or antenna support structure shall be accompanied by the following materials: (a) Documentation, in the form of a signed lease or other adequate proof of property interest, demonstrating that the applicant has authority to seek the requested permit from the owner or owners of the parcel in question. (b) A statement describing the proposed project, together with written justification supporting the proposed installation. (c) Proof of insurance against injury or property damage caused by structural failure of any element of the installation. (d) The legal description of the property on which the improvements are to be located. (e) A certified survey of the property showing all existing conditions, along with the proposed improvements. (f) A coverage study prepared by a Radio Frequency Engineer showing alternative antenna support structure locations, co -location options, and whether such alternatives can accommodate the proposed antenna with reasonable coverage, including any known approved but unconstructed locations. Such plan shall include all existing towers, buildings, and other possible support structures. (g) A landscaping and screening plan. (h) A grading and drainage plan. (i) Architectural drawings of all appurtenant structures planned for the site. (j) A decommissioning plan outlining the means, process, and anticipated costs of removing all improvements at the end of their service life, or upon discontinued use. (k) A security acceptable to the City adequate to ensure safe removal of all improvements upon decommissioning. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 315 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (1) Removal of Abandoned or Unused Antennae, Antenna Support Structures, or Other Appurtenant Elements. (1) A development agreement specifying the terms of the Conditional Use Permit, including improvements, decommissioning, financial security, and other elements. (m) Other information specified by the Community Development Director and/or City Council necessary to support the application and permit adequate municipal review of the request. (H) Outside Review At the request of the Community Development Director, the City may seek and obtain the advice of outside experts to review technical materials submitted by the applicants, including the advice of structural experts, radio frequency engineers, or for any other related area of analysis. The applicant shall submit an escrow to cover the costs of such expertise. (I) Removal of Abandoned or Unused Antennae, Antenna Support Structures, or Other Appurtenant Elements. Any tower and/or antenna which is not used for six (6) successive months shall be deemed abandoned and may be required to be removed from the property. All abandoned or unused towers and associated facilities shall be removed within twelve (12) months of the cessation of operations at the site unless a time extension is approved by the City Council. After the facilities are removed, the site shall be restored to its original or an improved state. If a tower is not removed within twelve (12) months after the cessation of operations at a site, the tower and associated facilities may be removed by the City and the costs of removal assessed against the property. The owner of the tower and the owner of the property are both responsible for removal of the tower as required by this Section. Page 316 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Wind Energy Conversion System, Non-commercial Wireless Telecommunications Support Structures CHAPTERS: USE STANDARDS Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (D) Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses C C C C CIC C C C C C C C C 4.3(El 4.3(F1 (D) Additional Snec fiic Standards for Certain Accessory Uses (1) Accessory Building — Minor (a) Minor accessory buildings do not require a building permit, but shall comply with all applicable zoning regulations. (b) In the M -H district, one minor accessory building for storage of equipment and refuse is permitted for each manufactured home provided the accessory building can meet all required setbacks, and is designed of weather resistant material that will enhance the general appearance of the lot. (2) Accessory Building — Major (a) In all residential districts except M -H, the following shall apply: (i) Size 1. Except by Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to Section 5.3(1))(3)(a)(i)(2) below, no detached accessory building shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the rear yard of the parcel on which it is located, nor shall any combination of attached garage and detached accessory building exceed the following maximum area, whichever is less: a. 1,200 square feet; or b. The gross square footage of the principal building footprint. 2. The size limitations for accessory building area listed in Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(i)(1) above may be increased, up to a maximum square footage of 1,500 square feet, by the issuance of a Conditional Use permit when the following conditions are found to exist: City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 371 City Council Agenda 10/23/17 4B. Consideration of establishing a negotiations team supuorting contract discussion with Veolia (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the conclusion of a recent City Council workshop, Council director the Finance Director to conduct contract negotiations with Veolia. Based on a suggestion by Councilmember Gabler, the Council is asked to determine whether to include a member of the council to assist in the negotiations. If this is preferred, a member of the City Council needs to be assigned to the negotiations team. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to establish a negotiations team supporting contract discussion with Veolia with the assignment of the Finance Director and Councilmember to serve on the negotiations team. 2. Motion to deny the authorization to establish a negotiations team. C. RECOMMENDATION: City Council should include incorporation of a member of Council into the negotiations process if so desired. It is the opinion of the Finance Director that it is not necessary, but it is the Council's prerogative to assign a member to help. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • None. UPDATED - Preliminary Workshop line up for next few meetings — developed by Jeff, Brian, Angela and Shibani Monday, October 23rd • 5:00 — 5:15 Fallon Avenue Closed Meeting — Property Purchase • 5:15 — 5:40 Fallon Avenue Design review — Railing • 5:40 — 5:15 Bertram Athletic Fields - Phasing elements, Timing, Financing Monday, November 13th • 4:30 — 5:00 Downtown project elements and funding (budget related) • 5:00 — 5:30 Pathway system plan, priorities and funding mix (budget related) • 5:30 — 6:15 Assessment Policy Thursday, November 16th • 4:00-5:30 Assistant Fire Chief, Solid Waste funding progam (Kjellberg) • 5:30-7:00 Downtown Study Implementation Monday, November 27 • 5:00 — 6:30 Project identification and funding 2018 for projects — non levy Brief discussion on Splash Pad — 2019 project. Monday, December 11 • 5:15 City Administrator Eval ITY C] F Mont o COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 23, 2017 DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFTEY Commercial Construction Update Monticello dental specialty clinics on Deegan Court are progressing well. The shell building is nearing completion and the tenant build -outs are well under way. Plumbing and electrical rough -ins have been completed. Mechanical HVAC ductwork is ongoing, and the framing has been completed. The installation drywall and joint taping is nearing completion, and the first lift of asphalt in the parking area has been placed. No completion date has been given; however, we anticipate it to be sometime around Thanksgiving. The Red Rooster project on Chelsea Road is under way. This pole framed office/storage structure has its framing complete and exterior metal sheathing in progress. Site improvements such as curb, gutter, parking, and water/sewer items were started as soon as possible and are in progress. Affordable Storage has a grading and utility permit with work now in progress. A building permit application has been submitted and it has been determined that drawings specific to this project with a current engineer's stamp need to be provided. Residential Update The Featherstone addition is progressing well. It is anticipated that curb, gutter, and first layer of asphalt will be installed the first part of November. We anticipate permit applications for homes at the same time. R Homes has submitted townhome plans for preliminary review by Community Development with the intent on starting construction as soon as possible. Construction plans for building permits have not yet been submitted to the building safety department. Existing residential lots for new construction are diminishing. The most interest seems to be in Carlisle Village and Hillside Farms. Council Connection — 10/23/17 Rental License Program Update At the end of September 35 properties were given final notice to apply and pay for a rental license prior to prosecution. As of October 13, 2017 all 35 rental properties have applied and paid for a rental license. Seventeen of the 35 have called to schedule inspections or reinspections. Deb is in the process of reconciling the Wright County property information with our records to establish the 2017/2018 rental property list. The first rental license notification letter is expected to be mailed out in early November. Blights The department continues to issue correction orders for various blight items as observed during field inspections, or on a complaint basis. Signs As always, there are sign issues—good or bad—there never seems to be a shortage of stab -in -the -ground signs in the right-of-way or nailed to a utility pole. CITY OF �01 kdo COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 2017 CITY CLERK League of Minnesota Cities — Regional Meetings/2018 Legislative Policies I attended the LMC Regional Meeting in Melrose on October 6, 2017. It was a very informative meeting and covered a variety of topics, including technology, strengthening trust in communities, growing future leaders, and what to expect in the 2018 legislative session. Particularly interesting was a discussion about the draft 2018 city policies being proposed, and the possibility that some of the proposals could limit local control. I encourage any interested councilmembers to attend future regional meetings. The final one offered this year is in Plymouth on November 29. If you would like to attend, please let me know. In addition to the November regional meeting, there's a special meeting in January for local leaders to review and discuss emerging policies that could affect their communities. These policies inform the League's advocacy efforts for the 2018 legislative session, so it is a great opportunity to make sure Monticello's perspective is considered. CITY OF Monti efl0 COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 2017 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Annexation Plan Review Process In 2004, the City of Monticello and Monticello Township entered into an Orderly Annexation Agreement which provides for the terms and conditions of orderly annexation within the MOAA. The agreement was amended in 2005. In summary, the MOAA agreement allows for the orderly annexation of parcels which meet the terms and conditions of the agreement. To further support the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement, which requires the extension of municipal services to the designated areas, as well as conformance of the petition to the City's long-range planning goals and documents, City staff has outlined a review process for annexation consideration. An outline of the City review process for annexation is included for Council's reference. The intent of the annexation review process is to set the stage for Council consideration of the annexation petition. Staff use the attached document to describe to and assist potential developers interested in annexation area development in understanding the framework for annexation consideration. MnAPA Conference Jacob Thunander and Angela Schumann attended the recent MnAPA Planning Conference held in Mankato. The conference is held annually and is an opportunity to learn about trends and best practices in municipal land use planning. Many of the topics covered in this year's conference, including session on public engagement, public art, and industrial case development case study, were particularly relevant to planning initiatives occurring in Monticello. Council will find ideas and concepts learned from these sessions applied in upcoming items. Small Area Plan Implementation A Downtown Small Area Plan Implementation workshop with City Council, Planning Commission, Parks Commission and EDA is scheduled for 5:30 PM on Thursday, November 161h,2017. Council Connection — 10/23/17 A curb extension demonstration project illustrating the proposed crosswalk change at Walnut and Broadway is planned for the Downtown Trick or Treat event on 10/26. City staff are working through permitting with Wright County at present. An illustration and more information is attached for reference. CtTv 0r CITY OF MONTICELLO Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monficeflo Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 . info(cki.monticello.mn.us CITY OF MONTICELLO ANNEXATION REVIEW PROCESS 1. Petition for annexation submitted to the City of Monticello by the property owner. Petition shall be accompanied by: Documentation of ownership, including legal description and title commitment. Certificate of survey meeting following: i. Signed by a registered land surveyor ii. Current (within last 6 months) topographic survey and contours of all surface features including drainage ways, wetlands, etc. iii. Public utilities including pipe size, material type, depths iv. Private utilities v. Legal description vi. Easements of record Map exhibit Most current tax statement e. Other documents as may be required to evaluate the petition 2. Request for annexation reviewed for conformance to MOAA agreement as follows: a. Evaluate conformity with the terms of the MOAA agreement, in particular compliance with Section 2 of the agreement. b. To determine conformity with MOAA's requirement for the orderly extension of municipal services and consistency with the City's long- range land use plan, the City has reviewed annexation petitions subject to the review and approval of the following: i. Preliminary plat ii. Environmental review as may be required iii. Utility service capacity review as may be required iv. For parcels without an existing Comprehensive Plan land use designation, application for a Comprehensive Plan amendment to provide land use guidance for the subject parcel(s). v. For parcels with a Comprehensive Plan guided land use, parcels require rezoning action upon annexation to the City; rezoning action is subject to review for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan land use designation. Procedurally, the Planning Commission and City Council consider an application for preliminary plat, comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning subject to and contingent upon future annexation. 3. Annexation petition approval consideration. a. Final decision for annexation by the City would be considered with concurrent decisions for comprehensive plan amendment (as may be required), final plat, development agreement providing for and securing the extension of municipal services, and rezoning. 4. Non-conformance. a. If non -conforming to MOAA agreement, the petition is reviewed by the City Council for denial of acceptance due to lack of conformance. b. There is a provision within the MOAA Agreement which allows for annexation outside of the agreement's standard criteria if agreed by both City and Township. finch = 4?feel Enhanced Crosswalk Pop -Up Demonstration 4 r r.4 { ctobu 1,—,. 141 cinch = q -Feel The City of Monticello is working with Wright County to develop a temporary curb extension at the east and west crosswalk locations of Walnut/ Broadway intersection. The extension is approximately the width of the adjacent parking stalls, at 8"1 reducing the overall crossing width by 16'. Curb extensions are used to: • Reduce crossing distance for pedestrians. • Provide protected area for those waiting to cross • Make Downtown a more pedestrian friendly place! [u dmf H raw. .1 Permanent Curb Extension Demonstration Curb Extension Monticello C'1 11'01 monti6ao COUNCIL CONNECTION SEPTEMBER, 2017 191 LVA Transactions September 2017, the DMV processed 4,985 transactions 176 less than August 2016. DMV year -to date revenue is $467,685.57 an increase of $33,006.79 or 7.6% over the same period last year. Please see the following graphs for more detail. $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 DMV Revenue Comparison $52,492 Sept 2011 Sept 2012 Sept 2013 Sept 2014 Sept 2015 Sept 2016 Sept 2017 DMV Transaction Comparison ^ 5,337 5,161 Sept 2011 Sept 2012 Sept 2013 Sept 2014 Sept 2015 Sept 2016 Sept 2017 DMV Year -to -Date Revenue Comparison Sept 2011 Sept 2012 Sept 2013 Sept 2014 Sept 2015 Sept 2016 Sept 2017 DMV Year -to -Date Transaction Comparison c7 ono 59,930 60,740 Sept 2011 Sept 2012 Sept 2013 Sept 2014 Sept 2015 Sept 2016 Sept 2017 CITY OF �01 kdo COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 23, 2017 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Summary of recent meetings: • Industry of the Year Tour — Genereaux Fine Wood Products, Sept. 21, 2017 • Industry of the Year Tour — UMC, Sept. 22, 2017 • Rotary Club Meeting — Sept. 25, 2017 • West Metro Leadership Group Meeting, Minnetonka - Sept. 26, 2017 • Xcel Energy Annual Community Appreciation Bkfst. - Sept. 27, 2017 • Rotary Club Meeting — Oct. 2, 2017 • Industry of the Year Breakfast Event — Oct. 4, 2017 • Meeting with Big Lake Economic Development Director — Oct. 5, 2017 Purpose of meeting was networking and to provide updates to each other on various projects/activities • Rotary Club Meeting — Oct. 9, 2017 • Meeting with Bondhus, Inc. — Oct. 11, 2017 Provided formal information to Bondhus regarding economic development funding assistance proposal along with GMEF loan program application forms and MN -DEED Job Creation Fund (JCF) application forms. • Meeting with MN -DEED Regional Representative — Oct. 13, 2017 Discussed various prospects, potential funding scenarios and reviewed possible sites • Rotary Club Meeting — Oct. 16, 2017 • Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Meeting — Oct. 17, 2017 • Rotary Grant Donation to City for Trail Connection Tree Planting Project Serving as interface between Rotary Club and staff for a proposed $4,000 Rotary Council Connection — 10/23/17 District Grant Funding application to pay for a project to plant young bare root trees along a proposed path in the western edge of Otter Creek Business Park connecting BCOL to Chelsea Drive West. • TIF Management Plan — Available Increment Policy Guidelines Drafted a key policy statement guiding the EDA's use of available extra TIF dollars in the various districts. The EDA held a workshop to discuss formulating general or specific guiding policy statements and then considered and approved a set of policy statements at its regular October 11, 2017 meeting. The TIF Districts and available fund amounts are shown below: Redevelopment Projects ➢ TIF District 1-06 - $707,603 or $845,651 by 2025 ➢ TIF District 1-20 - $89,628 or $117,795 by 2025 ➢ TIF District 1-22 - $46,167 or $337,550 by 2025 Total funds available by 2025 = $1,666,653 Affordable Housing Projects ➢ TIF District 1-19 - $176,382 or $337,550 by 2025 ➢ TIF District 1-24 - $58,025 or $472,057 by 2025 ➢ TIF District 1-29 - $100,824 or $254,232 by 2025 ➢ TIF District 1-30 - $73,679 by 2025 Total funds available by 2025 = $1,335,162 CITY OF �01 kdo COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 23, 2017 ENGINEERING Per the request of the council, attached are the punch list items for the 2017 Street & Utility project. The contractor plans to complete them in the next week. -701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 c Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSB Tel: (763) 541-4800 - Fax: (7631541-1700 wsheng.com Date: 10/16/17 Field Representative Client: Monticello Contractor: WSB Proj. No.: 2496-36 Street Project Name: 2017 Street Reconstruction Foreman/Supt: Preliminary: Partial: Final: Warranty: Item No. Description 1 STRIPE CENTERLINE, BIKE LANE, STOP BARS 2 INSTALL SALVAGED SIGNS (3) 3 SHOULDER/TOPSOIL RURAL SECTION 4 PICK ROCKS, BIT, CONCRETE 5 REMOVE INLET PROTECTION NOV 1ST 6 PICK ALL TRASH 7 GRADE/REMOVE EXCESS MATERIAL AT CARWASH 8 SWEEP TRAIL AND HART AFTER SHOULDERING 9 REPAIR AUTHORIZED VEHICLE SIGN ALONG TRAIL 10 CLEAN CATCH BASINS AND GROUT RINGS IF NEEDED 11 ADJUST GATE VALVE @ CR 39 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Field Representative Signature: Punch List Shannon Gwost Astech Hart East & Trail Landon Bemboom Date Accepted -701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 c Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSB Tel: (763) 541-4800 - Fax: (7631541-1700 wsheng.com Date: 10/16/17 Field Representative: Client: Monticello Contractor: WSB Proj. No.: 2496-36 Street Project Name: 2017 Street Reconstruction Foreman/Supt: Preliminary: Partial: Final: Warranty: Item No. Description 1 REPAIR IRRIGATION 2 CLEAN CATCH BASINS AND GROUT RINGS IF NEEDED 3 BOLT TOGETHER ANY CURB BOXES FROM SALVAGED CASTINGS 4 REPLACE BROKEN CONCRETE 5 PICK ROCKS, BIT, CONCRETE 6 STRIPE CENTERLINE AND STOP BAR 7 REMOVE INLET PROTECTION NOV 1 8 PLACE BLUE "T POST AT CURB STOP 9 ADJUST GATE VALVE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Field Representative Signature: Punch List Shannon Gwost Astech Hart West Landon Bemboom Date Accepted -701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Q Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSO TeL (763) 541-4800 - Fax: X7631 541-1700 wsheng.conn Punch List Date: 10/16/17 Field Representative: Shannon Gwost Client: Monticello Contractor: Astech WSB Proj. No.: 2496-36 Street GILLARD Project Name: 2017 Street Reconstruction Foreman/Supt: Landon Bemboom Preliminary: Partial: Final: Warranty: Item No. Description Date Accepted 1 PAVE WEAR COURSE 2 CLEAN CATCH BASINS AND GROUT RINGS 3 RESEED DISTURBED AREAS 4 RESHAPE AND BLANKET DITCH @ CR 39 5 INSTALL SALVAGED STOP AHEAD SIGN 6 INSTALL 30MPH SIGNS 7 REPAIR AREAS ALONG TRAIL THAT DIDN'T ADHERE 8 FLUSH CLEAN CULVERTS 9 PICK ROCKS, BIT, CONCRETE 10 STRIPE CENTERLINE, PARKING, STOP BARS 11 REPAIR ANY DISTURBED AREAS AND SEED ALONG BACKSIDE OF TRAIL 12 SOD AT THE INTERSECTION OF 95TH AND GILLARD 13 REMOVE INLET PROTECTION 14 REPAIR AREAS ALONG 95TH THAT WERE DAMAGED FROM _ SILT FENCE 15 KNOCK DOWN/ROLL ALL SHOULDERING THAT IS HIGH 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Field Representative Signature: -701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 c Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSB Tel: (763) 541-4800 - Fax: (7631541-1700 wsheng.com Date: 10/16/17 Field Representative Client: Monticello Contractor: WSB Proj. No.: 2496-36 Street Project Name: 2017 Street Reconstruction Foreman/Supt: Preliminary: Partial: Final: Warranty: Item No. Description 1 REPAIR IRRIGATION 2 CLEAN CATCH BASINS AND GROUT RINGS 3 REPLACE BROKEN CONCRETE 4 REMOVE TRASH, SANDBAGS, PLATES, RINGS 5 PICK ROCKS, BT, CONCRETE 6 RESEED DISTURBED AREAS 7 FLUSH DRAIN TILE 8 LOCATE SUMP CONNECT AT EMPTY LOT 208 9 STRIPE PARKING LOT 10 SOD IF POSSIBLE THIS FALL 11 ADD RINGS/REPAIR MANHOLES THAT ARE DEEP 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Field Representative Signature: Punch List Shannon Gwost Astech Mississippi Landon Bemboom Date Accepted -701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 c Minneapolis, MN 55416 WSB Tel: (763) 541-4800 - Fax: (7631541-1700 wsheng.com Date: 10/16/17 Field Representative: Client: Monticello Contractor: WSB Proj. No.: 2496-36 Street Project Name: 2017 Street Reconstruction Foreman/Supt: Preliminary: Partial: Final: Warranty: Item No. Description 1 STRIPE PARKING STALLS 2 CLEAN CATCH BASINS/GROUT RINGS IF NEEDED 3 REMOVE INLET PROTECTION NOV 1 4 SWEEP CURB LINES/RAMPS/WALKS WHEN REPAIRS ARE DONE 5 REMOVE/REPLACE CURB @ CATCH BASIN BY GENERAL RENT. 6 FILL BACK OF CURB TO TOP AND RESEED ALL DISTURBED 7 PICK TRASH, ROCKS, BIT, CONCRETE 8 REPAIR IRRIGATION 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Field Representative Signature: Punch List Shannon Gwost Astech Sandberg Landon Bemboom Date Accepted CITY OF Monti eff0 COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 23, 2017 FINANCE Analysis: Fee for four or multi -unit residences with refuse and recycling carts. Background: The city currently charges a fee for refuse collection and disposal for residential units of 4 or more with individual refuse and recycling carts. This charge applies to mobile home parks, homeowner associations, and fourplexes or larger. Apartment units without individual unit carts use dumpsters and separately contract with Advanced Disposal for services. The following is provided in the city code: 7-6-9: GARBAGEIREFUSEIRECYCLING SERVICES (A) SERVICE RATES: The City operates an organized garbage collection and disposal program for all residential properties within the city of Monticello under the authority of Minnesota State Statute 433. The City hereby establishes a service charge for garbage/refuse collection and related services for all commercial residential property within the city of Monticello. Commercial residential shall be all mobile homes located on rented lots or land in mobile home harks and multiple housing units, four- plex and above. 1. A service charge for garbage/refuse collection, disposal, and container rental provided to commercial residential units within the city shall be billed at the rates as established by City Council. 2. Non-commercial residential property, considered all single family through tri-plex, whether rented or not, shall not be billed directly for garbage/refuse service. City records are deficient regarding much of the history behind the charges. The fee schedules, adopted by ordinance starting in 2006, show three separate charges for collection, disposal and cart that were in effect for several years for commercial residential and non-commercial residential. Apartments without dumpsters were spared the cart fee. The cart fee for commercial residential and non-commercial residential was later dropped. The fees varied for cart sizes of 60 and 90 gallons. The below schedule summarizes the annually adopted fee ordinance: Council Connection — 10/23/17 The fee prior to 2006 is not known and it did not change until 2011 when the cart charge was dropped. The other two charges remained the same until 2015. The 2015 fees were changed to reflect the anticipated increase in charges from on-going negotiations on the refuse and recycling contract, which expired in May 2015. There is no distinction between disposal or surcharge in the Advanced Disposal contract. In the ordinance, the surcharge is not taxed. On the monthly Advanced Disposal bill, the refuse charge is taxed and the recycling charge is not. The charge is the same for each service regardless of the cart size. The following contains historical hauler rate information. Hauler Fee Hauler Fee 60 Gallon 2010 2006 2016 2015 Disposal $ 5.31 $ 8.00 Surcharge $ 0.77 $ 2.00 Cart $ 1.10 $ 10.74 $ 10.93 Total $ 7.18 $ 10.00 Fee Fee 90 Gallon 2006 2015 Disposal $ 6.30 $ 10.00 Surcharge $ 1.16 $ 3.00 Ca rt $ 1.37 Total $ 8.83 $ 13.00 The fee prior to 2006 is not known and it did not change until 2011 when the cart charge was dropped. The other two charges remained the same until 2015. The 2015 fees were changed to reflect the anticipated increase in charges from on-going negotiations on the refuse and recycling contract, which expired in May 2015. There is no distinction between disposal or surcharge in the Advanced Disposal contract. In the ordinance, the surcharge is not taxed. On the monthly Advanced Disposal bill, the refuse charge is taxed and the recycling charge is not. The charge is the same for each service regardless of the cart size. The following contains historical hauler rate information. *2017 includes 1.8% 2017 increase. Prior to 2010, Waste Management provided disposal services by landfilling waste. Charges were based on tonnage. Advanced Disposal, known as Veolia at the time, provided refuse collection and curbside recycling services. In 2010, Advanced rolled collection and disposal into one entirely -taxed refuse charge. There were two one - percent increases between 2010 and 2015. Future contract charges will be annually adjusted for inflation. There is a provision for additional adjustments if fuel prices reach a specific threshold. Financial: The city currently charges multi -units of four or more with carts a fee plus tax. The annual lost multi -unit revenue is approximately $74,400. If the city drops the Hauler Hauler Hauler Hauler Service 2010 2015 2016 2017* Refuse $ 6.75 $ 6.89 $ 7.89 $ 8.03 Recycling $ 2.45 $ 2.49 $ 2.85 $ 2.90 Total $ 9.20 $ 9.38 $ 10.74 $ 10.93 *2017 includes 1.8% 2017 increase. Prior to 2010, Waste Management provided disposal services by landfilling waste. Charges were based on tonnage. Advanced Disposal, known as Veolia at the time, provided refuse collection and curbside recycling services. In 2010, Advanced rolled collection and disposal into one entirely -taxed refuse charge. There were two one - percent increases between 2010 and 2015. Future contract charges will be annually adjusted for inflation. There is a provision for additional adjustments if fuel prices reach a specific threshold. Financial: The city currently charges multi -units of four or more with carts a fee plus tax. The annual lost multi -unit revenue is approximately $74,400. If the city drops the Council Connection — 10/23/17 fee, it will have to pay the $4,697 tax on the refuse service provided by Advanced. The total impact is $79,097. Service Count Revenue Tax Impact 60 Gallon Cart: Mobile Home 92 $11,040 $864 $11,904 4 Plex 8 $960 $75 $1,035 90 Gallon Cart Mobile Home 317 $49,452 $2,978 $52,430 4 Plex 20 $3,120 $188 $3,308 HOAs 63 $9,828 $592 $10,420 Total 500 $74,400 $4,697 $79,097 The city has been charging this fee for at least 12 years. The preliminary levy has been set for 2018 with the fee intact. A gap between budgeted General Fund revenues and expenditures will result if the fee is dropped or otherwise adjusted. The General Fund receives approximately 80% of its revenues from property taxes. The budget gap can be closed by increasing revenues or decreasing expenditures or some combination of both. Alternatives: The following alternatives are in order of preference: 1. Leave the fee as is until the next contract, which expires in May 2020. No budget gap is created and no other action is needed. The current fee is a bargain when compared with other cities. For example, Saint Michael residents contract directly with Advanced Disposal for refuse services at $19.15 per month. Dayton residents can contract with Randy's Environmental for $16.75 monthly plus fluctuating surcharges for environmental and fuel costs. Except for Monticello, cities either bill for the service or their residents contract directly with a hauler. I know of no other city with similar service provisions as Monticello. Our hauler is also unaware of any other similarly situated cities. Finally, the prospect of other commercial multi -family asking for the same fee waiver is eliminated. 2. Reduce the fee to an amount reflective of what the city pays its hauler for both services, with no distinction for cart size. This provides some rationale for the actual charge, but neglects some of the incidental costs that go with administering the fee. From a fiscal impact perspective, this is a far better solution than dropping the charge entirely. The roughly $9,000 drop in revenue could be offset by a reduction in expenditures. Council Connection — 10/23/17 3. Eliminate the fee and incorporate a city-wide refuse/recycling fee. This option will increase administrative costs that can be offset by the size of the fee. For example, the city could raise approximately $100,000 by adding $2 to every monthly residential utility bill. Advanced currently charges $2.90. Saint Michaels charges residents $3.50 monthly. 4. Eliminate the fee and shift part of the tax levy away from capital projects or debt service. This is the least desirable because it increases the General Fund's reliance on property taxes and reduces the city's ability to make capital improvements. Conclusion: The city's current charges are fair and reasonable. Unfairness is a nebulous claim because those raising it tend to overlook how other aspects of their situation even things out. The charge is reasonable when compared to what these customers would pay in other cities. Indeed, these customers would pay about double if they were located in Big Lake or Becker. The city code clearly indicates there should be a distinction between large commercial - residential properties and smaller rental properties. The distinction has validity when other factors are considered: property taxes paid, or mobile home parks are similar to large apartment units. Both of those are debatable. Meanwhile, many of the items contained or referenced in the city code are dated. For example, the code refers to a recycling plan approved and adopted in February 1989 in the section dealing with garbage/recycling services. Updating the city code for refuse/recycling services should be properly tasked to the public works director and city clerk. From a fiscal standpoint, the charge reduces dependence on property taxes by providing modest General Fund revenue diversification. The foregoing will not change any positions staked in the past. While individual constituent concerns should be addressed, those concerns should always be balanced with those of the entire city. Constituents should express those concerns in a respectful manner and policy makers should reinforce that principle. My recommendations are based on sound financial management. Thank you for your consideration. CITY OF �01 kdo COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 23, 2017 HI -WAY LIQUORS Sales through September 30, 2017 Attached are schedules and charts for total sales in each major sales category through the end of September 2017. Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 9/30/2017 Total Sales Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Jan $ 249,670.43 $ 316,280.10 $ 300,631.85 $ 296,838.64 $ 302,114.52 $ 328,004.13 $ 355,029.76 $ 380,425.45 $ 364,675.32 $ 356,295.18 Feb 255,440.36 284,988.38 285,584.50 315,239.00 307,385.41 337,923.99 333,487.18 347,777.77 362,746.98 364,836.39 Mar 295,257.14 318,050.39 324,062.21 335,032.60 388,195.21 408,071.17 377,391.62 388,003.16 401,256.91 417,005.50 Apr 281,365.81 346,738.34 369,112.88 389,543.24 347,321.09 388,395.50 389,250.82 421,280.89 428,729.44 448,141.63 May 377,177.10 384,337.08 399,489.67 409,309.12 433,829.01 436,195.21 498,095.67 523,401.05 482,917.95 503,867.81 Jun 350,727.93 381,782.23 377,458.15 409,726.07 461,423.68 440,255.04 426,392.73 474,203.81 470,585.33 521,559.76 Jul 409,870.50 430,838.23 466,122.69 466,738.15 447,452.18 485,459.76 479,174.06 542,973.27 527,519.46 563,935.31 Aug 409,575.96 383,523.07 386,245.30 408,734.83 445,158.94 503,181.84 484,955.71 470,505.22 462,669.36 497,201.21 Sep 317,846.07 346,900.80 346,557.62 373,719.64 390,399.33 379,381.19 397,495.82 439,444.29 448,218.93 501,126.67 Oct 351,268.98 360,742.04 375,367.40 365,702.14 372,676.23 396,328.87 409,967.74 460,096.82 454,442.30 - Nov 332,605.88 341,875.49 360,661.96 376,855.40 421,960.12 424,038.37 465,299.53 474,241.74 444,533.08 Dec 436,379.03 454,982.63 485,617.01 505,482.70 527,865.36 518,379.58 549,200.76 569,707.38 605,509.16 Total $4,067,185.19 $4,351,038.78 $4,476,911.24 $4,652,921.53 $4,845,781.08 $5,045,614.65 $5,165,741.40 $5,492,060.85 $ 5,453,804.22 $ 4,173,969.46 Change $ 283,853.59 $ 125,872.46 $ 176,010.29 $ 192,859.55 $ 199,833.57 $ 120,126.75 $ 326,319.45 $ (38,256.63) $(1,279,834.76) Change % 7.0% 2.9% 3.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.4% 6.3% -0.7% -23.5% $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 ■ $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $- Jan Feb Mar Apr Monthly Hi -Way Sales May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct ■ 2008 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 2015 2016 ■ 2017 Nov Dec CYM-LYM -2.3% 0.6% 3.9% 4.5% 4.3% 10.8% 6.9% 7.5% 11.8% Y -T -D -2.3% -0.9% 0.8% 1.9% 2.4% 4.0% 4.5% 4.9% 5.7% Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 9/30/2017 Beer Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 122,218.36 $ 157,849.78 $ 146,246.32 $ 143,906.08 $ 149,406.45 $ 160,903.32 $ 173,814.13 $ 191,370.26 $ 176,483.68 $ 174,846.99 -0.9% -0.9% Feb 121,734.33 137,055.23 140,624.54 150,075.08 150,589.28 162,865.75 161,168.63 164,508.11 175,055.27 179,346.12 2.5% 0.8% Mar 138,889.05 155,196.13 164,157.70 163,595.55 203,957.25 192,607.52 185,325.68 192,955.79 199,141.66 208,926.70 4.9% 2.3% Apr 146,613.65 178,834.20 189,978.23 194,504.16 179,486.77 186,134.31 198,195.77 219,756.39 228,133.10 234,069.51 2.6% 2.4% May 201,232.14 210,097.48 223,678.47 208,963.65 227,664.73 234,738.30 256,188.77 259,306.91 250,403.11 262,275.25 4.7% 2.9% Jun 193,801.97 207,793.83 206,043.42 224,769.03 259,671.21 243,389.79 238,322.11 263,421.95 263,264.15 296,531.85 12.6% 4.9% Jul 226,317.96 229,199.79 260,971.50 258,734.60 253,648.64 273,319.54 265,555.32 301,867.65 296,513.68 315,848.83 6.5% 5.2% Aug 226,653.65 203,222.86 211,996.32 216,546.53 242,179.20 281,577.25 267,802.95 253,141.21 250,255.41 268,173.42 7.2% 5.5% Sep 166,679.60 183,586.32 183,865.70 199,170.24 208,974.88 202,213.80 211,854.94 233,215.56 238,333.55 270,898.13 13.7% 6.4% Oct 176,382.34 179,873.10 190,893.27 180,043.06 187,386.57 191,764.20 210,454.13 234,882.09 224,253.93 - Nov 158,322.50 154,584.13 168,265.14 171,866.27 195,276.37 192,162.71 202,081.91 207,055.40 213,333.23 Dec 187,691.06 190,655.19 203,080.13 216,560.71 224,952.83 217,491.21 234,178.12 241,996.27 253,223.11 Total $2,066,536.61 $2,187,948.04 $2,289,800.74 $2,328,734.96 $2,483,194.18 $2,539,167.70 $2,604,942.46 $2,763,477.59 $ 2,768,393.88 $ 2,210,916.80 Change $ 121,411.43 $ 101,852.70 $ 38,934.22 $ 154,459.22 $ 55,973.52 $ 65,774.76 $ 158,535.13 $ 4,916.29 $ (557,477.08) Change % 5.9% 4.7% 1.7% 6.6% 2.3% 2.6% 6.1% 0.2% -20.1% Monthly Beer Sales $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep ■ 2008 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 ■ 2017 Oct Nov Dec ■ 2008 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 ■ 2017 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 9/30/2017 Liquor Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 73,930.87 $ 92,370.42 $ 91,472.50 $ 91,279.01 $ 93,085.69 $ 103,977.89 $ 113,943.25 $ 118,577.85 $ 118,211.20 $ 114,509.99 -3.1% -3.1% Feb 74,261.89 83,513.27 85,484.92 96,541.21 92,489.93 106,387.16 107,609.55 112,198.85 113,060.59 117,361.15 3.8% 0.3% Mar 78,870.42 88,569.65 93,133.42 101,047.04 112,244.43 124,487.55 116,316.49 118,269.49 118,839.79 131,238.09 10.4% 3.7% Apr 76,735.80 90,627.19 95,025.54 110,898.81 98,080.67 113,594.37 115,579.47 123,841.34 126,073.89 130,114.53 3.2% 3.6% May 103,409.29 102,041.75 106,395.62 111,586.59 114,299.35 127,622.31 135,370.38 140,116.66 129,009.36 142,237.28 10.3% 5.0% Jun 91,805.81 103,580.02 102,086.20 115,136.72 128,604.32 124,019.90 120,291.71 136,716.81 135,763.26 147,813.59 8.9% 5.7% Jul 105,782.85 118,883.98 122,861.98 130,624.19 123,672.73 139,270.04 139,967.77 155,436.54 150,173.35 160,220.37 6.7% 5.9% Aug 106,489.25 103,977.01 101,487.43 113,869.37 126,065.14 141,197.73 138,660.76 136,440.40 135,841.14 144,263.78 6.2% 5.9% Sep 88,448.34 94,335.50 94,528.17 103,373.64 109,153.56 107,605.71 115,119.19 129,195.42 130,101.01 143,252.37 10.1% 6.4% Oct 97,046.60 102,236.90 102,983.14 103,533.14 106,326.73 116,677.74 124,271.15 140,198.97 128,290.50 - Nov 97,348.39 90,996.73 102,298.02 105,501.75 120,127.29 126,412.24 134,241.85 132,261.11 134,208.12 Dec 135,221.23 143,684.12 153,690.60 159,717.50 172,370.96 175,523.36 184,746.26 190,944.24 205,335.83 Total $1,129,350.74 $1,214,816.54 $1,251,447.54 $1,343,108.97 $1,396,520.80 $1,506,776.00 $1,546,117.83 $1,634,197.68 $ 1,624,908.04 $ 1,231,011.15 Change $ 85,465.80 $ 36,631.00 $ 91,661.43 $ 53,411.82 $ 110,255.21 $ 39,341.83 $ 88,079.85 $ (9,289.64) $ (393,896.89) Change % 7.6% 3.0% 7.3% 4.0% 7.9% 2.6% 5.7% -0.6% -24.2% Monthly Liquor Sales $250,000 ■ 2008 $200,000 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 $150,000 ■ 2011 9-1 ■ 2012 $100,000 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 $50,000 2015 2016 $- - - - - - - ■ 2017 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 9/30/2017 Wine Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CYM-LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 30,700.42 $ 41,810.19 $ 43,324.18 $ 48,437.59 $ 50,238.83 $ 54,949.83 $ 59,391.16 $ 61,128.65 $ 60,454.56 $ 57,275.16 -5.3% -5.3% Feb 33,407.17 39,410.85 42,230.84 52,847.05 54,642.27 60,573.12 57,228.51 62,600.47 64,797.38 58,664.45 -9.5% -7.4% Mar 47,603.93 45,525.38 46,165.18 54,639.16 57,735.22 77,810.58 66,425.24 67,121.51 71,840.82 64,286.75 -10.5% -8.6% Apr 31,755.42 48,303.48 61,146.04 62,289.18 57,973.74 79,736.19 63,101.05 63,285.56 61,268.24 69,415.79 13.3% -3.4% May 38,522.75 40,963.86 45,733.08 68,701.95 78,740.40 62,491.07 92,083.62 109,512.94 87,333.35 82,724.29 -5.3% -3.9% Jun 31,796.95 37,522.00 44,211.14 49,089.65 56,607.74 59,523.15 54,270.56 59,036.14 54,889.39 58,623.08 6.8% -2.4% Jul 36,909.44 41,813.65 48,334.93 49,664.45 54,467.20 57,115.44 57,743.98 66,029.11 60,750.62 64,034.24 5.4% -1.4% Aug 35,932.62 41,333.00 46,871.28 53,172.68 61,825.30 64,057.61 62,446.04 63,546.01 60,015.78 66,304.12 10.5% 0.0% Sep 33,830.69 39,798.20 47,859.52 53,916.37 60,317.17 59,121.12 59,409.30 62,210.27 65,294.31 68,220.79 4.5% 0.5% Oct 45,750.04 48,422.79 58,081.87 60,949.40 66,423.82 75,606.28 63,659.41 70,038.32 89,005.29 - Nov 50,106.64 66,331.86 71,928.30 85,933.28 97,249.52 96,824.40 117,402.23 122,947.90 83,896.45 Dec 75,866.80 84,285.84 101,676.19 109,267.01 116,610.70 113,008.24 115,617.50 120,274.96 129,536.28 - Total $ 492,182.87 $ 575,521.10 $ 657,562.55 $ 748,907.77 $ 812,831.91 $ 860,817.03 $ 868,778.60 $ 927,731.84 $ 889,082.47 $ 589,548.67 Change $ 83,338.23 $ 82,041.45 $ 91,345.22 $ 63,924.14 $ 47,985.12 $ 7,961.57 $ 58,953.24 $ (38,649.37) $ (299,533.80) Change % 16.9% 14.3% 13.9% 8.5% 5.9% 0.9% 6.8% -4.2% -33.7% $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 Monthly Wine Sales $60,000 1 $40,000 $20,000 11 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov ■ 2008 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 I ■ 2012 IF ■ 2013 ■ 2014 2015 2016 ■ 2017 Dec $6.0 $5.5 $5.0 c $4.5 $4.0 $3.5 $3.0 Liquor Store Sales - Rolling 12 Month Periods 3 E1 N O J N w — O J N w — O J N N O 3 v N O 3 v N O J d 91 — O J d 91 — O J d d fD O � < � G � < "6 G � < "6 G � < "6 G � � < "6 G � � "6 "6 "6 l0 O N N W A V1 01 V Sunday Hi -Way Sales $20 $18 $16 $14 N $12 o $10 ~ $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 - ti1 til til til til til til til til til til til til ,LO ,LO ,LO ,LO ,LO ,LO ,LO ,LO AT CITY OF MontiCeffo COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 23, 2017 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER (MCC) Transactions and visits Year to date (9.30.17), the MCC processed 74,514 transactions. The MCC year to date revenue is $1,073,327, a decrease of $31,984 from the same time last year. Year to date membership visits are 102,095 and MCC memberships are at a total of 5,466 active individual members. Pool renovation update The pool renovation is underway. We are finished with the LED lighting upgrades and are midway through our pool resurfacing project. We have also finished cleaning out our pool gutters. The pool play structure delivery date has been delayed due to the hurricanes in Texas and Florida. Signage and the MCC's website have been updated to reflect the new pool opening schedule. The pool play structure is due to arrive by November 13th to be installed that week. We are due to open to the public on Wednesday, November 22nd, the day before Thanksgiving. Members may continue to use the pool at the Becker Community Center through November 21St Council Connection — 10/23/17 If Monticello Community Center: Year to Date REVENUE 8 D IPENSE STATEMENT Se )ternber 2017 I I 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2016 TO -DATE FULL YEAR TO -DATE 1 September YR -TO -DATE YR -TO -DATE YEAR END BUDGET 1 _I I BUDGET BUDGET 1 BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE ACTUAL VARIANCEI I REVENUE 1 I ROOM RENTAL 94,000 70,500 1 2,726 60,639 1 1 67,074 89,812 9.861 I(_} 14.0%1 ROOM RENTAL INTERNAL USE 55,000 41,250 1 4,583 41,250 1 1 41,250 55,000 0 1-: 0.0%1 PARTY ROOM RENTAL 26,500 19,875 1 579 14,4141 1 17,170 21,529 5,461 10 27.5%1 WEDDING RENTALS 31,800 23,850 4,720 21,883 1 1 20,435 26,236 1.96710 8.2%1 CHAPEL RENTAL 3,700 2,775 1,123 1,1231 1 2,012 2,012 1,65210 59.5%I FACILITIES LEASE 10,000 7,500 - - 5,906 10,102 7,500 10 100.0%I CONCESSIONS 67,700 50,775 2,490 56,1071 54,980 68,218 (5,332)10 -10.5%1 VENDING COMMIREFUND 1,500 1,125 69 748 1 1 904 861 377 I■ 33.5%1 MEMBERSHIPMAILY 875,000 656,250 1 58,716 669,5581 636,651 861,882 (13,308)10 -2.0%1 USER FEES 67,000 50,250 3,452 34,075 46,109 60,459 16,17510 32.2%1 PROGRAM FEES 235,580 176,685 732 139,454 174,451 193,629 37,231 10 21.1%1 FARMERS' MARKET FEES 2,500 1,875 - 2,097 1 1 2,201 2,241 (222)10 -11.8%1 CONTRIBUTIONS 7,500 5,625 - 14,893 1 1 7,050 8,827 (9,268)10 -164.8%1 MISC REVENUE 14,620 10,965 300 3,860 1 1 3,542 7,038 7.10510 64.8%1 INTEREST 2,000 1,500 - - I I - 14,982 1,5001• 100.0%1 TOTAL REVENUE BEFORE TAXES 1,494,406 1,120,806 r 79,490 1,060,100 I r 1,079,735 11422,828 60,706 I r TAXES 372,000 279,000 - 186,0001 182,000 364,000 93,0061• 33.3%1 OPERATING TRANSFER IN - - - - - I TOTAL REVENUE 1,866;406 1,399,806 _I 79,490 1,246,100 11261,735 11786,828 153,7061 1 EXPENSES II 1 1 1 1 I SALARIES 872,488 654,366 61,421 660,9341 619,028 845,043 (6,568)10 -1.0%1 EMPLOYEETAXES IBENEFITS 242,356 181,767 15,760 166,0971 156,430 216,029 15.670 10 8.6%1 SUPPLIES -OFFICE 51,150 38,363 3,763 33,2941 23,573 46,323 5.060 10 13.2%1 SUPPLIES -BUILDING 20,000 15,000 1,653 19,7001 24,973 37,206 (4,700)10 -31.3%1 SUPPLIES -RECREATION 21,450 16,088 21 6,1461 12,536 30,411 9,94210 61.8%1 SUPPLIES -CONCESSIONS 47,000 35,250 1,216 32,2701 1 36,946 47,453 2,9801• 8.5%1 SUPPLIES-REPAIRSIMAINTENANCE 30,400 22,800 2,035 14,561 21,156 42,519 8,2391• 36.1%1 SUPPLIES -OTHER 27,500 20,625 - 7,4441 5,258 10,592 13,181 10 63.9%1 PROF SERVICES-ITIDATATECH 56,747 42,560 1 3,598 43,7471 1 40,952 53,505 (1,187)10 -2.8%I PROF SERVICES- RECREATION 3,000 2,250 625 3,170 1 1 16,099 19,411 (920)10 -40.9%1 PROF SERVICES - CLEANINGIMAINT 2,600 1,950 - - 6,021 7,952 1,9501• 100.0%1 PROF SERVICES- MARKETING 6,300 4,725 - 1,067 2,700 5,446 3,658 10 77.4%1 PROF SERVICES- UTILITIES 189,200 141,900 15,653 129,583 117,680 155,672 12,317 10 8.7%1 PROFSERVICES-INSURANCE 15,497 11,623 1 5,861 15,1271 1 18,336 18,336 (3,504)10 -30.1%1 PROFSERVICES- OTHER 29,400 22,050 1 18,503 82,4911 6,362 31,493 (60,441)119 -274.1%I REPAIRS 176,500 132,375 1 2,828 29,6001 43,805 58,497 102,77510 77.6%1 RENTALS 3,800 2,850 1 - 551 1 1,573 2,255 2,79510 98.1%1 BANK CHARGES 20,000 15,000 1,113 14,2381 1 14,703 17,829 76210 5.1%1 CAPITAL OUTLAY 47,000 35,250 - 121,5121 1 - - (86,262)10 -244.7%1 OTHER MISC EXPENDITURES 4,012 3,009 69 5,203 1 1 6,419 8,468 (2,194)10 -72.9%1 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT - - - - I I - - -I I TOTAL EXPENSES 1,866;400 1,399,806 134,119 1,386,238 1 1,174,549 11654,440 13,562 1 NET - I 1 4541629) I {140,138)1 I 1 87,186 132,388 I 140,1381 I I WithautTaxes {3721000) (2791000) I 4541629) {326,138)1 1 (941814) (2311612) 47,1381 1 TOTAL BUDGET VARIANCE 33,361 • 13,750 Q 12,086 • 9,917 {� 2,577 • 10,000 11,593 •_ 752 •_ 205,442 •_ 32,925 • 96,126 403 • (7,393} • 10,760 • 2,000 • 434,306 186,000 • 620,306 211,554 O 76,259 • 17,856 • 300 • 15,304 • 14,730 • 15,839 # 20,056 • 13,000 0 (170) • 2,600 • 5,233 59,617 •_ 370 •_ (53,091) • 146,900 •_ 3,745 •_ 5,752 •_ (74.512) • (1.191) • 480;162 140;138 (45;862) 10-s% 206% _ 62% 447% 750% -79% 251% -1.5% -24.1% _15.8% -_13.9% -1236% 4,36% 750% • Greaterthan 10% positive variance cj Less than 10% variance 4 Greater than 10% negative variance t CITY OF Monti e COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 23, 2017 PARKS DEPARTMENT Parks staff is working on the following tasks: • Chipping requests • Riverside Cemetery; selling and locating graves and lot pins • Equipment/vehicle repairs • Park rental setups • Routine building maintenance • Building shutdown • Winterizing irrigation • Fertilizing/aerating • Mower maintenance • Winter equipment changeover Updates: Sunset Ponds: Basketball court was paved this week with small trail sections. Staff will install poles when time permits. Montiview Park: Bike repair station donated by Centracare Health is now installed near the park entrance. Rolling Woods: Staff has backfilling, playground chips and seeding left this fall. Next spring staff will install the open air shelter. BCOL: Sports are wrapped up for season. Ellison Dock: Recently the river elevation raised very quickly and the dock was struck by a large tree that had been cut down upstream. Staff will repair the dock over the winter. Ellison House: Staff removed one large load of garbage from house, but it is a long process ahead of more items to be moved. Council Connection — 10/23/17 STREET DEPARTMENT Shop: The shop has been busy doing normal maintenance on equipment and vehicles with other repairs as listed: • DOT unit 105 dump truck • Replaced gutter brooms unit 132 & 108 • Replace fan belts on unit 111 • Replaced batteries on 110 Streets: • Sign maintenance • Boulevard tree trimming in various areas • Fall sweeping is underway • Removed shrub, added new trees and placed colored concrete in center medians on Cedar Street between Goodyear Tire and Walmart • Blacktop patching in various areas Stormwater: • Stormwater pond maintenance continues WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT The Water & Sewer Department staff has been working on the following tasks: • Flushing water mains which should be done sometime next week • Finishing up cleaning all storm interceptor manholes and storm sump manholes this week • Will begin lift station maintenance which includes cleaning, lift pumps oil change, calibrating pumps and generator maintenance • Year-end fire hydrant maintenance throughout the city • Water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer inspections • Water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer locates • Water meter installation on new water accounts • Replacement water meters on stuck or slow usage accounts • Vehicle maintenance • Building maintenance