City Council Agenda Packet 01-14-2002AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONT�CELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, January 14, 2002 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approve minutes of December 10, 2001 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. /B' �i //� "'C �U, J �lt�Pri ST� l�'oc �`�x-�P'���✓ ,�/.��.0 rte,, .-/ Gv,! G,c.. 7-t� l o,J Do�Z 1 ap�rc4xr�ne a 4. Citizens co ments/petitions, requests, and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. 6. A. Consideration of resolution approving renewal of gambling license for Land of Lakes Choir Boys. B. Consideration of ratifying new hires MCC and Liquor Store. C. Consideration of resolution adding an additional deferred compensation vendor. D. Consideration of issuing a pawn shop license at 149 West Broadway. E. Consideration of approving agreement of understanding with Monticello Youth Hockey Association for rink maintenance. F. Consideration of annual appointments for 2002. G. Consideration of change order 41 to the Liquor Store Expansion Project. H. Consideration of a one day charitable gambling license - Knights of Columbus I. Consideration of a CUP allowing expansion and alteration of existing church in the PZM district. Applicant: Trinity Lutheran Church. J. Consideration of increase of development fees. dL4 `M (v--,4 , -Jr Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Consideration of modification to snow/ice removal policy. Agenda Monticello City Council January 14, 2002 Page 2 8. Consideration of a request for payment of MOAA expenses. 9. Review current application of trunk fees and project administration fees for redevelopment projects in the core area of the City. 10. Consideration of request for approval of a parking lot in the CCD district that would provide less than the required 60% of joint parking stalls and determine source of funds offsetting stall deficiency. 11. Park Superintendent Position - Update and possible recommendation. 12. Consideration of approving payment of bills for January, 2002. 13 . Adjourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 10, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of the November 26, 2001 reLyular Council meetine. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 26, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the auenda. Mayor Belsaas added plowing of Riverside Cemetery and providing a procedure for marking park donations such as benches to acknowledge the donation. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Aeenda A. Consideration of Fund Transfers for 2001. Recommendation: Approve the recommended fund transfers for 2001. B. Consideration of approving purchase of liquor store cooler equipment. Recommendation: Move to accept the price quote from St. Cloud Refrigeration in the amount of $45,347.00 for the cooler equipment. C. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the community center and liquor store. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of the employees for the community center and liquor store as identified. D. Consideration of calling for a public hearing to adopt amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding single family residential lots and development standards. Applicant: City of -0 Council Minutes - 12/10/01 Monticello. Recommendation: Move to call for a public hearing on Zoning Ordinance amendments to residential lots and building standards in the single family residential district. E. Consideration of approval of long term plan outline for Riverside Cemetery. Recommendation: Move to approve the long term cemetery plan outline for Riverside Cemetery as drafted by the Riverside Cemetery Committee. F. Ratify hiring of Program and Operation Coordinator for Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of Amy Dean to fill the full time position of Program/ Operation Coordinator for the Monticello Community Center. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of resolution adopting 2002 budget and tax levv. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provided background information on the proposed 2002 budget and tax levy noting that since this is the final meeting of the year, the Council does have to adopt a final budget and levy. The changes and modifications to the budget as discussed at the November 13, 2001 budget workshop were reviewed. The street reconstruction funding was reviewed and there is, under the proposed budget, approximately $587,000 for funding street reconstruction projects. It was noted that even with the budget changes the City would be levying the maximum allowed $6,498,079. There was additional revenue in the budget because of increase in MCC fees which was overlooked at the budget workshop. Because of that the Community Center was asking that funding be reinstated for office construction for MCC staff. The consensus of the Council was that the money should remain in the street reconstruction fiend. Bruce Thielen stated that there is the perception that local government has all kinds of fiends laying around and even the state governor is pushing to restrict the amount of funds a city can carry over from year to year. He asked the City Administrator for public information to provide an explanation of the amounts and uses of the City's reserve funds. Rick Wolfsteller acknowledged that the state is looking at those cities and counties having excess funds with the possibility of requiring them to use the funds rather than paying them state aid. If that should happen, the City would not be seriously impacted since it receives little in the way of state aids. Rick Wolfsteller explained that approximately $2,000,000 of the reserve fund is used for cash flow since the City only received state aids in July and December. The remaining reserve funds are earmarked for various uses. For example there are sewer and water fiend reserves and while these funds are not tied to a specific project at this time, as the need for infrastructure improvements 2 9 Council Minutes - 12/10/01 occurs, such as lift stations, forcemains, wells, etc. these funds can be tapped for that purpose. Other funds have been reserved for items such as fire department equipment and acquisition of industrial land. Although the city's audit doesn't specify these funds as designated reserves, they have been set aside with a specific use in mind. Roger Belsaas suggested that the City Administrator cover the reserves funds as an item in the next newsletter. He felt that it was important for the residents to know how these reserve funds were going to be used. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED 2002 BUDGET AND TAX LEVY AS PRESENTED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of salary schedule adjustments for 2002. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provided information on the proposed salary adjustments for 2002 noting that these adjustments cover non-union personnel. Mayor Belsaas and Clint Herbst felt based on the survey of other communities and the consumer price index that 3.5% was reasonable. Bruce Thielen felt 3% would be more in line. Clint Herbst suggested that at a future date, the City look at the benefits that other communities provide their staff and see how the City compares with these communities as far as benefits. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE A 3.5% INCREASE IN NON-UNION SALARIES FOR 2002. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of authorizing completion of road and utility feasibility study for the, Chadwick Industrial area and consideration of accepting petition for annexation and call for. a public hearing on a portion of the Chadwick propertv.. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill, stated that the City had received a petition requesting annexation of the property and a request for a feasibility report covering the extension of utilities and streets to the property. The preliminary layout of the property was reviewed and it was pointed out that the developer was proposing a tier of commercial/industrial lots along the freeway. The developer indicates that the proposed commercial activity would not be high volume but would more likely be a warehouse/sales facility such as a carpet outlet store or tile shop. The preliminary layout shows Chelsea Road being extended to County Road 39 with cul-de-sacs coming off Chelsea Road to service the balance of the property as it develops. The phasing in of utilities would be more difficult and would be a focus of the feasibility report. There is a portion of the property that can be served by gravity flow and it is likely that this would be the first area to develop. The other concern is the cost of the Chelsea Road extension and whether the City would up -front the cost of the street extension. Council Minutes - 12/10/01 Roger Belsaas noted that the commercial use would require rezoning of the property. Jeff O'Neill stated that a planned unit development could also be considered as it would allow some commercial activity but not heavy retail volume. This will be worked out in more detail in the development plans. It was questioned what safeguards there would be for the City to ensure that the development complied with all city requirements. Jeff O'Neill stated that the conditions could be made part of the planned unit development and the city could impose higher standards in a planned unit development than the standards for a zoning district. Clint Herbst felt the annexation request should go before the MOAA Board and also questioned how the City would handle the gravel truck traffic. Jeff O'Neill stated that there would be a segment of road maintained for the truck traffic. Bruce Thielen asked about the status of the two previous annexations the City approved. It was reported that the State Planning Agency is looking at the issue of the MOAA agreement. City staff will be meeting with representatives from the State Planning Agency on this. Bruce Thielen felt that to deviate from the procedures used on the last two annexations would send a mixed message. He felt that the majority of the City Council approved operating under the current state statutes governing annexation and they should continue to operate in that fashion until it was determined otherwise. Clint Herbst noted that operating under the annexation statutes has slowed the process down. He pointed out that the MOAA Board had basically only one conflict with the land use in the MOAA area which was the Gold Nugget property and he did not anticipate that they would not approve any of the current annexation requests. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO CONDUCT UTILITY AND ROAD SYSTEM STUDY FOR THE CHADWICK PARCEL AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $17,500 WITH THE COST OF THE STUDY TO BE DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY PRIOR TO INITIATION OF THE STUDY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. In discussion of the annexation petition, Clint Herbst noted his concern that by not following the MOAA agreement the City was giving developers a blank canvas and he was concerned about where the push for development would take place. Brian Stumpf felt that if the MOAA Board had no problems with the areas proposed for annexation, there was no reason why the City should not annex the land under current statutes. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PETITION FOR ANNEXATION AND CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION REQUEST AS PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF STATE STATUTES. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST AND ROGER BELSAAS VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chair, noted that on the concept plan the property was all designated as industrial and he questioned why the proposed commercial use was not brought up to the Planning Commission. Jeff O'Neill stated that the concept plan was just a guide and was subject to change. 4 2 Council Minutes - 12/10/01 10. Consideration of accepting Maplewood Development (Southeast Area) Sanitary Sewer Capacity Study. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, reviewed the sanitary sewer study for the southeast area. This study was done to determine how much capacity currently remains in the system for this area and what improvements would be needed in order to service the properties in the southeast area that have petitioned for annexation. The study proposes that: 1) The flow from Meadow Oaks Lift Station would be routed directly to the interceptor that goes to the wastewater treatment plant. Rerouting the forcemain would allow 200 acres of new development in the southeast service area and 160 acres of development in the northeast service area. The cost for rerouting the forcemain is estimated at $230,000. 2) Improvements would be made to the existing Meadow Oaks Lift Station to increase its capacity. These improvements are estimated at $120,000. A new lift station is proposed for the area of Fenning Avenue and 85"' Street. The estimated cost for the lift station and forcemain is $155,000. 3) Rerouting CSAH 39 forcemain at an estimated cost of $75,000 and looping a segment of watermain on CSAH 75 at $96,000 are also planned. Bret Weiss reviewed the existing sewer system and pointed out a concern with the Mississippi Drive Interceptor. Because the basement elevations of the homes are close to the same elevation of the interceptor line there is a concern with potential sewer backups for these homes. Also because of the slope of the line being very shallow the velocity through the line is slower which also reduces the capacity of the pipe. Bret Weiss discussed the service area and how the properties currently requesting annexation could be serviced. It was noted that there would be additional trunk charges in the amount of approximately $1200-$1800/acre for this area. This $1200-$1800/acre would be in addition to the current trunk sewer charges. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY STUDY AND ASSIGN A $1800/ACRE SURCHARGE TO THE REGULAR $1900/ACRE TRUNK SEWER FEE TO BE COLLECTED AT THE TIME OF PLATTING THROUGH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It. Consideration of accepting property owners petitions and call for a public hearing on. annexation of parcels of property adiacent to city limits in the southeast area. Petitioners include: Ken Schultz. Jim Shultz and Ralph Hermes., Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill reviewed the location of the properties requesting annexation. The petitions for annexation were tabled until the feasibility study for that area was 5 2_. Council Minutes - 12/10/01 completed. Jeff O'Neill stated that were certain conditions that would need to be met before annexation would take place which include: A. The City establish a revised R-1 and R-1 A district standards to be incorporated into the zoning ordinance. B. A letter of intent submitted by the developers agreeing to pay the sanitary sewer fee surcharge. C. Completion of the preliminary plat phase of the platting process. In addition there were certain other conditions specific to individual properties that needed to be resolved which included the sanitary sewer lift station costs for the Jim Shultz property and storm sewer cost and tree preservation plan for the Ralph Hermes property. Jeff O'Neill noted that the annexation area of the Hermes property is 60 acres but the preliminary plat would be based on the 80 acre parcel. Roger Carlson asked about the R-1 A standard and what parcels proposed for annexation would this standard apply to. It was explained that the Planning Commission had -not called for a public hearing on the residential district standards because they did not see the language of the ordinance change. The first draft of the ordinance language should be available for the January Planning Commission meeting and that is when staff would like the Planning Commission to conduct the public hearing. These district standards should be in place so when the properties are annexed into the city these zoning standards would apply. Clint Herbst stated that his position on these petitions for annexation was the same as on the Chadwick property. He felt they should come before the MOAA Board. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PETITIONS FOR ANNEXATION AND CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION BY ORDINANCE FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY WITH ANNEXATION OCCURRING SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLIC HEARING IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET: A. For all properties: Annexation contingent on establishment of revised R-1 and R-lA district standards to associated district designation requested at time of annexation. B. For all properties: Annexation contingent on preparation of letter of intent from developer to pay the necessary sanitary sewer fee surcharge. C. For all properties: Annexation contingent on completion of the preliminary plat phase of the platting process. D. For the Jim Shultz property: Annexation contingent on development of terms/agreement relating to installation of sanitary sewer lift station needed to serve the site. This lift station will cost approximately $120,000, whereas sanitary sewer trunk fees for the development will amount to $76,000 from the site. Staff will need to work out terms to reduce City front-end cost and obtain other concessions from the developer such as covenants establishing a high minimum standard for home development. E. For the Ralph Hermes property: Annexation contingent on the development of a plan for constructing and financing the storm sewer lift station necessary to convey the water from the development to the Meadow 6 Council Minutes - 12/10/01 Oak storm sewer system. F. For the Ralph Hennes property: Annexation contingent on development of a tree preservation plan for the southerly 40 acre parcel. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST AND ROGER BELSAAS VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 12. Discussion - Consideration of a conceptual land use plan proposed as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Applicant: Citv of Monticello., Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill reviewed the proposed land use guide plan which incorporated comments made by Council, Planning Commission members and staff from their land use workshop conducted in September. He was requesting Council authorization to present it to the Wright County Planner for his comments. The land use guide plan will also be submitted to the HRA and IDC for comments and will again be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Clint Herbst asked if the city planner had looked at the proposal to determine how many acres the City needs to sustain commercial growth. In other words what is a healthy amount of land for the City to have for a commercial base? BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO PRESENT THE LAND USE PLAN TO COUNTY PLANNER TOM SALKOWSKI AND OBTAIN INPUT FROM TOWNSHIP REPRESENTATIVES AS DETERMINED BY SALKOWSKI. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Roger Belsaas noted that he had received a call regarding the snowplowing at Riverside Cemetery. The plowing issue had been discussed with the Public Works Director. It was noted that the plowing is done of the roads into the cemetery however in this case because the ground was not frozen certain areas could not be plowed without causing damage. Roger Belsaas also asked if there was a policy on donations to the park of benches or trees, etc. that allowed for a marker to be placed on the object identifying that this was a donation. Roger Carlson suggested that this be presented to the Park Commission for their recommendation. It was noted that there is program like that for the Riverside Cemetery and that maybe something similar should be considered for the park system. 13. Approve pavment of bills for December. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 2— Council Minutes - 12/10/01 14. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:50 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary Council Agenda 1/14/02 5A. Consideration of resolution approving renewal of 2amblin2 license to Land of Lake Lakes Choir Bovs to conduct gambling at J.P.'s Annex.. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Land of Lakes Choir Boys charitable gambling operation located at J.P.'s will expire on April 30, 2002. The organization is requesting approval by the City Council for renewal of their license through the State Gambling Control Board. Prior to the State Gambling Control Board issuing a license, the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the application. The staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the state to issue this license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a pull tab license to Land of Lakes Choir Boys for the J.P.'s. 2. Do not approve the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends the resolution being adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of any reason why the license should be denied. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution Copy of application RESOLUTION NO. 2002-1 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Land of Lakes Choir Boys has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitable gambling license to conduct gambling at J.P.'s Annex located in Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application by the Land of Lakes Choir Boys for a charitable gambling license is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 14"' day of January, 2002. Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator State of Minnesota For Board Use Only Gambling Control Board Premises Permit Renewal Application Amt. Pd Check # G214PPR Printed: 10/16/2001 License Number B-04926-001 Effective Date: 5/1/2000 Expiration Date: 4/30/2002 Name of Organization: Land of Lakes Choirboys of Minn Gambling Premises Information Name of the establishment where gambling will be conducted JPS Note: Our records show the premises 530 Cedar St is located within the city limits Monticello, MN 55362 County: Wright ,4 7-6 I A/l c r'14 0 ! I V , A11(V Name of the property owner (If different): 4-4 i t (�> ('(,CC PAX-IYA-c-Sk 1,�Y 17�,VrS ( t,11(U � 174 Lessor Information Square footage leased per month: c1 (o„ 0 Rent paid per month: A it 06767 Square footage leased per bingo occasion: Rent paid per bingo occasion: Bingo Activity Our records indicate that Bingo is not conducted on these premises. Storage Information 914' Cu Rd 1J �Gtt I� (�� �-� -1-� ,/-f-s - s cµ✓t� 1' Q -��- ElIci 1V cl, ?v1N 55330 12")% S c kc c (1 ti � ?i �i �^' 'T' 7 / VYl �i' ►tel -f'%1 Bank Information 1st Minnesota Bank 106 E 4th St Monticello, MN 55362 Gambling Bank Account Number: 7801601 On the lines provided below list the name, address and title of at least two persons authorized to sign checks and make deposits and withdrawals for the gambling account. The organization's treasurer may not handle gambling funds. Name Address City, State, Zip Code Title John Daniel Fitzgerald 24620 128th St Zimmerman, MN 55398 Sandra Weicht 13330 Island View Dr Elk River, MN 55330 /VZ Lt-v00,e'Y Randall Robert Vogt 4327 Sterling Dr Big Lake, MN 55309 ",b 1 r1� (Be sure to complete the reverse side of this application) This form will be made available in alternative format (ie. large print, braille) upon request. Page 1 of 2 (Continued on Back) g- Gambling Site Authorization I hereby consent that local law enforcement officers, the board or agents of the board, or the commissioner of revenue or public safety or agents of the commissioners, may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank Records Information The board is authorized to inspect the bank records of the gambling account whenever necessary to fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. Organization License Authorization I hereby authorize the Gambling Control Board to modify the class of organization license to be consistent with the class of permit being applied for. Acknowledgment Oath 6. I declare that: 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the board is true, accurate, and complete; 7• 2. all other required information has been fully disclosed; 3. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 4. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 5. I will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments to them; Page 2 of 2 any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local unit of government within ten days of the change; and I understand that failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. Signature o he chief executive officer (Designee may not sign) a 2__ Dae / / Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment and Approval If the gambling premises is within city limits, ihecity crust sign this application and provide a resolution. On behalf of the city, I hereby acknowledge this application C 1 -,'y r3� A/l r -v* r P_ l '( o for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within Printn e of city the city's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. Signatu city personnel receiving application /vrL Title % (� Date If the gambling premises is located in a township, both the county and township trust sign this application. The county must provide a resolution. For the township: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct lawful gambling activity within the township limits. A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). Print name of town Signature of towns] Title application Date For the county: On behalf of the county, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at Print name of county the premises located within the county's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. Signature of county persl receiving application The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board in conducting a background investigation of you. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a license. If you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Title Your name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All the other information that you provide will be private data about you until the Board issues your license. When the Board issues your license, all of the information that you have provided to the Board in the process of applying for your license will become public. If the Board does not issue you a license, all the information you have provided in the process of applying for a license remains private, with the exception of your name and address which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to Date Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS GAMBLING OPERATIONS JANUARY 1, 2000 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2001 Gross Profit: Gross receipts - pull tabs $ 5,553,215.00 Gross receipts - meat raffle 9,000.00 Prizes - pull tabs (4,731,026.00) Prizes - meat raffle (6,000.00) Interest 0.31 Gross Profit $ 825,189.31 State Taxes: Combined and net receipts tax (216,504.83) Gambling tax (126,936.03) Gross Profit After State Taxes $ 481,748.45 Allowable expenses (272,337.28) Not Profit After State Taxes $ 209,411.17 Lawful Purpose Expenditures: Land of Lakes Choirboys $ 138,100.00 Monticello organizations (see attached sheet for detail) 92,067.00 One-half of annual audit costs 1,925.00 Total Lawful Purpose Expenditures $ 232,092.00 Less: 2% tax credit/refund (38,093.47) Net Lawful Purpose Expenditures $ 193,998.53 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ 15,412.64 Profit Carryover - January 1; 2000 35,600.01 Profit Carryover - December 31, 2001 $ 51,012.65 LAND OF LAKES CHOIRBOYS DONATIONS MADE FROM GAMBLING OPERATIONS JANUARY 1, 2000 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2001 Organization Land of Lakes Choirboys Monticello: Monticello Youth Program Monticello Polecats Monticello Science for Youth (SciFY) Monticello SciFY Monticello SciFY City of Monticello Monticello Community Center Monticello Community Center Monticello Fire Dept. Monticello Community Life Savers Monticello -Big Lake Nursing Home Monticello High School Monticello High School Monticello Community Toys for Tots Little Mountain Elementary School Little Mountain Elementary School Monticello Community Education Monticello Community Choir Eastview Elementary School Total Monticello Purpose Total % General operations $ 138,100 60.0% Youth hockey Donation Robotics project CO2 propulsion project Monarch butterfly project Riverfest The Warehouse and skate park Bike park Jaws of life CPR certification course Mechanical lift for residents Four $1,000 scholarships Baseball field Donation T-shirts for All -School musical Donations to music program Prairie Fire Children's Theater Sheet music Donations to music program Total Lawful Purpose Expenditure Donations 2,664 7,000 4,500 2,700 9,300 5,000 3,000 11,000 15,815 3,000 4,023 4,000 1,800 1,000 4,630 7,235 2,200 1,500 1,700 $ 92,067 40.0% $ 230,167 100.0% Council Agenda - 1/14/02 5B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for the community center and liquor store. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently at the the community center and liquor store. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees for the community center and liquor store as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. Name Gibson/Chrysi Menth/Patricia Name Wiley/Angela Fisette/Richard NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department Liq Store Clerk HiWay Liquors Events Coordinator MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason terminated terminated employee council list.xls: 01/03/2002 Department Liq Store Liq Store Hire Date Class 12/1/01 from PT to FT 1/1/02 from PT to FT Last Day 12/24/01 12/20/01 PT PT Class SE Name Name Weis, Sean NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason Department voluntary employee council list.xis: 12/18/2001 Water Hire Date Class Last Day Class 12/7/01 FT Council Agenda - 1/14/02 5C. Consideration of resolution adding an additional deferred compensation plan vendor.. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the early 80's, the City Council authorized deferred compensation plans to be available to all City employees who wanted to set up additional retirement plans. The term for these plans were called Section 457 plans of the IRS code. They are very similar to 401 k's that are used by private companies. The fund set aside come entirely from the employees and no city contribution has been made. The primary deferred compensation plan that was originally established was sponsored by the International City Management Association (ICMA). Along with this plan, the City Council also approved a second vendor, Investors Diversified Services (IDS) so that employees would have a choice. All retirement savings are invested by each employee as to their own preference ranging from fixed income investments up to various mutual fund choices. A few years ago, IDS was acquired by American Express and the company decided not to continue offering deferred compensation plans as part of their investment programs. As a result, the only current option available to employees is through ICMA if they want to participate in a deferred compensation program. Recently the City was approached by a representative of Wenzel & Associates out of Woodbury, a financial service company that offers deferred compensation program options for cities and counties. The primary investments offered by this firm is through is Ameritus Investment Corporation. The company also uses Morningstar Research to provide fund analysis and research for Ameritus, depending on employee risk tolerance. The City Council is asked to adopt a resolution that would allow Wenzel & Associates to offer deferred compensation plans to all city employees through IRS 457 tax code. The City Council would not be endorsing the products offered, only making this another choice that is available for all employees if they desire to set up their own retirement plans. The first step in authorizing a second choice for employees would be by adopting the resolution so that plan documents can be prepared and executed. Under a 457 Deferred Comp Plan, the assets of the employees are technically held in the City's name until termination or retirement but are the property of the individual employee. There is no other obligation on the part of the city as plan administrator other than allowing the employees to participate. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution allowing Wenzel & Associates to provide deferred compensation plan options to all eligible city employees. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution be adopted allowing an Council Agenda - 1/ 14/02 additional option to be available to all city employees. All employees will be notified of the additional choices that are available and it will be a decision of each employee to determine whether they want to participate with no obligation on the City's part. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution Letter of recommendation from City Administrator of Glenwood Letter of recommendation County Coordinator Pope County CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2002-2 MODIFYING DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN WHEREAS, The City of Monticello is modifying the said Deferred Compensation Plan vendor options to be made available to all eligible City employees and elected officials pursuant to Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code permitting such Plans, to include Ameritas Variable Life Insurance Company serviced by the agency Wenzel & Associates, Inc., and WHEREAS, such benefits will act as incentives to City employees to voluntarily set aside and invest portions of their current income to meet their future financial requirements and supplement their PERA retirement and Social Security; and WHEREAS, CBC, as Plan Administrator, Ameritas Variable Life as product provider agrees to hold harmless and indemriify the City, its appointed and elected officers and participating employees from any loss resulting from their or their Agent's failure to perform their services pursuant to the Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED that the City Council of Monticello hereby authorizes execution of such agreements and contracts as are necessary to expand the Deferred Compensation program, IT IS FURTHER RESOL VED that other than the incidental expenses of collecting and dispensing of the employee deferrals and other minor administrative matters there will be no cost or contribution by the City of Monticello to the program. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota this 14" day of January, 2002. ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Roger Belsaas, Mayor Sherry Parker County Coordinator September 27, 2001 Wenzel & Associates 1976 Wooddale Drive Suite 4 Woodbury, MN 55125 To Whom It May Concern: Stephanie Miller , 9gsigtant am writing this letter as a letter of recommendation for Wenzel & Associates Inc./Ameritas. The ,personnel- at Wenzel & Associates Inc. have been very courteous and easy to work with; they make doing business together a real pleasure. Their expertise and the information that they can provide is essential when choosing a financial advising firm to work with in the 457 marketplace. Another positive about working with Wenzel & Associates Inc. is the array of products and services they can provide. They not only advise our employees with their 457 plan, but also other needs that the employees -may have on a personal level such as retirement planning, insurance needs and so much more! Should you. have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me at (320) 634-5727. Cordially, r � Sherry Parke Coordinator Pope County cc: Wenzel & Associates Inc. C11 Phone: (320) 634-5433 Fax: (320) 634-5592 glenwood@runestone.net City of Glenwood - 137 East Minnesota Avenue • Glenwood, MN 56334 September 28, 2001 Wenzel & Associates 1976 Wooddale Drive, Suite 4 Woodbury, MN 55125 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter as a letter of recommendation for Wenzel & Associates Inc./Ameritas. The personnel at Wenzel & Associates Inc. have been very courteous and easy to work with; they make doing business together a real pleasure. Their expertise and the information that they can provide is essential when choosing a financial advising firm to work within the 457 marketplace. Another positive about working with Wenzel & Associates Inc. is the array of products and services they can provide. They not only advise our employees with their 457 plan, but also other needs that the employee may have on a personal level such as retirement planning, insurance needs and so much more! Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me at 320-634-5433. Cordially, T -(i VU Ult J-ekdm David Iverson City Administrator City of Glenwood CC: Wenzel & Associates L� Council Agenda - 1/ 14/02 5D. Consideration of issuing a pawn shop license - 149 West Broadway. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council had previously issued a one year pawn shop license to Walt's Pawn Shop located at 149 West Broadway which will expire on August 14, 2002. Bradley and Temple Barsness, the owners of Walt's Pawn Shop, are selling the business to Randel Thompson who intends to keep the business at the same location and use the same business name. The provisions of the city ordinance regulating pawn shops states that the license is not transferable. Mr. Thompson has submitted his application for a pawn shop license for 149 West Broadway. The license fee is currently $25/per year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACT�ONS: 1. Approve the pawn shop license application for Randel Thompson at 149 West Broadway contingent upon submittal of license bond in the amount of $5,000 and payment of the license fee of $25.00 2. Do not approve the license application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDAT � ON: The license application is for an existing pawn shop and it is recommended that the City Council approve the license application contingent upon payment of the license fee and submittal of the license bond. D. SUPPORTING DATA: License application. a ���2�Ji ����V���, MUI-T-IF I4c'F_ L-I— City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite # 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Tel: (763) 295-2711 Fax: (763) 295-4404 Name: �+ �► c-� t ( ! (�vr-rf r ,, L Street Address: 1 % LICENSE APPLICATION PAWN SHOP (Individual) 41 le City: State: *7`j Zip Code: �� C / � P Date of Birth: /� �� �� Place of Birth:�,4/ Telephone Number: (Home) SA Y (Work) &'IZ Please indicate your status: United States Citizen ❑ Resident Alien If you have used or been known by a name other than the one listed above, please indicate the name(s) used and the dates and places used: t1%' Business Name: 1,,,/G c«n C/— (Include copy of certificate of business name with application) Business Location: Street: 4 �q I -r, ���C, Kde: City: �'v/��]`•G� State: /,?Zip 5.5 7e'z< Telephone: Z9'.5' Please list address(es) of the applicant for the preceding five (5) years: V"O, L4— Please 4 - Please list the name, location and type of business/occupation the applicant has been engaged in for the preceding five (5,) years including name(s) and address(es) of applicant's employlars and/or partrs: ���i-!� �@J'� h – C/ � �1 �C • ,� — �: r �r� �>r� � �'4%��uwc_� �-� ��� /�`�i-w.c, tE� � � �r sol 1.-r�,,� �� �� �'_��✓" � 7 Have you been convicted of a felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance (excluding traffic ordinances)? If so, please provide information as to the time, place and nature of offense: /i-� Does the applicant hold a current pawnbroker, precious metal dealer or secondhand dealer license from any other governmental unit. Please list any other licenses: Lll Has the applicant been denied a license for pawnbroker, precious metal dealer or secondhand dealer license or had a license revoked or suspended by any other governmental unit: /L/ If the applicant will not be managing the business, please provide the name(s) of the manager(s) and submit all information requested in this application for each of the individuals named: i, 5,L cV,, The information provided in this application is true and correct tot '` be 1010 Dated: itle:.� Council Agenda - 01/14/2002 5E. Consideration of atmroving Agreement of Understanding with the Monticello Youth, Hockev Association for rink maintenance at 4t" Street Park,. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND.: It has been some time since the City of Monticello has had a formal agreement with the Monticello Youth Hockey Association. The last formal agreement was in 1982, with a further commitment letter submitted by the Hockey Association in 1989. In 1997, an Agreement of Understanding was drafted but not formally adopted by the City Council. Discussions with the Parks Commission have occurred at times but no formal agreement or changes were adopted. Over the years the City has taken on more of the responsibility for the care and maintenance of the hockey rinks in addition to the general skating rink at 4t' Street. The City Snow Plowing Policy reflects the City's continued support for clearing of the snow from the rinks, and the Parks Department under the direction of the Park Superintendent actually took over flooding of the hockey rinks for the last three seasons. Even though the Hockey Association has grown it has become more difficult for them to put volunteers together to take care of and maintain ice especially during daytime hours. During a recent meeting with representativesfrom the Parks Commission, Monticello Youth Hockey Association, the acting Park Foreman and myself, an Agreement of Understanding was reached which makes the City responsible for continuing to do the flooding of the ice rinks as well as the snow removal which we are currently doing. The Hockey Association will assist when volunteers are available. The agreement also has some additional emphasis on supervision of the hockey players when the facility is used predominantly by thein. A copy of the proposed agreement is enclosed for your review. It is assumed that this agreement if adopted will be reviewed annually by City staff, the Parks Commission, and the Monticello Youth Hockey Association, and any changes would be brought to the City Council for ratification. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to adopt the enclosed Agreement of Understanding as drafted. 2. The second alternative would be to make whatever changes the Council feels appropriate. 3. The third alternative would be not to adopt the agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION,: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, the Parks Commission Subcommittee and the Monticello Youth Hockey Association that the City Council approve the Agreement of Understanding as drafted and enclosed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of past agreements and current proposed agreement. AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING This agreement, executed between the City of Monticello (hereinafter referred to as the City) and the Monticello Youth Hockey Association (hereinafter referred to as the YHA) sets out provisions for the use of the building facilities in Fourth Street Park. The City and the YHA do hereby agree as follows: 1. The City shall assume responsibility for routine maintenance and repairs. The YHA will assist with labor, if necessary. 2. The City shall pay for all utility (fuel and electricity) costs; 3. The City will continue to provide a rink attendant during the specified hours of operation; Hours of Operation - The warming house will be open Monday through Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday from noon until 9 p.m. and Christmas/holidays from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The warming house attendant will be given explicit instructions to lock the facility after closing hours. No use of the facility will be allowed by the Hockey Association after closing. 4. The City will supply to the YHA two keys for the facility. These keys may not be duplicated without City authorization. 5. The City will be responsible for removing snow in accordance with the snow removal policy. 6. The YHA will have use of the storage facilities at the 4t' Street Rink throughout the year. 7. The YHA shall assume full responsibility for the opening and closing of the facility during the period of time specified in provision 46. This shall include turning off lights and securing all entries. 8. The YHA will exercise substantial responsibility in supervising the activities of the YHA in the facility. 9. The YHA, while the building is being used primarily by them, will assume the responsibility for reasonable care and maintenance of the facility; including clean up. 10. The YHA will notify City Staff as soon as is feasibly possible of any repair and/or maintenance problem that may require City attention. 11. The City will be responsible for flooding both the hockey rink and the open skating area with the assistance of the YHA volunteer group. Both skating areas should receive equal priority in terms of flooding. v 12. The YHA has exclusive use of one of the two rinks during scheduled practices, with supervision, however one of the rinks should always be available for the general public. N AGREEMENT CF UNDERSTANDING This agreement, executed this day of , 1982 between the City of Monticello (hereinafter referred to as the City) and the Monticello Youth Hockey Association (hereinafter referred to as the YHA) sets out provisions for the use of and the orderly reimbursement to the City for the cost of constructing expanded building facilities in Fourth Street Park. The City and the YHA do hereby agree as follows: 1) The City shall pay all construction costs for the restroom.s and storage facilities; 2) The City shall assume responsibility for routine maintenance and repairs; 3) The City shall pay for all utility (fuel and electricity) costs; 4) The YHA agrees to reimburse the City for construction expense related to the construction of the storage area only, such sum to be determined upon completion of construction, but in any case, said sum shall not be greater than five, thousand, two hundred fifty dollars and no cents ($5,250.00)0 5) The YHA shall pay, and the City agrees to accept, the reimburse- ment amount in annual installments of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) . 6) The City shall not charge interest on the unpaid balance of the reimbursement sum. 7) The method of payment shall be: Upon completion of construction or within 30 days thereafter, the YHA shall pay to the City an amount that,' when deducted from the principal, will reduce the unpaid balance to a sum divisible in whole numbers by $500. a) e.g. i) Cost $5,250.00 Payment 250.00 Unpaid Balance $5,OOQ.00 ii) Cost $41,850.00 350.00 Unpaid Balance $41:,500. 00 b) Commencing on or before November 1, 1983, the YHA shall pay the minimum amount ($500) to the City, ori June 19, 1989 Monticello Youth Hockey Association P. O. Box 584 — Monticello, MN 55362 To Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 After meeting with the city council in January, the Monticello Youth Hockey Association has met and agreed to the following agreement of understanding with the city regarding the fourth street rink and warming house. The Hockey Association has agreed to work with the city on the following: 1. They will continue to make the $500 annual payment as required by the letter dated in 1982. It appears that the last payment will be in November 1991. 2. The Hockey Association will continue to do annual maintenance to the boards,and warming house. Each year they have painted the interior of the warming house. The city will furnish the materials to complete this maintenance. 3. The Hockey Association will continue to make ice on the hockey rink and the outside recreational rink. The city will provide the water. 4. The Hockey Association will continue to sweep the snow off both rinks with their tractor and sweeper. As indicated in the council meeting, the association and Parks and Recreation Supervisor for the city will explore the possibility of updating the sweeper. I - 5. The city will use their large snow removal equipment to clean off both rinks in the event of a heavy snowfall. NOV 16 '01 09:2SAM CITY OF MONTICR10 P.1/4 Minutes Regular Meeting - Parks Commission 'Thursday, Fea 1�1- x;30 pan, y �., ITsembers 'resent: Larry Nolan, Earl Smith, Robbie Smith Mermbers Absent: Fran Fair Staf'Present: Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer, John Simola X, Call M?,?,Ijna to order. 2. Chairperson Nolan called, the meeting to order. COMMISSIONER E, SMITH MADE A MOTION SECONDED BY R. SMITH TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 16, 1997 ME RTING. Motion passed unanimously. There were three items: 1. Signs in the parks 2. Name Outlot A 3. Public Works overload i There were three applicants for the position vacated by Bruc4 Thielen's election to the City Council. The people interviewed were Mike Lundq 'st, Rick Traver, and Je�Ey Burns. All of the candidates were very qualified for e position and the Commission discussed each one's qualifications in regards to what was most needed by the commission at this time. After discuesing each app�icazxt in lengtkx, Rick Traver was c�osen to be recommended to the City Council for the position. ..�ve1jackey AssociatloryVance M& fl;QQ - Vance Ellis, Monticello Youth Hockey Association - YHA., ha requested to be on the agenda to review the Agzeement of Understanding for the 41 L Street skating rink and warn ing house. Vance Ellis, Denny Taylor, and Ray Her ngson cane to the meeting to represent the YHA. Ellis reported that their eqi anent to keep the ice i -a skating condition was in need of preplacement. He inquired' the City would be able to help in this area. Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, stcated the City could not leave equipment at the rink for the YHA to use because of insurance restrictions. The equipment would need to be operated by a City empioyeg. Mack had the rink attendants track the number of skaters using the rinks and Found the use of the Page 1 Z;' . AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Wk 1k 'DICE -FT This agreement, executed between the City of Monticello (hereinafter referred to as the City) and the Monticello Youth Hockey Association (hereinafter referred to a the YHA) sets out provisions for the use of the building facilities in Fourth Street Park. The City and the YHA do hereby agree as follows: 1) The City shall assume responsibility for routine maintenance and repairs; 2) The City shall pay for all utility (fuel and electricity) costs; 3) The City will continue to provide a rink attendant during the specified hours of operation; Hours of Operation - The warming house will be open Monday through Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday from noon until 9 p.m. and Christmas/holidays from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The warming house attendant will be given explicit instructions to lock the facility after closing hours. No use of the facility will be allowed by the Hockey Association after closing. Only flooding activity will be allowed to occur with the lights on after closing. The Hockey Association will be given a limited number of keys to operate the lights to be used in conjunction with after-hours flooding. 4) The City will supply to the YHA two keys for the facility. These keys may not be duplicated without City authorization. The keys should be returned to City Hall at the end of the season; 5) The City will be responsible for removing snow, with a contracted position, at the end of the snowfall independent from the clearing of street; 6) The YHA will have exclusive use of the storage facilities from November 1st through April 30th of each year; 7) The YHA shall assume full responsibility for the opening and closing of the facility during the period of time specified in provision #6. This shall include turning off lights, reducing the heat and securing all entries; 8) The YHA will exercise substantial responsibility in supervising the activities of the YHA in the facility; 9) The YHA, while the building is being used primarily by them, will assume the responsibility for reasonable care and maintenance of the facility; Pae 1 15 L YI�A AGR (. /12/9'1.) __ g MEETING WITH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REPRESENTATIVES DECEMBER 31, 2001- 10 A.M. PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM Present: Kris Nei and Gregg Engle representing the Monticello Youth Hockey Association, Larry Nolan and Earl Smith representing the Monticello Parks Commission, John Simola, Tom Grossnickle, Leo Schroden and Mike Rogers representing the Public Works/Parks staff. John Simola presented a compilation of material relating to responsibility for maintenance of the hockey rinks. He noted that there was a draft of an agreement of understanding with Hockey Association prepared in 1997 but it was never presented to the Council and there was no signed agreement on file. The last signed document was dated 1982. Kris Nei and Gregg Engle indicated that the Hockey Association had been operating under procedures set forth in their letter of June 19, 1989. In that letter the Monticello Youth Hockey Association agreed to: 1) Continue $500 annual payment through 1991; 2) Continue annual maintenance of boards and warming house with the city providing the necessary materials; 3) Continue to make ice for the rinks with the city providing the water; 4) Will sweep snow off the rinks; 5) In heavy snowfalls the city will clean the rinks using their snow removal equipment; and 6) The association will work with the city staff in preparing the rinks for flooding. The Hockey Association at a Parks Commission meeting in 1997 discussed having the city be responsible for snow removal at the rinks and a revised draft agreement was to be presented to the council but the agreement was never taken before the council. This meeting with the Monticello Youth Hockey Association was scheduled as directed by the Parks Commission at their November 15, 2001 meeting in order to determine areas of responsibility for the hockey association and areas of responsibility by city staff. The Monticello Youth Hockey Association submitted a letter proposing revisions to the 1989 agreement of understanding. Six revisions were proposed: 1. Eliminate annual $500 payment. 2. MYNA would volunteer to work on painting the boards and other work at the warming house with the city providing the materials. 3. The city will make the ice and the MYNA. will assist if necessary. 4. The city will continue to sweep the ice. 5. The city will continue to provide heavy snow removal equipment. 6. The city will continue to prepare the rinks for flooding including grading and dirt moving. MYNA will assist if necessary. Taking the draft agreement of understanding from 1997 as a basis the following changes were suggested: 1. "Hockey association will assist with labor, if necessary. " was added to this provision. 2. No changes made to this provision. 3. "Only flooding activity will be allowed to occur with the lights on after closing. The Hockey Association will be given a limited number of keys to operate the lights to be used in conjunction with after-hours flooding" was deleted. 1 that they have been flooding but the weather has not been conducive for getting the ice in place. They also discussed when flooding should be done and whether it should be done after the rink closes and hockey association members would be available to assist or if it should be done during the day thus minimizing the amount of staff overtime. Trying to do any maintenance between 4 p.m. -9 p.m. was futile and staff felt that maintenance should be done during the day if possible or after 9 p.m. Tom Grossnickle stated the flooding works best on a clean surface. After the ice is built up it should be swept before it is flooded again and it should not be flooded when it is snowing. Larry Nolan asked what equipment was used to remove the shavings. The city's sweeper is used and because it is city equipment for liability concerns the equipment needs to be operated by a city employee. Earl Smith stated that if the Parks Department didn't have the time or manpower to sweep the rink, the rink shouldn't be flooded until it could be swept. The number of keys for the facility was also reviewed. Currently two sets of keys are issued to the MYHA which Gregg Engle and Todd Banek have. Leo Schroden noted that someone was in the building because a bench that was in the building was placed outside. The MYHA was not aware of anyone else having keys to the facility. It was also noted that the MYHA's storage is limited to the 4' Street rink and there is no storage at West Bridge Park. Mike Rogers explained some changes that they were making to the lights so that you did not have to go to the box to switch the lights on or off. Authority for enforcing regulations was discussed. There had been incidents in the past that had posed difficulties for the rink attendants. The MYNA felt that for any event or practice they scheduled, it was up to the coaches to see that appropriate behavior was demonstrated by those participating in the event. All other times it would be the responsibility of the skating rink attendant to enforce the regulations. If there were problems with inappropriate behavior that the skating attendant could not control, they would turn it over to the Wright County Sheriffs Department. Another item that was brought up was vehicles going beyond the parking area and parking on the ice. The City will put up signs in an effort to curb the problem. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Recording Secretary 3 :' , Council Agenda - 1/14/02 5F. Consideration of annual appointments for 2002.. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each year, certain appointments be made. Attached you will find a list of the required appointments that may be approved in one single motion unless the Council chooses to consider some appointments separately. a. Citv Depositories. The City utilizes one bank to provide banking services for the City which is Marquette Bank of Monticello, In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239, the Chief Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other official depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion includes the authorization for the Chief Financial Officer to designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. b. Official Newspaper. Monticello Times. C. Health Officer. It is suggested that we simply appoint the River Place Physician Clinic as the health officer position since the City has used this clinic for new employee physicals and also it is the clinic used for our drug testing program. d. Acting Mavor. Past practice has been to choose the senior Councilmember to fill in as the Acting Mayor when needed. Clint Herbst has been appointed to this position for the past several years. e. Representatives to Other Multi -Jurisdictional Bodies.. Two appointments are necessary for selecting the City representatives to serve on each of the following bodies: Community Education Advisory Board and the Joint Fire Board In regard to the Joint Fire Board, Councilmember Brian Stumpf and the City Administrator were the two City representatives on this board. The other members of the Joint Fire Board include two fire department representatives and two Township supervisors, those currently being Ken Scadden and Ted Holker. f. Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Annually, one appointment is required for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The term currently occupied by Mr. Bob Murray is the one that expired December 31. Mr. Murray indicated he would not be willing to continue on the board. The HRA at their January 2, 2002 meeting made a recommendation that since only one application had been received they continue to advertise the position with the hope of receiving additional applications. Council Agenda - 1/ 14/02 g. Planning Commission. The terms of Richard Carlson and Roy Popilek expired on December 31, 2001. The Planning Commission recommended that Richard Carlson and Roy Popilek be appointed for another term. h. Library Board. The Library Board by ordinance requires a Mayoral appointment with Council ratification. The terms of Diane Herbst expired in 2001. I. Recycling Committee. Currently, Councilmember Bruce Thielen has been the Council representative on this committee. Economic Development Authority. The Economic Development Authority is composed currently of seven members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. According to our ordinance that established the EDA, two members of the committee shall be members of the City Council, and those two positions are currently held by Councilmembers Roger Carlson and Clint Herbst. Members of the EDA serve a 6 year term and the term of Ron Hoglund expired in 2001. He indicated that he is willing to serve another term. k. Police Advisory Commission (3 -year staggered terms).. The Police Advisory Commission is composed of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, one of which is a Council member. For the past few years, Councilmember Brian Stumpf has served in that capacity. The position currently held by Brad Fyle expired December 31, 2001. He indicated he is willing to serve another term. Parks Commission. The positions currently held by Earl Smith and Rick Traver expired December, 2001. The Parks Commission at their December meeting recommended that the Council approve the appointment of Earl Smith and Rick Traver for another three year term. M. DAT (Design Advisory Team). The terms of Skip Sorenson, Ron Hoglund and Mike Cyr expired December 2001. They have indicated a willingness to serve another term. n. MCC Advisory Board: The term of Idella Ziegler expired on December 31, 2001. She has indicated her willingness to serve another term. The following appointments are not required to be made annually by statute, but each of them performs services on an as -needed basis for the City. The consulting services and/or individuals are listed as follows and can be individually discussed by the Council if desired. City Attorney. The staff is recommending that the City seek proposals from various law firms to replace or supplement our current City Attorney. Over the past years, the firm of Olson, Usset, & Weingarden has served as our official City Attorney with primarily Dennis Dalen serving as city attorney. Council Agenda - 1/ 14/02 It has become apparent in recent years that the City must adequately prepare for defense of various lawsuits and other legal issue which may require the use of an individual or law firm more specialized in those areas. The Council could consider looking at other law firms that may have individuals who can handle the more specialized legal areas as well as providing general legal counsel to the City. Should the Council wish to pursue this option, staff could be directed to send out requests for proposal for legal services for future Council consideration. If the City did not want to consider this option, they could continue with Mr. Dalen and utilize other outside legal services as the need arises. 2. City Auditor. Historically, Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates has been the City's auditor. As they have become very familiar with our accounting practices, I do not have any problem with the City continuing our relationship with this firm as our official auditor. 3. Consulting Ensaineer. Currently, the consulting engineering firm of WSB & Associates and, in particular, Mr. Bret Weiss, has been appointed as the City's primary City Engineer. For general engineering services, it is recommended that we continue our arrangement with Mr. Bret Weiss as the primary City Engineer with the firm of WSB & Associates. 4. City Planner. For the past number of years, Mr. Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants has been the City Planner. It is recommended that our relationship with Mr. Grittman and Northwest Associated Consultants continue on an as -needed basis. 5. Financial Consultants. When appointments were made in 2001, the City designated Ehlers and Associates as the primary financial advisor with the option of looking at other financial consultants if it was felt that the City's needs were not being met. It is suggested that the City continue with Ehlers and Associates. In addition to the annual appointments, individual Council members for the past few years have been appointed as liaison members with various committees and commissions of the City. A list of these commission or committee assignments is enclosed with the agenda for Council review. If the Council would like to continue with having individual liaison members, the Mayor and Council members may want to discuss whether any commission or committee assignments need to be changed. The attached sheet as supporting data lists all of the members of the various commissions and appropriate appointments, both required and discretionary, that the Council can consider for 2002. The underlined names are the ones that are in need of appointment for Council review. Council Agenda - 1/14/02 B. AILTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. If the Council is in agreement with all of the recommendations for annual appointments, a single motion is all that is needed to cover the vacancies underlined. or individual appointments can be made separately as needed. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of current appointments needed and current office holders. 2002 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Official Depositories: Newspaper: Housing & Redevelopment Authority: (5 -year staggered terms) Planning Commission: (Assuming 3 -year staggered terms) Health Officer: (1 year) Acting Mayor: (1 year) Joint Commissions: Community Education Fire Board Library Board: (3 -year staggered) Attorney: Planner: Auditor: Marquette Bank Monticello Chief Financial Officer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Monticello Times 1. 12/2006* 2. Steve Andrews 12/2002 3. Dan Frie 12/2003 4. Brad Barger 12/2004 5. Darrin Lahr 12/2005 *Still seeking applicants 12/2003 1. Robbie Smith 12/2003 2. Richard Carlson 12/2004 3. Roy Popilek 12/2004 4. Rod Dragsten 12/2002 5. Dick Frie 12/2002 River Place Physician Clinic Clint Herbst Royer Belsaas Rick Wolfsteller and Brian Stumpf 1. Tom Parker 12/2002 2. G TnrnhQj= 12/2003 V* --h 3. Jeanette Lukowski 12/2002 4. Jim Maus 12/2003 5. Diane Herbst 12/2004 Dennis Dalen of Olson, Usset & Weingarden Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates Recycling Committee: Economic Development Authority: (6 -year staggered terns) Engineer: Bruce Thielen 1. Roger Carlson,Council 12/2006 2. Clint Herbst, Council 12/2002 3. Ken Maus 12/2002 4. Darrin Lahr 12/2003 5. Barb Schwientek 12/2004 6. Bill Demeules 12/2005 7. Ron Hoglund 12/2001 WSB & Associates Police Advisory Commission: 1. Brian Stumpf, Council 12/2002 (3 -year staggered terms) 2. Dick Slais 12/2003 Library Board: Bruce Thielen David Gerads 12/2003 4. Brad Fvle 12/2004 5. Liz DeMarais 12/2002 Parks Commission: 1. Earl Smith 12/2004 (3- year staggered terms) 2. Larry Nolan 12/2002 3. Fran Fair 12/2003 4. Nancy McCaffrey 12/2002 5. Rick Traver 12/2004 DAT (Design Advisory Team) 1. Pam Campbell 12/2002 (2 -year staggered terms) 2. Susie Wojchouski 12/2002 3. Dennis Sullivan 12/2002 4. Carl Sorenson 12/2003 5. Ron Hoglund 12/2003 6. Mike Cyr 12/2003 7. Vacant 12/2001 MCC Advisory Board 1. Harvey Kendall 12/2003 year staggered terns) 2. Bob Murray 12/2003 MCC established 9/11/00 and members 3. Wanda Kraemer 12/2002 appointed 10/9/00. 4. Roger Belsaas 12/2002 5. Idella Ziegler 12/2004 Council liaison (ex -officio) appointments to City committees: HRA Brian Stumpf Planning Commission: Clint Herbst Parks Commission: Roger Carlson Police Commission: Brian Stumpf Library Board: Bruce Thielen MCP: Bruce Thielen Council Agenda - 1/ 14/02 5G. Consideration of approving Change Order 91 to the Liquor Store Expansion Project. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In October of 2001 when the City Council approved the award of the contract on the expansion of the liquor store, the Council was given a list of estimated costs for items not included in the base bid. One item on that list was reroofing of the existing liquor store. Since it was feasible and cost effective to have the same contractor who was putting the new roof on for the expansion to also replace the roof on the existing building, the City received a price quote from the contractor for doing the work. The attached change order covers the cost of reroofing the existing building as well as some other minor changes to the contract. The total changes to contract adds $13,885 to the original contract price of $443,281.00 making a revised contract price of $457,166.00. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve change order #1 to the liquor store expansion project in the amount of $13,885.00. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the roof on the existing building was in need of replacement it seems reasonable to add this work to the contract. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that Change Order 41 in the amount of $13,885 be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order #1. Change Order PROJECT: (Name and address) Monticello Liquor Store Addition/Renovation 545 Pine Street Monticello, MN 55362 TO CONTRACTOR: (Name and address) Greystone Construction Company 1221 E. 4th Ave., Suite #110 Shakopee, MN 55379 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: 2000 Edition - Electronic Format AIA Document G701- 2000 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 1 OWNER F -x] DATE: 12/14101 ARCHITECT 0 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: CONTRACTOR X CONTRACT DATE: 11/8/01 CONTRACT FOR:Renovation/Addition (Include, wtaeapplirWe,anyundisputedamount attributable toprviouVyexecuted ConstructionChange Directivm) 1. Revise store front door from telescoping to single slide. Deduct $ 7000.00 2. Add Hardi siding to South side of building to cover exposed double "T" roof panels. Add $1000.00 3. Add bituminous patching up to new sidewalk. Add $ 1385.00 4. Re -roof existing store with addition using 45 ml. ballasted EPDM in lieu of mechanically fastened EPDM on addition only. Add $18500.00 Net Add: $13885.00 The original (Contract Sum) ( ) was $ 443,281.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders s 0 The (Contract Sum) ( ) prior to this Change Order was $ 443,281.00 The (Contract Sum) ( -Piece) will be (increased) (decreased) (tmehaiige4) by this Change Order in the amount of s 13,885.00 The new (Contract Sum) ( - e-'dmum-fie) including this Change Order will be s 457,166.00 The Contract Time will be (inffowad) (greased) (unchanged) by zero ( 0 ) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 6-1-02 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive for which the cost or time are in dispute as described in Subparagraph 7.3.8 of AIA Document Azoi. Not valid until signed by the Architect, Contractor and Owner. ® 2000 The American Institute of Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as toted below. expiration as noted below. User Document: 8701 change order #l.aia – 12/20/2001. AIA License Number 1015152, which expires on 6/6/2002. FIELD OTHER AUTHENTICATION OF THIS ELECTRONICALLY DRAFTED AIA DOCUMENT MAY BE MADE BY USING AIA DOCUMENT D401. © 2000 AIA® AIA DOCUMENT G701-2000 CHANGE ORDER The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006-5292 Mahler & Associates ARC HJ TE Typedname) ( lgnature) Greystone Construction CON RACTOR(T)pedname) ot ure) BY BY IA -5/07, 11, - to • op i DATE' DATE City of Monticello OWNER (T)ped name) (signature) BY DATE ® 2000 The American Institute of Architects. Reproduction of the material herein or substantial quotation of its provisions without written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will •ubject the violator to legal prosecution. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and sill subject the violator to legal prosecution. This document was electronically produced with permission of the AIA and can be reproduced in accordance with your license without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. expiration as noted below. User Document: 8701 change order #1.aia -- 12/20/2001. AIA License Number 1015152, which expires on 6/6/2002. 2 5G Council Agenda - 1/ 14/02 5H. Consideration of approval of a one day_ charitable aamblincr license for the Knights of Columbus. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Knights of Columbus are proposing to conduct a meat raffle at the VFW on January 25, 2002. Although the Knights of Columbus hold a charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling at the Tree House Lounge, the state requires a resolution by the City Council for them to conduct any charitable gambling activity at a site that is different from the licensed location. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve a resolution for a one day charitable gambling event for the Knights of Columbus for January 25, 2002. 2. Do not approve the request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution for a one day charitable gambling license for the Knights of Columbus for January 25, 2002 be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution CITY OF MONTRCIEILLO RESOILUTION NO. 2002-3 APPROVING ONE -DAY CIHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WHEREAS, the Knights of Columbus have submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello to conduct a one day charitable activity at the VFW located in Monticello, Minnesota for January 25, 2002; and WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to a one day gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board to the Knights of Columbus, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, that a one day charitable gambling license for January 25, 20002 for the Knights of Columbus is approved. Adopted by the City Council this 14" day of January, 2002. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 5I. City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow for expansion of Trinitv Lutheran Church. located at 449 West Broadway Avenue.. (NAC/JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Plannir�gCo�nmission conducted a public hearing, -received no negative comments, reviewed the site plan and recommends approval of the conditional use permit under alternative 1. Project Description. Trinity Lutheran Church is proposing an expansion of their existing building. The project involves expansion of the existing sanctuary, office space, kitchen space and classrooms. The subject site is guided for low density residential development by the 1996 Comprehensive Plan at the edge of the downtown area. The subject site is zoned PM -Z, Performance Mixed Use Zoning District. Religious institutions are allowed by conditional use permit in this District, subject to the standards outlined in Section 6-4[A]. The subject site is an "el" shaped parcel bounded by Broadway, Maple, West River and Linn Streets. The site is developed with the existing church and a parsonage. Two single family homes are located at the corners of Broadway and Linn Streets adjacent to the site. Single family uses also exist across the streets from the subject site. Lot Standards. Within the PM -Z District, the lot standards applied to the subject site are to be the same as those that would be applied within a conventional Zoning District. In this case, those standards are that applied within the R-3 District and under the conditions applied specifically to Churches within that District. Lot Area Lot Setbacks Width Front I Side I Rear Parking Required 12,000sf. 80ft. 3oft. 30ft. 30ft. 5/15ft. Proposed 93,243sf. 232ft. 30ft. 15ft. 175ft. 0/15ft. The building expansion is within required setbacks. The existing building encroaches into the setback required off of Maple Street. However, this setback is not being further encroached upon or extended by the building expansion. One other encroachment is the parking lot to the northwest corner of the adjacent residential lots. The curb in this area should be revised to provide an area that could be landscaped for additional screening. City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 Access. The site is surrounded by Broadway Street, Maple Street, Linn Street, and West River Street with one access each to Broadway, Maple and Linn Streets and two accesses to West River Street. The site plan suggests that the easterly access to West River Street is to be removed. As part of closing this access, the curb along West River Street should be restored. Off -Street Parking. As part of the building expansion, on-site parking areas are to be expanded to 94 stalls. The number of off-street parking stalls required for Churches is one stall for each four seats within the main assembly hall. The plans indicate a capacity of 359 seats within the sanctuary, which equates to 90 required parking stalls. As such, on-site parking should be adequate. Building Design. Building elevations submitted with the application indicate that the proposed addition is intended to blend well with the existing structure through the use of similar materials, scale, and detailing. The existing building has a stone exterior finish, which is to be carried over to the new building. Areas of the new building are also accented with EIFS materials. Structures within the PM -Z District are limited to a height of two stories. The proposed expansion is consistent with the 1-1/2 story height of the existing structure, except that it includes a 46'-4" steeple. Church spires are exempted from the height limitations as per Section 3-4[E] of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping. Plans for landscaping to be added at the foundation of the building and perimeter of the site have been provided. The materials are all generally appropriate and meet the size requirements in the Zoning Ordinance. A row of French Lilac shrubs has been provided along the driveway extending to Linn Street, which provides screening for the adjacent residential use. Consideration should be given to using a coniferous material to provide year-round screening and to providing additional landscaping along the north -south common property line, which also abuts a parking area. Lighting. The applicant has provided plans indicating the type and location of proposed site lighting for the expanded parking lot at the north of the site. The plans indicate that a double shoe -box fixture will be used and that illumination does not extend to public streets or to the residential uses at the southeast corner of the block. Signs. No plans for signs have been submitted. Any proposed signs must conform to the provisions of Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance. Grading, Drainage and Utilities. All grading, drainage and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2 City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow for expansion of Trinity Lutheran Church located at 449 West Broadway. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP amendment subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. The applicant has reviewed the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z and has indicated that the conditions will be fulfilled. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP amendment based upon a finding that the proposed use is inconsistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP amendment subject to the submission of additional information. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Site Plan Exhibit C: Building Elevations Exhibit D: Building Floor plans Exhibit E: Aerial photo Exhibit Z: Recommended conditions of approval I .... . ...... . . ....... ....... . ...... ........ ... . . ..... ---- - ---- ..... . . ..... . ...... . ... ..... . ....... . .... . 1/4^XAMS I/Z"FADW RM)GH-9",ACE —1/rDrj PAVEMENT OR GRADE MATERLALT AS OCCURS NOTF-V*fYEa"SACKA8UrT5 ACONCvERTcAcsmFAcE- ANEXFANS)0Nj0NT`5KWLL BE PLACFD I/Zl 3/4"/Fr. T ATIVE)FANSIONJOINTSKALL 7: I. 4t=! 13EPLACEDEMRY40LMAL rEEr.ATO0LEPj0Nt9jALL DEPLACED WRAM60 04 STATZ0FMNNE$OI`A OEM OF TRANVORTAT134 CCNr. r -o- I w r -o" CIM&GLITTEXOESIGNM2 r --'�coNcmmajo & GurrEg — - — - — - — - — AMP 0 Mo ( 3 . 0 . 1= 0 3* V Iz- I"- r -o* 0 3* S' 12' MMIAXI"W NTERVALS.AND AT OiANGE OF DfMcncm I CCKUZETEOPKAVWIAlOCCNOM'MSLASSATDnERM I U. -S. OR IAVII* 7 OR FAVt. 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WiDmG, I. -, j Toz IV' j� NEW DULOING 4 % VE 5E AU EAST.COWIS r7 'E 390mcroo Jk- 232.36 ------ �(D T-------- -- 0000000000occ000 SSO'02*52'E 99.64 X-- . . ......... x ca BROADWAY STFEET O' SITE FLAN AM r=za-o* ------------- STATION NINETEEN Amhftects- h=rporated 2001 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SOUTHEAST SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55414 PHONE (812) 623.1800 FAX (612) 623-0012 I== r,=was prepared by me or mid" M direct suporymm and ftt I am a duly Rojustered Ardwted under ft Imm Of me saw w: A.i~ AmobtaitAM MMIbW 12(14101 JPF ULT Do—Bp clddal FavApicris- 4190 A.0d mewe, TRINITY LUTHERAN 6-0k - 6EE DEIAL &AU ALLLff-S5-WVE MONTICELLO ------------ ------------- IV4'aALV.STEELffZ FR0V=FANMMZMDWX DEVELOPMENT - D Au-DMSIGNNSrALLAND L0aTF2'-6-0EH1VC"AT SACHSTALLOMAIATMAS 0-M SyLMATEACHMSONATW § KWrWPAXKNSSTALL CWTX sykm N STALL EXHIBIT B-1 roll ------- ----- - ------- lk JV5TL3WW611M0ItC*WACrW "7.5• MI SAa-%L U--------- SIGN.107.1 I �u 31W.I,-Cr 2-4. -H.C. 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SFE VERITY s7 IIs DETAIL.3/C2O ETi70N`^*� UGH7POEE SIGN TO BE A �R TG BE .-. i ' RELOCATED ,S , NEN CURB AND x"A AC TO !� * >f REMAIN 4TYPICSEE ALy. �".t �y TO LIGHTPOLE / \ Be RELOCATED �wy. >ww EXISTING _ ,J[LIGHTPOLE TO ` / ,} s .+ FROM pAMAGE /NG Df6T LxaiTPoI E / f coNNCRETE F^' M. TO aE q TO 'L\ BE REMOVED f \ I ?T:7C.VDttatW , _ �. `?•�WmA \\\ RELOCATED -EXISTING -�''�'��"'� SIDEWALK AND ro MATCH I� , EIOx f I To E> l i 1 I REMOVED Dp50NC \'''��f BR7,MMOUS�ZN 'NG / U };. ;! x / TO BECLR9 TotiTO BE ,i REMAIN. pROIFDT E ; \ tYPICAI :arait I • �,,;�' % ;A .,�^ '� r N: f l '�' °a FROM DA II , ." CumCONCRETE a SWEVIAK. SEE * :+� �yroMATCH . .� ;^ \ RETMAIN. MAGE PROTECT 2/C20. TYPICAL} EXISTING 1 / ;adrro+, f f 'I I • �. L TREE ro ELE 4 47tISr17Nc a �^ ro� 9QSTING,�\ 3 I � TREEc ,�� Ifs <' �� ro ^InN� y /A^ APRON AND OLRNE NEV 1 •.DaSTING PROTECT FROM ` z `' }J * CONCRETE APRON E'ER 'a CITY OF MGNTx .LD S a '° j� v REQUIREMENTS Mian etarl ` \ c: 3' a>Aa sE�clrr smXwmus. x/� \ °'` �1'^fi7', �' f �`".., \ q >�' • 9f ^y, T�O�1Mm p AND 4UT3F3 1y�r *s, � LAAN0.4GIPWG { 'a SIGN ^ ,` P011ERPOlE _ / Xf .aAz+AVo VrNc4i ti UNE '^� ^•IA,�, \ AND SIGN TO REMAIN. PROTECT s / '^y OVERHEAD'*... ,,, FROM DAIMAGE ELECTRIKAL,L943,^,�� \ Amaro REMAIN. TREES PROMM FROM 7 If If NOM E -7 -) GRADING. DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN / W GELD 0 zr .G' ,r ,-.zQ ~� '`• "A / 1. ALL DaSTING INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SURVEY - MEND BY MPO PROJECT NO, 01 37 DATED 12-12-01. - .:._- 2 CONTRACTOR To FIELD VERIFY ALL O STING CONDITIONS p � I 'gyRINI 1 i/ INCLUDING LOCATIONS OF DUSTING UTI MM AND NOTIFY ENGINEER D=EPANCIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTIOIL E°M"'G CATCHSASFN J. CONTRACTOR TO PREVENT DIRT AND/OR DEBRIS FROM 1 ENTERING STORM SEWER OR 3EING TRANSPORTED OFF-SITE IN AN UNCONTROLLED MANNER CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CHURCH AT PROJECT CLOSEDIR THAT STOW SEWER SYSTEM IS CLE06R OF SEDIMENTANO/OR DEBRIS AND IS FULLY EXISTING UGHTPOLE FUNCTKKAL 4, ALL AREAS DISTUR80 BY CONSTRUCTION WHICH ARE OUTSIDE PAVING ARE TO BE RESTORED AND F MONTICELLO ATE'0. S, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION EL STATION ENTRANCE AT ALL CONSTRUCTION ACCESS LOCKnONS. SEE DECAL 9/C2.0. N I N E T E E N 0. ALL EROSK)N CONTROL ELEMENTS: ARE TEMPORARY CONTRACTOR TO WSTALL EROSION CONTROL ELE]MEMS PRIOR To START OF Architects • Incorporated LAND txSiI1R&NG ACiNITIES. MAINTAIN IN MOD CONDITION 2�t t�'ItVETRSTTY DUNING CO►lSTRtJLiION AND REMOVE FROM THE SITE UPON COMPLETION OF FNA. PAVM MID TURF ESrAMMMENL AVENUES SSOOUT}iAST E 7. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SILT FENCE OR STRAWBALES AROUND 1� ALL E705TING CATCH911W15 ANO MANHOLES PWR TD THE START EwsnN0 MANHOLE OF LAND DIsTURMMG ACTIVITIES AND AROUND ALL NEW CATCHI SASM AND AAAHORE ES AFTER THEY AINSTALLED. W 14 SEE OETAIL S/C2a PHONE 823utB00 NF. ALL UTILITY DEMOLITION AAWOR AaWONMENr To 9E PERFORMED W ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF MONTICELLO AND FAX(81i)OC I2 STATE OF MI/1INES07A REGULATIONS AHO STANDARDS. i::liNLV C87'At °ikT In ,sal, 4. DIETING UNITIES ARE SHOW IN M48R APPROXIMATE ,�."k-w LOCATIONS CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL Ex6TVW UTILITIES WHICH MY INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED , '3 ISd.`"J+'C47i;X,ew t^f r.*z "=" '" .'.•3iM::� TO' ELECTFM TELEPHONE. GAS. CAM TV. COMPUTER CAME FIBER OPTIC CABNL SAiTARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND '�fiy.,3 M1 r:.'> 2M= .,N' : X WATERMAK CONTRACTOR To CONTACT GOPHER ONE -CALL BEFORE OMWATM E— MINNESOTA t0. ALL OZ. ID UTILITIES ARD OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO REMAIN! UNLESS NOTED 0THERY16E --------- 11. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT FROM DAMAGE ALL EXISTING DRAINAGE AND INPRWellS, !MDSGIAPIM,,, STRUCRAtES ANO UTIUTIE4 AAT ,HTE To REM= CONTI:ACTOR ro REPAIR ANY G'D"aNS°N DAMAGE AT OWN EX PEKSE. NgMtiIN KNOW 12. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE EOGLOCATION CATION AM H o i ELEVATION OF EXISTING STOW SEWER PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. LLr 13. SEE ARCHITECTURAL FOR DFAETN90Nm SITE LAYOUT. L7Iwn W OAV 120T0 W MEW" JOINT LAYOUT, STRIPING AND LANDSCAPING. 14, ALL WORK TO CONFORM WITH CITY OF MONTICELLO AND STATE OF DMSTINC TREE TO BE REMOVED MINNESOTA STANDARDS AND RB;LUTK*d& PAVWML- 1i 0o!wom W AM %lm,r TJBQaDY Or ossLB ■ me a wmff 9..E me w11= aTIBMi L,Mf1111L t MEND 4190 'Mm^mw - .:._- OWTING CONTOUR COSTING SPOT ELEVATION p � I 'gyRINI 1 i/ E°M"'G CATCHSASFN LUTHERAN 1 EXGSTNG T°,:PNONE am ECSTNG POWERPOLE CHURCH • EXISTING UGHTPOLE DOSTRNG PROPERTY LINE MONTICELLO :. DGSTNG WMTERMAIN EXISTING STORM SEWER MINNESOTA r*N ^�> EMSTNG OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL DUTIK7 SANITARY SEWER -A- 0=140 FIENCE INE EXOSTWC GASMAN EXISTING SIGN EwsnN0 MANHOLE w EISTTIIG C ATEflIKVE 3 DaSTNG HYDRANT Q EDOSTNG EGRESS io PROPOSED CONTOUR PROPOSED SPOr ELEVATION E— PROPOSED DRAINAGE AJRmN GRADING, --------- PROPOsD SAS LINE DRAINAGE AND ®PROPOSED G'D"aNS°N EROSION PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED ECRLSS SILT FENCE PLAN SiRAIDAIES AT CATCHBASIN/MANHOE r DMSTINC TREE TO BE REMOVED -..-.-.-----......--. EASTNG CURB AND GUTTER To BE REMOVED DESIGN DEVELOPMENT z z i EXHIBIT B-3 a a 107/e^ i r -O 3/4 1 f -, LJ 3/4^PLrn90D5fE1 TflJGW/ _ I (ffL.DA1GPAPEK 5/9-G1T. I _ ,� I, I 5/8•GK� �^ 5/e^GW5 EACH '1 .�_ SDE SFEATHNO O13'oz_ w/ eATT. N91[_ , ,. I VAPORSARKER 5/e•GA6 STONE IN RANXWITF-1MC)I,: ' I PATTERN W/TEBAASI , II 7/e^ARSPACE 016^ OL �•I 16^ OG 1 oALTl1SIBSTTRITESTONE O - - W/aLTURmSTOIE - 0ALT+29E5TMJTESTONE O W/ WNITYPE'2 L a3/4- i 63 f 2 EFS Z EF5 5/9-G1T. _ 5/d•GY1B FSCli SIDE �^ 5/e^GW5 EACH '1 .�_ SDE SFEATHNO SIEATHNf.' 5!9-GWO - 5/e•GA6 2X1D•Slim st OMITNSul- 2X6^WDODSTI 016^ OL 5/6•G" V 16^ OG vAPOReARRER - VAPOKBARRER It 5/e T -15/a• 2•CW 74.E i I i - I O O EXTERIOR WALL TYPES A3.1 7V2•. t -a E T -15/a^ l� V I IVIJI .--. n/2•RX)C l i N91fAT10N 7 I MOKrAR 1 ' 1 VAPOR BARKER STONE N KAIDOM ASH I 51AnERN W/TEaACKS f----tf— GK= TO MATCH EXIST ' 7/8•ARSPAGE 7 1ALTI i51D3TRIRESTONE W/CILYUREDSTOW O KT #29DSTIME STONE w/rEps f 75/w y a^Clu .. _ CONT. Jr REW O Woc. OIWOUO.AS000" ` 3/4•PLYIV000S-EATHNOW/ `_ ` 9UL04GPAPER / p i 25-0, , f?�• 27'-4• i 2X 6•STLVS0 is -or - W/ BATT. NSLL j I I I I _ VArORBARRFR I I i j STONE NRM1D0A4ASrihR i I I LJ PATTEMW/TEBAQS 1GROUTTOMATCHEvsTN3 A6.1 II � IWARSFACE s I I I O*ALT *lSU55T,MESTOIE I I W/cLUU OSTCN'_ I OALTf251.6bTn1/(E5TONE I ' w/wALLTYPE•a 7 6 I 7 MERiJSTOT.AGE O f \ISFXCAVATED 9 i s Lo STAR �. V•�-a'Ylilri}ib .: .v.l'1 i1 i11 II II .o. I�i , I,�_ II��,7pi��f�� .1--.�• 7 iii l UP C 4'-0'X74mrL AmcABwr STORnGE W/AD.)bT.SH LYE561DCXFME E111i;r.SEKViCE C3 r q WOR ED _ CLASSROOM C STORnGE- O.saESW/COAT WINETSGBaDWOONW/ �< PEGHOOXSBELOW ros "Atsmy WA NEXL=S&Wi LOBBY 7 PLEXCAASS NOOORS ON WOMEN TO O 06 OPLY.OPEN w C - w i 2 D,s i GORR®OK EXSTi.1II 28I <A• !UPL9ill 0VEFiQOR �IQidll II . it - __ _ __ EL 3.9'{ 4 OFiCE A63 .1 MEN J 0 _ aASECA&W/SNX. PIN I - CHYJGNGSTATYXIAlD 6 O CLASSROOM - UPPER CABWTS - in —._._-_.—.—._._._—._._._._� L= ® C • i iiiII CORRIDOR - MUK t1NEXGWATED ' C C rc� ��- ---- - _ _ _- ---- — -- -- --w�ccnvnrED - ---------------------- P-1-- - - -- - ---- - - - -- - - --- - - -- -- - - -- -- -;------> �a Ilia _ InlExcnvTrED A6,2 II I o aAssRaoM aAWAOW — ;n __->-- E — — — — — -------- -- — -- — -- -- — ---- -- — _— _— _ _— — --- -- — -......... — — — -- --- -- --------. - -- -TIMI-D !I QA55ROOM CLASSROOM J r zc2a IJ v CLASSROOM CLASSROOM V 2 I LOWER LEVEL PLAN NOTES p STORAM CIAS'SK" LALL WALL TYPE5 TO BE TYPE'R LNLESS;OTHRWSENOTED 2- EXSTNGOM NNCf TO BE WILLED WITH M SOWY- PATCH AFFECTED AREAS TO MATCHS7 TNG 3. SEE OVTLPESPECFCATION FOR DOOR SCHERIIIEAND KOOM FNISH SChEDIIE STAIR I ; 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I c OA3.1INTERIOR WALL TYPES 1112-. r -O' o ri. e• LOWER LEVEL PLAN OA3.1VB-. rd STATION NINETEEN Architects- Incorporated 2001 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SOUTHEAST SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55414 PHONE (612) 629.1900 . FAX (612) 623.0012 - I ��y s¢.�rrty B,ec ttda Pb+l, - 1{Ol,. Ix rov«t Wu _ Praoarae 1N 111a a UIKIaY mY dnot alaparviaion and tllat I am a duly flepuewad Arakot Imes tha laps of I* stab of MINNESOTA Nw.ar . 16741 /►l111iwtkn MnOr 12N6/Ot M. JPF NLT n..sey OlwabO Br ibvAWanL- 4194 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTICELLO MINNESOTA DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 1� c W EXHIBIT D-1 o. y . J 63 f 2X4 WOOD STIDS0 _ — /6.OL WA BATT.Vim, —�. NEU.. �= .. ZX6WOOD STID50 16.OG W/9ATT. —Pau- _ 5/d•GY1B FSCli SIDE �^ 5/e^GW5 EACH '1 .�_ SDE q—,v - OtHCWALSASOCaAtS- GAW3510 Og iHCWAUSASOMW.5 nt aarN%L. st OMITNSul- 4�n V - <.— 2X4WOODSTID50 16.0E 5/6•G" V O E T -15/a^ l� V I IVIJI .--. n/2•RX)C l i N91fAT10N 7 I MOKrAR 1 ' 1 VAPOR BARKER STONE N KAIDOM ASH I 51AnERN W/TEaACKS f----tf— GK= TO MATCH EXIST ' 7/8•ARSPAGE 7 1ALTI i51D3TRIRESTONE W/CILYUREDSTOW O KT #29DSTIME STONE w/rEps f 75/w y a^Clu .. _ CONT. Jr REW O Woc. OIWOUO.AS000" ` 3/4•PLYIV000S-EATHNOW/ `_ ` 9UL04GPAPER / p i 25-0, , f?�• 27'-4• i 2X 6•STLVS0 is -or - W/ BATT. NSLL j I I I I _ VArORBARRFR I I i j STONE NRM1D0A4ASrihR i I I LJ PATTEMW/TEBAQS 1GROUTTOMATCHEvsTN3 A6.1 II � IWARSFACE s I I I O*ALT *lSU55T,MESTOIE I I W/cLUU OSTCN'_ I OALTf251.6bTn1/(E5TONE I ' w/wALLTYPE•a 7 6 I 7 MERiJSTOT.AGE O f \ISFXCAVATED 9 i s Lo STAR �. V•�-a'Ylilri}ib .: .v.l'1 i1 i11 II II .o. I�i , I,�_ II��,7pi��f�� .1--.�• 7 iii l UP C 4'-0'X74mrL AmcABwr STORnGE W/AD.)bT.SH LYE561DCXFME E111i;r.SEKViCE C3 r q WOR ED _ CLASSROOM C STORnGE- O.saESW/COAT WINETSGBaDWOONW/ �< PEGHOOXSBELOW ros "Atsmy WA NEXL=S&Wi LOBBY 7 PLEXCAASS NOOORS ON WOMEN TO O 06 OPLY.OPEN w C - w i 2 D,s i GORR®OK EXSTi.1II 28I <A• !UPL9ill 0VEFiQOR �IQidll II . it - __ _ __ EL 3.9'{ 4 OFiCE A63 .1 MEN J 0 _ aASECA&W/SNX. PIN I - CHYJGNGSTATYXIAlD 6 O CLASSROOM - UPPER CABWTS - in —._._-_.—.—._._._—._._._._� L= ® C • i iiiII CORRIDOR - MUK t1NEXGWATED ' C C rc� ��- ---- - _ _ _- ---- — -- -- --w�ccnvnrED - ---------------------- P-1-- - - -- - ---- - - - -- - - --- - - -- -- - - -- -- -;------> �a Ilia _ InlExcnvTrED A6,2 II I o aAssRaoM aAWAOW — ;n __->-- E — — — — — -------- -- — -- — -- -- — ---- -- — _— _— _ _— — --- -- — -......... — — — -- --- -- --------. - -- -TIMI-D !I QA55ROOM CLASSROOM J r zc2a IJ v CLASSROOM CLASSROOM V 2 I LOWER LEVEL PLAN NOTES p STORAM CIAS'SK" LALL WALL TYPE5 TO BE TYPE'R LNLESS;OTHRWSENOTED 2- EXSTNGOM NNCf TO BE WILLED WITH M SOWY- PATCH AFFECTED AREAS TO MATCHS7 TNG 3. SEE OVTLPESPECFCATION FOR DOOR SCHERIIIEAND KOOM FNISH SChEDIIE STAIR I ; 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I c OA3.1INTERIOR WALL TYPES 1112-. r -O' o ri. e• LOWER LEVEL PLAN OA3.1VB-. rd STATION NINETEEN Architects- Incorporated 2001 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SOUTHEAST SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55414 PHONE (612) 629.1900 . FAX (612) 623.0012 - I ��y s¢.�rrty B,ec ttda Pb+l, - 1{Ol,. Ix rov«t Wu _ Praoarae 1N 111a a UIKIaY mY dnot alaparviaion and tllat I am a duly flepuewad Arakot Imes tha laps of I* stab of MINNESOTA Nw.ar . 16741 /►l111iwtkn MnOr 12N6/Ot M. JPF NLT n..sey OlwabO Br ibvAWanL- 4194 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTICELLO MINNESOTA DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 1� c W EXHIBIT D-1 o. y . J 105 D SOP- 0 F F KmDC&TwKMESTCKA6E FX0M0Vr.SACRISTY ---------- 3 4 Emmy :LJ 4-1 L4.PCT MAT !,zFm "T xj TOI !PASTORC74I II EL BELOW IAT4' r- M. --,/4 Ir t. 4 ---------- --Z0-, cr 03 C4 -ODSTAR WOMSHELFAND 4CCOATROD COAT RDD FM BASECAS.Wf bm&Lrrm CAB. WOMEN MEN 12. NO M.&MCISMI-TVIN ATROJWGATHE04G DESK W/ Tor /Kz> LI PEDESTAL -0"H rAKTIAL Gl FILE OVM 2C4 Sm WALL M AGE A .1 V�1, 4 EVA Hoot IIFF ........... Sl SILM15 GLASS ----•-'-•-•- . ......... .. LIDW WOW SHELF AND ; -c2I ------ 0 i MNiFRAEf00ORy 6ETALCOAT" i I mNl —TAO-41HESURFACE RILLWIVIIIIIIH ------------------ F11l0OLaV6'-f SEEM T W/= 11JQ\ GIN STAR FOYER x DASHIl HALL Mr-ATIESOKISM i2t 2 FLATFOKM AMNE tz D KELOCATOSrANIM WOMSILL - Gil ABOVE (STOW --- ------- ----- ------ - ----- 7- 'TUARY t? Ic SAW —�j I rLAMOASECABWI 2-WI,,FAKTWNTSW --------------- FELLOWSW c 1 -A CHANCEL SACKSTY 47r -e" II ] et GazaI UF SafvmwcFTHES�CHOIRy EL.$OZ-B ill 1.r, -Ili Iim.,l III I I fi'll.) IIII I II li.Alh I UH CIN STORAGE MAN LEVEL PLAN NOTES L ALLWALLrfFESTOBE G MESS OTMMZMM?X=. 2 SEE CODE PLAN FORWALLIZAIN05 AND LOCATIONS. orjkc.F- STAR 3. ALLPENS.CHAJItS. OFFICE FUNTILRE AND TABLES 5YOWNEF- NDTNCCNTX-Cr. ST 4. ALL NTE= Ill TO BE HOLLOW kETALFKALIES. SiMSECTICIN5FOKHEIC4ff5. 6AA6.7 A62 (D LEVEL PLAN A30MAIN 2 1/8'. r-0- m 5. SaEXrMMELEYATIONSFOFWV"Wf=WS. ASSIL&EYNYLCLADWOODWINDO01il ATUNTKM:LES.CIERESTOKYAND DORMERS. r. SM Ol SrELIFICATICINFOR ROOK SCHEDULE AND ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE 7 STATION NINETEEN Amftects- Incorporated 2001 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SOUTHEAST SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55414 PHONE (612) 623.1800 FAX (612) 6210012 eet under ule Woe Of tho Stu@ at MINNESOTA A~� 18741 n¢n.ree Heeler 121laMl Lits JPF NLT RovAll 4190 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTICELLO MINNESOTA DESIGN DEVELOPMENT EXIUN-f D-? X "5 %b ZEYEAL N 5T KIK TAANSfl LN FROMWWTOeQ5T.-?KQVM ------ ..... .___—PR----- ---------- ----- ------------ . . . ......... ------ ------------- -- - -------•------- — ----------------------------- 005T.TOOT"5rac EXSrJREMCOM NEW ---------------- — ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---- MWOOORAWFKAME ----------------------------- TALFAaA,TO TCHEYST. STOWTOMAT0400T COLOR AND FATTERN ------------------- ------------------ 1 AU" DOM AMWTDOAG SOUTH ELEVATION 0A.5.1 a 21 v r .'vp k.. % 10 hl gg gun ------------------------------------- ------------------- 1 --- ------- - ---------- -- -------------------------------------- --- -------------------- - ----------------- I ----------------------------------------- --------------- �7 ------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WESTELEVATION MtUNk%-WWTALFAClA oA6. 1 1/6' - r -o' A--PHALT SHNGLES Poll F7 hl 5TO1,ETOMATCHOWNG ------------------------------------ ---------- --- ------------- --------- L ------ ------ W14DOW -------------------- iW--------------------------------------- ?;� NEW COW_ srocr & STAW 57rCWKANXMA5KAR ----------------------------- ............ ----------- --------------------- *::-:,--:--::---.** ----------- ------------------------------------------------ 0 A 3 EAST ELEYATION 0 21 Ir %4TAL LaNER PANTED FRUNrHM&ETAL 7 FAak ----- - -------I --- Ta4FTOMATCHEMT. \--us L�—L- a WNDDWWTLL EFS PC --- -- C- 51LL ------------"__-----L__---__----\------------------ - ---------------------- : ----------------------------- - ------- - ---------- --------- - ------------ — --- - --- - --- - ---------- - ---- - -------- - -- — --- - O'. NORTH ELEVATION A6.1 Vw.r-a STATION: NINETEEN Architects - lnwrpomted 2001 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SOUTHEAST SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55414 PHONE (812) 623.1800 FAX (612) 623.0012 I tg�ff= pion, wm propWad by mo or undw My d6ract supwvmion and ow I am a d* RegMtered Arddlad WKW tw Ion of alo sbm Of.. MINNESOTA Amf~ 18741 12JI8101 JPF NLT 0— &/ ChWAdof pavisialm- 4190 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTICELLO MINNESOTA DESIGN DEVELOPMENT EXHIBIT C- City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The curb at the northwest corner of the adjacent residential lots is revised to provide at least a five foot green area to be landscaped to screen the adjacent residential uses. 2. Coniferous plantings are planted along the common lot line with the adj acent residential use to screen the parking areas from view. 3. The easterly curb cut to West River Street is removed and replaced with concrete curb. 4. All grading, drainage and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. Comments of other City Staff. lEXINSIIMT Z Trinity Lutheran 0 0 1 rinity A - � •' "; West River ��r�e t.� Broadway' 40 , Li� Council Agenda - 1/ 14/02 5J. Consideration of adopting increases to the development fee structure. (JO) A. REFERENCE ANIS BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to make its third annual across the board adjustment to all development and hookup fees to be effective January 15, 2002. In previous years, fees have been allowed to remain constant with relatively large periodic increases. Two years ago we began the process of adopting annual increases that were much smaller each year to avoid complications that came with large increases. The increases were projected to be in line with cost of living adjustments. The fees that are proposed are related to various development fees such as park dedication, trail fund, sewer and water hookup fees along with the various trunk utility charges. The finance plan prepared by the consulting engineer had estimated a 4% inflation factor each year. It is recommended that the development fees be increased by approximately 4% effective January 15"'. It is hoped that making these annual increases to the fees we charge will enable us to maintain a fee structure that is comparable to fees charged by other cities and to keep pace with the increases in utility and construction cost that we experience. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt proposed changes to development fees as recommended on Exhibit A. 2. Motion to deny adoption of proposed changes to development fees. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends alternative 41. Based on input from the City Engineer and projections we have been using in projecting revenue from our trunk funds, a 4% escalator has been anticipated. Smaller annual increases should be more acceptable to the development community rather than periodic larger increases. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of development fees proposed to be increased. LISTING OF DEVELOPMENT FEES FEE 2002 AMOUNT (4% & Rounded) Park Dedication (residential) Dedication of 10% of land area or $835 per lot in cash Trail Fund $220 Parking Fund (CCD District) $1,480 Sewer Access Charge: Residential - single family $3,250 All others per unit equivalent $3,250 Trunk Sanitary Sewer $1,980 Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: Business $6,050 per acre Industrial $5,720 per acre Residential $5,200 per acre Trunk Water Charge $11560 Water Access Charge: 1 " line $660 + materials 1-1/4" $1,000 + materials 1-1/211 $1,200 + materials 2" $1,534 + materials 3" $1,975 + materials 4" $200 + materials 6" $3,275 + materials 8" $4,300 + materials EXHIBIT A Council Agenda - 01/14/2002 7. Consideration of modification to the Citv of Monticello's Snow Plowing Policy,. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Public Works Director wishes to propose a couple changes in the City's Snow Plowing Policy in regard to pathways and skating rinks. In the past the skating rinks at Bridge Park and 4th Street Park were required to be cleaned within 24 hours of a snow event, while the pathways, which were designated for plowing, were to be cleared within 36 hours of the end of a snow event. It became apparent that these priorities should be reversed, especially in the area of the schools in Monticello. We had a situation develop out in the Klein Farms area where the School Boulevard pathway presents a problem to clean. It generally requires heavy equipment due to the blowing and drifting that occurs on the north side of School Boulevard and the heavy equipment was usually tied up in opening up our road system for the first 24 hours or so. There are a number of elementary school children, however, that walk those pathways to school and it does present some problems for those parents who cannot transport their young children to school immediately following a snow event. We really need to put those pathways used for pedestrian transportation to schools on the same priority as a sidewalk. The skating rinks, however, do not need to be on the salve priority as a sidewalk. In our discussions with the Monticello Hockey Association, they have no problem extending those out to 36 hours. Based upon the above we have made changes to the snow plowing policy and switched the skating rinks to 36 hours for West Bridge Park and 4" Street, and we have reduced the time allowed for cleaning the pathways which are used for pedestrian transportation to the schools to 24 hours at the end of a normal snow event. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would involve changing clearing of the skating rinks at 4' Street and West Bridge Parks from 24 hours at the end of any snow event to 36 hours, and also change those pathways cleared in the winter which are used for pedestrian transportation to the schools from 36 hours to 24 hours. 2. The second alternative would be not to make those changes. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council approve those changes as outlined in alternative # 1. A copy of page 8 of the Snow Plowing Policy showing the changes is included for your review. Should these changes be approved, we will send out the new page to you for insertion in your Snow Plowing Policy booklet. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of page 8 of the Snow Plowing Policy showing the changes. 14. CITY MAINTAINED PATHWAYS CSAH 75 FROM WEST RIVER STREET TO PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY CSAH 75 FROM MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL AT SIGNAL LIGHTS TO MEADOW OAK AVENUE SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM CR 117 TO CR 18 EXCEPT SOUTH SIDE FROM FALLON TO CARDINAL HILLS PARK TH 25 EAST SIDE FROM KJELLBERG'S TO OAK WOOD DRIVE SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM TH 25 TO SERVICE DRIVE 2009 /SETEA PATHWAY SYSTEM INCLUDING 1-94 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO BE INCLUDED UPON ITS COMPLETION MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE TO BE INCLUDED ONLY IF TIME PERMITS! The y -Road ioo1 Doul.; v ai d Pathways (except the above described Meadow Oak Pathway) shall be cleared to a minimum width of 6' within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation of '/2" or more on the pathway. Work on the pathways immediately adjacent to major highways or thorough fairs will not begin until the adjacent roadway is plowed and widened. Pathways shall be blown clear and/or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. It is expected that the bituminous surface shall be visible in many areas along the pathway. Pathways designated for snow removal which are used for student pedestrian travel to and from the schools shall be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snow event provided any immediate adjacent major roadway is cleared and widened first. 15. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS ....... . . ......... 4"STREET SARK ....... (2) HOCKEY RINKS (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK Within 24 36 hours of the end of any snow event with an accumulation of more than 1 " of snow, all four rinks shall be plowed or blown clear and then broomed. All snow shall be removed from within the hockey rink area and no accumulations of snow should be left around the inside of the boards. Care should be used not to throw or pile snow on walkways. For any event between one-tenth of an inch to an inch of snow, all four rinks shall be broomed within 24 36 hours after the end of the snow event. Again, accumulation or ridges of snow around the inside of the hockey boards must be removed. C:%BETMWORDPROC\ROGER%SNOWPLOW.POL: 01/11/02 : DRAFT FOR APPROVAL BY CITY COUNCIL - PAGE 8 of 10 - Council Agenda - 1/14/02 8. Consideration of a request for pavment of MOAA expenses., (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During past years, Mr. Tom Salkowski, administrator for the MORA, submitted vouchers to the City at the end of the year for payment of board member and administrative expenses related to MOAA meetings. The secretary was to receive $60 per meeting, the administrator $75 per meeting and each board member $30 per meeting plus mileage. The joint resolution between the City and the Township authorized the City to pay the appropriate expenditures and to be reimbursed from the township for their share of the expenditures per the agreement. I recently received a request from Mr. Salkowski for the 2001 expenses relating to the seven meetings held, but I only paid expenditures for the meetings that were held prior to June 25, 2001. As you know, that was the date that the City Council had voted to table any action on adopting any revised MOAA agreement and notified the township that the City was operating under current state statutes relating to annexations, rather than through the MOAA. As I am sure you are aware of, the MOAA has continued to meet a number of times since the City's notification of withdrawal from the joint agreement, and it brings up the question as to whether payment of any expenses related to the MOAA are to be paid by the City after June 25, 2001. From my calculation, a total $1,080 would be payable to the secretary, administrator and board members who attended meetings after June. Since I did not authorize payment because of the Council's action, Mr. Salkowski is requesting full Council consideration of the request for payment of the remaining meeting expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could authorize that the remaining balance of $1,080 be paid as originally outlined in the joint resolution covering all meeting expenses through December 31, 2001. Under this motion, the City would be responsible for approximately 80% of the meeting expenses with the township being responsible for the balance. 2. Do not authorize payment of requested amounts for MOAA meetings held after June 25, 2001. If it is the Council's position that the MOAA did not officially exist after June 25, 2001, this alternative should be selected. Council Agenda - 1/14/02 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on Council action of June 25, 2001, I felt it was appropriate to only pay invoices for meetings that occurred prior to the Council's action of determining that the joint resolution no longer existed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Council minutes - June 25, 2001. Copies of Expense vouchers Office of PLANNEVG AND ZONING WRIGHT COLW77 GOVER:VMENT CENTER 10 .Second Street NIV, Rm 140, Buffalo, MN 55313-1185 (763) 68 2- 7338 Fax # ('7631) 682-7872 December 24, 2001 T0: MONTICELLO ORDERLY ANNEXATION BOARD FROM: TOM SALKOWSKI, �i Gf'C RE: CANCELLATION F JANUARY 21 2002 MEETING SINCE THERE ARE NO AGENDA ITEMS SCHEDULED, THE MOA MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21 2002 IS CANCELED, THE NEXT MEETING IS TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2002. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY ITEMS YOU WANT ON THE AGENDA FOR THAT NIGHT. A couple of you have called about the bills payed for the year 2001. I was late getting the bills to the City Administrator (Rick), and tried to fax him the bills just before the last City Council meeting in December. For some reason known only to the fax machine, not all the bills went through. The City Council did not get a chance to decide if it will pay the bills for the meetings after June, when the dispute over the existence of the Board arose. Rick did agree to pay the bills up to June, which is why some of you received partial payment. I am sorry about the delay. I understand that the City Council will address the issue at their next meeting. Drin.ted on rec,,cled DaDer. Ertual ODDnrtunity Aflirmatiue _Action EmDioyer Council Minutes - 6/2/01 Jeff O'Neill noted that the Council may wish to consider working with the township on development of an MOAA agreement similar to agreements commonly found in other communities. Such an agreement would give frill planning authority to the City in exchange for identifying conditions or criteria for annexation. The Council discussed what action to take. Bruce Thielen didn't feel it was necessary to operate under the most recent MOAA agreement and to delay making a decision on development of any other type of MOAA agreement. He felt it would be preferable for the City to be operating under state statutes. Brian Stumpf concurred that the City should operate under state statutes given the problems we have with the township. Clint Herbst felt not continuing with the MORA was throwing something of use out the window. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ANY ACTION ON ADOPTING ANY MOAA AGREEMENT AT THIS TIME AND INSTEAD FUNCTION UNDER CURRENT STATE STATUTES AS THEY RELATE TO ANNEXATION. STAFF IS DIRECTED TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON VARIOUS TYPES OF AGREEMENTS REGULATING ANNEXATION FOR FUTURE REFERENCE AND REVIEW. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. City Attorney, Dennis Dalen, asked for Council direction on appealing the Court of Appeals ruling. Since the City.. township and county were all named in the legal action, any one of the parties could appeal the ruling as long as it was done within 30 days. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO INSTRUCT LEGAL COUNSEL NOT TO APPEAL FOR A REVIEW OF THE COURT OF APPEALS OPINION. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Approve pavment of bills for June. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR JUNE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:25 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 9 g vav DFC_ -2001 TUE 11'20 Ali WRIGNT C TY IN G12 F49 NO C C1TY4F Check AfO�Tl v V OUChI IC�eto endar Na RR Q Recurri n9 Pa tqa,v Yes; a/ .S ck. eatoh tJI � � Statement/ nt/ IR�o'oe No: 76368278 72 A 02 13 Needs CC gppfov Pay. by• al 300 DEC -11-2001 TUE 11;20 AM WRIGHT CTY PLANNING/ZONE FAX NO. 7636827872 Check No.: Vendor No.: CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER ❑ Recurring ❑ Manual ❑ Disb. Ck. Batch Payee: �P1iPP/1 h1.h[ re jAq� ladz6 9LAC��-ln TOTAL: voucher.wk4: 04/04/97 P. 03 ❑ Needs CC Approval Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Amount Description Pay by: Av alb/77 I I r /Ps X -;P4 2;4 Project Code DEC -11-2001 TUE 11:21 AM WRIGHT CTY PLANNING/ZONE FAX NO. 7636827872 P. 04 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Check No.: ❑ Recurring ❑ Needs CC Approval Vendor No.: ❑ manual ❑ Disb. Ck. Batch Payee: l Statement/ Invoice No: Pay by: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE j Project Amount Description I Code I c0 r o �� ,sem 1� t i TOTAL: $ voucher.wk4: 04/04/97 <;: DEC -11-2001 TUE 11:21 AM WRIGHT CTY PLANNING/ZONE FAX NO. 7636827872 P. 05 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Check No.: ❑ Recurring ❑ Needs CC Approval Vendor No.: ❑ Manual Pay by: ❑ Disb. Ck. Batch Payee: / ed r�n /K ell/-. L /- Statement/ -Azi -f,r S 5`3 6Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Project Acct. No. +1 Amount II Description 11 Code c r74 � I _ J A J _ ! 41 PP �r n vp TOTAL: $ voucher.wk4: 04/04/97 DEC -11-2001 TUE 11:21 AM WRIGHT CTY PLANNING/ZONE FAX NO, 7636827872 P. 06 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Check No.: ❑ Recurring ❑ Needs CC Approval Vendor No.: ❑ Manual ❑ Disb. Ck. Batch Payee:--f-1G3-Ll1k./I yl �, 7.397 Ave.,, 1f%r ,r Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Acct. No. 11 Amount Description 11 At r i e t Pay by: / II I it/,�dcan�hFr<`1�� If II II TOTAL: $ ;2 /�� 00 voucher.wk4: 04/04/97 Project Code DEC -11-2001 TUE 11:21 AM WRIGHT CTY PLANNING/ZONE FAX NO. 7636827872 P. 07 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Check No.: ❑ Recurring ❑ Needs CC Approval Vendor No.: ❑ Manual ❑ Disb. Ck. Batch Payee: lQ"f Swo tz e, nl� �x 778 �!lant�cel�n Ss3(,� Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Pay by: Project Acct. No. Amount Description 11 Code i I r e A44e xA ,, r 7�'/�? 1 "lam f► �I S L)r i r r --�—�. 1 l TOTAL: $ / 00 Q voucher_wk4: 04/04/97 DEC -11-2001 TUE 11:22 AM WRIGHT CTY PLANNING/ZONE FAX NO. 7636827872 Check No.: Vendor No.: CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER ❑ Recurring ❑ Manual ❑ Disb. Ck. Batch Payee: c 11 6J / =yhsf ice/� ❑ Needs CC Approval Pay by: S Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Acct. No_ 11 Amount 11 Descriptionyyl eflse",,,4� 11 ill cr P doLvrl.,, er I I d1ox f -1 15 A+ 14? 44 _ r)AP f L�,l it ;5 f I C 1 o� TOTAL: $ voucher.wk4: 04/04/97 Project Code DEC -11-2001 TUE 11:22 AM WRIGHT CTY PLANNING/ZONE FAX NO. 7636827872 P. 09 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Check No.: ❑ Recurring ❑ Needs CC Approval Vendor No.: ❑ Manual ❑ Disb. Ck. Batch Payee: �c L0 7 6 A/10 /I -tfr e Ile? Acct. No. State m e nt/ Invoice No: Pay by: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE Project Amount Description Code Y( r i � 1 TOTAL: $ voucher.wk4: 04/04/97 City Council Agenda- 01/14/02 9. Review current application of trunk fees and proiect administration fees for redevelopment proiects in the core area of the City. (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In response to a letter from Mike Cyr regarding fees associated with his proposed development at 6"' and Vine, staff is asking the City Council to review the application of trunk sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer fees, as well as park and trail dedication fees as they apply to the core "redevelopment" areas of the City. In his letter Mike Cyr requests that fees be set in stone immediately with the possibility of negotiating them down with the City Council. He also requests that no other administrative fees be charged back to the developer. Since any action relating to Cyr's project will set a precedent, Council is asked to review our current policy and consider possible changes, prior to acting on Cyr's request. Mike Cyr's project can then be reviewed in terms of the general policy adopted by the Council. Following is the general policy that we have been following when applying the various fees: Sanitary Sewer, Water, and Storm Sewer trunk fees. These fees are applied on an area basis. When the Fee Program was created in 1990, these fees were applied to newly developed areas only, and did not apply to parcels created prior to the inception of the trunk fee program. A few years ago, Council changed the policy slightly by directing staff to apply these fees against all new developments whether or not it occurred on a newly developed parcel. This was done because it was felt that the trunk fees are used not just for financing trunk expansion serving new lots, but also for replacement and upgrades to the existing system that benefit development on existing lots. This change in policy made vacant or underdeveloped lots in the old part of town subject to theses fees. Please note that in applying the fees, we have calculated the amount based on the expansion or new development area only. For instance, in a situation where a building is demolished and a new structure built in the exact same spot with no increase in demand on city infrastructure, no fee is paid. On the other hand, if that same building is demolished and replaced with a building and parking lot on the same site that is 50% bigger, then the development is charged based on the 50% increase in area. How would this apply to the Cyr Development? Since most of the Cyr development will occur on vacant land, the project would need to pay the trunk fees under our current policy. There would be a credit or no charge for the redeveloped portion of the site (Grubb House). Is Council comfortable with this policy or would you consider reducing fees in targeted redevelopment areas or, should the fee remain but consider using TIF to offset the cost"? City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 Park and Trail Fees. A few years ago Council directed staff to apply a park dedication fee and trail fee against every new residential unit including apartments. Here is how we apply the fee in a redevelopment situation. If a redevelopment site results in removal of 2 single family homes and replacement with 8 new units, the developer would be asked to pay park dedication on 6 units. Thus the charge reflects the new demand on park resources created by the new development. Under current policy the Cyr development would be required to pay the $800 park dedication fee and $210 trail fee for every new unit. Is Council comfortable with this policy or would you consider reducing fees in r1/ targeted redevelopment areas or, should the fee remain but use TIF to offset the cost? Administrative Fees. In his letter to the City, Cyr requests that the City charge no other administrative fees. Currently, the City funds administrative overhead, engineering review and inspection via a fee that is equal to 8% of the cost of construction of the e�o infrastructure supporting the development. This fee is charged to all developments. Nf Some months ago we studied our cost to shepherd a project from preliminary plat through J Xbnal and found that staff/city expenses can be recovered on larger projects if we base our � Y final fee on 8% of project costs. On the smaller projects, it is more difficult for the Cit to p J p J � Y recover costs. From time to time we have been thinking about charging a higher percentage on smaller projects and perhaps reducing our percentage share on the larger proj ect. This administrative fee is incorporated into the trunk fee program and is assessed against all newly developed lots. Is Council comfortable with this policy or would you consider reducing fees in targeted redevelopment areas or, should the fee remain but use TW to offset the cost? Council may wish to consider amending the fee program by perhaps reducing the fee or waiving the fee in areas that the City Council believes need redevelopment, or TIF could be considered for use on a case-by-case basis. Reduction of fees and/or use of TIF are ways that could encourage reinvestment in the old part of town. Council could set the policy with a broad brush by identifying a large area, or perhaps decisions relating to fees charged to redevelopment projects could be done on a case by case basis depending on the financial viability and quality of each project. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to maintain current method for applying fees. 2. Motion to amend the current method for applying fees to certain sections of the community as determined by the City Council. NA City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 3. Motion to maintain current method for applying fees but authorize use of TIF to pay the fee as determined by the HRA and City Council on a case by case basis. Under this alternative, Cyr would be eligible for TIF to help offset fees. He would be required to submit an application with appropriate financial information prior to further decision making by the HRA and City Council. STAFF RECOMMENDATION There are areas within the old part of town that certainly need redevelopment and perhaps reduction of fees and/or use of TIF could be incentives used to encourage reinvestment in the old part of town. Many of the utility systems in the old part of town have been long paid for. On the other hand, new development or intensification of use of the land in the old part of town does create a new demand on the City infrastructure and thus it should pay its share of replacement cost etc., via the trunk program. If Council is interested in encouraging redevelopment then perhaps the trunk fee and administrative fees should be modified as applied to certain areas and/or TIF should be employed. If Council is leaning in this direction, administratively it would be easier to establish a geographic area where the alternative fee structure and TIF use would apply. In terms of Cyr's project, his site, even though mostly vacant, could be considered in a redevelopment or depressed area because it is adjacent to Ruff Auto and thus, if Council wishes, might be eligible to be included in the special fee (redevelopment) area. SUPPORTING DATA Letter from Mike Cyr dated January 7, 2002 Cyr concept PUD plan approved on October 22, 2001 Front Porch Associates, Ltd. — Michael Cyr 722 West 5' Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone: 763.295.0717 Fax: 763.295.3227 7 January 2002 Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street South Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 Project: West Village Courtyards — present working name Townhome development on 6th Street West at Vine Street. Rick, This is an update to our letter to you on December 26th, 2001 and your response dated December 31 St, 2001. 1. Time is of the utmost importance. I would like to have a model home completed by June 1st 2002. In order to achieve that I have to have a building permit on March 1st, 2002. 2. 1 am continually working on the numbers. It seems like we are so close to the edge in terms of profit potential versus risk that we have been reluctant to commit. That is the reason why we have not yet signed a developer agreement. 3. We have now made the commitment to proceed as long as we can resolve some cost issues. a. Park, trail, sewer, water and storm trunk fees need to be set in stone immediately at a not to exceed amount, with the possibility of negotiating them down with the city council. b. Other than the developer agreement expense, no other administrative fees are charged back to the developer. c. Bank financing is in place for the purchase and demolition costs associated with the Grubb property. They are reluctant to finance more than that. I am asking that the city defer payment on the right of ways until after the T.I.F. district generates enough money to retire the bank financing for the Grubbs property. The r.o.w.'s portion of the T.I.F. is $63,000.00. There is also $15,000.00 for the r.o.w.'s that the HRA did not finance, for a total r.o.w. price of $78,000.00. 4. The Ruff encroachment on the Vine Street r.o.w. must be resolved by March 1st, including the ability of the city to turn over clear title at that time. Agreement between the city and Ruff must include provisions to move their inventory off of the affected property and agree to allow the developer to replace their fence with our own. Mr. O' Neil has expressed optimism that the Ruff issue is a non -issue. However, I spoke with both Mr. Ruff and his attorney, Marvin Liszt. Mr. Ruff indicates that he will not willingly give up the encroached upon property. Mr. Liszt has not given me his opinion as of yet. I would hope that some urgency be placed on getting this issue resolved. The project does not move forward without that property. We will be signing contracts for design and engineering within the next week. 1 of 2 C\ Marvin Liszt is with the law firm of Bernick and Lifson. Their phone number is 763.546.1200. Randy Ruff will no longer share any details regarding this issue. Sincerely, Michael Cyr cc: Jeff O'Neil, 011ie Koropchak 2 of 2 CA City Counci 1 Agenda -10/22/01 5D. Consideration of a Concept Stacre PUD for a townhouse project. Anglicant: Front Porch Associates. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mike Cyr of Front Porch Associates has applied for a Concept Stage PUD approval to permit a 30 -unit townhouseproject along Sixth Street and Minnesota Street. The staff report to the Planning Commission is attached describing the original version of the plan, and some of staff s concerns with that version. After discussion at the Planning Commission meeting, the Commission agreed to recommend approval of the land use (townhouses/twinhomes) and a generalized street pattern that included the vacation of Vine Street but the retention of Old Seventh Street as a public right-of-way. Since the Planning Commission meeting, staff has had an opportunity to meet with the applicant to discuss further refinements of the Concept Plan. Those discussions have led to a potential concept that would include a similar density to that proposed in the original version, but with a change to the layout of the units on the site. Per the Planning Commission discussion, Vine Street would be vacated to accommodate a north -south private street. On either side of the private street would be units with close setbacks and rear -loaded garages. The garages would access private alleyways at the perimeter of the site. Old Seventh Street would be retained as a public right-of-way, but shifted slightly to the south to permit a unit layout better fitting the site. A similar unit arrangement and private alley access desicn would be utilized in this area. The benefits of this design would be the potential for consolidation of open space available to the residents of the project, and a dispersal of the traffic generated by the proposed density. In addition. a small area of open space along Minnesota Street would contribute to a more open view of the area from the public street, creating a sort of "village green". Staff believes that the concept plan evolving from these discussions is in keeping with the intent of the Planning Commission's recommendation. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the PUD Concept Stage Plan, subject to compliance with the requirements in this report. 2. Motion to deny the PUD Concept Stage, based on a finding that the PUD zoning requires more extensive improvements than those proposed in this plan. 3. Motion to table action on the PUD Concept Stage, subject to additional information. City Council Agenda -10/22/01 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Concept Stage plan, with the comments made in this report. As noted in the previous Concept Stage approval by the Planning Commission, the City believes that the level of improvements on this site are appropriate for the use, and the potential designs discussed with staff would be right in line with the intent of the use of PUD. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Original Concept Site Plan Exhibit B - Planning Commission Staff Report 2 / m 8o � =� ,,n m {� � / ^' /~ / / {� � SEP -25-2001 16:47 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06i07 ---_j\fIM sLOAL If F a �ra?' XQ. Y s� i Vy� i • r i I r ' i I I 4 1� \ ONC INI►Y PRIVATH !oYPEET•--• 1 n , P*L u(QQ WIL) rcnic %; O or XW play mrw SCALZ: 1"= 50'-0" FW. 0.4(00 �YSmA+ti �arr+k9ed MmmdoM :�treu r City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 10. Request for approval of a parkinia lot in the CCD district that would provide less than the required 60% of ioint parking stalls; and Consideration of funding program for 19 stall deficiency. (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND After considerable discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the joint parking plan summarized below. Although the plan falls short of the required number of stalls, there are a considerable number of on -street parking spaces in the vicinity to handle the overflow. City Council is asked to review and consider approval of the parking plan, and also consider funding a portion of the parking stall deficit fee. Mr. Barry Fluth has proposed a redevelopment project on Block 36 (existing Amoco site) which includes a restaurant, some office space, and some residential units on the second floor. Meeting the parking requirements is often an issue when redeveloping the downtown district. Mr. Fluth, with support of city staff, has joined Mr. Hammond, Mr. Koppy, and Mr. Paulson in making this a joint parking project. The ordinance gives the city the discretion of allowing property owners the opportunity to supply parking at a rate that is 60% of the requirement of the ordinance, provided that the owner grants an easement allowing the general public free use of the stalls. The number of parking stalls required under the ordinance (using th 60%) for all parcels together is 79. The proposed parking plan provides for 60 parking stalls, 19 stalls short of the required amount. It is proposed that the deficiency be offset via a contribution of $1,450 per stall which equals $27,550. Staff supports this project with the deficiency in parking for the following reasons: • although as a whole the project doesn't meet the parking requirements, the proposed and existing uses (restaurant, office/retail, residential) should mix well as far as needing parking at different periods of the day. • a parking study done approximately 6 months ago by staff shows that there is an ample amount of on and off street municipal parking within a two block area. • parking stall deficiency is off -set by a $27,550 contribution to parking fiend in the CCD district. With regard to the stall deficit fee, you might recall that some months ago the city council reviewed a similar site plan for this area which showed a 22 stall deficit associated with redevelopment of the Amoco site and Smith and Associates Law Office property. The parking lot layout under that plan showed the "Koppy" garage gone. At that time the city council agreed to waive the parking deficit fee (22 @ $1,425 = $31,350) and cover this City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 parking deficit expense by transferring general city funds into the CCD District Parking Fund. The money could then be used at a later date for parking stall development and/or to purchase public parking easement rights from private parking lots in the area. The question is, does council wish to follow the previous decision to pay for the entire deficit in this case, or has the site plan changed enough so that it would require that the developer pay a share? The current plan includes the Amoco redevelopment site only and the "Koppy" garage stays in place. Also, the HRA has increased the TIF contribution for construction of the parking lot from $45,000 to $75,000 which reflects an increase in area over the original land affected by the Amoco redevelopment. The parking deficiency with the "Koppy" garage in place is at 19 ($27,075). If the garage was removed as proposed under the original plan, the deficit would have been 15. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Request for approval of a parking lot in the CCD district that would provide less than the required 60% of joint parking stalls. Motion to support a joint parking project with the 19 stall deficiency, based on the reasons above, under the following conditions: • Joint parking agreement established and signed by all property owners. • The feasibility of internalizing the trash enclosure be looked at by developer and city staff. • Project is consistent with the requirements of the CCD district. 2. Motion to deny approval of the Amoco parking redevelopment plan at a deficiency of 60% requirement. 3. Motion to table action, subject to further study. Staff recommends alternative 1. The parking situation, though tight, can be accommodated by on and off street parking. The parking project will benefit the office/retail in the area during the day as well as provide a sufficient amount of parking for the restaurant in the evening hours. Decision 2: Consideration of funding program for 19 stall deficiency. *Consideration of decision 2 assumes that the city council is comfortable with the parking stall deficiency. 2 City Council Agenda - 01/14/02 Motion to accept parking stall deficiency in the amount of 19 stalls ($27,075) and transfer said amount from general fund to CCD parking fund. 2. Motion to accept parking stall deficiency in the amount of 19 stalls, but require that the developer pay for four stall deficiency associated with leaving "Koppy" garage in place. Developer pays city $5,700 for the four stall shortage with city funding the balance. In the event the garage is removed and four new spaces created using private funds, developer would be reimbursed $5,700. 3. Motion accepting parking stall deficiency with the stall deficiency cost distribution as determined by council. Staff recommends alternative 2. Staff presumes that council continues to support funding a significant portion of the parking stall deficit as was approved previously. However, due to the fact that this project is smaller (Smith & Associates removed) and because the "Koppy" garage remains in place, it is recommended that the city council pay for 15 of the 19. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Area off-site parking analysis J Amoco Development Exhibit Parking Analysis Ell Council Agenda - 1/ 14/02 11. Park Superintendent Position - Update and possible recommendation. (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City advertised to fill the Park Superintendent position vacated by Gregg Engle. During January 9-11, 2002 interviews were set up and conducted with 9 of the approximately 57 individuals who had submitted applications. It is possible that second interviews will be necessary with the top two candidates and it is our hope to check references and make a recommendation to the Council. It is not certain whether we can complete this in time for Monday's meeting. It is our hope that upon conclusion of the interview process, we will be able to check references, etc. and be able to make a recommendation to the City Council. 0 H +-1 N M V' Ln LD h W m O r N M V' Ln h m OD lb O H N cr M Ln LD a a W z O O O O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 H H H r -I H H H H H H N N N N N N N W H O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 00 00 O O O O O O u� a O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 00 O O HC) 9 < 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O E, 0 z FC H G4 V Ln V Ln Ln V V V V V [r v m U1 m Ln Ln In W cT r W V 14 11 V1 V V a V 0 a Ln Ln Ln In Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln In Ln C:) w \ w a as aCLI aawawau,a, a wawwwa as as a a 0 >+ o H > H 1 ux 0 a 0 1tr Ln a U H o 0 0 H H tT m 0\ 0 0 ai H ri H H ri N N N M M h h h h h M M M M M W O h h h h h H .--1 r-1 H ri M M M M M V1 V1 v v 'Q1 N O U Cr Q1 rn rn rn m lT rn m rn rn co H V' V1 V' V1 V1 V' V1 V' V' V1 V' V' h M H O OD N co N M M h O JN M co N LT Ln M H H N N H h H r -i D1 O Ln H z N O N m m m D1 m m m N N N N N N N N N ri 00 00 co 00 00 00 \ \ -10h ch \ H 11 M M N 10 l0 LD LD W LD LD lD 1D W h V Ln Ln Ln N Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln N N H H VL N N N N N ri 2: h O 00 0\ m 0) Ql O O V' V1 V' U) Ln Ln ri N M v Ln w M M M O Ln O H h w O O h h lD LD m M LT O O Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln 10 k.0 LD h h h h h h h h LD O O O O O O h h h h h h Ln Ln h h 0) O 10 co D1 h h LD a o OC) 1D LD 1D w lD w LD w w 1D o 0 0 o o 10 l0 10 LD W W LD lD l0 LD LD w 10 U o cc o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 cc:) 0 0 H o 0o riHoHoriHoHo o vv-rr.-;ro 0)m off rn 1-1 Z� 0\ w 10 ri h h H h 1-4 h h H h VL 3� v v v ri D1 m N v 0) H O O M H ri N N H H H ri H H H r -f H H M V' Ln O O O O O V' O H Ln Ln ri Ln -T M V' rn v M d N v V• V1 V1 V1 N N N N N N 10 U FC O N N N N N N N N N N N N N O H H H H H Ln N h O h O Ln N D1 N N H H N N N N N N N N N N ri H H H H H H H H H Ln h O O O O O H N N N N N H N N H ri Ln N h H N H H Ln -4 r♦ V' Ln Ln V1 V' Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln V' V' VL V1 VL V' V' V' V' V' m V' N N N N N M V' V' V• V' V' V' Ln Ln V' a% Ln V' VL M LD (6 �+ 1-I O w 1D 1D 1D 1D W, LD LD tD LD LD 1D D1 H H H ri H H W LD D1 LD H M (0 W ri N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O N N O N O ri a N N N N N N N N N w ri H H H H H N N LD N H N Ln a Cl) o W aaaF o Cl) Cf) 1FC w �121�LZ�W C7 H W ma U o � z 4 a H o a a ++� a mm a a a a U U U U U r� H a a4 HH A q A A OL a Cl)a SH a AA � Ho �K4aa Baa o z H w A ooa 4aP4E 44E-�4E~4 w u u U u u a a a wa H 01 FC 1 aa< 14 121 H 4z z <z z4 1 E- W I a Hp Cl) wEKt w I H W I W p z z0 a rx a al 4 H 00 04 #C4 H xx0 z H 00 FC u x v CO a aa° uw u u U El x zea z z0E• cn0H HE• w rA H rx C/) FCC >az✓>az>z H 0 Cn w >+ Uux H m xcolxcn 04Cl) V4P' E+ xxxxa a W1xrx cnrx 0 O rc1 H O 2:qR a 0 0 a 0 O O W G R4rl.1r14 Wr4P4rzlq H H H H H a 0 U w 0 W O W u 0 wwz . 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The IDC and HRA submit and request the Planning Commission and City Council consider and incorporate their respective recommendations into the Comprehensive Plan update and amendment process and to take the applicable action to accomplish the recommendations. Reference and Back round: On December 7, 20015 the Marketing Subcommittee (HRA Commissioners Darrin Lahr and Brad Barger and IDC Members Dick Van Allen, Tom 011ig, and Don Smith) reviewed data including current local industrial land prices ($65,340 per acre), the decrease of tax increment revenues collected due to class rate reductions, and the Big Lake Industrial Development Plan. The group recognized the availability of three local industrial buildings and the current recession; however, they also could not justify spending $20,000 for marketing non-competitive industrial land prices. They agreed Monticello is out -of -the ball game. Additionally, the group considered the $565,000 Industrial Development Fund set aside by the HRA and the Council for industrial land acquisition and/or infrastructure development and the additional pool of non-restrictive TIF funds pledged for industrial land acquisition or infrastructure development. The Marketing Subcommittee made a motion "asking the HRA and the IDC to approve the Marketing Subcommittee's recommendation to rezone City (Remmele) parcel from commercial to industrial and to develop an industrial park forwarding the recommendation to the Planning Commission." At the IDC meeting of December 20, 2001, Jeff O'Neill gave an update to the IDC members on the status of the Comprehensive Plan amendment. He gave a detailed summary of the preliminary land use plan and noted reasons why the City (Remmele) site has been identified as an important parcel for future commercial development and noted that the mediation session for the Gold Nugget parcel was scheduled for January 10, 2002. Additionally, he noted city acquisition of the industrial/commercial portion of the Gold Nugget site, either by purchase or via swap (City/Remmele), remains a possibility. IDC Chair Van Allen informed members of his recent conversation with UMC, an industrial prospect, relative to the relocation considerations and economic benefits to a community. After discussing the Marketing Subcommittee's recommendation and hearing O'Neill's report, the IDC was ready to make a motion which included preparation of a time frame. City Council Agenda - 1/14/02 IDC Recommendation "IDC Member Barb Schwientek made a motion recommending the control of a site for industrial development and to commit to construction completion of utility and road improvements by Fall of 2002 for either the City (Remmele) or Gold Nugget parcels, and to prepare a time fi°ame for the City (Remmele) and Gold Nugget parcels, beginning with the infrastructure improvement completion date and working backwards identifying the applicable steps and time frame to accomplish control of site and infrastructure completion. This recommendation to be forwarded to the Planning Commission and City Council. IDC Member Bill Tapper seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. " At the HRA meeting of January 2, 2002, O'Neill gave an update to the Commissioners on the status of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and stated he agreed that City ownership of industrial land is critical to getting industrial development going, but thought that use of the City (Remmele) site should be considered after other viable options are exhausted. After discussing the Marketing Subcommittee's recommendation and hearing O'Neill's report, the following motion was made. HRA Recommendation, "A motion was made by Commissioner Brad Barger to recommend to the Planning Commission and the City Council to have a completed industrial park owned by the HRA or City with lots ready to sell in April of 2003. Commissioner Darrin Lahr seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. " Again, the IDC and HRA request the Planning Commission and City Council consider and incorporate their respective recommendations into the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update and Amendment and to take the applicable action to accomplish the recommendations. Supporting Data - Copy of Big Lake Industrial Development Plan and copy of Van Allen's discussion with UMC. 2 Jim Thares, Community Development Director Big Lake, Minnesota Presentation for EDAM Meeting November 15, 2001 9. Background of Industrial Park East A. City and Township leaders both felt there was a need for an Ind. Park (not much happening locally without public effortt) > City wanted cooperation on annexations and extending city limits. • Township wanted to control its own destiny (not be added to the City) or some suitable trade-off (i.e., city tax base throwing off tax revenue to Township). • Both wanted more local jobs for area residents (80% of the residents drive to work in other communities). B. City and Township create a Jointfv owned Park • 50 - 50 Venture. - - > Share the development and operating costs equally, forever. • Share the benefits (taxes) equally, forever. > Agreements put in place stating these points. • Expanded/Modified EDA to add Township Members. 2. Phased DevelOnrnent of the Industrial Park A. If you build it they -will come approach; no solid prospects in hand. B. City and Twp. bought the land on a contract for deed. C. Financing - TIF District created for entire Park. D. Phase I - Bonds sold; roads, sewer and water developed for 3 lots (13 acres). E. Phase 11 roads sewer and water for remainder of the park. 3. Marketina of the Industrial Park A. Used consultants and stafffor early period. B. Heavy networking with developers and firms (i.e. Landcor). C. Tout the benefits of cwning property and equity from land for $1. D. Tout the coope;-ative partnership approach — share the vision. E. Package incentives, land for $1, site prep assistance, E.D. RLF. 4. Adiustments to the Park Develooment Process A. Luke warm response led to new TIF District Configuration. B. 425 Assessments added to pay for all improvements in Phase 11. C. Third TIF District in 2442 or 2003? 5. Results of the effort A. Six projects broke ground in the past 12 months. B. Two more projects ready to break ground (imminent). C. 105 new FTE jobs in Big Lake Ind. Park cast. D. Added $8,084,570 in industrial tax base; 135 % increase versus 2000. E. Added 235,300 sq. ft. of industrial space to the community. 6. Talk of expanding the Industrial Park A. City and Twp. have begun discussions to add 25 to 30 acres to I.P. B. Same type of agreements will be used except, "forever" will be stricken from all agreements and a defined number of years will be inserted (20 or 25 years or longer with less sharing of revenue??). OA November 15, 2001 The Big Lake Industrial Park Bast is unique in that it is jointly owned and developed by Big Lake City and Big Lake Township. It is believed that this is the first such cooperative venture and may be the only joint Township and City Industrial Development Project in the State of Minnesota at this time. FACTS > Size: 72 acres, less 4 acres +I- of roadway for U.S. Hwy 10 > Developable Land: 80.20 acres > Cost to Develop: Approximately $800,000 ➢ Number of lots: 13 Expected Number of Jobs in Park at full development: 300 FTE (Full - Time -Equivalents) A Expected Private Sector Investment at full development: $11 to $13 million 3 , r .70 '47 - _. ..r a 'ri ._.y, 'oy.'.�L^ '_ - :a4-•�nt.Y i .r..i! +�MAw� - � » - - y: y 7 7 �_.'-" 'r •� <. -"`�- .:_~ �' ~-w� Tom„_ r" -..4..` "'S'.-._+..� ''ri.n,-a �.ti-.r _ ... ,._ _ .. .. .-'—''��• I HISTORY OF PARK DEVELOPMENT AND BUILD OUT ➢ 1996: Land Purchased by Big Lake City and Big Lake Township. ➢ 1999: Infrastructure Phase 1 (roads, sewer and water): installed in 1999 (serviced about 3 lots or 15 acres). ➢ Early 10/2000: Ground Breaking for Project #1: Landcor Project Big Lake Commerce Center 1; 48,000 sq. ft. multi - tenant office -warehouse building featuring 10 bays for rent. > Late 10/2000: Installed Infrastructure Phase 2 (roads, sewer, water, drainage ditches and ponds): (serviced balance of 10 lots or 35.20 acres). > Early 1212000: Ground Breaking for Project #2: A i ABBY Manufacturing, Inc. - 20,000 sq. ft. metal stamping and product assembly firm. ➢ Early 06/2001: Grand Opening of Park and Ground Breakings for Projects #3 and #4: Thompson 'Woodworking, Inc. - 11,280 sq. ft. residential cabinet manufacturer, and A.J. Machinery, Inc. - 16,000 sq. ft. machine tool supplier and repair firm. r Late 09/2001: Ground Breaking for Project #5 - Whirl Air Plow — 48,500 sq. ft office and production facility (manufacturer of material conveyance systems). ➢ Late 10/2001: Ground Breaking for Project #6 - Injection Mold Technology - 13,500 sq. ft. office and production facility (mold manufacturing). ➢ Projected 1212001: Ground Breakings for Projects #7 & #8 — Landcor Phase 11 — 48,000 sq. ft. mulit-tenant office warehouse facility. JW Investments — 30,000 sq. ft. office & production for MM Precision Machine. . ,.t ;.,i: .i, EAST LwE MW I\4 SE 1\4 Jv.A SE 1\4 1'•'•'1''�^'r'!"-C-n Y. �LAi tic.16 s "`s! I f .. � �--r�—^.--r'-•-.�-r—•r,r-rte— _ �' 1 t � � � � >� CR � \ �• � \ X 1Lit: ` �'\ • ;�' � � �,_,_,....--=� `�• .`"�``"``I r� �"I`^.:;� I :r't1�`. ;,rir moo► ..:, (� -�- Z f )'--�.. � 1 € � r "� �• w � � ; f �y � + ' r - ice•.. � "�,�r� Tye-"� .` 1'� r 7 �� � �� Y a \% �'\ S £ � _! i ! 1 11 � ,4� aR sit - - � � ..►�� ♦ , ��,♦ ;,� ! E,= � l EI � �,,- z� �— w � � _, :sem � i r I li, 7!il viol Ix Q ~�\• • ' `' '�'' I i1 � � ��.�.�.�"./�> 'sem' �_/ /'`�/./— � ( f ff�. � I nt �t,� � ZZEa+ ?3�R .2?•aIw ; � �.�r••c+.•��f •==—'� '/ ���'`� \ \ \ VI = + // /T� C3 a p r $ g O* 222 1. u L.*a :F� � 1 ;j v 41 MUM so•t.... 00.5.11' Big Lake Industrial Park East Projects Business Name A.J. Machinery ATABGY Manufacturing ,J & W Investments LandCor Construction Phase I LandCor Construction Phase ll T hompson Woodworking Whirl -Air -Flow Injection Mold Technologies Totals Lot Size 3.10 Acres 2.20 Acres 2.30 Acres 4.10 Acres 4.00 Acres 2.00 Acres 5.50 Acres 2.03 Acres 25.23 Acres Performance !Measure Goals Established at the Onset of the Park Jobs per acre: (5 acres) Land to building ratio: (4:1 sq. ft) Developed Land Assessed Value: ($250, 000lacre) Open Storage: (Not allowed) Years to pay back incentives: (5 to 5) Percent of building coverage on lots: (50%) Transportation Projects?: (None) Return on investment: (approximately 17%) E Building Size 16,000 square feet 20,000 square feet 30,000 square feet 48,000 square feet 48,000 square feet 11, 300 square feet 48,500 square feet 13,500 square feet 235.300 square feet f,urrent Status of Goals, 4.2 jobs/acre 4.6 sq. ft. $320,435/acre None Not determined 21.40% None Not determined - - _ - -- - -Y_.- n° � d§ :f�:a , -Aw ase - Er $16; OOOL '$s,Uf 4,100V 46,074;1oa = : ssfi;so : ss . _• t -. 3 X10;000100.0 $8;000;000-:- soaafaoo. EN - - - - $4 000 Dov- - �J �.y. •� _ .ter, __ _�.., yr::•,°_'s ,. it •� n c•_ • '•-�.- - ..�. r- -� .. ,�- :Y� 7 Economic Development Report January 9, 2002 by 011ie ICoropchok, Economic Development Director Fay -Mar Building - It is my understanding Ron Musich has a new industrial business to occupy the Fay -Mar building. I've left a voice mail for Ron to confirm and learn more of the company. Kitty has been renting space for community center equipment in the Fay -Mar building and was informed the entire facility would be utilized. H -Window building - the real estate agent informs me, he has a potential buyer. A company from Plymouth. About 25 jobs. Also, some interest by local businesses. Right Choice building - Agent, Van Allen, and myself showed this building to UMC on January 7, 2002. May be interested in leasing. Agent has another interested party - Production Stamping. Also, some interest by local businesses. Kaltec of MN - Provides engineering, manufacturing, and software solutions to technology driven businesses. 15-20 employees. Plymouth. Was looking at H -Window building. Wait and see approach. Owner Monticello address. UMC - Showed Right Choice building on January 7. Needs at a minimum 6 inch floors in manufacturing area and wants windows in the production area. Has ruled out H -Window building. Infrastructure feasibility study ordered by home community completed January 10. Will be meeting with city. Appeared interest in leasing. Looking at Buffalo, Monticello, and Anoka. 250,000-400,000 sq ft manufacturer/warehousing - Ohio company, competition Stearns or Sherburne County. Lead from Wright Partnership - info in hands of committee. Kevin Maas - Talked with Kevin, Amcom, relative to marketing 4.3 acres of commercial west of K -Mart last week. Additionally, we talked about industrial development. Where is Monticello at? Spoke of Otter Creek Crossing and annexation request. He mentioned a 250,000-400,000 sq ft warehouse user, out -state. Looking at Big Lake and Becker, didn't include Monticello. Monticello Business Condominiums - Talked with Heidi Van Heel, Property Management, will remove 13 acre site along East 7 Street as available as an industrial site and change to marketing for space to lease or own. Planned construction 2002. Marketing - All maps through WSB are now ready for printing. Inserts for the new marketing brochure are ordered and will be delivered for Chamber event of January 31. Web site development - Economic Development, Jon Glomski and I are working on it. 'a• . �',��; , =' �. 'i: '�b C � ' �) J'9 9 ,� �d�i BRE Visit - Dick Van Allen and myself are scheduled to visit our first industry, Rainbow Enterprises, on January 9. A report will be submitted to the Council and IDC following the BRE visit. The purpose of the visit is to retain industrial business. The company will receive resource information, update of local development, and advised of the IDC role of lobbying and promotion. 218 Front Street - Following the hearings held January 20 and 21, the appointed commissioners awarded a price of $143,000. The award was filed on December 27, 2001, with the County Administrative Court. The HRA and property owner have 40 days from date of filing to appeal the award. Hans Hagen Homes - The HRA and Hans Hagen have received a draft copy of the Redevelopment Contract as prepared by Kennedy & Graven. The HRA will prepare the site as a finished pad -site, conveying property to developer in April for construction commencement in June/July. Amoco site redevelopment - Planning Commission accepted joint parking plan for the site on January 8. Demolition 10 to 20 days. Wright County Economic Development Partnership Annual meeting - Friday, January 11, 7:45 a.m. at Monticello Country Club. HRA Commissioner position available - Volunteer position, must be city resident, regular meeting date first Wednesday of each month. Purpose: Industrial, redevelopment and affordable housing. Downtown redevelopment - The HRA has submitted non-binding letters of intent to all the property owners of Block 52. The letters of intent will assist in defining the boundary lines and feasibility of a redevelopment project. The up -front TIF dollars must be spend by August 2003. TIF February 1, 2002, pay-as-you-go payments have been determined and authorized. Otter Creek Crossing - The feasibility study for this area is due for completion, January 31, 2002. 2