City Council Agenda Packet 11-12-2002 Special . &, . PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 471. 705, and in accordance \vith the Monticello City Code of Ordinances, Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 1-5.1 (B), a special meeting of the Monticello City Council is hereby called for the following time, date, and place: &1 c tt TIME: 5: 30 p.m. DATE: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 PLA.CE: Monticello City Hall SUBJECT: Canvass results of municipal election DATED: /~/~/ ~~~~~- SignatUre aUJ~ Signature Mayor Title Title CERTIFICATION On this 1st day of November ,2002 , I hereby acknowledge receipt of the above duly executed call for a special meeting of the Council of the City of lVlonticello, Minnesota. a(p~ City Administrator SPECMTG.CC: 2/26/96 . .-- . RESOLUTION NO. 2002-71 RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE ELECTION AND DECLARING THE RESllL TS (November 5, 20(2) WHEREAS, the City Administrator has duly presented to the City Council the summary statement of ballots voted in the Noyember 5.2002 Municipal Election: and WHEREAS, said statement has been sw-orn to by the .Iudges of the Election; and WHEREAS, the total of yates cast for the offices voted upon are as follo\ys. to-wit: For Mayor (2-vear term) Bruce Thielen 1 780 Clint Herbst 1453 W.-jte-Ins \Villiam Fair .Iosh Dickenson Ryan Olson Donald Maus Rick Habeck 1 1 1 2 "I j For Council Member (4-year term) Glen Posusta 11 ] 9 Brian Stumpf 894 Tom Perrault 859 Brad Fyle 682 Richard Van Allen 662 Larry Nolan 564 Dennis Sullivan 363 Dave Rietveld 200 Nick Maki 196 Mike Maki ] 84 John Kautza 142 Wr-jte-Ins Donny Koch Jean Sampson Jade S\yensrud James Arudt Jamie Schmidt Chris Dorf Val Bas Rick Habeck Darren Klatt Sandy Teicher Jesse Norman Jennifer Warner I I I I I 1 ] I 1 ] 2 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO_ that the totals listed above are deemcd (0 he correct. the election is deel11l.?d to he valid. and the official winners of the election are declarcd to he as follows: For Mayor (2-year term): Bruce Thielen For Council (4-year term): Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Adopted this 12th day of Novemher, 2002. ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator D.-\\\'!\: W()RD'RESFOR~IS ELECTION C->':\\\SS Roger Belsaas, Mayor . . . . PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 471.705, and in accordance with the Monticello City Code of Ordinances, Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 1-5-1 (B), a special meeting of the Monticello City Council is hereby called for the following time, date, and place: TIME: 5: 45 p.m. DATE: Tuesday. November 12. 2002 PLACE: Monticello City Hall SUBJECT: 2003 Budget Workshop . DATED: /) /~.~.~.:/ j .~,%..,~:::? 'f) ~ ,;:.::~.::;7 ,.__, ~.. .-<:../ ....'. .--' .-/ / ~''":..'''''~------<':-~ ..' '~_'~"'.' ~.v:::....._'_ Signat . 're Mayor Title Signature Title CERTIFICATION On this 1st day of November , 20~, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the above duly executed call for a special meeting of the Council of the City of lVlonticello, Minnesota. ..... awrw~ City Administrator ~ SPECi\frG.CC: 2/26/96 . . . Special Meeting Agenda - 10/12/02 1. Review of 2003 budget and tax levy. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The purposc of Tuesday night's workshop session will be for the Council to review the proposed 2003 budget and tax levy one more time before the Truth in Taxation I !caring scheduled for Wednesday, December 4,2002 at 5 p.m. This final review will give the Council an opportunity to make any adj ustments you feel are warranted to the budget and/or tax levy before it is presented to the public. As you may recall, the preliminary tax levy adopted in September totaled $6,782,018, a $283,939 increase over last years or 4.37%. This was the maximum the City was allowed to levy and includes the modifications that were discusscd at our second workshop. Some of the changcs that we included are as follows. Additional Levy Reuuirements: Purpose 0.0. Bond Dcbt G.O. Bond $lS6,765 / First year debt payment on 2002 Community Center Fund and equipment replacement. $ 30.000 ,/ Set aside funds fCll' building reserve Parks Fund $ 40,000 ./ Re-allocatc 1/4 of the cost ofthe new loader to Parks Departmcnt. Total Levy Increases Re(IUired $256,765 Reduction in Levy Reuuirements: Street Department $ 20,000 I Originally budgeted $40,000 for an additional crnployee, reduced by Y; with $20,000 added to contracted to services and/or overtime salaries. Street Department $') )j . 1..0,00( Levy reduced by 3/4 of the cost of a new loader ($160,000) with 1/4 being allocated to Park Fund and 1/4 each to Sewer and Water Access Funds. ~'''<.'''1iiI... _~........_,~ . Special Meeting Agenda - 10/12/02 Total Tax IA:vy Reductions Proposed: $140,000 Net Change in tax levy $116,765 As I noted ahove, the proposed tax levy is $283,939 more than last year, hut the resulting tax capacity rate will actually be lower tban tbe rate last year, dropping from 67.64 down to 65.55. The reason for the drop is that we have additional market value and taxpayers to spread the increase acrosS, which actually has grown faster than our budget levy needs. In other words, although we need more money to operate next year, there are more taxpayers to help reduce the impact of the l11crease. A couple of items 1 would like to mention for discussion are issues that were brought up at our last workshop concerning the merits of renting or leasi ng a new loader for the winter months rather than purchasing a new loader, expansion of needs of the Deputy Registrars office and a brief discussion on the new policy adopted by the Council in regard to funding employee social events next year. . Discussion on leasing: -vs- Ilurchasinl! new loader. Public Works Director,. John Simola has put together some cost information on renting -vs- ownership ofa new loader. Cost varies depending on the make of loader that would be purchased or leased, hut basically the information seems to indicate that leasing a loader for even five months of the year will cost more than actual ownership would over a llve year period. If the City only needed a second loader for the winter season only, leasing might still be the way to go, but since Public Works Department need a larger loader to replace the one they have noW, it doesn't appear that it would be in our best interest financially to lease on an annual basis. If the value of our used loader is not very high, it may make sense to acquire a new loader and keep the used one as a hackup, even ifit is only used during the winter snow season. Bucket truck rental -vs- purchase. Along the same line as the loader discussion, John Simola has put together some information on the cost of renting a bucket truck instead of purchasing a new replacement vehicle. The Street and Parks Department had included $24,000 in the preliminary budget l'or replacing the older bucket truck we now have, but I believe the Council also wanted more information on whether renting a bucket truck would be more feasible in the long run. John has put together a summary of the expected usage of a bucket truck next year estimated at 600 hours per year that would equal a rental fee of about $15,000 annually. It would appear that after a couple of years of rental fees, the City would have paid more than if it would have outright purchased a replacement bucket truck. The Council win need to discuss whether the funds should remain in the Street and Park Departments for purchasing both the bucket truck and the loader or whether revisions are necessary and proceed with renting or leasing instead. . 2 . Special Meeting Agenda - 10/12/02 Dcnuty RC1.!:istrar office remodelin~ I included in the preliminary budget $25,000 for the possible remodeling of the Dcputy Registrar office by expanding into the Christian Sneial Service portio n of the bu iI di ng. 1 have been discussing with Depnt y Registrar stalT for anum ber of m on ths the feasibility of enlarging their officc space to provide more waiting area for customers, which would require utilizing some of the Christian Social Service space in the old fire hall. The Public Works Director feels the most economical way of expanding the office would be to only take 10 feet ofthe clothing portion ofthe building. Structurally, with the mezzanine and door and utility locations, this would be the cheapest and easiest way of cxpanding the office, although I am not sure if it provides enough room for the long run. I would like the Council to discuss whether you are in agreement with the Deputy Registrar's office staying at tbis location and expanding into the clothing portion of the huilding. Any expansion into th area of the building may not leave Christian Social Services with enough room for their needs and may rcquire thcm to relocatc to another facility, if they can find one. The ten year lease for $1 a year that we now have with Christian Social Services actually expires this year and they are interested in renewing it, but I have delayed their request until we decide how to deal with the Deputy Registrar portion of the building. Bud~et consideratiou Ill' employee social cveuts. One of the policies adopted by the Coullcil at our last meeting indicated that jf the Council was willing to set aside funding each year as part of the budget consideration and discussion, it is the League's opinion that city funds could be uscd as part of an overall compensation package that provides a summer picnic or a Christmas party f()r city employees. As part of the Mayor and Council's budget for next year, $1,000 has been included in the preliminary bud get lor such purposes. If the Counci lis in agreement with stati ng that this fundi ng is part of the overall compensation packagc for city employecs, it should be noted in our discussion of the budget at this time. . In preparation for the Truth in Taxation Hearing Wednesday, December 4,2002 the County Auditor's office will be sending out individual property tax notices to all parcels in the city indicating what each taxing jurisdiction is proposing for next year. As I noted earlier, although our proposed levy incrcase is 4.3 7%, the actual tax capacity rate for the City will he slightly lower than last year at 65 compared to 67. This is a good trend and seems to indicate that we may have turned corncr and are experiencing new market value growth. both in appreciation of individual properties and also because of new housing and commercial construction. H.opefully, our tax base continues to grow more than our financial needs, but it is still recommended that the Council stay with the maximum leV) proposed of $6,7 82,01 8, which allows us to add another $535,000 to our street reconstruction fund. Between 2002 and 2003, the City will have saved approximately $1,1 million that can be used as a portion of the Phase I improvements planned for as early as next year. . "'l .) . . . B. SUPPORTING DATA: · Budget Information . Leasing/Rental Information .~ '"'~-- Special Meeting Agenda - 10/12/02 4 . TAX LEVY SUMMARY 2003 Budget All Funds Net Payable 2002 Net Payable 2003 Adjusted Levy Adjusted Levy After Deducting After Deducting Fund HACA HACA Parks $560,735 $709,525 General $2,975,679 $3,167,330 library $33,790 $33,790 Transportation $24,950 $0 Shade Tree $0 $28,785 OAA $0 $0 HRA $19,790 $20,820 Debt Service $1,394,659 $1,268,813 Capital Imp Revolving $92,600 $123,010 Community Center $808,150 $894,945 Street Reconstruction $587,726 $535,000 TOTAL $6,498,079 $6,782,018 . Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase Maximum Lev Allowed $283,939 $6,782,018 4.37% Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Rate Estimated: Payable 2003 Tax Capacity Rate 27001 35.186 36272 37.146 67.645 65.558 Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Value Rate Tax Levy '97/Payable 1998 $14,413,597 27001 $3,883,013 '98/Payable 1999 $13,123,681 35.186 $4,617,725 99/Payable 2000 $13,066,057 36.272 $4,739,325 2000/Payable 2001 $13,641,431 37.146 $5,067,342 2001/Payable 2002 $9,606,212 67.645 $6,498,079 2002/Payable 2003 $10,344,950 65.558 $6,782,018 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $573,225 for debt service and $321,720 for operations . 2003Budget.xls:Tax Levy Sum-Opt#2:11/7/2002 BUCKET TRUCK RENTAL . 30' Boom Truck Utilities $200 per day $450 per week $1300 per month U sage of Truck 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Tree Trimming - 160 hrs Replacing light bulbs - Public Works Building - 8 hrs Parking Lot Lights - 24 hrs Stop Lights - 72 hrs Furnace Filters Maintenance Garage - 16 hrs Christmas Decorations - 48 hrs Banners - 72 hrs Flag Poles - 8 hrs Ballfields - Back Stop Maintenance - 40 hrs Park Roof Maintenance - 28 hrs Pathway Lights - 16 hrs Painting Buildings - 28 hrs Washing and Maintenance Water Towers - 48 hrs Truck is set-up with emergency generator - welder and torches - 40 hrs Truck is used almost daily for extra vehicle . Estimated 600 hrs of use per year Estimated rental cost per year $15,000* *NOTE Does not include 4 man hours per trip to pick up and return rental unit Granite City Electric Relamping stop lights $354 per light Monday - Friday 7:00a.m. - 3:30 p.m. $531 per light Monday - Friday other than normal working hours $708 per light Saturday and Sunday Average of 10 - 15 lights per year 2003 Budget for used truck $24,000 + 1987 Ford Bucket Truck c:panilstreeWbuckctrental . . . . ZIEGLERCAT, 901 West 94th Street Minneapolis, MN 55420~4299 CA TERPILLAR Falls Plow and Wing Cash Price ~ $152936.13 Optional Trad~in 936 Caterpillar Wheel Loader Trade-in Value - $32,000 Five Year Buy Back $81,750.00 Estimated Annual Cost to Own for Ten Years - With Trade-in - No Trade-In - 938G Wheel Loader $6,282.34 $9,482.04 Five Year Finance Option Payments - Five annual payments of $23,071.86 with a $60,000 balloon TOTAL $175,359.30 Monthly Payments Sixty monthly payments of$1,972.89 with a $60,000 Balloon TOTAL $178,373.40 Rental Rate - 938G Wheel Loader with Plow and Wing Minimum 5 month period - Maximum 500 Hours $5,720 plus tax per month - MINIMUM TOTAL for one Season - $28,600.00 Rental Rate - 936G Wheel Loader with 3yd Bucket Minimum 4 month period - Maximum 400 Hours $3,000 per month, #30.00 per hour for overage hours Twelve Month Period 500 Hours - $39,000.00 Ten Year Old Machine ~ Depreciates 62% At the end of ten years value ~ Green Guide for Construction Equipment $58,115.73 C:Palli/streets/Zielgercatquote St. Joseph Equipment - Elk River . CASE 7210 Wheel Loader Falls Plow and Wing Cash Price - $141,371.99 Optional Trade-in One used 1986 CAT Wheel Loader Trade in Value - $27,500 Five Year or 5000 hrs. Buy Back Must have 5000 hr Power-Train Warranty Additional Cost - $2,357 Cash Price would be $143,728.99 Buy Back Price $73,932.35 Estimated Annual Cost to Own for Ten Years - Trade-in $6,863.30 - No Trade-in $9,613.30 Five Year Municipal Lease Payments - One Advance plus Five Annual Payments of$26,757.19 TOTAL $160,543.14 ~ 5 yr = $32,108.63 Monthly Payments Payments - One Advance plus Fifty-Nine Monthly Payments of $2,681.32 TOTAL $160,879.20 -;- 5 yr = $32,175.84 . Rental Rate - CASE 721C Wheel Loader with Three Yard Bucket $2,300.00 per month with a Five Month Guarantee 200 Hours Total on Machine - above 200 Hours $35.00 per hour Twelve Month Period 500 Hours $39,000 Ten Year Old Machine - Depreciates 680/0 At the end often years value - Green Guide for Construction Equipment - $45,239.04 c:pattilstreets/case72\ dquote. wpd . . . . MAXIMUM LEVY COMPARISONS 2002 2003 CHANGE (+ or-) Maximum General Levy Allowed $4,578,420 $4,939,980 +361,560 Allowable Additions: GO Debt Levy $1,394,659 $1,268,813 -$125,846 Community Center Debt $ 525.000 $ 573.225 +$ 48.225 MAXIMUM LEVY $6,498,079 $6,782,018 +$283,939 WordlDawn/Budget/levy Comparison: 9/5/02 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 2003 Budget . 2002 2003 FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURES REVENUE EXPENDITURES General $4,145.470 $4,145,470 $4,677,980 $4,677,980 Parks $549,235 $549,235 "1 \ \-,\, ~~ 5 $709,525 Park Dedication $25,350 $20,000 $43,400 $60,000 library $34,790 $34,790 $35,190 $35,190 Transportation $103,600 $103,600 $87,780 $87,780 Shade Tree $2,250 $44,810 $30,285 $45,775 Community Center $1,663,300 $1,663,300 $1,822,395 $1,822,395 UDAG $0 $0 $0 $0 OM $1,220 $4,440 $375 $5,000 HRA $575,335 $342.415 $683,070 $481,560 Minn, Investment Fund $46,775 $0 $18,745 $0 EDA $44,915 $8,500 $50,800 $7,000 SCERG $480 $0 $480 $0 CMIF $150 $0 $150 $0 Debt Service $3,212,469 $4,253,543 $3,204,985 $3,728.793 L~guor $2,829625 $2,722,940 $3,326650 $3,132,305 Water $383,000 $654,235 "" $420,850 $701,270 Sewer $813,900 $1,980,910 . $867050 $2,008,425 Cemetery $28,200 $33,115 $30,210 $30,685 Capital Improvements $167,000 $167,000 $219840 $670,000 Water Access $160,885 $0 $234,000 $194,000 Storm Sewer Access $173,900 $0 $181,790 $0 Sanitary Sewer Access $659,200 $0 $850,200 $100,000 Streeet Reconstruction Fund $587.726 $0 $552,700 $0 TOTAL $16,208,775 $16,728,303 $18,048,450 $18,497,683 COMMENTS, "includes $1,214,635 Depreciation -- contributed assets sewer ""includes $312,940 Depreciation -- contributed assets water . . SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash & Investments) . . ./ 1/1 I z,--Z-S PROJECTED 2003 );02003 PROJECTED BALANCE PROJECTED PROJECTED BALANCE FUND 12/31/02 REVENUE / EXPENDITURES 12/31/03 Parks Fund $167.000 ~"u." $709,525 $167,000 Park Dedication fund $76350 $43.400 $60,000 $59,750 General $3.825.000 $4,677,980 $4,677,980 $3,825.000 Librarv $750 $35,190 $35,190 $750 Tree $15.490 $30,285 $45,775 $0 OAA $11,780 $375 $5.000 $7,155 Water $713.765 $420,850 $388.330 $746.285 Water Access $587,385 $234,000 $194.000 $627.385 Sewer $749,325 $867.050 $793.790 $822.585 Sewer Access $2.646,200 $850,200 $100.000 $3.396.400 Transportation $1.025 $87,780 $87780 $1025 Liquor $697,500 $3.326.650 $3.132,305 $891.845 Capital Outlay Revolvinq $818.000 $219,840 $670,000 $367.840 HRA $986,750 $683.070 $481.560 $1,188260 Minn. Investment Fund $98,875 $18,745 $0 $117.620 UDAG $0 $0 $0 $0 EDA $856.415 $50800 $7 000 $900215 SCERG $10.480 $480 $0 $10.960 CMIF $1.375 $150 $0 $1525 Storm Sewer Access $713900 $181790 $0 $895.690 Cemetery $22.585 $30.210 $30685 $22 110 Community Center Fund $81,000 $1,822.395 $1,822.395 $81 000 Street Reconstruction Fund $587.726 $552.700 $0 $1,140.426 SUBTOTALS $13,668,676 $14,843,465 $13,241,315 $15,270,826 Debt Service General Oblioatlon Bonds $1.062,000 $2,029818 $1.746.468 $1,345.350 Special Assessment Bonds $4.332,000 $992.567 $1,792.275 $3,532292 Tax Increment Bonds $2.207,000 $182.600 $190050 $2,199.550 DEBT SERVICE SUBTOTALS $7,601,000 $3,204,985 $3,728,793 $7,077,192 ITOTALS $21,269,676 I $18,048,450 I $16,970,108 I $22,348,018 I . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2003 Budget . REVENUE Taxes 2002 2003 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31011 $2,975.680 $3,167,330 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101 .31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 101 31031 $0 $0 TIF #1 - KMART 101.31051 $0 $0 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 101.31920 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31910 $2,000 $3,000 TOTAL TAXES $2,977 ,680 $3,170,330 Licenses and Permits - Business LIQUOR LICENSE 10132111 $29,050 $29,050 BEER LICENSE 101.32112 $850 $1 , 1 00 SET UP LICENSE 10132113 $50 $50 OTHER BUS LICENSES & PERMITS 10132199 $0 $300 TOTAL LICENSES. & PERMITS - BUSINESS $29,950 $30,500 Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS 101.32211 $400.000 $505,000 VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES 101 32212 $2.200 $2,650 GRADING PERMIT 10132215 $0 $0 PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS 101.32231 $0 $0 ANIMAL LICENSES 101 32241 $200 $225 BINGO LICENSES 101 .32261 $0 $0 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 10132262 SO $0 OTHER NON-BUS lIC & PERMITS 10132299 $6.200 $7,000 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS - NON BUSINESS $408,600 $514,875 . Inter-Governmental FEDERALGRANTS-CETA 10133120 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 101.33401 $8.165 $18,194 HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) 101.33402 SO $0 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT 10133403 $0 $0 PERA INCREASE AID 101.33404 $6,740 $6,741 DISASTER AID 101.33408 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID 10133410 $59,500 $65,000 FIRE DEPT AID 101.33420 $47,750 $53,345 POLICE DEPT AID 101.33421 $25,000 $28.000 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 101.33499 $0 $0 COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS 10133610 $11.750 $11.750 OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 101.33620 $5.000 $5,000 TOTAL INTER-GOVERNMENTAL $163,905 $188,030 Char es for Services RECYLlNG INCENTIVE ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 10133621 101 34103 $13,500 $5 000 $13,000 $5.000 . . . . SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101.34105 $400 $200 MV LICENSE SALES/DEPUTY REG 1 01 34 1 06 $170,000 $205,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 101 34107 $6,500 $8,500 INSPECTION FEES 101 34204 $40,000 $160,000 FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT 101.34206 $80,620 $82,760 FIRE EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALLS 10134207 $0 $2,500 BLIGHT MOWING FEES 101.34210 $0 $300 STREET,SIDEWALK,CURB REPAIRS 10134301 $0 $0 SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE 10134408 $0 $3,000 GARBAGE CHG 10134409 $53,650 $55,000 GARBAGE CART RENTAL 1 01 .3441 0 $20,000 $26,000 PARK RENTAL FEES 101.34780 SO $0 CONSTRUCTION COST (REIMB) 10134960 $0 $40,000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 101.34999 $1 ,000 $1,200 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES $390,670 $602,460 Fines ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT TOTAL FINES 101.35104 $21,200 $21,200 $21,000 $21,000 Miscellaneous Revenue S. A PRINCIPAL - COUNTY 101 36101 $0 $0 S A PRINCIPAL - DIRECT 1 01 361 02 $0 $0 S. A PENAL TIES & INTEREST 101 .36150 $126,000 $128,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 10136210 SO SO INTEREST EARNINGS-ANDERSON 101.36215 $0 $6,785 INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX 10136214 SO SO RENTAL OF PROPERTY 101.36220 $11,800 S1.500 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 1 0136221 $0 $0 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 101 36230 $0 $0 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 10136240 SO $0 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 101.36241 $0 $0 LOCK (FIRE) BOXES 10136242 $450 $500 SIGNS & INSTALL (NEW PLATS) 10136243 $0 SO OTHER MISC REVENUE 101 36299 $3,700 $4,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $141,950 $140,785 Refunds and Reimbursements REFU N DS/REI M BURS EM ENTS 10136290 $16,865 $10,000 IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) 10136291 $0 $0 HACA REIMBURSEMENT 101.36292 SO $0 DISCOUNT 101 36298 $0 $0 TOTAL REFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENTS $16,865 $10,000 Transfers from Other Funds Transfer TOTAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS 101.39203 $0 $0 $4,150,8201 $0 $0 $4,677 .980 I ITOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2003 Budget . EXPENDITURES 2002 2003 General Government Mayor and Council $34,380 $34,520 Administration $291,220 $268,500 Finance $164.565 $186.585 Audit $17,000 $21.500 Legal $64.175 $71.880 Planning & Zoning $184.560 $202.530 Assessing $27.100 $29,925 Deputy Registrar $176,255 $207,365 City Hall $111,215 $132.000 Data Processing $94,490 $99.750 Elections $7.100 $0 National Guard $17,875 $21.870 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMEN $1,189,935 $1,276,425 Public Safety Law Enforcement $626.925 $716,710 Fire $206,520 $216.855 Building Inspections $196.685 $211,790 Civil Defense $13.040 $15.665 Animal Control $46.175 $42.250 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $1,089,345 $1,203,270 . Public Works Inspections $125,105 $144,470 Public Works Administration $194,930 5181,760 Streets & Alleys $468,880 $644,055 Snow & Ice $113.920 $70.490 Street Lighting $99.000 $100.500 Parking Lots $13.300 $18,600 Shop & Garage $127,895 $125,940 Refuse Collection $351.315 $324.325 Engineering $120,000 $300.000 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $1,614,345 $1,910,140 Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center $75.575 $78.465 YMCA/Community Education $18.200 $18.200 Information Center $4.000 $4.000 TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE $97,775 $100,665 $7.200 $7,200 $11.800 $11,800 . 20036udget xis GenF undSum-Exp#2. 9/5/2002 . Economic Development Economic Development TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPM $55,350 $55,350 $59,175 $59,175 Miscellaneous Misc. -- Severence Benefits $18,500 $32,000 Insurance $78,370 $84,505 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $96,870 ...... ,. $116,505 ITOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDI" $4,150,8201 .;...... $4,677 ,980 l . . 2003 Budget. xis: Gen FundS um-Exp#2: 9/5/2002 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2003 Budget Park Fund . REVENUE 2002 2003 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 225,31011 $540,735 $699,825 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 225,31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 22531031 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 225,31910 $0 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 22533402 $0 $0 TEAM FEES 22534770 $0 $5,000 PARK RENTAL FEES 225,34780 $1 ,600 $2,000 PARK DEDICATION FEES 225,34950 $0 $0 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 225 34999 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS 225_36210 $6,350 $2,700 REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS IN 225,36290 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 22536299 $0 $0 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 225,39201 $0 $0 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 225,39203 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUE $548,685 $709,525 ----------------------------..-------- EXPENDITURES . Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 225.452011010 $180,600 $199,550 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 225.45201,1020 $2,500 $2,550 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 225,45201,1030 $0 $0 SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT 225.452011031 $0 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 225,45201,1040 $30,000 $35,000 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT 225.45201.1050 $0 $0 SALARIES, OTHER 225,452011090 $0 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 225.45201.1110 $0 $0 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 225.452011210 $11,785 $13,115 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 225.45201,1220 $13.215 $14,700 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 225.45201,1250 $3,090 $3,440 HEAL TH/DENTAL/L1FE INSURANCE 225.45201_1310 $38,665 $33,820 U e, BENEFIT PAYMENTS 225,45201.1420 $0 $0 WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT P/WMT 225.45201_1520 $0 $0 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $279,855 $302,175 S r upp les PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 225,452012030 $0 $0 SAFETY SUPPLIES 225452012065 $0 $2,000 Mise OFFICE SUPPLIES 225452012099 S200 $200 . 2003Budget, xis SpecRevFundParks #2: 9/5/2002 . . . CLEANING SUPPLIES 225452012110 5600 5700 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 225452012111 5500 $650 MOTOR FUELS 225452012120 55.000 $5.500 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 22545201 2130 $ 1,400 $1 ,400 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 22545201.2160 55,000 $7,500 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225452012199 $20,000 $21,500 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 225452012210 $3,000 $3,600 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225452012211 53,000 $3,000 TIRES 225452012220 51.000 $1,000 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 22545201.2230 53,700 $3,500 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 22545201.2250 $2,000 $4,000 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 225452012299 55.500 $11,000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 225.45201.2410 51,000 $1,500 TOTAL SUPPLIES $51,900 $67,050 S & Ch ervlces arCjes PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 225452013110 $0 $0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 22545201.3190 $0 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 225452013199 55,000 $5,500 TELEPHONE 22545201.3210 52,500 $2,300 TRAVEL EXPENSE 225452013310 $200 $250 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 22545201.3320 $ 1 ,000 $1,200 FREIGHT 225452013330 $0 $0 ADVERTISING 22545201 3499 $600 $650 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 22545201.3520 $500 $500 VEHICLE INSURANCE 22545201 3630 $0 50 ELECTRIC 22545201.3810 $8,000 $9,000 GAS 22545201 3830 5500 $650 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 225452014010 53.000 $3,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 225452014044 $2,000 $2,000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 225452014050 $ 1,500 $1.700 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 225452014099 $2,000 $2,000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 22545201.4150 $300 $500 UNIFORM RENTAL 225452014170 52,180 $2,800 MISC RENTALS 225452014199 $0 $0 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 225452014330 5700 $400 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 225452014350 $150 $150 TOWING CHARGES 22545201,4360 $0 SO LICENSES & PERMITS 225452014370 $0 $0 PRIZES 225452014390 50 $0 TREE REPLACEMENT 22545201,4391 $0 $0 Mise OTHER EXPENSE 225452014399 $1,300 $1,500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $31,430 $34,100 C . apltal Outlay IMPROVEMENTS 22545201 5301 $0 50 MOTOR VEHICLES 22545201 5501 50 557,000 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 22545201 5601 50 $0 OTHER EQUIPMENT 22545201 5801 $50.000 $103.500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $50,000 $160,500 2003Budget xis SpecRevFundP:HkS #2 9;512002 ITOTAL GENERAL PARK $413,1851 $563,8251 . Parksllmprovements ADOPT-A-PARK MAINT/EXP 225.45202.4090 $2,500 $3,200 PATHWAY MAINTENANCE 225.45202.4091 $0 $1 ,000 PARKS/TREE REPLACEMENT 225.45202.4391 $0 $1,500 PARK LAND 225.45202.5102 $0 $0 CITY BALLFIELDS/NSP IMPR 225.45202.5305 $2,000 $15,000 SOCCER FIELDS IMPR 225.45202.5306 $0 $0 PARK ADA/STRUCTURE IMPR 225.45202.5311 $5,000 $10,000 WEST/EAST BRIDGE PARK IMPR 225.45202.5312 $33,000 $25,000 PRAIRIE/OTTER CREEK PARK IMP 225.45202.5321 $0 $0 CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT IMPR 225.45202.5322 $0 $0 PIONEER PARK IMPR 225.45202.5323 $47,000 $20,000 RIVER MILL PARK IMPR 225.45202.5324 $0 $0 4th STREET RINK IMPROVEMENT 225.45202.5326 $9,000 $0 WILDWOOD RIDGE PARK 225.45202.5327 $0 1. Playground Equipment $15.000 $0 2. Landscaping & Grading $7,000 $0 3. Picnic Tables,Benches & Garbage cans $2,000 $0 4. Open Air Shelter $9,000 $0 5 Trees $4,000 $0 GRQVELAND PARK IMPROVEMENT $60,000 TOWER PARKlVALLEY VIEW IMPROVEMENT $10,000 TOTAL PARK IMPROVEMENTS $135,500 $145,700 . IGRAND TOTAL PARKS $548,6851 $709,5251 . 20036udgeLxlsSpecRevFundParks .:12 9/52002 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 2003 Budget Community Center . REVENUE 2002 2003 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 22631011 $808,150 $894,945 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 22631021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 22631031 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 22631910 $0 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 22633402 $0 $0 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 226 33429 $0 $0 ROOM/SPACE RENTAL 226.34101 $107.000 $107,000 KITCHEN RENTAL 226.34102 $2,400 $0 CONCESSIONS 22634740 $48,200 $70,000 USER FEES 22634790 $70,500 $70500 MEMBERSHIPS 22634791 $350,000 $400,000 PROGRAM ACTIVITY FEES 226 34792 $40.000 $52000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 226 34999 $25,000 $17,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 22636210 $3.000 $1,950 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 226 36221 $6.000 $4.000 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 226 36230 $1,050 $3.000 OTHER MISC REVENUE 226 36299 $2 000 $2 000 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 226.39201 $0 $0 TRANSFER FROM LIQUOR 226 39207 $200.000 $200.000 TOTAL REVENUE $1,663,300 $1,822,395 .--------------------------------------- . EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES. FULL TIME - REG 22645122.1010 $228.800 $247,500 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 22645122.1020 $2,000 $2,000 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 226451221030 $265,000 $278.000 SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT 226451221031 $0 $1 ,000 SALARIES. TEMPORARY - REG 226451221040 $0 $10.000 SALARIES. TEMPORARY - OT 226.45122.1050 $0 $0 SALARIES, OTHER 22645122.1090 $0 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 226451221110 $0 $0 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 22645122.1210 $16.000 $21,000 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 226451221220 $38.400 $38400 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 226.45122.1250 $7,300 $7,300 HEAL TH/DENT AL/L1FE INSURANCE 22645122.1310 $35,000 $30.930 U C BENEFIT PAYMENTS 22645122.1420 $4,000 $4,000 WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT 22645122 1520 $3,000 $6.500 TOTAL PERSONAL SERViCeS $599,500 $646,630 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 22645122 2030 $0 $750 PROGRAM OPERATING COSTS 226451222065 $0 $0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 226451222099 $6.400 $7.500 CLEANING SUPPLIES 226.451222110 $6500 $9500 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 226451222111 $7.000 $7.000 MOTOR FUELS 226.45122 2120 $0 $0 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 226451222130 SO $0 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 22645122 2160 $18.000 $12 000 . MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 226451222199 $ 1 0 500 $18.000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 226451222210 $0 $3.400 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 226451222211 $0 SO TIRES 226 45122 2220 $0 $2 500 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 22645122 2230 $2,500 $9100 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 226451222250 $0 $0 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 226451222299 $8 000 $5.000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 22645122 2410 $5,000 $4,000 COST OF GOODS SOLD 226 45122 2998 $0 $0 TOTAL SUPPLIES $63,900 $78,750 S & Ch ervlces arges PROFSRV-MANAGEMENTFEE 226451223070 $700 $700 PROF SRV - DATA PROCESSING 22645122,3090 $0 $4,000 PROF SRV - WEBSITE/EMAIL 22645122,3092 $400 $400 PROF SRV - CUSTODIAL 226451223110 $500 $500 PROF SVC - LAUNDRY 226451223111 $3. 000 $3 000 PROF SRV - BLDG/EQUIP 226451223112 $0 $5,000 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 226451223190 51 5 000 $10,000 PROF SRV - NEWSLETTER 226.451223195 $0 50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 226451223199 $700 $9,000 TELEPHONE 226451223210 $17 000 $12,000 POSTAGE 226451223220 $1200 $1,000 CABLE/NETWORK SERVICES 226451223250 $2,200 $2,200 TRAVEL EXPENSE 226451223310 $600 $600 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 22645122,3320 $2,000 $5,000 FREIGHT 22645122,3330 $300 $300 ADVERTISING 226451223499 $ 1 5 000 $28,000 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 226,451223520 $6 000 $2,000 BROCHURES 226.45122 3560 $10,000 $15,000 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 226.451223610 $26,300 $20,000 PROPERTY INSURANCE 226 45122.3620 $7000 $5.420 MISC. GEN INSURANCE (WORK COMP) 226451223699 $0 $12,120 ELECTRIC 22645122,3810 $70000 570,000 GAS 22645122,3830 $76,000 $62,000 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 22645122.4010 $5 000 55,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 22645122.4044 $5000 $5000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 226451224050 $0 $0 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 226451224099 $0 SO EOUIPMENT RENTAL 22645122.4150 $1 5 000 $1 5 000 UNIFORM RENTAL 22645122.4170 $1 ,500 $1 ,800 TOWEL RENTAL 226.451224171 $0 $750 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIP 22645122.4330 $500 $500 TOWING CHARGES 22645122.4360 $0 $0 LICENSES & PERMITS 226451224370 $700 $700 CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS 226.45122.4379 $0 $0 BANK CHARGES 22645122.4398 52 600 $4,000 Mise OTHER EXPENSE 22645122.4399 $1 ,500 $1 ,500 OPENING CELEBRATION EXP 22645122.4429 $0 $0 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $285,700 $302,490 . . . C 't lOti . apl a u ay IMPROVEMENTS 22645122.5301 $42.000 $29.000 MOTOR VEHICLES 226451225501 $0 $0 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 22645122.5601 $4.000 $6,000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 226451225701 $2.000 $2,000 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 226451225702 $3.000 $2,500 OTHER EQUIPMENT 226451225801 $70500 $55.000 BLOG/EQUIP RELACEMENT & RESERVE $0 $30,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $121,500 $124,500 Debt Service LEASE PYMT TO HRA - PRINC 226451226040 $0 $0 LEASE PYMT TO HRA - INT 226451226140 $0 $0 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FD 226451227205 $525.000 $573,225 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE '. $525,000 $573,225 . Community Center Programming RENTAL ROOM SUPPLIES 226451272075 $1. 000 $1.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PROGRAMMING 226451272099 $0 $500 OPER SUPPLIES - CONCESSIONS 226451272145 $1 .000 $1,000 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226451272146 $6.000 $7,000 CLIMBING WALL SUPPLIES 226451272171 $1, 000 $500 FITNESS AREA SUPPLIES 226451272172 $6.000 $5,000 GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES 22645127.2173 $1 .000 $500 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 226451272174 $500 $500 POOL SUPPLIES 226451272175 $6,500 $2.200 "THE WAREHOUSE" SUPPLIES 226451272175 $500 $500 WHEEL PARK SUPPLIES 226451272177 $500 $700 GEN PROGRAMMING - OP. COSTS 226451272198 $0 $5.500 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226451272541 $38,000 $50,000 PRIZES 226451274390 $0 $0 PROF SVC - FITNESS 22645127.3012 $3.700 $3.000 PROF SVC - PROGRAM INSTR 226451273013 $0 $3.000 PROF SVC - GENERAL PROGRAMMING 22645123199 $0 $4,500 ADVERTISING - PROGRAMMING 226451273499 $0 $7,000 EOUIP RENTAL. PROGRAMMING 226451274150 $0 $3400 PRIZES 226451275805 $2,000 $1 .000 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER RECREATION $67,700 $96,800 GRAND TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER $1,663,300 $1,822,395 . SUMMARY Debt Service Funds 2003 Budget Forecast . REVENUE 2002 2003 Current ad valorem: $1,394,659 $1,268,813 Interest: $170,765 $156,510 Special asmt--Countv: $486,135 $397,037 Transfer in -Tax Increment: $132,250 $142,800 Transfer in--Liquor Fund (community center bond): $525,000 $0 Transfer in~~Communitv Center Fund: $0 $573,225 Transfer in--Sewer Access Fund (INWTP note): $500,000 $500,000 TOTAL REVENUE $3,208,809 $3,038,385 ..-.....------------------------------------------ EXPENDITURES 2002 2003 Principal: $2.423.465 $2,237,925 Interest: $1,532,620 $1,411,924 Payinq aqent fees: 57,583 $7,069 Interest exp: $8,800 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,972,468 $3,656,918 . . 2003 BUDGETXLSDebt Service Fund-Forecast:91512002 . CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2003 Budget Parking Lots Improvements Balance of Blk 35 Parklnq Lot resurfacing ($30,000 previously budgeted) $15.000 General TOTAL PARKING LOTS $15,000 Public Works Inspections Motor Vehicle: New 4x4 compact ex!. cab pickup $18,500 General Furniture & Fixtures: Mylar Hanging Files $1,600 General TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS $20,100 . Parks . Motor Vehicles (1/2) Replacement Bucket Truck $12,000 Parks 3/4 ton pickup w/plow $23,000 Parks Replace 83 van $22.000 Parks Equipment: New Holland tractor attachments $15,500 Parks Box & tommy lift for 1 ton truck $12,000 Parks Skid Steer $36,000 Parks (1/4) New Loader $40,000 Parks Improvements: County Road 18 Pathway $30,000 Park Dedication ADA/Park Structure Improvements $10,000 Parks Pioneer Park Improvement $20,000 Parks West & East Bridge Park Impr - Steps $25.000 Parks City Ballfields Fence $15,000 Parks Land for future athletic complex 530,000 Park Dedication Groveland Park Development 560,000 Parks Tower ParkNalley View Park Development 510,000 Parks TOTAL PARKS $360,500 . 2003 BUDGETXLS Capital Olillay Hems 915,2002 CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2003 Budget . Deputy Registrar Office Equipment: (3) Calculators $450 General Vacuum Cleaner $150 General Furniture & Fixtures: (5) Office Chairs $1,250 General Floor mats $500 General Customer Chairs $500 General Buildings: Bldg. Remodeling-Expansion $25,000 General Bldq. Maintenance: Exterior Painting $5,000 General New FronURear Doors $1,000 General TOTAL DEPUTY REGISTRAR $33.850 :. Community Celebrations (23) Replacement Banners $2,225 General (27) New Walnt Street Banners $1,325 General '. TOTAL COMMUNITY CELEBRATIONS $3,550 Aerial Mapping $17,000 $17,000 General 10 F d Capita utlay un Land: Industrial Park Land Acquisition - 5th year (Previously Budqeted $265,000) $100,000 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles: Res-eve for future fire truck $35,000 Capital Outlav Buildings: Library Expansion - Phase I 5500,000 Capital Outlay Reserves TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $635,000 . . 2003 BUDGETXL$ Capital Oullay Items 9/5,2002 . CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2003 Budget FUND/DEPARTMENT: Item Description AMOUNT FUNDING SOURCE Data Processing (6) PC's $12,000 General Server,backup,UPS, misc. $5,500 General ceo Multimedia Projector $5,000 General TOTAL DATA PROCESSING $22,500 Improvements - Pavers (1/2) $4,000 $4,000 General Library Improvements - (Library Relocation) $10,000 $10,000 Capital Oulla TOTAL LIBRARY . PW Administration Office Equipment - Laser Printer $3,300 General Office Furniture & Fixtures Front Office Remodel $8,000 General TOTAL PW ADMINISTRATION $11,300 Water Access Fund Improvements Refurbish Well #1 $13,000 Water Access Watermain Replacement (1/4 core city project) $100.000 Water Access Buildings: (1/2) New Bldg for Water/Collections Oept. $30,000 Water Access New Reservoir Roof $11,000 Water Access Equipment: (1/4) New loader ITOTAL WATER ACCESS $40,000 $194,0001 Water Access Water Department Motor Vehicles(1/2) replacement of 1/2 ton pickup TOTAL WATER DEPARTMENT Water $11,000 Streets Motor Vehicles: (1/2) Bucket Truck $12,000 General New 1/2 ton pickup (Replace 88 Ford) $18,000 General Replace 88 Ford Plow Truck $100,000 General Replace 89 - 1 ton dump truck $30,000 General Equipment: Add'lloader w/plow & wing (1/4) $40,000 General Replace Rollerr $14.700 General Knuckle boom for post driver $8,000 General Improvements: Sealcoating Program $35.000 General TOTAL STREETS $257,700 . 2003 BUDGET XLS Capital O\ltlay Items 9150'2002' .1......-. _.. CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2003 Budget . Sewer Motor Vehicle (1/2) Replacement of 1/2 ton pickup TOTAL SEWER $13.000 $13,000 Sewer Sewer Access Fund Improvements: Sewer line replacement (1/4) of core city project Buildings: (1/2) of new pole bldg for SewerlWater Dept. Equipment: (1/4) New Loader TOTAL SEWER ACCESS FUND $30,000 $30.000 $40,000 $100,000 Sewer Access Sewer Access Sewer Access Fire Department Un allocated $10,000 General TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT $10,000 Economic Development ITOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $01 Community Center Improvments: Replace Iron Filter & Shower Motion Sensors $29,000 Community Ctr Fund Furniture & Fixtures: Replace Mississippi Room Tables (10) $6,000 Community Ctr Fund Office Equipment: Unallocated $2.000 Community Ctr Fund Computer Equipment Unallocated $2,500 Community Ctr Fund Other Equipment: Kaivac machme for restroom cleaning $3,500 Community Ctr Fund Pressure washer $1,000 Community Ctr Fund Pool vacuum $4,000 Community Ctr Fund Ceiling Fans $5,000 Community Ctr Fund Gym Divider Curtain $12,000 Community etr Fund Large Tropical Tree (Pool) $2,500 Community Ctr Fund Lily Pad Walk (PoOl) $25,000 Community Ctr Fund Floatable toy (Pool) $2,000 Community Ctr Fund Bldg. & Equipment Replacement Reserve $30,000 Community Ctr Fund TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER $124,500 . Street Reconstruction Street Reconstr Reserve (2nd year) - Previously budgeted $587,000 $535,000 Street Reconst Fund TOTAL STREET RECONSTRUCTION $535,000 HRA Land: Industrial Park Land Acquisition Reserve ~ 5th year (Previously Committed 5300,000) $100,000 HRA TOTAL HRA $100,000 Refuse Recycling Bins 55,000 $5,000 General TOTAL REFUSE . 2003 BUDGET XLS CapilJI OwllJY Items 962002 . en w x <( I- >- 0 ...J I- ~...J U ~w .., =u 0 0- 0 LL l- N Cl)Z 0 ~O iii . ~~ > Z N 0 >oLL 0 :!::O 0 en U>- N c:: ~I- < U a. ~ 0 U . C") 0 0 X N t'O "01- Ql- - Ql irlz 'e- a. Ql E 0 Q) :r: UJ '0 C") t'O Ql Ql 0 .... ::;l 0 (J "ffi NE > ;::R 0 u; l.l) .:L. -5 Cii ~ :2 x t'O I- C") 0 0 N "0 Ql U Ql '0 ct X t'O l- N 0 0 N u; Z Q) E ~N .....0 -l 00 <( N Q) i= ~ z ~ w C ~ (J) '- W rn 0:: ~ O)NO);g~ .....O)NNC") tOr--O) . . tfH,<) If+ ;; ;; 00000 Ol.l)l()l.l)O l.l) r--. "':. r--. O. '<i0.....C")0 O)N-.:-c;o..... ER-"I""'"'~'T-N If+ If+ If+ t,<) r-- ..... O)~l()-.:-..... 1Ol.l)1O.....C") l.l) f"'-. 00 . . 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