City Council Agenda Packet 05-10-2004 . AGENDA REGtJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 10,2004 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of April 26, 2004 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. O-~{)-. J C~ 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. J ~. ~? OJ Consideration of ratify new hires for the MCC and City Hall. Consideration of increase of fees for rental of park faei I ities. ........ C. Consideration to review and accept the 2003 year end EDA Financial Statements, Activity Report and Proposed 2004 Budget. D. Consideration to review site improvement concept for Block 35 and to authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to prepare a feasibility study. ~\<,.,Q E. ~ Review of year end financial report for 2003 for Liquor Store. + ? i/ lL F. Consideration of requesting for a conditional use permit to allow for a 728 sq. ft. detached accessory use structure in an R-1 District. Applicant: Shawn Leach G. Consideration to rezone a 59.14 acre parcel from A-O (Agricultural Open) to B-4 (Regional Business). I-I. Consideration of a request for a simple subdivision to create two buildable lots in an R-I district; a request for a variance to create a single family lot of less than 12.000 square feet in an R-l district and a request for a conditional use permit allowing for an accessory use structure to exceed 10% of the rear yard area. Applicant: Darren Klatt. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. . 7. Consideration of authorizing preparation of purchase agreement for sale of land and authorizing preparation of preliminary plat for the Remmcle parcel. 8. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C . . . Agenda Monticello City Council May 10, 2004 Page Two 9. Approve payment of bills for May. \0. Adjourn. . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 26, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pled~e of Allegiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of the April 12. 2004 regular Council meetinl!. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 12,2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Approve minutes of the April 12. 2004 Workshop meeting. ROGER CARLSON MOVED '1'0 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TlIE APRIL 12,2004 WORKSHOP MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. c. Approve minutes of the April)3. 2004 Board of Review BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 13,2004 BOARD OF REVIEW. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROBBIE SMITH ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addin~ items to the agenda. Bruce Thielen added a lctter from Home Depot to the agenda. Brian Stumpf added an update on the clean up behind the Groveland 4th development. Glen Posusta added a discussion on the Mielke property and related litigation. 4. Citizen comments/petitions. reQuests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comment portion of the meeting. No one spoke under citizen comment. 5. Consent a~enda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires and terminations for the MCC and City Hall. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. 2. . B. . . Council Agenda - 4/26/04 Consideration of approving proposed settlement agreement on Douglas Franks assessment appeal. Recommendation: Approve the settlement agreement as presented. c. Consideration of liquor license renewals for the year 2004. Recommendation: Approve the following licenses effective July I, 2004 through June 30, 2005: Intoxicatine: Liquor, On-Sale (fee $3,750) I. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox (Chin Yuen) 3. Duane Lindenfelser dba River City Lanes 4. Comfort Inn/Days Inn 5. l.P.s Annex 6. Hawks Sports Bar 7. Monticello Country Club Intoxicatine: Liquor, On-Sale, Sunday (fee $200 - set by statute) I. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox 3. River City Lanes 4. YFW Club 5. American Legion Club 6. J.P.'s Annex 7. Hawks Sports Bar 8. Comfort Inn/Days Inn 9. Monticello Country Club Non-Intoxicatine: Malt, On-Sale (fee $275) 1. Monticello Men's Softball Assn. (April-Aug. $137.50) Council approved 3/8/04. 2. Lions - Riverfest Celebration (Council approved 3/22/04) 3. China Buffet 4. Pizza Factory Non-Intoxicatine: Malt, Off-Sale (fee $75) 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Maus Foods 3. River Terrace 4. Tom Thumb 5. Holiday Station 6. Super America 7. Cruiser's Gas N Goods 8. Cub Foods 9. 0' Ryan's Conoco Set-Up License (fee $275) None Club License (fee - set by statute based on membership 1. YFW - $500 2. American Legion - $500 Wine/Strone: Beer Combination License ($1,200) I. Crostini's Grille D. Consideration of adopting fiscal policies and procedures ~ Audit Report. Recommendation: Adopt the fiscal policies and procedures manual as presented. E. Consideration to review Greater MonticeIIo Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan No. 023 for compliance with the EDA-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria. Applicant: WSI 2 2- Council Agenda - 4/26/04 Industries, Inc. Recommendation: Motion stating that the City Council has determined the EDA approval of GMEF Loan NO.023 for WSI Industries, Inc. was approved without violation of the EDA-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria; therefore, Council supports the decision by the EDA for loan approval. Glen Posusta requested that item #5A be removed from the consent agenda. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEM #5A REMOVED. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. Item #5A - Ratifying hires and departures. Glen Posusta stated his question was on the termination of an employee. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that generally personnel issues are discussed in a closed meeting and City Attorney Matt Brokl confirmed that. Glen Posusta asked if the affected party was present and if they wanted the issue addressed in an open meeting. Becky Young stated she would prefer the discussion take place in an open meeting. Glen Posusta asked why the employee was terminated. He indicated that his understanding was that the employee was making copies for personal use. He noted that the Council set aside a similar situation a year ago relating to employee's private use of a cell phone furnished to them by the City and he also cited an instance of use of public works equipment by an employee. Glen Posusta stated he felt this employee was terminated because of the activities of her spouse with the anti-annexation group. Glen Posusta stated that by the City's action on the cell phone and equipment use incidents, the City had given a carte blanc for employees use of city equipment. To act now by a terminating an employee for this type of violation would invite a lawsuit. Rick W olfsteller stated that it is the recommendation of staff that Council terminate the employee.. Rick Wolfsteller stated there were a number of instances where the employee utilized the city's computer and copiers for personal use. He noted that this occurred a number of times and there were a number of copies that were made for personal use. He noted that the personnel policy clearly states that unauthorized use of city equipment is not allowed. Glen Posusta reiterated his statement that the Council's previous action set a precedent. ROBBIE SMITFI MOVED TO APPROVE THE HIRES AND DEPARTURES FOR THE MCC AND CITY HALL. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Public hearine proposed reconstruction of Prairie Road. Proiect No. 2003-20C. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, indicated that an informational meeting was held on April 21, 2004 with residents along Prairie Road and some of the comments of residents at that meeting were '"' .J L Council Agenda - 4/26/04 included with the agenda. The residents comments related to the Timber Ridge development and whether Prairie Road should be designed as an urban or rural section roadway. There were also concerns about pedestrian safety, questions relating to assessments and the share of the cost the developer was picking up. Bret Weiss indicated that the project was looked at because of residents concerns about pedestrian safety and traffic issues and the townhome development for Timber Ridge The feasibility report covered these issues. Bret Weiss noted a petition had been submitted requesting construction of a rural roadway rather than an urban design but that he was recommending that the road be constructed to an urban design. Shibani Bisson made the presentation on the proposed reconstruction of Prairie Road. The project was initiated by the proposed Timber Ridge development but Prairie Road was scheduled for reconstruction under the Core Street Reconstruction Program for 2008 so it was included at this time. The road is currently 24' and it is proposed to be expanded to 32' with curb and gutter being installed.. Sidewalk on both sides of the street is being proposed and parking will be restricted to one side of the street. Currently drainage is directed through two ponds to the ditch on CSAH 75. Part of the storm water improvements for Timber Ridge 3rd Addition would have ponding within the development to accommodate drainage. Sanitary sewer and watermain will be extended to serve the Timber Ridge 3rd Addition development. There is a 12" watermain that terminates on Marvin Elwood Road and a 10" sanitary sewer line. Sidewalk would be extended to where the 8' bituminous trail rLlns along CSAH 75. The estimated project cost is $762,530 with an additional $16,000-$64,000 in costs for the railroad crosSIl1g. Funding for the project will be through development fees, assessments to the benefitting properties and city funds. The developer will be responsible for 100% of the sanitary sewer and watermain extension and for the street in Jront of the development. There are 16 lots with driveway access onto Prairie Road and 3 lots that have secondary access onto Prairie Road. The street reconstruction assessment would be $2,555 per lot with an additional assessment for the curb and gutter and sidewalk improvements. Shibani Bisson presented four assessment options: Option # I took the total assessable cost minLls the developers assessment and the assessments to city lots and spreading the remaining cost over the 16 lots that have driveway access to Prairie Road. Under this option the estimated cost per lot is $7,266. Option #2 would spread the assessable cost equally over the 16 lots that have access from Prairie Road. The cost under this option was estimated at $5,087 per foot. Option #3 adds the three comer lots that have secondary access from Prairie Road. The proposed assessment would be based on front footage. The corner lots would receive an assessment of $6,581 per lots and the other 16 lots would be assessed $5,087. Option #4 was based on actual frontage for all properties including the comer lots and the estimated cost range under this option was $4,763 to $7,227. Brian Stumpf asked about the range of $16,000 to $64,000 Jor the railroad crossing. It was 4 '2. Council Agenda - 4/26/04 noted the range was set up depending on what would be required by the railroad. 'rhe cost of the railroad crossing would be picked up by the City. Bret Weiss pointed out that the City's policy has been that if property had one driveway access they recei ved one assessment. If they had more than one access they could be assessed for all streets they had driveways on. Glen Posusta asked what was driving the improvement project. Bret Weiss responded that the Timber Ridge development was driving it but it made sense to do the entire road at this time rather than just a portion of the road now and the balance as part of the 2008 segment of the Street Reconstruction Program. Bret Weiss noted that there were property owners who spoke about pedestrian safety and additional traffic volumes but noted it is difficult to put sidewalk in on rural section roadway. Bret Weiss stated that option # 3 was what he was recommending to the Council. Bret Weiss reiterated that the $2,555 was for the street only and any new improvements such as curb and gutter and sidewalk would be in addition to the street. Glen Posusta questioned if the residents on West River Street and Hillcrest could expect the same kind of costs. Bret Weiss stated that it has been the City's policy to assess for new improvements so if curb and gutter or sidewalk was installed on River Street, the property owners would be assessed this cost. Bret Weiss noted that on sidewalk the City has generally assessed 25% of the cost. He noted that at the informational meeting the residents felt sidewalk on one side of the street was enough but with 3000 vehicles per day on the road, the engineer felt that sidewalk on both sides of the road would be a better solution. Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf both felt the sidewalk should be on one side of the road only. Glen Posusta felt the sidewalk cost should be spread equally among all the lots and not just against the properties abutting it. Bret Weiss noted the cul-de-sac was an add on because it was a private road coming onto a public road. The cul-de-sac would allow for a turn around area for vehicles. Bret Weiss stated that off site runoff storage would not be charged against the property if the Council so determines. The storm water runs through the ditches into the pond by Hillcrest park. If storm sewer is constructed the runoff water wi II still be directed to the parle In the future an outlet for the storm sewer from the park will be constructed. Glen Posusta asked if it would make more sense to direct the storm water towards CSAH 75. Brian Stumpf commented that it is a matter of paying now or later for improvements to streets that need attention. Bret Weiss noted that the developer has 1/4 of a mile of the road that he will be charged for. The property owners will be picking up 15% of the total project cost. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing on the Prairie Road Reconstruction Project. Jane McNamara, 315 Prairie Road stated she had checked with the Wright County Sheriff" s Department regarding safety of the roadway. They indicated one accident in the past five years which was a hit and run on a parked vehicle. The only work that has been done on the road since it was installed was some sealcoating work. The developer is building the townhomes not because he wants to live on Prairie but because of the profit. She was requesting that road remain a rural section design. Mark McNamara, 3 I 5 Prairie Road, stated that other alternatives should be addressed. The 5 2 Council Agenda - 4/26/04 gravel road has good permeability which allows for infiltration and has been a good means of storm water disposal. He felt the existing set up operates fine and there did not need to be any storm sewer improvements made. "l'he ditches work well and provide adequate storage for storm water runotl He felt the question was not whether the urban design was feasible but whether it was cost effective. Mark McNamara stated that the design was excessive and that any drainage problems could be alleviated by regrading the ditches and replacing the culverts. He stated that it was said that the roadway needs to be done because of the increase of traffic but there was no traffic study data to support that claim. He does not disagree that it needs upgrading but he does disagree to the extent of that upgrade. He felt with a little planning a fairly intelligent engineer could come up with other means of doing this. Mr. McNamara also suggested sidewalk on only one side of the street and consideration of reducing the storm sewer size from 24" to 15". Todd Kohnert, representing his father, Larry, who lives at 345 Prairie Road stated that the open ditch was addressing the storm water runoff and questioned the value of storm sewer piping versus an open ditch method of storm drainage. He also questioned the need to expand the roadway to 32' and how the road expansion would impact the poles that are currently located there. He felt other options should be looked at. Michelle Crocker, 225 Prairie Road who has lived there since 1981 stated she is concerned about losing parking. She stated that she does not have a sump pump and is not aware of any instance of t100ding in the area. She also did not see the need to have two sidewalks in the area and felt this proposal was excessive. Brenda Fissette, 265 Prairie Road asked about the boulevard area between the eurb and the sidewalk. Bret Weiss stated the right-of-way of Prairie Road is 66 feet. With the road width at 32 feet and 2 sidewalks at 5 feet each, there would still be 24 feet (12 feet on each side) of right- of-way remaining. Brenda Fissette felt the roadway expansion would cut into her front yard and would require removal of a number of trees. She felt there needs to be alternatives that could be looked at. She is in favor of some type of sidewalk but felt the road expansion was too massive. Brian Stumpf noted that it is not definite that a sidewalk would be going in on that side of the road. Glen Posusta asked if the sidewalk could be placed next to the curb. Bret Weiss said typically they like to leave 6'-8' of boulevard primarily for snow removal purposes. Wayne Carlson, 215 Prairie Road wanted to go on record about the speed on the roadway. He felt the road was good except for an occasional pothole and has served them well. He also favors the rural design of the road and does not want curb and gutter, sidewalk or storm sewer installed. He felt the City was trying to push something on the residents that they don't need. Brian Johnson, 340 Prairie Road echoed the sentiments of the other residents who spoke. He noted on his side of the road there are mature trees that would need to be removed if the roadway is expanded. Bret Weiss stated with the sidewalk it eould be aligned in a manner to protect the trees. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. 6 L Council Agenda - 4/26/04 Bret Weiss responded to a number of comments made by the residents. He noted that curb and gutter can impact traffic spced as the driver feels somewhat restricted by the presence of the curb and gutter. He also noted that there is an illegal sign in the area stating the speed limit is 20 mph. He added that Xcel Energy is planning on moving the poles from their current position. Bret Weiss cautioned that you can't remove the curb and gutter and sidewalk from the project and expect a like reduction in overall cost Bret Weiss felt curb and gutter made sense because of the safety issues and amount oftraf1ic on the roadway. He recommended going forward with the urban section but if the Council wanted them to look at a rural section they would. Brian Stumpf stated he was not in opposition to leaving the road the way it is and maybe the reconstruction of the road should be left until 2008. Bruce Thielen stated that this was initiated in part because of some improvements the City made at the intersection of Prairie Road and CSAH 75 to improve pedestrian safety. Bruce Thielen agreed with Brian Stumpf that this portion of road where the townhomes are going should be done and the rest of the road left until 2008. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED NOT TO AUTHORIZE PROCEEDING WITH PLANS AND SPECIFfCA TIONS FOR THE ENTIRE PRAIRIE ROAD BUT TO LIMIT THE SCOPE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DEVELOPERS PROPERTY LfNE. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hearin2-Consideration of a resolution adooting the oroposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of the assessment roll to the County Auditor. Rick Wolfsteller explained that the public hearing was a requirement for certifying unpaid utility bills to the county for collection with property taxes. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing on the proposed assessment for delinquent utilities. There was no one present who spoke for or against the assessment. Mayor Thielen then closed the assessment hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES AS PRESENTED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. No. 2004-28. 9. Consideration of amendment to Planned Unit Development - Hillside Farms Steve Grittman provided the background information on this item which was the subject of a special Planning Commission meeting held prior to the Council meeting. Hillside Farms was platted as an R-I development at the time the City was considering establishing the RI A standards. The agreement was to proceed with the Rl plat but RIA size homes would be constructed within the plat. The developer stated that to apply the standards of the R I A housing would require them to build smaller houses than what they are proposing. The RIA standards require 1400 SF foundation size and 2000 SF of finished area. They felt smaller two story houses would bring in more value. To allow a smaller foot size would require an amendment to the PUD. The developer is arguing that two story homes have intrinsically more 7 'L Council Agenda - 4/26104 value. The Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending a foundation size of 2200 SF. The Planning Commission would allow two story or modified two story with 2200 SF of finished space above grade or meeting all RI ^ standards subject to a written agreement between the developer and the City. The staff had included a recommendation if the City lowered the house size standard the City should institute a set minimum value standard. The Planning Commission, however, did not recommend a value standard. Robbie Smith asked about step up housing and was staff comfortable that this was adequate to ensure the appropriate type housing would be constructed. Steve Grittman indicated that areas designated for RIA had either significant tree coverage or other unique features such as, view; nearness to bodies of water etc. Even though there was a lower SF requirement the value standard would prove for up scale housing. The construction materials standards of the RIA district would still apply. Robbie Smith asked about smaller lot sizes and larger houses. Steve Grittman noted the lots are RI lots The original developer held out the promise of RIA houses on RI lots. Brian Stumpf asked what the differences were in the standards. RI has 12,000 SF of lot area, 80 foot width and 30 foot setback. RIA is 90 feet in width, 15,000 SF and 35' setback from the street. The side yard set backs are the same for both districts. The Council expressed some concern about ensuring the developer builds what they say they are going to build. Glen Posusta stated that most builders will build to the minimum standards. Adding amenities will add to the cost of the housing thus qualifying it for step up housing. Steve Grittman felt the value standard would be di1licult to enforce. I-Ie noted that the restrictive covenants can be changed by the developer but what is set forth in the agreement between the City and developer is binding. Fred Patch concurred that the value standard would be diiTicult to enforce and assured the council that if the developer would try to renege on the terms of the agreement, he would not issue a building permit Glen Posusta asked about the value that was put on the building permit and Fred Patch responded that it is not always a good indicator of the house value. Howard Triggs from Trison Development spoke noting he submitted information to the Planning Commission relating to the types of home construction pointing out that only a few two story structures were built in Monticello. He felt that the City needs to look at above grade finished space rather than below grade level. He felt his research showed that two story structures provided more value. Matt Brokl, City Attorney, pointed out that this agreement would apply to all phases of the development. Robbie Smith asked why the property was not zoned RIA. Steve Grittman indicated it was because the plat was already in process before the R I A standards were developed. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION OF II--IE PLANNING COMMISSION TO AMEND THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR HILLSIDE FARMS BY ALTERING THE BUILDING SIZE REQUIREMENTS TO PERMIT 'fWO STORY AND MODIFIED TWO STORY HOMES WITH 2200 SF OF FINISHED FLOOR AREA ABOVE GRADE OR 1100 SF FOOT PRINT WITH A FULL BASEMENT ACCORDING TO THE RIA STANDARDS. RI LOT AREA AND SETBACK STANDARDS WILL BE APPLIED. ALL OTHER RIA ZONING DISTRICT STANDARDS 8 'L Council Agenda ~ 4/26/04 WILL APPLY TO THE HILLSIDE FARM PLAT. THIS AMENDMENT IS SUBJECT TO WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEVELOPER AND THE CITY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROBBIE SMITH AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 10. Consideration of awardin!! contract on Overflow Parkin!! Lot -Walnut Street. Proiect No.2003-18C. The Bruce Thielen and Brian Stumpf had to leave the meeting at this time to attend the mediation session on the contested annexation. Prior to leaving Bruce Thielen commented that he did not feel the parking lot should be constructed at this time. Glen Posusta asked if crushed granite could be used on the parking lot in lieu of bituminous surfacing. It was indicated that would not comply with the provisions of the ordinance. Roger Carlson took over as Acting Mayor at this time. Public Works Director, John Simola stated that if the City is not going to put in the parking lot, the area should be seeded. Glen Posusta stated there were instances where the City had allowed the use of a temporary parking lot.. Rick W olfsteller stated that if this was being done for Towne Centre and MCC use ,md there was no interest then the City should not be putting in a parking lot. Glen Posusta suggested that curb and gutter be placed in the area of the proposed parking lot. Bret Wciss stated that Wells Fargo is putting in a storm sewer which is tearing up the second lift on the street. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO NOT INSTALL TI-IE PARKING LOT AT THIS TIME AND TO REMOVE THE DRIVEWAY, PUT IN CURB AND GUTTER AND SEED THE AREA. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO REJECT ALL BIDS RECEIVED ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE OVERFLOW PARKING LOT ON WALNUT STREET. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Approve payment of bills for April ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR APRIL. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Mielke Assessment Glen Posusta brought up the situation with the Mielke property and the special assessments. He felt to clear up the problem with the assessments and waiver agreements, there should be some type of mediation or arbitration. He felt the City Attorney, Council representatives, Dan Mielke, his attorney and a designated mediator should work out a settlement that would be binding on the parties. Glen Posusta felt that the assessment issues were delaying development in this area. Matt Brold stated that 9 2- Council Agenda - 4/26/04 the idea of a mediation session came from the Mielke group. Matt Brokl said the scope of the issues to be resolved is something that the Council needs to consider since there are number of assessments and other issues involved. He felt the full Council might want to look at setting the scope of discussion before agreeing to binding arbitration. Matt Brokl stated he was not opposed to some kind of mediation. Dan Mielke stated that litigation seemed to be the only to get the city to address these issues. He said the waiver agreements he signed have not been fulfilled. Mr. Mielke indicated he would consider mediation but wanted to talk to his attorney first. Roger Carlson suggested leaving this to Matt Brokl and he should bring it back to the Council to approve the scope of the discussion and to appoint the Council representatives. Glen Posusta felt everything should be on the table for discussion. Groveland 41h Cleanup - Since Brian Stumpf who had requested an update on this item was no longer present at the meeting, John Simola said he would provide an update at the next meeting. Home Depot - Roger Carlson brief1y summarized the letter that Mayor Thielen had received from Home Depot regarding their location in the community. Home Depot indicated that the site they were considering would not work out for them. However they will continue to look at other possible locations within the City. 12. Adjourn GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9 P.M. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANTMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary 10 L Council Agenda - 5/1 0/04 SA. Consideration of approvine new hires and departures for MCC and City Hall. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and City Hall. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council oHicially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Bldg Intern Wheel Park Attd Department Building MCC Hire Date Class Hennessey, Daniel J. Sonsteby, Sarah A. 4/20/2004 temporary 4/17/2004 temporary TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Bogart, Daniel voluntary MCC 4/15/2004 part-time Rietveld, David voluntary Planning Comm 3/31/2004 Towle, Susan voluntary MCC 4/9/2004 part-time employee council list.xls: 5/5/2004 r-p\ k' .-.)' Council Agenda - 5/ I 0/04 5B. Consideration of increase of fees for rental of park facilities. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: [n the past the park facilities at Ellison Park and West Bridge Park have been rented out for use. The rental fees were set at $40 and $45 for residents and $100 for non~residents. With the completion of the facility at Pioneer Park. the Parks Commission looked at establishing a fee for the new facility at Pioneer Park and reviewed the rental fees the City currently charges for use of the other facilities. The Parks Commission increased the rental fees based on the amenities present at each site as follow: Ellison Gazebo West Bridge Open Shelter Ellison Log Shelter West Bridge Shelter Pioneer Park $50.00 $50.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 .t-~ rp (. ~r C~ \?,) $.\CC The rental fee for non-residents for all parks is $150.00. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the park rental fees as recommended by the Parks Commission. 2. Do not approve an increase in the rental fees. 3. Approve an increase in the rental fees in an amount other than that recommended by the Parks Commission. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Parks Commission, Park Superintendent and Public Works Director that the Council approve the recommended increase in the park rental fee. The rental fee for the park facilities is reasonable. The increased fees should help offset some the cost of maintenance of the park structures. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. City Council Agenda - 5/10/04 5C. Consideration to review and accept the Year-End EDA Financial Statements. Activity Report. and 2004 Proposed Budget. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backl!round: This item is presented to comply with City Ordinance Amendment No. 172, Section 2~3-6 (A), "The Authority shall prepare an annual budget projecting anticipated expenses and sources of revenue;" and (B), "The Authority shall prepare an annual report describing its activities and providing an accurate statement of its financial condition. Said report shall be submitted to the Ci ty Council each year." The financial reports were prepared by Executive Director Koropchak with assistance from the Finance Department. The Economic Development Authority (EDA) accepted the year-end reports and budget at the annual meeting held April 27, 2004. All Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) loan pay backs are current. Therefore, the E;;DA now submits to the City Council a copy of the EDA-GMEF 2003 Year- End Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance for the Year; Annual Activity Report; and 2004 Cash Flow Projections (Budget) for review. You will note on the Balance Sheet, the EDA-GMEF cash-in-bank balance as of December 31, 2003, is $924,198.55 with total assets/liabilities of nearly $1.4 million. As you recall, in 1997 the EDA appropriated $200,000 from the EDA- GMEF for the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) for matching facade improvement grants, fee reimbursement and loans. The DMRF cash balance as of December 31, 2003, is $145,256.66. Two GMEF loans were prepaid in 2003. Also, please note on the Balance Sheet, the transfer of $77,000 and $70,000 from the EDA~GMEF to the Liquor Fund in 2001 and 2003, respectively. At the 2004 annual meeting, the EDA did not address whether to transfer additional funds from the EDA-GMEF to the Liquor Fund. This will be done later in the year. The 2004 Cash Flow Projection includes receipts from two GMEF balloon payments and one DMRF balloon payment. Expenditures include the disbursement of the $350,000 WSlloan, $145,000 Block 35 grant, and another loan. Other sources of funds available for use by the EDA is the payback from the State- Aroplax/Standard Iron loans with a current balance of$15,617.14 (pay back complete) and MIF State/City/UMC Loan with a current balance of $3,219.37 (Maximum amount available to the EDA is $100,000 plus interest.) The City has been advised not to recycle the MIF Federal/City/TCDC fund balance of $208,953.79 until the job and wage requirements have City Council Agenda - 5/10/04 been satisfied (Maximum amount available to the EDA is $500,000 plus interest.) Since 1990. the year the loan program was established. the EDA has disbursed 18 GMEF loans arranging from $30,000 to $350,000 per loan and one DMRF loan, and nine DMRF facade grants. The EDA wrote-off a small portion of one GMEF loan. If a council member has questions of the year-end reports, please remove from the consent agenda; otherwise, the EDA requests the City Council make a motion to accept the EDA year- end reports. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to accept the 2003 Year-End EDA Balance Sheet; Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance; Activity Report; and 2004 Cash Flow Projections as presented. 2. A motion to deny acceptance of the 2003 Year-End EDA Balance Sheet; Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance; Activity Report; and 2004 Cash Flow Projections as presented. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative #1. Reason for the recommendation is that all reports are reported as true and correct; the budget is based on projections only; and the said motion would affirm compliance of Ordinance Amendment No. 172. D. Supoorting Data: Copy of the Year-End Statements, Activity Report, and 2004 Cash Flow Projections for the EDA. 2 MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Balance Sheet December 31, 2003 ASSETS Cash in Bank $ 924,198.55 Accounts Receivable $ 1,445.54 Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc. I $ -0- Notes Receivable - Muller Theatre $ -0- Notes Receivable - SMM, Inc. $ -0- Notes Receivable - Aroplax Corp.I $ -0- Notes Receivable - Custom Canopy, Inc. $ -0- Notes Receivable - Standard Iron $ -0- Notes Receivable - Vector Tool $ -0- Notes Receivable - Tapper, Inc.II $ -0- Notes Receivable - SELUEMED $ -0- Notes Receivable - T J Martin $ 14,748.39 Notes Receivable - Mainline Distribution $ 86,298.86 \Jotes Receivable - Aroplax Corp II $ 88,576.62 Jotes Receivable - TCDC $ -0- Notes Receivable - IRTI $ -0- Notes Receivable - GWJ,LLC $ 27,867.69 Notes Receivable - VisiCom $ 8,036.18 Notes Receivable - UMC $ 193,675.05 Notes Receivable - Tapper's III $ 51,784.54 Appropriations Receivables - 2002 $ -0- TOTAL ASSETS FUND EQUITY Fund Balance Reserved for Participation Loans * (Economic Development) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY * 2003 transfer to Liquor Fund $70,000 * 2001 transfer to Liquor Fund $77,000 Original Liquor Fund transfer to EDA $383,000. $1, 396,631.42 $1, 396,631.42 $1, 396,631.42 5C MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MONTICELLO GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For the Year Ended December 31, 2003 REVENUES Appropriations - 2003 Interest Income - GMEF Notes Interest Income - DMRF Note Interest Income - Investment GMEF TOTAL REVENUES $ ~O- $ 25,268.91 $ -0- $ 34,260.00 $ 43,314.00 (2002 ) $ -O~ $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 3,066.00 $ 730.10 $ 106,639.01 Interest Income - Investment UDAG Interest Income - Investment SCREG Interest Income - Investment MIF Loan Fees Legal Fees Miscellaneous EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - (Recycled) GMEF Legal Fees GMEF Professional Fees TRANSFER TO LIQUOR FUND DMRF Loan - None DMRF Grant - DMRF Legal Fees DMRF Professional Fees Service Fees Miscellaneous Other Int. Adjustment - Notes $ 1,657.25 $ -0- $ 70,000.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ -0- $ 520.00 $ -0- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 72,177.25 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures $ 34,461. 76 FUND BALANCE - Beginning of Year $1,362,169.66 FUND BALANCE - End of Year $1, 396,631.42 sc MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND (GMEF) 2004 CASH FLOW PROJECTION BEGINNING CASH BALANCE, January 2004 RECEIPTS Appropriations, Expected - GMEF Notes Amortization Payments - Tapper Inc. Muller Theatre SMM, Inc. Aroplax Corp. Custom Canopy, Inc. Standard Iron Vector Tool Tapper's II SELUEMED T.J. Martin ($547.60 Mo.) 6-06 Mainline Distrib. ($ 702.08 Mo.) Aroplax Corp. II ($730.93 Mo.) TCDC IRTI EDMA ($193.89 MO.) 9-06 VisiCom ($115.78 Mo.) 5-04 UMC ($1, 084 . 33 Mo.) 3 - 0 8 Tapper III($524.76 Mo.) 5-08 WSI ($875.00 Mo) 6-09 Interest Income - Investment (est.) Loan Fees Loan Fees Other Miscellaneous TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL BEGINNING BALANCE AND RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES GMEF Loans - WSI - (GMEF Interest) Other Re-payment to Liquor Fund 2004 DMRF Grants Professional Fees Block 35 Legal Fees Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXPECTED CASH BALANCE, December 2004 $ -0- $ 6-04 $ 12-04 $ $ s , $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 6,571.20 88,759.08 94,303.80 -0- -0- 2,326.68 6,073.01 13,011.96 6,297.12 6,125.00 30,000.00 200.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 100,000.00 -0- $ 3,000.00 $ 145,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 924,198.55 $ 257,667.85 $1,181,866.64 $ 602,000.00 $ 579,866.64 5<:.. 2003 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACTIVITY REPORT MEETING DATE SUBJECTS January 29, 2003 Planner Consultant Grittman informed EDA that the Block 35 sketches were designed as framework or idea to create an attractive and appealing rear entrance and plaza. The design sketch addressed elevations and function. Requested the consultant provide cost estimates. Denied amending the EDA Business Subsidy Criteria for the purpose of job retention for reasons stated. (Request by B&B Metal Stamping.) April 1, 2003 Approved subordinating GMEF Loan No. 018 (IRTI) to take- out the existing bank loan of $340,377 subject to execution of documents as deemed necessary and prepared by the EDA Attorney at the cost of the Borrower. Accepted a settlement of an $18,000 loan at 6.0% interest rate over three years effective June 1, 2003 for GMEF Loan No. 014 (T. J. Martin), Borrower to pay all EDA Attorney fees, costs, and expenses up-front for preparation of documents deemed necessary by the FDA Attorney. April 22,2003 Annual Meeting Accepted the Business Subsidy Criteria for the Monticello EDA without amendments. EDA Officers elected for 2003: President Bill Demeules Vice President Barb Schwientek Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller Assistant Treasurer Ron Hoglw1d Secretary Ollie Koropchak Accepted EDA 2002 Year-End Financial Statements and Activity Report. All existing GMEF loan paybacks are current. 5C 2003 EDA Activity Report Authorized a 2003 repayment of the Liquor Funds in the amount of $70,000 for use solely to reduce tax levies for bonded indebtedness of the city of the year 2004. Approved the execution of a Satisfaction of Mortgage for GMEF Loan No. 018 (IRTI) subject to repayment in full of the remaining principal balance of$69,377.01, with document preparation at the cost of the borrower. This is lieu of the April 2, 2003 motion. 2003 EDA Goals for City Vision & Governing Policies: Continue to provide incentives to attract industrial businesses to Monticello and facilitate or provide incentives for Block 35. May 27,2003 Accepted the cosmetic design sketches for rear facade improvements and cost estimates as submitted by NAC, determine what the EDA is willing to fund and invite the business owners to a presentation. Accepted the pre-payment ofGMEF Loan No. 017 (TeDc.) July 29, 2003 Presentation by EDA to Block 35 property owners including the Block 35 and EDA Partnership Financial Package (1.35:1.0 ratio), 100% commitment, and Maintenance Agreement for recording. Block 35 property owner to respond to the EDA at October meeting. October 28, 2003 Al Loch reported the owners agreed to scale back in order to maintain participation at 100%. The trick to keep 100% land owner participation while balancing an acceptable rear facade improvement with an acceptable price. Property owners will be at the January 2004 meeting. 2 cc ..) -' " --.J -l m ~ 00000000 :::>,tvtv~~..........~ :::..tv.....enCO-Jm01 ;oc'~ml':" I I II -' j ~ :s: s:\llO-<O\ll ~ ()"O s: ~ S'"O 2- 7"~~)>ii30or:::l < 03 (JI- N CD g'; CD oj" ll) N 8 0.. en en 0 c5":::l O~:::OOCD~ o :::l 0 - CD -. CD ...., 3..-..1'J (")Cl)'"-"..-.. _tv- c:io ..... tv 0 :" Q) ffi o 0 -' en otv co......-!:9 ~'-..." ..-.,'--'" - tv tv DO 00 .....0 -- :, c lE.. ...., ro -0 o ::+. en X !If :!:: .... J:>. N o o J:>. -l o -l )> r (j) OOOOOQ;1(j)CDS:-l .....................0...., C')ll) cll) -I:>.w....O.....7':::l"...., -"'0 ~Cn~tDO~ S!~ m"O _ ll) - CD ... '" ...., :::l. ctl ~ ll) "0 C 3 :::l :::l - :::>' ~ :::>,:::l"OCD o..);:(j)5"Gl ::=. 0.. CD 0 ctl 0 ...., C :::l CD ~~ --"'::rc c.g g:::::::l S' 0.. 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Consideration to review site improvement concept for Block 35 and to authorize wsn & Associates. Inc. to prepare a Feasibility Studv. (O.K.) A. Reference ~md Background: In 1997, the Economic Development Authority (EDA) appropriated $200,000 from the FDA-Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) to the Downtown Monticello Revitalization Fund (DMRF) for matching facade improvement grants, fee reimbursement and loans. At the 2002 annual meeting, the EDA made a motion to discontinue the DMRF program and to reserve the funds for a potential drainage, trash, parking revitalization project for Block 35. The DMRF cash balance as of December 31,2003, is $145,256.66. The proposed Block 35 public/private site improvement concept excludes the property known as the Flicker property and includes the surface area to the south of the Broadway retai I buildings, the alley, and a small northerly portion or the public parking lot. See Attachment A. Site Improvement Design Concept. The Block 35 goals and objectives as defined by the EDA: 1. Create a customer friendly parking and plaza-like rear entrance. 2. Consistent and eye-focus cosmetic rear facade design. 3. Roof and alley drainage improvements. 4. Relocate and consolidate trash into enclosed and detached containers. The EDA requested a 100% commitment from property owners for rear facade improvements and a Maintenance Agreement in recordable f(Jrm addressing the following: Unrestricted parking spaces (designated loading zones), common trash, snow plowing, and landscaping. Since 2002, the property owners of Block 35 led by Al Loch, the EDA. DAT, and city staff and consultants have met several times to arrive at a design and cost concept acceptable to both the private and public sector. At this time, the EDA has not authorized expenditure of the $145,000. However, the following is the proposed Block 35 budget: Public/Private Area - Parking to rear of buildings, plaza consisting of pavers (with sidewalk and curb), and trash improvements. Replace alley and add a second catch basin (Without engineer fees or cost to slope private surface to match alley) Engineer fees/sloping TO"fAL EDA FUNDS $ 75,000 $ 50,000 $ 20,000 $145,000 City Council Agenda - 05/10/()4 Block 35 Public Parking Lot Improvements (previous City Budget) $ 30,000 Block 35 Private Rear Facade and Roof Drainage Donation $ 55,000 Public Works Director John Simola has been involved with the process and noted the drainage and ice build-up problem in the alley is a result of the existing catch-basin being located at a depth of only two to three feet. In anticipation of the proposed alley improvements, the 2003 Walnut Street improvement project included the installation of a stub to the alley at depth of twelve feet. The City has delayed the improvements to the Block 35 public parking lot, again, in anticipation of this proposed project. The attached site improvement concept was designed by Planner Consultant Steve Grittman. At the April 27, 2004 EDA meeting and since the commissioners have been working off preliminary cost estimates for the site improvements, the EDA made a motion to request the City Council review the site improvement concept for Block 35 and to authorize WSB to prepare a Feasibility Study. The construction commencement and completion date is earmarked for construction season 2004. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to accept the site improvement design concept for Block 35 and to authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to prepare a Feasibility Study. 2. A motion to deny acceptance of the site improvement design concept for Block 35 and deny authorization for WSB & Associates, Inc. to prepare a Feasibility Study. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and EDA Executive Director recommend Alternative No. I. The feasibility Study will be paid from the $145,000 EDA funds and the outcome of the study will assist in the determination whether to move forward with the proposed project. D. Supportim! Data: Site improvement design concept and aerial map of Block 35. 2 FROM :NAC t. .' "1 ." "0. .( Q d. 10 06 2004 10:58AM P2 'A tfQ.t ~~ft\t A FAX NO. :g52595gS37 Ma~. !i-Z ''''':.I.. . rT'~~~~- m__ m__ _:~______~;u__~_ --~;.. - .. !' ,I ,--, ._~.!'I'\',~_..,,-' ...../.,'.;,i . .. . "..~ Oi!.~~~~.~~......-~@.E~;~ I' ii{;,::.'.f."'..1.. ".--u'" IJ}"'; "'/); , .."j. . ., ...' - . ~!~f.1l~~~~:~:t::.~~.~:::-~~:~~~~.~'~'~~~J...~.v.. I . ~ . . ~"_a_jG I , ~.. 11Io ........ c I r . t ... ,,' 'I' .. ~ ',.,: Ii.' ~. ,,;" \, I ~ ~,. . ,',,' ,,'.i',.",": ',) ", ' '~.' , ,', J,.' ,,' ,.~'. "'" ., .'. ..,..:..1,1,. " ,\, :::J ':':' '.V\:,' "';,<,';,' ",-: ,,-'':'' .,,~: ' :J' ,1:1,:.' : ::,'.,-:,t'::'. (:. ,rl '.. ~, . i. '. "C~',.", ,-' oJ "j .."'~. !.." ~""",~l .:~~,~..-.:. ~ '~'3~ ':f" f 1~ ! .. .. ~ . .I ~ 1 I 11:I i tl " ' '" .I.....,.._~",.;...,. I r t :i ... , I:: : ~ ' i !!tb;j hl'h ~ ~ ~ '='---'-~"..,_. 'i ~- ;e l;t ]~~ '.u;, .J. rJ 1'-' .,.. M Su II) M ~ o o In B'li 4-- Lih ~,,-_j~\~ SD Council Agenda - 5/1 0/04 SE. Review of year end financial report for 2003 for Liquor Store. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The year end financial report for the liquor store operations comparing the year 2002 with 2003 has been recently completed and is attached for Council review. To summarize, sales for the year 2003 totaled $3,363,000 up $250,000 over the same period last year or an 8% increase in sales volume. The cost of sales also have increased by $244,000, resulting in a gross profit increase of approximately $6,000, lower than what we had hoped for. In regards to a gross profit percentages on our sales, overall gross profit percentage is 23.4%, lower than our 25% gross profit margin we experienced in 2002. We are looking at our pricing policy to see if adjustments need to be made to our pricing, as we would like to be in the 25% range as overall gross profit. In regards to expenditures, they have remained fairly constant after you factor in additional depreciation costs we are recording in 2003. Total operating expenditures equaled $497,000, $35,000 higher than last year, but it includes additional depreciation charges of $23,000. From an expense standpoint, operating expenses are relatively the same as last year. Overall operating income for the liquor store was $289,000 compared to $317,000 the year before. This is still a respectable income, but we would like to focus on a 10% return if possible and will be striving to do so next year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council should accept the report as presented comparing 2002 with 2003 operations C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Liquor Store Manager that the report be accepted as presented. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of report. SE. Revised Financial Information for Liquor Store Annual Report. (RW) ',~.l. ~'_ Upon further review of our liquor store financial report, we were able to find that an error had occurred in our inventory calculations that results in a substantial change to our operating income for the year adding over $70,000 to the bottom line. The result is a total operating income of $359,000 compared with the $288,000 reported previously. The resulting gross profit percentage is more in line with expectations of25.48%, creating a gross profit amount of$856,742 compared to $786,000 last year. This is a $76,500 increase over last years gross profit. The revised financial report shows an operating income of$359,126 compared to $317,000 last year. This is a $41,665 increase in operating profit, in line with expectations. The financial report included with the agenda should be discarded and replaced with the revised report. 1<wcse- d. -------- MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 2002 AND 2003 2002 2003 YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT Liquor Sales 842,067 939,931 Discounts Cost of Sales 587,012 621 .417 GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 255,054 30.29% 318,514 33.89% Beer Sales 1,872,440 1,961.439 Cost of Sales 1,413,504 1,505,506 GROSS PROFIT - BEER 458,936 24.51% 455,933 23.24% Wine Sales 292,749 341,913 Cost of Sales 236,736 282,342 GROSS PROFIT - WINE 56,014 19.13% 59,571 17.42% Mise Sales 92,064 79,200 Cost of Sales 79,645 57,113 GROSS PROFIT ~ MiSe TAXABLE 12,419 13.49% 22,087 27.89% Mise Non-taxable Sales 13,781 37,278 Cost of Sales 1,845 22,883 GROSS PROFIT - MiSe NON-TAX 11,936 86.61% 14,395 38.62% TOTAL SALES 3,113,102 3,363,611 TOTAL COST OF SALES 2,318,743 2,489,261 TOTAL FREIGHT eOST 13,947 17,408 TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 780,413 25.07% 856,942 25.48% MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE & EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 2002 AND 2003 2002 2003 YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT SALES Liquor 842,067 939,931 Beer 1,872,440 1,961,439 Wine 292,749 341,913 Other Merchandise 92,064 79,200 Misc Non-Taxable Sales 13,781 37,278 Discounts TOTAL SALES 3,113,102 3,363,611 COST OF GOODS SOLD (2,332,689) (2,506,669) GROSS PROFIT 780,413 25.07% 856,942 25.48% GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXP Personal Services Salaries 243,093 244,307 PERA 12,149 12,979 FICA 17,913 18,487 Insurance 23,813 22,080 Unemployment Benefits 609 109 Severance Pay 2,553 7,187 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 300,130 9.64% 305,667 9.09% Supplies Office Supplies 984 1,054 General Operating Supplie 17,006 12,960 Other Supplies 1,923 3,667 TOTAL SUPPLIES 19,912 0.64% 17,680 0.53% Other Services & Charges Professional Services 11,881 3,600 Maintenance Agreements 1,670 1,733 Communication 3,746 3,992 Travel~Conference-Schools 548 334 Advertising 14,006 8,057 Insurance & Tax 12,646 11,889 Utilities 17,791 18,240 Maintenance, Equipment 2,608 8,857 Maintenance, Building 6,887 11 ,038 Maintenance, other (475) 516 Depreciation-Acquired As 39,113 62,671 Misc Svc & Chgs 32,492 43,543 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHGS 142,913 4.59% 174,469 5.19% TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENSE 462,955 14.87% 497,817 14.80% 2002 2003 YEAR- TO.DA TE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 317,458 10.20% 359,126 10.68% Other Income (Expense) Interest Income 33,986 25,816 Cash Long/Short (431) (37) Sale of Property 500 Misc Income 4,918 (32) TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) 38,973 1.25% 25,747 0.77% NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 356,431 11.45% 385,353 11.46% Transfers In/Out (200,000) (130,000) ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 156,431 5.02% 255,353 7.59% MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2003 Current Assets Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable AJR - NSF Checks AJR - Gift Certificates Inventory Prepaid Insurance TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS Fixed Assets Land & Parking Lot Buildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS 275,702.29 4,400.00 429,047.89 1,332.93 80.00 599,027.22 4,694.57 1,314,284.90 145,076.13 1,669,781.94 239,639.10 (528,708.64 ) 1,525,788.53 2,840,073.43 Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses Deferred Revenues TOTAL LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 38,185.15 31,399.98 26,597.15 51,896.00 4,049.22 1,605.29 153,732.79 2,686,340.64 2,840,073.43 . Vb lfl'it: ( MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR W~ GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 2002 AN 2003 2002 YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT 2003 YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT Liquor Sales Discounts Cost of Sales GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 842,067 939,931 587,012 255,054 30.29% 661 ,433 278,498 29.63% Beer Sales Cost of Sales GROSS PROFIT - BEER 1,872,440 1,413,504 458,936 24.51% 1,961,439 1,512,988 448,451 22.86% Wine Sales Cost of Sales GROSS PROFIT - WINE 292,749 236,736 56,014 19.13% 341,913 305,554 36,359 10.63% Mise Sales Cost of Sales GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 92,064 79,645 12,419 13.49% 79,200 56,869 22,332 28.20% Mise Non-taxable Sales Cost of Sales GROSS PROFIT - MISC NON-TAX 13,781 1,845 11,936 86.61 % 37,278 22,550 14,727 39.51% TOTAL SALES TOTAL COST OF SALES TOTAL FREIGHT COST TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 3,113,102 2,318,743 13,947 780,413 25.07% 3,363,611 2,559,394 17,408 786,810 23.39% SE:. MONTICEllO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE & EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 2002 AND 2003 2002 2003 YEAR~ TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT SALES Liquor 842,067 939,931 Beer 1,872,440 1,961,439 Wine 292,749 341,913 Other Merchandise 92,064 79,200 Misc Non-Taxable Sales 13,781 37,278 Discounts TOTAL SALES 3,113,102 3,363,611 COST OF GOODS SOLD (2,332,689) (2,576,802) GROSS PROFIT 780,413 25.07% 786,810 23.39% GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXP Personal Services Salaries 243,093 244,307 PERA 12,149 12,979 FICA 17,913 18,487 Insurance 23,813 22,080 Unemployment Benefits 609 109 Severance Pay 2,553 7,187 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 300,130 9.64% 305,667 9.09% Supplies Office Supplies 984 1,054 General Operating Supplie 17,006 12,960 Other Supplies 1,923 3,667 TOTAL SUPPLIES 19,912 0.64% 17,680 0.53% Other Services & Charges Professional Services 11,881 3,600 Maintenance Agreements 1,670 1,733 Communication 3,746 3,992 Travel-Conference-Schools 548 334 Advertising 14,006 8,057 Insurance & Tax 12,646 11,889 Utilities 17,791 18,240 Maintenance, Equipment 2,608 8,857 Maintenance, Building 6,887 11 ,038 Maintenance, Other (475) 516 Depreciation--Acquired As 39,113 62,671 Misc Svc & Chgs 32,492 43,543 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHGS 142,913 4.59% 174,469 5.19% TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENSE 462,955 14.87% 497,817 14.80% SF 2002 2003 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 317,458 10.20% 288,993 8.59% Other Income (Expense) Interest Income 33,986 25,816 Cash Long/Short (431 ) (37) Sale of Property 500 Misc Income 4,918 (32) TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) 38,973 1.25% 25,747 0.77% NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 356,431 11.45% 314,740 9.36% Transfers In/Out (200,000) (130,000) ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 156,431 5.02% 184,740 5.49% S'E: Council Agenda - 5/10/04 SF. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowine: for a 728 square foot detached access On' use structure in an R-l district. Applicant: Shawn Leach. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission approved this request per Alternate 1 below. Shawn Leach is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a second garage on his property at 3657 Brentwood Drive in the Groveland neighborhood. The new garage would be detached, and a total of 728 square feet in area, reduced from the original application for a 900 square foot building. The existing attached garage is approximately 720 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance permits a total of up to 1,200 square feet of garage space as permitted accessory space for an R-l Single Family home. In addition, no accessory building can exceed more than 10% ofthe rear yard area. However, up to 1,500 square feet of total area can be constructed with a Conditional Use Permit, under the following conditions: (a) Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. (c) The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use ofthe surrounding property. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. The applicant's rear yard is approximately 8,300 square feet in area, and as such, the 10% threshold would be complied with. The total square footage of the garage space on the property, as designed, would be 1,450 square feet. In addition, the applicant's plans and application letter indicate an intent to meet the requirements of the Conditional Use Permit provisions with regard to materials, use, and location. Because the building is located at the rear of the lot, it may be appropriate to require some shrub and ornamental tree planting on the side and rear of the building to soften its impact on neighboring properties. The plantings would be within the drainage and utility easements, but should help to mitigate neighborhood concerns over the proximity of the building to adjoining property. Finally, it is noted following a site inspection that the applicant has paved an area around the side of his home that would appear to violate the 3 foot setback, and may also have a driveway curb cut width that exceeds the maximum 24 foot width requirement. The applicant notes in his 1 Council Agenda - 5/10/04 application materials that he does not intend to provide a driveway to the proposed accessory building. This condition should be added to any approval, if granted. Moreover, the non- conforming driveway conditions on the property should be corrected as a requirement of the initial building permit inspection. At the public hearing, the Planning Commission received comments in support of the structure (two neighbors). B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternate #1 below. Decision 1: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a detached accessory garage, with the condition that the applicant meet each of the requirements of the zoning ordinance, including the 1,500 square foot threshold, and with the condition that landscape plantings are added to the southeast and northeast sides to soften the impact of the building on adjoining parcels. In addition, non-conforming driveway conditions should be corrected no later than the time of the initial building permit inspection, and no driveway should be extended to new accessory building. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the building would be out of character with the neighborhood. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of the CUP, based on findings that the building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the zoning ordinance. The rear yard for this parcel is of adequate size, and the 10% rule was designed to ensure that large accessory buildings do not overwhelm the open feel of the lot or the neighborhood. The applicant meets the threshold with this project. With the comments that the building will be finished to match the house, landscaping is added on the side and rear of the building facing adjoining property, and the 1,500 square foot maximum is met, planning staff believes that the building meets the requirements for CUP approval. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Letter from Applicant C. Site Survey D. Project Specifications E. Site Images F. Unsigned Letters from Neighboring Property Owners 2 t?t? 3657 Brentwood Dr. Monticello,MN 55362 04/09/04 Monticello Planning & Zoning City Hall 505 Walnut St. Mouticello, MN 55362 Planning & Zoning Members: I would like to request a Conditional Use Permit for my residence in the City of Monticello. The purpose of the permit is to build a 26X28 building that will be used for storage of a classic vehicle, boat, riding lawn mower, snow blower, and other miscellaneous lawn equipment. Currently these items are both in my attached garage and parked outside on my driveway. I would like to put everything inside, out of the weather, and not have to give up garage space for my personal vehicles, ultimately improving the general appearance of my property. The building specifications are as followed: 26X28, concrete floor with a 4ft apron 16.5 feet from the peek of the roof to the concrete floor Blue shingles, white vinyl siding and 6/12 pitch to match Residence 16X8 Insulated garage door 36 in service door and 4 insulated 36X36 sliding windows. I have no intentions on putting a driveway to this building. Usage for the building will be mostly for storage and enabling me to park my personal vehicles in my attached garage and get everything out of the everyday weather. Thank you for you consideration. Sincerely, Shawn Leach ~ o 1:14 MilE I 1/2 MILE .,'-.-.. .. ::J rf> O&:' D lIeslgn IF 30667 't/ll/"l.~ *** Take this sheet to the Building Materials counter to purchase your materials. *** "ou selected a garage with these options: 30' Wide X 30' Deep X 9' High Gable roof VI/ 6/12 pitch trusses 2' O.C. 2x6 Wall Framing Material 12" gable/24" ea"e o"erhangs 7/16" aSB Wall Sheathing 1/2" aSB Roof Sheathing White Vinvl 4" Double lap Siding 30 Vr. Superglass, National Blue Shingles Wh ite Vi nvl Soffit & Fascia White Aluminum Regular Roof Edge White "inV' o"erhead door jamb Front View Baok View .-........ .~......... - ~:~ /' '~, / <~ /;:/~'<~"'r .~<:// '~ DO DO DO // ,/ ......---/ ,/'/ .--,,--/ .........---/ ~-- ,/~"~ 4' "'" // "\" L/:/ "~~ / """ / / 1_mm DC m ------- T odavls cost for materials estimated in this design: $ 6419.83 Base garage without options: $ 3S22.1S *The hase ~ric8 includes: a" Eave/O" Gehle Overhangs, Fr.ming Materials, 7/16 OSB Roof Sheathing, 20 yr. Fiherglass Clmic. Onyx BI.ok Shingles, Pine Fascia, Galvanized Regular Roof Edge, 8" Tenured Vertical Hardhoard Siding, No Service Doors, No Overhead Doors, No Windows, or AnV Other O~tions. (Or:: Front Yard View Rear Yard View View from Rear Yard ~ April 22, 2004 I am writing in response to the public hearing notice for the 728 square foot shed in the back of property 3657 Brentwood Drive. I am a neighbor to this resident and would personally not like to see that big of a shed in my backyard. When I look out my window, I would see the shed. With it being that size, it will look almost the same size as most of the homes in the area. Most of the homes have approx. 950 square feet above ground and then the same amount as a basement. I feel if someone wants a shed that size they should have purchased a home in a more rural area. I moved to a subdivision to have a backyard, and for my children to be able to play and run throughout the yards of our neighbors. I have no idea of the intentions of this shed, but I would not like to have the operating of heavy machinery and loud tools. That would add to the danger for all the children in the area, and a noise problem for us neighbors. I understand this is their property - but I believe it would decrease the property value of all our homes and it would make the neighborhood look trashy. It is bad enough this resident has piles of wood, an old truck, and other trash in his backyard already. Please consider these points when reviewing his request. Thank you, Concerned Neighbor April 22, 2004 Dear Monticello Planning Commission: I am writing this letter regarding the public hearing for 3657 Brentwood Drive. Please accept this letter as my formal objection of the construction of a 728square foot structure. I live very close to the applicant and feel that a POLE BARN of that size has NO place in a subdivision like this. It is essentially the size of a small house. I do not wish to look out my windows and see this eye sore. I already have to look at their pile of wood/logs that are piled into the back of one of two old trucks parked on the side of the house. Careful consideration should have been taken when choosing a home. Perhaps more acreage would be better suited for a building of this magnitude. I moved to a subdivision so that my children could have a nice backyard to play in. Who knows what kind of additional equipment and noise will result from a detached garage. My home is an investment. I feel that this obnoxiously large barn will not only decrease the value of my home, but all the homes in this vicinity. If one person is allowed to build a barn on our VERY small lots, who's to say that everyone won't want one. Again I stress that this building DOES NOT belong in our residential neighborhood. I strongly urge you to take these opinions into consideration before. granting approval. Thank you for your time, An unhappy neighbor V~ILk.~c.E: c:r- '7 / / _ / _. .. pf . .. /:;zs'/J Y c) ./VVJd./ vv {Y (r;}AJ;/ /Af J~ du~ . '-1 TJJ 4 VI td- 30 57 &U~ I?& dlvr~ ~ffi ~-€ ~~ l3~k ~I ~," ~ o?c~ ~ ~ ~ .d~ ~. ~. <Y~ cYtJd,/ - aT 0. '00 r/"-r ~ ~/ ~ ~~ /[~0-R_AAr7ULcR ~. ~(I-" ~ ~VJ'~ ~~ yV P .~.I J)j1X$r~ t1~ t4r~ I .:;.. "i '-I i '\... '. .110.... ,) 'i,. . "~., '!~. ".." .4;.. 'i '.1\ ..... .,.. .' ~. ")'. "". . " .' · ",",.;.,. ',.~_'''.. 't": ',,'k '. .~.. ." d''"''':. r 'If'" ,;..'"", .... "'. ,J., ".J "I' '.' ,'to' " 'ill..",,,..., '(_~, ;.of " " '\/""".'" \ .....:......... '" .f,,1'( . ''1). ....rll". ~ ,,,"' ~ LOT SURV~~~JCtM~ANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Fax No. 560-3522 Minneapolis, Minnesota 65426 ~Urltrynrs OIrrtifiratr INVOICE NO. 6SO~J F.B.NO. SCALE: 1" = _?5>H'U o Denotes Iron t-Aonument o Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only xOOO.O Denotes Existing Elevati. 8 Denotes Proposed Eleva ~ Denotes Surface Drainar NOTE: Proposed grades are Sl to results of soil test~ Proposed building inforn must be checked with r building pion and develo! grading plan before exe and construction. Proposed Top of Block Proposed Garage Floor Proposed Lowest Floor Type of Building JANSENIlCX'1ES "AS HBUILT..SURVEY" ;I " Top of Block val) '/ / ", 7".V"/ /'/ / / /p/ ~'~ . /;il ;/ //.~~I) /~ / I I /. ,// //i / L\ \01.0.1 Council Agenda - 5/1 0/04 5G. Consideration of a request to re-zone a 59.14 acre parcel from Ae:ricultural-Open Space (A-O) to Ree:ional Business (B-4). (O'Neill) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider an amendment to the zoning map that would change the current designation of a 59.14 acre parcel formerly known as the "Remmele" property from A-O (Agriculture-Open Space) to B-4 (Regional Business). The Remmele property, though currently zoned A-O is identified in the Comprehensive Plan for commercial use. As the City Council is aware, as city/township boundary lines shift and land comes into the City, the property is automatically zoned A-O. Subsequently, the designation can be changed to that which is identified in the Comprehensive Plan. It is appropriate to consider an update to the zoning district designation at this time due to a proposal to develop a commercial use on a portion of this parcel. The proposal has been brought forward by Muller Theatres. Under the proposal, the City will likely act as the developer by platting the property, developing the needed infrastructure and selling lots to commercial interests. The preliminary plat for the site showing road and parcel layout will be reviewed at an upcoming meeting of the Planning Commission. The plat will illustrate the location of the theater site and relationship to roadways and other parcels to be developed at a future time. Please note that a theater is a permitted use within the B-4 district and thus a specific site plan for the theater is not expected to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. For reference, a sketch has been provided in the Supporting Data. At the public hearing a couple attended to voice concerns regarding the proximity of their home to the commercial area. Staff and Planning Commission informed them that a 40' landscaped buffer yard will be installed to mitigate the impact. This buffer yard requirement seemed to satisfy them. It was noted that the Parks Commission would address the possibility of install a trail or park along the boundary. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request for the subject "Remmele" parcel from A-O to B-4 use, based on the finding that the proposed district designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This is the option recommended by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the request to rezone the subject "Remmele" parcel from A-O to B-4, based on a finding to be determined. 1 Council Agenda - 5/10/04 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Comprehensive Plan clearly identifies the snbject area for commercial development. It is the view of the City staff and Planning Commission that the B-4 designation is proper, as the commercial use is located on the highly traveled Highway 25 corridor, which is likely to satis!)> regional market demands for goods and services. The size of the land area is large enongh to support regional sbopping and entertainment facilities. For those reasons, staff recommends approval of the rezone request. The buffer yard standards will be employed to mitigate R -11B-4 conflicts. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Sketch Plan C. Zoning Map D. B-4 Regulations E. comprehensive Plan Map F. Aerial Photo . 2 J -/I -' I C. '''--.... " '\ \ , .-\---)- ---:..- I .....--'~ 1/ l/ \F Dp o : !ii! . 0 : '" :t . z :g . I I I I I I I SC:' : 10 1 STREET N.E.85111 6 1 ) 7 .1 8 1 9 1 (,j N \.9 Lf) ~_L --II~ ~lli ~ ~ ~ ~ j .1 "" ::IE 51 ii i:: ;; -.,y b iJ:i ... 8 "'I ) i~! n I" I .1 ; I! l; 1 G . G G . ~ ~ ~~~H ~ ; ~ = ~ ..... ~ ~ .- .... =0.. Q~ ~I.:l ~~ =2 E U <;--, .--:.'%-.... ~..... \~, \, \\ ". \ \\ '.' <to I) i,\ Q II II !! 'i ~ .... c:; ... 01> 5 8 rg ~ ..; 0 ~ II ';~ ~ 0;;: >.... .. III R 11- >>:> QJl- "lIII-'" w'" g,:g 'a.8 ;: 'g ~ Jot 03. ~ r:"i ~ ~ $i : Il C:;'" ~ 'tl"~ :>-~..:CCII ~lDlIl .. >>~~ 8'P; <ill ~ i R g ~ ~ ...,,1;1 .t:a.ROO- I ~.....m ~N~"'" .. a s:: tA a=- >. 2; 11:1::: :0 tl:tla..........'i::; _ j;-=BR'!!'!!-;:::~ !La"'~~ !I jl ! d ".1 "1/ 1.0SaNNI~ 'o"aOu.NO~ ~ "' . ~ llllill ~ 'Iill IIIIIHIIII O-'-'3811..NOV'J - 381.. \13H1.. A. -'1V'J\1:::! 1::13-,-,nV'J 5 :1" II t II tll i lii11i I. a" 'l J ~~~<l1<l1~~<l1<l141 . III. '1::10:::1 A.1flIO"l/:::1 M3N QaSOdOl::ld I I~I I -, ~r- 310 8 ~~s~ ! UJ Q) L U o r--- lO C) C) C'l C'! C'l :=:m rum II ..q- '.s' 9.s9 d ~ OJ ........... ........... ...................... / ........... ........... ........... ........... I ........... ........... ........... , '........... 'If , , .......................{ I ........... ....... I / / I , I '...........1 /~" I / '..........., -- -- ----/ ~ r-~ --:j-... "''</" Ntn ):5l -- / / ~ [;2 ...................... ........... Of\; ........... ........... ........... -1 f>' ft) ........... ........... /!!)/I--/ ................................. 4- ); !\;, '-....... ~ !/6'.; ..........." :J.; C7 ' JS w'</" z, w~ i!: H > .-J oo"-"P=l (no""' ~g~ I !;fr-,,",.-J . V1I:j:D ............ ~2<.:> Ld~~D Cl I U (/) ....w oUJ WW zi!' :::i.... wO ) / -....... ~ ............ c:: o (j) c o ~...-.. XU 0) C . (f) ID4--:-+--J C (j) 0 O)...c 0) Q) U 0 (j) L 00 U 0)00 UJ -0 "<tlOl.() CO '-.../N ..-- U!D+ ~ 1'1 ld . SECTION: 14-1 : 14-2: 14-3: 14-4: CHAPTER 14 "8-4" REGIONAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Purpose Permitted Uses Permitted Accessory Uses Conditional Uses 11.[7 14-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "B-4," regional business, district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. 14-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a "B-4" district: [A] [8] [C] IDJ . [EI [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] . All permitted uses as allowed in a "B-1 ", "B-2", and "B-3" district. Antique or gift shop. Amusement places (such as dance halls or roller rinks). Auto accessory stores. Enclosed boat and marine sales. Books. office supplies, or stationery stores. Bowling alleys. Carpet, rugs, and tile. Coin and philatelic stores. Copy service but not including press or newspaper. Costume. clothes rental. Department and discount stores. Dry cleaning. including plant accessory thereto. pressing, and repairs. Dry goods store. I'vlONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/1 sc~, [0 I Electrical appliance stores, including incidental repair and assembly but not fabricating or manufacturing. [PI Employment agencies. [QI Finance companies. . [Rl Furniture stores. [U] Haberdasheries and ladies ready-to-wear. [VI Insurance sales, claims and branch offices. [WI Jewelry stores and watch repair. [Xl Leather goods and luggage stores. [V] Record - music shops. IZ] Restaurants. tea rooms. cafes. taverns, and off-sales lig uor stores. [AA] Sewing machine sales and service. IBB] Shoe stores. I ee] Tailor shops. . [DD] Theatres not of the outdoor drive~in type. [EEl Toy stores. IFF] Travel bureaus, transportation ticket offices. [C]G] Variety stores. 5 & 10 stores, and stores of similar nature. [HH] Wearing apparel. [II] Government and public utility buildings. IJJ] Mortuaries [KK-I Body Piercing Establishments ILL] Tattoo Parlors (#286,2/1 0/97)(#330,9/13/99) . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDIN:\:--JCE 14/2 . . . 14-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a "8-4" district: [A] All permitted accessory uses in a "B-3" district. 14-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditionalllses in a "B-4" district: (Requires a conditionalllse permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance.) [A] Open and olltdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: I. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting a residential district in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-or-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance vvith Chapter 3, Section 2 [H], of this ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [B] Open or outdoor service. sale. and rental as a principal and accessory use and including sales in or from motorized vehicles. trailers. or \\"agons. provided that: I. Outside service. sales. and equipment rental connected \\-ith the principal use is limited to thirty percent (30%) of the gross tloor area of the principal use. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 2. Outside sales arc as are fenced or screened from vie\\" of the neighboring residential uses or an abutting residential district in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. 4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/3 sG 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [C] Custom manufacturing, restricted production and repair limited to the following: Art, ncedk\vork, jcweJry 1i"om precious mdals. \",atches, dentures, and optical . lenses, provided that: 1. S lIch use is accessory as defined in Chapter 2, Section 2, of this ordinance to the principal use of the property. 2. Does not conflict with the character of development intended for this district. 3. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered satisfactorily met. [0] Motor fuel station, auto repair-minor, and tire and battery stores and service, provided that: 1. Regardless of whether the dispensing, sale, or offering for sale of motor fuels and/or oil is incidental to the conduct of the LIse orbusines5, the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply. These standards and requirements are, however. in addition to other requirements which are imposed for other uses of the property. . 2. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a hlighting innuenee within a reasonable distance of the lot. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building, structure, or plantings shall be surf~lced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. A minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) ftet. 5. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/4 . . . 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the puhlic right-of-\\'ay and shall be in compliance with ChClpter 3. Section 2 [r-l], of this ordinance. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed. pump islands shall be installed. 9. At the boundaries ofa residential district, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance \\.lith Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 10. Each light standard landscaped. 11. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 12. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement. shall comply with Chapter 3. Section 5. of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 13. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall he in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. 14. Provisinns arc made to control and reduce noise. 15. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance with Chapter 13. Section 4. orthis ordinance. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13. Section 4. he subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13. Section 4 [F). of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council. upon investigation in relation to a formal request. finds that the general \vell1.1I'e and public betterment can be served as well or better by modi rying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [E] tvlachinery saks. [F] Commercial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinal1c~ . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/5 5G. I G] Boarding House. provided that: I. The building/structure is found to be suostandard and/or blighted or contributing to bJ ight and in need of substantial rehabil itation. a. The applicant must provide an overall development concept plan. . b. The applicant must demonstrate that said rehabilitation is the most feasible LIse alternative and that said rehabilitation is not remodeling or simple structural alterations to accommodate a change in LIse. 2. There shall be no kss than ten ( I 0) units nor more than ] 8 units, and each unit shall be of a design considered to be an efficiency apartment. 3. At least one unit shall be on the ground floor fully accessible to handicapped persons. 4. At least 50'10 of the floor area on the ground floor shall be developed as complete restaurant t~lCilities w'ith a minimum seating capacity of two seats per dwelling unit but in no case less than 25 seats. a. Restaurant shall not be eligible for licenses regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors. non-intoxicating malt liquors. wine. or the display and consumption of liquors. b. The restaurant shall he so equipped to provide f()od service to the dwelling units if rl'quirl'd. . 5. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to till' existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence w"ithin a reasonable distance of the lot. 6. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change \vhen the Council. upon investigation in relation to a formal request finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as \-vell or better by modifying the conditions. (# 138, 7/23/8--+) . I\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1--+/6 . . . SECTION: 14B-1: 14B-2: 14B-3: 14B-4: 14B-5: 14B-6: 14B-7: 14B-l : 14B-2: 14 B- 3: CHAPTER 14B "CCO., CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT Purpose Permitted Uses Accessory Uses Interim Uses Conditional Uses Lot and Building Requirements Design Review PURPOSE: The purpose of the "CCO", Central Community ~istrict. is to implement the plans and policies of the Monticello Oow'ntown Revitalization Plan. as that Plan is designed to provide for the establishment and continuation of a traditional downtown area in Monticello' s primary commercial core. The district will contain a mix of land uses which can compatibly coexist. with requirements based upon enhancement of the district's natural features, and mitigation ofland use conflicts between differing uses. All proposed uses in the nCCD" district will be evaluated against the goals and objectives of the Monticello Dov.;ntown Revitalization Plan as adopted and as may be amended by the City Council. PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in the "CCO,. district: [A] All permitted uses as allowed in the "B-4" district. except for motor fuel facilities and convenience stores. and hotels/motels. [B] Restaurants. but not fast-food or convenience type. l C] On- and ofT-sale liquor establishments. [0] Civic and governmental uses as a part of a public community center. [E] Residential dwellings \vhich do not occupy the ground floor space of a building. ACCESSORY USES: The follO\ving are permitted accessory lIses in a nCCO" district: [A] Uses w'hich are clearly and customarily incidental to the principal use in size. activity. and scope. and in accordance with the special provisions of this chapter. Except for parking. accessory uses shall be located in the same principal structure as that of the principal use and shall occupy no more than thirty (30) percent of the floor area of said structure. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 148/1 s~ 14B-4: INTERIM USES: The following are allowed as Interim Uses in the "ceoh district: [A] None. 14B-5: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are allowed as conditional uses in the "CCD" district (requires a conditional use permit based upon the procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 21 of this ordinance): . [A] Hotels, subject to the follo\ving conditions: I. The principal building lot coverage is no less than fifty (50) percent of the property. exclusive of easements devoted to public pedestrian use or other outdoor public spaces. 2. The building, site, and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" district. and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 3. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Rnitalization Plan. [B] Motor fuel station, auto repair-minor. and tire and battery stores and service, as allowed in the "B-4" district and subject to the follO\ving additional conditions: I. The design of the site promotes pedestrian access adjacent to and along the property. . 2. No more than two (2) curb cuts of twenty-four (24) feet in width or less shall be permitted. 3. Site lighting shall utilize fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for use in public areas of the "CCD" district. 4. The building, site, and signage meets the standards for the hCCD" district. and design review approval is granted by' the designated Design Advisory Team. 5. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the DowntO\vn Revitalization Plan. [C] Residential dwellings on the ground floor, subject to the following conditions: I. The proposed site for residential use is consistent \vith the goals and objectives of the Downtown Revitalization Plan. ') The proposed site does not interrupt the tl 0 v..' of commercial pedestrian traffic in the "CCD" district. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14B/2 . . . [0] 3. Uenslty tor ground tloor residential units shall not exceed one unit per 9.000 square feet of lot area. exclusive of land area utilized by. or required fOL permitted uses on the property. Drive-in and convenience food establishments as allowed in the "B-3" district. and subject to following additional conditions: I. The design of the site promotes pedestrian access adjacent to and along the property. 2. No more than two (2) curb cuts of twenty-four (24) feet in width or less shall be permitted. 3. Site lighting shall utilize fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for use in public areas of the nCCD" district. 4. The building. site. and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" district, and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 5. Drive through facilities comply with the requirements of Subdivision 148-5 [E] of this chapter. 6. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. [El Drive through \vindows accessory to other principal uses in the "CCDn district. subject to the following conditions: 1. Service through drive-through facilities is accessory to interior on- site. or sit-down, service \vithin the same building. 2. Drive-through lanes are designed to avoid disruption of pedestrian and vehicular traffic now, both on- and off- site. 3. Landscaping and other site improvements are included which screen automobile stacking space from the public street. 4. The principal building occupies no less than forty (40) percent of the property. cxclusive of easements devoted to public pedestrian use or other outdoor public spaces. 5. The building. site. and signage meets the standards for the "CCO" district. and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 6. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Oownto\vn Revitalization Plan. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 148/3 sc~ [F] Animal pet clinics. as allowed in the ooB_3" district. [G] Day-care centers. as allowed in the "'B-3" district. [H] Shopping centers. provided that the proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. . [I] Buildings of a height greater than the maximum building height as allowed in Subdivision 148-6 [0] of this chapter. [1] Planned unit development (PUD) subject to the provisions of Chapter 20 of this ordinance. and provided that the proposed lIse demonstrates compatibility and consistency \vith the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. [K] Car Wash, provided that: 1. The car wash building and the principal building mllst meet the architectural requirements of the Design Advisory Team (DA T). 2. The automobile stacking space area is screened from abutting property. hoth residential and commercial. .., .). Noise generated by the use, including vacuums. is mitigated by location or architectural features from adjoining or nearby residential uses and pedestrian or outdoor commercial activities. Doors of car wash must be closed during drying operation. Mechanical interlock between door and dryer must be employed to assure compliance. . 4. Lighting on the site is consistent with the City's them cd lighting style. whether freestanding or vv'all.mounted. 5. Signage meets the requirements of the ceo zoning district and the approval of the Design Advisory Team (OAT). 6. Drive through traffic does not interfere with pedestrian raLites aroLlnd and/or through the property. 7. A minimum of five stacking spaces for car wash customers is provided that avoids interference \vith other traffic on the site. 8. Site landscaping is provided to mitigate the amount of concrete and/or asphalt surfacing. The Lise of alternative pa\'ing surfac~s is encouraged. 9. Measures are taken to av'oid freezing and icing from washed vehicles prior to exiting the site to the public street. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14B/4 . . . 14B-6: 10. All other applicable requirements of the Citis Zoning Ordinance are considered and met. (#40.2. 101.27/03) LOT AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS: The following requirements shall apply to all properties in the "CCD" district: [A] Minimum Lot Area: None [B] Minimum Lot Width: None [C] Residential Density: One dw'elIing unit per 3.000 square feet of lot area for permitted residential uses. The number of d\velling units may be increased by up to t\venty-tive (15) percent over the permitted density fi.)r projects which provide at least half of the required parking underground or in above-grade structures such as ramps or decks (including covered at-grade parking areas). [0] Building Height: The follO\ving height limitations shall apply to all buildings in the "CCO,. district: 1. Minimum Height: Fifteen (15) feet. ') tvlaximum Height: Thirtv Five (35) feel. or three (3) stories. which ever is greater. [E] Setbacks: Building setback minimums and maximums shall reflect the recommendations for the use and location as listed in the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Where setbacks as discussed in the OO\vntown Revitalization Plan are not listed or appropriate. there shall be no building setbacks required. In such cases. there shall be no parking allowed in the areas between the front building line and the public street. [F] Site Improvements: All areas of a parcel within the "CCO"" district shall be subject to the applicable recommendations of the DO\vntown Revitalization Plan. Site improvements shall be reviewed for compliance by the Design Advisory Team together \\lith other design elements. including architectun: and signage. [G] Parking: 1. Supply: Property owners shall comply \vith the parking supply requirements as listed in Subdivision 3-5 [H] of this ordinance. However. property owners may be granted llexibility from a portion of their required parking supply under the t()llowing conditions: a. Where the City tinds that there will be adequate opportunity to provide public parking in vicinity of the subject property. and at the City's option. the owner shall pay into a "CCO" Parking Fund an amount as established by City Council Resolution. Said fund shall be used for the acquisition. construction. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14B/5 SCi! and/or maintenance of publicly-owned parking in the "CCD" district. (#535. 1079/00) b. The City may. in addition to. or as an alternative to. the option listed in Subdivision 14B-6 [G]la. and at the discretion of the City. the City may offer the property owner the opportunity to choose to supply parking at a rate which is sixty (60) percent of the requirement listed in Subdivision 3-5 [H]. provided that the owner grants an easement to the public for automobile parking use over the subject area. The o\vner shall retain responsibility for maintenance of said parking area. (#355. 10/9/00) . 2. Location: Parking shall not be located on a parcel bct\veen the front building line of the principal building and the public street. except where expressly provided for by the City Council after recommendation from the Planning Commission. [H] Signs: The following requirements shall apply to all sign displays and construction in the "CCD" district: I. Signs shall comply with the Monticello Building Codes and Zoning Ordinances relating to signs. including special all()\\ianccs \vhich may be made for the "CCD" district. 2. All signs in the "CCD"' district shall receive review and approval from the Design Advisory Team. . a. Signs in compliance \vith applicable ordinances: For signs which meet the regulations of the City's sign ordinances and the goals and objectives of the DO\vnto\vn Revitalization Plan, such review shall be given the \veight of an adm inistrative determination. Appeal of a determination by the Design Advisory Team shall be as provided for in Chapter 13 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. b. Signs not in compliance with applicable ordinances: Signs which do not meet the regulations of the City's sign ordinances shall require revic\v by the Board of i-\djustment and Appeals. as provided for in Chapter 13 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. following Design Advisory Team revie\v and recommendation. 14B.7: DESIGN REVIEW: All development and redevelopment projects in the "CCO" district shall be subject to design review for compl iance with the goals and objecti ves of the Do\vntO\vn Revitalization Plan. This subdi\'ision identifies the process and application of design re\'iew recommendations. [A] The Citv Council shall desi!!nate a Oesi!.!n Advisorv Team (D1-\ T) to carn oUt ,., ....... -- - . . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14B/6 . the reqUirements of this SubdIvision. The Council may delegate membership determination to another private or public board. Said OAT shall review projects within the "CCD" which propose new or altered buildings, site improvements. or signs. Site improvements shall include parking lots. landscaping projects (other than direct replacement of existing landscaping). walkways and open space plazas. or other outdoor projects affecting the visual impact of a site. 1. Plans shall be submitted to the OAT for review no less than seven (7) days prior to a OAT meeting. An applicant shall submit at least six (6) sets of plans. The OAT meeting shall be open to the public, but shall not constitute a "public hearing" w'ithin the meaning of the zoning ordinance. 2. Submitted plans shall be sufficiently detailed to identify proposed materials. colors. locations, and any other factors relating to the visual impact of the proposal. Such plans may include: Site Plans. Floor Plans. Building Elevations. Rendered Drawings. Materials Samples, and other appropriate submissions. .., .J. The OAT shall render its decision for approval or denial of a submitted design review application at the same meeting at w'hich a proposal is properly presented. A \\Titten report of the DA 1"s findings shall be forwarded to the Zoning Administrator for information to the Planning Commission. Upon \vritten request of an applicant. the OAT may table action on a proposal for up to thirty (30) days. If the OAT does not render a decision \vithin the required time frame. an application will be deemed approved. . [B) Appeals: Appeals oran adverse decision of the OAT may be made to the Planning Commission by the applicant, an abutting property owner. or another property owner within the "CCO" district. Said appeal shall be governed by the process and requirements listed in Chapter 23 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. [C] Status of OAT Decision: Decisions of the OAT shall be treated as follows: 1. Permitted Uses which comply with all building code and zoning ordinance standards: OAT decisions shall be advisory to the Building Otticial. 7 Conditional and Interim Uses: OAT decisions shall be given the status of administrative determinations. to be submitted to the Planning Commission for inclusion in its recommendation to the City Council. .., .J. Uses Requesting Variances: OAT decisions shall be given the status of administrative determinations. to be submitted to the Planning Commission for inclusion in its recommendation to the City Council. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 148/7 sc~ 4. Proposals receiving direct financial assistance from the City or one of its official entities: OAT decisions shall be considered finaL subject to the appeal process outlined in this Subdivision. (#299,11/24/97) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 148/8 . . . ! ) ~ ~\. .~~"'" ~~~~ ! ilL: rn' a-J ~ i~ ~[ I J1,,~-ll ~:]- f~ '- ,.-J ~i. _U 1:, - ....IF;:' ~ ",' .',' ..-: L":'("::' I:.':':':" ":", '",::~ t', ,:,,"~:': ,1]1'['18:1 . ) .I..i......, E~:' I. '.' ....,>1' r 'T.I ""'"" ~-1! fI=tt .} I' . -- '. 1/..., ..JIYl' ". ....'.. .............. 11.:..___,_Hb..r:Jr;.;., ~, '-::'/ .... "l1Jl,'.. ~ ;~ ..~iJ .u 1!-...JriliJt~~/r1 :::. _._~ ~ ~~j if" i f-\ 'J I Lr-T--- _-, I---..L_\~t- ~ ,.--- -~--t .--+ -- n ' - ~j ~.' . '..I------tb+~-----. -. '. _.-,"- 'j ,I I I ! ;- -1:': ~ '--'1 1 ' L_..'~--._~=::=1.cL_____I.l_____yL_" -::=t._._____-11r.I~~_J.,.__~~ JU .....<~ " \,---,'2,,,<:,,,,,,, "- \ '".....,.~ '--, L~,-----' MONTICELLO LONG RANGE LAND USE lo.~C \~\, 5i }~T~~,>- __ '~;~,~ ~.' ~-"~;;~ ....(~...... Q:..' ,;'" ,', N w.' s " - :--- ....r... ~-~~ '\, ==m~i~ " ,~ - s:"h .- rLi<....., R~'~ Ft; ~ f--..= .....'.' , "t. t ~ IChooJ ::c -ll I=::: ! ~ '" '~ 1-= 1: P- 111 C I" '~l:1 J(\ \ r 1I!1A r ~~ ~:JI ~~ __l'-",~._ i 1 i' i'-,,>, rl I " ..r r--::"< l'\. Jj"" b r-L ~----'I.'1 I " ~ ~, 'Wlln r~ "U "1 f-J If--&' r~ l".~ I~ ,...~ ~"_~~~~____ ___ ___ "_ ~~_ M ~______ __" .~__~ _ _ _ / r i I . IE [-I __._J C__~I .. CJ .. - .. f;!!lll "'" li~ !:li!iiLEIiH '-""."." -... ...-.....--.""..."...., Low Density Realdential Expan./on Area Low Dendy Realdential (R-1) Future Land Us. Objective.: Low eenlllty R.ald.ntill, (R-1A) . Allow for _ mix of land ,... P,.."erve and protect mltural ...oun:ea Provide road ayatem to .uppott IIIOWth RfIIII'n rural c:haracterllnd II amaI/.." ,.", U.. exldng amenltlu (I.e. w.wa, IaIrea, "-J to enhance development Prevent sprawl byencoUl8fllnf1 compact deveiopment pIIttem Medium De....1ty (atteched ~,,) 11- Urban Mlxed.Uae 11- . Commercial 11- Induatrtal . Open SI*Ce Mobi.le Home Park SG: I~f . s (~ Council Agenda - 5/10/04 . 5H. Consideration of a reauest for a Simple Subdivision. Conditional Use Permit for an over- sized e;arasze. and a variance from the minimum lot size standards. Applicant: Darren Klatt. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission has reviewed this request with the applicant and has developed an alternative that appears acceptable to the applicant. There were no neighbors in attendance at the public hearing who spoke either for against the proposal. The applicant is seeking approval ofa subdivision of his property at the comer of Washington and Broadway. The property, a lot of22,061 square feet, is currently occupied by a single family home and detached garage. The proposal would remove the existing garage, split the property into two parcels, and add an over-sized detached garage to the parcel containing the existing home. Because at least one of the lots would not meet the minimum 12,000 square foot minimum, a lot area variance is necessary. Variance and Subdivision. To qualifY for a variance, the request is to be reviewed as to whether a unique physical hardship exists that interferes with putting the property to reasonable use. In this case, there are a number of single family homes on lots of 10,890 square feet in the neighborhood - the size of lots in the "Original Plat" of Monticello. A such, a variance may be appropriate if the City considers that reasonable use would include a single family lot ofthis size. . The applicant's proposal, however, includes a lot of 12,030 square feet for the existing home site, and 10,030 square feet for the new home site. The new site would be the only lot requiring a variance, but it would not be as large as the original plat lots. As an alternative, the applicant could subdivide the property into two 11,000 square foot lots (each meeting the original plat threshold, but less than the standard 12,000 square foot size). To accomplish this, the lot line would be established about 3 feet south of the existing deck. This would leave a lot of about 11,100 square feet with the existing home, and a new lot of about 10,950 square feet. To provide access to the garage, a common driveway shared by the two parcels, or possibly two separate drives, could be located across the common property line. This would limit access to Washington Street (a road that will become busier over time as the Fallon Avenue overpass becomes reality). Conditional Use Permit. The applicant proposes to construct a new garage of30 feet by 40 feet (1,200 square feet) to the west of the existing home. This garage would be served by a driveway that wraps around the home and occupies most of the rear and side yard areas of the lot. The west side of the property would be considered the rear yard. The area of the rear yard is less than 6,400 square feet. The zoning ordinance provides for detached garages that cover no more than 10% of the rear yard, limiting the recommended size of the garage in this case to less than 640 square feet. While the ordinance allow for detached garages of greater size, one ofthe criteria for this allowance is the following: (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. . In this case, the rear yard is quite crowded by the proposed structure, and its required driveway. As with the proposed subdivision, a shared driveway that straddles the common lot line would allow for less Council Agenda - 5/10/04 . pavement, and a smaller garage building would allow for more of the rear yard to be preserved for open green space. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended alternative #2 below. The applicant appears to support the Planning Commission recommendation. Decision 1: Subdivision and Variance from Lot Area to create two parcels from one existing lot of record. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the subdivision and lot area variance as proposed, based on a finding that the proposal puts the property to reasonable use. . 2. Motion to recommend approval of the subdivision and lot area variances for both lots, with the condition that the proposed lot line is moved to make both lots more than 10,890 square feet in area, the size of lots in the original plat area, and a condition that the parcels share a common driveway, or two separate driveways provided that the minimum lot area of 10,890 square feet is maintained for both lots. This motion would be based on a finding that reasonable use of property in this area would be two single family parcels with lot areas consistent with the predominant lot size in the neighborhood. 3. Motion to recommend denial of the subdivision and lot area variances, based on a finding that no hardship is present in complying with the basic zoning regulations for single family lots of 12,000 square feet or more. Planning Commission recommends alternative #1 below. The applicant appears to support the Planning Commission recommendation. Decision 2: Conditional Use Permit to allow a detached garage of more than 10% of the rear yard. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP to allow a detached garage not to exceed 720' square feet, based on a finding that the CUP provides for a garage consistent with the single family use. 2. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, with the condition that the applicant minimizes the driveway area to preserve open space on the lot. 3. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on a finding that the conditions for an over-sized garage is not met due to the requirement that such garages not crowd open space on the lot. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends approval of the Subdivision and Variances as described in Alternative 2 - this would mean two lots of more than 10,890 square feet, with the condition that a shared driveway be required to access the two garages, or that two separate driveways be established if the applicant is able to meet the minimum lot requirement for both lots as stated above. Because the applicant does not have 24,000 . . . Council Agenda - 5/10/04 square feet of lot area, he does not have a vested right to two separate lots. However, the subdivision may be reasonable if designed in such a way that it would be consistent with neighboring land use and does not create a public safety concern by (1) reducing the coverage of garage and driveway in the rear yards, and (2) ensuring that each lot is at least as large as other lots in the original plat. Planning staff does not recommend the CUP for the desired oversized garage at 1,200 square feet. The CUP provision was added to provide a guide as to when a detached garage would be considered too large for its proposed parcel. This would be appear to be the case on this lot, if subdivided. Moreover, the CUP requirement includes a specific clause that requires the City to find that the proposed building does not crowd the open space on the lot. Staff does not believe that this finding can be made as designed. The applicant did not state an objection to reducing the size to 720 square feet. If the applicant desires to have a garage of this size, staff would recommend that no subdivision be considered. If the parcel is left as it is, the south side would be considered the rear, and the rear yard area would be 12,200 square feet ~ an area that would accommodate a detached garage of 1,200 square feet as requested by the applicant. SUPPORTING DATA 1. 2. 3. 4. Site Location Site Survey Proposed Site Plan Staff Alternative : -, 1/2 MI LE CITY HALL PHONE Cl1Y HAlL FAX (763) 295-2711 : (763) 295-4404 . B .-.--.......-.. ..-- ..... --... . _ _ , _ _ & _ . . _ _ . .. .. r . ~ ~ - . - . . __. _. __. ." _w ._.. -_.-- -. --. ,-_.--_.- ADDRESS: S(J5 WALNW'STREET: st!ITE 1 " MONTICEUD, MN 55362 HOURS: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM MON - FRl . _ FOBUG-WORKSPHONE- _..- (7.63)295-3170:.-- PVBUGWORKSFAX: (763) 295-3170:(Ext 1) _ . . _ _, _ . . _ ~ r . . - - - . . -. .-- .-.- ,---- .. __ - _.. . _,..,_.__ ..__r__'_ ."n_' . ~ . y - - - - - . - - - ,_. __,..r _,. 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(') ~;::: Q::<: \..) ~fl;; <:'\j ~~~ : ..~~ ~ ~~ . ~ Q;:)... , \I ~.~ ~ U)-- ............~ ~~~ Q. ~ ~ :>-0 :<:QC) C) ttJ In ~ ~eo - e;: ~-..JK 1--. ~~~ 0 ~ <t: ~ >-- ~~S h ~)..." f- U ttl_J ~ 15-l2J ~ h. _ >- - ),. ~ ~ ~~?E 11, (j"'( 11, ~::-, / ," '- I" o~ ~ -<'.;>~s o~.. ~'1 -1t>-<'~/~ilt, I / / / /~ /~i / / / o~.. . . .."-~ ~ ~-........~ $>, I / / / / / / ~/' / ~1 '0 ... ~ '. ,~ cS'e:- .a-. ,;<"",,,-~~. ~"'-'; ~-~~~ " ,,',,"" Q ""t""t """--~l;'9 ' - 'C' .s ~ fI"", Q "~ "'" / i. , / 0 ~, / / f ". :7/ f , i' ! f / / ~ / ~ / _J ~ " ",,- " " -----. ...................,....,...., . . . 6~ >. ell ~ -g 8 ~ "0 8 !=: B en I:: :E rJ:i ell is >.. ell ~ -g 8 ~ S 8 4-< e <l) 0... o l-; 0... 4-< o ~ <l) ;> . . . Council Agenda - 5/10/04 7. Consideration of authorizine: preparation of purchase agreement for sale of land and authorizine: preparation of preliminary plat. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider an offer being made by Mike Muller to purchase approximately 10-12 acres of the property known as the Remmele site along south Highway 25 and to authorize the city staf1to prepare a preliminary plat for the property. In addition, the Council may want to address future marketing strategies for the property remaining. As a little background, the City acquired approximately 60 acres west of Highway 25 and north of the Kjellberg West Mobile Home Park in 1990 as part of our efforts to attract Renunele Engineering to locate in our industrial park. As a condition of Remmele Engineering locating here, they wanted the City to acquire the property they had planned for expansion purposes and would no longer need. The purchase price for the City was $55,000. Over the years, the City has rented the land for agricultural uses and recently we located our commuter parking lot to this property and developed a frontage road as part of the ] lighway 25 project. In the future, School Boulevard is intended to cross this parcel to the west and connect to 90th Street and ultimately to County Road 39. School Boulevard will eventually become a major link between County Road 39 on the west and County Road 18 on the cast through the City's property. Previous Council direction regarding sale of this property was to not piecemeal the property in one or two acre parcels but to wait for a possible developer who may be interested in the entire parcel or wait a for a larger use. I feel we are now at that point where we have received a proposal from a specific user that will fit in nicely with the commercial zoning in this area and will be an excellent catalyst for more development in the near future. As you may know, a large 310 loot wide corridor of power line easement crosses diagonally through the 60 acre parcel. This easement has always been considered a challenge to development of this property because of how it severs the parcel diagonally. Large box retailers for example, would find it di1Jicult to site a large building on the property, especially with the City's need to save some of the property f()r future School Boulevard right-of-way purposes. l'he proposal before the Council tonight provides a use that will require 10-12 acres, of which 4-5 acres will be under the power line easement, that is basically unusable f(Jr building purposes other than storage or parking lot. The theater complex being proposed on this site would consist of ten screens initially with the ability to expand to an 18 screen theater in the future. Because of the location proposed for the actual theater building, it appears most reasonable for part of the theater complex parking to be utilized on our existing commuter parking lot, and an arrangement has been made with the buyer to re-establish our Commuter parking lot adjacent to Highway 25 at their expense. The theater proposal appears to be a win-win for both the City and the theater in that some of the less desirable land for development (power line casement) can be utilized for parking purposes and the theater would require 700 parking stalls or more. The theater would be able obtain land for parking purposes at a lower cost and the City would also see development occur . Council Agenda - 5/10104 in the area that doesn't have to use good open space just for parking purposes. While it certainly wasn't the City's initial intent to be the developer of this parcel, if the Council is agreeable to the theater purchase of approximately 10-12 acres, it makes sense for the City to plat the land to correspond with the theater's need, establish our commuter parking lot, define the School Boulevard right-of-way and create outlots for the remainder of the property. This is typically how property is platted when you may not know a specific use or size requirement that may be needed in the future. Outlots are then replatted depending on a particular use. Once the platting process is completed, the City could continue to market the property or seek services from outside sources to broker or market the land for us. Over the past month or so, I have had a number of meetings with Mike Muller regarding his interest in this property and meetings have been held with his builder to establish a site plan that appears to be very workable for this property. Recognizing that this complex could be the catalyst for future development proposals in the area, we have negotiated a price for the proposed land purchase that takes into account the purchase of a lot of power line easement area and minimizes the amount of open land that would be needed for the theater complex. The following is a basic outline of the proposed sale. 1. The City would sell 1 0.2 acres for approximately $762,000 (6.2 acres open land in two parcels and 4 acres under power line). . Total area is subject to change depending on exact needs of Mr. Muller and price would be increased depending on additional land acquired. 2. Theater would assume assessments relating to the llighway 25 project that pertain to this parcel and also sewer line construction cost totaling approximately $166,000. Buyer would also agree to an assessment in the future for benefits received from the installation of signal at Highway 25/School Boulevard intersection. 3. City would agree to relocate commuter parking lot to an area directly east of the current parking lot on llighway 25 at the theater owner's expense. 4. Development would be responsible tl1f normal trunk charges for sewer, water and storm sewer total ing $10,696 per acre and would also be responsible for SAC and WAC fees estimated at over $100,000. 5. City would prepare a preliminary plat of the site designating where future School Boulevard would be located, site to be sold, commuter parking lot and the remainder being outlots. . The proposal as negotiated allows the City to retain over six acres of Ilighway 25 frontage for other development, maintains a commuter park and ride lot that will be very visible to 2 . . . Council Agenda - 5/1 0/04 motorists, utilizes a large portion of the power line easement for parking purposes and provides a catalyst for the extension of School Boulevard in the future. The City would not incur any additional cost at this time in extending School Boulevard as this project would not require any other access other than the frontage road that currently exists. The price negotiated is a fair price for the theater owners and was intended to encourage their commitment to this project at this location. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision One: 1. Council could authorize staff to prepare a purchase agreement for sale of a 10-12 acre parcel to Muller Theater under the terms and conditions outlined and authorize the City Engineer to prepare a preliminary plat for the property. 2. Council could prepare a counterproposal for the sale of the property and authorize preparation of preliminary plat. 3. Do not consider sale of property at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and city stalf that Counci I authorize preparation of a final purchase agreement for the sale of property to Muller Theater. This is the type of development the City has been waiting for on this property and this development will be catalyst to encourage other development in the area. A preliminary plat is also recommended that will identify the future right-of-way for School Boulevard, identify the commuter park and ride lot and create outlots for the balance of the property. Assuming the Council is supportive of seeing a theater complex being built on this property, the Council may want to address how the City should proceed with marketing the balance of the property in the future. With interest in the property likely to pick up dramatically, should the City continue marketing the property and setting prices according to market conditions or should we be using outside sources for our marketing e1Torts. While I don't think the city stafT necessarily wants to be real estate agents, by the City's interest in purchasing industrial land for resale, we will be involved in real estate sales. Even if the City was to request RFP's for real estate services from outside sources to market our property, and to provide advice on pricing, it ultimately still would be the City's responsibility to establish a price that we would be willing to accept for the property. T'his is no different than you and I selling our own homes, we can receive advice from a real estate agent on market conditions, but the seller will ultimately have to determine how much they are willing to sell the property for. [have recently researched sales that have occurred in the area by reviewing recent CR V sales and have a general feeling for current market values. Similar information could be obtained from various brokers or real estate agents but the City would have to be comfortable 3 Council Agenda - 5/1 0104 with establishing sale prices even if an outside source was used to market the property. The ability for the City to generate cash flow from these property sales will be very beneficial in helping reduce costs expected on the industrial land acquisition and/or could be applied to reduce taxpayer cost for the future 1-94 interchange project. By applying recent sales information of comparable properties, the estimated value of the entire site should exceed $4 million plus assessments for improvements. Even after applying an annual holding cost of 8% to our investment, our cost into this property for the land would not have exceeded $120,000 today. No matter how the property is marketed in the future, the City will benefit not only in revenue to be generated but will likely see continued interest in development proposals in and around this area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision Two 1. Assuming the Council approved preparation of a purchase agreement to sell some of the property, the Council could seek assistance of real estate professionals or obtain appraisals to establish prices for the balance of the property with the City continuing to accept proposals for portions of the property. Under this alternative, the pricing schedule could be established with outside assistance and the City would continue to be the contact for marketing. 2. The Council could seek proposals from real estate agents/brokers to help in establish pricing and then have them act as our agent to market and sell the property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although selling property is not the normal responsibility of city staff, we are going to get involved in similar situations with the industrial land we are acquiring and since staff is fairly knowledgeable on current market values in the area, a pricing scheme could be established with or without outside assistance. There is a tremendous opportunity for the City to benefit from any marketing that the Council chooses and the potential sources of revenue from this property will be a real benefit to our industrial land acquisition efforts or other improvement projects in the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed site plan. 4 / ~ ........... .......... .......... 01\; , , , -1V-4 " I;!)l! I " +' Ii , 4- );1\/ ~ 5f '~e 0(y.j'" IJ1 0< '), g Qj -..:J.j ~I ML V.j" ('l U I..j (Y)o !ll! I llfl 1111111111 j.!! ~..;J~~~~<I:3<i1..;J4] -..... -..... ~ g bit HI II; .,tll h "ill; n'lll 10 d" --- ,.( 1 , .1.1-{ fs s: Vtv.]7 ,1 l>?~% './.7~o / / / j?; .....~ ~~ ~c? )~ --- J H > ~ OO""-P=l I""')a~ loo"" b:e;1;~ ....Vl!I: <:J",D JOZD ~i2~ I U C/) en Q) I.... U o f'. L() c: o 'i/i c o 0.."'-" xU Q) C . (j) Q)'+-:....... c en 0 (1)-.C (1) (1) U 0 en I.... 00 o (1)00 I/) -0 vLf)Lf) 00 '---' (',J ~ ~'~-~~~-~---------..,-~-~.~~~~.~~-,.,~._~,w----------....._,_ 'v' l.OS3NNI~ '0113011.NOV\l O'l'l3811.NOV\J - 381. V3Hl. A'lIV\JV=' l::J3'l,nlAJ ! I, ~ 'lJO::l Al.llIO'v'::l M3N 03S0dOl:ld , , " / ' , , , / ' , , '/ ' , " /" "z.. / , '- / / / / , / ',I /~'" / / ",- ........... Council Agenda - 5/10/04 . 8. Consideration of ApproviD!! Plans and Specifications and Authorizin2: Advertisement for Bids for the 2004 Street Reconstruction - City Proiect No. 2004- 06C (WSB & Associates, Inc.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to approve plans and specifications and authorize the ad for bid supporting the re-construction of approximately 9,350 lineal feet of streets in the Fairway Drive and Meadow Oaks Areas. The project will also include edge milling and a 2-inch bituminous overlay from TH 25 northerly to approximately 300 feet of the intersection of Chelsea Road. School Boulevard between Edmonson Avenue and Fenning Avenue (CSAH 18) will be receiving microsurfacing to correct rutting occurring in that area. The watermain improvements in the project will include the construction of approximately 1,300 lineal feet of 12-inch DIP along the path in Meadow Oak Park and along Meadow Oak Drive to the north side ofCSAH 75. The watermain will need to be constructed in a steel casing pipe beneath the Burlington Northern Railroad Tracks and CSAH 75. The project also includes the construction of storm sewer in back yards of several properties along Meadow Oak Drive in addition to reconstruction of the trail in that area. The backyard improvements were requested by residents at the public hearing held for this project. The cost of the improvements is being funded from a combination of assessments to benefiting properties, City street funds, and trunk watermain funds. The project is proposed to be bid on June 8,2004 and awarded on June 14,2004. . B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving plans and specifications, and authorizing advertisement for bids for the 2004 Street Reconstruction project. 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the 2004 Street Reconstruction Project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Administrator, City Engineer and Public Works Director recommend Alternative # 1. The streets in the Fairway Drive and Meadow Oaks areas have significantly deteriorated to levels warranting the replacement of the these streets. The mill and overlay and micro surfacing should be considered as preventative maintenance on Sandberg Road and School Boulevard, respectively. These activities are intended to extend the life of these pavement sections protecting the City's investments in these streets. The improvements included in the plans are consistent with the City's Overall Street Reconstruction Program adopted in February, 2004. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Plans and specifications are available for review if desired. C:IDOCUME-IIDA WN-I.GROILOCALS-l ITemp\05I004-Agenda Item. doc . . OW ...(9 ...0<: W.. u~ HW ~:> ZO Ou :>: 0 .. "'''' Ul 0 '" .. "'0 u ~:> H' uUl~ HO 00 0..... "''' U 0"' ,.,,., Ul (9(9 "'" <I'" ..... 0 ,., '" H ~ 0.'" U ,., 01 :I1 U " '" U " 0. <II'" '-' , 0. Ul 0<: Ul 'M '" 0 "" " '" .... ~ , OZ .,. :I1 ~ u ... " " .r:: +-> U .~ E-< UlUl Si ~~ ... uu 0. ~ !;; WW :I1:I1 S W uu ... u ~ 0 ..0. '" 0 " U 0<:0<: Ul .,. " 01'" 0 0<: 00 ..... .... ...", 0 ~ "'''' 0.0 Ol .. '" " 0 0<:'" " "" .,..,. .. U . ,.." <I '" Ul 0<: .. 0 "'" <I 0.'" ..... "'''' 0 .... +-> rlrl ..... '" '" U ' , +-> " ~ " g; e .,..,. u <I 56 rl DO ;:l <I " 0 , 00 ... '" 00 '" <>: W NN -1->'" UN (9 .., 00 Ul U' +-> ~ "'''' <l 0' 0<:'" ... 5 .,..,. H.o.., N 0 ~ 00 0 "', 0. <>: 0<: ' , .::.., u'" <I) "" :I1:l' " 0<:0 <>: <>: . 0.... ...l ...l W u H01 <--(') Z..: 00. :;;: o "'''' o '" ;><0 <--> U~ o " "' ...l (') . III .... .0 <11 >- <11 0. 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'" r.:> z .... Cl r<l U r..l 0: Ii< r<l ::r: E-o >< '" 51 :> o 0: 0. 0. <( til ;;; o '!' ~ City Council Update by Rick W olfsteller May 10, 2004 MDH Sanitary Survey Report Enclosed is a copy of a recent report received from the Department of Health covering a routine inspection of Monticello's water supply system. This information may be of interest to the Council. Attachment: Copy of report ... Protecting. maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans April 6, 2004 Monticello City Council c/o Mr. R. Wolfsteller, Administrator Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Council Members: SUBJECT: Monticello, wright County, PWSID 1860012 We are enclosing a copy of the report of our district office covering a routine inspection of your community water supply. The Minnesota Department of Health is monitoring your public water supply system for contaminants required by state and federal drinking water rules. However, the results of the monitoring are not part of this investigation report but are sent to you under separate cover as they become available. If you have any questions concerning the information contained in this report, please contact me at 320/650-1064. Sincerely, {/~~!~rdbAMn t-l- Cl~/v~ william H. Anderl, P.E. Community Public Water supply Unit Environmental Health Division Midtown Square 3400 First Street North St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303 WHA:wha Enclosures cc: Water Superintendent General Information: (651) 215~5800 · TDD/TYY: (651) 215-8980 · Minnesota Relay Service: (800) 627-3529 · www.health.state.mn.us For directions to any of the MDH locations, call (651) 215-5800 · An equal opportunity employer I., Minnesota DepartlllCnt of Health - Central South District Drinking Water Protection Section Phone 320-650-1064 Fax 320-255.-4264 3400 First SI. No., #305 51. Cloud, Minnesota 56303 Sanitary Survey Report City of Monticello, Minnesota PWSID 1860012 February 26 and March 9, 2004 ... Purpose Sanitary Survey Required by Safe Drinking Water Act This survey is performed on a periodic basis by the District Engineer to insure the safety of the community water supply in Monticello, Minnesota. This survey includes a brief on-site review of the water sources, treatment facilities, equipment and routine operation and maintenance aspects of the water system. During this survey the District Engineer focused on identifying potential or existing problems that could impact the ability of the water system to deliver safe drinking water. A water operator or contact person was a participant in this survey and should be aware of all items included in this report. An extra copy of this report has been included for the water superintendent. In addition to the stated purpose, this report also highlights future regulatory problems that are likely to impact your water utility and other current topics related to water supply operations. CUnent topics or future concerns . Water System Security - an information packet on water system security is enclosed with this report. . Chlorine dosage needs to be monitored closely during the late summer and early fall in order to control the growth of bacteria. It is recommended that both temperature and total chlorine levels be measured at all bacteriological sampling locations. . Customers should be apprised of all future water system needs. Such information can be added to the Consumer Confidence Report. The SDWA requires that each water system prepare a written sample siting plan for coliform monitoring. This plan will indicate the sites that the water system uses to collect water samples that are representative of water throughout the distribution system. The present sampling plan was reviewed. Any revisions to this plan should be forwarded to the District Engineer. ~ Water Monitoring Results The District Engineer at the two system wells and on the distribution system took water samples. The results of testing for total coliform bacteria on the distribution system and in the wells are included in the following table Total Collfonn Results and Chlorine Levels Sample NoJSlte Tested Total TobIl chlorine, Coliform ppm Date: 2-26-04 M.1 Well #5 (new) Absent Absent M.2 Well #3 Absent Absent Date: 3-9-04 M-4 Jam'n Jo Absent Absent 0.59 M-5 Doctor's office - 305 Cedar Absent Absent 0.97 M-6 Cub Foods - Men's RR Absent Absent 0.34 Attached to this report are a MDH Sanitary Survey Report Form and Public Water Supply Inventory Report for the City of Monticello. These forms are generated by the PWS Data System and may be replaced in the future by a new MNDWIS product. The District Engineer is responsible for keeping the data inputs for this system current. If you note any errors or have questions regarding this information. please contact the District Engineer to discuss the item and to request any modifications. 2 .. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DRINKING WATER PROTECTION SECTION SANITARY SURVEY REPORT FORM Page 1 SYSTEM NAME: PWSID CONTACT Monticello 1860012 Matt Theisen SURVEY DATE: SURVEYOR SIGNATURE 02/26/2004 {:)~=r~ SURVEY ELEMENT SURVEY FINDINGS WATER SOURCE Well #5 (new) is now on-line and was sampled on 2/26/04. Well #1 and #2 were off-line during this survey. Distribution samples were collected on 3/9/04. DISTRIBUTION The distribution system has been expanding to accomodate new housing developments. Flushing is done in the spring and fall annually. Radioread meters are being installed by the system operators. MONITORING/REPORTING DATA VERIFICATION All routine monitoring for nitrates, fluoride and total coliform has been satisfactorily since the last survey. Beginning in Jan 04, chlorine residual levels need to be measured for all coliform sampling locations. WATER STORAGE The old water tower is not on-line and is drained during the winter months. A new tower is being planned for a new industrial area off 90th Street. WATER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT/OPERATION Meters are read quarterly. OPERATOR COMPLIANCE WITH STATE REQUIREMENTS Operators participate in training programs annually. TREATMENT The fluoride feed point has been moved to the lower half of the main for wells #1 & #2. The water system is switching to liquid C-5 phosphate inhibitor. PUMPS/PUMP FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Booster pump capacity may need to be increased to serve new housing area on the east side. An engineering study is being conducted presently. OTHER COMMENTS OR FINDINGS The CCR needs to be prepared and distributed by June 30th, annually. The draft report has been mailed to your office. Security concerns: submitted to EPA by also be prepared or The vulnerability assessment must be completed and June 30, 2004. An emergency reponse plan must updated by the end of 2004. Reviewed by: David Schultz, P.E., Regional Supervisor MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DRINKING WATER PROTECTION SECTION PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INVENTORY REPORT Page 1 04/06/2004 s Name: Monticello Type: Community County: Wright District: C -S PWSID: 1860012 Regulatory Authority: DWP SYSTEM INFORMATION BASIC DATA: Municipal Active Owner Type Status System Class: C Season Jan-Dec Current Population: Status Date Class Points Service Connections: Survey Date Fluoride Status 3,466 02/26/2004 Adj. Municipal 7,868 / / 36 Service Area Characteristics: Municipal (Primary) Licensed by: PRODUCTION TOTALS (gallons): Average Daily production: Emergency Capacity SOURCE WATER PROTECTION DATA: 1,408,178 Total Storage Capacity Highest Daily production: 1,560,000 4,318,000 Tier : 2 Score: 6,294 Monticello City Council c/o Mr. R. Wolfsteller, Administrator Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 ADDRESSES AND LOCATIONS: TYPE ADDRESS Location 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Owner PWS Ranking: WHP Ranking: In WHP Program: Yes 416 TYPE Mailing ADDRESS Monticello Water Superintendent 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 Billing City of Monticello c/o Accounts payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 CONTACTS: Monticello, MN 55362 TYPE Contact Contact Emergency After-Hours Emergency After-Hours Emergency After-Hours Emergency workday Emergency workday Emergency Workday Emergency workday EMAIL;mtheisen@uslink.net NAME Matt Theisen (Cell) Matt Theisen Matt Theisen (Cell) Matt Theisen ( Pager) Matt Theisen Matt Theisen (Cell) Matt Theisen (pager) Matt Theisen (Fax) Matt Theisen PHONE EXTENSION 763/271-3274 763/370-7442 763/295-2948 763/370-7442 612/640-3780 763/271-3274 763/370-7442 612/640-3780 763/271-3274 OPERATORS: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DRINKING WATER PROTECTION SECTION PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INVENTORY REPORT Page 2 04/06/2004 Name: Monticello Type: Community PWSID: 1860012 Regulatory Authority: DWP County: wright District: C -S NAME Matt J. Theisen Jerod L. Ruotsalainen CLASS B D NAME Daniel L. Jones CLASS C STORAGE: NAME/ADDRESS Chelsea Road Reservoir TYPE Ground Elevated Elevated VOLUME 760,000 gallons 800,000 gallons gallons Downtown tower (off-line) FACILITIES AND FLOW INFORMATION _ Distribution System . HIGH SERVICE #1 . Well #3 . Well #4 . Well #1 Entry Point . Well #1 . Well #2 Entry Point . Well #2 . Well #5 Entry Point . Well #5 SOURCE INFORMATION NAME TYPE SOURCE TYPE LINKED TO FACILITY; WELL DATA: UNIQUE WELL NO WELL DEPTH (ft) CASING DEPTH (ft); PUMP TYPE Well #1 Source Groundwater Well #1 Entry Point ID AVAILABILITY; STATUS STATUS DATE ; SOl Primary Active / / 00218032 260 240 VT YEAR CONSTRUCTED STATIC LEVEL (ft) CASING DIAMETER (in); PUMP CAPACITY (gpm) 1964 15 16 1,300 AQUIFER DRAWDOWN (ft) SCREEN LENGTH QBAA 8 (ft); 20 NAME TYPE SOURCE TYPE LINKED TO FACILITY; WELL DATA: UNIQUE WELL NO WELL DEPTH (ft) CASING DEPTH (ft); PUMP TYPE Well #2 Source Groundwater well #2 Entry Point ID AVAILABILITY; STATUS STATUS DATE : S02 primary Active / / 00236578 250 226 VT YEAR CONSTRUCTED STATIC LEVEL (ft) CASING DIAMETER (in): PUMP CAPACITY (gpm) 1970 13 16 1,325 AQUIFER DRAWDOWN ( f t) SCREEN LENGTH (ft): QBAA 13 30 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DRINKING WATER PROTECTION SECTION PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INVENTORY REPORT Page 3 04/06/2004. Name: Monticello Type: Community County: wright District: C -S Well #3 PWSID: 1860012 Regulatory Authority: DWP NAl\1E TYPE SOURCE TYPE LINKED TO FACILITY; WELL DATA: UNIQUE WELL NO WELL DEPTH (ft) CASING DEPTH (ft): PUMP TYPE Source Groundwater HIGH SERVICE #1 00439866 310 224 VT ID AVAILABILITY: STATUS STATUS DATE : S03 Primary Active / / YEAR CONSTRUCTED STATIC LEVEL (ft) CASING DIAMETER (in) PUMP CAPACITY (gpm) AQUIFER DRAWDOWN ( ft ) SCREEN LENGTH (ft); CMTS 89 80 1988 39 18 625 NAl\1E Well #4 ID S04 TYPE Source AVAILABILITY: Primary SOURCE TYPE Groundwater STATUS Active LINKED TO FACILITY; HIGH SERVICE #1 STATUS DATE : / / WELL DATA: UNIQUE WELL NO 00449182 YEAR CONSTRUCTED 1988 AQUIFER QBAA WELL DEPTH (ft) 220 STATIC LEVEL (ft) 38 DRAWDOWN (ft) 26 CASING DEPTH (ft) ; 176 CASING DIAMETER (in) 18 SCREEN LENGTH (ft) : 18 PUMP TYPE VT PUMP CAPACITY (gpm) 2,000 Well # 5 Source Groundwater Well #5 Entry NAl\1E TYPE SOURCE TYPE LINKED TO FACILITY; WELL DATA: UNIQUE WELL NO WELL DEPTH (ft) CASING DEPTH (ft); PUMP TYPE 00694202 148 100 VT Point ID AVAILABILITY: STATUS STATUS DATE : S05 primary Active 02/12/2004 YEAR CONSTRUCTED STATIC LEVEL (ft) CASING DIAMETER (in): PUMP CAPACITY (gpm) 2003 12 18 1,200 AQUIFER QBAA DRAWDOWN ( ft ) SCREEN LENGTH (ft): 48 ENTRY POINT INFORMATION HIGH SERVICE #1 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 TYPE Treatment STATUS Active TREATMENT DATA: Objective Fluoride (Z) Iron/Manganese Sequestration Disinfection NAl\1E ADDRESS EOl ID AVAILABILITY STATUS DATE Primary / / Process Fluoridation Stabilization/Inhibitors Chlorine Mechanism Hydrofluosilicic Polyphosphates Gas Active Yes Yes Yes acid NAME ADDRESS Well #1 Entry Point 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Treatment TYPE ID E02 AVAILABILITY Primary .. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DRINKING WATER PROTECTION SECTION PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INVENTORY REPORT Page 4 04/06/2004 Name: Monticello Type: Community PWSID: lB600l2 Regulatory Authority: DWP County: wright District: C -S STATUS ; Active TREATMENT DATA: Objective Fluoride (Z) Iron/Manganese Sequestration Disinfection Process Fluoridation Stabilization/Inhibitors Chlorine STATUS DATE ; OB/l6/l999 Active Yes Yes Yes well #2 Entry Point 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 TYPE Treatment STATUS Active TREATMENT DATA: Objective Fluoride (Z) Iron/Manganese Sequestration Disinfection NAME ADDRESS Mechanism Hydrofluosilicic acid Polyphosphates Gas ID E03 AVAILABILITY STATUS DATE Primary OB/l6/l999 Process Fluoridation Stabilization/Inhibitors Chlorine Active Yes Yes Yes NAME Well #5 Entry Point TYPE Treatment STATUS Active TREATMENT DATA: Objective Fluoride (Z) Iron/Manganese Sequestration Disinfection Mechanism Hydrofluosilicic Polyphosphates Gas acid ID AVAILABILITY STATUS DATE E04 Primary 02/l2/2004 Process Fluoridation Stabilization/Inhibitors Chlorine Mechanism Hydrofluosilicic acid Polyphosphates Gas Active Yes Yes Yes CITY COUNCIL UPOA TE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR May 10, 2004 A) WSI INDUSTRIES, INe. - has purchased the vacant Rcmmele building located at 2] 3 Chelsea Road. The closing took place at the IDS Center on May 3 and the EDA loan of $350,000 was disbursed. After some minor modifications to the building, the company plans to begin relocating from Osseo (leased 28,000 sq ft) into the 49,000 sq ft Monticello facility. The company does precision machining and assemblies specializing in avionics and aerospace, computer, defense, power systems, and medical. The company brings 46 jobs at an average wage of $19 per hour excluding benefits. B) Chadwick Purchase Agreement - The Purchase Agreement and Supplement Agreements outlining the City's ofTer as prepared by Attorney Brokl was submitted to Chadwick on April 27. The cover letter indicated a response by May 10,2004. The Small Industrial Group has continually suggested the City market or develop the City/RemrncIe property using the land sale proceeds for acquisition of the Chadwick property. The City obtained the City/Remmele property of approximately 60 acres back in 1990. Because an I-fRA can not own property outside the city limits, the City acquired the land, not the HRA. This was part of the deal negotiated between the I-IRA/Cityand Remmele Engineering. Remmcle Engineering had purchased the 60 aeres some years before] 990 with the long-range plan of developing the property. As Remmcle continued to expand in Big Lake and Monticello, they foresaw no need for the property which was identified for industrial use in the land use map. In later years, the MOAA Land Use Map was amended the City/Remmele property land LIse changed to commercial. C) Block 52 - TOLD Development has a Letter of Intent with Kathy Froslie but no Purchase Agreement and a Purchase Agreement with Steve Johnson. Assuming the purchase of the HRA lot, the developer met with Walgreen's and Walgreen's requested the need to acquire one additional property. TOLD recognizes they will not meet the June 30, 2004, deadline for TIF District No. 1-22. They will continue to negotiate for potential redevelopment of this site. Maybe late fall 2004. D) Landmark Square Phase II - The HRA and Master's Fifth Avenue agreed to enter into the Contract for Private Redevelopment for redevelopment of the three parcels to the south of Landmark Square Phase I (Croustini's Grill). The developer plans to construct 9 town homes and 2 duplexes. The Contract outlines the terms and conditions of the TIF assistance.