Parks Commission Agenda Packet 05-25-2006 AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION May 25,2006 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality" 1. Call to Order 2A. Approve minutes of April 27, 2006 regular Parks Commission meeting. 2 B. Approve minutes of March 24, 2006 special meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Request for financial contribution for Monticello Map. 6. Park Maintenance 7. Review of Hidden Forest Play Structure 8. Other Items, if any A. Plans for Villas on Elm (Ruff property) - Information only 9. Adjourn. \J'-'- "--"-' MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, April 27, 2006 - 4: 30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing maintaining City parks with a standard of quality." Members Present: Ben Hitter, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Tom Perrault. Members Absent: None Others Present: Park Superintendent, Seth Nelson 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Introduction of Seth Nelson. Park Superintendent. New Park Superintendent Seth Nelson introduced himselfto the Parks Commission and provided some personal and professional background information. 3. Approve minutes of March 23. 2006 re2ular Parks Commission meetine. There was a clarification made to page 2 of the minutes that it was the Parks Commission who questioned whether the pathway was still going to go around the wetland area. The Parks Commission also discussed whether any of the commission members would be able to represent the Parks Commission at Walk and Roll. If Nancy McCaffrey is available that day, she and Fran Fair will represent the Parks Commission. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 23, 2006 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Consideration of adding items to the a2enda. Larry Nolan added discussion of selecting a date for the tour ofthe parks. 5. Citizens comments and reauests. There were no citizen comments or requests. 6. Update on YMCA Property. The Parks Commission was informed that a workshop meeting was held on the possible joint City-County acquisition of the YMCA property for a regional park. The Monticello City Council has authorized an appraisal for the YMCA and has agreed to a letter of intent on negotiating with the YMCA for the acquisition ofthe property. Larry Nolan is the task force for the YMCA property and will keep the Parks Commission informed of any progress on this matter . 7. Park Maintenance. Seth Nelson submitted a list of the work completed by the Park staff. Much of staff time was spent getting things set up for the season such as getting the irrigation systems at the parks ready and getting the restrooms opened and ready. Some seasonal workers are already on board and are doing the mowing and weed whipping. A lot of work was done at the Xcel ballfields in preparation of the start of the softball season. A considerable amount of time was spent on getting equipment readied for operation. Nancy McCaffrey noted the "Welcome to Monticello" sign on the west end oftown had a chip in the base of the sign and she wondered if the parks staff could check that to see if it could be repaired. The sign for the east end oftown will be installed once the work on the interchange is completed and a site for the sign is determined. 8. Riverside Cemetery. There was some discussion on the fencing that was selected last year for the Riverside Cemetery. The fencing is similar in design to what is at Hillside Cemetery but it was felt the Parks Department should get an updated cost for the fencing. A landscaping plan for the ~ was also discussed. Once the street improvements in the area of the cemetery are completed, p~ the staff can then proceed with the fencing and plantings. It is hoped that a landscape plan can 0\ be prepared and approved prior to the completion of the street work. The Parks Commission briefly talked about what will happen once Riverside Cemetery is full. Should the City be looking at acquiring additional land for cemetery purposes or only keep their cemetery activity confined to the care of the Hillside Cemetery and Riverside Cemetery. Since the City will be updating the Comprehensive Plan this may be an opportunity to look at possible locations for a cemetery. The task force for the Comprehensive Plan update will include two members from the Parks Commission. The update of the Comprehensive Plan would also provide an opportunity to identify sites for ballfields. 9. Other items. if anv. Park Tour - The Parks Commission set Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 4 p.m. as the date for the annual parks tour. The Parks Commission will meet at City Hall and then cover the following in their tour: 1) Riverside Cemetery; 2) Groveland Park; 3) Pioneer Park; 4) Water Tower Park; 5) Sunset Ponds Park; 6) Hidden Forest/Niagara Falls proposed park; 7) Swan Park; and 8) River Mill Park and pathway. East Bridge Park was discussed as far as funds available for p1antings in the park. Also discussed was the storage location for the East Bridge Park gardeners' equipment If the adjacent property owner does not allow the storage of the equipment on his site, staffwill need to have an alternative site for storage. Fran Fair stated that some good dirt needs to be brought into the upper level area. 10. Adiourn. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:15 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary Minutes Monticello Parks Commission Special Meeting, March 24, 2006 Attendees: Rick Traver, Nancy McCaffrey, Tom Perrault, Ben Hitter, Larry Nolan, Tom Pawelk Purpose of the meeting: Public Hearing for Groveland Park application for outdoor recreation grant. All the drawings were available. Size, features, and costs were discussed. Park would contain 65' x 145' of concrete slab and 40' x 60' basketball hard court. The Public Works Department would do all the labor. The plan is to purchase two 10' x 17' pre-made men's and women's ADA accessible rest rooms. They would have automatic hand dryers and automatic locks so no one would have to lock them up at closing time. They corne completely finished - a crane sets them on a pad. This building was given extensive research and it is the most economical structure available at a cost of $48,692. They also have available a removable ADA (wheelchair accessible) basketball pole at a cost of$4,000. Electricity to the shelter would cost $8,500. The plans would also include an open-air shelter similar to the one at Freeway Fields with decorative vents called the Apache. It can be built for a total cost of $18,806. Sidewalks would provide access to the whole park. We would spend $7,000 on trees (29 trees at $225/tree). Total cost would be $139,429.44 with $70,000 coming from the grant and $70,000 matching corning from the city. Water and sewer are already stubbed in and some seeding has been done. Larry Nolan brought up the fact that the Groveland area has about 500 homes with this being the only park in the area. And since the area is done growing there will not be any more park dedication fees. Public Works can run the water to the site. Lights are available. Doors will be facing toward the road for security purposes making them more visible. The Three Rivers Park District 25 is also ordering this type of shelter. A drinking fountain is included in the price. The structures meet all points in order to qualify as ADA Accessible. Torn Perrault asked if the restrooms would be closed in the winter. Tom Pawelk said yes. It was asked what the qualifications are for the grant. Two qualifications would be the ability to be ADA approved and be able to get the matching money. Past grants looked at the number of people benefiting and the needs of those people. We have already received two - three grants. Application needs to be in by the end of the month. It was also brought up about the skating rink and the rest rooms for that. Some people questioned whether it would be cost effective to heat the building in the winter so that the restrooms could be available or get portable ones. Hopefully there will people skating there next winter. Larry Nolan stated that Montissippi County Park has portable rest rooms but they do not keep them in the park over winter. They remove the rest rooms in the late fall and bring them back in the spnng. C;IDocumenls and Setlingsldawn,grossingerllocal SetlingslTemporary Internet FileslOLK31SPECIAL MTG . GROVELAND GRANT - 032406. MINUTES,doc Ben Hitter asked if we can get the cement work done this year or if we need to wait for the grant to get started. Tom Pawelk thought it would be best to wait for the grant. If we don't get the grant will we still do the improvements to the park? Everyone thinks that the park needs to be improved and sooner would be better than later. It was asked if we could start on the parking lot. There is concern that we need to wait for the grant results before we can spend any of the money that is earmarked for this project to be sure that we follow all the rules pertaining to the grant. The grants usually allow a year's time for the grant money to be used. Ben Hitter asked if we will be able to get the cement work done this year since most of the surfaces will be concrete which works better than asphalt. This project is included in the three big projects that are a part of the goals for 2006. No public showed up for this special meeting. A motion was made by Nancy McCaffrey to approve the grant application seconded by Ben Hitter. The motion carried. Larry Nolan requested that copies of the minutes be sent to the city council members. Ben Hitter made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Rick Traver seconded it. Meeting adjourned. Minutes Taken By: Cathy Kasper, City of Monticello Secretary C:IDocumenlS and Sellingsldawn.grossingerlLocal SettingsITemporary Internel FilesIOLK3\SPECIAL MTG - GROVELANO GRANT. 032406 . MINUTES.doc 2 AUn: Monticello Parks Commission RE: Monticello Map 2007 Today's date: May 9, 2005 Thank you for your financial support of last year's 2006 Monticello Map including extensive text/photos on the Monticello parks and Pathways. This detailed street map [enclosed] has been helpful to area residents who are looking to make good use of Monticello City Parks and Roads. I would like to request financial support for this year's 2007 map again in the same amount as last year for $500 to offset printing costs and to support the detailed parks information on the backside. City Hall and the Parks department will receive 200 copies of the map. In addition 7,500 maps will be direct mailed by the U.S. Post Office to all Monticello residents during the month of August 2007. I will work with the Park's Commission to be sure the City Parks text and photos are current. It would be helpful to have confirmation of your decision before June 1 st for production and planning purposes. I look forward to your reply. Thank ~ou! ~ Lynne Dahl-Fleming Business Solutions for Marketing, Advertising and Graphic Design . . . Full Color Printing 2-Color Printing Web Sites and More! p.0. Box 1075 I I 3 Locust Street Monticello, MN 55362 . . . E~mail: Lynne@. DesignforPri nt.com Toll Free: 888-275-9463 Cell Phone: 763-300-8118 Monticello Parks Monthly Completed Tasks May 1- May 25, 2006 All irrigation up and running o Fixed and adjusted heads o Fixed breaks in the lines Garbage and bathroom cleanup every Monday and Friday Ballfields maintained and chalked Mowing crew cutting grass and weed wiping every day - New flag installed at hillside All parks and ballfields aerated Xcel parking lot graded Filled sink holes at meadow oaks and seeded new black dirt Cemetery monument staked Removed dirt from east bridge planting beds, hauled new dirt in Fixed irrigation at community center Installed rain sensor at community center Cemetery staking completed Fascia fixed on concession stand Lines cut and painted at ballfields Removed broken bubble panel from west bridge Installed fake security cameras at pioneer Preplanning for field 4 at Xcel Spread grass seed in areas where needed Fix dock at Ellision Inventory of equipment Herbicide spraying in parks and around community center Started spreading ADA playsafe chips in parks where needed Completed Park Tour with parks commission New slide parts for west bridge park installed - New bubble panel installed at west bridge park o Old bubble panel installed correctly and cleaned Klein farms pathway comers staked and property owners notified Hand spraying for weed control Cleaned compressor for freezer at Xcel concession stand Filled in depressions at riverside cemetery Graded and cleaned up riverside cemetery for memorial day Cleaned herbicide tank and sprayer and put away for year[Planted two trees at hill crest Locate requests at riverside cemetery Bucket truck safety training for all full time personal PAI~~ P1::Pf. R...&v]p " Hidden Forest Park Gametime play structure evaluation - Spring Mini Pod #6140, bolts come loose and possible safety ~ 'v "" cJ..... hazard, could replace with #4883 dump truck spring rider --, ~ ~ ~_ .") ~ - Bubble Panel on Kidtime Toddler 6, Vandalism problems, could replace with count and spell panel. - Toad Stool Climber, Bolts come loose - Steering wheels bolts loosen up over time on the steering wheel panels #80815 15 foot shelter should have a cupola - Bid shows installation included and also shows it not included, what is all not included in the installation - Benches, Trash receptacles, fountains, Parking lot, Basketball Court, BBQ grill all on quotation but not on drawing - Pathway surface not identified, (concrete, paved, gravel) - No shingles or tar paper needed, roof is metal I more rubber tile needed for below slide over 5 feet a..~::.'"~.,,:,:.:":,.;:: .// ....~I . ',' Ii ";, \; Jlj 'J i\ ~,. . Mii!flJ1eSOlta/'Wi,$CQins.i:n PLAYGRQ;UND QUOTATION TO: GP Land Corp. 8404 County Road 39 NE Monticello, MN. 55362 Artn: Mark A. Woolston Phone: 763-350-9732 Fax: 763-295-2754 Date: 15-May-06 Quote No. D4 Drawing No. Project: Hidden Forest Res. Development Qty Unit Description Price Extension 1 8Q15 15' Square Shelter $7,530.00 $7,530.00 Price Includes: 24 ga Pre-Cut Multi rib Metal Roof Panel (ribs @ 12" centers) 6:12 Roof Slope Prime Painted Frame Fasteners Optional Base Covers required if column base is NOT recessed below slab $300.00 Installation of Shelter (no concrete work) $4,300.00 Install (4 concrete footings & 17'x 17" concrete) $2.900.00. -disposal of excess dirt/material by Others EcoatlPowercoat Frame $1,600.00 Prices above Do NOT include: Permit, Bonds, Sod or Landscaping. INSTALLATION DISCLAIMER: The followin!! applies onlv 10 Ihe purchased items renuinn!! installation. The purchaser is responsible for all unknown conditions such as buricd utilities, trce stumps, bedrock or any eonccaled materials that may result in addilionallabor o. material costs, If any of these conditions arc revealed the installation agreement become, null and void, Prices Good Until Prices Based 0 Signed By: hipment will be 8-11 weeks after receipt of approved drawings. ut Prevair Wage Adjustments Sub Total Installation Freight Tax $7,530.00 See Above $900.00 Add H Accepted By' )( with Acceptance. Terms of Sale - Net 30 days to Approved Credit Total $7,4 70.00 P.o. BOX 27328 · GOLDEN VALlEY, MN. 55427 763546.7787 · 1.800.622.5425 · FAX 7635465050 · E~MAIL: harlan@mnwiplay.com M' AX/J' . , i ! /' ~ , , . , l . , ..-' '! it" .. ,. ,,' '.. , ,Jrilnes.ota, '" b,CQrlSl:n P)LAYG"R,aUND QUOTATION TO: GP Land Corp. 8404 County Road 39 NE Monticello, MN, 55362 Attn: Mark A Woolston Phone: 763-350-9732 Fax: 763-295-2754 Date: 15-May.06 Quote No. Drawing No. D3017H2 D3017H2 Project: Hidden Forest Res, Development Qty Unit Description Price Extension 1 Lump Sum Powerscape Plus Structure $92,900.00 $92,900,00 Price Includes: KIDTIME Toddler 6 Spring Pod Swing Frame & Swings per drawing Rotator Engineered Wood Fiber@ 12" depth w/Geotextile Fabric 5-Rubber Tiles (below belt seats & slides over 5') 4 28009.00 6'Perm. Benches w/Back Included 2 280024.00 Trash Receptacle w/Dome Lid Included 2 Basektball Extra Heavy Duty Basketball, alum, Fan shaped backboard, galv, Steel post Included 2 60.00 BSQ Grill Included 1 CDF1 BCF Concrete Vertical Upright Drinking Fountain (INSTALL BY OTHERS) Included NOT included: unloading or installation Shingles or Tar Paper (we wil install City provided) Concrete, Anchor Bolts and footings Tax or permits of any kind Optional: Cash With Order Discount $2,211.00 Unless otherwise noted, prices shown are materials only, they DO NOT Include: Assembly, Installation, Edging, Safety Surfacing, Removal of Existing Equipment, Surface Preparation, Landscapina or Bondina. INST ALLA nON DISCLAIMER: The rollowlDl! aODlics Dnlv to the Durchased ltCIl1$ reaulrill!!' installation. The purchaser is tesponsible for all unknown conditions such as buried utilities, tree stumps, bedrock or any concealed materials that may result in additional labor or material costs, If any of these conditions are revealed the installation agreement becomes null and void Wage Adjustments Sub Total Installation freight Tax $92,900,001 Included Included Included Accepted By: Total $92,900,00 I With Acceptance - Terms of Sale - Payment is Due Within 30 Days PO BOX 27328 . GOLDEN VALLEY, MN, 55427 763.546.7787 . 1.800"622.5425. FAX 763.546.5050' E-MAIL harlan@mnwiplay.com Gamo7imc@ ~I"\IVIC I IlVIe; cia MinnesotalWisconsin Playground PO Box 27328 Golden Valley, MN 55427 Phone: (763)546-7787 Toll Free: (800)622-5425 Facsimile: (763)546-5050 Contact: Harlan Lehman E-mail: harlan@mnwiplay.com GameTime Quotation Enriching Childhood Through Play", Date: 5/15/2006 Revised Quote No.: 265013101 Pricing: T06A Standard G.P. Land Corp Attn: Marl< Woolston 8408 County Rd. 39 NE Hidden Forest Dev. D3017H2 Monticello, MN 55362 Ship to Zip: 55362 Telephone: (763)350-9832 Facsimile: (763)295-2754 aTY 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 3 4 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 ITEM 4880 6140 80927 81692 80818 80418 80078 3358 20006 81323 81275 81277 81279 81324 81278 81326 1526 8531 8695 8908 10741 10740 81670 81654 81680 80815 81465 80661 80000 80715 81241 80364 80079 80666 80869 81276 DESCRIPTION Inground Mount For Spring Rider Spring Mini Pod Telescope Enclosure Xceterator Funnel Enclosure 6'Volcano Climber Attach 6"Stepped Platfonn Steering Wheel Toddler 6 l' Wild slide Exit Section Wildslide Straight Sec Wild slide Right Curve Wildslide 4'Support Wildslide 135 Deg Section Wildslide 3'Support Wild slide Obi Entrance Section Ragin' Rotator Adaptive Swing w/Chain Enel Tot Seat 2 3/8"-8695 Belt Seat 2 3/8"Od(8908) Single Post Add~A-Bay, 5" Od Single Post Swing FIS, 5" Od Cruneh Bar Cargo Net Wall~Single Single Seat Steering Wheel Encl "S"Horiz Lad 2'-0"Attch 2'Tri Accessible Step 49" Sq Punched Steel Deck 8'Tunne/-Up 4' 'S' Tube Slide 6'-0" Twister Climber 12"Stepped Platfonn Handhold/Kick Plate Pkg Metal Storefront Panel WiJdslide Left Curve Ex! Weioht 24 36 54 75 108 267 620 19 1,677 78 108 81 72 120 32 224 114 42 16 24 133 223 8 52 12 38 109 231 372 219 289 85 188 20 60 108 Page 1 of 2 . Quote ~o.: 265013101 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 2 6 3 3 1 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 81325 80829 81107 80432 81203 G80021 80021 80020 80019 80015 80016 G80016 G80019 161290 28009 28024 460 874 854 60 Drinki Wild slide Entrance Section Accessibility Panel 90 Deg Funnel Bridge 8' Flat Wall Attachment 2'-6"Stepped Platform 14' Upright Assembly (galv) 14' Upright Assembly (alum) 13' Upright Assembly (alum) 12' Upright Assembly (alum) 8' Upright Assembly (alum) 9' Upright Assembly (alum) 9' Upright Assembly (galv) 12' Upright Assembly (galv) Gee-Textile 2250 Sq Ft Roll 6' PIS Bench WIBack Inground Receptable WlDome Top Inground Cantilevered Post W/48" Ext. Heavy-Duty Flex Goal Cast Alum. Fan Shaped Backboard Waist-Hi Stove, Permanent Fountain Ship Zip: 55362 91 36 393 169 210 190 258 86 246 81 90 62 89 180 400 164 300 42 96 148 4 .. b.., '.4 .. 4 . .4. 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