City Council Agenda Packet 11-13-2017AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 13, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING/WORKSHOP 4:30 p.m. (Academy Room) 4:30 p.m. Downtown project elements and funding 5 p.m. Pathway system plan, priorities and funding mix 5:30 p.m. Assessment Policy Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2017 • Regular Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2017 C. Consideration of Adding Items to Agenda D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcement • Thanksgiving Hours • MCC Pool Ribbon Cutting (November 21) F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC • Planning Commission • EDA • MOAA2 G. Department Updates 0 City Administrator Update 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving final purchase of land for Fallon Avenue Overpass project, City Project No. 16C006 C. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments D. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property E. Consideration of approving Resolution 2017-82 accepting a donation of $100 from North Risk Partners/Apollo Insurance for Monticello Community Center programming F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-83 designating precinct and polling place for 2018 Election G. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO on March 17, 2018 H. Consideration of renewing a pawn broker license for 2018 for David Corbin Helm dba Monticello Pawn, Gun, and Bargain Center at 1219 South Highway 25 I. Consideration of approving On -Sale Brewer's Taproom License and Off -Sale Growler license for Rustech Brewing Company, 105 W. 3rd Street beginning in 2018 Consideration of approving a supplemental social media policy for the Monticello Fire Department K. Consideration of approving Water Department purchase of 650 Neptune radio units for $69,641 L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-84 accepting public improvements at Sunset Ponds Third Addition plat M. Consideration of approving Street Department purchase of a new Caterpillar Model 305E2H2 Mini Hydraulic Excavator in the ainount of $54,233 funding through the Central Equipment (Internal Service) Fund N. Consideration of approving Public Works purchase of a new Stainless Steel 15' Hook Lift Roll Off Dump Body from Towmaster Equipment for state contract price of $16,247 to be funded by Street Department budget 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of authorizing the posting of City Engineer/Public Works position 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORSHOP MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 13, 2017 — 4:30 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 4:30 p.m. Downtown Area Project Elements and Funding 3. 5 p.m. Pathway System Plan, Priories, and Funding Mix 4. 5:30 p.m. Assessment Policy Review 5. Adjournment i Workshop on 1-1-/3-6 for Downtown In Implementation Prioritization of public and private actions Current presentation will focus on public sector its previously discussed, supported by In Reflect prior Council action (levy discussion) I Rem��s s �k Vv Pathways, C0rb ext'ebio5 t �t�i1K�ISGc�pM�I je w��9d �z:��y» °�»\� ` . Bridge . Walnut & Broadway Pedestrian Improvements 3. Public Arts & Programming . Corridor` Bridge Underpass Public Arts Curb Extensions 6th Street Sidewalk Ext Community Signage Walnut & River Corridor Design TOTAL FM-Ar'ig Sol.,Jrce Excess General Fund Excess General Fund Excess General Fund Excess General Fund Excess General Fund Excess General Fund Excess General Fund Fundfing Request, $101000 $30,000 $30,000 $50,000 $15,000 $50,000 $15,000 $2001000 Street Light Improvements Franchise Fund $150,F000 Project Description. - Replace in link fencing, add art and pathway lighting Uses the asset in place Encourages safety Enhances a connection Improves aesthetic Opportunity for engagement and investment in art Plan Support- Riverf ront Character Area Improve the underpass of Pine Street at the River. : Project Cost- sio,000 Pro'ect Description- Add curb bump -outs and complete cross walk diMe(rentiatin at Walnut & Broadway Plan Support: Shift the Center of Downtown and Double Down on Broadway Shift the center to Walnut and Broadway Create a Center to Downtown that is active throughout the day and into the evening - year round. The WaInUt / Broadway Intersection should become the heart of this area. Activate sidewalks and neWplaza areas as much as possible—so that the vibrancy of the area is visible to passersby. ModifyWalnut / Broadway and Cedar /Walnut Broadway intersection to prioritize pedestrian crossings and access to the river. Broadway Character Area Curb extensions at Walnut and Broadway to provide space for landscaping, seating, and gathering Warout &Cedar Character Area Create a pedestrian promenade to the Riverfront with wide continuous sidewalks and well marked crosswalks Demonstration Project Increased space and safety for pedestrians Snow plow maneuver — design considerations Operations and maintenance impacts (increased) Projected Cost. $50,000 Project Description: Reclaim the corners of parking areas for art and programs; program activities and events in the parks and public spaces Plan Support Create a Center to Downtown that is active throughout the day and into the evening - year round. The Walnut / Broadway Intersection should become the heart of this area. Redesign Riverfront parks to include more active events and programming in West Bridge Park (amphitheater, water feature, concessions) and passive uses in East bridge park. Use public art throughout the parks and corridors to distinguish Downtown as a place of cultural expression and celebration. Consider all sidewalks for opportunities to enhance greenery and public a rt. Activate sidewalks and new plaza areas as much as possible—so that the vibrancy of the area is visible to passersby MCC: Cultural Arts & Events Specialist Included as part of MCC budget Part-time pay scale Focused on coordination of existing events (Movies int Park) and development and implementation of new events (Food Truck Thursday, is in the Park, etc.) Secures artists and sponsorships its Program Funding. $30,000 Grant writing Grant matching Art supplies and materials Promotional materials Coordination with the Cultural its & Events Specialist Street Potluck Take Back the Street Art gid a I Walnut Street Art Crawl Project Description- Banners- Replace banners and add banners on Walnut, Broadway, Pine, Cedar and River Street Lighting- Replace fixtures on Broadway consistent with Walnut Trees & Planters- Enhance Walnut corridor Benches-, Enhance Walnut corridor Plan Support - Create a Center to Downtown that is active throughout the day and into the evening - year round. The Walnut / Broadway Intersection should become the heart of this area. Activate sidewalks and new plaza areas as much as possible—so that the vibrancy of the area is visible to passersby I Walnut &Cedar Character Area Create a pedestrian promenade to the Riverfront with wide continuous sidewalks and well marked crosswalks Projected Costs Trees, benches and planters included in2o18 budget Lighting« $150,000 from Franchise Fund Banners. $30,000 Project Description - i Plan Support - Consider all sidewalks for opportunities to enhance greenery and public art. Emphasize Walnut Street, River Street and Broadway as the in pedestrian corridors in Downtown Projected Costs: $50,000 to include both Sign Lab and contribution to entrance sign Project Description - Begin completion of missing connections in downtown street grid Corresponds to forthcoming Pathways Connections map and budget/CIP planning Portion o reet si ewalk ween a nut and dine i Plan Support - Add sidewalks at the perimeter of blocks where they are not currently present. Narrow the travel lanes on Walnut Street, add parallel parking, where possible and ensure continLJOUS safe and pleasant sidewalks. Projected Cost - $3.5,000 tea complete connection DT Mankato a y.. ........... 9 -7 gym: �T v Y� Raplids DT Sauk r� gym' v • ." wig J',,,, ,`ry a � �." 4r.- qllwv I tw yp at " b a r� ^ Councilmember Fair moved to authorize a preliminary tax ley of $9,800 .000. . Mdo ies fcrr• lack of a second. Councilmeniber Gabler moved to thor-i a a preliminary tax levy of $9.772,000. . C uracil re ber- Fait- seconded the motion. Motion fails 2-3; Counciltnembers Davidson ilk rt and Stumpf voted against. Councilmembtr Hilgart moved to adopt Resolution 17-6 setting the preliminary y tax levy at $9,547,000 including the stipulation that the excess 2017 funds be used for downtown area -oiects. Council-memberFait- seconded the motion. INlotion carried 3-2: �.tr cr rerrrlaer lerR err "l'�rSt rrr t' te r st. If Council approves of the slate of recommended downtown projects for 2o18, staff will begin work on the following: Walnut & River Corridor planning Curb extension design g Bridge underpass fencing and improvements Banner and light plan and design Development of art proposals/projects Individual design and project approval with final cost to be brought back for Council approval. Pathway System - CIP & Budget Improvement Plan Community Development, Engineering and Public Works are providing the City Council with a packet of information to review prior to the November 13th City Council workshop on Pathway System Recommendations. The packet relates to mapping and future budgeting for pathway system connections, both "gaps" and extensions. The map was developed in coordination by the three departments, with input from the Parks Commission and public engagement activities over the summer of 2017. It is staff's goal that this map be adopted by the City Council as a supplemental guide to the long-range Park & Pathways System Plan and Transportation Pathways Plans within the Comprehensive Plan. This map is a detailed connection plan for 0-10 year budget and CIP development. The Parks Commission has recommended adoption of this plan. Staff will provide additional detail on the mapping process and recommendations at the November 13th workshop. Primary focus points for the discussion will include: 1. Overview of project and map 2. Pathway segments which can be paired with future road projects 3. Pathway segments in the 0-5 year priority ranking as "stand-alone" projects 4. System improvements outside of pathway segments 5. Safe Routes to School system planning and coordination with School District Council will note that "Pathways" include both sidewalk, trail and the on -road system. Goal: Respond to Park and Pathway Plan and Transportation Comprehensive Plan objectives: • "Providing continuity and linkages between public parks, open spaces, residences and businesses." • "Allowing reasonable flexibility on final pathway routes, park locations, and plan implementation strategies." • Implementation strategy: "Parks Commission will review and prioritize pathway needs and recommend a schedule and funding framework to the City Council." Process: 1. Develop the Draft Plan (COMPLETE) a. Review Existing Pathways b. Identify Gaps in System and Connection Opportunities i. Parks Commission review and approval c. Establish Criteria to Evaluate the Need for Proposed Pathways i. Criteria developed as a guide to determine where pathway investment should be; criteria developed to support strong use and ideal location. d. Evaluate Pathways to Criteria and prepare Plan Draft i. Streets and Parks prepare recommendation ii. Factor in community engagement feedback iii. Parks Commission recommendation iv. Cross -department review and discussion 2. Finalize the Plan a. CIP & Budget Discussion and Recommendation i. Prioritization of pathways per plan 1. Road Projects 2. Future CIP &Budget 3. Non -pathway improvements to system 3. Implementation a. CIP and Budget annually b. Apply Pop-Up/Demonstration Projects for Priority Projects as Applicable c. Develop Grant Database and Apply d. Foster Partnerships i. Safe Routes to School ii. Wright County Highways & Parks e. Assessment and Amendment PATHWAY CONNECTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 0-5 YEARS Possible Street Project Coordination 7th Street Sidewalk, south side Fallon Avenue trail or sidewalk Chelsea Road East 90th Street Ferning Avenue "Stand -Alone" BCOL Connection Oakwood sidewalk (McDonalds area) 6th Street sidewalk Elm Street from 6th Street to Broadway Downtown segments Spirit Hills/Fenning Chelsea Road East, Mills Addition to CSAR 18 Other System Improvements Accessibility Crosswalks Flashing pedestrian signs Safe Routes to School Planning grants Infrastructure grants Pathway Criteria 1. Connects to Parks, Neighborhoods, or Points of Interest 2. Creates a Loop System or Closes a Gap 3. Can be Constructed with New Development/Redevelopment 4. Offers Local Recreation Opportunities 5. Offers Regional Recreation Opportunities 6. Serves as an Alternative Transportation Function 7. Provides a Safe Route to School 8. Increases Safety at Intersections (avoids four way intersections/major roadway crossings) 9. Located on City Owned Land/Existing Trail Easements/ROW 10. Funding Available through Grant Funding/Private Partnerships/Etc. 11. Provides High Quality Views/Viewshed 12. Provides Opportunities to Access Future Development or Redevelopment Sites 13. Stated Need/Petition by Citizens or Visitors 14. Does Not Include Significant Design Constraints (Avoids Ditch/Water Crossings/Utilities/Etc.) 15. May be a Complete Street Opportunity (vs. traditional trail or sidewalk) 16. Provides Accessibility (ADA)/Potential to Meet ADA Guidelines Without Excessive Grading/Construction SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND TRUNK AREA POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE COSTS SECTION 1. General Policy Statement. SECTION 2. Improvements and Maintenance Costs Eligible for Special Assessment. SECTION 3. Initiation of Public Improvement Projects. SECTION 4. Public Improvement Procedures. SECTION 5. Financing of Public Improvements. SECTION 6. General Assessment Policies. SECTION 7. Methods of Assessment. SECTION 8. Standards for Public Improvement Projects. SECTION 9. Policies of Reassessment. SECTION 10. Assessment Computations. SECTION 11. Deferment of Assessments SECTION 12. Apportionment of Assessments upon Land later Subdivided SECTION 1. GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT The purpose of this policy is to establish a fair and equitable manner of assessing the increase in market value (special benefit) associated with public improvements. The procedures used by the City for levying special assessments are those specified by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 which provides that all or a part of the cost of improvements may be assessed against benefiting properties. Three basic criteria must be satisfied before a particular parcel can be assessed. The criteria are as follows: The land must have received special benefit from the improvement. The amount of the assessment must not exceed the special benefit. The assessment must be uniform in relation to the same class of property within the assessment area. It is important to recognize that the actual cost of extending an improvement past a particular parcel is not the controlling factor in determining the amount to be assessed. However, in most cases the method for assigning the value of the benefit received by the improvement, and therefore the amount to be assessed, shall be the cost of providing the improvement. This shall be true provided the cost does not demonstrably exceed the increase in the market value of the property being assessed. The entire project shall be considered as a whole for the purpose of calculating and computing an assessment rate. In the event city staff has doubt as to whether or not the costs of the project may exceed the special benefits to the property, the City Council may obtain such appraisals as may be necessary to support the proposed assessment. The assessment policy is intended to serve as a guide for a systematic assessment process in the City. There may be exceptions to the policy or deviations from the policy for unique circumstances or situations which may require special consideration and discretion by the City Council. SECTION 2. IMPROVEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE COSTS ELIGIBLE FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Subd. 1. The following public improvements and related acquisition, construction, extension, and maintenance of such improvements, authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.021 and 459.14, subd. 7, are eligible for special assessment within the City: 1. Streets, pavement, including streetscape improvements. 2. Pathways- defined as sidewalks and trails. 3. Parking lots. 4. Water works systems and appurtenances, within and without the corporate limits. 5. Sanitary sewer and storm sewer systems including appurtenances, within and without the corporate limits. 6. Street boulevard trees. 7. Street lights, street lighting systems and special lighting systems. 8. Steam heating mains. 9. Parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities, including the purchase of equipment, within or without the corporate limits. 10. Abatement of nuisances; including but not limited to, draining and filling swamps, marshes, and ponds on public and private property. 11. Dikes and other flood control works. 12. Retaining walls and area walls. 13. A pedestrian skyway system upon a petition pursuant to section 429.031, subdivision 14. Underground pedestrian concourses. 15. Public malls, plazas or courtyards. 16. District heating systems. 17. Fire protection systems in existing buildings upon a petition pursuant to section 429.031, subdivision 3. 18. Highway sound barriers. 19. Gas and electric distribution facilities. 20. Traffic Signals Subd. 2. The City is also authorized by ordinance adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 429.021 through 429.101 to recover, through special assessment, the following maintenance costs: 1. Snow, ice, or rubbish removal from sidewalks. 2. Weed elimination from streets or private property. 3. Removal or elimination of public health or safety hazards from private property excluding any structure included under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, sections 463.15 to 463.26. 4. Installation or repair of sewer service lines, water service lines, street sprinkling, sweeping, or other dust treatment of streets. 5. The trimming and care of trees and the removal of unsound trees from any street. 6. The treatment and removal of insect infested or diseased trees on private property. 7. The repair of sidewalks and alleys. 8. The operation of a street lighting system. 9. The operation and maintenance of a fire protection or a pedestrian skyway system. 10. Inspections relating to a municipal housing maintenance code violation. 11. The recovery of any disbursements under section 50413.445, subdivision 4, clause (5), including disbursements for payment of utility bills and other services, even if provided by a third party, necessary to remedy violations as described in section 50413.445, subdivision 4, clause (2). 12. The recovery of delinquent vacant building registration fees under a municipal prograin designed to identify and register vacant buildings. SECTION 3. INITIATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Public improvement projects can be initiated in the following ways. Public improvement projects may be initiated by petition of owners of at least 35% in frontage of the property abutting the proposed improvement. Public improvements also may be initiated by the City Council when, in its judgment, such action is required. A resolution ordering any improvements initiated by the Council or by owners of less than 35% of abutting property owners requires a four-fifths majority vote of all members of the Council. A resolution ordering any improvements initiated by owners of not less than 35% of abutting property owners requires a majority vote of all members of the Council. A resolution ordering any improvements initiated by all owners of abutting property, and assessing the entire cost against their property, may be adopted without a public hearing. SECTION 4. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROCEDURE. The following is the general procedure followed by the City Council for all public improvement projects from initiation of such a project through certification of the assessment roll to the County Auditor. Formats for the various reports and resolutions referenced in this section are made a part of the policies and procedures of the City. 1. Staff reviews petition or Developer's request for submission to Council. 2. Council accepts or rejects petition or request. If based upon a petition, the Council adopts a resolution declaring whether the required percentage of property owners has signed. If the petition or request is accepted, Council orders preparation of feasibility report. 3. Staff prepares feasibility report. The report shall evaluate whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible and whether it should be made as proposed or in conjunction with another project. The report shall include an estimate of the 3 cost of the improvement as proposed. A reasonable estimate of the total amount to be assessed and a preliminary assessment roll shall be included in the report or provided at the improvement hearing. If the preliminary assessment roll reflects any proposed deviation or change from the assessment policy as to how the preliminary assessments are calculated or apportioned, the report or information provided at the improvement hearing shall describe the basis for that deviation or change. The report may also propose changes to the subsequent process or timeline specified herein, including proposing the adoption of the assessment roll prior to award of contract, as allowed by law. The Council may refer the report to the Planning Commission. 4. Council accepts or rejects feasibility report. If accepted, Council orders public hearing on the improvements. 5. Staff posts and publishes hearing notice and mails notices to affected property owners as provided in Minn. Stat. § 429.031(a). 6. Council conducts public hearing. 7. Within six (6) months of the hearing date, Council adopts or rejects resolution ordering improvement to be constructed and advertisement of bids. If adopted, staff prepares final plans, advertises for and opens bids as provided in Minn. Stat. § 429.041, prepares bid tabulation, makes recommendation to City Council for award. Bonds to finance project costs may be issued at any time after the improvements are ordered. 8. Council awards contract based on the bids received. 9. Council authorizes preparation of assessment roll, reviews proposed assessment roll and orders assessment hearing. 10. Staff publishes hearing notice, mails notice of hearing date and proposed assessments to the affected property owners as provided in Minn. Stat. § 429.061. 11. Council conducts assessment hearing and adopts, revises, or rejects resolution determining the amount of the total expense the City will pay, if any, and establishing the assessment roll. If adopted, Council authorizes certification of the assessment to the County Auditor. 12. Staff certifies the assessment roll to the County Auditor. 13. Staff supervises construction and prepares payments. SECTION 5. FINANCING OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS The City encourages public improvement projects as the area (s) benefiting and needing such improvements develop. Examples of this policy can be seen through the subdivision regulations, zoning ordinance, and building codes. Developers are required to provide the needed improvements and services before development occurs, thereby avoiding unexpected hardships on the property owners purchasing such property and the general public. However, it is recognized that certain areas of the City have developed without all needed public improvements (e.g. parks, water, sewer, and street improvements) and that methods must be found to provide these improvements without causing undue hardships on the general public or the individual property owner. Special assessments are generally accepted as a means by which areas can obtain improvements or services; however, the method of financing these is a critical factor to both the City and the property owner. Full project costs spread over a very short term can cause an undue hardship on the property owner and, likewise, city costs and systems costs spread over a long period of time can produce an undue hardship on the general public of the City. SECTION 6. GENERAL ASSESSMENT POLICIES APPLICABLE TO ALL TYPES OF IMPROVEMENTS The cost of any improvement shall be assessed upon property by the improvements based upon benefits received. The following general principles shall be used as a basis of the City's assessment policy: 1. Project Cost. The "project cost" of an improvement includes the costs of all necessary construction work required to accomplish the improvement, plus engineering, legal, administrative, financing and other contingent costs, including acquisition of right-of-way and other property. The finance charges include all costs of financing the project. These costs include but are not limited to financial consultant's fees, bond rating agency fee, bond attorney's fees, and capitalized interest. The interest charged to the project shall be included as financing charges. 2. City Cost. The "city cost" of an improvement is the amount of the total improvement expense the City will pay as determined by Council resolution. Where the project cost of an improvement is not entirely attributed to the need for service to the area served by said improvement, or where unusual conditions beyond the control of the owners of the property in the area served by the improvement would result in an inequitable distribution of special assessments, based on a benefit appraisal or for any other reason determined by the City, the City, through the use of other funds, may pay such "city cost." 3. Assessable Cost. The "assessable cost" of an improvement is equal to the "project cost" minus the "city cost." 4. Interest. The City will charge interest on special assessments at a rate specified in the resolution approving the assessment roll. If bonds were sold to finance the improvement project, the interest rate shall be two percent (2%) greater than the average coupon interest rate of the bonds, rounded to the nearest tenth (0.10) of a percent (ex. average coupon rate of 3.15% = assessment rate of 5.20%). If no bonds were sold, the interest rate shall be set at: 1) the prime rate, as published in the Wall Street Journal, plus 2% for a 10 -year term or plus 1.5% for a 5 -year term; or 2) the maximum rate allowed by State law. 5. Prepayment. Property owners may pay their assessments in full interest free for a period of 30 days after the assessment hearing. After such period interest shall be computed from the date specified in the assessment resolution. The City will transmit a certified duplicate of the assessment roll with each installment, including interest, to the County Auditor, or in lieu of such certification, annually certify to the County Auditor by November 30 in each year, the total amount of installments of and interest on assessments on each parcel which are to become due in the following year. Partial payments are not allowed. After the City has made the first certification of principal and interest to the County Auditor, prepayment will be accepted only for the total amount still owing including interest and must be made prior to November 15 of any year. If a parcel has two or more separate special assessments, prepayment of the remaining principal balance may be made on one or more assessment totals. Tax-exempt parcels such as churches and school properties may make only one partial prepayment to the first certification to the County Auditor. The remaining principal after the partial prepayment will be paid in equal installments over the remaining term of the special assessments. 6. Extensions. Where an improvement is designed for service of an area beyond that receiving the initial benefit, the City may pay for increased project costs due to such provisions for future service extensions. The City will levy assessments to cover this cost when a new improvement is installed as an extension of the existing improvement upon identification of such additional amount in the notice of hearing for the extensions or new improvements. As an alternative, the City may assess these costs to the area of future benefit immediately 7. Project Assistance. If the City receives financial assistance from the Federal Government, the State of Minnesota, the County, or from any other source to defray a portion of the costs of a given improvement, such aid will be used first to reduce the "city cost" of the improvement. If the financial assistance received is greater than the "city cost," the remainder of the aid will be placed in the Capital Improvement Fund to be applied towards other City projects. The amount or apportionment of the assessments to be levied will be consistent regardless if the projects receive the above-mentioned financial assistance or not. 8. Assessable Property. Property owned by the City and other political subdivisions including municipal building sites, parks and playgrounds, but not including public streets, alleys, and right-of-way, shall be regarded as being assessable on the same basis as if such property was privately owned. Private right-of-way shall be assessable. 9. Individual Benefits. The City must construct improvements specifically designed for or shown to be of benefit solely to one or more properties. The costs for these improvements will be assessed directly to such properties, and not included in the assessments for the remainder of the project. An example of this would be utility service lines running from the main lines to the property. 10. Benefit Appraisals. In the event that city staff has doubt as to whether or not the proposed assessments exceed the special benefits to the property in question, the City Council may order benefit appraisals as deemed necessary to support the proposed assessments. 11. Residential property: Shall be defined as a platted, buildable, residential parcel occupied or unoccupied, in accordance with the City of Monticello zoning and subdivision ordinances. For the purposes of this policy, a residential property is defined as those that consist of three or less dwelling units per building. 12. Non-residential property: Shall be defined as a platted, buildable, non-residential parcels occupied or unoccupied, in accordance with City of Monticello zoning and subdivision ordinances. For purposes of this policy, a non-residential property includes commercially and, industrially zoned properties, apartment buildings (consisting of more than 3 dwelling units) and tax-exempt properties. SECTION 7. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT Subd. 1. General Statement. There are different methods of assessment: per lot, adjusted front foot, and area. The feasibility report will recommend one or a combination of these methods for each project, based upon which method would best reflect the benefit received for the area to be assessed. The City Council will select the preferred method of calculating the assessments at the time the project is ordered, which is typically the same date of the public hearing. Subd. 2. Policy Statement. The following methods of assessment, as described and defined below, are hereby established as methods of assessment in the City. 2 A. "Front Footage" Method of Assessment- Non-residential Properties The front footage assessment method applies to non-residential properties and is measured at the property line. Individual parcel can differ considerably in shape and area. In these cases, the actual physical dimensions of a parcel abutting an improvement (i.e., street, sewer, water, etc.) may not be construed as the frontage utilized to calculate the assessment for a particular parcel. Rather, an "adjusted front footage" will be determined. The purpose of this method is to equalize assessment calculations for lots of similar size. Individual parcels by their very nature differ considerably in shape and area. The following procedures will apply when calculating adjusted front footage. The selection of the appropriate procedure will be determined by the specified configuration of the parcel. All measurements will be scaled from available Wright County GIS parcel data and will be rounded down to the nearest foot dimension with any excess fraction deleted. For the purpose of determining the "assessable frontage," all properties, including governmental agencies, shall have their frontages included in such calculation. 1. Rectangular Interior Lots. For rectangular interior lots, the footage equals the dimension of the side of the lots abutting the improvement. 2. Cul-de-sac Lots. For cul-de-sac lots, the larger of the following shall apply: a. Footage equals the lot width at the building setback line; or, b. Footage equals the average of the front and rear lot lines. 3. Corner or Through Lot Adjustment. When improvements are made to a corner or through lot, including parcels abutting three streets, adjusted frontage will be determined by one of the following methods: a. 100% of the footage, if the side of the lot abutting the improvement is the short or front side of the lot b. 50% of the the footage if the side of the lot abutting the improvement is the long side of the lot and where there is an access. Where there is not an access, 25% of the side lineal footage. If a direct access is added at a later date, the additional 25% footage will apply. c. 0% of rear yard the footage, unless there is an access from a street being improved with the project, in which case a 50% of rear yard the footage shall apply B. "Per Unit" Method of Assessment- Residential Properties The "per unit" method of assessment applies to residential properties and shall be based on equal assessment of all dwelling units within the benefited area that have direct access to the improvement. A single family residential home is considered 1 unit. Where one property consists of 2 or 3 dwelling units, each of those units shall be assessed individually at the assessment rate per unit. Residential corner parcels are assessed per unit for the street it fronts on and has access to and not the side street(s). Residential parcels with more than one driveway access are assessed per dwelling unit regardless of the number of driveways. Lots that can be subdivided according to the City's prevailing Zoning and Subdivision ordinances will be assessed on a unit basis. For the purpose of determining the "units" or "parcels" all parcels, including governmental agencies, shall be included in such calculations. C. "Area" Method of Assessment The "area" method of assessment shall be based on the number of square feet or acres within the boundaries of the appropriate property lines of the areas benefiting from the project. The assessment rate (i.e., cost per square foot) shall be calculated by dividing the total assessable cost by the total assessable area. On large lots, the City Engineer may determine that only a portion of the lots receives the benefit and may select a lot depth for the calculations equal to the benefit received. All properties included in the benefited area, including other governmental areas, churches, etc., shall be assessable. The following items may not be included in area calculations: public right-of- ways, and natural waterways, swamps and lakes and other wetlands designated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources or the City. The City Engineer will make a recommendation on the boundaries or parameters of the benefited area in the feasibility report. Examples of the area method includes area wide assessments for pathway improvements, trunk fee distribution of assessment for developments,. contributing drainage area for storm sewer assessments, etc. SECTION 8. STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The following standards are hereby established by the City to provide a uniform guide for improvements within the City. A. Surface Improvements Surface improvements shall normally include all improvements visible on or above the ground within the right-of-way, and includes, but is not limited to trees, lighting, sidewalks, trails, signing; street and accessory improvements such as drainage ponds and facilities, parking lots, parks and playgrounds. Policy Statement. Prior to construction or completion of surface improvements, all utilities and utility service lines (including sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water lines,) shall be installed to all planned service locations such as residences or buildings. All installations shall also comply, to the maximum extent feasible, with nationally recognized standards such as those of the American Insurance Association. When practicable, no surface improvements to less than both sides of a full block of street shall be approved except as necessary to complete partially completed improvements initiated previously. Concrete curbing or curb and gutter shall be installed at the same time as street surfacing. B. Sub -Surface Improvements Subsurface improvements shall normally include such items as water distribution, sanitary sewer and storm sewer lines. Main lines are the publicly owned and maintained lines or facilities such as trunk lines, interceptors, mains, and laterals. Service lines are those privately owned lines or facilities extending from the main line to the property line. 0 Policy Statement. Sub -surface improvements shall be made to serve current and projected land use. All installations shall conform to applicable standards established by local, state and/or federal agencies of competent jurisdiction. All installations shall also comply, to the maximum extent feasible, with nationally recognized standards such as those of the American Insurance Association. Service lines from the lateral or trunk to the property line of all planned service locations such as residences or buildings shall be installed in conjunction with the construction of the mains. SECTION 9. POLICIES OF REASSESSMENT The City shall design public improvements to last for a definite period. The life expectancy or service life shall be as stated in the policy statement of this section, or if different, shall be as stated in the resolution ordering improvement and preparation of plans. A. Policy Statement The following are the "life expectancies" or "service lives" of public improvements except as may be otherwise stated in the resolution ordering improvement and preparation of plans. 1. Sidewalks - 20 years. 2. Street improvements, including surfacing and curb and gutter - 20 years. 3. Ornamental street lighting - 20 years. 4. Water Mains - 20 years. 5. Sanitary Sewers - 30 years. 6. Storm Sewers - 30 years. SECTION 10. ASSESSMENT COMPUTATIONS The following is the typical city assessment for various specified improvements. A. Street and Curb and Gutter Improvements 1. New Constructions. New streets in new developments are either constructed by the developer or assessed 100% to the abutting benefited lots within the in development plat. Street and curb and gutter improvements will normally be assessed by the unit assessment and/or adjusted front foot method, however other methods may be utilized if conditions warrant. Oversizing costs are determined by a method authorized by the City Council. 2. Reconstruction: Street reconstruction is defined as all necessary removals and replacements, grading, base, subsurface drainage, hard surfacing (such as bituminous or concrete), replacement of existing curb and gutter, driveways, restoration, signage, striping, and other miscellaneous work necessary to reconstruct existing deteriorated streets. a. Local Roadway Reconstruction: i. Residential Assessment Rate: Based on a per dwelling unit assessment rate as identified in the City's current fee schedule. New curb and gutter is 100% assessed based on an equivalent front footage to unit method. ii. Non- Residential Assessment Rate: Street reconstruction and new curb and gutter are 100% assessed based on the front footage assessment method. D b. Collector Roadway Reconstruction: i. Residential Assessment Rate: Based on a per dwelling unit assessment rate. iii. Non- Residential Assessment Rate: Street reconstruction is 50% assessed and new curb and gutter is 100% assessed based on the front footage assessment method. c. Rural to Urban Conversion for Local and Collector Roadways: All costs relative to converting to an existing rural street section to an urban street section by filling roadside drainage ditches and adding curb and gutter and storm sewer will be considered an assessable cost by the front footage assessment method. 3. Overlays and Mill and Overlay. An overlay is defined as the construction of a new layer of pavement (typically bituminous) applied over an existing deteriorated street or roadway surface. On streets with curb and gutter, edge milling is complete adjacent to the curb and gutter to maintain the current surface elevations and then a pavement overlay is placed. Isolated pavement patching and replacement of deteriorated curb and gutter may also be included with a street overlay project. A mill and overlay project includes either an edge mill or full width mill of the existing pavement layer. a. Residential Assessment Rate: 50% assessed based on a per dwelling unit assessment rate. b. Non- Residential Assessment Rate: 100% assessed based on the front footage assessment method. 4. Gravel Streets. Upgrading of existing gravel street by adding pavement, curb and gutter is considered new construction and all costs are assessed 100%. 5. Seal Coats. Sealcoats are not being assessed. B. Sidewalks and Trails 1. New Sidewalk and Roadside Trail Construction. a. Sidewalk and roadside trails will be assessed at the same rate where the roadside trail functions the same as a sidewalk. The term "pathway" includes both sidewalks and trails. b. New sidewalks and roadside trails within new developments are either constructed by the developer or assessed 100% to the abutting benefited lots within the development plat. c. New sidewalk and roadside trails along existing undeveloped properties are assessed 100% for non-residential properties and assessed 25% for residential properties abutting the sidewalk and roadside trail based on the front footage method. Deferral of the assessment until development will be considered upon request, d. New sidewalks and roadside trails along an existing streets, either as a stand-alone project or as part of a street reconstruction project, shall be 25% assessed on a per unit basis for residential properties and assessed 50% on a front foot basis for non- residential commercially zoned properties and 25% for non-residential industrial zoned properties that abut the sidewalk and roadside trail. e. If sidewalk or trail is constructed in a residential area where there are no sidewalk or trail facilities directly serving the area, the sidewalk and trail costs will be assessed on an area wide basis to the benefitting properties. 10 f. The Council may elect to not levy assessments to properties where new sidewalks and trails are constructed in order fill in a gap of the overall sidewalk and trail system, where there are already sidewalk and trail facilities in proximity to the project area or where trails are to be extended along ponds, to parks or other areas where properties do not abut the sidewalk and trail. g. If the sidewalk is not constructed in conjunction with street reconstruction and as a stand alone project, the cost of any required restoration of the street, curb and gutter, sodded areas and other restoration items will be included in the assessable cost. 2. Replacement Sidewalks. a. Replacement sidewalks is defined as the rehabilitation of an existing sidewalk which, for any reason, does not meet construction requirements outlined above and has become unsafe or a nuisance to the public as defined by local ordinance. b. Replaced sidewalks shall meet the standards determined by the City Administrator or his/her designee. c. The City will replace up to two sidewalk panels per property at the City's cost. If the City Administrator or his/her designee determines that additional panels are to be replaced, the subject property will be assessed 25% of the additional cost Trails. Bituminous walkways and/or bicycle trails are not assessed, but rather funded by the City. New subdivisions are assessed 100% for bituminous walkways/bicycle trails. C Storm Sewer Improvements Storm sewers are assessed on a project -by -project basis. Storm sewers in new developments are considered an assessable improvement on an area basis. Oversizing costs due to larger mains and larger appurtenances are paid for by a combination of availability charges, user charges and/or trunk area assessment charges. Trunk area storm sewer charges are levied to all unplatted property at the time of platting, to re -plats that have not been charged trunk area charges when the land was originally platted, and to re -plats that have been charged trunk area charges when the land was originally platted but where the use is increasing (only the cost difference based on current and prior use is charged). The charges will be set in the annual fee schedule during the first City Council meeting in January of each year. Normally, storm sewers are assessed on an area wide basis (square foot or acres), but in certain situations the per lot method or adjusted front method may be utilized at the City Council's discretion. The replacement of existing storm sewers is not assessed. D. Sanitary Sewer Assessments Assessments for sanitary sewer in residential areas are based upon the cost of construction of 8 -inch mains, which is the smallest size installed in residential areas of the City. Assessments for sanitary sewers in commercial and industrial areas are based upon a standard size of 12 -inch mains. Oversizing costs due to larger mains and larger appurtenances will be paid for by a combination of availability charges, user charges and/or trunk area assessment charges. Trunk area sanitary sewer charges shall be leave to all un -platted property at the time of platting and to re -plats that have not been charged trunk area charges when the land was originally platted. The charges will be set in the annual fee schedule during the first City Council meeting in January of each year. Services installed to individual properties are fully assessed to the benefiting property for new developments. Normally, sanitary sewers are assessed on an area wide basis (square foot or acres), but in certain situations the per lot method or adjusted front method may be utilized at the City Council's discretion. Lateral benefit from major trunk sewers or interceptors is assessed to the properties benefited by the sewer. Any oversizing cost is assessed as described above. The replacement of existing sewers is not assessed. Individual service lines installed directly to specified properties are fully assessed directly to the benefited properties. Properties that have existing sanitary services, but do not have mainline sewers adjacent, across or up to their property lines pay 50% of the assessment rate for the new mainline sanitary sewer as well as 100% of the cost associated with replacing the service lines. Any existing service lines found to be defective as part of a street reconstruction are replaced as part of the project and not assessed. In the event street replacement is necessary as a result of underground utility construction, the City may determine to assess all or a portion of the street replacement cost based on the current condition of the street and improvement needed. E. Watermain Assessments Assessments for watermains in residential areas are based upon the cost of construction of 8 inch mains, which is the smallest size installed in residential areas of the City. Assessments for watermains in commercial and industrial areas are based upon the standard size of 12 -inch mains. Oversizing costs due to larger mains and larger appurtenance are paid for by a combination of availability charges, user charges and/or trunk area assessment charges. Trunk area water charges shall be levied to all un -platted property at the time of platting and to re -plats that have not been charged trunk area charges when the land was originally platted. The charges will be set in the annual fee schedule during the first City Council meeting in January of each year. Services installed to individual properties shall be fully assessed to the benefiting property for new developments. Normally, watermains are assessed on an area wide basis, but in certain situations the area or adjusted front method may be utilized at the City Council's discretion. The replacement of existing watermains is not assessed. 12 Lateral benefit from major trunk water mains is assessed to properties benefited by the water main. Lateral water main assessments are be based on the costs for an equivalent 8" diameter water main for residential properties and for an equivalent 12" diameter water main for residential properties and for an equivalent 12" diameter water main for commercial/industrial properties. Individual service lines installed directly to specified properties are fully assessed directly to the benefited properties. Properties that have existing water services, but do not have mainline watennains adjacent, across or up to their property lines pay 50% of the assessment rate for the new watermain as well as 100% of the cost associated with replacing the service lines. Any existing service lines found to be defective as part of the project are assessed directly to the property. In the event street replacement is necessary as a result of underground utility construction, the City may determine to assess all or a portion of the street replacement cost based on the current condition of the street and improvement needed. F. Street Boulevard Trees All street boulevard trees installed as part of new street constructions or in reconstructing existing streets shall be included as part of the overall project costs included in the assessment calculations. G. Street Lights In new developments, the City may require the developer to finance street light improvement rather than assessing the cost. H. Traffic Signals Assessments to traffic signals will be based on the area method calculated by trip generation or other methods based on the City Council determination. L Public parking lots Assessments for reconstruction or other improvements to public parking lots will be based on the area method or other methods based on the City Council determination. J. Other Improvements Based on the City Council determination, any other improvements may be fully assessed or assessed in part. SECTION 11. DEFERMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SOd. 1. The Council m , payrn-ont af-a 4T °al, ;mcnt on home. oad propdrty owned by a persG;i who is 65-yc ofa&c or older, or who is rc;lred by virtue of ponnanciit -end total bility, and the City Clc k i:; hereby asutherized to reco.d th;; de -ferment c'.': pecial a: ;0uss1ncnts where a'.': foll-owilig conditions are nict; 13 I not !ator than 90 day�, aft or tho d, a-iptcd by the City Coouncc-il. 2. 'T'hc-appl-;c-fm+-east be 65 years of age or older or ro-ti-od by virtttc of poirnanont an -d total disability. 3. nc-applicant nin5l be the -owner of tl-.-,- p. -op --rt),. 1. The qjAiewnt occupy the property as his principal place of residcncc-. J a 0 ale annn-al payinctit -1c-`6-r assesjinents 1-6od ag ir.-s-t4w sub�jcct property -xc- -d or 1 p- -nt of tho adjnstod grot- incocraw-ofth- applicant at; evidc-nc-od by the applic'ant's 'rec� j - I s I fee,&.it federal iiwow.c tax tutus -n. Th-c-avoragc-annual payment of an asac-sLiniont sh*4-be4he- letak-04,'of thic by the num5cr of years oi,'--i whieh4t-- s �,- �A J Subd-.2-.T4ie-+-4cfcn-nont ,,hall be ranted for as Ion- a period of-tin-ic ai Jie-haFdship-exi s and the ha%�e b;acn n,c+. Howcvvr, it cil-tall be th-c duty Of the -applicant to notify the City C!crlc of any chan-ge4n-his status thfal- -ivould Std),d. 3. The entire aniount Of deferred spec-ieal loss ofby t 1 applic-ant. If the spocl--1 th-c s-i"my (6,0) daY5, the Ctv Cleric sh-all add thcrct3 intere-A at a 1%,-,: annuin-4Woresl rato of lvi-E*-Pffc�nt (')0/ above -the befl1110 Connty 4-: lite. cs+ -Ialc and thetotal an-ioant Of pFifleipall and in'.0, I-st shall ho certified 1c,o Auditox f d with the fGHOWIng year. SI -10111'd thc- ap-")Iieafft-deraonatral�� satisfaction of the Co�incil, that full repayni-ont of the deferred special as'-.--ssi:ne��d caLc,-,c the apphrea44-pa44icular undao financial hardship, the -Council may order that the applicant pay -,I,itl,4'* 4�ays a U1111. --qUaI t-0 thL- nUrnbcr of inslullnicrits- of dcfcrred-,p-e-1-:iaI OL11"tanding and unpaid to date, irc!ud;rg pri- tcrcsit, wilh4he-bala-,noc thcrcaftc-r�j., �', -�rding to the and Condit'i-ei �'-ec O'ri-inal-'pe-e4l S-ubd. 1. Th -0 Option to do;fc-r the payment of-speeiiall assc:;T.-ncnts and all arn.oLlllts aeettnni4-a*,cd phis, .-pplic-ablo vn the oeett��, 1�ne of the follow;p- Z71* I. T.h.eAeall'ord, 11 the owner A'hen there is no spotvie-who is eligible for d-0fcrn-,-a. 2--- . The sale, transfcr or-�,' -salon of all or ;y part of tl:,,-- propsrty7 3. Loss of homesteac' status on the property. 4-.-4rete rrOtnat;-On by the C;ic; I for any r--a4o*41+.-t innnediate or partial pay -sent vToul-d ii-opose x no , ha-rdshipz Q1 -M tate La-�rcncos(s): Minn. Stat. 135.193,k Sa for or ro'ti1 rcd-&-disabl-e-d ponsons, lea fltss,Oc'sni-cnt do-fier-ra4, The City Council may elect to defer assessments on undeveloped land for a specified length of time or until the lands are developed. Terms and conditions of any such deferral will be established in the resolution adopting the assessments. SECTION 12. APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENTS UPON LAND LATER SUBDIVIDED 14 If a special assessment is levied against a tract of land which is later subdivided, the installments remaining unpaid can be apportioned among the various lots and parcels in the tract upon a finding that such apportionment will not materially impair collection of the balance due. This may be done upon application of the property owner or by the Council acting upon its own motion, but notice of such apportionment and of the right to appeal must be mailed to or personally served upon all owners of any part of the tract. If the action is requested by the property owner(s), all costs associated with public notice shall be paid by the property owner(s) making the request. The Council may, and if the assessment has been pledged towards payment of improvement warrants the Council must, require the owner(s) to furnish a cash surety or letter of credit toward total payment of all assessments. 15 Sidewalks and Roadside Trail Assessment * Draft Policy Outline (11/09/2017) Property Conditions (examples) Project initiator Rationale and timing Trails and sidewalks are part of basic From scratch --All new improvements over Initiated by Developer - Contructed with all infrastructure which in contemporary previously undeveloped unplatted parcel. Street and Utility Improvements setting are installed at inception of 1 development Otter Creek, Jefferson Commons, Groveland, Featherstone Funding Program Commercial Residential Developer funds property Property at time of project Assessment Assessment" City Share 100% Initiated by Comercial Property Owner - Build sidewalk and trails incrementally From Vacant lot to Developed lot Constructed in conjunction with new site with site development as it occurs 100% 2 development over time Auto Zone, Goodwill, Bob Ryan At Reconstruction -Vacant site adjacent to Initiated by City - Constructed in conjunction Timing of updating boulevards with reconstruction project or done as in -fill project with street reconstruction or other initiative trails and sidewalk fits well with 50 to 100 % 25% Balance 3 or infill project reconstruction activity Seventh Street, Chelsea properties Provides for pedestrian Speeds up retrofit Will consider access where none previously existed of network deferal if request adjacent to At Reconstruction -Developed site By City - Constructed in conjunction with Timing of updating boulevards with 4 reconstruction project or done as in-fil project street reconstruction or other initiative or trail and sidewalk fits well with 50% -Commercial 25% *** Balance infill project reconstruction activity Speeds up retrofit 25% industrial Mcdonalds of network Caribou Commercial property Taco Bell benefits more than Industrial Intiated or required by City covering Infill legs provide Public benefit - no Other - public property in -fill improvements that are not adjacent to 100% 5 private land - Parks, Storm water ponds direct benefit to private property At Reconstruction - Vacant or Developed site By City -Constructed in conjunction with adjacent to reconstruction project or done as in- Multiple properties receive benefit of street reconstruction or other initiative or fill project - Exclusive collector function serving the presence of a collector facility 6 multiple neighborhoods infill project Prairie Road/Balboul Neighborhood River Street/Ritze Manor Neighborhood * Presumes that sidewalk or trails are identified on plan ** Area wide assessment can be employed to increase overall percentage examples - Prairie Road, West River Street - case by case *** Assessment could go less than 25% if other pathways or trails are readily available nearby. up to 100% Balance Area wide assessment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 23, 2017 — 5 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Shibani Bisson, Angela Schumann, Rachel Leonard, Tom Moores, Tom Pawelk, Sarah Rathlisberger, Tracy Ergen, and Jim Thares Others: Andrew Plowman, WSB 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. Fallon Avenue Overpass Project — Closed Meeting 3. Fallon Avenue Design Review Andrew Plowman, WSB, gave a presentation of the design of the Fallon Avenue overpass. The presentation included discussion on bridge aesthetics, roundabout, private utility relocations, construction staging, project cost, anticipated project schedule, and traffic projections. Discussion ensued on the bridge aesthetics including the color of the railing and whether or not to have a double top rail or a single top rail. There was also conversation on the roundabout, specifically maintenance and whether to have concrete or landscaped materials. Staff was looking for direction on design choices. There was consensus by city council to proceed with: 1) Mississippi Bronze as the color choice; 2) double top railing on bridge railing; and 3) stamped concrete for splitter island treatment of round -a -bout and landscaped plantings for center. 4. Bertram Athletic Fields — Phasing Elements, Timing, and Financing Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, gave a presentation on the slightly amended proposed Phase #1 improvements. The revised plans were based on play and demand, field conditions, and need for parking, irrigation and stormwater management. Construction for 2018-2020 is planned for following: mass grading — soccer to final; utilities; gravel parking and trail; well; irrigation lines — for soccer; ponding; seeding; and restoration. Tom Pawelk, Parks Superintendent, commented on the lack of parking and the need for infrastructure. Staff and city council discussed funding options. There was mention of participation by the County and need for funding partnerships. Angela Schumann requested that the city City Council Special Meeting Minutes — October 9, 2017 council formally dedicate liquor store proceeds to the project for a three year period. Because of lack of time, discussion and funding approval was continued to the regular meeting. 5. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — October 9, 2017 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 23, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None. 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All City Councilmembers were present. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes Special Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2017 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the special meeting minutes of October 9, 2017. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2017 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of October 9, 2017. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda A continuation of the special meeting in regard to Bertram Athletic Fields will be discussed at the end of the meeting. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, stated the following announcements: - Fall Leaf Pick -Up is Saturday, October 28. Mayor Stumpf commented that the date may be too early and that it be noted to look at a later date next year. - Fall family events which include Monticello Chamber/MCC hosting a downtown trick -or -treat event on Thursday, October 26 from 4 — 6:30 p.m. and color -me -fall event at BCOL on Saturday, October 28 from 10 a.m. — City Council Minutes — October 23, 2017 Page 117 2 p.m. sponsored by Wright County Parks, MCC, Friends of Bertram and YMCA Camp Monitou. Veterans Day Hours — City Hall and Public Works will be closed November 10. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, gave a brief update on a temporary demonstration of curb extensions which will take place at the down trick -or -treat event. F. Council Liaison Updates EDA — Councilmember Davidson noted the following updates: 1) approved a one year extension for Masters Fifth Avenue; 2) approved WSB for relocation consulting services; and 3) approved guidelines for TIF projects. MOAA — Mayor Stumpf stated that there was a request for amendment to solar language. Request was denied. I-94 Coalition — Councilmember Gabler commented that there was discussion on the Washington D.C. trip and waiting for Legislature decisions on funding. G. Department Updates • Update on Pool Construction — Ann Mosack, Community Center Director, gave an update on the pool upgrades/construction. There have been some delays due to weather issues across the states. The pool is set to reopen on November 22. • Wright County Sheriff Quarterly Update — Lieutenant Eric Kunkel presented the quarterly update which was included in the agenda packet. • FiberNet/Arvig Quarterly Update — Mark Birkholz, Arvig, provided the FiberNet quarterly update which was included in the packet. 2. Consent Auenda Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the consent agenda excluding item K. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $782,342.13. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for MCC and DMV and the termination for MCC. C. Consideration of approving the of surplus FiberNet equipment to Relay Networks for $4,200. Recommendation: Approved the sale of surplus FiberNet equipment to Relay Networks for $4,200. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-77 accepting a donation from the Fire Relief Association General Fund to Fire Department in the amount of $8,985. City Council Minutes — October 23, 2017 Page 2 17 Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2017-77 accepting a donation from the Fire Relief Association General Fund. E. Consideration of approving an application for a charitable gambling premises permit for fundraising activity to be conducted at the Chamber of Commerce for the annual banquet on December 1, 2017, at the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Approved a charitable gambling premises permit for the Chamber of Commerce annual banquet. F. Consideration of approving adjustments to the Monticello Community center part-time pay schedule to meet minimum wage requirements. Recommendation: Approved adjustments to the Monticello Community Center part-time pay schedule. G. Consideration of approving a new outside cleaning service to clean city building for $75,756 annually. Recommendation: Approved commercial cleaning service of ServiceMaster for $75,756 annually for the Community Center, Library, City Hall, Senior Center, Prairie Center, and Head End Building. H. Consideration of approving a Cash Management and Investment Policy. Recommendation: Approved the Cash Management and Investment Policy as presented. L Consideration of approving the annual Snowplowing and Ice Removal Policy for 2017-2018 Snow Season. Recommendation: Approved the annual Snowplowing and Ice Removal Policy for 2017-2018 Snow Season. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-74 authorizing submittal of Local Road Improvement Program grant application for intersection improvements at Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2017- 74 authorizing submittal of Local Road Improvement Program grant application for intersection improvements at Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39. K. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for Micro- Brewery/Taproom in CCD (Central Community District), Ordinance 683 for Amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 5.2 and 5.3 to allow outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries (and similar uses), Summary Ordinance 683A, and Conditional Use Permit for outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries. Applicant: Zach Barthel/Sina Nyland, Nordic Brewery. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FREOM THE CONSENT AGENDA. L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-80 authorizing Condemnation of land for the Fallon Avenue Overpass project, City Project No. 16C006. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2017-80 authorizing Condemnation of Land for the Fallon Avenue Overpass project, City Project No. 16C006. City Council Minutes — October 23, 2017 Page 3 17 M. Consideration of approving a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Agreement for Otter Creek Crossings 5 1 Addition, a portion of Outlot D of Otter Creek Crossing; PID: 151-171-000040. Applicant: Chadwick, John/John Chadwick Farms, LLC. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2017-81 approving the preliminary and final plat and development contract for Otter Creek Crossing Stn Addition, contingent on compliance with those conditions specified in Exhibit Z and based on finding in said resolution. N. Consideration of approving an amendment to Assessment Agreement with John Chadwick Farm, LLC, for a portion of Outlot D, Otter Creek Crossing, to be platted as Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition. Recommendation: Approved the amended Assessment Agreement for the land to be platted as Otter Creek Stn Addition. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Auenda for discussion. A. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for Micro- Breweiy/Taproom in CCD (Central Community District), Ordinance 683 for Amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 5.2 and 5.3 to allow outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries (and similar uses), Summar -v Ordinance 683A, and Conditional Use Permit for outdoor seating for Production Breweries and Micro -Distilleries. Applicant: Zach Barthel/Siva Nyland, Nordic Brewerv. Councilmember Hilgart removed the item to allow the applicant to address the city council. Applicants Zach Barthel and Sina Nyland introduced themselves to the council. Councilmember Fair moved approval of: Decision 1 — Approve Conditional Use Permit for a Proposed Production Brewery with Taproom, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z, and based on findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-20; and Decision 2 — Adopt Ordinance No. 683 for the proposed text amendment, based on findings in Resolution PC -2017-30; Decision 3 — Approve the Conditional Use Permit for a proposed accessory outdoor seating for a Production Brewery with Taproom within 300 feet of residential property, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z, and based on findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-31; and Decision 4 — Adopt Summary Ordinance 683A for publication. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearings A. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adoptin! Resolution 2017-78 approving assessments for the 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utilitv Improvement Project, Citv Project No. 16C003, for Hart Boulevard and Sandberg Road. City Council Minutes — October 23, 2017 Page 4 17 Shibani Bisson, City Engineer/WSB, gave a presentation of the street assessments for Hart Boulevard and Sandberg Road. Ms. Bisson noted that two objection letters were received, 41201 Highway 25 South, 1349 Hart Boulevard, and 1219 Hart Boulevard. Also mentioned was a letter that was submitted from 220 Sandberg road. The presentation included: project location; before and after pictures; remaining work; projects costs and funding; assessments; and payment terms. The total Hart Boulevard East project cost is $146,621 with assessments equaling $121,463. The Hart Boulevard West total cost is $142,723 with $4,320 being assessed. The total Sandberg Road project cost is $94,427 with 100% of the cost being assessed. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. The following individuals testified: Mary K. Bondhus, 7336, Alladin Ave. NW, Buffalo. Ms. Bondhus had submitted an objection letter to the proposed assessment. Ms. Bondhus is concerned that the assessment amount is excessive and would like the city to reevaluate the assessment after including the water treatment plant, hospital, clinic, and senior housing. Ms. Bondhus believes her assessment will be lower after including these institutions mentioned. Aaron Purcell, 220 Sandberg Road. Mr. Purcell had submitted a letter in regard to parking and the fact that his customers and employees have nowhere to park. He requested that the city assist with parking on the street for his business. Jay Morrell, 1401 Fallon Avenue. Mr. Morrell spoke against the assessment and that businesses are not assessed in a fair manner. In his opinion, the city should pay some of the assessment cost, as they do for residential properties. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. There was some discussion of parking near 220 Sandberg Road. Mayor Stumpf commented that staff will look at the area in regard to parking. Councilmember Gabler stated her concerns of public improvement in areas that may not need them due to previous projects near/at the current projects even though the maintenance schedule calls for the improvement. She is concerned specifically about the Sandberg Road area. In addition, Ms. Gabler believes the assessment policy itself should be reviewed. Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of adopting Resolution 2017-78 as presented approving assessments for the 2017 Street Reconstruction and Utility Improvement Project, City Project No. 16C003, for Hart Boulevard and Sandberg Road. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Councilmember Gabler voted against for reason listed previously. City Council Minutes — October 23, 2017 Page 5 17 B. PUBLIC HEARING — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-79 approving an assessment roll for delinquent utility billiniz accounts to be certified to the County Auditor for 2018 pavable tax year. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented the assessment roll. Mr. Oberg commented on the history of delinquency of accounts. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. Councilmember Fair moved to adopt Resolution 2017-79 approving an assessment roll for delinquent utility billing accounts to be certified to the County Auditor for 2018 payable tax year. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of approving Ordinance 684 and Summary Ordinance 684A for an amendment to Monticello Zoning Code, Chapter 4, Section 13 — Telecommunications Towers and Antennas and related Sections as related to Small Cell and Wireless Telecommunication standards. Applicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittman, NAC, presented the ordinance amendment which follows the recent adoption of the Right -of -Way Ordinance. This amendment addresses the legislation specific to zoning aspects of residential district CUP and height. For all other aspects, the city's Right -of -Way ordinance will provide the regulatory requirements. Councilmember Fair moved approval of Decision 1/Alternative 1 and Decision 2/Alternative 1 to adopt Ordinance No. 684 approving an amendment relating to Small Cell wireless facilities, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-033 and Summary Ordinance 684A for publication. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of establishing a ne,2otiations team supvortin4 contract discussion with Veolia. Mayor Stumpf gave a brief overview. There was minimal discussion on possible appointing a councilmember to serve on a team for negotiations with Veolia. It was decided that the Finance Director would be best to negotiate the contract. The contract, additionally, will need to be approved by council. Councilmember Gabler believes that having a councilmember present at negotiations would be beneficial. Councilmember Fair moved to authorize the Finance Director to negotiate with Veolia and bring back to the City Council for approval. Councilmember City Council Minutes — October 23, 2017 Page 6 17 Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-1; Councilmember Gabler voted against. 5. Added Items A schedule of special meetings was distributed in the packet to the council. Councilmember Fair moved to adopt the meeting/workshop schedule for the city council. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The council continued discussion, from the earlier special meeting, on the Bertram Chain of Lakes proposed revised plan. Angela Schumann reviewed funding options which included liquor store revenues. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, touched on funds available for the project. There was discussion in regard to participation by the County and perhaps the YMCA. The County had mentioned they could possible provide engineering services with the improvements on Briarwood. There was further discussion on grants and partnerships with organizations. Brian Anderson, President of Monticello Soccer Club, addressed the city council and noted that the group has raised $4,500 - $5,000 in donations and would be willing to donate $12,000 for an above ground sprinkler if a water source was made available. Councilmember Fair moved approval of funding the revised Phase 1 plans for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex and authorized $2.5 million over three years (2017-2019) for permits, development of plans and specs, and infrastructure improvements with funding from the liquor store fund, with the understanding that additional funding sources will also be used. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Adiournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — October 23, 2017 Page 7 17 City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 2A. Consideration of approving pavment of bills (WO) City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,908,641.11. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. 11/1L_C1:_ 10 City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 11/01/2017- 1:25PM Batch: 00215.10.2017 - 215.10 2017 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4263 CAYAN Check Sequence: I ACH Enabled: True 460104 Sept. 2017 (3) Genius Serv. Fee- cc machine ren 89.85 10/31/2017 609-49754-424100 460104 Sept. 2017 (14,233) Trans. Fee 996.31 10/31/2017 609-49754-443980 Check Total: 1,086.16 Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 10/31/2017 5843395-5 15.00 10/31/2017 217-41990-438100 10/31/2017 5863599-6 16.98 10/31/2017 101-42700-438100 10/31/2017 5806932-5 15.00 10/31/2017 101-45201-438100 10/31/2017 5821009-5 33.17 10/31/2017 101-42200-438100 10/31/2017 5864452-7 48.68 10/31/2017 101-45501-438100 10/31/2017 5788570-9 25.40 10/31/2017 609-49754-438100 10/31/2017 5804618-6 16.98 10/31/2017 101-45201-438100 10/31/2017 5768542-2 79.26 10/31/2017 101-41940-438100 10/31/2017 5768542-2 1,832.89 10/31/2017 226-45126-438100 10/31/2017 5768542-2 29.72 10/31/2017 101-45175-438100 10/31/2017 5768542-2 39.63 10/31/2017 101-42800-438100 10/31/2017 5828859-8 7.63 10/31/2017 101-41940-438100 10/31/2017 8235331-9 16.03 10/31/2017 101-41941-438100 10/31/2017 8235333-5 18.15 10/31/2017 101-41941-438100 10/31/2017 8000015233-2 1,437.57 10/31/2017 602-49480-438100 10/31/2017 5799425 35.62 10/31/2017 101-43127-438100 10/31/2017 5799427 15.00 10/31/2017 101-43127-438100 10/31/2017 5820786 21.00 10/31/2017 101-43127-438100 10/31/2017 5837384 54.00 10/31/2017 101-43127-438100 Check Total: 3,757.71 Vendor: 2439 DEPT OF EMPLOYMENT & ECON DEVELO Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 10/13/2017 Qtr 3 2017 Unemployment Benefits 104.72 10/31/2017 226-45122-414200 Check Total: 104.72 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/01/2017 - 1:25 PM) Page I Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1593 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - ACH Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True September Sept Sales Tax - Hi Way Liquor 45,902.40 10/31/2017 609-00000-208100 September Sept Sales Tax - Hi Way Liquor 0.60 10/31/2017 609-49750-443990 September Sept UseTax - Hi Way Liquor 18.88 10/31/2017 609-49754-425550 September Sept UseTax - Hi Way Liquor 0.12 10/31/2017 609-49750-443990 September Sept UseTax - General 75.44 10/31/2017 101-00000-208100 September Sept UseTax - General 0.56 10/31/2017 101-41310-443990 September Sept WasteTax - General 714.36 10/31/2017 101-00000-208120 September Sept WasteTax - General -0.36 10/31/2017 101-00000-362900 September Sept SalesTax - MCC 4,963.11 10/31/2017 226-00000-208100 September Sept SalesTax - MCC -0.11 10/31/2017 226-45122-362900 September Sept SalesTax - Water Fund 4,769.82 10/31/2017 601-00000-208100 September Sept SalesTax - Water Fund 0.18 10/31/2017 601-49440-443990 Check Total: 56,445.00 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True October 2017 Wells Fargo account interest earnings 08/2017 -2,441.94 10/31/2017 101-00000-362110 October 2017 Wells Fargo account interest earnings 08/2017 2,441.94 10/31/2017 101-41520-443980 October 2017 Wells Fargo account interest earnings 09/2017 -2,288.98 10/31/2017 101-00000-362110 October 2017 Wells Fargo account interest earnings 09/2017 2,288.98 10/31/2017 101-41520-443980 October 2017 MCC CC Fees (WF - Front Desk) 999.04 10/31/2017 226-45122-443980 October 2017 MCC CC Fees (WF - Online) 11.16 10/31/2017 226-45122-443980 October 2017 MCC CC Fees (iAccess - Fanners Market) 83.85 10/31/2017 226-00000-220100 October 2017 Liquor Store CC Fees (WF) 12.00 10/31/2017 609-49754-443980 October 2017 Liquor Store CC Fees (WF) 6,369.93 10/31/2017 609-49754-443980 October 2017 City Hall CC Fees (WF) 121.04 10/31/2017 101-41520-443980 October 2017 Utilities CC Fees (Bluefin) 792.96 10/31/2017 601-49440-443980 October 2017 Utilities CC Fees (Bluefin) 792.96 10/31/2017 602-49490-443980 October 2017 Utilities CC Fees (AmEx) 73.18 10/31/2017 601-49440-443980 October 2017 Utilities CC Fees (AmEx) 73.18 10/31/2017 602-49490-443980 October 2017 MCC ACH Return October 2017 43.00 10/31/2017 226-00000-115031 October 2017 MCC CC Dispute 10/21/17 204.00 10/31/2017 226-45122-443200 Check Total: 9,576.30 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 10/31/17 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 11,885.88 10/31/2017 602-49480-438100 10/31/17 51-6505905-0 - Water 8,710.55 10/31/2017 601-49440-438100 10/31/17 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 8/2-9/3/17 1,873.70 10/31/2017 602-49490-438100 10/31/17 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 8/2-9/3/17 251.43 10/31/2017 602-49490-438100 10/31/17 51-0395766-0 - Pumphouse 405 Ramsey 9/3-10/ 3,708.93 10/31/2017 601-49440-438100 10/31/17 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 8/2-31/17 92.10 10/31/2017 101-43160-438100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/01/2017 - 1:25 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/31/17 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots(3) auto protect ligh 69.13 10/31/2017 101-43160-438100 10/31/17 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 8/31-10/2 104.62 10/31/2017 101-43160-438100 10/31/17 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM - 51-6505908-3 - Civil Defe 18.71 10/31/2017 101-42500-438100 10/31/17 51-6505909-4 - DMV & Food Shelf 30629 10/31/2017 217-41990-438100 10/31/17 51-6505910-7 - Hi -Way Liquors 8/2-9/3/17 2,239.88 10/31/2017 609-49754-438100 10/31/17 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 2,137.68 10/31/2017 101-41940-438100 10/31/17 51-6505911-8 - MCC 9,682.41 10/31/2017 226-45126-438100 10/31/17 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 502.98 10/31/2017 101-45175-438100 10/31/17 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 251.49 10/31/2017 101-42800-438100 10/31/17 51-6505912-9 Animal Shelter 8/31-10/2/17 91.64 10/31/2017 101-42700-438100 10/31/17 51-6505913-0 Fire Station 8/31-10/2/17 539.64 10/31/2017 101-42200-438100 10/31/17 51-6505914- Shop / Garage 7/4-8/2/17 1,267.01 10/31/2017 101-43127-438100 10/31/17 51-6505914- Shop / Garage 8/2-10/2/17 1,423.95 10/31/2017 101-43127-438100 10/31/17 51-6505915-2 - Parks 825.08 10/31/2017 101-45201-438100 10/31/17 51-6505915-2 - Water 28.34 10/31/2017 601-49440-438100 10/31/17 51-6505915-2 - Ballfield Cons & Sec. Lights 350.40 10/31/2017 101-45203-438100 10/31/17 51-6505915-2 - Ballfield NSP Softball Assoc. F 220.67 10/31/2017 101-45203-438100 10/31/17 51-6505916-3 Street Lights 8/2-31/17 12,474.45 10/31/2017 101-43160-438100 10/31/17 51-0371645-4 - Swan Cam 8/31-10/2 19.24 10/31/2017 101-45201-438100 10/31/17 51-7780310-4- Bldg. Inspec. Garage 8/31-10/2/ 33.04 10/31/2017 101-41940-438100 10/31/17 51-9391437-3 118 W. 6th St. Floors 1 & 2 338.28 10/31/2017 101-41941-438100 10/31/17 ZCULPS-EXPENS- 51-0623082-8 - EDA- 8/31 18.00 10/31/2017 213-46522-438100 10/31/17 51-4271112-2 - Library 9/3-10/2/17 1,178.11 10/31/2017 101-45501-438100 Check Total: 60,643.63 Total for Check Run: 131,613.52 Total of Number of Checks: 6 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/13/17 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/01/2017 - 125 PM) Page 3 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 11/02/2017- 2:11 PM Batch: 00202.11.2017 - 202.11.2017 Liquor Invoice No Description Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3215813 resale - beer 3217753 resale - beer 609-49750-433300 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 61153700 resale - wine 61153700 resale -liquor 61153700 freight 61271300 resale - wine 61271300 resale - liquor 61271300 freight 61380700 resale - wine 61380700 resale - liquor 61380700 freight 96649700 resale - condiments 96649700 resale - mix 96649700 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S 72924 resale - soda pop 72925 resale - beer 75823 resale - soda pop 75823 resale - juice 75824 resale - beer 7694 resale - beer 78590 resale - beer credit 78591 resale - soda pop 78591 resale -juice 78592 resale - beer Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 1 64.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 61.50 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 125.50 Check Sequence: 2 616.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 753.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 27.90 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 424.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 801.76 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 25.20 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 240.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 602.65 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 13.20 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 84.50 11/01/2017 609-49750-425500 70.80 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 0.71 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 3,659.72 Check Sequence: 3 311.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 1,545.31 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 68.75 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 49.20 11/01/2017 609-49750-425500 1,422.41 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 21.40 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 -161.60 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 27.50 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 65.60 11/01/2017 609-49750-425500 938.70 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Page I Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC 375-0135 resale- beer Check Total Vendor: 1129 Check Total: Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII 1080707042 resale - liquor 1080707042 resale - wine 1080707042 freight 1080710103 resale - liquor 1080710103 resale - wine 1080710103 freight 1080710194 resale - beer 161432 Check Total: Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. 2018147 resale - beer 2021735 resale- beer 2021735 resale - mix 2021735 resale - wine 354-242 resale - beer credit 354-249 resale - beer credit Check Total: Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC 375-0135 resale- beer Check Total Vendor: 1129 DAIILIIEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 1306559 resale - beer 1306559 resale - beer n/a 1306583 resale -beer 1311636 resale -beer 1311636 resale -beer n/a 1311658 resale -beer 1311658 resale -beer n/a 1311678 resale -beer 161432 resale - beer credit 161734 resale - beer 161818 resale - beer 161819 resale - beer credit 161841 resale - beer 161841 resale -beer n/a Amount Payment Date Acct Number 4,288 27 Check Sequence: 4 2,414.02 11/01/2017 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 1,767.25 609-49750-425400 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 58.16 2,670.95 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 1,833.34 11/01/2017 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 296.00 609-49750-425200 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 29.98 1,715.95 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 55.40 11/01/2017 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 6,454.15 609-49750-425200 116.90 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 -128.00 11/01/2017 Check Sequence: 5 14,950.35 11/01/2017 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 19,173.95 609-49750-425400 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 79.30 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 25.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 -164.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 -528.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 33,536.60 Check Sequence: 6 438.70 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 438.70 Check Sequence: 7 20,181.67 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 78.15 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 2,984.25 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 2,670.95 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 17.65 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 17,921.96 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 88.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 1,715.95 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 -185,60 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 57.10 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 116.90 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 -128.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 18,165.80 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 300.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACII Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description 162291 resale -beer 162292 resale -beer credit Check Total: Vendor: 4743 GRAND CASTLE 09/27/2017 Escrow Refund - 8637 Bison Ave/Hillside #16-6 10/01/2017 Escrow Refund - 5929 Deer St./Hillside #17-001 Check Total: Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC 926176 resale - beer AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Amount Check Total: Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 2722409 resale - beer 2722409 resale - beer n/a 2722409 freight 2733985 resale - beer 2733985 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 5846549 resale - liquor 5846549 freight 5846550 freight 5846550 resale - wine 5846551 resale - beer 5847839 resale - liquor 5847839 freight 5847840 resale - wine 5847840 resale - wine n/a 5847840 freight 5847841 resale - beer 5850352 resale - liquor 5850352 freight 5850353 resale - wine 5850353 freight 5850353 resale - mix 5851855 resale - liquor 5851855 freight AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 197.80 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 -58.50 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 64,124.08 Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 2,000.00 11/01/2017 101-00000-220110 2,000.00 11/01/2017 101-00000-220110 4,000.00 Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 1,406.75 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 1,406.75 Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 2,737.35 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 76.70 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 3.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 1,751.89 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 3.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 4,571.94 Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 7,221.84 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 82.70 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 93.87 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 3,084.93 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 43.98 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 7,203.46 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 113.98 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 2,846.45 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 32.99 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 69.78 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 147.60 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 276.93 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 4.47 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 430.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 7.45 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 28.85 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 6,445.36 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 64.44 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5851856 freight 44.71 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5851856 resale- wine 1,370.46 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 5851856 resale- mix 76.35 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 5851857 resale - beer 65.97 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 5853053 resale -liquor 3,172.61 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 5853053 freight 33.17 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5853054 freight 45.44 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5853054 resale - wine 1,660.94 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 5853054 resale -mix 72.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 5853055 resale - beer 60.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 5855605 resale - liquor 2,215.32 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 5855605 freight 26.82 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5855606 freight 22.35 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5855606 resale- wine 720.25 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 5857403 resale - liquor 8,913.74 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 5857403 freight 114.47 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5857404 freight 63.32 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5857404 resale - wine 2,092.33 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 5857405 resale - beer 21.99 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 5858767 resale - liquor 1,619.01 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 5858767 freight 29.06 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5858768 freight 35.76 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 5858768 resale- wine 1,622.12 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 5858768 resale - mix 73.70 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 648452 resale- wine creditinv 95824466 -9.65 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 52,361.32 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 2883 resale -beer 315.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 315.00 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 246796 resale - cigarettes 1,173.29 11/01/2017 609-49750-425500 246796 resale - tocacco; soda pop; bar supplies 53.80 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,227.09 Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 1-10-18-17-2 resale - wine 87.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 1-10-18-17-2 freight 2.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Check Total Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO 8608669 resale - wine 8608669 freight 400.76 Check Total: Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO 2247117 resale - liquor 2247117 freight 2247997 freight 2247997 resale - liquor 2247998 resale - wine 2247998 freight 2250737 freight 2250737 resale- liquor 2250738 resale- wine 2250738 freight 2251600 freight 2251600 resale- liquor 2251601 resale- wine 2251601 wine 2253397 resale - liquor 2253397 freight 2254496 resale - liquor 2254496 freight 2254497 freight 2254497 resale- wine 2255352 resale- wine 2255352 freight 277098 resale - liquor credit inv, # 2228383 277099 resale - liquor credit inv, # 2243248 277099 freight 277248 freight credit inv. #2247997 277248 resale - liquor credit inv. #2247997 11/01/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 4781 RUE 38 LLC 2261 resale - wine 2261 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 89.00 Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 400.76 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 7.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 407.76 Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 3,57420 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 65.56 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 25.33 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 2,095.20 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 1,452.75 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 46.19 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 44.83 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 3,625.05 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 1,419.50 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 38.75 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 55.87 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 2,805.45 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 359.83 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 9.43 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 616.90 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 4.47 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 2,118.30 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 22.35 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 22.35 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 551.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 1,589.50 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 43.22 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 -6.79 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 -319.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 -2.98 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 -1.49 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 -95.90 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 20,159.87 Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 368.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 6.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Check Total: Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. 1603856 resale - liquor 1603856 Check Sequence: 18 freight 1603857 11/01/2017 freight 1603857 12.84 resale - wine 1606556 resale - liquor 1606556 609-49750-433300 freight 1606557 11/01/2017 freight 1606557 1,355.14 resale - mix 1606558 resale - wine 1606558 609-49750-433300 freight 1.40 11/01/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. 269290 resale - wine bags; charms; flasks; etc 272027 609-49750-425300 resale -(3) whiskey Glass 29.40 11/01/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 2041805 resale - soda pop 2041947 Check Sequence: 19 resale - soda pop 2047096 11/01/2017 resale - soda pop 23.97 Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 0191324 resale - wine 0191324 resale - liquor 0191324 265.75 freight 0191971 resale - wine 0191971 609-49750-425400 resale - beer n/a 0191971 11/01/2017 resale- Liquor 0191971 1,110.50 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY 52150 11/01/2017 resale - wine 52150 90.00 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 374.00 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 1,590.93 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 12.84 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 47.84 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 2,508.92 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 1,355.14 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 17.38 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 1.40 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 40.12 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 1,212.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 29.40 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 6,815.97 Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 420.90 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 23.97 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 444.87 Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 265.75 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 358.25 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 486.50 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 1,110.50 Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 280.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 90.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 10.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 568.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 120.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425400 74.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 22.50 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 1,164.50 Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 384.00 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 6.30 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Vendor: 1573 7153941 7153941 7154194 7154194 7155169 7155169 7155591 7155591 7155908 7155908 7156169 7156169 Vendor: 1206 29059 29059 29632 29632 Description Check Total WINE MERCHANTS INC freight resale - wine resale - wine freight freight resale - wine resale - wine freight freight resale - wine resale - wine freight Check Total: WINEBOW INC. resale - wine freight resale - liquor freight Check Total Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount Payment Date Acct Number 390.30 11.92 672.00 379.00 5.96 14.90 1,035.00 810.00 1.49 7.45 497.00 146.00 2.98 3,583.70 336.00 6.75 708.00 4.50 1,055.25 212,104.84 24 Check Sequence: 24 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/13/17 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Page 7 Check Sequence: 23 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 24 11/01/2017 609-49750-425300 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 11/01/2017 609-49750-425100 11/01/2017 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/13/17 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2017 - 2:11 PM) Page 7 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 11/08/2017 - 3:55PM Batch: 00203.11.2017 - 203.11.2017 AP Invoice No Description Vendor: 1002 A E MICHAELS DECORATING CENTER INC 10/17/2017 Corian Strip & Adnesive Check Sequence: 1 Check Total: Vendor: 4843 AEI PROPERTIES 155075001010 226-45126-422990 160006 - PID 15507500 10 10 Property ROW Ac Check Total: Vendor: 2087 ALL WAYS HEATING AND AC INC 5966 Opened Heating Vents, Dampers, Reset Thermos Check Sequence: 2 Check Total: Vendor: 1018 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY 1153 400-43300-451020 (153.30) gal. Road Oil Check Total: Vendor: 1021 AME RED E MIX INC 115778 ZPARKS-RWOODS- (6) 4000 AE 115803 Check Sequence: 3 Sc. Blvd/Cedar- (23 6 bag; (23) GRP 2 color Enabled: False Check Total: Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3219361 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 4502 ARVIG 268168 Check Sequence: 4 Buried Drops - Aug. 2017 268168 False Aug. 2017 - Calix; Border St.; Advanced Media; Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 175.45 11/14/2017 226-45126-422990 175.45 Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 52,900.00 11/14/2017 400-43300-451020 52,900.00 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 150.00 11/14/2017 101-41941-431990 150.00 Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 498.23 11/14/2017 101-43120-422400 498.23 Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 871.00 11/14/2017 229-45202-453010 4,744.00 11/14/2017 101-43120-422410 5,615.00 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 138.50 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 138.50 Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 21,671.85 11/14/2017 656-49877-440100 3,524.57 11/14/2017 656-49877-421800 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page I Invoice No Description Amount Check Total: Vendor: 2225 ASPHALT SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES CORI Pay Voucher #3 16C003 - Pay Voucher #3 - 2017 Core Street Iml 73554 Check Total: Vendor: 3887 KEVIN BARTHEL 10/24/2017 Famers Market Token Collection Log - 10/19/17 747.05 Check Total: Vendor: 1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY 438978 (3) 331b. cylinders propane 58371 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 61384800 resale - liquor 61439400 resale - wine Amount Check Total: Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S 73553 Resale - Return Expired Juice 73554 Resale - Pop. Gatorade, Water 79181 Resale - Return Expired Pop 79182 Resale - Pop, Gatorade, Water 747.05 Check Total: Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC 58371 UB Oct 2017 Invoices - (3784) FNM Insert 58371 UB Oct 2017 Invoices - (3784) City Hall Insert 58371 UB Oct 2017 Invoices - (3784) Print, Fold, Enve 58371 UB Oct 2017 Invoices - (3784) Print, Fold, Enve 340.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF 1080713629 resale - liquor 1080713629 resale - wine 1080713629 freight 1080713630 resale - beer Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/14/2017 25,196.42 37.84 11/14/2017 101-41310-431950 747.06 11/14/2017 601-49440-431800 747.05 11/14/2017 602-49490-431800 Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 501,300.69 Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/2017 400-43300-459016 609-49750-425100 340.00 11/14/2017 501,300.69 33.29 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 55.40 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 40.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 40.00 Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 58.00 11/14/2017 101-43127-421990 58.00 Check Sequence: l 1 ACH Enabled: True 2,530.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 320.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 2,850.00 Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False -34.70 11/14/2017 226-45125-425410 195.25 11/14/2017 226-45125-425410 -24.38 11/14/2017 226-45125-425410 141.25 11/14/2017 226-45125-425410 277.42 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 2 Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 37.84 11/14/2017 656-00000-202099 37.84 11/14/2017 101-41310-431950 747.06 11/14/2017 601-49440-431800 747.05 11/14/2017 602-49490-431800 1,569.79 Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 2,414.15 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 340.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 33.29 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 55.40 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2,842.84 Check Total: Vendor: 2890 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION CO 22554 ACH Enabled: True Annual Sprinkler hispections 2017- PW 11/14/2017 101-43127-431990 Check Total: Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. 2024130 resale - beer 2024130 ACH Enabled: True resale - beer n/a 354-253 609-49750-425200 resale - beer credit 34.20 11/14/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1094 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE INC 16522 Hillside mowing: debris & litter removal- 9/11/1 16522 Riverside- mowing - 9/12/17 Check Total: Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC 14573 resale - wine 11/14/2017 651-49010-431050 Check Total: Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC 768574 resale - beer 771330 ACH Enabled: False resale- beer 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC 00099902 Monthly Tank Rental Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True Check Total: Vendor: 4315 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 11/1/2017 11/14/2017 Digital Receiver 209.00 Check Total: Vendor: 3932 JULIE CHENEY 10/27/2017 Mileage Reimbursement (164) GFOA Advanced Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2,842.84 Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 175.00 11/14/2017 101-43127-431990 175.00 Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 14,581.60 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 34.20 11/14/2017 609-49750-425400 -40.80 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 14,575.00 Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 160.00 11/14/2017 101-45201-431050 550.00 11/14/2017 651-49010-431050 710.00 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 852.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 852.00 Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 99.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 110.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 209.00 Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 45.00 11/14/2017 226-45124-421600 45.00 Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 7.95 11/14/2017 101-41110-431990 7.95 Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 87.74 11/14/2017 101-41520-433100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Check Total: Vendor: 4842 CORNER PROPERTIES 155131001010 16C006 - PID 15513 100 1010 Property ROW Ac Check Total: Vendor: 1124 CREATIVE FORMS AND CONCEPTS INC 115854 2017 Tax Forms 162784 Check Total: Vendor: 4837 CSG 10/19/2017 Evaluated Pool Drains Amount Check Total: Vendor: 1746 CUSTOM FIRE APPARATUS INC 17886 Rt. blue chn asmbly; It. red chn asmbly: (2) chnv Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 162717 resale - beer 162784 resale - beer Amount Check Total: Vendor: 1980 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 2018 Buyers Crd 2018 Buyers Card- ID # 6618 License Type MO, Check Total: Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 539868 Delinquent UB PH - Ad #744506 541695 Ad #746068 - Fall Sale (10/19 & 20 run) 541894 201739 - Bob Ryan Hearing Ad #745943 541895 201740 - Jones Dwayne Hearing Ad #745967 541896 Commercial/Business Zoning Ad #745982 541897 Non Conformities Hearing Ad #745997 541898 Accessory Use Parking Hearing Ad #746007 545821 Ad #746068 - Fall Sale (11/2 & 3 run) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 87.74 Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 24,600.00 11/14/2017 400-43300-451020 24,600.00 Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 253.42 11/14/2017 101-41520-421990 253.42 Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 100.00 11/14/2017 226-45126-431990 100.00 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 444.38 11/14/2017 101-42200-422110 444.38 Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 298.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 202.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 500.00 Check Sequence. 28 ACH Enabled: False 20.00 11/14/2017 609-49754-443990 20.00 Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 158.45 11/14/2017 101-41310-435100 540.60 11/14/2017 609-49754-434990 110.76 11/14/2017 101-41910-435100 101.53 11/14/2017 101-41910-435100 110.76 11/14/2017 101-41910-435100 101.53 11/14/2017 101-41910-435100 101.53 11/14/2017 101-41910-435100 540.60 11/14/2017 609-49754-434990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 4102 ELITE LIFT TRUCK INC 53554 Troubleshoot forklift - needs head gasket; go to s Check Sequence: 30 Check Total: Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC 10/24/2017 Fanners Market Token Collection Log - 10/19/1" 101-43120-431990 Check Total: Vendor: 2004 TRACY ERGEN 11/6/2017 Mileage Remimbursement - GPRS Seminar (70.' Check Total: Vendor: 1170 FASTENAL COMPANY MNMON104453 (2) Lime Vest - PW Check Sequence: 31 Check Total: Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 0266542 resale - (2) LF 1 1/2 T10 Meters 0266572 fire hydrant meter used for contractors Check Total: Vendor: 1174 FINKEN WATER CENTERS 07938TG (8) 40# Solar Salt- PW Check Total: Vendor: 1192 FRONTIER PRECISION INC 166898 Trimble R1 GNSS Receiver & Antenna Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 3748 JEFFREY D GARDNER 10/24/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/19/1' Check Total: Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,765.76 Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 235.00 11/14/2017 101-43120-431990 235.00 Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 80.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 80.00 Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 37.87 11/14/2017 101-41800-433100 37.87 Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 56.98 11/14/2017 101-43120-420650 56.98 Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 1,304.15 11/14/2017 601-49440-422710 1,150.00 11/14/2017 601-49440-422220 2,454.15 Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 58.00 11/14/2017 101-43127-421990 58.00 Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 2,280.00 11/14/2017 702-00000-424100 2,280.00 Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 28.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 28.00 Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/24/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/19/1" 30.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 30.00 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 7100580 Gopher State - Oct. (163) tickets - FNM 110.02 11/14/2017 656-00000-202099 7100580 Gopher State - Oct. (163) tickets - Water 110.03 11/14/2017 601-49440-432770 Check Total: 220.05 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 9595765190 Wall Mount Fan 81.62 11/14/2017 226-45126-422990 9597958751 Pneumatic Boradcast Spreader 103.05 11/14/2017 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 184.67 Vendor: 4828 GREAT NORTHERN LANDSCAPE Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 10-25-17 refund Water Use Permit - Dep. $600-53.33 used 600.00 11/14/2017 601-00000-220111 10-25-17 refund Water Use Permit - Dep. $600-53.33 used -49.67 11/14/2017 601-49440-371100 10-25-17 refund Water Use Permit - Dep. $600-53.33 used -3.66 11/14/2017 601-00000-208100 Check Total: 546.67 Vendor: 4791 GERALD HANSON Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 11/7/2017 Reimbuse - Batteries for Fire Alarm - Library 35.80 11/14/2017 101-45501-421990 Check Total: 35.80 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 4170329 NWSCO W Hawkins FTGS - Pool 389.00 11/14/2017 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 389.00 Vendor: 1232 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 602705671 Floor Scrubber- Scrub Rider AS710R 7,200.00 11/14/2017 226-45126-424100 Check Total: 7,200.00 Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True 10182017 Acct. 1400-017-223-399 fuel slips 9/20-10/18/1 ; 618.60 11/14/2017 101-42200-421200 Check Total: 618.60 Vendor: 4755 CHAD HOLLISTER Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True COM0004 Cleaning Services - October 2017 Prairie Center 153.40 11/14/2017 101-41941-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference COM0004 Cleaning Services - October 2017 Senior Center 173.46 11/14/2017 101-45175-431990 COM0004 Cleaning Services - October 2017 City Hall 173.46 11/14/2017 101-41940-431990 COM0004 Cleaning Services - October 2017 Library 592.95 11/14/2017 101-45501-431990 COM0004 Cleaning Services - October 2017 FNM 127.44 11/14/2017 656-00000-202099 COM0004 Cleaning Services - October 2017 MCC 1,398 29 11/14/2017 226-45126-431990 Check Total: 2,619.00 Vendor: 4830 HOSCHETTE ENTERPRISES, INC. Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 55312 (20) 16" clear polycarbonate globe 1,008.79 11/14/2017 101-43160-421530 Check Total: 1,008.79 Vendor: 3749 DANIEL PAUL HUNZ Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: True 10/24/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/19/1' 41.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 41.00 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 11/6/2017 December Health Insurance 51,675.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-217061 11/6/2017 December Health Insurance - Union 15 210.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 66,885.00 Vendor: 1253 J H LARSON COMPANY Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 5101611948.001 Flourescent Lamps 32W (60) 109.20 11/14/2017 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 109.20 Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 2718761 resale- beer credit -correct. to inv. #2733910 -23.10 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 2757214 resale -beer 1,996.85 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 2757214 resale- beer n/a 78.05 11/14/2017 609-49750-425400 2757214 freight 3.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 2757218 resale- beer credit -50.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 2,004.80 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 5861329 freight 77.48 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 5861329 resale - liquor 6,405.12 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 5861330 resale- wine 2,219.60 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 5861330 freight 64.07 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 649558 resale -liquor inv.#5853055 -20.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 649559 resale - liquor credit inv. #5851855 -26.50 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 649559 freight credit inv. #5851855 -0.25 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 650319 resale - liquor credit inv. #5851855 -4.33 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 650320 resale - liquor credit inv. #5857403 -120.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 650320 freight credit inv. #5857403 -1.49 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 8,593.70 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 10/25/2017 GO Bonds Series 2017A 6,500.00 11/14/2017 400-43300-462030 Check Total: 6,500.00 Vendor: 3829 STEVE LANGANKI Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 1077 (2) Portable Toilet rental -7/22-7/31;(14) soccer 1 842.70 11/14/2017 101-45201-431990 1082 (23) Portable Toilet rental- 8/1-10/24/17 3,558.00 11/14/2017 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 4,400.70 Vendor: 2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 10/24/2017 Planning Commissin Meeting Recording 10/3/1 60.00 11/14/2017 101-41910-431990 10/24/2017 EDA Meeting Recording 10/11/17 60.00 11/14/2017 213-46301-431990 10/24/2017 City Council Meeting Recording 10/9/17 & 10/2 127.50 11/14/2017 101-41110-431990 Check Total: 247.50 Vendor: 1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 11641 LMCIT Claim #00036687 Date of Loss 7/24/17 139.00 11/14/2017 601-49440-443990 11664 LMCIT Claim #00040471 Date of Loss 9/13/17 140.53 11/14/2017 609-49754-443990 Check Total: 279.53 Vendor: 2819 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False Sept 2017 Labor Relation Services - Sept 2017 2,336.10 11/14/2017 101-41800-430400 Check Total: 2,336.10 Vendor: 1229 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 1468 Business Cards - JT 52.00 11/14/2017 213-46301-421990 Check Total: 52.00 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 20471544 (367) gal. unleaded (a! 52.44 897.31 11/14/2017 101-43120-421200 20471551 (499) gal. diesel 0) $2.22 1,106.55 11/14/2017 101-43120-421200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 20485414 (748) gal. diesel (a $2.38 1,780.42 11/14/2017 101-43120-421200 20485437 (498) gal. unleaded ((-v $2?2 1,104.48 11/14/2017 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 4,888.76 Vendor: 1308 MARCO INC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 341911261 10/10/17 - 11/10/17 Contract Payment 2,914.58 11/14/2017 702-00000-441500 Check Total: 2,914.58 Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 211317-1 resale - wine 348.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 348.00 Vendor: 1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True 400451001554 Sept 2017 - Monti Pawn Transactions (200) 180.00 11/14/2017 101-42100-431990 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 4216 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False P50810 spring; bumper 6.73 11/14/2017 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 6.73 Vendor: 1370 MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #002 Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 11/7/2017 2 New Money Drawers forAddt'l Staff 260.00 11/14/2017 217-41990-103000 Check Total: 260.00 Vendor: 2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 11/3/2017 Postage for Pkgs to Dept Public Safety - Oct 201 120.72 11/14/2017 217-41990-432200 Check Total: 120.72 Vendor: 4684 NICK'S TREE & LANDSCAPE, INC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 1121 remove deadwood from tree; trim tree- Swan Pai 2,300.00 11/14/2017 101-46102-431990 Check Total: 2,300.00 Vendor: 4838 NORTH RISK PARTNERS - APOLLO DIVISI( Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 24.25 11/14/2017 101-41110-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 309.75 11/14/2017 101-41310-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 86.75 11/14/2017 101-41410-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 350.00 11/14/2017 101-41520-415100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 91.50 11/14/2017 101-41800-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17- 10/10/18 130.50 11/14/2017 101-41910-415100 2605085 Work Comp his 10/10/17- 10/10/18 2,706.50 11/14/2017 101-42200-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17- 10/10/18 332.75 11/14/2017 101-42400-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/ 10/ 17 - 10/10/18 930.25 11/14/2017 101-43110-415100 2605085 Work Conip Ins 10/ 10/ 17 - 10/10/18 997.00 11/14/2017 101-43115-415100 2605085 Work Comp his 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 5,094.50 11/14/2017 101-43120-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17- 10/10/18 1,493 25 11/14/2017 101-43125-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17- 10/10/18 512.25 11/14/2017 101-43127-415100 2605085 Work Conip Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 242.25 11/14/2017 101-43130-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 2,524.25 11/14/2017 101-45201-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17- 10/10/18 270.75 11/14/2017 101-46102-415100 2605085 Prepaid Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 48,289.50 11/14/2017 101-00000-155020 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 103.50 11/14/2017 213-46301-415100 2605085 Prepaid Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 310.50 11/14/2017 213-00000-155020 2605085 Prepaid Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 921.75 11/14/2017 217-00000-155020 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 307,25 11/14/2017 217-41990-415100 2605085 Work Conip Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 1,832.00 11/14/2017 226-45122-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 1,156.75 11/14/2017 226-45124-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 1,426.50 11/14/2017 226-45126-415100 2605085 Prepaid Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 13,245.75 11/14/2017 226-00000-155020 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 65.00 11/14/2017 601-49441-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 1,589.50 11/14/2017 601-49440-415100 2605085 Prepaid Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 4,963.50 11/14/2017 601-00000-155020 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 1,627.50 11/14/2017 602-49490-415100 2605085 Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 65.00 11/14/2017 602-49491-415100 2605085 Prepaid Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 5,077.50 11/14/2017 602-00000-155020 2605085 Work Conip his 10/ 10/ 17 - 10/10/18 2,167.00 11/14/2017 609-49754-415100 2605085 Prepaid Work Comp his 10/10/17 - 10/10/18 6,501.00 11/14/2017 609-00000-155020 Check Total: 105,746.00 Vendor: 4836 NORTHERN POOL RESTORATION Check Sequence: 68 01748 Resurface Pools & Spas 79,653.29 11/14/2017 226-45126-440100 Check Total: 79,653.29 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 69 23256 Oct 2017 - Tech Assistance - City Projects 2,961.81 11/14/2017 101-41910-431990 23257 201712 - Carlisle Paxmar PUD Amendment - Oc 146.70 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 23257 201736 - Chadwick Ryan Plat - Oct 2017 260.80 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 23257 201733 - Nordic Brewing Outdoor Seating - Oct 114.10 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 23257 201739 - Ryan Auto CUP - Oct 2017 733.50 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 23257 201732 - SPO Townhouse PUD - Oct 2017 163.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 23257 Fallon Ave Office Addition - Oct 2017 114.10 11/14/2017 101-41910-431990 23258 Oct 2017 - Tech Assistance - Meetings 150.00 11/14/2017 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 4,644.01 Vendor: 1414 JEFF O'NEILL Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 11/06/2017 Flight to ICMA Conference 347.40 11/14/2017 101-41310-433100 11/06/2017 Meal Reimbursements (ar ICMA Conference 57.98 11/14/2017 101-41310-433100 Check Total: 405.38 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 13035 (2) AC Fines mix 128.00 11/14/2017 101-43120-422400 13046 Sunset Ponds -(36.75) SPWEA240A; (21.91) SPI 2,702.41 11/14/2017 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 2,830.41 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 8608963 resale- wine 429.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 8608963 freight 5.25 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 434.25 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence. 73 ACH Enabled: False 2257092 resale - liquor 4,734.80 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 2257092 freight 4321 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 2257093 freight 14.90 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 2257093 resale - wine 600.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 277821 freight credit inv. #2250737 -1.49 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 277821 resale- liquor credit inv. #2250737 -95.90 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 277987 resale - liquor credit inv. 2247117 -81.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 277987 freight credit inv. 2247117 -1.49 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 5,213.03 Vendor: 4565 R HOMES Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 10/23/2017 Escrow Refund -6816 93rd/SunsetPonds #201( 2,000.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 11/07/2017 Escrow Refund - 9036 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 2,000.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 11/08/2017 Escrow Refund -9039 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 2,000.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 11/08/2017 Escrow Refund - 9031 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 2,000.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 8,000.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page I 1 Invoice No Description Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON 10-4-17 Parks fuel small engine - Parks Check Total: Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC 963480 Food for Concession Resale False Check Total: Vendor: 2987 RETAIL RESOURCE LLC 615582 utx - (12) 100pk sq. card; (4) 3.5x5.5 cards 615582 freight - (12) 100pk sq. card; (4) 3.5x5.5 cards Check Total: Vendor: 4834 RUSTECH BREWING COMPANY LLC 11/6/2017 Loan Origination Fee 11/6/2017 GMEF Loan Disbursement #1 ACH Check Total: Vendor: 1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL 11/2/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - October (280 miles) Nov 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment Check Total: Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA 10/24/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/19/1' Check Total: Vendor: 3860 PATRICIA SCOTT 10/24/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/19/1" False Check Total: Vendor: 2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC W5924423 10/7/17 - Event Security W5829750 10/14/17 - Event Security 11/14/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSIC Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 19.04 11/14/2017 101-45201-421200 19.04 Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 254.15 11/14/2017 226-45125-425410 254.15 Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 61.04 11/14/2017 609-49754-421990 19.10 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 80.14 Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False -500.00 11/14/2017 213-00000-362900 34,632.21 11/14/2017 213-46601-181100 34,132.21 Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True 149.80 11/14/2017 101-42700-433100 1,593.75 11/14/2017 101-42700-431200 1,743.55 Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 116.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 116.00 Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 27.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 27.00 Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 140.00 11/14/2017 226-45123-431992 140.00 11/14/2017 226-45123-431992 280.00 Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/7/2017 Cable Franchise Fees - TDS/Bridge Water Q3 2C 9,503.61 11/14/2017 101-00000-208020 11/7/2017 Cable PEG Fees - TDS/Bridge Water Q3 2017 1,758.85 11/14/2017 101-00000-208020 Check Total: 11,262.46 Vendor: 1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 965213 Oct. 2017 cleaning service- Fire Ilall 100.00 11/14/2017 101-42200-431990 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 1489 MARC SIMPSON Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 11-1-17 (2) dust mop; 2pk toilet cleaner- reimbursement 29.75 11/14/2017 101-42200-421100 Check Total: 29.75 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 1609257 resale - beer 1,935.15 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 1609257 freight 21.23 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 1609258 resale - beer 2,068.50 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 1609258 freight 32.20 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 4,057.08 Vendor: 4672 SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS LLC Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 147121 ZPARKS-FSTONE- (2) 251b. Short Native Mix 872.14 11/14/2017 101-45201-422500 147132 (4) 501b TWCA Sports Field Mix 598.20 11/14/2017 101-45203-421990 147183 (3) Complete Soil Analysis W/ Trace Elements 135.00 11/14/2017 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 1,605.34 Vendor: 4513 AARON STAEHNKE Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 10/24/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/16/1' 16.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 Check Total: 16.00 Vendor: 3594 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT, LLC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 2966160 asst. bags; canliner 355.14 11/14/2017 609-49754-421990 2974798 asst. bags; canliner 191.72 11/14/2017 609-49754-421990 2974798 resale - souffle cups 32.43 11/14/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 579.29 Vendor: 3251 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS INC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 208 Plan It -License Renewal/Upgrade Valid to I/1/ 675.00 11/14/2017 101-41520-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 675.00 2,909.45 2,909.45 292,25 292.25 72.48 72.48 5,500.00 81 200.00 95,200.00 16,100.00 198,000.00 20,567.89 1,123.11 21,691.00 433.16 239.52 99.04 92.61 864.33 9,335.76 9,335.76 Check Sequence: 91 11/14/2017 101-41310-431950 Check Sequence: 92 11/14/2017 229-45202-453010 Check Sequence: 93 11/14/2017 101-41800-413500 Check Total: Vendor: 2254 SUNRAY PRINTING SOLUTIONS INC 53178 Fall/Winter Newsletter Printing Service (5,365) 155050000020 Check Total: Vendor: 1512 SYLVA CORPORATION INC LB 7958 52563 ZPARKS- RWOODS- (7) Prem. Cypress Check Total: Vendor: 1516 TASC INH 19609 12/1/17 - 12/31/17 Admin Fees Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 675.00 2,909.45 2,909.45 292,25 292.25 72.48 72.48 5,500.00 81 200.00 95,200.00 16,100.00 198,000.00 20,567.89 1,123.11 21,691.00 433.16 239.52 99.04 92.61 864.33 9,335.76 9,335.76 Check Sequence: 91 11/14/2017 101-41310-431950 Check Sequence: 92 11/14/2017 229-45202-453010 Check Sequence: 93 11/14/2017 101-41800-413500 Check Total: Vendor: 4839 THE BLUFFS 155015042010 160006 - PID 155015042010 Property ROW Ac 155050000020 16C 006 - PID 155050000020 Property ROW Ac 155050001010 16C006 - PID 155050001010 Property ROW Ac 155050002010 160006 - PID 155050002010 Property ROW Ac Check Total: Vendor: 2614 TITAN MACHINERY 792237 CL Replace Cab - insurance repair- Streets 824237 CL (2) cyl. brake - master cylinders both leaking Check Total: Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. 275460 resale - gift bags; totes, glasses; etc 275460 resale - liquor 275460 resale - Coffee 275460 freight Check Total: Vendor: 4441 VALLEY PAVING INC Pay Voucher #5 150004 - Pay Voucher 95 - Th 25/7th St Intersec Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number 675.00 2,909.45 2,909.45 292,25 292.25 72.48 72.48 5,500.00 81 200.00 95,200.00 16,100.00 198,000.00 20,567.89 1,123.11 21,691.00 433.16 239.52 99.04 92.61 864.33 9,335.76 9,335.76 Check Sequence: 91 11/14/2017 101-41310-431950 Check Sequence: 92 11/14/2017 229-45202-453010 Check Sequence: 93 11/14/2017 101-41800-413500 Check Sequence: 95 11/14/2017 101-43120-440440 11/14/2017 101-43120-440440 Check Sequence: 94 11/14/2017 400-43300-451020 11/14/2017 400-43300-451020 11/14/2017 400-43300-451020 11/14/2017 400-43300-451020 Check Sequence: 95 11/14/2017 101-43120-440440 11/14/2017 101-43120-440440 Check Sequence: 97 11/14/2017 400-43300-459014 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 14 Check Sequence: 96 11/14/2017 609-49750-425400 11/14/2017 609-49750-425100 11/14/2017 609-49750-425500 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 97 11/14/2017 400-43300-459014 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False Page 14 Invoice No Description Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L_ 90126052 April - June 2017 Cargill Lab 90127331 Dec 2017 WWTP Operations & Maintenance ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 2644 VIKINGS FOUNDATION Fundraiser Viking Childrens Fund- 9/1-10/13/2017 61,548.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 0192515 resale- wine 0192515 freight Check Total: Vendor: 4514 LY LEE VUE 10/24/2017 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/19/1' Enabled: False Check Total: Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC 6499 Oct. 2017 Water Testing 580.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4841 WCG BUILDING PARTNERS 155018002050 16C006 - PID 155018002050 Property ROW Ac Check Sequence: 100 Check Total: Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC 8454 11/14/2017 Labor - Replace Light South Side Entrance 8454 Materials -Bollard Light, LED Lamp 14W 16.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1568 WEST SHERBURNE TRIBUNE 077906 672.00 3x10 color Wine Sale- 10/21/17 Check Total: Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS 11/8/2017 160001 Phase 1 - BCOL Permit Fees MOAA Bc Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: True 4,098.98 11/14/2017 602-49480-430800 61,548.00 11/14/2017 602-49480-430800 65,64698 Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False 580.00 11/14/2017 609-49754-378160 580.00 Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: True 656.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-425300 16.00 11/14/2017 609-49750-433300 672.00 Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: True 22.00 11/14/2017 226-00000-220100 22.00 Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 192.00 11/14/2017 601-49440-422740 192.00 Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: False 3,300.00 11/14/2017 400-43300-451020 3,300.00 Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False 112.50 11/14/2017 226-45126-440440 1,039.12 11/14/2017 226-45126-440440 1,151.62 Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False 350.00 11/14/2017 609-49754-434990 350.00 Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 350.00 11/14/2017 400-43300-453011 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 350.00 Check Total: Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS 11/8/2017 16C001 Phase 1 - BCOL Pen -nit Fees Planning 8 350.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH November November 2017 Deputies Contract November Court Fines & Fees for Sept 2017 104,367.76 Check Total: Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER 201700000002 201729 - Rezoning Proceedings # T 32376 201700000100 17D005 - Development Agreement # At 355033 201700000100 17D005 - Storm Water Agreement # A1355606 201700000100 17D003 - Easement # A] 356837 201700000100 201733 - CUP # A1356838 Check Total: Vendor: 1580 WRIGHT COUNTY JOURNAL PRESS 6104056 Fall Wine Sale - Full color 11/14/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 01494-700 49 General WWTP - Sept 2017 01494-780 25 MS4/SWPPP - Sept 2017 01494-950 37 140002 - Phosphorus Construct Admin - Sept 01494-950 37 14C002 - Digester Construct Admin - Sept 201' 01627-680 20 16D002 - Mills Fleet Farm Plan Review - Sept 02596-010 33 General Engineering Services Phase 5 - Sept 201 02596-010 33 General Engineering Services Phase 5 - Sept 201 02596-010 33 General Engineering Services Phase 5 - Sept 201 02596-010 33 General Engineering Services Phase 6 - Sept 201 02596-030 24 Maps - Sept 2017 02596-040 26 GIS Support Services - Sept 2017 02596-100 28 15C001 - 2016 Street Reconstruction Project - Si 02596-160 21 150004 - 7th Street/TH 25 Intersection hnprovei 02596-220 12 201707 - Monticello Middle School Expansion F 02596-260 10 160002 - Spirit Hills Trail Improvements - Sept Amount Payment Date Acct Number 350.00 11/14/2017 101-41910-431990 Check Sequence: 107 350.00 11/14/2017 400-43300-453011 350.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 108 101,470.00 11/14/2017 101-42100-430500 2,897.76 11/14/2017 101-42100-430410 104,367.76 230.00 Check Sequence: 109 46.00 11/14/2017 101-41910-431990 46.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 46.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 46.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 46.00 11/14/2017 101-41910-431990 230.00 Check Sequence: 110 901.82 11/14/2017 609-49754-434990 901.82 Check Sequence: 111 87.75 11/14/2017 602-49480-430300 381.50 11/14/2017 101-43111-430300 1,827.25 11/14/2017 602-00000-165010 406.00 11/14/2017 602-00000-165010 839.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 2,660.00 11/14/2017 101-43111-430300 2,660.00 11/14/2017 601-49440-430300 2,660.00 11/14/2017 602-49490-430300 337.00 11/14/2017 101-43111-430300 978.00 11/14/2017 101-43111-430300 406.00 11/14/2017 702-00000-431990 275.00 11/14/2017 400-43300-459011 1,133.50 11/14/2017 400-43300-459014 545.00 11/14/2017 101-43111-430300 203.00 11/14/2017 229-45202-453910 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 02596-2809 201638 - IRT Plan Review - Sept 2017 1,144.50 11/14/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-340 12 2016 - 2017 Market Matching - Sept 2017 742.00 11/14/2017 213-46301-431990 02596-360 12 160003 - 2017 Street Improvements - Sept 2017 42,976.75 11/14/2017 400-43300-459016 02596-3907 201647 - Monticello Specialty Clinic - Sept 201' 1,144.50 11/14/2017 101-43111-430300 02596-4009 16C006 - Fallon Ave Improvements - Sept 2017 45,315.43 11/14/2017 400-43300-459018 R010149-000 5 201720 - Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition Replat - S( 304.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 R010151-000 3 201726 - Featherstone 3rd Addition - Sept 2017 1,736.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 R010276-000 4 201722 - Affordable Self Storage/KP Properties 1,497.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 R010438-000 3 170001- Chelsea Road Utility & Street Improve 5,466.75 11/14/2017 400-43300-430300 R010454-000 3 170002 - 7th Street & Cedar Street Improvemen 1,698.50 11/14/2017 400-43300-430300 R010726-000 1 ZZBCOL - BCOL Plan/Budget Revisions - Sept 320.00 11/14/2017 229-45202-431990 R010903-000 1 201736 - Ottercreek Crossing 5th Add Final Plat 787.00 11/14/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 118,531.43 Vendor: 4840 WSI INDUSTRIES Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: False 15506601010 16C006 - PID 15506601010 Property ROW Acq 14,700.00 11/14/2017 400-43300-451020 Check Total: 14,700.00 Total for Check Run: 1,564,922.75 Total of Number of Checks: 112 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/13/17 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/08/2017 - 3:55 PM) Page 17 No City Council Agenda: 11/13/17 Consideration of approvinu purchase of land as related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Proiect Citv Proiect No. 16CO06 (SB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the October 23, 2017 Council meeting, the Council authorized the initiation of the condemnation process in order to acquire the property areas based on the completed market value appraisals needed for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project. The condemnation process allows for a 90 day "Quick Take" timeline for the City to take ownership of the property starting from the date of filing the condemnation petition with the Court and mailing the quick take notices, which occurred on November 6, 2017. The next step is for the City attorney to schedule a hearing. The hearing date depends on the Court's schedule and our ability to get everyone with an ownership interest in the property served with legal process. Following the hearing (and assuming there are no objections to the taking), the judge issues an Order authorizing the condemnation and requiring the City to pay the approved appraised value to the owners or deposit it with the Court prior to taking possession of the easements. The City cannot take possession of the easements until it pays the approved appraised value to the owners or deposits it with the Court. In order to accommodate the quick take process and to have payments ready in time for the judge's Order, it is recommended for Council to authorize payment at this time in advance of the court Order to keep the project on track. Please note these payments are included in the check register in agenda item 2A. The Order could be made typically within 20 to 70 days of filing, so between November 26, 2017 and January 15, 2018. The City attorney advises the actual checks will cut after the court Order is issued. Payments for parcels that are a part of the quick take process are as follows: Parcel 1: PID 155-015-042010 Parcel 2: PID 155-050-000020 Parcel 3: PID 155-050-001010 Parcel 4: PID 155-050-002010 Parcel 7: PID 155-075-001010 Parcel 8: PID 155-131-001010 Amount: $5,500 Amount: $81,200 Amount: $95,200 Amount: $16,100 Amount: $52,900 Amount: $24,600 WSB will continue to negotiate with the property owners during the 90 day quick take process. Any changes to the payment amounts above will be brought back to Council for approval. The following parcels have settled and payment should be made at this time: Parcel 5: PID 155-066-001010 Parcel 6: PID 155-018-002050 Amount: $14,700 Amount: $3,300 City Council Agenda: 11/13/17 Al. Budget Impact: Fees will be incurred by the City attorney for these proceedings. The total purchase amount for Parcels 1-8 is $293,500 based on the completed market value appraisals. Parcels 5 and 6 have settled with payment to be made at this time totaling $18,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal time to coordinate with City attorney. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion approving purchase of land as related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project City Project No. 16C006. 2. Motion to deny approval at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1 in order to keep the project moving forward for construction in 2018. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Parcel map 2 08/10/2017 CP 16CO06 Fallon Avenue Improvements City of Monficello, Minnesota ' M Fallon Avenue Improvements City of Monficello, Minnesota City Council Agenda 11/13/17 2C. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments (TE) /� 9 9111916 lrl► 4 W.11►117AX' s lI T6106111� The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #l, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 List of new/tenninated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Lori Green Facility Lead MCC 10/26/2017 PT Isabella Velishek Guest Service MCC 10/30/2017 PT Megan Smith Guest Service MCC 10/30/2017 PT Kevin Bame Fitness Instructor MCC 10/30/2017 PT Crystal Lee Childcare MCC 11/1/2017 PT David Turpin Courier DMV 11/8/2017 PT Patricia Kasch DMV Clerk DMV 11/27/2017 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Daniel Tollefson Voluntary Water 8/15/17 Seasonal Ashley Boyer Voluntary MCC 9/16/17 PT Phillip Hurt Voluntary Parks 10/18/17 Seasonal Avery Hilgart Voluntary MCC 10/24/17 PT Chad Hadley Voluntary Parks 10/27/17 Seasonal Charles DeGrio Voluntary Parks 10/27/17 Seasonal Tim Genung Voluntary Parks 10/27/17 Seasonal Scott Imdieke Voluntary Parks 10/27/17 Seasonal Billy Vickers Voluntary Streets 10/27/17 Seasonal Tyler Lambert Voluntary Streets 10/27/17 Seasonal Christina Peters Involuntary DMV 10/27/17 PT Jacob Blockey Voluntary MCC 11/1/17 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2017.xlsx: 11/7/2017 City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 2D. Consideration of approving sale or disposal of surplus property (WO) /� 9 go 11 N 1 304 W.11►1171YXI G"t116106111� The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. City Hall is selling all of the phones that have been replaced throughout city departments — City Hall, MCC, DMV, Liquor Store, Utilities, and Public Works. Staff is looking to sell the phones as one entire lot. Al. Budget Impact: Varies by the value of the property. A2. Staff Work Load Impact: Depends on the value of the property. Some items will be shopped as salvage; other items may go to auction or sold via formal bids or informal bids. State contracting laws will govern in absence of city policy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified on the attached lists. 2. Motion to deny the sale or disposal of surplus property as recommended. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Option 1 to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified. 0 Surplus List Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: City Hall 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. B. C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. $2,400 (Total — 53 phones, 7 sidecars, and 1 router) B. C. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. B. C. 8. $0-$100 A. Phones B. C. Date: 11/13/2017 City Council Agenda: 11/13/17 2E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-82 accepting a donation of $100 from North Risk Partners/Apollo Insurance for Monticello Communitv Center programming (JS) The Council is being asked to approve a donation from North Risk Partners/Apollo Insurance OF $100 for Monticello Community Center programming. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donation/sponsorship will pay for expenses of the run or movie programming. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff participates in the events. Our sponsors will be recognized in all our advertisement and banners. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the Resolution approving the contribution and authorize use of funds. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 Resolution 2017-82 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2017-82 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE North Risk Partners/Apollo Insurance Cash $100 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY I PURPOSE/AMOUNT North Risk Partners/Apollo Insurance I MCC Programming Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 13`h day of November, 2017. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 5F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-83 establishing precinct and polling place for the Citv of Monticello 2018 elections (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to adopt a resolution to establish precinct and polling place for the City of Monticello. The 2017 Legislative session provided for Minnesota Statute section 204B.16 which states that all municipalities must designate precincts and polling places for all election by December 31 for the upcoming year. At this time, the city plans to continue with just one precinct, defined as the municipal boundaries, and would prefer to continue using the Monticello Community Center as its polling place. By approving the attached resolution, the Council would be reestablishing the same precinct and polling place as we previously had in place. This follows requirements in state statutes and elections rules. Al. Budget Impact: none A2. Staff Workload Impact: none B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2017-83 establishing the city's one precinct and the official polling place as the Monticello Community Center. 2. Motion of other. City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2017-83 B. MN State Statute 204B.16 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2017-83 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE FOR THE 2018 ELECTION WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute section 204B.16, states that municipalities must designate precinct polling places for all elections by December 31 for the upcoming year, and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has the ability to change the polling location mid- year for an emergency or if the polling place becomes unavailable. if the location of a polling place has been changed, the City of Monticello will send to every affected household with at least one registered voter in the precinct a nonforwar able luaile notice stating the location of the new polling place at least 25 days before the next election. The secretary of state shall prepare a sample of this notice. A notice that is returned as undeliverable must be forwarded immediately to the county auditor. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Monticello hereby designates the boundaries of the voting precincts and polling place for 2018 as follows: Precinct Name —City of Monticello Polling Place Location —505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Adopted this 13th day of November, 2017 10411,210 - -hy1<i 1610 "1 0 Kill 1 0011 rel 20413.16 POLLING PLACES; DESIGNATION. Subdivision 1. Authority; location. By December 31 of each year, the governing body of each municipality and of each county with precincts in unorganized territory must designate by ordinance or resolution a polling place for each election precinct. The polling places designated in the ordinance or resolution are the polling places for the following calendar year, unless a change is made: (1) pursuant to section 204B.175; (2) because a polling place has become unavailable; or (3) because a township designates one location for all state and federal elections and one location for all township only elections. Polling places must be designated and ballots must be distributed so that no one is required to go to more than one polling place to vote in a school district and municipal election held on the same day. The polling place for a precinct in a city or in a school district located in whole or in part in the metropolitan area defined by section 200.02, subdivision 24, shall be located within the boundaries of the precinct or within one mile of one of those boundaries unless a single polling place is designated for a city pursuant to section 204B.14, subdivision 2, or a school district pursuant to section 205A.11. The polling place for a precinct in unorganized territory may be located outside the precinct at a place which is convenient to the voters of the precinct. If no suitable place is available within a town or within a school district located outside the metropolitan area defined by section 200.02, subdivision 24, then the polling place for a town or school district may be located outside the town or school district within five miles of one of the boundaries of the town or school district. Subd. 1 a. Notice to voters. If the location of a polling place has been changed, the governing body establishing the polling place shall send to every affected household with at least one registered voter in the precinct a nonforwardable mailed notice stating the location of the new polling place at least 25 days before the next election. The secretary of state shall prepare a sample of this notice. A notice that is returned as undeliverable must be forwarded immediately to the county auditor. This subdivision does not apply to a polling place location that is changed on election day under section 204B.175. Subd. 2. [Repealed, 1994 c 607 s 7] Subd. 3. Designation effective until changed. The designation of a polling place pursuant to this section shall remain effective until a different polling place is designated for that precinct. No designation of a new or different polling place shall become effective less than 90 days prior to an election, including school district elections or referenda, and no polling place changes may occur during the period between the state primary and the state general election, except that a new polling place may be designated to replace a polling place that has become unavailable for use. Subd. 4. Prohibited locations. No polling place shall be designated in any place where intoxicating liquors or nonintoxicating malt beverages are served or in any adjoining room. No polling place shall be designated in any place in which substantial compliance with the requirements of this chapter cannot be attained. Subd. 5. Access by elderly and persons with disabilities. Each polling place shall be accessible to and usable by elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities. A polling place is deemed to be accessible and usable if it complies with the standards in paragraphs (a) to (f). (a) At least one set of doors must have a minimum width of 32 inches if the doors must be used to enter or leave the polling place. Copyright n 2017 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. KIZAIISM IlNhlif.Yi��:E.�l�.yl<i Y�.III�II (b) Any curb adjacent to the main entrance to a polling place must have curb cuts or temporary ramps. Where the main entrance is not the accessible entrance, any curb adjacent to the accessible entrance must also have curb cuts or temporary ramps. (c) Where the main entrance is not the accessible entrance, a sign shall be posted at the main entrance giving directions to the accessible entrance. (d) At least one set of stairs must have a temporary handrail and ramp if stairs must be used to enter or leave the polling place. (e) No barrier in the polling place may impede the path of persons with disabilities to the voting booth. (f) At least one parking space for persons with disabilities, which may be temporarily so designated by the municipality for the day of the election, must be available near the accessible entrance. The doorway, handrails, ramps, and disabled parking provided pursuant to this subdivision must conforni to the standards specified in the State Building Code for accessibility by persons with disabilities. A governing body shall designate as polling places only those places which meet the standards prescribed in this subdivision unless no available place within a precinct is accessible or can be made accessible. Subd. 6. Public facilities. Every statutory city, home rule charter city, county, town, school district, and other public agency, including the University of Minnesota and other public colleges and universities, shall make their facilities, including parking, available for the holding of city, county, school district, state, and federal elections, subject to the approval of the local election official. A charge for the use of the facilities may be imposed in an amount that does not exceed the lowest amount charged to any public or private group. Subd. 7. Appropriate facilities. The facilities provided in accordance with subdivision 6 shall be sufficient in size to accommodate all election activities and the requirements of subdivision 5. The space must be separated from other activities within the building. The local election official may approve space in two connecting rooms for registration and balloting activities. Except in the event of an emergency making the approved space unusable, the public facility may not move the election from the space approved by the local election official without prior approval. In addition to the requirements of subdivision 5, the public facility must make remaining parking spaces not in use for regularly scheduled activities available for voters. History: 1981 c 29 art 4 s 16; 1983 c 124 s 4; 1984 c 471 s 5; 1985 c 307 s 1; 1987 c 266 art I s 25; 1991 c 227 s 12,13; 1991 c 349 s 36,37; 1992 c 474 s 1; 1993 c 223 s 10; 1997 c 147 s 29,30; 2000 c 467 s 16; 2004 c 293 art 2 s 18; 2005 c 56 s 1; 2005 c 156 art 6 s 35,36; 2008 e 244 art I s 11; 2017 c 92 art I s 14; art 2 s 8 Copyright n 2017 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. City Council Agenda: 11/13/17 2G. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO on March 17, 2018 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Swan River PTO has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on March 17, 2018, in conjunction with their annual Breakfast with the Bunny event. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. 1. Approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO at the Monticello Community Center on March 17, 2018. 2. Do not approve the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and is not aware of any reason why this application should not be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 Application for Exempt Gambling Permit — Swan River PTO An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned -tit your county by calling 651-539-1900, Organization Previous Gambling Name: Swan River PTO Permit Number: X93339-17-004 Minnesota Tax {D Federal Employer ID Number, if any: 5202141 Number (FEIN), if any: 86-1148067 Mailing Address: 500 Maple Street City: Monticello State: MN Zip: 55362 County: Wright Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Krista Knautbauer(Preeident) Daytime Phone: 320.493.7079 Email: Swan riveroto(a-)onmai|.00m (Permit will oeemaoruu,this email vguresa.) NONPROFIT STATUS Type ofNonprofit Organization (check nne): Fraternal Religious Veterans _��_ Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of g_DSmf the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach asales tax exempt status orfederal employer IDnumber, asthey are not proof ofnonprofit otaLus.) A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary ofState, Business Services Division Secretary ofState website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 Bt. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-077-551'6767 IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. _ GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name ofpremises where the gambling event will beconducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Monticello Community Center Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): 505 Walnut Street Check one: ��.City: Monticello Zip: M0 County: 56362 Township: Zip: County: Qate(s)ofactivity (for raffles, indicate the date mfthe draw|ng): Manch 17.2D18 Check each type ofgambling activity that your organization will conduct: ___Bingo ___Paddlewheels — Pull -Tabs ___Tipboands The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a 1st class city). Title: Date: The city or county must sign befor% submitting application to the Gambling Control Board. The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. MT-WIT90�0 �_ 411 Fa UWA U • �M - TVAr*irC*1%1VjrZ_.1T*T1=_ I Title: Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial 'e report will be completed and returned to 56a,0 Within 30 days of the event date. Chief Executive Officer's Signature: Date: (Sigoature riwgt be CEO's signature; designee may not sign) Print Name: Krista Krautbauer REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with., • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days, ora copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and • all gambling conducted on one day. — application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road Bf Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be Involved In lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer City Council Agenda: 11/13/17 2H. Consideration of renewing a pawn broker license for 2017 for David Corbin Helm dba Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center at 1219 South Highwav 25 (JS/WO) The City first approved a pawn broker license for the business Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center in 2007. In addition, the City also approved an off-site storage facility at 12081 -165th Street in Becker. The Council is asked to consider a renewal for David Corbin for 2018. Mr. Corbin was granted his initial license in December 2015. We received the renewal application from David Corbin along with the fee. The city code requires verification from the Wright County Sheriff's Department for any issues related to the operation of the business that might impact the renewal of the license. Staff is not aware of any issues in this regard and has sent the application to Sheriff Joe Hagerty for verification and signature. The City will be providing the Monticello Pawn Shop with a physical license after the renewal is approved by Council and the application is signed by the Sheriff. The license should be displayed at the shop in a visible location as is recommended under state law. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal impact with preparation of the application and license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a 2018 pawn broker license for David Corbin dba as Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center located at 1219 TH 25, contingent on the application returned from the Sheriffs Department with no adverse findings. 2. Motion to not approve a 2018 pawn broker license for Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 to approve the application of the license for David Corbin of Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center at 1219 TH 25 for the year 2018 pending a favorable review from the Wright County Sheriffs Office. A. Copy of Pawn Broker Application/License — David Corbin B. City Code Title III, Chapter 15 - Pawn Shops 1qCITY OF City of mundeello ontfAo PAWN BROKER'S APPLICATION/UCENSE Business Name: Business Address:,:' Monticello MN MailinglBilling Address: Business Email: Applicant Name: Phone: d dl Please check the appropriate box: Renewal New Application 13 Please check all trade items that apply to your pawn shop business: Guns Gold/Coins Other`- P, FMUNC -1-1 •. I I • - - dealer with this application. Worker's Compensation: Minnesota Statutes 176.182 requires acceptable evidence of compliance with the Workers' Compensation insurance program. Please enclose an insurance certificate for your business showing that you have Work Comp insurance for the period of this license application (Jan 1— December 3 1). In lieu of a certificate, you can list the following: Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Dates of coverage: if you have no employees and are not required to carry Work Comp insurance, check here. I agree to abide by federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to pawn shops and this license. I further agree to provide the Wright County Sheriffs Department, provider of law enforcement services for the City of Monticello, with all records as required under city ordinance and state law. I further agree to participate in the electronic pawn record system utilized by the City of Monti -cello and Wright County Sheriffs Department. Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: 0_191140 PAWN SHOPS SECTION: 3-15-1 Purpose 3-15-2 Definitions 3-15-3 License Required 3-15-4 Application Required 3-15-5 License Fees 3-15-6 Bond Required 3-15-7 Persons Ineligible for License 3-15-8 Records Required 3-15-9 Application Execution 3-15-10 Daily Reports to Police 3-15-11 Receipt Required 3-15-12 Redemption Period 3-15-13 Holding Period 3-15-14 Police Order to Hold Property 3-15-15 Inspection of Items 3-15-16 Label Required 3-15-17 Prohibited Acts 3-15-18 Denial, Suspension or Revocation 3-15-19 Business at Only One Place 3-15-20 Separability 3-15-1: PURPOSE. The city council finds that use of services provided by pawnbrokers provides an opportunity for the commission of crimes and their concealment because pawn businesses have the ability to receive and transfer property stolen by others easily and quickly. The city council also finds that consumer protection regulation is warranted in transactions involving pawnbrokers. The city council further finds that the pawn industry has outgrown the city's current ability to effectively or efficiently identify criminal activity related to pawn shops. The purpose of this chapter is to prevent pawn businesses from being used as facilities for the commission of crimes, and to assure that such businesses comply with basic consumer protection standards, thereby protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city. To help local law enforcement better regulate current and future pawn businesses, decrease and stabilize costs associated with the regulation of the pawn industry, and increase identification of criminal activities in the pawn industry through the timely collection and sharing of pawn transaction information, this chapter also implements and establishes the required use of the Automated Pawn System (APS). 3-15-2: DEFINITIONS. When used in this article, the following words shall mean: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 1 Pawnbroker. A person, partnership or corporation, who lends money on the security of pledged goods (items that are "left in pawn"), and/or purchases goods on the condition that they may be redeemed or repurchased by the seller for a fixed price, within a fixed period of time. To the extent that a pawnbroker's business includes buying personal property previously used, rented or leased, or selling it on consignment, the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable. (#542, 1/9/12) Reportable transaction. Every transaction conducted by a pawnbroker in which merchandise is received through a pawn, purchase, consignment or trade, or in which a pawn is renewed, extended or redeemed, or for which a unique transaction number or identifier is generated by their point-of-sale software, is reportable except: (1) The bulk purchase or consignment of new or used merchandise from a merchant, manufacturer or wholesaler having an established permanent place of business, and the retail sale of said merchandise, provided the pawnbroker must maintain a record of such purchase or consignment which describes each item, and must mark each item in a manner which relates it to that transaction record. (2) Retail and wholesale sales of merchandise originally received by pawn or purchase, and for which all applicable hold and/or redemption periods have expired. Billable transaction. Every reportable transaction conducted by a pawnbroker except renewals, redemptions or extensions of existing pawns on items previously reported and continuously in the licensee's possession is a billable transaction. 3-15-3: LICENSE REQUIRED. No person shall engage in the business of pawnbroker at any location without a pawnbroker license for that location. No pawnbroker license may be transferred to a different location or a different person. Issuance of a license under this chapter shall not relieve the licensee from obtaining any other licenses required to conduct business at the same or any other location. 3-15-4: APPLICATION REQUIRED. An application form provided by the city clerk must be completed by every applicant for a new license or for renewal of an existing license. Every new applicant must provide all the following information: (1) If the applicant is a sole proprietor: a. The name, place and date of birth, street resident address, and phone number of applicant. b. Whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States or resident alien. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 2 Whether the applicant has ever used or has been known by a name other than the applicant's name, and if so, the name or names used and information concerning dates and places used. d. The name of the business if it is to be conducted under a designation, name, or style other than the name of the applicant and acertified copy of the certificate as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.01. The street address at which the applicant has lived during the preceding five (5) years. The type, naive and location of every business or occupation in which the applicant has been engaged during the preceding five (5) years and the name(s) and address(es) of the applicant's employer(s) and partner(s), if any, for the preceding five (5) years. g. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance other than a traffic ordinance. If so, the applicant must furnish information as to the time, place, and offense of all such convictions. h. If the applicant does not manage the business, the name of the manager(s) or other person(s) in charge of the business and all inforination concerning each of them required in a. through g. of Subdivision (1) of this section. (2) If the applicant is a partnership: The name(s) and address(es) of all general and limited partners and all information concerning each general partner required in subdivision (1) of this section. b. The name(s) of the managing partner(s) and the interest of each partner in the licensed business. A true copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the application. If the partnership is required to file a certificate as to a trade name pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.01, a certified copy of such certificate must be attached to the application. (3) If the applicant is a corporation or other organization: a. The name of the corporation or business form, and if incorporated, the State of Incorporation. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 3 b. A true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation or Association Agreement, and By-laws shall be attached to the application. If the applicant is a foreign corporation, a Certificate of Authority as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 303.06, must be attached. C. The name of the manager(s) or other person(s) in charge of the business and all information concerning each manager, proprietor, or agent required in a. through g. of Subdivision (1) of this section. (4) For all applicants: Whether the applicant holds a current pawnbroker, precious metal dealer or secondhand goods dealer license from any other governmental unit. b. Whether the applicant has previously been denied, or had revoked or suspended, a pawnbroker precious metal dealer, or secondhand dealer license from any other governmental unit. The location of the business premises. d. Such other information as the city council or issuing authority may require. 3-15-5: APPLICATION EXECUTION. All applications for a license under this chapter must be signed and sworn to under oath or affirmation by the applicant. If the application is that of a sole proprietor, it must be signed and sworn to by such person; if that of a corporation, by an officer thereof, if that of a partnership, by one of the general partners; and if that of an unincorporated association, by the manager or managing officer thereof. Any falsification on a license application shall result in the denial of a license. 3-15-6: PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR A LICENSE. No license under this chapter will be issued to an applicant who is a sole proprietor, a partnership if such applicant has any general partner or managing partner, a corporation or other organization if such applicant has any manager, proprietor or agent in charge of the business to be licensed, if the applicant: (1) Is a minor at the time that the application is filed; (2) Has been convicted of any crime directly related to the occupation licensed as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 2, and has not shown competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties of a licensee under this chapter as prescribed by MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 4 Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 3; or (3) Is not of good moral character or repute. 3-15-7: LICENSE FEES. (A) The annual license fees for licenses issued under this chapter shall be as adopted by the City Council. (#357, 11/27/00) (B) The billable transaction license fee shall reflect the cost of processing transactions and other related regulatory expenses as determined by the city council, and shall be reviewed and adjusted, periodically. Licensees shall be notified in writing thirty (30) days before any adjustment is implemented. (#542, 1/9/12) (C) Billable transaction fees shall be billed monthly and are due and payable within thirty (30) days. Failure to do so is a violation of this chapter. 3-15-8: BOND REQUIRED. Before a license will be issued, every applicant must submit a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) bond on the forms provided by the licensing authority. All bonds must be conditioned that the principal will observe all laws in relation to pawnbrokers, and will conduct business in conformity thereto, and that the principal will account for and deliver to any person legally entitled any goods which have come into the principal's hand through the principal's business as a pawnbroker, or in lieu thereof, will pay the reasonable value in money to the person. The bond shall contain a provision that no bond may be canceled except upon thirty (30) days written notice to the city, which shall be served upon the licensing authority. 3-15-9: RECORDS REQUIRED. At the time of any reportable transaction other than renewals, extensions or redemptions, every licensee must immediately record in English the following information by using ink or other indelible medium on forms or in a computerized record approved by local law enforcement. A complete and accurate description of each item including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, brand name, or other identifying mark on such an item. 2. The purchase price, amount of money loaned upon, or pledged therefore. 3. The maturity date of the transaction and the amount due, including monthly and annual interest rates and all pawn fees and charges. 4. Date, time and place the item of property was received by the licensee, and the unique alpha and/or numeric transaction identifier that distinguishes it from all other transactions in the licensee's records. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 5 5. Full name, current residence address, current residence telephone number, date of birth and accurate description of the person from whom the item of property was received, including: sex, height, weight, race, color of eyes and color of hair. 6. The identification number and state of issue from any of the following forms of identification of the seller: Current valid Minnesota driver's license. b. Current valid Minnesota identification card. Current valid photo identification card issued by another state or province of Canada. 7. The signature of the person identified in the transaction. Effective sixty (60) days from the date of notification by local law enforcement of acceptable video standards the licensee must also take a color photograph or color video recording of: a. Each customer involved in a billable transaction. b. Every item pawned or sold that does not have an unique serial or identification number permanently engraved or affixed. If a photograph is taken, it must be at least two (2) inches in length by two (2) inches in width and must be maintained in such a manner that the photograph can be readily matched and correlated with all other records of the transaction to which they relate. Such photographs must be available to the chief of police or the chiefs designee, upon request. The major portion of the photograph must include an identifiable front facial close-up of the person who pawned or sold the item. Items photographed must be accurately depicted. The licensee must inform the person that he or she is being photographed by displaying a sign of sufficient size in a conspicuous place in the premises. If a video photograph is taken, the video camera must zoom in on the person pawning or selling the item so as to include an identifiable close-up of that person's face. Items photographed by video must be accurately depicted. Video photographs must be electronically referenced by time and date so they can be readily matched and correlated with all other records of the transaction to which they relate. The licensee must inform the person orally that he or she is being videotaped and by displaying a sign of sufficient size in a conspicuous place on the premises. The licensee must keep the exposed videotape for three (3) months. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 6 9. Digitized photographs. Effective sixty (60) days from the date of notification by local law enforcement, licensees must fulfill the color photograph requirements in subdivision (8) by submitting them as digital images, in a format specified by the issuing authority, electronically cross-referenced to the reportable transaction they are associated with. Notwithstanding the digital images may be captured from required video recordings, this provision does not alter or amend the requirements in subdivision (8). 10. Renewals, extensions and redemptions. For renewals, extensions and redemptions, the licensee shall provide the original transaction identifier, the date of the current transaction and the type of transaction. 11. Inspection of records. The records must at all reasonable times be open to inspection by local law enforcement or state regulatory agencies. Data entries shall be retained for at least three (3) years from the date of transaction. Entries of required digital images shall be retained a minimum of ninety (90) days. 3-15-10: DAILY REPORTS TO POLICE. (A) Effective no later than sixty (60) days after local law enforcement provides licensees with computerized record standards, licensees must submit every reportable transaction to local law enforcement daily in the following manner: Licensees must provide to local law enforcement all information required in Section 3-15-9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (1) through (6) and other required information by transferring it from their computer to the Automated Pawn System via modem. All required records must be transmitted completely and accurately after the close of business each day in accordance with standards and procedures established by the issuing authority. The licensee must display a sign of sufficient size, in a conspicuous place in the premises, which informs all patrons that all transactions are reported to local law enforcement daily. (B) Billable transactions fees. Licensees will be charged for each billable transaction reported to local law enforcement. 1. If a licensee is unable to successfully transfer the required reports by modem, the licensee must provide local law enforcement printed copies of all reportable transactions along with the video tape(s) for that date by 12:00 the next business day. 2. If the problem is determined to be in the licensee's system and is not corrected by the close of the first business day following the failure, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 7 the licensee must provide the required reports as detailed in subdivision (B) (1), and must be charged a fifty dollar ($50.00) reporting failure penalty, daily, until the error is corrected, or: 3. If the problem is determined to be outside the licensee's system, the licensee must provide the required reports in subdivision (B) (1) and resubmit all such transactions via modem when the error is corrected. 4. If a licensee is unable to capture, digitize or transmit the photographs required in Section 3-15-9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (9), the licensee must immediately take all required photographs with a still camera, cross-reference the photographs to the correct transaction, and make the pictures available to local law enforcement upon request. 5. Regardless of the cause or origin of the technical problems that prevented the licensee from uploading their reportable transactions, upon correction of the problem, the licensee shall upload every reportable transaction from every business day the problem had existed. 6. Subdivision (B) (1) through (3) notwithstanding, local law enforcement may, upon presentation of extenuating circumstances, delay the implementation of the daily reporting penalty. 3-15-11: RECEIPT REQUIRED. Every licensee must provide a receipt to the party identified in every reportable transaction and must maintain a duplicate of that receipt for three (3) years. The receipt must include at least the following information: The name, address and telephone number of the licensed business. 2. The date and time the item was received by the licensee. 3. Whether the item was pawned or sold or the nature of the transaction. 4. An accurate description of each item received including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, brand name or other identifying mark on such an item. 5. The signature or unique identifier of the licensee or employee that conducted the transaction. 6. The amount advanced or paid. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 8 7. The monthly and annual interest rates, including all pawn fees and charges. The last regular day of business by which the item must be redeemed by the pledger without risk that the item will be sold, and the amount necessary to redeem the pawned item on that date. 9. The full name, current residence address, current residence telephone number and date of birth of the pledger or seller. 10. The identification number and state of issue from any of the following forms of identification of the seller: a. Current valid Minnesota driver's license. b. Current valid Minnesota identification card. Current valid photo driver's license or identification card issued by another state or province of Canada. 11. Description of the pledger or seller including sex, approximate height, weight, race, color of eyes and color of hair. 12. The signature of the pledger or seller. 13. All printed statements as required by state statute 325J.04 subdivision 2, or any other applicable statutes. (A) Any person pledging, pawning or depositing an item for security must have a minimum of sixty (60) days from the date of that transaction to redeem the item before it may be forfeited and sold. During the holding period, items may not be removed from the licensed location except as provided in Section 3-15-19 BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. Licensees are prohibited from redeeming any item to anyone other than the person to whom the receipt was issued or, to any person identified in a written and notarized authorization to redeem the property identified in the receipt, or to a person identified in writing by the pledger at the time of the initial transaction and signed by the pledger, or with approval of the police license inspector. Written authorization for release of property to persons other than original pledger must be maintained along with original transaction record in accordance with Section 3-15-9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (10). (B) Pawnbroker must return goods, or provide compensation for lost or damaged goods, upon payment of the full amount due, unless: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 9 1. The 60 -day redemption period has expired, or 2. The goods have been taken into custody by a court or by a law enforcement officer or agency. (#542, 1/9/12) 3-15-13: HOLDING PERIOD ON TRADE ITEMS. Any item purchased or accepted in trade by a licensee, but not involved in a pawn transaction, must not be sold or otherwise transferred for thirty-one (3 1) days from the date of the transaction. An individual may redeem an item at any time during the holding period. (#542, 1/9/12) 3-15-14: COURT OR POLICE ORDER TO HOLD/CONFISCATE PROPERTY. Whenever a law enforcement official from any agency notifies a licensee not to sell an item, the item must not be sold or removed from the premises. This initial or investigative hold shall be confirmed in writing within seventy-two hours and remains in effect for fifteen (15) days from the date of initial notification. Local law enforcement may, in writing, extend an investigative hold or independently order an item held for up to ninety (90) days, or order the confiscation of an item identified as stole or evidence in a criminal case. (#542, 1/9/12) 3-15-15: INSPECTION OF ITEMS. At all times during the terms of the license, the licensee must allow law enforcement officials to enter the premises where the licensed business is located, including all off-site storage facilities as authorized in Section 3-15-19 BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE, during normal business hours, except in an emergency for the purpose of inspecting such premises and inspecting the items, ware and merchandise and records therein to verify compliance with this chapter and other applicable laws. 3-15-16: LABEL REQUIRED. Licensee must attach a label to every item at the time it is pawned, purchased or received in inventory from any reportable transaction. Permanently recorded on this label must be the number or name that identifies the transaction in the shop's records, the transaction date, the name of the item and the description or the model and serial number of the item as reported to local law enforcement whichever is applicable and the date the item is out of pawn or can be sold, if applicable. Labels shall not be re -used. 3-15-17: PROHIBITED ACTS. (A) No person under the age of eighteen (18) years may pawn or sell or attempt to pawn or sell goods with any licensee, nor may any licensee receive any goods from a person under the age of eighteen (18) years. (B) No licensee may receive any goods from a person of unsound mind or an MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 10 intoxicated person. (C) No licensee may receive any goods, unless the seller presents identification in the form of a valid driver's license, a valid State of Minnesota identification card, or current valid photo driver's license or identification card issued by the state of residency of the person from whom the item was received. (D) No licensee may receive any item of property that possesses an altered or obliterated serial number or operation identification number or any item of property that has had its serial number removed. (E) No person may pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property not their own; nor shall any person pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit the property of another, whether with permission or without; nor shall any person pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property in which another person has a security interest; with any licensee. (F) No person seeking to pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property with any licensee shall give a false or fictitious name, nor give a false date of birth; nor give a false or out of date address of residence or telephone number; nor present a false or altered identification, or the identification of another; to any licensee. 3-15-18: DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. Any license under this chapter may be denied, suspended or revoked for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The proposed use does not comply with any applicable zoning code. 2. The proposed use does not comply with any health, building, building maintenance or other provisions of this Code of Ordinances or state law. 3. The applicant or licensee has failed to comply with one or more provisions of this chapter. 4. The applicant is not a citizen of the United States or a resident alien, or upon whom it is impractical or impossible to conduct a background or financial investigation due to the unavailability of information. 5. Fraud, misrepresentation or bribery in securing or renewing a license. 6. Fraud, misrepresentation or false statements made in the application and investigation for, or in the course of, the applicant's business. 7. Violation within the preceding five (5) years, of any law relating to theft, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 11 damage or trespass to property, sale of a controlled substance, or operation of a business. The owner of the premises licensed or to be licensed would not qualify for a license under the terms of this chapter. 3-15-19: BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. A license under this chapter authorizes the licensee to carry on its business only at the permanent place of business designated in the license. However, upon written request, the police inspector may approve an off-site locked and secured storage facility. The licensee shall permit inspection of the facility in accordance with Section 3-15-15 INSPECTION OF ITEMS. All provisions of this chapter regarding record keeping and reporting apply to the facility and its contents. Property shall be stored in compliance with all provisions of the city code. The licensee must either own the building in which the business is conducted, and any approved off-site storage facility, or have a lease on the business premise that extends for more than six (6) months. 3-15-20: SEPARABILITY. Should any section, subsection, clause or other provision of this chapter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part other than the part so declared invalid. (#356, 10/10/00) (#542, 1/9/12) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 12 City Council Agenda: 11/13/17 2I. Consideration of approving an application for an On -Sale Taproom license and an Off -sale Growler license for Rustech Brewing Companv, 105 W. Yd Street, beginning in 2018 Rustech Brewery has submitted applications for an On -Sale Taproom license and an Off - Sale Growler license for brewery located at 105 West 3rd Street. Following approval of the City Council, the application will be forwarded to the State for licensing. Rustech Brewery was granted a Conditional Use Permit on August 14, 2017 and is in the process of obtaining a brewery license through the MN DPS Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement. After that process is completed, the license approved tonight will be confirmed by the State. The taproom is planning to be open by March 2018. Al. Budget Impact: Annual license fees cover cost of processing licenses. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time involved in processing application B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the applications for an On -Sale Taproom license and an Off - Sale growler license for Rustech Brewery, 105 W. 3rd Street., pending approval of the State and receipt of liquor liability insurance certificate. 2. Motion to deny the liquor license applications. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. Rustech Brewery has submitted completed applications and a certificate of liquor liability insurance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. License applications Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Divisionit (AGED) 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 Telephone 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 Cities and Counties: You are required bylaw to complete and sign form to certify the issuance of the following License types: City issued On Sale Brewer's Taproom and Sunday Liquor Licenses City or County Issuing Liquor License: Monticello License Period From: To., Circle One:,,New Lice,ns,qlransfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (Former Licensee Name) (Give Dates) Fees: On Sale Taproom License Fee: $ 500,00 Sunday License Fee: $ 200 License Name: RUSTECH BREWING COMPANY LLC DOB Social Security # (Corporation, Partnership, LLC, or Individual) Business Trade Name RUSTECH BREWING Business Address 105 W 3RD ST City MONTICELLO Zip Code 55362 County WRIGHT Business Phone 612-414-9437 Home Phone Home Address City MONTICELLO Zip Code 55362 Licensee's MN Tax ID # 5277169 Licensee's Federal Tax ID # 82-1177846 If above named licensee is a corporation. nartnership, or LLC complete the followine for each oartner/officer: WILLIAM FRANCIS BURT Partner/Otticer Name (First Middle Lastj Dob mome aaaress PENNY LAYNE BURT t Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home address Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home address tn Sale Taproom licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form, The Insurance Certificate Must contain: all of the following: Show the exact licensee name (Corporation, partnership, LLC, etc.) and business address of the location listed on the license 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license, 0 Yes Z No During the last year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees: Please complete the following: Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name: Selective Insurance Co. of A Policy #. S2281729 _71 A --A tin Ir P rit%i or I City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION YK 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St, Paul, MN 55101 (651) 201-7531 TDD (651) 282-6555 FAX (651) 297-5259 APPLICATION FOR BREWER OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE I Must be a licensed brewer in order to apply for this license, Fees: Brewer Off Sale Fee: S 200,00 Sunday License: [j] YES [] NO Sunday License Fee: $— Workers Comp. Ins, Co. Selective Insurance Co. of A Policy Number S2281729 Licensee's Name (business, partnership, LLC, corporation) William F. Burt - Ru tech Brewing Company LLC Business address 105 W 3RD STREET (WRIGHT) City State MONTICELLO MN Name of Store Manager Federal Tax ID Number DOB ISocial Securitv Number F�cant� 82-1177846 IDBA or Trade Name RUT 4i BREWING '"t�l ''G .... J'=' IraX,,um er 612-414-9437 Zip Code License Period 55362 1 From To Phone Number IDOB (Individual Applicant) If a corporation or LLC state name, date of birth, Social Security Number address, title, and share held by each officer. If a partnership, state names, address and date of birth of each partner. Partner Officer (First, middle, last) I DOB SS# (Title Shares Business address William Francis Burt CEO 6328 86th St Ne Monticello Mn 55362 Partner Officer (First, middle, last) Ale Shares Business address Penny Layne Burt President 6328 86th St Ne Monticello Mn 55362 Partner Officer (First, middle, last) 1JUL1 SS # title Shares Business address amount paid in capital $50,000 ONFAMA ani 4-13-2017 state incorporate in Minnesota if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so state and give purpose of corporation If incorporated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in the state of Minnesota? (' Yes No 2. Describe premises to which license applies; such as (first floor, second floor, basement, etc.) or if entire building, so state. 3, is establishment located near any state university, state hospital, training school, reformatory or prison? (– Yes �X No if yes state approximate distance. 4. Name and address of building owner: Has owner of building any connection, directly or indirectly, with applicant? C Yes iR No 5. Is applicant or any of the associates in this application, a member of the governing body of the municipality in which this license is to be issued? (- Yes (X No if yes, in what capacity? 6. State whether any person other than applicants has any right, title or interest in the furniture, fixtures or equipment for which license is applied and if so, give name and details. 7. Have applicants any interest whatsover, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the state of Minnesota? (' Yes No If yes, give name and address of establishment. S. Are the premises now occupied orto be occupied by the applicant entirely separate and exclusive from any other business establishment? ('Yes No 9. State whether applicant has or will be granted, anon sale Liquor License in conjunction with this Off Sale Liquor License and for the same premises. (- Yes r' No (X Will be Granted ant Yes CNo tXWIIIbeGranted 11. If this application is for a County Board Off Sale License, state the distance in miles to the nearest municipality. 12. State Number of Employees 2 13. If this license is being issued by a County Board, has a public hearing been held as per MN Statute 340A.405 sub2(d)? 14. If this license is being issued by a County Board, is it located in an organized township? If so, attach township approval. heth r awlicant or aw of the asig #r-7-lJk, . .*. 4� 2. Has the applicant or any of the associates in this application, during the five years immediately preceding this application ever had a license under the Minnesota Liquor Control Act revoked for any violation of such laws or local ordinances; if so, give dates and details. No Mi ilicant, artners officers or em 4. During the past license year, has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civil Liability Law (Dram Shop) M.S. 340A.802. r- Yes (X No If yes, attach a copy of the summons. ME= Liquor Liability Insurance (Dram Shop) - $50,000 per person, $100,000 more than one person; $10,000 property destruction; $50,000 and $100,000 for loss of means of support. (' A surety bond from a surety company with minium coverage as specified in A. A certificate from the State Treasurer th-zla4r4ir *gvr 44-4 $100,000 in cash or securities. I certify that I have read the above questions and that the answers are true and correct of my own knowledge. Print name of applicant and title Signature of applicant Date WILLIAM F. BURT 10/19/2017 REPORT BY POLICE\SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant and the associates named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of laws of the State of Minnesota or municipal ordinances relating to intoxicating liquor except as follows: Police/Sheriffs Department Title Signature County Attorney's Signature IMPORTANT NOTICE All retail liquor licensees must have a current Federal Special Occupational Stamp. This stamp is issued by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. For information call (651) 726-0220 City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 2J. Consideration of approving a supplemental social media policv for the Monticello Fire Department (RL) City Council is asked to approve a secondary social media policy for the Monticello Fire Department. Earlier this year, city staff met with a representative from the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) to complete a basic data security survey as part of the city's participation in the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust. One of the recommendations to mitigate future risk was to adopt a social media policy focused specifically on the Fire Department. In general, the Fire Department's social media accounts are covered by the city's main policy; however, the LMC recommends a more detailed supplemental policy because of the more unique aspects of the fire department's work, including privacy restrictions related to accident and/or criminal investigations. The majority of the proposed policy focuses on the proper collection, storage, dissemination of images. The document proposed for approval follows the suggested template provided by the LMC, but it has been customized slightly to fit Monticello. The Ere chief reviewed the draft, and was supportive of its adoption. The policy was also reviewed by the city attorney, who agreed with the assessment made by the LMC to adopt a supplemental policy. The attorney's office made several recommendations that were incorporated into the policy by city staff. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Al. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact if the policy is approved. A2. Staff Workload Impact: There is minimal staff impact if the document is approved. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Fire Department social media policy. 2. Motion to deny approval of the Fire Department social media policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. The main social media policy will continue to apply to the Fire Department, but the new supplemental policy will provide additional detail regarding the more specialized use of their accounts. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Draft Fire Department Social Media Policy B. City of Monticello Social Media Policy City of Monticello Fire Department Social Media Policy Purpose The purpose of this policy is to protect nonpublic employee data, medical patients, the public, the operations of the Fire Department, and public confidence in the Fire Department and its fire fighters. This policy is not intended to limit the right to freedom of speech or expression, but is intended to protect the rights of this organization, its members, and the public they are sworn to protect. Employees and volunteers are advised that their speech, directly or by means of instant technology either on or off duty and in the course of their official duties and responsibilities, may not be protected speech under the First Amendment. Speech that impairs or impedes the performance of the Fire Department, undermines discipline and harmony among co-workers, or negatively affects the public perception of the Fire Department may be sanctioned. Scope This policy applies to existing or proposed social media accounts sponsored, established, registered, or authorized by the Fire Department and supplements the existing social media policy for the City of Monticello. Social media shall be defined as any publicly shared medium where users post content or share files. Examples include, but are not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. Questions regarding the scope of this policy should be directed to the Fire Chief. Ownership of Work -Related Images All photos, videos, digital images, or recordings taken by any employee or agent of the Monticello Fire Department while responding to any fire or other emergency or while engaged in any training are "work-related images" and are the property of the City of Monticello. Work- related images include, but are not limited to, any written, auditory, and/or visual messages communicated via or on Fire Department resources or via or on personal devices and/or social media, videos, or pictures gathered while on Fire Department/City business. Permission to Take Work -Related Images Work-related images shall not be taken of any emergency response, training exercise, or fire except as permitted by policy or as directed by the Chief, Captain, or their designee. All work- related images shall be taken using Fire Department -issued equipment, unless otherwise directed by the officer in charge of the scene. Work-related images taken by Fire Department employees using privately -owned equipment are also governed by this policy. Reasons for Taking Work -Related Images Photos or other recordings may be taken to assist in the diagnosis or treatment of accident/fire victims. Such images should be forwarded to the appropriate medical care provider and then deleted from Fire Department/City files. Work-related images, including recordings showing possible evidence of a crime, must be forwarded to law enforcement. Other work-related images used for internal, departmental purposes such as training or publicity shall be taken in a manner that minimizes the possibility of identifying accident victims. Control and Dissemination of Work -Related Images All work-related images shall be stored in the Fire Department's computer system and be governed by the City's records management policies and procedures. Work-related images shall not be stored, retained, or disseminated in any manner by anyone other than the officer(s) appointed to review all images and approve retention, release, or dissemination and cannot be used for personal profit or business interests or to participate in personal political activity. Professionalism and Public Confidence The appearance of professionalism is important to public safety and the public's confidence and trust. Accordingly, an employee's personal use of social media shall not use any work-related images, department logos, or any images which depict an employee in any uniform or in which the employee uses their job title or is otherwise identified as an employee of the department, without prior approval from an officer appointed to review all images and approve release and dissemination of such images. Similarly, in order to maintain the appearance of professionalism and public confidence, no employee shall post any material on any social media that is detrimental to the Fire Department/City's effective operation. Employees shall not disseminate protected, private, nonpublic, or confidential information including, but not limited to, the following: • Matters that are under investigation. • Patient and employee information protected by HIPAA/medical confidentiality laws. • Personnel matters/data that are protected from disclosure by law. Reportinu Violations Any employee becoming aware of or having knowledge of a posting or of any website or webpage in violation of this policy may anonymously report possible violations to any department officer or supervisor. Penalties for Violation of Policv Violation of this policy may be considered an extraordinary breech of the public's expectation of privacy and of Fire Department rules and regulations regarding the use of social media and may subject the offender to discipline and possible termination of employment. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 13th day of November, 2017. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor The City of Monticello strives to provide the public with accurate and timely information, communicated in a professional manner, and in accordance with federal, state, and local laws regarding public records and data practices. This policy, in concert with existing City and department policies and procedures, seeks to ensure proper use of the City of Monticello's social media accounts by its representatives. This policy applies to any existing or proposed social media accounts sponsored, established, registered, or authorized by the City of Monticello. This policy also covers the private use of the City's social media accounts by all City representatives, including its employees and agents, Council members, appointed board or commission members, and all public safety volunteers to the extent it affects the City. Questions regarding the scope of this policy should be directed to the Communications Coordinator. City employees and agents with administrator access are responsible for managing social media websites. Facilities or departments wishing to have a new social media presence must initially submit a request to the Communications Coordinator in order to ensure social media accounts are kept to a sustainable number and policies are followed. All approved sites will be clearly marked with the official narne of the department and will be linked to the official website. No one may establish social media accounts on behalf of the City unless authorized in accordance with this policy. Administration of all social media accounts must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. The use of social media is intended to supplement rather than replace existing forms of communication with the public. The official website of the City of Monticello remains the primary source for online information and all content on City social media sites is considered a duplication of the original information. Whenever possible, a link to the original information or the official website will be provided. The City recognizes the public has the ability to comment on social media postings; however, the sites affiliated with the City have not been created as public forums. The City herein reserves the right to delete comments on the City of Monticello and affiliated social media sites. Examples of comments the City will generally delete include those that: * Contain vulgar language * Are personal attacks of any kind * Are potentially libelous * Are offensive ® Are prejudiced or hurtful remarks made toward any person or entity, including all ethnic, racial, or religious group * Are sparn • Include sales/promotion of goods or services, or links to other sites • Are off -topic • Advocate illegal activity • Promote political organizations « Infringe on copyrights or trademarks • Violate laws regarding public information, open meetings, or data practices ® Do not support the goal of providing public information Comments are monitored during normal business hours; inappropriate material posted outside designated business hours will be removed when identified. A copy of the removed content will be saved in a social media archive along with an explanation of the specific policy violation authorizing its removal. The comments expressed on City of Monticello social networking sites do not reflect the opinions or positions of the City of Monticello, its employees, advisory boards, or elected officials. All social media communications composed, sent, or received on city equipment in an official capacity are the property of the City and will be subject to the Minnesota Records Retention and Government Data Practices Act. These laws specify how public information must be managed by the City The City of Monticello also maintains the sole property rights to any image, video, or audio captured while a City employee is representing the City in any capacity. This updated document replaces the previous social media policy adopted in 2013. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 22nd day of July, 2013. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff G*Nleiff, City Administrator City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 2K. Consideration of approvinu Water Department purchase of 650 Neptune radio units for $69,641 (MT, WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider the fifth bulk purchase of 650 Neptune Technology Group radio readers from Ferguson Waterworks along with the necessary equipment and software needed for reading water meters. The first purchase occurred in 2014, and subsequent purchases each year since that time. The first purchase in 2014 included the equipment and software necessary for performing radio reads. To date, the Water Department staff has installed around 2600 Neptune radio reading units. On October 1, staff read 2562 Neptune radio accounts with the drive-by reader, taking approximately three hours to complete. Another 1856 Sensus radio accounts with the drive-by readers took five hours to complete, and eight manual readers for a total of 4426 accounts. It is possible to read the entire city in three hours if all the Sensus radio reading units are replaced with the Neptune radio reading units. Staff has had issues with the Sensus radio reader which is more than 19 years old. In addition, it has been sent in two times in the last three years for repairs. Switching from Sensus to Neptune radio reading units was necessary as Sensus discontinued making the water meters and radio reader Monticello was using. The total cost of the 650 Neptune radio reading units is $69,641; which is $107.14 per unit. This price for the Neptune radio unit has been the same since 2015. Staff determined that the Neptune radio unit best meets the city's needs as they are very reliable. No other units are being sought, and Fergusson Waterworks is the sole authorized dealer of these units in the five -state area. Al. Budget Impact: In preparation for these purchases, the Water Department allocated $100,000 in the Meter and MXU Budget for 2018. The Neptune readers will be ordered in November and delivered and billed in January 2018. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload for this project will be intense with staff installing the new Neptune radio readers outside of residential homes starting in early January through April. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve purchasing 650 Neptune radio reading units for a total cost of $69,641 with funding from the 2018 Water Department Meter and MXU budget. 2. Motion to approve purchasing 650 Neptune radio reading units at a later date. 3. Motion to deny purchasing the radio reading units at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends purchasing the Neptune radio reading units from Ferguson City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 Waterworks in the amount of $69,641 as outlined in Alternative #1. Furthermore, if the City is interested in transitioning to a fixed network push-button reading system in the future, this system has the capabilities to do so. A. Quote from Ferguson Waterworks for 650 Neptune radio reading units. B. City of Monticello 2017 monthly meter reading account numbers. C. Neptune Radio Installation Schedule 2 FERGUSOWFERGUSON WATERWORKS #2521 1720 STATE ST WATERWORKS DEKALB, IL 60115-2617 Phone: 815.756-2800 Fax: 815-756-2877 16:14:20 OCT 25 2017 Bid No: B093560 Bid Date: 10/25/17 Quoted By: RDR Customer: CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 MONTICELLO. MN 55362 Cust PO#: Item Description N13341200 R900 V4 WALL MIU Deliver To: From: Ryan Raupp Comments: FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Price Quotation Phone: 815-756-2800 Fax: 815-756-2877 Cust Phone: 763-295-2711 Terms: NET 10TH PROX Ship To: CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST SUITE 1 MONTICELLO. MN 55362 Job Name: MIU Quantity Net Price UM Total 650 107.140 EA — 69641.00 Net Total: $69641.00 Tax: $0.00 Freight: $0.00 Total: $69641.00 Quoted prices are based upon receipt of the total quantity for immediate shipment (48 hours). SHIPMENTS BEYOND 48 HOURS SHALL BE AT THE PRICE IN EFFECT AT TIME OF SHIPMENT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. QUOTES FOR PRODUCTS SHIPPED FOR RESALE ARE NOT FIRM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Page 1 of 1 CONTACT YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY FOR ASSISTANCE WITH DBE/MBE/WBE/SMALL BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS. Seller not responsible for delays, lack of product or increase of pricing due to causes beyord our control, and/or based upon Local, State and Federal laws governing type of products that can be sold or put into commerce. This Quote is offered contingent upon the Buyer's acceptance of Seller's terms and conditions, which are incorporated by reference and found either following this document, or on the web at htto:// conditionsSale.html. Govt Buyers: All items are open market unless noted otherwise. LEAD LAW WARNING: It is illegal to install products that are not "lead free" in accordance with US Federal or other applicable law in potable water systems anticipated for human consumption. Products with *NP in the description are NOT lead free and can only be installed in non -potable applications. Buyer is solely responsible for product selection. CITY OF MONTICELLO METER READING 2017 NEPTUNE SENSUS MANUAL MONTHLY MONTH DRIVE BY DRIVE BY READS TOTALS January February 2143 2001 140 4287 March 2262 1958 69 4289 April 2394 1891 18 4303 May 2432 1866 15 4313 June 2509 1864 12 4385 July 2521 1864 9 4394 August 2539 1865 9 4413 September 2550 1861 9 4420 October 2562 1856 8 4426 November December TIMBER RIDGE AREA Alpine Ct 6 Alpine Dr 19 Nicholas Cir 12 Prairie Rd 15 Spruce Dr 36 Prairie Pine Ct 5 94th St NE 93 Broadway East 38 West 66 104 Meadow Oak East Oak Dr 25 Leaf Cir 5 Oak Leak Ct 7 37 Sunset Ponds Giffort Ct 14 Gingham Ct 18 Golden Pond Ln 16 91st St NE 21 92nd St NE 9 93rd St NE 2 94th St NE 17 95th St NE 2 Goodrich Dr 66 165 3rd Street East 33 West 42 75 2018 Proposed Neptune Radio Installation Schedule INDUSTRY 7th St E Cedar St Chelsea Rd (East & West) Dundas Cir Dundas Rd Edmonson Ave Fallon Ave Fenning Ave Hennepin St, 109 Locust St New St Oakwood Dr Pine St School Blvd State Hwy 25 Thomas Park Cir Walnut St Wright St `fel %jI[0t43iII-gl[:I �7[#][IILIk 9 24 27 6 11 3 15 2 1 2 4 6 12 13 21 9 8 6 179 653 II City Council Agenda: 11/16/17 2L. Consideration of Resolution 2017-84 accepting public improvements for the Sunset Ponds Third Addition plat (SB/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The plat of Sunset Ponds Third Addition included developer construction of public improvements within street right of way and drainage and utility easements for the re - platted area, including watermain service disconnections and associated street patching, grading and drainage improvements and restoration. Final completion of these public improvements occurred in the fall of 2015 and the improvements have been inspected, tested and approved by WSB and the City's utility superintendent in conformance with the City's standard specifications. Per the development agreement, the developer provided a security for these public improvements in the amount of $15,625 to ensure the improvements would be completed. The developer provided a cash security, which was previously reduced commensurate with work and inspections completed. It is now recommended to accept these improvements and release the current remaining cash security of $5,600 for utility and drainage related work. The developer also submitted a cash security for mailbox placement and street sweeping. City staff recommends release of these cash securities, totaling $11,000. The last two building permits for the re -platted lots have been issued and the individual lot securities held with building permit will be sufficient to cover erosion control. All mailboxes are installed on site. City staff recommends retaining the currently held cash security of $3,800 for landscaping inspection for the lots constructed in 2017 in accordance with City ordinance, which requires the security to remain in place for one full year. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload are minimal and routine. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consideration of Resolution 2017-84 accepting public improvements for the Sunset Ponds Third Addition. 2. Motion deny Resolution 2017-84 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. City Council Agenda: 11/16/17 m U01 Oki I ILIEIM. Resolution 2017-84 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2017-84 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE SUNSET PONDS THIRD ADDITION WHEREAS, public improvements consisting of watermain service disconnections and associated street patching, grading and drainage improvements and restoration were completed in the Sunset Ponds Third Addition plat; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer and Utility Superintendent has inspected the work completed for the public improvements and finds it to be in conformance with the approved plans and specifications; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBYRESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, that the public improvements constructed be accepted and the cash security for these improvements be released. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 13th day of November, 2017. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 2M. Consideration of approving Street Department purchase of a new Caterpillar Model 305E2112 Mini Hvdraulic Excavator in the amount of $54,233 funded through the Central Equipment (Internal Service) Fund. (TM) The Street Department has budgeted for a track mounted skid steere loader in 2018; however, it has been determined that a mini hydraulic excavator would suit the needs of the department much better. In June, the city experienced a wind storm which did a lot of damage throughout the community. During the cleanup process the backhoe had extensive damage to the unit which put it out of service for three months. In order to keep Public Works operating, it was necessary to rent a mini excavator for three months. In the process of using this piece of equipment staff found this unit would be far more beneficial to the Public Works Department rather than purchasing a skid steere with tracks. Not only was this a good unit for cleaning and loading brush but was an excellent unit for working in the stonn water ponds for cleaning and reconstructing outfalls. While the skid steere loader was budgeted for 2018, the city has a unique opportunity to purchase this rental unit through state contract pricing, plus a purchase agreement has been worked out to deducting the rental fees of three months. The City Finance Director has indicated the Street Department could proceed with the purchase this year and funds would come from the Central Equipment Fund. Therefore, staff is requesting the council to authorize the purchase of a new Caterpillar Model 305E2H2 Mini Hydraulic Excavator from Ziegler Equipment with pricing through the state contract bidding process, at a cost of $62,878. We would also purchase an operator's and parts manual and a 60 -month or 1,500 -hour full warranty for a total cost of $64,523; less the three-month rental fees of $10,290, the total cost would be reduced to $54,233. Al. Budget Impact: Appropriate funds are budgeted in the Central Equipment Fund. The Central Equipment Fund leases the equipment to the benefitting budget unit (Streets). The annual lease payments provide funding for addition equipment purchases. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impacts of this new unit will be very positive. The new mini excavator will improve staff efficiencies and allow for better access to our storm water ponds. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the purchase of a Caterpillar Model 305E2H2 Mini Hydraulic Excavator from Ziegler Equipment through state contract bidding for a price of $64,523 less the three-month rental fee of $10,290, for a final total of $54,233. 2. Motion to deny purchasing the new mini excavator at this time. City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving the purchase of the new Caterpillar Model 305E2H2 Mini Hydraulic Excavator from Ziegler Equipment as outlined in Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Copy of quotes. B. Photo of mini excavator. 2 Ziegler Inc. �� - Mr 154985-01 October 31, 2017 MONTICELLO CITY OF 505 WALNUT ST MONTICELLO, 55362 Dear Tom Moores, We would like to thank you for your interest in our company and our products, and are pleased to quote the following for your consideration. Caterpillar Model: 305E2H2 Mini Hydraulic Excavators STOCK NUMBER: 16940 SERIAL NUMBER: OH5M04958 YEAR: 2017 SMU: 76 We wish to thank you for the opportunity of quoting on your equipment needs. This quotation is valid for 30 days, after which time we reserve the right to re -quote. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Dave Carothers Territory Manager Caterpillar Model: 305E2H2 Mini Hydraulic Excavators F��_1�17�77x�1�11�J1�� POWERTRAIN - Cat C2.4 Diesel Engine - U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim - ISO 9249/EEC 80/1269 - and EU Stage IIIB - Rated Net Power 30.OkW/ 40.2hp - Automatic Engine Idle - Automatic Swing Park Brake - Automatic Two Speed Travel - Fuel and Water Separator - ELECTRICAL - 12 Volt Electrical System - 60 Ampere Alternator - 650 CCA Maintenance Free Battery - Fuse Box - Ignition Key Start / Stop Switch - Slow Blow Fuse - Warning Horn - OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT - 100% Pilot Control Ergonomic Joysticks - Adjustable Arm Rests - Anti -theft System - COMPASS: Complete, Operation, - Maintenance Performance and - Security System - -Multiple Languages - Cup Holder - Digital liquid crystal monitor - Hydraulic Neutral Lockout System - Literature Holder - Travel control pedals with hand levers - Washable floor mat - OTHER STANDARD EQUIPMENT - Radio Ready - Tip Over Protective Structure (TOPS) - (ISO 12117) - Top Guard - ISO 10262 (Level 1) - 1 -way and 2 -way (combined function) - Auxiliary Hydraulic Lines - Adjustable Auxiliary Hydraulics - Auxiliary Line Quick Disconnects - Caterpillar Corporate "One Key" System - Continuous Flow - Door Locks - Dozer Blade with Float Function - Economy Page 1 of 3 Ziegler Inc. Mode - Hydraulic Oil Cooler - Load Sensing Hydraulics - Lockable Fuel Cap - Rear Reflector - Roll Over Protective Structure (ROPS) - (ISO 12117-2) - Swing Boom - Tie Down Eyes on Track Frame - Tool Storage Area - Towing Eye on Base Frame - Twin Work Lights OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT - Mirror, Cab Left - Travel Alarm MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION 305E2 HEXMN CFG 3 DRAIN, ECOLOGY CONTROL PATTERN CHANGER ALARM, TRAVEL MIRROR, CAB, RIGHT SEAT FABRIC HIGH BACK SUSP BELT, SEAT, 3" RETRACTABLE 305E2 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR CAB W/ AIR CONDITIONER COOLING, HIGH AMBIENT ELECTRICAL ARRANGEMENT LANE 3 ORDER PACK, DOMESTIC TRUCK LINES, STICK LINES, BOOM SERIALIZED TECHNICAL MEDIA KIT MIRROR, CAB, REAR RADIO TRACK, RUBBER BELT BATTERY, DISCONNECT BLADE, 78", WELD -ON STICK PKG LONG W/O 2ND AUX LINES, AUXILIARY, LONG STICK LINKAGE BUCKET W/ LIFTING EYE LINES, BUCKET, LONG STICK HYDRAULICS STD W/O 2ND AUX STICK, LONG, HEAVY DUTY HEATER, JACKET WATER PRODUCT LINK, CELLULAR, PL240 LIGHTS, STANDARD INSTRUCTIONS, ANSI FILM, QUICK COUPLER, ANSI FILM, PRODUCT LINK, ANSI ENGINE S/N 7HH5950 ***********LKE FORMS************ UNKNOWN;PL240 COUPLER, PG, MANUAL, DUAL LOCK BUCKET, 24", 4.6 CFT, HD THUMB, HYDRAULIC Page 2 of 3 Ziegler Inc. DESCRIPTION 305-304C DIG BUCKET - X63064 305-304C THUMB - X63065 305-304C COUPLER - X63066 State bid selling price Parts manual Operators manual Warranty: 60 month / 1,500 hour full warranty Less rental payments paid from 8-16-17 to 11-16-2017 Final selling price with options and less rental F.O.B/TERMS: St Cloud $ 62,878 $ 150 $ 75 $ 1,420 $ 54,233 10,290) Page 3 of 3 i T ( i A�'im; A r7m City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 2N. Consideration of approving Public Works purchase of a new Stainless Steel 15' Hook Lift Roll Off Dump Bodv from Towmaster Equipment at State Contract Pricing in the amount of $18,532 funded through the 2017 Street Department Budget. (TM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Street Department has budgeted to replace the gravel dump body on unit #105 which is a 2000 Sterling hook lift truck. In 2000, the Street Department purchased this truck through the state contract bidding process. This truck has the capability of changing body components depending on the task at hand. We have multiple bodies that can be interchanged with this unit, steel gravel dump body, V -Box sander, flat bed, anti -icing tank, garbage dumpster and a hot box asphalt patcher. With the multiple different bodies that are interchangeable on this unit, it is the most utilized truck in our fleet. The truck itself is in very good condition even though it is 17 years old. In 2015, we removed the hook lift portion of the truck and rebuilt it due to the salt taking a toll on the unit. At this time, we are asking council to consider replacing the steel gravel dump body with a stainless steel gravel dump body, which will last for many years. If the truck itself is replaced in the future, all of the attachments can be used on a new hook truck. Once a year the State of Minnesota opens a bidding process to all venders across the state to bid on vehicles, equipment, and many other supplies to operate the state. The Equipment Section is responsible for department equipment purchasing, which includes development of detailed technical specifications. Procurement contracts are prepared to not only serve MnDOT internal customers but also other units of government throughout Minnesota. This simplifies the process and saves the city money. Towmaster Equipment is a truck component manufacturer and a Falls snowplow equipment dealer that we have used for years and is a dealer on the State Contract Purchasing Venture. Towmaster quoted a price of $18,532 to replace the steel gravel dump body with a stainless steel unit. Public Works staff will convert the old dump body into a roll -off garbage dumpster that doesn't get the use of a gravel box. Al. Budget Impact: Appropriate funds have been placed in the 2017 Street Department Budget for this purchase. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff workload impacts of this new unit will be very positive and supply years of service. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the purchase of a new stainless steel roll off gravel box from Towmaster Equipment of Litchfield, MN for a price of $18,532 and to keep the old gravel box. 2. Motion to deny purchase at this time. City Council Agenda: 11/13/2017 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving the purchase of the new stainless steel gravel roll off box from Towmaster Equipment of Litchfield, MN as outlines in alternative #1. A. Copy of quote from Towmaster Equipment. B. Photos of unit #105 and attachments. 2 TOWMASTER, 61301 US HWY 12, LITCHFIELD, MN 55355 PH: 320-693-7900 FX. 320-693-7921 TF: 000-462-4511 TOWMASTERTRUCK.COM Silip To: Cust: 3249 MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE I ** QUOTATION Phone: Bill To: Phone: 11 MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 ATTN: TOM MOORES 763-271-3277 TIM ERICKSON USA MONTICELLO 30 DAYS Qty Part No. Description 1 9900142 - Body 151011 EDGE -RSCS -56-46-46 561, 7ga Stainless Front wICS hoist doghouse, 4611 7ga Stainless radius sides (no pocke ts), 4611 7ga Stainless w/Hardox 450 face Tailgate, 1/411 Hardox-450 Floor, 81, Longsills (see A -Frame), Air -trip ready linkage, Underside Black 1 9900293 - A -FRAME for Hook lift complete w/rollers SGL/TDM or SUPER TRUCK framework complete 1 9900145 - Body accly TMTE Air trip kit, w/solenoid valve, 1 9901702 - Installation of air operated tailgate latch kit, with lines & couplers 1 9900147 - Body acc Box Vibrator - Cougar model DC3200 1 9901703 - Installation of Box Vibrator, with electrical connections 1 WARRANTY - TOWMASTER EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY: 5 yr Steel/Stainless Steel Body Structure; 5 yr Whelen LED Light Systems; 3 yr Palfinger Hoists; 4 yr SwapLoader Hoists; 2 yr Hyd, Snow Equip, Tele Hoists, and all otheroists; 4 yr SwapLoader Hoists; 2 yr Hyd, Snow Equip, Tele Hoists, and all otheritemsitems TIIKQI'3 =1 55362 USA 1 0 Price Ea. Net Amt. $14,751.00 $14,751.00 $2,268.00 $2,268.00 $257.00 $257.00 $259.00 $259.00 $695.00 $695.00 $302.00 $302.00 Price: Total Discounts: Net Cost: Freight Total: HOWNREERM �I�M R921REEM Anti -Icing Tanker Rot Box Asphalt Patcher (New one will look like this) V Box Sander 4A. Consideration of authorizine the Postinu for Citv Engineer/Public Works Position (JO) City Council is asked by the Personnel Committee and staff to consider establishing and posting for the position of City Engineer/Public Works Director. For a number of years, the Public Works department has been operating under the leadership of three Superintendents and the Finance Director or City Administrator. This arrangement has been workable due to the level of experience among the superintendents, but it is not sustainable. Relatively soon, retirements are likely to occur which will terminate our ability to operate under this arrangement. Therefore, it makes sense to bring in a Public Works Director who can gain experience with the organization and city systems with the help of highly experienced superintendents. In addition, the current arrangement is not sustainable for the City Administrator. The new position in the organization hierarchy will better distribute supervisory responsibilities by reducing the number of direct staff reports for the City Administrator from 11 to 9. As you will note, this is a "combo" position that calls for a civil engineering degree. It needs to be emphasized that this proposal does not reflect disenchantment with WSB. In fact, the City has received excellent service from Shibani Bisson and her support staff at WSB. Given the in depth knowledge of this growing city, impressive positive track record and the demands of projects and policies currently in play, it is very important to maintain this relationship. Therefore, it would be expected that the City Engineer/Public Works Director continue to utilize consultant resources as an important tool supporting the Community Development department and for getting projects completed in a timely fashion. Discussion regarding establishment of the position and its associated mix of responsibilities has been in play since December 2015. Establishment of a Public Works Director position requiring extensive experience, but not an engineering degree, has been discussed. Although this arrangement would be workable, it is the view of the Personnel Committee and staff that this would be the fallback approach to take in the event the City is unable to find a candidate with the experience or aptitude to lead the department along with a civil engineering degree. The following is a bullet point listing of responsibilities of a combo position which was drawn directly from the staff presentation to the Personnel Committee. 1. Public Works/Superintendent Support a. Staff management and coordination — total staff responsibilities b. Innovation and application of technologies c. Public contact and communication 1.Local 2.Interagency —County/State/Coalitions d. Field assistance to Superintendents e. Site plan review coordination f. Facilities planning (Public Works Building, WWTP) g. Contract Management (Advanced Disposal, Veolia, Lighting, Other) h. Bid specification, RFP's purchasing i. Maintenance and development of design standards 2. Community Development/Planning Support Needs a. Site plan review meeting support b. Commercial and residential site plan review for adherence to standards. c. Sewer, Water, Storm Sewer, Streets Planning d. Environmental Compliance/Municipal systems — Sewer, water, storm sewer e. Transportation system planning f. Policy, ordinance and design standards g. Geographic Information System development and maintenance 3. General Engineering a. Project design and execution b. Project coordination c. Annual Reconstruction Project/Road Maintenance Schedule d. Construction Inspection e. Grant identification, writing and implementation In considering the position, the following summarizes the benefits and potential challenges. Why Engineer/Public Works Combo? a. Enhances framework for assigning and monitoring of consulting work. b. Brings cohesion to Engineering and Public Works functions 1.Field Assistance to Superintendents 2. Communications and public interaction 3.Transfer of knowledge prior to Superintendent retirements 4.Maintains Superintendents level of responsibility which provides capacity for combo position to be involved in engineering as well 5.Improves balance of responsibilities for the City Administrator 6. Staff transition retirement timing works well giving some time to transfer knowledge to the next generation. 7.Construction inspection/staff development — Construction Inspector Hazards to Combo/Approach that require mitigation a. Bullet points above relating to Community Development (2) and General Engineering (3). b. Need to maintain current level of performance and support. Engineer would be expected to distribute work to consultants as needed to work done. Council should not expect that the Combo position will be able to "do it all". Cost Analysis There are actually three options to consider from a cost standpoint: 1. Combo position plus consulting engineer support (proposed) 2. Consulting Engineer and hire a Public Works Director (fallback) 3. Split combo position into two city positions plus consulting engineer support. (Previous arrangement Westby/Paschke). It is staff's view that the initial cost of the combo arrangement executed in a manner that effectively supports Public Works and Engineering function will result in a short/medium term increase in costs relating to engineering. This is because the City will need to continue to rely on WSB for assistance and the cost of the new salary will exceed the drop in cost due to the elimination of the retainer. In addition, for the assistance needed from WSB that will continue, the City will be paying for WSB services on an hourly basis. However, as the person holding the combo position becomes more experienced, the level of support and associate costs for consultant support will likely diminish. Additionally, a portion of the combo position expense over time can be assigned to projects for reimbursement. Today, reimbursement for consulting engineer time on projects goes to WSB. Finally, the City will be saving by not hiring a full-time Public Works Director at this time. In sum, it is believed that the difference in cost between the various options is not significant enough in the long term to drive decision making. If Council is not comfortable with this conclusion, it could elect to table this proposal pending a financial analysis of each of the options noted above. Finding the right person is very important — the City should be careful not to "settle." Following are some of the characteristics we will be looking for: 1. Long-term commitment. It takes years to gain an understanding of the operation of city systems and community landscape. Further, we are in a state of transition with superintendents as well, so we need someone who we believe will stay for a number of years. 2. The applicant will need both engineering and management experience to be effective. 3. Desirability of the position is a plus due to the interesting and broad range of responsibilities so there is a good chance that a fine candidate will be attracted at the pay grade listed. However, keeping this person in Monticello long term, may require the City to be more competitive in terms of salary and benefits. 4. If a suitable candidate is not found, then Council will have the option of either increasing compensation rates to attract a candidate or switch to seeking a Public Works Director. Al. Budget Impact: The proposed salary range for the position is $80,062 - $104,008 plus benefits package. Sufficient funds are budgeted through the levy and Water and Sewer Fund to finance this position in 2018. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Time associated with recruiting and evaluating candidates. 1. Motion to authorize posting of City Engineer/Public Works Position. 2. Motion to authorize posting of a Public Works Director position. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff and Personnel Committee recommend alternative one. Staff directly involved in establishing this recommendation included the City Administrator, Finance Director, Community Development Director, HR Manager, Streets, Water/Sewer and Parks Superintendents. Recommendation hinges on City Engineer/Public Works Director be given the latitude to fully utilize consulting services to maintain current level of service. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Engineer/Public Works Director - Flyer tMonticello Seeks Engineer/ The City of Monticello, a growing community situated along the banks of the Mississippi River, is seeking an engineer/public works director to provide leadership to the engineering and public works departments. For the past several years, the city has contracted with WSB & Associates for professional engineering services and, due to strong senior leadership in public works, has been able to operate that department via the guidance of the finance director and city administrator. However, with larger projects and retirements on the horizon, the city has decided the time is right to add a director to oversee the two departments. Organization The Engineer/Public Works Director will lead both the Engineering and Public Works departments. As department director, this employee will report to the city administrator and work cooperatively with other department directors toward the best interests of the community. This position will oversee the work of an engineering technician, water and sewer superintendent, streets superintendent, and parks superintendent. In addition, the person hired will indirectly oversee 15 full-time public works employees. The Engineer/Public Works Director will work out of City Hall but will supervise staff at both City Hall and the Public Works facility. Y Public Works Facility: Our current Capital Improvement Plan includes funding for a new public works facility within the next 5 years. The engineer/public works director will play a key role in evaluating the needs and managing the overall process. Baring Retirements of Senior Staff: The public works department will be losing two superintendents to retirements in the near future. The engineer/public works director will have the opportunity to review the positions and overall organizational structure to match long-term goals for public works. Balancing a Large Workload.- For the past several years the city has utilized the services of WSB & Associ- ates for our engineering needs. Based on the current workload, it's anticipated that the engineer/public works director will need to continue to rely largely on contract engineering services. Evaluation of Contract Services Provided at Wastewater Treatment Facility: The city currently contracts the management of our wastewater treatment facility. The city engineer/public works director will be re- sponsible for managing the contract and evaluating the possibility of the city taking over management of the treatment plant in the future. Qual ificat ions • Graduation from a 4 -year college or university with a degree in civil engineering or a closely related field. • A minimum of five (5) years of previous municipal engineering and/or public works experience. • A minimum of three (3) years of supervising municipal projects, preparing and managing budgets and supervising staff. • Must be registered as a Professional Engineer (PE) in the State of MN. • Must possess a valid MN driver's license. The 2017 salary range for this position is $80,062- $104,008 DOQ. The City of Monticello offers a generous benefits package including employer -paid employee medical/ dental/vision coverage (dependent coverage available for $207.45 per month), PTO, 10 %Z paid holidays, short-term and long-term disability coverage, employee and dependent life coverage, medical and dependent flexible spending accounts, discounted community center membership, and a pension through Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). l Monticdlo Monthly Repoft 2017 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 911 Hang-up Total: 48 10/02/17 19:42 911 Hang-up 10/03/17 07:16 911 Hang-up 10/04/17 13:14 911 Hang-up 10/05/17 21:12 911 Hang-up 10/06/17 11:13 911 Hang-up 10/06/17 17:40 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 01:00 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 09:36 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 10:15 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 10:20 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 10:23 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 10:31 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 10:44 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 10:46 911 Hang-up 10/07/17 15:23 911 Hang-up 10/08/17 14:35 911 Hang-up 10/09/17 02:10 911 Hang-up 10/10/17 15:39 911 Hang-up 10/10/17 18:35 911 Hang-up 10/11/1713:43 911 Hang-up 10/12/17 15:15 911 Hang-up 10/12/17 18:31 911 Hang-up 10/15/17 13:01 911 Hang-up 10/16/17 10:39 911 Hang-up 10/16/17 12:08 911 Hang-up 10/16/17 20:52 911 Hang-up 10/17/17 01:01 911 Hang-up 10/18/17 18:51 911 Hang-up 10/18/17 19:07 911 Hang-up 10/19/17 08:18 911 Hang-up 10/19/17 08:25 911 Hang-up 10/20/17 10:24 911 Hang-up 10/20/17 10:56 911 Hang-up 10/21/1712:19 911 Hang-up 10/21/17 21:59 911 Hang-up 10/22/17 17:53 911 Hang-up 10/23/17 16:15 911 Hang-up 10/23/17 22:52 911 Hang-up 10/23/17 23:03 911 Hang-up Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Joe Hagerty 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo. N1V 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax: 763-682-7610 CFS # Final Incident 2017073356 2017073420 2017073776 2017074222 2017074370 2017074466 2017074587 2017074632 2017074641 2017074642 2017074643 2017074645 2017074649 2017074651 2017074717 2017074983 2017075138 2017075571 2017075622 2017075813 2017076056 2017076121 2017076846 2017077062 2017077084 2017077224 2017077269 2017077807 2017077811 2017077931 2017077934 2017078222 2017078238 2017078501 2017078631 2017078795 2017079031 2017079125 2017079127 h N xt w W � eco 4`r SART" Case Number How Reported 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 ZUERCHER Page 1 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/24/17 08:36 911 Hang-up 2017079189 911 10/25/17 06:41 911 Hang-up 2017079430 911 10/25/17 09:07 911 Hang-up 2017079455 911 10/25/1717:51 911 Hang-up 2017079582 911 10/25/1718:22 911 Hang-up 2017079592 911 10/26/17 23:18 911 Hang-up 2017079905 911 10/27/17 21:31 911 Hang-up 2017080147 911 10/30/17 09:33 911 Hang-up 2017080713 911 10/31/17 07:19 911 Hang-up 2017080955 911 911 Hang-up; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 10/02/17 08:21 911 Hang-up; Domestic 2017073184 911 Hang-up 911 Hang-up; Theft - From Vehicle Total: 1 10/26/17 19:29 911 Hang-up; Theft - 2017079867 Theft 911 Hang-up; Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 1 10/09/17 11:11 911 Hang-up; Theft - 2017075217 Theft - Gas Drive Off 911 Open Line Total: 23 10/03/17 10:43 911 Open Line 2017073456 10/05/17 15:24 911 Open Line 2017074105 10/06/17 17:13 911 Open Line 2017074457 10/07/17 14:55 911 Open Line 2017074712 10/10/17 07:11 911 Open Line 2017075446 10/13/17 18:58 911 Open Line 2017076445 10/16/17 07:15 911 Open Line 2017077010 10/16/17 11:11 911 Open Line 2017077073 10/16/17 13:32 911 Open Line 2017077107 10/17/17 16:52 911 Open Line 2017077469 10/21/17 08:37 911 Open Line 2017078464 10/22/17 14:32 911 Open Line 2017078755 10/23/17 12:25 911 Open Line 2017078981 10/24/17 07:15 911 Open Line 2017079169 10/24/17 16:32 911 Open Line 2017079289 10/24/17 17:53 911 Open Line 2017079313 10/25/17 12:46 911 Open Line 2017079494 10/25/17 14:45 911 Open Line 2017079522 10/25/17 22:39 911 Open Line 2017079662 10/27/17 08:29 911 Open Line 2017079962 10/27/17 15:17 911 Open Line 2017080055 10/30/17 10:28 911 Open Line 2017080731 10/31/17 22:13 911 Open Line 2017081152 Intoxicated Person 911 Open Line; MVA - No Injuries Total: 1 10/12/17 14:40 911 Open Line; MVA - 2017076044 MVA - No Injuries Abuse Total: 1 10/11/1712:04 Abuse 2017075788 Abuse Child WCSOP17029952 911 WCSOP17032727 911 WCSOP17030766 911 WCSOP17033246 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 WCSOP17031090 911 WCSOP17030987 Phone ZUERCHER Page 2 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Agency Assist Total: 9 10/03/17 09:48 Agency Assist 2017073439 Agency Assist WCSOSRO17030062 10/05/17 21:19 Agency Assist 2017074225 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030339 Phone 10/07/17 16:15 Agency Assist 2017074736 Agency Assist WCSOP17030555 Officer 10/08/17 19:43 Agency Assist 2017075062 Drugs WCSOSIU17030688 Phone 10/10/17 11:19 Agency Assist 2017075497 Agency Assist WCSOP17030864 Phone 10/12/17 21:06 Agency Assist 2017076166 Agency Assist WCSOP17031145 Phone 10/13/17 06:22 Agency Assist 2017076250 Agency Assist WCSOP17031173 Phone 10/23/17 11:32 Agency Assist 2017078970 Agency Assist WCSOP17032328 Phone 10/26/17 14:39 Agency Assist 2017079793 Agency Assist WCSOP17032682 Phone Alarm Total: 2 10/08/1718:23 Alarm 2017075041 Alarm WCSOP17030679 Phone 10/13/17 06:35 Alarm 2017076252 Alarm WCSOP17031174 Phone Animal Total: 9 10/03/1717:00 Animal 2017073549 Animal WCSOP17030096 Phone 10/04/17 06:05 Animal 2017073689 Animal WCSOP17030144 911 10/04/1715:47 Animal 2017073807 Phone 10/05/17 05:06 Animal 2017073968 Animal WCSOP17030240 Phone 10/05/17 21:34 Animal 2017074228 Phone 10/10/1718:04 Animal 2017075610 Animal WCSOP17030921 911 10/14/1713:11 Animal 2017076632 Animal WCSOP17031338 Phone 10/17/1718:31 Animal 2017077503 Animal WCSOP17031686 Phone 10/18/1710:12 Animal 2017077665 911 Animal - Abuse Total: 1 10/14/17 17:44 Animal - Abuse 2017076678 Animal - Abuse WCSOP17031355 Phone Animal - Barking Dog Total: 1 10/02/17 09:15 Animal - Barking Dog 2017073198 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP17029960 Phone Assault Total: 3 10/01/1712:25 Assault 2017073025 Assault WCSOP17029872 Phone 10/07/17 12:02 Assault 2017074670 Court Order Violation WCSOP17030526 Phone 10/11/1718:13 Assault 2017075879 Assault WCSOP17031028 Phone Burglary Total: 1 10/10/17 09:24 Burglary 2017075471 Commercial Burglary WCSOP17030851 Phone Check Welfare Total: 25 10/02/17 14:27 Check Welfare 2017073267 Check Welfare WCSOP17029993 Phone 10/03/17 10:11 Check Welfare 2017073448 Check Welfare WCSOP17030066 Phone 10/03/17 18:03 Check Welfare 2017073569 Check Welfare WCSOP17030101 Phone 10/03/17 18:49 Check Welfare 2017073585 Check Welfare WCSOP17030107 Phone 10/04/17 19:37 Check Welfare 2017073896 Check Welfare WCSOP17030219 Phone 10/06/17 18:00 Check Welfare 2017074474 Check Welfare WCSOP17030447 Phone 10/07/17 17:16 Check Welfare 2017074757 Check Welfare WCSOP17030564 911 10/08/17 23:13 Check Welfare 2017075111 Check Welfare WCSOP17030710 Phone ZUERCHER Page 3 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/10/17 16:22 Check Welfare 2017075580 Check Welfare WCSOP17030907 Phone 10/10/17 19:11 Check Welfare 2017075634 Check Welfare WCSOP17030929 Phone 10/11/17 01:58 Check Welfare 2017075716 Check Welfare WCSOP17030957 Phone 10/13/17 09:07 Check Welfare 2017076278 Check Welfare WCSOP17031189 Phone 10/13/17 11:40 Check Welfare 2017076312 Check Welfare WCSOP17031205 Phone 10/15/17 01:17 Check Welfare 2017076782 Check Welfare WCSOP17031392 Phone 10/18/17 21:47 Check Welfare 2017077851 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17031836 911 10/21/17 17:38 Check Welfare 2017078573 Check Welfare WCSOP17032148 Phone 10/22/17 11:50 Check Welfare 2017078726 Death Investigation - Natural WCSOP17032218 Phone 10/22/17 21:38 Check Welfare 2017078867 Check Welfare WCSOP17032279 Phone 10/23/17 19:39 Check Welfare 2017079088 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17032385 Phone 10/25/17 20:00 Check Welfare 2017079621 Check Welfare WCSOP17032613 911 10/26/17 20:03 Check Welfare 2017079875 Check Welfare WCSOP17032728 Phone 10/27/17 21:51 Check Welfare 2017080150 Check Welfare WCSOP17032829 Phone 10/29/17 23:17 Check Welfare 2017080657 Check Welfare WCSOP17033051 Phone 10/31/17 00:59 Check Welfare 2017080912 Check Welfare WCSOP17033153 Phone 10/31/17 12:16 Check Welfare 2017081013 Check Welfare WCSOP17033185 911 Citizen Aid Total: 19 10/02/17 18:20 Citizen Aid 2017073330 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17030024 Phone 10/02/17 20:31 Citizen Aid 2017073366 Citizen Aid WCSOP17030036 Phone 10/03/17 23:37 Citizen Aid 2017073665 Citizen Aid WCSOP17030134 911 10/05/17 00:32 Citizen Aid 2017073957 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17030237 Officer 10/08/17 06:54 Citizen Aid 2017074881 Citizen Aid WCSOP17030619 Phone 10/09/17 09:19 Citizen Aid 2017075195 Citizen Aid WCSOP17030753 911 10/10/17 16:04 Citizen Aid 2017075576 Citizen Aid WCSOP17030903 Phone 10/12/17 13:15 Citizen Aid 2017076020 Citizen Aid WCSOP17031081 Other 10/14/17 00:40 Citizen Aid 2017076539 Citizen Aid WCSOP17031293 911 10/14/17 14:35 Citizen Aid 2017076646 Citizen Aid WCSOP17031343 Officer 10/18/17 00:48 Citizen Aid 2017077589 Citizen Aid WCSOP17031720 Phone 10/18/17 19:50 Citizen Aid 2017077829 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031826 Phone 10/19/17 15:26 Citizen Aid 2017078020 Citizen Aid WCSOP17031899 911 10/21/17 11:49 Citizen Aid 2017078496 Citizen Aid WCSOP17032114 911 10/21/17 11:52 Citizen Aid 2017078497 Citizen Aid WCSOP17032115 Phone 10/21/17 13:06 Citizen Aid 2017078508 Citizen Aid WCSOP17032120 Phone 10/25/17 14:06 Citizen Aid 2017079513 Citizen Aid WCSOP17032570 911 10/28/17 06:49 Citizen Aid 2017080224 Citizen Aid WCSOP17032866 Phone 10/29/17 05:42 Citizen Aid 2017080479 Citizen Aid WCSOP17032976 911 Civil Complaint Total: 20 10/01/17 09:37 Civil Complaint 2017072988 Civil Complaint WCSOP17029851 Phone 10/02/17 08:58 Civil Complaint 2017073195 Civil Complaint WCSOP17029957 Phone 10/04/17 13:35 Civil Complaint 2017073781 Civil Complaint WCSOP17030178 Phone 10/05/17 10:40 Civil Complaint 2017074034 Civil Complaint WCSOP17030258 Phone 10/05/17 15:08 Civil Complaint 2017074097 Civil Complaint WCSOP17030285 Phone 10/10/17 15:25 Civil Complaint 2017075567 Civil Complaint WCSOP17030899 911 10/12/17 15:27 Civil Complaint 2017076061 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031099 Phone ZUERCHER Page 4 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/13/17 06:04 Civil Complaint 2017076248 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031171 Phone 10/14/17 14:08 Civil Complaint 2017076640 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031342 Phone 10/14/17 14:43 Civil Complaint 2017076647 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031345 911 10/16/17 16:31 Civil Complaint 2017077154 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031550 Phone 10/17/17 21:08 Civil Complaint 2017077543 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031704 Phone 10/20/17 09:24 Civil Complaint 2017078210 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031975 Phone 10/20/17 10:13 Civil Complaint 2017078221 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031976 Phone 10/20/17 22:33 Civil Complaint 2017078403 Civil Complaint WCSOP17032072 911 10/22/17 10:47 Civil Complaint 2017078718 Civil Complaint WCSOP17032212 Phone 10/23/17 00:28 Civil Complaint 2017078887 Civil Complaint WCSOP17032289 Phone 10/25/17 21:27 Civil Complaint 2017079644 Civil Complaint WCSOP17032619 Phone 10/28/17 13:47 Civil Complaint 2017080287 Civil Complaint WCSOP17032908 Phone 10/31/17 20:23 Civil Complaint 2017081124 Civil Complaint WCSOP17033232 911 Civil Process Total: 71 10/02/17 16:10 Civil Process 2017073296 Officer 10/03/17 12:10 Civil Process 2017073473 Officer 10/03/17 12:23 Civil Process 2017073476 Officer 10/03/17 12:23 Civil Process 2017073477 Officer 10/03/17 17:50 Civil Process 2017073561 Officer 10/04/17 09:48 Civil Process 2017073727 Officer 10/04/17 10:08 Civil Process 2017073731 Officer 10/04/17 10:28 Civil Process 2017073736 Officer 10/05/17 11:03 Civil Process 2017074046 Officer 10/05/17 11:42 Civil Process 2017074055 Officer 10/06/17 14:43 Civil Process 2017074414 Officer 10/06/17 17:18 Civil Process 2017074458 Officer 10/06/17 17:26 Civil Process 2017074461 Officer 10/06/17 17:37 Civil Process 2017074465 Officer 10/09/17 11:20 Civil Process 2017075219 Officer 10/09/17 14:50 Civil Process 2017075273 Officer 10/09/17 15:47 Civil Process 2017075292 10/09/17 17:48 Civil Process 2017075326 Officer 10/11/17 10:24 Civil Process 2017075766 Officer 10/11/17 14:45 Civil Process 2017075828 Officer 10/11/17 15:00 Civil Process 2017075830 Officer 10/11/17 17:03 Civil Process 2017075862 Officer 10/12/17 08:21 Civil Process 2017075980 Officer 10/12/17 08:38 Civil Process 2017075982 Officer 10/12/17 08:56 Civil Process 2017075985 Officer 10/12/17 13:22 Civil Process 2017076021 Officer 10/12/17 13:35 Civil Process 2017076024 Officer 10/12/17 16:14 Civil Process 2017076081 Officer 10/13/17 09:02 Civil Process 2017076276 Officer 10/13/17 09:49 Civil Process 2017076282 Officer 10/13/17 09:58 Civil Process 2017076283 Officer 10/13/17 11:12 Civil Process 2017076300 Officer ZUERCHER Page 5 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/13/17 11:29 Civil Process 2017076306 Officer 10/16/17 08:50 Civil Process 2017077023 Officer 10/16/17 09:08 Civil Process 2017077026 Officer 10/16/17 09:13 Civil Process 2017077029 Officer 10/16/17 09:38 Civil Process 2017077042 10/16/17 09:48 Civil Process 2017077046 Officer 10/16/17 10:06 Civil Process 2017077052 Officer 10/16/17 10:17 Civil Process 2017077054 10/16/17 10:43 Civil Process 2017077064 Officer 10/17/17 12:02 Civil Process 2017077382 Officer 10/17/17 12:12 Civil Process 2017077385 Officer 10/17/17 12:23 Civil Process 2017077388 Officer 10/17/17 12:29 Civil Process 2017077390 Officer 10/17/17 16:21 Civil Process 2017077454 Officer 10/17/17 16:29 Civil Process 2017077460 Officer 10/18/17 11:40 Civil Process 2017077689 Officer 10/18/17 11:48 Civil Process 2017077691 Officer 10/18/17 12:05 Civil Process 2017077693 Officer 10/18/17 12:10 Civil Process 2017077694 Officer 10/18/17 15:25 Civil Process 2017077752 Officer 10/18/17 17:52 Civil Process 2017077783 Officer 10/19/17 11:56 Civil Process 2017077976 Officer 10/20/17 08:52 Civil Process 2017078205 Officer 10/20/17 12:56 Civil Process 2017078264 10/23/17 11:08 Civil Process 2017078965 Officer 10/23/17 12:18 Civil Process 2017078978 Officer 10/24/17 14:18 Civil Process 2017079256 Officer 10/24/17 17:25 Civil Process 2017079302 Civil Process WCSOP17032473 Officer 10/25/17 17:30 Civil Process 2017079574 Officer 10/26/17 08:06 Civil Process 2017079713 Civil Child Custody WCSOSRO17032649 10/27/17 10:40 Civil Process 2017079985 Officer 10/30/17 09:56 Civil Process 2017080722 Officer 10/30/17 10:13 Civil Process 2017080730 Officer 10/30/17 10:35 Civil Process 2017080734 Officer 10/30/17 10:46 Civil Process 2017080735 Officer 10/30/17 16:36 Civil Process 2017080805 Officer 10/30/17 19:07 Civil Process 2017080840 Officer 10/31/17 08:25 Civil Process 2017080964 10/31/17 08:40 Civil Process 2017080967 Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 7 10/02/17 15:47 Commercial Fire Alarm 2017073292 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP17030008 Phone 10/07/17 07:03 Commercial Fire Alarm 2017074609 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP17030504 Phone 10/14/17 10:46 Commercial Fire Alarm 2017076603 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP17031323 Phone 10/16/17 19:35 Commercial Fire Alarm 2017077209 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP17031578 Phone 10/20/17 17:54 Commercial Fire Alarm 2017078337 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP17032040 Phone 10/22/17 11:09 Commercial Fire Alarm 2017078720 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP17032213 Phone ZUERCHER Page 6 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 10/30/17 23:48 Commercial Fire Alarm 2017080896 Commercial Fire Alarm 10/02/17 09:32 Commercial General 2017073202 10/03/17 23:56 Commercial General 2017073667 10/04/17 02:35 Commercial General 2017073680 10/04/17 07:44 Commercial General 2017073702 10/06/17 05:37 Commercial General 2017074294 10/07/17 17:34 Commercial General 2017074759 10/07/17 17:43 Commercial General 2017074763 10/08/17 01:33 Commercial General 2017074868 10/09/17 16:52 Commercial General 2017075308 10/10/17 21:23 Commercial General 2017075671 10/11/17 19:12 Commercial General 2017075887 10/12/17 21:42 Commercial General 2017076178 10/13/17 01:05 Commercial General 2017076214 10/13/17 16:17 Commercial General 2017076386 10/14/17 12:31 Commercial General 2017076622 10/15/17 00:35 Commercial General 2017076772 10/15/17 01:19 Commercial General 2017076783 10/15/17 18:16 Commercial General 2017076919 10/17/17 20:52 Commercial General 2017077536 10/20/17 09:10 Commercial General 2017078208 10/22/17 11:16 Commercial General 2017078722 10/24/17 01:43 Commercial General 2017079144 10/24/17 05:44 Commercial General 2017079160 10/24/17 15:11 Commercial General 2017079268 10/25/17 13:11 Commercial General 2017079501 10/26/17 19:28 Commercial General 2017079866 10/28/17 09:08 Commercial General 2017080235 10/29/17 19:59 Commercial General 2017080622 10/30/17 05:44 Commercial General 2017080685 10/30/17 22:16 Commercial General 2017080882 10/31/17 00:48 Commercial General 2017080910 10/31/17 05:44 Commercial General 2017080940 10/31/17 22:21 Commercial General 2017081153 Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm Court Order Violation Total: 1 10/22/17 18:11 Court Order Violation 2017078800 Court Order Violation Criminal Damage to Property Total: 5 10/19/17 15:00 Criminal Damage to 2017078017 10/20/17 23:19 Criminal Damage to 2017078416 10/22/17 12:15 Criminal Damage to 2017078730 10/23/17 08:53 Criminal Damage to 2017078930 10/27/17 19:05 Criminal Damage to 2017080114 Disabled Vehicle Total: 4 Case Number How Reported WCSOP17033149 Phone Phone WCSOP17030135 Phone WCSOP17030139 Phone WCSOP17030150 Phone WCSOP17030365 Phone WCSOP17030566 Phone WCSOP17030568 Phone WCSOP17030612 Phone WCSOP17030793 Phone WCSOP17030943 Phone WCSOP17031030 Phone WCSOP17031149 Phone WCSOP17031161 Phone WCSOP17031230 Phone WCSOP17031334 Phone WCSOP17031390 Phone WCSOP17031393 Phone WCSOP17031458 Phone WCSOP17031701 Phone WCSOCVL17031970 Phone WCSOP17032216 Phone WCSOP17032405 Phone WCSOP17032414 Phone WCSOP17032460 Phone WCSOP17032560 Phone WCSOP17032725 Phone WCSOP17032873 Phone WCSOP17033038 Phone WCSOP17033059 Phone WCSOP17033145 Phone WCSOP17033152 Phone WCSOP17033162 Phone WCSOP17033243 Phone WCSOP17032252 911 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17031897 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17032081 911 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17032219 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17032305 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17032814 Phone ZUERCHER Page 7 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/01/17 11:35 Disabled Vehicle 2017073014 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP17029867 911 10/12/17 10:27 Disabled Vehicle 2017075994 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP17031067 911 10/13/17 19:55 Disabled Vehicle 2017076463 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP17031261 Officer 10/15/17 20:24 Disabled Vehicle 2017076941 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP17031472 Phone Disorderly Total: 6 10/09/17 03:56 Disorderly 2017075146 Disorderly WCSOP17030730 911 10/09/1717:43 Disorderly 2017075321 Disorderly WCSOP17030800 911 10/10/1717:46 Disorderly 2017075603 Disorderly WCSOP17030917 911 10/11/17 04:37 Disorderly 2017075722 Disorderly WCSOP17030959 Phone 10/20/17 20:37 Disorderly 2017078379 Disorderly WCSOP17032060 911 10/27/17 09:37 Disorderly 2017079969 Disorderly WCSOP17032756 Phone Domestic Disturbance Total: 23 10/02/17 00:48 Domestic Disturbance 2017073153 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17029936 Phone 10/03/17 21:04 Domestic Disturbance 2017073637 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17030121 Phone 10/06/17 22:29 Domestic Disturbance 2017074546 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17030476 911 10/08/17 02:37 Domestic Disturbance 2017074873 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17030615 911 10/08/17 12:35 Domestic Disturbance 2017074956 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17030641 911 10/08/17 14:11 Domestic Disturbance 2017074972 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17030649 911 10/11/17 11:02 Domestic Disturbance 2017075780 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17030979 911 10/12/17 15:16 Domestic Disturbance 2017076059 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17031095 911 10/13/17 18:46 Domestic Disturbance 2017076443 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17031252 911 10/14/17 01:15 Domestic Disturbance 2017076544 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031296 Phone 10/16/17 01:22 Domestic Disturbance 2017076983 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17031484 Phone 10/17/17 21:19 Domestic Disturbance 2017077547 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17031706 911 10/19/17 17:37 Domestic Disturbance 2017078060 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17031914 Phone 10/20/17 01:16 Domestic Disturbance 2017078159 Public Disturbance WCSOP17031947 Phone 10/21/17 08:31 Domestic Disturbance 2017078462 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17032104 911 10/21/17 23:27 Domestic Disturbance 2017078653 Disorderly WCSOP17032177 911 10/22/17 06:04 Domestic Disturbance 2017078688 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17032192 911 10/25/17 16:52 Domestic Disturbance 2017079555 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17032591 Phone 10/25/17 17:54 Domestic Disturbance 2017079586 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17032602 Phone 10/25/17 23:44 Domestic Disturbance 2017079674 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17032630 911 10/29/17 20:44 Domestic Disturbance 2017080630 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17033039 911 10/30/17 12:15 Domestic Disturbance 2017080750 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17033086 Phone 10/31/17 20:50 Domestic Disturbance 2017081135 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17033235 Phone Drugs Total: 5 10/02/1713:07 Drugs 2017073254 Drugs WCSOSRO17029980 10/06/17 09:34 Drugs 2017074342 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17030389 Phone 10/13/1719:05 Drugs 2017076449 Drugs WCSOP17031259 Phone 10/22/17 09:57 Drugs 2017078705 Drugs WCSOP17032203 Phone 10/26/1711:21 Drugs 2017079753 Drugs WCSOP17032664 Phone Drug Search Warrant Total: 1 10/04/17 10:32 Drug Search Warrant 2017073738 Drug Search Warrant WCSOP17030162 Officer ZUERCHER Page 8 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported M• • • 10/24/1715:13 Dumping 2017079270 Dumping WCSOP17032461 Phone Extra Patrol Total: 4 10/17/17 11:55 Extra Patrol 2017077380 Phone 10/23/17 12:22 Extra Patrol 2017078980 Phone 10/25/17 13:22 Extra Patrol 2017079506 Extra Patrol WCSOP17032562 Phone 10/26/17 09:48 Extra Patrol 2017079733 Extra Patrol WCSOP17032659 Phone Fight Total: 2 10/11/17 22:36 Fight 2017075932 Fight WCSOP17031045 911 10/13/17 02:31 Fight 2017076232 Fight WCSOP17031165 911 Fire - Gas Leak Total: 1 10/26/17 08:57 Fire - Gas Leak 2017079725 Phone Fire - Grass Total: 1 10/16/17 19:28 Fire - Grass 2017077205 Fire - Grass WCSOP17031575 911 Fire - Other Total: 2 10/15/17 12:13 Fire - Other 2017076841 Fire - Other WCSOP17031419 Phone 10/20/17 20:19 Fire - Other 2017078375 Fire - Other WCSOP17032057 Fire - Structure Total: 2 10/19/17 01:18 Fire - Structure 2017077891 Fire - Structure WCSOP17031847 911 10/19/17 09:12 Fire - Structure 2017077944 Fire - Structure WCSOP17031864 911 Found Body Total: 1 10/16/17 21:18 Found Body 2017077230 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 4 10/11/17 16:20 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2017075849 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP17031015 Phone 10/14/17 03:58 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2017076559 Citizen Aid WCSOP17031302 911 10/17/17 16:13 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2017077451 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP17031663 Phone 10/19/17 08:25 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2017077935 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP17031862 Phone Fraud - Internet Total: 1 10/10/17 13:15 Fraud - Internet 2017075529 Fraud - Internet WCSOP17030881 Phone Funeral Escort Total: 4 10/02/17 08:41 Funeral Escort 2017073191 Phone 10/05/17 08:32 Funeral Escort 2017074000 Phone 10/07/17 08:55 Funeral Escort 2017074628 Phone 10/21/17 09:27 Funeral Escort 2017078477 Phone Gun Incident Total: 2 10/03/17 23:01 Gun Incident 2017073655 Gun Incident WCSOP17030129 911 10/23/17 01:21 Gun Incident 2017078892 Assault WCSOP17032291 911 Harassment Total: 6 10/04/1712:28 Harassment 2017073766 Harassment WCSOP17030172 Phone ZUERCHER Page 9 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/05/1715:10 Harassment 2017074100 Harassment WCSOP17030287 911 10/09/17 21:51 Harassment 2017075398 Harassment WCSOP17030825 911 10/18/1713:11 Harassment 2017077710 Harassment WCSOP17031772 Phone 10/22/1717:29 Harassment 2017078792 Harassment WCSOP17032248 Phone 10/25/1717:06 Harassment 2017079562 Harassment WCSOP17032598 Phone Hospice Death Total: 1 WCSOP17031445 911 2017077794 Juvenile - Complaint 10/22/17 22:06 Hospice Death 2017078872 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17032176 Phone Info Total: 6 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17032595 911 2017073125 Juvenile - Runaway 10/05/17 18:23 Info 2017074173 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP17030026 Phone 10/13/17 14:55 Info 2017076360 911 2017073291 Phone 10/21/17 11:07 Info 2017078484 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP17031762 Phone 10/23/17 23:42 Info 2017079134 Info WCSOP17032401 Phone 10/25/17 08:46 Info 2017079451 Phone 10/30/17 08:50 Info 2017080705 Phone Info; Fire - Smoke - Odor Total: 1 10/31/17 07:11 Info; Fire - Smoke - 2017080952 Info Intoxicated Person Total: 3 10/02/17 10:11 Intoxicated Person 10/13/17 23:43 Intoxicated Person 10/26/17 09:28 Intoxicated Person Juvenile -Complaint Total: 10 10/04/17 07:12 Juvenile - Complaint 10/04/17 19:02 Juvenile - Complaint 10/04/17 20:34 Juvenile - Complaint 10/06/17 20:18 Juvenile - Complaint 10/07/17 15:54 Juvenile - Complaint 10/11/17 19:38 Juvenile - Complaint 10/15/17 16:53 Juvenile - Complaint 10/18/17 18:28 Juvenile - Complaint 10/21/17 23:18 Juvenile - Complaint 10/25/17 16:55 Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Runaway Total: 3 10/01/17 21:59 Juvenile - Runaway 10/02/17 18:43 Juvenile - Runaway 10/03/17 17:25 Juvenile - Runaway Lock Out - Lock In Total: 3 10/02/17 15:40 Lock Out - Lock In 10/18/17 11:40 Lock Out - Lock In 10/30/17 17:35 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP17033166 Phone 2017073214 Intoxicated Person WCSOP17029965 Phone 2017076529 Intoxicated Person WCSOP17031290 911 2017079729 Intoxicated Person WCSOP17032656 Phone 2017073698 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17030149 Phone 2017073884 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17030215 Phone 2017073913 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17030224 Phone 2017074507 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17030463 Phone 2017074727 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17030551 Phone 2017075898 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17031034 911 2017076899 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17031445 911 2017077794 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17031818 911 2017078651 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17032176 911 2017079556 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17032595 911 2017073125 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP17029923 911 2017073336 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP17030026 Phone 2017073556 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP17030097 911 2017073291 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP17030007 911 2017077688 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP17031762 Phone 2017080814 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP17033121 Phone Lost - Found Property Total: 4 10/07/17 19:49 Lost - Found Property 2017074798 Lost - Found Property 10/10/17 12:59 Lost - Found Property 2017075525 Lost - Found Property WCSOP17030580 WCSOP17030877 ZUERCHER Page 10 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 10/19/17 13:11 Lost - Found Property 2017077994 10/30/17 09:50 Lost - Found Property 2017080719 Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 1 10/12/17 15:06 Medical - Abdominal 2017076053 Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 1 10/18/17 06:39 Medical - Allergies - 2017077606 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 5 10/02/17 06:05 Medical - Breathing 2017073166 10/05/17 03:34 Medical - Breathing 2017073965 10/21/17 17:09 Medical - Breathing 2017078567 10/24/17 20:35 Medical - Breathing 2017079356 10/25/17 05:15 Medical - Breathing 2017079419 Final Incident Lost - Found Property Stolen - Vehicle Case Number WCSOP17031884 WCSOP17033070 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17030239 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17032147 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17032492 Death Investigation - WCSOP17032516 Medical - Burns Total: 1 10/13/17 11:17 Medical - Burns 2017076304 Medical - Burns Medical - Chest Pain Total: 3 10/18/17 13:36 Medical - Chest Pain 2017077719 Medical - Chest Pain 10/26/17 08:25 Medical - Chest Pain 2017079717 Medical - Chest Pain 10/29/17 07:42 Medical - Chest Pain 2017080484 Medical - Chest Pain Medical - Choking Total: 1 10/15/17 18:44 Medical - Choking Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 10/18/17 20:58 Medical - Diabetic 10/29/17 09:52 Medical - Diabetic 2017076926 Medical - Choking 2017077842 Medical - Diabetic 2017080506 Medical - Diabetic Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 7 10/04/17 07:47 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017073704 10/05/17 09:51 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017074023 10/05/17 17:55 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017074168 10/09/17 03:09 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017075143 10/16/17 19:49 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017077212 10/24/17 07:38 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017079174 10/30/17 13:51 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017080771 Medical - Headache Total: 1 10/05/17 18:04 Medical - Headache 2017074171 How Reported X1111 HE 911 911 911 911 911 WCSOP17031200 911 WCSOP17031778 911 WCSOP17032652 911 WCSOP17032980 911 WCSOP17031462 Phone WCSOP17031830 911 WCSOP17032984 911 Phone Medical - Heart Problems Total: 1 10/08/17 18:25 Medical - Heart 2017075042 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP17030680 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 12 10/02/17 07:35 Medical - Psychiatric - 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17030255 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17030315 Phone Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17030729 Phone Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17031580 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17032419 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17033099 Phone Phone Medical - Heart Problems Total: 1 10/08/17 18:25 Medical - Heart 2017075042 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP17030680 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 12 10/02/17 07:35 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017073177 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17029946 Phone 10/08/17 20:42 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017075080 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17030695 911 10/09/17 13:28 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017075253 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17030779 Phone 10/16/17 14:57 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017077126 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17031535 Phone ZUERCHER Page 11 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/18/17 18:30 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017077796 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17031811 911 10/18/17 21:50 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017077852 911 10/19/17 12:17 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017077981 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17031879 911 10/19/17 22:34 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017078141 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17031940 911 10/21/17 15:26 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017078544 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WCSOP17032135 911 10/22/17 16:00 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017078773 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17032239 911 10/23/17 07:49 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017078919 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17032302 911 10/25/17 19:05 Medical - Psychiatric - 2017079609 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17032608 Phone Medical - Seizure Total: 2 10/13/17 03:13 Medical - Seizure 2017076235 Medical - Seizure WCSOP17031167 911 10/27/17 16:36 Medical - Seizure 2017080077 Medical - Seizure WCSOP17032800 911 Medical - Sick Total: 13 10/01/17 13:21 Medical - Sick 2017073031 911 10/01/17 20:32 Medical - Sick 2017073104 Medical - Sick WCSOP17029917 911 10/05/17 16:23 Medical - Sick 2017074132 Medical - Sick WCSOP17030301 911 10/07/17 11:55 Medical - Sick 2017074668 Medical - Sick WCSOP17030525 911 10/10/17 11:04 Medical - Sick 2017075494 Medical - Sick WCSOP17030862 911 10/16/17 09:07 Medical - Sick 2017077025 911 10/16/17 18:02 Medical - Sick 2017077184 Medical - Sick WCSOP17031565 911 10/17/17 10:28 Medical - Sick 2017077356 Medical - Sick WCSOP17031620 911 10/18/17 14:50 Medical - Sick 2017077741 Medical - Sick WCSOP17031789 911 10/18/17 17:13 Medical - Sick 2017077776 Medical - Sick WCSOP17031806 911 10/18/17 19:25 Medical - Sick 2017077817 Medical - Sick WCSOP17031822 911 10/25/17 17:27 Medical - Sick 2017079571 911 10/28/17 10:37 Medical - Sick 2017080250 Medical - Sick WCSOP17032884 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 2 10/01/17 15:35 Medical - Stroke 2017073049 Medical - Stroke WCSOP17029888 911 10/02/17 09:47 Medical - Stroke 2017073206 911 Medical - Trauma Total: 2 10/23/17 12:38 Medical - Trauma 2017078985 Medical - Trauma WCSOP17032336 911 10/27/17 13:07 Medical - Trauma 2017080020 Medical - Trauma WCSOP17032777 911 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 9 10/03/17 14:29 Medical - Unconscious - 2017073494 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP17030078 911 10/08/17 13:55 Medical - Unconscious - 2017074968 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP17030647 911 10/08/17 20:09 Medical - Unconscious - 2017075069 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP17030691 Phone 10/14/17 08:28 Medical - Unconscious - 2017076577 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP17031312 Phone 10/15/17 15:44 Medical - Unconscious - 2017076877 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP17031436 Phone 10/16/17 17:23 Medical - Unconscious - 2017077173 Death Investigation - Natural WCSOP17031559 911 10/18/17 17:07 Medical - Unconscious - 2017077775 Drugs WCSOP17031804 Phone 10/20/17 08:37 Medical - Unconscious - 2017078204 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP17031967 911 10/28/17 17:36 Medical - Unconscious - 2017080336 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP17032929 911 Medical - Unknown Total: 3 10/18/17 10:00 Medical - Unknown 2017077660 Medical - Unknown WCSOP17031754 911 ZUERCHER Page 12 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/18/17 18:38 Medical - Unknown 2017077799 Medical - Unknown WCSOP17031812 911 10/26/17 13:44 Medical - Unknown 2017079781 Medical - Unknown WCSOP17032674 Phone Missing Person Total: 2 MVA - Car Deer Total: 3 10/07/17 11:26 10/04/17 06:45 10/24/17 11:37 Missing Person 2017079231 Missing Person WCSOP17032444 911 10/24/17 12:58 Missing Person 2017079242 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP17032448 Phone Motorist Aid Total: 4 10/02/17 05:48 Motorist Aid 2017073164 Officer 10/05/17 16:07 Motorist Aid 2017074124 Phone 10/05/17 19:00 Motorist Aid 2017074189 Phone 10/26/17 16:56 Motorist Aid 2017079824 Phone MVA - Car Deer Total: 3 10/07/17 11:26 10/04/17 06:45 MVA - Car Deer 2017073691 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP17030145 Phone 10/18/17 07:01 MVA - Car Deer 2017077608 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP17031766 911 10/20/17 20:55 MVA - Car Deer 2017078386 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP17032064 911 MVA - Hit & Run Total: 4 10/05/17 13:05 MVA - Hit & Run 2017074075 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP17030277 10/06/17 15:44 MVA - Hit & Run 2017074430 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP17030429 10/08/17 12:34 MVA - Hit & Run 2017074954 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP17030642 10/31/17 18:46 MVA - Hit & Run 2017081101 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP17033226 MVA - Injuries Total: 1 10/07/17 11:26 MVA - No Injuries 10/16/17 11:15 MVA - Injuries 2017077074 WCSOP17030521 911 MVA - No Injuries Total: 29 10/01/17 10:53 MVA - No Injuries 2017073007 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17029864 10/03/17 14:51 MVA - No Injuries 2017073503 10/07/17 11:19 MVA - No Injuries 2017074658 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17030520 10/07/17 11:26 MVA - No Injuries 2017074660 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17030521 10/07/17 14:43 MVA - No Injuries 2017074706 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17030545 10/09/17 12:16 MVA - No Injuries 2017075235 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17030772 10/09/17 18:58 MVA - No Injuries 2017075356 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17030816 911 10/10/17 05:53 MVA - No Injuries 2017075438 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17030838 10/10/17 19:58 MVA - No Injuries 2017075650 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17030937 10/12/17 19:51 MVA - No Injuries 2017076141 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031136 911 10/13/17 07:37 MVA - No Injuries 2017076259 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031178 10/13/17 16:38 MVA - No Injuries 2017076398 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031234 10/14/17 19:58 MVA - No Injuries 2017076705 911 10/15/17 12:43 MVA - No Injuries 2017076843 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031420 10/16/17 16:22 MVA - No Injuries 2017077150 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031548 10/16/17 17:08 MVA - No Injuries 2017077168 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031557 911 10/18/17 08:35 MVA - No Injuries 2017077632 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031735 10/18/17 09:22 MVA - No Injuries 2017077651 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031743 10/18/17 12:02 MVA - No Injuries 2017077692 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031765 10/18/17 12:53 MVA - No Injuries 2017077708 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031771 911 10/18/17 16:43 MVA - No Injuries 2017077769 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17031799 911 ZUERCHER Page 13 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/20/17 13:40 MVA - No Injuries 2017078277 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17032005 10/24/17 07:52 MVA - No Injuries 2017079179 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17032421 911 10/25/17 16:13 MVA - No Injuries 2017079543 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17032583 10/26/17 15:23 MVA - No Injuries 2017079807 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17032691 10/26/17 18:12 MVA - No Injuries 2017079841 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17032710 10/28/17 06:11 MVA - No Injuries 2017080220 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17032862 10/29/17 14:05 MVA - No Injuries 2017080545 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17033003 10/30/17 15:42 MVA - No Injuries 2017080788 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17033108 Neighborhood Dispute Total: 2 Ordinance Violation WCSOP17032537 Parking Total: 5 10/19/17 14:01 Neighborhood Dispute 2017078002 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP17031888 10/20/17 15:11 Neighborhood Dispute 2017078296 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP17032020 911 Noise Total: 7 10/01/17 07:36 Noise 2017072967 Noise WCSOP17029843 10/06/1717:55 Noise 2017074473 Noise WCSOP17030445 10/14/17 04:45 Noise 2017076563 Noise WCSOP17031304 10/16/17 05:51 Noise 2017076995 Noise WCSOP17031488 10/19/17 05:01 Noise 2017077902 Noise WCSOP17031851 10/22/17 02:38 Noise 2017078677 Noise WCSOP17032185 10/22/17 06:13 Noise 2017078691 Noise WCSOP17032194 Ordinance Violation Total: 2 10/03/17 07:39 Ordinance Violation 2017073423 Ordinance Violation WCSOP17030056 10/25/17 09:57 Ordinance Violation 2017079465 Ordinance Violation WCSOP17032537 Parking Total: 5 10/06/17 09:26 Parking 2017074339 Parking WCSOP17030396 10/06/1714:06 Parking 2017074406 Parking WCSOP17030421 10/20/1711:55 Parking 2017078250 Parking WCSOP17031988 10/23/1719:58 Parking 2017079092 Parking WCSOP17032386 10/26/1715:47 Parking 2017079812 Parking WCSOP17032697 Phone Call Total: 3 10/02/17 09:52 Phone Call 10/11/17 10:40 Phone Call 10/11/17 13:52 Phone Call Prowler Total: 2 10/14/17 03:42 Prowler 10/22/17 03:06 Prowler Repossession Total: 8 10/01/1711:24 Repossession 10/05/17 00:00 Repossession 10/07/17 09:51 Repossession 10/10/17 22:38 Repossession 10/11/17 21:03 Repossession 10/14/17 22:40 Repossession 2017073208 2017075773 2017075816 ISMI Other Other Other 2017076557 Suspicious -Circumstances WCSOP17031301 Phone 2017078682 Suspicious -Circumstances WCSOP17032189 911 2017073013 2017073951 2017074636 2017075689 2017075915 2017076747 ZUERCHER Page 14 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 10/22/1718:40 Repossession 10/30/1718:45 Repossession Residential Fire Alarm Total: 2 10/18/17 23:26 Residential Fire Alarm 10/29/17 13:26 Residential Fire Alarm CFS # Final Incident 2017078809 2017080835 2017077872 Residential Fire Alarm 2017080538 Residential Fire Alarm Residential General Alarm Total: 5 Case Number How Reported WCSOP17031840 Phone WCSOP17033000 Phone 10/05/17 18:31 Residential General 2017074177 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17030318 Phone 10/09/17 08:53 Residential General 2017075189 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17030751 Phone 10/12/17 16:44 Residential General 2017076093 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17031112 Phone 10/17/17 17:45 Residential General 2017077484 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17031675 Phone 10/24/17 09:21 Residential General 2017079200 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17032429 Phone Residential Medical Alarm Total: 4 10/04/17 11:39 Residential Medical 2017073751 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP17030166 Phone 10/09/17 03:07 Residential Medical 2017075142 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP17030727 Phone 10/17/17 14:39 Residential Medical 2017077425 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP17031651 Phone 10/25/17 16:29 Residential Medical 2017079548 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP17032587 Phone SIA Area Watch Total: 1 10/17/17 11:24 SIA Area Watch 2017077370 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 4 10/17/17 01:54 SIA Business Walk 2017077280 10/17/17 19:31 SIA Business Walk 2017077520 10/30/17 02:05 SIA Business Walk 2017080675 10/31/17 23:08 SIA Business Walk 2017081166 SIA Citizen Aid Total: 1 10/21/17 14:07 SIA Citizen Aid 2017078520 SIA Community Presentation Total: 1 10/26/17 12:01 SIA Community 2017079762 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 2 10/01/17 06:40 SIA Foot Patrol 10/05/17 23:09 SIA Foot Patrol SIA Other Total: 1 10/19/17 20:11 SIA Other SIA Parks Total: 14 10/01/17 21:45 SIA Parks 10/02/17 05:58 SIA Parks 10/03/17 06:02 SIA Parks 10/08/17 21:35 SIA Parks 10/15/17 00:33 SIA Parks 10/17/17 06:12 SIA Parks 10/17/17 20:23 SIA Parks 2017072963 Lost - Found Property 2017074253 2017078104 2017073124 2017073165 2017073415 2017075090 2017076771 2017077300 2017077531 WCSOP17029840 Officer Officer Officer ZUERCHER Page 15 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/19/17 05:57 10/21/17 21:44 10/26/17 07:06 10/26/17 09:25 10/27/17 06:07 10/29/17 07:08 10/30/17 06:09 SIA Parks SIA Parks SIA Parks SIA Parks SIA Parks SIA Parks SIA Parks Sign - Light Repair Total: 2 10/23/17 12:36 Sign - Light Repair 10/27/17 04:20 Sign - Light Repair Stalking Total: 1 10/16/17 09:32 Stalking Stolen - Vehicle Total: 2 2017077907 2017078627 2017079700 2017079728 2017079944 2017080482 2017080688 2017078984 2017079932 10/06/17 09:14 Stolen - Vehicle 2017074338 Stolen - Vehicle 10/08/17 17:11 Stolen - Vehicle 2017075028 Stolen - Vehicle Stoparm Violation Total: 1 10/03/17 18:12 Stoparm Violation 2017073572 Stoparm Violation Surveillance Total: 1 10/30/17 23:43 Surveillance 2017080894 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 15 10/05/17 17:14 Suspicious - 2017074154 10/07/17 01:26 Suspicious - 2017074589 10/07/17 13:43 Suspicious - 2017074690 10/08/17 23:00 Suspicious - 2017075107 10/13/17 17:13 Suspicious - 2017076417 10/16/17 07:01 Suspicious - 2017077005 10/18/17 21:11 Suspicious - 2017077844 10/18/17 21:54 Suspicious - 2017077853 10/19/17 19:04 Suspicious - 2017078082 10/21/17 08:16 Suspicious - 2017078461 10/21/17 09:02 Suspicious - 2017078468 10/25/17 17:03 Suspicious - 2017079559 10/27/17 01:17 Suspicious - 2017079921 10/28/17 15:52 Suspicious - 2017080319 10/31/17 22:11 Suspicious - 2017081151 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 22 10/03/17 14:50 Suspicious - Person - 2017073502 10/03/17 15:55 Suspicious - Person - 2017073526 10/04/17 08:36 Suspicious - Person - 2017073713 10/04/17 09:21 Suspicious - Person - 2017073720 10/06/17 08:53 Suspicious - Person - 2017074334 10/06/17 13:44 Suspicious - Person - 2017074401 Phone Phone WCSOP17031508 Phone WCSOP17030382 Phone WCSOP17030672 Phone WCSOP17030103 Other Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17030312 Phone Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP17030492 911 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17030538 911 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17030707 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17031238 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17031493 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17031834 911 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17031837 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17031926 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17032103 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17032105 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17032600 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17032741 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17032921 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17033241 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030083 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030092 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030155 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030158 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030381 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030418 Phone ZUERCHER Page 16 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/06/17 15:09 Suspicious - Person - 2017074419 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030425 Phone 10/10/17 04:12 Suspicious - Person - 2017075431 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030835 911 10/10/17 14:24 Suspicious - Person - 2017075545 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030891 Phone 10/10/17 22:52 Suspicious - Person - 2017075694 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17030952 911 10/17/17 22:04 Suspicious - Person - 2017077561 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17031712 Phone 10/18/17 13:30 Suspicious - Person - 2017077714 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17031776 Phone 10/19/17 19:01 Suspicious - Person - 2017078080 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17031921 911 10/20/17 05:10 Suspicious - Person - 2017078183 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17031954 Phone 10/21/17 00:38 Suspicious - Person - 2017078426 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17032087 Phone 10/21/17 02:27 Suspicious - Person - 2017078444 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17032093 Phone 10/21/17 07:08 Suspicious - Person - 2017078456 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17032100 Phone 10/25/17 17:12 Suspicious - Person - 2017079565 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17032597 Phone 10/25/17 22:14 Suspicious - Person - 2017079656 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17032625 Phone 10/27/17 23:02 Suspicious - Person - 2017080180 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17032845 911 10/28/17 02:47 Suspicious - Person - 2017080216 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17032859 911 10/31/17 21:16 Suspicious - Person - 2017081141 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17033237 Phone Theft Total: 14 10/03/17 09:55 Theft 10/11/1714:31 Theft 10/13/17 22:39 Theft 10/16/17 08:16 Theft 10/16/1710:26 Theft 10/18/1719:05 Theft 10/20/1714:56 Theft 10/24/17 09:46 Theft 10/24/1710:08 Theft 10/24/1716:16 Theft 10/25/1711:07 Theft 10/25/1714:56 Theft 10/26/1718:59 Theft 10/28/17 07:34 Theft Theft - From Vehicle Total: 2 10/18/17 18:05 Theft - From Vehicle 10/23/17 05:42 Theft - From Vehicle 10/02/17 12:02 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/04/17 17:38 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/09/17 11:52 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/13/17 05:50 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/13/17 08:56 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/15/17 03:27 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/17/17 03:24 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/22/17 08:05 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/25/17 06:31 Theft - Gas Drive Off 10/26/17 15:00 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017073444 Theft - From Vehicle 2017075826 Theft 2017076511 Theft 2017077017 Theft 2017077058 Theft 2017077810 Theft 2017078293 Theft 2017079208 Theft 2017079211 Theft 2017079283 Theft 2017079474 Theft 2017079527 Theft 2017079854 Theft 2017080229 Theft 2017077786 Theft - From Vehicle 2017078903 Theft - From Vehicle 2017073240 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017073848 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017075228 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017076243 Civil Complaint 2017076274 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017076794 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017077288 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017078695 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017079428 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017079798 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17030063 WCSOP17031003 WCSOP17031281 WCSOP17031498 WCSOP17031517 WCSOP17031820 WCSOP17032019 WCSOSRO17032433 WCSOP17032435 WCSOP17032465 WCSOP17032545 WCSOP17032577 WCSOP17032719 WCSOP17032870 Phone Phone 911 Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone 911 WCSOP17031807 Phone WCSOP17032297 Phone WCSOP17029975 WCSOP17030202 WCSOP17030770 WCSOP17031169 WCSOP17031186 WCSOP17031398 WCSOP17031601 WCSOP17032198 WCSOP17032531 WCSOP17032687 911 911 911 911 911 911 Phone 911 911 911 ZUERCHER Page 17 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/27/17 22:19 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017080162 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17032852 911 10/30/17 19:11 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017080842 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17033132 911 10/31/17 09:21 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017080975 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17033170 911 10/31/17 14:53 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017081049 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17033199 911 Theft - Identity Theft Total: 1 2017080790 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17033111 Phone 10/08/17 15:33 Theft - Identity Theft 2017074999 Theft - Identity Theft WCSOP17030657 Phone Theft - Shoplifting Total: 8 10/04/17 18:54 Theft - Shoplifting 2017073877 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17030212 911 10/07/17 12:45 Theft - Shoplifting 2017074679 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17030534 Phone 10/13/17 11:53 Theft - Shoplifting 2017076316 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17031207 Phone 10/26/17 03:07 Theft - Shoplifting 2017079690 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17032635 911 10/27/17 04:31 Theft - Shoplifting 2017079934 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17032744 Officer 10/30/17 15:56 Theft - Shoplifting 2017080790 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17033111 Phone 10/31/17 13:38 Theft - Shoplifting 2017081029 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17033189 Phone 10/31/17 16:41 Theft - Shoplifting 2017081077 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17033213 Phone Threats Total: 2 Traffic - Complaint 2017076860 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031428 10/13/17 20:05 Threats 2017076465 Threats WCSOP17031263 Phone 10/26/1715:07 Threats 2017079800 Threats WCSOP17032688 Phone Traffic - Complaint Total: 21 10/01/17 17:29 Traffic - Complaint 2017073072 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17029901 Phone 10/04/17 16:08 Traffic - Complaint 2017073813 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17030193 911 10/05/17 07:29 Traffic - Complaint 2017073987 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17030246 Phone 10/09/17 16:17 Traffic - Complaint 2017075300 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17030791 911 10/11/17 04:59 Traffic - Complaint 2017075723 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17030960 Phone 10/13/17 08:01 Traffic - Complaint 2017076262 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031180 Phone 10/14/17 06:27 Traffic - Complaint 2017076568 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031307 911 10/14/17 12:24 Traffic - Complaint 2017076621 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031332 911 10/15/17 14:19 Traffic - Complaint 2017076860 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031428 Phone 10/15/17 18:09 Traffic - Complaint 2017076917 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031457 911 10/17/17 17:14 Traffic - Complaint 2017077473 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031669 Phone 10/17/17 17:27 Traffic - Complaint 2017077478 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031673 Phone 10/18/17 18:24 Traffic - Complaint 2017077791 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17031810 911 10/18/17 18:25 Traffic - Complaint 2017077792 Phone 10/21/17 13:35 Traffic - Complaint 2017078516 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17032122 911 10/21/17 15:21 Traffic - Complaint 2017078541 DUI WCSOP17032131 Phone 10/25/17 09:53 Traffic - Complaint 2017079463 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17032538 Phone 10/25/17 18:04 Traffic - Complaint 2017079590 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17032604 Phone 10/28/17 10:05 Traffic - Complaint 2017080244 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17032881 Phone 10/29/17 15:42 Traffic - Complaint 2017080563 DUI WCSOP17033011 911 10/30/17 05:18 Traffic - Complaint 2017080683 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17033057 911 Traffic Stop Total: 231 10/01/17 02:34 Traffic Stop 2017072958 Officer 10/01/17 21:44 Traffic Stop 2017073122 Officer 10/02/17 11:44 Traffic Stop 2017073234 Officer ZUERCHER Page 18 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/02/17 17:55 Traffic Stop 2017073323 Officer 10/02/17 20:03 Traffic Stop 2017073363 Officer 10/03/17 00:49 Traffic Stop 2017073399 Officer 10/03/17 16:25 Traffic Stop 2017073534 Officer 10/03/17 19:53 Traffic Stop 2017073611 Officer 10/03/17 20:14 Traffic Stop 2017073614 Officer 10/03/17 20:26 Traffic Stop 2017073623 Officer 10/03/17 23:03 Traffic Stop 2017073656 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030132 Officer 10/04/17 01:34 Traffic Stop 2017073675 Traffic Stop WCSOP17030138 Officer 10/04/17 09:51 Traffic Stop 2017073728 Officer 10/04/17 21:47 Traffic Stop 2017073935 Officer 10/04/17 23:18 Traffic Stop 2017073948 Traffic Stop WCSOP17030234 Officer 10/05/17 09:35 Traffic Stop 2017074012 Officer 10/05/17 14:39 Traffic Stop 2017074091 Officer 10/05/17 16:22 Traffic Stop 2017074130 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030304 Officer 10/05/17 21:06 Traffic Stop 2017074220 Officer 10/06/17 00:38 Traffic Stop 2017074266 Drugs WCSOP17030356 Officer 10/06/17 01:52 Traffic Stop 2017074276 Officer 10/06/17 02:19 Traffic Stop 2017074280 Officer 10/06/17 03:05 Traffic Stop 2017074284 Officer 10/06/17 06:10 Traffic Stop 2017074298 Traffic Stop WCSOP17030367 Officer 10/06/17 08:06 Traffic Stop 2017074319 Officer 10/06/17 08:14 Traffic Stop 2017074324 Officer 10/06/17 12:10 Traffic Stop 2017074383 Officer 10/06/17 21:48 Traffic Stop 2017074527 Officer 10/07/17 00:42 Traffic Stop 2017074582 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030491 Officer 10/07/17 02:49 Traffic Stop 2017074592 Officer 10/07/17 10:49 Traffic Stop 2017074653 Traffic Stop WCSOP17030518 Officer 10/07/17 11:00 Traffic Stop 2017074654 Officer 10/07/17 23:36 Traffic Stop 2017074847 Traffic Stop WCSOP17030602 Officer 10/08/17 10:58 Traffic Stop 2017074921 Officer 10/08/17 11:19 Traffic Stop 2017074931 Officer 10/08/17 12:00 Traffic Stop 2017074939 Officer 10/08/17 18:46 Traffic Stop 2017075050 Officer 10/08/17 22:46 Traffic Stop 2017075104 Officer 10/09/17 06:40 Traffic Stop 2017075159 Traffic Stop WCSOP17030736 Officer 10/09/17 13:21 Traffic Stop 2017075248 Officer 10/09/17 14:44 Traffic Stop 2017075270 Officer 10/09/17 16:50 Traffic Stop 2017075305 Officer 10/09/17 17:19 Traffic Stop 2017075315 Officer 10/09/17 21:40 Traffic Stop 2017075394 Officer 10/09/17 22:10 Traffic Stop 2017075402 Officer 10/10/17 02:28 Traffic Stop 2017075428 Officer 10/10/17 10:01 Traffic Stop 2017075478 Officer 10/10/17 14:40 Traffic Stop 2017075547 Officer 10/10/17 17:27 Traffic Stop 2017075601 Officer 10/10/17 22:14 Traffic Stop 2017075682 Officer ZUERCHER Page 19 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/10/17 22:28 Traffic Stop 2017075685 Officer 10/11/17 01:41 Traffic Stop 2017075715 Officer 10/11/17 02:57 Traffic Stop 2017075718 Officer 10/11/17 04:32 Traffic Stop 2017075721 Traffic Stop WCSOP17030958 Officer 10/11/17 07:19 Traffic Stop 2017075732 Officer 10/11/17 13:33 Traffic Stop 2017075809 Officer 10/11/17 13:40 Traffic Stop 2017075811 Traffic Stop WCSOP17030996 Officer 10/11/17 13:55 Traffic Stop 2017075818 Officer 10/11/17 16:01 Traffic Stop 2017075841 Officer 10/11/17 16:20 Traffic Stop 2017075850 Officer 10/11/17 19:46 Traffic Stop 2017075901 Officer 10/11/17 20:54 Traffic Stop 2017075913 Officer 10/11/17 21:39 Traffic Stop 2017075918 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031039 Officer 10/12/17 00:10 Traffic Stop 2017075940 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031048 Officer 10/12/17 16:40 Traffic Stop 2017076092 Officer 10/12/17 21:05 Traffic Stop 2017076164 Officer 10/12/17 21:30 Traffic Stop 2017076174 Officer 10/12/17 23:18 Traffic Stop 2017076194 Officer 10/12/17 23:30 Traffic Stop 2017076198 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031156 Officer 10/12/17 23:30 Traffic Stop 2017076199 Officer 10/13/17 00:28 Traffic Stop 2017076209 Officer 10/13/17 01:12 Traffic Stop 2017076215 Officer 10/13/17 01:19 Traffic Stop 2017076219 Officer 10/13/17 01:21 Traffic Stop 2017076221 Officer 10/13/17 01:38 Traffic Stop 2017076223 Drugs WCSOP17031164 Officer 10/13/17 01:52 Traffic Stop 2017076227 Officer 10/13/17 10:09 Traffic Stop 2017076288 Officer 10/13/17 14:06 Traffic Stop 2017076343 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031217 Officer 10/13/17 16:32 Traffic Stop 2017076395 Officer 10/13/17 17:06 Traffic Stop 2017076411 Officer 10/13/17 19:47 Traffic Stop 2017076461 Officer 10/13/17 21:18 Traffic Stop 2017076486 Officer 10/13/17 21:35 Traffic Stop 2017076491 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031271 Officer 10/14/17 00:30 Traffic Stop 2017076538 Officer 10/14/17 22:10 Traffic Stop 2017076741 Officer 10/14/17 23:19 Traffic Stop 2017076756 Officer 10/14/17 23:29 Traffic Stop 2017076760 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031385 Officer 10/14/17 23:50 Traffic Stop 2017076764 Officer 10/15/17 00:41 Traffic Stop 2017076774 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031391 Officer 10/15/17 01:58 Traffic Stop 2017076791 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031396 Officer 10/15/17 02:12 Traffic Stop 2017076792 Officer 10/15/17 02:24 Traffic Stop 2017076793 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031397 Officer 10/15/17 05:27 Traffic Stop 2017076800 Officer 10/15/17 08:44 Traffic Stop 2017076809 Officer 10/15/17 09:31 Traffic Stop 2017076812 Officer 10/15/17 22:59 Traffic Stop 2017076964 Officer 10/15/17 23:06 Traffic Stop 2017076966 Officer ZUERCHER Page 20 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/15/17 23:10 Traffic Stop 2017076968 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031479 Officer 10/15/17 23:26 Traffic Stop 2017076970 Officer 10/15/17 23:49 Traffic Stop 2017076971 Officer 10/16/17 00:07 Traffic Stop 2017076975 Officer 10/16/17 00:23 Traffic Stop 2017076978 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031481 Officer 10/16/17 09:28 Traffic Stop 2017077034 Officer 10/16/17 10:33 Traffic Stop 2017077061 Officer 10/16/17 11:31 Traffic Stop 2017077075 Officer 10/16/17 14:49 Traffic Stop 2017077121 Officer 10/16/17 22:14 Traffic Stop 2017077237 Officer 10/16/17 22:16 Traffic Stop 2017077238 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031588 Officer 10/16/17 23:30 Traffic Stop 2017077249 Officer 10/16/17 23:45 Traffic Stop 2017077255 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031593 Officer 10/17/17 00:27 Traffic Stop 2017077258 Officer 10/17/17 01:54 Traffic Stop 2017077279 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17031598 Officer 10/17/17 02:25 Traffic Stop 2017077282 Officer 10/17/17 06:51 Traffic Stop 2017077310 Officer 10/17/17 12:39 Traffic Stop 2017077394 Officer 10/17/17 13:51 Traffic Stop 2017077411 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031643 Officer 10/17/17 14:04 Traffic Stop 2017077414 Officer 10/17/17 14:11 Traffic Stop 2017077417 Officer 10/17/17 14:20 Traffic Stop 2017077422 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031648 Officer 10/17/17 14:45 Traffic Stop 2017077427 Traffic Stop WCSOP17031652 Officer 10/17/17 14:52 Traffic Stop 2017077430 Officer 10/17/17 15:18 Traffic Stop 2017077438 Officer 10/17/17 16:12 Traffic Stop 2017077450 Officer 10/18/17 16:19 Traffic Stop 2017077764 Officer 10/18/17 23:11 Traffic Stop 2017077871 Officer 10/18/17 23:38 Traffic Stop 2017077877 Officer 10/18/17 23:48 Traffic Stop 2017077880 Officer 10/19/17 17:12 Traffic Stop 2017078055 Officer 10/20/17 04:28 Traffic Stop 2017078176 Officer 10/20/17 04:46 Traffic Stop 2017078178 Officer 10/20/17 07:50 Traffic Stop 2017078197 Officer 10/20/17 14:42 Traffic Stop 2017078289 Officer 10/20/17 22:18 Traffic Stop 2017078400 Officer 10/20/17 22:34 Traffic Stop 2017078404 Officer 10/21/17 01:11 Traffic Stop 2017078433 Officer 10/21/17 02:00 Traffic Stop 2017078439 Officer 10/21/17 02:26 Traffic Stop 2017078443 Officer 10/21/17 11:49 Traffic Stop 2017078495 Officer 10/21/17 14:31 Traffic Stop 2017078527 Officer 10/21/17 14:45 Traffic Stop 2017078531 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032129 Officer 10/21/17 22:03 Traffic Stop 2017078634 Officer 10/21/17 22:58 Traffic Stop 2017078648 Officer 10/22/17 02:36 Traffic Stop 2017078676 Officer 10/22/17 14:32 Traffic Stop 2017078756 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032233 Officer ZUERCHER Page 21 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/22/17 14:52 Traffic Stop 2017078759 Officer 10/22/17 19:43 Traffic Stop 2017078827 Officer 10/22/17 20:00 Traffic Stop 2017078831 Officer 10/22/17 20:06 Traffic Stop 2017078834 Officer 10/22/17 20:31 Traffic Stop 2017078846 Officer 10/22/17 21:45 Traffic Stop 2017078868 Officer 10/23/17 00:55 Traffic Stop 2017078890 Officer 10/23/17 16:12 Traffic Stop 2017079027 Officer 10/23/17 16:20 Traffic Stop 2017079034 Officer 10/23/17 16:26 Traffic Stop 2017079037 Officer 10/23/17 22:23 Traffic Stop 2017079119 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032395 Officer 10/23/17 23:14 Traffic Stop 2017079129 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032400 Officer 10/24/17 00:40 Traffic Stop 2017079138 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032402 Officer 10/24/17 02:17 Traffic Stop 2017079147 Officer 10/24/17 02:27 Traffic Stop 2017079148 Officer 10/24/17 02:31 Traffic Stop 2017079149 Officer 10/24/17 14:49 Traffic Stop 2017079263 Traffic Stop WCSOSRO17032458 Officer 10/24/17 18:11 Traffic Stop 2017079318 Officer 10/24/17 19:04 Traffic Stop 2017079339 Officer 10/24/17 19:30 Traffic Stop 2017079342 Officer 10/24/17 23:49 Traffic Stop 2017079392 Officer 10/25/17 00:14 Traffic Stop 2017079396 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032509 Officer 10/25/17 01:21 Traffic Stop 2017079403 Drugs WCSOP17032511 Officer 10/25/17 02:34 Traffic Stop 2017079414 Officer 10/25/17 02:52 Traffic Stop 2017079416 Officer 10/25/17 10:58 Traffic Stop 2017079471 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032542 Officer 10/25/17 17:19 Traffic Stop 2017079568 Officer 10/25/17 20:09 Traffic Stop 2017079626 Officer 10/25/17 20:44 Traffic Stop 2017079633 Officer 10/26/17 00:48 Traffic Stop 2017079680 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032633 Officer 10/26/17 07:21 Traffic Stop 2017079703 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032643 Officer 10/26/17 18:27 Traffic Stop 2017079844 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032711 Officer 10/27/17 00:09 Traffic Stop 2017079914 Officer 10/27/17 08:25 Traffic Stop 2017079961 Officer 10/27/17 10:36 Traffic Stop 2017079984 Officer 10/27/17 11:43 Traffic Stop 2017079995 Officer 10/27/17 17:25 Traffic Stop 2017080089 Officer 10/27/17 17:54 Traffic Stop 2017080096 Officer 10/28/17 00:25 Traffic Stop 2017080200 Officer 10/28/17 02:35 Traffic Stop 2017080213 Officer 10/28/17 02:37 Traffic Stop 2017080214 Officer 10/28/17 06:15 Traffic Stop 2017080221 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032863 Officer 10/28/17 11:40 Traffic Stop 2017080260 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032895 Officer 10/28/17 15:16 Traffic Stop 2017080308 Officer 10/28/17 18:21 Traffic Stop 2017080344 Officer 10/28/17 21:09 Traffic Stop 2017080389 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032944 Officer 10/28/17 22:11 Traffic Stop 2017080402 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032949 Officer ZUERCHER Page 22 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/28/17 23:16 Traffic Stop 2017080429 Officer 10/28/17 23:26 Traffic Stop 2017080432 Officer 10/28/17 23:35 Traffic Stop 2017080436 Officer 10/28/17 23:45 Traffic Stop 2017080437 Officer 10/28/17 23:54 Traffic Stop 2017080441 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032962 Officer 10/28/17 23:58 Traffic Stop 2017080444 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032965 Officer 10/29/17 00:05 Traffic Stop 2017080449 Officer 10/29/17 00:07 Traffic Stop 2017080450 Traffic Stop WCSOP17032966 Officer 10/29/17 12:14 Traffic Stop 2017080528 Officer 10/29/17 13:56 Traffic Stop 2017080543 Officer 10/29/17 14:41 Traffic Stop 2017080553 Officer 10/29/17 15:48 Traffic Stop 2017080567 Traffic Stop WCSOP17033012 Officer 10/29/17 16:31 Traffic Stop 2017080573 Officer 10/29/17 23:22 Traffic Stop 2017080658 Officer 10/30/17 00:19 Traffic Stop 2017080666 Officer 10/30/17 00:46 Traffic Stop 2017080668 Officer 10/30/17 04:27 Traffic Stop 2017080678 Officer 10/30/17 08:31 Traffic Stop 2017080702 Officer 10/30/17 09:27 Traffic Stop 2017080711 Officer 10/30/17 09:53 Traffic Stop 2017080720 Officer 10/30/17 10:00 Traffic Stop 2017080724 Officer 10/30/17 10:57 Traffic Stop 2017080737 Officer 10/30/17 19:02 Traffic Stop 2017080838 Officer 10/31/17 00:29 Traffic Stop 2017080904 Officer 10/31/17 02:03 Traffic Stop 2017080921 Officer 10/31/17 02:39 Traffic Stop 2017080924 Officer 10/31/17 04:50 Traffic Stop 2017080928 Officer 10/31/17 05:11 Traffic Stop 2017080934 Officer 10/31/17 05:26 Traffic Stop 2017080936 Officer 10/31/17 14:43 Traffic Stop 2017081045 Officer 10/31/17 22:37 Traffic Stop 2017081155 Officer 10/31/17 22:59 Traffic Stop 2017081162 Officer 10/31/17 23:05 Traffic Stop 2017081165 Traffic Stop WCSOP17033247 Officer 10/31/17 23:14 Traffic Stop 2017081168 Officer 10/31/17 23:19 Traffic Stop 2017081169 Officer 10/31/17 23:30 Traffic Stop 2017081173 Officer 10/31/17 23:31 Traffic Stop 2017081174 Officer 10/31/17 23:36 Traffic Stop 2017081175 Officer 10/31/17 23:40 Traffic Stop 2017081177 Officer 10/31/17 23:48 Traffic Stop 2017081178 Officer Traffic Stop ; Pursuit Total: 1 10/04/17 02:13 Traffic Stop ; Pursuit 2017073678 Pursuit WCSOP17030140 Officer Traffic Stop ; Warrant - Arrest Total: 1 10/17/17 14:50 Traffic Stop ; Warrant - 2017077429 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17031655 Officer ZUERCHER Page 23 of 24 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Transport Total: 1 10/18/17 22:50 Transport 2017077867 Trespass Total: 1 10/02/17 07:52 Trespass 2017073179 Trespass WCSOSR017029947 Unwanted Person Total: 8 10/01/17 02:36 Unwanted Person 2017072959 Trespass WCSOP17029836 Phone 10/04/17 23:29 Unwanted Person 2017073949 Unwanted Person WCSOP17030233 911 10/05/17 13:20 Unwanted Person 2017074079 Unwanted Person WCSOP17030278 911 10/05/17 23:58 Unwanted Person 2017074258 Unwanted Person WCSOP17030352 Phone 10/06/17 13:14 Unwanted Person 2017074400 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030416 Phone 10/08/17 01:19 Unwanted Person 2017074864 Unwanted Person WCSOP17030609 911 10/14/17 08:49 Unwanted Person 2017076580 Civil Complaint WCSOP17031313 Phone 10/18/17 19:13 Unwanted Person 2017077813 Unwanted Person WCSOP17031819 Phone Vehicle Off Road Total: 1 10/18/17 09:45 Vehicle Off Road 2017077655 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP17031748 911 Walk Away Total: 1 10/08/17 15:51 Walk Away 2017075006 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WCSOP17030659 911 Warrant - Arrest Total: 1 10/04/17 15:05 Warrant - Arrest 2017073799 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030189 Officer Warrant - Attempt Total: 18 10/02/17 23:59 Warrant - Attempt 2017073397 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030048 911 10/04/17 15:19 Warrant - Attempt 2017073803 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030191 Phone 10/05/17 15:04 Warrant - Attempt 2017074096 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030289 Officer 10/05/17 15:14 Warrant - Attempt 2017074102 Officer 10/07/17 18:22 Warrant - Attempt 2017074771 Officer 10/09/17 16:52 Warrant - Attempt 2017075307 Officer 10/10/17 11:58 Warrant - Attempt 2017075513 Officer 10/10/17 12:19 Warrant - Attempt 2017075518 Officer 10/11/17 18:11 Warrant - Attempt 2017075878 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17031029 Officer 10/17/17 11:42 Warrant - Attempt 2017077375 Warrant - Attempt WCSOP17031625 Officer 10/17/17 14:04 Warrant - Attempt 2017077415 Officer 10/18/17 08:32 Warrant - Attempt 2017077630 10/18/17 16:09 Warrant - Attempt 2017077763 Officer 10/18/17 16:45 Warrant - Attempt 2017077770 Officer 10/20/17 17:08 Warrant - Attempt 2017078324 Warrant - Attempt WCSOP17032035 Officer 10/23/17 18:45 Warrant - Attempt 2017079073 Officer 10/26/17 12:29 Warrant - Attempt 2017079766 Officer 10/29/17 10:52 Warrant - Attempt 2017080513 Officer Warrant - Attempt; Warrant - Arrest Total: 1 10/10/17 14:43 Warrant - Attempt; 2017075549 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17030898 Officer Total Records: 928 ZUERCHER Page 24 of 24 Subscribe Past Issues LT* F" G (1, V -,A I [i G E VE H T a. chU a4 rg, 1, n /if Thumday, December 7, 2017 4*.W p.m. to 6-.,W p.m. The WCEDP would lik(,-, to invite YOU to L Holiday NeavorAlng Eveot anci sociad"i Page I of 5 �izx,-, St _Mkhel Cinema 1 143 x0 O'Day Ave, NE, St Michael) COST: +25.00/perperson 111clude's,4ppetizers! Cash Bor, (The 1st one is on us?) P�esve RSVP by Nov, 40th: Wfornew4ghtport"e, 5hip,org M 477 4035 Wwt,w,WrLthtPa0nershipmrg Sponsored by: 03"Ut,( W (=i-R44r M 0T1,',N1 Page I of 5 f:,aEVVS New City Clerk Treasurer Dale Powers is the new Montrose city -clerk treasurer and started work on Monday, October 9th... Powers sees part of his job as an advisory to the city council. Powers said, "Ultimately, the decisions belong to the council. There needs to be clarity with city residents as to who makes the 11/8/2017 Work Wright LWE RROAN,AST Audio simarn 1,,ston b, phone or ocanpuWr AM 1360 or online at B60.cmu a! It, I , F I T , 7, , v Z I I I T �11,1 ,Le in W"ilght County we WK n' ifn and a4out the diversity of grelk compinies here in Wright County Learn about products and ,ervice5, market?, jo~°ps, znd czrs,,r path,,vays immediate openings Future employment opportunities Increase public awareness of local businesses We ceOebrat, the beneirts of working in 'Wa 'Igh I County More hometime with family Less expense of time and money for commuting Improved quality ofwork4ife balance contributing to the economic vitality of Wright County We discuss firs4 nex4 and last jobs We explore high-growth and high -demand To participate contact occupation We turn how to find, tndn, and keep jobs -nm ZIPOY We connect to find, train, and keep employees 763-271-3722 1 tZip0Y@cMjtS-0T'9 .XA11A JOBS SRVICES amer nan obcenter- BAUER DE`631CM41, [13UHLD "Mr. Bauer and his fine company did 0 readily and graciously invest yet again e-0 Ob6 in innovation, progress and success in BAUER Wright county! BDB kindly provided 40 DESIGN BUILD professionally customized data memory devices (flashdrives/sticks) to support the "Work Wright" radio program on KRWC 1360. These devices contain a broadcast recording and are shared with participating businesses for their promotional use. Page 2 of 5 Page 2 of 5 rules, the city council, and who enforces the rules, the city staff. I want to make the council look good, so the staff can succeed." -Herald Journal I Doug Voerding I Thursday, Oct. 12, 2017 Brian Koslofsky, who is the new executive director of Wright Technical Center in Buffalo, said his education career has come "full circle" in the past 31 years...Now back in the trades, Koslofsky is looking forward to "filling in the gaps" with learning opportunities that are beyond traditional curriculum. Class offerings include law enforcement, welding, automotive technology, construction, cosmetology, early childhood education, and more. One successful class at Wright Tech is called Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities 11/8/2017 Work Wright promotes jobs careers, and advancement opportunities inWright County. VVetalk with and about the diversity ofbusiness and industry here inWright County. VVecelebrate the benefits of working in Wright County, The devices proudly bear both the BDBbrand and image auwell aa the Work Wright title, they work well infunction and appearance. BDB'msupport iaactive and visible, it's anhonor (oserve with Mr. Bauer and his company toresolve need and create opportunity for advancement in Wright country". Page 3 of 5 (CEO). CEO students tour areas companies, learn from local entrepreneurs, and create their own business ideas that they present sKa student trade show, -Herald Journal I ByStania Cray I Friday, Oct. 27.2O17 ���()8��K»� ������������� ��y��������� ` '^~-^~ ^^'~-�"`~-~°~'""�°-~^""^�^~�'~�»� The VVCEDPisactively looking for ways tosupport our communities and businesses. Let uaknow how wecan better promote Wright County, your community orbusiness. After many years ofservice, Jeanene3tmmhas left the Partnership. YVeare very fortunate \ohave found another talented person, Melissa VVuoUeft,.who iaquickly learning the ropes. |amsure you will appreciate getting toknow Melissa, VVehad several unique projects come hofruition inSeptember: * The first Wright County Broker Event took place inSeptember promoting Wright County a special place blive and work. = Apart ofthis event was the creation ofanew Wright County Video, and can beviewed unyour YouTubeohonneL ���oo�yxvw��cc�ube�con�yaich?v'ek1�c�c-7\P/Oo. This video will beavailable to the communities, businesses and the county to promote themselves and the county. " The WCEDP was featured in the September publication of Business in Focus promoting the county, the communities and the businesses. Here iaalink tothis article: A second magazine article on Wright County will be included in the Nov./December issue of Business Xpansion Journal. Page 3 of 5 11/8/2017 Page 4 of 5 progressive county. Let us know how we can help YOU. [41,'��SH���4 S /A' li­�kli� [�� functions listed below. The indirect benefit isthrough supporting aCounty-wide effort toincrease the community which directly supports Your entity, ����������C�k�U��������� ����������'���� "r,^.,.'"��u_,~~~xv,^w^, ,v,nr,���*," in Wright County and those looking to locate in Wright County. The Partnership also provides economic development assistance to the 16 communities. WCEDP is a non-profit corporation financially supported by local community governments, the county, and area businesses dedicated to supporting and creating a sustainable econornic profile in Wright County. We maintain a powerful and resourceful website at v,|qx1na;�tnarohio.on'. Wright County, its communities, and businesses are prepared for growth—we invite you to explore the opportunity of working together with us to further our impact! Page 4 of 5 11/8/2017