HRA Minutes 01-17-1989 . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, January 17, 1989 - 1:00 PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTING CHAIRPERSON AL LARSON, BEN SMITH, AND EVERETTE ELLISON. MEMBERS ABSENT: LOWELL SCHRUPP AND TOM ST. HILAIRE CITY STAFF PRESENT: RICK WOLFSTELLER, JEFF O'NEILL, AND HRA DIRECTOR OLLIE KOROPCHAK. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Acting Chairperson A1 Larson called the HRA Special meeting to order at 1:15PM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW BUILDING AND SITE PLANS FOR DEVELOPER, NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY. . Gary Anderson, Building Inspector, informed and reviewed the proposed NSP site and floor plans with the HRA stating the plans need for additional landscaping (only in the front), the plans show no parking layout or number of parking spaces, the plans show no concrete curbing around the parking lot or driving area perimeters, and shows no separation between side lot lines and front lot lines from the blacktop. The building and mechanical plans havn't been reviewed by staff and staff has received no grading or drainage plans. Gary Anderson informed the HRA he would be contacting NSP about the needed requirements. The preliminary site and floor plans were accepted by the HRA based on the (act the uncompleted ordinance requirements are completed by_the developer. - 3. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR THE DISPOSITION OF LANDS TO BROADWAY SQUARE LIMITED PARTNERS. . Koropchak informed the HRA that a public hearing was previously held for the acquisition of the Ford, O'Connor, Ste1ton, and Jones' properties, however, was exclusive of the sale of said lands to Broadway Square Limited Partners. The HRA needs to set a public hearing date (February 1, 1989) for the disposition of said properties. Establishing this date would allow for the proper length of time for notice in the local newspaper. Everette Ellison made a motion setting the date of February 1, 1989, 7:00 PM, City Hall, as the public hearing date therebye meeting statutory requirments of more than ten days but less than thirty days of notice in the local newspaper. Ben Smith seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion passed 3-0. HRA Minutes - l/17/89 . 4. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR THE ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF LANDS FOR TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT NO. 1-8. In compliance with the Minnesota Statutory the HRA shall hold a public hearing for the acquisition and disposition of lands with- in a Tax Increment Finance District. The finance plan having been appoved the HRA should consider setting a public hearing date. The acquisition and disposition of lands are described as the Westerly 3.22 acres of Lot 4, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial Park, City of Monticello, from the City of Monticello to the HRA and from the HRA to Northern States Power Company. Everette Ellison made a motion setting the public hearing date as February l, 1989, 7:00 PM, City Hal1)therebye meeting statutory requirement and allowing more than ten days but less than thirty days for publication in the local newspaper. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and without further discussion the motion passed 3-0. 5. CONSIDERATION TO SET A SPECIAL HRA MEETING TO MAKE FINAL AWARD OF SPECIFICATIONS AND BIDS FOR DEMOLITION OF O'CONNOR, STELTON, AND JONES' PROPERTIES. . Koropchak informed the HRA that John Simo1a, OSM Civil Engineer, and herself inspected the O'Connor, Stelton, and Jones' properties in preparation of writing the specifications and bids for the demolition of Steltons and Jones buildings. There appears to be a common wall (double brick) the length of the Mini Mall, Topels electrical box in attached to the Stelton rear building, and samples of insulation, ceiling tile, and floor tile from the Steltons building were collected for asbestos analysis. An invitation for bids will appear in the local newspaper and the Minneapolis Tribune with received sealed bids to be read aloud at the City Hall, Friday, February lO, 1989, 10:00 AM. It is suggested the HRA set a special meeting, Monday, February 13, 1989, City Hall, 1:30 PM to consider bids and make final award. Demolition to start no later than April 1. Ben Smith made a motion to set Monday, February 13th at 1:30PM as a special HRA meeting to make the final award for the bid on the demolition of the Jones and Steltons buildings. Seconded by Everette Ellison and with no further discussion the motion passed 3-0. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 7. ADJOURNMENT. . Everette Ellison made a motion to adjourn the HRA special meeting, seconded by Ben Smith, the special meeting adjourned at l:45 PM. ~ ~CJ)o~~ Ollie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary