Planning Commisison Minutes 02-03-1998 . . . REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 3,1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Members Absent: Liaison Present: Staff Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Robbie Smith Dick Martie Clint Herbst Fred Patch, Steve Grittman, Wanda Kraemer, Karen Doty 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Frie and it was noted that Mayor Fair was in attendance. 2. Approval of minutes of the rel{ular meetinl{ held January 6. ] 998. RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY MEETING. SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH. Motion passed nnanimously. 3. Consideration of addinl{ items to the a~enda. There were no added items. 4. Citizens comments. There were no comments. 5. Public Hearin~--Consideration of a variance within~ the R-2 zonine- district to locate the buildine- within the reQuired 30-ft front yard setback area and within the 20-ft side yard setback area. Applicant. .Jerry Sonsteby. Fred Patch, Building Official, reported, that Jerry Sonsteby, owner of a residence located in the R-2 (Single and Two Family Zoning District) at 300 East 3rd Street, is requesting that a variance be considered to allow a new residence to be constructed within the required 30 foot front yard setback area, and within the 20 foot side yard setback area. The existing residence was heavily damaged and all of the trees were lost in the July 1, 1997 windstorm. Patch added the property owner was hoping to save the lilac bushes on the site. It is proposed that the existing residence will be tom down and that a new residence will be built in the same location. Page 1 (5) . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/3/98 Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Jerry and Sara Sonsteby, the owners, explained that the curb-cuts for their driveway were installed on the neighbor's property as were all of the driveways on the entire block. Sonsteby stated if they built their house according to the required setbacks it would be very close to the neighbors. The Sonstebys added because all of the trees on the property had been destroyed in the storm they were trying to save the lilac bushes. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commissioners discussed if the visibility on the corner would be obstructed because the house was not setback 20 feet, the alignment of the houses in the neighborhood, and the style of the new house in relation with the lot. . After discussion, RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION TO DENY THE VARIANCE AS THE ORDINANCE PROVIDES SUFFICIENT OPPORTUNITY TO ERECT A NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE UPON THE PROPERTY IN CONFORMANCE WITH CITY ORDINANCE. Motion died from lack of second. ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH, THE VARIANCE TO ERECT A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE WITHIN THE SIDE YARD SETBACK AREA FRONTING ON PALM STREET CONTINENT UPON THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. THE NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE MUST BE SETBACK AT LEAST 5 FEET FROM THE PROPERTY LINE FRONTING ON PALM STREET. 2. THE RESIDENCE MUST BE MADE TO COMPLY WITH ALL OTHER CITY ORDINANCES, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL. Based on the findings that: I-locating the residence upon this comer lot according to City ordinances would unreasonably diminish the opportnnity to build a suitable house upon the lot; 2-the residential structure will not have adverse impacts upon adjacent property, traffic, public safety or diminish . Page 2 @ . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/3/98 property values. Voting in favor of motion: Dragsten, Smith, Frie . Opposed: Carlson. Absent: Martie. Motion passed 3 to 1. 6. Public Hearine--Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for final Plffi a.pproval on Phase I of Hospital Campus. Applicant. Monticello- Bi~ Lake Communitv Hospital District. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported at the January 12, 1998 meeting the City Council approve the vacation of Hart Boulevard past the Hospital campus site, subject to certain conditions, including approval of the final PUD. The Hospital District is now requesting final PUD approval for its first phase. The first phase includes an expansion of the hospital building on the east side toward the clinic building, together with a parking lot expansion on the former Hart Boulevard right-of-way, and the construction of the new entrance location for the project. Also proposed as part of Phase I would be the relocation of the helipad. The purpose of the final PUD review is to ensure that issues identified earlier have been addressed and conditions recommended during the initial concept reviews have been complied with. We have summarized the issues and recommendations as follows: 1. Utilities in Hart Boulevard - the public works department has noted that city utilities may require maintenance or reconstruction, which would likely occur during the Hospital's parking lot construction. This issue should be coordinated between the Hospital and the Public Works Department. 2. Helipad - the helipad has been relocated from its original proposed location to the west. The new location will allow helicopter flight to occur without traffic interference with the Hospital's main entrance. Although it is still close to the County Highway, this is an improved location for the helipad, and it appears to have County Highway Department support. Moreover, though hopefully not necessary, the Sheriff had indicated his availability to manage traffic during flight operations. Finally, the County will have to convey a small triangle of property to the Hospital to accommodate the new location. 3. Access to CSAH 75 (Broadway) - The County has been reluctant to Page 3 @ . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/3/98 allow continued right-out-egress from the main hospital driveway to Highway 75 at the west end of the project. There ar~ currently two access points to the County Highway in this location, and the County is asking that these be closed in exchange for approval of the revised hospital access drive. The City's position is that keeping one egress driveway in this location would facilitate circulation on the Hospital site and encourage traffic to use Broadway rather than River Street in the future. The Hospital's site plan assumes that the driveway will be closed. While the proposed plan should work, the City should continue to lobby the County to retain the right-out-egress to Broadway. In either case, the Hospital site pan should reflect the continuation of a 3D-foot drive through the project. The proposed site plan reduces the driveway width to 24 feet west of the main entrance. Due to the volume of traffic and the potential for right-out-egress to Broadway, the 3D-foot width should be retained for the full length. 4. Coordination with adjoining properties - This requirement consists of access provision to the other property owners affected by the vacation of Hart Boulevard, and coordination of the relocated access and intersection with CSAH 75 between the Hospital, the County, and the School District. The Hospital District has indicated that all parties are in agreement with the plan. The City should include a condition requiring written approval from the affected parties. Approval should be in the form ofletters from the School District and County on the access location, and easement agreements signed by the property owners sharing the Hospital access drive. . Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Tim Sessions, Hospital's architect, stated he would like to leave the driveway west of the main entrance at 24 feet until it is known if the County will approve the right-out-egress to Broadway. If this is approved the width would be changed to 30 feet. Mary Andrews, resident at 1005 East River Street, stated concerns over increased traffic on River Street destroying the neighborhood. Sessions answered that the traffic should be less on River Street. All of the delivery trucks will be using the main entrance instead of River Street. The main reason to keep a route open from the main entrance to River Street is . Page 4 @ . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/3/98 for emergency use; most hospital have more than one route for emergency vehicles. Sessions explained that the school site across from the hospital was included in the decision for the placement of the main entrance for the hospital. Barb Schwientek, Executive Director for the Hospital District, there are still a number of details to work out with the Connty. One of the issues is a signal light. Schwientek added the hospital district will pay for the light however, the city will be asked to maintain the light. The Commissioners expressed a concern that the school had not been at a meeting to present their views regarding the need for the signal light and opinions on the driveway access. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. DICK FRIE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE, SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH, THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A FINAL STAGE PUD FOR THE HOSPITAL CAMPUS, CONTINGENT ON THE CONDITIONS LISTED AS FOLLOWS: 1. COORDINATE HART BOULEVARD DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION WITH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. 2. DOCUMENT CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY FROM COUNTY TO ACCOMMODATE HELIPAD. 3. REVISE SITE PLAN, IF NECESSARY, BASED UPON NEGOTIATION WITH COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ON RIGHT-OUT EGRESS TO BROADWAY. 4. REVISIT THE SITE PLAN AT THE TIME OF THE RAMP CONSTRUCTION TO ILLUSTRATE A 3D-FOOT DRNEWAY FOR FULL LENGTH OF THE PROJECT (FROM HART BOULEVARD ON THE EAST TO THE END OF THE PARKING RAMP ON THE WEST). 5. REVISE THE PHASING PLAN TO INCLUDE DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION IN FRONT OF THE FUTURE PARKING RAMP AS PHASE I CONSTRUCTION. Page 5 @) . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/3/98 6. PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF ACCESS AND PARKING EASEMENT AGREEMENTS WITH ALL ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS NORTH OF CSAH 75 AFFECTED BY HART BOULEVARD ACTION. 7. PROVIDE WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION OF COUNTY APPROVAL OF NEW ACCESS DRIVEWAY LOCATION FOR CSAH 75. 8. PROVIDE WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT AGREEMENT WITH NEW ACCESS DRIVEWAY LOCATION AS COORDINATED WITH THE HOSPITAL AND THE COUNTY. 9. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN WILL BE REQUIRED TO DEMONSTRATE ACCESS AND EGRESS TO THE PARKING RAMP AT THE TOP LEVEL ONLY. 10. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CITY COUNCIL CONDITIONS FOR THE VACATION OF HART BOULEVARD. Based on the findings that the project meets the Monticello Comprehensive Plan goals and provides for a design which better meets the City's zoning objectives that strict enforcement of those regulation would allow. Motion passed unanimously. 7. Public Hearin~--Consideration of an extension of the conditional use pennit for Resurrection Lutheran Church. Applicantr Mark Paschke. Ha2'emeister and Mac Architectsr Inc. Fred Patch, Building Official, reported on May 6, 1997 the Planning Commission considered and recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit request to allow the Resunection Lutheran Church facility in the PS (Public/Semi-Public) Zoning District. On May 12, 1997 the City Council affirmed the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approved the Conditional Use Permit for Resurrection Lutheran Church. It is anticipated that construction will begin around April 15,1998; however, to insure that land use considerations of the City do not interfere, this extension will prevent expiration and the need to reconsider this item in its entirety. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. There were no comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Page 6 @ . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/3/98 RICHARD CARLSON MADE A MOTION THAT THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A CHURCH FACILITY IN THE PS (PUBLIC/SEMI- PUBLIC) ZONING DISTRICT FOR RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH BE EXTENDED FOR ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE CITY COUNCIL AFPROV AL OF THIS EXTENSION. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. 8. Public Hearin2'--Consideration of an amendment to the comprehensive plan by eliminatin2' the Fallon Avenue overpass Applicantr St. Henry's Church. Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported a few months ago St Henry's Church required that the Fallon Avenue bridge be removed from the transportation portion of the comprehensive plan due to the interference of the view of the church from the freeway. The item was tabled pending additional analysis of the location and height of the bridge by the City Engineer and the Church ArchitectlEngineer. It now appears that there may be a design that is acceptable to the Church, therefore, the Church would withdrawn its request. Grittman advised the Planning Commission that even though St. Henry withdrew their request by telephone it is best to formally deny the original request to meet legal requirements. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing and hearing no comments, closed the public hearing ROD DRAGSTEN MADE A MOTION TO DENY, SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH, THE REQUEST FOR THE FALLON AVE BRIDGE TO BE ELIMINATED OR MOVED FROM THE COMPREHENSNE PLAN. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Consideration of call for a public hearin~ adoptin~ amendments to the city zonin2' map and ordinances relatin~ to the establishment of the Central Community District (CeD) and transitional rezonin~ includin~ the consideration of performance zone~mixed (PZM) district. Applicant, City of Monticello. Steve Grittman, City Planner, stated the City has adopted the text of a new zoning district intended to implement the objectives of the downtown revitalization plan. At this time, staff is requesting that the Planning Commission consider rezoning a portion of the greater downtown area to the new district, called the CCD, Central Community District. Page 7 @ . 10. . 11. . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/3/98 ROBBIE SMITH MADE A MOTION TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING THE DOWNTOWN AREA, SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. Update and discussion of appointments to the Desi~ Advisory Team (DA T)' Steve Grittman, City Planner, reported that the newly adopted Central Community District (CCD) includes a provision for design review of projects proposed within the greater downtown area. Staff and MCP representative have been discussing the process for integrating the design review into the development review process of the City staff and the Planning Commission. This is a new process for all involved, it was believed that the Planning Commission should be made aware of the appointments to the Design Advisory Team (DAT) and the process likely to come out of these discussions. The individuals were appoint to the DAT by Council on January 26, 1998. The Commissioners inquired who was appointed to the Design Advisory Team. Grittman read the list: Pam Campbell, Gail Cole, Ronald Hoglund, Rita illrich, and Susie Wojchouski. Grittman added that each of the members is well versed in the design guidelines incorporated in the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan and has participated in training on design considerations and building rehabilitation for downtown Monticello. Consideration of callin~ for a public hearinli for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan lillidin2' land use and plannine- for related services in the areas adjacent to the city's south and west boundaries. Applicantr City of Monticello. Steve Grittman, City Planner, stated that the City's Comprehensive plan includes land use planning for areas south and west of the current city boundaries. As you recall, a significant concept of the comprehensive plan is to direct future growth to the south and west of the city by investing in infrastructure improvements which would serve growth in that direction rather than to the east. Over the past several months, staff has conducted a more detailed study of the issues which would affect land use patterns in that area, including transportation, utility corridors, physical lay of the land, existing land uses, and goals and policies from the current plan. A concept land use plan was developed with these issues in mind, and which has been Page 8 @ . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 2/3/98 discussed at staff level, with other city organizations, and at a public open house. ROBBIE SMITH MADE A MOTION TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS PROPOSED IN THE "SOUTHWEST AREA PLAN". SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. 12. Updates. A. Community Center - Mayor Fair stated that a small group subcommittee of two council members (Bruce Thielen and Brian Stumpf) and two HRA members (Brad Barger and Steve Andrews) had been formed to review the recommendation of the task force. The City Council will make a decision on the next step from the recommendation of the small group committee at on of the February meetings. B. Highway 25 Project - Mayor Fair reported the project will be started in the spring of 1998 and the ramping will be in 1999. 13. Adjournment. ROBBIE SMITH MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Cu fN~ ~ ^b.fJ/'fNJA; Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 9 ~