Planning Commission Minutes 01-06-1998 . .. .. MINUTES REGULAR MEETING -MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 6, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Dick Martie, Rod Dragsten, Robbie Smith Council Liaison Present: Clint Herbst Staff Present: Fred Patch, Steve Grittman 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. and introduced Robbie Smith as the newest member of the Planning Commission. Robbie Smith was congratulated and welcomed to his appointment. 2. Approval of minutes of the special meeting held December 1. 1997 and the regular meeting held December 2, 1997. A MOTION W AS MADE BY ROD DRAGS TEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD DECEMBER 1, 1997. MOTION SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARD CARLSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD DECEMBER 2, 1997. MOTION SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. It was noted by Chairman Frie that there was no record of a second to the motion relating to item 12. Public Hearing -- Consideration of an application for a conditional use permit to allow a government use and building within a highway business (B-3) zoning district. The Secretary f-ortheCommission noted the omission and indicated that correction of the record would be made. It also was noted that Robbie Smith has not been appointed at the time ofthe meeting. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Two items were added to the agenda: Chairman Frie added item 16 c. Discussion of upcoming Land Use Planning Workshops Rod Dragsten added item 16 d. Update regarding MCP Annual Meeting January 16. 1998 Page 1 . . . 4. Citizens comments. No comments were heard. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of an amendment to the official zoning map of the city of Monticello to change the zoning district classification of a property located in the medium density residential (R-3) zoning district to single and two-family residential (R-2) zoning district. Applicant. City of Monticello. Staff report on this item was presented by Fred Patch. Patch explained that the Planning Commission is requested to re-hold the required public hearing in response to the insufficient publication of this item. This item was not published to reflect the possibility that the property could be rezoned from the MediumDensityResidential (R-3) Zoning District to the Single and Two-Family Residential (R-2) Zoning District Chairman Frie opened the public hearing and recognized Debbie Tibbetts of227 Crocus Lane. Ms. Tibbetts spoke infavor of the rezoning oftheKlucas property toR...2 Single & 2 Family Residential. Dan Goeman, Realtor for Mr. Klucas made comments regarding the owner's disfavor ofthe rezoning to R-2. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Richard Carlson spoke in favor of the R-2 zoning classification ofthe property. Rod Dragsten expressed that he feels that the property would more appropriately be zoned 1-1 Light Industrial in that the rezoning to R-2 would likely have adverse impacts on the development ofl-2 property of Electro Industries, Inc. to the west of the Klucas property. Steve Grittman noted that between R-2 and 1-2 zoning districts that buffer yards would be required upon future development. MOTION BY DICK MARTIE TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE 20.76 ACREKLUCASPROPERTY ADDRESSED 1980 RIVER S TREET WEST BE REZONED FROM R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO R-2 SINGLE & 2 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BASED UPON THE FINDING THAT R-2 PROVIDES A MORE COMP ATillLE TRANSITION BETWEEN NEIGHBORHOODS AND THAT THE R-2 ZONINGDISTRI-CTDESIGNATIONfSCONSISTENTWITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MOTION SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed with commissioners Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Dick Martie and Robbie Smith voting in favor and Rod Dragsten voting in opposition to the motion. Page 2 . . . 6. Public Hearing--Consideration of a variance within the B-4 zoning district to locate an awning structure overthe front property line and extending 3ft into the public right-of- way. Applicant. Richard Cline. Staff report on this item was presented by Steve Grittman. It was recognized this application for variance is being processed pending designation ofthe-CCD Zoning District area. It is likely that this property will be within the CCD District and as such, awnings projecting over the public right-of-way will be encouraged. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing and recognized Chip Bauer, contractor for Richard Kline, -owner ofEmie'sBait.Chip Bauer discussed construction details and limitations. Richard Kline stated that he was hopeful that the commission would allow the variance as it would enable him to improve the appearance of his property. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The commission noted that a license must be obtained from Wright County to permit private property extensions over the public right-of-way and discussed the proposed height and projection of the awning. After substantial discussion it was agreed that consistency in awning height is. important to the.ar-chitecturalaestlleticoftlle downtown area. MOTION BY RICHARD CARLSON TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT THE VARIANCE IS SUPPORTED BY THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN AREA, THAT THE AWNING IS WELL PROPORTIONED TO THE BUILDING, AND THAT A PENDING ZONING AMENDMENT WILL A VOID NEGATIVE PRECEDENT; AND SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. MINIMUM 8-FT CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE LOWEST PORTION OF THE AWNING OR ITS STRUCTURE AND THE GROUND SURFACE BELOW. 2. MINIMUM 3-FT CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE FACE OF THE CURB AND THE CLOSEST PROJECTION OF TIIE AWNING OR STRUCTURE. 3. EXECUTION OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PROPERTY OWNER AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITII JURISDICTION OVER THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, EITlIER COUNTY OR CITY. MOTION SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH. Motion passed unanimously. Page 3 . . . 7. Public Hearing--Consideration of a variance within the B-4 zoning district to locate awni~gstructures over tbefront property line and extending 3ft into the public right-of- way. Applicant. Steve Johnson. Staff report on this item was presented by Steve Grittman. It was recognized this application for variance is being processed pending designation oftbeCCD Zoning District area. It is likely that this property will be within the CCD District and as such, awnings projecting over the public right-of-way will be encouraged. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing and recognized Steve Johnson, owner of the property. Steve Johnson discussed construction details and limitations noting that the structure would be 8 to 9 feet above the sidewalk, would project approximately 3 feet from the face of the building and be spruce green in color. He also commented regarding signs proposed to be on the awnings. Steve Johnson stated that with repairs being made to the brick facade, this improvemenno tbe building is the first in a three phase remodeling of the property that has been subject to MCP review and approval. No lights are proposed to be installed within the awning structure. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Commissioners spoke in favor of the awning structure and noted that a license must be obtained from Wright County to permit private property extensions over the public right- of-way. MOTION BY DICK MARTIE TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT THE VARIANCE IS SUPPORTED BY THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN AREA, THAT THE AWNING IS WELL PROPORTIONED TO THE BUILDING, AND THAT A PENDING ZONING AMENDMENT WILL AVOID NEGATIVE PRECEDENT; AND SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. MINIMUM 8-FT CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE LOWEST PORTION OF THE AWNING OR ITS STRUCTURE AND THE GROUND SURFACE BELOW. 2. MINIMUM 3.FT CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE FACE OF THE CURB AND TIlE CLOSEST PROJECTION OF THE AWNING OR STRUCTURE. 3. EXECUTION OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PROPERTY OWNER AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITH JURISDICTION OVER THE RIGI-IT.OF.WAY, EITHER COUNTY ORCITY. MOTION SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. Page 4 . . . 8. Public Hearing--Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit within the PZM zoning district to establish a commercial office use. Applicant, Dan Goeman. Staff report on this item was presented by Steve Grittman. Steve Grittman reviewed a new site plan made available by Dan Goeman at the meeting. The new site plan proposed to eliminate the second curb cut and driveway on the west side of the front of the property. The.one drive entrance proposed on the east side of the front of the property would be 24 feet in width and at least 5 feet setback from the side property line. Steve Grittman stated that as the subject property and adjacent properties are all within the PZM Zoning District, no buffer yards are required; however, the parking lot must be screened from adjacent residential properties. Steve Grittman presented a letter totheCommission from Mr. & Mrs. Seestrom of 11474 Clementa Ave. NW. Who wrote in favor ofthe conditional use permit provided a wooden basket weave screening fence is installed on the west property line to screen their property from the parking lot. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing and recognized Dan Goeman. Mr. Goeman presented his plan regarding the change in use of the property and stated that he would prefer to maintain the existing two curb cuts, and to not install concrete curb and gutter around the parking lot and drive areas. He felt that omission of curb and gutter would help to maintain the residential character ofthe area. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Commissioner Carlson expressed concerns regarding the residential character of East Broadway and would like the Commission to give further consideration to the future residential or commercial redevelopment of the area along East Broadway. Chairman Frie recognized Joe Holtaus. Mr. HoItaus stated that he would preferto seethe residential character of the area maintained and felt that curb and gutter would be commercial in nature. The Commission was in favor of deferring the installation of required concrete curb and gutter. Fred Patch suggested that on-site bonding may provide a surety to enable the curb and gutter to be deferred and yet provide some guarantee offuture installation if the commercial use of the property would continue for more than two years. MOTION BY DICK FRIE TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BE ALLOWED FOR A COMMERCIAL OFFICE IN THE PZM ZONING DISTRICT BASED UPON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE WOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE AREA, AND SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I. A PLAN FOR LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING OF THE PARKING AREA FROM ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL USES IS PROVIDED, TOGETHER WITH THE APPROPRIATE LANDSCAPE SURETY. 2. ONE OF THE EXISTING 12.FT CURB CUTS AND DRlVEW A YS IS ELIMINATED, AND THE OTHER IS WIDENED TOA TWO-WAY, 24.FT WIDEDRIVBWAY. Page 5 . . . 3. THE BUILDING OFFICIAL CERTIFIES THE STRUCTURE AS MEETING THE BUILDING CODES APPLICABLE TO COMMERCIAL OFFICE BUILDINGS. 4. AN ON-SITE SURETY IN THE FORM OF A PERFORMANCE BOND OR LETTER OF CREDIT MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY GUARANTEEING THAT WITIIlN TWO YEARS OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF TillS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER WILL BE INSTALLED AROUND ALL DRlVEW A Y AND PARKING AREAS AS REQUIRED BY CITY ORDINANCE. MOTION SECONDED BY ROD DRAGS TEN. Motion passed unanimously. 9. Public Hearing--Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit within the PZM zoning district to allow three or more business signs on a commercial building. Applicant, Kathy Froslie. Fred Patch presented the staff report for this item. It was explained that city ordinance allows only four signs to be erected on the property. Two of the signs must be product identification signs and two must be business identification signs. Both business identificationsi-gns are tobe wail signs. One business identification sign may be a pylon sign and the other must be a wall sign. No more than 100 square feet of sign may be erected on any wall, and the pylon sign must not exceed 58 square feet in area. It was explained that to avoid the necessity of a variance, Kathy Froslie must reduce the area of proposed signs on the south wall ofthe buildingby17 square feet, and those signs must be constructed together to develop consistency in design, material, shape and method of illumination. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing and recognized Kathy Froslie. Ms. Froslie explained that the uoing In Style" sign is already built and hoped that it could be used. Mr. Patch stated that Ms. Froslie had been considering a redesign of the "Antiques"sign to make it a neon sign, similar to the "Going In Style" sign and 17 square feet smaller in size. Robbie Smith expressed concern regarding the number of signs and the possibility of "clutter" in the number of signs intended. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. MOTION BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BE ALLOWED FORTHEERECTlON OF SIGNS AT 103 PINE STREET, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. ONLY THREE (3) WALL SIGNS AND ONE (I) PYLON SIGN MAY BE ALLOWED. ONLY TWO (2) WALL SIGNS MAY BE BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SIGNS AND ONE (I) WALL SlGNMAYRE APRODUCTIDENIlFICATIONSIGN.ONE (I) mONSION MAY DE ALLOWED AND THAT SIGN MUST BE A PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SIGN TO INCLUDE A LISTING OF AVAILABLE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. Page 6 . . . 2. THE TOT AI, AREA OF SIGNS TO BE ERECTED ON ANY WALL OF THE BUILDING MUST NOT EXCEED 100 SQ FT IN AREA AND THE PYLON SIGN MUST NOT EXCEED 58 SQUARE FEET IN AREA. AS A NEW SIGN IS BEING ERECTED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING, TIlE SIGN PLAN MUST BE REDESIGNED TO DEVELOP SIGNS FOR THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING THAT ARE CONSISTENT IN DESIGN, MATERIAL, SHAPE AND METHOD OF ILLUMINATION. ANY FUTURE ALTERATION OF SIGNS MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH TillS CONDln-oNAL USE PERMIT. PRIOR TO ALTERING ANY SIGNS, THE PROPERTY OWNER MUST APPLY FOR AND RECEIVE A SIGN PERMIT FROM THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY FIND THAT THE APPLICATION IS CONSISTENT WITH TillS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THE ALTERATION, OTHERWISE THE APPLICANT MUST RECEIVE FURTHER AMENDMENT TO TIllS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. 3. 4. MOTION SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 10. Public Hearing--Consideration of an ordinance amendment establishing trucking and trucking services as an interim use in a B-3 zone. Applicant, Danner Trucking. The Planning Commission requested that items 10 and 11, both referring to Danner Trucking, be di5cussed at the same time. Staff report on this item was presented by Steve Grittman. Mr. Grittman provided background information regarding the proposed ordinance and described various requirements contained within the proposed ordinance that are intended to mitigate possible undesirable effects an interim use for trucking and trucking services may have on neighboring uses. Mr. Grittman made several suggestions were made regarding the plan presented in application for the interim use permit. It appears that required customer parking spaces and semi trailer storage areas are insufficient as presented. If an interim use permit were allowed, it wasr-ecommendedthatthe interim use permit be issued for a fixed term such as not exceed 5 years in duration. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing and recognized Jim Flemming, attorney representing Mr. Danner. Mr. Flemming reiterated several points previously made to the Planning Commission. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. MOTION BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE ORDINANCE BE ADOPTED AMENDING THE ZONING CODE TO ALLOW TRUCK REPAIR BY INTERIM USE PERMIT AS PROPOSED IN THE ORDINANCE INCLUDED ASEXHIBIT~<A", BASED UPON THE FINDINGS THAT THE AMENDMENT WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S GOALS IN THE Page 7 . T.H. 25 CORRIDOR AND WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE B-3 ZONING DISTRICT. MOTION SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. 11. Public Hearing--Consideration of an interim use permit allowing operation of a trucking company In a B-3 zone Applicant, Danner Trucking. 1. 2. 3. 4. . 5. 6. 7. 8. MOTION BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT AN INTERIM USE PERMIT BE APPROVED FOR DANNER TRUCKING SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS [ALSO LISTED AS EXHIBIT "C" OF THE ST AFF REPORT]: COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ALLOWING TRUCKING SERVICE AS AN INTERIM USE IN THE B-3 DISTRICT. REVISION OF TIlE SITE PLAN TO SHOW ADEQUA TE PARKING (OR PARKING AREA) WITH APPROPRIATE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING PAVING AND CURBING. REVISION OF THE SITE PLAN TO SHOW MORE THAN 6,000 SQ FT OF TRAILER PARKING AREA, WITH A ORA VEL SURFACE AND A METHOD OF GRAVEL CONTAINMENT. SUBMISSION OF A LAND SURVEY AND SITE PLAN DRAWN TO SCALE DOCUMENTING ADEQUATE DIMENSIONS OF THE SITE TO ACCOMMODA IE THE PROPOSED LAYOUT. SUBMISSION OF FINANCIAL GUARANTEES TO ENSURE INSTALLATION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS AS SHOWN ON THE FINAL SITE PLAN. EXECUTION OF A DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR THE INTERIM USE PERMIT INDICATINOA SPECIFIC TERMINATION DATE FOR THE PERMIT, SIGNED BY THE CITY AND THE APPLICANT. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE APPLICANT MUST HAVE CONTROL OF THE LAND AREA CONSIDERED FOR THE INTERIM USE AND AS DEPICTED BY THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN. THIS MOTION IS BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE INTERIM USE PERMIT ALLOWS THE CITY TO MANAGE THE CURRENT AND FUTURE LAND USE OF THE AREA, AND THE CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO THE PERMIT WOULD MITIGA Tit THEPOTENTIAL NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF AN INDUSTRIAL USE IN THE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT MOTION SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously MOTION TO AMEND THE PREVIOUS MOTION BY DRAGSTEN TO ADD A FURTHER CONDITION THAT THE INTERIM USE PERMIT HAVE A DURATfON OF FIVE (5) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL. . Page 8 --.. MOTION SECONDED BY CARLSON Motion passed unanimously. 12. Public Hearing--Consideration ofa variance within the PZM zoning district to locate a commercial sign within the required 15-ft front yard setback for signs Applicant. Larry Carter. Fred Patch presented the staff report for this item. Patch explained that the sign erected on the property was erected under a permit for temporary sign. He further explained that because of the architectural character and location of the existing building, the pylon sign appears to be more appropriate than wall signs. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing, recognizing Larry Carter, owner ofthe property. Mr. Carter eXplained that he had erected the sign in November prior to gaining a permit for permanent sign due to impending frost. Hearing no other public comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. ---... The Planning Commission considered the location of the sign and concluded that the placement wa,Sappropriate due to site conditions. It was determine that traffic visibility would not be obstructed by the sign as only right turns can be made when exiting the driveway. MOTION BY DICK MARTIE TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION FOR A V ARIANCEALLOWING A PYLON SIGN TO BE ERECTED WITH 0 FEET SETBACK FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT THE VARIANCE WILL NOT HA VB ADVERSE IMPACTS UPON ADJACENT PROPERTY, TRAFFIC, PUBLIC SAFETY OR DIMINISH PROPERTY V ALVES, AND THAT THE VARIANCE WILL PROVIDE AMORE REASONABLE OPPORTUNITY TO ADVERTISE THE EXISTING PERMITTED BUSINESS USE OF THE PROPERTY; AND SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. THE FUTURE SIGNS THAT MAY BE ERECTED UPON THE PROPOSED SIGN STRUCTURE WILL BE CONSIDERED ALLOWED USES, NOT REQUIRING FUTURE V ARIA-NeE IF THE REQUIRED SIGN PERMITS ARE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 2. FUTURE SIGNS ERECTED ON THE SIGN STRUCTURE MUST NOT BE HIGHER NOR LARGER IN AREA THAN ALLOWED BY THIS VARIANCE IF GRANTED. 3. THIS V ARlANCE WILL EXPIRE WITH THE BUILDING. IF THE BUILDING IS RAZED, OR AI, TERED TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF A CONFORMING PYLON SIGN, THEN THE SIGN STRUCTURE AND SIGN ALLOWED BY THIS VARIANCE MUST BE REMOVED AND ANY FUTURE SIGN MUST BE MADE TO CONFORM TO CITY ORDINANCES EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL. Page 9 MOTION SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON. Motion passed unanimously. 13. Continued Public Hearing- - Consideration of an amendment to the comprehensive plan eliminating or modifying the Fallon Avenue Bridge Applicant, St, Henry's Church. Steve Grittman reported that St. Henry's is requesting a continuance pending a proposed change to the City Comprehensive Plan. A letter further explaining the position of St. Henry's was provided to the Planning Commission. 14, Public Hearing -- Consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 3, Section 2 [F]_ of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance establishing regulations for the installation of fences. Applicant,, City of Monticello. Fred Patch presented the staff report for this item. The effects of the existing and new ordinance were -explained. The commission expressed that this is along overdue change and makes sense. Chairman Frie opened the public Hearing. Mr. Robin Peikert of 2880 Red Oak Circle was recognized. Mr. Peikert expressed concerns regarding the elimination of the 2 foot setback requirement for fences. Patch explained social consequences, enforcement difficulties, private property rights and the possible adverse possession actions that could come from confusion of property line locations caused by setback fences. Mr. Glen Posusta of 10383 Kahler Ave. NE, and owner of Amax Storage spoke against the new ordinance in its prohibition of new barbed wire fences in the city. He stated that he would see barbed wire around the top of a fence that may be erected on his business property as good advertising for security. Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. The Commission discussed the favorable aspects of the proposed ordinance regulating fences. MOTION ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, SECTION 2 ITEM [F] OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF FENCES BE ADOPTED. MOTION SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion unanimously approved. Page 10 . . . 15. Discussion on the land use planning workshop for 1998. Chairman Frie, and Commissioners Carlson and Dragsten will attend the Comprehensive Planning Workshop in St. Cloud on February 26, 1998 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00p.m. Commissioner Smith will attend a Planning "Basics" Workshop in St. Cloud on April 18, 1998 from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. 16. Updates: A. Central Community District meeting held January 5. 1998. Steve Grittman stated that the City had held an informational workshop on Monday January 5, 1998. Public comments received at the meeting included concern that the boundaries of the CCD District included much more than previously anticipated. The CCD District boundaries will be coming before the Commission at the February meeting. B. National Guard Training and Community Center meeting to be held January 20. 1998, at Little Mountain Elementary School. c. ADDED ITEM: MCP Annual Meeting Rod Dragsten announced that the MCP Annual Meeting will be held January 14, 1998 at 6:30 p.m. at the Monticello High School, and invited all Commissioners to attend. 17. Adjournment MOTION BY ROD DRAGSTEN, SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 10:25 P.M. Motion pas~ed unanimously. -v~~ c.-~_.,~ Page 11