Parks Commission Agenda Packet 03-02-2006 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. 10. . AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION March 2, 2006 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality" Call to Order Approve minutes of January 26, 2006 regular Parks Commission meeting. Approve minutes of February 23,2006 regular Parks Commission meeting. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Citizens comments and requests. Discussion of request from Monticello Lacrosse Group for use of fields. Groveland Grant Application - Set date for public hearing. Cemetery Issues Park Maintenance Consideration of renting West Bridge Park facilities during River Fest. Adjourn. Parks Commission Minutes: 1/26/06 . MINUTES MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION - REGULAR MEETING Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Tom Perrault. Members Absent: Larry Nolan. Others Present: Public Works Director, John Simola; Interim Parks Superintendent, Tom Pawelk, Park Department staff, Leo Schroden and Tom Grossnickle. 1. Call to Order. Acting Chair Rick Traver called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Interim Parks Superintendent Tom Pawelk was introduced. 2. Approve minutes of December 22. 2005 re!!ular Parks Commission meetin!!. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 22, 2005 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. BEN HITTER SECONDED THE . MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin!! items. A representative from the Wright County Ham Radio Society was present at the meeting to seek The Parks Commission approval for use of Pioneer Park for a two day event they are planning scheduled for June 24-25,2006. Since there may be a small number of people who will be camping out at the park, the group was seeking official approval for their use of the park. The event will be an exercise dealing with emergency preparedness and a competition to see how many amateur radio operators in other states they can make contact with over this time frame. This is the third year the event has been held and the first year it will be held in Monticello. Tom Perrault asked if the power lines in the area of Pioneer Park would interfere with the operation ofthe radios. It was suggested that the group test the site prior to the event to make sure it would be suitable. Nancy McCaffrey asked how the public was included in the event. The event is open to the public who would have the opportunity to observe and interact with the radio operators. Tom Perrault suggested the group may want to come before the Council to inform them of the event. Since the Council meetings are televised the information about the event would get out to the community via Channel 12. . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO EXTEND AN INVITATION TO THE WRIGHT COUNTY HAM RADIO SOCIETY TO TRY OUT PIONEER PARK AS A SITE FOR THEIR TWO DAY EVENT AND IF IT IS NOT SUITABLE THEY HAVE THE OPTION TO TRY OUT OTHER PARKS IN 1 Parks Commission Minutes: 1/26/06 THE CITY TO FIND A SUITABLE LOCATION. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . Tom Grossnickle from the Parks Department suggested that Parks Department staff and representatives from the group meet beforehand so they can get the necessary utility locates done through Gopher State One Call prior to the event. 4. Citizens comments and requests. None. 5. Review Plan of Hidden Forest Development. The developer of Hidden Forest submitted a plan showing the park layout for the development. He also submitted a list of playground equipment proposed for the park. Tom Perrault was concerned whether the number of parking spaces shown would be sufficient. John Simola stated the ordinance requires a certain number of parking spaces for each acre of park. John Simola noted that the proposed location of the basketball court is in the area where the main storm sewer trunk line for County Ditch 33 is located so the basketball court should be relocated. There was also some question on the tree preservation plan for the development. Rick Traver suggested having John Simola and Tom Pawelk work with the developer on the location of the basketball court. The Parks Commission felt the park should be inviting and the playground equipment should meet safety and design standards but he felt comfortable with park staff working . out the details of the park plan with the developer. Leo Schroden stated that the developer is proposing playground equipment from Miracle which is good equipment and the City has equipment from the same manufacturer at Ellison Park which has held up well. There was discussion on the proposed play equipment layout. The Parks Commission felt adding some diggers should be considered as those are popular with children. The amount of park dedication for this development was discussed but the Parks Commission did not have information on the basis for the park dedication for this development or whether it was based on the current rate of $3,500/per unit. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE IN CONCEPT THE P ARK LAYOUT FOR THE HIDDEN FOREST DEVELOPMENT WITH FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF ADDING DIGGERS TO THE PLAY AREA, ADDITIONAL PARKING, TREE PRESERVATION FOR THE AREA, INSTALLATION OF BITUMINOUS TRAIL AND RELOCATION OF THE BASKETBALL COURT. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Youth Baseball - Update. Tom Pawelk informed the Parks Commission that they have met with the youth baseball association. The group is current with the fees they owe the city. Field #4 at the Xcel ballfield location was discussed. At one time the field had been used by the Polecats but they are now primarily using the high school field so the youth baseball association was asking that the grass infield and pitching mound be taken out so that it could be used for youth baseball. Youth baseball 2 . . . . Parks Commission Minutes: 1/26/06 currently uses the fields at Hillcrest, 4th Street and Xcel. Converting field #4 would provide an additional field for league playas well as tournaments. The decision on converting the field should be made soon so those scheduling league play know how many fields they have to work with. The Parks Department would construct a temporary fence on this field if it is decided to use it for youth baseball. BEN HITTER MOVED BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION AND CONFIRMED IN WRITING THAT THE POLECATS AMATEUR BASEBALL TEAM WILL NOT BE USING THE BALLFIELD AT THE XCEL BALLFIELDS THAT THE BALLFIELD BE CONYER TED FOR USE BY THE SOFTBALL/YOUTH BASEBALL PROGRAMS. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Park Maintenance. Tom Pawelk submitted a list of the park projects that were completed during the past month. The rinks have been kept open in spite of the weather and it was noted that many communities had closed their rinks. However they were not able to install a rink at Groveland and that is something that will be considered for next winter. Nancy McCaffrey felt the residents in Groveland should be informed about the skating rink decision. Park staff stated there was heavy use at the outdoor rinks even with the opening of the ice arena. There have also been some requests to flood the rink at Hillcrest. At this time it is not felt that the demand would warrant it but it is something that will be reviewed periodically. The Swan Park was discussed and the Parks Commission was informed that this site continues to pull in visitors to view the swans. Tom Pawe]k felt the Parks Commission should look at revamping the area of the trail and fence since a number of people have fallen in that area. He indicated that presently the trail is 6~10 feet from the fence. Most of the people walking to view the swans hang on to the fence so they end up not walking on the paved trail. Installing pavers so that the entire area between the trail and fence could be cleared was one suggestion. Jolm Simola stated the Council had looked at making improvements to the parking at the location but the bids came in very high and the Council decided not to proceed with parking lot improvements at this time. Also discussed have some kind of sign or kiosk display at the site providing information about the swans. It was also suggested that a display case be made for the trumpeter swan that is currently at City Hall. 8. Items carried over from the December 22. 2005 meetine. A. Trail connections: Rick Traver and Jeff O'Neill will be meeting to review the updated Transportation Plan and determine where trail segments are needed. B. Time frame for park development: Previously the Parks Commission discussed having the park sites identified, staked and signed prior to houses being built. That way everyone is aware of the park location. c. Riverside Cemetery: A copy of the brochure covering cemetery rules and regulations was submitted to the Parks Commission. It is proposed to have the brochures located in a kiosk at the cemetery. The parks staff is working on completing their tree inventory at the cemetery. 3 Parks Commission Minutes: 1/26/06 D. Grant Application: Tom Pawelk has received the grant application form for the DNR Outdoor Recreation grant. It is proposed to apply for a grant for improvements to the . Groveland park area. Total estimated cost of the improvements is $78,514. The grant program calls for matching city contribution. 9. Adjourn. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:40. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . . 4 . . . MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION February 23, 2006 - 4:30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality" Members Present: Fran Fair, Larry Nolan and Council Liaison Tom Perrault. Members Absent: Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey and Rick Traver Others Present: Interim Park Superintendent Tom Pawelk. 1. Call to Order. Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Since there was not a quorum present no official business was conducted. The Parks Commission did listen to a presentation by representatives from the Monticello Lacrosse Group requesting use of the City's field. Since the Dahlheimer site where they have normally played is being developed they need to locate another site for their games. This item will be brought up at the next Parks Commission meeting. Tom Pawelk will review possible sites for use by the lacrosse teams. The Parks Commission felt if it was possible to get a quorum present they would like to meet Thursday, March 2, 2006. . Monticello Parks Monthly Completed Tasks From January 26. 2006 to February 23. 2006 . . Rinks . Ellison swing set repair . Installed a fake security system to keep people from vandalizing bathrooms at W.B . Fixed automatic door locking system at W.B . Broomed pathways multiple times . Snow removal . Fixed furnace pipe at West Bridge/cleaned furnace . Housekeeping was extremely needed . Helped prepare for Rodger Mack's retirement party . Shop inventory of all small tools . Fixed fence at E.B . Put up restroom signs in hallway at W.B . Dodge I-ton body work completed . Chevy s-10 body work completed . Painted pathway gates . Sanded Swan Park multiple times . Organized wood shop . Cleaned bathrooms and trash run every Monday and Friday . Lowered flags when needed . Inventoried all chemical in shop . Layout Groveland grant . Park development cost all most complete . Organized park irrigation at farm . All park staff attended a work zone safety seminar . Swan cabinet almost complete . Future Park signs out in new parks . Installed all department eye wash stations . Sent out letter to Groveland residents about rink . Two guys from parks dept attended a retaining wall school . New and old picnic tables were constructed . Sliding hill inspection . Ordered benches for Hillcrest . Helped water department with reservoir . Had a total of 3 burials at Riverside Cemetery . Inventory of all new trash cans in parks . F:\P A WELK\Monticello Parks Monthly Completed Tasks Feb tp.doc . February 23td ,2006 To whom it may concern, The Monticello Polecat's no longer need the use Of the baseball diamond #4 at city Geld's. Thank's for your help and cooperation in the Use of city #4 over the last 8years. . . . MONTICELLO Re: Groveland Park The City of Monticello Parks Dept wants to thank you for the interest for a skating rink. The City is sorry to announce that due to the weather we will not be flooding the park rink. We will not ignore the response for this rink. We will be flooding over the basketball court next year when it is completed. Thanks again and sorry for the inconveniences. If you have any questions or if I may be of any further assistance in this matter, please contact me directly at (763) 271-3276. Thank you. . Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO Thomas Pawelk tom.pawelk@ci.monticello.mn.us Parks Department cc: File " . <{l)l't at 'nlontiGcil.:v, <rf;-I(ic<-"o{ 9PUMi0 'Uh,l,S', 909 G(}ol{ 'fJm/lSC' cPZQ([([, 9Hanl)aUo" 'lrlFn 55362 'Geter/law!/.' 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