Planning Commission Minutes 07-07-1998 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 7, 1998 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Rod Dragsten, Richard Carlson Also Present: Bill Fair. Absent: Council Liaison Clint Herbst 2. Consideration of approval of minutes of regular meeting held June 2. 1998. AFTER DISCUSSlON, MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARD CARLSON AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS TO NAME INFORMATION ON ITEMS TWO AND FOUR. "ROGER CARLSON" SHOULD BE CHANGED TO "RICHARD CARLSON." Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of additional items to the ag:enda. A. Chief Building Official Fred Patch requested discussion regarding a 2' side yard variance request relating to a garage that was constructed by mistake in the wrong location. 4. Citizens Comments None forthcoming. 5. Continued Public Hearing -- Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing a tower in excess of the district building height limits and consideration of a variance from the rear yard setback to allow a wireless communications tower. Applicant U. S. West Wireless LLC. Location: Bondhus Tool Manufacturing Site. Deputy City Administrator Jeff O'Neill reported that additional research has been done on the matter relating to the location of the site relative to the helipad. He noted that the director of the air ambulance at North Memorial Hospital does not object to the tower. Ken Neilson, representing the applicant, noted that the company reviewed a large area and found that this site is best suited due to present zoning and location for transmissions. He also requested a temporary tower to operate while constructing the permanent tower. Commission Member Robbie Smith asked if they had looked at all locations. Mr. Nielson stated that they have exhausted all other possibilities. Jeff O'Neill asked ifthe transmissions will interfere with other electronic devices located nearby. Mr. Nielson noted that the equipment is licensed through the FCC and will meet Page 1 Planning Commission Minutes - 7/07/98 . all standards. They have never had a problem but will work with the City in the event of a problem with signal conflict. Jeff O'Neill asked ifthe warning light at the top ofthe tower will be a strobe light or a slow pulsing light. Mr. Nielson noted that the light will be a light that will meet the minimum requirements of the FAA. City Planner Steve Grittman noted that granting the variance will allow the base of the structure to be screened from the public right-of-way and does not violate the intent of the ordinance. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK FRIE AND SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN AND CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY TO RECOMMEND APPRO V AL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED BELOW, BASED UPON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE COMPLIES WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH FACILITIES IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 1. THE TOWER DOES NOT ENCROACH INTO THE FRONT YARD AND IS PLACED AS FAR FROM THE FRONT LOT LINE AS POSSIBLE. 2. THE EQUIPMENT AREA IS SCREENED FROM THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY. . 3. THE TOWER DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH THE FLIGHT PATH FOR THE HOSPITAL'S HELICOPTER SERVICES. 4. THE TOWER MEETS ALL OTHER ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS. 5. TEMPORARY TOWER IS ACCEPTABLE BUT MUST BE REMOVED WITHIN 90 DA YS AND REMOVED IMMEDIA TEL Y AT COMPLETION OF PERMANENT TOWER. 6. FLASHING LIGHT MUST NOT BE A STROBE LIGHT AND SHALL MEET FCC REQUIREMENTS. MOTION BY ROD DRAGSTEN, SECONDED BY DICK FRIE AND CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REAR YARD SETBACK V ARIANCE FOR A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION TOWER BASED UPON A FINDING THAT THE PROPERTY'S UNIQUE SHAPE AND BENEFIT OF SCREENING BY A BUILDING ON SITE JUSTIFIES THE VARIANCE. . Page 2 . . . 8. Planning Commission Minutes - 7/07/98 6. Continued Public Hearing - Review the fee survey and consideration of an amendment tot the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance relating to the dedication of land for park purposes. Applicant. Citv of Monticello. Chief Building Official Fred Patch gave a general overview ofthe survey data showing comparative data on fees for services charged by area cities. He noted that generally the City of Monticello fees are middle of the road or slightly lower. Commission members agreed that additional time is needed to analyze the data. After discussion it was determined to table the matter pending further analysis and recommendation by City staff 7. Review of DesiQn Advisorv Team recommendation on signs for Cub Foods. Chief Building Official Fred Patch noted that the sign plan for the Cub Foods store was reviewed and approved by the DA T on May 13 based on the finding that the signs were in conformance with the intent of the CCD District and the Comprehensive Plan. The sign area is approximately twice that allowable under the City's sign ordinance; however, the DA T felt that the signs were appropriate to the scale of the building. Dick Frie asked if we should change the ordinance. It was noted that the CCD district provides flexibility for signage that allows the larger sign area. We may need to change the ordinance as it applies to the B-4 and B-3 districts. In these areas, the flexibility does not exist to allow signs designed for large "Big Box" stores. AFTER DISCUSSION, MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH AND SECONDED BY RICHARD CARLSON TO APPROVE AND SUPPORT THE RECOMMENDATION BY THE DESIGN ADVISORY TEAM ON THE CUB FOOD SIGN. Motion carried unanimously. Additional Items A. Chief Building Official Fred Patch noted that due to an error by a land surveyor, a garage was placed at the wrong location and needs a 2' variance to the setback requirement. It was noted that the variance could include a requirement that the garage be screened. There is a precedent in the city to allow variances where the building was placed in the wrong location due to a simple mistake especially where the variance will not impose a hardship on an adjoining property. Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/07/98 B. Planning Commission briefly discussed the interview session with candidate Roy Popelik. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARD CARLSON AND SECONDED BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND ROY POPELIK FOR FILLING THE VACANT POSITION ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Jeffq;zO ~-tjJ Deputy City Administrator Page 4