City Council Agenda Packet 01-10-2000 \c" ~~o eM / r()~ (I' Y ell \) \~ ~t ~Q' & /' . . 6. 7. .;; ,,\) I\l^~ (j~r AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 10,2000 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order 2 Approval of minutes of December 13, 1999 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. - 6tr.4A.C~//UId,'1 ~2- OC-{ . Citizen comments/petitions, request and complaints. 4. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of approving issuance of a non-intoxicating liquor license _ O'Ryan's Conoco. Consideration of an amendment to a conditional use permit and associated fJ. T. g S planned unit development allowing expansion for an industrial use. Applicant: Sunny Fresh Foods Consideration of zoning text amendment defining minimum lot width as measured at front yard building set-back line. Applicant: Zoning Administrator D. Consideration of zoning text amendment clarifying curb cut requirements or driveway widths in residential districts. Applicant: City of Monticello E. Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment for land west of Kjellberg West Mobile Home Park. Applicant: City of Monticello. F. Consideration of proposed amendment to the sign ordinance allowing electronic reader boards. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Consideration of adopting a resolution for the sale of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds,Series2000A Consideration of resolution authorizing the sale of 2000 0.0. Improvement Bonds. Consideration of annual appointments for 2000 and consideration of ordinance amendment establishing staggered 3 year terms for Plmming Commission members. . . .a ~ 10. Consideration of Change Order #12 on Highway 25 Project No. 96-04C. ]1. Consideration of annual increases to City development lees. 12. Consideration of approving turn back agreement f()r Oakwood Drive from Highway 25 to Chelsea Road - Wright County. 13. Consideration of approving signal agreement lor signal at County Road 75 and Hospita] with Wright County. 14. Payment of bills for January. 15. Adjourn. . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 13, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approval of minutes of the ree:ular meetine: of November 22, 1999. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22, 1999 AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS ABSTAINING. 2B. Approval of minutes ofthe special meetine held on December 8,1999. . ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 8, 1999 AS PRESENTED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Clint I lerbst requested that the skating rink at Hillcrest Park be added to the agenda. Rick Wo1fsteIler requested that the Council discuss setting a meeting date with NSP. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, reauests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Ae:enda. A. Consideration of fund transfers for 1999. Recommendation: Approve the fund transfers for 1999 according to City Administrator's list. B. Consideration of resolution calling for redemption of outstanding G.O. Bonds, Series 1990C, dated 11-1-90. Recommendation: Approve resolution calling for redemption of the outstanding bonds, 1990C Series. C. Consideration of approving final payment on 1998 County Road 118 Utility Improvements Project 98-23C. Recommendation: Approve final payment to C. W. Houle, Inc. in the amount of $9, 194.50 on Project 98-23C, 1998 County Road 118 Utility Improvements. . 1 '2 Council Minutes - 12/13/99 . D. Consideration of authorizing purchase of wheel park fixtures, ramps, jumps, etc. Recommendation: Accept the quotes and award the contract to True Ride Inc. from Duluth in the amount of$24,926.95 fIX the purpose of constructing and installing wheel park fixtures. E. Review of proposals for emergency generator for Bridge Park Lift Station. Recommendation: Approve the quote submitted by Ziegler Power systems in the amount of $27,421.00 excluding sales tax. F. Consideration of a request for an amendment to a planned unit development within the B-3 Zoning District to allow for an off.site auto sales/storage lot. Applicant: Dave Peterson's Monticello Ford. Recommendation: Approve an amendment to the sign portion of the planned unit development to allow for expansion of the reader board area from 26 square fcet to 70 square fcet along with a reduction in other sign area square footage by 44 square feet. G. Consideration of granting a special home occupation permit that requires equipment other than customarily found in the home. Applicant: Wayne Weber dba N &W Assembly. Recommendation: Approve Special Home Occupation subject to removal of any exterior storage. H. Consideration of renewing contract with Hoglund Transportation as Monticello Heartland Express service provider. Recommendation: Approve the extension of the contract for Heartland Express bus service with Hoglund Transportation at $29. ] 1 per hour for the year 2000. . 1. Consideration of an amendment to the R-1 and R-2 side yard setbacks to permit a six foot setback on the garage side. Applicant: Harold Shermer. Recommendation: To leave the provisions of the zoning code as is regarding side yard setbacks. J. Consideration of a request for an amended plat for Parkside to allow the elimination of a pathway in the side yard. Applicant: Harold Shermer. Recommendation: Approve the plat amendment for Parkside eliminating the pathway in the side yard based on the fInding that the benefits of the pathway in this location do not outweigh the problems associated with narrow side yard pathways as previously designed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS #5A-#5J. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent ae:enda for discussion. None ..... ., 7. Ado tion Hearin Rick Wolfsteller explained that this is the second of the required hearings for the 2000 budget and tax levy. The changes that were made after the December 8, 1999 public hearing were 2 L Council Minutes - 12/13/99 . reviewed. These changes included the reinstatement of funds for the YMCA and the Community Education funding. Rick Wolfsteller also pointed out a correction to the proposed budget relating to the amount of HAC A. Instead of$270,039 the HACA amount should be $272,277. Rick Wolfsteller asked whether the Council wanted to leave the difTerence in or lower the levy by the difTerence ($2,738). The consensus of the Council was to leave it in. Mayor Belsaas then opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak on the proposed budget and tax levy for the year 2000. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO ADOPT THE BUDGET AND THE TAX LEVY fOR THE YEAR 2000 IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,739,325. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (RES. 99-72) 8. Consideration of amendments to employee benefits policy regarding vacation schedules. . City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller explained the purpose of this agenda item. Candidates with work experience are reluctant to start with such low amount of vacation time. ]'he Council discussed this problem and how it could be addressed. Mayor Belsaas suggested that this issue could be dealt with better when the Council had a chance to receive and review the complete employee benefits package. The Council discussed setting up a Personnel Committee to work on this prior to it coming before the Council. It was suggested that this matter be tabled but to allow the City Administrator to deal with this on an individual basis until such time as the Council has approved a complete package. Brian Stumpf cautioned that whatever was done should be legally sound. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM TO ALLOW INFORMATION ON EMPLOYEE BENEfITS TO BE COMPILED AND REVIEWED BY A PERSONNEL COMMITTEE WHICH WOULD INCLUDE BRUCE THIELEN AND ROGER BELSAAS AND BRING IT BACK AT A FUTURE COUNCIL MEETING. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of salarv schedule adiustments for 2000. The Council felt that this item was also something the Personnel Committee should look at as far as adding the ?lh step and comparisons with salaries in other communities. The Council at this time would deal only with the cost ofliving adjustments for the pay scale for the year 2000. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO USE THE CIP INDEX ADJUSTED TO 3% FOR THE SALARY INCREASES FOR TIlE YEAR 2000 AND 11A VE THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE ADDRESS THE OTHER RELATED ISSUES INCLUDING ADDING A SEVENTH STEP TO THE CURRENT GRADE SYSTEM. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 3 L . . . ll. Council Minutes - 12/13/99 10. Consideration of adootine: a membership benefit packaee for community center employees. The Council discussed a proposal for benefits for the Community Center employees. The benefit package proposed was discussed in the Small Group. Clint Herbst felt it was acceptable that the Community Center employees receive the free pass for the Community Center but he did not feel any benefit should be extended to the employee's family. He felt the Council needed to be aware how the public would perceive this. Kitty Baltos explained how other community centers handled it and summarized the discussions the Small Group had on this benefit package. Clint Herbst indicated that there are residents who can't afford a membership and yet the City is offering this free to employees whieh he didn't feel was fair. The Council discussed the merits of having employees present at the facility in their non-working hours. Bruce Thielen suggested that City consider paying 50% of the family rate for the Community Center employees. Kitty BaItos indicated that there may be up to 40 employees at the Community Center. BRUCE TI HELEN MOVED THAT ONt Y THE FULL- TIME COMMUNITY CENTER EMPLOYEES WOULD RECEIVE THE INDIVIDUAL FREE PASS AND 50% OFF THE F AMIL Y MEMBERSHIP. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION BECAUSE HE DID NOT FEEL THIS EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SHOULD EXTEND TO THE EMPLOYEE'S FAMILY ESPECIALL Y WHEN RESIDENTS IN THE COMMUNITY COULD NOT AFfORD 1'1 IE OPPORTUNITY OF HAVING A MEMBERSHIP AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER. Consideration of adopting an aereement between the City and OceJlo. LLC reearding mitie:ation pond and land exchanee. Bret Weiss explained the proposed agreement between the City and OcelIo regarding the land exchange. The City is proposing to exchange land the<City owns adjacent to the future right-of-way of Chelsea Road. In exchange the City would receive land that is needed for wetland mitigation. Clint Herbst asked about the proposed extension of Chelsea Road and the pond construction and how that would impact the Olson property. Bret Weiss indicated the majority of the storm water storage would be in the area of wetland mitigation rather than in pond by the Olson property. As far as street access for the Olson property a number of options are being looked at and will be presented in the feasibility report that will be coming before the Council late in January. The proposed storage area of the car dealership was also discussed. Bret Weiss indicated the City had met with the County regarding acquisition of approximately a one acre parcel of right-of-way. Roger Carlson asked about the pond elevation and how it impacted the lots adjacent to the pond. Bret Weiss indicated that the lots extend to the highwater elevation of the pond. The area between the highwater elevation and the pond would be left in a natural state. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE AGREEMENT REGARDING THE MITIGA TION POND AND LAND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND OCELLO, LLC, CONTINGENT UPON COMPLETION Of AGREEMENT EXHIBITS AND CONTINGENT ON FINAL REVIEW BY THE CITY ATTORNEY, CITY ENGINEER AND STAFf. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TI-lE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 2- Council Minutes - 12/13/99 . Clint Hcrbst asked why the skating rink at I Iillcrest Park was no longer being nooded. The staff was not aware that it was not bcing Hooded. Bruce Thielen indicatcd that it had not becn flooded for about three years and he seemed to believe that because rink reccived limited usage was thc reason that it was not flooded. It was felt that it would be bettcr to have fewer rinks and maintain them well rather than having a larger number of rinks. It was suggested that maybc thc rink area at Hillcrest Park could be made smaller but at least be Hooded. Jeff O'Neill will make this suggestion to the Park Commission. Northern States Power Company has contacted both the Mayor and City Administrator about setting up a meeting sometime in January concerning the personal property tax. While the Council felt somewhat uncomfortable in providing NSP a platfc)rm to lobby for their tax position they did feel that this would be an informational opportunity. It was suggested that the City also cxtend an invitation to the Coalition of Utility Cities. The City Administrator was directed to contact the City of Red Wing regarding their discussions with the utility company. A workshop meeting will be set for 6 p.m. on January 10,2000. Clint Herbst requested that prior to the appointments being made in January, the staff should contact other area communities as to what various commission members are paid. The Mayor extended holiday greetings to the City staff on behalf of the Mayor and the Council. ~/. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO PAY THE BILLS FOR DECEMBER. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING IN THE OLD CITY HALL AT 8:10 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary . 5 L . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 13, 1999 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Aooroval of minutes of the re2:ular meeting of November 22. 1999. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 22. 1999 AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS ABSTAINING. 2B. Aoproval of minutes of the special meetin2: held on December 8. 1999. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 8, 1999 AS PRESENTED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF ABST AlNING. . 3. Consideration of addin2: items to the ae:enda. Clint Herbst requested that the skating rink at Hillcrest Park be added to the agenda. Rick Wolfsteller requested that the Council discuss setting a meeting date with NSP. 4. Citizens comments/petitions. requests and complaints. None. 5. Consent Ae:enda. A. Consideration of fund transfers for 1999. Recommendation: Approve the fund transfers for 1999 according to City Administrator's list. B. Consideration of resolution calling for redemption of outstanding G.O. Bonds, Series 1990C, dated 11-1-90. Recommendation: Approve resolution calling for redemption of the outstanding bonds, 1990C Series. c. Consideration of approving final payment on 1998 County Road 118 Utility Improvements Project 98-23C. Recommendation: Approve final payment to C.W. Houle, Inc. in the amount of $9, 194.50 on Project 98-23C, 1998 County Road 118 Utility Improvements. . 1 2. Council Minutes - 12/13/99 . D. Consideration of authorizing purchase of wheel park fixtures, ramps, jumps, etc. Recommendation: Accept the quotes and award the Contract to True Ride Inc. from Duluth in the amount of $24,926.95 for the purpose of constructing and installing wheel park fixtures. E. Review of proposals for emergency generator for Bridge Park Lift Station. Recommendation: Approve the quote submitted by Ziegler Power systems in the amount of $27,421.00 excluding sales tax. F. Consideration of a request for an amendment to a planned unit development within the B-3 Zoning District to allow for an off-site auto sales/storage lot. Applicant: Dave Peterson's Monticello Ford. Recommendation: Approve an amendment to the sign portion of the planned unit development to allow for expansion of the reader board area from 26 square feet to 70 square feet along with a reduction in other sign area square footage by 44 square feet. G. Consideration of granting a special home occupation permit that requires equipment other than customarily found in the home. Applicant: Wayne Weber dba N &W Assembly. Recommendation: Approve Special Home Occupation subject to removal of any exterior storage. H. Consideration of renewing contract with Hoglund Transportation as Monticello Heartland Express service provider. Recommendation: Approve the extension of the contract for Heartland Express bus service with Hoglund Transportation at $29.11 per hour for the year 2000. . I. Consideration of an amendment to the R- I and R-2 side yard setbacks to permit a six foot setback on the garage side. Applicant: Harold Shermer. Recommendation: To leave the provisions of the zoning code as is regarding side yard setbacks. J. Consideration of a request for an amended plat for Parkside to allow the elimination of a pathway in the side yard. Applicant: Harold Shermer. Recommendation: Approve the plat amendment for Parkside eliminating the pathway in the side yard based on the finding that the benefits of the pathway in this location do not outweigh the problems associated with narrow side yard pathways as previously designed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS #5A-#5J. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRlED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. None . 7. Ado tion Hearin - Consideration of resolution ado tinO' 2000 bud et and tax levv. Rick Wolfsteller explained that this is the second of the required hearings for the 2000 budget and tax levy. The changes that were made after the December 8, 1999 public hearing were 2 L . . . Council Minutes - 12/13/99 reviewed. These changes included the reinstatement of funds for the YMCA and the Community Education funding. Rick Wolfsteller also pointed out a correction to the proposed budget relating to the amount of HAC A. Instead of$270,039 the HAC A amount should be $272,277. Rick Wolfsteller asked whether the Council wanted to leave the difference in or lower the levy by the difference ($2,738). The consensus of the Council was to leave it in. Mayor Belsaas then opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak on the proposed budget and tax levy for the year 2000. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT THE BUDGET AND THE TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2000 IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,739,325. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. (RES. 99-72) 8. Consideration of amendments to emplovee benefits policv regardinf! vacation schedules. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller eXplained the purpose of this agenda item. Candidates with work experience are reluctant to start with such low amount of vacation time. The Council discussed this problem and how it could be addressed. Mayor Belsaas suggested that this issue could be dealt with better when the Council had a chance to receive and review the complete employee benefits package. The Council discussed setting up a Personnel Committee to work on this prior to it coming before the Council. It was suggested that this matter be tabled but to allow the City Administrator to deal with this on an individual basis until such time as the Council has approved a complete package. Brian Stumpf cautioned that whatever was done should be legally sound. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM TO ALLOW INFORt\1A nON ON EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TO BE COMPILED AND REVIEWED BY A PERSONNEL COMMITTEE WHICH WOULD INCLUDE BRUCE THIELEN AND ROGER BELSAAS AND BRING IT BACK AT A FUTURE COUNCIL MEETING. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 9. Consideration of salary schedule adjustments for 2000. The Council felt that this item was also something the Personnel Committee should look at as far as adding the 7th step and comparisons with salaries in other communities. The Council at this time would deal only with the cost of living adjustments for the pay scale for the year 2000. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO USE THE CIP INDEX ADJUSTED TO 3% FOR THE SALAR Y INCREASES FOR THE YEAR 2000 AND HAVE THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE ADDRESS THE OTHER RELATED ISSUES INCLUDING ADDING A SEVENTH STEP TO THE CURRENT GRADE SYSTEM. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 L' Council Minutes - 12/13/99 . 10. Consideration of adoptin2 a membership benefit packa2e for community center employees. The Council discussed a proposal for benefits for the Community Center employees. The benefit package proposed was discussed in the Small Group. Clint Herbst felt it was acceptable that the Community Center employees receive the free pass for the Community Center but he did not feel any benefit should be extended to the employee's family. He felt the Council needed to be aware how the public would perceive this. Kitty Baltos explained how other community centers handled it and summarized the discussions the Small Group had on this benefit package. Clint Herbst indicated that there are residents who can't afford a membership and yet the City is offering this free to employees which he didn't feel was fair. The Council discussed the merits of having employees present at the facility in their non-working hours. Bruce Thielen suggested that City consider paying 50% of the family rate for the Community Center employees. Kitty Baltos indicated that there may be up to 40 employees at the Community Center. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED THAT ONL Y THE FULL-TIME COMMUNITY CENTER EMPLOYEES WOULD RECEIVE THE INDIVIDUAL FREE PASS AND 50% OFF THE F AMIL Y MEMBERSHIP. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION BECAUSE HE DID NOT FEEL THIS EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SHOULD EXTEND TO THE EMPLOYEE"S FAMIL Y ESPECIALL Y WHEN RESIDENTS IN THE COMMUNITY COULD NOT AFFORD THE OPPORTUNITY OF HAVING A MEMBERSHIP AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER. . 11. Consideration of adoptinl! an al!reement between the City and Ocello. LLC regarding miti2ation pond and land exchant:e. Bret Weiss explained the proposed agreement between the City and Ocello regarding the land exchange. The City is proposing to exchange land the<city owns adjacent to the future right-of-way of Chelsea Road. In exchange the City would receive land that is needed for wetland mitigation. Clint Herbst asked about the proposed extension of Chelsea Road and the pond construction and how that would impact the Olson property. Bret Weiss indicated the majority of the storm water storage would be in the area of wetland mitigation rather than in pond by the Olson property. As far as street access for the Olson property a number of options are being looked at and will be presented in the feasibility report that will be coming before the Council late in January. The proposed storage area of the car dealership was also discussed. Bret Weiss indicated the City had met with the County regarding acquisition of approximately a one acre parcel of right-of-way. Roger Carlson asked about the pond elevation and how it impacted the lots adjacent to the pond. Bret Weiss indicated that the lots extend to the highwater elevation of the pond. The area between the highwater elevation and the pond would be left in a natural state. . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE AGREEMENT REGARDING THE MlTIGA TION POND AND LAND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND OCELLO, LLC, CONTINGENT UPON COMPLETION OF AGREEMENT EXHIBITS AND CONTINGENT ON FINAL REVIEW BY THE CITY ATTORNEY, CITY ENGINEER AND STAFF. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 4 L Council Minutes - 12/13/99 . Clint Herbst asked why the skating rink at Hillcrest Park was no longer being flooded. The staff was not aware that it was not being flooded. Bruce Thielen indicated that it had not been flooded for about three years and he seemed to believe that because rink received limited usage was the reason that it was not flooded. It was felt that it would be better to have fewer rinks and maintain them well rather than having a larger number of rinks. It was suggested that maybe the rink area at Hillcrest Park could be made smaller but at least be flooded. Jeff O'Neill will make this suggestion to the Park Commission. Northern States Power Company has contacted both the Mayor and City Administrator about setting up a meeting sometime in January concerning the personal property tax. While the Council felt somewhat uncomfortable in providing NSP a platform to lobby for their tax position they did feel that this would be an informational opportunity. It was suggested that the City also extend an invitation to the Coalition of Utility Cities. The City Administrator was directed to contact the City of Red Wing regarding their discussions with the utility company. A workshop meeting will be set for 6 p.m. on January 10, 2000. Clint Herbst requested that prior to the appointments being made in January, the staff should contact other area communities as to what various commission members are paid. The Mayor extended holiday greetings to the City staff on behalf of the Mayor and the Council. . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO PAY THE BILLS FOR DECEMBER. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN THE LAST COUNCIL MEETING IN THE OLD CITY HALL AT 8:10 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary . 5 L . Council Agenda - 1/10/00 SA. Consideration of a Conoco. (R W) issuance of a non-intoxicatin Ii uor Jicense - 0' R an's A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: MMC Development Corporation, dba O'Ryan's Conoco, has applied for a 3/2 off-sale beer license for their convenience store operation. They are looking at opening their new facility at the intersection of County Road 39 and County Road 75 by the end of January. The $75 annual license fee would be prorated from the date of opening to July 1 st when all licenses are renewed. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the issuance of an off-sale 3/2 beer license for 0' Ryan's Conoco convenience store. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the 3/2 license be approved and the license pro-rated for the balance of the year. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of application. ..... ... . ", ' , , .J "_' L '-_ l~.' _.' I .1_ -.l CITY OF MONTICELLO LICENSE APPLICATION . · This application is being submitted for the fonowing Iicense(s): - Set-up license ..K OfF-sale, non-intoxicating liquor On-sale, intoxicating liquor _ On-saleJ wine On-sale, non-intoxicating liquor _ On-sale, winela.2 beer Applicant Name: fi'i 'II <>9 A' 0 #. '1// L L ; /J.1'7 Jp-V Phone: ,,/ 'Z - j'? }; -6'7" 3':> Applicant Address: II' t1 ~d /1/.2. Ii 4/#6' 00 ~ . L'1 ; ,(/ t!/ e II i/ / Ill- ~ A..--' ...........>--s- 3> 4':..J- Social Security #: ! q '7 OJ. - r / - !-:<~y__ Date of Birth: c9 c T- 3> - '"' '" C/ cr Driver's License #: .. tV - If 5' "2 - 7:7:::r: 2. p t.f - -;7 d t..- crJ. ~ C!7/f;Y ,A/4/:5 Business Name: 11 He P$f/f;. 'l:P ".,,~ c,p-'f ,q 0/.3 -P- c,p .-v-" C. 0 Business Address: r~ SS- ~~r /5L~O' /l4~/V /}CCC'L/'l , M/V .'5'> 3tf"~ Business Phone: 6"/"2. - .2 95- .t 5.5 ~ _ MN B1l8ineS5 In #: 'f 5'! 7 'f 2- 'I Descrl,be nature ofb1l8iness operation: CtJ I(/f' eo III led C t5 5 r"f'tE WitH C-/l-S_ If Corporation: Officers; Directors: Do YOU or does your corporation, partllership, etc., currently hold any license allowing the sale of wine, intoxicating liquor, non-intoxicating liquor, or set-ups? _Yes ~No If yes: Name of Business: Business Address: ~ Business Phone: Type of License: LIQLIC.APp: 1013196 -.--- Years Held; SA '-'~ I I "yjj I 1',~.llll .1.(~.l.....L..L'.) ~'. :;:~,.,.::: References: N3Il1ll ,. ~cl~' ~~ ~Ul1l~ R'Lti P1d<JG . ,~6-6€L:!f ~CJ. ~;v,~ i'o. f',O;</IZ;:Jh,!Ar< nJ,J.S6'" / ..a:"~< ;;>..?1?94' tpJ,p'c"'""n: m~'Vve-!f"'I1'" C~. ..i03.;;'MIi~,.J L., N". PLV-nM17I .m,J ,SWI-'io6J . Sl{;'~~ &C.rr~;2.2- . 6oL. ~5. . - <I," 66"/ .",,~ 1/1'<5 loss- -/0 7J!;tJ LL 5E / m,..-r...s; 4JN SS7.;/Y-I]7tj Credit References Oiat at least one bank you do business with); ;:3,f,v ;('. Addr88R /:J?71l Md'yg P//. /~#hg~ ~ COtV7-4 cr Phnne NumMr -rO"'l$J flMJE!Zso,J C/Z - q;:Zt? -- >>.3,9" Amount ofinve&tm~nt, excluding land: IV /4 (only applicants for' on-swe, intoxicating liquor must provide this infonuation) Have you ever been convicted of a felony or of violating the National Prohibition Act or any state law or ordinance relating to manufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquors? A/ tJ I declare that the above information is true and COlTect to the best of my knowledge. · ~i.v'~ Date of Application Applicant Signature *************************************************************************+**** (For City Use Only) Surety Bond Liquor Liability Insurance Certificate Application Fee License Fee Sheriff, Wright County Mayor Date City Administrator , Date LrQLIC.APP: 1013195 SA . . '. Sb. City Council Agenda - 01/10/00 Consideration of a request for an amendment to a ConditionallJse Permit allowine a Planned lJnit Development within the CCll Zoning District which will allow an expansion of the Sunny Fresh industrial facility. Applicant: Sunny Fresh Foods. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Sunny Fresh Foods is seeking an amendment to their Conditional Use Permit to accommodate an expansion of their facility along 4th Street between Walnut and Linn Streets. The existing facility includes an "R&D" building at the corner of Walnut and 4th Street, and the main plant which lies between 4th Street and the Burlington Northcrn Railroad, which is also the City's 5th Street right-of-way. The Conditional Use Permit covers the Planned Unit Development previously granted, and the CUP requirement which is now a part of the CCD zoning district. This application is being addressed as a concept stage PUD to provide site planning feedback to the applicant prior to the devclopment of final plans. Final stage PUD would requirc complete drainage and uti lity plans, a site plan revised per concept stage comments, and a landscape plan. Planning stafT comments on the concept site plan are summarized as follows: 1. Linn Street. The expansion will increase Sunny Fresh's ability to manage it truck traffic at the Linn Street entrance. Since this expansion will essentially maximize the applicant's use of this area, it would be an appropriate time to resolve the City's control and improvement of Linn Street. Options would include: a. Full improvement of Linn Street, including paving, curb and gutter, and a new crossing of Yh Street/BN Railroad. b. Partial improvement ofthe area to include a truck access, separate pcdestrian access, but no street crossing of the rail line. c. Vacation of Linn Street, with sale of the right-of-way to Sunny Fresh and Little Mountain Feed, subject to any utilities in the street. Future public use of the Linn Street right-of-way may be determined now with the completion of private construction in this area. If the City believes that there will be future desire te)f a street crossing in this location, Option a. or b. should be chosen. A full street crossing of the BN Railroad will take a significant amount of time to achieve. This issue will require additional study by the City to selcct the most appropriate alternative. Sunny Fresh has indicated that there is no need to vacate Linn Street to accommodate expansion. Site Plan A-I shows the design approved in concept by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission has recommended no action on vacation of Linn Street at this time. . . . City COLlnci I Agenda - () 1/10/00 2. Paving and Curbing. Paving and curbing is planned for the "Truck Staging Area" at the west end of the building, as well as for the Fire Lane along the south building wall. This will improve the aesthetics of the area, as well as the use and maintenance of the public right-of-way. 3. Screening. The building and site aesthetics on the south side of the building will be made more attractive with the expansion. Sunny Fresh indicates that a small amount of truck traffic will be necessary in the "Fire Lane" along the south side for access and servicing of the tanks which are in the middle of the expansion area. The site plan shows a line of trees along this boundary which should provide a visual buffer between Sunny Fresh and the Community Center. It would be appropriate to consider a more intensified planting near the Truck Staging area and the tank location to better screen these uses. 4. 5th Street Encroachements. The line of trees mentioned in point 3. above are shown located on the BN/5th Street right-of-way. The encroachment in this location must be approved by the City, verified that the railroad will not object, and tied to the PUD approval. Since the standard requirement would be that buffer zone landscaping occurs on the property of the applicant, this would be an area of flexibility being requested for this PUD. The maintenance ofthese trees should be the responsibility of the applicant, including replacement if they do not survive. 5. Curbinl! Setback. Associated with the trees mentioned above is the site plan request to located the Fire Lane curb right along the property line of the 5th Street right-of- way. This encroachment on the setback can be allowed under the terms of the PU D. 6. Buffer Yard Encroachment. Another accommodation being requested under the PUD is the setback encroachment into the buffer yard which would be required in this area. The CCD zoning district allows for zero setbacks, but the buffer yard requirements still apply. The City has been willing to reduce these dimensions in areas ofthe CCD where urban design would appear to support the more intense development. However, the landscape plan should still be drawn to address the need to provide buffering and screening. 7. Parking. The proposed site plan shows an expansion of the parking lot along Walnut Street, including a new curb cut to Walnut, and use of an existing curb cut to 4th Street. The plan shows a total of 96 angled spaces. Staff has developed an alternative layout which would provide up to 101 spaces and allow two-way tratlic flow between the R&D building and the main plant. One of the concerns with the one-way flow proposed was that all plant traffic in this area would be directed to exit onto Walnut. A two-way flow would allow some of that traffic to circulate to 4th Street as well. The redesign would allow for the inclusion of a step-van loading area near the R&D building as indicated by the applicant. The revised plan also reverses the one-way traffic south of the R&D building, but is not critical to the design. As . City COllncil Agenda - 01/10/00 a final note, the applicant should provide employment counts of the maximum shift for both before and after the expansion. This information will be important in establishing a parking demand requirement for the site. 8. Pedestrian Traffic. With the recent planning for Walnut and the construction of the Community Center, special attention should be paid to pedestrian and bicycle flow in the area. The area along 4th Street has sidewalk only in front of the current Methodist Church property, soon to be purchased by Sunny fresh. As a result, and pedestrian traffic in this area is forced into the street. Because pedestrian traffic to the core of downtown is best served by a route along 4th Street, planning staff would recommend the placement of sidewalk in this area. The City will need to work with Sunny Fresh on the timing and financing of this item. Staff has discussed the possibility that the applicant may be made responsible for a larger portion of this project in exchange for the PUD flexibility be considered on the south side of the building for buffer yard, landscaping locations, and curb setback. . Staffhas also discussed the possibility o1'a pathway along the 51h Street right-of-way. The advantage of a pathway in this location is that it could run through the core of the community, connecting thc elementary and middle schools, the Broadway path on either end, and pass directly by the Community Center. This pathway would probably be best located on the north side of the rail track, and would not likely be a part of the Sunny Fresh project. The Planning Commission recommends that the City pursue development ofthe pathway on the RR right-of-way. The HRA has also reviewed the development proposal and supports use of TIF funds for development of the pathway and supports use of TIF for funding City share of sidewalk expense on Walnut Street (75%). The Planning Commission does not recommend development of a sidewalk on 4th Street at this time, however this subject could he revisited in the future if necessary. 9. Methodist Church Prooerty. The proposed site plan indicates that the Methodist Church site will be acquired by June 01'2000. Sunny Fresh staff has indicated that the site may be partially converted to parking area, with a re-use of a portion of the building which is not a part of the historic structure for office space. Any available plans for this conversion should be incorporated into this application. Where firm plans are not yet available, the applicant will need to request an amendment at the time such plans are prepared. .' The Design Advisory Team has reviewed the plan and recommends approval contingent on completion oflandscaping improvement noted in this report. The OAT has not reviewed the Planner's recommendation that sidewalk be installed on 4th Street. The initial view by DAT was that sidewalk on 4th Street should not be installed with pedestrian traffic detoured to a future 5th/Railroad pathway. . City Council Agenda - 0 I /1 0/00 H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Concept Plan for the Sunny Fresh CUP/PUD amcndment, subjcct to consideration of the issues raised in this report, based on a finding that the expansion is appropriate for the site and the neighborhood, and will result in a more acceptable operation of the site. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD subjectto completion of items noted in this report. The Planning Commission motion included a recommendation to Sunny Fresh that the parking layout be modified per the Planner's request. The Planning Commission also discussed Linn Street vacation at length and noted that no change is appropriate at this time since the adjoining property owners have not requestcd vacation and at this time the adjoining property owners are able to operate entirely on their site. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Concept Plan, based on a finding that the expansion would represent an overutilization of the site considering its location. 3. Motion to table action on the Concept Plan, subject to the submission of additional information. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Concept Stage PlJD amendment. The expansion will increase the activity on the site somewhat, but will also result in a better site organization as well as improve the aesthetics of the property from the south. With the location of the community center, and the potential for increased public use of the Slh Street/BN right-of- way, the improvements to be made would be a welcome addition to the area. Some of the issues require additional study by the City. These include discussion of the improvements to be made to Linn Street and the use of the 5th Street/BN right-of-way. As noted in the report, the applicant will need to provide complete drainage and utility plans, a site plan revised per Planning Commission and City Council comments, and a landscape plan for Final Stage PUD approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA .' Exhibit A-I - Site Plml approved by Planning Commission (no vacation of Linn St). Exhibit A-2 - Informational sketch showing traffic/parking with vacation of Linn St. Exhibit B - Staff Parking Recommendation Draft Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting 01/04/00 . . .. ~l~ --_.........................j LINN STREET o ~ i ~ a r'-r It g Ul '" ~ ~ '" 2: <> o ~~~\fYN\~," W~~::. ~\~~fi'y\r~~~~\M, I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~/;/io/0Iiii~/iii.. ~ I 000 o 0 0 :> } WALNUT STREET 1] o c ::u "i r UJ -l ::u 111 111 "i r; r ~ ~ ~ , - i ~ r'---r 1] lt 0 C I i ::u i I "i ~. . I Ul g "i III :;:I ~ ::u f' "" c: fI1 5 > ~ fI1 -" ". - . "i -t"" :::J ::t7 ill I 'i: ~ ~ D ~~V;~~~~~ . . Ii (iI- -< 9- j qP~ i'!fl H I ~g f'N N STREET !'l o II " ,~ 'I ... .~ ~ :; _A=--- ~Ji.._ ;:i:= ~~ ~ ;.."..~ ~..-- L-Ii... ~~\~\~~ ;;/lii0LimLi~/iii:4l~ o() o 0 0 ;) ) WALNUT STREET o-gu--7--- -- ---0---0---0....---4 . t\I J I I ~ '.. . t I * ..,. ) ',-~: :;~ I ~~':' I :",,': 1 ':~~ 00 I "'r 0 I , ','" .:r/.~.,:~./ I D EXISTING R&D .rOVide for two-wa)" + f". " , . ra ~ Ie ('. ~;,." ',J \ ,~,.{ ,l:) ) ?y1-\ t{.2-" . l- . ... " ..., ~ w W 0:: I- ({) z -1 <{ 's . " I I , I . I . , I .(). (\~ \::<f.. J) <..Y~ rH- . / I / il k 'I / /i I I I 'll I o I c :u I "'1 ~- . . .. . :t z c 3 a- lii ~ .:. ....... r--i----- ..._~ . ITI (1) ~ /II - o -l -"I (1) Q I i. i . - :;; to a en r c::.. ~. ---- """9' II p Ii !1I11 ~-' I w....t..NuT aTRI!!:ET .~ r I . EXHIB'T A PROPOSED SITE PLAN 511 . . . DRAFT Planning Commission Minutes - 01/04/00 5. Consideration of a reQuest for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Develooment within the ceo Zonin!! District to allow an expansion of the Sunny Fresh industrial facility. Applicant: Sunny f'resh Foods. Steve Grittman provided the report stating the applicant is seeking an amendment to their Conditional Use Permit to accommodate an expansion of their facility along 4th Street between Walnut and Linn Streets, The Conditional Use Permit covers the Planned Unit Development previously granted, and the CUP requirement which is now a part ofthc CCD zoning district. This application is being addressed as a concept stage PUD to provide site planning feedback to the applicant prior to the development of final plans, It was also notcd that Sunny Fresh has been in total compliance with their previous conditions, Some commcnts provided by Stcve Grittman and statI included improvements to or vacation of Linn Street, paving and curbing for the "Truck Staging Area", screening, 5th Street encroachments, curbing setback, buffer yard encroachment, parking, pcdestrian traffic and discussion rcgarding the Methodist Church property, Staff also discussed the possibility of a pathway along the 5th Strect right-of-way, The advantage of a pathway in this location is that it could run through the core of the community, connecting the elementary and middle schools, the Broadway path on either end, and pass directly by the Community Center. This pathway would probably be best located on the north side of the rail track, and would not likely be a part of the Sunny Frcsh project. It was also noted that the Dcsign Advisory Team reviewed thc plan and recommended approval contingent on completion of landscaping improvement noted in this report. The DAT has not reviewed the Planner's recommendation that sidewalk be installed on 4th Street. The initial view by DAT was that sidewalk on 4th Street should not be installed with pedestrian traffic detoured to a future 5th/Railroad pathway. JeilO'Neill stated that a Walnut Street sidewalk installation should be considered in conjunction with the Sunny Fresh project. Chair Frie opened the public hearing, Jeff Burns, Little Mountain Feed, states he would be opposed to running Linn St across the tracks. His intent on enlarging his store was for store traffic and feels that with the Sunny Fresh plans the traffic pattern would be interfered with. He would like to see a pathway along Linn Street" but strongly opposes a thru way for vehicular traffic. Don Roberts, representative for Sunny Fresh Foods, noted their plans for expansion and stated that abandonment of Linn Street is not necessary for the success of their expansion, It was noted that neither Sunny Fresh Foods nor Little Mountain Feed was in favor of making Linn Street a thm street. Chair Frie closed the public hearing, Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, advised that the staff was not trying to push for Linn Street to be a thru street but rather the possibility of preserving it for future use if ever deemed necessary, There was discussion among the members regarding Linn Street and the installation of a side walk either on 4th Street, Walnut Street, and on the Railroad ROW, DRAPT Planning COIl1Il1 ission Minutes - 0 1/04/00 . The members also agreed that vacation of Linn Street could be considered if requested by adjoining property. owners. It was decided not to make any decisions on Linn Street at this point. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE SUNNY FRESH CUP/PUD AMENDMENT SIJB.JECT TO CONSIDERATION OF THE ISSIJES RAISED IN THIS REPORT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE EXPANSION IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE SITE AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND WILL RESULT IN A MORE ACCEPTABLE OPERATION OF THE SITE. MOTION INCLUDES A RECOMMENDATION TO LEAVE LINN STREET AS A PUBLIC ROW AT THIS TIME AND TO RECOMMEND INSTALLATION OF PATHWAY ALONG 5TI1 STREKr ROW (RAILROAD), AND NOT INSTALL SIDEWALK ON 4TII STREET AT THIS TIME. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. ROBBIE SMITH AMENDED THE MOTION REQUESTING TO INCLUDE THE RECOMMENDATION BY STEVE GRITTMAN OF HIS ALTERNATIVE LAYOUT REGARDING PARKING. DICK FRIE SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. ROY POPILEK NOTED HIS OPPOSITION TO EXCLUDING THE INSTALLATION OF A SIDEWALK ON 4TI1 STREET. Motion carried 4 to 1 with ROY POPILEK OPPOSING. . There was further discussion regarding the sidewalk issue and Jeff O'Neill added that if the City was unable to get permission from BN to allow a pathway on the edge of the 51h Street right-of-way, then the issue of whether or not to put sidewalk on 4th Street could be revisited. Don Roberts, Sunny Fresh, added that a majority of their parking will shift over to the former Methodist Church site at some point, and as far as the sidewalk is concerned their preference is to not have a sidewalk there, but noted again that Sunny Fresh would not object if the City preferred a sidewalk on 4th Street. . . . . 5c. COUNCIL AGENDA - 1/10/00 Consideration of a zoning text amendment defininl! minimum lot width as measured at front yard buildinl! set-back line. (JO) City Council is asked to consider making a minor amendment to the definitions section of the zoning code clarifying the definition of lot width. It has been the practice of the City and other cities to defIne lot width as the width as measured at the front yard setback line. Our ordinance is not speciflc in this regard as it states that "lot width is the shortest horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at the building setback line". It is proposed that the language be modified by modifying the code as follows: "lot width is the shortest horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at the front vard building setback line". This issue arose when Dan Mielke purchased property from the City thinking that he had purchased a buildable lot. When he checked the lot width requirements it was his interpretation that the lot was not buildable because it did not meet the minimum lot width across the entire length of the lot. Adoption of the amendment creates code language that more clearly reflects common practice. According to Steve Grittman, many cities the he works with use the front lot line to set the building width. If the lot narrows toward the rear lot line, the dimensions of the buildable area narrows accordingly. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the proposed amendment. ALTERNA TIVES 1. Motion to adopt the proposcd ordinance amendment. Motion based on the finding that the amendment is necessary to clarify code interpretation and to reflect past practice. 2. Motion to deny adoption of the proposed ordinance amendment. Motion based on the finding that the current interpretation of the code does not need clarification. Or motion to deny based on the finding that the code needs to be changed to require that the lot width be established based on horizontal distance betwecn side lot lines as measured from rear and front lot lines. RECOMMENDATION StafTrecommends alternative one. SUPPORTING DATA Exccrpt from the Zoning Code Proposed Ordinance Amendment . [LG] LOT DEPTH: The shortest horizontal distance between the front lot line and the rear lot line measure from a ninety (90) degree angle from the street right-of-way within the lot boundaries. [LH] LOT, FRONTAGE: The front of a lot shall be, for purposes of complying with this ordinance, that boundary abutting a public street right-of-way having the least width. No front of a lot shall be less than two-thirds (2/3) of the minimum lot width requirement. [LI] LOT, INTERIOR: A lot, other than a comer lot, including through lots. [Ll] LOT LINE: A property boundary line of any lot held in single or separate ownership, except that where any portion of the lot extends into the abutting street or alley, the lot line shall be deemed to be the street or alley right-of-way. [LK] LOT, THROUGH: A lot fron;fg on two (2) parallel streets. f'ro...t ~qJ' [LL] LOT, WIDTH: ~ shortest horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at the1i~ilding setback line. [MA] MEDICAL AND DENTAL CLINIC: A structure intended for providing medical and dental examinations and service available to the public. This service is provided without overnight care available. . [MB] MANUFACTURED HOUSING: "Manufactured Home" means a structure transportable in one or more sections which in the traveling mode is 8 body feet or more in width or 40 body feet or more in length, or, when erected on a side, is 760 or more square feet and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein; except that the term includes any structure which meets all the requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification required by the City and complies with the standards established under this chapter and which meets the Manufactured Home Building Code. [Me] MOBILE HOME: A mobile home is a manufactured home that is less than 16 feet wide, over at least 30 feet of its length in the erected mode, suitable for year-round Occupancy and containing the Same water supply, waste disposal, and electrical conveniences as immobile housing subject to tax or registration under state law, and having no foundation other than wheels, jacks, or skirting. Width measurement shall not take account of overhangs and other projections beyond the principal exterior walls. .a [MD] MOBILE HOME PARK, INDEPENDENT: An approved mobile home park which has underground utility service to each site and only permits independent mobile homes. ...... MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 2/15 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDINANCE NO. 338 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 2-2, ITEM [LL] OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE The City Council of the City of Monticello does hereby ordain: SECTION I. Ordinance Section 2~2 providing a definition of lot width is hereby amended to read: [LL] LOT, WIDTH: The shortest horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at the front yard building setback line. SECTION II. Effective Date: This ordinance shall be effective upon publication. Passed by the City Council this 10th day of January, 2000. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . ..- -.., , 5D. City Council Agenda ~ 0 I II 0/00 Consideration of a zoning text amendment that clarifies curb cut requirements in residential districts. Zoning Administrator A REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On .January 4, 2000, the Planning Commission recommended approval of this ordinance amendment. This suggested change will assist in enforcement of the ordinance and retain the aesthetic standards intended. A few residences have recently been constructed with driveway widths exceeding 24 feet in width at the property line. The current ordinance reads a s follows: No curb cut access shall exceed twenty~faur (24) feet in width with the ,j(Jllowing exception: Curb cut access in industrial and commercial zoning districts may exceed twenty-four (24) feet with the approval of the City Engineer and the :Loning Administrator. Denial by the City Engineer and Zoning Administrator of curb cuI access in excess oftwenly~fiJUr (24) feet may be appealedfiJllowing the procedures outlined in Chapter 23 (){the zoning ordinance. We have interpreted this ordinance to mean that the driveway width across the boulevard area of the public street must not exceed 24 feet in residential districts. Unfortunately, our interpretation and the words of the ordinance differ. The ordinance language of "curb cut access" is not defined by the zoning code. A "curb cut access" may be interpreted to mean the curb cut providing access to the lot. In the case of surmountable curb no curb cut is made, and where curb cuts are made in typical B6/12 curbing, the dri veway may be greater in width after the curb cut and prior to crossing the property line. It is suggested that the ordinance state what is intended: The maximum drivewav width between the Dublic street and the vrovertv line shall not exceed twenty~four (24) feet with thefallowing exceptions.: L Within all districts. a five {iJot radius curb mav be constructed at the Dublic street in addition to the maximum drivewav width allowed. 2. Curb cut access in industrial and commercial zoning districts may exceed twenty~faur (24)feet with the approval ()fthe City Engineer and the Zoning Administrator. Denial by the City Engineer and Zoning Administrator of curb cut access in excess (){twenty~fiJUr (24) feet may be appealed,j(Jllowing the procedures outlined in Chapter 23 (){the zoning ordinance. City Council Agenda - 01/10/00 --- B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve the ordinance amendment clarifying maximum driveway width allowable between edge of street and the private property line of properties in the City of Monticello. 2. Motion to deny the ordinance amendment clarifying maximum driveway width. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that the City Council move to approve Alternate 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of proposed Ordinance with strike-out and underlining to show amendments. ~ . . . City Council Agenda -- 01/10/00 ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TrrLE 10, CI--IAPTER 3, SECTION 3-5, ITEM [D] 9. (F); OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISIIING DRIVEWAY WIDTH REGULATIONS. TilE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Title 10, Chapter 3, Section 3-5, Item [D] 9. (1) of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (f) No eurb cut access shall exceed twenty fOUf (24) feet in width 'yvith the follo',rv'illg exception: The maximum driveway width between the public street and the property line shall not exceed twenty-four (24) feet with the following exceptions: L Within all districts, a five foot radius curb mav be constructed at the public street in addition to the maximum driveway width allowed. 2. Curb cut access in industrial and commercial zoning districts may exceed twenty-four (24) feet with the approval of the City Engineer and the Zoning Administrator. Denial by the City Engineer and Zoning Administrator of curb cut access in excess of twenty-four (24) feet may be appealed following the procedures outlined in Chapter 23 of the zoning ordinance. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council this ___ day of 2000. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Roger Bclsaas, Mayor ATTEST: By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator SD . . . Se. Consideration of a Comorehensive Plan amendment for land west of the Kjellben! West Mobile home Park. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to review the Planning Commission reports from meetings in December 1999 and January 2000, and consider adopting the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing on this matter. No comment from the public was received. The Planning Commission recommends adoption of the amendment as described in alternative one of the attached 01/04/2000 planning report. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt Planning Commission recommendation based on findings identified in planning studies (alternative one from the 01/04/2000 planning report). 2. Motion to deny adoption of amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative one. SUPPORTING DATA Planning reports from December 1999 and January 2000 .~-"-'''~ .' - ~..~ "- . ,,,,. -.~ ,~. .'P . ,-~."._," .'. . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 12/07/99 8. Consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for land west of the Kiellberg West Mobile Home Park. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) A. BACKGROUND The City has been reviewing issues related to the Kjellberg Mobile Home Park area, including the future land use of the area west of the existing development. The owners of the Kjellberg Mobile Home Park have requested approval of annexation and zoning which would allow the development of an expansion of the Mobile Horne Park, both of which were rejected by the City. The most recent action of the Planning Commission was to recommend a zoning ofR-2, Medium Density Residential, ifannexed. The City's position has been that this designation would encourage attached housing in the range of four to eight units per acre. An expansion of the Mobile Home Park was not viewed as fitting with this designation. However, staff has become concerned that the designation is not specific enough. The most recent Mobile Home Park expansion plan was designed to meet the density requirement. In ordcr to address this issuc, staff is recommending an amcndment to thc Comprehcnsive Plan which would more c1carly spcll out the intended devclopmcnt. Options includc redesignating the site for low density residential or another land use, excepting the site from the City's long range development plans, or amending thc text of the plan to provide grcater dctail as to the preferred development pattern. The current land use plan designation is for medium density residential, with a general reference to attached housing styles including twin homes and townhouses. The MOAA has also designated the site for medium density residential, consistent with the City's plans. If the City's land use plan is changed, it would no longer be consistent with thc MOAA plan, resulting in a difficulty in annexation and development. It is not clear what the impact of this inconsistency would be. However, staff has noted previously that thc land owner has indicated an intention to develop the site as a mobile home park under the assigned density. Staff's prefcrred option would be to more specifically spell out the meaning of medium density residential land use in the Comprehensive Plan. Suggested language would be as follows: In the extraterritorial areas of the community, medium density residential is expected to mean attached housing such as twin homes or townhomes in the range of four to eight units per acre. In keeping with the City's overall housing goals, most of these projects are expected to be processed with the City's Planned Unit Development zoning technique with an intent to increase project quality and value. SE ~ Planning Commission Agenda - 12/07/99 As noted in other portions of the Comprehensive Plan, the City of Monticello has a significant amount of existing housing in the "aHordable" range, including rental housing and mobile home parks. The City's proportion of these housing types are higher than most other communities in the region. It is expected that new medium density residential development will be designed to encourage individual home ownership through both plat design and utility design. Mobile home parks are not expected to be a part of the housing expansion for the foreseeable future. The intent of this clause, to be inserted in the Comprehensive Plan text which discusses the land use in the southwest growth area of the City, including the land west of Highway 25 and the Kjellberg West area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment which redesignates the area to another land use category. 2. Motion to recommend amendment of the Comprehensive Plan to include new text such as the language proposed in this report, retaining the existing medium density land use designation. -- 3. Motion to recommend no change to the Comprehensive Plan affecting the area west of the Kjellberg Mobile Home Park. 4. Motion to table action on the plan amendment, subject to additional information. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 2, a change in the text. This change would be consistent with the previous interpretations of the plan, and would serve to provide additional clarity to the plan without a change in land use designation. It also keeps the consistency with the MOAA designation for the area. A change in land use designation would create an inconsistency with the MOAA plan for which the impacts would be difficult to anticipate. Excepting the area from the plan would result in a future problem for the area since no land use or utility planning could be done to account for the eventual long term development of the property. D. SUPPORTING DATA ..--- none Sf . . . Planning Commission Agenda -01/04/00 8. Consideration of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for land west ofKiellberg West Mobile Home I'ark. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At its previous meeting, the Planning Commission tabled action on a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan which would add language to better define the proposed "Mid to High Density" Residential land use category for land west of the Kjellberg West Mobile Home Park. The intent of the language is to indicate that this category is reserved for higher density attached housing of higher development quality, and suggesting that lower cost entry level housing was in adequate supply in other parts of the community. The Planning Commission requested that the language be modified to better define "high quality" prior to recommending adoption of the amendment. Staff has provided a proposed modification which would read as follows: In the extraterritorial areas of the community, medium to high density residential is expected to mean attached housing such as twin homes or townhomes in the range of four to eight units per acre. In keeping with the City's overall housing goals, most of these projects are expected to be processed with the City's Planned Unit Development zoning technique with an intent to increase project quality and value. For the purposes of this section. increased qualitv and value is presumed to mean that housing in this land use category would be priced in the upper 60% of the range of housing prices prevalent in the communitv at the time of development. To encourage higher quality. the City will review such housing proiects with an expectation that extraordinary proiect amenities are olTered as a part of the proiect. Amenities may include substantial areas of private open space and recreational facilities. public open space opportunities where the natural features of the site are appropriate. preservation of native plant associations. professionally designed landscape features. and other similar concepts. As noted in other portions of the Comprehensive Plan, the City of Monticello has a significant amount of existing housing in the "alTordable" range, including rental housing and mobile home parks. The City's proportion of these housing types is higher than most other communities in the region. It is expected that new medium to high density residential development will be designed to encourage individual home ownership through both plat design and utility design. Mobile home parks are not expected to be a part of the housing expansion for the foreseeable future. St: . Planning Commission Agenda ~Ol/04/00 B. ALTERNA"T"IVE ACTIONS Decision 1: 1. Motion to recommend approval ofthe Comprehensive Plan amendment as proposed, based on a finding that the existing plan language needs clarification to provide land use direction which reflects the City's intent. 2. Motion to recommend no change to the Comprehensive Plan amendment based on a finding that the existing language adequately reflects the City's intended land use direction. 3. Motion to table action on the amendment, subject to additional int()rmation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends the amendment as modified. The change would be consistent with the previous interpretations of the plan for this area, and would serve to provide additional clarity to the plan without a change in the land use designation. It also maintains consistency with the MOAA land use plan for the area. D. SUPPORTING DATA none . s'C- . . . Sf. Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello ZoniD!! Ordinance relating to si2:ns to allow electronic message board si2:ns in business districts. &... REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to review proposed regulations governing electronic reader boards. Please note that this ordinance amendment comes after significant review and suggestions by the Planning Commission and by the Design Advisory Team. Please review the information contained in the attached reports and meeting minutes for information and discussion leading to presentation of the attached ordinance amendment. B. AL TERNATlVE ACTIONS I. Motion to adopt ordinance amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission which is alternative one of the 01/04/00 Planning Commission Agenda supplement. 2. Motion to deny approval of proposed amendment. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends alternative one. SUPPORTING DATA Ordinance Amendment Staff reports and minutes from the October, November, December & January Planning Commission Agendas . . . Planning Commission Agenda -01/04/00 City of Monticello Wright County, Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3 [B] AND SECTION 3 [C] OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD SIGNS. THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOllOWS: Section 1. Chapter 3, Section 3 [B] 2. (i) is amended to read as follows: (i) Except for Electronic Messaqe Board Siqns as allowed in Section 3 rEl 4.(f), nNo sign shall display any moving parts, nor shall it be illuminated with any flashing or intermittent lights, nor shall it be animated. Exempt are time and temperature information and barber poles. All displays shall be shielded to prevent light to be directed at oncoming traffic in such brilliance as to impair the vision of any driver. No device shall be illuminated in such a manner as to interfere with or obscure an official traffic sign or signal. Section 2. Chapter 3, Section 3 [E] 4. is amended to add the following: Section 3 [E] 4. ill Electronic Messaqe Boards mav be allowed in the B-3 and B-4 Zoning Districts, and on those parcels within the CCD Zoning District which have direct frontaqe on Trunk Highwav 25 south of 4th Street. as a part of the freestanding or pvlon sign display. provided that: i. The siqn complies in all other respects with the Sign requlations of the Zoning Ordinance. lh The siqn does not create a traffic hazard or a nuisance. !!L The sign does not flash its message. although continuous 51= . . . scrollinq text is allowed. !-'L The siqn meets all requirements of the City's Building and Electrical Codes. Y....:. The siqn does constitute a separate or additional freestanding siqn support structure. The siqn must be otherwise allowed under this ordinance as a pylon sign, or must be a part of an allowed pvlon sign plan. as defined herein. Y.L The electronic message board portion of the sign does not constitute more than fifty percent (50%) of the allowable Pvlon sign area, or seventy (70) square feet, whichever is less. Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. //s// s~ . . . Planning Commission Agenda -10/05/99 10. Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zonine Ordinance relatine to signs to allow electronic meSS32e board signs in business districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: When Monticello Ford processed its expansion earlier this year, a request was made tl)[ an electronic message board sign, which was approved through a variance. At that time, statf and the Planning Commission discussed the possibility of writing such signs into the ordinance, including some standards which would regulate their display. The intent of any regulations of these signs would be to ensure that they do not become a nuisance or traffic hazard. There are a number of ways which these signs might be regulated. Due to the improving technology, the impression of motion and color are not uncommon. I n addition, when fully lit, such signs can be extraordinarily bright. Flashing of these signs can be distracting, even during the day, or in areas which are already highly lit at night. However, monitoring signs under a high level of regulation is problematic for the City. As a result, the components of regulation need to balance enforcement with the potential for nuisance and public safety concerns. The attached ordinance would permit signs in the B-3 and B-4 commercial districts only, on the theory that they do not belong in areas near residential neighborhoods (as would be the case in the B-1, B-2, or PZM districts), nor would they appear to meet the intent of the Design Guidelines for the CeD. The Planning Commission should discuss whether the CCD is an appropriate district, as well as the P-S District. It is staff's understanding that the School District may seek such a sign for the new High School. The elements of regulation may be summarized as: ~ No flashing (scrolling messages would be allowed) ~ The sign must be a component of the allowed signage in the district, that is, the electronic message board is not an extra sign - it would be treated as if it were a changeable copy portion of a pylon sign. ~ The sign must meet all other requirements of the City's Sign Ordinance and Building Code. ~ LED, Non-glare lights are used. S\= . PlalUling Conunission Agenda -10/05/99 B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment to add electronic message board signs as permitted sign types in the B-3 and B-4 Districts, with the regulations as proposed, based on a finding that the regulations will avoid problems of nuisance or traffic hazard. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a .fInding that despite the regulations, such signs will create visual hazards to traHic safety and public l1lnsance. 3. Motion to table action on the amendment, subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Sta1Trecommends approval of the amendment, assuming it is limited to areas which will not impact residential development, and can be managed to minimize the nuisance potential. Given the amount of monitoring it would take to enforce a highly complex ordinance, we have attempted to draft regulations which would allow the signs, but would limit the amount of enforcement issues. The Planning Commission and City Council should carefully consider any expansion of the proposed allowable districts due to the likely impact on residential areas where lighting can be a significant issue. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A ~ Draft Ordinance . S\=- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 10/05/99 ]0. Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance relating to signs to allow electronic message board sh'J1s in business districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittman provided the staffreport reminding the members that when Monticello ford processed its expansion earlier this year, a rcquest was made for an electronic message board sign, which was approved through a variance. At that time, staff and the Planning Commission discussed the possibility of writing such signs into the ordinance, including some standards which would rcgulate their display. The intcnt of any regulations of these signs would be to ensure that they do not become a nuisance or traffic hazard. There are a number of ways which these signs might be regulated. Due to the improving technology, the impression of motion and color are not uncommon. In addition, when fully lit, such signs can be extraordinarily bright. Flashing of these signs can be distracting, even during the day, or in areas which are already highly lit at night. Howcver, monitoring signs under a high level of regulation is problematic lor the City. As a result, the components of regulation need to balance enforcement with the potcntial for nuisance and public safety concerns. Steve provided a dra1t ordinancc which would permit signs in the B-3 and B-4 commcrcial districts only, on the theory that they do not belong in areas near residential neighborhoods (as would be the case in the B-1, B-2, or PZM districts), nor would they appear to meet the intent of the Design Guidelines for the CCD. Steve asked the Planning Commission to discuss whether the CCD is an appropriate district, as well as the P-S District. It is staff's understanding that the School District may seck such a sign for the new High School. Steve also summarized the elements of regulations: .. No t1ashing (scrolling messages would be allowed) .. The sign must be a component of the allowed signage in the district, that is, the electronic message board is not an extra sign - it would be treated as if it were a changeable copy portion of a pylon sign. .. The sign must meet all other requirements of the City's Sign Ordinance and Building Code. .. LED - Non-glare light bulbs are used. There was discussion on the Peterson Ford sign previously approved and it was noted that in that case the City gave thcm an additional sign as well as limited the sizc of the sign. It was also noted by Jeff O'Neill that the code was previously changed to allow institutional signs, i.e. the school. Staff was asked to check what was approved previously. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE AMENDMENT, SUB.n:CT TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. !;1= . . . Planning Commission Agenda -11/02/99 8. Considcration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinancc rclatin2 to signs to allow electronic messa2e board siens. Applicant: City of Monticcllo. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At its previous meeting, the Planning Commission and staff discussed the application of an amendment for electronic message board signs to thc High School. Staff has researched the amendment and application made on behalf of the school. That amendment addressed "public signs", and specifically allowed electronic message signs for governmental applications (such as the school campus). The proposed amendment attached to this report addresses the use of electronic message board signs in commercial districts, and should not affect the previous amendment. When Monticello Ford processed its expansion earlier this year, a request was made for an electronic message board sign, which was approved through a variance. At that time, staff and the Planning Commission discussed the possibility of writing such signs into the ordinance, including some standards which would regulate their display. The intent of any regulations of these signs would be to ensure that they do not become a nuisance or traffic hazard. There are a number of ways which these signs might be regulated. Due to the improving technology, the impression of motion and color are not uncommon. In addition, when fully lit, such signs can be extraordinarily bright. Flashing of these signs can be distracting, even during the day, or in areas which are already highly lit at night. However, monitoring signs under a high level of regulation is problematic for the City. As a result, the components of regulation need to balance enforcement with the potential for nuisance and public safety coneerns. The attached ordinance attempts to minimize the glare issue by requiring LED displays rather than brighter light sources. The attached ordinance would permit signs in the B-3 and B-4 commercial districts only, on the theory that they do not belong in areas near residential neighborhoods (as would be the case in the B-1, B-2, or PZM districts), nor would they appear to meet the intent of the Design Guidelines for the CCD. The Planning Commission should discuss whether the CCD is an appropriate district. As noted above, governmental signs in the residential districts are allowed under a separate section. The elements of regulation may be summarized as: lo No flashing (scrolling messages would be allowed) lo The sign must be a component of the allowed signage in the district, that is, the electronic message board is not an extra sign - it would be treated as if it were a changeable copy portion of a pylon sign. lo The sign must meet all other requirements of the City's Sign Ordinance and Building Code. 5 I=' . Planning Commission Agenda -11/02/99 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment to add electronic message board signs as permitted sign types in the B-3 and B-4 Districts, with the regulations as proposed, based on a finding that the regulations will avoid problems of nuisance or traiTic hazard. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a finding that despite the regulations, such signs will create visual hazards to traffic safety and public nuisance. 3. Motion to table action on the amendment, subject to additional information. C. 81' AFF RECOMMENDA nON . Staff recommends approval of the amendment, assuming it is limited to areas which will not impact residential development, and can be managed to minimize the nuisance potential. Given the amount of monitoring it would take to enforce a highly complex ordinance, we have attempted to draft: regulations which would allow the signs, but would limit the amount of enforcement issues. The Planning Commission and City Council should carefully consider any expansion of the proposed allowable districts due to the likely impact on residential areas where lighting can be a significant issue. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Draft Ordinance Exhibit B - Governmental Sign Amendment, Ordinance No. 314 . 5F . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 1l!02/99 8. Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance relating to signs to allow electronic message board siQns. Applicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittman provided a draft ordinance which would permit signs in the B-3 and B-4 commercial districts only, on the theory that they do not belong in areas near residential neighborhoods (as would be the case in the B-1, B-2, or PZM districts), nor would they appear to meet the intent of the Design Guidelines for the CCD. He asked the Planning Commission to discuss whether the CCD is an appropriate district. As noted, governmental signs in the residential districts are allowed under a separate section. Steve also provided a list of regulations for these signs. The proposed amendment addressed the use of electronic message board signs in commercial districts, and should not affect the previous amendment. This clause does not impact what has already been approved, it would be an addition to that. Chair frie stated that any expansion of allowable districts would have to come back to the Planning Commission. It was discussed whether these signs should be allowed in the CCO along the Highway 25 corridor which would inelude only those properties abutting Highway 25. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO ADD ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD SIGNS AS PERMITTED SIGN TYPES IN THE B-3 AND 8-4 DISTRICTS, AS WELL AS THE CORRIDOR OF THE HIGHWAY 25 CCD WHICH INCLUDES ONLY THOSE PARCELS ABUTTING HIGHWAY 25, WITH THE REGULATIONS AS PROPOSED, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE REGULATIONS WILL AVOID PROBLEMS OF NUISANCE OR TRAFFIC HAZARD. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. 6 ~\=- . . . Planning Commission Agenda -12/07/99 11. Consideration of DA T comments regarding the proposed amendment to the Sign Ordinance allowine electronic reader boards. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At its Novemhcr meeting, the Planning Commission considered a proposed amendment to the Sign Ordinance which allows the use of electronic reader boards as a part of the sign display in B-3 and B-4 Districts. The Planning Commission's action was to recommend adoption of the ordinance amendment, with the inclusion of propertics in the CCD District adjacent to Ilighway 25. The rationale for this inclusion was based in the different character of the Highway 25 corridor from that of the rest of the CCD. Staff took this recommendation to the Design Advisory Team for comment, since the DA T had not had the opportunity to review the proposed ordinance prior to the Planning Commission's inclusion of the CCD area. Staff noted that City Staff has discussed the potential ofa modest electronic sign as a part of the Community Center project in the CCD. It was pointed out that such a sign would be allowed under the ordinance which permits "public signs" to include electronic reader board technology. Despite the possibility that such a sign might be built for the Community Center, DA T recommended that the CCD not be an eligible area for electronic signs. Their comments included a concern that such signs would not be in keeping with the downtown district's intent, even though the Highway 25 corridor was different in nature from the remainder of the district, and that the cost of such signs would likely limit their proliferation. Staffis bringing this rccommcndation back to the Planning Commission for its consideration prior to forwarding the sign ordinance amendment to the City Council. As noted, this has been done only to allow DAT comment, and staff has no specific recommendation in this regard. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to forward the sign ordinance amendment to City Council as previously recommended by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to amend the Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council by eliminating the CCD from the proposed ordinance. 3. Motion to table action on the amendment, subject to additional information. 51= . Planning Commission Agenda -12/07/99 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has no additional recommendation on this issue, however we request that the Planning Commission review the comp plan closely to determine if introduction of electronic reader boards is appropriate in the CCD. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of sections of the redevelopment plan relating to signs in the CCD. ". . s~ . --. . Planning Commission Minutes - 12/7/99 11. Consideration of DA T comments regarding thc proposed amendment to the Sign Ordinance allowing electronic reader hoards. At its November meeting, the Planning Commission considered a proposed amendment to thc Sign Ordinance which allows the use of electronic reader boards as a part of the sign display in B-3 and B-4 Districts. The Planning Commission's action was to recommend adoption of thc ordinance amcndmcnt, with the inclusion of properties in thc CCD District adjacent to Highway 25. The rationale for this inclusion was bascd on the different character of the Highway 25 corridor from that of the rest of the CCD. Staff has no additional recommendation on this issue, however requestcd that the Planning Commission rcview thc comp plan closcly to dctermine if introduction of electronic readcr boards is appropriate in the CCD. Staff took this recommendation to thc Design Advisory Tcam for commcnt, sincc thc OAT had not had the opportunity to rcvicw thc proposed ordinance prior to the Planning Commission's inclusion ofthc CCD area. OAT comments included a concern that such signs would not be in keeping with the downtown district's intent, even though the Highway 25 corridor was different in naturc from the remainder of the district, and that the cost of such signs would likcly limit their proliferation. Thc issue of capping the size of reader boards will be discusscd at the next Planning Commission meeting and it was advised for the Planning Commission to rescind their previous sign ordinance amendment and possibly call for a public hearing at the next meeting. DICK FRIE MOVED TO RESCIND THE RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE A SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGULATING ELECTRONIC READER BOARDS. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. DICK FRIE MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE AMENDMENT, SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. -9- 5\= . . . Planning Commission Agenda -01/04/00 9. Consideration of a proposed amendment to the Sil!n Ordinance to allow electronic message board sil!ns in certain districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff has provided an amended sign ordinance for electronic message board signs for Planning Commission review. The changes from the previous draft are as follows: · The allowable districts now include the B-3 and B-4 (as previously), together with a portion of the CCD which would be parcels directly fronting on Highway 25, south of 41h Street. This would keep such signs out of the downtown areas which are designed to be more pedestrian oriented, such as Walnut and Broadway. · The size of the electronic message board is now limited to a maximum 01'70 square feet, or 50% of the size of the allowable pylon, whichever is less. Therefore, if the allowable pylon sign area were 100 square feet, the applicant could only have 50 square feet of electronic message board. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS I . Motion to recommend approval of the amendment as proposed. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment. 3. Motion to table action on thc amendment, subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has no additional recommendation at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Draft Ordinance 5~ . . . Plann ing COI11I11 ission Minutes - 01/04/00 9. Consideration of a proposed amendment to the Sil!n Ordinance to allow electronic message board signs in certain districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. Steve Grittman provided the report noting that staff had provided an amended sign ordinance for electronic message board signs for Planning Commission review. The changes from the previous draft are as follows: · The allowable districts now include the B-3 and B-4 (as previously), together with a portion of the CCD which would be parcels directly fronting on Highway 25, south of 4th Street. This would keep such signs out of the downtown areas which are designed to be more pedestrian oriented, such as Walnut and Broadway. · The size of the electronic message board is now limited to a maximum of70 square feet, or 50% of the size of the allowable pylon, whichever is less. Therefore, if the allowable pylon sign area were 100 square feet, the applicant could only have 50 square feet of electronic message board. There was discussion by the members regarding the properties south of 4th Street and how that would exclude some businesses. It was suggested to include parcels directly fronting on Highway 25, south of 3rd Street. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT WITH THE CHANGE IN A PORTION OF THE CCD WHICH WOULD INCLUDE PARCELS DIRECTLY FRONTING HIGHWAY 25, SOUTH OF 3R[) STREET. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. DRAFT t;\=.- . . . City Council Agenda - 1/10/00 7. Consideration to adopt a resolution providine for the Sale of $7 .555~000 Public Project Revenue Bonds. Series 2000A. (O.K.) A. Reference and Back2round: The Council is asked to consider adopting a resolution providing for the sale ofthe bonds for the Monticello Community Center. A few months ago, Mark Ruff of EWers & Associates, Inc. and Council met to discuss terms associated with refinancing the temporary bonds. At the HRA meeting of January 5, 2000, the Commissioners adopted a resolution providing for the Sale of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A. However, the motion was passed after much discussion whether to sale the bonds now or wait and see if the interest rates decrease. The Commissioners would have preferred direction from the Council prior to their consideration. The Commissioners proceeded with adopting the HRA resolution knowing the Council has the right to delay the sale of the bonds if they so desire when on January 10, the Council will determine the need and desire to issue the bonds. The HRA Commissioners were informed by the financial consultant that the Bond Sale Report assumes no value decrease from NSP and no value increase from commercial/industrial growth. Mark Ruff will be present at the Council meeting to review the Bond Sale Report and answer questions. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution providing for the Sale of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A. 2. A motion to deny adoption ofa resolution providing for the Sale of$7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A. 3. A motion to table or defer any action. C. Recommendation: Everyone recognizes that no one can accurately predict future interest rates. However, the City Administrator does agree with the financial consultant that January and February typically are good months to sell bonds; therefore, the recommendation of the City Administrator is Alternative NO.1. This recommendation is concurrent with the HRA motion. 1 . City Council Agenda - 1/10/00 D. Supportine Data: Copy of resolution for adoption, Bond Sale Report, and copy of resolution adopted by HRA. . . 2 . . . Resolution No. Resolution Providing for the Sale of $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is necessary and desirable to issue the $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 1998 of the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA") and to amend the lease purchase agreement with the HRA to provide funding for the construction and equipping of the Community Center project (collectively all issues referred to as "the Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the HRA has called for the sale of the Bonds; and WHEREAS, the City has retained Ehlers & Associates, Inc., in Roseville, Minnesota ("Ehlers"), as its independent financial advisor for the Bonds and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Authorization: Findings. The City Council accepts the plan of finance for the Bonds as described in the Bond Sale Report dated January 5, 2000 and authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meeting; Proposal Opening. The City Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the Terms of Proposal for the purpose of reviewing sealed proposals for, approving amendments to the lease purchase agreement and taking other actions related to the sale of the Bonds. 3. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. Dated: January 10, 2000 ATTEST Mayor City Clerk I . . -e BOND SALE REPORT $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A Housing and Redevelopment Authority City of Monticello, Minnesota January 5, 2000 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC LEAOERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE i '"l . Bond Sale Report OVERVIEW This report describes the proposed plan for the Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA" or the "Authority") to issue $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A. This report has been prepared by Ehlers & Associates, in consultation with Authority Staff and bond counsel. This report deals with: . Purpose and components of bond issue. . Structure. . Other considerations in issuing bonds. . Market conditions. . Issuing process. . PURPOSE The $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A (the "Bonds") are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 475 and 469. The Bonds are being issued to provide permanent financing for the Monticello Community Center. In 1998, the HRA issued the $7,385,000 Temporary Public Project Revenue Bonds to provide funds for the construction of the facility. Construction will be completed and the facility occupied by the end of January, 2000. The 1998 Bonds are eligible for call and redemption on February 1, 2000 and on any date thereafter. The proposed finance plan consists of the following sources and uses of funds: SOURCES Par Amount of Bonds Up~Front Revenue $7,555,000 o USES 1998 Bonds Costs of Issuance Discount Capitalized Interest $7,385,000 41,600 128,400 o o Total Sources $7,555.000 Total Uses $7,555,000 -. Page I l . . . BOlld Sale Repo/'r STRUCTURE AND REPAYMENT The Bonds are issued by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority under the authority of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 469. Revenues to pay debt service comes from a lease purchase agreement between the HRA and the City pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 465.71. Lease payments made by the City will be sufficient to pay all principal and interest on the Bonds when due. The Bonds are not general obligations of the City and not Qacked by its full faith, credit and unlimited taxing powers to repayment. Under State Law, the City must annually appropriate funds for the lease payment. The City anticipates that money to pay debt service will come from general property taxes The City has included a property taxes levy for the lease payment for taxes payable in 2000. The Bonds have been structured around existing and projected future property tax supported debt. The preliminary projection of debt service and revenues for the Bonds appears in Attachment 1. This analysis relies on the following assumptions: . Connection charges or other revenues defray a portion of WWTF debt. Liquor store net revenues used to cover operating shortfalls at Community Center and not to support debt. $3,978,000 in new tax supported debt over next four years. . . r-......---'--~-- I I I I Projected Debt Levies 2,500,000 ...~_-.----_......------....__..,~...~~~_~..~..__,m"'-~-"'---~'--'''''''-_.,,,,~-_...~,,,..._.._._.~---"~ I i 1 I I I i >---' f-I >--- r- >---' >--- f- ! i I I I \ I I I I , o Future . This Issue iii Existing 2,000,000 5:- .5 1,500,000 >< '" I- :>. t g. 1,000,000 a: 500,000 o ~',. ~"'J ~~ ~"\ ~OJ =-> ':'-"."'J 'f.,.C5 'f.,.C5 'f.,.C5 'f.,.C5 .f5 'f.,.() 'f.,.() Fiscal Year ----_.~'--~-- Page 2 1 . . . BOlld Sale Report The Bonds will be sold February 2, 2000 and be dated March 1, 2000. The first interest payment on the Bonds will be August 1, 2000, and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1. Principal on the Bonds will be due on February 1 in the years 2001 through 2015. We recommend that Bonds maturing in the years 2011 through 2015 be subject to prepayment at the discretion of the Authority on February 1, 2010 and any date thereafter. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Bank Qualified Bonds We anticipate that the City (in combination with any subordinate taxing jurisdictions or debt issued in the City's name by SOl(c)3 corporations) will not issue more than a total of $10,000.000 in tax-exempt debt during this calendar year. This will allow the Bonds to be designated as hank qualified. Bank qualified status broadens the market and achieves lower interest rates. This issue constitutes a "current refunding" and only the amount of the Bonds exceeding the outstanding 1998 Bonds ($170,000) applies to the $10,000,000 limit. Arbitrage The Bonds will be exempt from arbitrage rebate by spending the proceeds within 24 months. Only the amount of the Bonds exceeding the outstanding 1998 Bonds ($ 170,000) applies to the $5,000,000 calendar year small issuer exemption from arbitrage rebate. This status should allow the 2000 Improvement Bonds to be eligible for the small issuer exemption. This exemption from rebate does not eliminate the need to comply with other arbitrage regulations governing the investment of bond proceeds and debt service funds. These requirements will be explained in the bond record book received following closing. Global Book Entry The Bonds will be global book elW}', As "paper less" bonds, you will avoid the costs of bond printing and annual registrar charges. The Authority will designate a Paying Agent for the issue. The Paying Agent will invoice you for the interest semi-annually and on an annual basis for the principal coming due. You will be charged only for paying agentJtransfer agent services provided by the bank. Rati ng Moody's Investors Service will be asked to rate this issue. The City currently has a rating of "A3" on its outstanding general obligation bonds. In 1998, Moody's rated the proposed long- term bonds for the Community Center at "Baal". This rating did not apply after the issue was converted to temporary bonds. We will work with Staff to make effective presentations to rating analysts and to maintain these ratings. We will also seek to qualify the Bonds for bond insurance that can be purchased at the option of the bidder/investor. Page 3 1 . . . Bond Sale Report Continuing Disclosure Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission on the continuing disclosure of municipal securities apply to long-term securities with an aggregate principal amount of $1,000,000 or more. Since the aggregate amount of each of the issues for the Improvement Bonds and the Revenue Bonds is over $1,000,000 and the City has more than $10,000,000 in total municipal obligations outstanding, you will be obligated to comply with Full Continuing Disclosure requirements for each issue as required by paragraph (b)( 5) of Rule 15c2-12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. You will be required to provide certain financial information and operating data relating to the City annually and to provide notices of the occurrence of certain material events. The specific nature of the Undertaking, as well as the information to be contained in the notices of material events will be set forth in the Continuing Disclosure Certificate that you will enter into at the time of closing for each issue. You are responsible for reporting any of the material events listed below and in the Undertaking. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Principal and interest payment delinquencies; Non-payment related defaults; Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; Substitution of credit of liquidity providers, or their failure to perform: Adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-exempt status of the securities; Modification to rights of holders of the Securities; Securities calls; Defeasances; Release, substitution or sale of property securing repayment of the Securities; Rating changes; Failure to provide annual financial information as required; and Other material events. MARKET CONDITIONS 1999 was a year of change in the tax-exempt bond market. In February, the Bond Buyer's 20- Year G.O. Index (BBI) dipped below 5.00%. From that point, rates began a steady climb. The BBI ended 1999 at 6.00%. Page 4 , . . . BOlld Sale Report 20-Year G.O. Bond Buyer's Index 8.50% 8.00% 7.50% 7.00% 6.50% 6.00% 5.50% 5.00% , 4.50% , I 0 ....... N (Y) "<t lD <.0 1"'-- co O"l 0: I O"l O"l O"l O"l O"l O"l O"l O"l cY\ O"l o ' I O"l O"l O"l O"l cY\ O"l O"l O"l cY\ O"l 0 I ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... N I '-. The prospects for 2000 are unclear at this point. The bond market has been inactive in recent weeks due to year-end and Y2K factors. Without bond sales, it is difficult to assess rate trends. Typically, market demand for bonds drives down interest rates. The extent and duration of this effect in 2000 remains to be seen. The potential for additional interest rates increases by the Federal Reserve remains on the horizon. ISSUING PROCESS Following is a tentative schedule for the steps in the issuing process. January 5, 2000 January 10 HRA reviews Bond Sale Report and adopts resolution calling for the sale of Bonds City Council reviews Bond Sale Report and calls for the sale of bonds Page 5 l . . . Bond Sale Report Week of January 17 Submit draft Official Statement and rating materials to Moody's Investors Service for credit rating Distribute Official Statement January 21 Week of January 24 February 2 March 3, 2000 Receive credit rating Bond sale Bond closing (estimated) N :\0\ linns,,,,,\.\ lonricellol2000 BondslPresnleHRA. wpd Page 6 1 . I- 0:: ... 0 I- 0.. Z W . w :it :t: . !.J) ~ Cl ~ Z <t 0 OJ ~ <t 0 0 0 0 J:: N - ::l III < .~ - Q; c: en CLI vi E "C C. I: 0 0 Q.i m > .. CLI " I: 'C .. CLI > 0::: .. c:: 'C U c: III .. '0' 1)0 a: c: 'Vi .~ ::l :Q 0 " . :I: a.. .2 0 0 Q.i 0 u .n :;:l U"I c: U"I 0 ,..: :E <It jJ o 510 ~:~ I- U E ..: 0 .::: "C I: ~~ ~ ~ ~I o .. a.. &i c:J ..0 uO 1:0 eN .. 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BOlld Sale Report ATTACHMENT 2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ISSUE $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A DATE: January 19,2000 ISSUER: Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Minnesota BOND NAME: $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bonds, Series 2000A BOND ATTORNEY: Kennedy & Graven - Steve Bubul PURPOSE: Provide permanent financing for the Community Center by refinancing the 1998 Temporary Public Project Revenue Bonds Sale Date: Febmary 2, 2000 Est. Closing Date: Proposal Opening: Proposal A ward: March 3, 2000 _ a.m., office of Ehlers & Associates. Inc. Bonds Dated: 5:30 p.m. City Council/7:00 p.m. HRA March 1,2000 Febmary 1 2001 - 2015 Maturity: Term Bond Option: All dates are inclusive. Bids for the bonds may contain a maturity schedule providing for any combination of serial bonds and term bonds, subject to mandatory redemption, so long as the amounts of principal maturing or subject to mandatory redemption in each year conforms to the maturity schedule set forth above. August 1, 2000. Interest will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months and will be rounded pursuant to mles of the MSRB. Bonds maturing in the years 20 II through 2015 will be subject to redemption prior to final maturity on Febmary 1,2010 and on any date thereafter. Notice of such call shall be given by mailing a notice thereof by registered or certified mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for redemption to the registered owner of each bond to be redeemed at the address shown on the registration books. First Interest: Call Feature: 1 . . . Minimum Proposal: Good Faith: Record Date: CUSIP Numbers: Paying Agent: Book Entry: Financial Advisor: # O/S to Purchaser: Rating Requested: Qualified TaxMExempt Obligations: Continuing Disclosure: N :\MinnsDlnl..\1onticello\2000 BondslPresnleHRA. wpd BOlld Sale Report $7,426,600 $151,100, payable to the Issuer (Cashiers or Certified Good Faith Check or wire transfer of funds to Ehlers Good Faith Escrow QI financial surety bond. Close of business on the 15th day (whether or not a business day) of the immediately preceding month. The Issuer will assume no obligation for the assignment or printing of CUSIP numbers on the Bonds or for the correctness of any numbers printed thereon, but will permit such numbers to be printed at the expense of the purchaser, if the purchaser waives any delay in delivery occasioned thereby. To be named by the Issuer. This offering will be issued as fully registered Bonds and, when issued, will be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York. Ehlers & Associates, Inc. - Mark Ruff/Rusty Fifield _ copIes. Moody's Investors Service. These Bonds WILL be designated as qualified tax- exempt obligations. Full Undertaking. J . . Council Agenda - 1/10/00 9. Consideration of annual appointments for 2000 and adoption of ordinance amendment establishine stageered terms for Plannine Commission members. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each year. certain appointments be made. Attached you will find a list of the required appointments that may be approved in one single motion unless the Council chooses to consider some appointments separately. . . a. City Deoositories. In 1999 the City decided to go with one bank to provide banking services for the City. This was Marquette Bank of Monticello, In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239, the Chief Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other official depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion includes the authorization for the Chief Financial Officer to designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. b. Official Newspaper. Monticello Times. c. Health Officer. In the past, the City has automatically appointed Dr. Maus as the City Health Officer. Dr. Maus may not even be aware that he is the appointed health officer and it is suggested that we simply appoint the River Place Physician Clinic as the health officer position since the City has used this clinic for new employee physicals and also it is the clinic used for our drug testing program. d. ActinS?: Mavor. Past practice has been to choose the senior Councilmember to fill in as the Acting Mayor when needed. Clint Herbst has been appointed to this position for the past several years. e. Representatives to Other Multi-Jurisdictional Bodies. Three appointments are necessary for selecting the City representatives to serve on each of the following bodies: Community Education Advisory Board, Joint Fire Board, and the MOAA Board. The joint resolution establishing the new makeup of the MOAA Board indicated that one individual would serve a one-year term, and the second City representative would be a two-year term. Roger Belsaas and Clint Herbst were appointed to the MOAA Board in 1999. In regard to the Joint Fire Board, Councilmember Brian Stumpf and the City Administrator were the two City representatives on this board. The other members of the Joint Fire Board include two fire department representatives and two Township supervisors, those currently being Ken Scadden and Ted Holker. ,council Agenda - ] /1 0/00 . f. Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Annually, one appointment is required for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The term currently occupied by Mr. Brad Barger is the one that expired December 31. The H.R.A. committee has recommended that Mr. Barger be reappointed by the Council to an additional 5-year term. g. Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is made up of five members serving one-year appointments. In 1999 the Council looked at establishing three year staggered terms. Although the Planning Commission members agreed to this, an amendment to the ordinance was never prepared making the change to three year terms. Since the ordinance was never adopted by the Council, it is suggested that the Council now adopt the ordinance creating three year staggered terms effective 1/1/2000. The individual Planning Commission member terms would be as noted on the attached listing of commission members. This would extend each individual's term by one year which the Planning Commission members were agreeable to. h. Library Board. The Library Board by ordinance requires a Mayoral appointment with Council ratification. The terms of Tom Parker and Jeanette Lukowski expired in 1999 and I believe these individuals are willing to serve an additional term if appointed. . 1. Recvcling: Committee. Currently, Councilmember Bruce Thielen has been the Council representative on this committee. J. Economic Development Authority. The Economic Development Authority is composed currently of seven members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. According to our ordinance that established the EDA, two members of the committee shall be members of the City Council, and those two positions are currently held by Councilmembers Roger Carlson and Clint Herbst. As far as the non-Council membership is concerned, the position currently held by Bill DeMeules expired December 31, 1999. k. Police Advisory Commission (3-year staggered terms). The Police Advisory Commission is composed of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City C6uncil, one of which is a Council member. For the past few years, Councilmember Brian Stumpf has served in that capacity. The position currently held by Liz DeMarais expired December 31, 1999. 1. Parks Commission. The positions currently held by Mr. Larry Nolan and Ms. Nancy McCaffrey (who was appointed to complete Jennifer Fearing's term) expired December 1999. . . Council Agenda - 1/1 0/00 The following appointments are not required to be made annually by statute, but each of them performs services on an as-needed basis for the City. The consulting services and/or individuals are listed as follows and can be individually discussed by the Council if desired. . 4. . 1. Citv Attornev. For the past nine years, the firm of Olson, Usset, & Weingarden has served as our official City Attorney. During the past few years, Mr. Dennis Dalen of this firm has assumed the primary role as City Attorney. I believe the City's relationship with Mr. Dalen has worked fairly well in the past, and it is recommended that we continue this arrangement utilizing Mr. Dalen as the primary City Attorney with the ability to use other associates of the firm such as Mr. Paul Weingarden or Mr. Dave Usset, depending on the legal issue involved. 2. Citv Auditor. Historically, Gmys, Borden. Carlson & Associates has been the City's auditor. As they have become very familiar with our accounting practices, I do not have any problem with the City continuing our relationship with this firm as our official auditor. 3. Consulting Engineer. Currently, the consulting engineering firm of WSB & Associates and, in particular, Mr. Bret Weiss, has been appointed as the City's primary City Engineer. For general engineering services, it is recommended that we continue our arrangement with Mr. Bret Weiss as the primary City Engineer with the firm of WSB & Associates, but also look at adding another engineering firm as the secondary engineer that could be utilized by the City for various services and projects. As the City continues to grow, there appears to be merit in having an additional full service engineering firm available that could be utilized when necessary to relieve WSB of some of the work load when it becomes excessive and it would also allow the City to have available a firm that may have additional areas of expertise that WSB is not currently staffed to handle. A second engineering firm would also allow the City the ability to offer developers a choice of engineering firms if a preference is noted and also would allow one of the consultants to prepare reports such as EA W' s on developments without being in conflict with reviewing their own work. With Council authorization, the staff would proceed with a recommendation for Council consideration in the near future. City Planner. For the past number of years, Mr. Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants has been the City Planner. It is recommended that our relationship with Mr. Grittman and Northwest Associated Consultants continue on an as-needed basis. . . Council Agenda - ] /] 0/00 5. Financial Consultants. For a number of years, the City had utilized the services of Springsted, Inc., as tbe City's financial advisor for preparing documents relating to bond sales and other financial matters of the City. During the past few years, the H.R.A. and also the City have utilized the services of Ehlers & Associates to likewise provide financial consultation relating to establishment of tax increment financing districts, along with bond sales for both the H.R.A.'s financing needs and the City's financing. While the City had utilized Springsted's services for approximately 20 years, Ehlers & Associates has more recently been used on some of our newest bond sales. While the City Council doesn't have to appoint a specific financial advisor at the beginning of each year, I wanted to make the Council aware that the City has utilized the services of both finns, and this arrangement can continue in a similar fashion in the future if the Council desired, or we could simply try to use one firm exclusively. One downfall to constantly changing financial advisors for different bond sales is that you have to continually keep both firms up to date on specific financial conditions of the City and this results in duplication of efforts not only by our staff but also by each consultant. As a result, I would prefer that the City utilize one financial advisor and I believe our working relationsbip presently has been satisfactory with Mark Ruff and Rusty Fifefield of Ehlers and Associates. As I noted, Springsted, Inc. has adequately served the City for a number of years but it is very difficult to continue trying to split the workload between two consultants and I would recommend that the City simply continue with Ehlers and Associates and look at other consultants in the future if we feel our needs are not being met. In addition to the annual appointments, individual Council members for the past few years have been appointed as liaison members with various committees and commissions of the City. A list of these commission or committee assignments is enclosed with the agenda for Council review. If the Council would like to continue with having individual liaison members, the Mayor and Council members may want to discuss whether any commission or committee assignments need to be changed. The attached sheet as supporting data lists aU of the members of the various commissions and appropriate appointments, both required and discretionary, that the Council can consider for 2000. The underlined names are the o~s that are in need of appointment for Council review. REQUIRED ACTION 1. Council could adopt the ordinance amendment establishing staggered terms for the Planning Commission members. . Council Agenda - 1/10100 . 2. If the Council is in agreement with all of the recommendations for annual appointments, a single motion is all that is needed to cover the vacancies underlined. or individual appointments can be made separately as needed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . List of current appointments needed and current office holders. · Draft of ordinance amendment . . . 2000 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Official Depositories: Newspaper: Housing & Redevelopment Authority: (5-year staggered terms) Planning Commission: (Assuming 3-year staggered terms) . Health Officer: (1 year) Acting Mayor: (1 year) Joint Commissions: Community Education Fire Board MOAA Library Board: (3-year staggered) Attorney: Planner: . Auditor: Marquette Bank Monticello Chief Financial Officer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Monticello Times 1. Bob Murray 12/2001 2. Darrin Lahr 12/2000 '" Brad Barger 12/2004 J. 4. Dan Frie 12/2003 5. Steve Andrews 12/2002 1. Dick Frie 12/2002 2. Rod DraQ:sten 12/2002 '" Rov Popilek 12/2001 J. 4. Richard Carlson 12/2001 5. Robbie Smith 12/2000 River Place Physician Clinic Clint Herbst ROller Belsaas Rick Wolfsteller and Brian Stumpf Roger Belsaas and Clint Herbst 1. Tom Parker 12/2002 2. Gordy Jacobson 12/2000 '" Jeanette Lukowski 12/2002 J. 4. Jim Maus 12/2000 5. Diane Herbst 12/2001 Dennis Dalen of Olson, Usset & Weingarden Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates q . . . Recycling Committee: Economic Development Authority: (5-year staggered terms) Engineer: Police Advisory Commisssion: (3-year staggered terms) Parks Commission: (3- year staggered terms) Bruce Thielen 1. 2. Roger Carlson, Council Clint Herbst, Council Ken Maus Darrin Lahr Barb Schwientek Bill Demeules Ron Hoglund .., .). 4. 5. 6. 7. WSB & Associates 1. Brian Stumpf, Council 2. Dick Slais .., David Gerads .). 4. Brad Fyle 5. Liz DeMarais 1. Earl Smith 2. Larry Nolan .., Fran Fair .). 4. Nancy McCaffrey 5. Rick Traver Council liaison (ex-officio) appointments to City comittees: HRA Planning Commission: Parks Commission: Police Commission: Library Board: MCP: Brian Stumpf Clint Herbst Roger Carlson Brian Stumpf Bruce Thielen Bruce Thielen 12/2001 12/2002 ] 2/2001 ]2/2002 12/2003 12/2004 12/2000 12/2002 12/2000 12/2000 12/2001 ] 2/2002 12/200 ] 12/2002 12/2000 ] 2/2002 12/200 ] q . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDINANCE NO. 337 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 1 The City Council of the City of Monticello does hereby ordain: SECTION I. The City Code is hereby amended as follows: 2-1-1: COMPOSITION: The Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Council. No member of the Planning Commission shall hold any other public office in the City. All members shall be appointed for three year terms, however said term may be terminated earlier by the Council. One member shall hold office until December 31, 2000; two members shall hold office until December 31, 2001 and two members shall hold office until December 31, 2002. Annually thereafter, appointments shall be made for the term of three years. Said terms are to commence on the day of the appointment. Vacancies during the terms shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, take an oath that the will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. All members who attend at least one monthly meeting shall receive compensation of $50.00 for that month. SECTION II. Effective Date: This Ordinance shall be effective upon publication. Dated this day of ATTEST: Mayor City Administrator q . . . FEE Park Dedication (residential) Trail Fund Parking Fund (CCD District) LISTING OF DEVELOPMENT FEES 1999 AMOUNT Dedication of 10% of land area or $750 per lot in cash $ 200 $1,000 per stall Sewer Access Charge: Residential - single family $2,500 All others per unit equivalent $2,500 per unit Trunk Sanitary Sewer: Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: Business Industrial Residential Trunk Water Charge Water Access Charge: 1" line 1-1/4" 1- 1/2 " 2" ...." .J 4" 6" 8" $1,786 per acre $5,438 per acre $5,139 per acre $4,690 per acre $ 906 per acre $ 500 + materials $ 750 + materials $ 920 + materials $1,170 + materials $1,500 + materials $2,000 + materials $2,500 + materials $3,335 + materials 2000 AMOUNT (2.7% & rounded) Dedication of 10% of land area or $775 per lot in cash $ 200 - no change (estimated late in the year) $1,025 per stall $2,575 $2,575 per unit $1,825 $5,600 per acre $5,275 per acre $4,800 per acre $ 925 per acre $ 525 + materials $ 775 + materials $ 950 + materials $1,200 + materials $1,550 + materials $2,050 + materials $2,575 + materials $3,425 + materials EXHIBIT A I [ . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/00 11. Consideration of adoptin~ increases to the development fee structure. (10) REFERENCE & BACKGROUND City Council is asked to make its first annual across-the-board adjustment to all development and hook-up fees. In the past, fees have been allowed to remain constant with relatively large periodic increases. It is requested that Council consider making a small increase each year to avoid the complications that come with large increases. Small annual increases would not prevent us from making larger increases in the future if necessary. As you recall, not too long ago the City conducted a survey of the various communities in this area with regard to development fees. We found at that time that the City of Monticello was near the middle of the pack in terms of fees charged. It is hoped that by making annual incremental increases to the fees charged we will be able to maintain a fee structure that is comparable to fees charged by other cities and provide an increase in revenue provided by developers equal to increases in utility and construction costs. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Motion to adopt proposed changes to development fees. Fees effective immediately for all properties that do no have final plat approval or for developments that have not yet obtained a building permit. The proposed increase is 2.7%, with rounding to the nearest $25 increment, based on the official construction cost index. 2. Motion to deny adoption of proposed changes to development fees. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Staff recommends alternative 1. Based on input from the City Engineer it appears that there has been a 2.7% increase in construction costs since January 1999, therefore the fees should be increased in a commensurate amount. SUPPORTING DATA Listing of development fees .. . 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(JO) The purpose of this update is to provide information regarding zoning ordinance violations at the JME property and to inform Council that the Planning Commission requests that city stall take action to enforce city codes. Some months ago, at the request of a local property owner, the Planning Commission directed staff to review the operation of this site and determine if zoning code violations exist. This research was completed and staff informed the Planning Commission of a numher of violations occurring at the site. Of particular note is the expansion of the vehicle parking and storage area onto a parcel adjacent to the original JME site. The expansion of the use of the JME property onto the adjoining site represents an expansion of the facility, thus under sllch circumstances, the entire parcel and its use should he reviewed via the conditional use permit process. Some weeks ago I spoke with property owner Jay Morrell briefly about the situation and he requested that I call him to set up a meeting to discllss the situation further. Subsequent to this discussion, I have called Mr. Morrell flmr times and have not received a return phone call. . It was my hope that I would be able to meet with Mr. Morrell and talk about the expansion of his use and convince him to come in to apply for a permit which would allow expansion of his outdoor storage area, or allow him to expand his parking area without curb and gutter as it is currently heing used. Unfortunately, Mr. Morrell has not responded to my phone calls, therefore the next step will he to provide comments regarding the situation in writing to Morrell. It is our hope that with this correspondence we will be able to get his attention and find that he will be cooperative in at least applying for the permits necessary to do what he is already doing on his site. Unless City Council directs otherwise, city staff will prepare a letter to be sent to Mr. Morrell regarding the violations and will be requesting that he take specific action to apply for the necessary permits and/or correct the violations that are currently taking place. . . . . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director January 6, 2000 a) Twin City Die Casting - A building shell permit has been issued based on a concept fire protection plan. The State of Minnesota has awarded the $4.8 million appropriation on the Revenue Bonds and I anticipate hearing from the State this Friday that the City of Monticello has been awarded the $500,000 Grant. Thereafter, Carol Pressley-Olson and myself will meet relating to the accountability and reporting requirements ofthe Grant. b) C. H. Holt Co. Inc. - A division of this Fridley company is leasing the remaining 5,000 sq ft available in the 12,000 sq ft building owned by Barger and Harwood and located along Dundas Road. C. H. Holt Co. Inc. is a precision machining and engineering business who recently signed a new contract requiring immediate additional space. The president of the company is Craig H. Holt, a Monticello resident. The recruitment of this business was the result of the Marketing Plan and the company receiving our brochure in March 1999 and continued telephone follow-up. c) Industrial Land Acquisition - As noted by the City Administrator, City Administration continues to meet with the Chadwick Group and Gold Nugget Group relative to land swap negotiations and interest to sell, respectively. Bret Weiss, WSB, made a presentation to the IDC in December relative to infrastructure costs and timing estimates associated with development of both properties. At the IDC meeting in January, the Chadwick Group has requested to make a presentation for a recommendation by the IDC to Council. d) Sunny Fresh Expansion - At the HRA meeting of January 5, the Commissioners approved using tax increment to assist with the construction of the following public improvements: 75% of the cost associated with the sidewalk along the west side of Walnut Street between Fourth Street and the railroad track and the proposed pathway from Fourth Street southerly along Linn Street then easterly along the railroad tracks to Walnut Street. It is anticipated the tax increment collected from the Sunny Fresh expansion of 17,000 sq ft will cover these public improvement costs. The approval is consistent with the Downtown Revitalization Study, Planning Commission approval, allows for a safe pedestrian route to the community center, and is endorsed by Sunny Fresh. Staff will be working with Burlington Northern to obtain the go-ahead. . . . Council Meeting - 1/10/2000 COUNCIL UPDATE Replacementfor John Middendorf, Water & Sewer Collection Worker. (J.S.) John Middendorf left the city of Monticello after approximately 6 years of service to take a supervisory position with the water & sewer department for the City of Albertville. He left the City's employment effective December 1, 1999. The Public Works Department had to advertise twice for this position. The first time we advertised we had five applicants and the second time we had seven applicants. Out of the 12 individuals, 4 were interviewed by the Public Works Director and Water & Sewer Superintendent. We chose Sean Weis of Foley, Minnesota, to fill the position. Mr. Weis is a graduatc of thc St. Cloud Technical College in Water/Wastewater Treatment Techno logy, and has worked part -time for the City of Foley for three years and was most recently employed by Visu Sewer cleaning and inspecting sanitary sewer lines and manholes. He is familiar with our sewer cleaning equipment and should be able to get up to speed rather quickly with the City of Monticello Public Works Department. Mr. Weis realizes that the condition of his employment is that he relocates within a lO-mile radius of the Office of Public Works prior to the end of the 6-month probationary period. He has also indicated a desire to obtain a position with the Monticello Volunteer Fire Department which has a 7-mi1e radius requirement. Mr. Weis will start at Step 1, $13.26 per hour. We did have a discussion with Mr. Weis about the one week's vacation after the first year and did indicate to Mr. Weis that if the Council approved the two-week vacation we will make it retroactive to the beginning of his employment with the city of Monticello. . . . INDUSTRIAL PARK LAND ACQUISITION UPDATE Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator .January 10,2000 Over the past few months, staff has met with John Chadwick and Jim Bowers to discuss the feasibility of acquiring land for a future City owned industrial park. The discussions with Chadwick and Bowers have centered on the concept of a land swap with the City swapping our 60 acre Remmle parcel for 120 to 180 acres orland Chadwick and Bowers own near 1-94. These discussions are ongoing and J believe we arc getting closer to a proposal that can be submitted to the Council for consideration in the near future. In addition to the Chadwick parcel, the IDC had suggested that City staff also look at other sites that could be available for industrial use, such as the Gold Nugget parcel. This 220 acre parcel on south Highway 25 is proposed for industrial zoning by the MOAA and for residential use by the City's Comprehensive Plan. Unless the City or MOAA changes their proposed land use for this property, development of this 220 acres would likely be in limbo for a number of years. Ollie and I recently met with Horst Grazer and Wayne Fleck of Novak-Fleck, owners of the Gold Nugget parcel, to discuss whether they were interested in selling their property. Because of the current conflict that exists with their intended use of the property with the MOAA, they did indicate they would consider offers for selling the property. They did not want to state an asking price and are leaving it up to the City if the City wants to make an oiTer for their consideration. Unless the Counci I directs otherwise, the staff will continue negotiations with the Chadwick group and hold off on making any specific offers on the Gold Nugget parcel.