City Council Agenda Packet 02-14-2000 . Mayor: AGENDA REGIJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COlJNCIL Monday, February 14, 2000 - 7 p.m. Roger Belsaas Council Members: 1. 2A B. C. " -" 4. 5. A. B. C. . D. E. Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Call to Order Approval of minutcs of January 24, 2000 special Council meeting. ../ Approval of minutes of January 24, 2000 regular Councilmceting. Approval of minutes of February 2, 2000 special Council meeting. Considcration of adding items to the agenda. - ('fo.:t-f r;ct~ r(J-nC e -- f)..l..$, G,M"" ~ TCr- -)'o-r Citizen comments/petitions, request and complaints. Consent agenda. Consideration of approving renewal of Men's Softball Association - Beer License. Consideration of final payment for community center sanitary sewer, Project 98-1 OC Consideration of final payment for Klein Farms 41h Improvements Project 97-04C. Consideration of ordinance amendment allowing acccssory storage buildings as a conditional use in a mobilc home park. Consideration of approving a conditional use permit allowing an accessory storage building in a mobile home park. - Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park F. Consideration of amendmcnt to subdivision ordinance by accepting accurately drawn sitc plan data with each simple subdivision application. O. Consideration of Change Order No.2 to Projcct No. 99-01C Kjellberg West Sanitary Sewer Extension H. Consideration of approving the date for annual Board of Revicw. 1. Consideration of adopting a joint resolution supporting annexation of the second half of Phase I of Grove land Subdivision and adjacent 7 acrc area owned by Stuart IIoglund. .T. . K. L. M. Consideration of approving a minor modification to the NPDES Permit for WWTP. Consideration of adopting a rcsolution for decertification of City Tl F District # I-I. Consideration of appointments to OAT. Consideration of renewal of contract with Carefree Lawn Service Agenda Monticello City Council February 14,2000 . Page Two 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda f()r discussion. 7. Consideration of review of 3rd quarter and year end liquor store financial report. 8. Consideration ofresolution receiving report and setting date few public hearing for Chelsea Road West (90th Street/Sandberg Road) Project 98-25C and Phase I of the Grove\and Subdivision. 9. Consideration of agreement with Sunny Fresh Foods for interim wastewater discharge permit increase. 10. Consideration of deleting Change Order # 11 and approval of supplemental agreement #1 and Change Order #13 and 14 for Hwy 25 Project 96-04C. II. Consideration of Capital Improvement Budget 12. Consideration of authorizing staff to obtain appraisal for property located at 407 6th Street W.. 13. Consideration of payment of bills for February. . 14. Adjourn. . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, .January 24, 2000 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Abscnt: None. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and declared a quorum prescnt. The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss personal property tax reform for utility companies. Representatives from Northern States Power Company and Tim Flaherty from the Coalition of Utility Cities were present. Todd Rapp from NSP submitted a summary of NSP's position on the property tax issue. lie indicated that NSP is working with the Coalition of Utility Cities to come up with a proposal that will provide tax rei ief for the uti lity and negate the impact any tax change would have on the communities where util ity plants are locatcd. It is the belief ofNSP that once deregulation takes effect it will be difficult for investor owned utilities to be competitive. He noted that all businesses are exempt from personal property tax except investor owned utilities. In his presentation he pointed out that any new power plants that are being built in Minnesota arc being given a tax exemption. . Bruce Thielen stated the nuclear power plant within the City of Monticello was taken on with the understanding that there would be some revenue generated off that for perpetuity and that because it is a nuclear power plant there is a measure of risk to the City by having the plant sited here. Todd Rapp indicated that NSP's position has evolved since the issue was initiated. NSP now feels the utility cities should retain the revenue level but that the revenue should not be generated by personal property tax on the utility companies. Several options were reviewed including: 1. Creating a special government aid program to replace the utility property tax. 2. Payment to each host community funded by a charge to the utility customer. The positives and negatives of each proposal was discussed. The timing of the legislation was also discussed. Does the legislation take efTect prior to deregulation or when restructuring shows utilities are not competitive. At this point it is not certain when deregulation will be in effect. It is the intent of the NSP and the Coalition of Utility Cities to reach a consensus on a proposal to submit to the legislature. Because the issue is complex it will take time to work out all the details once a consensus is reached. Although they have looked at what other states have done, they noted it may be difIieult to apply what happened there to Minnesota because of differences in tax structure, etc. It was suggested that the Council be updated again on this issue and any progress that may have been made on it after the next legislative session has ended. . The special meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m Recording Secretary lA . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 24, 2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Bclsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None. Mayor Be1saas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approval of minutes of the special meetin2 held Januarv 10.2000. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10,2000. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS ABSTAINING. 28. Approval of minutes of the re2ular meetin2 held January 10,2000. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 10,2000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS ABSTAINING. . 3. Consideration of addin2 items to the a2enda. John Simola, Public Works Director, requested that final payments for Project 98-09C, Fire Hall Parking Lot Construction and Project 98-21 C, Downtown Parking Lot Overlay and Freeway Parking Lot Construction be included in the consent agenda. John Simola also requested that items 5B, Signal Agreement with Wright County for the County 75 signal and item 5G, Annual Maintenance Agreement with Wright County be pulled from the consent agenda for discllssion. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, reauests and complaints. None 5. Consent A2enda A. Consideration of setting a special meeting for awarding bond sale. Recommendation: Set a special meeting for 6:45 p.m. on February 2,2000 to consider awarding the sale of general obligation bonds and amending the lease agreement with the fIRA. ..... B. Consideration of approving signal agreement for signal at County Road 75 and Hospital with Wright COllnty. Recommendation: Approve the tramc signal agreement as drafted. -- 213 . . . Council Minutes - 1/24/00 C. Consideration of approving charitable gambling license renewal - Land of Lakes Choirboys. Recommendation: Adopt resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a pull-tab license for the Land of Lakes Choirboys at J.P.'s Annex. RES. #2000-3 D. Consideration of approval of preliminary plat of Klein Farms VI Residential Subdivision. Recommendation: To approve the preliminary platofKlcin Farms VI with the conditions noted by the Planning Commission. E. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow for a deferral of parking lot paving and/or curb requirements in the Business Districts. Recommendation: Adopt the ordinance amendment based on the findings and recommendation of the Planning Commission. F. Consideration of resolutions establishing agreements with Marquette Bank to utilize software for automated transactions and account access and reporting. Recommendation: Approve the resolutions authorizing the City to execute agreements to utilize the Marquette Bank automated software. RES. #2000-5 AND #2000-6. G. Consideration of annual highway maintenance agreement with Wright County. Recommendation: Approve the 2000 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF THE FINAL PAYMENTS FOR PROJECTS 98-09C AND 98-21C AND THE REMOVAL or ITEMS 58 AND 5G. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MO"rION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent ae:enda for discussion. Item 58: John Simola reported that he had discussed with the Wright County Highway Department the signal agreement t()f the light on County Road 75 by the hospital, specifically regarding the EVP section of the agreement. lJ nder the agreement the City would be responsible for the maintenance and cost of the EVP. The County has agreed to modify the agreement to state that they will take care of the maintenance on the EVP and wi II the bill the City for the cost of the maintenance. There was a bricf discussion on liability under the modified arrangement. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT TIlE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AGREEMENT WITII WRIGHT COUNTY FOR TIlE SIGNAL ON COUNTY ROAD 75 BY THE HOSPITAL WITI-{ 'THE CHANGE TO #4 OF ARTICLE 3 OF THE AGREEMENT TO REFLECT THAT THE COUNTY WILL MAINTAIN AND OPERA'fE THE EVP SYSTEM AND THE CITY WILL REIMBURSE THE COUNTY FOR TIlE MAINTENANCE. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 2 :213 . . 9. . Council Minutes - 1/24/00 Item 5G: John Simola explained that the annual maintenance agreement with Wright County did not include the four lane portion on the east end of the city. Wright County Highway Engineer is in agreement to making the change adding the additional mileage (Increasing CSAH 75 from 3.10 miles to 3.60 miles) CLINT I IERBS'}' MOVED TO APPROVE THE MODIFIED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH WRIGHT COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 2000. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearinl! - Consideration of a resolution adopting a proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, explained the purpose of the public hearing which is to certify utility accounts which are more than 60 days delinquent to the County Auditor's office for collection with the real estate taxes. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. There was no one present to speak on this item. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO PASS A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RES. #2004 8. Consideration of approvinl! concept plan for exchanl!ing City owned 60 acre commercial parcel for 140 acre industrial site. City Administrator, Rick Wolf"teller, provided background on this item noting that parcel in question was located on the south side of 1-94 between 90th Street and County Road 39. It is proposed, if the Council agrees, to pursue the exchange of the 64 acre city owned parcel !()r the 120 acre parcel owned by Otter Creek, LLC. with the option of purchasing an additional 20 acres after the gravel mining operations on that 20 acres is completed. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the land exchange also provided other positive benefits in that it did not require a cash outlay by the City, it would allow the City to collect assessments on the Remmle property (city owned parcel) for TlI 25 project and it would being this property back on the tax roll. He noted that details have not been worked out and any proposal would come before the Council. Brian Stumpf asked how the IDC felt about the area for a proposed industrial area and was informed that the IDC was favorable to the proposal. BRIAN S'fUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT PLAN OUTLINING THE EXCHANGE OF THE CITY OWNED REMMLE SITE FOR THE OTTER CREEK LLC INDUSTRIAL SITE. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Consideration of discussing potential interest in industrial park land acquisition. Gold NUl!get Property. Rick WolfsteIIer provided background information on this item explaining that the area is in limbo 3 dB Council Minutes - 1/24/00 . because the MOAA has designated the area as industrial but the City's Comprehensive Plan designates it as residential. If the Council had an interest in pursuing the acquisition of the property it would necessitate changing the City's Comprehensive Plan which would require a four-fifths vote of the Council. BRIAN S'I'UMPF MOVED TO NOT TAKE ANY ACTION ON THE GOLD NUGGET PARCEL. BRUCE TIIIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS AND CLINT IIERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 10. Approve payment of bills for Januarv. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR JANUARY. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Brian Stumpf asked for an update on the business on West River Street. Fred Patch reported that they had checked on the site but did not note any violations. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the property owner expressing the City's concern about possible violations of the terms of the conditional use permit. Susie Wojchouski reported on the Pinewood Elementary School project which has collected enough pennies to purchase approximately 10-12 pictures for the Community Center. . Fred Patch and Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the construction progress on the Community Center specifically addressing the progress in the pool area and a problem with the showers in the family locker room. Jeff 0' Neill raised the issue of benefits to the Community Center employees such as being able to use the Community Center. He noted that since these employees would be teaching others on the use of the facilities, they should be well versed in its use. The Council was not opposed to the employees using the facilities for training purposes. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:40 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary . 4 J-B . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL February 2,2000 - 6:45 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas. Roger Carlson and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Clint Herbst and Brian Stumpf Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of resolution aeeeptin2: bid and authorizin2: the sale of $2.015.000 in GO Improvement Bonds. Series 2000A Mr. Mark Ruff of Ehlers and Associates, the City's bond consultant, reviewed with the Council four bids that were received for the general obligation bond that ranged in interest costs from 5.3826% to 5.5227%. The low bidder for the bonds was Miller, Johnson & Kuehn and John G. Kinnard & Company. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION A WARDING TI IE SALE OF THE GO IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES 2000A TO THE LOW BIDDER, MILLER, JOHNSON & KUEHN AND .JOliN G. KINNARD & COMPANY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of resolution authorizin2: the execution and delivery of a ground lease and a lease purchase agreement and approving and authorizin2: the issuance of public proiect revenue bonds and execution of related documents. Mark Ruff of Ehlers and Associates reviewed with the Council one bid that had been received on the $7,555,000 Public Project Revenue Bond Series 2000A, the proceeds of which will be used to refinance the temporary community center financing. The net interest rate from the low bidder was 6.2680% for the 15 year bond. The low bidder was a group of consisting of US Bancorp Piper Jaffray, Norwest Investment Services, Dain Rauscher, Inc., along with Bernardi Securities. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A GROUND LEASE AND A LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND ALSO APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC PROJECT REVENUE BONDS TO TIlE LOW BIDDER, US BANCORP PIPER JAFFRA Y AND GROUP AT A NET INTEREST COST OF 6.2680%. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOT'ION. MaTTON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Meeting was adjourned. L~ {J/f~ Recording Secretary I . ;)C SA. Consideration of approvine: renewal of Men's Softball Association Beer License (R W) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Softhall Association is requesting approval of their annual beer license to sell at the NSP sol1hall ficld concession stand. The Association will be required to obtain dram shop liquor liability insurance upon approval of the City issuing the license and the Council can approve the issuance contingent upon receipt of a certificate of insurance for liquor liahility and the appropriate fee of $137.50. Also enclosed f()r Council's review is a copy of the 1999 Softball Association's income statement summarizing their income and expenditures including concession stand revenues and expenses. The Association has again paid all their fees to date for 1999, including the annual $500 contribution for installation of the lighting at the softhall field complex and also the electrical cost for the lighting during the softball season. . In the past, the Council has requested an income report to determine the revenues and expenditures and whether the association should bc charged any additional fees to help defray the cost of the lighting and maintenance at the ball fields. As you can see from the report, a net income of only $593 seems to he available after all their expenses have heen paid. The Public Works Department is currently in the process of preparing specifications for the installation of additional lighting at the softball complex that would allow the association to have additional teams join the league. Our budget includes a total of $90,000 over the past three years for eventual expansion or lighting of the baIlfields. When the original lighting was installed, the sol1ball association agreed to provide $500/per year funding for ten years to help defray part of the cost of the lighting and the baseball association agreed to contribute $1,000 per year for ten years. While these contributions did not cover the cost of the installation, they did show a commitment to providing some funds for these improvements that primarily benefit the sol1ball and baseball association leagues. It appears from the financial report that the softball association would have to have additional teams join the league or the league fees would need to be increased above the $400 current fee if the City was to require additional contributions for the lighting being proposed. The issue regarding the installation of additional lighting at the softball complex can be addressed at a later date as the request for Council at this point is simply allowing the association to renew their beer license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Grant the license contingent upon receipt of the necessary insurance documents and appropriate fees. 2. Deny the license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . It is the recommendation of the stair that the license be granted contingent upon proper insurance being provided. The City is not aware of any problems with this I icense in the past and can see no reason why the association should not be granted a license for the 2000 season. . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/00 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of 1999 income statement provided by League Director, Mark Banyai . . . Council Agenda - I I 10100 8. Consideration to adopt a resolution providing for the sale of 1!eneral obligation improvement bonds. series 2000B. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The Council is asked to consider adopting a resolution authorizing the sale of general obligation improvement bonds to finance the various City projects the City has constructed over the past year. It seemed appropriate to try to sell these general obligation bonds to pay back funds the City has already expended for these improvements in conjunction with the Community Center bond refinancing. Enclosed you will find a bond sale summary outlining the various projects the City has financed with temporary use of City funds that should now be reimbursed through the sale of a G.O. bond. The projects include the City's share of the Country Road 75 Improvement, the addition of the Dundas Road paving to the Highway 25 Project, the Chelsea Road East Improvement for the new road between Cedar Street and Oakwood Drive along with the funding for the Kjellberg West sewer extension and an additional $700,000 to fund the extra costs incurred by the City on the Highway 25 Improvement Project. Mark Ruff andlor Rusty Fifefield of Ehlers and Associates, the City's bond consultant for this issue is preparing a recommendation for the Council to consider. It is estimated that the total bond issue will be around $1,900,000. I believe Ehlers will be preparing a summary that compares the bond being sold over 10 years and 15 years. It is recommended that the 15 year term be considered as it will allow us more f1exibility to add additional debt in the future for other improvements as they come on line. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the sale of approximately $1,900,000 in general obligation improvement bonds. 2. Do not authorize sale at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the Council authorize the sale of these general obligation bonds to repay our reserve funds f()f the project costs the City has incurred this past year. C. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of bond sale summary · Recommendations from Ehlers & Associates (If not with the agenda packet it will be provided Monday night) . . Z o i= <e :! >-0:: 0::0 <eLL. :!Z :!w ::::>...J m<e m c Z o III . C -0 :J C 0 o E co<( o I- >. ~co m:2 -.C m if)Cl... >.W :=: CO U .::t:. 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JRN 07 '00 01:08PM EHLERS & RSSOCIRTES P.2/11 Resolution No. Resolution Providing for the Sale of $2,015,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series ZOOOA WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of Monticello. Minnesota, has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the City's $2,015,000 G.O. hnprovement Bonds, Series 2000A (the "Bonds"), to finance public improvements to be undertaken by the City; and WHEREAS, the City has designated Ehlers & Associates. Inc., in Roseville. Minnesota ("Ehlers"), as its independent financial advisor and is therefore authorized to solicit proposals in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60. Subdivision 2(9); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of City of Monticello, Minnesota. as follows: 1. Ap.thorization: Findinlls. The City Council hereby authorizes Ehlers to solicit proposals for the sale of the Bonds. 2. Meetin8: Proposal ODe"in2. The City Council shall meet at the time and place to be specified in the TerrrVi of Proposal fOf the purpose of considering sealed proposals for, and awarding the sale of the Bond~;. The City Clerk. or designee. shall open proposals at the time and place to be specified in such Tenns of Proposal. 3. Term~ of Prooo~aL The terms and conditions of the Bonds and the sale thereof are fully set forth in the Bond Sale Report and are hereby approved and made a pan hereof. 4. Official Statement. In connection with said sale, the officers or employees of the City are hereby authorized to cooperate with Ehlers and participate in the preparation of an official statement for the Bonds and to execute and deliver it on behalf of the City upon its completion. Dated: January 10,2000 ATTEST Mayor City Clerk '6 I ! I I. . . JAN 07 '00 01:09PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.3/11 BOND SALE REPORT $2,015,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series2000A City of Monticello, Minnesota January 10, 2000 e EHLERS &. 1\1ISot/ATfll INt t ~UIHIlIIN '1l'~IC n~ANC' ~ . . . JAN 07 '00 01:09PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES Bond SaLt! Report OVERVIEW P.4/11 This report describes the proposed plan for the City of Monticello to issue $2,015,000 0.0. Improvement Bonds, Series 2000A. This report has been prepared by Ehlers & Associates, in consultation with City Staff and bond counsel. This report deals with: . Purpose and components of bond issue. . Structure. . Other considerations in issuing bonds. . Market conditions. . Issuing process. PURPOSE The $2,015,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds. Series 2000A (the "Bonds") are being issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 475 and 429. The Bonds are being issued to finance a portion of the costs of the following public improvement projccts: . County Road 7S . Highway 25 Storm Sewer · Dundas Road . Chelsea Road East · Kjellberg West Sewer financing these projects requires a bond issue in the amount of $2,015,000. The proposed finance plan consists of the following sources and uses of funds: SOURCES Par Amount of Bonds Up.Front Revenue $2,015,000 o ToW Sources $2,015,000 Page I USES Project Costs Costs of Issuance Discounl Capitalized Interest Total Uses $1,863,]00 21,500 33,600 96,800 $2,015,000 ~ . . . JAN 07 '00 01:09PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.5/11 HDnd St/lq Rtl'o" STRUCTURE AND REPAYMENT The Dond'l are general obligations of the G.O. Improvement Bonds. Series 2000A aod as such arc secured by a plcd,2'c of the City's full faith. credit, and ta^ing powers. It is the intent of the City to pay the principal and jntcrt~t from a combination of special asscssments and gcncrol pl'operty taxes. The analysis in this report assumes that the City wiIIlevy assessments of a.pproximately $695.500. The assc~sments will be levied in 2000 for initial collection in 2001. The assessments will be payable Over tell years in equal annual jnslallmeDt'l of principal with intcrc.'It paid on the outo;tanding halance. The remainint revenues will come from a property t8X levy, TIw Bonds have b=ll ,stllJ'tul-cd to produce a level annl.laltax levy. The prelhuinuy projection of debt .service and nWcnlitS for the Dend, appears in Attachment 1. The DODd:; will be: ,sold [-ebl11ary 2, 2000 and be dated March 1. 2000. The tirst interest pa.yment on the Donds ""ill be August 1. 2000. and .semiannually thereafter on Fcbroary land August 1. Principal on tho Donds will be due on Pebn.1ary 1 in the years 2002 through 2016.. We recommend that Bonds maturing in the years 2009 through 2016 be subject to prepQyment at th.e discrction of the City on Pebruary 1. 2008 and any date thereafter. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Bank Qualified Bands W~ iillticipate that the City (in combinatioll with any subordinate taxing jurisdictions or debt jl\l\ucd in the City'1\ nanle: by 50 I (e)3 c01l'ol"ations) will not issue mOrt than a total of $10,000.000 in tax-CXtlUpt debt dU!.iL~ this ealcndat' year, Thill will allow tbc Donds to be desienatcd lLS bank. lJUt'llifitd. nank qualified ,~tatl1~ broaden.~ the market and achieves lower inteL'cst rtl.tel$. Arbitrace Since the cOlubillation of the applicable portion of the lIRA Bonds for the Community Center. the 2000A G.O. Tmprnvement n()nd~. and other bonds issued in 2000 docs not exceed the $5.000.000 calenda.r yea!" l.i1uitation. this illliUC qualifies for the ~maU issuer exemption trom amitrage rehatc. Thil\ exemption fmm rehate does not eliminate the need to comply with other arbitrage regulations ~OVef.l1iJl& tbe investment of bond proceeds and debt service funds. These requirement!> will be explained in [he bond record book received following closing. Global Book Entry The 80mls will Ill: gl()bul book eflll}. As "paper less" bonds. you will avoid the costs of bond fll'illtille Illl'" 1I1l11l11l11"r.t:j~t.rar c.!tareQli. The C':ity will designate a Pa.ying Agent for tbe iS5ue. The Pllyine A~nl wiIJ invnim~ rnll for Ihe itllt::ll~'il SC:lIli~allnlJa"y aULI (JUa.LI annuaJ b~is tOl. the pJ'im:ipCil l,;o.wiug UlIC. Y Oll willllC: thaI gc-.d c:.nly ff'lr l'llJyine AeI':nrJr.rAl'Mfcr agent senice.~ pmvjcJp,(/ by Ihp, bunk, l"atc2 ~ . . .. JAN 07 '00 01:10PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES RnNi StzlP. Rl!fJf1rt Rating Moody's Investors Service will be asked to rate this issue. The City cwrently has a. rating of "AJ" on its outstandinj:l; general obliJ,tation bonds. In 15198, Moody's rated the proposed long- term bond$ for the Community Center at "Baal ". This ratins did not apply after the issue was con verted to temporary bonds. We wiU work with S tafl to make effective presentations to rating analysts and to maintain these ratings. We will Blso seek to quality rhe BondA tor bond insurance that can be purchased at the oprJon of the bidder/investor. Continuing Disclosure Kegulal10ns ot'the SecurIties and .bxchan~e Commission on the continuin,:; disclosure of municiplll securities apply to lon~ term securities With an assrcsate principal amount of $1,000,000 or more. Since the ap;Afe~ate amount of eacb of the issues for the Improvement Bonds and the Revenue Bonds is over $1,000,000 and the City has more than $10,000,000 in total municipal obligations ou~tanding. you will be obligated to comply with Full Continuing Disclosure requirem.e,nt$ for each issue as rcquill'd by paragraph (b)(S) of Rule 15c2-1'2 promulgated by the Securities and Ex.change Commi~!>ion under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. You will be required to provide cenain financial infonnation and operaLing data relating to the City annually ancl to proviae notices of the occurrence of cenaln material eventl!. The specific nature of the Undenaklns~ as well as the information to be contained in the notJces of materIal evenu will be set forth in the Continuing Disclosure Cenificate tblU you will enter intO at tht time of closing for each issue. You are responsible for reponing any of tbe material event~ listed below l:IDU in lht: UurJemwllg. 1. Principal and interest payment deUnquencies; 2. Non.payment related defaultS; 3. Unscbeduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difflCUlLic:.; 4. UnScheduled drawion credJt enhancements reflecting fmancial difficl.Ilries; S. Substitution of credit of liquidity providers. or their fllilure to perfurm; 6. Adverse tax opinloD$ or event~ atte.cting the tax.e.xempt status oftht. Sf'OlritiP.l,:; 7. Modification to rights of holders of the Securities; 8. Se(:urities calls~ 9. Defeasancl:s; 10. Release, llubstirution or sale ofpropeny securing repayment OfIbe Sf'curiTies; 11. Rating changes; 12. Failure 10 provide annual (mancial iDfonnation as required; and 13. Other material evel3tS. l'ase~ P. 6/11 <6 JAN 07 '00 01:10PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.7/11 . .: Bond Sale Rf!pOrl MARKET CONDITIONS ~i 1999 was a year of change in the tax-exempt bond market. In February, the Bond Buyer's 20- Year 0.0. Index (BBI) dipped below 5.00%. From that point, rates began a steady climb. The BBI ended 1999 at 6.00%. 20-Year G.O. Bond Buyer's Index 8. 50% ...~":"'..;-:'.-..':'- "":'-1:'.".:'. ':.:_,"., .',\':.::':':~:':'::_'. ...~I_:U,:,"",\,,\.,.:.\,'t~I.:.:..I~""I::"U'''''''''':.:.t.a,Q:i.:i:'';:::''.\.:,\,,~':~olo'~U;~\~rro~IN'..~lo';;'~~r-' 4I'1aW'.@llmi'" 8.00% --........".".... ~. . "'.w... . ,-......" '..-- 7.50% . - .< :( 7.00% 6.50% . 6.00% 5.50% . ~-- 5.00% - .-t O'l 0'0 - C\I m en - m m 0'0 .... dl; 0'1 ..... Lt'l 0'0 0'1 ..... 1.0 0'0 0'1 - r-.. 0'1 Q'l ..... co 0'1 Q"l ..... 0'0 0'1 Q"l ...... 8 C\l The prospects for 2000 are unclear at this point. The bond market has been inactive in recent weeks due to year-end and Y2K factors. Without bond sales, it is difficult to assess rate trends. Typically, market demand for bonds drives down interest rates. The extent and duration of this effect in 2000 remains to be seen. The potential for additional interest rates increases by the Federal Reserve remains on the horizon. . Page 4 9; . . . JAN 07 '00 01:10PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P.8/11 Brmd 501e Report ISSUING PROCESS Following is a tentative schedule for the steps in the issuing process. January 10, 2000 City Council adopts resolution calling for the sale of the Bonds Submit draft Official Statement and rating materials to Moody's Investors Service for credit rating Distribute Official Statement Receive credit rating Bond sale Bond closing (estimated) Week of January 17 January 21 Week of February 24 February 2, 2000 March 1, 2000 N :\Minn'llla\Momicc:lIo\2000 Bond.\P1'~lIlIl.:1MP .wpd i Page 5 'TJ JAN 07 '00 01:11PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES . ..... t:... ~ 8- I.&J . & ::E ~ :r u ~ ~ "Q c: << c8 0 0 0 N lit ~ 'C ~ vi ~ .B - e: CLl e ~ Q. .2 E Gi ~ u :,g ", . 6 0 ~ 0 q '0 In - b C!. U N * !J to""l.OiDCXl""\'oiDO'l""OOOOO \D""~q-cnOC\lcnU")OU")NC\Jq-"" 1.O('I')Q'\...................I.OQ'\C'lll)"l:rtl')/X)Q'\1.O rt'f N Ir)- o::r- N- 1/)- N~ .,; c.D ".t <<i <<i M N ..; NC\lNNNC\lC\lNNC\lNNNNN ......................................pIIIf..............,............... ONC"/)~iD"~cnO_tI')OOOOO .. ~..... ('1')1.0 NI.CQ'\N C' C\I('f') 1.0"" Oo-fNq- e~ ~I a)- crf tZ'.J- ~i ~ M- O'l- .q- ai q- ",e: ............OOQ'\Q'\COCO"""" "'~ .-t.-t.-t..... J<< 1 ~jO se~ '6, s 1.0 ftl.5Q'\ U 00000000800000000 1r)0000QOO 00000001.0 ~oodo~~~~ooooodd~ --iDU")tOI.OOU")iDiD('f')~NC\I.q",,1.O -1~Q'\""~""Q'\OI.O-NQ'\_('f')CXlO'll.Oo::r fM~~~~O~";~~~~~MN";~ Q'\~MMNC\I""''''''OOO'lNNNNN.-t NC\lNC\lNC\lC\lC\lC\I______O'l N 00000000000088000 It)OOOOOOOOOOO ooU") ~dddd~~d~ddddddd~ ~1--iDiDOOI.08iDi,()Il)('I')U")NNq",,1.O CLlVcn"_,,O'l I.O-NO'l...rMOOO'lI.O_ ~ . ~ . . . ~ . . . h ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ CLlM~U")Q'\C\JU")Q'\-"l:rI.O"Q'\~CON\DO ~Q'\2C'l~~""I.OI.Oll)~('I')C\JN""'_ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ae ~ ~ ~ ~ * o.e ere * 0000080000000000 ~I~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~ ~o~~~~~~~ll)ll)ll)U")U")U")U")U") 10~~~&&&&&&&~&~&~& OOIDU")IDOOI()OOiDOU")OI.()U") "t:l'....,"'''t:l'/l)1t') iDW t,O ('flO 0................. e: ...............0-1.....0-1.....0-10-1...... ....................q ~ C\I A.. SI.....C\ltI')~ll)~""~Q'\O_NtI')_U")1.O OftlgQggg~g_g~~~~~~~ . 1I"""""I.......-.r""'t~r"""I........r"""'fr""'ft"""'i,......r-ff"""'f~r-f......._ ---~~-~~-,------- C\lNNN~NNNNNNNNC\lNC\I~ e 000 888 ~~~ .... ..... .... ~'2~ MtI')c:Q" Q.\ - II;l Q ~ ~ QC. ~5 ~Q.\U 2~12 ftl ~ __ ClClLL. CO~*ae* o"'''~...... . Q,l.....N "').oN t5 ::;,&:~~... ""''':t',.;arilri - - ~co .-. --- c.>5;2 -r- z_ <II _...... ~ [3& 80):3(,)...... ..~8t:ID 1I;l...J e..... ~ ell >~~2[; ~~~..E~ 6~g!zQ)2 CJet< r- P.9/11 ~ >C ci 8 C'\j Q, E '~ - c ~ ..... tJ oS .sf .~ g 12 ~ ~ is 1) JAN 07 '00 01:11PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES P. 10/11 . Bond So.lt: Rl!p()T[ ATTACHMENT 2 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ISSUE $2,015,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2000A DA TE: ISSUER: BOND NAME: BOND ATTORNEY; PURPOSE: January 10,2000 City of Monticello, Minnesota $2,015,000 0.0. Improvement Bonds, Series 2000A Kennedy & Graven - Steve Bubul Finance a portion of public improvements to be undertaken by the City . . . --, JAN 07 '00 01:11PM EHLERS & ASSOCIATES Minimum. Proposal: Good Faith: Record Date: CUSIP Numbers: Paying Agent: Book Entry: Financial Advisor: # OIS to Purchaser: Rating Requested: Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligations: Continuing Disclosure: N :\MinnSOlaIMolllieello\2000 Bonds\Presalc1MP. "'pd P.1U11 Bond Sale Repon $1,981,400 $40.300. payable to the Issuer (Cashiers or Certified Good Faith Check m: wire transfer of funds to Ehlers Good Faith Escrow .m: financial surety bond. Close of business on the 15th day (whether or not a business day) of the immediately preceding month. The Issuer will assume no obligation for the assignment or printing of CUSIP numbers on the Bonds or for the correctness of any numbers printed thereon, but will permit such numbers to be printed at the expense of the purchaser, jf the purchaser waives any delay in delivery occasioned thereby. To be named by the Issuer. This offering will be issued as fully registered Bonds and, when issued, will be registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York. Ehlers & Associates, Inc. - Mark RufflRusty Fifield _ copIes. Moody's Investors Service. These Bonds WILL be designated as qualified tax- exempt obligations. Full Undertaking <b . . . Counci I Agenda - 1/10/00 9. Consideration of annual appointments for 2000 and adoption of ordinance amendment establishiO!! stae:e:ered terms for Plannin1! Commission members. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each year, certain appointments be made. Attached you will find a list of the required appointments that may be approved in one single motion unless the Council chooses to consider some appointments separately. a. City Depositories. In 1999 the City decided to go with one bank to provide banking services for the City. This was Marquette Bank of Monticello, In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239, the Chief Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other otlieial depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion includes the authorization for the Chief Financial Officer to designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. b. Official Newspaper. Monticello Times. c. Ilcalth OtTicer. In the past, the City has automatically appointed Dr. Maus as the City Health 01Ticer. Dr. Maus may not even be aware that he is the appointed health officer and it is suggested that we simply appoint the River Place Physician Clinic as the health olIicer position since the City has used this clinic for new employee physicals and also it is the clinic used for our drug testing program. d. Acting Mavor. Past practice has been to choose the senior Councilmember to fill in as the Acting Mayor when needed. Clint Herbst has been appointed to this position for the past several years. e. Representatives to Other Multi-Jurisdictional Bodies. Three appointments arc necessary for selecting the City representatives to serve on each of the following bodies: Community Education Advisory Board, Joint Fire Board, and the MOAA Board. The joint resolution establishing the new makeup of the MOAA Board indicated that one individual would serve a one-year term, and the second City representative would be a two-year term. Roger Belsaas and Clint Ilerbst were appointed to the MOAA Board in 1999. In regard to the Joint Fire Board, Council member Brian Stumpf and the City Administrator were the two City representatives on this board. The other members of the Joint fire Board include two fire department representatives and two Township supervisors, those currently being Ken Scadden and Ted Holker. Council Agenda - ] /1 0/00 . f. Housine: and Redevelopment Authority. Annually, one appointment is required for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The term currently occupied by Mr. Brad Barger is the one that expired December 31. The H.R.A. committee has recommended that Mr. Barger be reappointed by the Council to an additional 5-year term. g. Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is made up of five members serving one-year appointments. In 1999 the Council looked at establishing three year staggered terms. Although the Planning Commission members agreed to this, an amendment to the ordinance was never prepared making the change to three year terms. Since the ordinance was never adopted by the Council, it is suggested that the Council now adopt the ordinance creating three year staggered terms efTective 1/1/2000. 'I"he individual Planning Commission member terms would be as noted on the attached listing of commission members. This would extend each individual's term by one year which the Planning Commission members were agreeable to. h. Library Board. The Library Board by ordinance requires a Mayoral appointment with Council ratification. The terms of'fom Parker and Jeanette Lukowski expired in 1999 and I believe these individuals are willing to serve an additional term if appointed. . 1. Recycling Committee. Currently, Councilmember Bruce Thielen has been the Council representative on this committee. J. Economic Development Authority. The Economic Development Authority is composed currently of seven members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. According to our ordinance that established the EDA, two members of the committee shall be members of the City Council, and those two positions are currently held by Councilmembers Roger Carlson and Clint Herbst. As far as the non-Council membership is concerned, the position currently held by Bill DeMeules expired December 31, 1999. k. Police Advisorv Commission C3-year staggered terms). The Police Advisory Commission is composed of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, one of which is a Council member. For the past few years, Councilmember Brian Stumpf has served in that capacity. The position currently held by Liz DeMarais expired December 31, 1999. . I. Parks Commission. The positions currently held by Mr. Larry Nolan and Ms. Nancy McCaffrey (who was appointed to complete Jennifer Fearing's term) expired December 1999. . Council Agenda - 1/10/00 The following appointments are not required to be made annually by statute, but each of them performs services on an as-needed basis for the City. The consulting services and/or individuals are listed as follows and can be individually discussed by the Council if desired. . 4. . 1. Citv Attorney. For the past nine years, the firm of Olson, Usset, & Weingarden has served as our official City Attorney. During the past few years, Mr. Dennis Dalen of this firm has assumed the primary role as City Attorney. I believe the City's relationship with Mr. Dalen has worked fairly well in the past, and it is recommended that we continue this arrangement utilizing Mr. Dalen as the primary City Attorney with the ability to use other associates of the firm such as Mr. Paul Weingarden or Mr. Dave Usset, depending on the legal issue involved. 2. City Auditor. Historically, Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates has been the City's auditor. As they have become very familiar with our accounting practices, I do not have any problem with the City continuing our relationship with this firm as our official auditor. 3. Consulting Engineer. Currently, the consulting engineering firm of WSB & Associates and, in particular, Mr. Bret Weiss, has been appointed as the City's primary City Engineer. For general engineering services, it is recommended that we continLle our arrangement with Mr. Bret Weiss as the primary City Engineer with the firm of WSB & Associates, but also look at adding another engineering linn as the secondary engineer that could be utilized by the City for various services and projects. As the City continues to grow, there appears to be merit in having an additional full service engineering firm available that could be uti lized when necessary to relieve WSB of some of the work load when it becomes excessive and it would also allow the City to have available a firm that may have additional areas of expertise that WSB is not currently staf1ed to handle. A second engineering firm would also allow the City the ability to offer developers a choice of engineering firms if a preference is noted and also would allow one of the consultants to prepare reports such as EA W's on developments without being in conflict with reviewing their own work. With Council authorization, thc staff would proceed with a recommendation for Council consideration in the near future. City Planner. For the past number of years, Mr. Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants has been the City Planner. It is recommended that our relationship with Mr. Grittman and Northwest Associated Consultants continue on an as-needed basis. . . Council Agenda - 1/ 10/00 5. Financial Consultants. For a number of years, the City had utilized the services of Springs ted, Inc., as the City's financial advisor for preparing documents relating to bond sales and other financial matters of the City. During the past few years, the H.R.A. and also the City have utilized the services of Ehlers & Associates to likewise provide financial consultation relating to establishment of tax increment financing districts, along with bond sales for both the H.R.A. 's financing needs and the City's financing. While the City had utilized Springsted's services for approximately 20 years, Ehlers & Associates has more recently been used on some of our newest bond sales. While the City Council doesn't have to appoint a specific financial advisor at the beginning of each year, I wanted to make the Council aware that the City has utilized the services of both firms, and this arrangement can continue in a similar fashion in the future if the Counci I desired, or we could simply try to use one firm exclusively. One downfall to constantly changing iinancial advisors for different bond sales is that you have to continually keep both firms up to date on specific iinancial conditions of the City and this results in duplication of cHarts not only by our staff but also by each consultant. As a result, I would prefer that the City utilize one financial advisor and I believe our working relationship presently has been satisfactory with Mark Ruff and Rusty Fifeficld of Ehlers and Associates. As I noted, Springsted, Inc. has adequately served the City for a number of years but it is very difficult to continue trying to split the workload between two consultants and I would recommend that the City simply continue with Ehlers and Associates and look at other consultants in the future if we teel our needs are not being met. In addition to the annual appointments, individual Council members for the past few years have been appointed as liaison members with various committees and commissions of the City. A list of these commission or committee assignments is enclosed with the agenda for Council review. If the Council would like to continue with having individual liaison members, the Mayor and Council members may want to discuss whether any commission or committee assignments need to be changed. The attached sheet as supporting data lists all of the members of the various commissions and appropriate appointments, both required and discretionary, that the Council can consider for 2000. The underlined names are the ones that are in need of appointment for Council review. REQUIRED ACTION I. Council could adopt the ordinance amendment establishing staggered terms for the Planning Commission members. . Council Agenda - 1/10/00 . ') 4... If the Council is in agreement with all of the recommendations for annual appointments, a single motion is all that is needed to cover the vacancies underlined, or individual appointments can be made separately as needed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · List of current appointments needed and current office holders. · Draft of ordinance amendment . . . . . 2000 ANNlJAL APPOINTMENTS Official Depositories: Newspaper: Housing & Redevelopment Authority: (5-year staggered terms) Planning Commission: (Assuming 3-year staggered terms) Health Officer: (l year) Acting Mayor: (1 year) .Joint Commissions: Community Education Fire Board MOAA Library Board: (3-year staggered) Attorney: Planner: Auditor: Marquette Bank Monticello Chief Financial Officer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Monticello Times 1. Bob Murray 12/2001 2. Darrin Lahr 12/2000 ,., Brad Barger 12/2004 .). 4. Dan Frie 12/2003 5. Steve Andrews 12/2002 1. Dick Frie 12/2002 2. Rod DraQsten 12/2002 3. Roy Popilek 12/2001 4. Richard Carlson 12/2001 5. Robbie Smith 12/2000 River Place Physician Clinic Clint Herbst Roger Be1saas Rick Wolfsteller and Brian Stumpf Roger Be1saas and Clint llerbst 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tom Parker Gordy Jacobson Jeanette Lukowski Jim Maus Diane Herbst 12/2002 12/2000 12/2002 12/2000 12/2001 Dennis Dalen of Olson, Usset & Weingarden Northwest Associated Consultants (Stcve Grittman) Gruys, Borden, Carlson & Associates q . . . Recycling Committee: Economic Development Authority: (5-year staggered terms) Engineer: Police Advisory Commisssion: (3 -year staggered terms) Parks Commission: (3- year staggered terms) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bruce 'I'hielen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Roger Carlson,Council Clint I-Ierbst, Council Ken Maus Darrin Lahr Barb Schwientek Bill Demeulcs Ron Hoglund WSB & Associates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Brian Stumpf~ Council Dick Slais David Gerads Brad Fyle Liz DeMarais Earl Smith Larrv Nolan Fran Fair Nancy McCaffrey Rick Traver Council liaison (ex-officio) aopointments to City eomittees: HRA Planning Commission: Parks Commission: Police Commission: Library Board: MCP: Brian Stumpf Clint Herbst Roger Carlson Brian Stumpf Bruce Thielen Bruce Thielen 12/2001 12/2002 12/2001 12/2002 12/2003 12/2004 12/2000 12/2002 12/2000 12/2000 12/2001 12/2002 12/2001 12/2002 12/2000 12/2002 12/2001 q . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDINANCE NO. 337 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 1 The City Council of the City of Monticello does hereby ordain: SECTION I. The City Code is hereby amended as follows: 2-1-1: COMPOSITION: The Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Council. No member of the Planning Commission shall hold any other public office in the City. All members shall be appointed for three year terms, however said term may be terminated earlier by the Council. One member shall hold office until December 31, 2000; two members shall hold office until December 31, 2001 and two members shall hold o1Tice until December 31,2002. Annually thereafter, appointments shall be made for the term of three years. Said terms are to commence on the day of the appointment. Vacancies during the terms shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, take an oath that the will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. All members who attend at least one monthly meeting shall receive compensation of $50.00 for that month. SECTION II. Eflective Date: This Ordinance shall be effective upon publication. Dated this day of Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator q . . . to. Council Meeting - 01/10/2000 Consideration of Change Order No. 12 for City Proiect #96-04C. Trunk Hil!hway 25 Improvements. (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change Order No. 12 for the T.H. 25 Improvement Project involves 55 significant changes in quantities which are paid at unit prices. Signitlcant means each one of these 55 items were either 15%) or more over or under the estimated quantity. It is my understanding that all of these changes in quantities arc on the City's portion of the project and result in an increased cost to the City for construction 01'$17,180.07. The value of the contract with Buffalo Bituminous including Change Orders I - 12, totals $5,618,405.90. A copy of the change order and details involving each one ofthe over and under runs is enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to approve Change Order No. 12 as recommended by Ron Bray of WSB & Associates, Inc. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the change order. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City staff that the City Council approve Change Order No. 12 as outlined in alternative #1. All of the work included in Change Order No. 12 has either been already added to the project and completed or deleted. D. StJPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 12 and supporting details. . . . 01/03/2000 15:30 6125468653 I NSTV-PRINTS PAGE 02 .8 360 westwood lake OffIce 6441 Wayzata Boulew.rd Mlnneapoli3. MN 55426 e12~541.4800 FAX 541.1700 B.A. Mi~tsdr, P.E. 8m: A Weiss. RE. Peter R. W"dlmbrillg. RE. Donald w: StEm.. ~E. Ronud B. Bray, P.E. &. Associates, Inc. January 3, 2000 HonQT8.ble Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 5536:Z Re: Chemae Order No. 12 TH 25 I~rovements (S.P, 860540) CIty Project No. 96.WC WSB Project No. 1033.01 "DRAFT" - Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed Change Order No. 12 for the above-referenced project reflecting changes to the contract. All items included in this change order will be paid at conuact bid price per unit. All changes with an exphmation of.U over/W.',Il;iemm i.tems is attached. This change order ret1ects a net increase of $17.180.07 (City cost) to the Original contract amoW'lt. resulting in a new contract total ofSS,601,22S.83 + $17,180.07 - $5.618,405,90. If the attached meets with your approval, would you please sign and. process. The amount of this change order will be included with ConstnJction Pay Voucher No.6 being processed at this time. flRse call me at (612) 277~S787 if you havc questions. Sincerely, WSB & AssoclMa, ["c. Ronald B. Bray. P.E. Project Manager Enclosure c: 1im Labe. MnIOOT, St. Cloud 10hn Simola, City of Monticello Leo 0lmscbetd, WSB Field Office Project File 1033.01 bblkcl Minneapolis · St. C/qua I"frtu~ Errgi"Ht'I PlImnn'S EQUAl. OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:\WPWlN\IOUOI\co-11.t~, wpd JO . . . 01/03/2000 15:30 I NSTV-PRINTS PAGE 03 6125468653 "DRAFT" ~'_NO.'Z T.H. 2S IrnptOYement City of ~.o, MN a.p.I.5-40 City Project No. H.f)IC WID Pro~ No. 1033.01 .__ _[~~--o;mb.r~~;~ 19~~'.~~,_ on I Engineer. WSB & Aa8oCIatee. Inc. Owner: ... .___ C~.~f ~on~!~_. CQntractor: Buffalo Bituminous. Inc_ You are directed to make the following chang.. In the CtJntraot DocufTlIilI1t description: Oeecrlption: The City of Monticllllo requested ttvilt all contract over I undlifTUl'l$ be do<:umtntlld at tillS Interim CQmpletiOn dete In order to determine ~ir filllil'1cilll reaponaibility at thitllimo. The following contract Items 1-42 overran by liIpproximately .15%. Contrad Items 043 - 56 und9rran by this 88me PQ~tag8. PrevloU8 Change Order Nos. 1-11 have been tllken Into account. ,.",. 1 & J: (C'-'*'e & BnJbbInll) ThrVe trHa li1It the SUbway/Ultralube Road and one tree at the Cedar Street W_ axtenston went not included In the estimated .quantlttes. Item 3: (Remove 8Itumln~. "'VlNMIlf) The pavement removals of Chelsea Road at 6andbefg Roed, subway Road lott Cedar StrNt, Hoglun~h .~as At Cedar Street West and SA, and the Frontage Road along not 26 Illt Ultra lube were not Included In esUmated quantiti.s. ffem 4: (SlwfnO IJlfutnlnous ".Vflment . Fun IMpth) Referencing Item 4 above. the seme psvement rQlTll,lYal. did not Include taw cult in lMtimllted quantities. ICMt 5: (S.1nge '''It ryp. C) AdditiOl'lllllligns were removed lilnd ir\St8Ued to widen Oakwood Drive. Item 8: (Common uc.wlloll) Quantities were not Included for the following: Chelsee Road at Sandberg Road, F'atk and Ride modlflcatlonl, McDonald's access north of Oakwood. Subway Road, drainage dltoh to storm nwer outlet at 1-94, and the widening of O:jlkwooo Drive. IIMt 7: (AIlflNPN s._ (CV} ChI.. ') Thi* Item was addreHGd In ChoiInge Order NO. 2 (Petk & Ride lot). Item 8: {37~ mm RC S,"ty Apron} Two IIpt01'1$ have been moved from Group 0015 to 005. Item ,; (450 mm RC S.,.ty Apron) Thi$ item is a storm HWlff cost spilt Item In Group 005. The 1:6 l!Ipron 8t Structure 15026 was replaced with.. 1:4 apron to better accommod~ the surrounding tllfRlin. Item 10: (800 mm Iff; salaty Apnm) This Item is a storm sewer coslsplit item in Group 005_ 1M 1:6 aprons at Structuru 5003 and 5001 were rl!lplaced with 1:4 aprona to better accommodate the ISl,Irl1;Jul'ldlng terrain. 118m 11: (450 mm IfC Pipe SaInT Da 300') ThIS Item wlI.llddre,llled In Chenge Order No.8 (Dundll$ Road Extension). ,.". 1 Z: (450 mm RC PIpe s.we, CL tIf) This item ill a storm &ewer co.t .pllt item in Group 005. Estimated quantity wae low. ,....., 13: (450 mm RC Pipe Seww CL lit) Modifications on the Frontage Road and Part; I Ride loot tncr9lHed ~ quantity of pip.. Itwn 1": (460 mitt RC "'pe $elftl' CL IV) Storm sewer pip. on Ctlelsea Road was estimated In Group 005 and paid In Group ooe. Itwn 15: (600 mm RC Pipe Sf...r CL III) Thl, lIem was addruud In Change Onler No. " (Dundas Road Ext8nalon~. Ifem 18: (e75 mm IfC ~p8 S..., Des 30M) This item Is a SlOm'l sewer cost split item In Gmup OM. Pipe lengths were extI!Inded betweetllltructures In the treatment balln. }o . . . .01/03/2888 15:30 INSTY-PRINTS 6125468653 PAGE 84 INm 17: (Till mm fife,.".. seww CL III) Thia Item wa. ~ in Chanae Order No.8 (Dundae ~ ExtensIon). ".,., 1': (NO milt ItC ,.",. Soww OM 300') A quantity Of 153.38 m (Sll\l~tu"' 5520 to 5624) on Dunda* Road Wall esttmated in Group 0Q(j and paid under Group 003. ".". 19: (too m". RC Pipe ....... CL N) . This Item is l! storm sewer cost I!)lit itam In Group 005. stom1 ..war COil participation Wl!IS modified. Stom'llMtWtlr pipe estlln.ted In Group 006 Me psid for In Group 005. Ieem 20: (1050 mm RC PlfM Sewer DES 300t CL /I) This item 18 a alarm Jewet' cost spUlltam. Tha pipe length was Increned 1rom Structure 5207 to reviled Structure 5207 to lICClommodate roadWIIIY slOpes and existing u1t1tll... Item 21: (ConstJvct 8ulkhNd} Thts Item is a stom'I &eW9f cost spUt Item In Group 005. Toml quantity eetimatt'M'l waaw, ".". 22: (Conn..:t to Exlstln" SflflJIlIty Sewer) this Item was addressed in Change Order No. 10 (sanitary eewer and watermain). ".", 23: (JOO 11Im Drop ocmICfa) sanitary Manhole No. 6001 at lhe InterslWlion of School Boulev"rd end the Frontaga Road was modified and required an additional 1.0 m build, IIMI 24: (300 IMI !'ve Pipe .sew.t1 The Fmn18ge Road services were extended northerly, wNd1 r~rad I!In addltlonal 30 m pipe, along with the uptize of an additiOnal 30 m of 250 mm pipe. II:em 26: (A,qu.t G.,. V.lve) The e,tilJUltfld quantities did not include 4 gate vaN_ in the Subway Road. INtn 28: (300 mm G.,. Valve and Box) The gate Vlillv. on th& Fl'Ontage Road at Station 80 + 200 'MI' not inctuded In the estimated quantities. /tam 27: (160 mm w.t.rrrgJl1 Duct/Ie Iron C1'2) Dundas Road requlrod an additional quantity Of 32 m to lower watermaln and' aVOid utility conflicts. The Frontage Road I Schoot Boulevard $$tlmated quantities were low by e m, /fem 2': (DO mm WaNrmain Duc"lelton Cl52} The Oakwood OM quantity of 52 m wu not Included In the estimated quantities. thlil Dundas extension requiAKillddltional quantity of 30 m to avoid utility oonfUcts, along witt! theW m extension 8ClI'OSS Sandberg Roe<! at Chillies Road all1Kluat<<l by the City. ItMt 21: (300 mm W.Nl'IM/n Ductile /rolt CL SO) The Frontage ~ 8ervlc8S were extended northeI1y, which required /'In llddlClonel quantity 0155 m. /rem 30: (100 mm ~"tynrl1. InN/etlon) Inaul81lon was ladded on Oakwood Drive bMw8en watemuilln :;Ind storm llewRt, at Oakwood DrIve and Cedar Street between tl'le watem'l8ltt and ground and at Ound.. Road. Item 31: (Duf;t. Iron FlfIlnga) Ductile iron fitti~ ~... p11ld under their standard ~ht.. .dclandum number two addreuea payment undet compact weight. The revised weght to date Is 3107 kg. The additional qU1intity Is due to the lowering of watefmaln at ~riOuS locatlons not Included in the plan: Dundas Road. Chelsea Road ,t Cedar Sn.t, end Oakwood Drive at Cedar Street. "..,. 32: (COns' Or.1".g* SfnlCf Du 1110 mnt) This item was addreaaed In Change Order No. B (Dundas Road extenSion), Iftm 33: (COMt DIaIn.,. Struct Des 1500 mm) St~ur. S520 on Oundes Aoed was upaiZecI to a 1eoo /T1I'I1 strueture. ".". U: (CDnst Drain.". Stntctu,. ON 1'SO' Five (5) manholes were upsized from Des 1800 mm Kl1g50 mm based on Elk River concrete Products' shop dl'8wings. n.m 35: (con., Drain.". Shtet Da 2211G mm) Structure No. seoe. ~fed al the Intenection of School Boulevard and the Fronlat;le Road was not included in the estimated quar'lt/ti4l$ under Group ODe. Iftm 36; (Adlu.' Fnlme ... Rlne CastIng) The existing Jtn.tct\Iree along Dundas Road and Cedar SttMt were not Included In the utlmaWd quantltle., 10 . . . 01/03/2008 15:38 6125468653 I NSTV-PRINTS PAGE 05 ".", 31: (lfMflom Jl/ptap ClaN IV) M additi0nai quentlly Qllipnlp WlM utilized ,t outlet Structure No. 5207. This wes not Included in p/anner,t quantities. Item 3.: (Cone,.. eun, & Gutf!tr Du 861.) The estlmateQ quantitlee included the curti end gutl<< on Chebea Road being paid for under Group 001, thla waa slnco modified to Group 003. """31: (200 mm Cancnte ~.Y "'~menO This item was addreued in Change Order No.8 (Dundas RoBd Extenelon). 1fM14I): (53 mm RIgid _I Conduit) A qUllntity of 100 m was Included 88 an Immlf the City chose to pU13ue the in.b1l1atlon of lighting COnduits for future use.5TH 25 croulngs and 4 side-ab'eet cro$8lng, were installed ~ the ro~. n.m 41: (7' mm Rlald St.., Conduit) A quantl1y of 200 m WM lnduded as 8 contract item to provide ln1gation in the Partt & Ride. Cond...lt was also f\lquired for telephone aervlce to the bus shetter. This quentity W$8 not Induded In pl8nned quantities. ".", 42: (Install SIgn Jype C) Additional SIgna were l'etTIOved and InstalleQ to widen Oakwood Drive. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Pr1ca: $5, Origlr'll!ll Con1ntct Time: 05124199 ... ,,-_...._~, ., -----. - ------.~.. ._--- r------ .".- ..' .. .".- Previous Ctllilnge Orders: No.1 to 11: $153.225.83 Net Change 1l'1)rYt Prev\0u8 Chang_ Orders: ~on& 1--... ---'" ....' - -.. ._----, "---..-,--.- Contract Prloe Prior to This Change Ord..-: $5.501,225.83 Connct TIme PrIOr to Thil Change Order: 05124199 1---- - ..'..-----.--..... ~._~-~ ---~.. .. Net Increalle of This Change Order: $17.180.07 Net Inaeale of Change Order: None r--.- ,,- ..- ."......---. --'-",,' ...". ,~-~_._-,~_".".. _ ~__........_... ...~m_ .._ .. .- COnnct Pl'iee Wltll All Approved Change Ord.,,.: $5,618.405.90 Contruct Time With Approved Change Ord8/"a: 05124199 -.._.__.~-+-_... ._,.._.,_.,~ ..,.~-_..__..._. ," ~---...'~- "..--. .........~_.__.........._- '"' .--..-- -"'. . ~.._,.. . ..,.. Recommended 8y: ApPr'Oved By: Ronald 8. BI1IY, P.E. (QfflCQf of Conlnlct()() WSB & Aaaociates Inc. Engineer Buffalo BituminOuS. Inc. Approv4ld By: I Approved By: I Date of Council Action: MnlDOT I City Adminiltrator 10 . . - ~1/03/2ee0 15:30 6125468653 I NSTY-PRINTS ~__~.,u~_ PAGE 66 ~.,,,,,i~:~D: T.H. 25lmprovemant City of Monticello. MN 8.P. aeoa....o City Project No. tts..04C wse Project No. 1033.01 - . --- ...+-...... --.."_. --'.._.-...._~m.~ Added /tema . Contract PrIce ~ r~..~r- --l ~ L -- ~~==~mT~ I . >101.501 -+- CJearlng __. .---i---~~~..1..00 1-. _.!"'.~ .-!210':"'~-:.~"""".. _ __ _ -t ..M:-+- --. ..t:--~cOO +- ...,.00 3 "04.503. ~mo,,!~_us~ ---J _~03300 +~_ . ~~...~.:", · J 2104..13 r Sawing" -CF" """"'. -r '''.~ m "tI 8.00 ".'62.40 ~- j "04523 t;,;....JgnT'~C- _ ---=-r=-~oo _ -~"'--h 15.~-s..00 ~. .~-~~0 ~mmon Exc.~t~~___. _. __ --'-l. . _~_96'D?_.t_ ma.__.--I.~. _.__. ~.OO .:.. $4,~80,OO 7 ~. 221~~.J Ag~~~(~~...~___._ __.. _~~:~~ J_~3 .'.1. ~.~~5 ~ . $523.~O I , . ::---j-;~~;:1:;_:~=;: --~-= I :::-t ::;_1 i :'~~~_'!;: :: --'~~=- r~::;::::..~~-= I__c~~) t ~'" 1i;_:-1 ($:; " : '503.0" ."0 mm RC P\>e - CLIO ..... H " 80.00 .....5 j ;~: ~~2~;:l~:;~ .--:'~--+--~j-: -::::I~-~~~: ..._16 i 250~541 I e7!5~RCPlpe!~erDes~____~ ._~ ..l.~-_~__ 1-~--_!2~'~~! $344.15 17 j 2000....'. r~50.... RC PIp. Oowo, CLI~ ___. _+-10'17) .t--~-_..~ _~ ___ 12~~~_~. (S.2M7) -;;r ;:;---=-;;;-~: ~i.~ -=--~--t-~:~~1 : =-H ~~~!~:; .'." --~:~--' : 1050.... RC PIp. - """ 3006 ---1..-~.:!1, ":...__ ' $ . '80.00 I _!2.1~'~ 2' ~ ~3.802 """""'" .........'!...._ . 6.00 ":"" f'd'OO:Oll '__._ 134830 22 2503.602 Connect to Exist Sanitary Sewer 0.00 Each l $ 1,300.00 $0.00 .---4-__0.........._ . . $ 285.00 ;"0;... -- . ---~..__. ......._~_..~....__..,._.........~..,~ _'ft... . 23 2~3.803 200 mm Drop Outside 1.11 m $316.35 24 i 2503'6?3.. 300 mm PVC Pipe S.w... 2S _..2.~.eo2__L~ust Gate ~'ve__ 26 2504.602 I 300 mm Gate Val"e and Box . ;; 'T;~~;---~;-~-;~~i~-Ductile'n:Jn Cl52 .-..-... -..... ._.'r...~_... .._____..~~._ _._, "_____ 28 i 2504.1503 2!50 mrn Watannaln Ouctlle I/'On Cl. 112 --.-.,-...... 63.06 4.00 m $ tOO.OO $8.306.00 . -""""""-_._~, =d; 1:;:t~~..~;~.; m ~ ; $ ._eo.o~.~...__~1.182.00 ---_~... j.~. .~4.~ ..t . $9,190.38 m i $ 74.00 $3,929.40 1.00 ! _... ---.-.---. 19.70 97.71 53.10 ----... '.~' -'-'~ --~..._-............--_. 29 2504.603 I 300 mm Watermain Ductile I/'On eL5Q )0 . . . 81/83/2880 15:30 6125468653 INSTV-PRINTS PAGE 87 ctNInIe 0ntIwNa.. 11 T.H. 25 Irnpr'OWrMnt City uf Monti~lIo, UN ..P.18O&o4O City ~ No. H.cwc wsa ProJ-:t No. 1033.01 Added ....... - Contract Prtce ..--. --, '---".-'-'."1"---' '-"T-..-----. i" .- . ". -'" Item I I , Tot./, . No. . ~ No. ! D..crtptton I QtIantlty I Un"- i Unit Price: Item Total __..1. .. ...-...,--.... ,._,,--, ~-'-- .--.- ...---.'-r-..~- __.--l.., ...-.-_.. '__'__ __ _". 30 ; 2504.604 : 100 mm PolySty1'8ne Insulation I 28.50 I m2 I $ 30.00 I $855.00 -"3.1"';';;o..~608- T~-;;;~-;-'--'..- '-, '-I 4D8.40~g 1$ --;.30 r"--'2.164.~;' . 32-.~r~;e.'~~~r ~ Drainage ~ure De8135~--"!1.3g I-'--';;-I$-~~ T' --$9~-~.45 3~ "~,;; -T~ Oralnlllue ~u,.. ~ 1eoO . -'-I'-'e~"r---,;- r;' 678.00' $4.823,96- ,... ..,,_. ".""'7"'.'---' -_._- -..---..-t-.. ------ f' .,,-"'""---"~ -. ..... ...,--- ,,'" 34 2606.501 I Const Drainage StructUre Des 1960 I 44.37 m I $ 1.142.00' $19.609.~0 '~~~.~.501 I ~onstOraJ~;;S~re~225~ '-r-1.e~~'~.3~.~ r$2.~~~.~ 36 21506.522 I Adju.t F...me and Ring Casling . .. 1 5.00 1 Each ~ 250.;1 $1,250.00 _~.~_ i;~~~-~~1.~~,;~om.R'Prapc~ ~....-: -r-'1.4.40,r' ~ -. _L~_~2.00".! ''':_~.~~:.~' ~.J 253~.:~1 ! Concrete Curb and Gutter 0.. 86,18 _.1_(137.20.'" ~m _,. ~~..___~_.~~I ($3.018.40) _~_ 2531.50-;1.2.00 mm Co~.c ClivliJWay Pa~rnentm_. I ~1.~5.3O)! ~-l!....... 42:~_':._._ ($6,175..:2,~) 40 l...!~6,~~_~_~~ Rigid steel C9ndUit_ _ T 1e7.00_~1 m..L!-__~o,o~.. i.u..!~'~~~ 41 2S46.521 r 78 mm Rigid Steel Condvit I 61.20 1m' $ 40.00: $2,448.00 - -- .. ".....,,- -.-.-.-.- ---.-..-,--- -----..-------+... ._-,-- -f:_. ----.__.. ....---.- -- .. ..~~... ~~:53~~n.stall S~~ Type C .___. . --L~. _---.l.....-~ch .' $__.. .~~:~~_L _.~8~:O~_ Total Add 11'..1.25 )0 . . . 81/83/2008 15:38 6125468653 INSTV-PRINTS PAGE as Chanp 0tdIr No. 11 T.H. 25 Improvement C/tJ of Monac.llo. MN '.P. IOOS-4O C~ Project No. te-44C Wd8 Project No. 103;'.01 DMI~ IMIna . Con..... Prfce ~. ,... . '---r;;.n"*, r Adj~';o ' '--'r'--" ... H'~"'__ . Nf;>>. . Spec. No. j De.c;rtptlOn i Qurity. Quantity I Date I Unlm Unit Price' Item Total J_ '....-...----t .-.-..-"..---- .-------r..-.--..----t -_....._...I--....~.. ----...--.-+... '.,.... --7'".' , 43 2104.'01 ! Remove Watermaln . 193.00 I 202.00. 71.60 1m. $ 28.00' ($3.483.20) ... ; 200354'-! ~:" R~ .... -~ ~-;,. i-03,oT-';'A ~ r-;;, - r. -~~ .00 r'CI2.07:l'O) ~-J '2~3.~~! 900 mm ~ PIpe sewer Dee 3008 - 45.90 ~ N1A h /-; i S 185~~~1(;~~;8~:2'-; 46 2S03',~~1'--:' ~O ~;""RC~IPe Sewer ~ 3006 ";0.80 -T'-''';;-~~.~ I m" '-:$'-~s.o~ -- ($3.396.9~' , CL l/I ~-t-~~.: ' . :: =:i~;:;;:-_300~-r:; i :1'.:~~~~:;;: .~~.,~. ~~.~:..~~.~~c PI~ sower;E' 50.00 ),.. NtA.. .~~~.. . m....~._. .. 50.00 ,~_~~:~!o.:..~~ .:!!... _ ! 2~~~ lower 250 mm Wstltrmain ,'.' 4~,~ ~_ ~l.. . _..~_.._ J.~__14~:~,~..t-._~6.435.(0) 2.!__.b.....~.603 /160 ~m Steel Caal~.._P;p$ _ 45.~,.~~-+ 34:~~-"r',--~j __~ 2~~:~~__~ ($2,439.60) 52 1,',;/506.501 ,~.tDralnageStrvctDes1800 ~2.05. NlA 13.40, m ,$ 791,00! ($11.831.42) 53 ---;~oe,;~t~s~ D~lnagfit'Slruc;oe~~,g50 ~- ;,~-~--+'~-fa~0- ,~---J-s 1.1~;.oO-1--(s.;~'~;9.48) : ,mm + I-+-. I . 54 :. ;506.501 . r~n;;'~';~~ StnJct ~ 3000" . ;~.59 -,'''-- N/A- I 7:;~"-1-'.'~$ 2.16'~~.f($~;.6~;~;) .. '250'.~_ i ~;;..'- .......~3ct= -"fA 1_-,,~r;;;' ~G~;'~ (....,2.001 Tot8t a.duct (iII,411.1,) : C~L~t~. Contract P1i~"'--1 __ (_~41~-;)l : Added Item. Contract Price r $85,5~ I Totat I ...' $17,110.07 J DISTRIBUTION: S.P. 8605-40 GRP 003/006 (City) = 1W'1t . . . 01/03/2000 15:30 6125468653 INSTY-PRINTS PAGE 89 ATTACHMENT CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 TH 25 IMPROVEMENT MONTICELLO, MN Item Added Items - Contract Pritt Planned AdJlllted Quandty Add'l S No. Quantity Quautlty To Date To Date Item 1 CLEARING 2.00 N/A 6.00 $60.00 Item 2 GRUBBING 2.00 N/A 6.00 $60.00 Item 3 REMOVE BlTllMINOUS PA VE~NT 2.876.00 N/A 3,909.00 $1,549.50 Item 4 SA WING BIT PA VEMENr (FULL OEPTH) 51.00 N/A 197.30 $1,162.40 Item ~ SALVAGE SION TYPE C 3.00 N/A 6.00 $45.00 Item 6 COMMON EXCA V A nON 4.347,00 5,247.00 6,143.00 $4,480.00 Item 7 AGOREOA TE BASE (CY) CLASS 6 67.00 377.00 417.10 $52:3.00 Item 9 450 mm RC SAFETY APRON :3.00 N/A 4.00 $181.89 Item 10 600 mrn RC SAFETY APRON 2.00 N/A 4.00 $406.35 Item I I 4S0 mm RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 162.30 197.70 195.61 ($167.20) Item 12 450 mm RC PIPe SEWER CL III 19.80 N/A 29.44 $298.45 Item 13 450 mm RC PIPE SEWER CL m 79.10 N/A 100.72 $1.729.60 Item 14 450 rom RC PIPE SEWER CL IV :n.l0 N/A 40.49 $598.59 Item 15 600 mm RC PIPE SEWER CL U1 8.70 31. 70 32.30 $54.60 Item 16 615 mrn RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 22.00 N/A 29.94 5344. ) 5 Item 17 750 mm RC PIPE SEWER CL m 38.90 144.90 144.73 ($20.57) [tern 18 900 mm RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 '6.70 N/A 102..53 58,478.55 Jteml9 900 mm RC PIPE SEWER CL IV 108.60 N/A 247.31 Sll,809.77 Item 20 1050 ITUT1 RC PIPe SEWER DES 3006 75.00 N/A 94.9\ $2,157.45 Item 21 CONSTRUCT BULKHEAD 13.00 N/A 19.00 5348.30 Item 22 CONNECT TO EXIST SANITARY SEWER 1.00 2.00 2.00 50.00 Item 23 200 mm DROP OUTSIDE 5.36 N/A 6.47 5316.35 Item 24 300 mm pvc PH'S SEWER 140..50 N/A 203.56 $6,306.00 Item 25 ADJUST GATE VAL YE 7.00 9.00 13.00 $500.00 Item 26 300 mm OA TE VAL VB AND BOX 2.00 N/A 3.00 51,185.00 Item 27 ) SO tTtm W ^ TERMAJN oucnUlR.ON CL 52 70.50 87.20 106.90 S 1,182.00 Item 28 250 mrn W A TERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 54.00 N/A 151.77 $9,190.38 r,lwpWlNIt QJ3.0I......' 1._~_"'Jld )0 . . . 01/03/2000 15:30 6125468653 INSTY-PRINTS PAGE HI ATTACHMENT CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 TH 25 IMPROVEMENT MONTICELLO, MN ItelP Added Items - CODtract Price PlauDed Adjusted Qa.aodty Add'l $ No. Qa8Dtity Qu..tity To Date To Date Item 29 300 mm VI A TERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL so 139.40 N/A 192.$0 53.929.40 lblm 30 100 mm POL YS1'\'RENE INSULA nON 8.00 N/A 36.50 5BSS.00 Item 3 t DUCTILE IRON FITIlNOS 2,528.60 1,698.60 3,101.00 52.164.52 Item 32 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTIJRE DES t 350 11.17 14.52 15.91 5910.45 Item 33 CONST DRAINAGE SlRUCTIJRE DES 1500 6.49 N/A 13.31 $4.623.96 Item 34 CONST DRAINAGB STRUcruRE DES 1950 7.10 N/A 51.47 $19.609.50 Item 35 CONST DRAlNAGB STRUCTURE DES 2250 1.37 N/A 3.02 52,244.00 Item 36 ADJUST FRAME AND lUNG CAstING 3.00 5.00 10.00 51.250.00 Item3? RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV 28.60 N/A 43.00 5345.5 t Item 38 CONCRETE CURB AND GU1TER DES 8618 1,477.00 2,371.00 2,233.80 ($3.018.40) llem 39 200 mm CONe DRIVEWAY PAVI!MBNT 33.00 233.00 87.70 ($6.175.25) Item 40 53 mm RIOlO STEEL CONDUIT 100.00 N/A 26'7.00 $3,340.00 1tm1 .4 J 78 nttn RIGID STEEL CONDUIT 200.00 N/A 261.20 $2,448.00 Item 42 Install Sign Type C 3.00 N/A 6.00 $285.00 Total $85,591.25 1,'W?WII'I\'OD 011*\1_"", ,0 . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/00 11. Consideration of adoptiDl! increases to the development fee structure. (JO) REfERENCE & BACKGROUND City Council is asked to make its first annual across-the-board adjustment to all development and hook-up fees. In the past, fees have becn allowcd to remain constant with relatively large periodic increases. It is requested that Council consider making a small increase each year to avoid the complications that come with large incrcases. Small annual increases would not prevent us from making larger increases in the future if necessary. As you recall, not too long ago the City conducted a survey of thc various communities in this area with regard to development fees. We found at that time that the City of Monticello was near the middle of the pack in terms of fees charged. It is hoped that by making annual incremental increases to the fees charged we will be able to maintain a fee structure that is comparable to fees charged by other cities and provide an increase in revenue provided by developers equal to increases in utility mId construction costs. ALTERNA TIVE ACTION 1. Motion to adopt proposed changes to development fees. Fees effective immediately fCJr all properties that do no have final plat approval or for developments that have not yet obtained a building permit. The proposed increase is 2.7%, with rounding to the nearest $25 increment, based on the offIcial construction cost index. 2. Motion to deny adoption of proposed changes to development fees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1. Based on input from the City Engineer it appears that there has been a 2.7% increase in construction costs since January 1999, therefore the fees should be increased in a commensurate amount. SUPPORTING DATA Listing of development fees . . . LISTING OF DEVELOPMENT FEES FEE Park Dedication (residential) Trail tund Parking Fund (CCD District) J 999 AMOUNT Dedication of 10% of land arca or $750 per lot in cash $ 200 $1,000 per stall Scwer Access Charge: Residential - single family $2,500 All others per unit equivalent $2,500 per unit Trunk Sanitary Sewer: Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: Business Industrial Residential Trunk Water Charge Water Access Charge: 1" line 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" .,,, .) 4" 6" 8" 2000 AMOUNT (2.7% & rounded) Dedication of 10% of land area or $775 per lot in cash $ 200 - no change (estimated late in the year) $1,025 per stall ~ #3,OCID f.L-tU>1"+ $2,575 per unit ~. $1,786 per acre (U4.t 'If. - \$~ / .? 5 7 pJbt A< It€' ^Wl '). .170 I $5,438 per acre $5,139 per acre $4,690 per aere tJ ffJ.. $ 906 per acre I /" $ 500 + materials $ 750 + materials $ 920 + materials $1,1 70 + materials $1,500 + materials $2,000 + materials $2,500 + materials $3,335 + materials yr.; $5,600 per acre $5,275 per acre $4,800 per acre $ t;l25 Ptl dCte .t" 9'1 J.. l1-t -4'0. e-- $ 525 + materials $ 775 + materials $ 950 + materials $1,200 + materials $1,550 + materials $2,050 + materials $2,575 + materials $3,425 + materials EXHIBIT A I [ . . . Council Meeting - 1110/2000 12. Consideration of agreement with Wright County for jurisdictional turnback of County Road 117 (East Oakwood Drive) between Trunk Hil!hway 25 and Chelsea Road. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the Highway 25 Project WSB's design included a cui-de-sac on CR 117 to limit the amount of traffic on East Oakwood Drive and the intersection of TH 25 and Oakwood Drive. The Chelsea Road Project then reconfigured the intersection ofCR 117 with Chelsea Road and resulted in the final severing of CR 117 trom TH 25. Since this road no longer serves a purpose as a county road, Wright County wants to turn this back to the City of Monticello and has offered $40,000 as a contribution toward the improvement of the new intersection of Chelsea Road and CR 117 and costs associated with the traffic control system at TH 25 and Oakwood Drive. WSB has indicated that our costs of making this change and the signal system are above the $40,000 being offered by the County. City staff and the City Engineer have discussed this with the County Engineer and the Transportation Committee ofthe whole, and it does not appear that any additional funds would be forthcoming 1I-om Wright County for the turnback. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the County Road 117 Jurisdictional Turnback Agreement #99-06 with Wright County. The City has agreed to perform maintenance on Oakwood Drive between Chclsea Road and Tll 25 in the interim until the agreement takes effect, at which time we will assume all responsibility for the road. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer to approve the agreement as outlined in alternative #1. Attempts to obtain additional funds from the County would probably not result in success, and Wright County has indicated a willingness to help us with the dealing with the State on the possible loss of federal funds for the signal system. O. SUPPORTING OAT A: Copy of turn back agreement. v~'T'Y Ok (/0 ~ I-~Z ~Yl4l 7856 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Jet. T.H 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone (612)682.7383 Facsimile (612) 682-7313 December 14, 1999 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, P.E. Highway Engineer 682.7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS, P.E. Aasistant Highway Engineer 682-7387 RICHARD E. MARQUEITE Right of Way Agent 682.7386 Mr. Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway Street P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 RE: County Road 117 Jurisdictional Turnback Agreement (#99-06) - Dear Rick: Enclosed please fmd two (2) copies of the agreement for the jurisdictional tumback of a 0.29 mile portion of County Road 117 within the City of Monticello. . As discussed at the November 30, 1999 Wright County Transportation Committee meeting, we are forwarding this agreement to you for the City's approval. This segment of CR 117 must be turned back to the City since it no longer functions as a county highway (it has become a cul-de- sac and no longer connect through to trunk: highway 25). If acceptable, please execute both copies of this agreement and return them to our office for county board approval. Please call me or Wayne Fingalson if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, 4/~ Virgil G. Hawkins, P .E. Assistant County Engineer enclosure: Cooperative Agreement No. 99-06, dated 11/29/99 cc: Wayne Fingalson, County Engineer John Simola, City of Monticello (w/enclosure) Bret Weiss, WSB, Inc. (w/enclosure) Project File (w/enclosure) . Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer t;)' . v~"TV Ok ef> ~ ~~i ~ ....;t.7 l: ~_ 0 .." 4Y '7 a Ens COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. 99-06 BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT, AND . THE CITY OF MONTICELLO FOR JURISDICTIONAL CHANGE ON COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 117 IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO . F:\DATAIWPWlN\AGREEMNl\MONTlI70.AGR Id COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello, Minnesota, acting by and through their City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, that portion of County Road No. 117, within the limits of the City of Monticello and described as follows: C.R. 117 - From the intersection with T.H. 25 to the intersection with Chelsea Road (0.29 mile total length), will be rebuilt and become a cul-de-sac road as part of the T.H. 25 improvements in 1999, and WHEREAS, County and City Representatives have discussed the need for jurisdictional change from the County's highway system to the City's street system and have informally discussed conditions which would accompany this jurisdictional change, and WHEREAS, this cooperative agreement between the County and the City outlines the conditions, responsibilities and financial obligations in making this jurisdictional change for this segment of County Road No. 117. . NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: 1. The County and City, hereby agree to revoke the County Road status of this segment of C.R. 117 as described herein and further revoke it to the jurisdiction of the City of Monticello. The revocation will take effect upon completion ofthe City's Chelsea Road project, at which time the above described segment of Oakwood Drive (former C.R. 117) would be cut off from the Chelsea Road intersection & no longer be a through route. 2. All maintenance responsibilities on this segment ofC.R. 117 shall become the responsibility of the City including snow and ice control upon completion of the City's Chelsea Road project, at which time the above described segment of Oakwood Drive (former C.R. 117) would be cut off from the Chelsea Road intersection & no longer be a through route. 3. During the summer of 1999, the portion of the said roadway described above will be reconstructed by the City of Monticello as part of the T.H. 25 improvements in the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello will not be required to meet County highway section standards in rebuilding C.R. 117, as long as this agreement is executed by all parties prior to the City's project being completed. Rebuilding of the existing roadway (including all paving) will meet City standards. The City of Monticello will not have to apply for a County utility permit if said roadway segment is turned back to the City prior to the project being completed. . November 29, 1999 Cooperative Agreement No. 99-06 - 2 - lJ . 4. The County shall contribute a lotal sum of $40,000 for this jurisdictional change which would include lotal County contribution for the improvement to the new intersection of Chelsea Road/County Road 117 and any costs associated with traffic control signal system on T.H. 25 & Oakwood Drive. The City shall be responsible for all other costs associated with lhe improvements. The County will be identified as a funding participant in the signal agreement between MnOOT & the City of Monticello for construction of the signal system on T.H. 25 and Oakwood Drive (former CR 117) because the east leg of this intersection was underthe County's jurisdiction at the time the signal system was constructed. 5. The City shall indemnity, save and hold harmless the Coonty and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out 0 f or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. The County shall indemnity, save and hold harmless the City and all of their agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or hy reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County. . 6. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County. It is further agreed that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workman's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged in any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. Any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shaII be considered employees of the County only and not of the City. It is further agreed that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged in any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shaIl be the sole Obligation and responsibility of the County. Before this agreement shaIl become binding and effective, it shaIl be approved by the City Council of Monticello and it shall also be approved by the Wright County Board of Commissioners and such other officers as law may provide. - November 29, 1999 - 3 - Cooperative Agreement No. 99-06 Jd IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto fixed. . COUNTY OF WRIGH't CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: Recommended for Approval: Wright County Engineer City Attorney, CIty of Monticello Chairperson, Wright County Board Mayor, City of Monticello Wright County Coordinator Clerk, City of Monticello Wnght County Attorney Attorney, City of Monticello Date . Date . November 29, 1999 -4. Cooperative Agreement No. 99.06 Jd . . . Council Meeting - 1/10/2000 13. Consideration of approval of Traffic Signal Al!reement No. 99-01 for the signal at the hospital entrance and East CSAH 75. O.S.) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: ~J(vf2. A. Wright County has drafted a signal agreement for the construction costs, engineering costs, inspection costs, and ongoing maintenance of a new signal at the hospital entrance in Monticello. This signal also has an emergency vehicle pass system. The agreement specifies that the City shall relamp the traffic control signals, clean and paint the tratlic control signals and cabinets, provide at its cost and expense the maintenance on luminaries, and maintain and operate the EVP emergency system. The County's responsibility will be to maintain the signal controller, determine the appropriate signal timing sequence, provide phone service to the controller for remote servicing, and to provide replacement of poles, cabinets, etc., should they be damaged through vehicle collision, etc. The hospital district is picking up the entire cost of the signal including construction engineering, inspection, etc. At a previous City Council meeting, the maintenance of this signal system was discussed and I do believe the consensus at that time was for the City to maintain the signal system. Maintenance of the EVP system, however, which includes all of the controllers in all of the ambulances may not have been discussed. Although the County Agreement makes us the responsible party, all of the maintenance of the EVP system and its vehicle controllers would probably have to be contracted out. Is this to be the City's cost or the hospital district's? The controllers are not being provided with our project, the hospital will have to purchase them. A copy of the traffic signal agreement is enclosed for your review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the traHic signal agreement with Wright County as drafted. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the signal agreement as drafted. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council approve the signal agreement as drafted and outlined in alternative #1. Some discussion should occur as to whether the City Council's previous discussion regarding the City picking up the maintenance costs included the EVP system and the controllers in the amhulanccs. Is this to be City or hospital district costs -- these services would have to be contracted and is not within the capability of the Public Works Department. . Council Meeting - 1/1 0/2000 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of traffic signal agreement. Copy of hospital agreement regarding maintenance. . . V",TV'C)..t:- ,,<> ~\ ,.. ~Z 'WI; ~ -d'Y 7S56 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Jct. T.H 25 and C.R.138 Telephone (612)682-7383 Facsimile (612) 682-7313 December 8, 1999 WAYNE A. FINGALSON, P.E. Highway Engineer 682-7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS. P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer 682.7387 RICHARD E. MARQUETI'E Right of Way Agent 682.7386 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway Street P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 RE: Traffic Signal Agreement No. 99-01, CSAH 75 & Hart Boulevard - Dear Rick: . Enclosed please fmd two (2) copies of the agreement for the traffic control signal system that will be constructed as part of the CSAH 75 improvements within the City of Monticello. This agreement Covers the installation, operation, and maintenance of the new traffic control signal system that will be located at the intersection ofHan Boulevard (new hospital entrance) and CSAH 75 in Monticello. If acceptable, please execute both copies of this agreement and return them to our office for county board approval. Please call me or Wayne Fingalson if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, /~~ Virgil G. Hawkins, P.E. Assistant County Engineer enclosure: 2 copies of Traffic Signal Agreement No. 99-01 cc: Wayne Fingalson, County Engineer . vJohn Simola, Monticello Public Works (w/copy of agreement) Project File (w/copy of agreement) ..... ..... Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer /3 . . , v"".,.. y Q~ QO ~ J.. 1- l' Z e .,~~ m ~ _ 00 ~ -,Y "B56 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TRAFFIC SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 99-01 BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO FURNISH AND INSTALL A TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM AT THE INTERSECTION OF CSAH 75 and HART BOULEVARD (HOSPITAL ENTRANCE) C:\DATA \ WPWIN\SIGNALS\MONTI-AG.C75 /3 . . . COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the City of Monticello, hereinafter referred to as the "City", WITNESSETH. WHEREAS, the City requests and the County agrees to the installation of a traffic control signal system on CSAH 75 at the Hospital entrance (Hart Boulevard) that is included in the CSAH 75 reconstruction project, SAP 86-675-12. AND WHEREAS, the City is initiating the project and the City therefore will be responsible for administrating the project, which includes hiring a consultant to coordinate preliminary engineering work, plans, specifications and proposal. Such work as described above will constitute "Engineering" and be so referred hereinafter. The City will also perform the construction engineering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described above will constitute "Inspection" and be so referred to hereinafter. AND WHEREAS, the City requests and the County agrees to the installation of an Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption System, hereinafter referred to as the "EVP System", as a part of the new traffic control signal installation on CSAH 75 at the Hospital entrance (Hart Boulevard) . AND WHEREAS, the County and the City will share the cost, maintenance, and operation of the new traffic control signal with street lights, EVP System and signing, as hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Article 1 The contract cost of the work and/or, if the work or portions of work are not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work, including the cost of providing the power supply to the service poles or pads, shall constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and be so referred hereinafter. Article 2 The County and the City shall share the costs for this project as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS County - 0 % of total cost (Signal system warrants not met) City - 100 % of total cost ENGINEERING COSTS City - 100 % (City prepared plan, specs. & proposal) INSPECTION COSTS City - 100 % of inspection cost December 1, 1999 C;\DATA \ WPWIN\SIGNALS\MONTI-AG.C75 - 2 - )3 . The above breakdown deviates from the present County Traffic Signal Funding Policy (50 % / 50 % split) because the signal was not warranted (by a signal justification report). CSAH funding cannot be used on signal projects unless a signal justification report is approved by MnDOT. Article 3 The City shall be responsible for providing the necessary electrical energy for the operation of the traffic control signals, and any electrical energy for street lights. In addition, the City shall be responsible for at its cost and expense to (1) relamp the traffic control signals; and (2) clean and paint the traffic control signals and cabinets; (3) provide, at its costs and expense, the maintenance on luminaries; and (4) maintain and operate the EVP System. (Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5 and 169.03.) In the event said EVP System or components are, in the opinion of the County, being misused or the conditions set forth herein are violated, and such misuse or violation continues after receipt by the City of written notice thereof from the County, the County shall remove the EVP System, at the City's expense. Article 4 Upon completion of the project; it shall be County's responsibility at its cost and expense to (1) maintain the signal controller, (2) determine the appropriate signal timing sequence, (3) provide phone service to the controller for remote servicing, (4) provide for replacement of poles, cabinet etc. if they should be damaged through vehicle collision etc. (major maintenance). . Article 5 The City indemnifies, saves, and holds harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City and further agrees to defend at its own sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder and with the corporate limits of the City of Monticello. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen I s Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. December 1. 1999 ~ C:IDATA I WPWINISIGNALSIMONTI_AG.C75 ...... - 3 - J3 . . - ..... Article ~ Before this agreement shall become binding and effective it shall be approved by resolution of the City Council of Monticello and it shall also be approved by resolution of the County Board and such other officers as law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. COUNTY OF WRIGH'( CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: Recommended for Approval: County Engineer Mayor, City of Monticello Chairman, County Board City Administrator County Coordinator City Attorney, City of Monticello County Attorney December I, 1999 C:\DATA \ WPWIN\SIGNALS\MONTI-AG.C75 - 4 - 13 '00 03:24PM CITY OF MONTICELLO P.2/2 3.5.3 The Hospital shall aa~e harmless, indemnify and defend the City from any and all third party claima which might arise out of the activities of the gosp~tal in its maintenance and operation of the canopy. 3.5.4 The Hospital hereby certifies that it has in place a comprehensive general liability insurance which will ~ecure its obligation to indemnify the City and shall name the City as an additional in~ured on said', ' policy and shall provide ,the City with reasonable proof of insurance. 3.6 The Hospital shall pay for the installation of a new traffic signal (electrified stop and go signal) at the above-mentioned inter~ection. The City shall maintain the signal after installation to the extent it is required 'to maintain the signal under any ,agreement it may enter into with the County of Wright for maintenance of the signal light. Payment shall be made by the Hospital totha City for the cOst of the tr~ffic signal within 90 'days after being invoiced for the same. It is the intention that the Hospital save the financing coet normally associated with this type of improvement. Accordingly, prompt payment after invoicing is the Hospital'S etrort to allow for payment witbout incurring financing charges. 4. Helipad. 4.1 The City shall grant to the Hospital a license for the construction, maintenance and oper~tion of a helipad in the form attached as Exhibit G and on the area described on- Exhibit G. . 4.2 The Hospital shall save harmlesa. indemnify and defend the City from any third party claims for injuries, or damages arising out of the construction. maintenance and operation of the nalipad. 5. Water Line. 5.1 Ths gospital shall develop the plans, construct and pay for a new 12 inch water line to service the Hospital and adjacent properties. The plan shall ~e submitted to the City engineer, and upon the City engineer approving the plans, Hospital shall construct and pay for the water main. Construction shall he in accordance with City standards and shall be subject to in~pection DY the City. Hospital shall pay the City its costs of plan ,approval, engineering. and inspection, together with administrative cOsts associated with such item. The Hospital shall pay the City the 'amounts billed within 90 days aftar City bills Hospital for such costG. The water lines shall run the full length of Hart -5- . ; , J3 . . . 1999 MONTICELLO MEN'S SLOWPITCH INCOME REPORT INCOME League Entry Fees 26 Teams @ $400 Early Bird Tournament Women's Class C Districts Men's Class C Districts Men's Class D Districts Girls State 18,16,14 & Under Slowpitch Misc; Concessions GROSS INCOME EXPENSES CITY OF MONTICELLO Liquor License Field Fee 26 Teams @ $125 Tournament Field Fee 7th Annual Light Installment Electricity for Lights MSF District Entry Fees Sanction Fees 26 Teams @ $14 Early Bird Sanction Umpire Supplies MSF Building Donation Dram Shop Insurance Tractor Maintenance Tropies~--League & Early Bird Tournament Marties-- Chalk for fields Field Dragging Balls for League District Field Help Tournament Managers Fees New Cooler Umpires Sam's Club--Candy & Chips Lindenfelser Meats Maus Foods Viking Coke Dahlheimer Distributing Concession Help MISC: Propane, gas for tractor, Times Ad, postage, tournament supplies, Ace hardware, and other purchases TOTAL EXPENSES GROSS INCOME FOR 1999 LESS EXPENSES FOR 1999 NET INCOME FOR 1999 10,400.00 5,254.25 3,674.35 3,850.95 4,211.35 1,289.88 2,215.51 20,960.40 51,856.69 137.50 3,250.00 550.00 500.00 1,637.32 385.00 364.00 50.00 106.00 1,120.00 1,105.00 499.27 535.70 210.12 880.00 1,496.11 1,990.00 1,360.00 2,229.08 7,317.00 2,547.93 2,826.07 687.41 4,866.55 6,184.17 6,952.70 1,476.68 51,263.61 51,856.69 51,263.61 593.08 SA . . . 5B. Council Agcnda - 2/14/2000 Consideration of final payment for City Proiect #98-10C. Community Center Trunk Sanitary Sewer Relocation and Appurtenant Work. (.1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Thc work on thc community center trunk sanitary sewer relocation project is complete. The work was done by Barbarossa & Sons. The original value of the contract was $311,728.78. The final construction cost of the project came to $283,910.69. This was primarily due to deleting the restoration of Walnut Street from this project. The final payment due Barbarossa & Sons is $32,936.54. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve final payment to Barbarossa & Sons in the amount of $32,936.54. 2. The second alternative is not to make final payment to Barbarossa & Sons. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council authorize final payment to Barbarossa & Sons [or City Project #98~ 1 OC in the amount of $32,936.54 as outlined in alternative # I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of final payment cover sheet. 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 BA. Mittelsteadt, r{fiJcoJo,,,, Bret A. Weiss, r f Peter R. \1V'illenbring, rE. Donald W Sterna, rE. Ronald B. Bray, rE. . & Associates, Inc. 612-541-4800 FAX 541-1700 January 6, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Final Construction Pay Voucher No.3 Community Center Trunk Sanitary Sewer Relocation & Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 98-10C WSB Project No. 1101.01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Enclosed are three (3) copies of Construction Pay Voucher No.3 for the referenced project in the amount of $32,936.54. . Please make payment in this amount to Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. &A-l~ Bret A. Weiss, P .E. City Engineer Enclosures c: Rick W olfsteller, City of Monticello Tom Bose, City of Monticello Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. . nm Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F \WPWIN'.IIOI Ol\vo-Htr wpt.! ,IIMATE VOUCHER NUMBER: 3 (Final) 1101.01 CONSTRUCTION PAY VOUCHER DATE PERIOD ENDING: February 10, 2000 January 31, 2000 WSB PROJECT NUMBER: __. ___ .___. ,,___. .._.._,.._,_"~_.~,.__"__..____'_..,.__."-'-_.,-'--'-_...__'__' .___.'.__"___.' __._..___ - .___.n COMMUNITY CENTER TRUNK SANITARY SEWER RELOCATION & APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 98.10C BARBAROSSA & SONS, INC. PO BOX 367 11000 93RD AVE NORTH OSSEO MN 55369 PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATE: September 17, 1998 WORK STARTED: WORK COMPLETED: COMPLETION DATE: TOTAL FUNDS ENCUMBERED $311,728.78 $0.00 $0.00 $311,728.78 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL ADDITIONS TOTAL DEDUCTIONS LESS RETAINED PERCENTAGE 0.00% $283,910.69 $0.00 TOTAL WORK CERTIFIED TO DATE . LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL PAYMENTS INCL. THIS VOUCHER BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD APPROVED FOR PAYMENT THIS VOUCHER $250,964.15 $283,910.69 $27,818.09 $32.946.54 APPROVALS WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. In accordance with field observation, as performed in accordance with industry standards, and based on our professional opinion, the materials installed are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. The total wor~s estimated to be 100% completed as of January 31, 2000. We hereby recommend payment of this voucher. ~ t ~ 5;9",d' S~n'd' ~ Construction Observer Project Manager/Engineer BARBAROSSA & SONS, INC. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this voucher. Contractor: Signed: Title: Date: CITY OF MONTICELLO Checked by: Approved for payment: Authorized Representative .e: Date: F \WPWIN'lI 101 01\vO-3 wpd . . . sc. Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 Consideration of tinal payment on City Proiect #97-04C. Klein Farms 4th Addition. (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Barbarossa & Sons have completed the infrastructure work on Klein farms 4th Addition. The original contract amount was $1,135,720.57. The final construction cost of the project was $1,076,209.49. The final payment owed Barbarossa & Sons is $100,709.77. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize final payment f<Jf the Klein Farms 4th Addition to Barbarossa & Sons in the amount of$100,709.77. 2. The second alternative is not to authorize final payment to Barbarossa & Sons. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council make final payment to Barbarossa & Sons in the amount of $100,709.77 as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of cover sheet for final payment. ~r- I 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 BA Mi,re!,re.i<. P.E. S Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. ~ . & Associates, Inc. 612-541-4800 FAX 541-1700 February 10,2000 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Final Construction Pay Voucher No.6 Klein Farms 4th Addition City of Monticello Project No. 97-04C WSB Project No. 1059.20 Dear Mr. W olfsteller: Enclosed are three (3) copies of the final Construction Pay Voucher No.6 for the referenced project in the amount of $100,709.77. OWe recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: . 1) Satisfactory showing that the Contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding State Income Tax and; 2) Evidence in the form of an Affidavit that all claims against the Contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3) Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. Thank you. Sincerely, ~;:rlnc Bret A. Weiss, P .E. City Engineer Enclosures . c: Tom Bose, City of Monticello Chris F1ykt, Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. nm Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:\WPW/M/OJ9_10Ivo.6.f"I-ltr_wpd 5 c Voucher No. WSB Project No: .oject: Location: 6 (Final) 1059.20 Date: Period Ending: February 9, 2000 January 31, 2000 Klein Farms 4th Addition City of Monticello Project No. 97 -04C Contractor: Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. PO Box 367 11000 93rd Avenue North Osseo, MN 55369 Contract Date: September 9.1997 Completion Date: July 15,1998 Work Started: September 22,1997 Work Completed: Original Contract Amount Total Additions Total Deductions Total Funds Encumbered Total Work Certified to Date Less Retained Percentage Less Previous Payments Total Payments Incl. This Voucher Balance Carried Forward Approved for Payment This Voucher $1,135,720.57 $0.00 $0.00 $1,135,720.57 0.00% $1,076,209.49 $0.00 $975,499.72 $1,076,209.49 $59,511.08 $100.709.77 Approvals WSB & Associates. Inc. .accordance with field observation, as performed in accordance with industry standards, and based on our professional opinion, the aterials installed are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. The total work estimated to be completed as of January 31, 2000 is as indicated herein and we hereby recommend payment of this voucher. 100% ~A:.~ Signed: Construction Observer Signed: Project Manager/Engineer Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this voucher. Contractor: Signed: Date: Title: City of Monticello Checked by: . Date: Approved for Payment: Authorized Representative Date: SG . . . City Council Agenda - 02-14-00 SD/SE Consideration of a Zonin!! Text Amendment to allow accessory stora2e in an R-4. Mobile Home Park District. and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a storage buildin!! in an R-4 Zoning District. Aoplicant: K;ellber{!'s Inc. (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the regular meeting on February I, 2000, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and acted to recommend approval of the zoning ordinance amendment as proposed based on the finding contained under Decision I, Alternative 1, which can be found in the attached report to the Planning Commission. Under Decision 2, the Planning Commission acted to recommend approval of the associated request for the conditional use permit, as noted under Decision 2, Alternative 1. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision I. Text Amendment to the R-4, Mobile Home Park District 1. Motion to approve the text amendment, based on a finding that storage buildings in mobile homes parks would help to minimize unsightly outdoor storage of privately owned property. 2. Motion to deny the amendment, based on a finding that the land use should eventually transition to another use, leaving the mobile home park as a legal non- conforming use. 3. Motion to table action on the amendment, subject to additional information. Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 above. Decision 2. Conditional Use Permit for the Addition of a Storage Building. 1. Motion to recommend Conditional Use Permit approval based on a finding that the proposed building is consistent with the existing and future land use of the area, contingent upon compliance with the surfacing and screening recommendations of Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on denial of the text amendment and that the building would constitute an expansion of a non-conforming use. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP, subject to additional information. Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 above. . City Council Agenda - 02-14-00 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends that the City Council select the recommendations made hy the Planning Commission. SUPPORTING DATA Report to the Planning Commission. Draft of Planning Commission minutes from 02/01/00. . . . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 02-01-00 s. Consideration of a Zonin!!: Text Amendment to allow accessory stora!!e in an R-4. lVlobile Home Park District. and a Conditional Use Permit to alJow the construction of a stora2e buildin!! in an R-4 Zonin!! District. Aoplicant: KjeJJberg's Inc. (NAC) A. BACKGROUND Kjellberg's wishes to provide an additional storage building for the use of park tenants adjacent to the existing storage building in Kjellberg's East Mobile Home Park. The new storage building would be 24 feet wide by 221 feet in length, and located about 43 feet south of the existing storage building. The fenced enclosure would be reconfigured to utilize the buildings as a major portion of the enclosed storage yard, leaving a larger "rear yard" space for some of the existing homes, and providing a more effective screening. To accomplish this, the R-4, Mobile Home Park District needs to be amended to specifically refer to this use. In this district, storage buildings are currently not mentioned as allowed accessory uses. The amendment would reflect the current use of the property. The area is designated for low to medium density residential use in the Comprehensive Plan. Surrounding land uses are vacant commercially zoned property to the north, and vacant unincorporated land to the south. The applicant has submitted a site plan based on map taken from aerial photography. It shows the proposed location of the storage building relative to the buildings in the area, including the other storage building and the surrounding mobile homes. The plan does not identify the type of building materials. Except for the relocated fence, the plan does not show any other site improvements proposed in conjunction with the new building. The Zoning Ordinance does not specify a surfacing requirement for anything other than roadways and driveways in Mobile Home Parks, except to require that other areas be surfaced to control dust and drainage. While paved surfacing would be the most durable and least likely to result in an unsightly property condition, a gravel surface would serve the requirements of the ordinance. As noted, the site plan does not indicate the proposed surfacing material. The City should require that it be paved or surfaced with gravel, and not left in grass or exposed soil. The new building will result in changing the fence location, screening most of the enclosed portion from mobile homes to the south. However, the open yard area will be more visible to mobile homes to the north. It would be worthwhile to consider a row of evergreen shrubs along the new fence line which will help screen the open storage yard from views into the enclosure. The screening in question would not affect views from the roadway, and should not reduce security. SOE ... " ". . ,. Planning Commission Agenda. 02-01-00 B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Text Amendment to the R-4, Mobile Home Park District I. Motion to recommend approval of the text amendment, based on a finding that storage buildings in mobile homes parks would help to minimize unsightly outdoor storage of privately owned property. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a finding that the land use should eventually transition to another use, leaving the mobile home park as a legal non-conforming use. 3. Motion to table action on the amendment, subject to additional information. Decision 2. Conditional Use Permit for the Addition of a Storage Building. 1. Motion to recommend Conditional Use Permit approval based on a finding that the proposed building is consistent with the existing and future land use of the area, contingent upon compliance with the surfacing and screening recommendations of Exhibit Z. . 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on denial of the text amendment and that the building would constitute an expansion of a non-conforming use. 3. Motion to table action on the CUP, subject to additional information. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the text amendment based on the finding in Decision 1, Alternative 1. The mobile home park is the likely long-term land use of this area, and is consistent with the low/medium density residential land use recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. For the foreseeable future, it is highly unlikely that the land use would change significantly due to the investments made in the property. Moreover, storage buildings would help to minimize problems related to the outdoor storage of private property in this area where available indoor storage is otherwise limited, . Staff further recommends approval of the CUP, based on the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. With reasonable surfacing of the storage area, and screening along the north boundary, the site should provide a service which will help to minimize unsightly outdoor storage in the mobile home park. SOE ~l .1 ., , --..... .>:::- . Planning Commission Agenda - 02.01.00 D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Site Plan Exhibit B - Draft Ordinance Exhibit Z - Conditions of Conditional Use Permit Approval . . " ., 5.0E . -i: .. . J ~,. \0 \0. '1-1- ICI- ~~ "'. 1-1- .~ )( ..... .. ~, "'I r' ",# . ". '.. c-.J. ~ ('l\. { ~ i / . .. . ,. '"', '"....-" "::-.:' ",:' ,'~~~:r.~.- -.,~.. . j :, , r ," j.. L, / L--.-1; ..... -- """"""------- ............. r..'V'^.........."'..,.../v " f;~ I 1 ~Q I I I (. , .' .it \~,/ ; ~ ! --1' ~ 1 '\. "",'. i~ ......~. ~V./ --=::..---J C' "'. ....\..~'.: .',' i-~ ..~. ') 'f' ..>- ," . -:I~ :~t /) ,\O~ !~_O // I'~V i 0 ) ~ ; / ~ : i /. ; '. '; /' - /1 .... ~.... t ./ /. I ....... (,.-- , /' Ail" .,-"'~ /,/'1 h./J> I "......./ ,-yW ~ ~') '- 1{'/:! <::? 1~,~1 Iq 0..0 _ _0_ )C ~. c. v.,' I ~:. .k> a' )( I . 0'- ~~: la-0 I I(>~ ~ 01 II~ _ // 0 I 01 /V"/<> 0- _ (~~ I I C/' I. v~..... C I jO I .', c1:....."-..... I I . 9 I. f } q:> ~ I ., -.,~ . 0 . ~ I. 'f \ ~.. ," ~ .~. ~,,)-Io--_ -~ {.o. ffi - · CD \0 0" X c =.J -'-- , 1. - . . ~":.t.... .. ,'<10. '.' ".: \..~.. :~.. :.. . . ~ I-- , ~ { ~ 5U~ . CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Ordinance No. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 9-4, OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISHING AN ALLOWANCE FOR ACCESSORY STORAGE BUILDINGS AS CONDITIONAL USES IN THE R-4 ZONING DISTRICT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 9-4 [A] is hereby amended to read as follows: [A] Accessory Storage Buildings. subject to the following conditions: 1. If associated with any open storage, the storage area is screened from surrounding mobile home units. . 2. The storage area is surfaced to control dust and drainage. '" ,). The storage area and building(s) are for the sole use of the residents of the Mobile Home Park, and are not available for use by non- residents. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . AYES: NAYS: .J -II 5" ~Jt- ~_ -c . Conditions of Conditional Use Permit Approval for Kjellberg East Storage Building 1. Surfacing of the storage area within the fenced enclosure to control dust and drainage. This may be accomplished by either gravel surface or paved surface, to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 2. Screening of the storage area from view of the mobile home units to the north. This may be accomplished by a continuous evergreen shrub planting along the fence line to the east and north of the storage area. 3. Storage area is for the private use of residents of the mobile home park and will not be made available for rent to non-mobile home park residents. 4. Comments and recommendations of other City Staff. . Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval . ., .1 .1 68E .i.. . l- lL cC a: Q . . PI'lIlning COlllmission Minutes - 02/01/00 5a. Consideration of a Zonin!! Text Amendment to allow accessory stora!!e in an R-4, Mobilc Home Park District, and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a storage building in an R-4 Zonin!! District. Avplicant: Kiellberg's Inc. Dan Licht, City Planncr, provided the report noting Kjellberg's wishes to provide an additional storage building for the use of park tenants adjacent to the existing storage building in Kjellberg's East Mobile Home Park. This would be a 5300 sq. ft. building which is in addition to the one they already have. To accomplish this, the R-4. Mobilc Home Park District needs to be amended to specifically rcler to this use. Mr. Licht noted that except for the relocated fence, the plan does not show any othcr site improvcmcnts proposed in conjunction with the new building. He also noted the Zoning Ordinance does not specify a surfacing requirement f()/' anything other than roadways und driveways in Mobile Home Parks, except to require that other areas be surfaced to control dust and drainage. While paved sudtlcing would be the most durable and least likely to result in an unsightly property condition, a gravel surface would serve the requirements of the ordinance. Mr. I ,1cht stated the City should require that it be paved or surfaced with gravel, and notlen in grass or exposed soil. The new building will result in changing the fence location, screening most of the enclosed portion from mobile homes to the south. I-Iowever, the open yard area will be more visible to mobile homes to the nO/ih. It would be worthwhile to consider a row of evergreen shrubs along the new fence line which will help screen the open storage yard from vicws into the enclosure. The screening in question would not alfect views Ji'om the roadway, and should not reduce security. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Mr. Rich Rothstein, Morton Buildings. added that this area is currently being used for storage and has been for many years. They now want to put up a structure to enclose, it is tenced right now and they are using an older storage building at this time. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. The members asked Mr. Rothstein about the type of building materials to be used and Mr. Rothstein stated they would not be the same as the existing building as it dates back to the 1950's and is in poor condition, but it will be a typical mini-storage building. Mr. Rothstein did note, however, that there are plans to upgrade the existing storage building in the future. There were also concerns by the members of previous problems the City has had with Kjellberg's. Fred. Patch stated that most of the previous issues relate more to land use issues in the Kjellberg West Park which is in the OAA district, not the City. Another concern was the placement of the storage building and it's c10sencss to fl)Ur of thc mobile homes. Fred Patch stated the City would look at land use and anticipates that Kjellberg's would work with their tenants on any concerns. Mr. Rothstein stated the chain link fence would be removed and the storage building would be placed approximately 15 feet further back, the doors would face the existing storage building. Fred Patch stated that the City may require a drainage plan and Mr. Rothstein stated he would provide this, although he did question the need for it stating that if there would be a drainage issuc it would affect Mr. Kjellberg's property alone and he was sure that Mr. Kjellberg would not want this to happen. ROY POPILEK MOVKD TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE TEXT AMF:NI>MENT, BASEl> ON A FINlJING THAT STORAGE BUILDINGS IN MOBILE HOME PARKS WOULD HF:LP TO MINIMIZr~ UNSIGHTLY OUTDOOR STORAGE OF PRIV A TEL Y OWNED PROPERTY. ROD DRAGSTF:N SECONDED THE MOTION. There wns further discussion on the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit nnd it was noted by Dan Licht thnt these items wel'e covered under the building provisions. Motion Carried. SDt- . .... I.L cr: tc Q . . Planning Commission Minutes - 02/0 1/00 Sh. Public Hcaring - Consideration of a request for a conditional usc permit allowing an 11ccessorv stonl!!e buildin!! in a mobile home park. Applicant: Morton Buildin!!s Inc. for Kiellher!!'s Mobile Home Park. Dan L,icht provided the report noting the request by Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park for a conditional use permit allowing liJr an accessory storage building and noting that the only additional information on this item is that this "specific use" would continue for a long period of time and zoning would be the issue. He also provided a list of conditions lor approval: Conditions of Conditional Use Permit Approval for Kjellberg Ellst Storage Building I. Surfacing of the storage area within the fenced enclosure to control dust and drainage. This may be accomplished by either gravel surface or paved surface, to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 2. Screening of the storage area from view of the mobile home units to the north. This may be accomplished by a continuous evergreen shrub planting along the fence line to the east and north of the storage area. 3. Storage area is for the private use of residents of the mobile home park and will not be made available for rent to non-mobile home park residents. 4. Comments and recommendations of other City Staff. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Rich Rothstein, Morton Buildings, stated a concern with condition number 2, that in speaking with Mr. Kjellberg it was stated his intent to screen and plant shrubs, and screening around the property or not is not going to have an impact on any private individual land owner, it will only impact Mr. Kjellberg's property and his renters. His motivation to screen or not would be between Mr. Kjellberg and his renters. He also stated the closest mobile homes are to the south and there is a 70 foot strip between the storage building and where the existing shrubs are. Dan Licht stated that the interest by the City in screening is to promote the highest quality development in the City. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. Ron DRAGSTEN MOVEn TO IU:COMMEND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSEn BUILDING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING AND FUTURE LAND USE OF THE AREA, CONTINGENT UPON COMPLIANCE WITH THE SURFACING AND SCREENING RECOMMENDATIONS OF EXHIBIT Z. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. Motion carried. 51) . . . SF. City COllncil Agcnda - 02/14/00 Consideration of amending Subdivision Ordinance by accepting an accurately drawn site plan with each simole subdivision application. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider accepting simple subdivision applications containing information via an accurately drawn site plan. Our current ordinance requires submittal of a ccrtified survey as part of the original application. The requirement to produce a certified survey would come after City Council approval. There are fCHlr main reasons for the proposed change. 1. An accurately drawn site plan usually contains sufficient detail for decision making. If detail is not sufficient, applicant can be requested to provide the additional necessary information. Requiring certification prior to consideration by the Planning Commission adds significant cost without providing additional information for decision making. If the application is turned down. the dollars for the certification are wasted. In the past, City Staff and the Planning Commission have accepted site plan information without first having it certified. This amendment would result in the ordinance matching practice. The certification requirement is important. Under the proposed amendment, certification of the survey data would occur after City Council approval and become the basis for recording the lot split. 2. 3. 4. The Planning Commission recommends Alternative I below. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend adoption of ordinance amendment accepting accurately drawn site plan information with simple subdivision applications. 2. Motion to deny adoption of ordinance amendment. City Council could take the position that we should be accepting simple subdivision requests as noted by ordinance. Providing a certified survey prior to review might avoid the potential problem of discovering of a survey data error in the survey after City review. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends Alternative 1 for reasons listed above. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of proposed ordinance amendment and Draft Planning Commission minutes. 11-1-5: . 11-1-6: 11-1-7: . 11 ~ 1-8: . 11-1~9: City Council Agenda - 02-14-00 CONDrrIONS FOR RECORDING: No plat of any subdivision shall be entitled to record in the Wright County Register of Deeds Office or have any validity until the plat thereof has been prepared, approved, and acknowledged in the manner prescribed by this ordinance. BUILDING PERMITS: No building permits will be considered for issuance by the City of Monticel1o for the construction of any building, structure, or improvement to the land or to any lot in a subdivision as defined herein until all requirements of this ordinance have been fully complied with. EXCEPTIONS: When requesting a subdivision, if either of the following two conditions exist, the subdivider is required to present a certificatc of survey, accurately drawn site plan information for the proposed subdivision, have the subdivision reviewed by the Planning Commission, reviewed and approved by the City Council, and adhere to the park dedication requirements spelled out in the ordinance, Section 11-6-1 through 11 ~6-5, and all other subdivision requirements shall be waived. Upon approvaL subdivider must provide City StafTwith a certified survey describing the approved subdivision. (A) In the case of a request to divide a lot which is part of an existing lot of record where the division is to permit the adding of a parcel of land to an abutting lot or to create two lots and the newly created property line will not cause the other rcmaining portion of the lot to be in violation with this ordinance or the zoning ordinance, except that no such division of a lot or parcel shall be permitted when said division shall create a lot or parcel that is in violation of Chapter 8, Subdivision 11-8-2, of this ordinance. (#148,9/9/85) (B) Such division results in parccls having an area of five (5) acres or more with frontage on a public right-of-way measuring three hundred (300) feet or more and when such division does not necessitate the dedication of a public right-of-way; or if a lot which is part of a plat recorded in thc office of the Register of Deeds of Wright County is to be divided and such division will not cause any structure on the lot to be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance or said new portions of lots to be in violation of City Ordinance. (#33, 7/27/77) SEPARABILITY: Ifany section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not aflect thc validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. CONFLICT: Whenever there is a diflerence between minimum standards or dimensions specified herein and those contained in other official regulations, resolutions, or ordinances of the City, the highest standards shall apply. TITLE XI/Chpt I/Page 2 5\= MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE .r ~ A Q . . 6. Consideration of ,lIuendin1! Subdivision Ordinance by accentine ore-certified survey d~lhl with each simple subdivision anulication. Fred Patch providcd the report asking the Planning Commission to consider accepting simple subdivision applications containing information via an accurately drawn site plan. lie also noted that this a change in the wording previously sublnitted to the members in their agenda packet, the change being the accepting of "an accurately drawn site plan" versus "pre-certi lied survey". Our current ordinance requires submittal of a certified survey as part of the original application. The requirement to produce a certified survey would comc after City Council approval. There are four main reasons for the proposcd change. I. An accurately drawn site plan contains sufficient detail for decision making. 2. Requiring certification prior to consideration by the Planning Commission adds signil~cant cost without providing additional information [or decision making. If the application is turned down, the dollars for the certification are wasted. 3. In the past, City Staff and the Planning Commission have accepted simple subdivision data without first having it certified. This amendment would result in the ordinance matching practice. 4. The certification requirement is important. Under the proposed amendment certification of the survey data would occur after City Council approval and become the basis for recording the lot split. Chair Frie stated this was a long over-due change and notes the City and it's staff are concerned with applicants paying out large amounts of money that may not be necessary at the time. There was a concern with applicants coming in for a subdivision without a certified survey and not knowing where easements, powerlines, etc. are in the subdivision. Fred Patch stated that this was really an exception and that the City has the right to request a certi lied survey at that time if they feci it is an issue. This amendment allows the City the opportunity for flexibility. Chair Frie also asked that the title of this item be reworded as follows: Consideration of amending Subdivision Ordinance by acceptinl! an ~lccurately drawn site 1)lan with each silllule subdivision apulication. ROIlBIE SMITH MOVED TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMI~NDMENT ACCEPTING AN ACCURATELY DRAWN SITE PLAN WITH SIMPLE SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS. ROn DRAGSTEN SECONDEn THE MOTION. Motion carried. Planning Commission Minutes - 02/0 I /00 S't- . . . SG. Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 Consideration of Change Order No.2 for Citv Project #99-01C. Kjellbcn!'s West Sanitarv Sewer Extension. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The Kjellberg's West sanitary sewer extension has been delayed due to Kjellberg's construction of the infrastructure for a new mobile home park to the west and northwest of the existing west side mobile home park. The City Engineer was directed by the City Council at a previous meeting not to proceed with the extension project as long as there would be the possibility of illegal connections being made to our system beyond 200 units specified in the extension agreement. The City Engineer has determined that the only way that we can guarantee that Mr. Kjellberg docs not make illegal connections is to have him remove the infrastructure which was completed illegally. The city Engineer also indicates that this system may not meet the ten state standards and was not inspected during installation. City staff and the City Attorney has concurred with the engineer's recommendation, and this information has been passed on to Mr. Kjellberg. Once the infrastructure system is removed the project could begin. The contractor, however, has delivered materials to the site and provided a bond for the project. Consequently, he is due $18,753. That is the cost of Change Order No.2. It is also possible that we may have to stop the project entirely if Mr. Kjellberg does not have his system removed early in the spring so that our contractor can begin work. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The tirst alternative would be to approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $18,753. $806 of this amount is for the bond payment, $17,947 is for pipe materials delivered on site, less 5% retainage would equal $17,815.35 for the actual payment. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve Change Order No.2. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, Public Works Director and City Administrator that the City Council authorize Change Order No.2 and authorize payment in the amount of$17,815.35 (5% retainage applied) to R.L. Larson. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from WSB and Change Order No.2. 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 BA. M'''d''~d''8 Bret A. Weiss, . . Peter R. Willenbring, P. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. ..-- ~ WSB ~ & Associates, Inc. . 612-541 ~4800 FAX 541-1700 February 10, 2000 Mr. John Simola City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. I / Change Order No.2 Kjellberg's West Sanitary Sewer Extension City of Monticello Project No. 99-01C WSB Project No. 1010.60 Dear Mr. Simola: . Attached, please find Change Order No.2 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $18,753.00. This project was awarded on July 26, 1999, but has not been authorized due to the developer's agreement issues. The contractor has incurred some expenses due to the delay. This change order is not intended to increase the project cost, but will just clarify payment prior to construction commencing. Once construction is complete, this change order will be void. We would recommend approval of Change Order No.2 and payment made in the amount of $17,815.35 (5% retainage applied) by Construction Pay Voucher No.1 enclosed. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. wtlvL Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Attachments nm . Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:\WPWIN\1 01 0.60\vo.l.co.2-lrr-cty. wpJ s . CHANGE ORDER NO.2 KJELLBERG'S WEST SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 99-01C WSB PROJECT NO. 1010.60 O~n~:___~i~ of Monticello ____--------J-Date?f Issuan~:~____Febru~ry 10,. 200_0____ Contractor: R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document description: ____.",' __,___,__' __,.._' .___._ ,.____... _..._. __~..,"__'__.' .,__" .-.,--.-,..'---_."___0' ___._ ..-. This project was awarded in July 26, 1999, but has not been authorized due to developer's agreement issues. The contractor has incurred some expenses due to the delay. This change order is not intended to increase the project cost, but will just clarify payment prior to construction commencing. Once construction is complete, this change order will be void. Attachment Itemized schedule CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: $107,428.20 Original Contract Time: August 31, 1999 _.____.., ..__ _. .__. ___ ."__.._.~__.__.,_,,. ..___ ._"___0---'. --- ,,,----.,. -.., ..-.--.. Previous Change Orders: NO.1 to 1: _...",--""--,,,.-._.,,--".'-".~'-"._' --. ,.__.,.,-~"-~.._.,,,._-- ,..-. ---.-., .---- ..-----.. $2,592.00 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None ontract Price Prior to This Change Order: $110,020.20 ContractTime Prior to This Change Order: August 31,1999 ..-."...-..-"'.----..-- --,'--. ---..,..--..."'-- -----..--.,'.--.- .-"...--."...-, .._~,._..,-,-,-"._.,..,._".~ Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $110,020.20 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: ..._...._..-_._"....~~...__.__. ._-~ .-"-_..__.~'_.'--"".- .-.-. ....-- ---.- -.-.--.- $18,753.00 Net Increase of Change Order: 30 days Net Increase of This Change Order: October 31, 1999 .. --.-..... -." _._._..._.,..._.,,--,.~~_.~..._-' .,-.-...---.'.- ..._~.._...,.__....,,--~ ..---.- Recommended By: Approved By: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer R. L. Larson Excavatin Inc. Contractor APproved~t L \1 City Engineer I Approved By: Date of Council Action: City Administrator . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/00 SH. Consideration of aoprovin1! the date for annual board of review. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Assessor's office has scheduled Wednesday, May 10,2000 at 7 p.m. as the date for the Monticello annual Board of Review. If this date is not acceptable to the Council, we need to let the County Assessor know as soon as possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve setting Wednesday, May 10,2000 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2000 Board of Review. 2. If this date is not acceptable, Council could suggest an alternate date. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None n. SUPPORTING nATA: Letter from Wright County Assessor. . . . . ~~TY Ok C/O ~ ~ I.il~~ ~ fh 1. 0 '1, .4")' 1se6 February 3, 2000 Rick Wolfsteller Monticello City Administrator 250 East Broadway Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: 2000 Local Board of Review Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: GERALD E. KRITZECK Wright County Assessor Wright Coun(y Government Center 10 2nd Street NW, Room 240 8uj](110, MN 553/3-1/83 Phone: (612) 682-7367/ (612) 682-7368 FAX: (612) 682-6178 The 2000 Monticello Board of Review has been tentatively set for Wednesday, May 10, 2000, at 7:00 p.m.. If this date will not work for you please let me know before February 15,2000. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, i~*fd Wright County Assessor GEK/rt Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employer sJ-l Council Agenda - 2/14/00 . 51. Consideration of adopting a ioint resolution supporting annexation of the second half of Phase I of the Groveland Subdivision and annexation of three adioining parcels owned bv Stuart Hoglund. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Counci I is asked to consider supporting annexation of the second half of Phase I of the Groveland Subdivision along with approximately 7 acres of land owned by Stuart Hoglund which is located directly west of the D & D Bus Co. As you may know, the MOAA Board recently granted approval of the annexation of the entire Groveland development area including the Stuart Hoglund property. It was their view that there was no need review each individual request fur annexation as the development proceeds through each phase. If the City Counci I grants the support of the resolution then the item will be brought directly to the township. If the township suppOlis adoption of the resolution then the request will be submitted immediately to the State Planning Agency which is likely to approve the annexation request. As you know the proposed Chelsea Road extends through Stuart Hoglund's property. The annexation of this parccl allows the City to assess the cost of the road to the Hoglund parcel. Similarly annexation of the entire portion of the second half of Phase I of the Groveland Subdivision allows the City to assess the cost of this roadway to the Groveland parcel. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Motion to adopt joint resolution supporting annexation of the second half of Phase I of the Groveland Subdivision along with approximately 7 acres of land owned by Stuart Iloglund and located directly west of the D & D Bus Company. This motion to approve annexation should be contingent upon completion of the Chelsea Road/Groveland improvement process through the plan approval phase. It probably makes sense to submit the resolution to the State Planning Agency at such time as it is apparent that the Chelsea Road project will proceed. This point in time is usually when plans are approved. Usually this means that the State Planning Agency will be processing the request during the bid phase which should provide sufficient time to get the property in the City befc)re construction begins. 2. Do not approve ajoint resolution supporting annexation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select alternative # 1. If the Council selects this alternative, the item will be forwarded to the township for consideration. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map information showing the second half of Phase I of Groveland Development along with the Hoglund property. NOTE: LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS TO CONFORM TO AREA SHOWN ON ATTACHED MAP RESOLIJTION NO. 2000-9 . IN THE MATTER OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE .JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ORDERLY ANNEXATION BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 414.0325, SUBD.l TO: Minnesota State Planning Agency Municipal Boundary Adjustments 300 Centennial Building 685 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55155 The Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello hereby jointly agree that the joint resolution between the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello designating an area for orderly annexation dated March 6, 1998, be amended to include the following: . Both the Town and the City agree that no alteration oHhe stated boundaries of this agreement is appropriate. Furthermore, both parties agree that no consideration by the Board is necessary. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Municipal Board may review and comment but shall, within 30 days, order the annexation oHhe following described property in accordance with the terms of the joint resolution: Property known as: Grovcland Subdivision (Portion of Phase I) (SEE A TT ACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION, EXHIBIT A) And Property known as: Hoglund parcel (SEE A TT ACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION, EXHIBIT B) Approved by the City of Monticello this day of ,2000. Mayor City Administrator . Approved by the Town of Monticello this day of ,2000. Town Clerk Town Chair r;f -) y If/II/MK" d Property Hoglun d prop.ejr. t, Grovelan ......., -...... ...... . i i I i , ~ =- . _1IfttII :.-. ~=~ ; ~.,. , ......v I............ ~ =-- ,..- IVIIto ~, wII -~-=-= ue."::.1I : ~ ,. ~ .... " I.:~ ~141~ .... or ..... ...." 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Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 Consideration of minor modification of the wastewater treatment plant's NPDES permit for wastewater discharge to the Mississippi River. (lS.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: After additional study by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), they are requesting that the city of Monticello and other communities along the Mississippi River no longer be required to chlorinate and dechlorinate our wastewater prior to discharge into the river during the month of March. We were previously required to chlorinate and then dechlorinate our wastewater from March through Octo her. The permits are now being modified to read April 1 through October 31. This change in our permit is expected to save us approximately $1,500 per year in chemicals. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the minor modification of the NPDES permit as requested by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 2. The second alternative is not to approve the change. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and the project manager at the wastewater treatment plant that the City Council approve the minor modification as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from the MPCA and form letter approving authorization. . 1~fii)~ ~ Minnesota Pollution Control Agency .p~~ - - - Office of the Commissioner February 3, 2000 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Monticello WWTP 250 E Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Permit No.: MN0020567 Re: Minor Modification of Your NPDES Permit to Shorten the Effective Period for the Fecal Coliform Effluent Limit Dear Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator: . The purpose of this letter is to inform you of a recent change to Minnesota's water quality standard for fecal coliform bacteria which has a direct impact on the effluent limit for fecal coliform bacteria in your National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The fecal coliform standard and effluent limits are assigned to protect receiving waters for swimming and other whole body contact uses. The recent change to the fecal coliform standard shortens the effective season for the standard from March 1 through October 31 to April 1 through October 31. Thus, the standard is no longer applicable during the month of March. This and other rule changes were adopted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Board on December 14, 1999, and published in the State Register as a final rule on January 31, 2000. To implement this change to the water quality rule, the MPCA is proposing a minor modification of your permit under the terms specified in Minnesota Rules part 7001.0190, subp. 3 (copy of7001.0190 enclosed). The change to the season for the fecal coliform standard means that fecal coliform bacteria are not considered a pollutant during the month of March, in terms of protecting waters for swimming, because there is very little if any swimming in March. This permit modification changes the effective period for the fecal coliform effluent limit on the limits page(s) of your permit, as follows: Parameter Fecal Coliform Current Effective Period Mar-Oct Modified Effective Period Apr-Oct The effective date for your total residual chlorine limit, if you use chlorine as the disinfection agent, will change also. Dechlorination would start on April 1. In general, dechlorination is required whenever chlorine is used. The effective dates for fecal coliform and chlorine (if chlorine is used) effluent monitoring are modified along with the limits. . A minor modification of your permit under Minn. R. pt. 7001.0190, subp. 3 requires the consent of the permittee. Enclosed for your convenience is a return letter. Please indicate on this letter if you wish to accept, or not accept, this minor modification of your permit. Please return the letter to the MPCA at the address provided before April 1, 2000. If you consent to this modification, you can implement the modification by delaying the start of disinfecting your effluent until April 1 to meet the modified fecal coliform effluent limit (and chlorine limit, ifapplicable), rather than starting disinfection on March 1, as 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; 51. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (651) 296-6300 (Voice); (651) 292-5332 (TTY) 51. Paul . Brainerd . Detroit Lakes . Duluth · Mankato · Marshall · Rochester . Willmar; www.pca.state.mn.us c:.' F.qual Opportunity Employer . Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20% fibers from paper recycled by consumers. --" -.-J Page 2 February 3, 2000 . you have in the past. The date for the fecal coliform effluent limit will be changed electronically in the MPCA WQDelta database in the near future, and the change will appear on the preprinted discharge monitoring reports issued by the MPCA. The MPCA is implementing the change to the fecal coliform season through a minor modification of your permit by this letter because of: 1) the large number of permittees affected by the change, 2) the short amount of time between the time the rule change became final and the start of the disinfection season, and 3) the change does not result in an increased discharge of a pollutant to the environment. The implementation ofthis change has both environmental and economic benefits. Because ofthe large number of permittees that are being notified of the modification, there is the possibility that you received this letter by mistake. This modification does not apply to you if: 1. your NPDES permit requires you to disinfect the effluent year.round, or 2. your discharge is to a limited resource value (Class 7) water and the fecal coliform limit in your permit is applicable from Mayl through October 31 (the fecal coliform standard for Class 7 waters was not changed), or 3. your wastewater is treated with a stabilization pond system and you do not disinfect with chemicals, ozone, UV light, or by means other than by the natural die-off of the bacteria in the ponds. (Permittees with pond systems will be notified by a separate letter.) . As stated, the MPCA believes the implementation of this change to the fecal coliform standard has both environmental and economic benefits. This rule change is the result of a public process that included input from representatives of many cities, environmental groups, and other interested parties. This change was nearly universally supported by all entities. If you have questions, wish to comment, or believe that this letter was sent to you by mistake, please contact the MPCA Regional Office for the region in which you are located (see phone numbers below), or you can call David Maschwitz at (651) 296-7255, or toll free at 1-800-657-3864. Sincerely, )mdw'&u)~ Gordon E. Wegwart, P.E. Assistant Commissioner GEW:jae Enclosures (2) Phone numbers for MPCA Regional Offices: Brainerd (218) 825-3054 Duluth (218) 723-4665 Detroit Lakes (218) 846-0730 Willmar (320) 214-3794 Rochester (507) 280-2990 Metro, St. Paul (651) 296-6010 -. s~ (~) -- MONTICELLO Ms. Mary Kimlinger Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 Monticello WWTP Permit No.: MN0020567 Re: Minor Modification of my NPDES Permit to Shorten the Effective Period for the Fecal Coliform Effluent Limit. Dear Ms. Kimlinger: . I have reviewed the minor modification of the effective period for the fecal coliform effluent limit and the chlorine limit, if chlorine is used as the disinfectant, in my National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, as described in the letter from Assistant Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Gordon Wegwart, dated February 3, 2000. I have reviewed the exceptions mentioned in the letter and determined that the modification is applicable to my permit; and hereby: o consent to the modification of my permit. o do not consent to the modification of my permit. Please mark the appropriate response above and return this letter by April 1, 2000 to: Ms. Mary Kimlinger Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Metro District, Major Facilities Section 520 Lafayette Road 8t. Paul, MN 55155-4194 I am authorized on behalf of the permittee to accept this minor modification of our NPDES permit. Sincerely, . Roger Belsaas S ~ The Honorable Mayor of Monticello Monticello City Hall, 250 E. Broadway, PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362-9245. (612) 295-2711. Fax: (612) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello, MN 55362 . (612) 295-3170 . Fax: (612) 271-3272 . . . Enclosure: Minnesota Rules part 7001.0190. 7001.0190 PROCEDURE FOR MODIFICATION, REVOCATION AND REISSUANCE, AND REVOCATION WITHOUT REISSUANCE OF PERMITS. Subpart 1. In general. If the permittee requests the modification or the revocation and reissuance of a permit, the commissioner shall require and review a permit application as provided in parts 7001.0040 to 7001.0090. Except as provided in subparts 2 and 3, in modifying permits and in revoking and reissuing permits the agency shall follow the procedures set forth in parts 7001.0100 to 7001.0130 to the same extent required for the issuance ofthe permit. In permit modification proceedings, only those portions of the permit that are proposed to be modified are open f~r comment and a contested case hearing. In proceedings to revoke and reissue a permit, the entire permit is open for comment and a contested case hearing. Subp. 2. Modification solely as to ownership or control. Upon obtaining the consent of the permittee, the commissioner shall consider a request to modify a permit as to the ownership or control of a permitted facility or activity without following the procedures in parts 7001.0100 to 7001.0130 if the commissioner finds that no other change in the permit is necessary. If the permit is a permit described in part 7001.0020, item A or B, the commissioner shall also find that the agency has received a binding written agreement between the permittee and the proposed transferee containing a specific date for transfer of permit responsibilities and allocation of liabilities between the permittee and the proposed transferee. Ifthe permit is a permit described in part 7001.0020, item A, the commissioner shall comply with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 116.074, before approving the permit modification. The commissioner shall not unreasonably withhold or unreasonably delay approval of the proposed permit modification. Ifthe permit is a permit described in part 7001.0020, item B, the following additional requirements apply: A. The new owner or operator shall submit a revised permit application to the commissioner no later than 90 days before the scheduled change in ownership or control. B. The previous owner or operator shall comply with the financial requirements of parts 7045.0498 to 7045.0524 until SJ . . . the new owner or operator has demonstrated compliance with the requirements to the commissioner. The new owner or operator must demonstrate compliance within 180 days after the date of the change in ownership or control of the facility. Upon demonstration of compliance to the commissioner, the commissioner shall notify the previous owner or operator in writing that the owner or operator is no longer required to comply with parts 7045.0498 to 7045.0524. Subp.3. Minor modification. Upon obtaining the consent of the permittee, the commissioner may modifY a permit to make the following corrections or allowances without following the procedures in parts 7001.0100 to 7001.0130: A. to correct typographical errors; B. to change an interim compliance date in a schedule of compliance, provided the new date is not more than 120 days after the date specified in the permit and does not interfere with the attainment of the final compliance date; C. to change a provision in the permit that will not result in allowing an actual or potential increase in the emission or discharge of a pollutant into the environment, or that will not result in a reduction of the agency's ability to monitor the permittee's compliance with applicable statutes and rules; and D. if applicable, to make a change as provided in parts 7001.0730, subpart 3; 7001.3550, subpart 3; and 7023.9050. Subp. 4. Revocation without reissuance. The commissioner shall give notice to the permittee of a proposal to revoke a permit without reissuance. This notice must state that within 30 days of the receipt of the notice the permittee may request a contested case hearing be held on the proposed action. If the permittee requests a contested case hearing, the agency shall hold the hearing in accordance with the rules of the Office of Admin~strative Hearings, parts 1400.5100 to 1400.8402. STAT AUTH: MS s 115.03 subd 1; 116.07 subd 4 HIST: 8 SR 2278; 11 SR 2415; L 1987 c 186 s 15; 12 SR 1564; 12 SR 2513; 13 SR 1150; 13 SR 2453 Current as of 11/13/98 t---- -~~ . City Council Agenda ~ 2/14/00 5K. Consideration to adoot a resolution aoprovine: the decertification of City TlF District No. 1-1 (Lincoln Prooerties). (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: TIF District No. I-I and Development District No.1 was approved by the City Council on March 26, 1990 and certified by the County on April 30, 1990. This was and is the only district created by the City and was created for the purpose of land acquisition and public improvement costs associated with the development of the West 7 Street which enhanced the development of the K-Mart site. The district was an Economic District with a life duration of 10 years from the date of plan approval or eight years from date of first received tax increment. Therefore, this district has ran its maximum life duration. The adoption of the resolution is an housekeeping item and an arrangement made between the Auditor's Office of Wright County and the City of Monticello for purpose of clarification or consistency. The enclosed resolution simply requests the County to decertify the district and to no longer remit tax increment to the City of Monticello commencing Payable 2000. . The district has retired its debt obligations and it appears there is no tax increment surplus over and above the TIF budget. The adopted resolution will be submitted to the Office of the Wright County Auditor. Please consider the following alternative actions. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to adopt the resolution approving the decertification ofTIF District No. I-I ofthe City of Monticello. 2. Amotion to deny adoption of the resolution. C. Recommendation. As this is a housekeeping item for clarification and in any event the district will decertify by law, the recommendation is Alternative No.1. D. Supoortimr Data: ..... Resolution for adoption. - . . CITY OF MONTICELLO STATE OF MINNESOTA Resolution No. BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DECERTIFICATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-1 OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. . WHEREAS, on March 26, 1990, the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") established Development District No.1 (the ''Project'') and created Tax Increment Finance District No. 1-1 (the "District"); and WHEREAS, as of the date hereof all bonds and obligations to which tax increment from the District have been pledged have been paid in full or defeased and all other costs of the Project have been paid; and WHEREAS, the City by this resolution to cause the decertification of the District after which all property taxes generated by the property within the District will be distributed in the same manner as all other property taxes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IS RESOL YED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that staff shall take such action as is necessary to cause the County Auditor of Wright County to decertifY the District as a tax increment district and to no longer remit tax increment payable 2000 from the District to the City. DATED: February 14,2000 (Seal) CITY OF MONTICELLO, MlNNESOT A Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator 5k . City Council Agenda. 2/14/00 5L. Consideration to approve the appointment of nominees to the Desien Advisorv Team. (O.K.) A. Reference and background: According to the Bylaws of Monticello Design Advisory Team (DAT), the OAT shall nominate individuals for appointment to the OAT, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of Monticello Community Partners (MCP). All nominations shall be forwarded to the Monticello City Council for approval, as provided for in the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Title 10, Chapter 14B, Section? With the resignation of Rita Ulrich as MCP Director and as a OAT member, the MCP Board of Directors hired Amanda Gaetz as the new MCP Director. OAT nominated Amanda Gaetz for the vacated OAT position and the MCP Directors approved the recommended nominee. Thereby, the Council is asked to appoint Amanda Gaetz to OAT for the two-year term vacated by Ulrich. . Secondly, since OAT was not on the list of annual appointments made by City Council in January 2000, the Council is requested to appoint OAT members Ron Hoglund, Gail Cole, and Mike Cyr for another two-year term. The following is a list of the current OAT members and their respective terms subject to approval by the Council. Two- Year Term: Expires January 2001 Pam Campbell Susie Wojchouski Dennis Sullivan Two- Year Term: Expires January 2002 Gail Cole Ron Hoglund Mike Cyr Amanda Gaetz B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the appointment of Gail Cole, Ron Hoglund, Mike Cyr, and Amanda Gaetz as members of the Design Advisory Team for a two-year term. Term expires January 2002. . 2. A motion to deny approval of the recommended nominees. 1 . . . 3. C. A motion of other action. Recommendation: Recommendation is Alterative No.1. D. Supporting: Data: Excerpts from the Bylaws ofDAT. 2 City Council Agenda - 2/14/00 ~Lf~~/~666 15:69 - 6122958997 MONTI COMM PARTNERS PAGE 82 ~ BYLAWS OF MONTICELLO DESIGN ADVISORY TEAM ARTICLE I: PURPoSE The Pwpose of rho MoaticeUo DeaiJll Adviawy T II1II ilto JlIOVicIe cIosip. nview of all development and RdeveJopment jllOj- within rho Central Conununily DiIIrict, IS provided for in rho MoaticeUo Zoniug Ordinonc:.. Title 10, Chapter 14B. IS amended. The DeoiJll AdvisoJy Team may also provide services, leparote liom Its official dutiel, relating to enhancing !he ph)'licallJlPC8r8nc. ofMooticeJlo to MonticeUo Community p_. a Miooosom DOIlprofil corporation. ARTICLE D: DEPlNITIONS Section I. "DA T" shall mean and toIior to rho MonticeUo Desisn Advisory Toam. a public body appointed by the Monticello City Council. . Sectioo 2. "Member" IbaJI mean and nfo< to all individual I duly nominated by Monticello COllllIlunity Parlum, a MiDueaota noa-profit COl)KIrItion, and appojatad to rho DA T by !be MonticeUo City Council, IS JllOvided for in ArtioJe In, Section 1 of1hue bylaws. Section l- "Bylaws" sbaU mean and refer to rho bylaws of lit. DA TIS amondod liom limo to time. ARTICLE m: MEMBERSHIP OF THE DESIGN ADVISORY TEAM Soctioo 1. ADnn;"'mont ofMombers. The DAT sbaU nominate individuals for appoinbnODlto the DA T. subjOClto !be IpprovaJ ofrho Board ofDinctor. ofMonticeUo Communily Pattnon. All nominations sbaU be forwarded to the MoaticeUo City Council for approval, IS jllOvided for in the MonticeUo Zoning Orcli.nance, Title 10, Chapter 14B, Section 7. SectiOll 2. Number and Terms ofDffi'il:_ The number ofmembon oflbe Monticello Desisn AdvilOry Team sbaU be DOllesa rhao Ii... (5) and DOl DIOn lhan seven (1). Each member shall be · natural penon of full age and serve for a period of two (2) yoars. until his or her SUC<:usor is appointed or until hiI or her reaisnatioo or removal IS hereinafter provided. Al the oxpinWoo of any tenn, any member may be reappointed in the manner .pecified in Section 1 hereof. Additional memben may be appointed to fill vacancies in the same manner. Soction 3. Initial Terms. Oflltose membon initially 8ppointod, two (2) members sbalI serve lbroe-year lomu, and three (3) members shaU serve two-year teons. Thon:after. all members shall serve two-year terms. 1 5L / (A) Initial Two- Year Tenn: (Tenn expires January 2000, with the appointment of new member) Gail Cole Ron Hoglund Rita Ulrich (B) Initial Three-Year Tenn: (Tenn expires January 2001, with the appointment of new member) Pam Campbell Susie Wojchouski Section 4. Resignation. Any member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chair or Secretary of the Design Advisory Team. The resignation of any member shall take effect at the time specified therein or, if no time is specified therein, upon receipt thereof by the officer of the DA T to whom the written notice is given; and, unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. . Section 5. Removal. Any member may be removed from the DA T, at the discretion of the Monticello City Council. DA T may make a recommendation to the City Council for the removal of a DA T member, if he or she misses three or more consecutive regular meetings of the DA T or more than fifty percent (50%) of the regular meetings in any six month period. A recommendation from DA T for the removal of a DA T member shall require an affinnative vote of the majority of all DAY members. Section 6. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the DA T caused by death, resignation, removal, or any other cause, shall be filled in the manner specified in Section 1 hereof. Section 7. Conflicts of Interest. A member shall disclose any conflict of interest, and shall abstain from voting on any matter in which he or she has a conflict of interest as defined by, and in accordance with, Minnesota State Statutes. ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS Section 1. Enumeration of Officers. The officers of the DA T shall be the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary, who shall be members of the DA T, and other such officers as the DA T may from time to time create by resolution. Section 2. Election of Officers and Terms. The election of all officers shall take place annually, at the first regular January meeting of the DA T fOllowing the appointment of new members or reappointment of members by the City Council. The tenns of all officers shall be one year. Section 3. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office may be filled by a special election at any time. The person elected to such vacancy shall serve in such capacity for the remainder of the tenn of the officer he or she replaced. Section 4. Multiole Offices. No person shall simultaneouSly hold more than one office. 2 5L . SM. Consideration of contract extension with Carefree Lawn Service for mowin .[crvices. (1.S.) Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Carefree Lawn Service, Inc. has been doing contract mowing for the city of Monticello since 1995. The city uses contract mowing for nuisance violations of the city ordinance, to mow Riverside Cemetery, the Monticello Library, Hi- Way Liquor, and the Monticello Fire Hall. The costs of mowing under the contract have been relatively economical for the city in that we pay only $30/each for mowing of the library, Hi~ Way Liquor or the fire hall. The cost to mow Riverside Cemetery is $525 per time. Carefree Lawn Service has performed quite well over the past several years. The only problems we have ever had with them is the timing of mowing Riverside Cemetery prior to Memorial Day weekend. We would like it mowed just prior to the Memorial Day weekend on Thursday or Friday, and in the past on a couple of occasions it has been mowed a week ahead of time. This was done to avoid having to mow around the memorials and flowers, etc. which start to show up the Friday prior to Memorial Day. . James King, the OWner of Carefree Lawn Service, has sent us a proposal to extend the contract for a period of five years, through the end of the 2004 season. He would keep the same rates bid in the 1997 contract and will add to our contract that Riverside Cemetery be mowed within two days ofthe Memorial Day weekend (Thursday or Friday) unless weather conditions prohibit this. A copy of the rate structure is included for YOur review. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize a contract extension for a period of five years with Carefree Lawn Service, Inc., based upon the rates in effect for the last contract. 2. The second alternative would be not to extend the contract for a period offive years but to extend it for a lesser number of years. 3. The third alternative would be not to extend the contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Park Superintendent that the City Council extend this contract lor a period of five years as outlined in alternative #1. It is not often that we can lock in rates for long periods of time for any services. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of letter from Carefree Lawn Service requesting a contract extension; copy of rates from the last contract. . Carefree Lawn Service, INC. PO Box 1038 Monticello, MN 55362 @ ~ TO: John Simola Roger Mack Greg Engles City Council Members DATE: January 18, 2000 RE: Extension of City Mowing Contract At this time I would like to propOse a five-year contract for lawn service for the City of Monticello. The contract that I am proposing would expire at the end of the season in 2004 and would not be subject to any price increases; the prices that were agreed Upon for the 1997 lawn season would remain in effect throughout the course of the new contract. . Over the last five years that I have held the city contract my crew and I have made every effort to perform top quality work. I can assure you that quality is very important to me and I will make every effort to ensure your satisfaction as well as my own satisfaction in the work performed by my crew and myself. Not only is the quality of our work important to me, but I also pride myself on the fact that I try to minimize price increases unless absolutely necessary. Over the last five years I have performed the services at what I would consider a fair price, without any added price increases. We have had one discrepancy over the past few years that comes during Memorial Day weekend. We normally mow the cemetery 6-7 days prior to the weekend, should you decide to accept this proposal, we will make Sure the cemetery is mowed Thursday prior to Memorial Day weekend as requested by the Ci ty of Monticello. If rain is forecasted than it will be done either on Wednesday or Friday. I would greatly appreciate your consideration in this matter. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 263-8866. Sincerely, , / ;0..'" ,l .l- . 0--__L//M~V t; James w. King Owner - - 50\ , J:..... , r"~I& -" ~"' . ~W'm . ~ ~ CITY OF MONTICELLO MOWING AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ...............',',',',',',.'.'....,.,.:..,'.','.','...............'.','.',..............'...',',','.:.:.:.:':.:,' ',',',',',',',',',','.','.',',',',',',',',',.,'.' .... .......................',',',',',',',',',.'...'".,'.:"..............',.,'..,'.'.................'.',,',','.',',',.:.:':,',',',',',',',',',',',',',',',','............,'.:.'.... ..........."""",... .,,'.'. .......,"',...........""""""'.'..'""""",,........,... 1997CON'tRAtTRA....eS ::::::::::>>>>>> :.' : ' :: <,: .:-' :: ::: " :. ,0,": ::-":: :): :: . '::' :: :></:::::::".".. Carefree Lawn Service P.O Box 1 038 Monticel 10 , MN 55362 I ITEM ." I DESCRIPTION UNIT I RATE I. SITE A: MONTICELLO LIBRARY 1 Mowing, weeding, trimming of weeds/grass inc. litter/debris pickup and LUMP SUM $30.00 disposal per time 2 Litter/debris pickup and disposal separate from mowing operations LUMP SUM $10.00 per time 3 Hedge, bush and vine trimming LUMP SUM $ 0.00 per time 4 Fall complete cleanup of site inc. disposal of all materials LUMP SUM $45.00 per time II. SITE B: HI-WA Y LIQUORS 1 Mowing, weeding, trimming of weeds/grass inc. litter/debris pickup and LUMP SUM $30.00 disposal per time 2 Litter/debris pickup and disposal separate from mowing operations LUMP SUM $10.00 per time 3 Hedge, bush and vine trimming PER HOUR $ 0.00 4 Fall complete cleanup of site inc. disposal of all materials LUMP SUM $40.00 per time III. SITE C: MONTICELLO FIRE HALL 1 Mowing, weeding, trimming of weeds, grass inc. litter/debris pickup and LUMP SUM $30.00 disposal per time 2 Litter/debris pickup and disposal separate from mowing operations LUMP SUM $10.00 per time 3 Hedge, bush and vine trimming PER HOUR $ 0.00 4 Fall complete cleanup of site inc. Disposal of all materials LUMP SUM $35.00 per time IV. SITE D: RIVERSIDE CEMETERY Mowing, weeding, trimming of LUMP SUM weeds, grass inc. litter/debris per time pickup and disposal $600.00 LUMP SUM per time $525.00 2 Litter/debris pickup and disposal separate from mowing operations LUMP SUM per time $135.00 (Carefree's disp. site) $100.00 (City disp. site) C:\OFFICEIJOHNlCAREFREE. EXT: 0211112000 5m -1- Carefree Lawn Service P.O. Box 1038 Monticello, MN 55362 DESCRIPTION UNIT RATE 3 Spring complete cleanup of site to inc. disposal of all materials LUMP SUM $100.00. per time 4 Fall complete cleanup of site inc. disposal of all materials LUMP SUM $2,200.00 per time (Disposal on site) $2.600.00 (Disposal 011 site) V. ADDITIONAL SERVICES BY THE HOUR A. TRACTOR MOWERS: 1. John Deere F935 72" oer hour $30.00 2. John Deere 420 60" per hour $30.00 3. John Deere 420 50" oer hour $30.00 B. SELF.PROPELLED MOWERS: 1. Toro Proline 54" oer hour $30.00 2. Toro Proline 44" oer hour $30.00 C. PUSH MOWERS: 1. MTD 21" per hour $30.00 2. MTD 21" per hour $30.00 D. BRUSH HOG MOWERS: 1. John Deere F955 4' per hour $60.00 E. TRIMMERS: 1. Husnuarna Echo Stihl oer hour $30.00 *No spring cleanup bid, litter pickup only. . C:\OFFICE\JOHN\CAREFREE.EXT: 02111/2000 SfY\ .2. Carefree Lawn Service P.O. Box 1038 Monticello, MN 55362 DESCRIPTION UNIT RATE ESTlMA TED ANNUAL COST: BASED UPON 22 MOWINGS PER YEAR AND FALL CLEANUP AT SITES A, B & C $2,100.00 BASED UPON 6 MOWINGS PER YEAR AND SPRING & FALL CLEANUP AT RIVERSIDE CEMETERY $5,850.00 TOTALS $7,950.00 . . C:IOFFICE\JOHNICAREFREE.EXT: 0211112000 -3. . . . Council Agenda ~ 2/14/00 7. Consideration of review of third Quarter and year end liquor store financial report. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman will be in attendance at the Council meeting to answer any questions the Council may have regarding the year end financial report. To summarize, the liquor store operation continues to show growth not only in total sales but also in operating income. Total sales increased by over 11 % to $2,350,000 resulting in a gross profit of $600,203 or $68,000 more than last year. The resulting operating income is $340,450, a $44,062 increase over 1998 figures. This is a 14.9% increase in operating income, which is a more accurate reflection of the operation than the net income would be. Net income also includes other earnings such as interest income which does not havc a direct bearing on the profitability of the business. With a total net income of $388,000, $200,000 was transferred from the liquor fund to the debt service fund for the Community Center bond. Based on our 1999 operations, there shouldn't be a problem in continuing this transfer annually to cover any shortiall in thc operational expenses of the new Community Center. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After reviewing the financial report with the Liquor Store Manager, the Council can accept the report as presented. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of nine month and year end financial report for 1999. . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEP 30, 1998 AND 1999 1998 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT . Liquor Sales 412,250 458,165 Discounts Cost of Sales 299,240 317,794 --~~----~- ~~-~...._---~ GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 113,010 27.4% 140,371 30.6% Beer Sales 913,965 1,011,865 Cost of Sales 723,964 770,446 --~--~-~~- -----~~-~- GROSS PROFIT - BEER 190,001 20.8% 241,419 23.9% Wine Sales 144,309 163,506 Cost of Sales 95,808 116,822 ---~------ ----~-~--- GROSS PROFIT - WINE 48,501 33.6% 46,684 28.5% Mise Sales 56,242 68,601 Cost of Sales 45,208 55,919 ~----~---- ---------- GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 11,035 19.6% 12,682 18.5% Mise Non-taxable Sales 2,385 1,213 Cost of Sales 830 548 -~---~---- -----~--~- 54.8% GROSS PROFIT - MISC NON-TAXA 1,555 65.2% 665 TOTAL SALES 1,529,146 1,703,329 TOTAL COST OF SALES 1,165,050 1,261,529 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 6,823 6,314 --~--~---- ----~----- TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 357,274 23.4% 435,485 25.6% -~---+----..... ---------- ~~------~- -----~-~-- I . SALES Liquor Beer Wine Other Merchandise Misc Non-Taxable Sales Discounts TOTAL SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEP 30, 1998 AND 1999 1998 YEAR-TO~DATE AMOUNT 412,250 913,965 144,309 56,242 2,385 ~-~------~ 1,529,146 (1,171,873) ~-~------- 357,274 23.4% ---------- ------~~~~ . GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Personal Services Salaries PERA FICA Insurance Unemployment Benefits Severance Pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies Office Supplies General Operating Supplie Other Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES 97,813 5,062 7,469 6,907 -~~------.... 117,252 7.8% 824 4,174 ---------- 4,998 .3% 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 458,165 1,011,865 163,506 68,601 1,213 --~--~---- 1,703,329 (1,267,844) ~-~------- 435,485 --------.......- ~-~------- 110,141 5,494 8,499 6,227 975 --~-----~- 131,336 2,089 4,740 140 -----.....~-~- 6,970 25.6% 7.7% .4% \ . Other Services & Charges Professional Services Maintenance Agreements Communication Travel-Conference-Schools Adverti sing Insurance & Tax Utilities Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Other Depreciation--Acquired As Mise Sve & Chgs TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CH . TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EX PENS TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short Sale of Property Misc Income TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING SEP 3D, 1998 AND 1999 1998 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 1,640 2,418 242 2,589 8,420 10,637 2,039 1,343 86 8,313 12,642 ---------- 50,369 3.3% 172,619 11.4% ---~------ 184,655 11.9% -----~---- ---~------ 29,254 (205) 153 ---~~-~-~- 29,202 1.9% 213,857 13.8% -~-------- ---------- 213,857 13.8% --~----~-- -~-------- 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 1,245 615 1,621 4,234 8,339 11,453 4,271 1,388 300 8,297 5,714 ~~-~--~--~ 48,147 186,452 --~-~---~- 249,033 -~~---~--- ~-~---~--- 35,440 (248 ) (59 ) ---------- 39,687 288,720 ---------- ---------- 288,720 -~-------~ ---------- 2.8% 10.9% 14.6% 2.3% 16.9% 16.9% l . MONTICEIJLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 30Sep1999 CUrrent Assets: Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable A/R - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS . Fixed Assets Land & Parking Lot BUildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses TOTAL LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 11,316.58 1,600.00 1,060,514.11 (2,009.43) 300,421.82 5,512.72 ~-~------....._- 1,377,355.80 46,591.03 234,104.13 88,735.45 (275,124.14) -~----~----~ 94,306.47 ---------~~- 1,471,662.27 ~----------- ---......_-~----- 783.44 15,924.05 6,955.41 30,111.00 2,318.42 -----~---~-- 56,092.32 1,415,569.95 --~-~------- 1,471,662.27 --------~-~- --~-~-~----- 1 . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 1998 AND 1999 1998 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 1999 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT Liquor Sales 590,666 651,955 Discounts Cost of Sales 408,926 469,150 ~---~----- ---------- GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 181,740 30.8% 182,804 28.0% Beer Sales 1,211,898 1,347,392 Cost of Sales 936,699 1,012,604 ---~~----- ~~-~--~--- GROSS PROFIT - BEER 275,199 22.7% 334,789 24.8% Wine Sales 223,303 258,884 Cost of Sales 157,246 188,595 ----~----~ ---~---~~- GROSS PROFIT - WINE 66,057 29.6% 70,289 27.1% ..... Mise Sales 76,145 90,972 ~ Cost of Sales 60,407 71,101 ~---~-~--- -~~~------ GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 15,738 20.7% 19,871 21. 8% Misc Non-taxable Sales 3,156 1,735 Cost of Sales 1,159 679 ~~-~--~~-- ---~------ GROSS PROFIT -, MISe NON-TAXA 1,997 63.3% 1,056 60.9% TOTAL SALES 2,105,273 2,350,909 TOTAL COST OF SALES 1,564,436 1,742,130 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 9,023 8,577 ---------- ---------- TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 531,814 25.3% 600,203 25.5% --~--~-......_- ----------- ~--~-~~--- ------~--- 1 . SALES TJiquor Beer Wine Other Merchandise Mise Non-Taxable Sales Discounts TOTAL SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 1998 AND 1999 1998 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 590,666 1,211,898 223,303 76,145 3,156 2,105,273 (1,573,459) 531,814 ---------- -------~~- GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE '. Personal Services Salaries PERA FICA Insurance Unemployment Benefits Severance Pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies Office Supplies General Operating Supplie Other Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES . 138,802 7,007 10,333 9,083 165,224 1,175 6,481 597 8,253 25.3% 7.8% .4% 1999 YEAR-TO~DATE AMOUNT 651,955 1,347,392 258,884 90,972 1,735 2,350,909 (1,750,706) 600,203 ------~--- -----~---- 150,957 7,385 11,426 9,345 975 180,089 2,393 5,890 221 8,504 25.5% 7.7% .4% l . Other Services & Charges Professional Services Maintenance Agreements Communication Travel-Conference-Schools Advertising Insurance & Tax Utilities Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Other Depreciation--Acquired As Misc Svc & Chgs TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CH . TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENS TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short Sale of Property Misc Income TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE -=- MONTICEr,LO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC 31, 1998 AND 1999 1998 YEAR-TO~DATE AMOUNT 1,981 3,155 242 5,860 6,649 13,714 2,928 1,610 193 11,089 14,529 61, 949 2.9% 235,427 11.2% 296,388 14.1% ~~-~-----~ --~--~---- 23,470 (423 ) (21) 23,026 1.0% 319,414 15.1% ---------- -----~---- (134,000) 185,414 8.7% ~--~-----~ -_._~--~~-- 1999 YEAR-TO~DATE AMOUNT 1,799 626 2,236 6,111 10,822 12,779 6,262 2,203 342 11,071 15,838 71,160 259,753 340,450 ---------- ---------~ 48,392 (628 ) ( 197) 47,688 388,138 ~~-~~----~ ---~------ (200,000) ~~~,131 ---~-----~ ---------- 3.0% 11.0% 14.5% 2.0% 16.5% 8.0% I . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 31Dec1999 Current Assets: Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable A/R - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS . Fixed Assets Land & Parking Lot BUildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses TOTAL LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 41,783.09 2,600.00 938,287.75 (2,493.53) 270,851.42 3,029.62 -----~----~~ 1,254,053.35 46,591.03 234,104.13 88,735.45 (277,898.24) ----~------- 91,532.37 -----~------ 1,345,585.72 ~--------~-~ ----~~~---~- 1,246.19 23,398.53 11,311.22 32,564.00 2,968.93 -~~--------- 71,488.87 1,274,096.85 --~--------- 1,345,585.72 -~--~------- ------~--~-- l . 8. City Council Agenda - 02/14/00 ubJic hearin for Jetion of Phase 1 of REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider accepting feasibility study and ordering of public hearing for improvements associated with extension of Chclsea Road and completion of Phase 1 of the Grove1and subdivision. Under the proposed project, Chelsea Road would be extended entirely through distance between Sandberg Road mId 90th Street thus making the connection to the City's future industrial park area. In addition, utility extensions would be made to the west as well. . The feasibility study also includes descriptions of the improvements associated with construction of utilities for 62 lots with Phase I of the Groveland subdivision. It is proposed under this plan that the City construct the roads and utilities associated with this plat and levy these costs as assessments against each lot which are then paid at time of closing on each home. Tony Emmerich has a long history of successfully completing subdivision development using the 429 process, the most recent development included the Klein Farms 4th Addition which was completed following the 429 process. All lot were developed and assessments paid within three years of the beginning of construction. One of the most challenging aspects of this project is to determine the method for assessing the benefit of the Chelsea Road extension to the various property owners. Despite the difficulty in finding agreement between property OWners on who should pay for what with regard to Chelsea Road, it is clear that all of the property owners agree that Chelsea Road should be extended and that each should pay an assessment. It is expected that a major portion of discussion on Monday will revolve around diiferent ideas that have come up with regard to spreading the costs of the Chelsea Road extension. Following is one idea that has come up that could be a starting point for discussion. There appears to be agreement on the fair method for spreading the actual cost of construction, such costs will be spread evenly based on trontage length. The difficult portion of the assessment is spreading the cost of right -of- way because each property OWner is providing a different level of right-of-way with this project. Goulds and D&D are not providing any right-of-way, whereas the Stuart Hoglund property and Emmerich property are both providing right-oF-way. In addition, the City had to purchase an $89,000 parcel that allowed extension of the roadway into the Groveland pm'cel. This land value should be incorporated into the project cost. Further complicating matters is the potential vacation of the 90th Street right-of-way which would provide freeway frontage to Goulds, D&D and the Hoglund property. The question here is how much should the benefitting property owners from that vacation pay for the road right-of-way . City Council Agenda - 02/]4/00 which will be conveyed from the County to the City, and then to the property owners. As noted earlier, typically each property owner would provide an cqual share of the road right-of-way. In this case, Emmerich and Hoglund arc providing all of the right-of way, therefore it is proposed that the asscssment 1()r thc D&D/Goulds assessment total should include the cost of the land for the length of their property. Therefore, Goulds and D&D would pay for 1,600 square feet. If the land is valued at $1 per square foot, each parcel has to contribute $] 6,000 to the total cost. . The $89,000 purchase made by the City would be included as a project cost but will be directly offset by the right-of-way contributions with an additional $18,000 contribution by Emmerich over and above the right-of-way he has already provided. With regard to Stuard Hoglund's Imld, it is proposed that Stuart Hoglund trade land needed for the new right-of-way. In exchange for giving up this land, he will gain the old 90th Street right-of- way which will provide freeway trontage and additional area for commercial development for the triangular piece of land he owns. The funds derived from the sale of the 90th Street ROW will be used to otTset the Gould, D&D and Hoglund assessments. Obviously, this is a somewhat confusing method for assessing the benefit of the land acquisition associated with extension this roadway. Making it more difficult at this time is that there is no agreement between property owners as to whether or not this method is the best approach for spreading theses costs. We hope to have a spreadsheet prepared for the meeting which clearly describes this option for distributing road acquisition costs which can be a starting point for discussion. Under the proposed Chelsea Road extension plan the Olson Electric property will continue to obtain road access via the old 90th Street ROW. The plan does not call for extending a road or private drive through the old Marvin Road ROW at this time. There appears to be some development potential for the land area between the new Chelsea ROWand the Dave Peterson Ford/Eduplay parcels. If a drive serving the Olson property were extended through his area to Chelsea, such an improvement might significantly diminish the developability of this area. Perhaps as an alternative to developing a road or drive fix the Olson property, it might make sense to provide an easement which would allow future access through this site whieh would ultimately allow the Olson property to have access to Chelsea via the future development. The final alignment of any drives or road improvements would then be dictated by the needs of the future development in that area. . . City Council Agenda - 02114100 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept the feasibility study and call for a public hearing to be conductcd on February 28, 2000. 2. Motion to tablc or deny acceptance of the feasibility study and table or deny calling for the public hearing. RECOMMENDA nON It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to accept the feasibility study with modifications as proposed by Council, and to discuss potential methods for distributing the costs associated with land acquisition for Chelsea Road. As you know, discussion regarding assessments at this phase ofthc project provides a basis for the future assessment roll, however the final assessmcnt roll is not adoptcd until thc completion of the project. If Council so desires, it can move a project forward in the process without a completed determination of assessments for each parcel. Accepting the feasibility study therefore at this time does not compel the City to adopt an assessment roll at this time. Obviously, discussion regarding distribution of costs and design can occur throughout the planning process and most specifically at the public hearing scheduled for the 28th, . SUPPORTING DATA Copy of feasibility report. . . . ~ 9. Council Agenda - 2/] 4/2000 Consideration of a reement with Sunn Fresh Foods for interim wastewater dischanze permit increase. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Prior to the construction of the city's current wastewater treatment plant expansion, we discussed with the management staffofSunny Fresh Foods their fllture needs f()r wastewater discharge. This was important to us as we needed to provide for growth of existing industry but yet allow for new industry and growth of the community. Sunny Fresh's permit regulates their flow of water, the amount of BOD and the total suspended solids in the wastewater. Ofprimary concern is the amount of BO D. Duri ng designmeeti ngs for our new plant they indicated they would like a 50% increase in BOD and total suspended solids. Their BOD would go from an existing 2,000 pounds per day to 3,000 pounds per day over the life of the new plant. We suggested that they pay tor additional capacity beyond the 3,000 pounds per day at the wastewater treatment plant, the cost of which would be estimated around $300,000 at that time. [n turn we would add additional aeration equipment and expand tankage at the new facility. Sunny Fresh chose to stay at the lifetime limit of 3,000 pounds per day over the design life of our plant and spend their dollars internally in their plant rather than provide for additional capacity. The city of Monticello chose to over size its SBR tanks slightly and we have a capacity when running two SBR tanks of 8,102 pounds per day, and if necessary we can go beyond the design capacity by using the third tank on a regular basis when conditions allow. Sunny Fresh has recently found itself in a dilemma as their recent growth and projected growth demonstrates that a permit of 3,000 pounds per day of BOD is not enough to meet their needs. They have again requested a permit increase. City Staff has had several meetings with representatives of Sunny Fresh over the past year and we have informed Sunny Fresh that we are not willing to give up the existing capacity at the wastewater treatment plant as it is reserved for the growth of the community, and additional capacity given to Sunny Fresh at this time on a permanent basis would shorten the useful life of our existing treatment plant and put an unnecessary burden on the tax payers of the community. We, therefore, asked Sunny Fresh if they would be willing to pay tor the cost of adding capacity to the wastewater treatment plant. They indicated a willingness to do so and together with Sunny fresh we commissioned two studies by North American Wetland Engineering whose principals are Scott Wallace, Curt Sparks and Rick Wagner. All of these individuals were on the original design team tor the wastewater treatment plant and previously with HDR. Sunny Fresh agreed to pay for the cost of these studies. The wastewater treatment plant staff and City staff were concerned about sludge storage at the wastewater treatment plant. We need 180 days of storage to meet spring and fall field application requirements. Some time during the design life of the new plant we knew we would have to add additional sludge storage and possibly thickening of the sludge as the . Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 design showed that we would only have 56 days of storage by the time the plant reached its capacity (15 to 20 years ). We assumed with the operations of the plant we could thicken the sludge and reduce the volume by decanting or removing clear water through a settling process and probably delay the need for sludge storage additions at least 8 to 10 years in the future. With the explosive growth of the community, our population base is estimated at almost 8,000. Our design data assumed that we would meet this population in approximately 2004, this moves our sludge storage needs up to about five years from now, or by the end of 2004. The design life of the current treatment plant then would look closer to a 15 year design life than a 20 year design life. This of course depends upon the case of the future growth in Monticello. The two studies performed by North American Wetland Engineering looked at both a 25% permit increase J(u BOD and total suspended solids (TSS), this would be 3,750 pounds of BOD per day and 1,700 of TSS per day. The Jinal f10w would remain the same at a maximum of 183,000 gallons per day. The other parameter studied was a 50% increase in their permit, going to 4,500 pounds of BOD per day and 2,250 pounds ofTSS, with a f10w of220,000 gallons per day. . The studies revealed that under either one of the above permit increases, we would need to begin construction of an additional sludge storage tank immediately rather than waiting Jive years. The estimated cost of the sludge storage tank is $928,000. Additionally, under the 25% permit increase, we may need to add an additional SBR tank in eight years rather than 15 to 20 years at a cost in today's dollars of$1.6 million. If the 50% permit increase was granted the additional SBR tank would be needed in five years. We have informed Sunny Fresh that they would have to pay the cost of accelerating the sludge holding tank and SBR tank and also pay their fair share of the capacity of those two systems. With this information in hand they chose the 25% increase in permit and are putting together a financial guarantee acceptable to the city so that the construction of the sludge storage tank can begin immediately and that money is available for their share of the additional SBR tank at the time of construction. Under the 25% permit increase the last study by North American Wetland Engineering shows that 50% of the new sludge storage tank would be needed f(u the increase in discharge from Sunny Fresh. Consequently, their share or cost for the sludge storage tank would be $464,000 plus acceleration costs. For the SBR tank the study shows that 18.5% ofthe tank would be dedicated to the permit increase. Consequently, their share of the construction would be $296,000 plus the cost of accelerating the tank from the] 5th or 20th year to 2008. Copies of the studies are included as supporting data. . Sunny Fresh Foods wishes to have an interim permit increase immediatcly to the 3,750 pounds of BOD and 1,700 pounds of TSS per day. We have drafted a conceptual interim pennit increase agreement that would allow spikes to occur once or twice a week to the 3,750 . Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 pounds of HOD and the 1,700 pounds ofTSS yet keep the five day averages to the current permit. The following are the existing permit limitations, the proposed interim permit limitations, and a proposed final permit limitation which would be granted upon completion of the sludge storage tank: Tllf: F,YISTlNG PERAIIT: A. Flow 1. 2. ,., -) . B. BOD" 1. c. TSS 1. . The maximum total discharge rate shall not exceed 300 gallons per minute. The maximum total discharge per day shall not exceed 156,000 gallons based on a consecutive 7 day average. The maximum total discharge in any 24 hour period shall not exceed 183,000 gallons. The total number of pounds of BODs discharges in a 24 hour period shall not exceed 3000 pounds. The total number of pounds of total suspended solids discharged in any 24 hour period shall not exceed 1500 pounds. Tm: PROPO,\"ED INTF:RIM PF:R/'vfIT*: A. Flow 1. 2. ,., _J. B. BODs 1. 2. c. TSS 1. . 2. The maximum total discharge rate shall not exceed 300 gallons per minute. The maximum total discharge per day shall not exceed 141,000 gallons based on a consecutive 7 day average. The maximum total discharge in any 24 hour period shall not exceed 165,000 gallons. The total number of pounds of BODs discharges in a 24 hour period shall not exceed 3,750 pounds. The total number of pounds of HODs discharged in any consecutive 4-day period shall not exceed an average 01'3,000 pounds per day. The total number of pounds of total suspended solids discharged in any 24 hour period shall not exceed 1,700 pounds. The total number of pounds of total suspended solids discharged in any consecutive 4-day period shall not exceed an average of 1,500 pounds per day. . 'To remain in effect until expansion of the treatment plant allows capacity specifically lor Sunny Fresh Foods. Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 FIN'IL PE/?ilfANEN7'PERllf/T L/llfl7ATIONS**: A. Flow 1. 2. The maximum total discharge rate shall not exceed 300 gallons per minute. The maximum total discharge per day shall not exceed 156,000 gallons based on a consecutive 7 day average. The maximum total discharge in any given 24 hour period shall not exceed 183,000 gallons. 3. B. BO))s 1. The total number of pounds ofBOD5 discharges in a 24 hour period shall not exceed 3,750 pounds. c. TSS 1. The total number of pounds of total suspended solids discharged in any 24 hour period shall not exceed 1, 700 pounds. . **Fffective at the completion of the expansion. B. AL TERNA TJVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve an agreement to grant an interim permit increa<e to Sunny Fresh Foods immediately Upon the financial guarantees being in place and the agreement being approved by Sunny Fresh and their attorneys and City staff and the City Attorney. 2. The second alternative would be not to grant an interim permit increase. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council authorize the interim pennit increase as outli ned in altemati ve # I, upon approval by all parties and delivery of the financial guarantees trom Sunny Fresh. )). SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of drall conceptual interim pennit agreement and copies of the studies performed hy North American Wetland Engineering. #~ . DRAFT AGREEMENT CITY OF MONTICELLO INTERIM W ASTEW A TER DISCHARGE PERMIT INCREASE FOR SUNNY FRESH FOODS, INC. s This agreement dated February ---,2000, between the City of Monticello ("City") and Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc. ("Sunny Fresh"), is for an increase in the wastewater discharge permit for Sunny Fresh and funding of wastewater treatment plant expansion to accommodate a permit increase. WHEREAS, Sunny Fresh has requested a permit increase for discharge of additional wastewater to the City of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the wastewater treatment plant has temporary or intermediate capacity in the SBR tanks, but very limited intermediate capacity for sludge storage; and WHEREAS, the City had not planned an expansion of the wastewater treatment plant for the next fifteen (15) to twenty (20) years based upon proposed allocations to Sunny Fresh and the expected growth of the community; and WHEREBY, only additional sludge storage was expected to be needed around the year 2005; and would now be needed immediately; and . WHEREAS, the City does not wish to re-allocate the existing capacity at the wastewater treatment plant hich is intended for planned and expected growth of the community nor does the City wish to tax the current property owners and residents of Monticello unnecessarily for unneeded capacity. The City would, therefore, only grant an interim wastewater discharge permit with conditions and limitations to Sunny Fresh as follows: A. Flow 1. 2. 3. B. BODs 1. 2. c. TSS 1. 2. . The maximum total discharge rate shall not exceed 300 gallons per minute. The maximum total discharge per day shall not exceed 141,000 gallons based on a consecutive 7 day average. The maximum total discharge in any 24 hour period shall not exceed 165,000 gallons. The total number of pounds of BODs discharges in a 24 hour period shall not exceed 3,750 pounds. The total number of pounds of BODs discharged in any consecutive 5-day period shall not exceed an average of3,000 pounds per day. The total number of pounds of total suspended solids discharged in any 24 hour period shall not exceed 1,700 pounds. The total number of pounds of total suspended solids discharged in any consecutive 5-day period shall not exceed an average of 1,500 pounds per day. All other sections of Permit #002-C shall remain in effect. C:\OFFICElJOHNISUNNYFRSlPERMIT20.00: 113120OO - PAGE 1 - q FURTHERMORE, the funding for the interim permit capacily in addition to the nonnal charges for flow, BOD and total suspended solids, shall be as follows: . The estimated costs are the acceleration costs for the slndge storage tank going from Year 5to Year I and 50% of the finaI project costs estimated at $928,000, and the acceleration costs for SBR tank # 4 going from Year 17 to Year 8 and 18.5% of the final project cost estimated at $1,600,000. Cost to be adjusted at completion offuasIbilily study phase and again at conclusion of sludge storage project and SBR tank #4 project. The finaI Pennitlimilations as follows shall be granted upon completion of tbe slndge storage tank: A. Flow 1. 2. The maximum total discharge rate shall not exceed 300 gallons per minute. The maximum total discharge per day shall not exceed ] 56,000 gallons based on a consecutive 7 day average. The maximum total discharge in any given 24 hour period shall not exceed 183,000 gallons. 3. B. BODs 1. The total number of pounds of BODS discharges in a 24 bour period shall not exceed 3,750 pounds. c. TSS 1. The total number of pounds of total suspended solids discharged in any 24 hour period shall not exceed 1, 700 pounds. . Any discharges above and beyond this interim pennit shall be handled in accordance with the City Ordinance Title ] 4 "SanilaIy Sewer Discharge Controls", with the eXception that the percentages Over pennit used to calculate fines for BOD, and TSS shall be computed from the values for daily limits in original Pennit #002-C This intennediate increase in wastewater diSCharge shall remain in effect until I) The increase in pennit discharge threatens the daily operations of the wastewater treatment plant, and in the opinion of the chief operator of the wastewater treatment plant may cause the City to violate its own pennit with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. In such case, the pennit shall revert to the previous discharge numbers immediately upon written notice to Sunny Fresh; or 2) when additional capacity is constructed at the wastewater treatment plant to allow for the interim pennit levels to be fixed or increased depending upon the additional capacity at the wastewater treatment fucilily and the allocation to Sunny Fresh thereof; or 3) When Pennit 0002-C fails to be recertified. SUNNY FRESH FOODS, INe. CITY OF MONTICELLO by: by: Roger Belsaas The Honorable Mayor by: John Simola Public Works Director C:IOFFICE\JOHNlSUNNYFRSlPERMIT2O.00: 113120Oo - PAGE 2 - q . . . ,\I.\l;'l i\1 ~ ~.",..,,='~.^..'.'..'-"'. '"I'i1Itf~i North American Wetland Engineering, P.A. 20920 Keewabtin A venue forest Lake, MN 55025 Phone: (651)-433-2115 Fax: (651)-433.'1280 e-mail: nawe@visi.CQUl Febmary 10, 2000 Me John Simola, Public Works Director City of Monticello Office of Public Works 909 Go If Course Road Monticello MN 55362 RE: Sludge Storage Tank Cost Allocation Dear Me Simolao lntrodudion North American WetI,wd Engineering, P.A. (NA WE) is providing this letter rep0l1LUlder our professional services proposal dated February 3, 2000. The purpose of this report is to evaluate how WWTP operations are affected by Swmy Fresh Foods, and what the impact will be of the proposed Interim Pemtit, which will allow SumlY Fresh to'discharge additional organic load (CBOD) to the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The City recenlly completed a major upgrade and expansion of the WWTP which went- on line in January of 1998. The new WWfP uses sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) for wastewater treatment. Solids (sludge) generated as a result of the CBOD load on the SBRs is thickened, anaerobically digested, and stored as a Class B liquid sludge. Class B liquid sludge is hauled and land applied in the Spring and Fallon a farm site owned by the City. The WWfP also has a special pasteurization system to produce a pathogen-free Class A sludge. However, final adjustments to the pasteurization system have not been made and this system is not operating satisfactorily at this time. Since the new WWTP went online, domestic growth has increased rapidly. The City reported 180 housing starts in 1998 foIIowed by 197 housing starts in 1999. The City's wastewater facility plan completed in 1995 asslIDled J 00 housing starts per year. Based on tbis data, the City is growing almost twice as fast as asswncd when the plmming for the WWlP was completed. Production at Sunny Fresh Foods has also expanded. Currently, Sunny Fresh is limited to a CBOD discharge of 3,000 Ib/day. Under the proposed Interim Permito tillS discharge would be expanded 10 3,750 1 b/day , Under the proposed Final Permit, the Sunny Fresh discharge would be expanded to 4,500 Ib/day. 9/ t 'd 6 gOO. 0 N ~N[~33Nl~N3 ON~113M ~ N I'ld88:Z 0000 'Ol'qej s C\ . City of Monti.;:ello Sunny Fresh Interim Permit February .10, 2000 Operation uuder tbe Interim Permit Under the Interim Permit, Sunny Fresh would be allowed to discharge up to 3,750 Ib/day of CBOD, 750 lb/day more than aHowed under the current pCffi1it. Because the WWTP was designed around a Sunny Fresh 1ischarge of 3,000 lb/day, expansion of the plant to meet future needs is necessary. 5lud~ St<~ilA~_T~JIk Due to espanded residential growth, the City would have to add a 650,000 gallon sludge storage t..'Ulk within the next 5 years, However, due to the load increase in the Interim Pennit, this tank will be needed much SOoner. Under the Interim Permit, the Sunny Fresh's pelluitted discharge would increase by 750 Ib/day of CBOD. This load ,increase will generate an additional 325,000 gallons of sludge every 6 months, conswning one-half of the new tank capacity. Consequentl.y, planning; and design of the new tank should begin as soon as the Interim Pennit is granted. A co:>t estimate for the new 650,000 gallon sludge storage tank is detailed in Table 1. . ,., , As seen in Table I,. ~o;'lStruction ofth; new t~~, new sh,id~e'pumping b~ilding aud ,~e~ sludge loadout faCllttIes would bave au antIcIpated capital cost of $928,000_ fhls estimate assumes that the new tank is constructed as part of a <<pod" of up to 4 tanks located down the 11iU from the Administration Building and across the road from the bi oti Iter. 111is wa.s the preferred location for the tanks identified during the site layout Iwocess in 1996. One-half of the tank volume is directly attributable to the load increase granted to SUlUlY Fresh under the Interim Permit. Consequently, SUOllY Fresh should pay 50% of the cost of this tank. Sequencing Batch Reactors (SBRs) The City ClUl'ClItly has three SBR tanks. This deSign was based on a maximum permitted discharge from Sunny Fresh of 3,000 Ib/day of CBOD. Allowing Sunny Fresh to increase the discharge to 3,750 Ib/day consumes some of the capacity reserved for residential growth. Current residential growth is occ~ng twice as fast as predicted. This residential growth, combined with an increased discharge from Sunny Fresh, accelerates the time frame for adding the next SBR tank. elUTent estimates predict the fourth SBR tank should be online in 2008 based on the additional loading from the Interim Pcnnit. - ~ 2 9/Z 'd S900'oN 8N[~33N!8N3 ON~113M ~ N ~d6e:z OOOZ 'Ol'qej q . CITY OF MONUCELLO Table 1 Engineer's Opinion of Cost Sludge Storage Tank SOLIDS PROCESSINf; ITEM QUANTITY Tank Volume 650,000 gallons Concrete 425 cy Tank Cover J each Earthwork 2,150 cy Dewatering 1 L8 Sludge Pumps 2 each SupemataJltRemoval 2 LS Yard Piping I LS Sludge Loadout 1 LS Paintings & Coatings 1 LS Insulation 1 LS Odor Control HVAC t LS Electrical (incI. I&C) 1 LS Sludge Pump Bldg. 800 sf Finish Grading I LS . UNIT PRIC.E N./A. $400_00 $100,000.00 $8.00 $20,OOO-CIO $6,~OO.00 $20,000.00 $50,000.00 $25,000.00 $28,000.00 $25,000 $66,000 $56.000 $150 $6,000 CONSTBllCTION SUBTOTAL TOTAL PRICE N./A. $] 70,000 $] 00,000 $17,000 $20.000 $12,000 $40,000 $50,000 $25,000 $28,000 $25,000 $66,000 $56,000 $120,000 $6,000 $735,000 Contingency (10%) Engineering Design (l J %) Construction Oversigh.t (5.2%) C1PlTAL COST TlATAL $74,000 $81,000 $38,000 l'c!ote~..: I. Lump S urn (LS) pllces based 011 wosfructio/J CQsIs from eXi${ing WWTP (A&P bid + CPRs) 2. SUpernatant removal includes retrofit of ex i>ting sh.dre storage tank J. Design & c'Jn1lructi,1ll costs based 011 USDA Rural Developmellt gui,idines for allowable engiMeriog fees 4. Costs ass\'me a new sludge pUOlp building (C3lJ be used fOr up 10 4 t3Jl.ks) 'I. Costs assume new sludge IOMOot at new tMlc location $928,000 g/8 'd 6g00'oN 8N)~33Nr8N3 ON~113M ~ N Y/dOv:Z OOOZ 'Ol'qaj q . City of Monticello Sunny fresh Illterim Pemlit Februar)' 10,2000 The load increase granted under the Int:rim Permit represents 18.5 percent of the capacity of this new SBR tank. Consequently, Sunny Fresh should pay 18.5 percent of these when the SBR tank is needed in the future. A detailed cost estimate for the SBR tank has not heen completed, but costs based on preliminary estimates are about $1,(jOO,OOO. Operation Under the Final Permit Under the Final Pennit, Sunny Fresh would be allowed to discharge up to 4,500 lb/day of CnOD, 1,500 lb/day more than allowed under tbe ClUTen! permit. Because the WWTP was designed around a Sunny Fresh discharge of 3,000 lbfday, expansion of the plant is necessary . ~!!ti!ge Sto8:ge I~ . Under the Final Pennit, Sunny Fresh wquld be allowed an additional 1.500 Ib/day Compared to the original plant design. This additional 1,500 lb/day of CBOD will generate about 650,000 gallons of sludge every 6 months. This is the f1l1l capacity of the sludge storage tank discussed under the Interim Pennit. ;' ., Consequently, Sunny Fresh should pay 100 percent ofthe cost of the sludge storage tank when the Final Permit is issued. Costs for the sludge storage tank are summarized in Table L The sludge storage tank must be operational before the Final Penuit load increase is granted. The extra 1,500 Ib/day irom Sunny Fresh, combined with continued residentiaJ growth, will place a :'>train on the City's sludge storage capabilities. Alternative sludge management strategies must be addressed by the City for operat.ion under the Fin..'1l Permit, including: · TIle Class A sludge process needs to be on-line and reliably functioning. Producing Class A sludge gives the City additional options for sludge disposal, above and beyond the land applicati<1U program currently being implemented. · The City may need' to implement sludge dewatering to fiuther reduce slUdge volumes. If one of these options cannot be implemented and the City continues to land apply liquid sludge, at least one more sludge storage tank will be needed to accollul1odate extra sludge produced by Sunny Fresh and residential growth. 4 VV'd 6900'oN 8N[~33Nl~N3 aN~113M ~ N ~dOv:Z OOOZ 'OI'qSj q . . . City o[Monticello SLluny Fresh Interim Permit February 10,2000 SeQueIlcil~KBatch ~.~acto~ (SBR:;;) The 1,500 lb/day IQad increase granted under the Final Pennit represents 37 percent of the capacity of the next SBR tank, This tank should be on-line by 2005 to accommodate residential growth and the additional Sunny Fresh load from the Final Permit The preliminary estimate for this tank is $1,600,000, Sunny Fresh should pay 37% ofthe cost of this tank for operation under the Final Penuit, ~ If you have <my questions, or need additional information, please feel free to contact us at 651-433-211.5. Sincerely, . Wetland Engineering, P.A. , / J ________-- jvi~ i '" 5 9/9 'd 6900'oN C\ 8N!~33NI8N3 ON~113M ~ N Hdlv:Z OOOZ '01 'qe~ . ...."" ...."". ..w.; ~.j; "" ", . , .' ""to' ........ ".Iit fl.' M' . ", t, =:: It" .. .;:.1 ~i. Jul.30, 1999 5:24PM N A WETLAND ENGiNEERiNG 8 No.8204 p, I ." ""'f' ........ -+-. "".. "" " . North American Wetland Engineering, P.A. 20920 Keewahtin Ave Forest Lake MN 55025 651-433-2115 Fax 651-433-4280 July 3D, 1999 John Simola, Public Works Director City ofMonticeJIo 909 Golf Course Road Monticello MN 55362 RE: Sunny Fresh Load Increase Dear Me. Simola, Introduction The City of Monticello recently completed a 4.year effort to upgrade the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The new WWTP was intended to provide wastewater treatment capacity to the residential, commercial, and industriaJ users within the City of Monticello. Sunny Fresh Egg Products (SUlUly Fresh) operates a production facility within the City of Monticel1o that produces egg-related food products. Wastewater generated by Sunny Fresh is relatively low in volume but of much higher strength than normal domestic wastewater. Waste strength in this report is based on the CBOD5 (carbonaceoLL~ biochemical oxygen demand, 5-day) test, which measures the amount of oxygen needed to remove the waste. Due to the low flowlhigh strength nature, Sunny Fresh results in about 41 % of the CBOD5 loading, but only 13% of the flow entering the WWTP. When the City entered the planning phase for the new WWTP in 1995, up to 3,000 pounds per day (Ibid) of CBOD5 capacity was reserved for Sunny Fresh. The 3,000 Ibid limit was the result of negotiations between the City and Sunny Fresh over the design capacity for the proposed WWTP and who would pay for those improvements. Since 1995, Sunny Fresh has enjoyed growth beyond their initial forecasts. As a result of increased production, Sunny Fresh has experienced instances when the 24-hour CBOD5 limit of 3,000 Ibid could not be complied with. After implementing numerous improvements to their operations to reduce loadings, SWllly Fresh has asked the City to evaluate the cost impacts of providing additional discharge capacity. ".- '-~ 33 '-Zj ~II"'-- 9 ..... Jul.30. 1999 5:25PM N A WETLAND ENGINEERiNG DRAFT No.8204 P.2 . City ofMonticeJJo Sunny FreSh Load Increase July 30, 1999 North American Wetland Engineering P.A. (NA WE) was retained by the City to evaluate the increased costs the City could be expected to incur at the WWTP if Sunny Fresh's discharge permit was increased to the following parameters: .0 r' ....... ...... it.,., Ii' .' . Table I Proposed Sunny Fresh Discharge Limits Parameter -CBODS (24-hour) Flow (24-hour) Proposed Limit 4,500 Ibid 274,500 gpd WWTP Expansion . The City has funded the construction of the new WWTP primarily on the basis of ad valorem taxes and sewer hook up charges for new homes. As a consequence, user charges have not been used to directly recover construction Costs. The City's user charge system recovers the cost of operating the WWTP, and sewer collection system, and also pays for minor items such as equipment replacement. t. ,.. The increased flow from Swmy Fresh would have a negligible impact on the WWTP. However, the load increase (50% over the current permit), would have a large impact on the WWTP, especially in the area of sludge handling and the sequencing batch reactors (S8Rs). .....,... ""'P' ""Ii>' Ii,' I' , I' Sludge Handling The current thickening, pasteurization, and digestion systems, when working properly have adequate throughput capacity to accommodate the additional sludge associated with the load increase. However, the WWTP is short on sludge storage capacity. In order to be able to effectively store sludge for spring and fall land application, the WWTP should have 180 days storage capacity. However, at the projected 2020 design loading of 8,100 Ibid of CB005, the WWTP would only have about 60 days of storage (assuming a 3% solids concentration). This indicates that additional storage capacity will have to be built during the lifetime of the facility. The WWTP has functioned better than projected ""f" because I) there has been a greater reduction in volatile solids and predicted, and 2) ::: dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickener has been achieving a much higher solids content k,*, IP tf' , . Sludge is generated at the Monticello WWTP as a byproduct of the biological treatment process used to remove BOD and TSS. This sludge must be removed from the SBRs, thickened, pasteurized, digested, and stored prior to trucking and land application. 2 g . 11'1'. ,.,. ..... to. ....... ""*'" Il" t,. . " P" :~..' IfW':f; lIi"1 .' '''',"' tf Jul.30, 1999 5:26PM N A WETLAND ENGINEERING DRAFT No.8204 p, 3 " ." City of Monticello Sunny Fresh Load Increase July 30, 1m :1:; ""';;, ;-i,\, .' than anticipated. However. increasing the discharge load from Sunny Fresh will accelerate the need for additional sludge storage capacity. For instance, the additional 1,500 Ibid load increase (from 3,000 Ibid to 4,500 Ibid) will generate an additional 3,600 gallons per day of sludge (assuming 60% volatile solids content and 3% solids after thickening). At 180 days storage time, this is about 647,000 gallons; approximately equal to the large sludge storage tank at the old WWTP. Construction of a new 650,000 sludge storage tank is project to cost approximately $900,000. Sludge dewatering could be pursued as an alternative to liquid sludge hauling. By dewatering the sludge, the volume is dramatically reduced and storage requirements are minimized. This alternative was addressed in the Facility Plan Update (HDR Engineering, 1995) and was found to be cOst effective on a 20-year life cycle cost basis. However, the initial investment to construct the dewatering presses and associated mechanical equipment was double the up-front cost of liquid sludge hauling. Implementation of sludge dewatering at the Monticello WWTP is anticipated to have a construction cost of approximately $2,000,000. Sequencing Batch Reactors Loading, in the form of BOD and TSS, is removed in the sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). The SBRs were designed to process up to 8,100 Ibid of BOD with two SBR tanks in service, The third SBR tank is for standby so that shock loadings can be isolated and treated separately without disrupting the rest of the WWTp operations. Initially, the only effect an increased discharge from Sunny Fresh would have would be to increase the run time on the SBR blowers. However, as domestic growth continues in Monticello, eventually the point will be reached where there is not enough WWTP capacity left for additional residential growth. When the Facility Plan Update was prepared, it was envisioned that additional SBR tanks would not be needed W1til the end of the planning period in 2020. However, reserving 4,500 IbId of WWTP capacity for Sunny Fresh, while maintaining Some capacity for other industrial users, means that an additional SBR tank will almost certainly be needed during the planning period. The Facility Plan Update (HDR Engineering, 1995) projected that approximately 100 housing starts per year would take place in Monticello. Currently, the City of Monticello is growing faster than projections prepared in 1995. 3 C1 ",' ,. J u I . 30, 1 999 5: 27 PM ...~~ .... ,... ,e. ,..,.11.. l . ''''', Ef IIo,fI! ~, 'I' . ,. ~ fl"'" t!'r " :f"'; ..' !+l<. i, ~" i k.. .' N A WETLAND ENGINEERING No.8204 P,4 DRAFT City of Monticello Sunny Fresh Load Increase July 30, )999 Table 2 MonticeUo Growth Rate Year ]995 ]996 ]997 1998* Projected Housing Starts 100 100 100 100 Actual Housing Starts 107 115 107 185 >I< Sewer moratorium lifted in 1998 when the new WWTP went online. Based on available data, it is apparent that the City is growing faster than originally anticipated. In 1998. there were 180 housing starts. While this may represent some pent- up demand (due to the sewer moratorium) the 1995-1998 average was still 127 housing starts per year, 27% higher than predicted. To date, there have been 122 housing starts in 1999, whereas there were 92 housing starts at the same time in 1998. The current rate of growth within Monticello, combined with a load increase for Sunny Fresh, means that an additional SBR tank should be on-line by the year 2005, bringing the total number of SBR tanks to four. Fortunately, the SBR process is modular and can be expanded; up to six SBR tanks can be constructed at the Monticello WWTP site. Construction of an additional SBR tank is anticipated to cost $1,600,000 (1999 dollars); however as discussed above, this tank would not have to be in service until about 2005. Summary This letter discussed probable costs the City of Monticello would incur by allowing Sunny Fresh to increase their peak discharge load from 3,000 Ibid (CBOD5) to 4,500 Ibid. Major point include: · An increased discharge from Surmy Fresh means that expansion of the WWTP will be necessary. An additional slUdge storage tank of at least 650,000 gallons should be constmcted before the load increase takes effect (anticipated cost about $900,000). · Construction of an additional SBR tank will be needed in the future. This tank should be on-line by 2005, if current residential growth trends continue. The anticipated cost for this tank is $1,600,000 in 1999 dollars. 4 C\ " . . , .' ~ ".',' ,~ II. Mo' " ""'fl" .~ ,<. .... 'I ~~"t"l Ef ...' I: "I . . ~. Jul.30. 1999 5:28PM N A WETLAND ENGiNEERiNG No.8204 p, 5 DRAFT City of Monticello Sunny Fresh Load Increase July 30, 1999 If you have any questions, or need additional information, please feel free to Contact liS at 651-433-2115. Sincerely, North Americ:an Wetland Engineering, P.A Scott D. WaJlace, P.E. Vice President 5 q . . . Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 10. Consideration of deletine: Chane:e Order #11 and approval of Supplemental Agreement #1 and Chane:e Orders #13 and #14 for T.H. 25 Improvement Proiect #96-04C. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change Order # 11 was previously issued to cover additional subgrade excavation and select granular fill material (truck haul) to replace unsuitable materials found in the T.1 r. 25 corridor. The value of Change Order #11 was $97,000 to be paid for by Mn/l)OT. Supplemental Agreement #1 replaces Change Order #11 which is to be deleted, and includes additional granular fill material and subgrade excavation also in the T.H. 25 corridor. The additional cost to the contract after deleting Change Order # 11 would be $269,8] 7 for Supplemental Agreement #1. It is my understanding that this is all MnlDOT's cost. Change Order #] 3 involves common excavation of the temporary widening area to facilitate traffic under construction on the T.H. 25 project. It also includes bituminous quantities that were not included in the estimated quantities for the temporary widening for traffic. The value of Change Order #] 3 is $94,657.65. It is my understanding that this is all MnlDOT's cost. Change Order # 14 includes the removal and replacement of a 3-wirc barb wi re fence that was omitted from the construction plans. It was necessary to remove the fence for construction ofT.H. 25 roadway slopes. The cost of removing and replacing this fence is $5,552.82. It is my understanding that this is all Mn/DOT's cost. The total contract increase for the above changes is $370,027.47. Again, it is my understanding that this is all Mn/DOT's cost. Since Mn/DOT has not appropriated nor sent funds to us fCJr these changes, we will use most of the remaining portion of funds originally sent to us from Mn/DOT and will not have sufficient funds to complete the project in the spring if we are not reimbursed promptly. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the deletion of Change Order #1 and the addition of Supplemental Agreement #] and Change Orders #13 and #14 with the estimated cost of$370,027.47. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the above referenced changes. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the City Council approve the changes as outlined in alternative #1. The City Engineer has written to Mn/DOT requesting the . Council Agenda - 2/14/2000 additional funds to COver the Over runs. The contractor has performed the work and payment is due to Buffalo Bituminous. The City Administrator and Public Works Director concur with the recommendation of the City Engineer. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of change orders and supplemental agreement along with letter from WSB. . ~ .." . . . 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 612.541.4800 FAX 541-1700 B.A. Mittelsteadt, P.E. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. January 31, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Change Order No. 13 TH 25 Improvements (S.P. 8605-40) City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed Change Order No. 13 for the above-referenced proj ect reflecting changes to the contract as follows: Temporary widening to facilitate traffic under construction was included in the staging and traffic control construction plans; however, common excavation of the temporary widening from Station 402+925 to Station 404+475 LT was not included in the estimated planned quantities. Cross-sections ofthis widening were developed and a quantity calculated per the contractor's request. Various areas along TH 25 (404+140 to 404+230 LT, 404+300 to 404+460 LT, 404+430 to 404+560 RT, and 404+700 to 404+810 LT) required additional common excavation within right-of-way limits due to terrain changes through adjacent development. Temporary widening to facilitate traffic under construction was included in the staging and traffic control plans as aforementioned; however, bituminous quantities (L V3 Non-Wearing Course Mixture) were not included for the temporary widening from Station 402+925 to Station 404+475 LT. This Change Order reflects a net increase of $94,657.65 (MnlDOT cost) to the original contract amount, resulting in a new contract total of $5,713,063.55. Mr. Jim Labo, MnlDOT Resident Construction Engineer, has been contacted in regard to an additional fund encumbrance for this project. If the attached meets with your approval, would you please sign and process. The amount of this Change Order will be included with Construction Pay Voucher No.6 being processed at this time. Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:I WPWIN\I 033,01 Ico-13-lIr. wpd 10 . . Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello Monticello, MN January 31,2000 Page 2 Please call me at (612) 277-5787 if you have questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. L~~ Ronald B. Bray, P.E. 7 Project Manager Enclosure c: Jim Labo, MnlDOT, St. Cloud John Simola, City of Monticello Leo Olmscheid, WSB Field Office bhlkd -I P:I WPWIN\1 033.0 I Ico-13-1tr, wpd /0 . T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P. 8605-40 City Project No. 96-Q4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 --- -------- -- -------------------------------t---------------------------------- -- - ----- -- Owne" Cny of Monticello Date ofls,"ance, Janua", 31, 2000 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---- --- -- ---- Contrnctoe Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Engineee WSB & Associates, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO. 13 Description: You are directed to make the fOllowing Changes in the Contract Document description: Common e'cavation of the fempma", widening from Station 402+925 to 404+475 L T to facilitate trnffic unde, construction was not included in the estimated planned quantity and was requested to be added by the contractor. BnuminouS quantities wern not included In the estimated pianned quantity fo, the temporn", widening from Station 402+925 to Station 404+475 L T and was requested to be added by the contractor. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Original Contract Price: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME -.- .-"-.,. ,.-- ,,--_. '-.."--'-'--.- --'_.'-'---'~~",--,-. Previous Change Orders: No.1 to 12: $5,448,000.00 Original Contract Time: -----'-------.---.-~----.------.----.-- ---------------.------- ---------_m_ __ ____ Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $170,405.90 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: -'~-'-".-._-'-~--~--,~.-._,-._"-,,~,-,- - .-- -- -- ...-- OS/24/99 Net Increase of This Change Order: .---._~~-'~_.,~'-~~-'~------.--------~~-'^ $5,618,405.90 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: None ----------------------------------------------------- ----------- -"----- - - ----- --------------- -- - --- Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $94,657.65 Net Increase of Change Order: ._'-.~-~-,--._,-,--,-",._. -"-----'- --.-"-'-.-.-,.. ..-- - - ,.-- OS/24/99 -- ----- -- --------------------------------------- ----------'----------------------------- ---- $5,713,063.55 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: OS/24/99 None ;~ ,t ~ 4 Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Approved By: WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer 13 Approved By: ~~. x:~ Mn/DOT Approved By: Date of Council Action: City Administrator 10 . Change Order No. 13...... T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN. S.P. 8605-40 City Project No. 96-G4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 ". " -,..._.,--._,- Added Items - Contract Price r-lt~~1 -r-~~~T-----i---'-'r----- _ . ._No~Spe,,:~ DesCription ---------L Quan~n;ts-~-unlll'rice +_ "'",'0",'_ 1 . 2105.501 T Common Excavation I 7,039.00 m' ! $ 5.00 $35,19500 ---:--- -_._----------------~--,--!---,-----,-----'---- -------'- ---- ------ -- 3 2350.607 ,LV3 Non-Wearing Course Mixture L' 2,951.00: Ton . $ 20.15 $59.462.65 --'--.--.-- --.------------..-..------ -._.-1.______.._._ __ ____~ _._. ____ ____. Total Add $94,657.65 ~----------._~-~'''_.~-,_.~-''-._.- -'~- '.-."..-. -.. -.- ,,- --- -- ~d Item - ~ct Pnce 1-~94,657.65-_1 : - ' Total $94,657.65 .-- ,,,-_. .-.., '-._-.'-""-'---'. ._ J___.. .._._ _._ -- --- .--- - .-.-- DISTRIBUTION: S.P. 8605-40 GRP 001 = 100% . -- ., 10 & Associates. Inc. 350 Westwood lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 612-541-4800 FAX 541-1700 BA. Mittelsteadt, P.E. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. . January 31, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Change Order No. 14 TH 25 Improvements (S.P. 8605-40) City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Please find enclosed Change Order No. 14 for the above-referenced proj ect reflecting changes to the contract as follows: At the time 0 f construction, a three-wire barbed wire fence was found from Stations 402+620 to 402 +893 Left that did not appear in the construction plan sheets. It was necessary to remOve this fence to construct Trunk Highway 25 roadway slopes in the aforementioned area. It also was necessary to re-install the fence Upon construction completion to protect the property adjacent to TH 25, which is farmed, from recreational traffic. The contractor agrees that the negotiated prices inclUdes all costs to expedite this portion of the contract, including the applicable markup, as provided in contract provisions ofMnlDOT Specification 1904. Both negotiated prices have been approved by Mr. Joe Tummers of the MnlDOT estimatiug unit. This Change Order reflects a net increase of $5,552.82 (MnlDOT cost) to the original contract amount, resulting in a new contract total of $5,718,616.37. Mr. Jim Labo, MnlDOT Resident Construction Engineer, has been contacted in regard to an additional fund encumbrance for this proj ecl. If the attached meets with your approval, would you please sign and process. The amount of this Change Order will be included with Construction Pay V oucber No. 6 being processed at this time. Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:IWPW1NlI 033.0 1 ICO-14-1((, wpd /0 . . Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello Monticello, MN January 31,2000 Page 2 Please call me at (612) 277-5787 if you have questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ,e~ 4 ~7 Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure c; Jim Labo, Mn/DOT, St. Cloud John Simola, City of Monticello Leo Olmscheid, WSB Field Office bh/kd ., F:I WPWINIl 033.0 1 Ico-14-1lr. wpd /0 . T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P.8605-40 City Project No. 96-Q4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 -.;;,~~,~---- --';;;~f~~~I;---~--~~.;;,~~____ - ~:n~~;;~, ;~~o - -. - - . - .- . - - .-. - - - --- -- ----~-~------------____r__-~------_~_____ __~ _ ___ _ _ . . _. _ Cont",cto, Buffalo Biluminous, Inc. ! Enginee, WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document description: CHANGE ORDER NO. 14 Description: At the time of construction, a th"">-Wi,e ba"'ed wi", fence was found from Slations 402+620 to 402 +893 Left that did nof appea,in the construction plan sheets. If was necessa'}' to romove this fence to construct Trunk Highway 25 roadway slopes in the aforomentioned aroa. If also was necessa'}' to rn-inslall the fence upon construction completion to profect fhe Property adjacent to TH 25, which is farmed. from recreational traffic. The COntracto, ag'ees that the negotiated phces indudes all costs to eXpedite this POrtion of the cont",ct, including the applicable markup, as provided in Contract provisions of MnlDOT Specification 1904. 80th negotiated phces have been app",ved by M, Joe TUmmefS ofthe Mn/DOT estimating unit. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: . - -.. -.---.----..------.-----------. ------.-.--.---------.------.--.------.----. _no .__..._ '_'__. _......_. _.___ _ ________ _._______.___.._. _'_._ ___ _'_._ _ __ _ _ _ _. _ _ ._..... ___ --"-__. ____ $5.448.000.00 Original Contract Time: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: Previous Change Orders: NO.1 to 13: Net Increase of This Change Order: $5.713,063.55 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: $265,063.55 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: 05/24/99 ~_.~-'--~-._---~~............,~-~-- - --- ------- ------~----- ------~-----~------ - --- None Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $5,552.82 Net Increase of Change Order: 05/24/99 . - -. .--- - - -- - ----~ ------- - --------- ------. -. -. - - --. -. -... . - - y: Approved By: $5,718.616.37 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: 05124/99 -------._~"---._-"-.._--,_._.._--,._.,- -----.- -'._- .-- ,.- None A n/fk.., ~. K~ MnlDOT Approved By: WSB & Associates fnc. Engineer Approved By: Date of Council Action: City Administrator ,J /0 Change Order No. 14 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Montlcel/o, MN. S.P.8605-40 City Project No. 96-D4C WSB Project No. 1033.01 . ._'~--._-'~~--------._--------,-,_._~~--------~ Added Items - Contract Price -- ------r---------i-- ~~---. r----T------,-- --- --------- Item I I Total , No. Spec. No. ' Description Quantity UnUs UnU Price Item Total "-..- -- ----- --- - '- -----------------~-----+--.---_i_-_____ __ _________ _ _ __ ___ I . 1 2104.521 ; Salvage Barned Wi,. Fence I 273.00 i m $ 5.70 , $1,556.10 ~~; "l~~!()~~~I;;,a~d~~=~I ;;~~~"}$--___;_;..__-_-_~~_.;..~_;2 Total Add 85,552.82 ~~----.,~._-_.~,,-._._-.- ---- -- ---. ..--- ,,_. .--. -., .--".--- .--.. -.. -',--. --- ._no .-. ..--. --- -. ..-.. -1''''- _._ n... _ ._ .__ '" _ . Added Item. Contract Price L l2.otal $5,552.82 ~ 1.., $5,552.82 i ~.............._~-_.,-"'-.,'__.J DISTRIBUTION: S.P. 8605-40 GRP 001 '" 100% . -. /0 . . WSLI. 350 Westwood lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 & Associates, Inc. 612-541-4800 FAX 541-1700 BA. Mittelsteadt, P.E. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. January 31,2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Supplemental Agreement No.1 TH 25 Improvements (S.P. 8605-40) City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Please find enclosed Supplemental Agreement No.1 for the ahove-referenced project reflecting changes to the contract as stated. This Supp lemental Agreement reflects a net increase of$269,8 I 7.00 (Mn/DOT cost) to the original contract amount, resulting in a new contract total of$5,988,433.37. Please call me at (612) 277-5787 if you have questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~.J~7 Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure c: Jim Labo, MnlDOT, S1. Cloud John Simola, City of Monticello Leo Olmscheid, WSB Field Office bh/kd Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:IWPWINII033.01 ISA l-Itr. wpd JO .....,.........., 'I"'-U:l134.03 (5/88) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . Contractor: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC: SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. 1 Supp. to COntract No. 79100 Federal Project: STATE FUNDS Sheet 1 of 3 Pro. No. Account J.D. Location: ON TH 25 FROM A POINT 1,219 METERS SOUTH OF SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 1-94. State Project No: S.P. 8605-40 Purchase Terms Asset No. Vendor Type Amount TYPE OF A40 ( ) A41 TRANSACTION A44 ( ) A45 ( C.CDA C.CD.5 Dated Number Entered by Entered b A46 ( Dated Number This contract is amended as follows: WHEREAS: Th, pl~ p,ovid" fo" ,",,00, oth" thiog" ""diog, ,""ocing, drni",g' '""'"'"tioo, tr.m, ,igo,1 'Y",m" ~d; WHEREAS: Th, ,"otr,,,oe h"" 'ooooo"red ","oitabl, ,"bgnid, "'iJ, " Chd"" Ro,d w"" oflH 25 ~d " Statio", 403 + 000 _ 404 + 200 L T, 404 + 520 _ 600 L T, 404 + 700 - 900 L T, iodndiog 0...." top",iJ ~d day"""""", with io"nni,,,, oeg..io, whioh w"" oo~ti"P"'" io th, TH 25 roadway area of the project, and; WHEREAS: Th"ogin"", oft" ",vi,w of th"" ,"b.- "'iJ"ooditio"" h"" d,t"""'o'" th" ",,,..tioo of tho oo,"itabl, ,"ii, w"" 0"''''''Y to , d'pth as determined by the construction observer, and; . WHEREAS: Th, ongin"" d",mUo'" th" th,,,, ""'oitab" "'iJ, w,"' pia,,,, ""domly io whot "''''''''' to b, old bonow pit """" "'j"on, ~d ond" tho inplace roadway, and; WHEREAS: Th, ongio,." h.. d"'mUn'" thot """itioo" "',"" _w..- borrow (LV) will bo 0""'''' to haddill th,,,, """" of "'ditio",1 ,"bgmiJ, excavation, and; WHEREAS: Th, ongio", h"" fOrth" d"""'i",d thot, ,"mbiruuioo of 00- ..d off-,i" ><1,,, _0'''' bonow (L V) will h", to b, 0"'" foe bockfill do< to a shortage of on~site select granular borrow (L V), and; WHEREAS: Th, ongio"" h"" d<tennin'" thot ~ """0'" ,ou"" ofbonow """"'" i, uot ""Iah', do", <noo.h to th, proj"t to "'ow 'omp" haul aod will cost more than the contract bid price for scraper hauled borrow, and; APPROVED: Commissioner of Administration APPROVED: Commissioner of Finance Original Contract By Dated I- 3/- 110 By Approved as to form and execution Dated :2- t 0- 00 A ~ r;:J ~ . tI....;,:~ COntra t - ~,~~ -Go. U'str' t Engineer Dated Dated Dated a-,/-;-/oo Assistant Attorney General Dated Original to State Auditor - Copy to Agency ., Agency Head /0 'VIIWUU I 11-'-02134-03 (5/88) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Contractor: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. . Address: PO BOX 337 BUFFALO, MN 55313 Pro. No. Account /.0. Purchase Terms Asset No. TYPE OF A40 ( A41 TRANSACTION A44 ( A45 ( 3. 4. 5. . 6. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. Supp, to Contract No. 79100 Federal Project: STATE FUNDS Sheet 2 of 3 State Project No: S.P. 8605-40 Location: ON TH 25 FROM A POINT 1,219 METERS SOUTH OF SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 1.94. Vendor Type Amount C.CD.5 Dated Number Entered by Entered by A46( Dated Number NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: 1. This Supplemental Agreement voids Change Order No. II, 2 M'~"rem,", of th, on.,i" ""oct ",,","," borrow (L VJ will '" b~,d 00 th"w,,.,oction m"hod, ""d p'ym,", will b, mol, by eon""ing thi, "'mp""" volrun, '0 (L VJ ",ing · "nv""ion f",o< ~ ".,'" in th, "n'trueOnn p'''''' of '40 ,"d p.id at th, contract unit price as shown in the estimate of cost. M""",mon, of th"If.,,,, "",,' """'"'" bnrrow (L VJ will h, b""", nn truck h"", lie'", ""d p.id at th, nogoOat'" pti" ~ ,how" in the estimate of cost. Th, "nli"tn, h~ """" that th, nogoli_ pri", ind"d, m' e",~ tn ""pod'" thi, portinn of th, pwjoct, ind"ding th, 'pp"e""" markup, as provided in Contract provisions ofMnlDOT Specification 1904. Th, "nlrncto< '''m' no' m"", 01"", nf ""y kind n"h""",,,, wh."",,v", fo< '"y nth", "'~ 0< ""pon,,, which h, m.y ioem 0< whic" he may hereafter incur in performing work required by this agreement. Th, "nlrnct "m, will '" novi,,,, tn "'d two!" (I 2) wo,lting d.", tn th, "'mpl,"on dat, in """"",, with MnIDOT '''''ifi''"n" 1806.1 B(5) fo< d,'.y, ""'''' by th, "'di"n",' dopth ,"bgmd, ",,<v.Onn ""d ",I", ""","I,, borrow P''',mon' 00 I 0.T4WALL 7. Th, ongin"", ""d th, eoolrncto< _, '0 th, '""""0" ""d <mi, ptie" ~ 'hown in th, ",,",,,,, nf "" b"nw. APPROVED: Commissioner of Administration By Dated APPROVED: Commissioner of Finance Original Contract / -- 31-0t/ Dated By Approved as to form and execution Dated ,). ~ I 0 - C C> Dated ~/~o Project Engineer A D.JJ~ Cont~ - Ohtr~. ;<; -(Pr District Engineer Dated ASSistant Attorney General Dated Original to State Auditor - Copy to Agency -, Agency Head JC\ IVII'IIUU' TP~02134-03 (5/881 STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . Contractor: . BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. Supp. to Contract No. _79100 Federal Project: STATE FUNDS Sheet 3 of 3 Pro. No. Account 1.0. Location: ON TH 25 FROM A POINT 1,219 METERS SOUTH OF SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 1-94. State Project No: S.P. 8605-40 TYPE OF A40 ( A41 ( A45( Dated Number C.CD.5 Purchase Terms Asset No. Sequence No. Suffix Vendor Type Amount TRANSACTION A44 ( A46 ( Dated Number Entered by Entered by ESTIMATE OF COST INCREASE. CONTRACT PRICE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) 25,694.00 mJ $5.50 $ 141 ,31 7.00 INCREASE - NEGOTIATED PRICE 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION 30,000.00 mJ $6.95 $208,500.00 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) 10,000.00 mJ $6.50 $65,000.00 SUBTOTAL $414,817.00 DECREASE - CONTRACT PRICE -. 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (8,000.00) mJ $4.00 ($32,000.00) (CHANGE ORDER NO. 11) 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (P) (12,000.00) mJ $4.00 ($48,000.00) 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) (10,000.00) mJ $6.50 ($65,000.00) SUBTOTAL ($145,000.001 NET INCREASE $269,817.00 DISTRIBUTION: S.P. 8605-40 @ 100% (GROUP 1) APPROVED: Commissioner of Administration APPROVED: Commissioner of Finance Original Contract By Dated By Approved as to form and execution Dated #. - I 0 _ (;. () Project Engineer ~~ "D fl.~-4 Contra to' Dated Dated Dated c7l-!~o ~ Assistant Attorney General Dated Original to State Auditor - Copy to Agency Agency Head /0 . FEB-11-2000 08:32 A was. ~ & AsSociates, 111&. WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 6125411700 P.02/02 B.A. Mietel.sceadt, P.E. Bree A Weiss, p..E. Peter R. Willenbl'inS. RE, Donald \'V, Sterna, P.E. Ron.;.Id B. Bray. P.E. 350 WestwoOd Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard MInneapolis. MN 55426 612-541-4800 FAX 541~1700 February 2, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No.6 Trunk Highway 25 Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . EnclOsed are lhree(3) copies ofCoustnu:tionPay Vouchee No.6 lOrth. referenced project in the amount of$558,483.43. This pay voucher assumes that Chang. OnlecNos. J 3 and 14, a1on8 with Supplemental Agreement No. I, aU I ()()O/o Stat. cost, will b. approved at the February 13, 2000, City of Monticello Council meeting, - COnstruction}~~_~oucher JIlo.. 6 also addresses aU quantities per Change Order No. 12. A letl<< bas been written to MniDor to encumber additional funds to COver overruns in the completed work to date for contract items. Please maJce pa)'Itlent in this amolUlt to BufThlo Bituminous, Inc., at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, WSB & AI$()citztes~ Inc. K~ ~ L; Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Vice President Enclosures c: Rick Wolf steller. City of Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello Ron Bray, WSB & Associates, Inc. Buffalo Bituminous. Inc. Jim Labo, MnlDOT. St. Cloud nm/kd ~',;'rIf'" ....:::.t -:! Minne4pO/is . St, In./Wutntaure Engineerl -.......... ----------- . Cloud Pltmtu!rs /0 F,IWPW1N\JOJJ.IJJ "....oI.I......J'II TOTAL P .IZP Voucher No. roject No: 6 D~e: S.P. 8605-40; C.P. 96-04C; WSB 1033.01 Period Ending: February 2, 2000 December 31, 1999 Project: Project location: Trunk Highway 25 Improvements City of Monticello, Minnesota Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous Inc PO Box 337 2852 County Road 12 North Buffalo MN 55313 Contract Date: Completion Date: Work Started: Work Completed: Original Contract Amount Total Additions Total Deductions Total Funds Encumbered Total Work Certified to Date Less Retained Percentage Less Previous Payments Total Payments Incl. This Voucher Balance Carried Forward Approved for Payment This Voucher $5,448,000.00 $688,062.51 ($147,629.64) $5,988,432.87 0.00% $5,520,169.00 $0.00 $4,961.685.59 $5,520,169.00 $468,263.87 $558.483.41 _Approvals .SB & Associates, Inc. In accordance with field observation, as performed in accordance with industry standards, and based on our professional opinion, the materials installed are satisfactory and the work properly performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. The total work estimated to be completed as of January 31, 2000. is as indicated herein and we hereby recommend payment ['J . I 92% of this voucher. Signed: ~yctJ~r~ o struction Observer Signed: Project Manager/Engineer Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the periOd covered by this voucher. Contractor: R -1 Is ~ -p., ~'1:. ,,~_..~ .........9 j - /D-'-Ooo Signed: .J:t D,~~ J..l :p..-L,.. Title: ~ 1\.1 ..... IJ. .~ Date: City of Monticello .ecked by: Date: Approved for Payment: Authorized Representative Date: ,0 . Council Agenda - 2/14/00 11. Consideration of approving revisions to 5- Year Capital Improvement Program Budget. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of our budget workshop sessions. the revised 5- Year Capital 1 mprovement Program which was reviewed by the Council attempted to outline the expected upcoming expenditures for the City for the next five years. The initial CIP had taken thc various departments' budget requests and their best ideas of projects and improvemcnts that may be on the horizon over the next few years. The result of the initial CIP was that it was obvious we would be looking at a substantial increase in our tax levies to support the improvements or drastic cuts would have to be proposed to keep future levies at reasonable levels. . With the final 2000 year budget document being prepared, I would like to again include in the budget document a copy of the 5-year crp budget. The Council did review the initial capital improvement budget at the November 8, 1999 workshop with the direction to sta11'to revise the document and present to the Council for further review before adoption. I have taken the err document and made substantial cuts to all the of the departments in an attempt to get the future tax levy requirements down to a reasonable level. As I have always noted, it doesn't make a lot of sense to adopt a CIP budget that appears to require a $700,000 or $800,000 additional tax levy if there is no support by the Council to do so in future years. Since most of the capital improvement items will typically require a tax levy to accomplish the project, my goal was to present a capital improvement budget that would only require a tax levy that is more likely to be acceptable to this and future councils. An additional fund or department that has been added to the CIP since the Council's last review relates to the Community Center tacility. The request for capital improvements prepared by the Community Center Director, Kitty l3altos adds an additional $80,000-$140,000 per year that would also likely have to come from tax levies. Since this operation is fairly new and we will not have a good handle on our maintenance costs for at least a year, it is hard to determine at this time whether there will be any additional user fee revenues that might be available to help defray some of these capital improvement requests. The assumption is that any improvements to the fiiCility and any additional furniture, fixtures and other items would not have separate revenue sources to implement and that taxes would be the primary funding mechanism for this recreational facility. In order to prepare a CIP that would only require a tax levy increase of 5% or less, many requested items had to be either deleted or delayed until future years. In some cases I simply took the requested amounts and reduced them by 50%. This is the case i'(W the park fund. The following is a general summary of some of the major changes I made to the various departments in order to arrive at this reduced CIP budget. 1. Rebuilding of core city streets - Initial CIP budget included $1,000,000 each year for the years 2001-2003 with half of the cost assumed to be paid by property taxes and the other half assessed to property owners. This might be too ambitious of a project to undertake in this manner and I reduced the cost to $300,000 per year and spread it out over ten years rather than three years. Although most of the core streets are over 20 years old and are nearing the end of their expected life, a reduced funding amount each year would allow us . . . . 7. Council Agenda - 2/14/00 to only repair or replace those sections of road that are in major disrepair and allows us to extend the useful life for as long as possible. 2 I deleted from the 5-year budget the replacement of the downtown street lights that were currently budgeted at $130,000. " J. The storm sewer and street replacement project that was budgeted for the year 2002 and originally estimated at a cost of $500,000 with only $100,000 being assessed to properties. We may need to look at having a higher percentage of this project paid through assessments and I amended the funding sources to indicate that 50% would be assessed and 50% would be paid through taxes. 4. I eliminated the addition of street lights on south TH 25 that had originally been proposed in the ycar 2002 at $150,000 cost. 5. I reduced the North Anchor land acquisition funding which had originally been proposed at $100,000 a year for years 2001-2004 to $50,000 per year. 6. The Park Department budget had originally proposed a variety of improvements in their five year plan that would have required between $300,000 and $525,000 per year in additional tax levies. I basically cut their proposed capital outlay by 50% in all years. The Parks Commission has not reviewed the capital improvement budget with the 50% reduction and it is certainly suggested that if the Council ultimately adopts a new CIP with the reductions I have recommended, the Parks Commission should be allowed to establish new goals and priorities with the reduced funding amount as their target. In addition to the 50% reduction, I spread out the proposed West Bridge Park landscaping wall project that was originally scheduled for year 200 lover two years, 2001 and 2002. In addition, I shifted the MT trackless pathway unit from 2001 to 2002. Also related to parks is the ISTEA Pedestrian Bridge Project that had originally been estimated at $400,000 with the requirement of $175,000 being fl:om local funds. It appears that the proposed stand alone pedestrian bridge project with pathway and engineering included will likely be around $640,000 total with approximately $400,000 coming from state and federal funds. The balance of $240,000 had orignally been proposed to be included as part of a future bond sale and financed over 10- 15 years, but it doesn't appear that the City will be able to finance our share of a project like this through a bond sale and thus it would have to come from either tax levies or reserve accounts. The CIP budget at this time shows funding to come from fund balance reserves. Meadow Oak Streets - Replacement budget was cut by one half from $ 150,000 to $75,000. 8. The future rebuilding of Fallon Avenue from Chelsea Road to south city limits was spread out over two years and moved from 2001 to 2002 and 2003. . 9. Counci I Agenda ~ 2/14/00 Rcduce the industrial park land acquisition funding trom $75,000 to $25,000 each year. With the potential land swap with Chadwick in process, the lower funding amount could be utilized for future utilities and a continuation of funding for acquisition would not be necessary. 10. Reduce the funding for the replacement fire truck from $45,000 to $33,000 per year and spread out the cost over {(Jur years rather than three years. 11. Move the 7th Street overlay cost in the amount of $60,000 irom year 2002 to 2003 12. The CIP had originally proposed $1,000,000 lor upgrading the West River Street/Hillcrest area street improvcment project in year 2003. I split the cost between years 2003 and 2004 and also assumed that 75% of the project cost would be assessable to property owners rather than a 50-50 split. In an effort to pruvidc a more realistic indication to the Council as to what the actual annual cost of the CIP budget is, I prepared a second schedule B under the Statement of Sources and Uses that attempts to show what the cost of various improvements might be ifthe projects were financed by bonds rather than being paid for in one ycar through a tax levy. . SCHEnULE A Schedule A is a listing of revenue sources from property taxes, assessments and other SOurces that assume the entire item in the budget is paid for in onc year. SCHEDULE B Schedule B assumes that any improvement projects or purchases that require bonds to finance the improvement are spread out Over a fifteen year time frame with interest at 6%. An additional summary is included in the document that shows the additional levy that would be required in the years 200 I ,2004 that are above our base levy we recently adopted for the year 2000. Th is Summary notes the additional levy required for the one time capital ourlay items, the change in our annual debt payments that are projected and the additional levy that would be needed if the items that are bonded for were financed Over fifteen years. This summary indicates that additional tax levies ranging from $112,000 to $274,000 annually would bc needed to finance the projects as outlined. [believe this is more reasonable than the initial CIP budget document and appears to be more realistic in allowing departments to plan for future needs without excessive tax levy requirements being needed. The CIP as proposed would require an additional 5.8% levy in 2001 but wuuld be even lower than this in years 2002-2004. This may not be the actual percentage increase that would be required to fund the improvement as it is bascd on Current tax capacity value. If Our market value increases, the ClP tax levy requirements could be substantially less than the 5% amount. . B. ALTERNATJVF: ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 2/14/00 I. The Council could adopt the proposed CIP budget has presented 10r years 2000-2004. 2. The Council could adopt the CIP budget with amendments. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The goal of the staff and Council should be to develop a CI P budget that can be real istieall y aeeompI i shed in the next five years. I believe the revised document will be easier to attain than the initial CIP proposal. but it required substantial cuts in all departments to accomplish even this proposal. I know that department heads will probably disagree with the severity of the cuts [ have proposed and I am sure the Parks Commission will again feel the recreational needs of the community arc not being met with this budget. On the other hand, unless the Council is comfortable with the potential of increasing our tax levy 10% or more above the current levy to accomplish these projects, it doesn't Sense to have a document that can neVer be attained. Hopefully, our market value and tax base will increase each year to help offset our expanding needs for funds and it is expected that any document approved by the Council is always subject to review and amendment in the future. It is the City Administtator's recommendation that this CIP budget document be adopted at this time for . inclusion in our 2000 year budget document. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Revised CIP budget dOcuments. o .;,. ~ z ;:: o :>0 o fE 5 Cl t71 ...., n =0 5' !2. ::: 0. 5' (]Q A> ...0 ::: e;. n n' re Vl g n ('!) ('!) ..... ::l ..... ('!) v..... . 5' n C ~~ S 2. ~,;t &;. ~ E!E: ~OJ Cl 0. n o C Cl 2. n ::r' e; OJ J5 5- n re e-: ~;;i Q:Vl re 8 2. (3 g n 2. ('!) ..... g N' ('!) ('!) ..... Cl ~ n o.g o ..... c ~ ..... " So o S ..... n :::: re S-Vl ('!) S' !!...... '0 Z OJ A> ~ g. Cl e:.. n ::r: 0: '0 ~ ~--< Q ::: e; 0. OJ ..... re ('!) ::l n re Cl ..... 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REFERENCE ANI> BACKGROUND: You may have noticed that the home directly west of the Eisele property on 6th Street is up for sale. Council is asked whether or not it would like to consider making an offer on this parcel. As you know. it is part of the long term plan to have control of the entire two blocks on which the Community Center is located. On a previous occasion, the Council passed on purchasing the property on the corner of Maple and 6th because the price listed exceeded the appraised value. H. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize City StaHto order an appraisal on 407 6th Street West. Under this alternative the staff would have the appraisal completed and then bring back the information to the City Council at which time the Council would consider whether or not it would like to make an offer on the parcel. The cost of the appraisal is $300-$400. 2. Motion to take no action to purchase the subject parcel. Under this alternative, City Council could take the position that future development of the site is too far in the future to justify making any purchases of/and at this time. If the Council has no intention to buy, then the appraisal should not be ordered. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to spend $300-$400 on preparation of an appraisal for this property and to proceed with making an offer for the site if the appraised value comes in at a reasonable number. Although there is not a great likelihood that development of the parcel will occur in the near future, it is expected that at the time this parcel is needed the cost to acquire and pay relocation costs will be very expensive. Tfthe property can be purchased at a reasonable price, we are probably better off buying the parcel now than risk having to buy the parcel later and pay relocation costs. The tax value of this property is very low and therefore, purchase of this parcel and subsequent removal of it from the taxable rolls will not have a big impact. In addition, the building itself is in relatively poor condition and removal of this building from the block will certainly not hurt adjoining property values. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . E' c I ~ o c! tr' H j.Q :1 "' OJ" (D " ;:I ~ :0 () OJ cT ~") f J. o :0 "' n .. o 0"0 I-' 1'- " "' ~ l' J o " 3 '" " f-'- f"(! ::~ WeT OJ " :c Zo >-" 0- [f) '0 [f)(D (J OJ t' 'J~ rd H t' Q f-l- "':0 "'" "' n >"'0 o t"j . -f o tJ '" ~, :<J OJ '0 >-J ,~ 0 ~ 7- " y GJ cT '0 '" [f) H 0 no u c:: >-" '" no (J " >,- tJ 0 tJ I"J :0 P '" >-J '" :<> '-', n 0 -~ .- () ,,' 0 Z 3: ,-J 3: OJ 2'l H '" '" '" H '" '" '" " " '" " " -" ~, '0 () ~ [f) ,-, '" '" '" () ~ [f) >"OJ "'''' ........_n c., 00 "J .~~_ H >"Z ~~ I.flt) 1-' ~ 6L' .. CfJ 1\.) --< \.1) cn .. >-J ,!::.tTl ~ :< [f) n ,,,. 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Mayor: AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 14,2000 - 6:55 p.m. Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order. 2. Discussion of litigation on Gold Nugget Development. 3. Adjourn. . . . Special Meeting - 2/14/00 2. Closed meetinl! to discuss the litil!ation As you know, the City of Monticello along with Mayor Belsaas and Councilmember Herbst were named in a lawsuit by Gold Nugget Development in regards to the Monticello Orderly Annexation Board's Land Use Plan calling for Gold Nugget's property to be industrial. In addition to the City, the Township, the Joint Board itself and Wright County were also named in the lawsuit. The purpose of this closed session is to discuss with City Attorney, Dennis Dalen, what options are available for the City in any defense we want to raise in regards to this lawsuit. I had turned over the lawsuit to our insurance company, LMCIT, who has indicated they do not feel the City has any coverage for any defense or damages through the League's insurance. Their basis for this denial comes from the fact they believe the joint planning board is the real entity that is being sued for their actions and that the joint planning board should have its own insurance coverage for defense of this type ofa claim. This caught the staff somewhat by surprise as we expected the League to cover the City since we were named in the lawsuit as it is our understanding that Wright County's insurance company is defending them and that the Township's insurance company is likewise providing defense. The joint planning board does not have any separate insurance at this time and therefore would likely have to hire their own attorney to respond to this claim. I am still surprised that the League's insurance will not provide any coverage for the City nor the two councilmembers named in the lawsuit even if the real issue is with the joint planning board's decision and not the City's. The mere fact that the City is named should be sufficient for our insurance to step in but both myself and City Attorney, Dennis Dalen, have contacted the insurance carrier who believe they are correct in excluding coverage at this time. (See letter attached). One of the discussion items Monday night should be how we plan to address our defense, if any, and to protect our interests since the City and two councilmembers are individually named. Ifwe do not have insurance, we will need to have Dennis or someone else provide a response to the claim in a timely fashion. Attorney, George Hoff, who is representing the City on a couple of the Kjellberg lawsuit issues through the League's insurance, contacted the attorney for Gold Nugget and received a verbal okay to extend the date for our response until March 10lh rather than February 21 SI. This should provide us all additional time to decide how each entity or the entire group should respond. One last issue relates to the ability of the City to buy retroactive insurance coverage for the joint planning board through our League insurance. For a premium of$5,000, the League will insure and defend all parties, the City, the named individuals and the joint board and it would provide the City with up to $200,000 in liability coverage for damages and defense. In some respects, this is not a bad deal in that they are willing to retroactively provide insurance to the joint board but as you know, the City is responsible for approximately 80% of the joint MOAA Board's expense so the City would be paying the $4,000 for the premium. All of these issues will need to be addressed briefly Monday night to provide direction to staff and legal counsel on how to proceed. Ir . . .. ~ . FEB-11-2000 10:25 BERKLEY RISK ~DMINISTRS. 651 281 1297 P.01/04 , . :':..1..'t ,~ '11'ftf) 145 University Avenue West, St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Phone: (651) 281.1200 · (800) 925-1122 TDD (651) 281-1~90 LMC Fax: (651) 281.1299 · LMCrr Fax: (651) 281.1298 Web Site: http://www.Imnc.org r.-,.. '" Mi.nut!1l.. Gli_ Cit;. ",.,..06.." ..-0...- ... February 11. 2000 i 1 Rick WolfsteIler, City Administrator City of Monticello PO Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 VIA FAX AND U.S. MAIL A.'~, ~ ." RE: TrustMember: City of Monticello Claimant: Gold Nugget Development eta! Our File: 11029855 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: This is a folIowup to the phone conversations and discussion that we have had on this lawsuit. On behalf of the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT), this letter will formally acknowledge receipt of the lawsuit flled in Wright County District Court entitled 'Gold Nugget Development, Inc., and Oeello, LLC., Plaintiffs, vs. The City of Monticello, Roger Belsaas, Clint, Herbst, the Township of Monticello, the 10int Planning Board, and Wright County, Defendants". In general terms, the plaintiffs are seeking a Court Order declaring the land use plan adopted by the Joint Planning Board to be invalid, an Order enjoining the Defendants from enforcement of the land use plan adopted by the Joint Planning Board, an Order estopping the City from refusing to consider the annexation petition of Gold Nugget for the land, and an Order requiring the City to annex the land. Also. plaintiffs seek money damages, costs and attorneys' fees. We are aware of the Joint Resolution of the City of Monticello and the Township of Monticello as to the Orderly Annexation of Property. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, the City and Township established a Joint Plarming Board which consists oftwo city members, two township members and one county member. The Joint Planning Board would be considered a joint powers entity under the city's coverage with LMCIT. A joint powers entity is defmed in the covenant as an operating entity created by two or more govenunenf:al units entering into an agreement as provided by statute for the joint exercise of governmental powers. An intergovernmental agreement will be deemed to create a I joint powers entity if the agreement establishes a board with the effective power to do any of the following, regardless of whether the specific consent of the constituent governmenal units may AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITYI AfFlRMA TJV5 ACTION EMPLOYER I SK e'~ : .~ J o !clc ~. :tio :itiE in air 10, ev Ig I J~ ( am ,ld 110: the .oa 'r :idc ~fu ~1I erl. bli: ..,.. , :jf1 JNr FEB-11-2000 10:25 BERKLEY RISK RDMINISTRS. 651 281 1297 P.02/04 11029855 -2- 2.11-00 also be required: a- To receive and expend funds; b. To enter contracts; c. To hire employees; d. To purchase or otherwise acquire and hold real or personal property; or ~ e. To sue or be sued. .1 would specifically refer you to the Comprehensive Municipal Coverage fOIm under Coverage A. wHich states in part: ( Coverage A. Municipal Liability Coverage (Claims Made Basis) "'.-t 1. Coverage Agreement a. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, LMCIT will pay on behalf of the HCQvered party II all sums which the "covered party" shall become legally obligated to pay as damages as a result of an occurrence, if the following conditions are met... There are some exclusions to the coverage. Exclusion 3q states that "This coverage does not apply to damages arising out of the activities of a joint powers entity unless the joint powers entity is named in the Declarations." In this case, the Joint Planning Board is not named in the Declarations. Therefore, any claims against the City or its elected officials arising from its activities are also not covered. ... Also, under Section II-WHO IS COVERED, "City" means the "city" or other governmental body or entity first named in the Declarations. Unless specifically named in the Declarations, "city" shall not include any of the following: f. Joint powers entity. Again, the Joint Planning Board is not named in the Declarations. Therefore, that entity is not a covered PartY. As the case now stands, it is the position of LMCIT that there is no coverage for the lawsuit. LMCIT would have no duty to defend or indemnify the City of Monticello, Mayor Roger Belsaas, Council Member Clint Herbst, or the Joint Planning Board under Covenant #CMC 19513 with a coverage period of March 7, 1999 to March 7, 2000. Also, LMCIT would have no duty to defend or indemnify the Township of Monticello or Wright County. Under Section VI-CONDITIONS, there is item 8. RETROACTIVE JOINT POWERS COVERAGE. It states that LMCIT will, upon the "city's" request, issue retroactive comprehensive municipal coverage to any joint powers entity in which the "city" participates and which is not named as a "covered party" under any other LMCIT coverage. Pursuant to this , I ., e : ( j,. i .y .dr v. .t 0' ~ I . . . .. nl ~ 0 le f 5 ~ c ,1 I. i' 11 ,. .. . 4 .- ( -. .J .1 FEB-11-212J12J12J 1121:26 BERKLEY RISK ADMINISTRS. 651 281 12'37 P. 1213/04 11029855 -3- 2-11-00 section. LMCIT will issue its standard Comprehensive Municipal Coverage docwnent to the joint powers entity but coverage shall be subject to an annual aggregate limit of $200,000. TItis limit shall apply to the sum of damages and loss adjustment expenses including defense costs far all claims ta which the coverage applies. Coverage issued pursuant ta this section will be issued with the same inception date and the same retroactive date as this covenant. The premiwn must be paid to LMCIT before the coverage goes into effect. The premium for coverage issued pursuant to this section shall be equal to the greater of $5,000 or the premium the joint powers entity would otheIWise pay for coverage at LMCIT's current rates. The city needs to make a decision as to whether it wishes to purchase the Retroactive Joint Powers Coverage. If They do wish to purchase it, you should advise your local agent. In turn, your local agent should contact the underwriter for your city who is Steve Hansen. If the city does purchase the Retroactive Joint Powers Coveraae for the Joint Planning Board, the covenant says that with respect to a joint powers entity named in the Declarations, it includes: (1) The joint powers entity (2) While acting on behalf of the joint powers entity. or with respect to liability arising out of the activities of the joint powers entity, any present or former: (a) Governmental member of the joint powers entity; (b) Elected or appointed official of the govemmental member; (c) Employee of the governmental member; (d) Other authorized or agent of the governmental member, but excluding independent contractors. In addition to the above mentioned coverage issues which I have cited, there could be further coverage defenses or exclusions that may be applicable. I reserve the rights of the LMCIT to raise such further coverage defenses or exclusions as are applicable. We look forward to hearing from you regarding the city's intentions in this matter. If you have any questions. feel free to contact me at 800-925-1122. ext. 1282. Very truly yours, BERKLEY RISK ADMINISTRATORS CO.. LLC ~~~ M~k Rossow Asst. Program Claims Manager cc: Dennis Dalen, Attorney at Law cc: Dan Carlson Foster. Franzen, Carlson, White Agency Cc: Steve Hansen. Underwriting Dept. I " ::w :I: "' "' :r: (, el (" eJ '" 10 t:1 tj ~ <: >"tlJ 0 H t:1 ~ t ~ '" I." ~ ~ t-' ><: to '" '" :u t~ '" G) ~ '" en", '" C;~ c::: t:1 " H " :,: cnz '" H '" 1-'> tIj ;~ 1& '" z (r) <' t:1 % ....... n >-1 ~ ::r.: )> z o :Io' H :r.... 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