City Council Minutes 07-09-1979MINUTES
July 9, 1979 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus, Phil White.
Members Absent: None
Citizens Comments:
Mr. Ron Thimmesh and Jeff Schwietering, both property owners along
Front Street in Monticello, inquired of the Council as to what the City
plans to do to prevent similar sewage backups as occured in the past
month. Both property owners inquired as to whether the lift stations
were going to be repaired or what precautions would be taken in the
future to prevent similar occurrances from happening now that they
plan on finishing their basements again.
The property owners were informed by the Council that later during the
meeting, this item would be reviewed with the Public Works Director who
has preliminary plans for updating the lift station to hopefully solve
the problems in the future.
Mr. Sam Peraro, owner of I-94 Tri -Plaza, indicated to the Council that
McDonald's Corporation should be starting their new restaurant within
the next few weeks, and he requested an extension of time to complete
the blacktopping, curbing and landscaping at the Standard Oil site to
enable him to do his at the same time McDonald's would do their curbing
and paving. Mr. Peraro indicated that he will do the Standard Oil
Station blacktopping and curbing within 60 days, even if McDonald's would
not be ready at that time to complete their curbing.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to grant Mr. Peraro a 60 day extension, to September 1, 1979,
for completing his curbing and landscaping at the Standard station site.
1. Public Hearing on Proposed 1979-1 Improvement Project and Consideration of
Awarding Contract on 1979-1 Improvement Project Bids.
At the last Council Meeting, bids were received on the 1979-1 improvement
project, with a low bid submitted by Barbarossa Construction Company of
Osseo, Minnesota, in the amount of $839,599. Since the construction bids
were approximately 10=20 over the original estimate of $760,000 that was
part of the feasibility study in March of 1979, an additional public
hearing was held to afford the property owners involved an opportunity to
hear the new estimated assessments.
John Badalich, consulting engineer, updated the Council on the additional
estimated assessments for the 1979-1 project, which included additional
items not considered under the original feasibility study. Mr. Badalich
indicated that the primary items that changed from the feasibility study
were street improvements to the four areas being proposed for improvements.
Council Minutes 7/9/79
The increases were not substantial, but did amount to approximately 10%
over the original estimate. Mr. Badalich also stated that some of the
reasons for the increased cost were attributed to construction cost increases
since the report was made in March.
Mr. Mike Reher asked why the Dundas Road extension through the J.R. Culp
Farm was not planned for blacktopping at this time. The engineer indicated
that even though sewer and water would be installed, he did not know where
future side streets would be placed in the development and felt that this
should be known first before the road is blacktopped as additional streets
would require Dundas Road to be torn up and reblacktopped in the future.
He indicated that if the developers could give him an idea where the streets
may be in the future, there still existed the possibility that Dundas Road
could be blacktopped all the way to Highway 25.
Mr. Roy Lauring asked that the Council and the City Engineer review the
street elevation along Lauring Lane in Lauring Hillside Addition, as he
thought too much cutting of the elevation may result in snowplowing
problems next year.
Hearing no other comments regarding the proposed assessments, motion was
made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to award
the contract for construction of the 1979-1 Improvement Project for areas
2, 3, and 4 to Barbarossa and Sons. In addition, a motion was made by
Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair to award the contract to Barbarossa and
Sons for area 5 (Lauring Hillside Addition), with a total contract amount
being for all areas - $839,599. Voting in Favor: Phil White, Fran Fair,
Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus. Abstaining due to a possible conflict of interest
was Mayor Grimsmo.
2. Consideration of Resolution Calling for Sale of $1,170,000 General
Obligation Improvement Bonds.
In order to finance the 1979-1 Improvement Project with Barbarossa &
Sons in the amount of $839,599, King Forness, of Springsted, Inc.,
reviewed with the Council the procedures necessary to authorize the
sale of G.O. improvement bonds in the amount of $1,170,000. Mr. Forness
indicated that this amount of the bond issue was determined by taking
the construction bid of $839,599 and adding 20% for indirect costs such
as engineer, attorney fees, etc. to arrive at the $1,170,000 issue.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to adopt the resolution authorizing the sale of $1,170,000 G.O.
improvement bonds to finance the 1979-1 improvement project.
(See Resolution 1979 #12).
3. Consideration of Amending Ordinance Relative to Moving Buildings.
Currently, the Monticello ordinances require that buildings over ten (10)
years of age can be moved into the City of Monticello except under
certain conditions. As a result of the reading of the ordinance, it was
suggested to clarify the regulations and that they should also apply to
buildings moved not only into the City, but also buildings that are moved
within the City from one location to another.
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Council Minutes - 7/9/79
Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil White and unanimously
carried to amend ordinance Section 3-7-1 which regulates moving of
buildings to state that the regulations shall apply whether a building
is moved into or within the City of Monticello. (See Ordinance Amendment
7-9-79 #70).
4. Public Hearing on a Variance Regarding the Moving of a Residence.
Members of the Trinity Lutheran Church requested a variance to move a
home from 419 West Broadway to Lot 10, Block 42, Upper Monticello. This
home is a single-family residence and would be moved to a properly zoned
area on West Broadway.
The variance was needed because the building is older than ten (10) years
old, but the Lutheran Church representatives indicated they will be
bringing the building up to all current building codes. Representatives
also indicated that no objections were voiced by the abutting property
owners, therefore, a motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded bV Dan Blonigen
to approve the variance allowing the Trinity Lutheran Church to move
the building to Lot 10, Block 42, Upper Monticello. Phil White abstained
from voting due to a possible conflict of interest. Voting in Favor:
Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen, Ken Maus, Arve Grimsmo.
5. Consideration of Change Order with Northdale Construction on Drainage
Ditch and Consideration of Request for Extension of Time on the 1978-1
Improvement Project.
Previously, the City Council generally approved of a drainage ditch being
permanently constructed through the Country Club property to benefit
Kampa Estates, Country Club Manor and other areas along County Road 39.
However, no specific action was taken until permission from the DNR
could be obtained. This permission was granted on June 29, 1979 after
meetings with the City Engineer and representatives of the DNR.
In addition, Northdale Construction Company requested that the completion
date on the 1978-1 improvement project be extended to September 1, 1979
instead of July 1, 1979. Some of the reasons given were that several
areas in the project did not have adequate grading completed and also
easement problems had delayed construction during the project.
Council members discussed the possibility of completing County Road #39
immediately since this road is heavily travelled, and all improvements
are completed along this stretch of road.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously
carried to grant Northdale Construction until 9/1/79 to complete the
1978-1 Improvement Project, except that paving along County Road 39
should be done within ten days (10). In addition, the motion included
a change order to be approved with Northdale in the amount of approxi-
mately $4,000 for the completion of the drainage ditch through the
Country Club property.
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Council Minutes - 7/9/79
Motion was also made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unani-
mously carried to have Marvin George Builders complete the grading
necessary in the Country Club Manor property by July 23, 1979, so that
the improvement project in the area can be completed or the City will
contract with Northdale Construction Company to do it and all costs will
be assessed back to Mr. George.
6. Consideration of Requesting Planning Commission to Hold Hearing on
Amendment to City of Monticello Ordinances Relative to Outdoor Advertising
This item was scheduled at the last Council meeting but action was deferred
to allow a representative from Blocher Advertising Company to make his
presentation. Mr. Ray Galarneault, of Blocher Advertising Company, did
request that the Council authorize the Planning Commission to hold
another Public Hearing in regards to requested changes in the ordinance
to allow billboard advertising signs. Mr. Galarneault felt that this
is the best land use available for some of the areas along I-94 and
felt that the ordinances should be changed to allow future signs.
After reviewing the Planning Commission's recommendations in regards to
any changes - which were to leave as is - a motion was made by Phil
White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to take no action
in regards to holding another public hearing for any ordinance changes
as they felt current ordinances should stand as is.
The Council noted that if Mr. Galarneault or Blocher Advertising Company
wished to apply for a variance for an individual case, the procedures
would be available to him.
7. Consideration of Approval of Final Plat for Thomas Park.
Previously, the City approved a preliminary plat for Thomas Industrial
Park, located south of 1-94. John Badalich, consulting engineer, indicated
that the plat meets all City requirements for final approval except that
a soil survey should be received by the City before final acceptance.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously
carried to approve the final plat for Thomas Industrial Park provided a
soil survey is obtained and presented to the City and the park dedication
fees are paid in cash.
8. Consideration of Approving Plans and Specifications for Civil Defense
Siren System.
Mr. Loren Klein, Civil Defense Director, presented final plans and specifi-
cations for Council review for three additional civil defense sirens.
Mr. Klein reviewed with the Council the three locations planned for the
sirens, and indicated that these sirens could be started from either the
Sheriff's Office, which would be the primary location, or the City Hall
in Monticello. It was also noted that the bids would require a radio -
controlled system rather than a land -line system, or telephone system.
It was noted that the radio controlled system left open a possibility for
buying additional walkie-talkies which could be hooked up to the alarm
system. These additional two-way radios could be used by City personnel,
such as the public works director or building inspector, etc.
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Council Minutes - 7/9/79
Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously
carried to approve the plans and specifications as presented and adver-
tise for bids for the three sirens with alternates to include radio
receivers and transmitters. The alternate would be a separate bid for
different kinds of two-way radios that could be used with this system.
9. Consideration of Request from Monticello JayCees Relative to Bicycle
The Monticello JayCees presented information to the Council in regards to
a possible bicycle route being established along River Street from
Otter Creek to Ellison Park. The JayCees would like to use one side
of River Street for two-way bicycle traffic with that side of the street
being prohibited from on -street parking.
After discussing the bicycle route, it was determined that some of these
streets being only 24' wide would pose a possible problem in regards to
two-way traffic if 6' was designated for bicycle's only.
By Council consensus, no action was taken to approve a bicycle route at
the present time, and asked that Councilman Phil White meet with the
JayCees to review the situation for possible alternates.
10. Consideration of a Variance Requiring HookUp to the City's Sanitary
Sewer System.
The Monticello Rod & Gun Club requested a variance from the provisions
of City ordinances which require hook up to sanitary sewer system within
three years after it becomes available. Sanitary sewer was installed past
the Rod & Gun Club property in 1976, and as a result, the Rod & Gun Club
should be hooked up by October 15, 1979. Representatives of the Rod & Gun
Club asked that a permanent variance be granted to them since their site
does not warrant hooking up to Sanitary Sewer system. Reasons given by
the Club Members was that their activities are so small and that they
do not generate hardly any sewage that would enable their septic tank
to become a problem. They did agree that if the use of the land should
ever change from what it presently is, then they would be agreeable to
hooking up to the City's sewer.
Because of the present usage demand and circumstances of the Rod & Gun
Club, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unani-
mously carried to grant a permanent variance from the sewer hook up
requirements provided the usage stays the same. This permanent variance
could be revoked if the property or usage at the site changes in the future.
11. Review on Possible Upgrading of. Lift Station in West Bridge Park.
Public Works Director, John Simola, presented information to the Council
relative to increasing the lift station capacity in West Bridge Park to
eliminate future sewer backups along Front Street. He indicated that the
present capacity is rated at 640 gallons per minute, but is currently only
capable of pumping approximately 300 gallons per minute. Mr. Simola
indicated that new pumps should be installed that would be capable of
pumping 975 gallons per minute, which should alleviate any problems in
the near future.
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The new 15 h.p. pumps, along with a new control panel for the lift
station, was estimated to cost approximately $11,000 on completion.
With the new lift station repairs being completed, the system should be
able to handle all present flow demands, along with any development that
would occur in Country Club Manor and Kampa Estates, etc. It was noted
in the future that the new interceptor line will be constructed on the
south end of the City to alleviate future problems, but would not be
constructed until approximately 1981 or 1982.
Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously
carried to authorize the purchase of new pumps and control panels for
the West Bridge lift station at an estimated cost of $11,000.
12. Department Head Quarterly Meeting.
The Council held a quarterly department head meeting with the following
department heads:
Public Works Director - John Simola
Building Inspector - Loren Klein
Fire Chief - Paul Klein
Sheriff's Dept. Representatives
City Administrator - Gary Wieber
Senior Citizens Director - Karen Hanson
Loren Klein, Building Inspector, reviewed the building permits issued so
far in 1979, and also indicated that the City will have a Civil Defense
drill in the near future in regards to the Nuclear Plant.
Jeff Callahan, new Deputy Sheriff, who will be working in the Monticello
area, was introduced to the Council by Jim Powers, Chief Deputy.
The Council also asked Loren Klein, Building Inspector, to review the
apparent drainage problems over at the Senior Citizens Center parking
Councilman, Ken Maus, asked that the City Council consider giving the
Lion's Organization authorization to have complete control over future
4th of July celebrations. Mr. Maus felt that the organization is pre-
sently doing an excellent job, and the City should also recognize this
fact and authorize the Lion's organization to organize future events on
the 4th if they so desire. It was the Council consensus that a possible
resolution to this effect will be acted upon in the near future.
13. Approval of Minutes.
The Minutes of the June 25, 1979 Council meeting were approved as presented.
Meeting adjourned.
Rick Wolfsller,
Assistant dministrator
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