City Council Agenda Packet 11-26-1979 ..,.' . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL November 26, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo COtulcil Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White. Meeting to be taped. Ci tizens Comments. J,. ~ . 11 I V' 0 <.l.......f -.., lo.li\c,...\I ::1 ~Lc.J h I'~ I ;tA, .;' ~ toIo?' J:o ('4"1 i-n- dt kJ,.. 'Tt,~"" , D,~;J 1. putllic Hearing on the Consideration of a Variance ~~ Accessory BUilding - Robert & Marion Jameson. \\.,1 q... ,,~'O 2. .4 .\..O,~ ...,. 'P . \ <(, 4\ .<~<\ q "\....~ ';/;3, . ~. to Allow a Second Public Hearing on the Consideration of a Variance Request of Monticello Ordinance on Driveway Opening Width, Parking Lot Perimeter Curbing and Certificate of Occupancy - Monticello VFW, Dorchester Post. Consideration of a Simple SUbdivision of Property - Quintin Lanners and Dan Giddings. Consideration of Amending Monticello Ordinance to Allow for Commercial Mailing Tubes in Certain Areas of Monticello. Consideration of Authorization Exploring Sludge Disposal Alternatives. Consideration of Approval of Increasing Engineering Fee on Monticello's Step II Grant Application for Updating Its Wastewater Treatment Plant. 7. Review of Civil Defense Emergency Plan. ~ 8. Approval of Bills - November 1979. ~9. Approval of Minutes - November 13, 1979 Regular Meeting. Unfinished Business _ New Business _ (t'-z,......'l~ <0 \t..\t'~",,j N" ~h_ Cl../z"'-fh7 "~ r ~u.s. /\'-<J'j/ ~ ~~~~. / Reminder - Council Meeting, November 28, 1979 - 7:00 P.M. . . . Possible Additional Item Under Citizens Comments: ~nce Re uest of Curb and Landsca in Extension - Larr Purcell (Plumber ) Mr. Larry Purcell, owner of the Plumbery in Sandberg South, would like to request an extension of his landscaping and parking lot variance. This past Fall, there was a problem getting a blacktopping contractor to complete his lot, and when the lot was installed, it was improperty completed. Consequently, the lot must be replaced. The asphalt plants are now closed down, and the lot cannot be redone until Spring, so Mr. Purcell would like to re-bond for the uncompleted work and extend his variance to allow time for completion of the necessary work - possibly until July 1, 1980. ,r" 6'v."e..'t' COUNCIL MEETING - 11/26/79 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 1. Public Hearin on the Consideration of a Variance to Allow a Second Accessory Building - Robert Jameson. Purpose of this item is to review a request by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jameson for the erection of a log cabin on their property which is located south of the High School. According to Monticello Ordinances, only one accessory building is allowed on a parcel which is zoned R-3 without a variance. According to their November 16, 1979 letter, a copy of which is enclosed, the variance would be for the reconstruction of an 18' x 27' 1857 log house which will be located approximately 180' east of their home. This log house will be furnished with Norwegian antiques and will be used as a museum to portray the way early scandinavians lived and worked in Minnesota. This home will be used as a private museum. Our bUilding inspector has reviewed this request and has indicated that the bUilding code would not be applicable in this case because of its historical nature. At the time of the writing of this agenda, no objections have been received. However, it should be kept in mind that public hearings on variances are held at the City Council level. . At their last meeting, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve of the request. However, it wanted to insert in the record that this accessory building could in no way be occupied for residential use now or in the future. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of this variance. (4/5's vote is needed for approval) REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting area, and November 16, 1979 letter from Marion and Robert Jameson. 11/20/79 Planning COmm. Minutes. o ~ \.... \> ~\, ",(.. ~ . ~ \~ ~O 9 n .. I ~ (I "," J ~Jl COUNCIL AGENDA - 11/26/79 2. Public Hearin on the Consideration of a Variance Re uest of Monticello Ordinances on Drivewa 0 enin Width Parkin Lot Perimeter Curbin and Certificate of Occupancy - Monticello VFW, Dorchest~r Post. Purpose of this item is to consider the following: A. Permanent variance request to eliminate a portion of the parking lot perimeter curbing. B. Permanent request for a 90' driveway opening. C. Temporary request from Monticello City Ordinances until August 1, 1980 regarding the improvement of the parking lot with hardsurfacing and and curbing that would be required, and the City's landscaping require- ment which is 1% or $1,500, whichever is greater, of the building permit application cost. . A variance is being requested on the parking lot perimeter curbing to eliminate the curbing on the west and south side of the parking lot. According to the VFW, they feel that now that the lot drains towards the Freeway ditch, this curbing would be unnecessary. It should be pointed out that at the time the new parking lot was developed this past Fall, it was not constructed in accordance with the directions of the City Engineer who indicated that most of the area should drain towards the east and then drain north toward the ditch alongside of Cedar Street. Our Engineer further- more indicated that the drainage towards the Interstate must not be enlarged and that the Minnesota Department of Transportation be contacted if the natural drainage towards the Freeway were going to be increased. A copy of the engineer's recommendations was sent to the VFW's general contractor. As a result then, the VFW's current drainage plan does not conform to the plan it submitted for the drainage of the property and furthermore, a large portion of this parking lot drains towards Interstate 94. Mr. Mark Woell, of the Department of Transportation, came to Monticello on November 21st to review the variance request. He found, as he stated in a November 19, 1979 letter which is enclosed, the City of Monticello would be in violation of their contract with the State if the VFW were allowed to drain their lot into the Freeway drainage area. The State and the City formed a contract when the Freeway was built which doesn't allow for any further drainage into the Freeway ditch system without both parties having first agreed to the same. Another meeting is tentatively planned to be set up prior to Monday night's meeting with the Council and with representatives of the VFW to see if this item can be resolved. Additionally, the VFW has constructed an entrance/exit driveway which is approximately 90' in width, which is in violation of the City's ordinances, which only allows a driveway opening of 24' without a variance. It is the opinion of our zoning administrator that the City would be hardpressed to grant a variance for a 90' driveway opening in lieu of two 24' openings since others, who have made similar requests, were denied the same request in the past. COUNCIL AGENDA ~ 11/26/79 2. (Continued) In addition to the permit requests indicated above, the VFW post would like a temporary certificate of occupancy in order to allow them to occupy their building without providing the necessary landscaping and parking lot improve- ments. They request that this temporary Occupancy be granted until August 1st of 1980. . At their last meeting, the Planning Commission voted to deny the request on the 90' driveway opening. The Planning Commission further voted unani- mously to approve of the variance request on the curbing, providing that this curbing would be ultimately approved in light of the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and our City Engineer regarding the drainage situation. They further recommended that the Certificate of Occupancy be approved, contingent upon a bond being provided in a sufficient amount to cover the improvements necessary to meet the final grading plan, parking lot improvements and landscaping. o POSSIBLE ACTION:~~Consideration of: l " ~ 1. Variance request on elimination of a portion of the ~(~ ~)~ parking lot perimeter curbing. ~ \.r /2. Variance request on 90' driveway opening. ,')~ '\J. ~ E li .J ~'i' , V. " 1, 3. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy until August 1, 1980 to allow for completion of landscaping and parking lot improvements. REFERENCES: Planning Commission Minutes of November 20, 1979, letter from OSM regarding drainage, and November 19, 1979 letter from Minnesota Department of Transportation regarding drainage. NOTE: Again, variance requests require 4/5's vote for approval and this is on items 1 & 2 for the VFW. ...~ ~e\\~ ~ 01" \-tO~ . COUNCIL AGENDA - 11/26/79 3. Consideration of a Simple Subdivision of Property - Quintin Lanners and Dan Giddings. Purpose of this item is to consider a subdivision of Lot 13 in Block 40, Original Plat of Monticello. Presently, Mr. Dan Giddings, 648 West Broadway, owns Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 in Block 40. Mr. Giddings is currently considering selling a portion of this property to Mr. Quintin Lanners. Mr. Giddings would like to retain Lots 14 & 15 and the Westerly 23' of Lot 13 and sell the remaining Easterly 10' of Lot 13 along with Lots 11 & 12 to Mr. Quintin Lanners. As a result, this would create two parcels, one parcel being 89' x 165' to be owned by Mr. Giddings and the remaining parcel to be 76' x 165' and owned by Mr. Lanners. The parcel then to be owned by Mr. Giddings would have a residence on it and the parcel to be owned by Mr. Lanners would be vacant. No variance request on setbacks would be required, and additionally, since these lots were previously platted prior to the Monticello Ordinance requiring at least an 80' width, no variance would be necessary on lot width or size. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of this subdivision. . POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of this simple subdivision contingent upon submission of a Certificate of Survey and proof of recording of the simple subdivision. REFERENCES: )~" \~~) ~ \~ Attached map depicting location of property and plat plan. 11/20/79 Planning Commission Minutes. . COUNCIL AGENDA - 11/26/79 4. Consideration of Amending Monticello Ordinance to Allow for Commercial Mailing Tubes in Certain Areas of Monticello. As previously discussed with the Council and also referred to in a letter dated October 15, 1979 from Rollie Lange, Advertisers Distribution Services, Inc. is requesting that they be permitted to put up mail tubes in the follow- ing areas: A. East County Road 39 B. Hart Boulevard C. Anders-Wilhelm Estates (although their letter does not allude to this, they possibly might be considering Balboul Estates as part of Anders-Wilhelm Estates and may want to put mail tubes up in this area also.) D. West River Road and West County Road 75 According to the letter, there would be approximately 89 mail tubes put up immediately, not counting the Balboul Estates area. As further indicated in the letter, ADS would agree to an arrangement whereby the St. Cloud Times and the Tribune would share the mailing tubes. . One other issue mentioned in talking with Mr. Rollie Lange is the advertising contained on the tube itself and the color. Mr. Lange indicated that he would be willing to paint the tube any color the Council so desires and would not carry any advertising message of his firm or any of the other newspapers. Initially, the provision to prohibit mailing tubes of this type was adopted on April 10, 1978. Reason for the ordinance was to prevent what was con- sidered the unsightly appearance of mail tubes. One of the concerns which is addressed by ADS is the number of individual mail tubes a property owner could have. In addition to the U.S. Mail box, which the Council does not prohibit, individuals could feasibly have an ADS box, a St. Cloud Times box, and a Minneapolis Tribune box, which would present an unsightly appearance. Mr. Lange has therefore indicated that this problem would be somewhat diminished in that he would form an arrangement with the other newspapers to only put up one mail tube per property owner. Another community in Wright County has contacted me and complimented the City of Monticello on its present ordinance which prohibits these mail tubes entirely. He indicated that his City was currently having a problem with the number of mail tubes and also the fact that they do present a problem to the snowplows. It should be mentioned that one of the reasons why the City also adopted the ordinance was concern with these mail tubes being knocked over by a snowplow. Obviously this same thing can be said of a U.S. Mail box and as a result, that particular argument is somewhat diminished. . My Own recommendation would be to deny the request. There may be some justi- fication for allowing the mail tubes along County Road 39, but when you get into a residential area like Anders-Wilhelm or Balboul Estates, there is really little difference between those areas and the area such as downtown residential areas. Once these mail tubes are allowed in certain portions COUNCIL AGENDA ~ 11/26/79 4. (Continued) of the community, it would be very hard to justify and regulate the extension of their use in other areas. In fairness, however, I do feel that the pro- posal by ADS by combining the newspapers into one tube and having them all one color without carrying any advertising on them is certainly an improve- ment from what the existing situation was. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Approving the allowance of mail tubes in the above areas in Monticello. REFERENCES: October 15, 1979 letter from Rollie Lange. ~ ~~. ~ JJ \{ ~ ~{ " I \ ~I ~ ~ . ~ ~I ~ \' V) G ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . COUNCIL AGENDA ~ 11/26/79 5. Consideration of Authorization Exploring Sludge Disposal Alternatives. . Purpose of this item is to review the procedures the City of Monticello has to take prior to submission of an application for the purchase of land for sludge disposal. At our last meeting, John Badalich handed out a report entitled "Addenda - Facilities Planning Report, Monticello, Minnesota." This report was dated June 10, 1977 and updated November 13, 1979. It should be noted that the updated portion of the report is approximately the last half of the report. Currently, the City of Monticello is disposing of its sludge from the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant at a site approximately ten miles west of the current treatment plant. Considering cost of fuel and labor, this disposal site has proven quite costly to the City of Monticello. It should be pointed out that the City has attempted to dispose of the sludge at sites closer to this area, but thus far, no farmer can be found that would accept the sludge application. AS a result, the possibility of land acquisition by the City of Monticello for sludge application should be considered that would be relatively close to the present treatment plant and also the future plant, which is expected to be built in the year 2000, which would be along East County Road 39. Advantages would be as follows: A. Currently the acquisition of land by a municipality for sludge dis- posal is 90% fundable by the EPA and PCA. . B. sites which may be available now may be unavailable in the future because of future development. C. A site closer would reduce the City's fuel and labor costs. D. A portion of the land could be rented for farming purposes. As the report indicates, alternatives must be considered prior to recommend- ing outright purchase of land according to EPA regulations, and they are as follows: A. Sale or hauling of sludge for use by others. B. Contract arrangement whereby the sludge is hauled and used by others. C. Contract with landowners for rights to develop landspreading site and apply sludge. D. Leasing of land spreading site. E. Land Fill. . The City would have to satisfy the EPA and the PCA that sufficient measures have been taken to consider the alternatives mentioned above. As the report indicates, this would include such things as advertisement of the City's intent to find alternatives for their sludge disposal program, etc. COUNCIL AGENDA - 11/26/79 5. (Continued) It should be pointed out that the Environmental Protection Agency normally prefers land acquisition as opposed to leasing land, and this is documented in the report itself. It would be my recommendation, in light of the above facts, to authorize the Public Works Director, City Administrator and our Consulting Engineer to work towards exploring the alternatives and making a concrete proposal to the City Council. Such a proposal would include an elaboration on the alternatives and their cost-effectiveness in light of hauling costs, land costs, lease costs, etc. If the proposal is for land acquisition and is accepted by the City Council, the application could be made for funding. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of authorization of public works director, city administrator and city engineer to explore alterna- tives for application of sludge disposal. REFERENCES: June 10, 1977 Addenda on the Facilities Planning Report Updated November 13, 1979, (This was handed out at the last meeting) . ( f ~i ~~ ~ N V\ t/ ~~ ~^' l \Q ~l ) /~ J I ~ 'V \~ . COUNCIL AGENDA - 11/26/79 6. Consideration of Approval of Increasing Engineering Fee on Monticello's Step II Grant Application for Updating Its Wastewater Treatment Plant. Purpose of this item is to consider the request by our engineering firm, Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, of a 50% increase for their engineering services on the Step II application from $166,083.11 to $248,952.60. This constitutes an increase of $82,869.49, of which the City of Monticello would be responsible for 10%, or $8,286.95. Enclosed for background information is a November 19, 1979 letter from John Badalich to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requesting the increase, and also a November 20, 1979 letter to myself from John relative to the subject. Prior to any consideration by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Environmental Protection Agency, such a request for increased funds has to be approved by the applicant. Although it was not near the magnitude of this increase, a previous increase was granted on the Step I project by the City Council of Monticello contingent upon the Environmental Protection Agency and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency approving of the request. If this request were to be approved, I would recommend that it be handled in the same manner _ that is, that the increase in fees be approved contingent upon ultimate approval by the PCA and EPA and in this action, the City of Monticello would not be liable for the increase if it is not funded, except for the 10% portion indicated above, by the Federal and State government. . The November 19, 1979 letter to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency details the increase in the engineering fees and gives explanations. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of 50% increase in engineering fees for the Step II engineering services on Monticello's application for updating its Wastewater Treatment Plant. REFERENCES: November 19, 1979 letter from OSM to PCA, and November 20, 1979 letter from OSM to City of Monticello. . e- . COUNCIL AGENDA - 11/26/79 7. Review of civil Defense Emergency Plan. Purpose of this item is to review with the city Council the City of Monticello's emergency civil defense plan. A tentative date of December 3, 1979 has been set for a public information meeting at city Hall. Enclosed, please find a report from Loren Klein, summarizing the City's emergency civil defense plan and alluding to the presentation for the December 3, 1979 meeting. POSSIBLE ACTION: Intent of this item is to generate comments, ideas and questions of the Council regarding the civil defense emergency plan. Any revisions can be incorporated into the plan itself and made a part of the December 3, 1979 meeting. REFERENCES: Enclosed report from Loren Klein summarizing the City of Monticello's emergency civil defense plan. . . . MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: John Simola, Public Works Dir. DATE: November 23, 1979 SUBJECT: possible Item Under Citizens Comments Recently, a problem with the sewer service line depth at Lot 24 in Ritze Manor has come to our attention. upon making the sewer connection, the contrac- tor found the existing line approximately two to three feet below the ground water table. The contractor struggled with his limited equipment and was not able to make the connection until he dewatered the trench with points. This service comes off West River Street from Project 75TS-l. At that time, specifications called for main risers when the service is 12' deep or more at the street, and that the service pipe be no less than 9' deep at the property line. Any other depths shall be set by the engineer. The as builts show the service to be 9' deep as specified. This area may have been filled slightly, as the contractor found the service at 11' at the top of the ditch bank. At the time of construction, borings indicated ground water depths from 5 to ll~ feet beneath the surface. In other words, some services at a depth of 9' would be under the ground water and some would not. In 1974 & 1975, ground water was lower than now. It is difficult to say what transpired during the actual construction on each service, as dewatering pumps were running. At that time (74-75) the basement elevations of those future homes were unknown, and it would, therefore, seem logical to leave the services at a minimum of 9' deep so that a wider variety of basement elevations could be used. Later, in 1976 & 1977, elevations were determined, and those services put in Craig Lane and Matthew Circle were installed at the corresponding depth, and the actual elevations and depth are recorded. ..........-. -..=.~-- . . . t 5 TS-) ")$" LS- r J S" rw- J Any sod requiring replacement outside the m~ximum shall be replaced by the Contractor at no additional compensation. Black dirt shall be replaced to a thickness equal to that removed up to a maximum of one (1) foot. No sod shall be laid on less than four (4) inches of black dirt. Sod shall be rolled within 24 hours after its placement with a roller th~t leaves the sod smooth and the joints properly closed. The new sod shall be trinuned to neatly match old sod, curbs, and walks. Sod s11all be high quality, cultured, free from weeds, and in a good healthy condition. Unsuitable sod shall be replaced at no additional compensation. All sod s11all be watered by the Contractor for a period of six weeks after installation. 16. SERVICE CONNECTIONS It o:hall be the duty of the Contractor to keep an accurate record of service connections as to location, depth to tor' of connection, type of connection provided, etc. Location shall be made in respect to the survey line stationing, and house corners or lot corners. 'rhis record shall be kept jointly by the Contractor and the Inspector. ". I ~ A. Risers Risers are to be constructed as shown on the detail on the Plans at all points where the depth of cover the invert of the sewer line is twel~e (12) feet or when directed by the Engineer. --., d r 8\'1 i n 9 " over more B. House Service Connections At all points designated by the Bngineer, the Contractor shall construct services for house connections, and shall extend such connections to the property line, unless otherwise indicated on the Plans. The Contractor shall also coordinate with the Engineer and Surveyor the location and invert of all house services. ,~- \ House connections shall be kept to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet in the street and not less than nine (9) feet at the property line, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. Services shall be at right angles to the I main sewer unless other\'1isc directed. The~deJ2th. at the I property line shall be set by the Engineer. L~_.",,~ ,~"._-_.~-~,-~--~.........-' ._.~_.,..' '.".._""..'-"-~'._'" -........-.., .,.- _.,~,--.. All house connections shall be capped, sealed firmly in place, or by other methods approved by the Engineer, which will effectively prevent water from entering the sewer until the connection is placed in service. ...20- sc-SS 'I I Iy. (" :0 I:z 1,1 I <'1: ?..- ., Ir.- ,r-r .., - () ~,~ hi ')', ~ lq. I c1: ~ : ~~ ~ ~ l__~_~'~~_ ,., , i ( ~ ., ( , :' 'r '\ " ". , . ~ ":: ", ~,I.. ~ '.I"...., :~ -" ,- ~ '; ~ / :~~ ;.~ .I or ~ .' I .'H J" ."'~\ \ ,_ __...-------.- " -' .,~,.I.":\,,;~/\,, ...,'IT": .:, --;" '- ~ ,<,,,,,,"'<;'.\ ~'1"""""-'1' '; , / _,.,::",~;.L'~"/III.''':~ '. :,.~ _ ."'/ '..............~.~_.- /" '... ,... . 2 ~.... -:: 'f'" ...... ,\. .,.-". ;", . /., ; ; , 'I'~ ( '..." . I / . ~ I' ~:' c: :1: ... ':. ':'~'(-':", \'~', 0' I ~"., ;':_ ~ . ': I :(".>';"'\. .,~ 1/ ~" . -., "-- - " " ~) . '0: /. j . .J, ,,: ,,, "." I, : " : \ ..' 1 ,1 ~ / " ~ . :,'; . ',::'T- -~~r --,'.' ,:' ,~/(,) \ / . 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('~ l..'~,~ .'\ ,', l. . c 7'~J I- ('1 Ii 7 I.. n,',II,:' {~ li 1,' (; cA' \ : I( L (\,- ,'\ \ \ ,~ < (" '-~ : ,'" I; /'.. /- I _ (,,/1,. /. \ " ,,')/1 /' ,"\;- \ "~:;",h~.' .... i J'---' .. ., I '\::''''---T ,..:l..' _ _ r '-~ -:--.L.~-":' -_"2~T: . - I I ."\. i I 1 . ... M""I', -- " 1 j Hlel , 1~llr ~ RcP,4.;'ESENTS PCNET/<If 7/C'llIZs,- EC,(2ING LR1~DJ]lm ENGINEERING TESTING 76.=.9/ 5"D/LPOR/A/6S' /-Q/:Z;/ PAOPOSEO .:JLNC/? & H);;'im--.- ----- MtJ;VTICELLD ~/tllNN t)lJle: "'1/Z 0 /7:' flevised . Draw": 01!! ~;I.:a llj: r~.'-""'~~' . . . ~ . r \ l ~ ORR'SCHElEN' MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. August 2, 1976 Mr. G.1ry ~-Jeibe r City Administrator 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 R~: Ritze Manor Grading Plan Dear Mr. Weiber: This letter is to verify the minimum floor building elevations discussed with yourself, Jay Miller, and representatives of C:13r les l\i tze on May 10 th, 1976, at Ci ty lIall. Upon review of the numerous soil borings taken throughout the ( plat, it is evident that the ground water elevations vary froln one area to another. It appears that various geulogical fOnli1tions/~ ~ have p~;rched certain areas of the ground water. Therefore, we: " rccor;v:ll:?nd the following miJl.i'~:U14Eil'" elevations to DC f ~'Y used 1n the plat: - ~\.....c.. " ()., 1~ S\~ LOCA'l' I Oi~ MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION L.ots 1-21 Block 2 914.0 :-,uts 22-47 Block 2 917.5 Lots 1-8 Block 1 915.5 :; t Y,-)~l :1.1 \'0 <.iny '1 ues t ions, please feel free to call. .;l:li.:"t-~'ly your~;, UJ\i~ -.; ,-' ,IL LL;~ - i'l:\ Y1:: RON .:l. .\;;~-:;OCI.'\TES, 1;~C. I \ ,~ \' , I I '. . I' I .. t--.(I../...- ~...( o,' JO:H1 '. :"'dda1ich, P.E. J P :"i. :' 1 f v<y ~ ~ < V r/ '\ ."~ ~ ~ C\I'\ J J.. ,x. (~~ Lol' r \J ~ ~ d:. I I I ~- JJ-)- .j -1---fj --~- 0 ,";"1 ~I , cii 4~' i ..lb I I i V)>,,\...: C "j I fl~. \.. ~) C::~ <, \ ......) L-" C,' .) I~ ~ C ( :\ ......-" Lo/ 7 I ~--~~- ._.~_. -~ r''\ .-- l ENGINEEnlNG 1 r -, r ' r -. , ~ ' d I \ _' L J l ) LJ J TESTING --.,/ ' ) / I,:.> '- / U ~ , . :../~/ ~j~.l; ". I -, r\: , .... : . tl'~':)" //(. ,/; ,.' /'\'" i_.:-' >' .I" , / I ..' , I. ~ / Le./ (. ,//.' ',- '/ " M nevl~: O/awn: ~;<.>lle: / - /lDllte: ..:.//(, -- November 16, 1979 . Monticello City C01.U1cil Man ticello, l.il'IJ 50362 Dear Sirs: We are requesting a variance for the reconstruction 01' an l8'x27' 1857 log house which will be located approxili1ately 180 feet east of our home. We nave OVer five acres in our lot. This house will be furnished appropriately with Nor- wegian antiques and will be used as a museum to IJortrqy t;18 way tne early scandinavians lived and worl<::ed in 1iinnesota. This is a memorial to grandparents who . came here in the late 1800's to settle and we plan to share it with others as a private illuseum. ~l~~~ Marion and Ro~rt Jameson ....---) )9'/ (") , (~ )(du?2//~'." Ie /~/{.I tlL--{<") t.~ ,.oJ "-.- ! V ../ . / ,~~ ..-..------ . . .J ~:~.~,yhittal{eR 1, '., .;i*, . ,'. PI~~...~'!I(J~tO-~;".ljl / -------1----- - -:& ~ I I / ! j ".. ",." '''''' .., MinnfMpOJl$ M~lals Oivision Vbi tt: ~r!'" C~lrp .i.'on C~)t,) > ; I ,~'. t " .. \!n r j I' I' ~,.1 : ' . " i! d ':)~ 1.'1..:1 'j i'l :' -1-, () I ; ~ ". :': I\.i~ j' I ~ gOn, I t.'. ~:\ - ~~I.")O<:::;!3 (J It,).'. .1 ......Q ~ 't' ..~.. ~/ / I ! Jd' r i 1_ 1.. ......-~,. - ,-. '''-) (~ ~ IS' ' C\ i / I I I I l v I / / ---J / \ J / " ~..) --1, \ f: / .- --. (\ ~. I "\ /-; i ) ., / -'-- '~.1 - ,. C. L\ 1::. "'" .+-- 0;;;. "l ~ / il , , ' - .~_f~'~~'---'f"- ~_,_.r __~~~ .~............-.._~_ ~_w...........-...,_____~ -~----.---.-- 1---" \ : ~N.. , .-~ - . ~ r;~, ..1:,-": .-. L--t. ~\ 'i' ~\- .~ I ! . Iti'\-<. / ~I v~ ~ .--!/ I' ,""". { . 1.1,~ ',,\, :. I / ., . 'j. ..,,);.-. . /.. . 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'.,," -... "'':':;.'<.1. 'f" "." '-.' . 'j'" ...... I L '. ',.,,'. I'" / I' '-", .... 7 t . . ,.... ...:J ' . ,. Y' '. . , ". ~. ./ t <"-<~ " ',- " " ' " s,j ~I -.... // VARIANCE REQUEST .1 <.. 1 Monticello VFW Club . /~'= ~,"-/ / / 'j~? ~ ~ ./j r ~ f" ~ I.. '''<... '" .' / I . ":</'/. '" .'/ / , );-'-.-- ..;. / '.I .<"""'. "\'\ ......./'. ...... . . . ,:::-- -,>---' --...,)". .' ~' . ...~..". '\ ',\ (-----........ ,,.~ . ~. l Al!\"NC, ..~ ,. (-'\'". .. " ~ ~': , l. Sl['~ .j-"'J'. . ,~,~ ....-:....... .....---~ No. ".'." 'rr I: : . I i ""i":;,',,,,,, , ;''-1;' 9.; ., , . ni,'.'::: ~K,~ f-'"' n' ~..~~; I l~ tl' . 11-.... . . :~..! ' ..01 . 'V'MA~, . if:' " .. "'~"" : . .:~'; ',0...;\ i I \\l[; \. f I d I", .. !'r I . I ! . J "T~ 1:.1;10.. f'''\f~~ -_.r' : ,~ H f , " \ . <) ("j .) ,\,' .,\\>\.> . ,. ,-,\>- ,;~\' <: , . I'll 1\ A -; in~ .I~. 1\0 ,'. ! :.1' \ \. '\ "" ~ ,:>. ,............ ""<..) .,~ "':0., '\:~. 8 , " ..... ~<. " "-. .. '. - "'),j' VARIANCE REQUEST Jamison property ,.. ,Y ." - - --... --- '--.. , " """ " " " " "----,,- "---- -------........ , -~ ~ -.............." '''...... ........:.::. '------........ ~ ..~ ------........,~ .................., ............. ------........ '''-...... ...............~... - MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 20, 1979 - 7:30 P. M. ...., Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Dave Bauer, Dick Martie, Ed Schaffer, Fred Topel. Members Absent: None 1. Approval of Minutes. On a motion made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Ed Schaffer, all members voted unanimously to approve the Minutes of the October 16, 1979 Regular Meeting. 2. Consideration of a Variance Request to Allow a Second Accessory Building - Robert Jameson. Marion Jameson was present to address her request to re-erect an 1857 log cabin on their property. Since it is considered a second accessory building a variance would be necessary. The 18' x 27' building would be located approximately 180' east of the existing house on their 5-acre lot which is located south of the High School, and no setback variances would be required for the building which will serve as a private museum. . Mr. Dave Bauer questioned whether the building would use footings and if the building could be used for a residence. The response to both ques- tions from Mrs. Jameson was in the negative. On a motion by Fred Topel, seconded by Dave Bauer, all voted in favor of recommending approval of this variance. 3. Consideration of a variance Request of Monticello Ordinance on Driveway Opening Width, parking Lot Perimeter Curbing and Certificate of Occupancy - Monticello Dorchester VFW Post. Mr. stuart Hoglund and Mr. Ken Larson, representing the Monticello VFW Post were present requesting a variance to be able to eliminate portions of the curb around the parking lot and also requested a wider driveway opening at the new Club Building on south Cedar Street, and also a permanent land- scaping variance. currently, Monticello Ordinance requires parking lots to be hardsurfaced and be completely surrounded with concrete curbing to con- trol drainage with no driveway openings larger than 24' in width without a variance. At the time the new parking lot was developed this past fall, it was not constructed according to the directions of the City Engineer and rather than a part of the lot draining towards Cedar Street, nearly all drainage is towards the freeway ditch in the west. The lot was con- structed also with an entrance/exit driveway approximately 90' in width. Since the drainage of the VFW parking lot is now towards the freeway ditch, the VFW Post feels curbing all around the lot would be unnecessary and would like to only develop curbing along the east edge of the parking lot which abuts Cedar Street. . I -'tr .3 ,/ - .. . . FLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 11/20/79 3. (Continued) Mr. Mark Woell, with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, has expressed some concern about adding any additional drainage created by the VFW parking lot into the I-94 ditch system. The City of Monticello is in receipt of a letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation requesting we take no further action on this parking lot until they have had up to 30 days to have their hydrauligist study the situation and determine whether or not the drainage from the parking lot would further overload the freeway drainage system at this time. Also, the Post would like to maintain a 90' driveway opening at the entrance of the parking lot rather than construct two 24' wide driveway openings as were proposed at the time the building permit was issued, and as required by Ordinance. It should be pointed out that when the building permit was applied for, the drainage plan was submitted to the City Engineer for his approval, as required by ordinance, and the owners agreed that the parking lot would be constructed as per the submitted plan, and it was on that basis that the permit was issued. However, the owner changed the design and completed the installation of the parking lot hardsurfacing without notifying the City of the change and getting approval of the DOT to further drain their drainage water into the Freeway ditch, which would have caused the need for a variance hearing before the fact rather than after the fact, which is the present case. Regardless of the outcome of the variance request, the VFW was also requesting a temporary certificate of occupancy until August of 1980 to give them time to complete the parking lot and landscaping requirements. A motion was made by Dave Bauer and seconded by Dick Martie to grant the certificate of occupancy contingent upon bond being posted in the amount necessary to bring the parking lot up to the requirements of the City Engineer and the hydrauligist from'the Department of Transportation, to grant the elimination of the curbing as requested unless it would be necessary to complete the drainage requirements for the parking lot; to grant only a temporary landscaping variance and to deny the 90' wide driveway opening variance and require the two 24' driveway openings, as would be required by Monticello Ordinance. This motion passed unanimously. 4. Request for a Simple Subdivision of Property - Quintin Lanners and Dan Giddings. Mr. Quintin Lanners is proposing to purchase Lots 11, 12 and the East la' of Lot 13, of Block 40, Original Plat of Monticello from the Dan Giddings pro- perty at 648 West Broadway. Presently, the Giddings property consists of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 of Block 40. Mr. Lanners request to subdivide Lot 13 into two parcels would create a larger lot when it was added to Lot 11 & 12. Lots 11, 12 & the east la' of 13 would then create one large bare, buildable lot and the present house and garage, which would sit on the West 23' of Lot 13, 14 & 15 would create one more lot with dwellings. A certificate of survey was not presented at the meeting, but any final action would be pending upon a proper certificate of survey being filed in the City Office. (..; ,;l 01- 3 - .., . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - 11/20/79 4. (Continued) A motion by Dick Martie, passed unanimously. Me't seconded by Fred Topel to approve this request g adj ourned af 8 : 30 . ~\--J . . ~ ri) '",<,,"'"\: \\. \; \ . , --j ",/'., ',--"'. i NV'\ Loren D. Klein ',,-.- f Building Official LDK/ns 11~J-3 \ \ \ . ~ /" I.fl I.fl '"""" . " ~~'"'' "<'. ~'X>"'< ,.'11 " ""'~', .,<<~. <"~" '~ <., .~, '. '~." ., l. :1 .\~ II : ".:.' . '.f" ....,"" ".'" RO ." ~.. ,.- i_;~I::r:-F~:O: \,?:--'", . . ... 'il ..' J :: j:1.~'~;~" ~ ~o ., ...' . ~.,.-."---....... ., '. ,f Ii I GI-t I.. . '11'04)- .' "" , , \ v' "- ~~~>;1 ~,<:~~.. "". ~" ,.'{ '.(.1./ (l,'l .. ~:i ..~':-) '"'" ....:..,-:::. IV: /~) ~/ '., ;.'A~, I"~ . .;/ '/-='" ' r!>( "I... :~I ,I'. >l ~, Ii,."" "' I~~ ',. \ \ " I \ " ", "> '. .~"" . 'J.~ '0, '~'~:d.'/" """"- ,<;;:' ":,-,-'" } ".~ ...',' "" , " ",.::'" {/ i A' r ,/. .1. "'.,.." 4~,. " i'1,.., /A'.,:) " " 8~ .,. .' .[~ .~. I ~'.I ;-; ~l <.., "" ':.., ~"".' I..... .."vi ""-~. 'j '.' ~..-" " . :". 1..,- ' '. , ! to. ~ /3-< ,o! / ~,. '.)c I ,..1 "0.... >l. . ~I ~,..~ ,: ~J';~ J , .r I. ... r ~ '.1 SUBDIVISION REQUEST Quintin Lanners " " .,/</ '.!.J ~ '~ PH '''''''- "'. "'''' , ''-0, I .: , ':'i\"~;~l:; . "" >- ! .." .,~ I K~~';:-(.\ . '" . 1S\<"\I' ".\.'0, "', , '::'~>-;'.' I ; l ~ '~, , 'I ! ,:' fi~.=;'~;f-';-~1:~;-j~,:7.)~'i'~:1' ~;J~'~)~ ::' f:~W:.i:) > :'i -'~\"',;~., '... .,.,..:"t~,...- .:"'<,'''/;f . .tw,.!.,~ ;'~.:.yl,vs :, I "'\ "..:..t:.iR4)!f. '1(''I.~, '~ '~">.tD~7~~;.{'&t:?1 ~:i \'~ ..,(~: ). .'- ,\,~ ':',: '-: -''';','' '.L "".'" .~~'.~~_~:.O.J,~~'~i ..~.t ," ',;~ ~ " ~., ,El.,~.e "l~ i ,,-# '~. ..';;/ /1- ......./ ''-, >- ~ ";>/ . ~ '. .r J' 4 ;'-.......-':> '" (' ~." ''--.. ---- - ----1 J i I ,'- > "I' . ! , I ) .J' /.~'" ". ,.,. .l..~ .>: -I -' '.~ ' , , . / I ,{ i . 'u '.'J. "~" I"." ...."~... ,,11ti '''~<.. '. " ~. .,.....,....... .'r,,~.~ . '- ".". i J' ":.",, , . >..: .".:!.j . ~> " ",,', . ,I:~:::";i , v' . ~I "'- ..' ;', 4~ ". ~"." ~~.;~~~....:/ ',; ,> ./ ,. '".. <" ,1.,> '. . ~:r / I " "/ / <1./ . '~/. ...;:'/)0... .,. '. .. "~" \'1) .", ,> ...~... i"' ~ I. '" .:..,' ~, f fil /~, I '< I' ....::.... ............ ',' I,ltjl, l tqli"\ N(', " ............ ............ ~ '::<' " ............ ............ I, . _ '... '41 .., /.< !~ .. ./ . . '.. ',Ii,! . . . r--" \ .,,', ~ ) I r{;: / r~ ~- ..J (j v' /) ...-: ' --:- ! ('\ ~ i(~) I i I -',/1, ; /'1 ! ~-:,,:~,. \,'1 ",1 ~ i I t 0 t l ~) I.--------/f W ~/\ ':.J 'J -r:- . ,. _._.",~' _r~~~'~"""""""'-"~--'-"'-"'.- \j \nL ...... ...... -," _.~,~--'-- . :\ " -,\ ~, o 'V) ---. l' JJ~ \J) --' 3 CJ 'T- ~./ "---) r.....j __..J \ '\ v i ~~. ~'.'. <:: ~ ._' 1...- -.~ "~' ''-.) /_J..-..~ ~::--) ~ _.J.- ~ ,11 .1. "" \ ..J.-:,? .1- aA::b.S -.Advertisers ::/)istribution Services, Inc. 612-689-4605 METRO 434.!5544 1013 ....!IT HWY. IHI CAMBRIDGE. MN 55008 Buffalo Office October 15, 1979 Gary Weber City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 SUBJECT, Installing mailing tubes on out lying areas of Monticello Dear Gary I This letter is in accordance with our phone conversation about 3 weeks ago. I have taken a count of the areas which we would like to install a mailing tube. Those areas are as follows. . 1. East 39 by Mississippi Drive and along #39. Total-36 2. Hart Blvd. East of Hospital. Total-5 3. Andres Whithelm estates new housing development. This is individual new homes not yet occupied. Total-39 4. West River Road by the gun club and west 75. Total-9 Gary, we have contacted the St. Cloud Times and the Tribune to share the tubes with us. A. D. S. will be solely responsible for the maintenance and up keep of these installations. We have been in these areas and we have been bagging and hanging from mailbox posts which is time consuming and leaves us proned to littering which we try to avoid in all situations. Our main goal is to serve your community with prompt service. Feel free to contact me so I may answer any questions you or the city council may have. . Sincerely, (~€j~'- Rolli e Lange Manager A. D. S. RLlrb FIRST CLASS HANDLING OF THIRifASS MAIL -- ORR. SCHElEN. MAYERON & ASSOCIATES. INC. Division of Kidde Consultants, Inc. COIlsu/tmy EnYIf II.','IS Land ,)U, VI:vurs November 20, 1979 Mr. Gary Wieber City Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello. Minnesota 55362. Re: Monticello Step II Grant EPA No. C270855-02 Dear Gary: Enclosed herewith is a copy of a letter to Duane Anderson, Con- struction Grants Chief of the MPCA, whereby I am requesting addi- tional funding to offset Our costs in the preparation of plans and specifications, Step II. for wastewater and interceptor fac- ilities for the City of Monticello. . As you know we experienced a considerable amount of additional work on this project due to change in Scope of work and this is explained in the letter to Anderson. I submitted the necessary forms, 5700 and 271, unsigned at the present time in order to start the motions for grant amendment with the PCA and SUbsequently with the EPA. At this time, I would appreciate this matter being brought to the attention of the City Council for their concurrence and further that the request for extra services paYment be trans- ferred to the EPA and PCA for reimbursement. I'll have the necessary Form 5700 and Form 271 prepared for the signature of Mayor Grimsmo and yourself. Very truly yours. If you have any questions in this regard, please give me a call. ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON ~ rcr:D::;t ~. ~~adalich, P.E. Vice President JPB/gg Enclosure cc: The Honorable Mayor Arve 2021 East !-Iennepin /h.C'i!lh' . Suite 23/3 Grimsmo · Minne'/~i-'. Minnesota 55413 . 612/331- 8660 . ';f1"Vi' ~ ,~ , . " / ;~f j,~. . ..~ ORR.SCHElEN. MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Division ot Kidde Consultants, Inc. , ,1/ ['.. .' .. J )/ I; '., (if t 1,1' Mnvellber 19, 1979 1<<. Duane L. Anderson, Divialon of Water Quality '.clUt.l.a Uectl011 M.innesota Pollut.ion Control Apnoy li35 W..t CO\ll1'ty Mood B2 ao..vlll., ~ 5S11J Rei Traau.nt Work. Qran1: Step l, Projeot. tCJ108$S-02 Oran1: ""'ndJxMlnt Roq....t Dear Mr. Ander.on I . Duo to tho OOIIIplexi toy And raajor ohanpll 1n the aoope of work ttncoWlt.end in 1:.be pnparation of det.a1led. v1.ana and .....eiflo.- tiun., St.ep a, for the llQPl'OvaaeJ\u Alacl .xllf1cl.Uona t.o t;h. Uontioello Wa.tewater Tr..t.e:::,,:ii)nt Plant, we are l'eq\leaUu9 tul aN_nw.nt and iner..... in the grant. amount. allooabl4 tor thia projuct. At the t.1_ the Sap .2 qrant. app11oatJ.oft ".. .ubJait.tad t.o your office on Oec..o.r 12, 1977, w. an~olpa.e4 the w..c.vat.er ~r8Atment ~lAht upgrading or lspro~ta would coat. '2,7",000 &no. the approved new lntaroop'tor ..,.. WDuld ooat '313,000 for . total conat.ruction ooat ot .),071,000. '011011109 uwapleUo" of tn. Stoep :I plana and apec1ticatloaa, aow under review, which lncorporat.e4 _jor ohangQa in the .cope of work, th. ..t.1Aat.d conat.ruction coat of t.be YlJi!JS'adJ.ny ot the waau.ater u..tmont and new interceptor taol11ti.. 1. '5,172, J10 or an 1ncreaao 1n axae.. of '2,000,000. nIL. ..t.imated ,~,OiJ,310. lnore... 1n coat ia brought about by the fOllowing reuOll.. A) J4ajor uodJ.lloac1on. in .cope of vorA bro\l9ht O\lt durlA'J t.tae St.ep 2. c1..ign work and preparat.ion of ooat.r:aat. c1oC\lMel\u. . 2021 East Hennepin Avenue . Suit~ 238. Minneap<;i; M~,!nesota 55413. 612/3}1-8660 . ;.fr.. .'\,n J.e r u em Nnve);ther l~, 1919 P^9~' ;( 1) Exiut:.ing Oi.geateZ' - Vi.ual inapection of the existing di,c't6'i: revealed conaidoraLle c1iterloration and cracking of thu ';Jxp().ed conor"'te. 1'h. preaent oondition of ttxtona1vo ral{J.t.~la.,o gas usc<<ping through the vall. vurif'lo8 the extent of st:r-',;c~tut'l\l damagt":l.. The original d..lqn concept oonaidered r'f;.lJOirig t.i1Q u:<il;~t..in':J concrote tank ",alla aftt4r rel80val of tb. w~"i!;'t.ing rQ(;Jf~ Original (1~60) atrucutral dlllJ31gn caloualtiQua :ilnu tirawing>> wero locQtedand revlewtlld. Additional atructw:al (.~a1'"ualtion. for the rdD;)o.led condition werlil pertOrJ\1l8d and r"""'uAlea aonaiderabl<<l ov\.rstres.. Furthexmoru, the exiat.ing fOWldat1on fN'lt WAS not d.euisned specifically tor the oenter: pO<:5t concept rt:1'i\cirad for tile dJ.q...tar proe.... equipment. BAe.d upon th(j3e oOha1daratiou., we deoided to abandon us. ot 'the trlxiating <.ligo.ter tank. This requre. provision for buildinq ot a naW' concrete cU.'iJ..ter t.ank and fo~ ..artial deulolltlon of thlioi uxiating aig..tel: taDk. . The estimated coat tor t.ll. con.truc:tion of . n." OOi'!oClrete digestsr twu; i. $244, ..00 and the deMOlit.ion coat. of the .x1.t~lg c!1qaatar tank 18 astimat.ed at '10,300. 2) Relocati.on ot E.)o;iutinq Waiftt:aAGe Garaqe - 5i to require- manta neott.s1tat..d relocation of City of Hont1cello'. ux1at.lng lMint.enanoo 9Arafle. The new location will be where the Irtxl.Ung .lud~. drying bed. (to be abandoned) aro ~n- e~ltly loaated. RelOCAtion ot the uarave will con.1at. of di,YmiUltllnr; the structure, tran.port, and erect.ion at. the new loa~tion. The exiating 8up~J;'t pol.s cannot be reu..d. Tho prcstJnoe of groundwater only a oouple of t.et below existing grac16 at the new looation noc...i-tatea providing new pole au~vort.. NO~~Jr&dlng of this facility will ue provide. 'the coat tor relooation 01' the existing maintenance gara'1_ ie u3timated at $19.800. 3) i.Hte x..yout Revi.1on - E.xtensive ait. layout rovi81on VAB re~u...\r8d t1rlma.r111y fttrrivutablo to groundwater conditione and Dvaca X'Gquir...nt.. After abandoJUMDt of the aIuc1<,1_ dryiny bed oonoept bac::aue. of local .1\&d98 dispoaa.l l'eqw..- tio.,., a 8ixty-five (65) foot dl.....t.r by twenty-aix (20) foot deep ..Iud.g. tank wa. required. In addition, vith the abandotuMnt ot the ulatlnq di9..t~.'r, additional ait. apace wna nece..ary to pxovlde for ulothaX' d19..~ tank. . c, . dr. Anciarson N..)VO~.lJ..HH: 1 SI, 1 ~n9 P t q(;' J 'n~~\C;";th anel of tn. property 1& quite low (adjacent to the river) '~J'itfl .l1nigh yOlulIJ.....ator leV1l1. He deoided lt. would 1>e i.Jl;1prl\otloftl to ~"li ther bury a tank twenty (AO) to t.wenty-fJ.ve (J5) fBO~ bellow tJHJ groundwater level or build up the grade at the north -..nd of thv wite ntUlr tn.. axi.tin',} ani...l abelter. The only prActical o!llt.cX1lati'lou waa exton.ion of t:he .1ta to the .outil and h1vn ground.. Ti1i~ provided bott.er aoe..., adequate .ita apace, rm.d unl.ved the <Jroc.ndwa'ter proble.. tit'PHHi on tilt) Bite revision. noted .wove, we e.t.1mated an additionl~l iilJ7, 700. to cover the coat of additional till., gt:"lu':;-inl], r.oRdwl\Y WClr,k. and Jd&cellaneoua .it. work. The ad-ai- tion of a allJJlj8 stora.)a tank baa an ..tiraated c..'"Onlltruction coet of S28J,600. 4) ~;~5u.t1c,r).'11 Sludge ApplicatJ.on V.blcle - The original concovt con.aTered one (1) vehlcle operat.ing vit.llin a five (5} utile radlua. One (1) additional wbiole va. deemed neoessary for. the following reason.a I Jj DiSpi')8Al ait,:i' rAdio was flJ(tended to a 10 mila radiua. H.i.gh avplication aot.ivity in .pring months ro<r1irQs two U) vehicles. l.A:;c&l !a.rmer;.;' requirement of subsurfaoe application rerLl\......re. .lu(~~o application vehiole with operates at a rate ftuch .lower than a .pread .pplica~r. Th~ apVlicat10n sit.. are .eatund throuqhout the 10 l.ai.le riHliuii. . l) ;i) 4) 'l'ilJ:! l,~ost (.)! t111s .additional vwhiolti ..timated at $70,UOO. 5) $l~g~vehiOl. uaraq. - A new vehicle garag_ 18 required for houa 9 the two applicators. Thia 9arag8 con.truction oon- ai>>t6 of a1milar materials .. the othe~ .lte building8 wi~ two operable OVta~hCAd door". Plan al.. 18 approximately tORY- three (43) feet by forty-ona (41) f..t.. Tt\a coat ot the 81u<.'1ge vehicle 9.r.~ 1. ..t.1Joated at. '59,000. The 5 1tem8 outlined above r.~r...n~ approxiaately .83l,~OO. in additional it... or nodif1oationa in projedt .cope no~ originally oonteuplated two y_ra 890, when the gr:ant applloation va8 initially prepu:ed. We believe it juatJ.fled in ....lug nillbu8e1M1lt or additional fund. to cover: the enQine.ring coat inourr.u in . " . . . Hr., Ando raon Novouber 1~, 1979 l~aq.. . t.he ~lJi9'n of the.. afor.bOnUon.a atruct.ure. or it.w:u not 01;"i9ina11y included in the projeot scope. In addition to tht., <."oosiderAble time and effort waa expondod in our proC$8S dosign t,.O bring f.ortll lnovatlve .y.te. de.iSJD and enerqy saviuq .yater. within the waat:.ewater treatment complex. This cOl.J.A;,led with IU1 inere... in the conatrwtion goat index and a rJOre dat8.iled .atiaau, baaed on exact quant-it!.., baa brought up tbe cost of the faoili ti.. and ~. work ..lIOOtated w1 th the t'T,epuation of plana anel apecifications conaiderably. 1'\8 a.9ret)d coat tor engineering aervice. to WldeRake the step ;2 lJroject for t:.ha Cit.y of Mont:icello, oonaiaUng of the pre- varat,lo:n. of det.a11ecl plus aDd .peoificationa for upc;rad.1ny t;lw City of Monticello'. v......'tax ueatment plant and an intAtroeptor .ewer fa:oa ~~ and Wa.bington Street. to the City'. t.reatDMmt plant., w.. .et at. '1'16,100 of which 75' or 'll4,575 is being paid by the SPA. AD additional 15. or $34,t15 i. bo.lnq paid by the State of H1Dae.ota and the balanoe of '16,610 is baing paid by the City of MaDtloello. Thi. f.e was arrived a t baaed on the 4eta.11 deai9D _4 poparation of plana and ~pec1float1on. tor .aatevater txeat88nt and interoeptor facil- itie. totalling $3,079,000. Purthe~ baaed on the complexity ot thi. project and the lncreuecl _pitwi. and .cope of work to the aNOunt of '5,17~,130, the b..ia 8D91na.rinv fe. tor the pruparation for dataile4 plana and .peoifioationa only, Step ~ work, 1s c.loul.~.d at. $25t,10Q. Our co.t to dat.e, oot.ober 11, 1'79, b.aed on our computer I"\coountinq and a. e"id.eDoed by the encloaed 5700 form and tn. anclo.ad atandar4 ,O~ 271 i. ,24e,'Sl.6U. w. are ~ero- fore requesting additional t... 1n the .-ount of '82,86~.'9 which r8:t>r..enta an EPA 9ran~ ......ndlw'lt, 75t shan, in the amount ot $62,152.12. . .tate trant. .aMAh~t, 15t _hare in tht; amount of $12,~30.42, an4 the balanae of ..,286.'5 to be paid by the City of Monticello. A det.ailed invoice covering the MOunt reque.ted will b4I forthcoming. Your consideration of tbia c;rant. _ndBMmt requeat and exped- itious handlin9 of thi. matter ia greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, ORJ..t"~SC1mLgU-)1AY1UWN " l\SSOCIA'l'BS, INC. John P. Badalich, P.R. Vi~ pr.,.idant ee. The Honorable Arve Gri_l1O, Mayor, Y.ontioello Gary Wieber, City ~ni.trator, Monticello Perry T. Beaton, P.E., Cl\ief J'acilit1.a SecUon, HPCA James L. Warner, Staff Eftgineer, MPCA }~no. .wB/vkj (p t"COST OR PRICE SUMMARY F:ORMAT FOR SUBACREEMENTS UNDER U.S. tf'A CRANTS Form App,....vrrl r (See Dccompttnyinc instructions befOre complctint this fOrm) OM8 No. 158. ROfJJ !. r- H...,TEE PART I.GOIERAL CITY OF MONTICELLO I. GRtIINT NU"SElI! C270855-02 .. DATE: 0,- PlI!OPOSALl 0/24/77 Revised'11[20/79 5. TYPE 01' $EAVIC F TO Of' I' IIAN 'SHE D -'- J. ,:..."'( Of' CONTR"'CTOR Oil SU8CON!'ttACTDII Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & AssociatesJ Inc. s. ADDIIESS 0" CONTRAC!'OA OR SUBCONTRACTOII ('netu~ Z'" Code" 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapoli~, Minnesota. 55413 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works - Step 2: Plans and Specifications PART II.COST SUMMARY ~ 7. OIRE'CT 1.....00R (Sp.clI, 'e. J 'L" - ---..... ESTI- "'fEO .-vAs 40 2,010 , 2,844-1/.. 2,902 9U6-1/" HOURLY ftA 'E * ESTI..ATEO, COST I 800.00 261074.54 27,555.37 23L1SO.08 5-, }B:..z6_ TOTALS Project Dl.rector ProJect En~lneer , Englneer Engineering Technlcian LJrattsman s 20.00 15.00 10.00 9.00 6.50 ~';.1"r ;j.':i...-;, ';;;...,....." :;'.~~, ~..:J< ....~-.. ~. ~:;F\; ~~.\;,~ '. f " . --. ..'. . I L ~. :.~ -:'~ ..... ... , DIRECT L.t. BOlt TOTAL: . e. 'ND'RECT COSTS (Spedt, ,,,dlnel CU, fJOO'e' .' ".'. ... ,'". \, i ,"" '. $ 82,972.75. lI!"n: · 'eAsr = ESTI"ATED COST , Dlrect Labor Overhead .342 $82;972.7'::$28;376.68 General & Adminlstration. Overhead 1 07A 82,972.7; 89,444.62 ., . . . , - '. ..... '.." . . ,II. t, OTHER DIAECT COSTS . ....~ . . : .. T""V~1.. ~STI"ATEO .. '. . COST .. . - '. (I) T""NSPO"T" TIO,", 800 miles a~ $.15 p~ mile !$ 12O.~ .r '. .- (2) PER O'E'" S .;- "!-, ~ .," r" TRAVEL SU.TOTAL: ,. " S 12 0 QO '..J, - ~ ., ." , . b. EQUIPMENT, M...TERIAI..S, SUPPI..IES (Speclt, eel.,ort..) Q!'Y COST EST'.." TED .,' '. COST .., $ S .. ~ .' -- .",. f- " - '- .. '. - . . EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL: ; , ~. . '.:: SUBCONTR"'CTS ESTIMATED . COST , . . . . Architect . S 3 166 90 . Foundation Investigation 3 ,599 Q.5, . . , IMDIRECT cosn TOTAL: .. _.'~,::0'..'~:'/"1'I \:"-:', ",.~>f.";:"_'~' Sl17 A?l ,10 ~ SUBCONTRACTS SUBTOTAL: t.. $ 6..765.95 d. t'lTHER (Sp.clty UI.'<>".rJ ~.;: _~~ue prints, reports and manuals ..prints lESTI..... TED COST $ 5 100 00 OTHE. SUBTOTAL:, L ' e.' OTHER DIRECT cons TOTAL: . 10. TOTAL ESTlM"'TED COST II. PROFIT (Feel 11. 10T...1.. PRICE f" . ' . ., ..~ S r:; 1 n n n n J .' . .'. . I)' -, "'~;:;~!15 11,985.95 --:.-~ -' 1212 780 00 , 36 172 .60 1'248,952.60 ':';m;~~~~~7'~ctu9l hourly rat~s.used;.howeVefA(,inp~g-p'g~~i.dO they exceed the maXlmum rates SUbmltted ~n or~g~ . . . ....'~"""I~~..~~.il:dZL;'!..;.:r:....t......~.~:...,..:..~J'..~.~~_.ft,"".I.,~."~. _"" .~~::;"'''';I'~~"",..li..~....'~.,,:.i..,.:~:;'~;i,,.:,u;~J~SI~~,:...6...~,...,..... .,..._~,il...u.....lt.~.;,. >,,p.,;."""'-~_L.._\.. -- .. PAGI-. '; : Approved by Officr; OUTLAY .REPORT AND REQUt...... FOR REIMBURSE. ' Budget. No. 80--R0181 MENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS ..---.----- 1. TYPE OF REQUEST " I .x' FINAL (St'" in.dl';Jrtlllns oH lUII'k) M.lTwgellll'nt and PA"i 01- i.2. BASIS Of' RfQUL~1 PARTIAL ~ ' X: CASH ACCfWAL 5. PARIIAL PAYMlNT REQueST NO 3. FEDERAL Sf'Or-;SORING AGENCY AND ORGANllATIONAl ELEMENT TO : 4. FEDERAL GRANT OR OTHER Ylt~IUj T)-W; REPORT IS SlJ.OMITHP. IDENrlFYING NUMBER ASSIGNED LnVlronmenta.l Protect1.on Agency OY FEDERAL AGENCY _CQnstrqction Grants Branch (270855-02 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION 7. RECIPIENT ACCOUNT OR OTHER I PERIOO COYEREO BY THIS REPORT NUMBER IDENTIFYING NUMBER ~ I FROM (Jltonth, dt'l~/, ,~fCaJ.) I TO (MO~IOI. ([(t'l. Ilnlr) -----t-:--;I. 0 - 5 - 7 8___ U~__. L.1_0 -: 11:=7 9 .. --- ! 10. PAYEE (lVl&er... rlH'd.. ItllOllld IIf' .~f'llt If dIJfCI""lIt Iliail ,(,"HI ~j) 41 ~ 6 0 Q536 S_~______ j 9. REI'lfltNT ORGANIZATION .\'/llil! city of Monticello ,\',." "lid ,"""1 I'! 250 E. Broadway ('ittl. ,"~Ita'"~ /! III 1:11' ('"d,' Monticello, Minn. 11_ CLASSIFICATION (Il) iI. Adnllnistratlve expense b. Prelirlllnary expense c. Land. structures, rieht-of-way d_ Architectural engineenne basic fees e. Other architectural en[llnecnng fees f. Project inspection fees g_ Land development h. Relocation expense i. Relocation payments to indlvi(juals and: businesses I I iVUlllf' I Sf), Oliff i Slri"ct : I Cit". I Str;'f't ulH1 5 5 3 6 2 I Z II' ,,<,,I,' : STATUS OF FUNDS PROGRAMS~rUNCTIONS-ACTIVIlIES ---- 'T""-'-- --------., I (Ii) (<') I TOTAL I I $ -+- - ------_._.~-~------- -----~_...-- $ $ --t I -1 .._-,.., '''..-..--" I I __ 1 1_6_6 , 08 3 . 11 82,869.49 _____~.1_.______ --- .,....---.- I ------- -,..-t-~--.,.----.---- -- . ---- --. I --------..---' '1--' -- ---------...--------- I i -~._-+,,------~-_...-- .-- .--'''' --.---. - +----- I (0 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW NOVEMBER 1979 I. PLAN OBJECTIVE This Plan was prepared in cooperation with officials from Northern States Power Company (NSP), Minnesota Department of Emergency Services (DES), United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Wright County and Sherburne County Civil Defense, as well as other agencies within a 24-mile radius of Monticello. The objectives of this Plan are to develop an organized effort to inform Monticello citizens of possible solutions to problems that they, as indivi- duals, may encounter in case of any degree of incident at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant. Also, as a result of Federal and State mandates, to develop an emergency response for Civil Defense officials and the general public for evacuation in case of an incident. The Monticello civil Defense organization intends to support any evacuation plans for Monticello residents in case of incident at the Nuclear Plant should the need arise as though the entire City were within a S-mile radius of the Plant. In addition to evacuating the citizens should conditions warrant, the Monticello Civil Defense has arranged, in cooperation with NSP and the Minnesota Welfare Department, to provide for housing and for care and safety of its citizens. The City of Monticello will be supported in their efforts by the wright County Civil Defense, State and Federal agencies, and the NSP Company staff. These Plans are to be reviewed and updated at least annually. In addition, it is planned that every other year a "mock" exercise will be carried out with all agencies involved; and on the alternate years, a "table top" exercise will be conducted. II. COMMAND AND CONTROL The Monticello Civil Defense Director will direct all emergency aspects of the Monticello Nuclear Power Plant evacuation plan, under control and cooperation of the Monticello City Council, and with cooperation of the wright County Civil Defense and the Wright County Board, with further cooperation of various other Federal and State agencies. 7 PAGE 2 PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW . III. WARNING AND EVACUATION The Commissioner of Health for the State of Minnesota, or his representative, will be the responsible authority requesting the City of Monticello to evacuate, through the Wright County Sheriff's Department. However, should it be the opinion of the responsible staff of NSP that immediate evacuation is necessary, that recommendation could be made directly to the Monticello Civil Defense Director or the Monticello Mayor, who will have the authority to act upon this recommendation immediately. Assuming that an order for evacuation would corne through the wright County Sheriff's office, rather than as a recommendation from NSP officials, the following events will take place: A. The Monticello Civil Defense Director or his representative will be notified, as well as the Mayor. B. Upon receipt of a notification, the Director will activate his call list of personnel as well as the members of the City Council. Immediately upon notification of two (2) members of the Civil Defense staff, the Director will notify primarily Radio Station WJON in St. Cloud, as well as WCCo in Minneapolis second, that there is an emergency and what information should be immediately released to the public. This information will be simultaneously released to these and various other stations by other local and state agencies. .. C. At that time, the siren warning system would be activated for approxi- mately three (3) minutes with a steady, repeated blast-blast-blast, etc., which is a distinct signal for a power plant incident. At that time, residents are expected to monitor their radio stations for further information, as it is released to them of any possible situation which may be occuring. Staff, Council and support will be notified before sirens are blown. D. Should immediate evacuation be deemed necessary, the incident siren will be blown for three (3) minutes, silenced for three (3) minutes, blown for three (3) minutes, silenced for three (3) minutes, etc., until the siren has been blown for five (5) consecutive three (3) minute periods. Evacuation notices would also be broadcast at that time, giving directions of how to go to get to the Minnesota State Fair Grounds. (During the month of August and the first two weeks of September, however, directions would be given for going to the St. Cloud Civic Center) E. Upon registering at the Fair Grounds, families of three members would be given money to relocate in motels or wherever they choose, for as long as it has been determined that they need to be displaced. . For example, should it be determined that people might be displaced from their homes for five (5) days, a family of three would be given a check for $70.00 plus $15.00 for each additional member, and allowed to choose their place to stay, whether it be with relatives, in a motel or even a second home somewhere. 7 . . . PAGE 3 PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW For those individuals who need transportation, or have other special needs, a block warden system is to be established to document those needs and report to a central transportation chief, who will make arrangements for them to be moved through various transportation companies. IV. COMMUNICATIONS The main communication center will be located in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the City Hall. Communications will be by messengers, 2-way radios, telephone and news media. Bridgewater Telephone Company will install additional lines to City Hall to increase communications capabilities. V. PUBLIC HEALTH The Minnesota Department of Health will be responsible for providing radiation protection and monitoring for the Community. The State Department of Health will be supported by the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital, which is equipped to handle contaminated patients. Dr. Donald Maus, M.D., is on staff at the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital and has been trained to respond to radiation accidents. VI. FIRE AND RESCUE The Monticello Fire Department and area fire departments, through mutual aid agreements, will provide fire and rescue services under control of the Monticello Fire Chief, with directions from the Civil Defense Director. The Monticello Fire Department can respond to fire and rescue emergencies at the Plant, as well as any other area with 28 members and three (3) vehicles (with one additional vehicle - the attack pumper - to arrive in December of 1979). Supporting the Monticello Fire Department will be Big Lake, Becker, Clear- water, Maple Lake, Buffalo, Elk River, St. Michael and Albertville. VII. LAW ENFORCEMENT Law Enforcement will be provided by the Wright County Sheriff's Department. Assistance can be arranged for by the Minnesota Highway Patrol and/or National Guard, if needed. The Wright County Sheriff's Department has available: 45 fulltime deputies 15 parttime deputies 31 squad cars 1 pickup truck 2 boats (for river traffic & warning) ? . . . PAGE 4 PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW NOTE: The wright County Sheriff's Department is responsible for the rural area within the lQ-mile radius of the power plant, so not all of the above will be available during crisis. VIII. TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic Control will be the responsibility of the Minnesota Highway Patrol, Wright County Sheriff's Department and Monticello Public Works Department. The Patrol's deputies will be responsible for manning most roadblocks which will be installed by the Monticello Public Works Department. All entrances to the City will be blocked by roadblocks installed by the City Public Works Department. All traffic will be prohibited from entering any contaminated area without approval of the Minnesota Health Department and with proper protection. No person/persons will be allowed to enter the community without a proper pass, which will be issued through the Minnesota Highway Patrol and Wright County Sheriff's Department. IX. PUBLIC INFORMATION The Mayor and/or Civil Defense Director and/or Public Information Officer (PIO) shall be the only public officials authorized to disseminate informa- tion concerning evacuation and other related matters. All public information releases would be coordinated through the County and State EOC's and released simultaneously. X. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES The Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital is equipped to handle radiation contamination casualties and Dr. Donald Maus is specially trained to handle those cases. Other area hospitals might be utilized for patients, but would have to be activated for use by request through the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital Administration or the Minnesota Department of Health. The Fire Department shall have the authority to call ambulances. XI. TRANSPORTATION Public transportation will be available to assist in evacuating. Equipment such as trucks, vans, etc, when available. Supporting local government will be D & D Bus Co. and Hoglund Bus Co. (only after all obligations to the public schools are terminated), Becker Bus Company, Barthel Bus Co. and Mattson Bus Company. In addi- tion, upon request through the Department of Emergency Services, the St. Cloud Metro Bus Service and the Metropolitan Transit Commission would release busses. ? . . . PAGE 5 PRELIMINARY PLAN REVIEW It is assumed that many individuals will use their own transportation. Also, those who have no transportation can request the same from block wardens who will coordinate transportation for them. XII. ACCIDENT ASSESSMENT Accident assessment at the Monticello Nuclear Plant will be the responsi- bility of: Northern States Power Minnesota Department of Health Nuclear Regulatory Commission XIII. PROTECTIVE RESPONSE The Minnesota Department of Health has the responsibility of providing preplanned protective measures for various levels of radiation releases and contamination. They shall be responsible for determining areas of priority evacuations or special needs. XIV. RADIOLOGICAL EXPOSURE CONTROL The Minnesota Department of Health and NSP are responsible for providing to the NRC, who will release radiation level and contamination information, by the same procedures or other public information. 7 . ," , ' .' ' . ..... 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