City Council Minutes 07-23-1979MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 23, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus. Members Absent: Phil White. Citizens Comments: Marilyn Frie expressed concern on the paving of West County Road 39. Mrs. Frie had indicated that this particular segment of the 1978-1 Improvement Project was a problem to residences in the area due to the dusty condition. Mr. John Badalich indicated that pavement would be completed by Wednesday, July 25, 1979, barring unforseen circumstances. Marn Flicker indicated that he would like a variance request from the landscaping ordinance which requires $1,500 in landscaping. Mr. Flicker had indicated that he has already spent $900 on landscaping, and just does not have any more room left to place any additional landscaping. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve of the variance request since there was very little room for additional landscaping to be provided. 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Reguest from Provision for Off -Street Parking Spaces - Gene Nelson Mr. Gene Nelson, who is the prospective new tenant in the now existing Monticello Meats building on Cedar Street (parts of Lots 14 & 15, Block B. Upper Monticello) is requesting a variance from the City's Off -Street parking requirements. Property is currently zoned B-4. The applicant is proposing to change the business to a TV Repair and Sales business, and would like a variance to not be required to pro- vide the ten (10) off-street parking spaces as provided by City ordinance. Presently, there is only one (1) off-street parking space on the property, and according to ordinance data on required parking lot sizes, there wouldn't be enough area to develop the spaces for nine more cars as he would be required to provide. Presently, the bare parts of the lot aren't large enough to allow a parking lot. In either case, as a meat market or a TV & Radio store, only ten (10) parking spaces would be required. Mr. Nelson indicated that in addition to the one off-street parking space provided, he would be parking vehicles that belong to the business alongside the south side of the building. COUNCIL MINUTES - 7/23/79 At their last meeting, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of this variance request since it appeared that the proposed use of the building would not demand much more parking than the present use of the building. Mr. Ralph Munsterteiger, representing Mr. Nelson, indicated that the demand for parking would be no greater than presently exists, and in effect, concurred with the Planning Commission's comments relative to the recommendation for approval. Mr. Ken Holker, representing John Martinson, operator of John's Discount, and also representing Richard Holker, owner/operator of Holker's Drive -In, indicated that these property owners would be opposed to the variance request since there currently is a problem within the area already which has been compounded by the Senior Citizens Center. Mr. Holker further indicated that this would create a hardship on existing businesses in the area if parking were not provided by the new tenant of the Monticello Meats establishment. After the above testimony was received, there was Council deliberation and discussion with the Building Inspector relative to the possibility of adding parking spaces to the existing Monticello Meats parcel. Mr. Loren Klein, Building Inspector, indicated that three and possibly four spaces could be added if Monticello Meats would tar the remaining unused portion of their lot. However, Mr. Klein further indicated that this would also take away parking in effect for driveway accesses and parking along the south side of the building, as this would have to be made into a driveway to get to the possible parking on the north side of the building. In effect, this improvement then would only add two parking spaces in total for the Monticello Meats building. Council also discussed parking problems supposedly caused by the Senior Citizens Center and methods to resolve this. Mr. Holker indicated that if a solution could be found to the Senior Citizens parking problem, that possibly the owners he was representing would withdraw their opposition. Since it was felt that any possible problem created by the Senior Citizens Center was not initially caused by Monticello Meats, it was felt that the present request before the Council should be acted upon. A motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve of the variance request with the condition that the new occupant utilize the southside of the building and not park any of his own vehicles on the street itself. 2. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request to Provide more than One Private Garage Structure for each Dwelling - John Praught. Mr. John Praught, who is presently building a new home on Lot 29, Block 2, Ritze Manor, would like a variance to build a 26' x 30' garage in addi- tion to the attached 24' x 30' garage being built onto the home. Mr. Praught would need a variance to allow a second garage because Monticello Ordinance Section 10-3-2-(D)-(5) states that no permit shall be issued for more than one private garage structure for each dwelling. - 2 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 7/23/79 Mr. Praught has indicated that the second garage would be used for a travel trailer, boat, lawn equipment., etc., and would in no way be used for repairing cars or any other commercial purpose. Vince Mayer, neighboring property owner, indicated opposition to the request as he felt that this would set a precedent, and also he was concerned about the aesthetic appearance of the garage in the rear as this would be visible from County Road 75. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen to deny the variance. This motion died for lack of a second. A subsequent motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair to approve of the variance request. Voting in favor - Ken Maus, Fran Fair, Arve Grimsmo. Opposed: Dan Blonigen. The variance request was denied as a result of the Council ordinance provision requiring a 4/5's vote of approval for a variance. 3. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request from the Maximum Height Requirement of a Pylon Sign - Vance's Service Center. Vance's Service Center in the I-94 Tri -Plaza at the intersection of I-94 and Highway 25, made application to extend their pylon sign 10'0" higher than it presently is. Under the present Ordinances, this pylon sign may be 32'0" high plus the difference between the business property elevation and the height of the road abutting it, if the road is higher. In this case, the intersection of the I-94 east approach and Minnesota Highway 25 is approximately 10' higher than the property where the Standard Station is located, thus the 10' difference has been added to make the present pylon sign 42' high. Mr. Florell is asking that he be allowed to raise his sign to 5210" in height. Members of the Planning Commission had viewed this sign from the Freeway and other spots along Highway 25, and all felt that the sign at its present height was visible, and as a result, recommended denial of the variance request. At the hearing, Mr. Vance Florell, operator of Vance's Service Center, indicated that after being open for seven months, he had received various comments from customers that their present sign was not visible. Mr. Florell further indicated that the sign is obstructed coming from the west by the Monticello Ford sign which happens to be lined up directly in line with the sign put up by Vance's Service Center. Furthermore, Mr. Florell indicated that coming from the east there is a problem because of trees. Mr. Florell indicated both of these visual problems could be resolved with the allowance of an additional 10' height to be added to the sign. Mr. Sam Peraro, property owner of this site, indicated that he recently was made aware of the fact that the existing billboards within the City limits advertising Vance's Service Center would have to come down accord- ing to ordinance by July of 1980, and indicated that this was all the more reason for the requirement of the variance. COUNCIL MINUTES - 7/23/79 Mr. Roy Lauring also indicated that he felt the request was a reasonable one. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve of the variance request. 4. Consideration of Subdivision of Lots - Roy Lauring in River Terrace Addn. Mr. Roy Lauring would like to alter lot lines between Lots 1, 2, 3, 16, 17 & 18, Block 3, River Terrace, and in effect, would make four lots out of the present six lots, and would make the existing lots conform with the present lot size requirement. Presently, the lots range in size from 9,000 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft. Mr. Lauring would like to create two 16,000 square foot lots and two 13,000 square foot lots. If these proposed lots were allowed, no forseeable variances would be required, and the minimum front width would be provided. Since the lots in effect were actually being made to conform with the present City ordinances, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this subdivision. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve of this subdivision, contingent upon the receipt of a certificate of survey and proof of recording. 5. Consideration of Final Payment to Burlington Northern Railroad on Crossing on Walnut Street as tart of the 1977-3 Street Improvement Project. A payment request is being made from Burlington Northern Railroad relative to the final billing involving the installation of signals and blacktopping of the crossing over Walnut Street as part of the 1977-3 Street Improvement Project. Initially, the estimate for this project was $55,448, and the final filling based upon a detailed invoice which is available for review at City Hall is $59,476.16, or an increase of $4,028.16. The City has previously paid $30,738, and the State of Minnesota is picking up $12,577.28, leaving a balance due to the City of Monticello of $16,160.88. It should be pointed out, of the City's total payments of $46,898.88, that the County will reimburse the City of Monticello for 500 of this amount. In effect, the net cost of the Walnut Street crossing to the City of Monticello is $23,449.44. A motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve of the payment. - 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 7/23/79 6. Review of Liquor Store Financial Statements for Period Ended June 30, ia'7a Mark Irmiter, Liqour Store Manager, and Gary Wieber, City Administrator, reviewed the financial statements for the Liquor Store for that period ended June 30, 1979. It was pointed out to the Council that the two prime reasons for the operating income being down approximately $4,300 from the first six months of 1978 were due to insurance and gross profit percentages. If these two items .were equivalent to the same figures in 1978, the operating income would be about $24,000. 7. Consideration of Resolution Authorizing the Monticello Lion's Club to be Sole Concessionaires within City Parks for July 4th Celebrations. Pursuant to a previous request from the City Council, a Resolution was considered which would authorize the Monticello Lion's Club to be the sole concessionaires within City parks for July 4th celebrations. Purpose of this resolution would be to give support to the Lion's Club and their endeavor for the July 4th celebrations. Various organizations and entities have apparently approached the Lion's Club with the possibility of having concessions on the same day within City Parks, and Lion's Club was concerned that this would take place and in effect detract from their revenue. Since the Lion's Club has been very instrumental in the promotion of the July 4th celebration, it was the concensus of the Council at a previous meeting to consider a resolution of this nature. A motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unani- mously carried to adopt the resolution. (See Supplement 7-23-79 #1) 8. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Bids Received for Civil Defense Sirens. Bids were received on July 23, 1979 for civil defense sirens from the following: COMPLETION BIDDER BASE BID ALT. #1 ALT. #2 ALT. #3 CRYSTALS TIME Olson & Son Electric $30,464.86 $550.36 $413.95 $107.95 $18/ea. 14 Days Heskins Elec. $32,500.00 $680.90 $515.00 $135.00 $23.30/ea. --- The Civil Defense Director, Loren Klein, recommended that the City go with the base bid along with Alternates 1, 2 & 3 and 6 crystals. It was the concensus of the Council that the prime purpose of the Civil Defense Siren system was for civil defense purposes, and it decided not to purchase any hand-held radios for members of the public works depart- - 5 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 7/23/79 ment (Alt.'s 2 & 3), and as a result, a motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to accept the base bid of Olson & Sons Electric in the amount of $30,464.86, along with Alternate #1, which is a hand-held radio for the Civil Defense Direc- tor, for $550.36, Alternate #3, which is necessary for adapting base station for hand-held radio also, and. six (6) crystals at $18.00 each for a total bid price of $31,231.17. 9. Consideration of Change Order #3 with Northdale Construction Company on the 1978-1 Improvement Project. A change order with Northdale Construction is necessary to provide fill for the Riverside Addition. A proposal has been made by Northdale Construction to provide the necessary fill at the price of $2.75 per yard for the Riverside Addition. John Badalich indicated that the estimate in terms of cubic yards for this area would be 400 yards and in effect, he recommended the change order be approved with Northdale Construc- tion for a quantity item of $2.75 per yard for this area for 400 cubic yards of fill, or a total of $1,100. It should be noted that the bid is based on a quantity basis with an estimated amount of 400 yards. A motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Fran Fair and unani- mously carried to approve the change order with Northdale Construc- tion for $2.75 per cubic yard based on an estimate of 400 cubic yards. 10. Consideration of Approval of Bills for July 1979, and Approval of Minutes of July 9, 1979. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the bills for July 1979 and the Minutes for July 9, 1979. 11. Special Meeting - July 30, 1979. The City Council was reminded of a previous special meeting set up to review the industrial cost recovery charge with Wrightco Products as part of the Step III grant application for updating the City's current wastewater treatment plant. This meeting would take place at 7:30 P.M. and it was the concensus of the Council to also discuss preliminary figures for assessments on the 1977-3 Improvement Project, review a film to be presented by John Simola on a wastewater treatment project, and discuss the City's possible involvement with the library. 12. Discussion on the City Taking Over Wright County State Park in Monticello. Gary Wieber, City Administrator, indicated that the Wright County Park Administrator had contacted him relative to the possible taking over by the City of Wright County State Park in Monticello, sometimes referred to as Montisippi Park. Council was asked to consider this matter and take it up at a future meeting, but no specific action was taken. - 6 - COUNCIL MINUTES - 7/23/79 13. Referral of Parking Concern on Senior Citizens Center Site to Parking Committee. By Council consensus, it was decided to refer the concerns expressed relative to the agenda item 1 on parking problems supposedly resulting from the Senior Citizens Center to the parking committee, known as the Business & Industrial Development Committee. Meeting adjourned. je�:f� Gar iebe City Administrator GW/ns - 7 -