City Council Agenda Packet 04-22-1974 ) \ \ \; j ee ee AGEND~ Regular City Council meetin~ 7:30 P.i M. April 22,1974 Meeting to be taped. Public comments or inquiries. , I 1. Approval of minutes for ~he meeting of April 8, 1974. 2. Hearing on Rezoning. 3. Discussion of attorney fees (W. C. Hoffman). 4. Audit report Gruys, Jdhnson, etc. 5. Presentation by Juran & ~oody. :r Commission reports: jA. Planning Commission & IJ. W. Miller. B. Park & Recreations Co~. C ......-Ito'tiS1n g Au t~y . l D. Business & Industrial iDevelopment Comm. MAILED TO: All Council members &1 Gary Pringle. Thore Meyer Gary Weiber Chuck Stumpf Jim Lungwi tz Mrs. Gloria LaBau George Phillips J. W. Miller Y/h~ f.M/u/ ~jt~_/ ~n-t/ 7 -;< [' "u/ c/C;A--;i".6-""..> C2??_--f.f>_-",-",,~",-_;;6 c;,v d;; :f€! --1l i" / / (, i 9., '-I --Z .1" J /' (' 4- i 1,..' )~:-! 1/ Ii t j.- ;. L I /1) );.cJJ : J.J / ( LJ ?711ey-!-< ,0 4- 0+-1. rJ~u,A..J ,-A.flrP/U /g<; l ) A J ^-} 11 (.1 ! ~ 11 ,:'" e: I> !.)JJN ITVi! /1;- Dh J,;) J~ )r -1 vii j J / ,[ }.., I rl~)