City Council Agenda Packet 03-11-1974 . e CITY OF MONTICELLO . e ~ 215 S" CEDAR STREET MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 TELEPHONE (612) 295-2711 ~, 2. J3. ) 4. 5. \ 6. MONTICELLO a century-old city with a nuclear age view AGENDAI I :::::: :: t:e c:::::~ meeting - Ma~Ch d"~ 1:~ 197 4 ~ ~ ~75: 30; .~. let/ Cj"tizen inquiries or comments. 1\ j-'<.y",,/, ?,c',,'< , 7>6-{' ) <::. J C [vJ-f 1.' Approval of minutes for meeti~g of February 20, 1974. Mr. Don Cunnings - Needs Conditional Use Permit (B-2) to operate welding shop in building next to Industrial Science. Presentation to Council of PI~nning Commission minutes regarding Zoning Vari~nce for Tom Holker. Discussion regarding further wroceedings on Plat Plan #4. Approval of cigarette license~. \ Approval and signing of billslfor month of February and signing of last of Januar~ bills. I I I I I Mailing to: Vv ,~ Hdf,HV Council members Rue Idil.J )v, J !) Ill.' t't '-1 1\; , I {..' .l" j t r Thore Meyer /I} lidF"\} f" C. t / ' ,A '" j +1,. A /I G'tl/ 11,;.)' ;,., 11''')'<'' ,,(I crt; I. ) ~ I f c.4 tl V. Chuck Stumpf >. 11_.....11I.. -11111.11__ (' r A I v P '-'I, t" ..Lv II I /C t, " /;. /( (, I /1 / >.~. I~ , -t I ~. ! /Jilt' A'it c{ (( '/1\.'" I , t , " I I P y' f),. .( ,/ ) ,: " f. ./r-d--rl'zr' i "') " " S-" i. r)1 .I v' (\ f r ,- ~ I' '. j'l,/ II/ fl. :J . I I'" ./ ,/, IV' Ii J(; '" /, I> 1/ f, Ie /r, 1I1i",,<; II) 1V/lt,1v welcom MONTICELLO I ~. tt. ! ....... .' ..& < "J ..... ~e moun nun _11111ll It c', -.1 .J r I. Ij TtllfI'{\'.u I ',"., ,( , ~ r,.' I,. J ... . e . e Included in mailing: 1. Minutes of council meeting ofl February 20. 2. Minutes of Planning Commissiop meeting of February 25. 3. Copy of billing from attorneylWilliam C. Hoffman _ regarding opinion on sewer anU water hookup to be assessed to Independent Schoo~ District #882. 4. Copy of letter from MinnesotaiHumane Society regarding animal impoundment facilities. , 5. Copy of letter sent to Minnes~ta Department of Natural Resources regarding Mtnnesota Wild and Scenic River Act. /' \::., \ \ \' \ \ -, \ ..'j 'l.. (\,-\ " ~ "-, '\\'-\ ( \- ._ '1.' \\\1 ~\ , \~, 1'\ " \, \~ \~\)I