City Council Agenda Packet 02-20-1974 vlLAI OF t' ONTICELLO. Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone (612: 295-2711 e , AGENDt- $pecial <<ity Council meeting - Feb. 20, 1974 - 7:30 P. M. Meeting to be taped. Citizen inquiries or comment$. 1. Approval of minutes for meeting of Feb. 11, 1974. 2. Committee report: I Utilities Commission 3. Approval of Liquor Store audit report. : , 4. Decision on purchase of L~quor Fund C. D. 5. Decision on Wage Review Bqard & Grievance Committee. 6. Decision on purchase of v~n truck for sewer and water department. 7. Al Meyer. 8. Approval of bills through Feb. 20. Mailing to: Council members. Dr. Kasper.