City Council Agenda Packet 02-11-1974 I . -~q'i[: '1'(-,<.-:,. (I"\./", t"ii'\~'i'I1tf"'I'-'i... 0 'WI iI':".;...;.-'\\.~~ 'Vl' tlIV..Uii\.llJ ti~"::il..n MO;ir~ic\2)::o, Min~e50~a 553G2 Phone (612)1295.2711 I AGEND~ Regular City Council meetlng - Feb. 11, 1974 7:30 p. M. J I Announce that meeting wil be taped. , Tk...1I 1. Approval of minutes for i i ,I K;dsnvfit v I 1'1 , [v A'''(\V'--wt~ ~I"\vj January 21, 1974. J Citizen inquir~es or commtnts. J J 2. Committee reports A. Planning Commissi~n: i J(l) Preliminarylreport ~f2) Review of rfsolution /(3) Set hearing date for on flood insurance Zoning Ordinance change J J B. Park Board C. Housing Authority .J D. Business & Industrial Commission j I E.vYUbliC Safety comtission: (1) PreliminarYlreport (2) Signing of tire contracts Silver Creef townships vi F. Liquor Commission~ with Otsego & J ~ G. Public Utilities ~ommission vi J H. Roads & Streets C?mmission 3. Review'of Thore Meyer ~ervice contract j 4. Signing of cigarette l~censes. (1) Preliminary, report (2) Review of Liquor Store audit report offer. \ ~\~ I ~:;;/ ~ J ~J ) J . . e . Agenda for regular coun 1 meeting - Feb. 11, 1974 Page 2 5. Designation of commit~ee for study of city wage schedule and I1Personn~l Rules.11 6. Approval of cash repoJt for city for calendar year 1973 for publica~ion in Monticello Times as prepared by Administra:tor and reviewed by Auditor. I I 7. Appointment of counci member to serve on natural gas rate authority. 8. Consideration to chang~ second regular Feb. meet- ing night from Feb. 25' to Feb. 20; to allow pre- paration time for annekation hearing. 9. Approval of bills for &onth of February. Mailing to: Mayor and Council, Chairm~n of each Commission and , Thore Meyer. Included in mailing: Street & Road Commission ~eport. Utili,ties Commission reporl't. Public Safety Commission ~eport. Minutes of council meetin~ - Jan. 21, 1974. Letter from N. C. Public $ervice Co. dated Jan. 23, 1974. Minutes from Planning Com~ission meeting of Jan. 30, 1974. Letter from Seestrom Hardware regarding bid on exhaust fan for pump house, as required by the State. Proposed contract for engilneering service from Thore Meyer. Liquor Store audit report. I i