City Council Agenda Packet 01-17-1974 I ~. I ~. IL~~;~~:int~~~~:~L Phone (612)1 29S-2711 January 117, 1974 , AGEND1 Regular City Council meetin~ - January 21, 1974 - 7: 30 :P. M. \ PLACE: Senior Citizen Cente~ j Announce that meeting will ~e taped_ 1. Approval of minutes for January 8, 9, 10, 1974. 2. Citizen inquiries or com~laints. \ 1 :: vs. ) 6. J 7. J 8. ~ 9. i Report by Gary Pringle onl terms Qf Mayor and Councilmen. "1"~\\\'-1'-,,\\"0 '0\ \'1l'!V \~'(.1\'~~ l'k~'.^It\lh), Report by Lee Hatfield (Public Safety Commission) on progress of fire contrac~s. Report by Park & Recreat~on Commission on Dutch Blm disease problem. Appointment of city weed control inspector. Report by Thore Meyer on irate proposal.' Approval needed for "Resq1ution adopting land use and control measures in f1004 plain area~." ! Discussion on recently eqacted state law whereby em- ployees are to be paid a~ the rate of 1~ time the em- ployees regular rate of pay for work after a work week of 48 hours. . 10. Approval of bills throug~ January 21, 1974. MAILING TO: Mayor and qounci1 I Lee Hatfiefd Jim Lungwi tz Thore Meyer Gary Pringle INCLUDED IN MAILING: 1. Resolution needed for Flood Ins. Program. 2. Copies of minutes for meetings of Jan. 8, 9, 10.