City Council Agenda Packet 01-08-1974 j ~. .; 5. o 6. J J 7. 8. J 9. j \] . .! . tLLAGE OF ~I ONTICELL' Monticello, Min esota 55362 Phone (612) 295-2711 AGEN~! Regular Council meeting -- Janu~ry 8, 1974 -- 7:30 P. M. 1. Oath of office - Mayor Con Jqhnson. 2. Approval of minutes - meetin$ of Dec. 11, 1973. 3. Desi7:ion of official cityirepresentatives, including: ! 'fA. Official newspaper., ~B. Official bank. 'V.t C. Attorney. J D. Engineer. IE. Auditor. ~JF. Financial oonsulta~t. v~. Civil Defense Direqtor. YF. Acting Mayor. V G. Appointment of Hea~th Officer. ~ Use of tape recorder as a pertmanent record. , 1/-\ , L C,"" \ "'j Designation of official mont~ly meeting dates and times. I Designation of official resPQnsibilit~es and authority of city adminis~rator. : Cl;i""'\~::i\"l',,,, Appointment of individuals td commi~t89S to I serve in 10. Publication of City informat~on pamphlet. Listingfof immediate and lon~ range city problems. Misce11atous old business. i A Signing of carpetiqg t. -T't ". \ 'C. \~'" " .~ Miscellaneous new business. ' 11. c7tract. \) ~ \ L' "b , .. J e. A (/ ' ~ ~ ( \, \ "t An H v.\ 12. Approval of bills for month qf December, 1973. ~ llf\"'\~,j~. \ \' , c:.- \- ~c:.\. o . '{-.. d-\ShH', I L _ __ '\~-f \)~.Z.\.\ 1974. ,J, Hv" r:" J-J. , . I',.' ------- . .. . . NOTICES MAILED TOI THE FOLLOWING: I Mayor and Co~ncil Thore Meyer . INCLUDED IN MAILING: ~. 2. J 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. JS. Agenda. Letter from Mayor~ Minutes of previo~s meeting. Notice of confere4ce for newly elected mayors and counci lmen . I Schedule of bond ~ayments in 1974. Sheriff's report Bor November, 1973. Letter from Sulli~an Investigation concerning drinking of a Mr. IAllen Webber in the Liquor Store. Letter from attornley W. C. Hoffman regarding de- linquent sewer an~ water accounts. ! __:.------c-.-