City Council Agenda Packet 09-03-1974 Special e e AGENDA Citizen's meeting - Tuesday, Sept. 3, 1974 8:00 P. M. -- ctty Hall To be in attendance: Business & IndustrialiCommission George Philtips Public Safety Commiss~on Lee Hatfiel~ Representative of the City Council -- Gene Walters Ind. School District #882 Sheldon Joh~son Items of discussion: 1. Hourly parking lim~tations. 2. Downtown street and lot parking. 3. Employee parking. 4. Commuter parking. 5. Truck parking limi~ations. 6. Truck route limita~i6ns. 7. Crosswalks, 4-way ~top signs by schools. 8. Marking of one wayl alleys. 9. Approach signs nee~ed (if any) regarding closed gates during school hours at the Oakwood school. 10. Weigh station rout!e. 11. Any special signs ~eeded. L . . AGEND4 Citizen's meeting - Tue$day, Sept. 3, 1974 I 8:00 P. M. -- ~ity Hall To be in attendance: Business & Industrial Commission George Phi1lips Public Safety Commis$ion Lee Hatfield Representative of the City Council -~ Gene Walters Ind. School District #882 Sheldon Joij.nson Items of discussion: /1. Hourly parking limitations. I 2. Downtown street and lot parking. v' 3. Employee parking. / 4. Commuter parking. ~5. Truck parking limitations. ~6. Truck route limi~ations. 7. Crosswalks, 4-way stop signs by schools. JS. Marking of one way alleys. \19. Approach signs needed (if any) regarding closed gates duri~g school hours at the Oakwood school. /10. Weigh station route. 11. Any special signsineeded.