City Council Agenda Packet 09-30-1974 -=---/'>'''' 1 I I AGEN~! City Council meeting - September ~O, 1974 - 7:30 P.M. Ci ty JaIl b-\)~\J 1\ Approval of minutes, meeting tf Sept. 9, 1974; approval of bills, month of Afgust, 1974. I 2. Report by City of Monticello tommissions, in the ffllowing sequence: ! A. Planning Commission ) B. Park Board I ~ Business & Industrial :pevelopment Comm. ~ Public Safety Commissi~n f'J",i" hl(-tJ --....:: E. Liquor Commission I -- F. Utilities Commission I \';-- G. Roads & Streets Commis~ion H. Historical Commission I J3. Variance permit approval - Mrl. Denton Erickson (reference: Planning Commissibn minutes meeting t,,) / of September 18, 1974.) .,,:':l,\ -, 1- Building permit approval - Hi~hway Department Building ",' f:; ~ Adoption of State Uniform Buillding Code (See attached memorandum) . , Meeting to be taped. ) Citizen comments. r J 4. Authorization for Mayor and c1lerk to sign dog contract I Approval of Planner at Plannirg Commission Meeting Decision on Hearing - Oct. 141, 1974 - regarding zoning change (see attached ~emorandum) Included in mailing: 1. 2. 3. )4. 5. 6. 7. ) - 8. 9. 10. 11. -12. Minutes of Council meeti~g - Sept. 9, 1974. Listing of bills for mon~h of August, 1974. Minutes of Utilities Co~. meeting - Sept. 10, 1974. Minutes of Planning Comm.1 meeting - Sept. 18, 1974. Sheriff's report for mon~h of August. Letter from Functional Iqdustries. Letter from Monticello Fdrd. Letter from Wright Count~ Assessor, Mr. B. L. Mattson. Listing of building perm~ts issued. Report on dog calls. I Memorandum - State Highw4y Building. Memorandum - Joint Meetiqg - Hearing, Oct. 14, 1974. 1 L.,/p f,.,." .;ic) Nf'~ Ill/of ;/' J Q " .r ~"....,'j" ",I . MAILING TO: All Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Council members. Thore Meyer. Gary Pringle. Chuck Stumpf. James Lungwi tz. George Phillips. Lee Hatfield. Charles Erlandson~ i John Kasper. Arve Grimsmo Robert Brown. ~~ ;f /I~. 1-" Kevin L~ LaFrance Administrator FOR: City Council Monticello, MN. KLLF/lsg . ;E :~~Jj