City Council Agenda Packet 10-14-1974 \ \ \ ) . I i AGEN~~ I 14, I i 1974 - 7:30 P.M. - City Hall . City Council Meeting - October \ Meeting to be taped. Citizen Comments. 1. Approval of minutes - meeting of September 30, 1974. 2. Rezoning H4rtwig property area to Zoning Hearing R-3. 3. I I ! Report by the Wright County S~eriff's office - Mr. Jim Powers - 1975 servicet Liquor Store audit report - Mt. Gary Wieber. i Report on Garbage Service - Mt. Yonak 4. 5. I 6.\ Report by the City Engineer -iMr. Thore Meyer \. ~AB-)) Utility budget. 1 Plat Plan 4. i .\\ (C) Discussion of street equ+pment needs. . (D) Report on Burlington Northern letter - Sept. 20. ( ~) I 7. Report by D. Lungwitz or Chur~k Stumpf. 8. Council resolution needed in tegard to the establishment of new voting precinct boundaiies. Authorization of voting judge. Notation of voting place and time poles will be pen. Rate of pay for judges. /\)'f -' I,'; i- {. (- (J if c , .{ "., J I' (i;_ 9. Attorney - Memorandum Rerort. Purchase of Kjellberg pr~perty. Elimination of Tree Contract with i Gary L. Kroll. City (A) (B) 10. Council review of Wage ReviewiBoard report. Administrative action - Council sfgning of list of bills, month of August. Unfinished business. New business. ..----....., < ...1. .' , II' J' "-,, -I .::::. , .) I ".1 ' , j /((:J J r" /; f /11" d!v,/f:.'I/"'i~,_'~ I'.",,,; i ' / . j {, ". , .1 " ,:/.i ( " ,;. L./ '/1..... I I- - / t.,' / I .:: /, /, " , . . . Council Agenda, October 14, 1974 I (continued) I Included in Mailing: I 1. Burlington Northern letterl dated Sept. 20. 2. Notice of zoning hearing 4 as published. 3. Letter to Bauerly Bros. f~om Meyer-Rohlin. (Work needed to complete ~owntown Parking) 4. Report on Dog Patrol Serv~ce, Sept. 16-30. 5. Letter from N.S.P. Company. (Rate changes, notice of contract canceltation.) 6. Completed assessment surv1y - Downtown Parking. 7. police cost estimates pro ided by J. Powers. 8. Minutes of Joint Planning Commission & Roads & Streets Commission meet1ng - October 4, 1974. (Planning Commission and Roads & Streets Commission will report on this and a follow-up meeting held October 8.) , Mailing to: All Council Members Mr. Gary Wieber Mr. Ralph Eichten Mr. Jim Powers Mr. Wayne Yonak Mr. Thore Meyer Mr. Gary Pringle Mr. Dale Lungwitz Mr. Chuck Stumpf Mr. WallyHoule Kevin L. LaFrance, Administrator For: City Council