City Council Agenda Packet 11-11-1974 \ \~~ ~l) ~ /) \'J r.i ~ ~ ch ~..,r . . ) AGENt- City Council meeting - Novembler 11, 1974 - 6:30 P.M. City H~ll /7 r c;' / 11~_j f't- j Lit ilu ,( . City Council ~inutes for the fOllowing (I t'20k 1. Approval of meetings: (A) Oct. 23, 1974 (B) Oct. 28, 1974 (C) Oct. 30, 1974 (D) Nov. 7, 1974 ) 2) Lakedale Water & Sewer Approval of check FINAL PAYMENT Unfinished business. payment I to $5,231.t6 I Budget f~r ~~ 3. Adoption of 1975 County Auditor. certification to .I New Business. ,/ Included in mailing: J 1. I Letter from Meyer-Rohlin RIE: Final payment-Lakedale Water & Sewer. ) 2. Letter from Burlington Nor~hern RE: Repair of Maple Street crossing. j 3. Dog Patrol Report - (Oct. ~5-31, 1974). 4. Letter from Gruys, Johnson~ dated Oct. 23. f 5. Copy of Resolution 28 - enflosure to minutes of Oct. 14, original mailing ~ Oct. 28. ) 6. ) 7. J 8. J 9. Council Minutes - Oct. 23, 1974 Council Minutes - Oct. 28, 1974 Council Minutes - Oct. 30, 1974 Council Minutes - Nov. 7, ~974 I Mailing to: All Council membe~s. <--J/ ~~-- /\/? ?J ". . <-- \ JZ<.1_---' /- c/7c/ f---17-__>H Kevin L. LaFrance . Administrator For City Council .Delivered - Nov. 8, 1974 J- c. t/ J1 j 'f r t, '.