City Council Agenda Packet 01-13-1970 i ; ~! VILLAGE OF ONTICELLO Monticello, Minn sota 55362 I AGENDt. FOR REGULAR C01Jt.!CIL I.j3'ETT;'IG i Janmry 13, 1970 i Aopoint Councilmen to ~tandin1 Com ittees Police viater 8; Sewer Appoint i ../ Ip'~ ~~ Street5 (\; All"lY~ 1.-/ i i p;ork (~ Recreation Commi +ee :nre Liquor Stor~ {!{)-<u.< J ~r~'~ ~ Api)oint Health Offic~~r A?poi~t ,,~eed Inspector / /Appoint Buildi4. t'; 1n:5p~ctor / Appoint Councilma.n 1;-0 Planninr~ COl, mis:5ion / Aoqoint A:5sessor (L2ndo Kirscht ~. Retain Villa~e Attourney (G?r:r rinc~le ) /,.Bkell;'-r Oil Compan:' reou,'~sts rem~\~l of Buildin" p":rrnit for Service Station on ~ite at interc ange of EY1'Ja~r 25 and 1-94 (Estimated cost of buildin:: in 19>8 - $45,000.00) / Jerr.'r DeLon~ want~ to chan~e stat s of parttime bartender to full time barteDr1er for Claude J QrmS ton Jim cantor --(Current rate of pay $3.00 per horr) . Approve installat'ioD of floodli tel:s in parkin~ lot /' liquor store AnY1ual ratl'" $45.00 Iper floodlit~. .../1;e ha e a candidate to -purchase 9DOW blm-rer. '.lh8,t is I and behind J; 25;dn:" prJce'i . A.cce',Jt Granlund's emplo1fl':en.t a r:rd~!"'~"lt / . ,,-! . I v/1'pprove beer liCI~nc~ applic;:J.tion~ I ~. /J ?~Z~~tl-G,~'e.~ 9YC~tI.---., A:'.E--<t.--~ 19~~ ~. for / I AU:Jrove n:"'~tilnum ~'Tat~r rate for wint~r ou?rt",r /1~i5 Schoi!.pf, Ralph Holll"<nbeck,! Ameli~ f.;yers jLnvite 'oid on r,arbarr,e disposal cbntr2ct (lU ZEhler) Othr