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City Council Agenda Packet 03-10-1970
11arch 6, 1970 Hei:':lllPT ','lrclt mN~tin,~~ ,,("I:iJla->"'J CoilncU "ri'tl m",,;,,~t at 7: QO I ;1t'lilla)>~ C01lllci.l Chac1:H!!rS on:'nTc~ 10th. 7:00 ... ?,:OO -- 13:00 ... 1," Pl~as~ not~ chan~e ff tim=. AGENDA l<" ~" ',l t IJ' J It' , ]J J ,1 1.n""nc, a", r,~~por an~,VS1.5 anCI "xp:. ;::l,D@ 1.on ::)y 'a.'~ Johnson. --/-qe:Jorts of ./R!~:)Ort3 (':f rJ~ rartr",.~tal I I fi;n ':in'" rand t.ttorn-:",r . h~ad5. /l,:-'point ;;lCtj.r:,,~'2YO,. '''-ppoint ~'Olmci 11'1an 0 fill 'I2Ccl,ncy. /\'>point Counctl :,;po ,~sm;:',n for Lj.th Str('c}t n<lrf':otiations. /!\)point H~~alth Cffibl"r. I j::,:point:3niJ_din,!c: In? t)"~,ctor. I I /Appoint;):ill'k '3oal'd.1 I I Det.~rmin~ ,j:cint nlllsbtiation l'T)"'etJ..J1,': on 1.I-th ;}tl'l"ct "ri th ,S chool and Coupcil. 1R.~:Dort of l\.t':ol'n'!~y 11~n!!'ral l'<!l;: School S'''''1,II~r, wate'll' 1-Jook-up. ./ ." ' d' R~Dol't on T,louol' 2> t!")r'" r't''11O l'll1.nr;. / Con5i.cl~r :milclim: p~l'mit ap:)lica,tiom:. /Considl'Jr in':1,.':~tmentl of funcls. R"'!'jJort (~n contr;l,ctsl: ., I /rH /..1' baf' /D '4" " ~::r,~ c:r '- J.,rl", . ,:oil', ,'" ".., 0,;;, C~tchl'!r / T;::~port on Flock '))1':: ~1"" <" "; "1"1~'n t '" ..) I ~',)~)" ',,,, '...' "'.'.".,.1'''-''. ,