City Council Agenda Packet 05-12-1970 ~~~ciay lwlay 12: 1970 e 8:00 P. M., Council Chambers e AGENDA Call to order. Minutes of previous meeting. Financial report. Departmental reports: Police Dept. Liquor Store Maintenance Fire Dept. Arthur lMcIntire ~- Gerald ~eLong -- Wal tar Mack -- Ron Miclhaelis I Engineers report -- Thore Meyer Sewer & water service ~o Blocks 25, 42 and 43. Proposal for well. I-94 storm drain. Attorneys report -- Gary Pringle Annexation hearing. Old business. ___ Approve by-laws for Fi~emen's Relief Assoc. Revised draft has been approved by firem~n. Establish billing proc~dure for railroad fires. Railroad would prefer ~o be billed directly by the village, instead of re-billed b~ township. Railroad insists our rates are out of l~ne. Buff~lo charges $100.00 for the first hour, Paynesville charges $7~.00 for the first hour and $25.00 for each additional hour, Olearwater does not charge. Select building inspec~or. New business. : ___ Suburban Gas wants to 'tiuy Lots 1,2,3,4, Blook 14 upper Monticello, to build office and shqp. Will require water and sewer service. . We bought property Sep~ember 1967 for $5,600.00. Mr. Richard Werner, manager, and Mr. John Todd, Atty. for Suburban Gas will be at meeting. Plumbing Inspectors Wo~kshop -- U. of M. June 2-3. Should Walt Mack go. Cost is $25.qO plus mileage. League of Minnesota Muqicipa11ties Convention in Duluth -- June 10-11-12. Registrlation is $20.00 plus housing. Building permit -- storle office addition to Johnson's Dept. Store. Fill in space behin~ Jdhnsons and Crandalls even with back of Kjellbergs and Johnson~ receiving dept. Buying set of Minnesotct Statutes at a cost of $55.00. I Selecting Liquor Store IManager. Other.