City Council Agenda Packet 09-08-0970 ". VILLAGE OF Monticello, Minn sola 55362 Regular meeting of Villa~e Council -- September 8th -- 7:30 P.M. Council Cambers. Gary P ingle Thore leyer Jim ~s I I ! i Select election judge~ for Sept. 15 primary. I A.ct on tabled issue o. ~ North. Central gas rates. Report on repair of ptesent pick-up truck or buying a new truck. (Swanberg 1& Maus). I Add 10 ft. wing to sntw plow (tabled from August). I Building Permits: ! I a. Bud Fair to set dpwn 8 x 38 foot van with compressor on blocks as semitpermanent installation near north- east corner of pr~perty. I b. Evan Sheldon to bfild 6' basket weave fence along south side of Jroperty to screen Baker Implement yard. I c. Earl Pittman to 11uild 8 x 18 utility room on back of John Burns house !at 921 East Broadway. Budget for 1971 __ I(BUdget to be certified to County Auditor by October ld, 1970). I Other: I , I Call to order. Minutes. ReDorts: Police -- Liquor Store Maintenance Fire & C. D. Annexation (Hearing 9-16-70) Redesignation of State Aid road Engineering -- Park & Elm trees Business: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Art Me ntire Richar Hesley Halter Mack Red Mi haelis ingle _ OF MONTICELLO LIQUOR FUND Ed Phillips & Sons -- Liquor Famous Brands -- Liquor Johnson Bros. -- Liquor Old Peoria -- Liquor Griggs Cooper & Co. -- Liquor l~id Wt~stdine Co. -- Liquor McKesson Liquor -- Liquor Famous Brands -- Beer Pullen Beverage -- Beer Dick Beverages -- Beer A. J. Ogle Co. -- Beer Thorpe Distributing -- Beer M. M. Dahlheimer -- Beer Seven Up Bottling -- Mdse. George Leifert -- Freight St. Cloud Restaurant Suoply -- Store Exp. American Linen Supply -- Store Exp. Maus Food Market -- Supplies State Treasurer -- PERA Business Men's Assurance -- Group Ins. Klimmeks -- Equipment Wright County Press -- Printing Fullerton Lumber -- Store Exp.' N.S.P. -- July Utilities N.S.P. __ August Utilities Richard Hesley -- Salary L. L. Hawkins -- Salary James Schumacher -- Salary Joan Hesley -- Salary Richard Spande -- Salary Thomas Arnold --- Salary Elizabeth laRock -- Salary Alta Farnick -- Salary Claude Johnston -- Salary Ruby Hass -- Salary Petty Cash] -- Beer __ Mdse. Jerry DeLong)-- Bar Expense J __ Laundry Viking Coca Cola -- Mdse. Electro Watchman -- Store Expense Old Dutch Foods -- Mdse. Madison Chemical -- Store Expense Del Chemicals -- Store Expense Bess Markling -- Cleaning Monticello Jobbing -- Mdse. Distillers Distributing -- Liouor Don Dvorak -- Mdse. Albertville Beverage Co. -- Mdse. and Mix Grosslein Beverages, Inc. -- Beer AI's Sanitation -- Store Expense John H. Stuefen -- Cleaning and 1.~raxing Fund Date bills approved 9-1-70 Code Amount Check No. 4266.54 723.79 1123.16 429.41 1284.05 241.58 1021.35 49.00 219.20 4090.35 490.00 400,60 1484.05 (211.09) 159.70 58.27 7.70 15.05 235.95 1 07 . 1 9 59.95 3.92 2.20 184.99 1 9L}. 58 700.00 165.00 619.50 358.88 662.25 628.50 546.25 468.00 659.25 23.06 111. 03 52.30 75.60 60.12 57.05 36.00 46.80 56.79 61.66 125.00 332.11 619.69 51.30 391.95 1171.12 15.00 70.00 $24805.70 OF MONTICELLO GENERAL FUND Hibbert Hill ~- Salary (July) Robert Westerman -- Salary Eugene Fryhling -- S~lary ~~lter Mack -- Salary Don Granlund -- Salary Art McIntire ~- Salary Eugene Fryhling -- Vacation John Kiebel -- Salary Wayne Mayer -- Salary Roger Mack -- Salary George Davis -- Salary Lynnea Gillham -- Salary' Lawrence Hulett -- Salary Hibbert Hill -- Salary (August) Ken Antil -- Salary James Lammers -- Salary Ray Menth -- Sod Wright County Auditor --201ice repairs Smith & Pringle -- July & Aug. Professional iee George Leifert -- Freight George Yonak -- Thmp rental Monticello Ford -- Repairs Postmaster -- Postage State Treasurer -- PERA Harry Stokes -- Firemen's Salaries Floyd & Ethel Trunnell -- Principal & Int. Business Men's Assurance -- Group Ins. Tri State Drilling -- Repairs Phillips Petroleum -- Gas & Oil Union Oil -- Gas & Oil Mobil Oil Corp. -- Gas & Oil Standard Oil Co. -- Gas & Oil Gulf Oil Corp. -~ Gas & Oil Jean Brouillard -- Insect Control Tanka Kennels -- Dog Control Zep Mfg. Co. -- Supplies North Central Public Service -- Utilities N. S. P. -- (July) Utilities N. s. P. -_ (August) Utilities Baker Rambler -- Repairs Bridgewater Phone -- Telephone Don Granlund -- Travel Fullerton Lumber -- Supplies North American Chemical -- Supplies Goodin Co. -- Supplies Trojan Playground Equipment -- Equipment Warren Cook Chemical -- Supplies Chapin Publishing -- Printing Coast to Coast -- Supplies Wright County Auditor -- Prisoner Mtce. ~onticello Agency -~ Insurance Monticello Times -- Printing & Supplies Al's Sanitation -- Garbage Service Gould Bros Chev. -- Repairs Buffalo Bituminous -- Street Repair Bergstrom Farm Store -- Repairs Gross Industrial -- Laundry Sundloff Supply -- Repairs Fund Date bills approved 9-1-70 Code Amount Check No. 246 . 00 600.00 625.00 700.00 800.00 750.00 150.46 122.20 122.20 558.00 90.00 224.40 120.00 24.00 81.00 108.00 57.50 18.00 707.77 /-1-000 150.00 36.85 18.00 295.37 335.00 174.16 78.20 35.50 101. 87 58.80 15.69 6.69 50.28 162.25 50.75 143.50 10.56 996.64 96).95 6.95 185.08 35.00 1.60 508.45 736.11 132.60 657.66 22.50 24.95 78.00 1386.00 57.35 600.00 1042.19 16.25 10.25 20.50 7.60 !!;1 ~~?1 .[11 MEMO TO MAYOR COUNCILMEN: VILLAGE OF Monticello, Min A preliminary operating budg t reflecting projected costs for each operating department of he village is attached. This budget does not reflect added costs that might be in- herent to annexation because of t e uncertainty of area involved. Areas that could be affectedJqy annexation would be: Legal and Engineering services, A sessor's costs, Park & Re- creation costs, Sanitation & Rubb sh removal, Insect Control, Street & Road maintenance. I The assessed valuation of Mojticello was increased from $718,166 to $841,501. Budgeted i~come is based on the same millage rate (.134) as used last ~ear. I Costs for new well and pumpi~g station are not considered in budget as it is anticipated that ~here are enough reserve funds available to cover this project. I Other areas of development t~ be considered are as follows: I 1. It ,is quite certain that1sewer service to the highway (1-94 & State 25) interc ange will be laid late 1970 or early 1971. 2. Sewer and water condUits~lthru the highway right-of-way will need to be laid dur g 1971, before or during high- way grading. There will probably be three: I East - Ramsey or Was~ington Street Central - near the i*terchange West _ Minnesota or '1m Street I 3. Sewer and water service ~ll likely have to be provided for the area across B. N tracks at Ramsey St. Also service will probably be requested for the Remmele pro- perty 1t - 2 miles south on Highway 25, with provision to include Kjellberg Par . I I 4. If annexation comes about, it is possible that sewer & water service will be requested to the area west of villa~e limits from Dougipitt's on out as far as River Terrace. . i A. B. C.