City Council Agenda Packet 10-08-1970 j V II"...' ...." :::,:, ,'.',::."," ;:",: C~ J: . , '"~ ,.,", ,- , ,-~';; .. ..__ _~ 01 ..__...... .._....:....~~ Monticei\o, Mkm, sc/2a 55362 Ocotber 8, 119'70 Ron Schleif Gary pri,lg1e James Haus Thore Y:e1er i,.:i11iam Sandberg Dale Johnson Franz Swanberg Robert 0," ssford Richardl~artie Ronald V'chaelis Regular meeting of Village countil, October 13th, at 7:30 P.r:. in Council Chambers. Call to order. Minutes of Drevious neeting. Reoorts: 0i.thur 1'~cIntire . ~onald Michaelis j'Jal t rilack ~5>bert 1'f:ossford .-1)ick Hesley ~ry Pringle /i'hore Heyer ,Arthul" :/clntire \'Ta1 ter 1<a ck Dick I-ies:'ey Robert Davis AGEND I I I I I ~Jolice ~iVil Defense and Fire -fJaintenance Liquor Store Audit Liquor Store Legal Engineering ~. Dick ~~ndesfeld Imper'al Airlines. Propose helicopter c mmuter service to Monticello. L Report on tree removal. I James Maus. 1 I I ~. Open bids on new pick-up t*uck. James ~2US, Franz Swtnberg. 4. Final approval on budget. I' 5. Pending business to be con idered: ~lacktoP!ing portion of Elm Street, south of railroad tracks. ~te'Highway sewer fystemQ ~e~ior Citizens Centfr basement entrance. ~uee at Liquor Stpre. .~orth Central Public Service rate changeo Flre Service Committ e. .)../ " "'~ / h.J__......dL~--<.-C /'1- Other: