City Council Minutes 10-20-1970 Specialf
;Monticello, Minnesota 55362
October 21, 1970
Special meeting of Village Council -- October 20
1:00 P. M. with Planning Commission
Ron Schleif, hicharda.rtie, James Vlaus,, dilliam Sandberg present.
Franz Swanberg, absent.
Grant Schleif, Robert Davis, Fred Topel, Larry Flake, Gary Pringle
Meeting called to order by Ron Schlief, mayor.
Gary Pringle reported that discussion of morning session with
NNP people, Township and Council revealed that TBSP will contest
splitting of plant site for tax purposes. They want to be under
one governmental jurisdiction. Indications seem to prefer village.
Gary proceeded to explain that these are tido methods to proceed:
1. Resolution by the Township and Village to consur_unate com-
plete merger.
2. Obtain petition of 100 property owner residents in Town-
ship requesting merger.
General consensus of assembled persons to try for joint resolution
for merger and provide for referendum.
Agreement that annexation hearing scheduled for Octooer 21 be con-
tinued. Hearing has been rescheduled for January 7, 1971.
Adjourned on motion at 3:30 P. I.1.
Don GraXlundp Clerk