HRA Minutes 11-01-1989 . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 1, 1989 - 7:00 PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, and Everette. Ellison (tardy). MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom St. Hilaire and Lowell Schrupp. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak GUEST: Pat Pelstring, Business Development Services, Inc. Barb Schwientek, Hospital Executive Director 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:15 PM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 4, 1989 HRA MINUTES. Ben Smith made a motion to approve the October 4, 1989 HRA minutes, seconded by Everette Ellison and passed 3-0. . 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW DAVID FICEK'S HOUSING REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, ESTIMATED TIF PROJECT NUMBERS, AND SURVEY RESULTS. Mr. Pelstring reported that Mr. Ficek was encouraged by the results of the survey tabulation as it confirmed the HRA's feeling of a need for a higher quality of townhome ($70,000 to $90,000) and that 32.5% were interested in townhomes. At this point, Chairperson Al Larson updated Barb Schweintek on the planned townhome concept. Mr. Pelstring continued to summary the developer plan and costs and stating that the projected increment under owner occupied units would not be sufficient to cover the developer's cost. Mr. Pelstring sug- gested that a portion of the units be investor/rental units. Pelstring and Koropchak will meet with Mr. Ficek to determine possibility of rental and which units will be rental. Mr. Pelstring advised the HRA that he is upfront with Mr. Ficek suggesting the HRA request full disclosure of acquisition and developer's cost and not to give TIF numbers to Mr. Ficek, this leaving the HRA is the driver's seat. Additionally, that with the rental units Mr. Ficek becomes responsible to find investors. . Ben Smith made a motion recommending a portion of the units be rental, however, not in the Phase I area of Palm and 4th Street. Also, that the developer be responsible for finding an investor(s) for rental units and that the developer make full disclosure of acquisition and other developer's costs to the HRA. The motion was seconded by Everette Ellison and passed 3-0. HRA Minutes - 11/1/89 Page 2 . 4. CONSIDERATION OF DISCUSSION FOR ELDERLY CONVALESCENT HOUSING NEEDS. Chairperson Al Larson expressed the HRA's next goal which is to provide needed housing for the person not able to provide all services for himself/herself yet not ready for the Nursing Home. Barbara Schwientek gave her insight and knowledge of the elderly and their living needs. First, the elder age population is growing. Age 65-75 - 90% live in their own home or apartment, age 75-85 develop more chronic illnesses, and age 85 and over - 16-2l% live in nursing homes. Approximately seven years ago a survey was completed to determine the cost effeauiveness of converting the old nUltl;l,ing home into apartments. Survey results were that the popJ~at~on did not support the need for market rate apartments and ~Tould need to be subsidized. . State Legislature is very resistent to building of new Nursing Homes, endorsing other elderly home care services, however, this may present a shortage of nursing home beds in the future. Even with the 200 beds added each year, projections are for a shortage by Year 2010. Sherburne and Wright County are known for good Nursing Homes, always a waiting list. It was a poor decision of the Hospital Board to not have taken the risk and built a 120 beds rather than the 91 bed capacity. Monticello has nineteen community base services in the pilot program which is serviced by one telephone call. Fifty to seventy-five people used the program in the first year and is staffed by a Public Nurse and Social Worker. The Adult Day Care Service has grown 100% in one year. Ms. Schwientek recommended for the HRA to keep in mind the core of group services and suggested the site could be most anywhere in Monticello. The Hospital Board's decision was not to use the tax payers money to compete with market value units and the District does not want to be land owners. However, the Hospital District is willing to work cooperatively with the HRA, utilizing the Hospital services of Home Health Care and the HRA's use of TIF and potential finding of a developer. . Children tend to relocate their parents close to them. All units should be handicap accessible: appliance and bath rooms as well as good lighting. The Heartland Express Bus is a new service in Monticello starting December 1st, the availability of diversified doctors and the adult day care program are all options for developers to consider. Ms. Schwientek expressed to the HRA that forty units are generally a break even point and suggested expertise design models in Elk River and Zimmerman. Chairperson Larson thanked Barb for her insight in the elderly care field and suggested that all persons present be alert for a potential developer and referrals be passed on to HRA Minutes - 11/1/89 Page 3 . 4. CONTINUED. Mr. Pat Pelstring or Mr. Pelstring may have a suggestion for the HRA. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE GILLE PROPERTY. No information has been received from the PCA on legal responsibilities for tank removal and soil testing. The City continues to enforce the City Ordinance of violation of a non-conforming use. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. Chairperson Larson asked Koropchak to sent Barb Schwientek a thank you note from the HRA. 7 . ADJOURNMENT. Everette Ellison made a motion to adjourn the HRA meeting, seconded by Ben Smith, the HRA meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. . ~_\<(lO~L~ Ollie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary .