City Council Minutes 10-19-1970 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
October 30, 1970
Special Meeting of Village Council
October 19, 1970 -- 7:30 P. M.
Ron Schleif, Franz Swanberg, James Maus, Richard Martie, '11illiam,
Sandberg in attendance. Robert Davis and Lloyd Schnelle repre-
senting Planning Com -i -fission.
1 n
Hon ' 0 ch�eif had had mei-ting with Gary Pringle during day. At this
time we do not know what direction NSP will go. A meeting is sched-
uled for Tuesday) ucto'Oer 20, 1970 at 10:00 A.M. with NSP attorneys
and officials. At that meeting we will be obligated to refine line.
Discussion of good and bad of mobil home parks.
William Sandberg made motion to follow highway 118 north to appro-
priate property line and soutit-1 to a point intersecting line on 2
section line running along north side of F. Klein's directly west to
west side of section 15 and section 10 west side as previously set
including half of plant. Lost for lack of second.
Head letter regarding cowity-village play-Ining grant as received from
County Auditor. James IrfaU3 made motion to adopt plan. William Sand-
berg seconded motion. i.lotion carried.
This action follow-up of similar action of 1969. vlilliam .3andberg
moved to adjourt,., at 10:30 P.M. Richard Martie seconded. Motion
Don Grfund, Clerk