City Council Minutes 09-08-1970VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 September 8, 1970 The regular meeting of the Village Council called to order by Ron Schleif, Mayor, at 7:4.0 P. M. with :_Richard Martie, William Sandberg, Franz Swanberg and James Daus in attendance. Gary Pringle, attorney; Ronald Michaelis, Fire Chief; Richard Hesley, Liquor Store Mana7er and Joanne Kjellberg, Director of the Senior Citizens Center attended portions of the meeting. Minutes of previous meetings approved as mailed with one correction. minutes read "Financial retorts and bills were aporoved.......", they should read: "Financial reports presented for information and bills were approved....". Lotion for approval made by Franz Swanberg, seconded by Richard Yartie. Carried. Police Department report not made as Art McIntire not present. Report made by Dick Hesley on Liquor Store operations. Volume holding firm. Discussion to consider repairs to Liquor Store and Senior Citizens Center. Motion made by James Maus that Council advertise for proposal, plans and bids to build a canopy over sidewalk on South side of Liquor Store and to build an enclosed stairway to the basement of Senior Citizens Center. Bidders to co- ordinate with Franz Swanberg and James Yaus. Motion seconded by Bill Sandberg. Carried unanimously. Village Maintenance report not made as Walter 11ack was absent. Red Michaelis reported on Fire and Civil Defense programs. Question raised on what liability of village was for firemen,, volunteering for traffic control at school football games. Clerk and Attorney to study and deter- mine liability and insurance coverage. Red also requested. that old fire truck be stored at village warehouse. Fire Study Come-ittee to meet on Monday, Ccfober 5th at 7:30 p. Y. at Village Council Chambers. James Maus, Ron Schleif, Don Granlund, Ron '-`ichaelis and Willard Anderson. Annexation hearing scheduled for September 16, writh entire municipal Commission in attendance. Preliminary hearing with Village Council and Town Board at 10:00 A. M. with formal hearing starting at 10:30 A. Y. at High School Auditorium. Preliminary meeting of Planning Commission, Village Council and Attorney Gary Pringle to take place Monday evening, September 14th at 7:30'. 1`. in Council Chambers. Thore Meyer, Engineer, not able to attend meeting. Discussion on street im- provement program for upgradin; streets conveyed by Yayor Schleif from inform- ation presented by 14r. Meyer, Council will study program recently completed by Cokato and Howard Lake on September 21st. Quotation on removal of Elm trees was not .yet received from Wendt. Action tabled until later meeting. Maintenance crew to determine how many trees on village property and how many on private property. Action on North Central Public Service request to raise gas rates tabled until next meeting. Clerk directed to inquire of State Highway Department to designate 3rd Street West as State Aid road connecting County 39 and S. H. 25 instead of 4th Street West. James Maus, and F. Swanberg to pr-ceed to determine specifications for pick-up truck and acquire bids as soon as specs completed. The following persons were appointed as election judges for the Primary election to be held September 15, 1970: 14illiam Jongewaard, Virginia Madsen, Ruth Harsted, Mrs. Perry Walters and Mrs. C. H. Borchardt. The following building permits were approved: James Maus move,4 to approve Don Sheldon's installing a 6' basket weave fence along south side of. property. R. Martie seconded. Carried. James haus moved to approve of Earl Pittman's adding 8 x 18 utility room to his house at 921 East .Broadway. Seconded by F. Sw�?nberg. Carried. Motion by J. Maus to approve M. Olson's request for building a 12 unit apartment house on lfvest 6th Street, providing off-street parking is provided. Franz Swan- berg seconded the motion. Carried. Ken Springborg requested that first parking space on South Cedar Street and Broadway be eliminated and bicycle stand provided there. Motion to approve action by J. Maus, seconded by R. Martie. Carried. Clerk directed to place an ad in the Times for street maintenance man. Gene Fryhling terminated September 1 to take a maintenance position at Litchfield. Preliminary budget for 1971 operations presented. Budget meeting; set for Sept. 24th at Council Chambers. Motion made by Franz Swanberg to approve bills presented for payment, seconded by R. Martie. Carried. Clerk instructed to make proper notices of filing for council and village posts for November election. Motion by William Sandberg, seconded by Richard Martie to adopt a resolution endorsing Amendment #1 to the Minnesota Constitution Article IX, section 1 re- vising definition of tax-exempt property. Motion carried. Motion for adjournment at 11:00 P.�. by William Sandberg, second by Franz Swa rg. Don nlund, Cler -Treasurer DCG/lcg