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City Council Minutes 08-11-1970VILLAGE iMONTICELLO
Monticello,` Minnesota 55362
Regular Meeting of Village Council
August 11, 1970 -- 7:30 P. M.
Meeting called to order by Ron Schleif, Mayor, with a quorum present
of Bill Sandberg, Richard Martie, and Ron Schleif. James Faus and
Franz Swanberg arrived late. Also in attendance were Jerry Sinclair,
Monticello Times; %salter Yack, Maintenance Superintendent; Dave
Clough, Engineer; Richard Hesley, Liquor Store Manager; Arthur McIntire,
Police Chief; Gary `"Pringle, `�Attorney.
Richard Hesley reported that Liquor Store sales were holding up and
staying slightly higher than last year. July sales about 51,100.00
over July of 1969.
There was no report from Fire Department of Civil Defense as chief
and director were absent.
Dave Clough representing Birkeland, Meyer & Rohlin, Engineers re-
commended that the following resolution be adopted relative to Holding
pond for Interstate water runoff.
(See attached resolution).
Bids received and opened at prior meeting were reviewed and all rejected
as being too high. Lotion for rejection made by °��illiam Sandberg, sec-
onded by Richard Ylartie. All councilmen voted in favor.
Resolution presented that contract be awarded to Fyles Backhoe and
Sewer Service on a day labor basis - material cost basis total costs
not to exceed `5,048.00. Lotion for adoption by William Sandberg,
seconded by Richard Martie. All councilmen voting in favor.
Discussion on North Central Public Service request for rate change
was tabled pending resoonse to a letter written by 1,1. A. Sandberg on
July 302 1970.
James Xaus reported on the condition of Elm trees and Dutch Elm disease.
Mr. 'Wendt, from Waite Nark, a professional tree man detailed methods of
dealing 1frith the removal dead trees, salv�.ginF broken and damaged trees
and spraying treatment. Mr.endt will survey entire village and re-
port on condition and number of trees to be removed. J. Maus to co-
ordinate with Mr. `.,�endt and report back.
Discussion of an ordinance to ban open burning in Monticello was tabled
until October meeting.
Motion by Richard "_artie,seconded by James TIaus, to ratify the hiring
of Robert Westermann as patrolman effective August 1st. Motion carried.
Clerk instructed to write to B.C.A. to determine what certification was
necessary to qualify in Minnesota, as Mr. '-estermann's previous training
was in New York State.
Motion by Richard Martie seconded by James Maus to accept the agreement
to provisions as modified pertaining to the closing of 4th Street.
Action is pending designation of West 3rd Street as a state aid road
in lieu of 4th Street.
(See copy proposal).
Voting in favor-- Martie, Maus, Schleif. Abstain -- Swanberg. Voting
no -- Sandberg. Motion carried.
Reference made to July meeting minutes pertaining to vote on removal
of posts between alley and municipal parking lot. Vote should have
read: "In favor -- Martie, Swanberg, Schleif. Abstain -- Maus.
No -- Sandberg. Motion carried."
Babe Clausen requested building permit to remodel home on Linn Street
to 3-plex. Motion by J. ?haus, second by R. Martie to grant permission.
Motion carried unanimously.
Request to repair pick-up truck belonging to village at cost of $453.50
tabled to study need for new truck. Swanberg and Maus to report as soon
as possible.
Request to mount 10 ft. wing on snow plow for better snow removal tabled
for study.
Roy Robideau requested permission to remove an old garage and replace
it with a new garage. Franz Swanberg moved to allow, Dick Martie seconded.
Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Request for surfacing portion of East Minnesota Street deferred pending
report from Engineer on proposed street improvement program for village.
Financial reports and bills were approved for payment on motion by
James Maus and seconded by Richard Martie. Motion carried.
Letter of resignation received from Dr. C. Erlandson resigning as a
member of the Planning Commission. Resignation accepted by the Council.
Ad urnmen n motion by Richard Martie and seconded by J. Maus.
Don anlund, Clerk
DC lcg
WHEREAS it is requested by the Village Council of I,Ionticello that
the :itate Highway Department of the 3ta.te of _Minnesota abandon their
plans for the construction of a holding pond which is to serve as part
of the drainage system for the proposed Interstate Highway ;r94.
1. That a storm sewer drainage system be built instead of the
proposed holding pond drainage system.
2. It is hereby requested that the 1,innesota State Highway
Department provide funds for their proportionate share of the construc-
tion cost for the aforesaid storm sewer system.
Adopted by the Council this 11th day of August, 1970.
' ,Mayor
C erk-Treasurer