City Council Minutes 04-09-1970 SpecialVILLAGE _ �L�.
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Village Council - Special Meeting
April 9th, 1970
Special meeting of the Village Council to consider the by-laws for
Firemen's Relief Association and Fire Contracts with Monticello Town-
ship and Silver Creek Township.
Councilmen present: Ronald Schleif, Richard Martie, William Sandberg,
James Maus.
Firemen: Ronald Michaelis, Paul Klein
Silver Creek Town-
ship representatives: Amos ZumBrunna� John Schermer, Emil Dorf, Wm.
Caine, M. 0. Larson.
Monticello Town-
ship representatives: Wm. Bellach, Franklin Denn, George Hickler,
Basil Schillewaert, Charles Holthaus.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Mayor Schleif. A review of the by-
laws for the Firemen's Relief Association were discussed and approved,
pending final draft. By-laws of the Buffalo Association were used as a
The fund will be self-perpetuating with funds from the State based on
insurance premium rebates. Relief fund now has about $10,000.00. The
firemen have approved the by-laws and recommend them to the Council.
Final approval after final draft to come at meeting April 14th.
Emil Dorf, spokesman for Silver Creek, stated that they are hard pressed
to meet contract terms as they are limited in budget to $19200.00. They
have difficulty collecting from Great Northern Railroad Company on rail
road right-of-ways fires.
The Village will aid in communicating with the railroad company' to reach
an understanding of billing procedure. It was suggested that a letter
be written to State Fire Marshall should such communication with R. R.
not be fruitful.
Signing of contract with Silver Creek tabled until railroad company has
been contacted.
George Hickler and Basil Schillewaert spoke for Monticello Township.
There was objection to $1,000.00 standby charge. It was explained that
this charge sets up the reserve for new and up -dated equipment to be
needed. The Monticello Township anticipates similar problem with Great
Northern Railroad Co.
Proposal that a delegate from each township and village; Silver Creek,
Monticello Township, Otsego Township, and Monticello Village meet with
Great Northern and iron out billing procedures.
Signing of contract tabled pending further study.
Township representatives excused at 9:45 P•M•
Council received statement from Planning Commission relative to hearing
on April 24th. Council by consensus approved report. No official action
Adjourned by motion at 10:00 P.M.
Don Granlund
Clerk -Treasurer