City Council Minutes 03-19-1970 SpecialCouncil Meeting .. March 19, 1970 7-000 P. Special meeting of Village Council called to order at 7:00 P. M. by Mayor R. Schlief. Councilmen present: Richard T.-,-'-"artie, James Maus, Franz Swanberg, William Sandberg, General discussion on a variety of subjects such as sewer and drainage problems, equipment, engineering, creamery/drying plant water usage and liquor store renovation took place, and progress reports given on studies under way. Mr. Sandberg noted that previous minutes did not include terms of office for appointees filling vacated offices. Secretary instructed to include in formal resolution. Constrom's Heating and Air Conditioning Co. has made a proposal of $700-00 for installation of an electric air cleaner for liquor store. Purpose to remove stale smoke and circulate fresh air. James Plaus made motion to go ahead with installation, seconded by Franz Swanberg. Approved by Martie, Sandberg, Swanberg and Yaus. Installation of K -Way post mix system also considered for liquor store. Action deferred. Discussion on merger -annexation proceedings for 8:00 o'clock meeting this evening. If no agreement can be reached with township people will have to let Municipal Commission make decision. Council in favor of merger procedure over annexation of part. Hearings to be conducted by, State Municipalities Commission on April 24th, Consideration that West 4th St. may be a county road connecting County 39 and State 25. Attorney to check status. Melvin Worth presented plot plan for addition to house on block 62. James Maus moved that request be granted. Richard Martie seconded motion. Approved by Swanberg, Schliefq Sandberg,, Martie and Maus. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 to meet with Township Conmittees on merger/ annexation talks. ClerkZtreasurer DCG/lcg